Airworthiness Directives; The Lancair Company Model LC41-550FG Airplanes, 35370-35372 [05-11880]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 117 / Monday, June 20, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
determine whether a payment is to be
(c) For purposes of this subpart,
regarding the determination of the
APNE, APNEc, APNEf, the LFQ, the
LFQc, and the LFQf:
(1) If daily quotations are not
available for one or more days of the 5day period, the available quotations
during the period will be used;
(2) If none of the APNE, APNEc, or
APNEf prices is available, or if none of
the LFQ, LFQc, or LFQf is available, the
payment rate shall be zero and shall
remain zero unless and until sufficient
APNE prices or the LFQ again becomes
available, the APNE, APNEc, or APNEf
price exceeds the LFQ, the LFQc, or the
LFQf, as the case may be, and the LFQ,
the LFQc, or the LFQf, as the case may
be, adjusted for transportation, is less
than 134 percent of the current crop
year loan rate for base quality U.S. Pima
for 4 consecutive weeks.
(d) Payment rates for loose, re-ginned
motes and semi-processed motes that
are of a suitable quality, without further
processing, for spinning, papermaking
or bleaching, shall be based on a
percentage of the basic rate for baled
lint, as specified in the ELS Cotton
Domestic User/Exporter Agreement.
§ 1427.1208
Signed in Washington, DC, on June 2,
James R. Little,
Executive Vice President, Commodity Credit
[FR Doc. 05–12034 Filed 6–17–05; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2005–21357; Directorate
Identifier 2005–CE–29–AD; Amendment 39–
14136; AD 2005–12–20]
RIN 2120–AA64
(a) Payments under this subpart shall
be determined by multiplying:
(1) The payment rate, determined
under § 1427.127, by
(2) The net weight (gross weight
minus the weight of bagging and ties)
determined under paragraph (b) of this
section, of eligible ELS cotton bales that
an eligible domestic user opens or an
eligible exporter exports during the
Friday through Thursday period
following a week in which a payment
rate is established.
(b) For the purposes of this subpart,
the net weight shall be based upon:
(1) For domestic users, the weight on
which settlement for payment of the
ELS cotton was based (landed mill
(2) For re-ginned motes processed by
an end user who converted such motes,
without re-baling, to an end use in a
continuous manufacturing process, the
net weight of the re-ginned motes after
final cleaning;
(3) For exporters, the shipping
warehouse weight or the gin weight if
the ELS cotton was not placed in a
warehouse, of the eligible cotton unless
the exporter obtains and pays the cost
of having all the bales in the shipment
re-weighed by a licensed weigher and
furnishes a copy of the certified weights.
(c) For the purposes of this subpart,
eligible ELS cotton will be considered:
VerDate jul<14>2003
(1) Consumed by the domestic user on
the date the bale is opened for
consumption; and
(2) Exported by the exporter on the
date that CCC determines is the date on
which the cotton is shipped for export.
(d) Payments under this subpart shall
be made available upon application for
payment and submission of supporting
documentation, as required by this
subpart, CCC instructions, and the ELS
Cotton Domestic User/Exporter
14:18 Jun 17, 2005
Jkt 205001
Airworthiness Directives; The Lancair
Company Model LC41–550FG
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule; request for
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new
airworthiness directive (AD) for certain
The Lancair Company (Lancair) Model
LC41–550FG airplanes. This AD
requires both visual and dye penetrant
inspections of the elevator torque tube
assembly for cracks. If a crack is found,
this AD requires replacement with a
modified assembly that incorporates a
steel doubler. This AD also requires
replacement of the modified elevator
torque tube assembly every 300 hours
time-in-service or 18 months (whichever
occurs first). This AD results from
cracks found in the weld area of the
elevator torque tube assembly. We are
issuing this AD to detect and correct
cracks in the elevator torque tube
assembly, which could result in failure
of the elevator torque tube assembly and
subsequent loss of control of the
This AD becomes effective on
June 21, 2005.
As of June 21, 2005, the Director of
the Federal Register approved the
PO 00000
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incorporation by reference of certain
publications listed in the regulation.
We must receive any comments on
this AD by August 10, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Use one of the following to
submit comments on this AD:
• DOT Docket Web site: Go to and follow the
instructions for sending your comments
• Government-wide rulemaking Web
site: Go to
and follow the instructions for sending
your comments electronically.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility;
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building,
Room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590–
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
• Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on
the plaza level of the Nassif Building,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
To get the service information
identified in this AD, contact The
Lancair Company, 22550 Nelson Road,
Bend Oregon 97701; telephone: (541)
330–4191; e-mail: product_
To view the comments to this AD, go
to The docket
number is FAA–2005–21357.
Jeffrey Morfitt, Program Manager, FAA,
Seattle Aircraft Certification Office
(ACO), 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton,
Washington 98055–4065; telephone:
(425) 917–6405; facsimile: (425) 917–
What events have caused this AD?
Maintenance personnel found a large
crack in the weld area on the elevator
torque tube assembly during an elevator
disassembly of a Lancair Model LC41–
550FG airplane. The airplane had only
54 hours total time-in-service.
This incident prompted an inspection
of the elevator torque tube assemblies
held in inventory at Lancair. The
inspection revealed 70 percent of the
factory inventory had cracks.
A combination of design aspects and
manufacturing flaws caused the cracks.
These flaws lead to rapid fatigue failure
of the elevator torque tube assembly.
What is the potential impact if FAA
took no action? Cracks in the elevator
torque tube assembly could cause the
elevator torque tube assembly to fail.
This failure could result in loss of
control of the airplane.
Is there service information that
applies to this subject? Lancair has
issued Mandatory Service Bulletin No.
SB–05–005A, dated May 20, 2005.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 117 / Monday, June 20, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
What are the provisions of this service
information? The service bulletin
includes procedures for inspecting, both
visually and with dye penetrant, the
elevator torque tube assemblies for
cracks. The service bulletin also
includes procedures for replacing and
reworking cracked elevator torque tube
FAA’s Determination and Requirements
of the AD
What has FAA decided? We have
evaluated all pertinent information and
identified an unsafe condition that is
likely to exist or develop on other
products of this same type design.
Since the unsafe condition described
previously is likely to exist or develop
on other Lancair Model LC41–550FG
airplanes of the same type design, we
are issuing this AD to prevent failure of
the elevator torque tube assembly. This
failure could cause loss of control of the
What does this AD require? This AD
requires incorporation of the actions in
the previously-referenced service
In preparing this rule, we contacted
type clubs and aircraft operators to get
technical information and information
on operational and economic impacts.
We did not receive any information
through these contacts. If received, we
would have included a discussion of
any information that may have
influenced this action in the rulemaking
How does the revision to 14 CFR part
39 affect this AD? On July 10, 2002, we
published a new version of 14 CFR part
39 (67 FR 47997, July 22, 2002), which
governs FAA’s AD system. This
regulation now includes material that
relates to altered products, special flight
permits, and alternative methods of
compliance. This material previously
was included in each individual AD.
Since this material is included in 14
CFR part 39, we will not include it in
future AD actions.
Comments Invited
Will I have the opportunity to
comment before you issue the rule? This
AD is a final rule that involves
requirements affecting flight safety and
was not preceded by notice and an
opportunity for public comment;
however, we invite you to submit any
written relevant data, views, or
arguments regarding this AD. Send your
comments to an address listed under
ADDRESSES. Include ‘‘Docket No. FAA–
2005–21357; Directorate Identifier 2005CE–29–AD’’ in the subject line of your
comments. If you want us to
acknowledge receipt of your mailed
VerDate jul<14>2003
14:48 Jun 17, 2005
Jkt 205001
comments, send us a self-addressed,
stamped postcard with the docket
number written on it; we will datestamp your postcard and mail it back to
you. We specifically invite comments
on the overall regulatory, economic,
environmental, and energy aspects of
the rule that might suggest a need to
modify it. If a person contacts us
through a nonwritten communication,
and that contact relates to a substantive
part of this AD, we will summarize the
contact and place the summary in the
docket. We will consider all comments
received by the closing date and may
amend the AD in light of those
Authority for This Rulemaking
What authority does FAA have for
issuing this rulemaking action? Title 49
of the United States Code specifies the
FAA’s authority to issue rules on
aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106
describes the authority of the FAA
Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation
Programs, describes in more detail the
scope of the agency’s authority.
We are issuing this rulemaking under
the authority described in Subtitle VII,
Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701,
‘‘General requirements.’’ Under that
section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in
air commerce by prescribing regulations
for practices, methods, and procedures
the Administrator finds necessary for
safety in air commerce. This regulation
is within the scope of that authority
because it addresses an unsafe condition
that is likely to exist or develop on
products identified in this AD.
Regulatory Findings
Will this AD impact various entities?
We have determined that this AD will
not have federalism implications under
Executive Order 13132. This AD will
not have a substantial direct effect on
the States, on the relationship between
the National Government and the States,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
Will this AD involve a significant rule
or regulatory action? For the reasons
discussed above, I certify that this AD:
1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under Executive Order 12866;
2. Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under the
DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
(44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
3. Will not have a significant
economic impact, positive or negative,
on a substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
We prepared a summary of the costs
to comply with this AD and placed it in
PO 00000
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the AD Docket. You may get a copy of
this summary by sending a request to us
at the address listed under ADDRESSES.
Include ‘‘AD Docket FAA–2005–21357;
Directorate Identifier 2005–CE–29–AD’’
in your request.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Incorporation by reference,
Adoption of the Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority
delegated to me by the Administrator,
the Federal Aviation Administration
amends part 39 of the Federal Aviation
Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
§ 39.13
2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by adding
the following new airworthiness
directive (AD):
2005–12–20 The Lancair Company:
Amendment 39–14136; Docket No.
FAA–2005–21357; Directorate Identifier
When Does This AD Become Effective?
(a) This AD becomes effective on June 21,
Are Any Other ADs Affected by This Action?
(b) None.
What Airplanes Are Affected by This AD?
(c) This AD affects Model LC41–550F
airplanes, serial numbers 41001 through
41082, that are certificated in any category.
What Is the Unsafe Condition Presented in
This AD?
(d) This AD results from cracks found in
the weld area of the elevator torque tube
assembly. We are issuing this AD to detect
and correct cracks in the elevator torque tube
assembly, which could result in failure of the
elevator torque tube assembly and
subsequent loss of control of the airplane.
What Must I Do To Address This Problem?
(e) To address this problem, you must do
the following:
Note 1: The Lancair Company Certified
Aircraft Mandatory Service Bulletin SB–05–
005A, Model 400, dated May 20, 2005, allows
the pilot to perform the visual inspection of
the elevator torque tube assembly. The
Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 43.3)
only allow the pilot to perform preventive
maintenance as described in 14 CFR part 43,
App. A, paragraph (c). These visual
inspections are not considered preventive
maintenance under 14 CFR part 43, App. A,
paragraph (c). Therefore, an appropriatelyrated mechanic must perform all actions of
this AD.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 117 / Monday, June 20, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
(1) Visually inspect the area of weld joining the
torque tube to the elevator end rib for cracks.
Before further flight after June 21, 2005 (the
effective date of this AD), and before each
flight until the action required in paragraph
(e)(2) of this AD is done until a crack is
found, whichever occurs first. It is acceptable to do the dye penetrant inspection and
modification required in paragraph (e)(2) of
this AD before further flight and eliminate
the need for the visual inspection(s).
Within 10 hours TIS after June 21, 2005 (the
effective date of this AD). Doing the dye
penetrant inspection and modification terminates the repetitive visual inspection required in paragraph (e)(1) of this AD. This
modified elevator torque tube assembly has
a safe limit of 300 hours TIS or 18 months
after modification, whichever occurs first,
and you must replace it at that interval.
Any time a crack is found during any inspection required in paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2)
of this AD. You may do the replacement
sooner if desired, in which case, you may
discontinue the inspections in paragraphs
(e)(1) and (e)(2) of this AD. The new replacement assembly has a safe life limit of
300 hours TIS or 18 months after replacement, whichever occurs first, and you must
replace it at that interval.
Follow Part 1 of The Lancair Company Certified Aircraft Mandatory Service Bulletin
SB–05–005A, Model 400, dated May 20,
(2) Do a dye penetrant inspection of the area of
weld joining the torque tube to the elevator
end rib for cracks and modify the elevator
torque tube assembly by installing a steel
(3) Replace the elevator torque tube assembly
with a new assembly that incorporates a
steel doubler in the area of weld joining the
torque tube to the elevator end rib.
Note 2: The compliance times in this AD
take precedence over the compliance times in
the service information.
May I Request an Alternative Method of
(f) You may request a different method of
compliance or a different compliance time
for this AD by following the procedures in 14
CFR 39.19. Unless FAA authorizes otherwise,
send your request to your principal
inspector. The principal inspector may add
comments and will send your request to the
Manager, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office,
FAA. For information on any already
approved alternative methods of compliance,
contact Mr. Jeffrey Morfitt, Program Manager,
FAA, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office
(ACO), 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton,
Washington 98055–4065; telephone: (425)
917–6405; facsimile: (425) 917–6590.
Does This AD Incorporate Any Material by
(g) You must do the actions required by
this AD following the instructions in The
Lancair Company Certified Aircraft
Mandatory Service Bulletin SB–05–005A,
Model 400, dated May 20, 2005. The Director
of the Federal Register approved the
incorporation by reference of this service
bulletin in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a)
and 1 CFR part 51. To get a copy of this
service information, contact The Lancair
Company 22550 Nelson Road, Bend Oregon
97701; telephone: (541) 330–4191; e-mail: To review
copies of this service information, go to the
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at NARA, go
VerDate jul<14>2003
14:18 Jun 17, 2005
Jkt 205001
ibr_locations.html or call (202) 741–6030. To
view the AD docket, go to the Docket
Management Facility; U.S. Department of
Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW.,
Nassif Building, Room PL–401, Washington,
DC 20590–001 or on the Internet at https:// The docket number is FAA–05–
21357; Directorate Identifier 2005–CE–29–
Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on June
10, 2005.
Kim Smith,
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 05–11880 Filed 6–17–05; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
18 CFR Parts 34 and 131
[Docket No. RM05–11–000; Order No. 657]
Electronic Filing of the Application for
Authorization for the Issuance of
Securities or the Assumption of
May 27, 2005.
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission) is
amending its regulations to provide for
PO 00000
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Follow Part 2 of The Lancair Company Certified Aircraft Mandatory Service Bulletin
SB–05–005A, Model 400, dated May 20,
2005, and Revision B to Chapter 4 of Maintenance Manual RC050001, dated May 25,
Follow Part 2 of The Lancair Company Certified Aircraft Mandatory Service Bulletin
SB–05–005A, Model 400, dated May 20,
2005, and Revision B to Chapter 4 of Maintenance Manual RC050001, dated May 25,
electronic filing of Applications for
Authorization for the Issuance of
Securities or the Assumption of
Liabilities. The Commission is making
these changes as part of its effort to
modernize its reporting and filing
requirements and to eliminate
unnecessary filing burdens for those
entities that file applications or reports
with the Commission pursuant to 18
CFR part 34. The proposed revisions
will reduce the Commission’s and the
respondent’s costs by allowing the
submission of financial information in
electronic format in lieu of the present
hard copy format; the type of financial
data that jurisdictional entities submit
in this application is already routinely
stored in electronic format, making hard
copy filing of such information
burdensome. In this Final Rule the
Commission continues to move toward
electronic filing, as the Government
Paperwork Elimination Act mandates.
The modifications in this Final Rule
are the result of a review conducted by
the Commission’s Information
Assessment Team (FIAT), identifying
the Commission’s current information
collections, evaluating their original
purposes and current uses, and
proposing ways to reduce the reporting
burden on industry through the
elimination, reduction, streamlining or
reformatting of current collections.
EFFECTIVE DATE: The rule will become
effective at the time of the next e-filing
release during the Commission’s next
fiscal year, i.e., no earlier than October
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 117 (Monday, June 20, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 35370-35372]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-11880]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA-2005-21357; Directorate Identifier 2005-CE-29-AD;
Amendment 39-14136; AD 2005-12-20]
RIN 2120-AA64
Airworthiness Directives; The Lancair Company Model LC41-550FG
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule; request for comments.
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for
certain The Lancair Company (Lancair) Model LC41-550FG airplanes. This
AD requires both visual and dye penetrant inspections of the elevator
torque tube assembly for cracks. If a crack is found, this AD requires
replacement with a modified assembly that incorporates a steel doubler.
This AD also requires replacement of the modified elevator torque tube
assembly every 300 hours time-in-service or 18 months (whichever occurs
first). This AD results from cracks found in the weld area of the
elevator torque tube assembly. We are issuing this AD to detect and
correct cracks in the elevator torque tube assembly, which could result
in failure of the elevator torque tube assembly and subsequent loss of
control of the airplane.
DATES: This AD becomes effective on June 21, 2005.
As of June 21, 2005, the Director of the Federal Register approved
the incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the
We must receive any comments on this AD by August 10, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Use one of the following to submit comments on this AD:
DOT Docket Web site: Go to and follow
the instructions for sending your comments electronically.
Government-wide rulemaking Web site: Go to https:// and follow the instructions for sending your
comments electronically.
Mail: Docket Management Facility; U.S. Department of
Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, Room PL-401,
Washington, DC 20590-001.
Fax: 1-202-493-2251.
Hand Delivery: Room PL-401 on the plaza level of the
Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
To get the service information identified in this AD, contact The
Lancair Company, 22550 Nelson Road, Bend Oregon 97701; telephone: (541)
330-4191; e-mail:
To view the comments to this AD, go to The
docket number is FAA-2005-21357.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Jeffrey Morfitt, Program Manager,
FAA, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), 1601 Lind Avenue,
SW., Renton, Washington 98055-4065; telephone: (425) 917-6405;
facsimile: (425) 917-6590.
What events have caused this AD? Maintenance personnel found a
large crack in the weld area on the elevator torque tube assembly
during an elevator disassembly of a Lancair Model LC41-550FG airplane.
The airplane had only 54 hours total time-in-service.
This incident prompted an inspection of the elevator torque tube
assemblies held in inventory at Lancair. The inspection revealed 70
percent of the factory inventory had cracks.
A combination of design aspects and manufacturing flaws caused the
cracks. These flaws lead to rapid fatigue failure of the elevator
torque tube assembly.
What is the potential impact if FAA took no action? Cracks in the
elevator torque tube assembly could cause the elevator torque tube
assembly to fail. This failure could result in loss of control of the
Is there service information that applies to this subject? Lancair
has issued Mandatory Service Bulletin No. SB-05-005A, dated May 20,
[[Page 35371]]
What are the provisions of this service information? The service
bulletin includes procedures for inspecting, both visually and with dye
penetrant, the elevator torque tube assemblies for cracks. The service
bulletin also includes procedures for replacing and reworking cracked
elevator torque tube assemblies.
FAA's Determination and Requirements of the AD
What has FAA decided? We have evaluated all pertinent information
and identified an unsafe condition that is likely to exist or develop
on other products of this same type design.
Since the unsafe condition described previously is likely to exist
or develop on other Lancair Model LC41-550FG airplanes of the same type
design, we are issuing this AD to prevent failure of the elevator
torque tube assembly. This failure could cause loss of control of the
What does this AD require? This AD requires incorporation of the
actions in the previously-referenced service bulletin.
In preparing this rule, we contacted type clubs and aircraft
operators to get technical information and information on operational
and economic impacts. We did not receive any information through these
contacts. If received, we would have included a discussion of any
information that may have influenced this action in the rulemaking
How does the revision to 14 CFR part 39 affect this AD? On July 10,
2002, we published a new version of 14 CFR part 39 (67 FR 47997, July
22, 2002), which governs FAA's AD system. This regulation now includes
material that relates to altered products, special flight permits, and
alternative methods of compliance. This material previously was
included in each individual AD. Since this material is included in 14
CFR part 39, we will not include it in future AD actions.
Comments Invited
Will I have the opportunity to comment before you issue the rule?
This AD is a final rule that involves requirements affecting flight
safety and was not preceded by notice and an opportunity for public
comment; however, we invite you to submit any written relevant data,
views, or arguments regarding this AD. Send your comments to an address
listed under ADDRESSES. Include ``Docket No. FAA-2005-21357;
Directorate Identifier 2005-CE-29-AD'' in the subject line of your
comments. If you want us to acknowledge receipt of your mailed
comments, send us a self-addressed, stamped postcard with the docket
number written on it; we will date-stamp your postcard and mail it back
to you. We specifically invite comments on the overall regulatory,
economic, environmental, and energy aspects of the rule that might
suggest a need to modify it. If a person contacts us through a
nonwritten communication, and that contact relates to a substantive
part of this AD, we will summarize the contact and place the summary in
the docket. We will consider all comments received by the closing date
and may amend the AD in light of those comments.
Authority for This Rulemaking
What authority does FAA have for issuing this rulemaking action?
Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the agency's authority.
We are issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ``General
requirements.'' Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing
regulations for practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator
finds necessary for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within
the scope of that authority because it addresses an unsafe condition
that is likely to exist or develop on products identified in this AD.
Regulatory Findings
Will this AD impact various entities? We have determined that this
AD will not have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132.
This AD will not have a substantial direct effect on the States, on the
relationship between the National Government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of
Will this AD involve a significant rule or regulatory action? For
the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD:
1. Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order
2. Is not a ``significant rule'' under the DOT Regulatory Policies
and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and
3. Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
We prepared a summary of the costs to comply with this AD and
placed it in the AD Docket. You may get a copy of this summary by
sending a request to us at the address listed under ADDRESSES. Include
``AD Docket FAA-2005-21357; Directorate Identifier 2005-CE-29-AD'' in
your request.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by
reference, Safety.
Adoption of the Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the Administrator,
the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of the Federal
Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
Sec. 39.13 [Amended]
2. The FAA amends Sec. 39.13 by adding the following new airworthiness
directive (AD):
2005-12-20 The Lancair Company: Amendment 39-14136; Docket No. FAA-
2005-21357; Directorate Identifier 2005-CE-29-AD.
When Does This AD Become Effective?
(a) This AD becomes effective on June 21, 2005.
Are Any Other ADs Affected by This Action?
(b) None.
What Airplanes Are Affected by This AD?
(c) This AD affects Model LC41-550F airplanes, serial numbers
41001 through 41082, that are certificated in any category.
What Is the Unsafe Condition Presented in This AD?
(d) This AD results from cracks found in the weld area of the
elevator torque tube assembly. We are issuing this AD to detect and
correct cracks in the elevator torque tube assembly, which could
result in failure of the elevator torque tube assembly and
subsequent loss of control of the airplane.
What Must I Do To Address This Problem?
(e) To address this problem, you must do the following:
Note 1: The Lancair Company Certified Aircraft Mandatory Service
Bulletin SB-05-005A, Model 400, dated May 20, 2005, allows the pilot
to perform the visual inspection of the elevator torque tube
assembly. The Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 43.3) only allow
the pilot to perform preventive maintenance as described in 14 CFR
part 43, App. A, paragraph (c). These visual inspections are not
considered preventive maintenance under 14 CFR part 43, App. A,
paragraph (c). Therefore, an appropriately-rated mechanic must
perform all actions of this AD.
[[Page 35372]]
Actions Compliance Procedures
(1) Visually inspect the Before further Follow Part 1 of The
area of weld joining the flight after June Lancair Company
torque tube to the elevator 21, 2005 (the Certified Aircraft
end rib for cracks. effective date of Mandatory Service
this AD), and Bulletin SB-05-
before each flight 005A, Model 400,
until the action dated May 20, 2005.
required in
paragraph (e)(2) of
this AD is done
until a crack is
found, whichever
occurs first. It is
acceptable to do
the dye penetrant
inspection and
required in
paragraph (e)(2) of
this AD before
further flight and
eliminate the need
for the visual
(2) Do a dye penetrant Within 10 hours TIS Follow Part 2 of The
inspection of the area of after June 21, 2005 Lancair Company
weld joining the torque (the effective date Certified Aircraft
tube to the elevator end of this AD). Doing Mandatory Service
rib for cracks and modify the dye penetrant Bulletin SB-05-
the elevator torque tube inspection and 005A, Model 400,
assembly by installing a modification dated May 20, 2005,
steel doubler. terminates the and Revision B to
repetitive visual Chapter 4 of
inspection required Maintenance Manual
in paragraph (e)(1) RC050001, dated May
of this AD. This 25, 2005.
modified elevator
torque tube
assembly has a safe
limit of 300 hours
TIS or 18 months
after modification,
whichever occurs
first, and you must
replace it at that
(3) Replace the elevator Any time a crack is Follow Part 2 of The
torque tube assembly with a found during any Lancair Company
new assembly that inspection required Certified Aircraft
incorporates a steel in paragraphs Mandatory Service
doubler in the area of weld (e)(1) and (e)(2) Bulletin SB-05-
joining the torque tube to of this AD. You may 005A, Model 400,
the elevator end rib. do the replacement dated May 20, 2005,
sooner if desired, and Revision B to
in which case, you Chapter 4 of
may discontinue the Maintenance Manual
inspections in RC050001, dated May
paragraphs (e)(1) 25, 2005.
and (e)(2) of this
AD. The new
assembly has a safe
life limit of 300
hours TIS or 18
months after
whichever occurs
first, and you must
replace it at that
Note 2: The compliance times in this AD take precedence over the
compliance times in the service information.
May I Request an Alternative Method of Compliance?
(f) You may request a different method of compliance or a
different compliance time for this AD by following the procedures in
14 CFR 39.19. Unless FAA authorizes otherwise, send your request to
your principal inspector. The principal inspector may add comments
and will send your request to the Manager, Seattle Aircraft
Certification Office, FAA. For information on any already approved
alternative methods of compliance, contact Mr. Jeffrey Morfitt,
Program Manager, FAA, Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (ACO),
1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington 98055-4065; telephone:
(425) 917-6405; facsimile: (425) 917-6590.
Does This AD Incorporate Any Material by Reference?
(g) You must do the actions required by this AD following the
instructions in The Lancair Company Certified Aircraft Mandatory
Service Bulletin SB-05-005A, Model 400, dated May 20, 2005. The
Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by
reference of this service bulletin in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To get a copy of this service information,
contact The Lancair Company 22550 Nelson Road, Bend Oregon 97701;
telephone: (541) 330-4191; e-mail: To
review copies of this service information, go to the National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at NARA, go to: https://
ibr_locations.html or call (202) 741-6030. To view the AD docket,
go to the Docket Management Facility; U.S. Department of
Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, Room PL-
401, Washington, DC 20590-001 or on the Internet at https:// The docket number is FAA-05-21357; Directorate
Identifier 2005-CE-29-AD.
Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 10, 2005.
Kim Smith,
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification
[FR Doc. 05-11880 Filed 6-17-05; 8:45 am]