In The Matter Of Andrew Siemaszko; Establishment Of Atomic Safety And Licensing Board, 29783-29784 [E5-2588]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 99 / Tuesday, May 24, 2005 / Notices
ongoing Fall 2004 GSS survey,
preliminary data indicate that 95% of
the institutions are submitting the data
on the Web-based data collection
system. During the 2003 GSS survey
cycle, 87% of the institutions used the
Web-based data collection system.
The Fall 2003 GSS achieved a total
response rate of 99.4 percent for
institutions and 99.0 percent for
departments. Response rates are not yet
available for the currently ongoing Fall
2004 survey.
Estimate of Burden:
Respondents: Individuals.
Estimated Number of Responses:
Estimated Total Annual burden on
Respondents: 39,235 hours.
Frequency of Responses: Annually.
Dated: May 19, 2005.
Suzanne H. Plimpton,
Reports Clearance Officer, National Science
[FR Doc. 05–10315 Filed 5–23–05; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
Review; Comment Request
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC).
ACTION: Notice of the OMB review of
information collection and solicitation
of public comment.
SUMMARY: The NRC has recently
submitted to OMB for review the
following proposal for the collection of
information under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. Chapter 35). The NRC hereby
informs potential respondents that an
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
that a person is not required to respond
to, a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
1. Type of submission, new, revision,
or extension: Extension.
2. The title of the information
collection: NRC Form 64, ‘‘Travel
Voucher’’ (Part 1); NRC Form 64A,
‘‘Travel Voucher’’ (Part 2); and NRC
Form 64B, ‘‘Optional Travel Voucher’’
(Part 2).
3. The form number if applicable:
NRC Form 64; NRC Form 64A and NRC
Form 64B.
4. How often the collection is
required: On occasion.
5. Who will be required or asked to
report: Contractors, consultants and
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invited NRC travelers who travel in the
course of conducting business for the
6. An estimate of the number of
responses: 100.
7. The estimated number of annual
respondents: 100.
8. An estimate of the total number of
hours needed annually to complete the
requirement or request: 100 hours (1
hour for each form).
9. An indication of whether Section
3507(d), Pub. L. 104–13 applies: Not
10. Abstract: As a part of completing
the travel process, the traveler must file
travel reimbursement vouchers and trip
reports. The respondent universe for the
above forms include consultants and
contractors and those who are invited
by the NRC to travel, e.g., prospective
employees. Travel expenses that are
reimbursed are confined to those
expenses essential to the transaction of
official business for an approved trip.
A copy of the final supporting
statement may be viewed free of charge
at the NRC Public Document Room, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Room O–1 F23, Rockville, MD
20852. OMB clearance requests are
available at the NRC Worldwide Web
doc-comment/omb/. The
document will be available on the NRC
home page site for 60 days after the
signature date of this notice.
Comments and questions should be
directed to the OMB reviewer listed
below by June 23, 2005. Comments
received after this date will be
considered if it is practical to do so, but
assurance of consideration cannot be
given to comments received after this
John A. Asalone, Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs (3150–0192),
NEOB–10202, Office of Management
and Budget, Washington, DC 20503.
Comments may also be emailed to or
submitted by telephone at (202) 395–
The NRC Clearance Officer is Brenda
Jo. Shelton, 301–415–7233.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 18th day
of May 2005.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Brenda Jo. Shelton,
NRC Clearance Officer, Office of Information
[FR Doc. E5–2587 Filed 5–23–05; 8:45 am]
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[IA–05–021; ASLBP No. 05–839–02–EA]
In The Matter Of Andrew Siemaszko;
Establishment Of Atomic Safety And
Licensing Board
Pursuant to delegation by the
Commission dated December 29, 1972,
published in the Federal Register, 37 FR
28,710 (1972), and the Commission’s
regulations, see 10 CFR 2.104, 2.202,
2.300, 2.303, 2.309, 2.311, 2.318, and
2.321, notice is hereby given that an
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board is
being established to preside over the
following proceeding:
Andrew Siemaszko (Enforcement
This proceeding concerns a request
for hearing submitted on May 11, 2005,
by Andrew Siemaszko in response to an
April 25, 2005 NRC staff ‘‘Order
Prohibiting Involvement In NRC-License
Activities,’’ 70 FR 22720 (May 2, 2005).
Under the terms of that staff order,
because of his alleged failure to report
the presence of boric acid near the
reactor pressure vessel head on a
condition report and a work order
prepared in connection with a refueling
outage at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power
Station that ended in May 2000, that
resulted, in part, in a significant adverse
condition going uncorrected, Mr.
Siemaszko (1) as of the effective date of
the order, is prohibited for five years
from engaging in NRC-licensed
activities; (2) if currently involved with
another licensee in NRC-licensed
activities, must immediately cease those
activities, inform the NRC of the
employer, and provide a copy of the
order to the employer; and (3) for a
period of five years after the five-year
prohibition period has expired, must,
within twenty days of accepting his first
employment offer involving NRClicensed activities or his becoming
involved in NRC-licensed activities,
provide notice to the agency of the
employer or the entity where he is, or
will be, involved in NRC-licensed
The Board is comprised of the
following administrative judges:
Lawrence G. McDade, Chair, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001; E. Roy
Hawkens, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
0001; Dr. Peter S. Lam, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555–0001.
All correspondence, documents, and
other materials shall be filed with the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 99 / Tuesday, May 24, 2005 / Notices
administrative judges in accordance
with 10 CFR 2.302.
Issued in Rockville, Maryland, this 18th
day of May 2005.
G. Paul Bollwerk, III,
Chief Administrative Judge, Atomic Safety
and Licensing Board Panel.
[FR Doc. E5–2588 Filed 5–23–05; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 72–8]
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant;
Issuance of Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No
Significant Impact Regarding an
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Environmental assessment.
Joseph M. Sebrosky, Senior Project
Manager, Spent Fuel Project Office,
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and
Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555.
Telephone: (301) 415–1132; fax
number:(301) 425–8555; e-mail:
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC
or the Commission) is considering
issuance of an amendment to Special
Materials License No. 2505 that would
add the NUHOMS–32P as an optional
design to the existing NUHOMS–24P
design for dry storage of spent nuclear
fuel. Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant,
Inc. (CCNPP) is currently storing spent
nuclear fuel at the Calvert Cliffs
independent spent fuel storage
installation (ISFSI) located in Calvert
County, Maryland.
Environmental Assessment (EA)
Identification of Proposed Action: By
letter dated December 12, 2003, as
supplemented, CCNPP submitted a
request to the NRC to amend the license
(SNM–2505) to add the NUHOMS–32P
as an optional design to the existing
NUHOMS–24P design for dry storage of
spent fuel. The NUHOMS–32P design
stores eight more spent fuel assemblies
than the NUHOMS–24P design.
The proposed action before the NRC
is whether to approve the amendment.
Need for the Proposed Action: The
proposed action would allow CCNPP to
optimize its dry spent fuel storage
capacity by upgrading portions of its
ISFSI to use the NUHOMS–32P dry
shielded canister. The proposed action
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would allow CCNPP to reduce the
minimum number of canister loadings
each year from four (using the
NUHOMS–24P design) to three (with
the NUHOMS–32P design).
Environmental Impacts of the
Proposed Action: The staff has
determined that the proposed action
would not endanger life or property. No
effluents are released from the ISFSI
during operation and the proposed
changes have no impact to dry shielded
canister loading activities. Therefore,
there is no significant change in the type
or significant increase in the amounts of
any effluents that may be released
offsite. There is also no significant
increase with regard to individual or
cumulative occupational radiation
exposures because of the proposed
action. The proposed amendment
includes a technical specification
change that would specify that the
current neutron source term technical
specification limit of ≤2.23E8 would
apply to the NUHOMS–24P design and
that the NUHOMS–32P design would
have a neutron source assembly
technical specification limit of ≤3.3E8
neutrons/second/assembly. The contact
dose rate for the NUHOMS–32P design
in a loss of neutron shielding accident
with the revised neutron source term is
1517 mrem/hr. The contact dose rate for
the NUHOMS–24P design in a loss of
neutron shielding accident is 1126
mrem/hr. The regulatory limit for a
design basis accident is 5 rem at 100
meters in accordance with 10 CFR
72.106. When compared to the
regulatory limit, the dose rate increase
from a loss of neutron shielding for the
NUHOMS–32P design would be a
minimal change from the dose rate for
a loss of neutron shielding accident for
a NUHOMS–24P design. All of the other
proposed changes have no impact on
radiation exposure. Therefore, there are
no significant radiological
environmental impacts associated with
the proposed action.
The amendment only affects the
requirements associated with the
loading of the casks and does not affect
non-radiological plant effluents or any
other aspects of the environment.
Therefore, there are no significant nonradiological impacts associated with the
proposed action.
Accordingly, the Commission
concludes that there are no significant
environmental impacts associated with
the proposed action.
Alternative to the Proposed Action:
As an alternative to the proposed action,
the staff considered denial of the
amendment request (i.e., the ‘‘noaction’’ alternative). Approval or denial
of the amendment request would result
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in minimal change in the environmental
impacts. Therefore, the environmental
impacts of the proposed action and the
alternative action are similar.
Agencies and Persons Consulted: On
April 28, 2005, Richard McLean of the
State of Maryland was contacted
regarding the proposed action and had
no concerns. The NRC staff has
determined that consultation under
Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act
is not required for this specific
amendment and will not affect listed
species or critical habitat. The NRC staff
has also determined that the proposed
action is not a type of activity having
the potential to cause effects on historic
properties. Therefore, no consultation is
required under Section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act.
Conclusions: The staff has reviewed
the amendment request submitted by
CCNPP and has determined that adding
the NUHOMS–32P as an optional design
to the existing NUHOMS–24P design for
dry storage of spent nuclear fuel would
have no significant impact on the
Finding of No Significant Impact
The environmental impacts of the
proposed action have been reviewed in
accordance with the requirements set
forth in 10 CFR part 51. Based upon the
foregoing EA, the NRC finds that the
proposed action of approving the
amendment to the license will not
significantly impact the quality of the
human environment. Accordingly, the
NRC has determined that an
environmental impact statement for the
proposed license amendment is not
The request for amendment was
docketed under 10 CFR part 72, Docket
72–8. For further details with respect to
this action, see the proposed license
amendment dated December 12, 2003,
as supplemented, by a letter dated May
12, 2004. The NRC maintains an
Agencywide Documents Access
Management System (ADAMS), which
provides text and image files of NRC’s
public documents. These documents
may be accessed through the NRC’s
Public Electronic Reading Room on the
Internet at: Copies of the
referenced documents will also be
available for review at the NRC Public
Document Room (PDR), located at 11555
Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD, 20852.
PDR reference staff can be contacted at
1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737 or by
e-mail to The PDR
reproduction contractor will copy
documents for a fee.
Dated in Rockville, Maryland, this 11th of
May, 2005.
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 99 (Tuesday, May 24, 2005)]
[Pages 29783-29784]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E5-2588]
[IA-05-021; ASLBP No. 05-839-02-EA]
In The Matter Of Andrew Siemaszko; Establishment Of Atomic Safety
And Licensing Board
Pursuant to delegation by the Commission dated December 29, 1972,
published in the Federal Register, 37 FR 28,710 (1972), and the
Commission's regulations, see 10 CFR 2.104, 2.202, 2.300, 2.303, 2.309,
2.311, 2.318, and 2.321, notice is hereby given that an Atomic Safety
and Licensing Board is being established to preside over the following
Andrew Siemaszko (Enforcement Action)
This proceeding concerns a request for hearing submitted on May 11,
2005, by Andrew Siemaszko in response to an April 25, 2005 NRC staff
``Order Prohibiting Involvement In NRC-License Activities,'' 70 FR
22720 (May 2, 2005). Under the terms of that staff order, because of
his alleged failure to report the presence of boric acid near the
reactor pressure vessel head on a condition report and a work order
prepared in connection with a refueling outage at the Davis-Besse
Nuclear Power Station that ended in May 2000, that resulted, in part,
in a significant adverse condition going uncorrected, Mr. Siemaszko (1)
as of the effective date of the order, is prohibited for five years
from engaging in NRC-licensed activities; (2) if currently involved
with another licensee in NRC-licensed activities, must immediately
cease those activities, inform the NRC of the employer, and provide a
copy of the order to the employer; and (3) for a period of five years
after the five-year prohibition period has expired, must, within twenty
days of accepting his first employment offer involving NRC-licensed
activities or his becoming involved in NRC-licensed activities, provide
notice to the agency of the employer or the entity where he is, or will
be, involved in NRC-licensed activities.
The Board is comprised of the following administrative judges:
Lawrence G. McDade, Chair, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555-0001; E. Roy Hawkens, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; Dr. Peter S. Lam, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.
All correspondence, documents, and other materials shall be filed
with the
[[Page 29784]]
administrative judges in accordance with 10 CFR 2.302.
Issued in Rockville, Maryland, this 18th day of May 2005.
G. Paul Bollwerk, III,
Chief Administrative Judge, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel.
[FR Doc. E5-2588 Filed 5-23-05; 8:45 am]