The 4.9 GHz Band Transferred From Federal Government Use, 28463-28467 [05-9933]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
6. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM
Allotments under Texas, is amended by
adding Carbon, Channel 238A.
Federal Communications Commission.
John A. Karousos,
Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media
[FR Doc. 05–9813 Filed 5–17–05; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 73
[DA 05–1185, MB Docket No. 01–325, RM–
Television Broadcast Service; Green
Bay, WI
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Commission, at the
request of Green Bay 44, L.L.C.,
substitutes channel 50+ for channel 44+
at Green Bay, Wisconsin. See 66 FR
63209, December 5, 2001. TV channel
50 can be allotted to Green Bay,
Wisconsin, with a plus offset at
coordinates 44–30–48 N. and 88–00–24
W. with reduced ERP of 802 kW. Since
the community of Green Bay is located
within 400 kilometers of the U.S.Canadian border, concurrence from the
Canadian government was obtained for
this allotment. With this action, this
proceeding is terminated.
DATES: Effective June 20, 2005.
Blumenthal, Media Bureau, (202) 418–
synopsis of the Commission’s Report
and Order, MB Docket No. 01–325,
adopted April 27, 2005, and released
May 6, 2005. The full text of this
document is available for public
inspection and copying during regular
business hours in the FCC Reference
Information Center, Portals II, 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY–A257,
Washington, DC, 20554. This document
may also be purchased from the
Commission’s duplicating contractor,
Best Copy and Printing, Inc., 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY–B402,
Washington, DC 20554, telephone 301–
816–2820, facsimile 301–816–0169, or
This document does not contain [new
or modified] information collection
requirements subject to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Pub. L.
104–13. In addition, therefore, it does
not contain any new ore modified
VerDate jul<14>2003
20:54 May 17, 2005
Jkt 205001
‘‘information collection burden for
small business concerns with fewer that
25 employees,’’ pursuant to the Small
Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002,
Pub. L. 107–198, see 44 U.S.C.
The Commission will send a copy of
this Report & Order, etc. in a report to
be sent to Congress and the Government
Accountability Office pursuant to the
Congressional Review Act, see 5 U.S.C.
possess the communications resources
needed to successfully carry out their
Effective July 18, 2005.
Maguire,, Public
Safety and Critical Infrastructure
Division, Wireless Telecommunications
Bureau, (202) 418–0680, or TTY (202)
summary of the Federal
List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73
Communications Commission’s
Television broadcasting.
Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC
I Part 73 of Title 47 of the Code of
04–265, adopted on November 9, 2004,
Federal Regulations is amended as
and released on November 12, 2004.
The full text of this document is
available for inspection and copying
during normal business hours in the
FCC Reference Center, 445 12th Street,
I 1. The authority citation for Part 73
SW., Washington, DC 20554. The
continues to read as follows:
complete text may be purchased from
Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 334 and 336.
the FCC’s copy contractor, Best Copy
and Printing, Inc., 445 12th Street, SW.,
§ 73.606 [Amended]
Room CY–B402, Washington, DC 20554.
I 2. Section 73.606(b), the Table of
Television Allotments under Wisconsin, The full text may also be downloaded
is amended by removing TV channel 44+ at: Alternative
formats are available to persons with
and adding TV channel 50+ at Green
disabilities by contacting Brian Millin at
(202) 418–7426 or TTY (202) 418–7365
Federal Communications Commission.
or at
Barbara A. Kreisman,
1. The 4.9 GHz band was transferred
Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau.
from Federal Government to non[FR Doc. 05–9812 Filed 5–17–05; 8:45 am]
Federal Government use in 1999, in
accordance with the provisions of the
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. In
2000, the Commission released a Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking (65 FR 14230,
March 16, 2000) proposing to allocate
the 4.9 GHz band to non-Government
47 CFR Part 90
fixed and mobile services, and to allow
[WT Docket No. 00–32; FCC 04–265]
flexible use of this band. In 2002, the
Commission adopted the fixed and
The 4.9 GHz Band Transferred From
mobile allocation, designated the band
Federal Government Use
for use in support of public safety, and
sought comment on the establishment of
AGENCY: Federal Communications
licensing and service rules for the 4.9
GHz band. In the Third Report and
ACTION: Final rule.
Order, the Commission adopted service
rules for use of this band and addressed
SUMMARY: In this document the
petitions for reconsideration of its
Commission considers a petition for
decision to prohibit aeronautical mobile
reconsideration filed on July 30, 2003,
operations in this band.
by the National Public Safety
2. The current NPSTC petition urges
Telecommunications Council (NPSTC).
us to adopt two different emission
NPSTC requests the Commission to
masks, one mask for low power
reconsider certain technical rules in
operations, the other for high power
which the Commission adopted
licensing and service rules for the 4940– operations. NPSTC also proposes a
technology standard for general and
4990 MHz (4.9 GHz) band. The
interoperability use in the 4.9 GHz
Commission endeavors to provide 4.9
band, and seeks mandatory regional
GHz band licensees with the maximum
operational flexibility practicable and to planning and the inclusion of a conflict
resolution process in regional plans. We
encourage effective and efficient
received comments on the NPSTC
utilization of the spectrum. The
proposals from equipment
document makes significant strides
towards ensuring that agencies involved manufacturers, standards organizations,
public safety licensees and others.
in the protection of life and property
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
3. In the Second Report and Order,
and Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (67 FR 17038 April 9,
2002), the Commission sought comment
on whether technical standards should
be adopted for the 4.9 GHz band, and,
if so, what standards would be
appropriate. The Commission then
adopted a flexible band plan suited to
emerging broadband technologies that
could enhance public safety operations.
It also adopted an emission mask to
minimize out-of-band emissions that
could result in interference between 4.9
GHz devices. This mask, currently
incorporated into § 90.210 of the rules,
is referred to herein as the Section
90.210 Mask. The parameters of this
mask were derived from
recommendations from the two parties
commenting on the emission mask,
Motorola, Inc. (Motorola) and the
Association of Public-Safety
Communications Officials-International,
Inc. (APCO).
4. In the instant Petition, NPSTC
submits that the Section 94.210 Mask is
unnecessarily restrictive and would add
significantly to the cost of 4.9 GHz
equipment, thereby potentially delaying
public safety’s use of the band. It argues
that public safety must leverage
currently available (i.e., ‘‘commercialoff-the-shelf’’ (COTS)) technologies used
in adjacent bands, such as the 5.4. GHz
Unlicensed National Information
Infrastructure (U–NII) unlicensed band
and the intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) band, NPSTC indicates
that the current mask would prohibit
any significant transfer of technology
from the equipment used in these
bands. For example, NPSTC contends
that the more restrictive mask would
hamper the ability of 4.9 GHz
equipment to use chipsets employed in
equipment designed for the U–NII or
ITS bands.
5. As a substitute for the Section
90.210 Mask, NPSTC recommends that
the Commission adopt the DSRC–A and
DSRC–C masks applicable to ITS
equipment. It proposes the DSRC–A
mask for low power 4.9 GHz devices
with transmitter output power of 20
dBm or less, and recommends the
DSRC–C mask for higher power 4.9 GHz
devices with transmitter power output
greater than 20 dBm. It also contends
that adoption of these emission masks
could enable manufacture of devices
that could operate in the 4.9 GHz band,
the ITS band and the U–NII band, thus
providing the public safety community
access to these bands using a single,
low-cost device.
6. In its comments, PacketHop, Inc.
(PacketHop), a supplier of mobile
broadband ad hoc networking and
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applications for public safety, states that
adopting NPSTC’s recommendations
would create incentives for IEEE 802.11
manufacturers to leverage their current
technical skills and manufacturing
techniques to develop new, low cost,
reliable devices built to a nationwide
uniform technical standard. These
devices, PacketHop claims, would give
the public safety community access to
affordable and interoperable equipment.
The IEEE 802.18 Group submits that the
mask identified in the amended rules
90.210(l), 47 CFR 90.210 will explicitly
preclude the use of widely available
equipment compliant with IEEE 802.11a
standards and that to meet the mask as
currently specified would require the
redesign of existing chipsets and
equipment specifically for use in this
band, creating a niche market that will
result in much higher equipment costs
with virtually no benefit to the Public
Safety community. It further indicates
that the use of the IEEE 802.11a channel
mask [which is identical to the DSRC–
A mask] will have minimal effect on inband interference between channels and
will permit the use of IEEE 802.11a
compliant equipment.
7. Motorola initially favored the use of
the DSRC–C mask at power levels of 0
dBm, or more, indicating that there are
relatively straightforward and
inexpensive ways to meet standards
such as the Section 90.210 Mask and the
DSRC–C mask, while still being able to
take advantage of COTS technology. It
offered simulations purporting to show
that use of the DSRC–A mask at power
levels up to 20 dBm would result in
excessive interference when multiple
4.9 GHz devices are used at the site of
an incident. Later, however, Motorola
reached a consensus with NPSTC that
the DSRC–A and DSRC–C masks were a
reasonable regulatory substitute for the
Section 90.210 Mask, and that the
DSRC–A mask should be used for low
power devices while the more
restrictive DSRC–C mask should be used
for high power devices. However,
NPSTC and Motorola reached no
consensus on the definition of ‘‘high
power’’ and ‘‘low power’’ in this
context. Motorola argued that devices
using powers greater than 8 dBm should
be classified as high power, whereas
NPSTC maintained that devices should
be classified as ‘‘low power’’ if they
employed powers of 20 dBm or less.
8. Ultimately, on September 10, 2004,
NPSTC filed an ex parte document that
included a set of recommended rules
that put the ‘‘high power’’ breakpoint at
20 dBm. On the next business day,
Motorola filed an ex parte letter stating
that while it continued to believe that
an 8 dBm breakpoint was more
PO 00000
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appropriate, ‘‘Motorola and NPSTC
concur on the rules needed if a 20 dBm
breakpoint is used.’’
9. We recognize that benefits would
accrue to public safety agencies if they
could use 4.9 GHz devices adapted from
COTS technologies in nearby bands. In
particular, leveraging such technologies
could result in savings for state and
local governments and provide the
potential for deployment of dual-band
devices that make Internet access
available via the U–NII band adjacent to
the 4.9 GHz band. We are persuaded by
the comments submitted that we may
safely adopt the DSRC–A and DSRC–C
masks in lieu of the Section 90.210
Mask currently in our Rules, and,
therefore, will not burden public safety
agencies with unnecessary costs for 4.9
GHz devices.
10. We are encouraged that Motorola
and NPSTC reached consensus on the
rules proposed by NPSTC. However,
after review of the submissions by all
parties, we believe that 20 dBm is, in
fact, the appropriate breakpoint. This
power level strikes a reasonable balance
between interference avoidance and 4.9
GHz equipment affordability.
11. Our decision to adopt a 20 dBm
breakpoint is also grounded on the fact
that even consumer equipment in this
frequency range is relatively tolerant of
interference. The DSRC–A mask is
identical to the mask defined in the
widely-used 802.11 ‘‘Wi-Fi’’ standard
for equipment used for in-home wireless
LANs and found in consumer
‘‘hotspots’’ in businesses ranging from
coffee shops to airports. The adjacent
channel rejection (ACR) of an 802.11
receiver, using Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing (OFDM), is
defined by data throughput as a
function of the level of adjacent channel
interference. For example, an 802.11
receiver can sustain data throughput of
48 Mbits/s in the presence of an equalpower adjacent channel signal and a
throughput of 6 Mbits/s when the
adjacent channel signal is 16 dB higher.
Thus, adjacent channel interference in
these systems is a ‘‘graceful
degradation’’ of data throughput,
although loss of service can eventually
result at higher levels of adjacent
channel interference. Moreover, the
potential for interference can be
anticipated and taken into account in
the placement of 4.9 GHz devices at the
scene of an incident.
12. In assessing the proper breakpoint
for requiring the more restrictive
emission mask, we were mindful that,
although 4.9 GHz equipment operating
at power levels of 8 dBm or less may be
adequate for consumer applications, the
reliability requirements of public safety
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
communications favor higher power
levels, especially given propagation
characteristics at these frequencies.
Accordingly, were we to preclude use of
higher power on affordable units using
the DSRC–A mask, such devices could
have so few applications that they might
be unattractive to public safety agencies,
which then would have to resort to
specialized higher power units
employing the DSRC–C mask—if they
could afford such units. By comparison,
allowing the DSRC–A mask to be used
for low-cost 4.9 GHz devices at power
levels up to 20 dBm would provide
enhanced reliability—notably when
obstructions are present between
devices—albeit with the possibility of
some degradation in throughput if
multiple systems are operated on
adjacent channels in close proximity to
one another. In sum, technical,
economic and operational
considerations have informed our
decision that the DSRC–A mask should
be permitted for power levels of 20 dBm
and less, and that the DSRC–C mask
should apply to all power levels in
excess of 20 dBm.
13. NPSTC contends that technology
standards are necessary to provide
roaming capability and requests us to
develop a ‘‘clear path’’ toward
identification and adoption of a
technology standard for general and
interoperability use within the 4.9 GHz
band. NPSTC believes a standard could
be developed within the next eighteen
months and that, once the standard is
established, users should be given
approximately three years, to migrate to
the standard.
14. In the Second Report and Order
and Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, the Commission sought
comment on the adoption of two widely
contemplated broadband standards
available for wireless: LAN–IEEE
standard 802.11a, and European
Telecommunications Standardization
Institute (ETSI) Broadband Radio Access
Network (BRAN) High Performance
Local Area Network number two
(HiperLAN2). In the comments, some
parties recommended the adoption of
the 802.11a standard because of its
utility for mobile applications, and
others urged adoption of a flexible band
plan that would accommodate other
emerging broadband technologies.
Previously, the Commission found that
considerations of minimal regulation
and licensee flexibility outweighed any
benefits that adoption of a single
standard would confer. It thus declined
to adopt technology standards and
stated that potential interference
between devices using different
standards could be minimized if
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licensees cooperated in the selection
and use of channels. NPSTC asks us to
revisit that determination because, they
maintain, differing technologies
operating at the same site could generate
interference that could disrupt
communications. NPSTC believes this
interference could be avoided by use of
Internet Protocol-based (IP) applications
that would allow users to ‘‘roam
seamlessly across infrastructures (their
own and others), with their traffic
routed appropriately to its destination
across an Internet-type backbone.’’
15. We belive that there is an
insufficient record to justify adoption of
technical standards that would provide
interoperability in the 4.9 GHz band.
Moreover, the band is likely to be used
for a variety of services that do not
readily lend themselves to
standardization or interoperability.
Thus, for example, users may consider
a fixed video camera and a mobile data
terminal as distinctly separate
applications without a need to
interoperate: The video camera cannot
display data and the mobile data
terminal would not normally be used to
display video from the camera. Also,
were we to adopt a standard, it likely
would cement the 4.9 GHz band in 2004
technology such that public safety
would be denied the benefits of
emerging broadband technologies.
Finally, even were a standard realizable
in eighteen months, as NPSTC suggests,
we see no point in depriving the public
safety community the use of the 4.9 GHz
band in the interim in the hope that a
useful standard could be adopted by
that time. We therefore reaffirm our
determination in the Third Report and
Order that interoperability technical
standards for the 4.9 GHz band would
be counterproductive.
16. NPSTC supports mandatory
regional planning and the inclusion of
a conflict resolution process in regional
plans. We disagree and reaffirm our
decision in the Third Report and Order.
Our primary rationale for rejecting
mandatory regional planning lies in the
shared-use structure we have
established for the 4.9 GHz band.
Applicants that meet eligiblity criteria
will be granted a geographic area license
for the entire fifty MHz of 4.9 GHz
spectrum over a geographical area
defined by the boundaries of their
jurisdiction—city, county, state, etc.
Licensees are required to coordinate
their operations in the shared band to
avoid interference, a common practice
when joint operations are conducted.
17. The functions served by Regional
Planning Committees (RPCs) in the
public safety segments of the 700 MHz
and 800 MHz bands entail the long-term
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planning for the use of specific channels
by discrete licensees, in bands where
public safety agencies are not granted a
blanket license for the entire spectrum.
Nontheless, the Commission directed
each 700 MHz RPC to consider
coordination procedures for the 4.9 GHz
band, and that each may submit to the
Commission such a plan. It envisioned
that the plans would specify best
practices for efficient use of the 4.9 GHz
band, including, for example,
procedures to allow an incident
commander to take control of
emergency communications pursuant to
compacts made with adjacent and
overlapping jurisdictions. In the event
an RPC does not submit such a plan,
licensees must cooperate in the
selection and use of channels in order
to reduce interference and make the
most effective use of authorized
18. We continue to believe that the
technical expertise resident in the RPCs
may be quite useful to new 4.9 GHz
licensees, and we encourage dialog
between them. However, we have not
been shown that coordination of 4.9
GHz operations will be facilitated by
requiring 4.9 GHz licensees to make
mandatory use of the RPCs. The
principal task of RPC is to coordinate
selection of specific channels for use at
static base stations (and their associated
mobiles). However, given the wholeband licensing structure that we have
established and the likelihood that
deployment of 4.9 GHz equipment is
likely to be dynamic rather than static,
it would appear impractical to
formulate, in advance, an optimum
distribution of channel assignments that
would be universally suitable for each
incident. This is not to suggest that
agencies should not coordinate use of
channels at an incident, or not have a
process for doing so. However, we
believe that that task is best undertaken
by local jurisdictions, and we thus are
not prepared to mandate use of RPCs for
a purpose markedly different from that
for which they were formed.
19. Our decision essentially renders
moot NPSTC’s request that we require
RPCs to establish procedures for
resolving disputes over the use of 4.9
GHz frequencies. However, we are
aware that 700 MHz and 800 MHz RPCs
do have procedures for resolution of
disputes among licensees using those
bands. Accordingly, these RPCs may be
well-equipped to mediate disputes
arising between 4.9 GHz licensees,
should such licensees voluntarily elect
to submit such disputes to mediation.
We do not believe, however, that the
possibility of such requests for
voluntary mediation is a sufficient
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
reason to require RPCs to develop 4.9
GHz dispute resolution procedures and,
accordingly, we decline NPSTC’s
request to do so.
published in the Federal Register. See
U.S.C. 605(b).
I. Procedural Matters
24. Part 90 of the commission’s rules
is amended as specified in appendix B,
effective July 18, 2005.
25. Pursuant to Sections 4(i), 303(r),
and 405 of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i),
303(r), 405, and § 1.429 of the
commission’s Rules, 47 CFR 1.429, that
the petition for reconsideration filed by
the National Public Safety
Telecommunications Council is granted
in part and denied in part, to the extend
set forth above.
26. The Commission’s Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau, Reference
Information Center, shall send a copy of
this Memorandum Opinion and Order,
including the Final Regulatory
Flexibility Certification, to the Chief
Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
Business Administration.
A. Final Regulatory Flexibility
20. As required by the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (RFA), a Final Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) was
incorporated in the Third Report and
Order. In view of the fact that we have
adopted further rule amendments in this
Memorandum Opinion and Order, we
have included this Final Regulatory
Flexibility Certification. This
Certification conforms to the RFA.
21. The RFA requires that regulatory
flexibility analysis be prepared for
rulemaking proceedings unless the
agency certifies that ‘‘the rule will not,
if promulgated, have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.’’ The RFA
generally defines ‘‘small entity’’ as
having the same meaning as the term
‘‘small business,’’ ‘‘small organization,’’
and ‘‘small governmental jurisdiction.’’
In addition, the term ‘‘small business ’’
has the same meaning as the term
‘‘small business concern’’ under the
Small Business Act. A small business
concern is one which: (1) Is
independently owned and operated; (2)
is not dominant in its field of operation;
and (3) satisfies any additional criteria
established by the Small Business
Administration (SBA).
22. This Memorandum Opinion and
Order relaxes the technical emission
limits adopted in the Third Report and
Order for devices operating in the band
4940–4990 MHz, to be used exclusively
for public safety services. Our action
may affect equipment manufacturers
since technical equipment parameters
are being changed. However, as service
rules for the 4.9 GHz band have been
recently adopted, equipment has not yet
been developed and certified under the
Commission’s rules.
23. Therefore, we certify that the
requirements of this Memorandum
Opinion and Order will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
The Commission will send a copy of the
Memorandum Opinion and Order,
including a copy of this final
certification, in a report to Congress
pursuant to the Congressional Review
Act, see U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A). In addition,
the Memorandum Opinion and Order
and this certification will be sent to the
Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
Business Administration, and will be
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band (MHz)
II. Ordering Clauses
Mask for
without audio
low pass
L or M ......... L or M.
(l) Emission Mask L. For low power
transmitters (20 dBm or less) operating
in the 4940–4990 MHz frequency band,
the power spectral density of the
emissions must be attenuated below the
output power of the transmitter as
(1) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency between 0–45%
of the authorized bandwidth (BW): 0 dB.
(2) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency between 45–50%
of the authorized bandwidth: 219 log (%
of (BW)/45) dB.
List of Subject in 47 CFR Part 90
(3) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency between 50–55%
Communications equipment, Radio,
of the authorized bandwidth: 10 + 242
Reporting and recordkeeping
log (% of (BW)/50) dB.
(4) On any frequency removed from
Federal Communications Commission.
the assigned frequency between 55–
Marlene H. Dortch,
100% of the authorized bandwidth: 20
+ 31 log (% of (BW)/55) dB attenuation.
Final Rule
(5) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency between 100–
I For the reasons discussed in the
150% of the authorized bandwidth: 28
preamble, the Federal Communications
+ 68 log (% of (BW)/100) dB
Commission amends 47 CFR part 90 as
(6) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency above 150% of
the authorized bandwidth: 50 dB.
(7) The zero dB reference is measured
I 1. The authority citation for part 90
relative to the highest average power of
continues to read as follows:
the fundamental emission measured
across the designated channel
Authority: Sections 4(i), 11, 303(g), 303(r)
bandwidth using a resolution
and 332(c)(7) of the Communications Act of
bandwidth of at least one percent of the
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 161,
303(g), 303(r), 332(c)(7).
occupied bandwidth of the fundamental
emission and a video bandwidth of 30
I 2. Section 90.210 is amended by
kHz. The power spectral density is the
revising the entry in the table for the
power measured within the resolution
4940–4990 MHz frequency band in the
bandwidth of the measurement device
undesignated paragraph, by revising
divided by the resolution bandwidth of
paragraph (l), redesignating paragraphs
the measurement device. Emission
(m) and (n) as paragraphs (n) and (o) and
levels are also based on the use of
by adding a new paragrah (m) to read as
measurement instrumentation
employing a resolution bandwidth of at
least one percent of the occupied
§ 90.210 Emission masks.
(m) Emission Mask M. For high power
transmitters (greater that 20 dBm)
Mask for
Mask for
operating in the 4940–4990 MHz
with audio
without audio frequency band, the power spectral
band (MHz)
low pass
low pass
density of the emissions must be
attenuated below the output power of
the transmitter as follows:
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Mask for
with audio
low pass
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
(1) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency between 0–45%
of the authorized bandwidth (BW): 0 dB.
(2) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency between 45–50%
of the authorized bandwidth: 568 log (%
of (BW)/45) dB.
(3) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency between 50–55%
of the authorized bandwidth: 26 + 145
log (% of BW/50) dB.
(4) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency between 55–
100% of the authorized bandwidth: 32
+ 31 log (% of (BW)/55) dB.
(5) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency between 100–
150% of the authorized bandwidth: 40
+ 57 log (% of (BW)/100) dB.
(6) On any frequency removed from
the assigned frequency between above
150% of the authorized bandwidth: 50
dB or 55 + 10 log (P) dB, whichever is
the lesser attenuation.
(7) The zero dB reference is measured
relative to the highest average power of
the fundamental emission measured
across the designated channel
bandwidth using a resolution
bandwidth of at least one percent of the
occupied bandwidth of the fundamental
emission and a video bandwidth of 30
kHz. The power spectral density is the
power measured within the resolution
bandwidth of the measurement device
divided by the resolution bandwidth of
the measurement device. Emission
levels are also based on the use of
measurement instrumentation
employing a resolution bandwidth of at
least one percent of the occupied
High power devices are also limited to
a peak power spectral density of 21 dBm
per one MHz. High power devices using
channel bandwidths other than those
listed above are permitted; however,
they are limited to a peak power
spectral density of 21 dBm/MHz. If
transmitting antennas of directional gain
greater than 9 dBi are used, both the
peak transmit power and the peak
power spectral density should be
reduced by the amount in decibels that
the directional gain of the antenna
exceeds 9 dBi. However, high power
point-to-point or point-to-multipoint
operation (both fixed and temporaryfixed rapid deployment) may employ
transmitting antennas with directional
gain up to 26 dBi without any
corresponding reduction in the
transmitter power or spectral density.
Corresponding reduction in the peak
transmit power and peak power spectral
density should be the amount in
decibels that the directional gain of the
antenna exceeds 26 dBi.
(b) Low power devices are also
limited to a peak power spectral density
of 8 dBm per one MHz. Low power
devices using channel bandwidths other
than those listed above are permitted;
however, they are limited to a peak
power spectral density of 8 dBm/MHz.
If transmitting antennas of directional
gain greater than 9 dBi are used, both
the peak transmit power and the peak
power spectral density should be
reduced by the amount in decibels that
the directional gain of the antenna
exceeds 9 dBi.
(c) The peak transmit power is
measured as a conducted emission over
any interval of continuous transmission
Note to paragraph m: Low power devices
calibrated in terms of an RMSmay as an option, comply with paragraph
equivalent voltage. If the device cannot
be connected directly, alternative
techniques acceptable to the
Commission may be used. The
I 3. Section 90.1215 is revised to read as
measurement results shall be properly
adjusted for any instrument limitations,
§ 90.1215 Power limits.
such as detector response times, limited
resolution bandwidth capability when
The transmitting power of stations
compared to the emission bandwidth,
operating in the 4940–4990 MHz band
must not exceed the maximum limits in sensitivity, etc., so as to obtain a true
peak measurement conforming to the
this section.
definitions in this paragraph for the
(a) The peak transmit power should
emission in question.
not exceed:
(d) The peak power spectral density is
measured as conducted emission by
Low power
direct connection of a calibrated test
Channel bandwidth peak trans- peak trans- instrument to the equipment under test.
If the device cannot be connected
directly, alternative techniques
acceptable to the Commission may be
1 ............................
used. Measurements are made over a
5 ............................
bandwidth of one MHz or the 26 dB
10 ..........................
emission bandwidth of the device,
15 ..........................
whichever is less. A resolution
20 ..........................
bandwidth less than the measurement
VerDate jul<14>2003
16:58 May 17, 2005
Jkt 205001
PO 00000
Frm 00053
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
bandwidth can be used, provided that
the measured power is integrated to
show total power over the measurement
bandwidth. If the resolution bandwidth
is approximately equal to the
measurement bandwidth, and much less
than the emission bandwidth of the
equipment under test, the measured
results shall be corrected to account for
any difference between the resolution
bandwidth of the test instrument and its
actual noise bandwidth.
[FR Doc. 05–9933 Filed 5–17–05; 8:45 am]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
49 CFR Part 386
[FMCSA Docket No. FMCSA–1997–2299]
RIN 2126–AA15
Rules of Practice
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), Department
of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: FMCSA amends its Rules of
Practice for Motor Carrier, Broker,
Freight Forwarder, and Hazardous
Materials Proceedings. These rules
increase the efficiency of the
procedures, enhance due process and
awareness of the public and regulated
community, and accommodate recent
programmatic changes. The changes in
these rules apply to all motor carriers,
other business entities, and individuals
involved in motor carrier safety and
hazardous materials administrative
actions and proceedings with FMCSA.
DATES: Effective Date: November 14,
2005. Petitions for Reconsideration must
be received by the Agency no later than
June 17, 2005. Docket: Background
documents or comments received on the
proposed rules may be accessed
electronically at at
any time or in person at Room PL–401
on the Plaza level of the Nassif Building,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal
Jackie K. Cho, Office of Chief Counsel,
(202) 366–0834, Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration, 400 Seventh
Street SW., Washington, DC 20590.
Office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5:30
p.m., E.T., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays. Privacy Act:
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 95 (Wednesday, May 18, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 28463-28467]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-9933]
47 CFR Part 90
[WT Docket No. 00-32; FCC 04-265]
The 4.9 GHz Band Transferred From Federal Government Use
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: In this document the Commission considers a petition for
reconsideration filed on July 30, 2003, by the National Public Safety
Telecommunications Council (NPSTC). NPSTC requests the Commission to
reconsider certain technical rules in which the Commission adopted
licensing and service rules for the 4940-4990 MHz (4.9 GHz) band. The
Commission endeavors to provide 4.9 GHz band licensees with the maximum
operational flexibility practicable and to encourage effective and
efficient utilization of the spectrum. The document makes significant
strides towards ensuring that agencies involved in the protection of
life and property possess the communications resources needed to
successfully carry out their mission.
DATES: Effective July 18, 2005.
Safety and Critical Infrastructure Division, Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau, (202) 418-0680, or TTY (202) 418-7233.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Federal
Communications Commission's Memorandum Opinion and Order, FCC 04-265,
adopted on November 9, 2004, and released on November 12, 2004. The
full text of this document is available for inspection and copying
during normal business hours in the FCC Reference Center, 445 12th
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554. The complete text may be purchased
from the FCC's copy contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc., 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY-B402, Washington, DC 20554. The full text may also
be downloaded at: Alternative formats are available
to persons with disabilities by contacting Brian Millin at (202) 418-
7426 or TTY (202) 418-7365 or at
1. The 4.9 GHz band was transferred from Federal Government to non-
Federal Government use in 1999, in accordance with the provisions of
the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. In 2000, the Commission released
a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (65 FR 14230, March 16, 2000) proposing
to allocate the 4.9 GHz band to non-Government fixed and mobile
services, and to allow flexible use of this band. In 2002, the
Commission adopted the fixed and mobile allocation, designated the band
for use in support of public safety, and sought comment on the
establishment of licensing and service rules for the 4.9 GHz band. In
the Third Report and Order, the Commission adopted service rules for
use of this band and addressed petitions for reconsideration of its
decision to prohibit aeronautical mobile operations in this band.
2. The current NPSTC petition urges us to adopt two different
emission masks, one mask for low power operations, the other for high
power operations. NPSTC also proposes a technology standard for general
and interoperability use in the 4.9 GHz band, and seeks mandatory
regional planning and the inclusion of a conflict resolution process in
regional plans. We received comments on the NPSTC proposals from
equipment manufacturers, standards organizations, public safety
licensees and others.
[[Page 28464]]
3. In the Second Report and Order, and Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (67 FR 17038 April 9, 2002), the Commission sought comment
on whether technical standards should be adopted for the 4.9 GHz band,
and, if so, what standards would be appropriate. The Commission then
adopted a flexible band plan suited to emerging broadband technologies
that could enhance public safety operations. It also adopted an
emission mask to minimize out-of-band emissions that could result in
interference between 4.9 GHz devices. This mask, currently incorporated
into Sec. 90.210 of the rules, is referred to herein as the Section
90.210 Mask. The parameters of this mask were derived from
recommendations from the two parties commenting on the emission mask,
Motorola, Inc. (Motorola) and the Association of Public-Safety
Communications Officials-International, Inc. (APCO).
4. In the instant Petition, NPSTC submits that the Section 94.210
Mask is unnecessarily restrictive and would add significantly to the
cost of 4.9 GHz equipment, thereby potentially delaying public safety's
use of the band. It argues that public safety must leverage currently
available (i.e., ``commercial-off-the-shelf'' (COTS)) technologies used
in adjacent bands, such as the 5.4. GHz Unlicensed National Information
Infrastructure (U-NII) unlicensed band and the intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) band, NPSTC indicates that the current mask
would prohibit any significant transfer of technology from the
equipment used in these bands. For example, NPSTC contends that the
more restrictive mask would hamper the ability of 4.9 GHz equipment to
use chipsets employed in equipment designed for the U-NII or ITS bands.
5. As a substitute for the Section 90.210 Mask, NPSTC recommends
that the Commission adopt the DSRC-A and DSRC-C masks applicable to ITS
equipment. It proposes the DSRC-A mask for low power 4.9 GHz devices
with transmitter output power of 20 dBm or less, and recommends the
DSRC-C mask for higher power 4.9 GHz devices with transmitter power
output greater than 20 dBm. It also contends that adoption of these
emission masks could enable manufacture of devices that could operate
in the 4.9 GHz band, the ITS band and the U-NII band, thus providing
the public safety community access to these bands using a single, low-
cost device.
6. In its comments, PacketHop, Inc. (PacketHop), a supplier of
mobile broadband ad hoc networking and applications for public safety,
states that adopting NPSTC's recommendations would create incentives
for IEEE 802.11 manufacturers to leverage their current technical
skills and manufacturing techniques to develop new, low cost, reliable
devices built to a nationwide uniform technical standard. These
devices, PacketHop claims, would give the public safety community
access to affordable and interoperable equipment. The IEEE 802.18 Group
submits that the mask identified in the amended rules 90.210(l), 47 CFR
90.210 will explicitly preclude the use of widely available equipment
compliant with IEEE 802.11a standards and that to meet the mask as
currently specified would require the redesign of existing chipsets and
equipment specifically for use in this band, creating a niche market
that will result in much higher equipment costs with virtually no
benefit to the Public Safety community. It further indicates that the
use of the IEEE 802.11a channel mask [which is identical to the DSRC-A
mask] will have minimal effect on in-band interference between channels
and will permit the use of IEEE 802.11a compliant equipment.
7. Motorola initially favored the use of the DSRC-C mask at power
levels of 0 dBm, or more, indicating that there are relatively
straightforward and inexpensive ways to meet standards such as the
Section 90.210 Mask and the DSRC-C mask, while still being able to take
advantage of COTS technology. It offered simulations purporting to show
that use of the DSRC-A mask at power levels up to 20 dBm would result
in excessive interference when multiple 4.9 GHz devices are used at the
site of an incident. Later, however, Motorola reached a consensus with
NPSTC that the DSRC-A and DSRC-C masks were a reasonable regulatory
substitute for the Section 90.210 Mask, and that the DSRC-A mask should
be used for low power devices while the more restrictive DSRC-C mask
should be used for high power devices. However, NPSTC and Motorola
reached no consensus on the definition of ``high power'' and ``low
power'' in this context. Motorola argued that devices using powers
greater than 8 dBm should be classified as high power, whereas NPSTC
maintained that devices should be classified as ``low power'' if they
employed powers of 20 dBm or less.
8. Ultimately, on September 10, 2004, NPSTC filed an ex parte
document that included a set of recommended rules that put the ``high
power'' breakpoint at 20 dBm. On the next business day, Motorola filed
an ex parte letter stating that while it continued to believe that an 8
dBm breakpoint was more appropriate, ``Motorola and NPSTC concur on the
rules needed if a 20 dBm breakpoint is used.''
9. We recognize that benefits would accrue to public safety
agencies if they could use 4.9 GHz devices adapted from COTS
technologies in nearby bands. In particular, leveraging such
technologies could result in savings for state and local governments
and provide the potential for deployment of dual-band devices that make
Internet access available via the U-NII band adjacent to the 4.9 GHz
band. We are persuaded by the comments submitted that we may safely
adopt the DSRC-A and DSRC-C masks in lieu of the Section 90.210 Mask
currently in our Rules, and, therefore, will not burden public safety
agencies with unnecessary costs for 4.9 GHz devices.
10. We are encouraged that Motorola and NPSTC reached consensus on
the rules proposed by NPSTC. However, after review of the submissions
by all parties, we believe that 20 dBm is, in fact, the appropriate
breakpoint. This power level strikes a reasonable balance between
interference avoidance and 4.9 GHz equipment affordability.
11. Our decision to adopt a 20 dBm breakpoint is also grounded on
the fact that even consumer equipment in this frequency range is
relatively tolerant of interference. The DSRC-A mask is identical to
the mask defined in the widely-used 802.11 ``Wi-Fi'' standard for
equipment used for in-home wireless LANs and found in consumer
``hotspots'' in businesses ranging from coffee shops to airports. The
adjacent channel rejection (ACR) of an 802.11 receiver, using
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), is defined by data
throughput as a function of the level of adjacent channel interference.
For example, an 802.11 receiver can sustain data throughput of 48
Mbits/s in the presence of an equal-power adjacent channel signal and a
throughput of 6 Mbits/s when the adjacent channel signal is 16 dB
higher. Thus, adjacent channel interference in these systems is a
``graceful degradation'' of data throughput, although loss of service
can eventually result at higher levels of adjacent channel
interference. Moreover, the potential for interference can be
anticipated and taken into account in the placement of 4.9 GHz devices
at the scene of an incident.
12. In assessing the proper breakpoint for requiring the more
restrictive emission mask, we were mindful that, although 4.9 GHz
equipment operating at power levels of 8 dBm or less may be adequate
for consumer applications, the reliability requirements of public
[[Page 28465]]
communications favor higher power levels, especially given propagation
characteristics at these frequencies. Accordingly, were we to preclude
use of higher power on affordable units using the DSRC-A mask, such
devices could have so few applications that they might be unattractive
to public safety agencies, which then would have to resort to
specialized higher power units employing the DSRC-C mask--if they could
afford such units. By comparison, allowing the DSRC-A mask to be used
for low-cost 4.9 GHz devices at power levels up to 20 dBm would provide
enhanced reliability--notably when obstructions are present between
devices--albeit with the possibility of some degradation in throughput
if multiple systems are operated on adjacent channels in close
proximity to one another. In sum, technical, economic and operational
considerations have informed our decision that the DSRC-A mask should
be permitted for power levels of 20 dBm and less, and that the DSRC-C
mask should apply to all power levels in excess of 20 dBm.
13. NPSTC contends that technology standards are necessary to
provide roaming capability and requests us to develop a ``clear path''
toward identification and adoption of a technology standard for general
and interoperability use within the 4.9 GHz band. NPSTC believes a
standard could be developed within the next eighteen months and that,
once the standard is established, users should be given approximately
three years, to migrate to the standard.
14. In the Second Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, the Commission sought comment on the adoption of two widely
contemplated broadband standards available for wireless: LAN-IEEE
standard 802.11a, and European Telecommunications Standardization
Institute (ETSI) Broadband Radio Access Network (BRAN) High Performance
Local Area Network number two (HiperLAN2). In the comments, some
parties recommended the adoption of the 802.11a standard because of its
utility for mobile applications, and others urged adoption of a
flexible band plan that would accommodate other emerging broadband
technologies. Previously, the Commission found that considerations of
minimal regulation and licensee flexibility outweighed any benefits
that adoption of a single standard would confer. It thus declined to
adopt technology standards and stated that potential interference
between devices using different standards could be minimized if
licensees cooperated in the selection and use of channels. NPSTC asks
us to revisit that determination because, they maintain, differing
technologies operating at the same site could generate interference
that could disrupt communications. NPSTC believes this interference
could be avoided by use of Internet Protocol-based (IP) applications
that would allow users to ``roam seamlessly across infrastructures
(their own and others), with their traffic routed appropriately to its
destination across an Internet-type backbone.''
15. We belive that there is an insufficient record to justify
adoption of technical standards that would provide interoperability in
the 4.9 GHz band. Moreover, the band is likely to be used for a variety
of services that do not readily lend themselves to standardization or
interoperability. Thus, for example, users may consider a fixed video
camera and a mobile data terminal as distinctly separate applications
without a need to interoperate: The video camera cannot display data
and the mobile data terminal would not normally be used to display
video from the camera. Also, were we to adopt a standard, it likely
would cement the 4.9 GHz band in 2004 technology such that public
safety would be denied the benefits of emerging broadband technologies.
Finally, even were a standard realizable in eighteen months, as NPSTC
suggests, we see no point in depriving the public safety community the
use of the 4.9 GHz band in the interim in the hope that a useful
standard could be adopted by that time. We therefore reaffirm our
determination in the Third Report and Order that interoperability
technical standards for the 4.9 GHz band would be counterproductive.
16. NPSTC supports mandatory regional planning and the inclusion of
a conflict resolution process in regional plans. We disagree and
reaffirm our decision in the Third Report and Order. Our primary
rationale for rejecting mandatory regional planning lies in the shared-
use structure we have established for the 4.9 GHz band. Applicants that
meet eligiblity criteria will be granted a geographic area license for
the entire fifty MHz of 4.9 GHz spectrum over a geographical area
defined by the boundaries of their jurisdiction--city, county, state,
etc. Licensees are required to coordinate their operations in the
shared band to avoid interference, a common practice when joint
operations are conducted.
17. The functions served by Regional Planning Committees (RPCs) in
the public safety segments of the 700 MHz and 800 MHz bands entail the
long-term planning for the use of specific channels by discrete
licensees, in bands where public safety agencies are not granted a
blanket license for the entire spectrum. Nontheless, the Commission
directed each 700 MHz RPC to consider coordination procedures for the
4.9 GHz band, and that each may submit to the Commission such a plan.
It envisioned that the plans would specify best practices for efficient
use of the 4.9 GHz band, including, for example, procedures to allow an
incident commander to take control of emergency communications pursuant
to compacts made with adjacent and overlapping jurisdictions. In the
event an RPC does not submit such a plan, licensees must cooperate in
the selection and use of channels in order to reduce interference and
make the most effective use of authorized facilities.
18. We continue to believe that the technical expertise resident in
the RPCs may be quite useful to new 4.9 GHz licensees, and we encourage
dialog between them. However, we have not been shown that coordination
of 4.9 GHz operations will be facilitated by requiring 4.9 GHz
licensees to make mandatory use of the RPCs. The principal task of RPC
is to coordinate selection of specific channels for use at static base
stations (and their associated mobiles). However, given the whole-band
licensing structure that we have established and the likelihood that
deployment of 4.9 GHz equipment is likely to be dynamic rather than
static, it would appear impractical to formulate, in advance, an
optimum distribution of channel assignments that would be universally
suitable for each incident. This is not to suggest that agencies should
not coordinate use of channels at an incident, or not have a process
for doing so. However, we believe that that task is best undertaken by
local jurisdictions, and we thus are not prepared to mandate use of
RPCs for a purpose markedly different from that for which they were
19. Our decision essentially renders moot NPSTC's request that we
require RPCs to establish procedures for resolving disputes over the
use of 4.9 GHz frequencies. However, we are aware that 700 MHz and 800
MHz RPCs do have procedures for resolution of disputes among licensees
using those bands. Accordingly, these RPCs may be well-equipped to
mediate disputes arising between 4.9 GHz licensees, should such
licensees voluntarily elect to submit such disputes to mediation. We do
not believe, however, that the possibility of such requests for
voluntary mediation is a sufficient
[[Page 28466]]
reason to require RPCs to develop 4.9 GHz dispute resolution procedures
and, accordingly, we decline NPSTC's request to do so.
I. Procedural Matters
A. Final Regulatory Flexibility Certification
20. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), a Final
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) was incorporated in the Third
Report and Order. In view of the fact that we have adopted further rule
amendments in this Memorandum Opinion and Order, we have included this
Final Regulatory Flexibility Certification. This Certification conforms
to the RFA.
21. The RFA requires that regulatory flexibility analysis be
prepared for rulemaking proceedings unless the agency certifies that
``the rule will not, if promulgated, have a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small entities.'' The RFA generally defines
``small entity'' as having the same meaning as the term ``small
business,'' ``small organization,'' and ``small governmental
jurisdiction.'' In addition, the term ``small business '' has the same
meaning as the term ``small business concern'' under the Small Business
Act. A small business concern is one which: (1) Is independently owned
and operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3)
satisfies any additional criteria established by the Small Business
Administration (SBA).
22. This Memorandum Opinion and Order relaxes the technical
emission limits adopted in the Third Report and Order for devices
operating in the band 4940-4990 MHz, to be used exclusively for public
safety services. Our action may affect equipment manufacturers since
technical equipment parameters are being changed. However, as service
rules for the 4.9 GHz band have been recently adopted, equipment has
not yet been developed and certified under the Commission's rules.
23. Therefore, we certify that the requirements of this Memorandum
Opinion and Order will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities. The Commission will send a copy
of the Memorandum Opinion and Order, including a copy of this final
certification, in a report to Congress pursuant to the Congressional
Review Act, see U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A). In addition, the Memorandum
Opinion and Order and this certification will be sent to the Chief
Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration, and will be
published in the Federal Register. See U.S.C. 605(b).
II. Ordering Clauses
24. Part 90 of the commission's rules is amended as specified in
appendix B, effective July 18, 2005.
25. Pursuant to Sections 4(i), 303(r), and 405 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 303(r), 405,
and Sec. 1.429 of the commission's Rules, 47 CFR 1.429, that the
petition for reconsideration filed by the National Public Safety
Telecommunications Council is granted in part and denied in part, to
the extend set forth above.
26. The Commission's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau,
Reference Information Center, shall send a copy of this Memorandum
Opinion and Order, including the Final Regulatory Flexibility
Certification, to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business
List of Subject in 47 CFR Part 90
Communications equipment, Radio, Reporting and recordkeeping
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene H. Dortch,
Final Rule
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal Communications
Commission amends 47 CFR part 90 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 90 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Sections 4(i), 11, 303(g), 303(r) and 332(c)(7) of
the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i), 161,
303(g), 303(r), 332(c)(7).
2. Section 90.210 is amended by revising the entry in the table for the
4940-4990 MHz frequency band in the undesignated paragraph, by revising
paragraph (l), redesignating paragraphs (m) and (n) as paragraphs (n)
and (o) and by adding a new paragrah (m) to read as follows:
Sec. 90.210 Emission masks.
* * * * *
Mask for equipment Mask for equipment
Frequency band (MHz) with audio low pass without audio low
filter pass filter
* * * * *
4940-4990 MHz.................. L or M............. L or M.
* * * * *
* * * * *
(l) Emission Mask L. For low power transmitters (20 dBm or less)
operating in the 4940-4990 MHz frequency band, the power spectral
density of the emissions must be attenuated below the output power of
the transmitter as follows:
(1) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between 0-
45% of the authorized bandwidth (BW): 0 dB.
(2) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between
45-50% of the authorized bandwidth: 219 log (% of (BW)/45) dB.
(3) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between
50-55% of the authorized bandwidth: 10 + 242 log (% of (BW)/50) dB.
(4) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between
55-100% of the authorized bandwidth: 20 + 31 log (% of (BW)/55) dB
(5) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between
100-150% of the authorized bandwidth: 28 + 68 log (% of (BW)/100) dB
(6) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency above 150%
of the authorized bandwidth: 50 dB.
(7) The zero dB reference is measured relative to the highest
average power of the fundamental emission measured across the
designated channel bandwidth using a resolution bandwidth of at least
one percent of the occupied bandwidth of the fundamental emission and a
video bandwidth of 30 kHz. The power spectral density is the power
measured within the resolution bandwidth of the measurement device
divided by the resolution bandwidth of the measurement device. Emission
levels are also based on the use of measurement instrumentation
employing a resolution bandwidth of at least one percent of the
occupied bandwidth.
(m) Emission Mask M. For high power transmitters (greater that 20
dBm) operating in the 4940-4990 MHz frequency band, the power spectral
density of the emissions must be attenuated below the output power of
the transmitter as follows:
[[Page 28467]]
(1) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between 0-
45% of the authorized bandwidth (BW): 0 dB.
(2) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between
45-50% of the authorized bandwidth: 568 log (% of (BW)/45) dB.
(3) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between
50-55% of the authorized bandwidth: 26 + 145 log (% of BW/50) dB.
(4) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between
55-100% of the authorized bandwidth: 32 + 31 log (% of (BW)/55) dB.
(5) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between
100-150% of the authorized bandwidth: 40 + 57 log (% of (BW)/100) dB.
(6) On any frequency removed from the assigned frequency between
above 150% of the authorized bandwidth: 50 dB or 55 + 10 log (P) dB,
whichever is the lesser attenuation.
(7) The zero dB reference is measured relative to the highest
average power of the fundamental emission measured across the
designated channel bandwidth using a resolution bandwidth of at least
one percent of the occupied bandwidth of the fundamental emission and a
video bandwidth of 30 kHz. The power spectral density is the power
measured within the resolution bandwidth of the measurement device
divided by the resolution bandwidth of the measurement device. Emission
levels are also based on the use of measurement instrumentation
employing a resolution bandwidth of at least one percent of the
occupied bandwidth.
Note to paragraph m: Low power devices may as an option, comply
with paragraph (m).
* * * * *
3. Section 90.1215 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 90.1215 Power limits.
The transmitting power of stations operating in the 4940-4990 MHz
band must not exceed the maximum limits in this section.
(a) The peak transmit power should not exceed:
Low power
peak High power
Channel bandwidth (MHz) transmitter peak
power transmitter
(dBm) power (dBm)
1............................................. 7 20
5............................................. 14 27
10............................................ 17 30
15............................................ 18.8 31.8
20............................................ 20 33
High power devices are also limited to a peak power spectral
density of 21 dBm per one MHz. High power devices using channel
bandwidths other than those listed above are permitted; however, they
are limited to a peak power spectral density of 21 dBm/MHz. If
transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 9 dBi are used,
both the peak transmit power and the peak power spectral density should
be reduced by the amount in decibels that the directional gain of the
antenna exceeds 9 dBi. However, high power point-to-point or point-to-
multipoint operation (both fixed and temporary-fixed rapid deployment)
may employ transmitting antennas with directional gain up to 26 dBi
without any corresponding reduction in the transmitter power or
spectral density. Corresponding reduction in the peak transmit power
and peak power spectral density should be the amount in decibels that
the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 26 dBi.
(b) Low power devices are also limited to a peak power spectral
density of 8 dBm per one MHz. Low power devices using channel
bandwidths other than those listed above are permitted; however, they
are limited to a peak power spectral density of 8 dBm/MHz. If
transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 9 dBi are used,
both the peak transmit power and the peak power spectral density should
be reduced by the amount in decibels that the directional gain of the
antenna exceeds 9 dBi.
(c) The peak transmit power is measured as a conducted emission
over any interval of continuous transmission calibrated in terms of an
RMS-equivalent voltage. If the device cannot be connected directly,
alternative techniques acceptable to the Commission may be used. The
measurement results shall be properly adjusted for any instrument
limitations, such as detector response times, limited resolution
bandwidth capability when compared to the emission bandwidth,
sensitivity, etc., so as to obtain a true peak measurement conforming
to the definitions in this paragraph for the emission in question.
(d) The peak power spectral density is measured as conducted
emission by direct connection of a calibrated test instrument to the
equipment under test. If the device cannot be connected directly,
alternative techniques acceptable to the Commission may be used.
Measurements are made over a bandwidth of one MHz or the 26 dB emission
bandwidth of the device, whichever is less. A resolution bandwidth less
than the measurement bandwidth can be used, provided that the measured
power is integrated to show total power over the measurement bandwidth.
If the resolution bandwidth is approximately equal to the measurement
bandwidth, and much less than the emission bandwidth of the equipment
under test, the measured results shall be corrected to account for any
difference between the resolution bandwidth of the test instrument and
its actual noise bandwidth.
[FR Doc. 05-9933 Filed 5-17-05; 8:45 am]