E911 Requirements for IP-Enabled Services, 37273-37288 [05-12828]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
2. In § 81.348, the table entitled
‘‘Washington—Carbon Monoxide’’ is
amended by revising the entry for
1. The authority citation for part 81
continues to read as follows:
‘‘Spokane Area Spokane County (part)’’
to read as follows:
§ 81.348
Designated Area
Spokane Area:
Spokane County (part).
Spokane urban area (as defined by The Washington Department of Transportation urban area
1 This
date is November 15, 1990 unless otherwise noted.
[FR Doc. 05–12713 Filed 6–28–05; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 9
[WC Docket No. 04–36; FCC 05–116]
E911 Requirements for IP-Enabled
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal
Communications Commission
(Commission) adopts rules requiring
providers of interconnected voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) service—
meaning VoIP service that allows a user
generally to receive calls originating
from and to terminate calls to the public
switched telephone network (PSTN)—to
supply enhanced 911 (E911) capabilities
to all of their customers as a standard
feature of the service, rather than as an
optional enhancement. The rules further
require interconnected VoIP service
providers to provide E911 from
wherever the customer is using the
service, whether at home or away from
home. These changes will enhance
public safety and ensure E911 access to
emergency services for users of
interconnected VoIP services.
DATES: Effective Date: This rule is
effective July 29, 2005, except for § 9.5,
which contains information collection
requirements that have not been
approved by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB). The Commission
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will publish a document in the Federal
Register announcing the effective date.
Comment Date: Written comments by
the public on the new and/or modified
information collection requirements are
due August 29, 2005.
Compliance Date: Subject to OMB
approval, compliance with the customer
notification requirements in § 9.5(e) is
required by July 29, 2005. Subject to
OMB approval, the compliance letter
required by § 9.5(f) must be submitted to
the Commission no later than November
28, 2005. Subject to OMB approval,
compliance with the requirements in
§ 9.5(b) through (d) is not required until
November 28, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Federal Communications
Commission, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
Christi Shewman, Attorney-Advisor,
Competition Policy Division, Wireline
Competition Bureau, at (202) 418–1686.
For additional information concerning
the Paperwork Reduction Act
information collection requirements
contained in this document, contact
Judith B. Herman at (202) 418–0214, or
via the Internet at JudithB.Herman@fcc.gov.
summary of the Commission’s First
Report and Order (Order) in WC Docket
No. 04–36, FCC 05–116, adopted May
19, 2005, and released June 3, 2005. The
complete text of this document is
available for inspection and copying
during normal business hours in the
FCC Reference Information Center,
Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW., Room
CY–A257, Washington, DC, 20554. This
document may also be purchased from
the Commission’s duplicating
contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc.,
445 12th Street, SW., Room CY–B402,
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Washington, DC 20554, telephone (800)
378–3160 or (202) 863–2893, facsimile
(202) 863–2898, or via e-mail at
www.bcpiweb.com. It is also available
on the Commission’s website at https://
In addition to filing comments with
the Office of the Secretary, a copy of any
comments on the Paperwork Reduction
Act information collection requirements
contained herein should be submitted to
Judith B. Herman, Federal
Communications Commission, Room 1–
C804, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington,
DC 20554, or via the Internet to JudithB.Herman@fcc.gov.
Synopsis of the First Report and Order
1. Background. In the Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) (69 FR
16193, March 29, 2004), we asked,
among other things, about the potential
applicability of ‘‘basic 911,’’ ‘‘enhanced
911,’’ and related critical infrastructure
regulation to VoIP and other Internet
Protocol (IP)-enabled services.
Specifically, after noting that the
Commission previously found in the
E911 Scope Order (69 FR 6578,
February 11, 2004) that it has statutory
authority under sections 1, 4(i), and
251(e)(3) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended (Act), to determine
what entities should be subject to the
Commission’s 911 and E911 rules, the
Commission sought comment on
whether it should exercise its regulatory
authority in the context of IP-enabled
services. The Commission further
sought comment on the appropriate
criteria for determining whether and to
what extent IP-enabled services should
fall within the scope of its 911 and E911
regulatory framework, and whether IPenabled services are technically and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
operationally capable of meeting the
Commission’s basic and/or E911 rules
or of providing analogous
functionalities that would meet the
intent of the 911 Act and the
Commission’s regulations.
2. Discussion. In this Order, we define
‘‘interconnected VoIP service’’ and
require providers of this type of VoIP
service to incorporate E911 service into
all such offerings within the period of
time specified below. We commit
ourselves to swift and vigorous
enforcement of the rules we adopt
today. Because we have not decided
whether interconnected VoIP services
are telecommunications services or
information services, we analyze the
issues addressed in this Order primarily
under our Title I ancillary jurisdiction
to encompass both types of service. We
decline to exempt providers of
interconnected VoIP services from
liability under state law related to their
E911 services.
3. Scope. Our first task is to determine
what IP-enabled services should be the
focus of our concern. We begin by
limiting our inquiry to VoIP services, for
which some type of 911 capability is
most relevant. The Commission
previously has determined that
customers today lack any expectation
that 911 will function for non-voice
services like data services. The record
clearly indicates, however, that
consumers expect that VoIP services
that are interconnected with the PSTN
will function in some ways like a
‘‘regular telephone’’ service. At least
regarding the ability to provide access to
emergency services by dialing 911, we
find these expectations to be reasonable.
If a VoIP service subscriber is able to
receive calls from other VoIP service
users and from telephones connected to
the PSTN, and is able to place calls to
other VoIP service users and to
telephones connected to the PSTN, a
customer reasonably could expect to be
able to dial 911 using that service to
access appropriate emergency services.
Thus, we believe that a service that
enables a customer to do everything (or
nearly everything) the customer could
do using an analog telephone, and more,
can at least reasonably be expected and
required to route 911 calls to the
appropriate destination.
4. The E911 rules the Commission
adopts today apply to those VoIP
services that can be used to receive
telephone calls that originate on the
PSTN and can be used to terminate calls
to the PSTN—‘‘interconnected VoIP
services.’’ Although the Commission has
not adopted a formal definition of
‘‘VoIP,’’ we use the term generally to
include any IP-enabled services offering
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real-time, multidirectional voice
functionality, including, but not limited
to, services that mimic traditional
telephony. Thus, an interconnected
VoIP service is one we define for
purposes of the present Order as bearing
the following characteristics: (1) The
service enables real-time, two-way voice
communications; (2) the service requires
a broadband connection from the user’s
location; (3) the service requires IPcompatible customer premise
equipment (CPE); and (4) the service
offering permits users generally to
receive calls that originate on the PSTN
and to terminate calls to the PSTN. We
make no findings today regarding
whether a VoIP service that is
interconnected with the PSTN should
be classified as a telecommunications
service or an information service under
the Act.
5. While the rules we adopt today
apply to providers of all interconnected
VoIP services, we recognize that certain
VoIP services pose significant E911
implementation challenges. For
example, the mobility enabled by a VoIP
service that can be used from any
broadband connection creates
challenges similar to those presented in
the wireless context. These ‘‘portable’’
VoIP service providers often have no
reliable way to discern from where their
customers are accessing the VoIP
service. The Commission’s past
experience with setting national rules
for 911/E911 service is informative, and
we expect that our adoption today of
E911 service obligations for providers of
interconnected VoIP service will speed
the further creation and adoption of
such services, similar to the manner in
which the Commission’s adoption of
E911 service obligations in the wireless
context helped foster the widespread
availability of E911 services for mobile
wireless users, where it formerly was
not possible for wireless carriers
automatically to determine the precise
geographic location of their customers.
We recognize and applaud the progress
that has already been made to ensure
that VoIP customers have E911 services.
We stress, however, that should the
need arise, we stand ready to expand
the scope or substance of the rules we
adopt today if necessary to ensure that
the public interest is fully protected.
6. Authority. We conclude that we
have authority under Title I of the Act
to impose E911 requirements on
interconnected VoIP providers, and
commenters largely agree. In addition,
we conclude that we have authority to
adopt these rules under our plenary
numbering authority pursuant to section
251(e) of the Act. We find that
regardless of the regulatory
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classification, the Commission has
ancillary jurisdiction to promote public
safety by adopting E911 rules for
interconnected VoIP services. This
Order, however, in no way prejudges
how the Commission might ultimately
classify these services. To the extent
that the Commission later finds these
services to be telecommunications
services, the Commission would have
additional authority under Title II to
adopt these rules.
7. Ancillary jurisdiction may be
employed, in the Commission’s
discretion, when Title I of the Act gives
the Commission subject matter
jurisdiction over the service to be
regulated and the assertion of
jurisdiction is ‘‘reasonably ancillary to
the effective performance of [its] various
responsibilities.’’ Both predicates for
ancillary jurisdiction are satisfied here.
8. First, based on sections 1 and 2(a)
of the Act, coupled with the definitions
set forth in section 3(33) (‘‘radio
communication’’) and section 3(52)
(‘‘wire communication’’), we find that
interconnected VoIP is covered by the
Commission’s general jurisdictional
grant. Specifically, section 1 states that
the Commission is created ‘‘[f]or the
purpose of regulating interstate and
foreign commerce in communication by
wire and radio so as to make available,
so far as possible, to all the people of the
United States * * * a rapid, efficient,
Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and
radio communication service with
adequate facilities at reasonable
charges,’’ and that the agency ‘‘shall
execute and enforce the provisions of
th[e] Act.’’ Section 2(a), in turn, confers
on the Commission regulatory authority
over all interstate communication by
wire or radio. In the NPRM, the
Commission adopted no formal
definition of ‘‘VoIP’’ but used the term
generally to include ‘‘any IP-enabled
services offering real-time,
multidirectional voice functionality,
including, but not limited to, services
that mimic traditional telephony.’’
Recently, in the Vonage Order, the
Commission found that Vonage’s
DigitalVoice service—an interconnected
VoIP service—is subject to the
Commission’s interstate jurisdiction.
Consistent with that conclusion, we find
that interconnected VoIP services are
covered by the statutory definitions of
‘‘wire communication’’ and/or ‘‘radio
communication’’ because they involve
‘‘transmission of [voice] by aid of wire,
cable, or other like connection * * *’’
and/or ‘‘transmission by radio * * *’’ of
voice. Therefore, these services come
within the scope of the Commission’s
subject matter jurisdiction granted in
section 2(a) of the Act.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
9. Second, our analysis requires us to
evaluate whether imposing a E911
requirement is reasonably ancillary to
the effective performance of the
Commission’s various responsibilities.
Based on the record in this matter, we
find that the requisite nexus exists. The
Act charges the Commission with
responsibility for making available ‘‘a
rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and worldwide wire and radio communication
service * * * for the purpose of
promoting safety of life and property
through the use of wire and radio
communication.’’ In light of this
statutory mandate, promoting an
effective nationwide 911/E911
emergency access system has become
one of the Commission’s primary public
safety responsibilities under the Act. As
the Commission has recognized, ‘‘[i]t is
difficult to identify a nationwide wire or
radio communication service more
immediately associated with promoting
safety of life and property than 911.’’
Indeed, the Commission has previously
relied on Title I to satisfy both prongs
of the standard for asserting ancillary
jurisdiction: (1) Subject matter
jurisdiction; and (2) the statutory goal
furthered by the regulation. For
example, in Rural Telephone Coalition
v. FCC, the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit (D.C. Circuit) upheld the
Commission’s assertion of ancillary
jurisdiction to establish a funding
mechanism to support universal service
in the absence of specific statutory
authority as ancillary to its
responsibilities under section 1 of the
Act to ‘‘further the objective of making
communications service available to all
Americans at reasonable charges.’’ Thus,
we conclude that as more consumers
begin to rely on interconnected VoIP
services for their communications
needs, the action we take here ensures
that the Commission continues to
‘‘further the achievement of longestablished regulatory goals’’ to
‘‘promot[e] safety of life and property.’’
10. Our actions today are consistent
with, and a necessary extension of, our
prior exercises of authority to ensure
public safety. Since 1996, the
Commission has acted to impose 911/
E911 rules on providers of new
technologies. Since that time, the
Commission has affirmed and expanded
on those efforts by exercising
jurisdiction over other services to
impose 911/E911 requirements, relying
primarily on its Title I authority. That
exercise of authority has been ratified,
not rebuked, by Congress.
11. Further, we note that our actions
here are consistent with other
provisions of the Act. For example, we
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are guided by section 706, which directs
the Commission (and state commissions
with jurisdiction over
telecommunications services) to
encourage the deployment of advanced
telecommunications capability to all
Americans by using measures that
‘‘promote competition in the local
telecommunications market’’ and
removing ‘‘barriers to infrastructure
investment.’’ Internet-based services
such as interconnected VoIP are
commonly accessed via broadband
facilities (i.e., advanced
telecommunications capabilities under
the 1996 Act). The uniform availability
of E911 services may spur consumer
demand for interconnected VoIP
services, in turn driving demand for
broadband connections, and
consequently encouraging more
broadband investment and deployment
consistent with the goals of section 706.
Indeed, the Commission’s most recent
Fourth Section 706 Report to Congress
recognizes the nexus between VoIP
services and accomplishing the goals of
section 706.
12. Moreover, as stated above, in
recognition of the critical role 911/E911
services play in achieving the Act’s goal
of promoting safety of life and property,
Congress passed the 911 Act, which
among other things made 911 the
universal emergency telephone number
for both wireline and wireless telephone
service for the nation. In the 911 Act,
Congress made a number of findings
regarding wireline and wireless 911
services, including that ‘‘improved
public safety remains an important
public health objective of Federal, State,
and local governments and substantially
facilitates interstate and foreign
commerce,’’ and that ‘‘emerging
technologies can be a critical
component of the end-to-end
communications infrastructure
connecting the public with emergency
[services].’’ Thus, we believe that our
action here to impose E911 obligations
on interconnected VoIP providers is
consistent with Congress’ public safety
policy objectives.
13. Finally, as an additional and
separate source of authority for the
requirements we impose on providers of
interconnected VoIP service in this
Order, we rely on the plenary
numbering authority over U.S. North
American Numbering Plan (NANP)
numbers Congress granted this
Commission in section 251(e) of the Act
and, in particular, Congress’ direction to
use its plenary numbering authority to
designate 911 as the universal
emergency telephone number within the
United States, which ‘‘shall apply to
both wireline and wireless telephone
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service.’’ We exercise our authority
under section 251(e) of the Act because
interconnected VoIP providers use
NANP numbers to provide their
14. When the Commission initially
implemented the 911 Act, it took
actions similar to those we take today
under its numbering authority. For
instance, in the order implementing the
911 Act, the Commission exercised
federal jurisdiction over the
establishment of the deadlines by when
all carriers had to provide 911
functionality, and adopted various
deadlines depending on such things as
whether a local community had
established a public safety answering
point (PSAP). The Commission also
required carriers to implement certain
switching and routing changes to their
networks. Specifically, the Commission
required all carriers to ‘‘implement a
permissive dialing period, during which
emergency calls will be routed to the
appropriate emergency response point
using either 911 or the seven-or ten-digit
number.’’ In order to achieve this,
carriers had to ‘‘prepare and modify
switches to ‘translate’ the three-digit 911
dialed emergency calls at the
appropriate network points to the sevenor ten-digit emergency number in use by
those PSAPs, and, subsequently, route
the calls to them.’’ The Commission also
recognized that the transition to 911 in
general required more network changes
than required by translation.
15. The Commission’s authority to
require network changes to provide the
E911 features that have long been
central to the nation’s 911 infrastructure
is included within Congress’ directive to
the Commission to require the
establishment of 911 as a ‘‘universal
emergency telephone number * * * for
reporting an emergency to appropriate
authorities and requesting assistance.’’
16. Requirements. In this Order, we
adopt an immediate E911 solution that
applies to all interconnected VoIP
services. We find that this requirement
most appropriately discharges the
Commission’s statutory obligation to
promote an effective nationwide 911/
E911 emergency access system by
recognizing the needs of the public
safety community to get call back and
location information and balancing
those needs against existing
technological limitations of
interconnected VoIP providers. With
regard to portable interconnected VoIP
services, however, we intend to adopt in
a future order an advanced E911
solution for interconnected VoIP that
must include a method for determining
a user’s location without assistance from
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
the user as well as firm implementation
deadlines for that solution.
17. Enhanced 911 Service. We require
that, within 120 days of the effective
date of this Order, an interconnected
VoIP provider must transmit all 911
calls, as well as a call back number and
the caller’s ‘‘Registered Location’’ for
each call, to the PSAP, designated
statewide default answering point, or
appropriate local emergency authority
that serves the caller’s Registered
Location and that has been designated
for telecommunications carriers under
section 64.3001 of the Commission’s
rules. These calls must be routed
through the use of ANI and, if
necessary, pseudo-ANI, via the
dedicated Wireline E911 Network, and
the Registered Location must be
available from or through the ALI
Database. As explained infra, however,
an interconnected VoIP provider need
only provide such call back and location
information as a PSAP, designated
statewide default answering point, or
appropriate local emergency authority is
capable of receiving and utilizing. While
120 days is an aggressively short
amount of time in which to comply with
these requirements, the threat to public
safety if we delay further is too great
and demands near immediate action.
18. Interconnected VoIP providers
may satisfy this requirement by
interconnecting indirectly through a
third party such as a competitive local
exchange carrier (LEC), interconnecting
directly with the Wireline E911
Network, or through any other solution
that allows a provider to offer E911
service as described above. As an
example of the first type of arrangement,
Level 3 offers a wholesale product that
allows certain interconnected VoIP
providers to provide E911 service to
their customers. 8x8, Inc. recently
announced that it is utilizing Level 3’s
service to provide E911 service to its
Packet8 service subscribers in 2,024 rate
centers covering 43 U.S. states.
Likewise, Intrado has indicated that it is
prepared to operate as a competitive
LEC in a number of states to provide
indirect interconnection to
interconnected VoIP providers, and PacWest Telecom is offering a similar
service in ‘‘virtually 100%’’ of the state
of California. We note that the
Commission currently requires LECs to
provide access to 911 databases and
interconnection to 911 facilities to all
telecommunications carriers, pursuant
to sections 251(a) and (c) and section
271(c)(2)(B)(vii) of the Act. We expect
that this would include all the elements
necessary for telecommunications
carriers to provide 911/E911 solutions
that are consistent with the
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requirements of this Order, including
NENA’s I2 or wireless E911-like
19. At the same time, the record
indicates that incumbent LECs are
increasingly offering E911 solutions that
allow VoIP providers to interconnect
directly to the Wireline E911 Network
through tariff, contract, or a
combination thereof. For example,
Qwest has tariffed E911 offerings that
are currently available to VoIP providers
and can be coupled with third party
service offerings to enable the provision
of E911 service to portable
interconnected VoIP services, including
those that allow their end users to use
non-native NPA–NXX numbers. Verizon
is developing an E911 solution for
interconnected VoIP providers that is
comparable to the solution it offers for
wireless E911. Verizon has announced
that it will offer this solution in New
York City beginning in summer 2005
and will roll it out in other locations if
the New York City model succeeds.
BellSouth currently offers tariffed
services similar to those that Qwest uses
to provide its VoIP E911 solution and
recently announced that it is offering
interconnected VoIP providers access to
911 facilities equivalent to that which it
offers commercial mobile radio service
(CMRS) carriers. SBC has offered to
negotiate commercial agreements with
VoIP providers for direct connection to
Selective Routers and ALI databases,
comparable to the E911 access that SBC
provides to competitive LECs. SBC
further has established a new
commercial offering that ‘‘will enable
VoIP providers to offer customers who
use their service at a fixed location,
such as their home’’ full E911 service
and has stated that it is ‘‘willing to
develop a wireless-like VOIP 911
capability for VOIP providers’’ pending
receipt of necessary technical
20. We are requiring that all
interconnected VoIP 911 calls be routed
through the dedicated Wireline E911
Network because of the importance of
protecting consumers who have
embraced this new technology. We
recognize that compliance with this
obligation is necessarily dependent on
the ability of the interconnected VoIP
providers to have access to trunks and
selective routers via competitive LECs
that have negotiated access with the
incumbent LECs, through direct
connections to the incumbent LECs, or
through third-party providers. We
expect and strongly encourage all
parties involved to work together to
develop and deploy VoIP E911 solutions
and we point out that incumbent LECs,
as common carriers, are subject to
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sections 201 and 202 of the Act. The
Commission will closely monitor these
efforts within the industry and will not
hesitate to take further action should
that be necessary.
21. By requiring that all 911 calls be
routed via the dedicated Wireline E911
Network, we are requiring
interconnected VoIP service providers
to provide E911 service only in those
areas where Selective Routers are
utilized. We expect that few VoIP 911
calls will be placed in areas that are not
interconnected with a dedicated
Wireline E911 Network. We further note
that nothing in this Order prevents
interconnected VoIP providers from
entering into mutually acceptable 911
call termination arrangements with
PSAPs that are not interconnected with
a dedicated Wireline E911 Network.
22. Service Level Obligation. For the
purposes of these requirements, the
phrase ‘‘all 911 calls’’ is defined as ‘‘any
voice communication initiated by an
interconnected VoIP user dialing 911.’’
We recognize that not all PSAPs will
immediately be capable of receiving and
utilizing the call back number and
Registered Location information
associated with the E911 requirements
outlined above. By way of example,
NENA estimates that approximately
26.6 percent of all PSAPs are not
currently capable of receiving and
utilizing wireless E911 Phase I data. We
therefore hold that the E911
requirements set forth above shall be
applicable when an interconnected VoIP
provider provides service to a
Registered Location only to the extent
that the PSAP, designated statewide
default answering point, or appropriate
local emergency authority designated to
serve that Registered Location is capable
of receiving and utilizing the data, such
as Automatic Location Identification
(ALI) or Automatic Numbering
Information (ANI), associated with those
requirements. Even in those areas where
the PSAP is not capable of receiving or
processing location or call back
information, however, we conclude that
interconnected VoIP providers must
transmit all 911 calls to the appropriate
PSAP via the Wireline E911 Network.
To be clear, this means that
interconnected VoIP providers are
always required to transmit all 911 calls
to the appropriate PSAP, designated
statewide default answering point, or
appropriate local emergency authority
utilizing the Selective Router, the trunk
line(s) between the Selective Router and
the PSAP, and such other elements of
the Wireline E911 Network as are
necessary in those areas where Selective
Routers are utilized.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
23. We further hold that the obligation
to determine what type of information,
such as ALI or ANI, each PSAP is
capable of receiving and utilizing rests
with the provider of interconnected
VoIP services. There is no limit to the
number of entities that may engage in
the provision of interconnected VoIP
services in a given geographic area. It
would be unreasonable to require
PSAPs to attempt to inform every
provider of interconnected VoIP
services when the PSAP is prepared to
receive and utilize the information
associated with E911 service.
24. We decline at this time to adopt
performance standards regarding how
much time may elapse after an end user
updates the Registered Location before
the provider has taken such actions as
are necessary to provide that end user
with the level of E911 service specified
in this Order.
25. We also require interconnected
VoIP providers to take certain additional
steps to minimize the scope of the 911
issues associated with their service and
to facilitate their compliance with our
new VoIP E911 rules, as explained
below. First, we require interconnected
VoIP providers to obtain, and facilitate
updating of, customer location
information. Second, we preclude
interconnected VoIP providers from
requiring subscribers to ‘‘opt-in’’ or
allowing subscribers to ‘‘opt-out’’ of 911
services and expect that VoIP providers
will notify their customers of the
limitations of their 911 service offerings.
26. Registered Location Requirement.
We recognize that it currently is not
always technologically feasible for
providers of interconnected VoIP
services to automatically determine the
location of their end users without end
users’ active cooperation. We therefore
require providers of interconnected
VoIP services to obtain location
information from their customers.
Specifically, interconnected VoIP
providers must obtain from each
customer, prior to the initiation of
service, the physical location at which
the service will first be utilized.
Furthermore, providers of
interconnected VoIP services that can be
utilized from more than one physical
location must provide their end users
one or more methods of updating
information regarding the user’s
physical location. Although we decline
to specify any particular method, we
require that any method utilized allow
an end user to update his or her
Registered Location at will and in a
timely manner, including at least one
option that requires use only of the CPE
necessary to access the interconnected
VoIP service. We caution interconnected
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VoIP providers against charging
customers to update their Registered
Location, as this would discourage
customers from doing so and therefore
undermine this solution. The most
recent location provided to an
interconnected VoIP provider by a
customer is the ‘‘Registered Location.’’
Interconnected VoIP providers can
comply with this requirement directly
or by utilizing the services of a third
27. Customer Requirements. In light
of the recent incidents involving
problems with 911 access from
interconnected VoIP services, it is clear
that not all providers of interconnected
VoIP are including E911 as a standard
feature of their services. We find that
allowing customers of interconnected
VoIP providers to opt-in to or, for that
matter, opt-out of E911 service is
fundamentally inconsistent with our
obligation to ‘‘encourage and support
efforts by States to deploy
comprehensive end-to-end emergency
communications infrastructure and
programs.’’ Thus, interconnected VoIP
providers must, as a condition of
providing that service to a consumer,
provide that consumer with E911
service as outlined in the requirements
28. Further, although many VoIP
providers include explanations of the
limitations of their 911-like service (or
lack thereof) in the Frequently Asked
Questions sections on their web sites or
in their terms of service, recent
incidents make clear that consumers in
many cases may not understand that the
reasonable expectations they have
developed with respect to the
availability of 911/E911 service via
wireless and traditional wireline
telephones may not be met when they
utilize interconnected VoIP services. In
order to ensure that consumers of
interconnected VoIP services are aware
of their interconnected VoIP service’s
actual E911 capabilities, by the effective
date of this Order, we require that all
providers of interconnected VoIP
service specifically advise every
subscriber, both new and existing,
prominently and in plain language, the
circumstances under which E911
service may not be available through the
interconnected VoIP service or may be
in some way limited by comparison to
traditional E911 service. VoIP providers
shall obtain and keep a record of
affirmative acknowledgement by every
subscriber, both new and existing, of
having received and understood this
advisory. In addition, in order to ensure
to the extent possible that the advisory
is available to all potential users of an
interconnected VoIP service,
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interconnected VoIP service providers
shall distribute to all subscribers, both
new and existing, warning stickers or
other appropriate labels warning
subscribers if E911 service may be
limited or not available and instructing
the subscriber to place them on and/or
near the CPE used in conjunction with
the interconnected VoIP service.
29. Additional customer education
efforts may well be necessary for users
of portable interconnected VoIP, for
whom E911 service requires that they
notify their service provider
affirmatively of their location. For
example, customers of portable
interconnected VoIP services likely will
need to be instructed on how to register
their locations with their providers, the
need to update that information
promptly when they relocate, and how
to confirm that the registration is
30. Compliance Letter. We require all
interconnected VoIP providers to submit
a letter to the Federal Communications
Commission detailing their compliance
with our rules no later than 120 days
after the effective date of this Order. The
letter and all other filings related to this
Order should be filed with the
Commission’s Secretary in WC Docket
No. 05–196 on a going-forward basis.
31. Because of the vital public safety
interests at stake in this proceeding, we
are committed to ensuring compliance
with the rules we adopt in this Order.
Failure to comply with these rules
cannot and will not be tolerated, as
noncompliance may have a direct effect
on the lives of those customers who
choose to obtain service from the
interconnected VoIP providers covered
by this Order. Interconnected VoIP
providers who do not comply fully with
the requirements set forth in this Order
will be subject to swift enforcement
action by the Commission, including
substantial proposed forfeitures and, in
appropriate cases, cease and desist
orders and proceedings to revoke any
Commission licenses held by the
interconnected VoIP provider.
32. 911 Funding. We believe that the
requirements we establish today will
significantly expand and improve
interconnected VoIP 911 service while
substantially reducing the threat to 911
funding that some VoIP services
currently pose. First, we recognize that
while some state laws today may
already require 911 funding
contributions from providers of
interconnected VoIP, interconnected
VoIP providers may not be covered by
existing state 911 funding mechanisms
in other states. But even in the latter
circumstance, the record does not
indicate that states are receiving no 911
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
funding contributions from
interconnected VoIP providers. On the
contrary, the record indicates that many
interconnected VoIP providers currently
are contributing to state 911 funding
mechanisms. In addition, states have the
option of collecting 911 charges from
wholesale providers with whom
interconnected VoIP providers contract
to provide E911 service, rather than
assessing those charges on the
interconnected VoIP providers directly.
For example, we have explained that
interconnected VoIP providers often
enlist a competitive LEC partner in
order to obtain interconnection to the
Wireline E911 Network, and we believe
that as a result of this Order, many more
will do so. In that situation, states may
impose 911 funding obligations on the
competitive LEC partners of
interconnected VoIP providers,
regardless of whether the VoIP
providers themselves are under any
obligation to contribute. Similarly,
states may be able to impose funding
obligations on systems service
providers, such as incumbent LECs, that
provide direct interconnection to
interconnected VoIP providers. We
believe that the ability to assess 911
funds on interconnected VoIP providers
indirectly should narrow any gap in 911
funding attributable to consumers
switching to interconnected VoIP
33. Second, the record indicates that
the network components that have been
developed to make wireless E911
possible can also be used for VoIP E911,
which should make the implementation
process simpler and far less expensive
than the initial upgrades necessary for
wireless E911. For that reason, we do
not expect the rules we adopt today to
impose substantial implementation
costs on PSAPs. In short, we believe that
the rules we adopt today will neither
contribute to the diminishment of 911
funding nor require a substantial
increase in 911 spending by state and
local jurisdictions.
34. Liability. We decline to exempt
providers of interconnected VoIP
service from liability under state law
related to their E911 services. Although
the NPRM did not directly address the
issue, Intrado, among others, requests
that the Commission insulate these VoIP
providers from liability to the same
extent that Congress insulated wireless
carriers from liability related to the
provision of 911/E911 service in the
wireless context. In the 911 Act,
Congress gave wireless carriers
providing 911 service liability
protection equal to that available to
wireline carriers for 911 calls. Congress
has enacted no similar protection for
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providers of interconnected VoIP
service. As the Commission has said in
an analogous context, before we would
consider taking any action to preempt
liability under state law, the
Commission would need to demonstrate
that limiting liability is essential to
achieving the goals of the Act.
35. No commenter has identified a
source of authority for the Commission
to limit liability in this way. Limiting
liability related to the use or provision
of E911 services is not necessary to the
creation or use of E911 services, and we
are not persuaded that absent the
liability protection sought by Intrado
and others, interconnected VoIP
providers will be unwilling or unable to
provide E911 services. Rather, the
record shows that some interconnected
VoIP providers have already begun
deploying E911 services. In addition, to
the extent individual interconnected
VoIP providers believe they need this
type of liability protection, they may
seek to protect themselves from liability
for negligence through their customer
contracts and through their agreements
with PSAPs, as some interconnected
VoIP providers have done.
Final Paperwork Reduction Act
36. This document contains new
information collection requirements.
The Commission, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
burdens, invites the general public to
comment on the information collection
requirements contained in this Report
and Order as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104–
13. Public and agency comments are
due August 29, 2005.
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
37. As required by the Regulatory
Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended
(RFA), an Initial Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis (IRFA) was incorporated in the
NPRM. The Commission sought written
public comment on the proposals in the
NPRM, including comment on the IRFA.
We received comments specifically
directed toward the IRFA from three
commenters. These comments are
discussed below. This Final Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) conforms to
the RFA.
1. Need for, and Objectives of, the Rules
38. The Order establishes rules
requiring providers of interconnected
VoIP—meaning VoIP service that allows
a user generally to receive calls
originating from and to terminate calls
to the PSTN—to provide E911
capabilities to their customers as a
standard feature of service. The Order
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requires providers of interconnected
VoIP service to provide E911 service no
matter where the customer is using the
service, whether at home or away.
39. The Order is in many ways a
necessary and logical follow-up to the
Vonage Order issued late last year. In
that order, the Commission determined
that Vonage’s DigitalVoice service—an
interconnected VoIP service—cannot be
separated into interstate and intrastate
communications and that this
Commission has the responsibility and
obligation to decide whether certain
regulations apply to DigitalVoice and
other IP-enabled services having similar
capabilities. The Vonage Order also
made clear that questions regarding
what regulatory obligations apply to
providers of such services would be
addressed in the pending IP-Enabled
Services proceeding. In accord with that
statement, the Order takes critical steps
to advance the goal of public safety by
imposing E911 obligations on certain
VoIP providers.
2. Summary of Significant Issues Raised
by Public Comments in Response to the
40. In this section, we respond to
comments filed in response to the IRFA.
A more detailed FRFA is contained in
the Order. In addition, to the extent we
received comments raising general small
business concerns during this
proceeding, those comments are
discussed throughout the Order.
41. We disagree with SBA and
Menard that the Commission should
postpone acting in this proceeding—
thereby postponing imposing E911
obligations on interconnected VoIP
service providers—and instead should
reevaluate the economic impact and the
compliance burdens on small entities
and issue a further notice of proposed
rulemaking in conjunction with a
supplemental IRFA identifying and
analyzing the economic impacts on
small entities and less burdensome
alternatives. We believe the additional
steps suggested by SBA and Menard are
unnecessary because, as described
below, small entities already have
received sufficient notice of the issues
addressed in the Order and because the
Commission, as requested by the VON
Coalition, has considered the economic
impact on small entities and what ways
are feasible to minimize the burdens
imposed on those entities, and, to the
extent feasible, has implemented those
less burdensome alternatives.
42. The NPRM specifically sought
comment on what 911/E911 obligations
should apply in the context of IPenabled services, and discussed the
criteria the Commission previously has
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
used to determine the scope of its
existing 911/E911 rules. While the
NPRM did not specify particular rules
the Commission might adopt—and the
IRFA therefore did not catalogue the
effects that such particular rules might
have on small businesses—the
Commission provided notice to parties
regarding the range of policy outcomes
that might result from the Order. A
summary of the NPRM was published in
the Federal Register (69 FR 16193,
March 29, 2004) and we believe that
such publication constitutes appropriate
notice to small businesses subject to this
Commission’s regulation.
43. Moreover, we note that we have
attempted to balance the economic
interests of small businesses with the
public’s great interest in access to E911
services when using interconnected
VoIP services. The Order discusses how
E911 service is critical to our nation’s
ability to respond to a host of crises and
that the public has come to rely on the
life-saving benefits of such services in
emergency situations. While the
Commission sought comment on, and
considered, ways that the public safety
could be protected through access to
E911 services that are less burdensome
to small businesses than the imposition
of E911 obligations, the Commission
concluded that it was important for all
interconnected VoIP service providers
to participate in protecting the public
safety. As SBA notes, many VoIP
providers are likely to be small
businesses. SBA claims that ‘‘[t]hese
small providers are developing a
nascent technology and are especially
vulnerable to disproportionate
regulatory costs.’’ Nevertheless, as
discussed in the Order, we believe it is
reasonable to expect any business
electing to interconnect with the PSTN
to the extent required to provide
interconnected VoIP service also to
provide E911 service in order to protect
the public interest. Small businesses
may still offer VoIP service without
being subject to the rules adopted in the
Order by electing not to provide an
interconnected VoIP service. We
therefore have provided alternatives for
small entities.
44. We disagree with Menard’s
contention that the Commission did not
meet its obligations under the RFA
because it failed to list as a significant
alternative to the proposed rulemaking
imposing economic regulation on the
underlying facilities of cable carriers.
The rules we adopted in the Order
apply to cable operators that provide
interconnected VoIP service. Moreover,
we reject the above contention as
insufficient to achieve our goal of
ensuring that users of interconnected
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VoIP service have access to E911, as
well as rejecting it for the reasons
already provided generally. As
discussed in the Order, there currently
is no way for portable VoIP providers
reliably and automatically to provide
location information to PSAPs without
the customer’s active cooperation. Not
only is the provider of an
interconnected VoIP service the entity
actively involved in routing the calls of
users of interconnected VoIP service,
but it is the entity that has the
relationship with the customer who
currently plays an essential role in
providing accurate location information;
hence, it is reasonable to impose E911
rules on that interconnected VoIP
service provider. In addition, although
the Commission determined that it was
necessary to impose E911 obligations on
all providers of interconnected VoIP
service in order to ensure the ubiquitous
availability of E911 service for users of
interconnected VoIP service, the
Commission minimized the burdens of
this regulation by, for example, by
requiring straightforward reporting
requirements and by setting reasonable
timetables for implementation of the
rules adopted in the Order. The
Commission minimized the burdens of
this regulation by not mandating any
particular technical solution;
interconnected VoIP providers may
connect directly to the Wireline E911
Network, connect indirectly through a
third party, such as a competitive local
exchange carrier, or through any other
solution that allows a provider to offer
E911 service.
45. We also disagree with Menard’s
contention that the Commission
inappropriately failed to ‘‘weigh the
impact on non-affiliated regional
Internet Service Providers of the
consequence for the removal of all forms
of economic regulation for broadband
services provided by incumbent
carriers.’’ The Order does not remove
‘‘all forms of economic regulation for
broadband services provided by
incumbent carriers,’’ and would be an
inappropriate forum for reconsideration
of any such decision the Commission
has made in other proceedings. The
Commission reached its decision in the
Order in full awareness and
consideration of the Commission’s other
rules and to that extent satisfied
Menard’s request and SBA’s request to
consider how the requirements imposed
in the Order overlap with other
requirements imposed on small entities.
46. Finally, we reject claims that the
present proceeding is not the
appropriate docket in which to address
what E911 obligations should be
imposed on providers of interconnected
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VoIP service. The Commission provided
proper notice that these issues would be
addressed in this proceeding, and in the
Vonage Order made clear that questions
regarding what regulatory obligations
apply to providers of a type of
interconnected VoIP service would be
addressed in this proceeding. Therefore,
we do not accede to the preferences of
some small businesses that the
Commission resolve various other
proceedings, including proceedings
involving E911 requirements, prior to
addressing issues in the IP-Enabled
Services docket. We reject Menard’s
claim that the Commission is using the
present rulemaking as a way of bypassing its statutory obligations under
section 10 of the Telecommunications
Act of 1996 (section 10) because that
statutory section is not applicable to the
present situation. Section 10 sets forth
the Commission’s obligation to forbear
from existing regulation to a
telecommunications carrier or a
telecommunications service, or class of
telecommunications carriers or
telecommunications services, if certain
criteria are satisfied. Prior to the Order,
the Commission had not imposed E911
obligations on interconnected VoIP
service providers. In addition, the
Commission to date has not classified
interconnected VoIP service as a
telecommunications service.
3. Description and Estimate of the
Number of Small Entities To Which
Rules Will Apply
47. The RFA directs agencies to
provide a description of and, where
feasible, an estimate of the number of
small entities that may be affected by
the proposed rules. The RFA generally
defines the term ‘‘small entity’’ as
having the same meaning as the terms
‘‘small business,’’ ‘‘small organization,’’
and ‘‘small governmental jurisdiction.’’
In addition, the term ‘‘small business’’
has the same meaning as the term
‘‘small business concern’’ under the
Small Business Act. A small business
concern is one which: (1) Is
independently owned and operated; (2)
is not dominant in its field of operation;
and (3) satisfies any additional criteria
established by the Small Business
Administration (SBA).
48. Small Businesses. Nationwide,
there are a total of approximately 22.4
million small businesses, according to
SBA data.
49. Small Organizations. Nationwide,
there are approximately 1.6 million
small organizations.
50. Small Governmental Jurisdictions.
The term ‘‘small governmental
jurisdiction’’ is defined as ‘‘governments
of cities, towns, townships, villages,
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
school districts, or special districts, with
a population of less than fifty
thousand.’’ As of 1997, there were
approximately 87,453 governmental
jurisdictions in the United States. This
number includes 39,044 county
governments, municipalities, and
townships, of which 37,546
(approximately 96.2%) have
populations of fewer than 50,000, and of
which 1,498 have populations of 50,000
or more. Thus, we estimate the number
of small governmental jurisdictions
overall to be 84,098 or fewer.
a. Telecommunications Service Entities
51. Wireline Carriers and Service
Providers. We have included small
incumbent local exchange carriers in
this present RFA analysis. As noted
above, a ‘‘small business’’ under the
RFA is one that, inter alia, meets the
pertinent small business size standard
(e.g., a telephone communications
business having 1,500 or fewer
employees), and ‘‘is not dominant in its
field of operation.’’ The SBA’s Office of
Advocacy contends that, for RFA
purposes, small incumbent local
exchange carriers are not dominant in
their field of operation because any such
dominance is not ‘‘national’’ in scope.
We have therefore included small
incumbent local exchange carriers in
this RFA analysis, although we
emphasize that this RFA action has no
effect on Commission analyses and
determinations in other, non-RFA
52. Incumbent Local Exchange
Carriers (LECs). Neither the Commission
nor the SBA has developed a small
business size standard specifically for
incumbent local exchange services. The
appropriate size standard under SBA
rules is for the category Wired
Telecommunications Carriers. Under
that size standard, such a business is
small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees.
The Commission estimates that most
providers of incumbent local exchange
service are small businesses that may be
affected by our action.
53. Competitive Local Exchange
Carriers (CLECs), Competitive Access
Providers (CAPs), ‘‘Shared-Tenant
Service Providers,’’ and ‘‘Other Local
Service Providers.’’ Neither the
Commission nor the SBA has developed
a small business size standard
specifically for these service providers.
The appropriate size standard under
SBA rules is for the category Wired
Telecommunications Carriers. Under
that size standard, such a business is
small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees.
The Commission estimates that most
providers of competitive local exchange
service, competitive access providers,
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‘‘Shared-Tenant Service Providers,’’ and
‘‘Other Local Service Providers’’ are
small entities that may be affected by
our action.
54. Local Resellers. The SBA has
developed a small business size
standard for the category of
Telecommunications Resellers. Under
that size standard, such a business is
small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees.
The Commission estimates that the
majority of local resellers are small
entities that may be affected by our
55. Toll Resellers. The SBA has
developed a small business size
standard for the category of
Telecommunications Resellers. Under
that size standard, such a business is
small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees.
The Commission estimates that the
majority of toll resellers are small
entities that may be affected by our
56. Payphone Service Providers
(PSPs). Neither the Commission nor the
SBA has developed a small business
size standard specifically for payphone
services providers. The appropriate size
standard under SBA rules is for the
category Wired Telecommunications
Carriers. Under that size standard, such
a business is small if it has 1,500 or
fewer employees. The Commission
estimates that the majority of payphone
service providers are small entities that
may be affected by our action.
57. Interexchange Carriers (IXCs).
Neither the Commission nor the SBA
has developed a small business size
standard specifically for providers of
interexchange services. The appropriate
size standard under SBA rules is for the
category Wired Telecommunications
Carriers. Under that size standard, such
a business is small if it has 1,500 or
fewer employees. The Commission
estimates that the majority of IXCs are
small entities that may be affected by
our action.
58. Operator Service Providers (OSPs).
Neither the Commission nor the SBA
has developed a small business size
standard specifically for operator
service providers. The appropriate size
standard under SBA rules is for the
category Wired Telecommunications
Carriers. Under that size standard, such
a business is small if it has 1,500 or
fewer employees. The Commission
estimates that the majority of OSPs are
small entities that may be affected by
our action.
59. Prepaid Calling Card Providers.
Neither the Commission nor the SBA
has developed a small business size
standard specifically for prepaid calling
card providers. The appropriate size
standard under SBA rules is for the
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category Telecommunications Resellers.
Under that size standard, such a
business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer
employees. The Commission estimates
that all or the majority of prepaid calling
card providers are small entities that
may be affected by our action.
60. 800 and 800-Like Service
Subscribers. Neither the Commission
nor the SBA has developed a small
business size standard specifically for
800 and 800-like service (‘‘toll free’’)
subscribers. The appropriate size
standard under SBA rules is for the
category Telecommunications Resellers.
Under that size standard, such a
business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer
employees. We estimate that there are
7,692,955 or fewer small entity 800
subscribers; 7,706,393 or fewer small
entity 888 subscribers; and 1,946,538 or
fewer small entity 877 subscribers.
61. International Service Providers.
The Commission has not developed a
small business size standard specifically
for providers of international service.
The appropriate size standards under
SBA rules are for the two broad
categories of Satellite
Telecommunications and Other
Telecommunications. Under both
categories, such a business is small if it
has $12.5 million or less in average
annual receipts. The majority of
Satellite Telecommunications firms can
be considered small.
62. The second category—Other
‘‘establishments primarily engaged in
* * * providing satellite terminal
stations and associated facilities
operationally connected with one or
more terrestrial communications
systems and capable of transmitting
telecommunications to or receiving
telecommunications from satellite
systems.’’ Under this second size
standard, the majority of firms can be
considered small.
63. Wireless Telecommunications
Service Providers. Below, for those
services subject to auctions, we note
that, as a general matter, the number of
winning bidders that qualify as small
businesses at the close of an auction
does not necessarily represent the
number of small businesses currently in
service. Also, the Commission does not
generally track subsequent business size
unless, in the context of assignments or
transfers, unjust enrichment issues are
64. Wireless Service Providers. The
SBA has developed a small business
size standard for wireless firms within
the two broad economic census
categories of ‘‘Paging’’ and ‘‘Cellular and
Other Wireless Telecommunications.’’
Under both SBA categories, a wireless
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer
employees. Under both categories and
associated small business size
standards, the majority of firms can be
considered small.
65. Cellular Licensees. The SBA has
developed a small business size
standard for wireless firms within the
broad economic census category
‘‘Cellular and Other Wireless
Telecommunications.’’ Under this SBA
category, a wireless business is small if
it has 1,500 or fewer employees. Under
this category and size standard, the great
majority of firms can be considered
small. We have estimated that 245 of the
entities engaged in the provision of
cellular service, Personal
Communications Service (PCS), or
Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR)
Telephony services are small under the
SBA small business size standard.
66. Common Carrier Paging. The SBA
has developed a small business size
standard for wireless firms within the
broad economic census category,
‘‘Cellular and Other Wireless
Telecommunications.’’ Under this SBA
category, a wireless business is small if
it has 1,500 or fewer employees. Under
this category and associated small
business size standard, the majority of
firms can be considered small. In the
Paging Third Report and Order, we
developed a small business size
standard for ‘‘small businesses’’ and
‘‘very small businesses’’ for purposes of
determining their eligibility for special
provisions such as bidding credits and
installment payments. A ‘‘small
business’’ is an entity that, together with
its affiliates and controlling principals,
has average gross revenues not
exceeding $15 million for the preceding
three years. Additionally, a ‘‘very small
business’’ is an entity that, together with
its affiliates and controlling principals,
has average gross revenues that are not
more than $3 million for the preceding
three years. The SBA has approved
these small business size standards. An
auction of Metropolitan Economic Area
licenses commenced on February 24,
2000, and closed on March 2, 2000. Of
the 985 licenses auctioned, 440 were
sold. Fifty-seven companies claiming
small business status won. Also,
according to Commission data, 346
carriers reported that they were engaged
in the provision of paging and
messaging services. Of those, we
estimate that 341 are small, under the
SBA-approved small business size
67. Wireless Communications
Services. This service can be used for
fixed, mobile, radiolocation, and digital
audio broadcasting satellite uses. The
Commission established small business
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size standards for the wireless
communications services (WCS)
auction. A ‘‘small business’’ is an entity
with average gross revenues of $40
million for each of the three preceding
years, and a ‘‘very small business’’ is an
entity with average gross revenues of
$15 million for each of the three
preceding years. The SBA has approved
these small business size standards. The
Commission auctioned geographic area
licenses in the WCS service. In the
auction, there were seven winning
bidders that qualified as ‘‘very small
business’’ entities, and one that
qualified as a ‘‘small business’’ entity.
68. Wireless Telephony. Wireless
telephony includes cellular, personal
communications services (PCS), and
specialized mobile radio (SMR)
telephony carriers. As noted earlier, the
SBA has developed a small business
size standard for ‘‘Cellular and Other
Wireless Telecommunications’’ services.
Under that SBA small business size
standard, a business is small if it has
1,500 or fewer employees. We have
estimated that 245 of the carriers who
reported to us that they were engaged in
the provision of wireless telephony are
small under the SBA small business size
69. Broadband Personal
Communications Service. The
broadband Personal Communications
Service (PCS) spectrum is divided into
six frequency blocks designated A
through F, and the Commission has held
auctions for each block. The
Commission defined ‘‘small entity’’ for
Blocks C and F as an entity that has
average gross revenues of $40 million or
less in the three previous calendar
years. For Block F, an additional
classification for ‘‘very small business’’
was added and is defined as ‘‘an entity
that, together with its affiliates, has
average gross revenues of not more than
$15 million for the preceding three
calendar years.’’ These standards
defining ‘‘small entity’’ in the context of
broadband PCS auctions have been
approved by the SBA. No small
businesses, within the SBA-approved
small business size standards bid
successfully for licenses in Blocks A
and B. There were 90 winning bidders
that qualified as small entities in the
Block C auctions. A total of 93 small
and very small business bidders won
approximately 40 percent of the 1,479
licenses for Blocks D, E, and F. On
March 23, 1999, the Commission reauctioned 347 C, D, E, and F Block
licenses. There were 48 small business
winning bidders. On January 26, 2001,
the Commission completed the auction
of 422 C and F Broadband PCS licenses
in Auction No. 35. Of the 35 winning
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bidders in this auction, 29 qualified as
‘‘small’’ or ‘‘very small’’ businesses.
Subsequent events, concerning Auction
35, including judicial and agency
determinations, resulted in a total of 163
C and F Block licenses being available
for grant.
70. Narrowband Personal
Communications Services. To date, two
auctions of narrowband personal
communications services (PCS) licenses
have been conducted. For purposes of
the two auctions that have already been
held, ‘‘small businesses’’ were entities
with average gross revenues for the prior
three calendar years of $40 million or
less. Through these auctions, the
Commission has awarded a total of 41
licenses, out of which 11 were obtained
by small businesses. To ensure
meaningful participation of small
business entities in future auctions, the
Commission has adopted a two-tiered
small business size standard in the
Narrowband PCS Second Report and
Order. A ‘‘small business’’ is an entity
that, together with affiliates and
controlling interests, has average gross
revenues for the three preceding years of
not more than $40 million. A ‘‘very
small business’’ is an entity that,
together with affiliates and controlling
interests, has average gross revenues for
the three preceding years of not more
than $15 million. The SBA has
approved these small business size
standards. In the future, the
Commission will auction 459 licenses to
serve Metropolitan Trading Areas
(MTAs) and 408 response channel
licenses. There is also one megahertz of
narrowband PCS spectrum that has been
held in reserve and that the Commission
has not yet decided to release for
licensing. The Commission cannot
predict accurately the number of
licenses that will be awarded to small
entities in future auctions. However,
four of the 16 winning bidders in the
two previous narrowband PCS auctions
were small businesses, as that term was
defined. The Commission assumes, for
purposes of this analysis, that a large
portion of the remaining narrowband
PCS licenses will be awarded to small
entities. The Commission also assumes
that at least some small businesses will
acquire narrowband PCS licenses by
means of the Commission’s partitioning
and disaggregation rules.
71. 220 MHz Radio Service—Phase I
Licensees. The 220 MHz service has
both Phase I and Phase II licenses. Phase
I licensing was conducted by lotteries in
1992 and 1993. There are approximately
1,515 such non-nationwide licensees
and four nationwide licensees currently
authorized to operate in the 220 MHz
band. The Commission has not
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
developed a small business size
standard for small entities specifically
applicable to such incumbent 220 MHz
Phase I licensees. To estimate the
number of such licensees that are small
businesses, we apply the small business
size standard under the SBA rules
applicable to ‘‘Cellular and Other
Wireless Telecommunications’’
companies. This category provides that
a small business is a wireless company
employing no more than 1,500 persons.
Under this second category and size
standard, the majority of firms can be
considered small. Assuming this general
ratio continues in the context of Phase
I 220 MHz licensees, the Commission
estimates that nearly all such licensees
are small businesses under the SBA’s
small business size standard.
72. 220 MHz Radio Service—Phase II
Licensees. The 220 MHz service has
both Phase I and Phase II licenses. The
Phase II 220 MHz service is a new
service, and is subject to spectrum
auctions. In the 220 MHz Third Report
and Order, we adopted a small business
size standard for ‘‘small’’ and ‘‘very
small’’ businesses for purposes of
determining their eligibility for special
provisions such as bidding credits and
installment payments. This small
business size standard indicates that a
‘‘small business’’ is an entity that,
together with its affiliates and
controlling principals, has average gross
revenues not exceeding $15 million for
the preceding three years. A ‘‘very small
business’’ is an entity that, together with
its affiliates and controlling principals,
has average gross revenues that do not
exceed $3 million for the preceding
three years. The SBA has approved
these small business size standards.
Auctions of Phase II licenses
commenced on September 15, 1998, and
closed on October 22, 1998. In the first
auction, 908 licenses were auctioned in
three different-sized geographic areas:
three nationwide licenses, 30 Regional
Economic Area Group (EAG) Licenses,
and 875 Economic Area (EA) Licenses.
Of the 908 licenses auctioned, 693 were
sold. Thirty-nine small businesses won
licenses in the first 220 MHz auction.
The second auction included 225
licenses: 216 EA licenses and 9 EAG
licenses. Fourteen companies claiming
small business status won 158 licenses.
73. 800 MHz and 900 MHz
Specialized Mobile Radio Licenses. The
Commission awards ‘‘small entity’’ and
‘‘very small entity’’ bidding credits in
auctions for Specialized Mobile Radio
(SMR) geographic area licenses in the
800 MHz and 900 MHz bands to firms
that had revenues of no more than $15
million in each of the three previous
calendar years, or that had revenues of
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no more than $3 million in each of the
previous calendar years, respectively.
These bidding credits apply to SMR
providers in the 800 MHz and 900 MHz
bands that either hold geographic area
licenses or have obtained extended
implementation authorizations. The
Commission does not know how many
firms provide 800 MHz or 900 MHz
geographic area SMR service pursuant
to extended implementation
authorizations, nor how many of these
providers have annual revenues of no
more than $15 million. One firm has
over $15 million in revenues. The
Commission assumes, for purposes here,
that all of the remaining existing
extended implementation
authorizations are held by small
entities, as that term is defined by the
SBA. The Commission has held
auctions for geographic area licenses in
the 800 MHz and 900 MHz SMR bands.
There were 60 winning bidders that
qualified as small or very small entities
in the 900 MHz SMR auctions. Of the
1,020 licenses won in the 900 MHz
auction, bidders qualifying as small or
very small entities won 263 licenses. In
the 800 MHz auction, 38 of the 524
licenses won were won by small and
very small entities.
74. 700 MHz Guard Band Licensees.
In the 700 MHz Guard Band Order, we
adopted a small business size standard
for ‘‘small businesses’’ and ‘‘very small
businesses’’ for purposes of determining
their eligibility for special provisions
such as bidding credits and installment
payments. A ‘‘small business’’ as an
entity that, together with its affiliates
and controlling principals, has average
gross revenues not exceeding $15
million for the preceding three years.
Additionally, a ‘‘very small business’’ is
an entity that, together with its affiliates
and controlling principals, has average
gross revenues that are not more than $3
million for the preceding three years.
An auction of 52 Major Economic Area
(MEA) licenses commenced on
September 6, 2000, and closed on
September 21, 2000. Of the 104 licenses
auctioned, 96 licenses were sold to nine
bidders. Five of these bidders were
small businesses that won a total of 26
licenses. A second auction of 700 MHz
Guard Band licenses commenced on
February 13, 2001 and closed on
February 21, 2001. All eight of the
licenses auctioned were sold to three
bidders. One of these bidders was a
small business that won a total of two
75. Rural Radiotelephone Service. The
Commission has not adopted a size
standard for small businesses specific to
the Rural Radiotelephone Service. A
significant subset of the Rural
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Radiotelephone Service is the Basic
Exchange Telephone Radio System
(BETRS). The Commission uses the
SBA’s small business size standard
applicable to ‘‘Cellular and Other
Wireless Telecommunications,’’ i.e., an
entity employing no more than 1,500
persons. There are approximately 1,000
licensees in the Rural Radiotelephone
Service, and the Commission estimates
that there are 1,000 or fewer small entity
licensees in the Rural Radiotelephone
Service that may be affected by the rules
and policies adopted herein.
76. Air-Ground Radiotelephone
Service. The Commission has not
adopted a small business size standard
specific to the Air-Ground
Radiotelephone Service. We will use
SBA’s small business size standard
applicable to ‘‘Cellular and Other
Wireless Telecommunications,’’ i.e., an
entity employing no more than 1,500
persons. There are approximately 100
licensees in the Air-Ground
Radiotelephone Service, and we
estimate that almost all of them qualify
as small under the SBA small business
size standard.
77. Aviation and Marine Radio
Services. Small businesses in the
aviation and marine radio services use
a very high frequency (VHF) marine or
aircraft radio and, as appropriate, an
emergency position-indicating radio
beacon (and/or radar) or an emergency
locator transmitter. The Commission has
not developed a small business size
standard specifically applicable to these
small businesses. For purposes of this
analysis, the Commission uses the SBA
small business size standard for the
category ‘‘Cellular and Other
Telecommunications,’’ which is 1,500
or fewer employees. Most applicants for
recreational licenses are individuals.
Approximately 581,000 ship station
licensees and 131,000 aircraft station
licensees operate domestically and are
not subject to the radio carriage
requirements of any statute or treaty.
For purposes of our evaluations in this
analysis, we estimate that there are up
to approximately 712,000 licensees that
are small businesses (or individuals)
under the SBA standard. In addition,
between December 3, 1998 and
December 14, 1998, the Commission
held an auction of 42 VHF Public Coast
licenses in the 157.1875–157.4500 MHz
(ship transmit) and 161.775–162.0125
MHz (coast transmit) bands. For
purposes of the auction, the
Commission defined a ‘‘small’’ business
as an entity that, together with
controlling interests and affiliates, has
average gross revenues for the preceding
three years not to exceed $15 million
dollars. In addition, a ‘‘very small’’
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
business is one that, together with
controlling interests and affiliates, has
average gross revenues for the preceding
three years not to exceed $3 million
dollars. There are approximately 10,672
licensees in the Marine Coast Service,
and the Commission estimates that
almost all of them qualify as ‘‘small’’
businesses under the above special
small business size standards.
78. Fixed Microwave Services. Fixed
microwave services include common
carrier, private operational-fixed, and
broadcast auxiliary radio services. At
present, there are approximately 22,015
common carrier fixed licensees and
61,670 private operational-fixed
licensees and broadcast auxiliary radio
licensees in the microwave services.
The Commission has not created a size
standard for a small business
specifically with respect to fixed
microwave services. For purposes of
this analysis, the Commission uses the
SBA small business size standard for the
category ‘‘Cellular and Other
Telecommunications,’’ which is 1,500
or fewer employees. The Commission
does not have data specifying the
number of these licensees that have
more than 1,500 employees, and thus is
unable at this time to estimate with
greater precision the number of fixed
microwave service licensees that would
qualify as small business concerns
under the SBA’s small business size
standard. Consequently, the
Commission estimates that there are up
to 22,015 common carrier fixed
licensees and up to 61,670 private
operational-fixed licensees and
broadcast auxiliary radio licensees in
the microwave services that may be
small and may be affected by the rules
and policies adopted herein. We noted,
however, that the common carrier
microwave fixed licensee category
includes some large entities.
79. Offshore Radiotelephone Service.
This service operates on several UHF
television broadcast channels that are
not used for television broadcasting in
the coastal areas of states bordering the
Gulf of Mexico. There are presently
approximately 55 licensees in this
service. We are unable to estimate at
this time the number of licensees that
would qualify as small under the SBA’s
small business size standard for
‘‘Cellular and Other Wireless
Telecommunications’’ services. Under
that SBA small business size standard,
a business is small if it has 1,500 or
fewer employees.
80. 39 GHz Service. The Commission
created a special small business size
standard for 39 GHz licenses—an entity
that has average gross revenues of $40
million or less in the three previous
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calendar years. An additional size
standard for ‘‘very small business’’ is: an
entity that, together with affiliates, has
average gross revenues of not more than
$15 million for the preceding three
calendar years. The SBA has approved
these small business size standards. The
auction of the 2,173 39 GHz licenses
began on April 12, 2000 and closed on
May 8, 2000. The 18 bidders who
claimed small business status won 849
licenses. Consequently, the Commission
estimates that 18 or fewer 39 GHz
licensees are small entities that may be
affected by the rules and polices
adopted herein.
81. Multipoint Distribution Service,
Multichannel Multipoint Distribution
Service, and ITFS. Multichannel
Multipoint Distribution Service (MMDS)
systems, often referred to as ‘‘wireless
cable,’’ transmit video programming to
subscribers using the microwave
frequencies of the Multipoint
Distribution Service (MDS) and
Instructional Television Fixed Service
(ITFS). In connection with the 1996
MDS auction, the Commission
established a small business size
standard as an entity that had annual
average gross revenues of less than $40
million in the previous three calendar
years. The MDS auctions resulted in 67
successful bidders obtaining licensing
opportunities for 493 Basic Trading
Areas (BTAs). Of the 67 auction
winners, 61 met the definition of a small
business. MDS also includes licensees
of stations authorized prior to the
auction. In addition, the SBA has
developed a small business size
standard for Cable and Other Program
Distribution, which includes all such
companies generating $12.5 million or
less in annual receipts. According to
Census Bureau data for 1997, there were
a total of 1,311 firms in this category,
total, that had operated for the entire
year. Of this total, 1,180 firms had
annual receipts of under $10 million
and an additional 52 firms had receipts
of $10 million or more but less than $25
million. Consequently, we estimate that
the majority of providers in this service
category are small businesses that may
be affected by the rules and policies
adopted herein. This SBA small
business size standard also appears
applicable to ITFS. There are presently
2,032 ITFS licensees. All but 100 of
these licenses are held by educational
institutions. Educational institutions are
included in this analysis as small
entities. Thus, we tentatively conclude
that at least 1,932 licensees are small
82. Local Multipoint Distribution
Service. Local Multipoint Distribution
Service (LMDS) is a fixed broadband
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point-to-multipoint microwave service
that provides for two-way video
telecommunications. The auction of the
1,030 Local Multipoint Distribution
Service (LMDS) licenses began on
February 18, 1998 and closed on March
25, 1998. The Commission established a
small business size standard for LMDS
licenses as an entity that has average
gross revenues of less than $40 million
in the three previous calendar years. An
additional small business size standard
for ‘‘very small business’’ was added as
an entity that, together with its affiliates,
has average gross revenues of not more
than $15 million for the preceding three
calendar years. The SBA has approved
these small business size standards in
the context of LMDS auctions. We
conclude that the number of small
LMDS licenses consists of the 93
winning bidders in the first auction and
the 40 winning bidders in the reauction, for a total of 133 small entity
LMDS providers.
83. 218–219 MHz Service. The first
auction of 218–219 MHz spectrum
resulted in 170 entities winning licenses
for 594 Metropolitan Statistical Area
(MSA) licenses. Of the 594 licenses, 557
were won by entities qualifying as a
small business. For that auction, the
small business size standard was an
entity that, together with its affiliates,
has no more than a $6 million net worth
and, after federal income taxes
(excluding any carry over losses), has no
more than $2 million in annual profits
each year for the previous two years. In
the 218–219 MHz Report and Order and
Memorandum Opinion and Order, we
established a small business size
standard for a ‘‘small business’’ as an
entity that, together with its affiliates
and persons or entities that hold
interests in such an entity and their
affiliates, has average annual gross
revenues not to exceed $15 million for
the preceding three years. A ‘‘very small
business’’ is defined as an entity that,
together with its affiliates and persons
or entities that hold interests in such an
entity and its affiliates, has average
annual gross revenues not to exceed $3
million for the preceding three years.
We cannot estimate, however, the
number of licenses that will be won by
entities qualifying as small or very small
businesses under our rules in future
auctions of 218–219 MHz spectrum.
84. 24 GHz—Incumbent Licensees.
This analysis may affect incumbent
licensees who were relocated to the 24
GHz band from the 18 GHz band, and
applicants who wish to provide services
in the 24 GHz band. The applicable SBA
small business size standard is that of
‘‘Cellular and Other Wireless
Telecommunications’’ companies. This
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
category provides that such a company
is small if it employs no more than
1,500 persons. Under this size standard,
the great majority of firms can be
considered small.
85. 24 GHz—Future Licensees. With
respect to new applicants in the 24 GHz
band, the small business size standard
for ‘‘small business’’ is an entity that,
together with controlling interests and
affiliates, has average annual gross
revenues for the three preceding years
not in excess of $15 million. ‘‘Very
small business’’ in the 24 GHz band is
an entity that, together with controlling
interests and affiliates, has average gross
revenues not exceeding $3 million for
the preceding three years. The SBA has
approved these small business size
standards. These size standards will
apply to the future auction, if held.
b. Cable and OVS Operators
86. Cable and Other Program
Distribution. This category includes
cable systems operators, closed circuit
television services, direct broadcast
satellite services, multipoint
distribution systems, satellite master
antenna systems, and subscription
television services. The SBA has
developed small business size standard
for this census category, which includes
all such companies generating $12.5
million or less in revenue annually. The
Commission estimates that the majority
of providers in this service category are
small businesses that may be affected by
the rules and policies adopted herein.
87. Cable System Operators (Rate
Regulation Standard). The Commission
has developed its own small business
size standard for cable system operators,
for purposes of rate regulation. Under
the Commission’s rules, a ‘‘small cable
company’’ is one serving fewer than
400,000 subscribers nationwide. The
Commission estimates that there
currently are fewer than 1,439 small
entity cable system operators that may
be affected by the rules and policies
adopted herein.
88. Cable System Operators (Telecom
Act Standard). The Communications
Act of 1934, as amended, also contains
a size standard for small cable system
operators, which is ‘‘a cable operator
that, directly or through an affiliate,
serves in the aggregate fewer than 1
percent of all subscribers in the United
States and is not affiliated with any
entity or entities whose gross annual
revenues in the aggregate exceed
$250,000,000.’’ The Commission has
determined that there are 67,700,000
subscribers in the United States.
Therefore, an operator serving fewer
than 677,000 subscribers shall be
deemed a small operator, if its annual
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revenues, when combined with the total
annual revenues of all its affiliates, do
not exceed $250 million in the
aggregate. Based on available data, the
Commission estimates that the number
of cable operators serving 677,000
subscribers or fewer, totals 1,450. The
Commission neither requests nor
collects information on whether cable
system operators are affiliated with
entities whose gross annual revenues
exceed $250 million, and therefore are
unable, at this time, to estimate more
accurately the number of cable system
operators that would qualify as small
cable operators under the size standard
contained in the Communications Act of
89. Open Video Services. Open Video
Service (OVS) systems provide
subscription services. The SBA has
created a small business size standard
for Cable and Other Program
Distribution. This standard provides
that a small entity is one with $12.5
million or less in annual receipts. The
Commission concludes that up to 24
OVS operators might qualify as small
businesses that may be affected by the
rules and policies adopted herein.
c. Internet Service Providers
90. Internet Service Providers. The
SBA has developed a small business
size standard for Internet Service
Providers (ISPs). ISPs ‘‘provide clients
access to the Internet and generally
provide related services such as web
hosting, web page designing, and
hardware or software consulting related
to Internet connectivity.’’ Under the
SBA size standard, such a business is
small if it has average annual receipts of
$21 million or less. According to Census
Bureau data for 1997, there were 2,751
firms in this category that operated for
the entire year. We estimate that the
majority of these firms are small entities
that may be affected by our action.
d. Other Internet-Related Entities
91. Web Search Portals. Our action
pertains to VoIP services, which could
be provided by entities that provide
other services such as email, online
gaming, web browsing, video
conferencing, instant messaging, and
other, similar IP-enabled services. The
Commission has not adopted a size
standard for entities that create or
provide these types of services or
applications. However, the census
bureau has identified firms that
‘‘operate web sites that use a search
engine to generate and maintain
extensive databases of Internet
addresses and content in an easily
searchable format. Web search portals
often provide additional Internet
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services, such as e-mail, connections to
other web sites, auctions, news, and
other limited content, and serve as a
home base for Internet users.’’ The SBA
has developed a small business size
standard for this category; that size
standard is $6 million or less in average
annual receipts. We estimate that the
majority of these firms are small entities
that may be affected by our action.
92. Data Processing, Hosting, and
Related Services. Entities in this
category ‘‘primarily ‘‘provid[e]
infrastructure for hosting or data
processing services.’’ The SBA has
developed a small business size
standard for this category; that size
standard is $21 million or less in
average annual receipts. We estimate
that the majority of these firms are small
entities that may be affected by our
93. All Other Information Services.
‘‘This industry comprises
establishments primarily engaged in
providing other information services
(except new syndicates and libraries
and archives).’’ Our action pertains to
VoIP services, which could be provided
by entities that provide other services
such as email, online gaming, web
browsing, video conferencing, instant
messaging, and other, similar IP-enabled
services. The SBA has developed a
small business size standard for this
category; that size standard is $6 million
or less in average annual receipts. We
estimate that the majority of these firms
are small entities that may be affected
by our action.
94. Internet Publishing and
Broadcasting. ‘‘This industry comprises
establishments engaged in publishing
and/or broadcasting content on the
Internet exclusively. These
establishments do not provide
traditional (non-Internet) versions of the
content that they publish or broadcast.’’
The SBA has developed a small
business size standard for this new
(2002) census category; that size
standard is 500 or fewer employees. To
assess the prevalence of small entities in
this category, we will use 1997 Census
Bureau data for a relevant, nowsuperseded census category, ‘‘All Other
Information Services.’’ The SBA small
business size standard for that prior
category was $6 million or less in
average annual receipts. We estimate
that the majority of the firms in this
current category are small entities that
may be affected by our action.
95. Software Publishers. These
companies may design, develop or
publish software and may provide other
support services to software purchasers,
such as providing documentation or
assisting in installation. The companies
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
may also design software to meet the
needs of specific users. The SBA has
developed a small business size
standard of $21 million or less in
average annual receipts for all of the
following pertinent categories: Software
Publishers, Custom Computer
Programming Services, and Other
Computer Related Services. We estimate
that the majority of the firms in each of
these three categories are small entities
that may be affected by our action.
96. Equipment Manufacturers. The
equipment manufacturers described in
this section are merely indirectly
affected by our current action, and
therefore are not formally a part of this
FRFA analysis. We have included them,
however, to broaden the record in this
proceeding and to alert them to our
decisions. These manufacturers may
include: Wireless Communications
Equipment Manufacturers; Telephone
Apparatus Manufacturing; Electronic
Computer Manufacturing; Computer
Terminal Manufacturing; Other
Computer Peripheral Equipment
Manufacturing; Fiber Optic Cable
Manufacturing; Other Communication
and Energy Wire Manufacturing; Audio
and Video Equipment Manufacturing;
Electron Tube Manufacturing; Bare
Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing;
Semiconductor and Related Device
Manufacturing; Electronic Capacitor
Manufacturing; Electronic Resistor
Manufacturing; Electronic Coil,
Transformer, and Other Inductor
Manufacturing; Electronic Connector
Manufacturing; Printed Circuit
Assembly (Electronic Assembly)
Manufacturing; Other Electronic
Component Manufacturing; and
Computer Storage Device
4. Description of Projected Reporting,
Recordkeeping and Other Compliance
97. We are requiring interconnected
VoIP service providers to collect certain
information and take other actions to
comply with our rules requiring
interconnected VoIP service providers
to supply E911 capabilities to their
customers. The Order requires
collection of information in four
instances. First, interconnected VoIP
providers must obtain from each
customer, prior to the initiation of
service, the physical location at which
the service will first be utilized, and
must provide customers a way to update
this information (i.e., the ‘‘Registered
Location’’). Second, interconnected
VoIP providers must place the
Registered Location information for
their customers into, or make that
information available through, ALI
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Databases maintained by local exchange
carriers (and, in at least one case, a state
government) across the country. Third,
the Order requires all providers of
interconnected VoIP service specifically
to advise new and existing subscribers
of the circumstances under which E911
service may not be available through the
interconnected VoIP service or may be
in some way limited by comparison to
traditional E911 service, and to obtain
and keep a record of affirmative
acknowledgement by every subscriber of
having received and understood this
advisory. Fourth, the Order requires all
interconnected VoIP providers to submit
a letter to the Commission detailing
their compliance with the rules set forth
in the Order no later than 120 days after
the effective date of the Order.
98. We also impose other
requirements on providers of
interconnected VoIP service.
Specifically, the Order requires that,
within 120 days of the effective date of
the Order, an interconnected VoIP
provider must transmit all 911 calls, as
well as a call back number and the
caller’s Registered Location for each
call, to the PSAP, designated statewide
default answering point, or appropriate
local emergency authority that serves
the caller’s Registered Location and that
has been designated for
telecommunications carriers under
section 64.3001 of the Commission’s
rules. These calls must be routed
through the use of ANI or pseudo-ANI
via the dedicated Wireline E911
Network, and the Registered Location
must be available from or through the
ALI Database. As explained in the
Order, however, an interconnected VoIP
provider need only provide such call
back and location information as a
PSAP, designated statewide default
answering point, or appropriate local
emergency authority is capable of
receiving and utilizing. The obligation
to determine what type of information,
such as ALI or ANI, each PSAP is
capable of receiving and utilizing rests
with the provider of interconnected
VoIP services.
5. Steps Taken To Minimize Significant
Economic Impact on Small Entities, and
Significant Alternatives Considered
99. The RFA requires an agency to
describe any significant alternatives that
it has considered in reaching its
proposed approach, which may include
(among others) the following four
alternatives: (1) The establishment of
differing compliance or reporting
requirements or timetables that take into
account the resources available to small
entities; (2) the clarification,
consolidation, or simplification of
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compliance or reporting requirements
under the rule for small entities; (3) the
use of performance, rather than design,
standards; and (4) an exemption from
coverage of the rule, or any part thereof,
for small entities.
100. The NPRM invited comment on
a number of alternatives to the
imposition of 911/E911 obligations on
providers of interconnected VoIP
service. For instance, the NPRM
specifically sought comment on the
effectiveness of alternatives to direct
regulation to achieve the Commission’s
public policy goals of ensuring the
availability of 911 and E911 capability.
The Commission also sought comment
on whether voluntary agreements
among public safety trade associations,
commercial IP-stakeholders, consumers,
and state and local E911 coordinators
and administrators could lead to VoIP
subscribers receiving enhanced 911
functionality, and what the Commission
could do to facilitate such agreements.
The Commission also asked whether
‘‘promulgation of best practices or
technical guidelines [would] promote
the provision of effective IP-based E911
services.’’ The Commission also asked
how it could provide for technological
flexibility so that our rules allow for the
development of new and innovative
technologies in the event it concluded
that mandatory requirements would be
101. In addition, the Commission
sought comment on more general issues
surrounding the possible imposition of
a 911/E911 requirement for IP-enabled
services, which could have prompted
commenters to suggest other alternatives
to the rules adopted in the Order. For
instance, the Commission sought
comment on what ways IP-enabled
service providers currently seek to
provide emergency services to their
customers. The Commission also noted
that the development and deployment
of IP-enabled services is in its early
stages, that these services are fastchanging and likely to evolve in ways
that it cannot anticipate, and that
imposition of regulatory mandates
should be undertaken with caution. In
this regard, the Commission sought
comment on how to weigh the potential
public benefits of requiring emergency
calling and other public safety
capabilities against the risk that
regulation could slow technical and
market development.
102. The Commission has considered
each of the alternatives described above,
and in the Order, imposes minimal
regulation on small entities to the extent
consistent with our goal of ensuring that
users of interconnected VoIP service
have access to appropriate emergency
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
services when they dial 911. As an
initial matter, the Commission limited
the scope of the Order to interconnected
VoIP service providers. As a result,
certain VoIP service providers are not
subject to the E911 obligations imposed
in the Order. Specifically, the Order
does not apply to those entities not fully
interconnected with the PSTN. Because
interconnecting with the PSTN can
impose substantial costs, we anticipate
that many of the entities that elect not
to interconnect with the PSTN, and
which therefore are not subject to the
rules adopted in the Order, are small
entities. Small entities that provide VoIP
services therefore also have some
control over whether they will be
subject to the E911 obligations adopted
in the Order. Small businesses may still
offer VoIP service without being subject
to the rules adopted in the Order by
electing not to provide an
interconnected VoIP service.
103. However, as stated above, we
must assess the interests of small
businesses in light of the overriding
public interest in access to E911
services when using interconnected
VoIP services. The Order discusses that
E911 service is critical to our nation’s
ability to respond to a host of crises and
that the public has come to rely on the
life-saving benefits of such services in
emergency situations. Therefore, the
Commission concluded that it was
important for all interconnected VoIP
service providers to participate in
protecting the public safety, regardless
of their size. The Commission therefore
rejected solutions that would rely on the
voluntary agreement of VoIP service
providers. The record indicated that this
alternative had not resulted in, and was
not likely soon to result in, ubiquitous
access to E911 among users of
interconnected VoIP service, which is
the Commission’s goal.
104. While the rules adopted in the
Order apply to all providers of
interconnected VoIP service, the
Commission attempted to minimize the
impact of the new rules on all entities,
including small entities. For instance,
while it is essential that interconnected
VoIP service providers interconnect
with the Wireline E911 Network, the
Commission employed performance
rather than design standards to achieve
this result. Thus, rather than mandating
a particular technical solution, the
Order allows interconnected VoIP
providers to connect directly to the
Wireline E911 Network, or connect
indirectly through a third party, such as
a competitive LEC, or through any other
solution that allows a provider to offer
E911 service, which thereby allows for
technological and commercial
VerDate jul<14>2003
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flexibility, and leaves room under the
new rules for the development of new
and innovative technologies. The
Commission also declined to specify
any particular method by which
interconnected VoIP service providers
must enable their customers to provide
and update their Registered Location.
The Commission also declined to
specify any particular method by which
interconnected VoIP service providers
must advise new and existing
subscribers of the E911 service
limitations of their interconnected VoIP
service and declined to specify any
particular method by which
acknowledgments of such limitations
must be gathered and stored. The
Commission expects these decisions
will help small entities comply with the
rules adopted in the Order in the most
practical means possible. In addition,
the Commission in the Order imposes
straightforward and limited reporting
requirements, and sets reasonable
timetables. For example, regarding
reporting requirements, the Commission
simply requires providers of
interconnected VoIP service to file a
letter detailing their compliance with
our rules no later than 120 days after the
effective date of the Order. In addition,
while the Commission’s review of the
record in this proceeding convinces us
that ensuring reliable E911 service for
users of interconnected VoIP service is
essential, and therefore that the location
information of such users who dial 911
should automatically be sent to the
relevant PSAP, the Commission did not
impose the obligation in the Order
automatically to locate the
interconnected VoIP service user in
light of record evidence of the current
state of technological development and
the costs, including on small entities, of
such an obligation. The Commission
fully expects this situation to change in
the near future, helped in part by the
present Order.
105. We also note that by adopting
E911 rules for providers of
interconnected VoIP service at the
present time, the Commission likely has
saved small entities providing these
services resources in the long run. For
instance, in light of the importance of
E911 service to the public, providers of
interconnected VoIP service likely
eventually would have been required by
the Commission or Congress to provide
E911 service. This could have involved
‘‘costly and inefficient ‘retrofitting’ of
embedded IP infrastructure’’ for any
interconnected VoIP service provider
that had already adopted a E911
106. Report to Congress: The
Commission will send a copy of the
PO 00000
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Order, including this FRFA, in a report
to be sent to Congress and the
Government Accountability Office
pursuant to the Congressional Review
Act. In addition, the Commission will
send a copy of the Order, including this
FRFA, to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the SBA. (A copy of this
present summarized Order and FRFA is
also hereby published in the Federal
Ordering Clauses
107. Accordingly, it is ordered that
pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 4(j), 251(e)
and 303(r) of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151,
154(i)–(j), 251(e), 303(r), the Report and
Order in WC Docket No. 04–36 IS
adopted, and that part 9 of the
Commission’s rules, 47 CFR part 9, is
added as set forth in the rule changes.
The Order shall become effective July
29, 2005 subject to OMB approval for
new information collection
requirements. Accordingly, subject to
such OMB approval: (i) Compliance
within the customer notification
requirements set forth in 47 CFR 9.5(e)
is required by July 29, 2005; (ii) the
compliance letter required by 47 CFR
9.5(f) must be submitted to the
Commission no later than November 28,
2005; and (iii) compliance with the
requirements in 47 CFR 9.5(b) through
(d) is required by November 28, 2005.
108. It is further ordered that the
Commission’s Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference
Information Center, shall send a copy of
this First Report and Order, including
the Final Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis, to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the Small Business
List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 9
Interconnected voice over internet
protocol services, Communications,
Telephone, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Final Rules
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Federal Communications
Commission is adding 47 CFR part 9 to
read as follows:
9.1 Purpose.
9.3 Definitions.
9.5 E911 Service.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i)-(j), 251(e),
and 303(r) unless otherwise noted.
§ 9.1
The purpose of this part is to set forth
the E911 service requirements and
conditions applicable to interconnected
Voice over Internet Protocol service
§ 9.3
ANI. Automatic Number
Identification, as such term is defined in
§ 20.3 of this chapter.
Appropriate local emergency
authority. An emergency answering
point that has not been officially
designated as a Public Safety Answering
Point (PSAP), but has the capability of
receiving 911 calls and either
dispatching emergency services
personnel or, if necessary, relaying the
call to another emergency service
provider. An appropriate local
emergency authority may include, but is
not limited to, an existing local law
enforcement authority, such as the
police, county sheriff, local emergency
medical services provider, or fire
Interconnected VoIP service. An
interconnected Voice over Internet
protocol (VoIP) service is a service that:
(1) Enables real-time, two-way voice
(2) Requires a broadband connection
from the user’s location;
(3) Requires Internet protocolcompatible customer premises
equipment (CPE); and
(4) Permits users generally to receive
calls that originate on the public
switched telephone network and to
terminate calls to the public switched
telephone network.
PSAP. Public Safety Answering Point,
as such term is defined in § 20.3 of this
Pseudo Automatic Number
Identification (Pseudo-ANI). A number,
consisting of the same number of digits
as ANI, that is not a North American
Numbering Plan telephone directory
number and may be used in place of an
ANI to convey special meaning. The
special meaning assigned to the pseudoANI is determined by agreements, as
necessary, between the system
originating the call, intermediate
systems handling and routing the call,
and the destination system.
Registered Location. The most recent
information obtained by an
interconnected VoIP service provider
that identifies the physical location of
an end user.
Statewide default answering point. An
emergency answering point designated
by the State to receive 911 calls for
VerDate jul<14>2003
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either the entire State or those portions
of the State not otherwise served by a
local PSAP.
Wireline E911 Network. A dedicated
wireline network that:
(1) Is interconnected with but largely
separate from the public switched
telephone network;
(2) Includes a selective router; and
(3) Is utilized to route emergency calls
and related information to PSAPs,
designated statewide default answering
points, appropriate local emergency
authorities or other emergency
answering points.
§ 9.5
E911 Service.
(a) Scope of Section. The following
requirements are only applicable to
providers of interconnected VoIP
services. Further, the following
requirements apply only to 911 calls
placed by users whose Registered
Location is in a geographic area served
by a Wireline E911 Network (which, as
defined in § 9.3, includes a selective
(b) E911 Service. As of November 28,
(1) Interconnected VoIP service
providers must, as a condition of
providing service to a consumer,
provide that consumer with E911
service as described in this section;
(2) Interconnected VoIP service
providers must transmit all 911 calls, as
well as ANI and the caller’s Registered
Location for each call, to the PSAP,
designated statewide default answering
point, or appropriate local emergency
authority that serves the caller’s
Registered Location and that has been
designated for telecommunications
carriers pursuant to § 64.3001 of this
chapter, provided that ‘‘all 911 calls’’ is
defined as ‘‘any voice communication
initiated by an interconnected VoIP user
dialing 911;’’
(3) All 911 calls must be routed
through the use of ANI and, if
necessary, pseudo-ANI, via the
dedicated Wireline E911 Network; and
(4) The Registered Location must be
available to the appropriate PSAP,
designated statewide default answering
point, or appropriate local emergency
authority from or through the
appropriate automatic location
information (ALI) database.
(c) Service Level Obligation.
Notwithstanding the provisions in
paragraph (b) of this section, if a PSAP,
designated statewide default answering
point, or appropriate local emergency
authority is not capable of receiving and
processing either ANI or location
information, an interconnected VoIP
service provider need not provide such
ANI or location information; however,
PO 00000
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nothing in this paragraph affects the
obligation under paragraph (b) of this
section of an interconnected VoIP
service provider to transmit via the
Wireline E911 Network all 911 calls to
the PSAP, designated statewide default
answering point, or appropriate local
emergency authority that serves the
caller’s Registered Location and that has
been designated for telecommunications
carriers pursuant to § 64.3001 of this
(d) Registered Location Requirement.
As of November 28, 2005,
interconnected VoIP service providers
(1) Obtain from each customer, prior
to the initiation of service, the physical
location at which the service will first
be utilized; and
(2) Provide their end users one or
more methods of updating their
Registered Location, including at least
one option that requires use only of the
CPE necessary to access the
interconnected VoIP service. Any
method utilized must allow an end user
to update the Registered Location at will
and in a timely manner.
(e) Customer Notification. Each
interconnected VoIP service provider
(1) Specifically advise every
subscriber, both new and existing,
prominently and in plain language, of
the circumstances under which E911
service may not be available through the
interconnected VoIP service or may be
in some way limited by comparison to
traditional E911 service. Such
circumstances include, but are not
limited to, relocation of the end user’s
IP-compatible CPE, use by the end user
of a non-native telephone number,
broadband connection failure, loss of
electrical power, and delays that may
occur in making a Registered Location
available in or through the ALI database;
(2) Obtain and keep a record of
affirmative acknowledgement by every
subscriber, both new and existing, of
having received and understood the
advisory described in paragraph (e)(1) of
this section; and
(3) Distribute to its existing
subscribers warning stickers or other
appropriate labels warning subscribers
if E911 service may be limited or not
available and instructing the subscriber
to place them on or near the equipment
used in conjunction with the
interconnected VoIP service. Each
interconnected VoIP provider shall
distribute such warning stickers or other
appropriate labels to each new
subscriber prior to the initiation of that
subscriber’s service.
(f) Compliance Letter. All
interconnected VoIP providers must
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 124 / Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
submit a letter to the Commission
detailing their compliance with this
section no later than November 28,
[FR Doc. 05–12828 Filed 6–28–05; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 73
[DA 05–1612; MB Docket No. 04–370, RM–
11081; MB Docket No. 04–371, RM–11082;
MB Docket No. 04–388, RM–11089; MB
Docket No. 04–390, RM–11091; and MB
Docket No. 04–391, RM–11092]
Radio Broadcasting Services; Blythe,
CA; Celoron, NY; Crystal Falls, MI;
Laona, WI; and Wells, TX
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Audio Division, at the
request of Results Broadcasting of Iron
Mountain, Inc., allots Channel 280C2 at
Crystal Falls, Michigan, as the
community’s third local FM service.
Channel 280C2 can be allotted to Crystal
Falls, Michigan, in compliance with the
Commission’s minimum distance
separation requirements with a site
restriction of 24.3 km (15.1 miles)
southwest of Crystal Falls. The
coordinates for Channel 280C2 at
Crystal Falls, Michigan, are 45–57–22
North Latitude and 88–33–46 West
Longitude. Concurrence in the allotment
is required because the proposed
allotment is located within 320
kilometers (199 miles) of the U.S.Canadian border. Although Canadian
concurrence has been requested,
notification has not been received. If a
construction permit for Channel 280C2
at Crystal Fall, Michigan, is granted
prior to receipt of formal concurrence by
the Canadian government, the
authorization will include the following
condition: ‘‘Operation with the facilities
specified herein for Crystal Falls,
Michigan, is subject to the modification,
suspension, or termination without right
to hearing, if found by the Commission
to be necessary in order to conform to
the Canada-United States FM Broadcast
Agreement, or if specifically objected to
by Industry Canada.’’ See
DATES: Effective July 25, 2005.
Deborah Dupont, Media Bureau, (202)
synopsis of the Commission’s Report
VerDate jul<14>2003
16:25 Jun 28, 2005
Jkt 205001
and Order, MB Docket Nos. 04–370, 04–
371, 04–388, 04–390, and 04–391,
adopted June 8, 2005, and released June
10, 2005. The full text of this
Commission decision is available for
inspection and copying during normal
business hours in the FCC Information
Center, Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Room CY–A257, Washington, DC 20554.
The complete text of this decision also
may be purchased from the
Commission’s duplicating contractor,
Best Copy and Printing, Inc., 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY–B402,
Washington, DC, 20554, (800) 378–3160,
or via the company’s Web site, https://
www.bcpiweb.com. The Commission
will send a copy of this Report and
Order in a report to be sent to Congress
and the Government Accountability
Office pursuant to the Congressional
Review Act, see U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).
The Audio Division further, at the
request of Results Broadcasting of Iron
Mountain, Inc., allots Channel 272C3 at
Laona, Wisconsin, as the community’s
first local FM service. Channel 272C3
can be allotted to Laona, Wisconsin, in
compliance with the Commission’s
minimum distance separation
requirements with a site restriction of
11.1 km (6.9 miles) north of Laona. The
coordinates for Channel 272C3 at Laona,
Wisconsin, are 45–39–30 North Latitude
and 88–43–20 West Longitude.
Concurrence in the allotment is required
because the proposed allotment is
located within 320 kilometers (199
miles) of the U.S.-Canadian border.
Although Canadian concurrence has
been requested, notification has not
been received. If a construction permit
for Channel 272C3 at Laona, Wisconsin,
is granted prior to receipt of formal
concurrence by the Canadian
government, the authorization will
include the following condition:
‘‘Operation with the facilities specified
herein for Laona, Wisconsin, is subject
to modification, suspension, or
termination without right to hearing, if
found by the Commission to be
necessary in order to conform to the
Canada-United States FM Broadcast
Agreement, or if specifically objected to
by Industry Canada.’’
The Audio Division, at the request of
Linda A. Davidson, allots Channel 239B
at Blythe, California, as the
community’s second local FM service.
Channel 239B can be allotted to Blythe,
California, in compliance with the
Commission’s minimum distance
separation requirements without site
restriction at center city reference
coordinates. The coordinates for
Channel 239B at Blythe, California, are
33–37–02 North Latitude and 114–35–
20 West Longitude. Concurrence in the
PO 00000
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allotment is required because the
proposed allotment is located within
320 kilometers (199 miles) of the U.S.Mexican border. Although Mexican
concurrence has been requested,
notification has not been received. If a
construction permit for Channel 239B at
Blythe, California, is granted prior to
receipt of formal concurrence by the
Mexican government, the authorization
will include the following condition:
‘‘Operation with the facilities specified
herein for Blythe, California, is subject
to modification, suspension, or
termination without right to hearing, if
found by the Commission to be
necessary in order to conform to the
Mexico-United States FM Broadcast
Agreement, or if specifically objected to
by the Government of Mexico.’’
The Audio Division, at the request of
Dana J. Puopolo, Inc., allots Channel
237A at Celoron, New York, as the
community’s first local FM service.
Channel 237A can be allotted to
Celoron, New York, in compliance with
the Commission’s minimum distance
separation requirements with a site
restriction of 0.4 km (0.2 miles)
southeast of Celoron. The coordinates
for Channel 237A at Celoron, New York,
are 42–06–24 North Latitude and 79–
16–53 West Longitude. Concurrence in
the allotment is required because the
proposed allotment is located within
320 kilometers (199 miles) of the U.S.Canadian border. Although Canadian
concurrence has been requested,
notification has not been received. If a
construction permit for Channel 237A at
Celoron, New York, is granted prior to
receipt of formal concurrence by the
Canadian government, the authorization
will include the following condition:
‘‘Operation with the facilities specified
herein for Celoron, New York, is subject
to the modification, suspension, or
termination without right to hearing, if
found by the Commission to be
necessary in order to conform to the
Canada-United States FM Broadcast
Agreement, or if specifically objected to
by Industry Canada.’’
The Audio Division, at the request of
Charles Crawford, allots Channel 254A
at Wells, Texas, as the community’s
second local FM service. Channel 254A
can be allotted to Wells, Texas, in
compliance with the Commission’s
minimum distance separation
requirements with a site restriction of
1.6 km (1.0 miles) west of Wells. The
coordinates for Channel 254A at Wells,
Texas, are 31–29–35 North Latitude and
94–57–20 West Longitude.
List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73
Radio, Radio broadcasting.
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 124 (Wednesday, June 29, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 37273-37288]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-12828]
47 CFR Part 9
[WC Docket No. 04-36; FCC 05-116]
E911 Requirements for IP-Enabled Services
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Communications Commission
(Commission) adopts rules requiring providers of interconnected voice
over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service--meaning VoIP service that allows
a user generally to receive calls originating from and to terminate
calls to the public switched telephone network (PSTN)--to supply
enhanced 911 (E911) capabilities to all of their customers as a
standard feature of the service, rather than as an optional
enhancement. The rules further require interconnected VoIP service
providers to provide E911 from wherever the customer is using the
service, whether at home or away from home. These changes will enhance
public safety and ensure E911 access to emergency services for users of
interconnected VoIP services.
DATES: Effective Date: This rule is effective July 29, 2005, except for
Sec. 9.5, which contains information collection requirements that have
not been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The
Commission will publish a document in the Federal Register announcing
the effective date.
Comment Date: Written comments by the public on the new and/or
modified information collection requirements are due August 29, 2005.
Compliance Date: Subject to OMB approval, compliance with the
customer notification requirements in Sec. 9.5(e) is required by July
29, 2005. Subject to OMB approval, the compliance letter required by
Sec. 9.5(f) must be submitted to the Commission no later than November
28, 2005. Subject to OMB approval, compliance with the requirements in
Sec. 9.5(b) through (d) is not required until November 28, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christi Shewman, Attorney-Advisor,
Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, at (202) 418-
For additional information concerning the Paperwork Reduction Act
information collection requirements contained in this document, contact
Judith B. Herman at (202) 418-0214, or via the Internet at Judith-B.Herman@fcc.gov.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's First
Report and Order (Order) in WC Docket No. 04-36, FCC 05-116, adopted
May 19, 2005, and released June 3, 2005. The complete text of this
document is available for inspection and copying during normal business
hours in the FCC Reference Information Center, Portals II, 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY-A257, Washington, DC, 20554. This document may
also be purchased from the Commission's duplicating contractor, Best
Copy and Printing, Inc., 445 12th Street, SW., Room CY-B402,
Washington, DC 20554, telephone (800) 378-3160 or (202) 863-2893,
facsimile (202) 863-2898, or via e-mail at www.bcpiweb.com. It is also
available on the Commission's website at https://www.fcc.gov.
In addition to filing comments with the Office of the Secretary, a
copy of any comments on the Paperwork Reduction Act information
collection requirements contained herein should be submitted to Judith
B. Herman, Federal Communications Commission, Room 1-C804, 445 12th
Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554, or via the Internet to Judith-B.Herman@fcc.gov.
Synopsis of the First Report and Order (Order)
1. Background. In the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) (69 FR
16193, March 29, 2004), we asked, among other things, about the
potential applicability of ``basic 911,'' ``enhanced 911,'' and related
critical infrastructure regulation to VoIP and other Internet Protocol
(IP)-enabled services. Specifically, after noting that the Commission
previously found in the E911 Scope Order (69 FR 6578, February 11,
2004) that it has statutory authority under sections 1, 4(i), and
251(e)(3) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (Act), to
determine what entities should be subject to the Commission's 911 and
E911 rules, the Commission sought comment on whether it should exercise
its regulatory authority in the context of IP-enabled services. The
Commission further sought comment on the appropriate criteria for
determining whether and to what extent IP-enabled services should fall
within the scope of its 911 and E911 regulatory framework, and whether
IP-enabled services are technically and
[[Page 37274]]
operationally capable of meeting the Commission's basic and/or E911
rules or of providing analogous functionalities that would meet the
intent of the 911 Act and the Commission's regulations.
2. Discussion. In this Order, we define ``interconnected VoIP
service'' and require providers of this type of VoIP service to
incorporate E911 service into all such offerings within the period of
time specified below. We commit ourselves to swift and vigorous
enforcement of the rules we adopt today. Because we have not decided
whether interconnected VoIP services are telecommunications services or
information services, we analyze the issues addressed in this Order
primarily under our Title I ancillary jurisdiction to encompass both
types of service. We decline to exempt providers of interconnected VoIP
services from liability under state law related to their E911 services.
3. Scope. Our first task is to determine what IP-enabled services
should be the focus of our concern. We begin by limiting our inquiry to
VoIP services, for which some type of 911 capability is most relevant.
The Commission previously has determined that customers today lack any
expectation that 911 will function for non-voice services like data
services. The record clearly indicates, however, that consumers expect
that VoIP services that are interconnected with the PSTN will function
in some ways like a ``regular telephone'' service. At least regarding
the ability to provide access to emergency services by dialing 911, we
find these expectations to be reasonable. If a VoIP service subscriber
is able to receive calls from other VoIP service users and from
telephones connected to the PSTN, and is able to place calls to other
VoIP service users and to telephones connected to the PSTN, a customer
reasonably could expect to be able to dial 911 using that service to
access appropriate emergency services. Thus, we believe that a service
that enables a customer to do everything (or nearly everything) the
customer could do using an analog telephone, and more, can at least
reasonably be expected and required to route 911 calls to the
appropriate destination.
4. The E911 rules the Commission adopts today apply to those VoIP
services that can be used to receive telephone calls that originate on
the PSTN and can be used to terminate calls to the PSTN--
``interconnected VoIP services.'' Although the Commission has not
adopted a formal definition of ``VoIP,'' we use the term generally to
include any IP-enabled services offering real-time, multidirectional
voice functionality, including, but not limited to, services that mimic
traditional telephony. Thus, an interconnected VoIP service is one we
define for purposes of the present Order as bearing the following
characteristics: (1) The service enables real-time, two-way voice
communications; (2) the service requires a broadband connection from
the user's location; (3) the service requires IP-compatible customer
premise equipment (CPE); and (4) the service offering permits users
generally to receive calls that originate on the PSTN and to terminate
calls to the PSTN. We make no findings today regarding whether a VoIP
service that is interconnected with the PSTN should be classified as a
telecommunications service or an information service under the Act.
5. While the rules we adopt today apply to providers of all
interconnected VoIP services, we recognize that certain VoIP services
pose significant E911 implementation challenges. For example, the
mobility enabled by a VoIP service that can be used from any broadband
connection creates challenges similar to those presented in the
wireless context. These ``portable'' VoIP service providers often have
no reliable way to discern from where their customers are accessing the
VoIP service. The Commission's past experience with setting national
rules for 911/E911 service is informative, and we expect that our
adoption today of E911 service obligations for providers of
interconnected VoIP service will speed the further creation and
adoption of such services, similar to the manner in which the
Commission's adoption of E911 service obligations in the wireless
context helped foster the widespread availability of E911 services for
mobile wireless users, where it formerly was not possible for wireless
carriers automatically to determine the precise geographic location of
their customers. We recognize and applaud the progress that has already
been made to ensure that VoIP customers have E911 services. We stress,
however, that should the need arise, we stand ready to expand the scope
or substance of the rules we adopt today if necessary to ensure that
the public interest is fully protected.
6. Authority. We conclude that we have authority under Title I of
the Act to impose E911 requirements on interconnected VoIP providers,
and commenters largely agree. In addition, we conclude that we have
authority to adopt these rules under our plenary numbering authority
pursuant to section 251(e) of the Act. We find that regardless of the
regulatory classification, the Commission has ancillary jurisdiction to
promote public safety by adopting E911 rules for interconnected VoIP
services. This Order, however, in no way prejudges how the Commission
might ultimately classify these services. To the extent that the
Commission later finds these services to be telecommunications
services, the Commission would have additional authority under Title II
to adopt these rules.
7. Ancillary jurisdiction may be employed, in the Commission's
discretion, when Title I of the Act gives the Commission subject matter
jurisdiction over the service to be regulated and the assertion of
jurisdiction is ``reasonably ancillary to the effective performance of
[its] various responsibilities.'' Both predicates for ancillary
jurisdiction are satisfied here.
8. First, based on sections 1 and 2(a) of the Act, coupled with the
definitions set forth in section 3(33) (``radio communication'') and
section 3(52) (``wire communication''), we find that interconnected
VoIP is covered by the Commission's general jurisdictional grant.
Specifically, section 1 states that the Commission is created ``[f]or
the purpose of regulating interstate and foreign commerce in
communication by wire and radio so as to make available, so far as
possible, to all the people of the United States * * * a rapid,
efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication
service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges,'' and that the
agency ``shall execute and enforce the provisions of th[e] Act.''
Section 2(a), in turn, confers on the Commission regulatory authority
over all interstate communication by wire or radio. In the NPRM, the
Commission adopted no formal definition of ``VoIP'' but used the term
generally to include ``any IP-enabled services offering real-time,
multidirectional voice functionality, including, but not limited to,
services that mimic traditional telephony.'' Recently, in the Vonage
Order, the Commission found that Vonage's DigitalVoice service--an
interconnected VoIP service--is subject to the Commission's interstate
jurisdiction. Consistent with that conclusion, we find that
interconnected VoIP services are covered by the statutory definitions
of ``wire communication'' and/or ``radio communication'' because they
involve ``transmission of [voice] by aid of wire, cable, or other like
connection * * *'' and/or ``transmission by radio * * *'' of voice.
Therefore, these services come within the scope of the Commission's
subject matter jurisdiction granted in section 2(a) of the Act.
[[Page 37275]]
9. Second, our analysis requires us to evaluate whether imposing a
E911 requirement is reasonably ancillary to the effective performance
of the Commission's various responsibilities. Based on the record in
this matter, we find that the requisite nexus exists. The Act charges
the Commission with responsibility for making available ``a rapid,
efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication
service * * * for the purpose of promoting safety of life and property
through the use of wire and radio communication.'' In light of this
statutory mandate, promoting an effective nationwide 911/E911 emergency
access system has become one of the Commission's primary public safety
responsibilities under the Act. As the Commission has recognized,
``[i]t is difficult to identify a nationwide wire or radio
communication service more immediately associated with promoting safety
of life and property than 911.'' Indeed, the Commission has previously
relied on Title I to satisfy both prongs of the standard for asserting
ancillary jurisdiction: (1) Subject matter jurisdiction; and (2) the
statutory goal furthered by the regulation. For example, in Rural
Telephone Coalition v. FCC, the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Circuit) upheld the Commission's
assertion of ancillary jurisdiction to establish a funding mechanism to
support universal service in the absence of specific statutory
authority as ancillary to its responsibilities under section 1 of the
Act to ``further the objective of making communications service
available to all Americans at reasonable charges.'' Thus, we conclude
that as more consumers begin to rely on interconnected VoIP services
for their communications needs, the action we take here ensures that
the Commission continues to ``further the achievement of long-
established regulatory goals'' to ``promot[e] safety of life and
10. Our actions today are consistent with, and a necessary
extension of, our prior exercises of authority to ensure public safety.
Since 1996, the Commission has acted to impose 911/E911 rules on
providers of new technologies. Since that time, the Commission has
affirmed and expanded on those efforts by exercising jurisdiction over
other services to impose 911/E911 requirements, relying primarily on
its Title I authority. That exercise of authority has been ratified,
not rebuked, by Congress.
11. Further, we note that our actions here are consistent with
other provisions of the Act. For example, we are guided by section 706,
which directs the Commission (and state commissions with jurisdiction
over telecommunications services) to encourage the deployment of
advanced telecommunications capability to all Americans by using
measures that ``promote competition in the local telecommunications
market'' and removing ``barriers to infrastructure investment.''
Internet-based services such as interconnected VoIP are commonly
accessed via broadband facilities (i.e., advanced telecommunications
capabilities under the 1996 Act). The uniform availability of E911
services may spur consumer demand for interconnected VoIP services, in
turn driving demand for broadband connections, and consequently
encouraging more broadband investment and deployment consistent with
the goals of section 706. Indeed, the Commission's most recent Fourth
Section 706 Report to Congress recognizes the nexus between VoIP
services and accomplishing the goals of section 706.
12. Moreover, as stated above, in recognition of the critical role
911/E911 services play in achieving the Act's goal of promoting safety
of life and property, Congress passed the 911 Act, which among other
things made 911 the universal emergency telephone number for both
wireline and wireless telephone service for the nation. In the 911 Act,
Congress made a number of findings regarding wireline and wireless 911
services, including that ``improved public safety remains an important
public health objective of Federal, State, and local governments and
substantially facilitates interstate and foreign commerce,'' and that
``emerging technologies can be a critical component of the end-to-end
communications infrastructure connecting the public with emergency
[services].'' Thus, we believe that our action here to impose E911
obligations on interconnected VoIP providers is consistent with
Congress' public safety policy objectives.
13. Finally, as an additional and separate source of authority for
the requirements we impose on providers of interconnected VoIP service
in this Order, we rely on the plenary numbering authority over U.S.
North American Numbering Plan (NANP) numbers Congress granted this
Commission in section 251(e) of the Act and, in particular, Congress'
direction to use its plenary numbering authority to designate 911 as
the universal emergency telephone number within the United States,
which ``shall apply to both wireline and wireless telephone service.''
We exercise our authority under section 251(e) of the Act because
interconnected VoIP providers use NANP numbers to provide their
14. When the Commission initially implemented the 911 Act, it took
actions similar to those we take today under its numbering authority.
For instance, in the order implementing the 911 Act, the Commission
exercised federal jurisdiction over the establishment of the deadlines
by when all carriers had to provide 911 functionality, and adopted
various deadlines depending on such things as whether a local community
had established a public safety answering point (PSAP). The Commission
also required carriers to implement certain switching and routing
changes to their networks. Specifically, the Commission required all
carriers to ``implement a permissive dialing period, during which
emergency calls will be routed to the appropriate emergency response
point using either 911 or the seven-or ten-digit number.'' In order to
achieve this, carriers had to ``prepare and modify switches to
`translate' the three-digit 911 dialed emergency calls at the
appropriate network points to the seven-or ten-digit emergency number
in use by those PSAPs, and, subsequently, route the calls to them.''
The Commission also recognized that the transition to 911 in general
required more network changes than required by translation.
15. The Commission's authority to require network changes to
provide the E911 features that have long been central to the nation's
911 infrastructure is included within Congress' directive to the
Commission to require the establishment of 911 as a ``universal
emergency telephone number * * * for reporting an emergency to
appropriate authorities and requesting assistance.''
16. Requirements. In this Order, we adopt an immediate E911
solution that applies to all interconnected VoIP services. We find that
this requirement most appropriately discharges the Commission's
statutory obligation to promote an effective nationwide 911/E911
emergency access system by recognizing the needs of the public safety
community to get call back and location information and balancing those
needs against existing technological limitations of interconnected VoIP
providers. With regard to portable interconnected VoIP services,
however, we intend to adopt in a future order an advanced E911 solution
for interconnected VoIP that must include a method for determining a
user's location without assistance from
[[Page 37276]]
the user as well as firm implementation deadlines for that solution.
17. Enhanced 911 Service. We require that, within 120 days of the
effective date of this Order, an interconnected VoIP provider must
transmit all 911 calls, as well as a call back number and the caller's
``Registered Location'' for each call, to the PSAP, designated
statewide default answering point, or appropriate local emergency
authority that serves the caller's Registered Location and that has
been designated for telecommunications carriers under section 64.3001
of the Commission's rules. These calls must be routed through the use
of ANI and, if necessary, pseudo-ANI, via the dedicated Wireline E911
Network, and the Registered Location must be available from or through
the ALI Database. As explained infra, however, an interconnected VoIP
provider need only provide such call back and location information as a
PSAP, designated statewide default answering point, or appropriate
local emergency authority is capable of receiving and utilizing. While
120 days is an aggressively short amount of time in which to comply
with these requirements, the threat to public safety if we delay
further is too great and demands near immediate action.
18. Interconnected VoIP providers may satisfy this requirement by
interconnecting indirectly through a third party such as a competitive
local exchange carrier (LEC), interconnecting directly with the
Wireline E911 Network, or through any other solution that allows a
provider to offer E911 service as described above. As an example of the
first type of arrangement, Level 3 offers a wholesale product that
allows certain interconnected VoIP providers to provide E911 service to
their customers. 8x8, Inc. recently announced that it is utilizing
Level 3's service to provide E911 service to its Packet8 service
subscribers in 2,024 rate centers covering 43 U.S. states. Likewise,
Intrado has indicated that it is prepared to operate as a competitive
LEC in a number of states to provide indirect interconnection to
interconnected VoIP providers, and Pac-West Telecom is offering a
similar service in ``virtually 100%'' of the state of California. We
note that the Commission currently requires LECs to provide access to
911 databases and interconnection to 911 facilities to all
telecommunications carriers, pursuant to sections 251(a) and (c) and
section 271(c)(2)(B)(vii) of the Act. We expect that this would include
all the elements necessary for telecommunications carriers to provide
911/E911 solutions that are consistent with the requirements of this
Order, including NENA's I2 or wireless E911-like solutions.
19. At the same time, the record indicates that incumbent LECs are
increasingly offering E911 solutions that allow VoIP providers to
interconnect directly to the Wireline E911 Network through tariff,
contract, or a combination thereof. For example, Qwest has tariffed
E911 offerings that are currently available to VoIP providers and can
be coupled with third party service offerings to enable the provision
of E911 service to portable interconnected VoIP services, including
those that allow their end users to use non-native NPA-NXX numbers.
Verizon is developing an E911 solution for interconnected VoIP
providers that is comparable to the solution it offers for wireless
E911. Verizon has announced that it will offer this solution in New
York City beginning in summer 2005 and will roll it out in other
locations if the New York City model succeeds. BellSouth currently
offers tariffed services similar to those that Qwest uses to provide
its VoIP E911 solution and recently announced that it is offering
interconnected VoIP providers access to 911 facilities equivalent to
that which it offers commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) carriers.
SBC has offered to negotiate commercial agreements with VoIP providers
for direct connection to Selective Routers and ALI databases,
comparable to the E911 access that SBC provides to competitive LECs.
SBC further has established a new commercial offering that ``will
enable VoIP providers to offer customers who use their service at a
fixed location, such as their home'' full E911 service and has stated
that it is ``willing to develop a wireless-like VOIP 911 capability for
VOIP providers'' pending receipt of necessary technical information.
20. We are requiring that all interconnected VoIP 911 calls be
routed through the dedicated Wireline E911 Network because of the
importance of protecting consumers who have embraced this new
technology. We recognize that compliance with this obligation is
necessarily dependent on the ability of the interconnected VoIP
providers to have access to trunks and selective routers via
competitive LECs that have negotiated access with the incumbent LECs,
through direct connections to the incumbent LECs, or through third-
party providers. We expect and strongly encourage all parties involved
to work together to develop and deploy VoIP E911 solutions and we point
out that incumbent LECs, as common carriers, are subject to sections
201 and 202 of the Act. The Commission will closely monitor these
efforts within the industry and will not hesitate to take further
action should that be necessary.
21. By requiring that all 911 calls be routed via the dedicated
Wireline E911 Network, we are requiring interconnected VoIP service
providers to provide E911 service only in those areas where Selective
Routers are utilized. We expect that few VoIP 911 calls will be placed
in areas that are not interconnected with a dedicated Wireline E911
Network. We further note that nothing in this Order prevents
interconnected VoIP providers from entering into mutually acceptable
911 call termination arrangements with PSAPs that are not
interconnected with a dedicated Wireline E911 Network.
22. Service Level Obligation. For the purposes of these
requirements, the phrase ``all 911 calls'' is defined as ``any voice
communication initiated by an interconnected VoIP user dialing 911.''
We recognize that not all PSAPs will immediately be capable of
receiving and utilizing the call back number and Registered Location
information associated with the E911 requirements outlined above. By
way of example, NENA estimates that approximately 26.6 percent of all
PSAPs are not currently capable of receiving and utilizing wireless
E911 Phase I data. We therefore hold that the E911 requirements set
forth above shall be applicable when an interconnected VoIP provider
provides service to a Registered Location only to the extent that the
PSAP, designated statewide default answering point, or appropriate
local emergency authority designated to serve that Registered Location
is capable of receiving and utilizing the data, such as Automatic
Location Identification (ALI) or Automatic Numbering Information (ANI),
associated with those requirements. Even in those areas where the PSAP
is not capable of receiving or processing location or call back
information, however, we conclude that interconnected VoIP providers
must transmit all 911 calls to the appropriate PSAP via the Wireline
E911 Network. To be clear, this means that interconnected VoIP
providers are always required to transmit all 911 calls to the
appropriate PSAP, designated statewide default answering point, or
appropriate local emergency authority utilizing the Selective Router,
the trunk line(s) between the Selective Router and the PSAP, and such
other elements of the Wireline E911 Network as are necessary in those
areas where Selective Routers are utilized.
[[Page 37277]]
23. We further hold that the obligation to determine what type of
information, such as ALI or ANI, each PSAP is capable of receiving and
utilizing rests with the provider of interconnected VoIP services.
There is no limit to the number of entities that may engage in the
provision of interconnected VoIP services in a given geographic area.
It would be unreasonable to require PSAPs to attempt to inform every
provider of interconnected VoIP services when the PSAP is prepared to
receive and utilize the information associated with E911 service.
24. We decline at this time to adopt performance standards
regarding how much time may elapse after an end user updates the
Registered Location before the provider has taken such actions as are
necessary to provide that end user with the level of E911 service
specified in this Order.
25. We also require interconnected VoIP providers to take certain
additional steps to minimize the scope of the 911 issues associated
with their service and to facilitate their compliance with our new VoIP
E911 rules, as explained below. First, we require interconnected VoIP
providers to obtain, and facilitate updating of, customer location
information. Second, we preclude interconnected VoIP providers from
requiring subscribers to ``opt-in'' or allowing subscribers to ``opt-
out'' of 911 services and expect that VoIP providers will notify their
customers of the limitations of their 911 service offerings.
26. Registered Location Requirement. We recognize that it currently
is not always technologically feasible for providers of interconnected
VoIP services to automatically determine the location of their end
users without end users' active cooperation. We therefore require
providers of interconnected VoIP services to obtain location
information from their customers. Specifically, interconnected VoIP
providers must obtain from each customer, prior to the initiation of
service, the physical location at which the service will first be
utilized. Furthermore, providers of interconnected VoIP services that
can be utilized from more than one physical location must provide their
end users one or more methods of updating information regarding the
user's physical location. Although we decline to specify any particular
method, we require that any method utilized allow an end user to update
his or her Registered Location at will and in a timely manner,
including at least one option that requires use only of the CPE
necessary to access the interconnected VoIP service. We caution
interconnected VoIP providers against charging customers to update
their Registered Location, as this would discourage customers from
doing so and therefore undermine this solution. The most recent
location provided to an interconnected VoIP provider by a customer is
the ``Registered Location.'' Interconnected VoIP providers can comply
with this requirement directly or by utilizing the services of a third
27. Customer Requirements. In light of the recent incidents
involving problems with 911 access from interconnected VoIP services,
it is clear that not all providers of interconnected VoIP are including
E911 as a standard feature of their services. We find that allowing
customers of interconnected VoIP providers to opt-in to or, for that
matter, opt-out of E911 service is fundamentally inconsistent with our
obligation to ``encourage and support efforts by States to deploy
comprehensive end-to-end emergency communications infrastructure and
programs.'' Thus, interconnected VoIP providers must, as a condition of
providing that service to a consumer, provide that consumer with E911
service as outlined in the requirements above.
28. Further, although many VoIP providers include explanations of
the limitations of their 911-like service (or lack thereof) in the
Frequently Asked Questions sections on their web sites or in their
terms of service, recent incidents make clear that consumers in many
cases may not understand that the reasonable expectations they have
developed with respect to the availability of 911/E911 service via
wireless and traditional wireline telephones may not be met when they
utilize interconnected VoIP services. In order to ensure that consumers
of interconnected VoIP services are aware of their interconnected VoIP
service's actual E911 capabilities, by the effective date of this
Order, we require that all providers of interconnected VoIP service
specifically advise every subscriber, both new and existing,
prominently and in plain language, the circumstances under which E911
service may not be available through the interconnected VoIP service or
may be in some way limited by comparison to traditional E911 service.
VoIP providers shall obtain and keep a record of affirmative
acknowledgement by every subscriber, both new and existing, of having
received and understood this advisory. In addition, in order to ensure
to the extent possible that the advisory is available to all potential
users of an interconnected VoIP service, interconnected VoIP service
providers shall distribute to all subscribers, both new and existing,
warning stickers or other appropriate labels warning subscribers if
E911 service may be limited or not available and instructing the
subscriber to place them on and/or near the CPE used in conjunction
with the interconnected VoIP service.
29. Additional customer education efforts may well be necessary for
users of portable interconnected VoIP, for whom E911 service requires
that they notify their service provider affirmatively of their
location. For example, customers of portable interconnected VoIP
services likely will need to be instructed on how to register their
locations with their providers, the need to update that information
promptly when they relocate, and how to confirm that the registration
is effective.
30. Compliance Letter. We require all interconnected VoIP providers
to submit a letter to the Federal Communications Commission detailing
their compliance with our rules no later than 120 days after the
effective date of this Order. The letter and all other filings related
to this Order should be filed with the Commission's Secretary in WC
Docket No. 05-196 on a going-forward basis.
31. Because of the vital public safety interests at stake in this
proceeding, we are committed to ensuring compliance with the rules we
adopt in this Order. Failure to comply with these rules cannot and will
not be tolerated, as noncompliance may have a direct effect on the
lives of those customers who choose to obtain service from the
interconnected VoIP providers covered by this Order. Interconnected
VoIP providers who do not comply fully with the requirements set forth
in this Order will be subject to swift enforcement action by the
Commission, including substantial proposed forfeitures and, in
appropriate cases, cease and desist orders and proceedings to revoke
any Commission licenses held by the interconnected VoIP provider.
32. 911 Funding. We believe that the requirements we establish
today will significantly expand and improve interconnected VoIP 911
service while substantially reducing the threat to 911 funding that
some VoIP services currently pose. First, we recognize that while some
state laws today may already require 911 funding contributions from
providers of interconnected VoIP, interconnected VoIP providers may not
be covered by existing state 911 funding mechanisms in other states.
But even in the latter circumstance, the record does not indicate that
states are receiving no 911
[[Page 37278]]
funding contributions from interconnected VoIP providers. On the
contrary, the record indicates that many interconnected VoIP providers
currently are contributing to state 911 funding mechanisms. In
addition, states have the option of collecting 911 charges from
wholesale providers with whom interconnected VoIP providers contract to
provide E911 service, rather than assessing those charges on the
interconnected VoIP providers directly. For example, we have explained
that interconnected VoIP providers often enlist a competitive LEC
partner in order to obtain interconnection to the Wireline E911
Network, and we believe that as a result of this Order, many more will
do so. In that situation, states may impose 911 funding obligations on
the competitive LEC partners of interconnected VoIP providers,
regardless of whether the VoIP providers themselves are under any
obligation to contribute. Similarly, states may be able to impose
funding obligations on systems service providers, such as incumbent
LECs, that provide direct interconnection to interconnected VoIP
providers. We believe that the ability to assess 911 funds on
interconnected VoIP providers indirectly should narrow any gap in 911
funding attributable to consumers switching to interconnected VoIP
33. Second, the record indicates that the network components that
have been developed to make wireless E911 possible can also be used for
VoIP E911, which should make the implementation process simpler and far
less expensive than the initial upgrades necessary for wireless E911.
For that reason, we do not expect the rules we adopt today to impose
substantial implementation costs on PSAPs. In short, we believe that
the rules we adopt today will neither contribute to the diminishment of
911 funding nor require a substantial increase in 911 spending by state
and local jurisdictions.
34. Liability. We decline to exempt providers of interconnected
VoIP service from liability under state law related to their E911
services. Although the NPRM did not directly address the issue,
Intrado, among others, requests that the Commission insulate these VoIP
providers from liability to the same extent that Congress insulated
wireless carriers from liability related to the provision of 911/E911
service in the wireless context. In the 911 Act, Congress gave wireless
carriers providing 911 service liability protection equal to that
available to wireline carriers for 911 calls. Congress has enacted no
similar protection for providers of interconnected VoIP service. As the
Commission has said in an analogous context, before we would consider
taking any action to preempt liability under state law, the Commission
would need to demonstrate that limiting liability is essential to
achieving the goals of the Act.
35. No commenter has identified a source of authority for the
Commission to limit liability in this way. Limiting liability related
to the use or provision of E911 services is not necessary to the
creation or use of E911 services, and we are not persuaded that absent
the liability protection sought by Intrado and others, interconnected
VoIP providers will be unwilling or unable to provide E911 services.
Rather, the record shows that some interconnected VoIP providers have
already begun deploying E911 services. In addition, to the extent
individual interconnected VoIP providers believe they need this type of
liability protection, they may seek to protect themselves from
liability for negligence through their customer contracts and through
their agreements with PSAPs, as some interconnected VoIP providers have
Final Paperwork Reduction Act Analysis
36. This document contains new information collection requirements.
The Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork
burdens, invites the general public to comment on the information
collection requirements contained in this Report and Order as required
by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. Public and
agency comments are due August 29, 2005.
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
37. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as
amended (RFA), an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) was
incorporated in the NPRM. The Commission sought written public comment
on the proposals in the NPRM, including comment on the IRFA. We
received comments specifically directed toward the IRFA from three
commenters. These comments are discussed below. This Final Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) conforms to the RFA.
1. Need for, and Objectives of, the Rules
38. The Order establishes rules requiring providers of
interconnected VoIP--meaning VoIP service that allows a user generally
to receive calls originating from and to terminate calls to the PSTN--
to provide E911 capabilities to their customers as a standard feature
of service. The Order requires providers of interconnected VoIP service
to provide E911 service no matter where the customer is using the
service, whether at home or away.
39. The Order is in many ways a necessary and logical follow-up to
the Vonage Order issued late last year. In that order, the Commission
determined that Vonage's DigitalVoice service--an interconnected VoIP
service--cannot be separated into interstate and intrastate
communications and that this Commission has the responsibility and
obligation to decide whether certain regulations apply to DigitalVoice
and other IP-enabled services having similar capabilities. The Vonage
Order also made clear that questions regarding what regulatory
obligations apply to providers of such services would be addressed in
the pending IP-Enabled Services proceeding. In accord with that
statement, the Order takes critical steps to advance the goal of public
safety by imposing E911 obligations on certain VoIP providers.
2. Summary of Significant Issues Raised by Public Comments in Response
to the IRFA
40. In this section, we respond to comments filed in response to
the IRFA. A more detailed FRFA is contained in the Order. In addition,
to the extent we received comments raising general small business
concerns during this proceeding, those comments are discussed
throughout the Order.
41. We disagree with SBA and Menard that the Commission should
postpone acting in this proceeding--thereby postponing imposing E911
obligations on interconnected VoIP service providers--and instead
should reevaluate the economic impact and the compliance burdens on
small entities and issue a further notice of proposed rulemaking in
conjunction with a supplemental IRFA identifying and analyzing the
economic impacts on small entities and less burdensome alternatives. We
believe the additional steps suggested by SBA and Menard are
unnecessary because, as described below, small entities already have
received sufficient notice of the issues addressed in the Order and
because the Commission, as requested by the VON Coalition, has
considered the economic impact on small entities and what ways are
feasible to minimize the burdens imposed on those entities, and, to the
extent feasible, has implemented those less burdensome alternatives.
42. The NPRM specifically sought comment on what 911/E911
obligations should apply in the context of IP-enabled services, and
discussed the criteria the Commission previously has
[[Page 37279]]
used to determine the scope of its existing 911/E911 rules. While the
NPRM did not specify particular rules the Commission might adopt--and
the IRFA therefore did not catalogue the effects that such particular
rules might have on small businesses--the Commission provided notice to
parties regarding the range of policy outcomes that might result from
the Order. A summary of the NPRM was published in the Federal Register
(69 FR 16193, March 29, 2004) and we believe that such publication
constitutes appropriate notice to small businesses subject to this
Commission's regulation.
43. Moreover, we note that we have attempted to balance the
economic interests of small businesses with the public's great interest
in access to E911 services when using interconnected VoIP services. The
Order discusses how E911 service is critical to our nation's ability to
respond to a host of crises and that the public has come to rely on the
life-saving benefits of such services in emergency situations. While
the Commission sought comment on, and considered, ways that the public
safety could be protected through access to E911 services that are less
burdensome to small businesses than the imposition of E911 obligations,
the Commission concluded that it was important for all interconnected
VoIP service providers to participate in protecting the public safety.
As SBA notes, many VoIP providers are likely to be small businesses.
SBA claims that ``[t]hese small providers are developing a nascent
technology and are especially vulnerable to disproportionate regulatory
costs.'' Nevertheless, as discussed in the Order, we believe it is
reasonable to expect any business electing to interconnect with the
PSTN to the extent required to provide interconnected VoIP service also
to provide E911 service in order to protect the public interest. Small
businesses may still offer VoIP service without being subject to the
rules adopted in the Order by electing not to provide an interconnected
VoIP service. We therefore have provided alternatives for small
44. We disagree with Menard's contention that the Commission did
not meet its obligations under the RFA because it failed to list as a
significant alternative to the proposed rulemaking imposing economic
regulation on the underlying facilities of cable carriers. The rules we
adopted in the Order apply to cable operators that provide
interconnected VoIP service. Moreover, we reject the above contention
as insufficient to achieve our goal of ensuring that users of
interconnected VoIP service have access to E911, as well as rejecting
it for the reasons already provided generally. As discussed in the
Order, there currently is no way for portable VoIP providers reliably
and automatically to provide location information to PSAPs without the
customer's active cooperation. Not only is the provider of an
interconnected VoIP service the entity actively involved in routing the
calls of users of interconnected VoIP service, but it is the entity
that has the relationship with the customer who currently plays an
essential role in providing accurate location information; hence, it is
reasonable to impose E911 rules on that interconnected VoIP service
provider. In addition, although the Commission determined that it was
necessary to impose E911 obligations on all providers of interconnected
VoIP service in order to ensure the ubiquitous availability of E911
service for users of interconnected VoIP service, the Commission
minimized the burdens of this regulation by, for example, by requiring
straightforward reporting requirements and by setting reasonable
timetables for implementation of the rules adopted in the Order. The
Commission minimized the burdens of this regulation by not mandating
any particular technical solution; interconnected VoIP providers may
connect directly to the Wireline E911 Network, connect indirectly
through a third party, such as a competitive local exchange carrier, or
through any other solution that allows a provider to offer E911
45. We also disagree with Menard's contention that the Commission
inappropriately failed to ``weigh the impact on non-affiliated regional
Internet Service Providers of the consequence for the removal of all
forms of economic regulation for broadband services provided by
incumbent carriers.'' The Order does not remove ``all forms of economic
regulation for broadband services provided by incumbent carriers,'' and
would be an inappropriate forum for reconsideration of any such
decision the Commission has made in other proceedings. The Commission
reached its decision in the Order in full awareness and consideration
of the Commission's other rules and to that extent satisfied Menard's
request and SBA's request to consider how the requirements imposed in
the Order overlap with other requirements imposed on small entities.
46. Finally, we reject claims that the present proceeding is not
the appropriate docket in which to address what E911 obligations should
be imposed on providers of interconnected VoIP service. The Commission
provided proper notice that these issues would be addressed in this
proceeding, and in the Vonage Order made clear that questions regarding
what regulatory obligations apply to providers of a type of
interconnected VoIP service would be addressed in this proceeding.
Therefore, we do not accede to the preferences of some small businesses
that the Commission resolve various other proceedings, including
proceedings involving E911 requirements, prior to addressing issues in
the IP-Enabled Services docket. We reject Menard's claim that the
Commission is using the present rulemaking as a way of by-passing its
statutory obligations under section 10 of the Telecommunications Act of
1996 (section 10) because that statutory section is not applicable to
the present situation. Section 10 sets forth the Commission's
obligation to forbear from existing regulation to a telecommunications
carrier or a telecommunications service, or class of telecommunications
carriers or telecommunications services, if certain criteria are
satisfied. Prior to the Order, the Commission had not imposed E911
obligations on interconnected VoIP service providers. In addition, the
Commission to date has not classified interconnected VoIP service as a
telecommunications service.
3. Description and Estimate of the Number of Small Entities To Which
Rules Will Apply
47. The RFA directs agencies to provide a description of and, where
feasible, an estimate of the number of small entities that may be
affected by the proposed rules. The RFA generally defines the term
``small entity'' as having the same meaning as the terms ``small
business,'' ``small organization,'' and ``small governmental
jurisdiction.'' In addition, the term ``small business'' has the same
meaning as the term ``small business concern'' under the Small Business
Act. A small business concern is one which: (1) Is independently owned
and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3)
satisfies any additional criteria established by the Small Business
Administration (SBA).
48. Small Businesses. Nationwide, there are a total of
approximately 22.4 million small businesses, according to SBA data.
49. Small Organizations. Nationwide, there are approximately 1.6
million small organizations.
50. Small Governmental Jurisdictions. The term ``small governmental
jurisdiction'' is defined as ``governments of cities, towns, townships,
[[Page 37280]]
school districts, or special districts, with a population of less than
fifty thousand.'' As of 1997, there were approximately 87,453
governmental jurisdictions in the United States. This number includes
39,044 county governments, municipalities, and townships, of which
37,546 (approximately 96.2%) have populations of fewer than 50,000, and
of which 1,498 have populations of 50,000 or more. Thus, we estimate
the number of small governmental jurisdictions overall to be 84,098 or
a. Telecommunications Service Entities
51. Wireline Carriers and Service Providers. We have included small
incumbent local exchange carriers in this present RFA analysis. As
noted above, a ``small business'' under the RFA is one that, inter
alia, meets the pertinent small business size standard (e.g., a
telephone communications business having 1,500 or fewer employees), and
``is not dominant in its field of operation.'' The SBA's Office of
Advocacy contends that, for RFA purposes, small incumbent local
exchange carriers are not dominant in their field of operation because
any such dominance is not ``national'' in scope. We have therefore
included small incumbent local exchange carriers in this RFA analysis,
although we emphasize that this RFA action has no effect on Commission
analyses and determinations in other, non-RFA contexts.
52. Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (LECs). Neither the
Commission nor the SBA has developed a small business size standard
specifically for incumbent local exchange services. The appropriate
size standard under SBA rules is for the category Wired
Telecommunications Carriers. Under that size standard, such a business
is small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees. The Commission estimates
that most providers of incumbent local exchange service are small
businesses that may be affected by our action.
53. Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), Competitive Access
Providers (CAPs), ``Shared-Tenant Service Providers,'' and ``Other
Local Service Providers.'' Neither the Commission nor the SBA has
developed a small business size standard specifically for these service
providers. The appropriate size standard under SBA rules is for the
category Wired Telecommunications Carriers. Under that size standard,
such a business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees. The
Commission estimates that most providers of competitive local exchange
service, competitive access providers, ``Shared-Tenant Service
Providers,'' and ``Other Local Service Providers'' are small entities
that may be affected by our action.
54. Local Resellers. The SBA has developed a small business size
standard for the category of Telecommunications Resellers. Under that
size standard, such a business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer
employees. The Commission estimates that the majority of local
resellers are small entities that may be affected by our action.
55. Toll Resellers. The SBA has developed a small business size
standard for the category of Telecommunications Resellers. Under that
size standard, such a business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer
employees. The Commission estimates that the majority of toll resellers
are small entities that may be affected by our action.
56. Payphone Service Providers (PSPs). Neither the Commission nor
the SBA has developed a small business size standard specifically for
payphone services providers. The appropriate size standard under SBA
rules is for the category Wired Telecommunications Carriers. Under that
size standard, such a business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer
employees. The Commission estimates that the majority of payphone
service providers are small entities that may be affected by our
57. Interexchange Carriers (IXCs). Neither the Commission nor the
SBA has developed a small business size standard specifically for
providers of interexchange services. The appropriate size standard
under SBA rules is for the category Wired Telecommunications Carriers.
Under that size standard, such a business is small if it has 1,500 or
fewer employees. The Commission estimates that the majority of IXCs are
small entities that may be affected by our action.
58. Operator Service Providers (OSPs). Neither the Commission nor
the SBA has developed a small business size standard specifically for
operator service providers. The appropriate size standard under SBA
rules is for the category Wired Telecommunications Carriers. Under that
size standard, such a business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer
employees. The Commission estimates that the majority of OSPs are small
entities that may be affected by our action.
59. Prepaid Calling Card Providers. Neither the Commission nor the
SBA has developed a small business size standard specifically for
prepaid calling card providers. The appropriate size standard under SBA
rules is for the category Telecommunications Resellers. Under that size
standard, such a business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees.
The Commission estimates that all or the majority of prepaid calling
card providers are small entities that may be affected by our action.
60. 800 and 800-Like Service Subscribers. Neither the Commission
nor the SBA has developed a small business size standard specifically
for 800 and 800-like service (``toll free'') subscribers. The
appropriate size standard under SBA rules is for the category
Telecommunications Resellers. Under that size standard, such a business
is small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees. We estimate that there are
7,692,955 or fewer small entity 800 subscribers; 7,706,393 or fewer
small entity 888 subscribers; and 1,946,538 or fewer small entity 877
61. International Service Providers. The Commission has not
developed a small business size standard specifically for providers of
international service. The appropriate size standards under SBA rules
are for the two broad categories of Satellite Telecommunications and
Other Telecommunications. Under both categories, such a business is
small if it has $12.5 million or less in average annual receipts. The
majority of Satellite Telecommunications firms can be considered small.
62. The second category--Other Telecommunications--includes
``establishments primarily engaged in * * * providing satellite
terminal stations and associated facilities operationally connected
with one or more terrestrial communications systems and capable of
transmitting telecommunications to or receiving telecommunications from
satellite systems.'' Under this second size standard, the majority of
firms can be considered small.
63. Wireless Telecommunications Service Providers. Below, for those
services subject to auctions, we note that, as a general matter, the
number of winning bidders that qualify as small businesses at the close
of an auction does not necessarily represent the number of small
businesses currently in service. Also, the Commission does not
generally track subsequent business size unless, in the context of
assignments or transfers, unjust enrichment issues are implicated.
64. Wireless Service Providers. The SBA has developed a small
business size standard for wireless firms within the two broad economic
census categories of ``Paging'' and ``Cellular and Other Wireless
Telecommunications.'' Under both SBA categories, a wireless
[[Page 37281]]
business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees. Under both
categories and associated small business size standards, the majority
of firms can be considered small.
65. Cellular Licensees. The SBA has developed a small business size
standard for wireless firms within the broad economic census category
``Cellular and Other Wireless Telecommunications.'' Under this SBA
category, a wireless business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer
employees. Under this category and size standard, the great majority of
firms can be considered small. We have estimated that 245 of the
entities engaged in the provision of cellular service, Personal
Communications Service (PCS), or Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR)
Telephony services are small under the SBA small business size
66. Common Carrier Paging. The SBA has developed a small business
size standard for wireless firms within the broad economic census
category, ``Cellular and Other Wireless Telecommunications.'' Under
this SBA category, a wireless business is small if it has 1,500 or
fewer employees. Under this category and associated small business size
standard, the majority of firms can be considered small. In the Paging
Third Report and Order, we developed a small business size standard for
``small businesses'' and ``very small businesses'' for purposes of
determining their eligibility for special provisions such as bidding
credits and installment payments. A ``small business'' is an entity
that, together with its affiliates and controlling principals, has
average gross revenues not exceeding $15 million for the preceding
three years. Additionally, a ``very small business'' is an entity that,
together with its affiliates and controlling principals, has average
gross revenues that are not more than $3 million for the preceding
three years. The SBA has approved these small business size standards.
An auction of Metropolitan Economic Area licenses commenced on February
24, 2000, and closed on March 2, 2000. Of the 985 licenses auctioned,
440 were sold. Fifty-seven companies claiming small business status
won. Also, according to Commission data, 346 carriers reported that
they were engaged in the provision of paging and messaging services. Of
those, we estimate that 341 are small, under the SBA-approved small
business size standard.
67. Wireless Communications Services. This service can be used for
fixed, mobile, radiolocation, and digital audio broadcasting satellite
uses. The Commission established small business size standards for the
wireless communications services (WCS) auction. A ``small business'' is
an entity with average gross revenues of $40 million for each of the
three preceding years, and a ``very small business'' is an entity with
average gross revenues of $15 million for each of the three preceding
years. The SBA has approved these small business size standards. The
Commission auctioned geographic area licenses in the WCS service. In
the auction, there were seven winning bidders that qualified as ``very
small business'' entities, and one that qualified as a ``small
business'' entity.
68. Wireless Telephony. Wireless telephony includes cellular,
personal communications services (PCS), and specialized mobile radio
(SMR) telephony carriers. As noted earlier, the SBA has developed a
small business size standard for ``Cellular and Other Wireless
Telecommunications'' services. Under that SBA small business size
standard, a business is small if it has 1,500 or fewer employees. We
have estimated that 245 of the carriers who reported to us that they
were engaged in the provision of wireless telephony are small under the
SBA small business size standard.
69. Broadband Personal Communications Service. The broadband
Personal Communications Service (PCS) spectrum is divided into six
frequency blocks designated A through F, and the Commission has held
auctions for each block. The Commission defined ``small entity'' for
Blocks C and F as an entity that has average gross revenues of $40
million or less in the three previous calendar years. For Block F, an
additional classification for ``very small business'' was added and is
defined as ``an entity that, together with its affiliates, has average
gross revenues of not more than $15 million for the preceding three
calendar years.'' These standards defining ``small entity'' in the
context of broadband PCS auctions have been approved by the SBA. No
small businesses, within the SBA-approved small business size standards
bid successfully for licenses in Blocks A and B. There were 90 winning
bidders that qualified as small entities in the Block C auctions. A
total of 93 small and very small business bidders won approximately 40
percent of the 1,479 licenses for Blocks D, E, and F. On March 23,
1999, the Commission re-auctioned 347 C, D, E, and F Block licenses.
There were 48 small business winning bidders. On January 26, 2001, the
Commission completed the auction of 422 C and F Broadband PCS licenses
in Auction No. 35. Of the 35 winning bidders in this auction, 29
qualified as ``small'' or ``very small'' businesses. Subsequent events,
concerning Auction 35, including judicial and agency determinations,
resulted in a total of 163 C and F Block licenses being available for
70. Narrowband Personal Communications Services. To date, two
auctions of narrowband personal communications services (PCS) licenses
have been conducted. For purposes of the two auctions that have already
been held, ``small businesses'' were entities with average gross
revenues for the prior three calendar years of $40 million or less.
Through these auctions, the Commission has awarded a total of 41
licenses, out of which 11 were obtained by small businesses. To ensure
meaningful participation of small business entities in future auctions,
the Commission has adopted a two-ti