Allocations and Service Rules for the 71-76 GHz, 81-86 GHz, and 92-95 GHz Bands, 29985-29998 [05-10120]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
§ 73.202
2. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM
Allotments under Texas, is amended by
removing Channel 279C1 at Sinton and
by adding Channel 279C1 at Refugio.
Federal Communications Commission.
John A. Karousos,
Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media
[FR Doc. 05–10238 Filed 5–24–05; 8:45 am]
800–378–3160 or https:// The Commission
will send a copy of this Report and
Order in a report to be sent to Congress
and the Government Accountability
Office pursuant to the Congressional
Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).
List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73
Radio, broadcasting.
Part 73 of Title 47 of the Code of
Federal Regulations is amended as
47 CFR Part 73
[DA 05–1301; MB Docket No. 04–436; RM–
Radio Broadcasting Services;
Cannelton and Tell City, IN
In response to a Notice of
Proposed Rule Making, 70 FR 775
(January 5, 2005) this Report and Order
reallots Channel 275C3, Station
WLME(FM) (‘‘WLME’’), Cannelton,
Indiana, to Tell City, Indiana, and
modifies Station WLME’s license
accordingly. In addition, this Report
and Order reallots Channel 289A from
Tell City to Cannelton, Indiana, and
modifies Station WTCJ-FM’s license
accordingly. The coordinates for
Channel 275C3 at Tell City, Indiana, are
37–50–52 NL and 86–36–18 WL, with a
site restriction of 18.4 kilometers (11.4
miles) southeast of Tell City. The
coordinates for Channel 289A at
Cannelton are 37–48–13 NL and 86–48–
57 WL, with a site restriction of 13.5
kilometers (8.4 miles) southwest of
DATES: Effective June 20, 2005.
Barthen Gorman, Media Bureau, (202)
synopsis of the Commission’s Report
and Order, MB Docket No. 04–436,
adopted May 4, 2005, and released May
6, 2005. The full text of this
Commission decision is available for
inspection and copying during normal
business hours in the FCC’s Reference
Information Center at Portals II, 445
12th Street, SW., Room CY–A257,
Washington, DC, 20554. The document
may also be purchased from the
Commission’s duplicating contractor,
Best Copy and Printing, Inc., Portals II,
445 12th Street, SW., Room CY–B402,
Washington, DC, 20554, telephone 1–
16:21 May 24, 2005
Jkt 205001
2. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM
Allotments under Indiana, is amended
by removing Channel 275C3 and by
adding Channel 289A at Cannelton, and
by removing Channel 289A and by
adding Channel 275C3 at Tell City.
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule.
VerDate jul<14>2003
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 334, and
§ 73.202
1. The authority citation for Part 73
reads as follows:
Federal Communications Commission.
John A. Karousos,
Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media
[FR Doc. 05–10239 Filed 5–24–05; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 73
[MB Docket No. 03–15; FCC 04–192]
Second Periodic Review of the
Commission’s Rules and Policies
Affecting the Conversion to Digital
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule; announcement of
effective date.
SUMMARY: The Federal Communications
Commission has received Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
approval for rules published at 69 FR
59500 (October 4, 2004). Therefore, the
Commission announces that 47 CFR
73.1201(b)(1) and (c)(1) is effective July
1, 2005.
DATES: 47 CFR 73.1201(b)(1) and (c)(1)
is effective July 1, 2005.
Federal Communications Commission
has received OMB approval for the
station identification rule published at
69 FR 59500 (October 4, 2004). Through
PO 00000
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this document, the Commission
announces that it received this approval
on April 14, 2005.
Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13, an
agency may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid control
number. Notwithstanding any other
provisions of law, no person shall be
subject to any penalty for failing to
comply with a collection of information
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA) that does not display a valid
control number. Questions concerning
the OMB control numbers and
expiration dates should be directed to
Cathy Williams, Federal
Communications Commission, (202)
418–2918 or via the Internet at
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
[FR Doc. 05–10242 Filed 5–24–05; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 101
[WT Docket No. 02–146; FCC 05–45]
Allocations and Service Rules for the
71–76 GHz, 81–86 GHz, and 92–95 GHz
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule; petition for
SUMMARY: In this document, the
Commission grants in part and
otherwise denies a petition for
reconsideration of the final rules
concerning licensed use of the
millimeter wave spectrum in the 71–76
GHz and 81–86 GHz bands. This action
is intended to promote the private sector
development and use of these bands.
DATES: Effective on June 24, 2005,
except for the revision to 47 CFR
101.1523(b) which contains information
collection requirements that have not
been approved by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB). The
revision to 47 CFR 101.1523(b) will be
effective upon OMB approval. The
Commission will publish a document in
the Federal Register announcing the
date of OMB approval.
ADDRESSES: In addition to filing
comments with the Office of the
Secretary, a copy of any comments on
the Paperwork Reduction Act
information collection requirements
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
contained herein should be submitted to
Judith B. Herman, Federal
Communications Commission, Room 1–
C804, 445 12th Street, SW., Washington,
DC 20554, or via the Internet to
David Hu, Esq., at (202) 418–2487.
summary of the Commission’s
Memorandum Opinion and Order,
released on March 3, 2005, FCC 05–45.
The full text of the Memorandum
Opinion and Order is available for
inspection and copying during normal
business hours in the FCC Reference
Center, Room CY–A257, 445 12th Street,
SW., Washington, DC 20554. The
complete text may also be purchased
from the Commission’s duplicating
contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc.,
(BCPI), Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Room CY–B402, Washington, DC 20554,
(202) 488–5300 or (800) 387–3160, email at The complete
item is also available on the
Commission’s Web site at https://
attachment/FCC–05–45A1.doc. To
request this document in accessible
formats (computer diskettes, large print,
audio recording, and Braille), send an email to or call the
Commission’s Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202)
418–0530 (voice), (202) 418–0432
Summary of Memorandum Opinion
and Order
I. Introduction
1. In this Memorandum Opinion and
Order, we address the Petition for
Reconsideration filed by the Wireless
Communications Association
International, Inc. (WCA) on February
23, 2004. WCA seeks reconsideration of
the Federal Communications
Commission’s Report and Order,
adopted on October 16, 2003, and
released on November 4, 2003, 69 FR
3257, January 23, 2004, which adopted
service rules to promote the private
sector development and use of the
spectrum in the 71–76 GHz, 81–86 GHz,
and 92–95 GHz bands. The Petition and
the instant Memorandum Opinion and
Order focus exclusively on the licensed
use of the 71–76 GHz and 81–86 GHz
For the reasons provided herein, we
grant in part and deny in part the
Petition as follows:
• We require interference analyses
prior to registering all (new or modified)
links in the 71–76 GHz and 81–86 GHz
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• We eliminate the band
segmentation and loading requirements
and adopt an efficiency requirement of
0.125 bits per second (bps)/Hertz (Hz).
• We modify the interference
protection criteria by deleting the
minimum 36 dB carrier signal to
interference signal (C/I) ratio, and by
adopting for receivers employing analog
modulation a 1.0 dB degradation limit
for the baseband signal-to-noise (S/N)
ratio required to produce an acceptable
signal in the receiver. Also, we reaffirm
that the 1.0 dB receiver threshold-tointerference (T/I) ratio degradation limit
for digital systems that we adopted in
the Report and Order still applies. (The
threshold-to-interference (T/I) ratio is
defined as the ratio of desired to
undesired signal power that degrades
the digital receiver static and dynamic
(outage) thresholds.) We also decline
Petitioner’s request to adopt 36 dB as
the maximum required C/I.
• We adopt a power spectral density
limit of 150 milliwatts (mW)/100
Megahertz (MHz).
• We modify the technical parameters
to accommodate smaller, less expensive
antennas with a minimum antenna gain
of 43 dBi and a 1.2 degree half-power
• We decline Petitioner’s requests: to
shorten the construction period from 12
months to 180 days; to provide
conditional authorization during the
pendency of an application for a
nationwide, non-exclusive license; and
to require Automatic Transmitter Power
Control (ATPC) for links with Effective
Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) greater
than 23 dBW. (ATPC automatically
increases or decreases the output power
of a transmitter based on the received
signal level. EIRP represents the level of
the transmitted signal.)
II. Background
2. On October 16, 2003, the
Commission adopted a Report and
Order establishing service rules to
promote non-Federal development and
use of the ‘‘millimeter wave’’ spectrum
in the 71–76 GHz, 81–86 GHz, and 92–
95 GHz bands, which are allocated to
non-Federal Government and Federal
Government users on a co-primary
basis. Based on the determination that
the highly directional, ‘‘pencil-beam’’
signal characteristics permit systems in
these bands to be engineered so that
many operations can co-exist in the
same vicinity without causing
interference to one another, the
Commission adopted a flexible and
innovative regulatory framework for the
bands. Specifically, the Report and
Order permits the issuance of an
unlimited number of non-exclusive,
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nationwide licenses to non-Federal
Government entities for all 12.9 GHz of
spectrum. Under this licensing scheme,
a license serves as a prerequisite for
registering individual point-to-point
links; licensees may operate a link only
after the link is both registered with a
third-party database and coordinated
with the National Telecommunications
and Information Administration (NTIA).
This flexible and streamlined regulatory
framework was designed to encourage
innovative uses of the ‘‘millimeter
wave’’ spectrum, facilitate future
development in technology and
equipment, promote competition in the
communications services, equipment,
and related markets, and advance
potential sharing between non-Federal
Government and Federal Government
3. Initially, coordination of nonFederal Government links with Federal
Government operations was
accomplished under the existing
coordination process; that is, requested
non-Federal Government links were
recorded in the Commission’s Universal
Licensing System (ULS) database and
coordinated with NTIA through the
Interdepartment Radio Advisory
Committee (IRAC) Frequency
Assignment Subcommittee. Starting on
February 8, 2005, this interim link
registration process was replaced by a
permanent process where third-party
database managers are responsible for
recording each proposed non-Federal
link in the third-party database link
system and coordinating with NTIA’s
automated ‘‘green light/yellow light’’
mechanism to determine the potential
for harmful interference with Federal
operations. A ‘‘green light’’ response
indicates that the link is coordinated
with the Federal Government; a ‘‘yellow
light’’ response indicates a potential for
interference to Federal Government or
certain other operations. In the case of
a ‘‘yellow light,’’ the licensee must file
an application for the requested link
with the Commission, which in turn
will submit the application to the IRAC
for individual coordination. This
automated process is designed to
streamline the administrative process
for non-Federal users in the bands. We
note that the classified nature of some
Federal Government operations
precludes the use of a public database
containing both Federal Government
and non-Federal Government links.
Database managers will not be
responsible for assigning frequencies
but will be responsible for establishing
and maintaining the database. However,
they are not precluded from offering
additional services, such as frequency
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
coordination, which will assist a
licensee in designing a link.
4. The Commission divided the 71–76
GHz and 81–86 GHz bands into four
unpaired 1.25 GHz segments each (eight
total), without mandating specific
channels within the ‘‘soft’’ segments.
The Commission also determined that
these segments may be aggregated
without limit, as needed, although firstin-time interference protection rights
would be diminished if the licensee did
not load the spectrum at the rate of one
bit per second per Hertz (1 bps/Hz).
5. On February 23, 2004, the Wireless
Communications Association
International, Inc. (WCA) filed a Petition
seeking reconsideration (‘‘the Petition’’)
of the Report and Order. We received no
oppositions or replies in response to the
Petition but WCA, as well as individual
members of WCA, clarified or refined
the Petition in ex parte meetings with
Commission staff. As discussed in
further detail below, we considered all
of the comments and ex parte
presentations in the record in reaching
our decisions.
III. Discussion
6. In its Petition, WCA claims that the
Report and Order overlooked a number
of detailed technical issues relating to
the 71–76 GHz and 81–86 GHz bands
(‘‘70/80 GHz bands’’). WCA suggests
that the Commission take a course of
remedial action as follows: (1) Require
each new user of the 70/80 GHz bands
to verify in advance that it will not
cause harmful interference to any
existing link; (2) reconsider its
segmentation and channel loading
requirements, preferably eliminating
them but at the very least reducing the
minimum throughput at which a
designated assignment remains eligible
for first-in-time interference protection;
(3) adopt the interference protection
criteria proffered by WCA, (4) shorten
the construction period from 12 months
to 180 days; (5) reconsider a trio of
issues related to antenna and power
requirements, including the
Commission’s rejection, in the Report
and Order, of the industry’s proposed
power/gain tradeoff and requirement for
certain radios to use ATPC, and its
decision not to adopt a power spectral
density limit; and (6) grant conditional
operating authority to first-time 70/80
GHz applicants who have successfully
coordinated and registered their
proposed link but are awaiting their
non-exclusive nationwide license.
Following a discussion of the scope of
this reconsideration and the effective
date of our determinations, we address
each of the issues raised by WCA in turn
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A. Scope of Reconsideration
7. In the Report and Order, the
Commission adopted rules and policies
for non-Federal Government use of
certain of the bands on an unlicensed
(part 15) and licensed (part 101) basis.
The Petition, and thus the instant
Memorandum Opinion and Order,
addresses only the rules and policies for
non-Federal Government, licensed use
of the 71–76 and 81–86 GHz bands.
B. Mandatory Interference Analyses
Requirement for Non-Federal Users
1. Background
8. In the Report and Order, the
Commission stated that due to the
unique characteristics of the
transmissions in these ‘‘millimeter
wave’’ bands, no ‘‘prior coordination’’
among non-Federal Government
licensees is required in advance of
operation. In reaching this decision, the
Commission focused only on traditional
microwave prior coordination as set
forth in part 101 of the Commission’s
rules and did not consider prior
interference analyses. Specifically, the
Commission stated that the antenna
systems proposed for these bands would
‘‘concentrate energy in a very narrow
path and have considerable attenuation
at much shorter distances than occurs in
the lower microwave bands’’ and that
those characteristics would allow
systems to be engineered to operate in
close proximity to other systems so that
many operations can co-exist in the
same vicinity without causing
interference to each other. Because the
‘‘pencil beam’’ characteristics of the
bands diminish the risk of interference,
the Commission reasoned that the firstin-time standard will protect the first-intime registered or incumbent links, thus
alleviating the need for traditional
microwave prior coordination, which
involves extensive interference analysis
and ‘‘notice and response’’ to all
licensees and applicants in the area that
could be affected by the proposed
operation. As a result, the Report and
Order required that parties work out any
interference that might occur after
operations commence and interference
is actually detected. Parties that are
unable to reach an agreeable resolution
are free to submit a complaint to the
Commission after 30 days.
2. Petition
9. The Petitioner asserts that each
registrant of a new link should be
required to verify in advance, during the
registration process, that its proposed
link will not cause or receive harmful
interference to or from any existing link
previously registered in either the
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government or non-government
databases. Notably, WCA suggests that
with current technology permitting realtime, electronic interference analysis,
the cost of prevention is negligible,
while the consequences of harmful
interference discovered after the fact can
be ‘‘catastrophic’’ in terms of the severe
impact a prolonged network outage has
on the demand for 70/80 GHz radios.
WCA states that for any application that
requires gigabits-per-second speeds, ‘‘a
network outage of thirty minutes is
catastrophic, let alone thirty days.’’
WCA objects to the interference
protection procedures as outlined in the
Report and Order because they are
initiated only after a third-party
database manager is notified of harmful
interference. WCA is concerned that a
‘‘post hoc’’ approach would not
adequately protect investment in
equipment and would be both
expensive and less likely to result in
expeditious resolution. WCA argues that
the Commission’s approach requires the
user to first ascertain that the system
outage is due to RF interference (and not
equipment malfunction) and then to
notify the database manager so as to
help identify the source of the
interference. Even after the source is
identified, if parties cannot resolve the
issue informally, they must then file a
complaint with the Commission 30 days
after the matter is first reported to a
database manager. With no guarantee on
how long it will take for the
Commission to rule, WCA asserts that
customers are not willing to risk an
outage of 30 days or longer ‘‘at some
unspecified time in the indefinite
future.’’ Furthermore, WCA contends
that a ‘‘post hoc’’ regime for commercial
links makes little sense given the
inescapable need to coordinate with
Federal Government users in these
bands. In sum, WCA argues that the
‘‘post hoc’’ approach adopted in the
Report and Order imposes a one-time
burden of coordinating with government
users plus placing on licensees the
continued burden of monitoring new
registrations indefinitely.
10. In subsequent Ex Parte meetings,
WCA further refined its position by
stating that in a registration-only regime
there may be a long delay between link
registration and interference detection,
making it harder to identify and correct
the problem after the fact. WCA also
asserts that interference analysis should
be mandated because interference is
often asymmetrical, with later
registrants causing interference to first
registrants without experiencing any
interference in return, and thus later
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
registrants would have no incentive to
protect incumbent registrants.
3. Discussion
11. We grant the Petitioner’s request
that we require interference analyses for
non-Federal Government licensees. We
still believe that interference is unlikely
due to the ‘‘pencil-beam’’ nature of the
transmissions in this service. However,
a change from our original decision is
justified after weighing the ‘‘unique
pencil beam’’ characteristics of the 70/
80 GHz band transmissions against new
evidence in the record that the current
regulatory scheme will delay, and
perhaps hinder, industry efforts to use
the 70/80 GHz band as anticipated (e.g.,
for wireless broadband). WCA asserts
that the consequence of harmful
interference discovered only after the
fact can be ‘‘bad enough to disqualify
this technology as a viable option for
much of the target market.’’ We agree
with WCA that the uncertainty and
delay caused by an after-the-fact
approach toward interference
protection, and the severe impact of a
network outage during the pendency of
the interference resolution process,
requires us to consider alternatives to
the current registration process. We
conclude that it would be easy, and far
less costly in the long run, for nongovernment users to finish all
interference analyses prior to equipment
installation, particularly because nongovernment users already have to
produce an interference profile to satisfy
government coordination requirements.
Although the risk of interference
between users in these ‘‘pencil beam’’
bands should be low, we are persuaded
by WCA’s assertion that it is not low
enough to risk the costs associated with
an outage of 30 days or longer while a
complaint is pending before the
Commission. An examination of costs
and benefits reveals that the costs of
performing interference analyses would
be small, particularly when compared to
the benefits of preventing harmful
interference to existing operations. In
particular, we consider WCA’s point
that current technology permits realtime electronic interference analysis,
thus rendering the cost of prevention
minimal when compared to the cost of
a network outage (the link data
currently submitted by licensees at link
registration will facilitate and expedite
the process of obtaining interference
analyses by providing the necessary site,
antenna, and equipment data). We also
note that the record contains no
opposition to WCA’s claims.
12. It is important to facilitate entry
and development of this industry by
lowering the risk of interference and
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thereby ensuring continued investment.
Accordingly, we find that the additional
assurance of no harmful interference
provided by interference analyses in
these bands would better serve the
public interest. Therefore, we are
revising the rules to require licensees, as
part of the link registration process, to
submit to the database manager an
analysis under the interference
protection criteria for the 70/80 GHz
bands that demonstrates that the
proposed link will neither cause nor
receive harmful interference relative to
previously registered non-government
links. See 47 CFR 101.105(a)(5), App. B,
infra. This requirement will apply to
link registrations (new or modified) that
are first submitted to a database
manager on or after the effective date of
this new requirement. (The requirement
to submit an interference analysis to a
database manager is subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and
will be submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review. See paragraph 43, infra. The
effective date of this new or modified
information collection and/or thirdparty disclosure requirement will be no
earlier than (1) thirty days after
publication in the Federal Register and
(2) the date that OMB approves it.)
13. In the unlikely event there is
interference after operations commence,
despite the prior interference
analysis(es), the interference protection
procedures set forth in the Report and
Order govern: the first-in-time registered
link is entitled to interference protection
and the database manager will so inform
the later-registered link operator that the
link must be discontinued or modified
to resolve the problem. If the
complaining first-in-time licensee is not
satisfied that the interference has been
resolved, then 30 days after the matter
is first reported to a database manager,
a complaint may be filed with the
Commission. Although not raised in the
Petition, we take this opportunity to
clarify that the 30-day period starts to
run as soon as the database manager is
notified in keeping with the overall
premise that legitimate interference
concerns must be addressed quickly.
14. The database managers will accept
all interference analyses submitted
during the link registration process and
retain them electronically for
subsequent review by the public. It is
important for the ‘‘first-in-time’’
determination, and for adjudicating
complaints filed with the Commission,
that the interference analysis captures
the exact snapshot in time (i.e.,
conditions at the time-of-linkregistration) that will be dispositive in
a dispute. Without the benefit of an
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interference analysis on file, it would be
much more difficult for registrants to
recreate conditions accurately after the
fact. In addition to being responsible for
establishing and maintaining the
database, the database managers are not
precluded from offering additional
services, such as frequency
coordination, which will assist a
licensee in designing a link, or their
own interference analyses. (We note that
the licensee is under no obligation to
use the third-party database manager’s
services. Licensees are free to conduct
their own interference analyses or to
procure the interference analyses from a
third party source or the database
managers, provided the analyses meet
generally accepted good engineering
practice and the interference protection
standards of § 101.105 of our rules.)
C. Segmentation and Channel Loading
1. Background
15. The introduction of competition
plays a major role in how the market
reacts to new and expanded
telecommunications services. Ensuring
a competitive environment was at the
forefront of the Commission’s original
decision to segment the spectrum into
units smaller than 5 GHz. Stating that
such a plan will encourage efficiency,
the Commission provided four unpaired
1.25 GHz segments in each band, for a
total of eight segments intended to
facilitate adequate guard bands and the
maximum number of users at a given
location. The Commission did not
subject the spectrum to any aggregation
limit, so each licensee can operate on up
to all 12.9 GHz of co-primary spectrum
and use as many segments as it needs
on a 1.25 GHz increment. The
Commission stated that the flexible or
‘‘soft’’ segmentation, coupled with a
loading requirement, are appropriate
safeguards that provide new entrants
with reasonable access to spectrum by
ensuring that spectrum is used rather
than hoarded. (Segments are ‘‘soft’’
because there is no limit on aggregating
segments, no pairing requirement
(pairing is permitted but not required),
and no channelization requirement
within the segments. ‘‘Soft’’
segmentation provides a factor of
scalability to the amount of spectrum
that is authorized to a given user.)
16. The Commission also determined
that commercial 70/80 GHz licensees
will have to meet the 1 bps/Hz loading
requirement of § 101.141 of the
Commission’s rules. Thus, when a
licensee has not met that requirement,
the registration database would be
modified to limit coordination rights to
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
the spectrum that meets the § 101.141
requirement and the licensee loses
protection rights on spectrum that has
2. Petition
17. The Petitioner asks the
Commission to reconsider its ‘‘soft’’
segmentation of the 70/80 GHz bands
and to reduce or eliminate the channel
loading requirement. WCA asserts that
there is no public interest benefit to be
gained by regulating the width of the
channels, the number of channels used,
or the data rate transmitted. WCA also
states that the record supports the 70/80
GHz bands not being channelized and
that licensees should be permitted to
use bandwidths of up to 5 GHz in each
direction, in order to maximize
flexibility in link design and to facilitate
a smooth ‘‘upgrade path’’ as a user’s
data needs expand. According to the
Petition, the segmentation scheme may
force manufacturers to produce radios
in conformance with the 1.25 GHz
increments and, because some
modulation schemes do not fit neatly
into 1.25 GHz increments, this
complicates equipment design and
raises the cost of equipment.
18. WCA asserts that no loading
requirement is currently necessary and
that the Commission should allow the
marketplace to dictate the appropriate
balance between spectral efficiency,
equipment cost, and bandwidth. WCA
also states that depending on how the
loading requirements are applied, the
joint operation of the segmentation and
loading rules might discourage or
prevent flexible and low-cost frequency
plans within a given ‘‘spatial pipe.’’
(‘‘Spatial pipe’’ is a term used by WCA
to describe ‘‘a radio link between two
points within which users would be
permitted to use some or all of the
spectrum for a single pair or multiple
pairs of radios, using any modulation
scheme the licensee desired.’’) WCA
argues that the Commission can impose
a channel loading requirement later if
applicants find themselves precluded
from deployment due to inefficient
spectrum utilization. WCA notes that
because the spectrum must be occupied
one narrow pipe (or pencil beam) at a
time, it would be impossible to
warehouse the spectrum and otherwise
gain market power. Petitioner states that
the build-out requirement makes this
impossible because the expensive radios
in these frequencies make it less likely
for competitors to be able to finance a
plan to gain market dominance. Further,
a 1 bps/Hz loading requirement would
prohibit the use of existing, inexpensive
binary signaling modulation schemes
(e.g., on-off keying (OOK) and binary
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phase shift keying (BPSK)), when it is in
the public interest to facilitate the use
of the simplest possible modulation
schemes in these bands, and may force
manufacturers to use other higher-order
modulation schemes that may be more
costly and experimental, and hence
more time-consuming to develop,
thereby delaying introduction of the
millimeter wave equipment.
Alternatively, WCA argues that if the
Commission decides to retain a loading
requirement, it should reduce the
current 1 bps/Hz requirement to a 0.125
bps/Hz standard, measured over the
bandwidth specified in the emission
designator of the equipment employed.
3. Discussion
19. We grant WCA’s proposal to
eliminate segmentation and grant in part
WCA’s request to modify the 1 bps/Hz
loading requirement in the 70/80 GHz
bands. Our initial concerns about
spectrum warehousing or monopolistic
behavior by first registrants will be
addressed by the 12-month construction
requirement and the existing
requirement to provide equipment and
site-related data at link registration,
including the type of emission
designator and corresponding
bandwidth. Together, these
requirements limit a licensee to
registering only for what it intends to
build within 12 months, thus limiting
opportunities for spectrum ‘‘hoarding.’’
Moreover, we do not find segmentation
to be necessary to avoid warehousing or
monopolistic behavior because the
‘‘pencil beam’’ characteristic of
transmissions in these bands ensures
that even if a licensee registers for all 5
GHz in either the 71–76 GHz or 81–86
GHz bands, such transmissions will still
be limited to narrow ‘‘pencil beams’’
and thus will not generally preclude
other link registrants from locating
nearby. (In a letter, dated January 31,
2005, WCA asserted that the only
scenario in which the industry’s
proposal to allow both 50 dBi and 43
dBi antennas would lead to fewer link
deployments than under the existing
rules would be in the case of a very-high
density, hub-and-spoke configuration
that one might find on the roof of a
skyscraper in an urban core.) Such high
link densities will be further facilitated
by our decision to require prior
interference analyses together with the
‘‘pencil beam’’ and ‘‘spatial pipe’’
concepts envisioned for these bands. We
are convinced that elimination of the
segmentation scheme will provide
manufacturers the freedom to produce
radios utilizing a variety of modulation
schemes, rather than only those that fit
within a 1.25 GHz increment, thus
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lowering the cost of equipment for new
entrants and spurring technological
development and rollout. Furthermore,
we find that allowing users the
maximum flexibility in link design and
the freedom to upgrade as their needs
evolve will facilitate new entry in this
nascent service.
20. Similarly, we find that it would be
more prudent to adopt WCA’s proposed
0.125 bps/Hz efficiency requirement to
promote technical flexibility. In the
Report and Order, we adopted a loading
standard to promote efficient use of the
spectrum and we established 1 bps/Hz
as the efficiency requirement for these
bands given that it is the least
burdensome bit rate specified under
part 101. However, while 1 bps/Hz is a
reasonable and readily achievable
efficiency requirement for microwave
operations, we conclude that retaining
the requirement for these bands would
unnecessarily risk inhibiting the nascent
industry’s flexibility to offer products or
services that meet their customers’
needs. In this connection, we consider
WCA’s point that the requirement
precludes the use of certain inexpensive
modulation schemes (that are not
precluded by a 0.125 bps/Hz efficiency
requirement) together with the bands’
unique pencil-beam characteristic and
nonexclusive licensing regime (which
ensure that any given link is very
unlikely to preclude another licensee
from operating a link in the same area).
Put differently, although 1 bps/Hz is a
reasonable efficiency rate, retaining it
for these bands could unnecessarily
preclude product offerings or increase
equipment costs for customers such as
plants, universities, or farms, that could
otherwise use pencil-beam links
(perhaps within their property), to
transfer minimal amounts of data using
devices that need not achieve 1 bps/Hz
to meet the user’s need, e.g., remote
control or telemetry. Moreover, as WCA
observes, the Commission retains
discretion to consider in the future
whether a higher efficiency standard is
necessary, e.g., after the industry better
develops equipment and usage.
(Because the primary basis for adopting
a lower channel loading requirement is
to spur deployment by lowering
equipment costs, there is no advantage
to selecting a channel loading
requirement between 0.125 bps/Hz and
1 bps/Hz. Any channel loading
requirement greater than 0.125 bps/Hz
will affect equipment development by
limiting a manufacturer’s choice of
modulation schemes.) We also realize
that we cannot impose a practical
analog standard at this time until we
determine that licensees are actually
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
utilizing analog equipment and have
enough data and history to determine
how much traffic is warranted over
certain bandwidths. We acknowledge
that problems may arise under a 0.125
bps/Hz limit when the bands become
more congested, but we find the risk of
traffic congestion to be lower due to the
‘‘pencil beam’’ transmission
characteristics of this service. As stated
above, our decisions to employ
interference analyses and to retain the
existing power/gain tradeoff standard
associated with the narrow ‘‘pencil
beam’’ transmissions envisioned in
these bands will facilitate higher link
densities. Furthermore, as this industry
matures, it is inevitable that more
efficient systems will force those using
the lower 0.125 bps/Hz limit to upgrade
to equipment with higher bit rates in
order to stay competitive. We also find
that lower-cost equipment will provide
opportunities to develop the service,
particularly in underserved rural areas
where build-out costs are often the
largest barrier to entry into those
D. Interference Protection Criteria
1. Background
21. In the Report and Order, the
Commission stated that the record
supports the use of Part 101 in these
bands to curtail possible harmful
interference. Accordingly, the
Commission adopted 36 dB as the
minimum desired-to-undesired (D/U)
ratio for protection of existing digital
and analog facilities and a 1 dB
degradation limit to the static threshold
of the protected receiver for existing
digital systems. (For purposes of our
discussion, we will use the desired-toundesired (D/U) ratio interchangeably
with the carrier-to-interference (C/I)
2. Petition
22. Because WCA expects the vast
majority of early and mature
deployments in the 70/80 GHz bands to
employ digital modulation, particularly
in densely populated areas, WCA
believes maintaining a carrier-tointerference signal (C/I) ratio of 36 dB as
the minimum would substantially
overprotect many links, possibly giving
those first in operation unneeded and
unwarranted preemption rights over
later entrants. Consequently, WCA asks
the Commission to remove the 36 dB
minimum limit from § 101.147(z) of the
Commission’s rules and to adopt WCA’s
proposal to amend § 101.105 of the
Commission’s rules so as to set the
C/I ratio to protect each link as needed
but in no event more than 36 dB. In
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addition, WCA proposes adoption of
interference protection criteria based on
no more than 1.0 dB of degradation to
the static threshold of a protected
receiver using digital modulation, and
no more than 1.0 dB of degradation to
the signal-to-noise (S/N) requirement of
the receiver that will result in
acceptable signal quality for continuous
operation of a protected receiver using
analog modulation.
3. Discussion
23. We grant the Petition in part by
deleting the 36 dB C/I ratio altogether
because we find that a 1 dB receiver
degradation standard provides adequate
protection for both digital and analog
systems and addresses WCA’s concern
that the current rule ‘‘over protects’’
existing links. (Although we anticipate,
as does WCA, that the majority of
entrants will be utilizing digital
equipment, we will, consistent with our
shift away from a command-and-control
regime toward a flexible scheme, not
preclude the option for new entrants to
employ analog equipment in this stillundeveloped industry. Our decision
also focuses on reception which is
consistent with the policy goals set forth
in the Commission’s Spectrum Policy
Task Force Report. That report also
emphasizes adopting more flexible and
market-oriented regulatory models to
increase opportunities for
technologically innovative and
economically efficient spectrum use and
recommends that regulatory models
clearly define the interference
protection rights and responsibilities of
licensees.) We find that deleting the 36
dB C/I interference protection
requirement, when combined with a
requirement to employ best engineering
practices to design systems, will best
serve the public interest. By relying on
the ability to determine a ‘‘reasonable’’
C/I requirement based on the
characteristics of the equipment
deployed on a specific link in a specific
location, we provide greater flexibility
to new entrants, will not overprotect
certain incumbent stations, and will not
be subject to abuse by entrants
unreasonably claiming a need to be
protected to a high C/I ratio. Eliminating
the 36 dB C/I ratio provides new
entrants the flexibility to select and
develop equipment best suited for their
business models and relieves them of
the burden of providing more
interference protection than necessary.
WCA proposes doing away with the 36
dB C/I minimum, and requests setting a
36 dB C/I as a maximum instead, with
the presumption that the majority of
entrants will deploy digital equipment,
but offers no technical basis for
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choosing 36 dB as the maximum
threshold. Setting a maximum C/I ratio
unnecessarily constrains the design of
deployments and may not allow for
adequate protection to all systems, in
particular analog systems. We also note
that the Commission’s service rules
have traditionally not established a
maximum C/I, but rather specify a
minimum C/I ratio to protect
incumbents. Moreover, it is not possible
to select specific C/I ratios that would
adequately protect both digital and
analog systems without possibly
overprotecting some systems and under
protecting others. Rather than setting a
C/I limit based on a presumption of a
digital-only environment, and given the
early stage of equipment development
in this nascent service, it would be more
prudent to eliminate the existing
standard to maximize flexibility and
afford licensees the freedom to develop
and deploy equipment, analog or digital,
to fit their specific needs. Setting an
arbitrary limit could preclude classes of
equipment which may need higher C/I
ratios than would be required in the
Commission’s rules.
24. We find that adopting, in part, the
changes sought by WCA will provide a
specified level of protection for both
analog and digital systems without
unnecessarily constraining system
design. We also find that our
aforementioned decision to require
interference analyses will enable
licensees to determine their needed
C/I and the C/I requirements of
incumbent link registrants from
equipment specifications contained in
the third party link registration
database. This will give licensees the
opportunity to determine a ‘‘reasonable’’
C/I requirement based on the
characteristics of the equipment utilized
on a specific link.
25. Accordingly, we delete the
minimum 36 dB C/I interference
protection requirement and adopt a 1.0
dB degradation limit of the baseband
signal-to-noise ratio required to produce
an acceptable signal in the receiver for
analog modulation. Also, we reaffirm
our requirement adopted in the Report
and Order that previously registered
links be protected to a T/I level of 1.0
dB of degradation to the static threshold
of the protected receiver for digital
modulation. Because the 1.0 dB limit for
degradation of the T/I ratio was adopted
in the Report and Order, we need not
address WCA’s request to impose this
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
E. Construction Period
1. Background
26. Persuaded by the aggressive
construction requirements set forth in
the record, in the Report and Order the
Commission shortened the traditional
18-month construction requirement of
§ 101.63 of the Commission’s rules to 12
months. The Commission clarified that
each construction period will
commence on the date that the thirdparty database manager registers each
link and that it will not require users to
file a notification requirement as
mandated by § 1.946(d) of the
Commission’s rules. Instead, licensees
will provide notice to a database
manager to withdraw unconstructed
links from the third-party link
registration database.
2. Petition
27. The Petition proposes to shorten
the build out period from 12 months to
180 days. In submitting modifications to
§ 101.63(b) of the Commission’s rules,
WCA proposes that construction of each
link occur within 180 days,
commencing on the date of the
registration for that particular link.
WCA provides no justification for its
proposal to change the construction
3. Discussion
28. We do not want to prematurely
foreclose new entrants who may not
have readily available capital to build
out within a short timeframe. Mandating
a 180-day build-out period on a nascent
service with little or no equipment
available may result in a flood of waiver
requests and impose unnecessary costs
or burdens on new entrants. It is our
understanding that equipment
production is underway, so we are
hesitant to compress build-out where
the timing of equipment rollout is not
certain. We also do not want to set
regulatory standards so high that it is
more likely to impede build-out than
encourage development of the service.
The Commission reserved the discretion
to revisit the issue if experience
indicates that additional measures are
necessary and we continue to find that
to be the prudent approach in this
developing service. Thus, we deny
Petitioner’s request to shorten the buildout period.
F. Antenna and Power Requirements
1. Minimum Antenna Gain and
Maximum Power
a. Background
29. In the Report and Order, the
Commission adopted a minimum 50 dBi
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and 0.6 degree half-power beamwidth
which was supported by most
commenters. The Commission agreed
with the WCA proposal for technical
parameters specifying a minimum 50
dBi gain in order to maximize the
efficiency and use of the spectrum but
decided not to adopt parameters for
antennas with a gain of less than 50 dBi.
The Commission stated that it could
foresee legacy antennas with
undesirable radiation patterns that
could pose serious obstacles to the
growth of microwave links in these
bands in highly populated urban areas
in the future.
b. Petition
30. WCA asks the Commission to
adopt the ‘‘power/gain tradeoff’’
proposal developed by the industry, i.e.,
43 dBi minimum antenna gain and a 1.2
degree half-power beamwidth, rather
than the adopted 50 dBi minimum
antenna gain and 0.6 degree half-power
beamwidth. WCA argues that the
adopted 50 dBi minimum gain
requirement necessitates the use of
antennas that are a minimum of 0.61
meter (2 feet) in diameter, thereby
adding to the cost of infrastructure, and
thus potentially precluding greater
deployment. Specifically, WCA states
that these antennas are less marketable,
more costly, and more sensitive to tower
siting issues than smaller antennas.
Petitioner asserts that the use of larger
antennas limits available tower
structures because of loading limitations
and that the sway and twist of many
towers are too great to be compatible
with antennas with 0.6 degree or less
beamwidth. According to WCA, less
restrictive beamwidth rules coupled
with a corresponding power reduction
would maximize the use of existing
antenna structures and promote the
deployment in the 70/80 GHz bands
without increasing the potential for
interference. WCA argues adopting that
the industry’s proposal would provide
more flexibility and lower the overall
interference environment, provided that
for antennas with gains of less than 50
dBi, the maximum EIRP is decreased by
2 dB for every 1 dB decrease in the
antenna gain. Petitioner claims that a
more flexible specification with a
corresponding reduction in power
would make it possible to use lowercost, lower-power products, thus
lowering barriers to entry without
increasing the potential for interference.
(In doing so, WCA acknowledges that
the use of smaller antennas will result
in wider transmitted beamwidths, but
asserts that the interference analysis
proposed by WCA will ensure that the
use of smaller antennas will not unduly
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reduce frequency re-use opportunities.)
In this connection, WCA claims that
computer simulations show the power/
gain tradeoff is even more important
where Automatic Transmitter Power
Control (ATPC) is not used although
WCA emphasizes that it is important to
disentangle the power/gain tradeoff
from the separate question of whether to
require ATPC.
31. In late January 2005, WCA further
explained that, apart from the earlier
engineering claims, the consensus
estimate of its membership is that
adopting the proposal would expand the
market for 70/80 GHz radios from
perhaps 20 to 25 percent of business
locations to perhaps 75 to 80 percent of
business locations. WCA notes that
there are approximately 750,000
business locations of 20 or more
employees (which typically indicates a
need for high bandwidth) within one
mile of a fiber point-of-presence (POP)
but that most of these buildings do not
have fiber connections. In this
connection, WCA explains that the
existing Commission’s requirement for
50 dBi gain antennas would allow
industry to serve only business
locations with large concentrations of
users, whereas 43 dBi gain antennas
would allow the industry to serve
locations with lower density business
locations, such as campuses or office
park settings. WCA also acknowledges
that its power/gain tradeoff proposal
may result in a potential reduction in
deployment density on relatively few
large buildings, but avers that this
reduction pales in comparison to the
much larger benefit of making the
service attractive in lower-density
business locations. WCA asserts that the
spectral cost of the industry’s proposed
rule is therefore low because the
theoretical reduction in the maximum
density of hub-and-spoke links on a
single rooftop will be limited to a very
small subset of potential deployments.
For example, WCA states that Gigabeam,
a WCA member focusing on using 50
dBi gain antennas to serve the higherdensity end of the market, performed a
technical analysis that shows that it is
possible to place 200 simultaneous twoway gigabit-class links on a large
skyscraper rooftop using 43 dBi gain
antennas. In this regard, WCA explains
that while requiring at least a 50 dBi
gain antenna might allow double that
density to 400 links, there are simply
not many rooftops where that level of
deployment would occur. Moreover,
WCA points out that adopting the
industry proposal ‘‘would not prevent
the use of 50 dBi gain antennas; it
would only provide the additional
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
flexibility for lower-gain, lower-power
applications on other rooftops.’’ WCA
also emphasizes that allowing flexibility
to deploy lower-gain antennas at lower
powers would allow the industry to
address significantly more business
locations because smaller antennas are
cheaper to manufacture and cheaper
and easier to mount because they
require less expensive and thinner
materials (plastic or metal), and a
smaller surface area. WCA states that all
antennas, large or small, must be
manufactured with low surface
tolerances in order to meet the
Commission’s sidelobe requirements but
that it is ‘‘far more expensive and
difficult to produce such low surface
tolerances for larger antennas than for
small ones for the simple reason that
there is a larger surface area.’’ WCA
provides price ratios between the
smaller and larger antennas that showed
that the larger antennas could,
depending on the vendor, cost from 3 to
8 times as much as the smaller antennas
included in its proposal. WCA adds that
the current ‘‘one-size-fits all approach’’
means that the antenna cost at the lower
end of the market will become a
significant portion of the retail price of
the link, causing prices to be higher
than they need to be, and demand to be
suppressed. WCA asserts that while
some market segments, such as those in
higher-density areas, are relatively price
insensitive, they do not represent the
entire market. Rather, WCA states that
the ‘‘other half (or more)’’ of the market
resides in lower-density locations,
businesses in campus or office park
settings, with buildings of just two or
three stories, that will initially deploy 1
Gigabit (Gb)/s Ethernet links and are
price sensitive, i.e., will not invest if the
price is too high. Therefore, WCA states
that its consensus estimate is that
adoption of its proposal would
dramatically expand the market for 70/
80 GHz radios from perhaps 20 to 25
percent of business locations to perhaps
75 to 80 percent of business locations.
c. Discussion
32. We grant WCA’s request to modify
our technical requirements to allow for
a minimum antenna gain of 43 dBi and
1.2 degree half-power beamwidth on
policy grounds. We find that allowing
smaller, wider beamwidth antennas is
in the public interest because it will
promote increased usage of the 71–76
GHz and 81–86 GHz bands in areas
where those frequencies might
otherwise be underutilized. Although
the smaller antennas will produce a
wider beam, we find that they will
produce beam patterns that will retain
the ‘‘unique pencil beam’’
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characteristics envisioned in these
bands. We also find that providing
licensees the flexibility to select a wider
range of equipment that best suits their
particular business plans, whether the
target market is high-density, high-rise
locations in urban core areas or lowerdensity, office park settings with
buildings of just two or three stories,
will facilitate development and growth
in this service. We also consider the cost
information and market data that WCA
provided to be illustrative of the
significant economic impact that
allowing smaller, less expensive
antennas will have on the deployment
of services in the 71–76 GHz and 81–86
GHz bands from 20–25 percent to 75 to
80 percent of business locations.
33. For the record, in reaching this
decision, we are not persuaded by
WCA’s claim that allowing the 43 dBi
antenna to operate under the ‘‘power/
gain tradeoff’’ would result in less
interference than the 50 dBi antenna.
WCA’s analysis wrongly assumes that
all links will operate at the maximum
allowed power. (A review of our
licensing records for point-to-point
stations below 24 GHz reflects that less
than one percent of these frequencies
are authorized for the maximum EIRP
allowed under part 101.) We find it
unlikely that all 70/80 GHz links will
operate with the full power allowed
under the rules, given that point-topoint links are deployed to transmit
data, etc., between two or more
locations defined by the users’ needs
and sound engineering, rather than the
maximum distance achievable using the
maximum allowable power levels. See
47 CFR 101.113 (Transmitter power
limitations) (‘‘On any authorized
frequency, the average power delivered
to an antenna in this service must be the
minimum amount of power necessary to
carry out the communications desired.’’)
Although WCA’s October 8, 2004 Ex
Parte asserts that Cisco Systems’
simulation results demonstrate that
random deployment would not suffer
increased link failures as a result of the
proposed power/gain tradeoff, Cisco
noted earlier that, for equal path lengths
(not for equal transmitter power) ‘‘the
percentage of link failures decreases as
the half power beamwidth (HPBW)
decreases’’ and that ‘‘[w]ith equal
maximum path length, devices with
narrower beam, higher gain antennas
require less transmit power, resulting in
lower interference levels in the system.’’
In other words, at any appropriate EIRP
needed to make a link work reliably, a
0.6 degree beamwidth will always have
less potential to block other licensees
from operating links between the same
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most desirable points (e.g., the rooftops
of the two tallest buildings in an urban
area) than a 1.2 degree beamwidth
operating with the same EIRP. In sum,
there is less side lobe interference
potential with the 50 dBi gain antennas,
as well as less overall interference
potential because the transmitter power
needed is reduced with the higher gain,
narrower beam, antennas.
34. Nonetheless, as discussed above,
we are persuaded as a policy matter that
relaxing the technical parameters to
allow for lower-gain, wider beamwidth
antennas best serves the public interest
by promoting increased development of
the nascent 70/80 GHz industry and
thereby increase access to the 70/80
GHz bands that might otherwise remain
underutilized. We adopt Petitioner’s
proposed modifications to § 101.115 of
the Commission’s rules including new
technical parameters for radiation
suppression for cross polarization
discrimination and for co-polar
discrimination between 1.2 and 5
degrees. The benefits of smaller
antennas in terms of aesthetics and
structure loading are undeniable, as a
general matter, and the record before us
reflects a potential for significant cost
savings associated with deployment of
the smaller antennas, with the larger
antennas costing from three to eight
times as much as the smaller antennas.
We also consider the concern that a
‘‘one-size-fits all approach’’ to antenna
equipment may fail to address the needs
of over half of the potential market. In
sum, we find that revising the rules to
allow antenna gain less than 50 dBi (but
greater than or equal to 43 dBi) with a
proportional reduction in maximum
authorized EIRP in a ratio of 2 dB of
power per 1 dB of gain will best serve
the public interest by expanding the
potential for services from the 20 to 25
percent of business locations in highdensity urban areas to 75 to 80 percent
of business locations, particularly in
lower-density locations. We further find
that these benefits outweigh the
relatively minor overall increase in
interference potential resulting from
these rule changes. In this connection,
we consider that the new interference
analysis requirement adopted herein
will also provide great benefit by
reducing the potential for harmful
interference. Because our decision will
necessitate modifications to one or more
databases used to register links, we
advise licensees that it will not be
possible to submit registrations for links
with antennas that meet the revised
rule, i.e., antenna gain less than 50 dBi
(but greater than or equal to 43 dBi)
until all necessary software
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
modifications are completed. Licensees
interested in filing such links should
first consult with a database manager as
to the status of the system updates.
2. Automatic Transmitter Power Control
a. Background
35. In the Report and Order, the
Commission decided against requiring
ATPC on the basis that the industry is
in the early stages of development of
equipment for these bands, and the
Commission believed that
manufacturers would benefit more from
relaxation of the transmitter equipment
specifications than from relaxation in
the antenna requirements. Thus, the
Commission determined that users need
not bear the additional cost of ATPC. In
fact, the Commission saw more benefits
from allowing more flexibility in the
manufacturing of the transceivers,
which contain more expensive
hardware, than in the manufacturing of
the antennas.
b. Petition
36. WCA asks the Commission to
require ATPC for links with EIRP greater
than 23 dBW. (ATPC automatically
increases or decreases the output power
of a transmitter based on the received
signal level.) The Petition states that
industry simulations conducted confirm
that use of ATPC for links that have
EIRP greater than 23 dBW will have a
significant, positive contribution toward
managing interference in the 70/80 GHz
bands and will facilitate high-density
deployment of 70/80 GHz radios.
c. Discussion
37. We deny WCA’s proposal to
require ATPC for links with EIRP greater
than 23 dBW. To require ATPC as one
of several useful tools to help control
interference would run counter to the
flexible approach we have adopted to
encourage development in the 70/80
GHz bands, particularly where the
record does not show that requiring
such tools is either necessary or
sufficient to resolve adverse operating
conditions. Moreover, we continue to
believe that the more prudent course
during the early stages of technology
development in these millimeter wave
bands is to allow manufacturers and
licensees maximum flexibility and
freedom to design a wide range of
equipment necessary to provide services
in these bands. Furthermore, although
ATPC technology has been available to
licensees in other frequency bands and
is allowed under part 101, the
Commission has not mandated its use in
the past for any part 101 microwave
service in order to give licensees the
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discretion to identify their own
equipment needs. Various technical and
economic factors may provide
incentives to licensees to use the
technology but there are circumstances
when its use may not be necessary or
desirable. The Commission is therefore
reluctant to mandate the use of a
specific technology which may not be
necessary in all cases and may be a
more expensive means to increase
reliability or control interference than
others that could achieve the same end
result. Because the Commission is now
requiring interference analyses to be
completed before operations, we find
that the interference potential is more
confined than under our previous rules,
and make ATPC a less desirable option
where other mitigating factors can be
used, such as shielding or spatial
diversification. There are also
techniques other than ATPC to increase
reliability, such as the use of free space
optical technology for diversity. We find
that licensees should be free to use
ATPC or other technologies, coupled
with the interference protections
otherwise provided for this service, to
preserve quality of services, and should
have the flexibility to design and deploy
systems to meet their needs without
increasing the potential for interference
to other systems.
3. Power Spectral Density Limit
a. Petition
38. WCA asks the Commission to
adopt a limit on power spectral density
to no more than 150 mW/100 MHz. If
there are no power spectral density
limits, WCA believes it would be
possible for a device to transmit an EIRP
of 55 dBW in an arbitrarily small
bandwidth (e.g., 1 megahertz).
According to WCA, such a device would
have significantly different spectral and
spatial properties from the ‘‘virtual
fiber’’ radios for which the 70/80 GHz
band is uniquely well suited since
narrowband devices would have much
longer ranges and much larger exclusion
zones, significantly reducing potential
deployment densities. Stating that there
are already many bands at lower
frequencies in which narrower
bandwidths can be used, WCA seeks
adoption of the limit in order to
preserve the 70/80 GHz bands for high
bandwidth radios as a wireless
alternative for fiber-equivalent services.
b. Discussion
39. We grant WCA’s proposal to adopt
a power spectral density limit of no
more than 150 mW/100 MHz in order to
preserve the 70/80 GHz bands for high
bandwidth transmissions. Although
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narrow bandwidth emissions are not the
intended use of these frequency bands,
and we did not believe that a licensee
would ‘‘waste’’ large amounts of power
to do this, given the nature of the
investment necessary, we agree with
WCA that it could be possible for
someone to use the flexibility in our
present rules to use a narrow bandwidth
with a high power density, especially if
they were to use analog signals. Thus,
we find that a minor rule change can
easily eliminate this potential problem
and retain our goal for wide bandwidth
use of the 70–80–90 GHz bands. We
conclude that the 150 mW/100 MHz
power spectral density limit will
facilitate deployment of the high datarate transmissions envisioned in these
bands, for so-called ‘‘fiber-equivalent’’
wireless services.
G. Conditional Operating Authority
1. Petition
40. WCA seeks to have the
Commission amend § 101.31(b) to add
the 70/80 GHz frequencies to the list of
frequencies for which conditional
operation is available, so that
nationwide license applicants may get
links up and running as soon as Federal
Government coordination by NTIA and
link registration have been completed.
The Petition asserts that conditional
operating authority is an important
element of licensing under part 101 and
therefore should also be available to 70/
80 GHz licensees.
2. Discussion
41. We acknowledge that certain
microwave services under part 101 are
permitted to operate while awaiting a
license, but we are concerned that
introducing conditional operating
authority here could risk confusion as to
the interference protection date for
purposes of determining the first-intime registered link. Furthermore, while
the application for a nationwide license
is a one-time burden for common
carriers, we note that private and noncommon carriers are not subject to the
statutory 30-day Public Notice period
and our licensing records reflect that
their applications are routinely granted
on virtually an overnight basis. Finally,
we note that both NTIA and the FCC’s
ULS databases are configured so that
link data submissions are reviewable
and subject to approval after verification
that the applicant has a valid call sign
(i.e., a license for the 71–76, 81–86, and
92–95 GHz service).
42. In ex parte discussions with the
Bureau on July 22, 2004, WCA conceded
that pre-license operating authority is
less important if nationwide licensing
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
occurs quickly, which has been the case
to date. Given that grant of the
nationwide license carries with it a
reconsideration period—which would
allow the licensee to build-out
notwithstanding a challenge—and link
registrations are subject to challenge
only after operations commence, there
appears little need for conditional
operating authority. We note that even
under our conditional operating rules,
parties must discontinue operations
should a site be subject to a challenge.
On our own motion, however, we are
revising § 101.1513 of the rules, 47 CFR
101.1513, to make clear that the ten-year
license term runs from the initial grant
date of the license.
IV. Procedural Matters
A. Paperwork Reduction Analysis
43. This document contains new or
modified information collection or third
party disclosure requirements subject to
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), Public Law 104–13. It will be
submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for review under
section 3507(d) of the PRA. OMB, the
general public, and other Federal
agencies are invited to comment on the
new or modified information collection
requirements contained in this
proceeding. In addition, we note that
pursuant to the Small Business
Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, Public
Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4),
we previously sought specific comment
on how the Commission might ‘‘further
reduce the information collection
burden for small business concerns with
fewer than 25 employees.’’
44. The Commission will include a
copy of this Memorandum Opinion and
Order on Reconsideration in a report to
be sent to Congress and the General
Accounting Office pursuant to the
Congressional Review Act. See 5 U.S.C.
B. Supplemental Final Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis
45. As required by the Regulatory
Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended
(RFA), an Initial Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis (IRFA) was incorporated in the
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WT
Docket No. 02–146 (NPRM). The
Commission sought written public
comment on the proposals in the NPRM,
including comment on the IRFA. In
addition, a Final Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis (FRFA) was incorporated in
the Report and Order in WT Docket No.
02–146 (Report and Order). This present
Supplemental Final Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (Supplemental
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FRFA) for the Memorandum Opinion
and Order conforms to the RFA.
1. Need for, and Objectives of, Adopted
46. The Memorandum Opinion and
Order responds to the Petition for
Reconsideration submitted by the
Wireless Communications Association
International, Inc. on February 23, 2004.
The need for and objectives of the rules
adopted in this Memorandum Opinion
and Order are the same as those
discussed in the FRFA for the Report
and Order. In the Report and Order, the
Commission adopted rules for the
licensing and operation of the 71–76
GHz, 81–86 GHz and 92–95 GHz (70–
80–90 GHz) spectrum bands. Licensees
may use the 70 GHz, 80 GHz, and 90
GHz bands for any point-to-point, nonbroadcast service on a non-common
carrier and/or on a common carrier
basis. See 47 CFR 101.1507, 101.1511.
At the time of adoption, there were no
rules in place for these bands. The rules
implemented non-exclusive, nationwide
licensing with site-by-site registration
for these bands. The Memorandum
Opinion and Order does not change the
rules for unlicensed operation adopted
in the Report and Order. The
Commission concluded that this
approach will also stimulate investment
in new technologies, provide a critical
means of achieving greater spectrum
efficiency, and promote research and
47. Consistent with these policy goals,
The Memorandum Opinion and Order
adopts an interference analysis
requirement and power spectral density
limit and relaxes some of the existing
technical standards for the 71–76 GHz
and 81–86 GHz bands to stimulate
development of a nascent industry.
Specifically, The Memorandum Opinion
and Order amends the existing technical
rules by (1) eliminating the band
segmentation and loading requirement
and adopting an efficiency requirement
of 0.125 bps/Hz, (2) modifying the
interference protection criteria by
deleting the minimum 36 dB C/I ratio,
adopting for analog systems a 1.0 dB
degradation limit for the baseband S/N
ratio, and reaffirming the existing 1.0 dB
receiver T/I ratio degradation limit for
digital systems; and (3) modifying the
technical parameters to accommodate
smaller, less expensive antennas with a
minimum antenna gain of 43 dBi and
1.2 degrees half-power beamwidth. The
Commission declined Petitioner’s
requests: to adopt 36 dB as the
maximum required C/I ratio; to shorten
the construction period from 12 months
to 180 days; to provide conditional
authorization during the pendency of an
application for a nationwide, nonexclusive license; and to require ATPC
for links with EIRP greater than 23 dBW.
2. Summary of Significant Issues Raised
by Public Comments in Response to the
48. We received no comments directly
in response to the FRFA in this
proceeding. In addition, no comments
were submitted concerning small
business issues. Description and
Estimate of the Number of Small
Entities to Which the Adopted Rules
Will Apply
49. The RFA directs agencies to
provide a description of and, where
feasible, an estimate of the number of
small entities that may be affected by
the rules, if adopted. The RFA generally
defines the term ‘‘small entity’’ as
having the same meaning as the terms
‘‘small business,’’ ‘‘small organization,’’
and ‘‘small governmental jurisdiction.’’
In addition, the term ‘‘small business’’
has the same meaning as the term
‘‘small business concern’’ under section
3 of the Small Business Act. Under the
Small Business Act, a ‘‘small business
concern’’ is one that: (1) Is
independently owned and operated; (2)
is not dominant in its field of operation;
and (3) satisfies any additional criteria
established by the Small Business
Administration (SBA).
50. In this section, we further describe
and estimate the number of small entity
licensees and regulatees that may be
affected by rules adopted pursuant to
this Memorandum Opinion and Order.
At this point in time, the Commission’s
Universal Licensing Systems (ULS) only
lists three licensees, two registered
links, and little or no equipment in the
70–80–90 GHz service. We further note
that there are three third-party database
managers. Each link must be registered
prior to operation by licensees in the
70–80–90 GHz service. The Report and
Order adopted rules to permit an
unlimited number of non-exclusive,
nationwide licenses for all 12.9 GHz of
spectrum. Given that the service is still
in the early stages of development, it is
difficult to determine the exact number
of small business entities that will be
51. In the FRFA, the Commission
stated that the SBA has developed a
small business size standard for Cellular
and Other Wireless telecommunication,
which consists of all such firms having
1,500 or fewer employees. According to
Census Bureau data for 1997, in this
category there was a total of 977 firms
that operated for the entire year. Of this
total, 965 firms had employment of 999
or fewer employees, and an additional
twelve firms had employment of 1,000
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employees or more. Thus, under this
size standard, the majority of firms can
be considered small. Although the
service is still developing, we apply this
standard to the wireless
telecommunication firms in the 70–80–
90 GHz service that will utilize the
‘‘pencil beam’’ technology to provide
wireless broadband services and highspeed, point-to-point wireless local area
52. The applicable definition of small
entity is the definition under the SBA
rules applicable to manufacturers of
‘‘Radio and Television Broadcasting and
Communications Equipment.’’
According to the SBA’s regulation, an
RF manufacturer must have 750 or
fewer employees in order to qualify as
a small business. Census Bureau data
indicates that there are 858 companies
in the United States that manufacture
radio and television broadcasting and
communications equipment, and that
778 of these firms have fewer than 750
employees and would be classified as
small entities. Therefore, we reiterate
our belief that no more than 778 of the
companies that manufacture RF
equipment qualify as small entities. We
note again that it is difficult to
determine the exact number of small
business entities that will be affected in
this nascent industry but we apply this
standard to the ‘‘pencil beam’’ antenna
equipment manufacturers in the 70–80–
90 GHz service.
3. Description of Reporting,
Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance
Requirements for Small Entities
53. In this section of the
Supplemental FRFA, we analyze the
projected reporting, recordkeeping, and
other compliance requirements that may
apply to small entities as a result of this
Memorandum Opinion and Order. In
the Memorandum Opinion and Order,
we adopt an interference analysis
requirement which will require all
licensees to obtain an interference
analysis and electronically submit a
copy to the third party database
manager as part of the link registration.
Correspondingly, as part of their duties,
the third-party database managers will
retain these submissions electronically
and make them available, online to the
public. The other decisions in the
Memorandum Opinion and Order
impose compliance requirements rather
than reporting or recordkeeping
requirements: We adopt a power
spectral density limit and amend
existing technical requirements by (1)
eliminating the band segmentation and
loading requirement and adopting an
efficiency requirement of 0.125 bps/Hz;
(2) modifying the interference
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protection criteria by deleting the
minimum 36 dB C/I ratio, adopting for
analog systems a 1.0 dB degradation
limit for the baseband S/N ratio, and
reaffirming the existing 1.0 dB receiver
T/I ratio degradation limit for digital
systems; and (3) modifying the technical
parameters to accommodate smaller,
less expensive antennas with a
minimum antenna gain of 43 dBi and
1.2 degrees half-power beamwidth.
4. Steps Taken To Minimize Significant
Economic Impact on Small Entities, and
Significant Alternatives Considered
54. The RFA requires an agency to
describe any significant alternatives that
it has considered in reaching its adopted
approach, which may include the
following four alternatives (among
others): (1) The establishment of
differing compliance or reporting
requirements or timetables that take into
account the resources available to small
entities; (2) the clarification,
consolidation, or simplification of
compliance or reporting requirements
under the rule for small entities; (3) the
use of performance, rather than design,
standards; and (4) an exemption from
coverage of the rule, or any part thereof,
for small entities.
55. In choosing among the various
alternatives in the Memorandum
Opinion and Order, we sought to
minimize the adverse economic impact
on licensees, including those that are
small entities. For instance, we decided
that the purpose of the interferenceanalysis requirement would not be met
by having licensees certify compliance,
rather than submitting the analysis to
the third-party database manager. In
adopting the interference-analysis
requirements, we considered the costs
and benefits of imposing an interference
analysis requirement, particularly for
small entities, and concluded that the
costs of performing such analyses would
be relatively small, particularly when
compared to the benefits of preventing
harmful interference to existing
operations for all licensees. We also find
it important to facilitate entry and
development of this industry by
lowering the risk of interference and
thereby ensuring continued investment.
Finally, we find that the additional
assurance of no harmful interference
provided by interference analyses in
these bands will better serve the public
56. Our decision to eliminate the band
segmentation and loading requirements
will provide licensees, including small
entities, the freedom to produce radios
utilizing a variety of modulation
schemes, rather than only those that fit
within a 1.25 GHz segment, thus
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lowering the cost of equipment for new
entrants and spurring technological
development and rollout. Moreover, it
also allows users the maximum
flexibility in link design and the
freedom to upgrade as their needs
evolve thus facilitating new entry in this
nascent service. Our related decision to
eliminate the 1 bps/Hz loading
requirement in favor of a lower
efficiency requirement of 0.125 bps/Hz
for equipment certification will allow
the use of certain inexpensive
modulation schemes, thus decreasing
equipment costs and allow for more
product offerings. We also find that
lower cost equipment will provide
opportunities to develop the service,
particularly in underserved rural areas
where build-out costs are often the
largest barrier to entry into those
markets, and assist small entities
interested in entering this service.
57. Our decision to modify our
interference protection criteria by
deleting the minimum 36 dB C/I ratio,
adopting for analog systems a 1.0 dB
degradation limit for the baseband S/N
ratio, reaffirming the existing 1.0 dB
receiver T/I ratio degradation limit for
digital systems, and rejecting
Petitioner’s proposal to adopt 36 dB as
the maximum required C/I, will provide
new entrants the flexibility to select and
develop equipment best suited for their
business models and relieves them of
the burden of providing more
interference protection than necessary.
We believe that the emphasis on
maximizing flexibility in equipment
design and the freedom to utilize a
variety of radio technologies, including
lower cost equipment, reflected in the
decisions of the Memorandum Opinion
and Order will benefit small entities
looking to enter this new developing
service. Finally, we adopt a power
spectral density limit in order to
facilitate deployment in the 71–76 GHz
and 81–86 GHz bands of the high datarate transmissions envisioned in these
bands, for so-called ‘‘fiber-equivalent’’
wireless services.
58. Our decision to grant WCA’s
request to modify our technical
requirements to allow for a 43 dBi
minimum antenna gain and 1.2 degree
half-power beamwidth will provide new
entrants the flexibility to select smaller,
less expensive antennas and spur
deployment of the service. We find that
allowing smaller, wider beamwidth
antennas is in the public interest
because it will promote increased usage
of the 71–76 GHz and 81–86 GHz bands
in areas where those frequencies would
otherwise be underutilized. By
providing licensees the flexibility to
select a wider range of equipment that
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
best suits their particular business
plans, our decision will facilitate entry
by small business entities in this service
and expand deployment of services in
lower-density business locations, such
as campuses or office park settings.
59. We reject the Petitioner’s proposal
that we shorten the construction period
from 12 months to 180 days because we
do not want to prematurely foreclose
new entrants, particularly small entities,
who may not have readily available
capital to build out within a short
timeframe. Mandating a 180-day buildout period on a nascent service with
little or no equipment available may
result in a flood of waiver requests and
impose unnecessary costs or burdens on
new entrants. We noted that it is our
understanding that equipment
production is underway, so we are
hesitant to compress build-out where
the timing of equipment rollout is not
certain. We also do not want to set
regulatory standards so high that it is
more likely to impede build-out than
encourage development of the service.
In the Report and Order, the
Commission reserved the discretion to
revisit the issue if experience indicates
that additional measures are necessary
and in the Memorandum Opinion and
Order we continue to find that to be the
prudent approach in this developing
60. We also reject Petitioner’s
proposal that we provide conditional
authorization during the pendency of an
application for a nationwide, nonexclusive license. We are concerned that
introducing conditional operating
authority could risk confusion as to the
interference protection date for
purposes of determining the first-intime registered link for link registrants,
including small entities. Further, our
licensing records reflect that
applications are routinely granted on
virtually an overnight basis and
Petitioner has conceded that conditional
operating authority is less important if
nationwide licensing occurs quickly.
61. Finally, we reject the Petitioner’s
proposal that we require ATPC for links
with EIRP greater than 23 dBW, because
we continue to believe that the more
prudent course during the early stages
of technology development in these
millimeter wave bands is to allow
manufacturers and licensees, including
many small entities, maximum
flexibility and freedom to design a wide
range of equipment necessary to provide
services in these bands. The
Commission is reluctant to mandate the
use of a specific technology which may
not be necessary in all cases and may be
a more expensive means to increase
reliability or control interference than
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others that could achieve the same end
result. Notably, although ATPC
technology has been available to
licensees in other frequency bands and
is allowed under part 101, the
Commission has not mandated its use in
the past for any part 101 microwave
service in order to give licensees the
discretion to identify their own
equipment needs. Various technical and
economic factors may provide
incentives to licensees to use the
technology but there are circumstances
when its use may not be necessary or
desirable. We find that licensees should
be free to use ATPC or other
technologies, coupled with the
interference protections otherwise
provided for this service, such as the
interference analysis requirement at link
registration, to preserve quality of
services, and should have the flexibility
to design and deploy systems to meet
their needs without increasing the
potential for interference to other
5. Federal Rules That Overlap,
Duplicate, or Conflict With These
Proposed Rules
62. None.
6. Report to Congress
63. The Commission will send a copy
of this Memorandum Opinion and
Order, including this Supplemental
FRFA, to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the Small Business
C. Congressional Review Act
64. The Commission will send a copy
of this Memorandum Opinion and
Order, including the Supplemental
FRFA, in a report to be sent to Congress
and the Government Accountability
Office pursuant to the Congressional
Review Act, see 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).
V. Ordering Clauses
65. Accordingly, it is ordered that
pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 303(f) and
(r), 309, 316, 332 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 303(f)
and (r), 309, 316, and 332, this
Memorandum Opinion and Order and
the rules specified in Appendix B are
hereby adopted.
66. It is further ordered that the rules
set forth in Appendix B will become
effective 30 days after publication in the
Federal Register, except that new or
modified information collection or
third-party disclosure requirements
discussed in paragraph 43 will not
become effective prior to OMB approval.
67. It is further ordered, pursuant to
sections 4(i) and 405 of the
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Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 405 and
§ 1.106(a)(1) of the Commission’s Rules,
47 CFR 1.106(a)(1), the Petition for
Reconsideration filed by Wireless
Communications Association
International, Inc., on February 23, 2004
in WT Docket 02–146 is granted in part
to the extent discussed herein, and
otherwise is denied.
68. It is further ordered that the
Commission’s Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference
Information Center, shall send a copy of
this Memorandum Opinion and Order,
including the Supplemental Final
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, to the
Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
Business Administration.
List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 101
Communications equipment, Radio,
Reporting and recordkeeping
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Final Rules
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Federal Communications
Commission hereby amends 47 CFR part
101 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 101
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154 and 303.
2. Section 101.105 is amended by
redesignating paragraph (a)(5) as (a)(7),
adding paragraphs (a)(5) and (a)(6), and
by revising paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and
(c)(2)(ii) to read as follows:
§ 101.105
Interference protection criteria.
(a) * * *
(5) 71,000–76,000 MHz; 81,000–
86,000 MHz. In these bands the
following interference criteria shall
(i) For receivers employing digital
modulation: based upon manufacturer
data and following TSB 10–F or other
generally acceptable good engineering
practice, for each potential case of
interference a threshold-to-interference
ratio (T/I) shall be determined that
would cause 1.0 dB of degradation to
the static threshold of the protected
receiver. For the range of carrier power
levels (C) between the clear-air
(unfaded) value and the fully-faded
static threshold value, in no case shall
interference cause
C/I to be less than the T/I so determined
unless it can be shown that the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
availability of the affected receiver
would still be acceptable despite the
(ii) For receivers employing analog
modulation: manufacturer data or
industry criteria will specify a baseband
signal-to-noise requirement (S/N) of the
receiver that will result in acceptable
signal quality for continuous operation.
Following TSB 10–F or other generally
acceptable good engineering practice,
for each potential case of interference a
C/I objective shall be calculated to
ensure that this S/N will not be
degraded by more than 1.0 dB. For the
range of carrier power levels (C)
between the clear-air (unfaded) value
and the fully-faded threshold value, in
no case shall interference cause the
C/I to be less than the objective so
determined unless it can be shown that
the signal quality and availability of the
affected receiver would still be
acceptable despite the interference.
(6) 92,000–94,000 MHz; 94,100–
95,000 MHz. In these bands prior links
shall be protected to a threshold-tointerference ratio (T/I) level of 1.0 dB of
degradation to the static threshold of the
protected receiver. Any new link shall
not decrease a previous link’s desiredto-undesired (D/U) signal ratio below a
minimum of 36 dB, unless the earlier
link’s licensee agrees to accept a lower
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) Co-Channel Interference. Both side
band and carrier-beat, applicable to all
bands; the existing or previously
authorized system must be afforded a
Frequency (MHz)
71,000 to 76,000 (co-polar) 15 ..
71,000 to 76,000 (crosspolar) 15 .................................
81,000 to 86,000 (co-polar) 15 ..
81,000 to 86,000 (crosspolar) 15 .................................
carrier to interfering signal protection
ratio of at least 90 dB, except in the
952–960 MHz band where it must be
75dB, and in the 71,000–76,000 MHz
and 81,000–86,000 MHz bands where
the criteria in paragraph (a)(5) of this
section applies, and in the 92,000–
94,000 MHz and 94,100–95,000 MHz
bands, where the criteria in paragraph
(a)(6) of this section applies; or
(ii) Adjacent Channel Interference.
Applicable to all bands; the existing or
previously authorized system must be
afforded a carrier to interfering signal
protection ratio of at least 56 dB, except
in the 71,000–76,000 MHz and 81,000–
86,000 MHz bands where the criteria in
paragraph (a)(5) of this section applies,
and in the 92,000–94,000 MHz and
94,100–95,000 MHz bands, where the
criteria in paragraph (a)(6) of this
section applies.
I 3. Section 101.109 is amended by
revising two entries in the table of
paragraph (c), and footnote 3 to read as
§ 101.109
(c) * * *
Frequency band (MHz)
71,000 to 76,000 ....................
81,000 to 86,000 ....................
5000 MHz
5000 MHz
3 To be specified in authorization. For the
band 92 to 95 GHz, maximum bandwidth is licensed in one segment of 2 GHz from 92–94
GHz and one 0.9 GHz segment from 94.1 to
95 GHz, or the total of the loaded band if
smaller than the assigned bandwidth.
4. Section 101.113 is amended by
adding footnote 13 to two entries in the
table of paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 101.113
width to 3
dB points 1
angle in
Maximum allowable
EIRP 1 2
Frequency band
Fixed 1 2
71,000–76,000 13 ......
81,000–86,000 13 ......
maximum transmitter power is limited
to 3 watts (5 dBW) unless a proportional reduction in maximum authorized EIRP is required under § 101.115. The maximum transmitter power spectral density is limited to 150
mW per 100 MHz.
13 The
5. Section 101.115 is amended by
removing the entries of ‘‘71,000 to
76,000’’ and ‘‘81,000 to 86,000’’ in the
table of paragraph (b)(2), and by adding
four new entries in numerical order and
footnote 15 to read as follows:
§ 101.115
Transmitter power limitations.
(a) * * *
Directional Antennas.
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
Minimum radiation suppression to angle in degrees from centerline of
main beam in decibels
gain (dBi)
5° to
15° to
20° to
30° to
100° to
10° to
15 Antenna gain less than 50 dBi (but greater than or equal to 43 dBi) is permitted only with a proportional reduction in maximum authorized
EIRP in a ratio of 2 dB of power per 1 dB of gain, so that the maximum allowable EIRP (in dBW) for antennas of less than 50 dBi gain becomes
+55¥2(50–G), where G is the antenna gain in dBi. In addition, antennas in these bands must meet two additional standards for minimum radiation suppression: At angles between 1.2 and 5 degrees from the centerline of the main beam, co-polar discrimination must be G¥28, where G
is the antenna gain in dBi; and at angles of less than 5 degrees from the centerline of main beam, cross-polar discrimination must be at least 25
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 100 / Wednesday, May 25, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
6. Section 101.139 is amended by
adding paragraphs (h) and (i) to read as
§ 101.139
Authorization of transmitters.
(h) 71,000–76,000 MHz; 81,000–
86,000 MHz. For equipment employing
digital modulation techniques, the
minimum bit rate requirement is 0.125
bit per second per Hz.
(i) 92,000–94,000 MHz; 94,100–95,000
MHz. For equipment employing digital
modulation techniques, the minimum
bit rate requirement is 1.0 bit per second
per Hz.
I 7. Section 101.147 is amended by
revising paragraph (z) to read as follows:
§ 101.147
Frequency Assignments.
(z) 71,000–76,000 MHz; 81,000–86,000
MHz; 92,000–94,000 MHz; 94,100–
95,000 MHz. (1) Those applicants who
are approved in accordance with FCC
Form 601 will each be granted a single,
non-exclusive nationwide license. Siteby-site registration is on a first-come,
first-served basis. Registration will be in
the Universal Licensing System until
the Wireless Telecommunications
Bureau announces by public notice, the
implementation of a third-party
database. See 47 CFR 101.1523. Links
may not operate until NTIA approval is
received. Licensees may use these bands
for any point-to-point non-broadcast
(2) Prior links shall be protected using
the interference protection criteria set
forth in section 101.105. For
transmitters employing digital
modulation techniques and operating in
the 71,000–76,000 MHz or 81,000–
86,000 MHz bands, the licensee must
construct a system that meets a
minimum bit rate of 0.125 bits per
second per Hertz of bandwidth. For
transmitters that operate in the 92,000–
94,000 MHz or 94,100–95,000 MHz
bands, licensees must construct a
system that meets a minimum bit rate of
1.0 bit per second per Hertz of
bandwidth. If it is determined that a
licensee has not met these loading
requirements, then the database will be
modified to limit coordination rights to
the spectrum that is loaded and the
licensee will lose protection rights on
spectrum that has not been loaded.
I 8. Section 101.1505 is revised to read
as follows:
§ 101.1505
Segmentation plan.
(a) An entity may request any portion
of the 71–76 GHz and 81–86 GHz bands,
up to 5 gigahertz in each segment for a
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total of 10 gigahertz. Licensees are also
permitted to register smaller segments.
(b) The 92–95 GHz band is divided
into three segments: 92.0–94.0 GHz and
94.1–95.0 GHz for non-government and
government users, and 94.0–94.1 GHz
for Federal Government use. Pairing is
allowed and segments may be
aggregated without limit. The bands in
paragraph (a) of this section can be
included for a possible 12.9 gigahertz
maximum aggregation. Licensees are
also permitted to register smaller
segments than provided here.
I 9. Section 101.1513 is revised to read
as follows:
§ 101.1513 License term and renewal
The license term is ten years,
beginning on the date of the initial
authorization (nationwide license)
grant. Registering links will not change
the overall renewal period of the
I 10. Section 101.1523 is amended by
revising paragraph (b) to read as follows:
§ 101.1523 Sharing and coordination
among non-government licensees and
between non-government and government
(b) The licensee or applicant shall:
(1) Complete coordination with
Federal Government links according to
the coordination standards and
procedures adopted in Report and
Order, FCC 03–248, and as further
detailed in subsequent implementation
public notices issued consistent with
that order;
(2) Provide an electronic copy of an
interference analysis to the third-party
database manager which demonstrates
that the potential for harmful
interference to or from all previously
registered non-government links has
been analyzed according to the
standards of section 101.105 and
generally accepted good engineering
practice, and that the proposed nongovernment link will neither cause
harmful interference to, nor receive
harmful interference from, any
previously registered non-government
link; and
(3) Provide upon request any
information related to the interference
analysis and the corresponding link.
The third-party database managers shall
receive and retain the interference
analyses electronically and make them
available to the public. Protection of
individual links against harmful
interference from other links shall be
granted to first-in-time registered links.
Successful completion of coordination
via the NTIA automated mechanism
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shall constitute successful non-Federal
Government to Federal Government
coordination for that individual link.
[FR Doc. 05–10120 Filed 5–24–05; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
RIN 1018–AU31
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Opening of the Comment
Period for the Proposed and Final
Designation of Critical Habitat for the
Klamath River and Columbia River
Populations of Bull Trout
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Final rule; opening of comment
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
opening of a public comment period on
the proposed and final designation of
critical habitat for the Klamath River
and Columbia River populations of bull
trout (Salvelinus confluentus). Due to
court action, we have determined that it
would be appropriate to reevaluate the
exclusions made in the final critical
habitat rule. We are opening this
comment period to allow all interested
parties to comment simultaneously on
the November 29, 2002, proposed rule
(67 FR 71235) and the October 6, 2004,
final rule (69 FR 59996). Copies of the
proposed and final rules, as well as the
economic analysis for the critical habitat
designation, are available on the
Internet at
bulltrout or from the Portland Regional
Office at the address and contact
numbers below.
DATES: We will accept public comments
until June 24, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
materials may be submitted to us by any
one of the following methods:
1. You may submit written comments
and information to John Young, Bull
Trout Coordinator, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Ecological Services,
911 NE 11th Avenue, Portland, OR
2. You may hand-deliver written
comments and information to our office,
at the above address, or fax your
comments to 503/231–6243; or
3. You may also send comments by
electronic mail (e-mail) to For
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 100 (Wednesday, May 25, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 29985-29998]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-10120]
47 CFR Part 101
[WT Docket No. 02-146; FCC 05-45]
Allocations and Service Rules for the 71-76 GHz, 81-86 GHz, and
92-95 GHz Bands
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Final rule; petition for reconsideration.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Commission grants in part and otherwise
denies a petition for reconsideration of the final rules concerning
licensed use of the millimeter wave spectrum in the 71-76 GHz and 81-86
GHz bands. This action is intended to promote the private sector
development and use of these bands.
DATES: Effective on June 24, 2005, except for the revision to 47 CFR
101.1523(b) which contains information collection requirements that
have not been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The revision to 47 CFR 101.1523(b) will be effective upon OMB approval.
The Commission will publish a document in the Federal Register
announcing the date of OMB approval.
ADDRESSES: In addition to filing comments with the Office of the
Secretary, a copy of any comments on the Paperwork Reduction Act
information collection requirements
[[Page 29986]]
contained herein should be submitted to Judith B. Herman, Federal
Communications Commission, Room 1-C804, 445 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20554, or via the Internet to
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David Hu, Esq., at (202) 418-2487.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's
Memorandum Opinion and Order, released on March 3, 2005, FCC 05-45. The
full text of the Memorandum Opinion and Order is available for
inspection and copying during normal business hours in the FCC
Reference Center, Room CY-A257, 445 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC
20554. The complete text may also be purchased from the Commission's
duplicating contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc., (BCPI), Portals
II, 445 12th Street, SW., Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 20554, (202)
488-5300 or (800) 387-3160, e-mail at The complete
item is also available on the Commission's Web site at https:// To request
this document in accessible formats (computer diskettes, large print,
audio recording, and Braille), send an e-mail to or call
the Commission's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-
0530 (voice), (202) 418-0432 (TTY).
Summary of Memorandum Opinion and Order
I. Introduction
1. In this Memorandum Opinion and Order, we address the Petition
for Reconsideration filed by the Wireless Communications Association
International, Inc. (WCA) on February 23, 2004. WCA seeks
reconsideration of the Federal Communications Commission's Report and
Order, adopted on October 16, 2003, and released on November 4, 2003,
69 FR 3257, January 23, 2004, which adopted service rules to promote
the private sector development and use of the spectrum in the 71-76
GHz, 81-86 GHz, and 92-95 GHz bands. The Petition and the instant
Memorandum Opinion and Order focus exclusively on the licensed use of
the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz bands.
For the reasons provided herein, we grant in part and deny in part
the Petition as follows:
We require interference analyses prior to registering all
(new or modified) links in the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz bands.
We eliminate the band segmentation and loading
requirements and adopt an efficiency requirement of 0.125 bits per
second (bps)/Hertz (Hz).
We modify the interference protection criteria by deleting
the minimum 36 dB carrier signal to interference signal (C/I) ratio,
and by adopting for receivers employing analog modulation a 1.0 dB
degradation limit for the baseband signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio required
to produce an acceptable signal in the receiver. Also, we reaffirm that
the 1.0 dB receiver threshold-to-interference (T/I) ratio degradation
limit for digital systems that we adopted in the Report and Order still
applies. (The threshold-to-interference (T/I) ratio is defined as the
ratio of desired to undesired signal power that degrades the digital
receiver static and dynamic (outage) thresholds.) We also decline
Petitioner's request to adopt 36 dB as the maximum required C/I.
We adopt a power spectral density limit of 150 milliwatts
(mW)/100 Megahertz (MHz).
We modify the technical parameters to accommodate smaller,
less expensive antennas with a minimum antenna gain of 43 dBi and a 1.2
degree half-power beamwidth.
We decline Petitioner's requests: to shorten the
construction period from 12 months to 180 days; to provide conditional
authorization during the pendency of an application for a nationwide,
non-exclusive license; and to require Automatic Transmitter Power
Control (ATPC) for links with Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)
greater than 23 dBW. (ATPC automatically increases or decreases the
output power of a transmitter based on the received signal level. EIRP
represents the level of the transmitted signal.)
II. Background
2. On October 16, 2003, the Commission adopted a Report and Order
establishing service rules to promote non-Federal development and use
of the ``millimeter wave'' spectrum in the 71-76 GHz, 81-86 GHz, and
92-95 GHz bands, which are allocated to non-Federal Government and
Federal Government users on a co-primary basis. Based on the
determination that the highly directional, ``pencil-beam'' signal
characteristics permit systems in these bands to be engineered so that
many operations can co-exist in the same vicinity without causing
interference to one another, the Commission adopted a flexible and
innovative regulatory framework for the bands. Specifically, the Report
and Order permits the issuance of an unlimited number of non-exclusive,
nationwide licenses to non-Federal Government entities for all 12.9 GHz
of spectrum. Under this licensing scheme, a license serves as a
prerequisite for registering individual point-to-point links; licensees
may operate a link only after the link is both registered with a third-
party database and coordinated with the National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA). This flexible and streamlined
regulatory framework was designed to encourage innovative uses of the
``millimeter wave'' spectrum, facilitate future development in
technology and equipment, promote competition in the communications
services, equipment, and related markets, and advance potential sharing
between non-Federal Government and Federal Government systems.
3. Initially, coordination of non-Federal Government links with
Federal Government operations was accomplished under the existing
coordination process; that is, requested non-Federal Government links
were recorded in the Commission's Universal Licensing System (ULS)
database and coordinated with NTIA through the Interdepartment Radio
Advisory Committee (IRAC) Frequency Assignment Subcommittee. Starting
on February 8, 2005, this interim link registration process was
replaced by a permanent process where third-party database managers are
responsible for recording each proposed non-Federal link in the third-
party database link system and coordinating with NTIA's automated
``green light/yellow light'' mechanism to determine the potential for
harmful interference with Federal operations. A ``green light''
response indicates that the link is coordinated with the Federal
Government; a ``yellow light'' response indicates a potential for
interference to Federal Government or certain other operations. In the
case of a ``yellow light,'' the licensee must file an application for
the requested link with the Commission, which in turn will submit the
application to the IRAC for individual coordination. This automated
process is designed to streamline the administrative process for non-
Federal users in the bands. We note that the classified nature of some
Federal Government operations precludes the use of a public database
containing both Federal Government and non-Federal Government links.
Database managers will not be responsible for assigning frequencies but
will be responsible for establishing and maintaining the database.
However, they are not precluded from offering additional services, such
as frequency
[[Page 29987]]
coordination, which will assist a licensee in designing a link.
4. The Commission divided the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz bands into
four unpaired 1.25 GHz segments each (eight total), without mandating
specific channels within the ``soft'' segments. The Commission also
determined that these segments may be aggregated without limit, as
needed, although first-in-time interference protection rights would be
diminished if the licensee did not load the spectrum at the rate of one
bit per second per Hertz (1 bps/Hz).
5. On February 23, 2004, the Wireless Communications Association
International, Inc. (WCA) filed a Petition seeking reconsideration
(``the Petition'') of the Report and Order. We received no oppositions
or replies in response to the Petition but WCA, as well as individual
members of WCA, clarified or refined the Petition in ex parte meetings
with Commission staff. As discussed in further detail below, we
considered all of the comments and ex parte presentations in the record
in reaching our decisions.
III. Discussion
6. In its Petition, WCA claims that the Report and Order overlooked
a number of detailed technical issues relating to the 71-76 GHz and 81-
86 GHz bands (``70/80 GHz bands''). WCA suggests that the Commission
take a course of remedial action as follows: (1) Require each new user
of the 70/80 GHz bands to verify in advance that it will not cause
harmful interference to any existing link; (2) reconsider its
segmentation and channel loading requirements, preferably eliminating
them but at the very least reducing the minimum throughput at which a
designated assignment remains eligible for first-in-time interference
protection; (3) adopt the interference protection criteria proffered by
WCA, (4) shorten the construction period from 12 months to 180 days;
(5) reconsider a trio of issues related to antenna and power
requirements, including the Commission's rejection, in the Report and
Order, of the industry's proposed power/gain tradeoff and requirement
for certain radios to use ATPC, and its decision not to adopt a power
spectral density limit; and (6) grant conditional operating authority
to first-time 70/80 GHz applicants who have successfully coordinated
and registered their proposed link but are awaiting their non-exclusive
nationwide license. Following a discussion of the scope of this
reconsideration and the effective date of our determinations, we
address each of the issues raised by WCA in turn below.
A. Scope of Reconsideration
7. In the Report and Order, the Commission adopted rules and
policies for non-Federal Government use of certain of the bands on an
unlicensed (part 15) and licensed (part 101) basis. The Petition, and
thus the instant Memorandum Opinion and Order, addresses only the rules
and policies for non-Federal Government, licensed use of the 71-76 and
81-86 GHz bands.
B. Mandatory Interference Analyses Requirement for Non-Federal Users
1. Background
8. In the Report and Order, the Commission stated that due to the
unique characteristics of the transmissions in these ``millimeter
wave'' bands, no ``prior coordination'' among non-Federal Government
licensees is required in advance of operation. In reaching this
decision, the Commission focused only on traditional microwave prior
coordination as set forth in part 101 of the Commission's rules and did
not consider prior interference analyses. Specifically, the Commission
stated that the antenna systems proposed for these bands would
``concentrate energy in a very narrow path and have considerable
attenuation at much shorter distances than occurs in the lower
microwave bands'' and that those characteristics would allow systems to
be engineered to operate in close proximity to other systems so that
many operations can co-exist in the same vicinity without causing
interference to each other. Because the ``pencil beam'' characteristics
of the bands diminish the risk of interference, the Commission reasoned
that the first-in-time standard will protect the first-in-time
registered or incumbent links, thus alleviating the need for
traditional microwave prior coordination, which involves extensive
interference analysis and ``notice and response'' to all licensees and
applicants in the area that could be affected by the proposed
operation. As a result, the Report and Order required that parties work
out any interference that might occur after operations commence and
interference is actually detected. Parties that are unable to reach an
agreeable resolution are free to submit a complaint to the Commission
after 30 days.
2. Petition
9. The Petitioner asserts that each registrant of a new link should
be required to verify in advance, during the registration process, that
its proposed link will not cause or receive harmful interference to or
from any existing link previously registered in either the government
or non-government databases. Notably, WCA suggests that with current
technology permitting real-time, electronic interference analysis, the
cost of prevention is negligible, while the consequences of harmful
interference discovered after the fact can be ``catastrophic'' in terms
of the severe impact a prolonged network outage has on the demand for
70/80 GHz radios. WCA states that for any application that requires
gigabits-per-second speeds, ``a network outage of thirty minutes is
catastrophic, let alone thirty days.'' WCA objects to the interference
protection procedures as outlined in the Report and Order because they
are initiated only after a third-party database manager is notified of
harmful interference. WCA is concerned that a ``post hoc'' approach
would not adequately protect investment in equipment and would be both
expensive and less likely to result in expeditious resolution. WCA
argues that the Commission's approach requires the user to first
ascertain that the system outage is due to RF interference (and not
equipment malfunction) and then to notify the database manager so as to
help identify the source of the interference. Even after the source is
identified, if parties cannot resolve the issue informally, they must
then file a complaint with the Commission 30 days after the matter is
first reported to a database manager. With no guarantee on how long it
will take for the Commission to rule, WCA asserts that customers are
not willing to risk an outage of 30 days or longer ``at some
unspecified time in the indefinite future.'' Furthermore, WCA contends
that a ``post hoc'' regime for commercial links makes little sense
given the inescapable need to coordinate with Federal Government users
in these bands. In sum, WCA argues that the ``post hoc'' approach
adopted in the Report and Order imposes a one-time burden of
coordinating with government users plus placing on licensees the
continued burden of monitoring new registrations indefinitely.
10. In subsequent Ex Parte meetings, WCA further refined its
position by stating that in a registration-only regime there may be a
long delay between link registration and interference detection, making
it harder to identify and correct the problem after the fact. WCA also
asserts that interference analysis should be mandated because
interference is often asymmetrical, with later registrants causing
interference to first registrants without experiencing any interference
in return, and thus later
[[Page 29988]]
registrants would have no incentive to protect incumbent registrants.
3. Discussion
11. We grant the Petitioner's request that we require interference
analyses for non-Federal Government licensees. We still believe that
interference is unlikely due to the ``pencil-beam'' nature of the
transmissions in this service. However, a change from our original
decision is justified after weighing the ``unique pencil beam''
characteristics of the 70/80 GHz band transmissions against new
evidence in the record that the current regulatory scheme will delay,
and perhaps hinder, industry efforts to use the 70/80 GHz band as
anticipated (e.g., for wireless broadband). WCA asserts that the
consequence of harmful interference discovered only after the fact can
be ``bad enough to disqualify this technology as a viable option for
much of the target market.'' We agree with WCA that the uncertainty and
delay caused by an after-the-fact approach toward interference
protection, and the severe impact of a network outage during the
pendency of the interference resolution process, requires us to
consider alternatives to the current registration process. We conclude
that it would be easy, and far less costly in the long run, for non-
government users to finish all interference analyses prior to equipment
installation, particularly because non-government users already have to
produce an interference profile to satisfy government coordination
requirements. Although the risk of interference between users in these
``pencil beam'' bands should be low, we are persuaded by WCA's
assertion that it is not low enough to risk the costs associated with
an outage of 30 days or longer while a complaint is pending before the
Commission. An examination of costs and benefits reveals that the costs
of performing interference analyses would be small, particularly when
compared to the benefits of preventing harmful interference to existing
operations. In particular, we consider WCA's point that current
technology permits real-time electronic interference analysis, thus
rendering the cost of prevention minimal when compared to the cost of a
network outage (the link data currently submitted by licensees at link
registration will facilitate and expedite the process of obtaining
interference analyses by providing the necessary site, antenna, and
equipment data). We also note that the record contains no opposition to
WCA's claims.
12. It is important to facilitate entry and development of this
industry by lowering the risk of interference and thereby ensuring
continued investment. Accordingly, we find that the additional
assurance of no harmful interference provided by interference analyses
in these bands would better serve the public interest. Therefore, we
are revising the rules to require licensees, as part of the link
registration process, to submit to the database manager an analysis
under the interference protection criteria for the 70/80 GHz bands that
demonstrates that the proposed link will neither cause nor receive
harmful interference relative to previously registered non-government
links. See 47 CFR 101.105(a)(5), App. B, infra. This requirement will
apply to link registrations (new or modified) that are first submitted
to a database manager on or after the effective date of this new
requirement. (The requirement to submit an interference analysis to a
database manager is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and
will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for
review. See paragraph 43, infra. The effective date of this new or
modified information collection and/or third-party disclosure
requirement will be no earlier than (1) thirty days after publication
in the Federal Register and (2) the date that OMB approves it.)
13. In the unlikely event there is interference after operations
commence, despite the prior interference analysis(es), the interference
protection procedures set forth in the Report and Order govern: the
first-in-time registered link is entitled to interference protection
and the database manager will so inform the later-registered link
operator that the link must be discontinued or modified to resolve the
problem. If the complaining first-in-time licensee is not satisfied
that the interference has been resolved, then 30 days after the matter
is first reported to a database manager, a complaint may be filed with
the Commission. Although not raised in the Petition, we take this
opportunity to clarify that the 30-day period starts to run as soon as
the database manager is notified in keeping with the overall premise
that legitimate interference concerns must be addressed quickly.
14. The database managers will accept all interference analyses
submitted during the link registration process and retain them
electronically for subsequent review by the public. It is important for
the ``first-in-time'' determination, and for adjudicating complaints
filed with the Commission, that the interference analysis captures the
exact snapshot in time (i.e., conditions at the time-of-link-
registration) that will be dispositive in a dispute. Without the
benefit of an interference analysis on file, it would be much more
difficult for registrants to recreate conditions accurately after the
fact. In addition to being responsible for establishing and maintaining
the database, the database managers are not precluded from offering
additional services, such as frequency coordination, which will assist
a licensee in designing a link, or their own interference analyses. (We
note that the licensee is under no obligation to use the third-party
database manager's services. Licensees are free to conduct their own
interference analyses or to procure the interference analyses from a
third party source or the database managers, provided the analyses meet
generally accepted good engineering practice and the interference
protection standards of Sec. 101.105 of our rules.)
C. Segmentation and Channel Loading Requirement
1. Background
15. The introduction of competition plays a major role in how the
market reacts to new and expanded telecommunications services. Ensuring
a competitive environment was at the forefront of the Commission's
original decision to segment the spectrum into units smaller than 5
GHz. Stating that such a plan will encourage efficiency, the Commission
provided four unpaired 1.25 GHz segments in each band, for a total of
eight segments intended to facilitate adequate guard bands and the
maximum number of users at a given location. The Commission did not
subject the spectrum to any aggregation limit, so each licensee can
operate on up to all 12.9 GHz of co-primary spectrum and use as many
segments as it needs on a 1.25 GHz increment. The Commission stated
that the flexible or ``soft'' segmentation, coupled with a loading
requirement, are appropriate safeguards that provide new entrants with
reasonable access to spectrum by ensuring that spectrum is used rather
than hoarded. (Segments are ``soft'' because there is no limit on
aggregating segments, no pairing requirement (pairing is permitted but
not required), and no channelization requirement within the segments.
``Soft'' segmentation provides a factor of scalability to the amount of
spectrum that is authorized to a given user.)
16. The Commission also determined that commercial 70/80 GHz
licensees will have to meet the 1 bps/Hz loading requirement of Sec.
101.141 of the Commission's rules. Thus, when a licensee has not met
that requirement, the registration database would be modified to limit
coordination rights to
[[Page 29989]]
the spectrum that meets the Sec. 101.141 requirement and the licensee
loses protection rights on spectrum that has not.
2. Petition
17. The Petitioner asks the Commission to reconsider its ``soft''
segmentation of the 70/80 GHz bands and to reduce or eliminate the
channel loading requirement. WCA asserts that there is no public
interest benefit to be gained by regulating the width of the channels,
the number of channels used, or the data rate transmitted. WCA also
states that the record supports the 70/80 GHz bands not being
channelized and that licensees should be permitted to use bandwidths of
up to 5 GHz in each direction, in order to maximize flexibility in link
design and to facilitate a smooth ``upgrade path'' as a user's data
needs expand. According to the Petition, the segmentation scheme may
force manufacturers to produce radios in conformance with the 1.25 GHz
increments and, because some modulation schemes do not fit neatly into
1.25 GHz increments, this complicates equipment design and raises the
cost of equipment.
18. WCA asserts that no loading requirement is currently necessary
and that the Commission should allow the marketplace to dictate the
appropriate balance between spectral efficiency, equipment cost, and
bandwidth. WCA also states that depending on how the loading
requirements are applied, the joint operation of the segmentation and
loading rules might discourage or prevent flexible and low-cost
frequency plans within a given ``spatial pipe.'' (``Spatial pipe'' is a
term used by WCA to describe ``a radio link between two points within
which users would be permitted to use some or all of the spectrum for a
single pair or multiple pairs of radios, using any modulation scheme
the licensee desired.'') WCA argues that the Commission can impose a
channel loading requirement later if applicants find themselves
precluded from deployment due to inefficient spectrum utilization. WCA
notes that because the spectrum must be occupied one narrow pipe (or
pencil beam) at a time, it would be impossible to warehouse the
spectrum and otherwise gain market power. Petitioner states that the
build-out requirement makes this impossible because the expensive
radios in these frequencies make it less likely for competitors to be
able to finance a plan to gain market dominance. Further, a 1 bps/Hz
loading requirement would prohibit the use of existing, inexpensive
binary signaling modulation schemes (e.g., on-off keying (OOK) and
binary phase shift keying (BPSK)), when it is in the public interest to
facilitate the use of the simplest possible modulation schemes in these
bands, and may force manufacturers to use other higher-order modulation
schemes that may be more costly and experimental, and hence more time-
consuming to develop, thereby delaying introduction of the millimeter
wave equipment. Alternatively, WCA argues that if the Commission
decides to retain a loading requirement, it should reduce the current 1
bps/Hz requirement to a 0.125 bps/Hz standard, measured over the
bandwidth specified in the emission designator of the equipment
3. Discussion
19. We grant WCA's proposal to eliminate segmentation and grant in
part WCA's request to modify the 1 bps/Hz loading requirement in the
70/80 GHz bands. Our initial concerns about spectrum warehousing or
monopolistic behavior by first registrants will be addressed by the 12-
month construction requirement and the existing requirement to provide
equipment and site-related data at link registration, including the
type of emission designator and corresponding bandwidth. Together,
these requirements limit a licensee to registering only for what it
intends to build within 12 months, thus limiting opportunities for
spectrum ``hoarding.'' Moreover, we do not find segmentation to be
necessary to avoid warehousing or monopolistic behavior because the
``pencil beam'' characteristic of transmissions in these bands ensures
that even if a licensee registers for all 5 GHz in either the 71-76 GHz
or 81-86 GHz bands, such transmissions will still be limited to narrow
``pencil beams'' and thus will not generally preclude other link
registrants from locating nearby. (In a letter, dated January 31, 2005,
WCA asserted that the only scenario in which the industry's proposal to
allow both 50 dBi and 43 dBi antennas would lead to fewer link
deployments than under the existing rules would be in the case of a
very-high density, hub-and-spoke configuration that one might find on
the roof of a skyscraper in an urban core.) Such high link densities
will be further facilitated by our decision to require prior
interference analyses together with the ``pencil beam'' and ``spatial
pipe'' concepts envisioned for these bands. We are convinced that
elimination of the segmentation scheme will provide manufacturers the
freedom to produce radios utilizing a variety of modulation schemes,
rather than only those that fit within a 1.25 GHz increment, thus
lowering the cost of equipment for new entrants and spurring
technological development and rollout. Furthermore, we find that
allowing users the maximum flexibility in link design and the freedom
to upgrade as their needs evolve will facilitate new entry in this
nascent service.
20. Similarly, we find that it would be more prudent to adopt WCA's
proposed 0.125 bps/Hz efficiency requirement to promote technical
flexibility. In the Report and Order, we adopted a loading standard to
promote efficient use of the spectrum and we established 1 bps/Hz as
the efficiency requirement for these bands given that it is the least
burdensome bit rate specified under part 101. However, while 1 bps/Hz
is a reasonable and readily achievable efficiency requirement for
microwave operations, we conclude that retaining the requirement for
these bands would unnecessarily risk inhibiting the nascent industry's
flexibility to offer products or services that meet their customers'
needs. In this connection, we consider WCA's point that the requirement
precludes the use of certain inexpensive modulation schemes (that are
not precluded by a 0.125 bps/Hz efficiency requirement) together with
the bands' unique pencil-beam characteristic and nonexclusive licensing
regime (which ensure that any given link is very unlikely to preclude
another licensee from operating a link in the same area). Put
differently, although 1 bps/Hz is a reasonable efficiency rate,
retaining it for these bands could unnecessarily preclude product
offerings or increase equipment costs for customers such as plants,
universities, or farms, that could otherwise use pencil-beam links
(perhaps within their property), to transfer minimal amounts of data
using devices that need not achieve 1 bps/Hz to meet the user's need,
e.g., remote control or telemetry. Moreover, as WCA observes, the
Commission retains discretion to consider in the future whether a
higher efficiency standard is necessary, e.g., after the industry
better develops equipment and usage. (Because the primary basis for
adopting a lower channel loading requirement is to spur deployment by
lowering equipment costs, there is no advantage to selecting a channel
loading requirement between 0.125 bps/Hz and 1 bps/Hz. Any channel
loading requirement greater than 0.125 bps/Hz will affect equipment
development by limiting a manufacturer's choice of modulation schemes.)
We also realize that we cannot impose a practical analog standard at
this time until we determine that licensees are actually
[[Page 29990]]
utilizing analog equipment and have enough data and history to
determine how much traffic is warranted over certain bandwidths. We
acknowledge that problems may arise under a 0.125 bps/Hz limit when the
bands become more congested, but we find the risk of traffic congestion
to be lower due to the ``pencil beam'' transmission characteristics of
this service. As stated above, our decisions to employ interference
analyses and to retain the existing power/gain tradeoff standard
associated with the narrow ``pencil beam'' transmissions envisioned in
these bands will facilitate higher link densities. Furthermore, as this
industry matures, it is inevitable that more efficient systems will
force those using the lower 0.125 bps/Hz limit to upgrade to equipment
with higher bit rates in order to stay competitive. We also find that
lower-cost equipment will provide opportunities to develop the service,
particularly in underserved rural areas where build-out costs are often
the largest barrier to entry into those markets.
D. Interference Protection Criteria
1. Background
21. In the Report and Order, the Commission stated that the record
supports the use of Part 101 in these bands to curtail possible harmful
interference. Accordingly, the Commission adopted 36 dB as the minimum
desired-to-undesired (D/U) ratio for protection of existing digital and
analog facilities and a 1 dB degradation limit to the static threshold
of the protected receiver for existing digital systems. (For purposes
of our discussion, we will use the desired-to-undesired (D/U) ratio
interchangeably with the carrier-to-interference (C/I) ratio.)
2. Petition
22. Because WCA expects the vast majority of early and mature
deployments in the 70/80 GHz bands to employ digital modulation,
particularly in densely populated areas, WCA believes maintaining a
carrier-to-interference signal (C/I) ratio of 36 dB as the minimum
would substantially overprotect many links, possibly giving those first
in operation unneeded and unwarranted preemption rights over later
entrants. Consequently, WCA asks the Commission to remove the 36 dB
minimum limit from Sec. 101.147(z) of the Commission's rules and to
adopt WCA's proposal to amend Sec. 101.105 of the Commission's rules
so as to set the C/I ratio to protect each link as needed but in no
event more than 36 dB. In addition, WCA proposes adoption of
interference protection criteria based on no more than 1.0 dB of
degradation to the static threshold of a protected receiver using
digital modulation, and no more than 1.0 dB of degradation to the
signal-to-noise (S/N) requirement of the receiver that will result in
acceptable signal quality for continuous operation of a protected
receiver using analog modulation.
3. Discussion
23. We grant the Petition in part by deleting the 36 dB C/I ratio
altogether because we find that a 1 dB receiver degradation standard
provides adequate protection for both digital and analog systems and
addresses WCA's concern that the current rule ``over protects''
existing links. (Although we anticipate, as does WCA, that the majority
of entrants will be utilizing digital equipment, we will, consistent
with our shift away from a command-and-control regime toward a flexible
scheme, not preclude the option for new entrants to employ analog
equipment in this still-undeveloped industry. Our decision also focuses
on reception which is consistent with the policy goals set forth in the
Commission's Spectrum Policy Task Force Report. That report also
emphasizes adopting more flexible and market-oriented regulatory models
to increase opportunities for technologically innovative and
economically efficient spectrum use and recommends that regulatory
models clearly define the interference protection rights and
responsibilities of licensees.) We find that deleting the 36 dB C/I
interference protection requirement, when combined with a requirement
to employ best engineering practices to design systems, will best serve
the public interest. By relying on the ability to determine a
``reasonable'' C/I requirement based on the characteristics of the
equipment deployed on a specific link in a specific location, we
provide greater flexibility to new entrants, will not overprotect
certain incumbent stations, and will not be subject to abuse by
entrants unreasonably claiming a need to be protected to a high C/I
ratio. Eliminating the 36 dB C/I ratio provides new entrants the
flexibility to select and develop equipment best suited for their
business models and relieves them of the burden of providing more
interference protection than necessary. WCA proposes doing away with
the 36 dB C/I minimum, and requests setting a 36 dB C/I as a maximum
instead, with the presumption that the majority of entrants will deploy
digital equipment, but offers no technical basis for choosing 36 dB as
the maximum threshold. Setting a maximum C/I ratio unnecessarily
constrains the design of deployments and may not allow for adequate
protection to all systems, in particular analog systems. We also note
that the Commission's service rules have traditionally not established
a maximum C/I, but rather specify a minimum C/I ratio to protect
incumbents. Moreover, it is not possible to select specific C/I ratios
that would adequately protect both digital and analog systems without
possibly overprotecting some systems and under protecting others.
Rather than setting a C/I limit based on a presumption of a digital-
only environment, and given the early stage of equipment development in
this nascent service, it would be more prudent to eliminate the
existing standard to maximize flexibility and afford licensees the
freedom to develop and deploy equipment, analog or digital, to fit
their specific needs. Setting an arbitrary limit could preclude classes
of equipment which may need higher C/I ratios than would be required in
the Commission's rules.
24. We find that adopting, in part, the changes sought by WCA will
provide a specified level of protection for both analog and digital
systems without unnecessarily constraining system design. We also find
that our aforementioned decision to require interference analyses will
enable licensees to determine their needed C/I and the C/I requirements
of incumbent link registrants from equipment specifications contained
in the third party link registration database. This will give licensees
the opportunity to determine a ``reasonable'' C/I requirement based on
the characteristics of the equipment utilized on a specific link.
25. Accordingly, we delete the minimum 36 dB C/I interference
protection requirement and adopt a 1.0 dB degradation limit of the
baseband signal-to-noise ratio required to produce an acceptable signal
in the receiver for analog modulation. Also, we reaffirm our
requirement adopted in the Report and Order that previously registered
links be protected to a T/I level of 1.0 dB of degradation to the
static threshold of the protected receiver for digital modulation.
Because the 1.0 dB limit for degradation of the T/I ratio was adopted
in the Report and Order, we need not address WCA's request to impose
this requirement.
[[Page 29991]]
E. Construction Period
1. Background
26. Persuaded by the aggressive construction requirements set forth
in the record, in the Report and Order the Commission shortened the
traditional 18-month construction requirement of Sec. 101.63 of the
Commission's rules to 12 months. The Commission clarified that each
construction period will commence on the date that the third-party
database manager registers each link and that it will not require users
to file a notification requirement as mandated by Sec. 1.946(d) of the
Commission's rules. Instead, licensees will provide notice to a
database manager to withdraw unconstructed links from the third-party
link registration database.
2. Petition
27. The Petition proposes to shorten the build out period from 12
months to 180 days. In submitting modifications to Sec. 101.63(b) of
the Commission's rules, WCA proposes that construction of each link
occur within 180 days, commencing on the date of the registration for
that particular link. WCA provides no justification for its proposal to
change the construction period.
3. Discussion
28. We do not want to prematurely foreclose new entrants who may
not have readily available capital to build out within a short
timeframe. Mandating a 180-day build-out period on a nascent service
with little or no equipment available may result in a flood of waiver
requests and impose unnecessary costs or burdens on new entrants. It is
our understanding that equipment production is underway, so we are
hesitant to compress build-out where the timing of equipment rollout is
not certain. We also do not want to set regulatory standards so high
that it is more likely to impede build-out than encourage development
of the service. The Commission reserved the discretion to revisit the
issue if experience indicates that additional measures are necessary
and we continue to find that to be the prudent approach in this
developing service. Thus, we deny Petitioner's request to shorten the
build-out period.
F. Antenna and Power Requirements
1. Minimum Antenna Gain and Maximum Power
a. Background
29. In the Report and Order, the Commission adopted a minimum 50
dBi and 0.6 degree half-power beamwidth which was supported by most
commenters. The Commission agreed with the WCA proposal for technical
parameters specifying a minimum 50 dBi gain in order to maximize the
efficiency and use of the spectrum but decided not to adopt parameters
for antennas with a gain of less than 50 dBi. The Commission stated
that it could foresee legacy antennas with undesirable radiation
patterns that could pose serious obstacles to the growth of microwave
links in these bands in highly populated urban areas in the future.
b. Petition
30. WCA asks the Commission to adopt the ``power/gain tradeoff''
proposal developed by the industry, i.e., 43 dBi minimum antenna gain
and a 1.2 degree half-power beamwidth, rather than the adopted 50 dBi
minimum antenna gain and 0.6 degree half-power beamwidth. WCA argues
that the adopted 50 dBi minimum gain requirement necessitates the use
of antennas that are a minimum of 0.61 meter (2 feet) in diameter,
thereby adding to the cost of infrastructure, and thus potentially
precluding greater deployment. Specifically, WCA states that these
antennas are less marketable, more costly, and more sensitive to tower
siting issues than smaller antennas. Petitioner asserts that the use of
larger antennas limits available tower structures because of loading
limitations and that the sway and twist of many towers are too great to
be compatible with antennas with 0.6 degree or less beamwidth.
According to WCA, less restrictive beamwidth rules coupled with a
corresponding power reduction would maximize the use of existing
antenna structures and promote the deployment in the 70/80 GHz bands
without increasing the potential for interference. WCA argues adopting
that the industry's proposal would provide more flexibility and lower
the overall interference environment, provided that for antennas with
gains of less than 50 dBi, the maximum EIRP is decreased by 2 dB for
every 1 dB decrease in the antenna gain. Petitioner claims that a more
flexible specification with a corresponding reduction in power would
make it possible to use lower-cost, lower-power products, thus lowering
barriers to entry without increasing the potential for interference.
(In doing so, WCA acknowledges that the use of smaller antennas will
result in wider transmitted beamwidths, but asserts that the
interference analysis proposed by WCA will ensure that the use of
smaller antennas will not unduly reduce frequency re-use
opportunities.) In this connection, WCA claims that computer
simulations show the power/gain tradeoff is even more important where
Automatic Transmitter Power Control (ATPC) is not used although WCA
emphasizes that it is important to disentangle the power/gain tradeoff
from the separate question of whether to require ATPC.
31. In late January 2005, WCA further explained that, apart from
the earlier engineering claims, the consensus estimate of its
membership is that adopting the proposal would expand the market for
70/80 GHz radios from perhaps 20 to 25 percent of business locations to
perhaps 75 to 80 percent of business locations. WCA notes that there
are approximately 750,000 business locations of 20 or more employees
(which typically indicates a need for high bandwidth) within one mile
of a fiber point-of-presence (POP) but that most of these buildings do
not have fiber connections. In this connection, WCA explains that the
existing Commission's requirement for 50 dBi gain antennas would allow
industry to serve only business locations with large concentrations of
users, whereas 43 dBi gain antennas would allow the industry to serve
locations with lower density business locations, such as campuses or
office park settings. WCA also acknowledges that its power/gain
tradeoff proposal may result in a potential reduction in deployment
density on relatively few large buildings, but avers that this
reduction pales in comparison to the much larger benefit of making the
service attractive in lower-density business locations. WCA asserts
that the spectral cost of the industry's proposed rule is therefore low
because the theoretical reduction in the maximum density of hub-and-
spoke links on a single rooftop will be limited to a very small subset
of potential deployments. For example, WCA states that Gigabeam, a WCA
member focusing on using 50 dBi gain antennas to serve the higher-
density end of the market, performed a technical analysis that shows
that it is possible to place 200 simultaneous two-way gigabit-class
links on a large skyscraper rooftop using 43 dBi gain antennas. In this
regard, WCA explains that while requiring at least a 50 dBi gain
antenna might allow double that density to 400 links, there are simply
not many rooftops where that level of deployment would occur. Moreover,
WCA points out that adopting the industry proposal ``would not prevent
the use of 50 dBi gain antennas; it would only provide the additional
[[Page 29992]]
flexibility for lower-gain, lower-power applications on other
rooftops.'' WCA also emphasizes that allowing flexibility to deploy
lower-gain antennas at lower powers would allow the industry to address
significantly more business locations because smaller antennas are
cheaper to manufacture and cheaper and easier to mount because they
require less expensive and thinner materials (plastic or metal), and a
smaller surface area. WCA states that all antennas, large or small,
must be manufactured with low surface tolerances in order to meet the
Commission's sidelobe requirements but that it is ``far more expensive
and difficult to produce such low surface tolerances for larger
antennas than for small ones for the simple reason that there is a
larger surface area.'' WCA provides price ratios between the smaller
and larger antennas that showed that the larger antennas could,
depending on the vendor, cost from 3 to 8 times as much as the smaller
antennas included in its proposal. WCA adds that the current ``one-
size-fits all approach'' means that the antenna cost at the lower end
of the market will become a significant portion of the retail price of
the link, causing prices to be higher than they need to be, and demand
to be suppressed. WCA asserts that while some market segments, such as
those in higher-density areas, are relatively price insensitive, they
do not represent the entire market. Rather, WCA states that the ``other
half (or more)'' of the market resides in lower-density locations,
businesses in campus or office park settings, with buildings of just
two or three stories, that will initially deploy 1 Gigabit (Gb)/s
Ethernet links and are price sensitive, i.e., will not invest if the
price is too high. Therefore, WCA states that its consensus estimate is
that adoption of its proposal would dramatically expand the market for
70/80 GHz radios from perhaps 20 to 25 percent of business locations to
perhaps 75 to 80 percent of business locations.
c. Discussion
32. We grant WCA's request to modify our technical requirements to
allow for a minimum antenna gain of 43 dBi and 1.2 degree half-power
beamwidth on policy grounds. We find that allowing smaller, wider
beamwidth antennas is in the public interest because it will promote
increased usage of the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz bands in areas where
those frequencies might otherwise be underutilized. Although the
smaller antennas will produce a wider beam, we find that they will
produce beam patterns that will retain the ``unique pencil beam''
characteristics envisioned in these bands. We also find that providing
licensees the flexibility to select a wider range of equipment that
best suits their particular business plans, whether the target market
is high-density, high-rise locations in urban core areas or lower-
density, office park settings with buildings of just two or three
stories, will facilitate development and growth in this service. We
also consider the cost information and market data that WCA provided to
be illustrative of the significant economic impact that allowing
smaller, less expensive antennas will have on the deployment of
services in the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz bands from 20-25 percent to 75
to 80 percent of business locations.
33. For the record, in reaching this decision, we are not persuaded
by WCA's claim that allowing the 43 dBi antenna to operate under the
``power/gain tradeoff'' would result in less interference than the 50
dBi antenna. WCA's analysis wrongly assumes that all links will operate
at the maximum allowed power. (A review of our licensing records for
point-to-point stations below 24 GHz reflects that less than one
percent of these frequencies are authorized for the maximum EIRP
allowed under part 101.) We find it unlikely that all 70/80 GHz links
will operate with the full power allowed under the rules, given that
point-to-point links are deployed to transmit data, etc., between two
or more locations defined by the users' needs and sound engineering,
rather than the maximum distance achievable using the maximum allowable
power levels. See 47 CFR 101.113 (Transmitter power limitations) (``On
any authorized frequency, the average power delivered to an antenna in
this service must be the minimum amount of power necessary to carry out
the communications desired.'') Although WCA's October 8, 2004 Ex Parte
asserts that Cisco Systems' simulation results demonstrate that random
deployment would not suffer increased link failures as a result of the
proposed power/gain tradeoff, Cisco noted earlier that, for equal path
lengths (not for equal transmitter power) ``the percentage of link
failures decreases as the half power beamwidth (HPBW) decreases'' and
that ``[w]ith equal maximum path length, devices with narrower beam,
higher gain antennas require less transmit power, resulting in lower
interference levels in the system.'' In other words, at any appropriate
EIRP needed to make a link work reliably, a 0.6 degree beamwidth will
always have less potential to block other licensees from operating
links between the same most desirable points (e.g., the rooftops of the
two tallest buildings in an urban area) than a 1.2 degree beamwidth
operating with the same EIRP. In sum, there is less side lobe
interference potential with the 50 dBi gain antennas, as well as less
overall interference potential because the transmitter power needed is
reduced with the higher gain, narrower beam, antennas.
34. Nonetheless, as discussed above, we are persuaded as a policy
matter that relaxing the technical parameters to allow for lower-gain,
wider beamwidth antennas best serves the public interest by promoting
increased development of the nascent 70/80 GHz industry and thereby
increase access to the 70/80 GHz bands that might otherwise remain
underutilized. We adopt Petitioner's proposed modifications to Sec.
101.115 of the Commission's rules including new technical parameters
for radiation suppression for cross polarization discrimination and for
co-polar discrimination between 1.2 and 5 degrees. The benefits of
smaller antennas in terms of aesthetics and structure loading are
undeniable, as a general matter, and the record before us reflects a
potential for significant cost savings associated with deployment of
the smaller antennas, with the larger antennas costing from three to
eight times as much as the smaller antennas. We also consider the
concern that a ``one-size-fits all approach'' to antenna equipment may
fail to address the needs of over half of the potential market. In sum,
we find that revising the rules to allow antenna gain less than 50 dBi
(but greater than or equal to 43 dBi) with a proportional reduction in
maximum authorized EIRP in a ratio of 2 dB of power per 1 dB of gain
will best serve the public interest by expanding the potential for
services from the 20 to 25 percent of business locations in high-
density urban areas to 75 to 80 percent of business locations,
particularly in lower-density locations. We further find that these
benefits outweigh the relatively minor overall increase in interference
potential resulting from these rule changes. In this connection, we
consider that the new interference analysis requirement adopted herein
will also provide great benefit by reducing the potential for harmful
interference. Because our decision will necessitate modifications to
one or more databases used to register links, we advise licensees that
it will not be possible to submit registrations for links with antennas
that meet the revised rule, i.e., antenna gain less than 50 dBi (but
greater than or equal to 43 dBi) until all necessary software
[[Page 29993]]
modifications are completed. Licensees interested in filing such links
should first consult with a database manager as to the status of the
system updates.
2. Automatic Transmitter Power Control (ATPC)
a. Background
35. In the Report and Order, the Commission decided against
requiring ATPC on the basis that the industry is in the early stages of
development of equipment for these bands, and the Commission believed
that manufacturers would benefit more from relaxation of the
transmitter equipment specifications than from relaxation in the
antenna requirements. Thus, the Commission determined that users need
not bear the additional cost of ATPC. In fact, the Commission saw more
benefits from allowing more flexibility in the manufacturing of the
transceivers, which contain more expensive hardware, than in the
manufacturing of the antennas.
b. Petition
36. WCA asks the Commission to require ATPC for links with EIRP
greater than 23 dBW. (ATPC automatically increases or decreases the
output power of a transmitter based on the received signal level.) The
Petition states that industry simulations conducted confirm that use of
ATPC for links that have EIRP greater than 23 dBW will have a
significant, positive contribution toward managing interference in the
70/80 GHz bands and will facilitate high-density deployment of 70/80
GHz radios.
c. Discussion
37. We deny WCA's proposal to require ATPC for links with EIRP
greater than 23 dBW. To require ATPC as one of several useful tools to
help control interference would run counter to the flexible approach we
have adopted to encourage development in the 70/80 GHz bands,
particularly where the record does not show that requiring such tools
is either necessary or sufficient to resolve adverse operating
conditions. Moreover, we continue to believe that the more prudent
course during the early stages of technology development in these
millimeter wave bands is to allow manufacturers and licensees maximum
flexibility and freedom to design a wide range of equipment necessary
to provide services in these bands. Furthermore, although ATPC
technology has been available to licensees in other frequency bands and
is allowed under part 101, the Commission has not mandated its use in
the past for any part 101 microwave service in order to give licensees
the discretion to identify their own equipment needs. Various technical
and economic factors may provide incentives to licensees to use the
technology but there are circumstances when its use may not be
necessary or desirable. The Commission is therefore reluctant to
mandate the use of a specific technology which may not be necessary in
all cases and may be a more expensive means to increase reliability or
control interference than others that could achieve the same end
result. Because the Commission is now requiring interference analyses
to be completed before operations, we find that the interference
potential is more confined than under our previous rules, and make ATPC
a less desirable option where other mitigating factors can be used,
such as shielding or spatial diversification. There are also techniques
other than ATPC to increase reliability, such as the use of free space
optical technology for diversity. We find that licensees should be free
to use ATPC or other technologies, coupled with the interference
protections otherwise provided for this service, to preserve quality of
services, and should have the flexibility to design and deploy systems
to meet their needs without increasing the potential for interference
to other systems.
3. Power Spectral Density Limit
a. Petition
38. WCA asks the Commission to adopt a limit on power spectral
density to no more than 150 mW/100 MHz. If there are no power spectral
density limits, WCA believes it would be possible for a device to
transmit an EIRP of 55 dBW in an arbitrarily small bandwidth (e.g., 1
megahertz). According to WCA, such a device would have significantly
different spectral and spatial properties from the ``virtual fiber''
radios for which the 70/80 GHz band is uniquely well suited since
narrowband devices would have much longer ranges and much larger
exclusion zones, significantly reducing potential deployment densities.
Stating that there are already many bands at lower frequencies in which
narrower bandwidths can be used, WCA seeks adoption of the limit in
order to preserve the 70/80 GHz bands for high bandwidth radios as a
wireless alternative for fiber-equivalent services.
b. Discussion
39. We grant WCA's proposal to adopt a power spectral density limit
of no more than 150 mW/100 MHz in order to preserve the 70/80 GHz bands
for high bandwidth transmissions. Although narrow bandwidth emissions
are not the intended use of these frequency bands, and we did not
believe that a licensee would ``waste'' large amounts of power to do
this, given the nature of the investment necessary, we agree with WCA
that it could be possible for someone to use the flexibility in our
present rules to use a narrow bandwidth with a high power density,
especially if they were to use analog signals. Thus, we find that a
minor rule change can easily eliminate this potential problem and
retain our goal for wide bandwidth use of the 70-80-90 GHz bands. We
conclude that the 150 mW/100 MHz power spectral density limit will
facilitate deployment of the high data-rate transmissions envisioned in
these bands, for so-called ``fiber-equivalent'' wireless services.
G. Conditional Operating Authority
1. Petition
40. WCA seeks to have the Commission amend Sec. 101.31(b) to add
the 70/80 GHz frequencies to the list of frequencies for which
conditional operation is available, so that nationwide license
applicants may get links up and running as soon as Federal Government
coordination by NTIA and link registration have been completed. The
Petition asserts that conditional operating authority is an important
element of licensing under part 101 and therefore should also be
available to 70/80 GHz licensees.
2. Discussion
41. We acknowledge that certain microwave services under part 101
are permitted to operate while awaiting a license, but we are concerned
that introducing conditional operating authority here could risk
confusion as to the interference protection date for purposes of
determining the first-in-time registered link. Furthermore, while the
application for a nationwide license is a one-time burden for common
carriers, we note that private and non-common carriers are not subject
to the statutory 30-day Public Notice period and our licensing records
reflect that their applications are routinely granted on virtually an
overnight basis. Finally, we note that both NTIA and the FCC's ULS
databases are configured so that link data submissions are reviewable
and subject to approval after verification that the applicant has a
valid call sign (i.e., a license for the 71-76, 81-86, and 92-95 GHz
42. In ex parte discussions with the Bureau on July 22, 2004, WCA
conceded that pre-license operating authority is less important if
nationwide licensing
[[Page 29994]]
occurs quickly, which has been the case to date. Given that grant of
the nationwide license carries with it a reconsideration period--which
would allow the licensee to build-out notwithstanding a challenge--and
link registrations are subject to challenge only after operations
commence, there appears little need for conditional operating
authority. We note that even under our conditional operating rules,
parties must discontinue operations should a site be subject to a
challenge. On our own motion, however, we are revising Sec. 101.1513
of the rules, 47 CFR 101.1513, to make clear that the ten-year license
term runs from the initial grant date of the license.
IV. Procedural Matters
A. Paperwork Reduction Analysis
43. This document contains new or modified information collection
or third party disclosure requirements subject to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-13. It will be submitted to
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review under section
3507(d) of the PRA. OMB, the general public, and other Federal agencies
are invited to comment on the new or modified information collection
requirements contained in this proceeding. In addition, we note that
pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, Public Law
107-198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4), we previously sought specific
comment on how the Commission might ``further reduce the information
collection burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25
44. The Commission will include a copy of this Memorandum Opinion
and Order on Reconsideration in a report to be sent to Congress and the
General Accounting Office pursuant to the Congressional Review Act. See
5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).
B. Supplemental Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
45. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as
amended (RFA), an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) was
incorporated in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WT Docket No. 02-
146 (NPRM). The Commission sought written public comment on the
proposals in the NPRM, including comment on the IRFA. In addition, a
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) was incorporated in the
Report and Order in WT Docket No. 02-146 (Report and Order). This
present Supplemental Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
(Supplemental FRFA) for the Memorandum Opinion and Order conforms to
the RFA.
1. Need for, and Objectives of, Adopted Rules
46. The Memorandum Opinion and Order responds to the Petition for
Reconsideration submitted by the Wireless Communications Association
International, Inc. on February 23, 2004. The need for and objectives
of the rules adopted in this Memorandum Opinion and Order are the same
as those discussed in the FRFA for the Report and Order. In the Report
and Order, the Commission adopted rules for the licensing and operation
of the 71-76 GHz, 81-86 GHz and 92-95 GHz (70-80-90 GHz) spectrum
bands. Licensees may use the 70 GHz, 80 GHz, and 90 GHz bands for any
point-to-point, non-broadcast service on a non-common carrier and/or on
a common carrier basis. See 47 CFR 101.1507, 101.1511. At the time of
adoption, there were no rules in place for these bands. The rules
implemented non-exclusive, nationwide licensing with site-by-site
registration for these bands. The Memorandum Opinion and Order does not
change the rules for unlicensed operation adopted in the Report and
Order. The Commission concluded that this approach will also stimulate
investment in new technologies, provide a critical means of achieving
greater spectrum efficiency, and promote research and development.
47. Consistent with these policy goals, The Memorandum Opinion and
Order adopts an interference analysis requirement and power spectral
density limit and relaxes some of the existing technical standards for
the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz bands to stimulate development of a nascent
industry. Specifically, The Memorandum Opinion