Public Notice for Waiver of Aeronautical Land-Use Assurance; Oakland County International Airport; Pontiac, MI, 32694-32698 [05-11116]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 106 / Friday, June 3, 2005 / Notices
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
the Commission’s Public Reference
Room. Copies of the filing also will be
available for inspection and copying at
the principal office of the Phlx. All
comments received will be posted
without change; the Commission does
not edit personal identifying
information from submissions. You
should submit only information that
you wish to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–Phlx–2005–02 and should
be submitted on or before June 24, 2005.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
Margaret H. McFarland,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E5–2843 Filed 6–2–05; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
Public Notice for Waiver of
Aeronautical Land-Use Assurance;
Oakland County International Airport;
Pontiac, MI
Federal Aviation
Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of intent of waiver with
respect to land.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) is considering a
proposal to change a portion of the
airport from aeronautical use to nonaeronautical use and to authorize the
sale of the airport property. The
proposal consists of 14 parcels of land
totaling approximately 3.981 acres.
Current use and present condition is
vacant grassland. The land is zoned
residential. The land was acquired
under FAA Project Nos. 3–26–0079–
0694, C–26–0079–0795, B–26–0079–
1397, 3–26–SBGP–1098, and 3–26–
SBGP–1799, and 3–26–SBGP–1999.
There are no impacts to the airport by
allowing the airport to dispose of the
property. This land is to be sold for
proposed use to accommodate the
relocation of Williams Lake Road,
which will provide a fully compliant
runway safety area for Runway 9R.
Approval does not constitute a
commitment by the FAA to financially
assist in the disposal of the subject
airport property nor a determination of
eligibility for grant-in-aid funding from
the FAA. The disposition of proceeds
from the disposal of the airport property
15 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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will be in accordance FAA’s Policy and
Procedures Concerning the Use of
Airport Revenue, published in the
Federal Register on February 16, 1999.
In accordance with section 47107(h)
of title 49, United States Code, this
notice is required to be published in the
Federal Register 30 days before
modifying the land-use assurance that
requires the property to be used for an
aeronautical purpose.
DATES: Comments must be receive on or
before July 5, 2005.
Lawrence C. King, Project Manager,
Federal Aviation Administration, Great
Lakes Region, Detroit Airports District
Office, DET ADO 607, 11677 South
Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan 48174.
Telephone Number (734) 229–2933/
FAX Number (734) 229–2950.
Documents reflecting this FAA action
may be reviewed at this same location
or at Oakland County International
Airport, Pontiac, Michigan.
is a legal description of the property
located in Pontiac, Oakland County,
Michigan, and described as follows:
Parcel 130 (Lot 7 (Partial))
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 7 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant N
87°34′40″ W 41.66 feet from the
Northeast corner of said Lot 7; thence
along a curve to the right 51.76 feet, said
curve having a radius of 805.00 feet, a
central angle of 03°41′02″, and a chord
bearing S 37°38′04″ W 51.75 feet; thence
N 02°42′58″ W 42.45 feet; thence S
87°34′40″ E 33.64 feet to the Point Of
Said acquisition contains 725 square
feet, or 0.02 of an acre, more or less.
Parcel 131 (Lot 10)
A Right of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 10 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Watership
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant S
PO 00000
Frm 00131
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
87°34′40″ E 69.92 feet along the North
line of said lot; thence continuing S
87°34′40″ E 5.38 feet along said lot line
to the Northeast corner of said lot;
thence S 02°42′42″ E 178.41 feet along
the East line of said lot to the Southeast
corner of said lot; thence S 87°17′20″ W
75.00 feet along the South lien of said
lot and the North right of way line of
Tull Court (60 feet wide) to the
Southwest corner of said lot; thence N
02°42′49″ W 123.62 feet along the West
line of said lot; thence along a curve to
the left 88.98 feet, said curve having a
radius of 655.00 feet, a central angle of
07°47′00″, and a chord bearing N
48°50′48″ E 88.91 feet of the North line
of said lot and the point of Beginning.
Said acquisition containing 11,401
square feet, or 0.26 of an acre, more or
A Grading Permit being a part of Lot
10 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’ being
a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of section 18,
T3N, R9E, Waterford Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat
of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 36’’
of part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 18, Oakland
County Records, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of
said lot; thence S 87°34′40″ E 69.92 feet
along the North line of said lot; thence
along a curve to the right 88.98 feet, said
curve having a radius of 655.00 feet, a
central angle of 07°47′00″, and a chord
bearing S 48°50′48″ W 88.91 feet to the
West lien of said lot; thence N 02°42′49″
W 61.53 feet to the Northwest corner of
said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said permit contains 2,232 square
feet, or 0.05 of an acre, more or less.
Parce 132 (Lot 11)
A Right of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 11 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat
No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant S
02°42′49″ E 61.53 feet along the East
line of said lot from the Northeast
corner of said lot; thence continuing S
02°42′49″ E 123.62 feet along said lot
line of the Southeast corner of said lot
and the North right of way line of Tull
Court (60 feet wide); thence S 87°17′20″
W 75.00 feet along the South line of said
lot and said right of way line to the
Southwest corner of said lot; thence N
02°42′47″ W 165.98 feet along the West
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 106 / Friday, June 3, 2005 / Notices
line of said lot; thence along a curve to
the right 80.40 feet, said curve having a
radius of 180.00 feet, a central angle of
25°35′28″, and a chord bearing S
61°41′47″ E 79.73 feet; thence S
86°40′54″ E 7.03 feet to the East line of
said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition containing 10,978
square feet, or 0.25 of an acre, more or
A Grading Permit being a part of Lot
11 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’ being
a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section 18,
T3N, R9E. Waterford Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat
of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plant No. 36’’
of part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland
County Records, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of
said lot; thence S 02°42′49″ E 61.53 feet
along the East line of said lot; thence N
86°40′54″ W 7.03 feet; thence along a
curve to the left, said curve having a
radius of 180.00 feet, a central angle of
N 61°14′47″ 79.73 feet to the West line
of said lot; thence N 02°42′47″ W 25.92
feet along lot line to the Northwest
corner of said lot; thence S 87°34′40″ E
75.30 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Said permit contains 3,161 square
feet, or 0.07 of an acre, more or less.
Part 133 (Lot 12)
A Right of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 12 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant S
02°42′47″ E 25.91 feet along the east line
of said lot from the Northeast corner of
said lot; thence continuing S 02°47′47″
E 65.27 feet along said lot line; thence
along a curve to the left 64.58 feet, said
having a radius of 120.00 feet, a central
angel of 30°49′59″, and a chord bearing
N 79°25′57″ W 63.80 feet; thence S
85°09′00″ W 12.91 feet to the West lien
of said lot; thence N 02°42′44″ W 60.04
feet along said West lot line; thence N
85°09′00″ E 10.67 feet; thence along a
curve to the right 76.10 feet, said curve
having a radius of 180.00 feet, a central
angle 24°13′19″, and a chord bearing S
85°54′29″ E 75.53 feet to the East line of
said lot and the Point of Beginning; Also
Beginning at a point distant S 02°42′47″
E 112,86 feet long the East line of said
lot from the Northeast corner of said lot;
thence continuing S 02°42′47″ E 79.03
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feet along said lot line to the Southeast
corner of said lot and the North right of
way line of Tull Court (60 feet wide);
thence S 87°17′20″ W 75.0 feet along
said South lot line and said right of way
line to the Southwest corner of said lot;
thence N 02°42′44″ W 46.67 feet long
the West line of said lot; thence along
a curve of the left 81.73 feet, said curve
having a radius of 655.00 feet, a central
angle of 07°08′58″, and a chord bearing
N 63°57′03″ E 81.68 feet to the East line
of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 9,241 square
feet, or 0.21 of an acre, more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of Lot
12 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’ being
a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section 18,
T3N, R9E, Waterford Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat
of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 36’’
of part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland
County Records, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of
said lot; thence S02°42′47″ E 25.91 feet
along the East line of said lot; thence
along a curve to the left 76.10 feet, said
curve having a radius of 180.00 feet, a
central angle of 24°13′19″, and a chord
bearing N85°54′29″ W 75.53 feet; thence
S85°09′00″ W 10.67 feet to the West line
of said lot; thence N02°42′44″ W 23.70
feet along said lot line; thence
S87°34′40″ E 75.30 feet to the Northeast
corner of said lot; thence S87°34′40″ E
75.30 feet to the Northeast corner of said
lot and the Point of Beginning; Also
Beginning at a point S02°42′47″ E 91.18
feet along the East line of said lot from
the Northeast corner of said lot; thence
continuing S02°42′47″ E 21.68 feet long
said lot line; thence along a curve to the
left 81.73 feet, said curve having a
radius of 655.00 feet, a central angle of
07°08′58″ and a chord bearing
S63°57′03″ W 81.68 feet to the West line
of said lot; thence N02°42′44″ W 68.21
feet along said lot line; thence
N85°09′00″ E 12.91 feet; thence long a
curve to the right 64.58 feet, said curve
having a radius of 120.00 feet, a central
angle of 30°49′59″, and a chord bearing
S79°25′57″ E 63.80 feet to the East line
of said lot and Point of Beginning.
Said permit contains 5,403 square
feet, or 0.12 of an acre more or less.
Parcel 134 (Lot 13)
A Right of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 13 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
PO 00000
Frm 00132
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant
S02°42′44″ E 23.70 feet along the East
line of said lot from the Northeast
corner of said lot; thence continuing
S02°42′44″ E 60.04 feet along the East
line of said lot; thence S85°09′00″ W
75.05 feet to the West line of said lot;
thence N02°42′42″ W 60.04 feet along
said lot line; thence N85°09′00″ E 75.05
feet to the East line of said lot and the
Point of Beginning; also Beginning at a
point distant S02°42′44″ E 151.95 feet
along the East line of said lot from the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence
continuing S02°42′44″ E 46.67 feet along
the East line of said lot the Southeast
corner of said lot and the North right of
way line of Tull Court (60 feet wide);
thence S87°17′20″ W 75.00 feet along
the South line of said lot and said right
of way line to the Southwest corner of
said lot; thence N02°42′42″ E 18.63 feet
along West line of said lot; thence along
a curve to the right 65.45 feet, said curve
having a radius of 805.00 feet, a central
angle of 04°39′30″, and a chord bearing
N66°28′41″ E 65.43 feet; thence along a
curve to the left 14.65 feet, said curve
having a radius of 655.00 feet, a central
angle of 01°16′53″, and a chord bearing
N68°09′59″ E 14.65 feet to the East line
of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 6,995 square
feet, or 0.16 of an acre, more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of Lot
13 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’ being
a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section 18,
T3N, R9E, Waterford Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat
of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 36’’
of part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland
County Records, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of
said lot; thence S02°42′44″ E 23.70 feet
along East line of said lot; thence
S85°09′00″ W 75.05 feet to the West line
of said lot; thence N02°42′42″ W 33.24
feet along said lot line the Northwest
corner of said lot; thence S87°34′40″ E
75.30 feet to the Northeast corner of said
lot and the Point of Beginning; Also
Beginning at a point distant S02°42′44″
E 83.74 feet along the East line of said
lot from the Northeast corner of said lot;
thence continuing S02°42′44″ E 68.21
feet along said lot line; thence along a
curve to the right 14.65 feet, said curve
having a radius of 655.00 feet, a central
angle of 01°16′53″, and a chord bearing
S68D09′59″ W 14.65 feet; thence along
a curve to the left 65.45 feet, said curve
having a radius of 805.00 feet, a central
angle of 04°39′30″, and a chord bearing
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 106 / Friday, June 3, 2005 / Notices
S66°28′41″ W 65.43 feet to the West line
of said lot; thence N02°42′42″ W 93.45
feet; thence N85°09′00″ 75.05 feet to the
East line of said lot and the Point of
Said permit contains 8,155 square
feet, or 0.19 an acre, more or less.
Parcel 135 (Lot 14)
A Right of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 14 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southeast 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant
S02°42′42″ E 33.24 feet along the East
line of said lot from the Northeeast
corner of said Lot; thence continuing
S02°42′42″ E 60.04 feet along said lot
line; thence S85°09′00″ W 75.05 feet to
the West line of said lot, thence
S02°42′40″ W 60.04 feet along said lot
line; thence N85°09′00″ E 75.05 feet to
the East line of said lot and the Point of
Beginning; Also beginning at a point
S02°42′42″ E 186.73 feet along the East
line of said lot from the Northeast
corner of said lot; thence continuing
S02°42′42″ E 18.63 feet along said lot
line to the Southeast corner of said lot
and the North right of way of Tull Court
(60 feet wide); thence S87°17′20″ W
40.46 feet along said South line and said
right of way; thence along a curve to the
right 44.55 feet, said curve having a
radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle of
03°10′14″, and a chord bearing
N62°33′49″ E 44.54 feet to the East line
of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 4,889 square
feet, or 0.11 of an acre, more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of lot
14 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’ being
a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section 18,
T3N, R9E, Waterford Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat
of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 36’’
of part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland
County Records, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of
said lot; thence S02°42′42″ E 33.24 feet
along east line of said lot; thence
S85°09′00″ W 75.05 feet to the West line
of said lot; thence N02°42′40″ W 42.78
feet along said lot line to the Northwest
corner of said lot; thence S87°34′40″ E
75.30 fet along North line of said lot to
the Northeast corner of said lot and the
Point of Beginning. Also beginning at a
point distant S02°42′42″ E 186.73 feet
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along the East line of said lot from the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence
along a curve to the left 44.56 feet, said
curve having a radius of 805.00 feet, a
central angle of 13°10′14″, and a chord
bearing S62°33′49″ W 44.54 feet to the
South line of said lot and the North
right of way line of Tull Court (60 feet
wide); thence S87°17′20″ W 34.54 feet
along said lot line and said right of way
line to the Southwest corner of said lot;
thence N02°42′40″ W 109.38 feet along
the West line of said lot; thence
N85°09′00″ E 75.05 feet to the East line
of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said permit contains 10,766 square
feet, or 0.25 of an acre, more or less.
Parcel 136 (Lot 15—West)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a
part of the West 1⁄2 Lot 15 of
‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’ being a part
of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland
County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot 18
of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 136’’ of part of
the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland
County, Michigan, as recorded in Liber
72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County
Records, described as follows:
Beginning at a point distant S 0°45′00″
E 60.55 feet along the West line of said
lot and subdivision line from the
Northwest corner of said lot and
subdivision corner; thence N 85°09′00″
E 68.86 feet to the East property line;
thence S O3°45′14″ E 60.01 feet along
said property line; thence S 85°09′00″ W
67.82 feet to the West line of said lot
and subdivision line; thence N
04°45′00″ W 60.00 feet along said line
to the Point Of Beginning; Also
Beginning at a point distant S 04°45′00″
E feet along the West line of said lot and
N 87°17′20″ E 62.68 feet along the South
line of said lot from the Northwest
corner of said lot; thence along a curve
to the right 2.74 feet, said curve having
a radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle
of 00°11′42″, and a chord bearing N
52°39′32″ E 2.74 feet to the east property
line; thence S 03°45′14″ E 1.56 feet
along said property line to the Southeast
corner of said property; thence S
87°17′20″ W 2.28 feet along the South
line of said lot to the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 4,110 square
feet, or 0.09 of an acre, more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of the
West 1⁄2 Lot 15 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at the Northwest
corner of said lot and subdivision;
thence S 87°34′40″ E 70.31 feet along
said lot line to the Northeast corner of
said property; thence S 03°45′14″ E
51.66 feet along the East property line;
thence S 85°09′00″ W 68.86 feet to the
West lot line; thence N 04°45′00″ W
60.55 feet along said lot line to the
Northwest corner of said lot and the
Point of Beginning; Also Beginning at a
point distant S 04°45′00″ E 120.55 feet
along the West lot line from the
Northwest corner of said lot; thence N
85°09′00″ E 67.82 feet to the East
property line; thence S 03°45′14″ E
165.21 feet along said property line;
thence along a curve to the left 2.74 feet,
said curve having a radius of 805.00
feet, a central angle of 00°11′42″, and a
chord bearing S 52°39′32″ W 2.74 feet to
the South lien of said lot; thence S
87°17′20″ W 62.68 feet along said lot
line to the Southwest corner of said lot
thence N 04°45′00″ W 164.31 feet along
the West line of said lot to the Point Of
Said permit contains 14,868 square
feet, or 0.34 of an acre, more or less.
Parcel 223 (Lot 15—East)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a
part of the East 1⁄2 Lot 15 of
‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’ being a part
of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland
County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot 18
of ‘‘Supervisor Plat No. 36’’ of part of
the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland
County, Michigan, as recorded in Liber
72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County
Records, described as follows:
Beginning at a point distant S02°42′40″
E 42.78 feet along the East line of said
lot from the Northeast corner of said
Lot; thence continuing S02°42′40″ E
60.04 feet along said lot line; thence
S85°09′00″ W 68.04 feet to the West
property line; thence N03°45′14″ W
60.01 feet along the West property line;
thence N85°09′00″ E 69.14 feet to the
East line of said lot and the Point of
Beginning; Also beginning at a point
distant S02°42′40″ E 230.23 feet along
the East line of said lot from the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence
continuing S02°42′40″ E 41.87 feet along
said lot line to the Southeast corner of
said lot; thence S87°17′20″ W 64.96 feet
along the South line of said lot to the
Southwest corner of said property;
thence N03°45′14″ W 1.56 feet along
West property line; thence along a curve
to the right 76.51 feet, said curve having
a radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle
of 05°26′44″, and a chord bearing
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 106 / Friday, June 3, 2005 / Notices
N55°28′44″ E 76.48 feet to the East line
of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 5,573 square
feet, or 0.13 of an acre, more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of the
East 1⁄2 Lot 15 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at the Northeast
corner of said lot; thence S02°42′40″ E
42.78 feet along the East line of said lot
from the Northeast corner of said lot;
thence S85°09′00″ W 69.14 feet to the
West property line; thence N03°45′14″
W 51.66 feet along said property line;
thence S87°34′40″ E 75.31 feet along the
North line of said lot to the Northeast
corner of said lot; Also Beginning at a
point distant S02°42′40″ E 102.82 feet
along the East line of said lot from the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence
continuing S02°42′40″ E 127.41 feet
along said lot line; thence along a curve
to the left 76.51 feet , said curve having
a radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle
05°26′44″, and a chord bearing
S55°28′44″ W 76.48 feet to the West line
of said property; thence N03°45′14″ W
165.21 feet along said property line;
thence N85°09′00″ E 68.04 feet to the
east line of said lot and the Point of
Said permit contains 12,967 square
feet, or 0.30 of an acre, more or less.
Parcel 224 (Lot 8—Partial)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 8 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant N
02°42′55″ W 49.83 feet along the West
line of and the Southwest corner of said
lot; thence continuing N 02°42′55″ W
121.84 feet along said lot line to the
Northwest corner of said lot; thence
S87°34″E 75.30 feet along the North line
of said lot to the Northeast corner of
said lot; thence S02°42′58″E 42.45 feet
along the East line of said lot; thence
along a curve to the right 104.49, said
curve having a radius of 805.00 feet, a
central angle of 07°26′14″ and a chord
bearing S43°11′41″W 104.42 feet to the
VerDate jul<14>2003
18:03 Jun 02, 2005
Jkt 205001
West line of said lot and the Point Of
Said acquisition contains 6,279 square
feet, or 0.14 of an acre, more or less.
Parcel 225 (Lot 9—Partial)
A Right Of Acquisition being a part of
Lot 9 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’
being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant S
87°17′20″ W 65.04 feet along the
Northerly right of way line of Tull Court
(60 feet wide); thence continuing S
87°17′20″ W 9.96 feet along said right of
way line to the Southwest corner of said
lot; thence N 02°42′52″ W 178.41 feet
along the West line of said lot to the
Northwest corner of said lot; thence S
87°34′40″ E 75.30 feet to the Northeast
corner of said lot; thence S 02°42′55″ E
121.84 feet; thence along a curve to the
right 81.98 feet, said curve having a
radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle of
05°50′05″, and a chord bearing S
49°50′50″ W 81.94 to the North right of
way line of said Tull Court and the
point Of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 11,564
square feet, or 0.27 of an acre, more or
Parcel 230 (Lot 20—Partial)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 20 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant S
87°17′20″ W 58.50 feet along the north
line of said lot and the South right of
way line of Tull Court (60 feet wide)
from the Northeast corner of said lot;
thence along a curve to the right 18.28
feet, said curve having a radius of
805.00 feet, a central angle of 01°18′04″,
and a chord bearing S 61°52′07″ W
18.28 feet to the West line of said lot;
thence N 02°40′57″ W 7.84 feet along
said lot line to the Northwest corner of
said lot; thence N 87°17′20″ E 16.50 feet
along the North line of said lot and said
right of way line of Tull Court to the
Point Of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 65 square
feet, or 0.001 of an acre, more or less.
PO 00000
Frm 00134
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Parcel 231 (Lot 19—Partial)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 19 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant N
02°41′00″ W 266.17 feet along the West
line of said lot from the Southwest
corner of said lot; thence continuing N
02°41′00″ W 37.99 feet along said lot
line to the Northwest corner of said lot
and the South right of way line of Tull
Court (60 feet wide); thence N 87°17′20″
E 75.00 feet along the North line of said
lot and said right of way line to the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence S
02°40′57″ E 7.84 feet along the East line
of said lot; thence along a curve to the
left 80.87 feet, said curve having a
radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle of
05°45′22″, and a chord bearing S
65°23′50″ W 80.84 feet to the West line
of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 1,773 square
feet, or 0.04 of an acre, more or less.
A Drainage Easement being a part of
Lot 19 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’
being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant N
02°41′00″ W 70.19 feet along the West
line of said lot from the Southwest
corner of said lot; thence continuing N
02°41′00″ W 50.14 feet along said lot
line; thence N 83°05′15″ E 75.20 feet to
the East line of said lot; thence S
02°40′57″ W 50.14 feet along said lot
line; thence S 83°05′15″ W 75.20 feet to
the West line of said lot and the Point
of Beginning.
Said permit contains 3,760 square
feet, or 0.09 of an acre, more or less.
Parcel 232 (Lot 18—Partial)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 106 / Friday, June 3, 2005 / Notices
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant
N02°41′03″ W 242.27 feet along the
West line of said lot from the Southwest
corner of said lot; thence continuing
N02°41′03″ W 67.40 feet along said lot
line to the Northwest corner of said lot
and the South right of way line of Tull
Court (60 feet wide); thence N87°17′20″
E 75.00 feet along the North line of said
lot and said right of way line to the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence
S02°41′00″ E 37.99 feet along the East
line of said lot; thence along a curve to
the left 73.15 feet, said curve having a
radius of 655.00 feet, a central angle of
06°23′55″, and a chord bearing
S65°36′28″ W 73.11 feet to the West line
of said lot and the point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 3,888 square
feet, or 0.09 of an acre, more or less.
A Drainage Easement being a part of
Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’
being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant
N02°41′03″ W 50.14 feet along the West
line of said lot from the Southwest
corner of said lot; thence continuing
N02°41′03″ W 192.13 feet along said lot
time; thence along a curve to the right
73.15 feet, said curve having a radius of
655.00 feet, a central angle of 06°23′55″,
and a chord bearing N65°36′28″ E 73.11
feet to the East line of said lot; thence
S02°41′00″ E 145.84 feet along said lot
line; thence S83°05′15″ W 75.20 feet to
the West line of said lot and the Point
Of Beginning.
Said permit contains 15,370 square
feet, or 0.35 of an acre, more of less.
E 75.00 feet along the North line of said
lot and said right of way line to the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence
S02°41′03″ E 67.40 feet along the East
line of said lot; thence along a curve to
the left 85.52 feet, said curve having a
radius of 655.00 feet, a central angle of
07°28′51″, and a chord bearing
S58°40′04″ W 85.46 feet to the West line
of said lot and the Point Of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 6,511 square
feet, or 0.15 of an acre, more or less.
A Drainage Easement being a part of
Lot 17 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No. 59’’
being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant N
O2°241′06″ W 50.14 feet along the West
line of said lot from the Southwest
corner of said lot; thence continuing N
O2°241′06″ 156.70 feet along said lot
line; thence along a curve to the right
85.52 feet, said curve having a radius of
655.00 feet, a central angle of 07°28′51″,
and a chord bearing N 58°40′04″ E 85.46
feet to the East line of said lot; thence
S 02°41′03″ E 192.13 feet along said lot
line; thence S 83°05′15″ W 75.20 feet to
the West line of said lot and the Point
Of Beginning.
Said permit contains 13,160 square
feet, or 0.30 of an acre, more or less.
Total acres to be released are 3.981,
more or less.
Parcel 233 (Lot 17—Partial)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a
part of Lot 17 of ‘‘Supervisor’s Plat No.
59’’ being a part of the Southwest 1⁄4 of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
and a replat of Lot 18 of ‘‘Supervisor’s
Plat No. 36’’ of part of the Southwest 1⁄4
of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford
Township, Oakland County, Michigan,
as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant
N02°41′06″ W 206.84 feet along the
West line of said lot from the Southwest
corner of said lot; thence continuing
N0°41′06″ W 108.34 feet along said lot
line to the Northwest corner of said lot
and the South right of way line of Tull
Court (60 feet wide); thence N87°17′20″
Federal Aviation Administration
VerDate jul<14>2003
18:03 Jun 02, 2005
Jkt 205001
Dated: Issued in Romulus, Michigan, on
May 17, 2005.
Irene R. Porter,
Manager, Detroit Airports District Office,
FAA, Great Lakes Region.
[FR Doc. 05–11116 Filed 6–2–05; 8:45 am]
Proposed Revision: Technical
Standard Order (TSO)–C122a,
Equipment That Prevent Blocked
Channels Used in Two-way Radio
Communications Due To Simultaneous
Federal Aviation
Administration (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of availability and
request for public comment.
SUMMARY: This notice announces the
availability of and requests comments
on a proposed Technical Standard
Order (TSO)–C122a, Equipment That
Prevent Blocked Channels Used in Twoway Radio Communications Due to
Simultaneous Transmissions. The TSO
PO 00000
Frm 00135
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
tells manufacturers seeking a TSO
authorization or letter of design
approval what minimum performance
standards (MPS) their transmitter radio
equipment to prevent blocked channels
must first meet for approval and
identification with the applicable TSO
DATES: Submit comments on or before
July 5, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Send all comments on the
proposed revised technical standard
order to: Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Aircraft
Certification Service, Aircraft
Engineering Division, Avionic Systems
Branch, Room 815, AIR–130, 800
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20591. Attn: Mr.
Thomas Mustach. Or deliver comments
to: Federal Aviation Administration,
Room 815, 800 Independence Avenue,
SW., Washington, DC 20591.
Thomas Mustach, AIR–130, Room 815,
Federal Aviation Administration,
Aircraft Certification Service, Aircraft
Engineering Division, 800 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591.
Telephone (425) 227–1935, FAX: (425)
227–1181. Or, via e-mail at:
Comments Invited
You are invited to comment on the
proposed TSO listed in this notice by
submitting such written data, views, or
arguments to the address listed above.
Your comments should identify
‘‘Comments to Proposed TSO–C122a.’’
You may examine all comments
received on the proposed revised TSO
before and after the comment closing
date, at the FAA Headquarters Building,
Room 815, 800 Independence Avenue,
SW., Washington, DC 20591, weekdays
except Federal holidays, between 8:30
a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The Director of the
Aircraft Certification Service will
consider all communications received
on or before the closing date before
issuing the final revised TSO.
This proposed TSO–C122a includes
the latest TSO boilerplate wording and
format, to include a Functionality
definition used to specify the Failure
Hazard Classification and invokes
environmental conditions and test
procedures specified in RTCA/DO–
160E, Environmental Conditions and
Test Procedures for Airborne
Equipment, dated December 9, 2004.
The proposed TSO provides a minimum
operational performance standard for
equipment intended to prevent blocked
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 106 (Friday, June 3, 2005)]
[Pages 32694-32698]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-11116]
Federal Aviation Administration
Public Notice for Waiver of Aeronautical Land-Use Assurance;
Oakland County International Airport; Pontiac, MI
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of intent of waiver with respect to land.
SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is considering a
proposal to change a portion of the airport from aeronautical use to
non-aeronautical use and to authorize the sale of the airport property.
The proposal consists of 14 parcels of land totaling approximately
3.981 acres. Current use and present condition is vacant grassland. The
land is zoned residential. The land was acquired under FAA Project Nos.
3-26-0079-0694, C-26-0079-0795, B-26-0079-1397, 3-26-SBGP-1098, and 3-
26-SBGP-1799, and 3-26-SBGP-1999. There are no impacts to the airport
by allowing the airport to dispose of the property. This land is to be
sold for proposed use to accommodate the relocation of Williams Lake
Road, which will provide a fully compliant runway safety area for
Runway 9R. Approval does not constitute a commitment by the FAA to
financially assist in the disposal of the subject airport property nor
a determination of eligibility for grant-in-aid funding from the FAA.
The disposition of proceeds from the disposal of the airport property
will be in accordance FAA's Policy and Procedures Concerning the Use of
Airport Revenue, published in the Federal Register on February 16,
In accordance with section 47107(h) of title 49, United States
Code, this notice is required to be published in the Federal Register
30 days before modifying the land-use assurance that requires the
property to be used for an aeronautical purpose.
DATES: Comments must be receive on or before July 5, 2005.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Lawrence C. King, Project Manager,
Federal Aviation Administration, Great Lakes Region, Detroit Airports
District Office, DET ADO 607, 11677 South Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan
48174. Telephone Number (734) 229-2933/FAX Number (734) 229-2950.
Documents reflecting this FAA action may be reviewed at this same
location or at Oakland County International Airport, Pontiac, Michigan.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Following is a legal description of the
property located in Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, and described as
Parcel 130 (Lot 7 (Partial))
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 7 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot
18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records,
described as follows: Beginning at a point distant N 87[deg]34'40'' W
41.66 feet from the Northeast corner of said Lot 7; thence along a
curve to the right 51.76 feet, said curve having a radius of 805.00
feet, a central angle of 03[deg]41'02'', and a chord bearing S
37[deg]38'04'' W 51.75 feet; thence N 02[deg]42'58'' W 42.45 feet;
thence S 87[deg]34'40'' E 33.64 feet to the Point Of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 725 square feet, or 0.02 of an acre, more
or less.
Parcel 131 (Lot 10)
A Right of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 10 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot
18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Watership Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records,
described as follows: Beginning at a point distant S 87[deg]34'40'' E
69.92 feet along the North line of said lot; thence continuing S
87[deg]34'40'' E 5.38 feet along said lot line to the Northeast corner
of said lot; thence S 02[deg]42'42'' E 178.41 feet along the East line
of said lot to the Southeast corner of said lot; thence S
87[deg]17'20'' W 75.00 feet along the South lien of said lot and the
North right of way line of Tull Court (60 feet wide) to the Southwest
corner of said lot; thence N 02[deg]42'49'' W 123.62 feet along the
West line of said lot; thence along a curve to the left 88.98 feet,
said curve having a radius of 655.00 feet, a central angle of
07[deg]47'00'', and a chord bearing N 48[deg]50'48'' E 88.91 feet of
the North line of said lot and the point of Beginning. Said acquisition
containing 11,401 square feet, or 0.26 of an acre, more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of Lot 10 of ``Supervisor's Plat No.
59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of section 18, T3N, R9E,
Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot 18 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 18, Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said lot; thence S
87[deg]34'40'' E 69.92 feet along the North line of said lot; thence
along a curve to the right 88.98 feet, said curve having a radius of
655.00 feet, a central angle of 07[deg]47'00'', and a chord bearing S
48[deg]50'48'' W 88.91 feet to the West lien of said lot; thence N
02[deg]42'49'' W 61.53 feet to the Northwest corner of said lot and the
Point of Beginning.
Said permit contains 2,232 square feet, or 0.05 of an acre, more or
Parce 132 (Lot 11)
A Right of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 11 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot
of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records,
described as follows: Beginning at a point distant S 02[deg]42'49'' E
61.53 feet along the East line of said lot from the Northeast corner of
said lot; thence continuing S 02[deg]42'49'' E 123.62 feet along said
lot line of the Southeast corner of said lot and the North right of way
line of Tull Court (60 feet wide); thence S 87[deg]17'20'' W 75.00 feet
along the South line of said lot and said right of way line to the
Southwest corner of said lot; thence N 02[deg]42'47'' W 165.98 feet
along the West
[[Page 32695]]
line of said lot; thence along a curve to the right 80.40 feet, said
curve having a radius of 180.00 feet, a central angle of
25[deg]35'28'', and a chord bearing S 61[deg]41'47'' E 79.73 feet;
thence S 86[deg]40'54'' E 7.03 feet to the East line of said lot and
the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition containing 10,978 square feet, or 0.25 of an acre,
more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of Lot 11 of ``Supervisor's Plat No.
59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E.
Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot 18 of
``Supervisor's Plant No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said lot; thence S
02[deg]42'49'' E 61.53 feet along the East line of said lot; thence N
86[deg]40'54'' W 7.03 feet; thence along a curve to the left, said
curve having a radius of 180.00 feet, a central angle of N
61[deg]14'47'' 79.73 feet to the West line of said lot; thence N
02[deg]42'47'' W 25.92 feet along lot line to the Northwest corner of
said lot; thence S 87[deg]34'40'' E 75.30 feet to the Point of
Said permit contains 3,161 square feet, or 0.07 of an acre, more or
Part 133 (Lot 12)
A Right of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 12 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot
18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records,
described as follows: Beginning at a point distant S 02[deg]42'47'' E
25.91 feet along the east line of said lot from the Northeast corner of
said lot; thence continuing S 02[deg]47'47'' E 65.27 feet along said
lot line; thence along a curve to the left 64.58 feet, said having a
radius of 120.00 feet, a central angel of 30[deg]49'59'', and a chord
bearing N 79[deg]25'57'' W 63.80 feet; thence S 85[deg]09'00'' W 12.91
feet to the West lien of said lot; thence N 02[deg]42'44'' W 60.04 feet
along said West lot line; thence N 85[deg]09'00'' E 10.67 feet; thence
along a curve to the right 76.10 feet, said curve having a radius of
180.00 feet, a central angle 24[deg]13'19'', and a chord bearing S
85[deg]54'29'' E 75.53 feet to the East line of said lot and the Point
of Beginning; Also Beginning at a point distant S 02[deg]42'47'' E
112,86 feet long the East line of said lot from the Northeast corner of
said lot; thence continuing S 02[deg]42'47'' E 79.03 feet along said
lot line to the Southeast corner of said lot and the North right of way
line of Tull Court (60 feet wide); thence S 87[deg]17'20'' W 75.0 feet
along said South lot line and said right of way line to the Southwest
corner of said lot; thence N 02[deg]42'44'' W 46.67 feet long the West
line of said lot; thence along a curve of the left 81.73 feet, said
curve having a radius of 655.00 feet, a central angle of
07[deg]08'58'', and a chord bearing N 63[deg]57'03'' E 81.68 feet to
the East line of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 9,241 square feet, or 0.21 of an acre,
more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of Lot 12 of ``Supervisor's Plat No.
59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E,
Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot 18 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said lot; thence
S02[deg]42'47'' E 25.91 feet along the East line of said lot; thence
along a curve to the left 76.10 feet, said curve having a radius of
180.00 feet, a central angle of 24[deg]13'19'', and a chord bearing
N85[deg]54'29'' W 75.53 feet; thence S85[deg]09'00'' W 10.67 feet to
the West line of said lot; thence N02[deg]42'44'' W 23.70 feet along
said lot line; thence S87[deg]34'40'' E 75.30 feet to the Northeast
corner of said lot; thence S87[deg]34'40'' E 75.30 feet to the
Northeast corner of said lot and the Point of Beginning; Also Beginning
at a point S02[deg]42'47'' E 91.18 feet along the East line of said lot
from the Northeast corner of said lot; thence continuing
S02[deg]42'47'' E 21.68 feet long said lot line; thence along a curve
to the left 81.73 feet, said curve having a radius of 655.00 feet, a
central angle of 07[deg]08'58'' and a chord bearing S63[deg]57'03'' W
81.68 feet to the West line of said lot; thence N02[deg]42'44'' W 68.21
feet along said lot line; thence N85[deg]09'00'' E 12.91 feet; thence
long a curve to the right 64.58 feet, said curve having a radius of
120.00 feet, a central angle of 30[deg]49'59'', and a chord bearing
S79[deg]25'57'' E 63.80 feet to the East line of said lot and Point of
Said permit contains 5,403 square feet, or 0.12 of an acre more or
Parcel 134 (Lot 13)
A Right of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 13 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and replat of Lot 18
of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records,
described as follows: Beginning at a point distant S02[deg]42'44'' E
23.70 feet along the East line of said lot from the Northeast corner of
said lot; thence continuing S02[deg]42'44'' E 60.04 feet along the East
line of said lot; thence S85[deg]09'00'' W 75.05 feet to the West line
of said lot; thence N02[deg]42'42'' W 60.04 feet along said lot line;
thence N85[deg]09'00'' E 75.05 feet to the East line of said lot and
the Point of Beginning; also Beginning at a point distant
S02[deg]42'44'' E 151.95 feet along the East line of said lot from the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence continuing S02[deg]42'44'' E 46.67
feet along the East line of said lot the Southeast corner of said lot
and the North right of way line of Tull Court (60 feet wide); thence
S87[deg]17'20'' W 75.00 feet along the South line of said lot and said
right of way line to the Southwest corner of said lot; thence
N02[deg]42'42'' E 18.63 feet along West line of said lot; thence along
a curve to the right 65.45 feet, said curve having a radius of 805.00
feet, a central angle of 04[deg]39'30'', and a chord bearing
N66[deg]28'41'' E 65.43 feet; thence along a curve to the left 14.65
feet, said curve having a radius of 655.00 feet, a central angle of
01[deg]16'53'', and a chord bearing N68[deg]09'59'' E 14.65 feet to the
East line of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 6,995 square feet, or 0.16 of an acre,
more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of Lot 13 of ``Supervisor's Plat No.
59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E,
Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot 18 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said lot; thence
S02[deg]42'44'' E 23.70 feet along East line of said lot; thence
S85[deg]09'00'' W 75.05 feet to the West line of said lot; thence
N02[deg]42'42'' W 33.24 feet along said lot line the Northwest corner
of said lot; thence S87[deg]34'40'' E 75.30 feet to the Northeast
corner of said lot and the Point of Beginning; Also Beginning at a
point distant S02[deg]42'44'' E 83.74 feet along the East line of said
lot from the Northeast corner of said lot; thence continuing
S02[deg]42'44'' E 68.21 feet along said lot line; thence along a curve
to the right 14.65 feet, said curve having a radius of 655.00 feet, a
central angle of 01[deg]16'53'', and a chord bearing S68D09'59'' W
14.65 feet; thence along a curve to the left 65.45 feet, said curve
having a radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle of 04[deg]39'30'', and
a chord bearing
[[Page 32696]]
S66[deg]28'41'' W 65.43 feet to the West line of said lot; thence
N02[deg]42'42'' W 93.45 feet; thence N85[deg]09'00'' 75.05 feet to the
East line of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said permit contains 8,155 square feet, or 0.19 an acre, more or
Parcel 135 (Lot 14)
A Right of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 14 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southeast \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot
18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records,
described as follows: Beginning at a point distant
S02[deg]42[min]42[sec] E 33.24 feet along the East line of said lot
from the Northeeast corner of said Lot; thence continuing
S02[deg]42[min]42[sec] E 60.04 feet along said lot line; thence
S85[deg]09[min]00[sec] W 75.05 feet to the West line of said lot,
thence S02[deg]42[min]40[sec] W 60.04 feet along said lot line; thence
N85[deg]09[min]00[sec] E 75.05 feet to the East line of said lot and
the Point of Beginning; Also beginning at a point
S02[deg]42[min]42[sec] E 186.73 feet along the East line of said lot
from the Northeast corner of said lot; thence continuing
S02[deg]42[min]42[sec] E 18.63 feet along said lot line to the
Southeast corner of said lot and the North right of way of Tull Court
(60 feet wide); thence S87[deg]17[min]20[sec] W 40.46 feet along said
South line and said right of way; thence along a curve to the right
44.55 feet, said curve having a radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle
of 03[deg]10[min]14[sec], and a chord bearing N62[deg]33[min]49[sec] E
44.54 feet to the East line of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 4,889 square feet, or 0.11 of an acre,
more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of lot 14 of ``Supervisor's Plat No.
59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E,
Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot 18 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said lot; thence
S02[deg]42[min]42[sec] E 33.24 feet along east line of said lot; thence
S85[deg]09[min]00[sec] W 75.05 feet to the West line of said lot;
thence N02[deg]42[min]40[sec] W 42.78 feet along said lot line to the
Northwest corner of said lot; thence S87[deg]34[min]40[sec] E 75.30 fet
along North line of said lot to the Northeast corner of said lot and
the Point of Beginning. Also beginning at a point distant
S02[deg]42[min]42[sec] E 186.73 feet along the East line of said lot
from the Northeast corner of said lot; thence along a curve to the left
44.56 feet, said curve having a radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle
of 13[deg]10[min]14[sec], and a chord bearing S62[deg]33[min]49[sec] W
44.54 feet to the South line of said lot and the North right of way
line of Tull Court (60 feet wide); thence S87[deg]17[min]20[sec] W
34.54 feet along said lot line and said right of way line to the
Southwest corner of said lot; thence N02[deg]42[min]40[sec] W 109.38
feet along the West line of said lot; thence N85[deg]09[min]00[sec] E
75.05 feet to the East line of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said permit contains 10,766 square feet, or 0.25 of an acre, more
or less.
Parcel 136 (Lot 15--West)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a part of the West \1/2\ Lot 15 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and
a replat of Lot 18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 136'' of part of the
Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland
County, Michigan, as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland
County Records, described as follows: Beginning at a point distant S
0[deg]45'00'' E 60.55 feet along the West line of said lot and
subdivision line from the Northwest corner of said lot and subdivision
corner; thence N 85[deg]09'00'' E 68.86 feet to the East property line;
thence S O3[deg]45'14'' E 60.01 feet along said property line; thence S
85[deg]09'00'' W 67.82 feet to the West line of said lot and
subdivision line; thence N 04[deg]45'00'' W 60.00 feet along said line
to the Point Of Beginning; Also Beginning at a point distant S
04[deg]45'00'' E feet along the West line of said lot and N
87[deg]17'20'' E 62.68 feet along the South line of said lot from the
Northwest corner of said lot; thence along a curve to the right 2.74
feet, said curve having a radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle of
00[deg]11'42'', and a chord bearing N 52[deg]39'32'' E 2.74 feet to the
east property line; thence S 03[deg]45'14'' E 1.56 feet along said
property line to the Southeast corner of said property; thence S
87[deg]17'20'' W 2.28 feet along the South line of said lot to the
Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 4,110 square feet, or 0.09 of an acre,
more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of the West \1/2\ Lot 15 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and
a replat of Lot 18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the
Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland
County, Michigan, as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland
County Records, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner
of said lot and subdivision; thence S 87[deg]34'40'' E 70.31 feet along
said lot line to the Northeast corner of said property; thence S
03[deg]45'14'' E 51.66 feet along the East property line; thence S
85[deg]09'00'' W 68.86 feet to the West lot line; thence N
04[deg]45'00'' W 60.55 feet along said lot line to the Northwest corner
of said lot and the Point of Beginning; Also Beginning at a point
distant S 04[deg]45'00'' E 120.55 feet along the West lot line from the
Northwest corner of said lot; thence N 85[deg]09'00'' E 67.82 feet to
the East property line; thence S 03[deg]45'14'' E 165.21 feet along
said property line; thence along a curve to the left 2.74 feet, said
curve having a radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle of
00[deg]11'42'', and a chord bearing S 52[deg]39'32'' W 2.74 feet to the
South lien of said lot; thence S 87[deg]17'20'' W 62.68 feet along said
lot line to the Southwest corner of said lot thence N 04[deg]45'00'' W
164.31 feet along the West line of said lot to the Point Of Beginning.
Said permit contains 14,868 square feet, or 0.34 of an acre, more
or less.
Parcel 223 (Lot 15--East)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a part of the East \1/2\ Lot 15 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and
a replat of Lot 18 of ``Supervisor Plat No. 36'' of part of the
Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland
County, Michigan, as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland
County Records, described as follows: Beginning at a point distant
S02[deg]42'40'' E 42.78 feet along the East line of said lot from the
Northeast corner of said Lot; thence continuing S02[deg]42'40'' E 60.04
feet along said lot line; thence S85[deg]09'00'' W 68.04 feet to the
West property line; thence N03[deg]45'14'' W 60.01 feet along the West
property line; thence N85[deg]09'00'' E 69.14 feet to the East line of
said lot and the Point of Beginning; Also beginning at a point distant
S02[deg]42'40'' E 230.23 feet along the East line of said lot from the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence continuing S02[deg]42'40'' E 41.87
feet along said lot line to the Southeast corner of said lot; thence
S87[deg]17'20'' W 64.96 feet along the South line of said lot to the
Southwest corner of said property; thence N03[deg]45'14'' W 1.56 feet
along West property line; thence along a curve to the right 76.51 feet,
said curve having a radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle of
05[deg]26'44'', and a chord bearing
[[Page 32697]]
N55[deg]28'44'' E 76.48 feet to the East line of said lot and the Point
of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 5,573 square feet, or 0.13 of an acre,
more or less.
A Grading Permit being a part of the East \1/2\ Lot 15 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and
a replat of Lot 18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the
Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland
County, Michigan, as recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland
County Records, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner
of said lot; thence S02[deg]42'40'' E 42.78 feet along the East line of
said lot from the Northeast corner of said lot; thence S85[deg]09'00''
W 69.14 feet to the West property line; thence N03[deg]45'14'' W 51.66
feet along said property line; thence S87[deg]34'40'' E 75.31 feet
along the North line of said lot to the Northeast corner of said lot;
Also Beginning at a point distant S02[deg]42'40'' E 102.82 feet along
the East line of said lot from the Northeast corner of said lot; thence
continuing S02[deg]42'40'' E 127.41 feet along said lot line; thence
along a curve to the left 76.51 feet , said curve having a radius of
805.00 feet, a central angle 05[deg]26'44'', and a chord bearing
S55[deg]28'44'' W 76.48 feet to the West line of said property; thence
N03[deg]45'14'' W 165.21 feet along said property line; thence
N85[deg]09'00'' E 68.04 feet to the east line of said lot and the Point
of Beginning.
Said permit contains 12,967 square feet, or 0.30 of an acre, more
or less.
Parcel 224 (Lot 8--Partial)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 8 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot
18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records,
described as follows: Beginning at a point distant N 02[deg]42'55'' W
49.83 feet along the West line of and the Southwest corner of said lot;
thence continuing N 02[deg]42'55'' W 121.84 feet along said lot line to
the Northwest corner of said lot; thence S87[deg]34''E 75.30 feet along
the North line of said lot to the Northeast corner of said lot; thence
S02[deg]42'58''E 42.45 feet along the East line of said lot; thence
along a curve to the right 104.49, said curve having a radius of 805.00
feet, a central angle of 07[deg]26'14'' and a chord bearing
S43[deg]11'41''W 104.42 feet to the West line of said lot and the Point
Of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 6,279 square feet, or 0.14 of an acre,
more or less.
Parcel 225 (Lot 9--Partial)
A Right Of Acquisition being a part of Lot 9 of ``Supervisor's Plat
No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E,
Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot 18 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant S 87[deg]17'20'' W 65.04 feet
along the Northerly right of way line of Tull Court (60 feet wide);
thence continuing S 87[deg]17'20'' W 9.96 feet along said right of way
line to the Southwest corner of said lot; thence N 02[deg]42'52'' W
178.41 feet along the West line of said lot to the Northwest corner of
said lot; thence S 87[deg]34'40'' E 75.30 feet to the Northeast corner
of said lot; thence S 02[deg]42'55'' E 121.84 feet; thence along a
curve to the right 81.98 feet, said curve having a radius of 805.00
feet, a central angle of 05[deg]50'05'', and a chord bearing S
49[deg]50'50'' W 81.94 to the North right of way line of said Tull
Court and the point Of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 11,564 square feet, or 0.27 of an acre,
more or less.
Parcel 230 (Lot 20--Partial)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 20 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot
18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records,
described as follows: Beginning at a point distant S 87[deg]17'20'' W
58.50 feet along the north line of said lot and the South right of way
line of Tull Court (60 feet wide) from the Northeast corner of said
lot; thence along a curve to the right 18.28 feet, said curve having a
radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle of 01[deg]18'04'', and a chord
bearing S 61[deg]52'07'' W 18.28 feet to the West line of said lot;
thence N 02[deg]40'57'' W 7.84 feet along said lot line to the
Northwest corner of said lot; thence N 87[deg]17'20'' E 16.50 feet
along the North line of said lot and said right of way line of Tull
Court to the Point Of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 65 square feet, or 0.001 of an acre, more
or less.
Parcel 231 (Lot 19--Partial)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 19 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot
18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records,
described as follows: Beginning at a point distant N 02[deg]41'00'' W
266.17 feet along the West line of said lot from the Southwest corner
of said lot; thence continuing N 02[deg]41'00'' W 37.99 feet along said
lot line to the Northwest corner of said lot and the South right of way
line of Tull Court (60 feet wide); thence N 87[deg]17'20'' E 75.00 feet
along the North line of said lot and said right of way line to the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence S 02[deg]40'57'' E 7.84 feet along
the East line of said lot; thence along a curve to the left 80.87 feet,
said curve having a radius of 805.00 feet, a central angle of
05[deg]45'22'', and a chord bearing S 65[deg]23'50'' W 80.84 feet to
the West line of said lot and the Point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 1,773 square feet, or 0.04 of an acre,
more or less.
A Drainage Easement being a part of Lot 19 of ``Supervisor's Plat
No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E,
Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot 18 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant N 02[deg]41'00'' W 70.19 feet
along the West line of said lot from the Southwest corner of said lot;
thence continuing N 02[deg]41'00'' W 50.14 feet along said lot line;
thence N 83[deg]05'15'' E 75.20 feet to the East line of said lot;
thence S 02[deg]40'57'' W 50.14 feet along said lot line; thence S
83[deg]05'15'' W 75.20 feet to the West line of said lot and the Point
of Beginning.
Said permit contains 3,760 square feet, or 0.09 of an acre, more or
Parcel 232 (Lot 18--Partial)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 18 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot
18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10,
[[Page 32698]]
Oakland County Records, described as follows: Beginning at a point
distant N02[deg]41'03'' W 242.27 feet along the West line of said lot
from the Southwest corner of said lot; thence continuing
N02[deg]41'03'' W 67.40 feet along said lot line to the Northwest
corner of said lot and the South right of way line of Tull Court (60
feet wide); thence N87[deg]17'20'' E 75.00 feet along the North line of
said lot and said right of way line to the Northeast corner of said
lot; thence S02[deg]41'00'' E 37.99 feet along the East line of said
lot; thence along a curve to the left 73.15 feet, said curve having a
radius of 655.00 feet, a central angle of 06[deg]23'55'', and a chord
bearing S65[deg]36'28'' W 73.11 feet to the West line of said lot and
the point of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 3,888 square feet, or 0.09 of an acre,
more or less.
A Drainage Easement being a part of Lot 18 of ``Supervisor's Plat
No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E,
Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot 18 of
``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section
18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded
in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records, described as
follows: Beginning at a point distant N02[deg]41'03'' W 50.14 feet
along the West line of said lot from the Southwest corner of said lot;
thence continuing N02[deg]41'03'' W 192.13 feet along said lot time;
thence along a curve to the right 73.15 feet, said curve having a
radius of 655.00 feet, a central angle of 06[deg]23'55'', and a chord
bearing N65[deg]36'28'' E 73.11 feet to the East line of said lot;
thence S02[deg]41'00'' E 145.84 feet along said lot line; thence
S83[deg]05'15'' W 75.20 feet to the West line of said lot and the Point
Of Beginning.
Said permit contains 15,370 square feet, or 0.35 of an acre, more
of less.
Parcel 233 (Lot 17--Partial)
A Right Of Way Acquisition being a part of Lot 17 of ``Supervisor's
Plat No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N,
R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, and a replat of Lot
18 of ``Supervisor's Plat No. 36'' of part of the Southwest \1/4\ of
Section 18, T3N, R9E, Waterford Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as
recorded in Liber 72 of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records,
described as follows: Beginning at a point distant N02[deg]41'06'' W
206.84 feet along the West line of said lot from the Southwest corner
of said lot; thence continuing N0[deg]41'06'' W 108.34 feet along said
lot line to the Northwest corner of said lot and the South right of way
line of Tull Court (60 feet wide); thence N87[deg]17'20'' E 75.00 feet
along the North line of said lot and said right of way line to the
Northeast corner of said lot; thence S02[deg]41'03'' E 67.40 feet along
the East line of said lot; thence along a curve to the left 85.52 feet,
said curve having a radius of 655.00 feet, a central angle of
07[deg]28'51'', and a chord bearing S58[deg]40'04'' W 85.46 feet to the
West line of said lot and the Point Of Beginning.
Said acquisition contains 6,511 square feet, or 0.15 of an acre,
more or less.
A Drainage Easement being a part of Lot 17 of ``Supervisor's Plat
No. 59'' being a part of the Southwest \1/4\ of Section 18, T3N, R9E,
Waterford township, Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded in Liber 72
of Plats, Page 10, Oakland County Records, described as follows:
Beginning at a point distant N O2[deg]241'06'' W 50.14 feet along the
West line of said lot from the Southwest corner of said lot; thence
continuing N O2[deg]241'06'' 156.70 feet along said lot line; thence
along a curve to the right 85.52 feet, said curve having a radius of
655.00 feet, a central angle of 07[deg]28'51'', and a chord bearing N
58[deg]40'04'' E 85.46 feet to the East line of said lot; thence S
02[deg]41'03'' E 192.13 feet along said lot line; thence S
83[deg]05'15'' W 75.20 feet to the West line of said lot and the Point
Of Beginning.
Said permit contains 13,160 square feet, or 0.30 of an acre, more
or less.
Total acres to be released are 3.981, more or less.
Dated: Issued in Romulus, Michigan, on May 17, 2005.
Irene R. Porter,
Manager, Detroit Airports District Office, FAA, Great Lakes Region.
[FR Doc. 05-11116 Filed 6-2-05; 8:45 am]