General Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Colorado National Monument, CO, 32845 [05-11142]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 107 / Monday, June 6, 2005 / Notices
Dated: May 16, 2005.
Patricia A. Hooks,
Regional Director, Southeast Region, National
Park Service.
[FR Doc. 05–11145 Filed 6–3–05; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
General Management Plan, Final
Environmental Impact Statement,
Colorado National Monument, CO
National Park Service,
Department of the Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability of the
Final Environmental Impact Statement
for the General Management Plan,
Colorado National Monument.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42
U.S.C. 4332(C), the National Park
Service announces the availability of a
Final Environmental Impact Statement
for the General Management Plan,
Colorado National Monument,
The National Park Service will
execute a Record of Decision (ROD) no
sooner than 30 days following
publication by the Environmental
Protection Agency of the Notice of
Availability of the Final Environmental
Impact Statement.
ADDRESSES: Information will be
available for public inspection in the
office of the Superintendent, and at the
following locations:
Colorado National Monument Visitor
Center/Headquarters, Bruce Noble,
Superintendent, 7 miles east of Fruita
on Rim Rock Drive, Fruita, CO 81521–
0001, Tel: (970) 858–3617, ext. 300.
Fruita Branch Mesa County Public
Library District, 324 East Aspen
Avenue, Fruita, CO 81521, Tel. (970)
Mesa County Central Library, 530
Grand Avenue, Grand Junction, Co
81502–5019, Tel. (970) 243–4442.
Internet Address: https://
Contact Superintendent Bruce Noble,
Colorado National Monument, Fruita,
CO 81521–0001; Tel: (970) 858–3617,
ext. 300; FAX: (970) 858–0372; e-mail:
Dated: April 27, 2005.
Michael D. Snyder,
Acting Director, Intermountain Region,
National Park Service.
[FR Doc. 05–11142 Filed 6–3–05; 8:45 am]
VerDate jul<14>2003
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National Park Service
Final Environmental Impact Statement/
General Management Plan, Crater Lake
National Park, Douglas, Jackson and
Klamath Counties, OR; Notice of
SUMMARY: Pursuant to § 102(2)(C) of
the National Environmental Policy Act
of 1969 (Pub. L. 91–190, as amended),
and the Council on Environmental
Quality Regulations (40 CFR part 1500–
1508), the National Park Service,
Department of the Interior, has prepared
a final general management plan (GMP)
and environmental impact statement
(EIS) for Crater Lake National Park,
Oregon. The final EIS identifies and
analyzes four GMP alternatives which
respond to both NPS planning
requirements and to the issues
identified during the public scoping
process. The ‘‘no-action’’ alternative
(Alternative 1) describes the existing
conditions and trends of park
management and serves as a baseline for
comparison in evaluating the other
alternatives. The three ‘‘action’’
alternatives variously address visitor
use, natural and cultural resource
management, and park development.
Alternative 2, the preferred alternative,
emphasizes increased opportunities in
recreational diversity, resource
preservation, research and resource
education. Under Alternative 3 visitors
would experience a greater range of
natural and cultural resources through
recreational opportunities and
education. The focus of Alternative 4
would be on preservation and
restoration of natural processes.
Background: Public meetings and
newsletters have been used to keep the
public informed and involved in the
conservation planning and
environmental impact analysis process
for the GMP. A mailing list was
compiled that consisted of members of
government agencies, nongovernmental
groups, businesses, legislators, local
governments, and interested citizens.
The Notice of Intent to prepare an EIS
was published in the Federal Register
on May 25, 2001. A newsletter issued
January 2001 introduced the GMP
planning process (a total of 72 written
comments were received in response).
Public meetings were held during April
2001 in Klamath Falls, Medford,
Roseburg, and Salem and were attended
by 96 people. A second newsletter
issued in July 2001 summarized all
comments received in the meetings and
in response to newsletter 1. These
comments were used to complete the
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park purpose and significance
statements that serve as the foundation
for the rest of the GMP planning (and
were referred to throughout
development of the GMP).
A third newsletter distributed in the
spring of 2002 described the draft
alternative concepts and management
zoning proposed for managing the park
(a total of 95 comments were received
in response). In general, opinions were
fairly divided in support of individual
alternatives and potential ways to
address issues. A number of letters
favored continued snowmobile use,
while other people favored eliminating
snowmobiles in the park. Opinions were
also divided regarding ways to manage
traffic congestion on Rim Drive—
maintaining current two-way traffic,
converting part of the road to one-way
traffic, using shuttles, or closure of the
road to traffic. Most respondents favored
use of shuttles. A number of people who
opposed partnering with private
industry were concerned with potential
for large-scale commercialization within
the park.
The Notice of Availability for the
Draft EIS and GMP was printed August
3, 2004. The public comment period
was open until October 6, 2004. A total
of 646 comments were received. Fortyseven letters and e-mails were sent in by
individuals. Four agencies responded.
Three different form letters accounted
for the remaining 599 comments. The
most common comment issues were
snowmobiles (24 letters/e-mails and all
3 form letters), road closure (15 letters/
e-mails and 2 of 3 form letters), shuttles
(7 letters/e-mails and 1 of 3 form
letters), and snow coachers (4 letters/emails and 1 of 3 form letters). Comments
and representative letters received on
the Draft document have been
incorporated into the Final EIS and
Proposed Plan and Alternatives:
Alternative 1 is the ‘‘no action’’
alternative and represents continuation
of the current management direction
and approach at the park. It is a way of
evaluating the proposed actions of the
other three alternatives. Existing
buildings and facilities in the park
would remain; some historic structures
would be adaptively used. Munson
Valley would continue to serve as the
center of NPS administration,
maintenance, and housing. The existing
road access and circulation system
within the park would continue, and
visitor recreational opportunities and
interpretive programs in the park would
Alternative 2 is the ‘‘agency
preferred’’ alternative and has also been
determined to be the ‘‘environmentally
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 107 (Monday, June 6, 2005)]
[Page 32845]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-11142]
National Park Service
General Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement,
Colorado National Monument, CO
AGENCY: National Park Service, Department of the Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability of the Final Environmental Impact
Statement for the General Management Plan, Colorado National Monument.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42
U.S.C. 4332(C), the National Park Service announces the availability of
a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the General Management Plan,
Colorado National Monument, Colorado.
DATES: The National Park Service will execute a Record of Decision
(ROD) no sooner than 30 days following publication by the Environmental
Protection Agency of the Notice of Availability of the Final
Environmental Impact Statement.
ADDRESSES: Information will be available for public inspection in the
office of the Superintendent, and at the following locations:
Colorado National Monument Visitor Center/Headquarters, Bruce
Noble, Superintendent, 7 miles east of Fruita on Rim Rock Drive,
Fruita, CO 81521-0001, Tel: (970) 858-3617, ext. 300.
Fruita Branch Mesa County Public Library District, 324 East Aspen
Avenue, Fruita, CO 81521, Tel. (970) 858-7703.
Mesa County Central Library, 530 Grand Avenue, Grand Junction, Co
81502-5019, Tel. (970) 243-4442.
Internet Address:
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Contact Superintendent Bruce Noble,
Colorado National Monument, Fruita, CO 81521-0001; Tel: (970) 858-3617,
ext. 300; FAX: (970) 858-0372; e-mail: bruce
Dated: April 27, 2005.
Michael D. Snyder,
Acting Director, Intermountain Region, National Park Service.
[FR Doc. 05-11142 Filed 6-3-05; 8:45 am]