Privacy Act of 1974, System of Records, 32382-32385 [05-11007]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 105 / Thursday, June 2, 2005 / Notices
proposed activity and to determine the
scope of issues to be addressed in an
EIS. The NRC has decided to hold
public meetings for the Monticello
license renewal supplement to the GEIS.
The scoping meetings will be held at the
Monticello Community Center, 505
Walnut Street in Monticello, Minnesota,
on June 30, 2005. There will be two
sessions to accommodate interested
parties. The first session will convene at
1:30 p.m. and will continue until 4:30
p.m., as necessary. The second session
will convene at 7 p.m. with a repeat of
the overview portions of the meeting
and will continue until 10 p.m., as
necessary. Both meetings will be
transcribed and will include: (1) an
overview by the NRC staff of the NEPA
environmental review process, the
proposed scope of the supplement to the
GEIS, and the proposed review
schedule; and (2) the opportunity for
interested government agencies,
organizations, and individuals to submit
comments or suggestions on the
environmental issues or the proposed
scope of the supplement to the GEIS.
Additionally, the NRC staff will host
informal discussions one hour before
the start of each session at the
Monticello Community Center, 505
Walnut Street in Monticello, Minnesota.
No formal comments on the proposed
scope of the supplement to the GEIS
will be accepted during the informal
discussions. To be considered,
comments must be provided either at
the transcribed public meetings or in
writing, as discussed below. Persons
may register to attend or present oral
comments at the meetings on the scope
of the NEPA review by contacting NRC
Environmental Project Manager, Ms.
Jennifer Davis, at 1–800–368–5642,
extension 3835, or by e-mail to the NRC
at no later than
June 23, 2005. Members of the public
may also register to speak at the meeting
within 15 minutes of the start of each
session. Individual oral comments may
be limited by the time available,
depending on the number of persons
who register. Members of the public
who have not registered may also have
an opportunity to speak, if time permits.
Public comments will be considered in
the scoping process for the supplement
to the GEIS. Ms. Davis will need to be
contacted no later than June 23, 2005, if
special equipment or accommodations
are needed to attend or present
information at the public meeting, so
that the NRC staff can determine
whether the request can be
Members of the public may send
written comments on the environmental
scope of the Monticello license renewal
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review to the Chief, Rules and
Directives Branch, Division of
Administrative Services, Office of
Administration, Mailstop T–6D59, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001, and
should cite the publication date and
page number of this Federal Register
notice. Comments may also be delivered
to the NRC, Room T–6D59, Two White
Flint North, 11545 Rockville Pike,
Rockville, Maryland 20852–2738, from
7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. during Federal
workdays. To be considered in the
scoping process, written comments
should be postmarked by August 2,
2005. Electronic comments may be sent
by e-mail to the NRC at and should be
sent no later than August 2, 2005, to be
considered in the scoping process.
Comments will be available
electronically and accessible through
Participation in the scoping process
for the supplement to the GEIS does not
entitle participants to become parties to
the proceeding to which the supplement
to the GEIS relates. Notice of
opportunity for a hearing regarding the
renewal application was the subject of
the aforementioned Federal Register
notice (70 FR 25117). Matters related to
participation in any hearing are outside
the scope of matters to be discussed at
this public meeting.
At the conclusion of the scoping
process, the NRC will prepare a concise
summary of the determination and
conclusions reached, including the
significant issues identified, and will
send a copy of the summary to each
participant in the scoping process. The
summary will also be available for
inspection in ADAMS at https://
The staff will then prepare and issue for
comment the draft supplement to the
GEIS, which will be the subject of
separate notices and separate public
meetings. Copies will be available for
public inspection at the abovementioned addresses, and one copy per
request will be provided free of charge.
After receipt and consideration of the
comments, the NRC will prepare a final
supplement to the GEIS, which will also
be available for public inspection.
Information about the proposed
action, the supplement to the GEIS, and
the scoping process may be obtained
from Ms. Davis at the aforementioned
telephone number or e-mail address.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 26th day
of May 2005.
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For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Samson S. Lee,
Acting Program Director, License Renewal
and Environmental Impacts Program,
Division of Regulatory Improvement
Programs, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. E5–2793 Filed 6–1–05; 8:45 am]
Privacy Act of 1974, System of
Postal Service.
Notice of new system of records.
SUMMARY: The Postal ServiceTM
proposes a new Privacy Act system of
records. The system of records relates to
name and address files the Postal
Service plans to maintain for the
purpose of improving the accuracy of
mail piece addresses and mail delivery.
The files will contain name and address
data provided by mailers, where the
address contains a minor error, as well
as the associated correct address
provided by the Postal Service. The files
will allow the Postal Service to
eliminate repeated corrections of
address records. Extensive privacy and
security safeguards have been
implemented as described in this notice.
DATES: Any interested party may submit
written comments on the proposed
system of records. This proposal will
become effective without further notice
on July 5, 2005, unless comments
received on or before that date result in
a contrary determination.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on this
proposal should be mailed or delivered
to the Records Office, United States
Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza, SW.,
Room 5846, Washington, DC 20260.
Copies of all written comments will be
available at the above address for public
inspection and photocopying between 8
a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through
Privacy Office, United States Postal
Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW., Room
10407, Washington, DC 20260–2200.
In this notice, the Postal Service
proposes a new system of records: USPS
800.200, Address Element Correction
Enhanced Service (AECES). The new
system of records supports the Postal
Service’s goal to improve mail
processing and delivery service for
customers by increasing the proportion
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 105 / Thursday, June 2, 2005 / Notices
of mail that is properly addressed. The
AECES program is the next generation
of address element correction services
offered to mailers. The program serves
to correct mailers’ address lists that
contain minor address errors. Minor
address errors occur where one or more
address elements are inaccurate.
Examples include incorrect or
transposed letters in a street name,
missing directionals such as north or
south, or abbreviations that prevent
accurate bar coding. Through AECES,
the Postal Service will be able to
improve the speed and accuracy of mail
delivery, and avoid repetitive correction
of the same customer record at the
delivery unit level. Comprehensive
safeguards have been established to
ensure the protection of all personally
identifiable information. The Postal
Service does not anticipate any adverse
effects on the privacy rights of
customers resulting from operation of
Described below are: (I) The
background of mail processing and
existing programs; (II) the rationale for
the new program and expected benefits;
and (III) the extensive privacy and
security controls for AECES.
I. Background
The Postal Service is committed to its
fundamental mission to provide timely
and reliable mail delivery to all
households and businesses in all
communities across the nation. It is also
committed to ensuring the highest levels
of privacy and security for customers
and their mail. The Postal Service’s
trusted brand is based on these values.
The Postal Service delivers 206
billion pieces of mail to over 142
million households and businesses.
According to the Census Department,
14.8% of the U.S. population relocates
every year, which results in the
redirection of 3.3 billion pieces of FirstClass Mail. In addition, approximately
1.8 million new addresses are added to
the postal delivery network each year.
As service levels improve and the
delivery network expands, the Postal
Service seeks to use enhanced
technology to improve mail processing
and provide better customer
satisfaction. The Postal Service, mailers,
and consumers depend on the
completeness and accuracy of
addresses. Mail pieces, when properly
addressed, can be delivered efficiently
and accurately to the intended recipient.
To facilitate accuracy and speed of
delivery, the Postal Service maintains a
database of addresses known as the
Address Management System (AMS).
AMS contains all delivery points for
mail as reported by delivery unit
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personnel. Postal Service personnel
continue to update AMS as new
addresses arise based upon letter carrier
knowledge. AMS supports automated
mail processing by enabling the Postal
Service to bar code and sort mail,
including to its correct delivery point
for certain mail classes. Bar coded mail
can be processed on automated sorting
equipment rather than by manual or
mechanized operations. Without a
match with an AMS address, even due
to minor discrepancies such as
transposed characters, the Postal Service
cannot be certain of the exact delivery
address through machine recognition.
The Postal Service must then take
additional manual steps to try to locate
the address, which may result in delays
or problems in delivery.
If a mail piece cannot be bar coded
and sorted to its correct delivery point
via automation, it is sent to the
distribution clerk at the delivery unit
that processes mail for the
corresponding ZIP CodeTM . The clerk
manually sorts the mail piece to the
carrier whose route the clerk believes
includes the address. The letter carrier
receives the mail piece and reviews the
address to determine if it corresponds to
a delivery point on his or her route. If
it does, the carrier places the mail piece
in the proper sequence for the route. If
it does not, the carrier looks at the
addressee’s name to see if he or she
recognizes it as a customer on the route.
If the carrier recognizes the name, the
carrier delivers the mail piece in the
proper sequence that day. However, if
the carrier does not recognize the
address or name, he or she identifies the
mail piece as undeliverable as
addressed, and it is returned to the
sender or disposed of depending on the
class of mail.
If the Postal Service is able to locate
the right address and the mailer has
endorsed the mail piece appropriately,
the Postal Service will send the mailer
the correct information, although there
is no certainty the mailer will correct its
mailing list. The above process can
occur repeatedly when the same or
different mailers send subsequent mail
pieces with the same inaccurate
address. The Postal Service currently
does not use technology that would
allow it to avoid repeating the same
The Postal Service currently uses two
existing programs to correct addresses
that contain minor errors. Under the
first, the current Address Element
Correction service (AEC), mailers
submit to the Postal Service mailing
lists with problem addresses—addresses
the mailer knows have an error or
problem. The lists may include names
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or simplified addressee designations,
such as Occupant or Postal Customer, in
addition to the addresses. Mailers base
these lists on sophisticated modeling
which examines such items as mail that
gets returned to sender, has incomplete
bar coding, or is ineligible for postage
discounts. The Postal Service runs the
lists against the AEC computer program,
which uses computer logic to correct
common misspellings and other usage
errors. For example, if an address on a
mail piece is 3117 WWETMONT CT,
AEC will correct the spelling in the
address to WESTMONT. The Postal
Service returns the corrected lists to the
mailer. As a result, a greater percentage
of the mailer’s mail will be properly
The second program, Electronic
Uncoded Address Resolution Service
(eUARS), involves change of address
requests submitted by customers that
contain minor address errors. The Postal
Service receives and processes over 44
million change of address (COA) orders
from customers each year. The eUARS
system is used to improve address
quality of COA records where a new
address provided by the customer is
faulty or incomplete. On a weekly basis,
the Postal Service enters into the eUARS
system the change of address orders that
cannot be recognized to a delivery
point. The eUARS system is then
accessed by employees at local delivery
units. The employees review the entries,
and either correct the errors to match an
actual delivery point, or, if they are
unable to determine the correct address,
indicate the record is undeliverable as
addressed. This aspect of address
element correction, including COA
order processing and eUARS, is covered
by Privacy Act system of records USPS
800.000, Address Change, Mail
Forwarding, and Related Services.
II. Rationale for Address Element
Correction Enhanced Service (AECES)
The Postal Service proposes to
implement AECES as a tool to increase
the percentage of properly addressed
mail pieces. AECES is an enhanced
service that will be available to mailers
to correct minor errors in addresses that
are not correctable by existing programs.
Under the AECES program, like AEC,
mailers will provide the Postal Service
with a list of names and bad addresses.
The list will include names or
simplified addressees such as occupant
or postal customer, and address
elements including street number and
name, city, and state. The Postal Service
will enter names and problem addresses
that cannot be corrected by AEC into
eUARS. Employees at local delivery
units will review the bad addresses and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 105 / Thursday, June 2, 2005 / Notices
will enter in eUARS either the known
corrected addresses, or indicate a reason
why mail cannot be delivered, such as
the address does not exist or is
incomplete or illegible. Names are used
only as an additional tool if the right
address cannot be determined from the
inaccurate address. For example, two
records may vary only by the absence of
a pre-directional, such as north or south,
in which case the customer name helps
the delivery unit personnel determine
the correct address. The Postal Service
will then provide corrected addresses to
the mailer via secure transmission. This
will allow the mailer to address future
mail pieces accurately, which ensures
efficient and accurate delivery of those
In addition to correcting a mailer’s
inaccurate addresses, AECES has other
benefits as well. AECES allows the
Postal Service and mailers (either the
same mailer who neglects to update its
files or other mailers that have the same
inaccurate addresses) to efficiently
correct the inaccuracy for future
mailings, so that delivery units are not
asked to correct the same bad address
Once an address is corrected via
eUARS, the Postal Service will have a
record that associates an inaccurate
address with a correct one. The Postal
Service will use this record to create an
AECES Update File. The File will
include names, inaccurate addresses,
and correct addresses. The first of these
two pieces of information, the name and
inaccurate address, will be stored
exclusively in a hash format known as
a Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA–1).
The information in the hash will only be
available, to the Postal Service or
mailers, based on a match that includes
the exact name and exact address error.
This will ensure that mailers whose lists
are processed under AECES will only
receive corrected information if they
truly have the original inaccurate
address. The Postal Service will provide
the mailer only the corrected address, or
a reason mail cannot be delivered to the
After implementation of AECES,
when a mailer submits its list of names
and inaccurate addresses, the Postal
Service will submit the list first through
AEC, then AECES. Corrections will be
provided to the mailer to update its list.
Each correction by delivery unit
personnel will be entered into the
AECES Update File. In this way, fewer
bad addresses will have to return to
eUARS and the delivery unit again for
repeated correction.
AECES will add benefits to the
address element correction process not
currently offered by the other two
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programs. AEC relies solely on
computer logic routines to correct bad
addresses, whereas AECES uses actual
customer names and addresses received
from the mailers and knowledgeable
Postal Service personnel. AECES
broadens the scope of eUARS to handle
other existing bad addresses, not just
faulty COA data. The value of the
AECES Update File will increase over
time as more corrected records are
compiled. The correction rate is
expected to increase as the file grows.
AEC alone has shown an accumulated
resolution rate of 30.5%. The Postal
Service anticipates that 80% of records
submitted by mailers will be resolved
through address element correction
programs including AECES. The
improvement in correction capability
translates directly to improved accuracy
and delivery of the mail. In addition, the
Update File will provide increasing
efficiencies by avoiding repetitive
corrective actions and manual handling
by Postal Service personnel.
III. Privacy and Security Safeguards for
The Postal Service has established
comprehensive safeguards to protect the
privacy and security of names and
addresses compiled under AECES. This
includes records contained in eUARS
and the AECES Update File. The
following describes key aspects of the
Privacy Act system, including
limitations on the use of data covered by
the system, extensive security
safeguards, and limitations on external
Limitations on Use
Names and addresses maintained
under the AECES Program will be used
only for the purposes described in this
notice and for no other purpose. Names,
incorrect addresses, and associated
correct addresses or reasons for
nondelivery are the only information
maintained for this program.
The Postal Service will implement
AECES using comprehensive data
security techniques. Names and
addresses that can be read by delivery
unit personnel in clear text form in
eUARS are only maintained until the
record is corrected, but under no
circumstance will the record be
maintained longer than 104 days. After
104 days, an address record obtained
under AECES is permanently deleted
from eUARS. Access to records is
limited to Postal Service personnel
whose official duties require such
access. User IDs and personal
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identification numbers are required to
access eUARS.
The Postal Service also provides
extensive protections for data in the
AECES Update File. This includes
extensive measures to ensure that
mailers cannot use AECES to fish for
address information. Mailers’ address
lists cannot be corrected through the
Update File unless they contain a name
(not a simplified addressee designation)
and an address that contains all
required elements, including a street
number and street name. Through use of
the following procedures, information
cannot be obtained from the AECES
Update File without an exact match to
both the name and inaccurate address.
The Postal Service will process and
safeguard names and incorrect
addresses stored in the Update File
using a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA–
1). This technique creates a signed and
encrypted data structure for the record
which may only be retrieved using the
encryption key. The name and incorrect
address is converted using SHA–1,
resulting in an irreversible digital
signature that is stored with the
corrected address provided from
eUARS. The only way to access the
name and incorrect address, and thereby
obtain the corrected address, is to query
the AECES Update File with the SHA–
1 representation of the identical name
and incorrect address. Both the SHA–1
representation and the corrected address
will be stored within the Postal Service
infrastructure in accordance with Postal
Service security procedures, and the
corrected address will be encrypted
before transmittal to mailers.
Postal Service computer applications
such as AECES operate on a secure data
communications network used
exclusively by the Postal Service.
Computer platforms used by the Postal
Service for its applications are subjected
to a rigorous certification and
accreditation process to assure lifecycle
The Postal Service limits disclosure
under this proposed system of records
to the standard routine uses applicable
to other customer systems of records as
published in the Federal Register. The
Postal Service has also established a
special routine use to authorize
disclosures of corrected addresses back
to the mailer. The only information the
Postal Service will transmit to the
mailer, besides returning its name and
address lists, will be either corrected
addresses or the reason mail cannot be
delivered to a given address.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 105 / Thursday, June 2, 2005 / Notices
The Postal Service seeks to improve
the accuracy of mail delivery and
reduce the volume of undeliverable as
addressed mail. Based on its extensive
experience, the Postal Service considers
that the AECES program is an
appropriate and effective method to
increase the accuracy and timeliness of
mail delivery. The Postal Service
proposes to maintain names and
addresses under the AECES Program for
this purpose, and has established
effective safeguards to protect the
information and prevent any other use.
For the reasons stated above, the
Postal Service does not expect this
notice to have any adverse effect on
individual privacy rights. Pursuant to 5
U.S.C. 552a(e)(11), interested persons
are invited to submit written data, views
or arguments on this proposal. A report
of the proposed system has been sent to
Congress and to the Office of
Management and Budget for their
USPS 800.200
Address Element Correction
Enhanced Service (AECES).
USPS National Customer Support
Center (NCSC).
Customers whose corrected addresses
are maintained to avoid repetitive
correction by USPS personnel.
1. Customer information: name,
incorrect address, and correct address.
2. Delivery information: reason mail
cannot be delivered to an address.
39 U.S.C. 401, 403, and 404.
To provide address element
correction services to increase the rate
of properly addressed mail and improve
delivery service to customers.
concerning an individual who has filed
an appropriate protective court order
with the postmaster/CFS Manager will
not be disclosed under any routine use
except pursuant to the order of a court
of competent jurisdiction.
Automated databases.
By name, correct or incorrect address,
or by Secure Hash Algorithm 1
technique, which is a combination of
name and incorrect address.
Paper records, computers, and
computer storage media are located in
controlled-access areas under
supervision of program personnel.
Access to these areas is limited to
authorized personnel, who must be
identified with a badge.
Access to records is limited to
individuals whose official duties require
such access. Contractors and licensees
are subject to contract controls and
unannounced on-site audits and
inspections. Computers are protected by
mechanical locks, card key systems, or
other physical access control methods.
The use of computer systems is
regulated with installed security
software, computer logon
identifications, and operating system
controls including access controls,
terminal and transaction logging, and
file management software.
Computer applications operate on a
secure data communications network
used exclusively by the Postal Service.
Secure hash algorithm 1 (SHA–1)
encryption is used for the stored
representation of an Update File of
name and incorrect address records. The
Update File is not commingled with any
other agency records or databases.
Standard routine uses 1 through 7, 10,
and 11 apply. In addition:
a. Disclosure of a customer’s corrected
address or reason for nondelivery may
be made to a mailer only if the mailer
is in possession of the customer’s
address which contains a minor error.
All routine uses are subject to the
following exception: A record
1. Records pending correction are
retained no longer than 104 days.
2. Records in the Update File are
retained 7 years from the last affirmative
Records existing on paper are
disposed of or destroyed. Records
existing on computer storage media are
destroyed according to the applicable
USPS media sanitization practice.
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Senior Vice President, Intelligent Mail
and Address Quality, United States
Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW.,
Washington, DC 20260. Vice President,
PO 00000
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Delivery and Retail, United States Postal
Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW.,
Washington, DC 20260.
Customers wanting to know if
information about them is maintained in
this system of records should address
inquiries to: Manager, National
Customer Support Center, United States
Postal Service, 6060 Primacy Parkway,
Memphis, TN 38188. Inquiries should
include full name, address, and ZIP
Code. All known representations of
incorrect name and/or address must be
submitted in order to retrieve data to
provide to the customer.
Requests for access must be made in
accordance with the Notification
Procedure above and USPS Privacy Act
regulations regarding access to records
and verification of identity under 39
CFR 266.6.
See Notification Procedure and
Record Access Procedures above.
USPS employees and mailers.
Neva Watson,
Attorney, Legislative.
[FR Doc. 05–11007 Filed 6–1–05; 8:45 am]
[File No. 500–1]
In the Matter of GLUV Corp.; Order of
Suspension of Trading
May 27, 2005.
It appears to the Securities and
Exchange Commission that the public
interest and the protection of investors
require a suspension of trading in the
securities of GLUV Corp. The
Commission is concerned that there is
inadequate public information available
regarding: (1) Number of shares
outstanding for the company, (2) the
availability of non-restricted shares for
trading and delivery, (3) the current
shareholders of the company, and (4)
the rights attached to ownership of these
shares. Gluv is quoted on the Pink
Sheets under the ticker symbol GVRP.
The Commission is of the opinion that
the public interest and the protection of
investors require a suspension of trading
in the securities of the above listed
Therefore, it is ordered, pursuant to
Section 12(k) of the Securities Exchange
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 105 (Thursday, June 2, 2005)]
[Pages 32382-32385]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-11007]
Privacy Act of 1974, System of Records
AGENCY: Postal Service.
ACTION: Notice of new system of records.
SUMMARY: The Postal ServiceTM proposes a new Privacy Act
system of records. The system of records relates to name and address
files the Postal Service plans to maintain for the purpose of improving
the accuracy of mail piece addresses and mail delivery. The files will
contain name and address data provided by mailers, where the address
contains a minor error, as well as the associated correct address
provided by the Postal Service. The files will allow the Postal Service
to eliminate repeated corrections of address records. Extensive privacy
and security safeguards have been implemented as described in this
DATES: Any interested party may submit written comments on the proposed
system of records. This proposal will become effective without further
notice on July 5, 2005, unless comments received on or before that date
result in a contrary determination.
ADDRESSES: Written comments on this proposal should be mailed or
delivered to the Records Office, United States Postal Service, 475
L'Enfant Plaza, SW., Room 5846, Washington, DC 20260. Copies of all
written comments will be available at the above address for public
inspection and photocopying between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Privacy Office, United States Postal
Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW., Room 10407, Washington, DC 20260-2200.
In this notice, the Postal Service proposes a new system of
records: USPS 800.200, Address Element Correction Enhanced Service
(AECES). The new system of records supports the Postal Service's goal
to improve mail processing and delivery service for customers by
increasing the proportion
[[Page 32383]]
of mail that is properly addressed. The AECES program is the next
generation of address element correction services offered to mailers.
The program serves to correct mailers' address lists that contain minor
address errors. Minor address errors occur where one or more address
elements are inaccurate. Examples include incorrect or transposed
letters in a street name, missing directionals such as north or south,
or abbreviations that prevent accurate bar coding. Through AECES, the
Postal Service will be able to improve the speed and accuracy of mail
delivery, and avoid repetitive correction of the same customer record
at the delivery unit level. Comprehensive safeguards have been
established to ensure the protection of all personally identifiable
information. The Postal Service does not anticipate any adverse effects
on the privacy rights of customers resulting from operation of AECES.
Described below are: (I) The background of mail processing and
existing programs; (II) the rationale for the new program and expected
benefits; and (III) the extensive privacy and security controls for
I. Background
The Postal Service is committed to its fundamental mission to
provide timely and reliable mail delivery to all households and
businesses in all communities across the nation. It is also committed
to ensuring the highest levels of privacy and security for customers
and their mail. The Postal Service's trusted brand is based on these
The Postal Service delivers 206 billion pieces of mail to over 142
million households and businesses. According to the Census Department,
14.8% of the U.S. population relocates every year, which results in the
redirection of 3.3 billion pieces of First-Class Mail[reg]. In
addition, approximately 1.8 million new addresses are added to the
postal delivery network each year. As service levels improve and the
delivery network expands, the Postal Service seeks to use enhanced
technology to improve mail processing and provide better customer
satisfaction. The Postal Service, mailers, and consumers depend on the
completeness and accuracy of addresses. Mail pieces, when properly
addressed, can be delivered efficiently and accurately to the intended
To facilitate accuracy and speed of delivery, the Postal Service
maintains a database of addresses known as the Address Management
System (AMS). AMS contains all delivery points for mail as reported by
delivery unit personnel. Postal Service personnel continue to update
AMS as new addresses arise based upon letter carrier knowledge. AMS
supports automated mail processing by enabling the Postal Service to
bar code and sort mail, including to its correct delivery point for
certain mail classes. Bar coded mail can be processed on automated
sorting equipment rather than by manual or mechanized operations.
Without a match with an AMS address, even due to minor discrepancies
such as transposed characters, the Postal Service cannot be certain of
the exact delivery address through machine recognition. The Postal
Service must then take additional manual steps to try to locate the
address, which may result in delays or problems in delivery.
If a mail piece cannot be bar coded and sorted to its correct
delivery point via automation, it is sent to the distribution clerk at
the delivery unit that processes mail for the corresponding ZIP
CodeTM . The clerk manually sorts the mail piece to the
carrier whose route the clerk believes includes the address. The letter
carrier receives the mail piece and reviews the address to determine if
it corresponds to a delivery point on his or her route. If it does, the
carrier places the mail piece in the proper sequence for the route. If
it does not, the carrier looks at the addressee's name to see if he or
she recognizes it as a customer on the route. If the carrier recognizes
the name, the carrier delivers the mail piece in the proper sequence
that day. However, if the carrier does not recognize the address or
name, he or she identifies the mail piece as undeliverable as
addressed, and it is returned to the sender or disposed of depending on
the class of mail.
If the Postal Service is able to locate the right address and the
mailer has endorsed the mail piece appropriately, the Postal Service
will send the mailer the correct information, although there is no
certainty the mailer will correct its mailing list. The above process
can occur repeatedly when the same or different mailers send subsequent
mail pieces with the same inaccurate address. The Postal Service
currently does not use technology that would allow it to avoid
repeating the same errors.
The Postal Service currently uses two existing programs to correct
addresses that contain minor errors. Under the first, the current
Address Element Correction service (AEC), mailers submit to the Postal
Service mailing lists with problem addresses--addresses the mailer
knows have an error or problem. The lists may include names or
simplified addressee designations, such as Occupant or Postal Customer,
in addition to the addresses. Mailers base these lists on sophisticated
modeling which examines such items as mail that gets returned to
sender, has incomplete bar coding, or is ineligible for postage
discounts. The Postal Service runs the lists against the AEC computer
program, which uses computer logic to correct common misspellings and
other usage errors. For example, if an address on a mail piece is 3117
WWETMONT CT, AEC will correct the spelling in the address to WESTMONT.
The Postal Service returns the corrected lists to the mailer. As a
result, a greater percentage of the mailer's mail will be properly
The second program, Electronic Uncoded Address Resolution Service
(eUARS), involves change of address requests submitted by customers
that contain minor address errors. The Postal Service receives and
processes over 44 million change of address (COA) orders from customers
each year. The eUARS system is used to improve address quality of COA
records where a new address provided by the customer is faulty or
incomplete. On a weekly basis, the Postal Service enters into the eUARS
system the change of address orders that cannot be recognized to a
delivery point. The eUARS system is then accessed by employees at local
delivery units. The employees review the entries, and either correct
the errors to match an actual delivery point, or, if they are unable to
determine the correct address, indicate the record is undeliverable as
addressed. This aspect of address element correction, including COA
order processing and eUARS, is covered by Privacy Act system of records
USPS 800.000, Address Change, Mail Forwarding, and Related Services.
II. Rationale for Address Element Correction Enhanced Service (AECES)
The Postal Service proposes to implement AECES as a tool to
increase the percentage of properly addressed mail pieces. AECES is an
enhanced service that will be available to mailers to correct minor
errors in addresses that are not correctable by existing programs.
Under the AECES program, like AEC, mailers will provide the Postal
Service with a list of names and bad addresses. The list will include
names or simplified addressees such as occupant or postal customer, and
address elements including street number and name, city, and state. The
Postal Service will enter names and problem addresses that cannot be
corrected by AEC into eUARS. Employees at local delivery units will
review the bad addresses and
[[Page 32384]]
will enter in eUARS either the known corrected addresses, or indicate a
reason why mail cannot be delivered, such as the address does not exist
or is incomplete or illegible. Names are used only as an additional
tool if the right address cannot be determined from the inaccurate
address. For example, two records may vary only by the absence of a
pre-directional, such as north or south, in which case the customer
name helps the delivery unit personnel determine the correct address.
The Postal Service will then provide corrected addresses to the mailer
via secure transmission. This will allow the mailer to address future
mail pieces accurately, which ensures efficient and accurate delivery
of those pieces.
In addition to correcting a mailer's inaccurate addresses, AECES
has other benefits as well. AECES allows the Postal Service and mailers
(either the same mailer who neglects to update its files or other
mailers that have the same inaccurate addresses) to efficiently correct
the inaccuracy for future mailings, so that delivery units are not
asked to correct the same bad address repeatedly.
Once an address is corrected via eUARS, the Postal Service will
have a record that associates an inaccurate address with a correct one.
The Postal Service will use this record to create an AECES Update File.
The File will include names, inaccurate addresses, and correct
addresses. The first of these two pieces of information, the name and
inaccurate address, will be stored exclusively in a hash format known
as a Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1). The information in the hash will
only be available, to the Postal Service or mailers, based on a match
that includes the exact name and exact address error. This will ensure
that mailers whose lists are processed under AECES will only receive
corrected information if they truly have the original inaccurate
address. The Postal Service will provide the mailer only the corrected
address, or a reason mail cannot be delivered to the address.
After implementation of AECES, when a mailer submits its list of
names and inaccurate addresses, the Postal Service will submit the list
first through AEC, then AECES. Corrections will be provided to the
mailer to update its list. Each correction by delivery unit personnel
will be entered into the AECES Update File. In this way, fewer bad
addresses will have to return to eUARS and the delivery unit again for
repeated correction.
AECES will add benefits to the address element correction process
not currently offered by the other two programs. AEC relies solely on
computer logic routines to correct bad addresses, whereas AECES uses
actual customer names and addresses received from the mailers and
knowledgeable Postal Service personnel. AECES broadens the scope of
eUARS to handle other existing bad addresses, not just faulty COA data.
The value of the AECES Update File will increase over time as more
corrected records are compiled. The correction rate is expected to
increase as the file grows. AEC alone has shown an accumulated
resolution rate of 30.5%. The Postal Service anticipates that 80% of
records submitted by mailers will be resolved through address element
correction programs including AECES. The improvement in correction
capability translates directly to improved accuracy and delivery of the
mail. In addition, the Update File will provide increasing efficiencies
by avoiding repetitive corrective actions and manual handling by Postal
Service personnel.
III. Privacy and Security Safeguards for AECES
The Postal Service has established comprehensive safeguards to
protect the privacy and security of names and addresses compiled under
AECES. This includes records contained in eUARS and the AECES Update
File. The following describes key aspects of the Privacy Act system,
including limitations on the use of data covered by the system,
extensive security safeguards, and limitations on external disclosures.
Limitations on Use
Names and addresses maintained under the AECES Program will be used
only for the purposes described in this notice and for no other
purpose. Names, incorrect addresses, and associated correct addresses
or reasons for nondelivery are the only information maintained for this
The Postal Service will implement AECES using comprehensive data
security techniques. Names and addresses that can be read by delivery
unit personnel in clear text form in eUARS are only maintained until
the record is corrected, but under no circumstance will the record be
maintained longer than 104 days. After 104 days, an address record
obtained under AECES is permanently deleted from eUARS. Access to
records is limited to Postal Service personnel whose official duties
require such access. User IDs and personal identification numbers are
required to access eUARS.
The Postal Service also provides extensive protections for data in
the AECES Update File. This includes extensive measures to ensure that
mailers cannot use AECES to fish for address information. Mailers'
address lists cannot be corrected through the Update File unless they
contain a name (not a simplified addressee designation) and an address
that contains all required elements, including a street number and
street name. Through use of the following procedures, information
cannot be obtained from the AECES Update File without an exact match to
both the name and inaccurate address. The Postal Service will process
and safeguard names and incorrect addresses stored in the Update File
using a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1). This technique creates a signed
and encrypted data structure for the record which may only be retrieved
using the encryption key. The name and incorrect address is converted
using SHA-1, resulting in an irreversible digital signature that is
stored with the corrected address provided from eUARS. The only way to
access the name and incorrect address, and thereby obtain the corrected
address, is to query the AECES Update File with the SHA-1
representation of the identical name and incorrect address. Both the
SHA-1 representation and the corrected address will be stored within
the Postal Service infrastructure in accordance with Postal Service
security procedures, and the corrected address will be encrypted before
transmittal to mailers.
Postal Service computer applications such as AECES operate on a
secure data communications network used exclusively by the Postal
Service. Computer platforms used by the Postal Service for its
applications are subjected to a rigorous certification and
accreditation process to assure lifecycle security.
The Postal Service limits disclosure under this proposed system of
records to the standard routine uses applicable to other customer
systems of records as published in the Federal Register. The Postal
Service has also established a special routine use to authorize
disclosures of corrected addresses back to the mailer. The only
information the Postal Service will transmit to the mailer, besides
returning its name and address lists, will be either corrected
addresses or the reason mail cannot be delivered to a given address.
[[Page 32385]]
The Postal Service seeks to improve the accuracy of mail delivery
and reduce the volume of undeliverable as addressed mail. Based on its
extensive experience, the Postal Service considers that the AECES
program is an appropriate and effective method to increase the accuracy
and timeliness of mail delivery. The Postal Service proposes to
maintain names and addresses under the AECES Program for this purpose,
and has established effective safeguards to protect the information and
prevent any other use.
For the reasons stated above, the Postal Service does not expect
this notice to have any adverse effect on individual privacy rights.
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(11), interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views or arguments on this proposal. A report of
the proposed system has been sent to Congress and to the Office of
Management and Budget for their evaluations.
USPS 800.200
System Name:
Address Element Correction Enhanced Service (AECES).
System Location:
USPS National Customer Support Center (NCSC).
Categories of Individuals Covered by the System:
Customers whose corrected addresses are maintained to avoid
repetitive correction by USPS personnel.
Categories of Records in the System:
1. Customer information: name, incorrect address, and correct
2. Delivery information: reason mail cannot be delivered to an
Authority for Maintenance of the System:
39 U.S.C. 401, 403, and 404.
To provide address element correction services to increase the rate
of properly addressed mail and improve delivery service to customers.
Standard routine uses 1 through 7, 10, and 11 apply. In addition:
a. Disclosure of a customer's corrected address or reason for
nondelivery may be made to a mailer only if the mailer is in possession
of the customer's address which contains a minor error.
All routine uses are subject to the following exception: A record
concerning an individual who has filed an appropriate protective court
order with the postmaster/CFS Manager will not be disclosed under any
routine use except pursuant to the order of a court of competent
Policies and Practices for Storing, Retrieving, Accessing, Retaining,
and Disposing of Records in the System:
Automated databases.
By name, correct or incorrect address, or by Secure Hash Algorithm
1 technique, which is a combination of name and incorrect address.
Paper records, computers, and computer storage media are located in
controlled-access areas under supervision of program personnel. Access
to these areas is limited to authorized personnel, who must be
identified with a badge.
Access to records is limited to individuals whose official duties
require such access. Contractors and licensees are subject to contract
controls and unannounced on-site audits and inspections. Computers are
protected by mechanical locks, card key systems, or other physical
access control methods. The use of computer systems is regulated with
installed security software, computer logon identifications, and
operating system controls including access controls, terminal and
transaction logging, and file management software.
Computer applications operate on a secure data communications
network used exclusively by the Postal Service.
Secure hash algorithm 1 (SHA-1) encryption is used for the stored
representation of an Update File of name and incorrect address records.
The Update File is not commingled with any other agency records or
Retention and Disposal:
1. Records pending correction are retained no longer than 104 days.
2. Records in the Update File are retained 7 years from the last
affirmative match.
Records existing on paper are disposed of or destroyed. Records
existing on computer storage media are destroyed according to the
applicable USPS media sanitization practice.
System Manager(s) and Address:
Senior Vice President, Intelligent Mail and Address Quality, United
States Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW., Washington, DC 20260.
Vice President, Delivery and Retail, United States Postal Service, 475
L'Enfant Plaza SW., Washington, DC 20260.
Notification Procedure:
Customers wanting to know if information about them is maintained
in this system of records should address inquiries to: Manager,
National Customer Support Center, United States Postal Service, 6060
Primacy Parkway, Memphis, TN 38188. Inquiries should include full name,
address, and ZIP Code. All known representations of incorrect name and/
or address must be submitted in order to retrieve data to provide to
the customer.
Record Access Procedures:
Requests for access must be made in accordance with the
Notification Procedure above and USPS Privacy Act regulations regarding
access to records and verification of identity under 39 CFR 266.6.
Contesting Record Procedures:
See Notification Procedure and Record Access Procedures above.
Record Source Categories:
USPS employees and mailers.
Neva Watson,
Attorney, Legislative.
[FR Doc. 05-11007 Filed 6-1-05; 8:45 am]