Acquisition Advisory Panel; Notification of Upcoming Meetings of the Acquisition Advisory Panel, 39810-39811 [05-13561]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 131 / Monday, July 11, 2005 / Notices
6. ProTechnics Division of Core
Laboratories Letter to NRC, February 23, 2004
7. ProTechnics Division of Core
Laboratories Letter to NRC, July 14, 1997
8. ProTechnics Division of Core
Laboratories Letter to NRC, November 14,
1997 (ML003724675).
9. ProTechnics Division of Core
Laboratories Letter to NRC, February 4, 1998
10. ProTechnics Division of Core
Laboratories Letter to NRC, January 20, 1998
11. ProTechnics Division of Core
Laboratories Letter to NRC, February 27, 2004
12. Federal Register Volume 67, Number
24, pages 5320–5321
13. NRC letter to Roger Mulder, State of
Texas, January 7, 2005 (ML050130550).
14. NRC letter to Derrith Watchman-Moore,
State of New Mexico, January 7, 2005
15. NRC letter to Michael Henry, State of
Louisiana, January 7, 2005 (ML050130549).
16. NRC letter to Robert Smith, EPA,
January 7, 2005 (ML050130547).
17. NRC letter to Bruce Kobelski, EPA,
January 7, 2005 (ML050130545).
18. EPA letter to Mark Satorius, NRC,
March 3, 2005 (ML050690294).
Dated at Arlington, Texas, this 27th day of
June, 2005.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Jack E. Whitten,
Chief, Nuclear Materials Licensing Branch,
Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, Region
[FR Doc. E5–3630 Filed 7–8–05; 8:45 am]
Acquisition Advisory Panel;
Notification of Upcoming Meetings of
the Acquisition Advisory Panel
Office of Management and
Budget, Executive Office of the
ACTION: Notice of Federal Advisory
Committee meetings.
SUMMARY: The Office of Management
and Budget announces two meetings of
the Acquisition Advisory Panel (AAP or
‘‘Panel’’) established in accordance with
the Services Acquisition Reform Act of
DATES: There are two meetings
announced in this Federal Register
Notice. A public meeting of the Panel
will be held on July 27, 2005, beginning
at 9 a.m. Pacific Time and ending no
later than 5 p.m. A second public
meeting of the Panel will be held on
August 18, 2005, beginning at 9 a.m.
VerDate jul<14>2003
16:03 Jul 08, 2005
Jkt 205001
Eastern Time and ending no later than
5 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The July 27, 2005 meeting
will be held at the Hyatt Regency Long
Beach, Conference Room Beacon B, 200
South Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA
90802. The August 18, 2005 meeting
will be held at the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Basement
auditorium, 801 17th Street NW.,
Washington DC 20434. The public is
asked to pre-register one week in
advance for each meetings due to
security and/or seating limitations (see
below for information on preregistration).
Members of the public wishing further
information concerning these meetings
or the Acquisition Advisory Panel itself,
or to pre-register for either meeting,
should contact Ms. Laura Auletta,
Designated Federal Officer (DFO), at:, phone/voice mail
(202) 208–7279, or mail at: General
Services Administration, 1800 F Street,
NW., Room 4006, Washington, DC
20405. Members of the public wishing
to reserve speaking time must contact
Ms. Anne Terry, AAP Staff Analyst, in
writing at:, by FAX
at 202–501–3341, or mail at the address
given above for the DFO, no later than
one week prior to the meeting at which
they wish to speak.
(a) Background: The purpose of the
Panel is to provide independent advice
and recommendations to the Office of
Federal Procurement Policy and
Congress pursuant to Section 1423 of
the Services Acquisition Reform Act of
2003. The Panel’s statutory charter is to
review Federal contracting laws,
regulations, and governmentwide
policies, including the use of
commercial practices, performancebased contracting, performance of
acquisition functions across agency
lines of responsibility, and
governmentwide contracts. Interested
parties are invited to attend the
meetings. Opportunity for public
comments will be provided at both
meetings. Additional time for oral
public comments is expected at future
public meetings to be announced in the
Federal Register.
July 27, 2005 Meeting—The working
groups, established at previous public
meetings of the AAP (see https:// for a list of
working groups), will report any
significant updates during this meeting,
which may include any follow-up
recommendations for additional
working groups or other issues to be
examined. The Panel also expects to
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hear from additional invited speakers
from the public and private sectors who
will address issues related to the Panel’s
statutory charter, including commercial
practices and performance-based
contracting. In addition to working
group reports and invited speakers, the
Panel welcomes oral public comments
at this meeting and has reserved an
estimated one hour for this purpose.
Members of the public wishing to
address the Panel during either meeting
must contact Ms. Anne Terry, in
writing, as soon as possible to reserve
time (see contact information above).
August 18, 2005 Meeting—In addition
to working group reports on any
significant updates, the Panel plans to
hear invited speakers on a variety of
topics related to the Panel’s statutory
charter including a discussion group on
commercial practices that will cover the
use of Time and Material contracting.
The Panel also welcomes oral public
comments at this meeting and is
reserving an estimated one hour for this
purpose. Members of the public wishing
to address the Panel during either
meeting must contact Ms. Anne Terry,
in writing, as soon as possible to reserve
(b) Availability of Materials for the
Meetings: Please see the Acquisition
Advisory Panel Web site for any
available materials, including draft
agendas, for these meetings (https:// Questions/issues
of particular interest to the Panel are
also available to the public on this Web
site on its front page, including
‘‘Questions for Government Buying
Agencies,’’ ‘‘Questions for Contractors
that Sell Commercial Goods or Services
to the Government,’’ and an issue raised
by one Panel member regarding the
rules of interpretation and performance
of contracts and liabilities of the parties
entitled ‘‘Proposal for Public
Comment.’’ The Panel asks that the
public address any of these questions/
issues when presenting either oral
public comments or written statements
to the Panel. The public may also obtain
copies of Initial Working Group Reports
presented at the March 30, 2005 public
meeting at the Panel’s Web site under
‘‘Meeting Materials’’ at this Web site.
(c) Procedures for Providing Public
Comments: It is the policy of the
Acquisition Advisory Panel to accept
written public comments of any length,
and to accommodate oral public
comments whenever possible. To
facilitate Panel discussions at its
meetings, the Panel may not accept oral
comments at all meetings. The Panel
Staff expects that public statements
presented at Panel meetings will be
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 131 / Monday, July 11, 2005 / Notices
focused on the Panel’s statutory charter
and working group topics, and not be
repetitive of previously submitted oral
or written statements, and that
comments will be relevant to the issues
under discussion. Oral Comments:
Speaking times will be confirmed by
Panel staff on a ‘‘first-come/first-serve’’
basis. To accommodate as many
speakers as possible, oral public
comments must be no longer than 10
minutes for both the July 27th and
August 18th meetings. Because Panel
members may ask questions, reserved
times will be approximate. Interested
parties must contact Ms. Anne Terry, in
writing (via mail, e-mail, or fax
identified above for Ms. Terry) at least
one week prior to the meeting in order
to be placed on the public speaker list
for the meeting. Oral requests for
speaking time will not be taken.
Speakers are requested to bring extra
copies of their comments and
presentation slides for distribution to
the Panel at the meeting. Speakers
wishing to use a Power Point
presentation must e-mail the
presentation to Ms. Terry one week in
advance of the meeting.
Written Comments: Although written
comments are accepted until the date of
the meeting (unless otherwise stated),
written comments should be received by
the Panel Staff at least one week prior
to the meeting date so that the
comments may be made available to the
Panel for their consideration prior to the
meeting. Written comments should be
supplied to the DFO at the address/
contact information given in the FR
Notice in one of the following formats
(Adobe Acrobat, WordPerfect, Word, or
Rich Text files, in IBM–PC/Windows
98/2000/XP format). Please note: Since
the Panel operates under the provisions
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act,
as amended, all public presentations
will be treated as public documents and
will be made available for public
inspection, up to and including being
posted on the Panel’s Web site.
(d) Meeting Accommodations:
Individuals requiring special
accommodation to access the public
meetings listed above should contact
Ms. Auletta at least five business days
prior to the meeting so that appropriate
arrangements can be made.
Laura Auletta,
Designated Federal Officer (Executive
Director), Acquisition Advisory Panel.
[FR Doc. 05–13561 Filed 7–6–05; 1:16 pm]
VerDate jul<14>2003
16:03 Jul 08, 2005
Jkt 205001
Proposed Agency Information
Collection Activities: Volunteer
Peace Corps.
Notice of submission for OMB
Review, comment request.
SUMMARY: The Peace Corps is
announcing an opportunity for public
comment on the proposed collection of
certain information by the agency.
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq., the Peace Corps is
required to publish notice in the
Federal Register concerning each
proposed collection of information,
including each proposed extension or
revision of a collection of information,
and to allow 60 days for public
comment in response to the notice. This
notice solicits comments on the
Volunteer Application.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before September 9, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
mailed to Mr. Wilfredo Sauri, Office of
Volunteer Recruitment and Selection,
Peace Corps, 1111 20th Street, NW.,
Room 6112, Washington, DC 20526. Mr.
Sauri can be contacted by telephone at
(202) 692–1819 or 800–424–8580 ext.
1819 or e-mail at E-mail
comments must be made in text and not
in attachments.
Wilfredo Sauri, Office of Volunteer
Recruitment and Selection, Peace Corps,
1111 20th Street NW., Room 6112,
Washington, DC 20526. Mr. Sauri can be
contacted by telephone at (202) 692–
1819 or e-mail at
to the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq., the Peace Corps is
seeking comments on proposed
revisions to its Volunteer Application,
which is currently OMB Control
Number 0420–0005. This is renewal
with revisions of an active OMB Control
Number. The purpose of this notice is
to solicit public comments on whether:
(1) The proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Peace Corps, including whether the
information will have a practical use; (2)
the agency’s estimate of the burden of
the proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used is
accurate; (3) there are ways to enhance
the quality, utility and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (4)
PO 00000
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there are ways to minimize the burden
of the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including through
the use of automated collection
techniques, when appropriate, and other
forms of information technology.
A copy of the proposed information
collection form can be obtained from
Mr. Wilfredo Sauri, Office of Volunteer
Recruitment and Selection, Peace Corps,
1111 20th Street, NW., Room 6112,
Washington, DC 20526. Mr. Sauri can be
contacted by telephone at (202) 692–
1819 or 800–424–8580 ext. 1819 or email at
Comments on the form should also be
addressed to the attention of Mr. Sauri
and should be received on or before
August 29, 2005, 60 days from
publication in the Federal Register.
OMB Control Number: 0420–0005.
Title: Peace Corps Volunteer
Application form.
Need and Uses: The Volunteer
Application must be completed by
applicants to the Peace Corps and is
used by staff in the Peace Corps’
Volunteer Recruitment and Selection
office to determine candidate eligibility
and suitability for Peace Corps service.
Applicants complete the volunteer
application either online or via paper.
The information is used initially to
determine which applicants should be
interviewed and which should be
nominated. Following nomination,
information on the volunteer
application is used by Peace Corps staff
in the Office of Placement to make a
suitability determination and to
determine the specific assignment area
and country of service for the applicant.
Type of Review: Renewal, with
changes, of a previously approved
collection that will expire on July 31,
Respondents: Potential Peace Corps
Respondents Obligation to Reply:
Required for application for Peace Corps
Burden on the Public: a. Annual
reporting burden: 39,000 hours; b.
Annual record keeping burden: 0 hours;
c. Estimated average burden per
response: 3 hours; d. Frequency of
response: One time; e. Estimated
number of likely respondents: 13,000; f.
Estimated cost to respondents: 0.
This notice is issued in Washington, DC on
June 29, 2005.
Gilbert Smith,
Associate Director for Management.
[FR Doc. 05–13535 Filed 7–8–05; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 131 (Monday, July 11, 2005)]
[Pages 39810-39811]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-13561]
Acquisition Advisory Panel; Notification of Upcoming Meetings of
the Acquisition Advisory Panel
AGENCY: Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the
ACTION: Notice of Federal Advisory Committee meetings.
SUMMARY: The Office of Management and Budget announces two meetings of
the Acquisition Advisory Panel (AAP or ``Panel'') established in
accordance with the Services Acquisition Reform Act of 2003.
DATES: There are two meetings announced in this Federal Register
Notice. A public meeting of the Panel will be held on July 27, 2005,
beginning at 9 a.m. Pacific Time and ending no later than 5 p.m. A
second public meeting of the Panel will be held on August 18, 2005,
beginning at 9 a.m. Eastern Time and ending no later than 5 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The July 27, 2005 meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency
Long Beach, Conference Room Beacon B, 200 South Pine Avenue, Long
Beach, CA 90802. The August 18, 2005 meeting will be held at the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Basement auditorium, 801
17th Street NW., Washington DC 20434. The public is asked to pre-
register one week in advance for each meetings due to security and/or
seating limitations (see below for information on pre-registration).
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Members of the public wishing further
information concerning these meetings or the Acquisition Advisory Panel
itself, or to pre-register for either meeting, should contact Ms. Laura
Auletta, Designated Federal Officer (DFO), at:,
phone/voice mail (202) 208-7279, or mail at: General Services
Administration, 1800 F Street, NW., Room 4006, Washington, DC 20405.
Members of the public wishing to reserve speaking time must contact Ms.
Anne Terry, AAP Staff Analyst, in writing at:, by
FAX at 202-501-3341, or mail at the address given above for the DFO, no
later than one week prior to the meeting at which they wish to speak.
(a) Background: The purpose of the Panel is to provide independent
advice and recommendations to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy
and Congress pursuant to Section 1423 of the Services Acquisition
Reform Act of 2003. The Panel's statutory charter is to review Federal
contracting laws, regulations, and governmentwide policies, including
the use of commercial practices, performance-based contracting,
performance of acquisition functions across agency lines of
responsibility, and governmentwide contracts. Interested parties are
invited to attend the meetings. Opportunity for public comments will be
provided at both meetings. Additional time for oral public comments is
expected at future public meetings to be announced in the Federal
July 27, 2005 Meeting--The working groups, established at previous
public meetings of the AAP (see for a list of
working groups), will report any significant updates during this
meeting, which may include any follow-up recommendations for additional
working groups or other issues to be examined. The Panel also expects
to hear from additional invited speakers from the public and private
sectors who will address issues related to the Panel's statutory
charter, including commercial practices and performance-based
contracting. In addition to working group reports and invited speakers,
the Panel welcomes oral public comments at this meeting and has
reserved an estimated one hour for this purpose. Members of the public
wishing to address the Panel during either meeting must contact Ms.
Anne Terry, in writing, as soon as possible to reserve time (see
contact information above).
August 18, 2005 Meeting--In addition to working group reports on
any significant updates, the Panel plans to hear invited speakers on a
variety of topics related to the Panel's statutory charter including a
discussion group on commercial practices that will cover the use of
Time and Material contracting. The Panel also welcomes oral public
comments at this meeting and is reserving an estimated one hour for
this purpose. Members of the public wishing to address the Panel during
either meeting must contact Ms. Anne Terry, in writing, as soon as
possible to reserve time (see FOR INFORMATION CONTACT above).
(b) Availability of Materials for the Meetings: Please see the
Acquisition Advisory Panel Web site for any available materials,
including draft agendas, for these meetings (
aap). Questions/issues of particular interest to the Panel are also
available to the public on this Web site on its front page, including
``Questions for Government Buying Agencies,'' ``Questions for
Contractors that Sell Commercial Goods or Services to the Government,''
and an issue raised by one Panel member regarding the rules of
interpretation and performance of contracts and liabilities of the
parties entitled ``Proposal for Public Comment.'' The Panel asks that
the public address any of these questions/issues when presenting either
oral public comments or written statements to the Panel. The public may
also obtain copies of Initial Working Group Reports presented at the
March 30, 2005 public meeting at the Panel's Web site under ``Meeting
Materials'' at this Web site.
(c) Procedures for Providing Public Comments: It is the policy of
the Acquisition Advisory Panel to accept written public comments of any
length, and to accommodate oral public comments whenever possible. To
facilitate Panel discussions at its meetings, the Panel may not accept
oral comments at all meetings. The Panel Staff expects that public
statements presented at Panel meetings will be
[[Page 39811]]
focused on the Panel's statutory charter and working group topics, and
not be repetitive of previously submitted oral or written statements,
and that comments will be relevant to the issues under discussion. Oral
Comments: Speaking times will be confirmed by Panel staff on a ``first-
come/first-serve'' basis. To accommodate as many speakers as possible,
oral public comments must be no longer than 10 minutes for both the
July 27th and August 18th meetings. Because Panel members may ask
questions, reserved times will be approximate. Interested parties must
contact Ms. Anne Terry, in writing (via mail, e-mail, or fax identified
above for Ms. Terry) at least one week prior to the meeting in order to
be placed on the public speaker list for the meeting. Oral requests for
speaking time will not be taken. Speakers are requested to bring extra
copies of their comments and presentation slides for distribution to
the Panel at the meeting. Speakers wishing to use a Power Point
presentation must e-mail the presentation to Ms. Terry one week in
advance of the meeting.
Written Comments: Although written comments are accepted until the
date of the meeting (unless otherwise stated), written comments should
be received by the Panel Staff at least one week prior to the meeting
date so that the comments may be made available to the Panel for their
consideration prior to the meeting. Written comments should be supplied
to the DFO at the address/contact information given in the FR Notice in
one of the following formats (Adobe Acrobat, WordPerfect, Word, or Rich
Text files, in IBM-PC/Windows 98/2000/XP format). Please note: Since
the Panel operates under the provisions of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, as amended, all public presentations will be treated as
public documents and will be made available for public inspection, up
to and including being posted on the Panel's Web site.
(d) Meeting Accommodations: Individuals requiring special
accommodation to access the public meetings listed above should contact
Ms. Auletta at least five business days prior to the meeting so that
appropriate arrangements can be made.
Laura Auletta,
Designated Federal Officer (Executive Director), Acquisition Advisory
[FR Doc. 05-13561 Filed 7-6-05; 1:16 pm]