Acquisition Advisory Panel; Notification of Upcoming Meetings of the Acquisition Advisory Panel, 30821-30822 [05-10707]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 102 / Friday, May 27, 2005 / Notices standard of documentary material retention for this proceeding. The joint proposal shall be submitted to the Board by July 1, 2005. In the event the participants cannot agree on a joint proposal, then DOE, the NRC Staff, and the State each shall submit by that date their respective, individual proposals. All other potential parties are encouraged to participate in the meeting with DOE, the State, and the NRC Staff and to contribute to the discussion and proposed resolution of these issues. If agreement is not possible, NEI, NIRS, or any other participating potential party may submit an independent proposal to the Board by July 1, 2005. Any potential party may submit comments on the proposals of any other potential party by July 8, 2005. At the second case management conference, counsel for DOE offered to host the meeting of the participants and potential participants. All of the participants agreed that the meeting should be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2005 at 10 a.m., EDT, in the main conference room of the law firm of Hunton & Williams (counsel for DOE), 1900 K Street, NW., 12th floor, Washington, DC. Any person desiring to participate in the meeting and discussion of this issue should provide telephone or e-mail notice, not later than 5 p.m. EDT, June 8, 2005, to counsel for DOE via Ms. Belinda Wright, telephone 804–788–8581, e-mail Such notice shall contain the following information: (a) Name of person desiring to attend; (b) organizational affiliation, if any; (c) daytime phone number; (d) e-mail address; (e) mailing address; and (f) statement as to whether the person intends to participate in person, or desires to participate remotely in the event that electronic facilities can be made available. DOE, the State, NRC Staff, NEI, and NIRS are strongly encouraged, through appropriate notices on their respective web sites, and other reasonable methods, to inform the public, their stakeholders, and any other interested persons or entities of the proposal to develop uniform procedures, applicable to all potential parties, concerning the retention of e-mails and other documents. It is so Ordered. Dated in Rockville, Maryland, on May 23, 2005. For the Pre-license Application Presiding Officer Board. Thomas S. Moore, Chairman, Administrative Judge. [FR Doc. E5–2690 Filed 5–26–05; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P VerDate jul<14>2003 16:42 May 26, 2005 Jkt 205001 OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Acquisition Advisory Panel; Notification of Upcoming Meetings of the Acquisition Advisory Panel Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President. ACTION: Notice of Federal Advisory Committee meetings. AGENCY: SUMMARY: The Office of Management and Budget announces a meeting of the Acquisition Advisory Panel (AAP or ‘‘Panel’’) established in accordance with the Services Acquisition Reform Act of 2003. DATES: A public meeting of the Panel will be held on June 14, 2005 beginning at 9 a.m. eastern time and ending no later than 5 p.m. ADDRESSES: The June 14, 2005 meeting will be held at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Basement Auditorium, 801 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20434. The public is asked to pre-register one week in advance for the meeting due to security and seating limitations (see below for information on pre-registration). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Members of the public wishing further information concerning this meeting, the Acquisition Advisory Panel, or to pre-register for the meeting, should contact Ms. Laura Auletta, Designated Federal Officer (DFO), at:, phone/voice mail (202) 208–7279, or mail at: General Services Administration, 1800 F Street, NW., Room 4006, Washington, DC 20405. Members of the public wishing to reserve speaking time must contact Ms. Anne Terry, AAP Staff Analyst, in writing at:, by FAX at 202–501–3341, or mail at the address given above for the DFO, no later than one week prior to the meeting. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: (a) Background: The purpose of the Panel is to provide independent advice and recommendations to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy and Congress pursuant to Section 1423 of the Services Acquisition Reform Act of 2003. The Panel’s statutory charter is to review Federal contracting laws, regulations, and governmentwide policies, including the use of commercial practices, performancebased contracting, performance of acquisition functions across agency lines of responsibility, and governmentwide contracts. Interested parties are invited to attend the meeting. The Panel working groups, established PO 00000 Frm 00147 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 30821 at the February 28, 2005 public meeting of the AAP (see aap for a list of working groups), will report on the scope of their review during this meeting, which may include any follow-up recommendations for additional working groups or other issues to be examined. The Panel also expects to hear from additional invited speakers from the public and private sectors who will address issues related to the Panel’s statutory charter. In addition to working group scope reports and invited speakers, the Panel also invites oral public comments at this meeting and has reserved an estimated one hour for this purpose. Members of the public wishing to address the Panel during the meeting must contact Ms. Anne Terry, in writing, as soon as possible to reserve time (see contact information above). Additional time for oral public comments is expected at future public meetings to be announced in the Federal Register. (b) Availability of Materials for the Meetings: Please see the Acquisition Advisory Panel Web site for any available materials, including draft agendas, for this meeting (https:// Questions/issues of particular interest to the Panel are also available to the public on this Web site. The Panel asks that the public focus on these questions/issues when presenting oral public comments or submitting written statements to the Panel. The public may also obtain copies of Initial Working Group Reports presented at the March 30, 2005 public meeting and public presentations made to the Panel at its Web site under ‘‘Meeting Materials’’ at https:// (c) Procedures for Providing Public Comments: It is the policy of the Acquisition Advisory Panel to accept written public statements of any length, and to accommodate oral public comments whenever possible. To facilitate Panel discussions at its meetings, the Panel may not accept oral comments at all meetings. The Panel Staff expects that public statements presented at Panel meetings will be focused on the Panel’s statutory charter, working group topics, and posted questions/issues, and not be repetitive of previously submitted oral or written statements, and that comments will be relevant to the issues under discussion. Oral Comments: Speaking times will be confirmed by Panel staff on a ‘‘firstcome/first-serve’’ basis. To accommodate as many speakers as possible, oral public comments must be no longer than 10 minutes for the June 14th meeting. Because Panel members may ask questions, reserved times will E:\FR\FM\27MYN1.SGM 27MYN1 30822 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 102 / Friday, May 27, 2005 / Notices be approximate. Interested parties must contact Ms. Anne Terry, in writing (via mail, e-mail, or fax identified above for Ms. Terry) at least one week prior to the meeting in order to be placed on the public speaker list for the meeting. Oral requests for speaking time will not be taken. Speakers are requested to bring extra copies of their comments and presentation slides for distribution to the Panel at the meeting. Speakers wishing to use a Power Point presentation must e-mail the presentation to Ms. Terry one week in advance of the meeting. Written Statements: Although written statements are accepted until the date of the meeting (unless otherwise stated), written statements should be received by the Panel Staff at least one week prior to the meeting date so that they may be made available to the Panel for their consideration prior to the meeting. Written statements should be supplied to the DFO at the address/contact information given in this Federal Register Notice in one of the following formats (Adobe Acrobat, WordPerfect, Word, or Rich Text files, in IBM–PC/ Windows 98/2000/XP format). Please note: Since the Panel operates under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended, all public presentations or written statements will be treated as public documents and will be made available for public inspection, up to and including being posted on the Panel’s Web site. (d) Meeting Accommodations: Individuals requiring special accommodation to access the public meetings listed above should contact Ms. Auletta at least five business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Laura Auletta, Designated Federal Officer (Executive Director), Acquisition Advisory Panel. [FR Doc. 05–10707 Filed 5–25–05; 9:56 am] BILLING CODE 3110–01–P RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD Proposed Collections; Comment Request Summary: In accordance with the requirement of section 3506 (c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 which provides opportunity for public comment on new or revised data collections, the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) publishes periodic summaries of proposed data collections. The information collections numbered below are pending at RRB and will be VerDate jul<14>2003 16:42 May 26, 2005 Jkt 205001 submitted to OMB within 60 days from the date of this notice. Comments are Invited On: (a) Whether the proposed information collection is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information has practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the RRB’s estimate of the burden of the collection of the information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden related to the collection of information on respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. 1. Title and Purpose of Information Collection Application for Benefits Due but Unpaid at Death; OMB 3220–0055. Under section 2(g) of the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA), benefits under that Act that accrued but were not paid because of the death of an employee shall be paid to the same individual(s) to whom benefits are payable under section 6(a)(1) of the Railroad Retirement Act. The provisions relating to the payment of such benefits are prescribed in 20 CFR 325.5 and 20 CFR 335.5. The RRB provides Form UI–63 for use in applying for the accrued sickness or unemployment benefits unpaid at the death of the employee and for securing the information needed by the RRB to identify the proper payee. Completion is required to obtain a benefit. One response is requested of each respondent. The RRB proposes minor editorial and formatting changes to the UI–63. A column has been added to request the telephone number of the payer of burial expenses and a check box has been added to remind survivors of the deceased employee that proof of relationship is needed to determine the person(s) entitled to unpaid benefits due at the time of death. The completion time for the UI–63 is estimated at 7 minutes. The RRB estimates that approximately 200 responses are received annually. 2. Title and Purpose of Information Collection Employee’s Certification; OMB 3220– 0140. Section 2 of the Railroad Retirement Act (RRA), provides for the payment of an annuity to the spouse or divorced spouse of a retired railroad employee. For the spouse or divorced spouse to qualify for an annuity, the RRB must determine if any of the employee’s previous marriages create an PO 00000 Frm 00148 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 impediment either to the current marriage between the employee and his or her spouse or to the marriage which previously existed between the employee and his or her former spouse. The requirements relating to obtaining evidence for determining valid marital relationships are prescribed in 20 CFR 219.30 through 219.35. Section 2(e) of the RRA requires that an employee must relinquish all rights to any railroad employer service before a spouse annuity can be paid. The RRB uses Form G–346 to obtain the information needed for determining if any of the employee’s previous marriages create an impediment to the current marriage. Form G–346 is completed by the retired employee who is the husband or wife of the applicant for a spouse annuity. Completion is required to obtain a benefit. One response is requested of each respondent. The RRB proposes to change the function of Form G–346 by requiring that it be completed in all cases where the employee and spouse do not file simultaneously. Currently, Form G–346 is only completed when the spouse filed for an annuity more than 1 year after the employee filed. The RRB also proposes to make minor editorial and formatting changes to Form G–346. The RRB estimates that 7,610 G–346’s will be completed annually at an estimated completion time of five minutes per response. Total respondent burden is estimated at 634 hours. Additional Information or Comments: To request more information regarding any of the information collections listed above or to obtain copies of the information collection justifications, forms, and/or supporting material, please call the RRB Clearance Officer at (312) 751–3363 or send an e-mail request to Charles.Mierzwa@RRB.GOV. Comments regarding the information collections should be addressed to Ronald J. Hodapp, Railroad Retirement Board, 844 North Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611–2092 or send an e-mail to Ronald.Hodapp@RRB.GOV. Written comments should be received within 60 days of this notice. Charles Mierzwa, Clearance Officer. [FR Doc. 05–10631 Filed 5–26–05; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7905–01–P E:\FR\FM\27MYN1.SGM 27MYN1


[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 102 (Friday, May 27, 2005)]
[Pages 30821-30822]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-10707]



Acquisition Advisory Panel; Notification of Upcoming Meetings of 
the Acquisition Advisory Panel

AGENCY: Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the 

ACTION: Notice of Federal Advisory Committee meetings.


SUMMARY: The Office of Management and Budget announces a meeting of the 
Acquisition Advisory Panel (AAP or ``Panel'') established in accordance 
with the Services Acquisition Reform Act of 2003.

DATES: A public meeting of the Panel will be held on June 14, 2005 
beginning at 9 a.m. eastern time and ending no later than 5 p.m.

ADDRESSES: The June 14, 2005 meeting will be held at the Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Basement Auditorium, 801 17th 
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20434. The public is asked to pre-register 
one week in advance for the meeting due to security and seating 
limitations (see below for information on pre-registration).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Members of the public wishing further 
information concerning this meeting, the Acquisition Advisory Panel, or 
to pre-register for the meeting, should contact Ms. Laura Auletta, 
Designated Federal Officer (DFO), at:, phone/
voice mail (202) 208-7279, or mail at: General Services Administration, 
1800 F Street, NW., Room 4006, Washington, DC 20405. Members of the 
public wishing to reserve speaking time must contact Ms. Anne Terry, 
AAP Staff Analyst, in writing at:, by FAX at 202-
501-3341, or mail at the address given above for the DFO, no later than 
one week prior to the meeting.

    (a) Background: The purpose of the Panel is to provide independent 
advice and recommendations to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy 
and Congress pursuant to Section 1423 of the Services Acquisition 
Reform Act of 2003. The Panel's statutory charter is to review Federal 
contracting laws, regulations, and governmentwide policies, including 
the use of commercial practices, performance-based contracting, 
performance of acquisition functions across agency lines of 
responsibility, and governmentwide contracts. Interested parties are 
invited to attend the meeting. The Panel working groups, established at 
the February 28, 2005 public meeting of the AAP (see https:// for a list of working groups), will report on the 
scope of their review during this meeting, which may include any 
follow-up recommendations for additional working groups or other issues 
to be examined. The Panel also expects to hear from additional invited 
speakers from the public and private sectors who will address issues 
related to the Panel's statutory charter. In addition to working group 
scope reports and invited speakers, the Panel also invites oral public 
comments at this meeting and has reserved an estimated one hour for 
this purpose. Members of the public wishing to address the Panel during 
the meeting must contact Ms. Anne Terry, in writing, as soon as 
possible to reserve time (see contact information above). Additional 
time for oral public comments is expected at future public meetings to 
be announced in the Federal Register.
    (b) Availability of Materials for the Meetings: Please see the 
Acquisition Advisory Panel Web site for any available materials, 
including draft agendas, for this meeting ( 
Questions/issues of particular interest to the Panel are also available 
to the public on this Web site. The Panel asks that the public focus on 
these questions/issues when presenting oral public comments or 
submitting written statements to the Panel. The public may also obtain 
copies of Initial Working Group Reports presented at the March 30, 2005 
public meeting and public presentations made to the Panel at its Web 
site under ``Meeting Materials'' at
    (c) Procedures for Providing Public Comments: It is the policy of 
the Acquisition Advisory Panel to accept written public statements of 
any length, and to accommodate oral public comments whenever possible. 
To facilitate Panel discussions at its meetings, the Panel may not 
accept oral comments at all meetings. The Panel Staff expects that 
public statements presented at Panel meetings will be focused on the 
Panel's statutory charter, working group topics, and posted questions/
issues, and not be repetitive of previously submitted oral or written 
statements, and that comments will be relevant to the issues under 
    Oral Comments: Speaking times will be confirmed by Panel staff on a 
``first-come/first-serve'' basis. To accommodate as many speakers as 
possible, oral public comments must be no longer than 10 minutes for 
the June 14th meeting. Because Panel members may ask questions, 
reserved times will

[[Page 30822]]

be approximate. Interested parties must contact Ms. Anne Terry, in 
writing (via mail, e-mail, or fax identified above for Ms. Terry) at 
least one week prior to the meeting in order to be placed on the public 
speaker list for the meeting. Oral requests for speaking time will not 
be taken. Speakers are requested to bring extra copies of their 
comments and presentation slides for distribution to the Panel at the 
meeting. Speakers wishing to use a Power Point presentation must e-mail 
the presentation to Ms. Terry one week in advance of the meeting.
    Written Statements: Although written statements are accepted until 
the date of the meeting (unless otherwise stated), written statements 
should be received by the Panel Staff at least one week prior to the 
meeting date so that they may be made available to the Panel for their 
consideration prior to the meeting. Written statements should be 
supplied to the DFO at the address/contact information given in this 
Federal Register Notice in one of the following formats (Adobe Acrobat, 
WordPerfect, Word, or Rich Text files, in IBM-PC/Windows 98/2000/XP 
format). Please note: Since the Panel operates under the provisions of 
the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended, all public 
presentations or written statements will be treated as public documents 
and will be made available for public inspection, up to and including 
being posted on the Panel's Web site.
    (d) Meeting Accommodations: Individuals requiring special 
accommodation to access the public meetings listed above should contact 
Ms. Auletta at least five business days prior to the meeting so that 
appropriate arrangements can be made.

Laura Auletta,
Designated Federal Officer (Executive Director), Acquisition Advisory 
[FR Doc. 05-10707 Filed 5-25-05; 9:56 am]
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