Request for Applications (RFA): Research and Development Risk Management Research Partnerships; Correction, 29715-29720 [05-10252]
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Federal Register
Vol. 70, No. 99
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
The Department of Agriculture has
submitted the following information
collection requirement(s) to OMB for
review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13. Comments
regarding (a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of burden including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information to be
collected; (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology should be addressed to: Desk
Officer for Agriculture, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget
or fax (202) 395–5806 and to
Departmental Clearance Office, USDA,
OCIO, Mail Stop 7602, Washington, DC
20250–7602. Comments regarding these
information collections are best assured
of having their full effect if received
within 30 days of this notification.
Copies of the submission(s) may be
obtained by calling (202) 720–8681.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a currently valid OMB control
number and the agency informs
potential persons who are to respond to
the collection of information that such
persons are not required to respond to
the collection of information unless it
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displays a currently valid OMB control
Forest Service
Title: 36 CFR Part 228, Subpart A—
Locatable Minerals.
OMB Control Number: 0596–0022.
Summary of Collection: The United
States Mining Law of 1982, as amended,
governs the prospecting for and
appropriation of metallic and most
nonmetallic minerals on 192 millions
acres of National Forest set up by
proclamation from the public domain. It
gives individuals the right to search for
and extract valuable mineral deposits of
locatable minerals and secure title to the
lands involved. Recording that claim in
the local courthouse and with the
appropriate BLM State Office affords
protection to the mining claimant from
subsequent locators. A mining claimant
is entitled to reasonable access to claim
for further prospecting, mining or
necessary related activities, subject to
the other laws and applicable
regulations. The purpose of the
regulations at 36 CFR part 228, subpart
A, is to set some specific rules and
procedures through which use of the
surface of National Forest System lands
in connection with mineral operations
authorized by the United States mining
laws shall be conducted so as to
minimize adverse environmental
impacts on surface resources. The Forest
Service (FS) will collect information
using form FS 2800–5, Plan of
Operations for Mining Activities on
National Forest System Lands.
Need and Use of the Information: FS
will collect information requirements
for a Notice of Intent to include the
name, address, and telephone number of
the operator; the area involved; the
nature of the proposed operations; the
route of access to the area of operations
and the method of transport. The
information requirements for a Plan of
Operations includes: The name and
legal mailing address of the operators; a
description of the type of operations
proposed; a description of how it would
be conducted; a description of the type
and standard of existing/proposed
roads/access route; a description of the
means of transportation to be used; a
description of the period during which
the proposed activity will take place;
and measures to meet the environmental
protection requirements. The
information requirements for a cessation
of operation include: Verification to
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maintain the structures, equipment and
other facilities; expected reopening date;
estimate of extended duration of
operations; and maintenance of the site,
structure, equipment and other facilities
during nonoperating periods.
Description of Respondents: Business
or other for-profit.
Number of Respondents: 2,151.
Frequency of Responses: Reporting:
other (approved for a given period).
Total Burden Hours: 8,699.
Charlene Parker,
Departmental Information Collection
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 05–10256 Filed 5–23–05; 8:45 am]
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Request for Applications (RFA):
Research and Development Risk
Management Research Partnerships;
Announcement Type: Notice of
availability of funds and request for
application for risk management
research partnerships; Correction.
CFDA Number: 10.456.
Dates: The closing date and time for
receipt of an application is 5:00 p.m.
C.D.T. on July 5, 2005. Applications
received after the deadline will not be
evaluated by the technical review panel
and will not be considered for funding.
All awards will be made and agreements
completed no later than September 30,
Summary: Due to technical errors, the
following notice supersedes the original
Request for Applications, published on
May 6, 2005, for Research and
Development Risk Management
Research Partnerships at 70 FR 23969–
Overview: The purpose of the Risk
Management Research Partnerships is to
fund the development of non-insurance
risk management tools that will be
utilized by agricultural producers to
assist them in mitigating the risks
inherent in agricultural production. The
proposals must address at least one of
the ten objectives listed in part I.D. In
addition, all proposals must clearly
demonstrate the usefulness and benefits
of the tool to producers of priority
commodities and provide a plan for
ongoing maintenance and support as
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 99 / Tuesday, May 24, 2005 / Notices
described in part III.C.2. Approximately
$4 million is available to fund an
undetermined number of partnerships.
Projects may be funded for a period of
up to three years. Applications are
accepted from public and private
entities; individuals are not eligible to
apply. No cost sharing by the applicant
is required. There are no limitations on
the number of applications each
applicant may submit.
I. Funding Opportunity Description
A. Background
The Risk Management Agency (RMA),
on behalf of the Federal Crop Insurance
Corporation (FCIC), is committed to
meeting the risk management needs and
improving or developing risk
management tools for the nation’s
farmers and ranchers. It does this by
offering Federal crop insurance and
other risk management products and
tools through a network of private-sector
entities and by overseeing the creation
of new products, seeking enhancements
in existing products, and by expanding
the use of a variety of risk management
tools. Risk management tools include a
variety of risk management options and
strategies developed to assist producers
in mitigating the risks inherent in
agricultural production. Risk
management tools may include:
Financial management tools to mitigate
price and production risks; tools to
enhance measurement and prediction of
risks in order to facilitate risk
diversification; tools to improve
production management, harvesting,
record keeping or marketing. For the
purposes of this announcement, risk
management tools do not include
insurance products, plans of insurance,
policies, modifications thereof or any
related material.
B. Purpose
The purpose of this program is to
fund partnership agreements that assist
producers, minimize their production
risks, and/or develop risk management
tools. The agreements are for the
development of risk management tools
for use directly by agricultural
producers. To aid in meeting these goals
each partnership agreement awarded
through this program will provide the
recipient with funds, guidance, and the
substantial involvement of RMA to carry
out these risk management initiatives.
Applications requesting funding for the
development of insurance products,
plans of insurance, policies,
modifications thereof or related
materials are excluded from
consideration under this announcement.
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C. Authorization
In accordance with section 522(d) of
the Federal Crop Insurance Act (Act),
FCIC announces the availability of
funding for risk management research
activities. Priority will be given to those
activities addressing the need for risk
management tools for producers of the
following agricultural commodities (For
purposes of this announcement, these
commodities are collectively referred to
as ‘‘Priority Commodities.’’):
• Agricultural commodities covered
by section 196 of the Agricultural
Market Transition Act (7 U.S.C. 7333)
(Noninsured Assistance Program
(NAP)). Commodities in this group are
commercial crops that are not covered
by catastrophic risk protection crop
insurance, are used for food or fiber
(except livestock), and specifically
include, but are not limited to,
floricultural, ornamental nursery,
Christmas trees, turf grass sod,
aquaculture (including ornamental fish),
and industrial crops.
• Specialty crops. Commodities in
this group may or may not be covered
under a Federal crop insurance plan and
include, but are not limited to, fruits,
vegetables, tree nuts, syrups, honey,
roots, herbs, and highly specialized
varieties of traditional crops.
• Underserved commodities. This
group includes: (a) Commodities,
including livestock that are covered by
a Federal crop insurance plan but for
which participation in an area is below
the national average; and (b)
commodities, including livestock, with
inadequate crop insurance coverage.
D. Objectives
The project objectives listed below
highlight the research priorities of RMA.
The objectives are listed in priority
order, with the most important objective
designated as 1, the second most
important designated as 2, etc. The
order of priority will be considered in
making awards. The suggested emphasis
discussed within each objective is not
meant to be exhaustive. Applicants may
propose other topics within any project
objective but justification for those
topics must be provided.
RMA encourages proposals that
address multiple risks and will result in
the development of tools that provide an
integrated or holistic approach to risk
mitigation. Preference will be given to
such proposals.
Proposals may address multiple
objectives, but each proposal must
specify a single primary objective for
funding purposes.
In the order of priority, the project
objectives are:
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1.To develop risk management tools
to assist producers in finding alternative
products, techniques or strategies
related to disease management (e.g.,
soybean rust) and/or pest mitigation
under various farming practices.
2. To develop risk management tools
to assist producers in reducing the
impact of multiple-year losses, such as
the multiple-year losses due to
sustained or recurring drought and to
increase the economic and production
stability of agricultural producers.
3. To develop risk management tools
to assist forage and rangeland producers
in improving techniques for one or more
of the following: Managing production,
e.g., optimization of grazing patterns;
establishing and maintaining forage
production records; drought mitigation;
and harvesting or marketing production.
4. To develop risk management tools
to assist limited resource and/or
traditionally underserved farmers and
ranchers and/or producers with limited
English language proficiency that
traditionally produce agricultural
commodities covered by NAP, specialty
crops and underserved agricultural
commodities. The tools developed
under this objective should address
risks that may be specific to the targeted
producers and/or will assist the targeted
producers in gaining meaningful access
to existing risk management tools and
information. (Definitions: A limited
resource farmer is a producer or
operator of a farm with an annual gross
income of $20,000 or less derived from
all sources of revenue or a producer on
a farm of less than 25 acres (aggregated
for all crops) where a majority of the
producer’s gross income from farming
operations does not exceed $20,000;
and/or direct or indirect gross farm sales
not more than $100,000 in each of the
previous two years adjusted for inflation
using Prices Paid by Farmer Index as
compiled by the National Agricultural
Statistical Service (NASS) and a total
household income at or below the
national poverty level for a family of
four, or less than 50 percent of county
median household income in each of
the previous two years (to be
determined annually using Commerce
Department Data). Underserved farmers
and ranchers include: Women, African
Americans, Asians and Pacific
Islanders, American Indians, Alaskan
Natives, and Hispanics.)
5. To develop risk management tools
to assist livestock producers in
improving techniques for one or more of
the following: planning and managing
the production of livestock, including
disease management and control;
improving techniques for breeding of
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 99 / Tuesday, May 24, 2005 / Notices
livestock; and managing price, revenue,
or production and market risks.
6. To develop risk management tools
to assist agricultural producers in
developing a better understanding of the
interaction of financial markets,
marketing, crop insurance, and
production costs and assist producers in
the determination of the optimal
combination of risk management
7. To clarify labor requirements and
assist producers in complying with
requirements to better meet the
physically intense and time-compressed
planting, tending, and harvesting
requirements associated with the
production of specialty crops and
underserved agricultural commodities.
8. To develop risk management tools
encouraging self-protection for
production agricultural enterprises
vulnerable to losses due to terrorism.
9. To provide risk management tools
to State foresters or equivalent officials
for the prescribed use of burning on
private forest land for the prevention,
control and suppression of fire.
10. To develop risk management tools
to further increase the economic and
production stability of wild salmon
II. Award Information
A. Award Description
Approximately $4 million is available
for partnership agreements that will
fund the development of risk
management tools. Awards under this
program will be made on a competitive
basis. Projects may be funded for a
period of up to three years for the
activities described in this
announcement. Projects can also be in
two parts with the first part including
the research and feasibility studies and
the second part including the
development, implementation, delivery
and maintenance of the risk
management tool. If the development of
the tool is determined not to be feasible,
the partnership may be terminated by
RMA after completion of the first part
with funding reduced accordingly.
There is no commitment by RMA to
fund any particular project or to make
a specific number of awards. Applicants
awarded a partnership agreement for an
amount that is less than the amount
requested will be required to modify
their application to conform to the
reduced amount before execution of the
partnership agreement. No maximum or
minimum funding levels have been
established for individual projects. All
awards will be made and agreements
completed no later than September 30,
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Recipients of awards must
demonstrate non-financial benefits from
a partnership agreement and must agree
to substantial involvement of RMA in
the project. RMA encourages
collaborative efforts and geographic
diversity of proposed projects.
In conducting activities to achieve the
purpose of this proposed research, the
recipient will be responsible for the
activities listed under Section II. A. 1 of
this part. RMA will be responsible for
the activities listed under Section II. A.
2 of this part.
1. Recipient Activities
The applicant will be required to
perform the following activities:
a. Finalize, in cooperation with RMA,
the partnership agreement.
b. Finalize, in cooperation with RMA,
the plan to administer, maintain and
update the risk management tool in the
future. The applicant must develop a
plan for the delivery of the risk
management tool to producers and the
ongoing maintenance and support of the
risk management tool, including how
the applicant will fund the delivery,
support, maintenance and updating of
the tool to maintain its applicability,
benefits, usefulness, and value to
producers. The applicant must also
deliver the risk management tool to
producers and support, maintain and
update the tool as applicable.
c. Define non-financial benefits and
the substantial involvement of the RMA.
d. Coordinate, manage, document and
implement the timely completion of the
approved research and development
e. Abide by the plans and provisions
contained in the partnership agreement.
f. Report on program performance in
accordance with the partnership
g. The recipient may be required to
make a presentation to the FCIC Board
of Directors.
h. Adhere to RMA guidelines for
systems development and information
technology development.
2. RMA Activities
RMA will be substantially involved
during the performance of the funded
activity. Potential types of substantial
involvement may include, but are not
limited to the following activities:
a. Collaborate on the research plan;
b. Assist in the selection of
subcontractors and project staff;
c. Review and approve critical stages
of project development before
subsequent stages may be started;
d. Provide assistance in the
management or technical performance
of the project;
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e. Collaborate with the recipient in
the development of materials associated
with the funded project, as it relates to
publication or presentation of the
results and the distribution of the risk
management tools to the public, any
producer groups, RMA, and the FCIC
Board of Directors;
f. Assist in the collection of data and
information that may be available in
RMA databases;
g. Collaborate with the recipient in
the development of a proposal to
administer, maintain and update the
risk management tool in the future; and
h. Similar type of activities.
B. Other Activities
In addition to the specific activities
listed above, the applicant may suggest
other activities that would contribute
directly to the purpose of this program.
For any additional activity suggested,
the applicant should identify the
objective of the activity, the specific
tasks required to meet the objective,
specific timelines for performing the
tasks, and specific responsibilities of the
partners. For any additional activity
suggested, the applicant should identify
specific ways in which RMA could or
should have substantial involvement in
that activity.
III. Eligibility Information
A. Eligible Applicants
Proposals are invited from qualified
public and private entities. Eligible
applicants include colleges and
universities, Federal, State, and local
agencies, Native American tribal
organizations, non-profit and for-profit
private organizations or corporations,
and other entities. Individuals are not
eligible applicants.
Although an applicant may be eligible
to compete for an award based on its
status as an eligible entity, other factors
may exclude an applicant from
receiving Federal assistance under this
program (e.g., debarment and
suspension; a determination of nonperformance on a prior contract,
cooperative agreement, grant or
partnership; a determination of a
violation of applicable ethical
B. Cost Sharing or Matching
Cost sharing, matching, in-kind
contributions, or cost participation is
not required.
C. Other
1. Applicants must demonstrate the
usefulness of the proposed risk
management tool and the benefits of the
tool to producers of priority
commodities. Applicants must include
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 99 / Tuesday, May 24, 2005 / Notices
information supporting the need for the
tool, such as a market analysis, or
communications from producers or
producer organizations expressing a
need for the proposed tool. The
proposal must also clearly define how
the proposed tool will meet the needs of
the producer groups identified. The
second objective is that the proposed
risk management tool meet specific
identified needs of the producer and the
proposed risk management tool be
supported by the applicant without the
need of resources from RMA. Refer to
part V.B for the review and selection
2. If the project proposed for
development requires ongoing
maintenance, support and delivery to
producers beyond the development
stage, the applicant must submit a plan
to continue the maintenance, support
and delivery of the tool without relying
on RMA’s resources. If the applicant
does not plan to directly support,
maintain and deliver the tool using nonaward funds after the development
period funded by this award is
completed, then the proposal should
identify a third party sponsor who will
do so. For example, if a proposed tool
would require constant updating of data
and availability on a website in order to
be utilized by producers, then a sponsor
should be identified that would be able
to provide the funds necessary to
maintain and host the tool. Third party
sponsors may include government
agencies, grower organizations, industry
organizations, private sector entities,
etc. If the tool proposed does not require
support, maintenance, updating or
revisions to maintain applicability or
value or does not require continued
delivery to producers, the proposal
should so state and provide the basis
why such actions are not required. Refer
to part V.B for the review and selection
3. Applicants must be able to
demonstrate they will receive nonfinancial benefits as a result of the
partnership agreement. Non-financial
benefits must accrue to the applicant
and must include more than the ability
to provide employment income to the
applicant or for the applicant’s
employees or the community. The
applicant must demonstrate that
performance under the partnership
agreement will further the specific
mission of the applicant (such as
providing research or activities
necessary for graduate or other students
to complete educational programs).
Refer to part V.A.2 for evaluation
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IV. Application and Submission
A. Address To Request Application
Applicants may download an
application package from the Risk
Management Agency Web site at: Applicants
may also request an application package
from: RMA/RED Partnership Agreement
Program, USDA, RMA/RED, 6501
Beacon Drive, Stop 0813, Kansas City,
Missouri 64133–4676, phone: (816)
926–6343, fax: (816) 926–7343, e-mail:
Completed and signed application
packages must be sent to: RMA/RED
Partnership Agreement Program, USDA,
RMA/RED, 6501 Beacon Drive, Stop
0813, Kansas City, Missouri 64133–
4676. Applicants are encouraged to
submit completed and signed
application packages using overnight
mail or delivery service to ensure timely
receipt by the USDA. Applicants using
the U.S. Postal Service should allow for
extra security-processing time for mail
delivered to government offices.
B. Content and Form of Application
A complete and valid application
package must include an original,
twelve complete paper copies are
requested, three copies are required, and
one copy (Microsoft Word format
preferred) of the application package on
diskette or compact disc, and:
1. A completed and signed OMB
Standard Form 424, ‘‘Application for
Federal Assistance.’’
2. A completed and signed OMB
Standard Form 424–A, ‘‘Budget
Programs.’’ Reviewers will need
sufficient information to effectively
evaluate the budget. Indirect cost for
projects submitted in response to this
solicitation are limited to 10 percent of
the total direct cost of the agreement. A
sample budget narrative, including
suggestions for format and content, is
available on the RMA Web site (https:// or upon request.
3. A completed and signed OMB
Standard Form 424–B, ‘‘Assurances,
Non-construction Programs.’’
4. A completed and signed OMB
Standard Form LLL, ‘‘Disclosure of
Lobbying Activities.’’
5. A completed and signed AD–1047,
‘‘Certification Regarding Debarment,
Suspension and Other Responsibility
Matters (Primary Covered
6. A completed and signed AD–1049,
‘‘Certification Regarding Drug-Free
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7. A statement of the non-financial
benefits of any partnership agreement to
the recipient. (Refer to part II.B ‘‘Nonfinancial Benefits.’’)
8. A completed Form R&D–1, ‘‘Title
Page and Proposal Summary.’’ Each
proposal must specify the single
primary objective for evaluation and
funding purposes. The same or similar
proposals cannot be submitted multiple
times with different primary objectives
specified. If the same or similar
proposals are submitted, the first
received will be the only one evaluated.
9. A proposal narrative submitted
with the application package should be
limited to 10 single-sided pages.
Reviewers will need sufficient
information to effectively evaluate the
application under the criteria contained
in part V. A sample narrative, including
suggestions for format and content, is
available on the RMA website (https:// or upon request.
10. An appendix containing any
attachments that may support
information in the narrative (Optional).
11. A completed Form R&D–2,
‘‘Statement of Work.’’
Applicants are responsible for
ensuring the application materials are
received by the closing date. Incomplete
application packages will not receive
further consideration.
C. Submission Dates and Times
The closing date and time for receipt
of an application is 5 p.m. CDT on July
5, 2005. Applications received after the
deadline will not be evaluated by the
technical review panel and will not be
considered for funding.
D. Funding Restrictions
No maximum or minimum funding
levels have been established for
individual projects or for categories of
objectives. The funding level by
category of objective will be determined
by FCIC. Indirect cost for projects
submitted in response to this
solicitation are limited to 10 percent of
total direct cost of the agreement. Each
project may be funded for a period of up
to three years for the activities described
in this announcement.
Partnership agreement funds may not
be used to:
1. Plan, repair, rehabilitate, acquire, or
construct a building or facility including
a processing facility;
2. To purchase, rent, or install fixed
3. Repair or maintain privately owned
4. Pay for the preparation of the
partnership application;
5. Fund political activities;
6. Pay costs incurred prior to
receiving this partnership agreement;
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 99 / Tuesday, May 24, 2005 / Notices
7. Fund any activities prohibited in 7
CFR Parts 3015 and 3019, as applicable.
E. Other Submission Requirements
1. An original and twelve (12) paper
copies are requested, three copies are
required, of the complete and signed
application, and one copy (Microsoft
Word format preferred) on diskette or
compact disc must be submitted in one
package at the time of initial
2. All applications must be submitted
and received by the deadline.
Applications that do not meet all of the
requirements in this announcement are
considered incomplete applications.
Late or incomplete applications will not
be considered in this competition and
will be returned to the applicant.
3. Applications will be considered as
meeting the announced deadline if they
are received in the mailroom at the
address stated above service on or
before the deadline. Applicants are
cautioned that express, overnight mail
or other delivery services do not always
deliver as agreed. Applicants are
responsible for mailing applications
well in advance, to ensure that
applications are received on or before
the deadline time and date. Applicants
should be aware that there may be
significant delays in delivery if
applications are mailed using the U.S.
Postal Service due to the additional
security measures that mail delivered to
government offices now require.
Applicants should take this into account
because failure of such delivery services
will not extend the deadline.
4. Although the application package
may be downloaded electronically,
RMA cannot accommodate
transmissions of application
submissions by facsimile or through
other electronic media. Therefore,
applications transmitted electronically
will not be accepted regardless of the
date or time of submission or the time
of receipt.
V. Application Review Information
A. Criteria
1. Research Objectives—Maximum 40
The application must receive a
minimum score of 28 points under this
criterion in order to be considered for
further evaluation and funding.
Applications receiving less than 28
points will be eliminated and will not
be evaluated under criteria 2 through 4.
The proposal must clearly define the
development, management and
implementation of a risk management
tool designed to meet the needs of the
producers outlined for at least one of the
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objectives listed in part I.D. Proposals
that best meet the objective and are
innovative, clear, concise, useful, easy
to understand, and address multiple
risks that result in the development of
tools that provide an integrated or
holistic approach to risk mitigation will
be given the highest score. The proposal
will be reviewed to determine if it is
similar to a project that has been
funded, has been recommended for
funding, or is currently under
development through other means.
2. Indication of RMA Involvement and
Non-Financial Benefits—Maximum 10
The proposal clearly indicates areas of
substantial involvement by RMA and
clearly indicates benefits derived from
the partnership that extend beyond the
financial benefits or funding of the
research proposal. Those proposals that
clearly outline the involvement of RMA
in all aspects of the project and
demonstrate non-financial benefit will
receive the highest score. Examples of
non-financial benefits would be the
benefits derived by an educational
institution by providing research
opportunities to students or benefits
derived through the furtherance of an
organization’s mission.
3. Research Approach, Methodology,
Development and Implementation—
Maximum 40 Points
The proposal clearly demonstrates a
sound research approach and defines
the methodology to be used as well as
describes the development and
implementation of the risk management
tool. Proposals that demonstrate a clear,
concise and generally accepted research
methodology and innovative approach
will receive the highest number of
4. Management—Maximum 10 Points
The proposal clearly demonstrates the
applicant’s ability and resources to
coordinate and manage all aspects of the
proposed research project. The
applicant whose approach is the most
cost effective and optimizes the use and
effective application of the funding will
receive the highest score.
B. Review and Selection Process
Each application will be evaluated
using a five-part process. First, each
application will be screened by RMA to
ensure that each proposal specifies a
single primary objective for evaluation
and funding purposes and the proposal
meets the objectives stated in part I.D.
The same or similar proposals cannot be
submitted multiple times with different
primary objectives specified. If the same
PO 00000
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or similar proposals are submitted, the
first received will be the only one
evaluated. Applications that do not
meet the objectives stated in part I.D
and all other requirements in this
announcement or are incomplete will
not receive further consideration.
Second, the proposal must clearly
demonstrate the usefulness of the tool
and the benefits of the tool to producers
of priority commodities and
demonstrate that there is a reasonable
expectation that the tool will actually be
used by a substantial number of such
producers. Any proposal that does not
do this will not receive further
Third, the plan will be evaluated to
ensure that the risk management tool
can be delivered to producers and will
be supported, maintained, updated or
revised as necessary. Any proposal
where the plan does not adequately
address each of these issues will not
receive further consideration. If the plan
states that such actions are not
necessary, the basis for such a
determination will be evaluated and the
proposal reviewed to determine if such
determination is reasonable. If it is
determined that any such actions are
required and they are not contained in
the plan, the proposal will not receive
further consideration.
Fourth, all eligible applications will
be evaluated using the criterion in part
V.A.1. Applications must score at least
28 points under this criteria in order to
be to be evaluated further.
Fifth, all applications scoring the
required 28 points will be evaluated
further under part V.A.2 through 4.
For the second and third steps, a
review panel will consider all
applications that are complete and meet
the objectives in part I.D. and all other
requirements in this announcement. If
the panel determines that an application
is eligible to be reviewed under steps
four and five, the review panel will
review the merits of the applications.
The evaluation of each application will
be conducted by a panel of not less than
three independent reviewers. The panel
will be comprised of representatives
from USDA, other federal agencies, and
others representing public and private
organizations, as needed. The narrative
and any appendixes provided by each
applicant will be used by the review
panel to evaluate the merits of the
project that is being proposed for
funding. The panel will examine and
score applications based on the
evaluation criteria and weights
contained in part V.A.
In order to be considered for funding,
a proposal must score at least 75 points.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 99 / Tuesday, May 24, 2005 / Notices
For the last step, those applications
meeting the minimum number of points
will be listed in initial rank order by
objective. The highest-ranking proposal
for each objective will be funded in the
order of priority (the highest ranking
proposal meeting objective 1 will be
funded first and the highest ranking
proposal meeting objective 2 will be
funded second, etc.). It is possible that
funds could be exhausted before
funding projects for every objective. If
there are funds remaining, the process
will be repeated until the funds are
obligated. The projects selected for
funding will be presented, along with
funding level recommendations, to the
Manager of FCIC, who will make the
final decision on awarding of a
partnership agreement.
If the Manager of FCIC determines
that any application is sufficiently
similar to a project that has been funded
or has been recommended to be funded
under this announcement or any other
research and development program,
then the Manager may elect to not fund
that application in whole or in part.
VI. Award Administration Information
A. Award Notices
Receipt of applications will be
acknowledged by e-mail, whenever
possible. Therefore, each applicant is
encouraged to provide an e-mail address
in the application. If an e-mail address
is not indicated on an application,
receipt will be acknowledged by letter.
There will be no notification of
incomplete, unqualified or unfunded
applications until the awards have been
When received by RMA, applications
will be assigned an identification
number. This number will be
communicated to applicants in the
acknowledgement of receipt of
applications. An application
identification number should be
referenced in all correspondence
regarding the application. If the
applicant does not receive an
acknowledgement within 15 days of the
submission deadline, the applicant
should contact the Research and
Development Division at (816) 926–
B. Administrative and National Policy
1. Access to Panel Review Information
Upon written request, scores from the
evaluation panel, not including the
identity of reviewers, will be sent to the
applicant after the review and awards
process has been completed.
VerDate jul<14>2003
17:36 May 23, 2005
Jkt 205001
2. Notification of Partnership Agreement
Awards and Notification of NonSelection
4. Administration
Following approval of the
applications selected for funding, notice
of project approval and authority to
draw down funds will be made to the
selected applicants in writing. Within
the limit of funds available for such
purpose, the awarding official of RMA
shall enter into partnership agreements
with those applicants whose
applications are judged to be most
meritorious under the procedures set
forth in this announcement. The
partnership agreement provides the
amount of Federal funds for use in the
project period, the terms and conditions
of the award, and the time period for the
The effective date of the partnership
agreement shall be the date the
agreement is executed by both parties.
All funds provided to the applicant by
FCIC must be expended solely for the
purpose for which funds are obligated
in accordance with the approved
application and budget, the regulations,
the terms and conditions of the award,
and the applicability of Federal cost
principles. No commitment of Federal
assistance beyond the project period is
made or implied, as a result of any
award made pursuant to this
Notification of denial of funding will
be sent to applicants after final funding
decisions have been made. Reasons for
denial of funding can include
incomplete proposals, proposals that
did not meet the objectives, scored low
or were duplicative.
5. Prohibitions and Requirements With
Regard to Lobbying
3. Confidential Aspects of Proposals and
When an application results in a
partnership agreement, it becomes a part
of the official record of RMA
transactions, available to the public
upon specific request. Information that
the Secretary of Agriculture determines
to be of a confidential, privileged, or
proprietary nature will be held in
confidence to the extent permitted by
law. Therefore, any information that the
applicant wishes to be considered
confidential, privileged, or proprietary
should be clearly marked within the
application, including the basis for such
designation. The original copy of a
proposal that does not result in an
award will be retained by RMA for a
period of one year. Other copies will be
destroyed. Such a proposal will be
released only with the express written
consent of the applicant or to the extent
required by law. A proposal may be
withdrawn at any time prior to award.
PO 00000
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All partnership agreements are subject
to 7 CFR part 3015.
All partnership agreements are subject
to 7 CFR part 3018. A copy of the
certification and disclosure forms must
be submitted with the application.
6. Applicable OMB Circulars
All partnership agreements funded as
a result of this notice will be subject to
the requirements contained in all
applicable OMB circulars.
C. Reporting
Applicants awarded a partnership
agreement will be required to submit
quarterly progress and financial reports
(SF–269) throughout the project period,
as well as a final program and financial
report not later than 90 days after the
end of the project period.
VII. Agency Contact
If applicants have any questions they
may contact: USDA, RMA/RED, 6501
Beacon Drive, Stop 0813, Kansas City,
Missouri 64133–4676, or phone: (816)
926–6343,or fax: (816) 926–7343,or email:
VIII. Other Information
The names of applicants, the names of
individuals identified in the
applications, the content of
applications, and the panel evaluations
of applications will all be kept
confidential, except to those involved in
the review process, to the extent
permitted by law. In addition, the
identities of review panel members will
remain confidential throughout the
entire review process and will not be
released to applicants. At the end of the
fiscal year, names of panel members
will be made available. However,
panelists will not be identified with the
review of any particular application.
Signed in Washington, DC, on May 18,
Ross J. Davidson, Jr.,
Manager, Federal Crop Insurance
[FR Doc. 05–10252 Filed 5–23–05; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Olympic Peninsula Resource Advisory
Forest Service, USDA.
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 99 (Tuesday, May 24, 2005)]
[Pages 29715-29720]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-10252]
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Request for Applications (RFA): Research and Development Risk
Management Research Partnerships; Correction
Announcement Type: Notice of availability of funds and request for
application for risk management research partnerships; Correction.
CFDA Number: 10.456.
Dates: The closing date and time for receipt of an application is
5:00 p.m. C.D.T. on July 5, 2005. Applications received after the
deadline will not be evaluated by the technical review panel and will
not be considered for funding. All awards will be made and agreements
completed no later than September 30, 2005.
Summary: Due to technical errors, the following notice supersedes
the original Request for Applications, published on May 6, 2005, for
Research and Development Risk Management Research Partnerships at 70 FR
Overview: The purpose of the Risk Management Research Partnerships
is to fund the development of non-insurance risk management tools that
will be utilized by agricultural producers to assist them in mitigating
the risks inherent in agricultural production. The proposals must
address at least one of the ten objectives listed in part I.D. In
addition, all proposals must clearly demonstrate the usefulness and
benefits of the tool to producers of priority commodities and provide a
plan for ongoing maintenance and support as
[[Page 29716]]
described in part III.C.2. Approximately $4 million is available to
fund an undetermined number of partnerships. Projects may be funded for
a period of up to three years. Applications are accepted from public
and private entities; individuals are not eligible to apply. No cost
sharing by the applicant is required. There are no limitations on the
number of applications each applicant may submit.
I. Funding Opportunity Description
A. Background
The Risk Management Agency (RMA), on behalf of the Federal Crop
Insurance Corporation (FCIC), is committed to meeting the risk
management needs and improving or developing risk management tools for
the nation's farmers and ranchers. It does this by offering Federal
crop insurance and other risk management products and tools through a
network of private-sector entities and by overseeing the creation of
new products, seeking enhancements in existing products, and by
expanding the use of a variety of risk management tools. Risk
management tools include a variety of risk management options and
strategies developed to assist producers in mitigating the risks
inherent in agricultural production. Risk management tools may include:
Financial management tools to mitigate price and production risks;
tools to enhance measurement and prediction of risks in order to
facilitate risk diversification; tools to improve production
management, harvesting, record keeping or marketing. For the purposes
of this announcement, risk management tools do not include insurance
products, plans of insurance, policies, modifications thereof or any
related material.
B. Purpose
The purpose of this program is to fund partnership agreements that
assist producers, minimize their production risks, and/or develop risk
management tools. The agreements are for the development of risk
management tools for use directly by agricultural producers. To aid in
meeting these goals each partnership agreement awarded through this
program will provide the recipient with funds, guidance, and the
substantial involvement of RMA to carry out these risk management
initiatives. Applications requesting funding for the development of
insurance products, plans of insurance, policies, modifications thereof
or related materials are excluded from consideration under this
C. Authorization
In accordance with section 522(d) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act
(Act), FCIC announces the availability of funding for risk management
research activities. Priority will be given to those activities
addressing the need for risk management tools for producers of the
following agricultural commodities (For purposes of this announcement,
these commodities are collectively referred to as ``Priority
Agricultural commodities covered by section 196 of the
Agricultural Market Transition Act (7 U.S.C. 7333) (Noninsured
Assistance Program (NAP)). Commodities in this group are commercial
crops that are not covered by catastrophic risk protection crop
insurance, are used for food or fiber (except livestock), and
specifically include, but are not limited to, floricultural, ornamental
nursery, Christmas trees, turf grass sod, aquaculture (including
ornamental fish), and industrial crops.
Specialty crops. Commodities in this group may or may not
be covered under a Federal crop insurance plan and include, but are not
limited to, fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, syrups, honey, roots, herbs,
and highly specialized varieties of traditional crops.
Underserved commodities. This group includes: (a)
Commodities, including livestock that are covered by a Federal crop
insurance plan but for which participation in an area is below the
national average; and (b) commodities, including livestock, with
inadequate crop insurance coverage.
D. Objectives
The project objectives listed below highlight the research
priorities of RMA. The objectives are listed in priority order, with
the most important objective designated as 1, the second most important
designated as 2, etc. The order of priority will be considered in
making awards. The suggested emphasis discussed within each objective
is not meant to be exhaustive. Applicants may propose other topics
within any project objective but justification for those topics must be
RMA encourages proposals that address multiple risks and will
result in the development of tools that provide an integrated or
holistic approach to risk mitigation. Preference will be given to such
Proposals may address multiple objectives, but each proposal must
specify a single primary objective for funding purposes.
In the order of priority, the project objectives are:
1.To develop risk management tools to assist producers in finding
alternative products, techniques or strategies related to disease
management (e.g., soybean rust) and/or pest mitigation under various
farming practices.
2. To develop risk management tools to assist producers in reducing
the impact of multiple-year losses, such as the multiple-year losses
due to sustained or recurring drought and to increase the economic and
production stability of agricultural producers.
3. To develop risk management tools to assist forage and rangeland
producers in improving techniques for one or more of the following:
Managing production, e.g., optimization of grazing patterns;
establishing and maintaining forage production records; drought
mitigation; and harvesting or marketing production.
4. To develop risk management tools to assist limited resource and/
or traditionally underserved farmers and ranchers and/or producers with
limited English language proficiency that traditionally produce
agricultural commodities covered by NAP, specialty crops and
underserved agricultural commodities. The tools developed under this
objective should address risks that may be specific to the targeted
producers and/or will assist the targeted producers in gaining
meaningful access to existing risk management tools and information.
(Definitions: A limited resource farmer is a producer or operator of a
farm with an annual gross income of $20,000 or less derived from all
sources of revenue or a producer on a farm of less than 25 acres
(aggregated for all crops) where a majority of the producer's gross
income from farming operations does not exceed $20,000; and/or direct
or indirect gross farm sales not more than $100,000 in each of the
previous two years adjusted for inflation using Prices Paid by Farmer
Index as compiled by the National Agricultural Statistical Service
(NASS) and a total household income at or below the national poverty
level for a family of four, or less than 50 percent of county median
household income in each of the previous two years (to be determined
annually using Commerce Department Data). Underserved farmers and
ranchers include: Women, African Americans, Asians and Pacific
Islanders, American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Hispanics.)
5. To develop risk management tools to assist livestock producers
in improving techniques for one or more of the following: planning and
managing the production of livestock, including disease management and
control; improving techniques for breeding of
[[Page 29717]]
livestock; and managing price, revenue, or production and market risks.
6. To develop risk management tools to assist agricultural
producers in developing a better understanding of the interaction of
financial markets, marketing, crop insurance, and production costs and
assist producers in the determination of the optimal combination of
risk management strategies.
7. To clarify labor requirements and assist producers in complying
with requirements to better meet the physically intense and time-
compressed planting, tending, and harvesting requirements associated
with the production of specialty crops and underserved agricultural
8. To develop risk management tools encouraging self-protection for
production agricultural enterprises vulnerable to losses due to
9. To provide risk management tools to State foresters or
equivalent officials for the prescribed use of burning on private
forest land for the prevention, control and suppression of fire.
10. To develop risk management tools to further increase the
economic and production stability of wild salmon fishermen.
II. Award Information
A. Award Description
Approximately $4 million is available for partnership agreements
that will fund the development of risk management tools. Awards under
this program will be made on a competitive basis. Projects may be
funded for a period of up to three years for the activities described
in this announcement. Projects can also be in two parts with the first
part including the research and feasibility studies and the second part
including the development, implementation, delivery and maintenance of
the risk management tool. If the development of the tool is determined
not to be feasible, the partnership may be terminated by RMA after
completion of the first part with funding reduced accordingly.
There is no commitment by RMA to fund any particular project or to
make a specific number of awards. Applicants awarded a partnership
agreement for an amount that is less than the amount requested will be
required to modify their application to conform to the reduced amount
before execution of the partnership agreement. No maximum or minimum
funding levels have been established for individual projects. All
awards will be made and agreements completed no later than September
30, 2005.
Recipients of awards must demonstrate non-financial benefits from a
partnership agreement and must agree to substantial involvement of RMA
in the project. RMA encourages collaborative efforts and geographic
diversity of proposed projects.
In conducting activities to achieve the purpose of this proposed
research, the recipient will be responsible for the activities listed
under Section II. A. 1 of this part. RMA will be responsible for the
activities listed under Section II. A. 2 of this part.
1. Recipient Activities
The applicant will be required to perform the following activities:
a. Finalize, in cooperation with RMA, the partnership agreement.
b. Finalize, in cooperation with RMA, the plan to administer,
maintain and update the risk management tool in the future. The
applicant must develop a plan for the delivery of the risk management
tool to producers and the ongoing maintenance and support of the risk
management tool, including how the applicant will fund the delivery,
support, maintenance and updating of the tool to maintain its
applicability, benefits, usefulness, and value to producers. The
applicant must also deliver the risk management tool to producers and
support, maintain and update the tool as applicable.
c. Define non-financial benefits and the substantial involvement of
the RMA.
d. Coordinate, manage, document and implement the timely completion
of the approved research and development activities.
e. Abide by the plans and provisions contained in the partnership
f. Report on program performance in accordance with the partnership
g. The recipient may be required to make a presentation to the FCIC
Board of Directors.
h. Adhere to RMA guidelines for systems development and information
technology development.
2. RMA Activities
RMA will be substantially involved during the performance of the
funded activity. Potential types of substantial involvement may
include, but are not limited to the following activities:
a. Collaborate on the research plan;
b. Assist in the selection of subcontractors and project staff;
c. Review and approve critical stages of project development before
subsequent stages may be started;
d. Provide assistance in the management or technical performance of
the project;
e. Collaborate with the recipient in the development of materials
associated with the funded project, as it relates to publication or
presentation of the results and the distribution of the risk management
tools to the public, any producer groups, RMA, and the FCIC Board of
f. Assist in the collection of data and information that may be
available in RMA databases;
g. Collaborate with the recipient in the development of a proposal
to administer, maintain and update the risk management tool in the
future; and
h. Similar type of activities.
B. Other Activities
In addition to the specific activities listed above, the applicant
may suggest other activities that would contribute directly to the
purpose of this program. For any additional activity suggested, the
applicant should identify the objective of the activity, the specific
tasks required to meet the objective, specific timelines for performing
the tasks, and specific responsibilities of the partners. For any
additional activity suggested, the applicant should identify specific
ways in which RMA could or should have substantial involvement in that
III. Eligibility Information
A. Eligible Applicants
Proposals are invited from qualified public and private entities.
Eligible applicants include colleges and universities, Federal, State,
and local agencies, Native American tribal organizations, non-profit
and for-profit private organizations or corporations, and other
entities. Individuals are not eligible applicants.
Although an applicant may be eligible to compete for an award based
on its status as an eligible entity, other factors may exclude an
applicant from receiving Federal assistance under this program (e.g.,
debarment and suspension; a determination of non-performance on a prior
contract, cooperative agreement, grant or partnership; a determination
of a violation of applicable ethical standards).
B. Cost Sharing or Matching
Cost sharing, matching, in-kind contributions, or cost
participation is not required.
C. Other
1. Applicants must demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed risk
management tool and the benefits of the tool to producers of priority
commodities. Applicants must include
[[Page 29718]]
information supporting the need for the tool, such as a market
analysis, or communications from producers or producer organizations
expressing a need for the proposed tool. The proposal must also clearly
define how the proposed tool will meet the needs of the producer groups
identified. The second objective is that the proposed risk management
tool meet specific identified needs of the producer and the proposed
risk management tool be supported by the applicant without the need of
resources from RMA. Refer to part V.B for the review and selection
2. If the project proposed for development requires ongoing
maintenance, support and delivery to producers beyond the development
stage, the applicant must submit a plan to continue the maintenance,
support and delivery of the tool without relying on RMA's resources. If
the applicant does not plan to directly support, maintain and deliver
the tool using non-award funds after the development period funded by
this award is completed, then the proposal should identify a third
party sponsor who will do so. For example, if a proposed tool would
require constant updating of data and availability on a website in
order to be utilized by producers, then a sponsor should be identified
that would be able to provide the funds necessary to maintain and host
the tool. Third party sponsors may include government agencies, grower
organizations, industry organizations, private sector entities, etc. If
the tool proposed does not require support, maintenance, updating or
revisions to maintain applicability or value or does not require
continued delivery to producers, the proposal should so state and
provide the basis why such actions are not required. Refer to part V.B
for the review and selection process.
3. Applicants must be able to demonstrate they will receive non-
financial benefits as a result of the partnership agreement. Non-
financial benefits must accrue to the applicant and must include more
than the ability to provide employment income to the applicant or for
the applicant's employees or the community. The applicant must
demonstrate that performance under the partnership agreement will
further the specific mission of the applicant (such as providing
research or activities necessary for graduate or other students to
complete educational programs). Refer to part V.A.2 for evaluation
IV. Application and Submission Information
A. Address To Request Application Package
Applicants may download an application package from the Risk
Management Agency Web site at: Applicants may
also request an application package from: RMA/RED Partnership Agreement
Program, USDA, RMA/RED, 6501 Beacon Drive, Stop 0813, Kansas City,
Missouri 64133-4676, phone: (816) 926-6343, fax: (816) 926-7343, e-
Completed and signed application packages must be sent to: RMA/RED
Partnership Agreement Program, USDA, RMA/RED, 6501 Beacon Drive, Stop
0813, Kansas City, Missouri 64133-4676. Applicants are encouraged to
submit completed and signed application packages using overnight mail
or delivery service to ensure timely receipt by the USDA. Applicants
using the U.S. Postal Service should allow for extra security-
processing time for mail delivered to government offices.
B. Content and Form of Application Submission
A complete and valid application package must include an original,
twelve complete paper copies are requested, three copies are required,
and one copy (Microsoft Word format preferred) of the application
package on diskette or compact disc, and:
1. A completed and signed OMB Standard Form 424, ``Application for
Federal Assistance.''
2. A completed and signed OMB Standard Form 424-A, ``Budget
Information--Non-construction Programs.'' Reviewers will need
sufficient information to effectively evaluate the budget. Indirect
cost for projects submitted in response to this solicitation are
limited to 10 percent of the total direct cost of the agreement. A
sample budget narrative, including suggestions for format and content,
is available on the RMA Web site ( or upon
3. A completed and signed OMB Standard Form 424-B, ``Assurances,
Non-construction Programs.''
4. A completed and signed OMB Standard Form LLL, ``Disclosure of
Lobbying Activities.''
5. A completed and signed AD-1047, ``Certification Regarding
Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters (Primary Covered
6. A completed and signed AD-1049, ``Certification Regarding Drug-
Free Workplace.''
7. A statement of the non-financial benefits of any partnership
agreement to the recipient. (Refer to part II.B ``Non-financial
8. A completed Form R&D-1, ``Title Page and Proposal Summary.''
Each proposal must specify the single primary objective for evaluation
and funding purposes. The same or similar proposals cannot be submitted
multiple times with different primary objectives specified. If the same
or similar proposals are submitted, the first received will be the only
one evaluated.
9. A proposal narrative submitted with the application package
should be limited to 10 single-sided pages. Reviewers will need
sufficient information to effectively evaluate the application under
the criteria contained in part V. A sample narrative, including
suggestions for format and content, is available on the RMA website
( or upon request.
10. An appendix containing any attachments that may support
information in the narrative (Optional).
11. A completed Form R&D-2, ``Statement of Work.''
Applicants are responsible for ensuring the application materials
are received by the closing date. Incomplete application packages will
not receive further consideration.
C. Submission Dates and Times
The closing date and time for receipt of an application is 5 p.m.
CDT on July 5, 2005. Applications received after the deadline will not
be evaluated by the technical review panel and will not be considered
for funding.
D. Funding Restrictions
No maximum or minimum funding levels have been established for
individual projects or for categories of objectives. The funding level
by category of objective will be determined by FCIC. Indirect cost for
projects submitted in response to this solicitation are limited to 10
percent of total direct cost of the agreement. Each project may be
funded for a period of up to three years for the activities described
in this announcement.
Partnership agreement funds may not be used to:
1. Plan, repair, rehabilitate, acquire, or construct a building or
facility including a processing facility;
2. To purchase, rent, or install fixed equipment;
3. Repair or maintain privately owned vehicles;
4. Pay for the preparation of the partnership application;
5. Fund political activities;
6. Pay costs incurred prior to receiving this partnership
[[Page 29719]]
7. Fund any activities prohibited in 7 CFR Parts 3015 and 3019, as
E. Other Submission Requirements
1. An original and twelve (12) paper copies are requested, three
copies are required, of the complete and signed application, and one
copy (Microsoft Word format preferred) on diskette or compact disc must
be submitted in one package at the time of initial submission.
2. All applications must be submitted and received by the deadline.
Applications that do not meet all of the requirements in this
announcement are considered incomplete applications. Late or incomplete
applications will not be considered in this competition and will be
returned to the applicant.
3. Applications will be considered as meeting the announced
deadline if they are received in the mailroom at the address stated
above service on or before the deadline. Applicants are cautioned that
express, overnight mail or other delivery services do not always
deliver as agreed. Applicants are responsible for mailing applications
well in advance, to ensure that applications are received on or before
the deadline time and date. Applicants should be aware that there may
be significant delays in delivery if applications are mailed using the
U.S. Postal Service due to the additional security measures that mail
delivered to government offices now require. Applicants should take
this into account because failure of such delivery services will not
extend the deadline.
4. Although the application package may be downloaded
electronically, RMA cannot accommodate transmissions of application
submissions by facsimile or through other electronic media. Therefore,
applications transmitted electronically will not be accepted regardless
of the date or time of submission or the time of receipt.
V. Application Review Information
A. Criteria
1. Research Objectives--Maximum 40 points
The application must receive a minimum score of 28 points under
this criterion in order to be considered for further evaluation and
funding. Applications receiving less than 28 points will be eliminated
and will not be evaluated under criteria 2 through 4.
The proposal must clearly define the development, management and
implementation of a risk management tool designed to meet the needs of
the producers outlined for at least one of the objectives listed in
part I.D. Proposals that best meet the objective and are innovative,
clear, concise, useful, easy to understand, and address multiple risks
that result in the development of tools that provide an integrated or
holistic approach to risk mitigation will be given the highest score.
The proposal will be reviewed to determine if it is similar to a
project that has been funded, has been recommended for funding, or is
currently under development through other means.
2. Indication of RMA Involvement and Non-Financial Benefits--Maximum 10
The proposal clearly indicates areas of substantial involvement by
RMA and clearly indicates benefits derived from the partnership that
extend beyond the financial benefits or funding of the research
proposal. Those proposals that clearly outline the involvement of RMA
in all aspects of the project and demonstrate non-financial benefit
will receive the highest score. Examples of non-financial benefits
would be the benefits derived by an educational institution by
providing research opportunities to students or benefits derived
through the furtherance of an organization's mission.
3. Research Approach, Methodology, Development and Implementation--
Maximum 40 Points
The proposal clearly demonstrates a sound research approach and
defines the methodology to be used as well as describes the development
and implementation of the risk management tool. Proposals that
demonstrate a clear, concise and generally accepted research
methodology and innovative approach will receive the highest number of
4. Management--Maximum 10 Points
The proposal clearly demonstrates the applicant's ability and
resources to coordinate and manage all aspects of the proposed research
project. The applicant whose approach is the most cost effective and
optimizes the use and effective application of the funding will receive
the highest score.
B. Review and Selection Process
Each application will be evaluated using a five-part process.
First, each application will be screened by RMA to ensure that each
proposal specifies a single primary objective for evaluation and
funding purposes and the proposal meets the objectives stated in part
I.D. The same or similar proposals cannot be submitted multiple times
with different primary objectives specified. If the same or similar
proposals are submitted, the first received will be the only one
evaluated. Applications that do not meet the objectives stated in part
I.D and all other requirements in this announcement or are incomplete
will not receive further consideration.
Second, the proposal must clearly demonstrate the usefulness of the
tool and the benefits of the tool to producers of priority commodities
and demonstrate that there is a reasonable expectation that the tool
will actually be used by a substantial number of such producers. Any
proposal that does not do this will not receive further consideration.
Third, the plan will be evaluated to ensure that the risk
management tool can be delivered to producers and will be supported,
maintained, updated or revised as necessary. Any proposal where the
plan does not adequately address each of these issues will not receive
further consideration. If the plan states that such actions are not
necessary, the basis for such a determination will be evaluated and the
proposal reviewed to determine if such determination is reasonable. If
it is determined that any such actions are required and they are not
contained in the plan, the proposal will not receive further
Fourth, all eligible applications will be evaluated using the
criterion in part V.A.1. Applications must score at least 28 points
under this criteria in order to be to be evaluated further.
Fifth, all applications scoring the required 28 points will be
evaluated further under part V.A.2 through 4.
For the second and third steps, a review panel will consider all
applications that are complete and meet the objectives in part I.D. and
all other requirements in this announcement. If the panel determines
that an application is eligible to be reviewed under steps four and
five, the review panel will review the merits of the applications. The
evaluation of each application will be conducted by a panel of not less
than three independent reviewers. The panel will be comprised of
representatives from USDA, other federal agencies, and others
representing public and private organizations, as needed. The narrative
and any appendixes provided by each applicant will be used by the
review panel to evaluate the merits of the project that is being
proposed for funding. The panel will examine and score applications
based on the evaluation criteria and weights contained in part V.A.
In order to be considered for funding, a proposal must score at
least 75 points.
[[Page 29720]]
For the last step, those applications meeting the minimum number of
points will be listed in initial rank order by objective. The highest-
ranking proposal for each objective will be funded in the order of
priority (the highest ranking proposal meeting objective 1 will be
funded first and the highest ranking proposal meeting objective 2 will
be funded second, etc.). It is possible that funds could be exhausted
before funding projects for every objective. If there are funds
remaining, the process will be repeated until the funds are obligated.
The projects selected for funding will be presented, along with funding
level recommendations, to the Manager of FCIC, who will make the final
decision on awarding of a partnership agreement.
If the Manager of FCIC determines that any application is
sufficiently similar to a project that has been funded or has been
recommended to be funded under this announcement or any other research
and development program, then the Manager may elect to not fund that
application in whole or in part.
VI. Award Administration Information
A. Award Notices
Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by e-mail, whenever
possible. Therefore, each applicant is encouraged to provide an e-mail
address in the application. If an e-mail address is not indicated on an
application, receipt will be acknowledged by letter. There will be no
notification of incomplete, unqualified or unfunded applications until
the awards have been made.
When received by RMA, applications will be assigned an
identification number. This number will be communicated to applicants
in the acknowledgement of receipt of applications. An application
identification number should be referenced in all correspondence
regarding the application. If the applicant does not receive an
acknowledgement within 15 days of the submission deadline, the
applicant should contact the Research and Development Division at (816)
B. Administrative and National Policy Requirements
1. Access to Panel Review Information
Upon written request, scores from the evaluation panel, not
including the identity of reviewers, will be sent to the applicant
after the review and awards process has been completed.
2. Notification of Partnership Agreement Awards and Notification of
Following approval of the applications selected for funding, notice
of project approval and authority to draw down funds will be made to
the selected applicants in writing. Within the limit of funds available
for such purpose, the awarding official of RMA shall enter into
partnership agreements with those applicants whose applications are
judged to be most meritorious under the procedures set forth in this
announcement. The partnership agreement provides the amount of Federal
funds for use in the project period, the terms and conditions of the
award, and the time period for the project.
The effective date of the partnership agreement shall be the date
the agreement is executed by both parties. All funds provided to the
applicant by FCIC must be expended solely for the purpose for which
funds are obligated in accordance with the approved application and
budget, the regulations, the terms and conditions of the award, and the
applicability of Federal cost principles. No commitment of Federal
assistance beyond the project period is made or implied, as a result of
any award made pursuant to this announcement.
Notification of denial of funding will be sent to applicants after
final funding decisions have been made. Reasons for denial of funding
can include incomplete proposals, proposals that did not meet the
objectives, scored low or were duplicative.
3. Confidential Aspects of Proposals and Awards
When an application results in a partnership agreement, it becomes
a part of the official record of RMA transactions, available to the
public upon specific request. Information that the Secretary of
Agriculture determines to be of a confidential, privileged, or
proprietary nature will be held in confidence to the extent permitted
by law. Therefore, any information that the applicant wishes to be
considered confidential, privileged, or proprietary should be clearly
marked within the application, including the basis for such
designation. The original copy of a proposal that does not result in an
award will be retained by RMA for a period of one year. Other copies
will be destroyed. Such a proposal will be released only with the
express written consent of the applicant or to the extent required by
law. A proposal may be withdrawn at any time prior to award.
4. Administration
All partnership agreements are subject to 7 CFR part 3015.
5. Prohibitions and Requirements With Regard to Lobbying
All partnership agreements are subject to 7 CFR part 3018. A copy
of the certification and disclosure forms must be submitted with the
6. Applicable OMB Circulars
All partnership agreements funded as a result of this notice will
be subject to the requirements contained in all applicable OMB
C. Reporting
Applicants awarded a partnership agreement will be required to
submit quarterly progress and financial reports (SF-269) throughout the
project period, as well as a final program and financial report not
later than 90 days after the end of the project period.
VII. Agency Contact
If applicants have any questions they may contact: USDA, RMA/RED,
6501 Beacon Drive, Stop 0813, Kansas City, Missouri 64133-4676, or
phone: (816) 926-6343,or fax: (816) 926-7343,or e-mail:
VIII. Other Information
The names of applicants, the names of individuals identified in the
applications, the content of applications, and the panel evaluations of
applications will all be kept confidential, except to those involved in
the review process, to the extent permitted by law. In addition, the
identities of review panel members will remain confidential throughout
the entire review process and will not be released to applicants. At
the end of the fiscal year, names of panel members will be made
available. However, panelists will not be identified with the review of
any particular application.
Signed in Washington, DC, on May 18, 2005.
Ross J. Davidson, Jr.,
Manager, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
[FR Doc. 05-10252 Filed 5-23-05; 8:45 am]