Notice of HUD's Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 Notice of Funding Availability, Policy Requirements and General Section to SuperNOFA for HUD's Discretionary Grant Programs; Correction, 28553-28569 [05-9831]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
experience, we encourage the
submission of resumes highlighting
experience in the maritime and security
Dated: May 3, 2005.
Robert R. O’Brien Jr.,
U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the Port
Hampton Roads.
[FR Doc. 05–9829 Filed 5–17–05; 8:45 am]
Transportation Security Administration
Reports, Forms, and Recordkeeping
Requirements: Agency Information
Collection Activity Under OMB Review;
TSA Customer Comment Card
Transportation Security
Administration (TSA), DHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces that
TSA has forwarded the Information
Collection Request (ICR) abstracted
below to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for review and clearance
of an extension of a currently approved
collection under the Paperwork
Reduction Act. The ICR describes the
nature of the information collection and
its expected burden. TSA published a
Federal Register notice, with a 60-day
comment period soliciting comments, of
the following collection of information
on March 8, 2005, 70 FR 11255.
DATES: Send your comments by June 17,
2005. A comment to OMB is most
effective if OMB receives it within 30
days of publication.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be faxed to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, Attention: DHS–TSA Desk
Officer, at (202) 395–5806.
Katrina Wawer, Information Collection
Specialist, Office of Transportation
Security Policy, TSA–9, Transportation
Security Administration, 601 South
12th Street, Arlington, VA 22202–4220;
telephone (571) 227–1995; facsimile
(571) 227–2594.
Transportation Security Administration
Title: Customer Comment Card.
Type of Request: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
OMB Control Number: 1652–0030.
Forms(s): TSA Customer Comment
Affected Public: Airport passengers.
VerDate jul<14>2003
14:03 May 17, 2005
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Abstract: This information collection
established a voluntary program for
airport passengers to provide feedback
to TSA regarding their experiences with
TSA security procedures. The collection
allows TSA to determine and respond to
customer concerns about security
procedures and policies. TSA intends to
continue to make available to airports a
Customer Comment Card, which will
collect feedback and, if the passenger
desires, contact information so that TSA
staff can respond to the passenger’s
comment. For passengers who deposit
their cards in the designated dropboxes, TSA airport staff will collect the
cards, categorize comments, enter the
results into an online system for
reporting, and respond to passengers as
necessary. Passengers also have the
option to mail the cards directly to TSA.
TSA also will continue to provide the
TSA Contact Center for passengers to
make comments independently of
airport involvement. The TSA is
requesting an extension so that it can
continue to immediately collect and
respond in a timely manner to
comprehensive feedback, which serves
as critical input when the TSA must
modify its screening procedures.
Number of Respondents: 1,783,800.
Estimated Annual Burden Hours: An
estimated 150,880 hours.
TSA is soliciting comments to—
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
information requirement is necessary for
the proper performance of the functions
of the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Issued in Arlington, Virginia, on May 12,
Lisa S. Dean,
Privacy Officer.
[FR Doc. 05–9895 Filed 5–17–05; 8:45 am]
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[Docket No. FR–4950–C–1B]
Notice of HUD’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2005
Notice of Funding Availability, Policy
Requirements and General Section to
SuperNOFA for HUD’s Discretionary
Grant Programs; Correction
Office of the Secretary, HUD.
Super Notice of Funding
Availability (SuperNOFA) for HUD
Discretionary Grant Programs;
SUMMARY: On March 21, 2005, HUD
published its Fiscal Year (FY) 2005,
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA),
Policy Requirements and General
Section to the SuperNOFA for HUD’s
Discretionary Grant Programs. This
document makes corrections to the
Indian Community Development Block
Grant Program (ICDBG), the HispanicServing Institutions Assisting
Communities (HSIAC) Program, the
Community Outreach Partnership
Centers (COPC) Program, the Housing
Counseling Program, the Lead-Based
Paint Hazard Control Grant Program, the
Healthy Homes Technical Studies
Program, the Lead Technical Studies
Program, the Lead Outreach Grant
Program, the Lead Hazard Reduction
Demonstration Grant Program, the
Healthy Homes Demonstration Grant
Program, the Operation Lead
Elimination Action Program, the
Youthbuild Program, the Public
Housing Neighborhood Networks
Program, the Public Housing Resident
Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency
(ROSS) Program, the Public Housing
Family Self Sufficiency Program, the
Assisted Living Conversion Program,
and the Continuum of Care Program.
This notice also extends the application
submission dates for the ICDBG
Program, the Housing Counseling
Program, the Public Housing
Neighborhood Networks Program, and
the Public Housing Family SelfSufficiency Program. These changes
affect the NOFAS listed, but do not
affect the application packages on
DATES: The application submission
dates for the following program sections
of the SuperNOFA have been extended
as follows:
Indian Community Development
Block Grant Program: June 20, 2005.
Housing Counseling Program: June 27,
Public Housing Neighborhood
Networks Program: June 11, 2005.
Public Housing Family SelfSufficiency Program: June 28, 2005.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
With the exception of the Section 811
Supportive Housing for Persons with
Disabilities Program NOFA for which
HUD published a technical correction
and deadline extension (May 10, 2005,
70 FR 24609), the application
submission dates for all other program
sections of the SuperNOFA remain as
published in the Federal Register on
March 21, 2005.
the programs listed in this notice, please
contact the office or individual listed
under Section VII of the individual
program sections of the SuperNOFA,
published on March 21, 2005.
21, 2005 (70 FR 13575), HUD published
its Notice of HUD’s Fiscal Year (FY)
2005, Notice of Funding Availability
(NOFA), Policy Requirements and
General Section to the SuperNOFA for
HUD’s Discretionary Grant Programs.
The FY2005 SuperNOFA announced the
availability of approximately $2.26
billion in HUD assistance. This notice
published in today’s Federal Register
makes technical corrections to the
Indian Community Development Block
Grant Program (ICDBG), the HispanicServing Institutions Assisting
Communities (HSIAC) Program, the
Community Outreach Partnership
Centers (COPC) Program, the Housing
Counseling Program, the Lead-Based
Paint Hazard Control Grant Program, the
Healthy Homes Technical Studies
Program, the Lead Technical Studies
Program, the Lead Outreach Grant
Program, the Lead Hazard Reduction
Demonstration Grant Program, the
Healthy Homes Demonstration Grant
Program, the Operation Lead
Elimination Action Program, the
Youthbuild Program, the Public
Housing Neighborhood Networks
Program, the Public Housing Resident
Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency
(ROSS) Program, the Public Housing
Family Self Sufficiency Program, the
Assisted Living Conversion Program,
and the Continuum of Care Program.
Summary of Technical Corrections
Summaries of the technical
corrections made by this document
follow. The page number shown in
brackets identifies where the individual
funding availability announcement that
is being corrected can be found in the
March 21, 2005, SuperNOFA. The
technical correction described in today’s
Federal Register will also be reflected in
the application instructions located on Applicants
submitting their applications
electronically are encouraged to read the
instructions located on
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Apply prior to submitting their
General Section [Page 13575]
On page 13593, HUD is publishing a
revised Appendix A, entitled ‘‘HUD
2005 SuperNOFA Funding Chart that
contains revised and extended
deadlines for ICDBG Program, the
Housing Counseling Program, the Public
Housing Neighborhood Networks
Program, and the Public Housing Family
Self-Sufficiency Program. The revised
Funding Chart also reflects the extended
deadline for the Section 811 Program as
established by HUD’s technical
correction published on May 10, 2005,
(70 FR 24609).
Indian Community Development Block
Grant Program (ICDBG) [Page 13654]
On page 13655, Overview
Information, section F., first column is
revised to reflect an extension of the
application submission date.
On page 13655, section I.C., third
column, HUD mistakenly referenced
FY2004 when establishing the grant
ceiling for imminent threat requests.
The $425,000 grant ceiling for imminent
threat requests is for FY2005.
On page 13657, section II.C 3., first
column, HUD incorrectly provided that
grantees, by accepting a grant, must
provide assurance that it will comply
with 24 CFR part 95. In fact, grantees
must provide assurance that they will
comply with 24 CFR part 85.
On page 13666, section V.A. under
Rating Factor 2, paragraph (b), third
column, HUD incorrectly listed the
dollar range needed to obtain 10 points
for New Housing Construction, Housing
Rehabilitation, Land Acquisition to
support New Housing and
Homeownership Assistance Projects.
Consistent with Appendix A of the
program NOFA, grantees will receive 10
points if the dollar amount for the
Indian Tribe for this factor is $676–
On page 13667, section V.A. under
Rating Factor 3, paragraph (1), first
column, HUD incorrectly noted that
applicants must include anticipated cost
savings due to innovative program
design ‘‘or’’ construction methods. In
fact, applicants must include
anticipated cost savings due to
innovative program design or
construction methods or both.
On page 13670, section V.A. under
Rating Factor 5, paragraph (1), first
column, HUD inadvertently failed to
indicate that up to two points are
available for this selection factor. In
addition, on page 13670, section V.A.
under Rating Factor 5, paragraph (2),
first column, HUD inadvertently failed
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to indicate that up to three points are
available for this selection factor.
On page 13670, section V.B.2., middle
column, paragraph entitled ‘‘Threshold
Compliance,’’ HUD’s cross-reference
contained a typographic error. The
cross-reference should direct readers to
section III.C.3 and 4 of the ICDBG
program NOFA.
These corrections are also reflected in
the instructions found on
Apply. HUD encourages applicants to
read the instructions on
Apply prior to submitting your
application in response to the ICDBG
Program funding opportunity.
Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting
Communities (HSIAC) Program [Page
On page 13712, section G.3., middle
column, and on page 13712, in section
III.A., third column, HUD inadvertently
misdirected readers to the General
Section for a definition of ‘‘Colonias.’’
Readers should be directed to
Attachment C of the HSIAC program
NOFA for the definition of ‘‘Colonias.’’
On page 13718, section V.B.3., third
column, HUD intends to add a sentence
that provides that it will fund the two
highest rated application that serve
Colonias areas that score above 75
These corrections are also reflected in
the instructions found on
Apply. HUD encourages applicants to
read the instructions on
Apply prior to submitting your
application in response to the HSIAC
Program funding opportunity.
Community Outreach Partnership
Centers (COPC) [Page 13743]
On page 13744, section G.3., second
column, page 13745, section III.A, first
column, and on page 13753, section
V.B.3., first column, HUD inadvertently
misdirected readers to the General
Section for a definition of ‘‘Colonias.’’
Readers should be directed to
Attachment C of the COPC for the
definition of ‘‘Colonias.’’
This correction is also reflected in the
instructions found on
HUD encourages applicants to read the
instructions on prior
to submitting your application in
response to the COPC Program funding
Housing Counseling Programs [Page
On page 13807, Overview
Information, section F., first column, the
application submission date is extended
to June 13, 2005.
On pages 13807 to 13808, sections
II.A, II.B.1. and 2., and II.C.1 and 2.,
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
HUD had originally earmarked $2.75
million for housing counseling training
and had planned to make this assistance
available through a separate NOFA.
HUD has now decided not to issue a
housing counseling training NOFA and
to allocate the $2.75 million to this
Housing Counseling Program NOFA. As
a result, the total amount of assistance
now available through this NOFA is
increased from $38.914 million to
$41.664 million. HUD has decided to
increase the amount of assistance for
comprehensive counseling for
intermediaries by $1.0 million, increase
HECM counseling by $1.0 million and
increase comprehensive counseling for
Local Housing Counseling Agencies by
$750,000. In addition, this notice
corrects an error in the chart following
section II.B.1., that listed
comprehensive counseling funds for the
Denver HOC as $345,317 instead of
$3,345,317. With the distribution of the
$2.75 million now allocated to this
NOFA, the new comprehensive total for
Denver is $3,539,511. This change also
affects amounts available for individuals
awards under the LHCA and the HUDapproved intermediaries initiatives.
On page 13811, section III.C.3.b., first
column, HUD inadvertently omitted the
word ‘‘comprehensive’’ from the text.
The word ‘‘comprehensive’’ is
significant because grant awards are
calculated based on a score for
comprehensive funds. All applicants
that achieve a fundable score are
awarded a base amount for
comprehensive counseling.
On page 13812, section III.C.4.b.,
subsections (4) and (5), second column,
HUD is republishing these paragraphs to
clarify eligibility requirement.
On page 13812, section III.C.4.c.(1)(a),
third column, HUD incorrectly cited
section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code in defining nonprofit status. The
correct cite should be section 501(c) of
the Internal Revenue Code.
On page 13814, section IV.B.2., first
and second columns, HUD is clarifying
the period of performance that should
be reflected on the required form HUD–
9902. HUD also inadvertently included,
as part of the application checklist,
‘‘Letters, Contracts and MOU’s.’’ HUD is
removing this requirement consistent
with Rating Factor 4.
On page 13818, section V.A.3.c.(1)(e),
first column, HUD is republishing this
subsection to clarify the information
On page 13818, section V.A.3.c.(2)(b)
and section V.A.3.c.(2)(c), third column,
HUD is republishing these subsections
to correct the cross-references.
On page 13819, section V.A.3.c.(3)(a),
first column, HUD is republishing the
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first paragraph of this subsection to
correct the cross-reference.
On page 13820, section V.A.3.c.(5)(b)
and (c), first column, HUD is
republishing the paragraphs (b) and (c)
to correct the cross-references.
On page 13821, first column, section
V.A.3.d, first column, HUD is clarifying
the period of performance regarding the
requested leveraged resources.
On page 13821, section V.A.3.d.(3),
first and second columns, HUD is
republishing the paragraph to indicate
that HUD’s interest regarding leveraged
resources is limited to those resources
corresponding to anticipated subgrantees and not the entire network of
affiliated counseling agencies.
On page 13821, section V.A.3.e.(1)(a),
third column, HUD is revising the
bulleted text in order to clarify the
On page 13822, section V.B., second
column, HUD is publishing a
description of funding methodology as
well as an explanation of reallocation of
unspent funds.
These corrections are also reflected in
the instructions found on
Apply. HUD encourages applicants to
read the instructions on
Apply prior to submitting your
application in response to the Housing
Counseling Program funding
Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control
Program [Page 13836]
On page 13838, section III.A.1.a.,
third column, HUD incorrectly defined
‘‘general applicant,’’ specifically as
related to previously funded lead-based
paint hazard control grantees.
Consistent with the chart at page 13839,
general applicants are new applicants,
previously funded lead-based paint
hazard control grantees whose period of
performance ended prior to the NOFA
submission date, and current grantees
with grants ending on or before
December 31, 2005 (including those
who are not awarded under the
Competitive Performance-Based
Renewal category).
On page 13848, section V.A.3, third
column, HUD incorrectly listed 30
available points for Rating Factor 3:
Soundness of Approach, however
consistent with information at sections
V.A.3.a., V.A.3.b., and V.A.3.d. there are
actually 40 available points for this
rating factor.
These corrections are also reflected in
the instructions found on
Apply. HUD encourages applicants to
read the instructions on
Apply prior to submitting your
application in response to the Lead-
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Based Paint Hazard Control Program
funding opportunity.
Healthy Homes Technical Studies
Program [Page 13860]
On page 13864, section IV.B.1.i, third
column and continuing to page 13865,
first column, under ‘‘Required Forms
and Budget Material,’’ HUD is deleting
the bullet reading, ‘‘Form HUD 2994
Client Comments and Suggestions
(Optional)’’ and substituting the ‘‘Form
HUD–2993 Acknowledgement of
Application Receipt, applicable to paper
copy submissions only.’’
This correction is also reflected in the
instructions found on
HUD encourages applicants to read the
instructions on prior
to submitting your application in
response to the Health Home Technical
Studies Program funding opportunity.
Lead Technical Studies [Page 13871]
On page 13876, section IV.B.1.j., first
column, under ‘‘Required Forms and
Budget Material,’’ among the list of
required forms and budget material,
HUD is adding Form HUD–2993
Acknowledgement of Application
Receipt, applicable to paper copy
submissions only. This technical
correction amends the instructions
found on as
Instructions to be downloaded along
with the electronic application for the
Lead Technical Studies Program
funding opportunity made available on
Lead Outreach Grant Program [Page
On page 13884, section IV.B.2.b.(7),
third column, HUD is removing from
the list of required documentation, the
copy of the HUD-approved waiver from
electronic submission requirement.
On pages 13891–13895, the forms
were not intended for this program and
were inadvertently included. The forms,
HUD–96012, 96013, 96014, and 96015,
and Work Plan Development Worksheet
should be disregarded and were not
included in the application package on
These corrections are also reflected in
the instructions found on
Apply. HUD encourages applicants to
download and read the instructions on prior to submitting
your application in response to the Lead
Outreach Grant Program funding
Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration
Program [Page 13896]
On page 13900, section V.B., third
column, HUD is removing from the list
of required forms, the copy of the HUD-
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
approved waiver from electronic
submission requirement.
This correction is also reflected in the
instructions found on
HUD encourages applicants to
download and read the instructions on prior to submitting
your application in response to the Lead
Hazard Reduction Demonstration
Program funding opportunity.
Healthy Homes Demonstration Program
[Page 13919]
On page 13920, section G.1, first
column, HUD is making a clarification
related to the content of appendices.
On page 13923, section III.C.3.n.,
third column, HUD is correcting a
typographical error in a cross-reference.
The section reference in the last
sentence is being revised to read,
section V.A.2.c.
On page 13924, section IV.B.7., under
‘‘Checklist for Healthy Homes
Demonstration Program Applicants,’’
beginning on the second column and
continuing to the third column, HUD
inadvertently listed forms HUD–96013
and HUD–96014, which are not part of
this application. The forms, located on
pages 13933 and 13934 should be
disregarded. The electronic application
package and instructions did not
contain these forms.
On page 13924, section IV.B.7., under
‘‘Checklist for Healthy Homes
Demonstration Program Applicants,’’
beginning on the second column and
continuing to the third column, HUD is
removing from the list of required
documentation, the copy of HUD’s
approved waiver from electronic
submission requirement.
On page 13924, section IV.B.7. under
‘‘Checklist for Healthy Homes
Demonstration Program Applicants,’’
beginning on the second column and
continuing to the third column under,
‘‘Required materials in response to
rating factors,’’ although referenced on
page 13928, HUD did not include Form
HUD–27300 in the checklist. Therefore,
the checklist is corrected to include
Form HUD–27300 Questionnaire for
HUD’s Initiative on Removal of
Regulatory Barriers and the application
instructions are amended to include the
form as a file for attachment to the
electronic application either as an
attached, scanned or faxed document.
On page 13926, section V.A.2.a.(4),
middle column, the table referenced at
Web site
adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm is located at
the end of the NOFA.
On page 13929, section V.A.2.d.(2),
first column, a clarification is made that
indicates that the Rating Factor 4 Table
can be found at the end of the NOFA.
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On page 13931, section VIII.B, third
column, a change is necessary to clarify
the contents of the appendix.
Operation Lead Elimination Action
Program [Page 13936]
On page 13939, section IV.B.a.(2),
third column, under ‘‘Checklist and
Submission Table of Contents Lead
Elimination Action Program,’’ HUD is
removing from the list of required
documentation, the copy of HUD’s
approved waiver from electronic
submission requirement.
This technical correction amends the
instructions found on
as Instructions to be downloaded along
with the electronic application for the
Operation Lead Elimination Action
Program funding opportunity made
available on
Youthbuild [Page 13977]
On page 13985, section V.E., middle
column, two changes are made to
correct typographical errors. First, in the
sixth bulleted item, it is made clear that
the numerator is the number of
graduates who have entered
employment or enrolled in post
secondary education. Second, in the
seventh bulleted item, it is made clear
that it is the number and percentage of
participants, not graduates, who made
literacy and numeracy gains.
This correction is also reflected in the
instructions found on
HUD encourages applicants to
download and read the instructions on prior to submitting
your application in response to the
Youthbuild Program funding
Public Housing Neighborhood
Networks [Page 14023]
On page 14024, Overview
Information, section F., first column, the
application submission deadline is
extended to July 11, 2005.
On page 14027, section III.C.1, first
column, a new paragraph ‘‘g,’’ and on
page 14028, section IV.B.4.(2), middle
column a new paragraph ‘‘4’’ is added
to clarify and make consistent the
requirements for site control for off-site
On page 14028, section IV.B.4.(2), tab
2, middle column, HUD is adding a new
paragraph ‘‘4’’ that addresses
documentation of site control.
On page 14028, section IV.E.2.c, third
column, additional explanation is added
concerning salaries of staff that provide
direct services to residents. Direct
services staff are defined as housing
authority personnel who, as their
primary responsibility, provide services
directly to residents that participate in
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the activities described in this
On page 14028, section IV.E.4.f., third
column, to avoid confusion, the
paragraph is revised stating that salaries
and fringe benefits for staff that are not
direct services staff are among the list of
ineligible activities/costs.
These corrections are also reflected in
the instructions found on
Apply. HUD encourages applicants to
download and read the instructions on prior to submitting
your application in response to the
Public Housing Neighborhood Networks
Program funding opportunity.
Public Housing Resident Opportunities
and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Program
[Page 14054]
On page 14063, section III.C.2.i., first
column, a modification is made to
indicate that Tribal/TDHE applicants
must provide a letter that certifies
compliance with the requirement that
such applicants to the HSS program
have a Low-Income Homeownership
Program outlined in their current Indian
Housing Plan.
On page 14065, section IV.E.6.h.,
third column, HUD is removing a
provision that was unintentionally
included in the NOFA. This correction
will delete the paragraph (h) that
incorrectly lists ‘‘Elderly/Disabled
Service Coordinator salary and fringe
These corrections are also reflected in
the instructions found on
Apply. HUD encourages applicants to
download and read the instructions on prior to submitting
your application in response to the
ROSS Program funding opportunity.
Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency
Program [Page 14087]
On page 14087, section F. under
‘‘Overview Information,’’ the due date of
June 20, 2005 is extended to June 28,
On page 14088, section A.3. under
‘‘Overview Information’’, second
column, the ‘‘Award Amounts’’
paragraph is revised to better explain
the salary and fringe benefit provisions.
A corresponding change is made in the
table in the third column.
On page 14089, section III.C., second
column, add a new paragraph III.C.1
that explains that FSS grant funds may
only be used to pay for the annual salary
and fringe benefits of a FSS Program
Coordinator. Subsequent paragraphs
will be renumbered accordingly.
On page 14090, section III.C.2.g.,
second column, HUD is revising this
section in order to make clarifications
concerning renewal of FSS program
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
coordinator salary as well as staffing
On pages 14107 and 14108, HUD
Form 52767, HUD is correcting
typographical errors. First, in 5.d and
10.a the amount $63,000 should read
‘‘$65,000.’’ In addition, there are three
references in number 9 that will be
changed from ‘‘03’’ to ‘‘04.’’
These corrections are also reflected in
the instructions found on
Apply. HUD encourages applicants to
download and read the instructions on prior to submitting
your application in response to the
Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency
Program funding opportunity.
Assisted Living Conversion Program
[Page 14148]
On page 14149, section I, middle
column, last full paragraph, HUD is
revising the amount of funds set-aside
for the emergency capital repairs.
On page 14150, section III.A.1, first
column, HUD is adding owners of
assisted living facilities to the list of
ineligible applicants.
On page 14157, section IV.F., middle
column, HUD is adding a new
paragraph, IV.F.5. that explains
application submission procedures for
applicants that are granted a waiver
from the electronic submission
requirement. If an applicant is granted
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a waiver, the applicant must submit an
original and four copies of the
application to the director of the
appropriate Multifamily Hub Office.
On page 14160, section VII.A, third
column, HUD is adding additional
instructions for applicants in how they
may contact HUD Multifamily Hubs.
These corrections are also reflected in
the instructions found on
Apply. HUD encourages applicants to
download and read the instructions on prior to submitting
your application in response to the
ALCP Program funding opportunity.
Continuum of Care Homeless
Assistance Programs [Page 14272]
On page 14279, section III.C.3.e.(2)(b),
middle column, HUD is adding
additional explanation about calculating
administrative allocation.
On page 14288, section 2, on page
14289, sections 3, 4, and 5, and on page
14290, section 6, Form HUD–2992
‘‘Certification Regarding Debarment and
Suspension’’ was inadvertently
included with the list of forms. HUD is
eliminating this form from the lists of
required forms.
On page 14294, Exhibit 1: Continuum
of Care Narrative and Form HUD–40076
CoCB instruction, section e., HUD is
amending the section to indicate that in
order to obtain a higher competitive
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score for ‘‘participation,’’ planning
participants must attend more than 80
percent of the planning or committee
meetings or both. HUD is also amending
the related reference for this section in
regard to the 30 page limit.
On page 14342, Exhibit 2R: SHP
Project Information—Continued, HUD is
revising the instructions to state that
renewal applicants for a dedicated
HMIS project should answer items 1, 3,
4C and D.
These corrections are also reflected in
the instructions found on
Apply. HUD encourages applicants to
download and read the instructions on prior to submitting
your application in response to the
Continuum of Care Program funding
Accordingly, in the Notice of HUD’s
Fiscal Year (FY) 2005, Notice of
Funding Availability (NOFA), Policy
Requirements and General Section to
the SuperNOFA for HUD’s Discretionary
Grant Programs, beginning at 70 FR
113575, in the issue of March 21, 2005,
the following corrections are made.
1. General Section, beginning at page
On page 13593, HUD is republishing
a corrected Appendix A entitled, HUD
2005 SuperNOFA Funding Chart.
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
2. Indian Community Development
Block Grant Program (ICDBG),
beginning at page 13654:
On page 13655, Overview
Information, section F, the paragraph is
revised to read as follows:
F. Dates: Application Deadline. The
application submission date is June 20,
On page 13655, section I.C., third
column, in the paragraph that begins in
the middle column, remove the term,
‘‘FY 2004,’’ and add in its place,
On page 13657, section II.C 3., first
column, remove the reference to 24 CFR
part 95 and add in its place a reference
to 24 CFR part 85.
On page 13666, section V.A. under
Rating Factor 2, paragraph (b), third
column, remove the dollar amount
range ‘‘$67–$1,200’’ and add in its place
the following dollar amount range:
On page 13667, section V.A. under
Rating Factor 3, paragraph (1), first
column, in the paragraph that begins,
‘‘(14 points)* * * ,’’ the fifth sentence
is revised to read as follows: The
application must also include
anticipated cost savings due to
innovative program design or
construction methods or both.
On page 13670, section V.A. under
Rating Factor 5, paragraph (1), first
column, remove the parenthetical that
reads ‘‘(2 points),’’ and add in its place
the following: ‘‘(up to 2 points).’’
On page 13670, section V.A. under
Rating Factor 5, paragraph (2), first
column, remove the parenthetical that
reads ‘‘(3 points),’’ and add in its place
the following: ‘‘(up to 3 points).’’
On page 13670, section V.B.2. middle
column, remove the reference to IIIV.C.3
and 4 and add in its place a reference
to III.C.3 and 4.
3. Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Assisting Communities (HSIAC)
Program, beginning at page 13711:
On page 13712, section G.3., middle
column, remove the parenthetical
phrase ‘‘(as defined in the General
Section),’’ and add in its place the
following: (refer to Attachment C of the
HSIAC NOFA for the definition of
‘‘Colonias).’’ Attachment C is appended
to this correction notice.
On page 13712, in section III.A., third
column, remove the parenthetical
phrase ‘‘(as defined in the General
Section),’’ and add in its place the
following: ‘‘(refer to Attachment C of the
HSIAC NOFA for the definition of
On page 13718, section V.B.3., third
column, add the following at the end of
paragraph 3.: ‘‘HUD intends to fund the
two highest rated application that serve
Colonias areas that score above 75
On page 13721, after ‘‘Attachment B
(All Required Forms),’’ insert the
Attachment C
Definition of Colonias
Colonias means any identifiable, rural
community that:
(1) Is located in Arizona, California,
New Mexico, or Texas;
(2) Is within 150 miles of the border
between the United States and Mexico;
(3) Is determined to be a colonia on
the basis of objective need criteria,
including lack of potable water supply,
lack of adequate sewage systems, and
lack of decent, safe, sanitary, and
accessible housing.
4. Community Outreach Partnership
Centers (COPC), beginning at page
On page 13744, section G.3., second
column, remove the parenthetical note,
‘‘(as defined in the General Section),’’
and add in its place the following:
‘‘(refer to Attachment C of the COPC
NOFA for the definition of ‘‘Colonias).’’
On page 13745, section III.A, first
column, remove the parenthetical note,
‘‘(as defined in the General Section),’’
and add in its place the following:
‘‘(refer to Attachment C of the COPC
NOFA for the definition of ‘‘Colonias).’’
Attachment C is appended to this
correction notice.
On page 13753, section V.B.3., first
column, remove the parenthetical note,
‘‘(as defined in the General Section),’’
and add in its place the following:
‘‘(refer to Attachment C of the COPC
NOFA for the definition of ‘‘Colonias).’’
On page 13762, after ‘‘Attachment B
(All Required Forms),’’ insert the
Attachment C
Definition of Colonias
Colonias means any identifiable, rural
community that:
(1) Is located in Arizona, California,
New Mexico, or Texas;
(2) Is within 150 miles of the border
between the United States and Mexico;
(3) Is determined to be a colonia on
the basis of objective need criteria,
including lack of potable water supply,
lack of adequate sewage systems, and
lack of decent, safe, sanitary, and
accessible housing.
5. Housing Counseling Programs,
beginning at page 13806:
On page 13807, Overview
Information, section F. first column, is
revised to read as follows:
F. Dates. The application submission
date is June 27, 2005. Please see the
General Section of the SuperNOFA for
application submission and receipt
On pages 13807 and 13808, beginning
in the third column, sections II.A and
II.B.1 and 2 are corrected to read as
A. Amount Allocated. Approximately
$41.664 million is appropriated for
housing counseling in FY2005, all of
which is available for eligible applicants
under this NOFA. Specifically, $33.87
million is available for comprehensive
counseling, $2.7 million is available for
counseling services that address
predatory lending, $1.7 million is
available for counseling in conjunction
with HUD’s Homeownership Voucher
Program, $394,000 is available for
counseling services that specifically
target Colonias, and $3.0 million is
available for HECM counseling.
B. Specific Allocations. Funding is
allocated to each Homeownership
Center (HOC), regional HUD offices that
oversee the Housing Counseling
Program in their jurisdiction, by a
formula that incorporates first-time
homebuyer rates, default rates, HECM
endorsements, and minority
Total amount
Applicant categories
Who is eligible
Category 1—LHCAs .............................................
Category 2—Intermediaries .................................
Category 3—SHFAs .............................................
HUD-approved Local Housing Counseling Agencies .................................
HUD-approved National and Regional Intermediaries ...............................
State Housing Finance Agencies ...............................................................
1. Category 1—Local Housing
Counseling Agencies (LHCAs).
Approximately $15,704,946 is available
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from HUD to directly fund HUDapproved LHCAs, including
$13,670,000 for comprehensive
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counseling, $1,199,880 in supplemental
funding for predatory lending, $722,500
in supplemental funding for counseling
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
in conjunction with HUD’s
Homeownership Voucher Program, and
$112,566 for counseling targeting
Philadelphia ..............................................................................
Atlanta ......................................................................................
Denver ......................................................................................
Santa Ana ................................................................................
Total ..................................................................................
2. Category 2—Intermediaries.
Approximately $23,575,181 is available
from HUD to directly fund HUDapproved Intermediaries, including
$18,200,000 for comprehensive
counseling, $1,300,050 in supplemental
funding for predatory lending, $850,000
in supplemental funding for counseling
in conjunction with HUD’s
Homeownership Voucher Program,
$225,131 for counseling targeting
Colonias, and $3.0 million for HECM
On page 13808, sections II.C.1 and 2.,
first column, are corrected to read as
C. Individual Awards.
1. Category 1: No individual LHCA
may be awarded more than $290,000,
which includes any supplemental
funding. Specifically, the limit for
Comprehensive Counseling is $180,000.
The limit for supplemental funding for
predatory lending is $40,000, the limit
for supplemental funding for
Homeownership Voucher Counseling is
$30,000, and the limit for supplemental
funding for Colonias is $40,000. HUD
anticipates that the average total award
for LHCAs will be approximately
2. Category 2: Awards for individual
HUD-approved intermediaries may not
exceed $4.0 million, which includes any
supplemental funding. The limit for
Comprehensive Counseling is $3.0
million. The limit for supplemental
funding for predatory lending is
$325,000, the limit for supplemental
funding for Homeownership Voucher
Counseling is $275,000, the limit for
supplemental funding for Colonias is
$300,000 and the limit for HECM
counseling is $3.0 million. HUD
anticipates that the average total award
for Intermediaries will be $1.5 million.
On page 13811, section III.C.3.b., first
column, is corrected to read as follows:
b. Minimum grant request.
Applications must contain a request for
comprehensive funds of not less than
$15,000 from LHCAs, not less than
$50,000 from SFHAs and not less than
$200,000 from Intermediaries.
Applications for lesser amounts will not
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be considered. If supplemental funding
is also being requested, applicants must
specifically and separately identify
‘‘Comprehensive’’ and the specific
amount requested on form SF–424A,
Section B, as well as separately identify
each supplemental category applied for.
On page 13812, section III.C.4.b.,
subsections (4) and (5), second column,
are corrected to read as follows:
(4) Sub-grantees or branches funded
under Categories 2 or 3 must not have
directly applied for or received a grant
under Category 1 of this NOFA, or
applied for or received a sub-grant or
funding from another intermediary or
SHFA under Category 2 or 3 of this
(5) Sub-grantees or branches may
apply for and receive funding from only
one intermediary or SHFA under
Category 2 or 3, but not both. The only
exception to this rule is that subgrantees or branches that have one or
more HECM Network Counselors that
receive a sub-grant or funding from an
intermediary or SHFA under Category 2
or 3 may also receive a sub-grant or be
reimbursed exclusively for HECM
counseling activities, from a HUDapproved intermediary that exclusively
provides HECM counseling.
On page 13812, section III.C.4.c.(1)(a),
third column, is corrected to read as
(a) Nonprofit Status. An applicant and
its branches or affiliates for approval
must function as private or public
nonprofit organizations. The applicant
must submit evidence of nonprofit
status as demonstrated by section 501(c)
of the Internal Revenue Code approval
(or pending approval) to support its
nonprofit status and that of its branches
or affiliates.
On page 13814, section IV.B.2., first
column, revise the bulleted text
concerning Form HUD–9902 to read as
follows: ‘‘HUD–9902, Housing
Counseling Agency Fiscal Year Activity
Report, covering the period October 1,
2003—September 30, 2004.’’
On page 13814, section IV.B.2.,
second column, remove the bulleted
text that reads ‘‘Letters, Contracts,
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MOUs and/or other documentation that
shows leveraged resources.’’
On page 13818, section V.A.3.c.(1)(e),
first column, is corrected to read as
(e) The number of clients recorded on
the Form HUD–9902 submitted with
this application, covering the period
October 1, 2003, through September 30,
2004, that participated in both group
sessions or workshops and one-on-one
On page 13818, section V.A.3.c.(2)(b)
and section V.A.3.c.(2)(c), third column,
is corrected to read as follows:
(b) Describe the level of effort and
time required to provide the housing
counseling services described in part (a)
and to meet the needs of clients. Explain
the average counseling time per client
figures provided in Section V.A.3.c
(1)(a). Scoring will be based on the
degree to which the applicant
demonstrates that sufficient time and
resources were devoted to ensure that
clients received quality counseling.
(c) Explain the figures provided in
Section V.A.3.c (1)(d)–(f) regarding
group session participation and one-onone counseling. Describe how clients
come to participate in one or the other,
the relationship between the two, and
the role that each plays in the
applicant’s overall service provision.
On page 13819, section V.A.3.c.(3)(a),
first column, is corrected to read as
(a) Indicate how location, type of
counseling, client type, and expenses
may have affected client volume that
appears on the Form HUD–9902, and in
Section V.A.3.c (1)(d)–(f), that were
served under the column ‘‘All
Counseling Activities.’’ This total
should reflect all the counseling
activities performed by the applicant
during the period October 1, 2003
through September 30, 2004, both with
HUD housing counseling grant funds, if
applicable, and with other leveraged
On page 13820, section V.A.3.c.(5)(b)
and (c), first column, are corrected to
read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
(b) Describe the level of effort and
time the applicant anticipates is
required to provide the proposed
counseling services to, and meet the
needs of, the number of clients it
indicates in Rating Factor 5, Section
V.A.3.e (1)(a) that it will serve with the
proposed grant. Explain and describe
the activities corresponding to the
average counseling time figures for each
counseling type provided in Section
(c) Explain the figures provided in
Section V.A.3.e (1)(a) regarding
proposed group session participation
and one-on-one counseling. Describe
how clients are selected for one or the
other, the relationship between the two,
and the role that each will play in the
overall service provision.
On page 13821, section V.A.3.d, first
column, first sentence of the second
paragraph is corrected to read as
follows: ‘‘Applicants will be evaluated
based on their ability to show that they
have obtained additional resources for
their housing counseling activities, for
the period October 1, 2005—September
30, 2006, including: Direct financial
assistance; in-kind contributions, such
as services, equipment, office space,
labor; etc.’’
On page 13821, section V.A.3.d.(3),
first column, is corrected to read as
(3) Intermediaries and SHFAs should
include information on leveraged
resources for only anticipated subgrantees and branches that will be
funded through this application.
On page 13821, section V.A.3.e.(1)(a),
third column, the bulleted text is
revised as follows:
• Provide the following figures. Do
not provide ranges or percentages, but a
specific numbers of clients. These
amounts should represent individuals to
be served entirely with HUD housing
counseling funding. If, in reality,
various funding sources will contribute
to the services provided each
individual, the applicant must prorate
their response to reflect a figure
representing services provided with
only funding from the proposed grant.
• The total number of clients the
applicant projects it and, if applicable,
sub-grantees, will serve under the total
proposed HUD grant, including all
requested supplemental funding.
• If requesting supplemental funding,
indicate the specific number of clients
the applicant projects it, or if applicable,
sub-grantees, will serve under the
comprehensive counseling portion of
the requested award.
• If requesting supplemental funding,
separately indicate for each specific
type of supplemental funding being
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requested, the number of clients the
applicant projects it, or if applicable,
sub-grantees, will serve under the
proposed supplemental funding.
• The total number of clients that will
receive Homebuyer Education
Workshops or other types of classes
offered as group sessions with the
proposed award in general, and under
each of the applicable supplemental
funding types. In other words, the
projected totals for Sections 6a and 6b
on the form HUD–9902 that will
correspond with the proposed grant
• The number of clients that will
participate in one-on-one counseling,
with the proposed award in general, and
under each of the applicable
supplemental funding types. In other
words, the projected total for all of
Section 7 on the form HUD–9902 that
will correspond with the proposed grant
• The number of clients that will
participate in both group sessions or
workshops and one-on-one counseling,
with the proposed award in general, and
under each of the applicable
supplemental funding types.
On page 13822, section V.B., middle
column, add new paragraphs 5 and 6
after paragraph 4. to read as follows:
5. Funding Methodology
a. Comprehensive Counseling. The
following funding formula will be used
to calculate the comprehensive
counseling portion of the awards under
Categories 1–3. Only applicants who
receive a score of 75 points or above
will be considered eligible for funding.
All eligible applicants will then be
funded in proportion to the score they
receive. Regarding the comprehensive
counseling portion of an award, all
grantees will receive the lower of either
the comprehensive award amount
determined with the formula, or the
amount actually requested by the
applicant, as indicated on the form SF–
424A, Section B. This amount must be
labeled ‘‘Comprehensive’’ to distinguish
it from requested supplemental funds, if
applicable. The formula will work as
follows for each category:
(1) Funding Round 1. Every applicant
that scores 75 points or above will
receive a base award ($15,000 for
LHCAs; $50,000 for SHFAs; and
$200,000 for intermediaries). The total
number of applicants receiving the base
award will be multiplied by the relevant
base amount, and that amount will be
subtracted from the total amount
available under the Category, or in the
cases of Categories 1 and 3, available to
the HOC.
(2) Funding Round 2. Then, the
remaining balance after funding the
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Round 1 base awards will be divided by
the total number of points all applicants
in that Category, and HOC in the cases
of Categories 1 and 3, score that are
above the 75-point cutoff. The
calculation will result in a dollar value
for each point. The number of points
that all applicants in a Category, and in
a HOC in the cases of Categories 1 and
3, score above the 75 point base will be
multiplied by that dollar value. The
result of that calculation will be added
to the base award. Any remaining funds
after this calculation will carry over into
the next funding round.
(3) This same methodology will be
used for each subsequent round of
funding until all available funds are
awarded, or until all eligible applicants
are funded to the maximum dollar
amount allowed. Subsequent rounds of
calculations, if needed, will distribute
remaining funds to applicants that
scored above 95 points, 91–95 points,
86–90 points, and 80–85 points,
b. Supplemental Funding. The same
methodology described above in section
a will be used to distribute the available
supplemental funds for Predatory
Lending, Homeownership Voucher
Counseling, and Colonias to eligible
applicants. Regarding supplemental
funding, all grantees will receive the
lower of either the supplemental award
amount determined with the formula, or
the specific amount of supplemental
funding actually requested by the
applicant, as indicated on Form SF–
424A, Section B. Each applicant will
only submit one application and receive
a score based on the application for the
comprehensive counseling grant.
Comprehensive counseling funds will
be allocated based on this score.
Subsequently, for each supplemental
funding category requested, responses to
each rating factor will be evaluated on
a yes/no, adequate/inadequate basis. An
adequate response will result in a score
for the supplemental funding identical
to the comprehensive score on each
respective rating factor. An inadequate
supplemental response will result in a
1-point deduction from the
comprehensive score. After all five
rating factors have been evaluated, the
adjusted ratings will result in a distinct
score for the supplemental funds. This
method will result in scores for
supplemental funding that may be equal
to the comprehensive score, or up to
five points less than the comprehensive
score. In no case can an applicant
receive a higher score on an application
for supplemental funding that it
received on its comprehensive
application. This process will be
repeated for each supplemental funding
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
allocation. An applicant will receive a
separate score for its application for
comprehensive counseling, and each
supplemental funding category for
which it applies. The base awards for
the three supplemental funding
categories eligible to all applicants will
be $2,000 for LHCAs, $10,000 for
SHFAs, and $40,000 for intermediaries.
Only applicants scoring 75 points or
above are eligible for supplemental
funding. However, because of the
limited amount of funds available, all
applicants scoring 75 points or above
are not guaranteed supplemental
(1) For National and regional
intermediaries, up to the top 5 scoring
applicants (scoring 75 points or above)
for supplemental funding for predatory
lending and Homeownership Voucher
Counseling that are eligible for
supplemental funds, and have not
already been fully funded in accordance
with the funding methodology
described in this section, will receive
supplemental funding. For
supplemental funding for Colonias, up
to the top three scoring intermediary
applicants (scoring 75 points or above)
that are eligible for supplemental funds,
and have not already been fully funded
in accordance with the funding
methodology described in this section,
will receive supplemental funding. For
supplemental funding for HECM, the
top scoring intermediary applicant
(scoring 75 points or above) that is
eligible for supplemental funds, and has
not already been fully funded in
accordance with the funding
methodology described in this section,
will receive supplemental funding.
(2) For SHFAs, up to the top 2 scoring
applicants (scoring 75 points or above)
in each HOC for each supplemental
category that are eligible for the
supplemental funds, and have not
already been fully funded, will receive
supplemental funding.
(3) For LHCAs, up to the top 10
scoring applicants (scoring 75 points or
above) in each HOC for each
supplemental category that are eligible
for the supplemental funds, and have
not already been fully funded, will
receive supplemental funding.
6. Reallocation of Unspent Funds. If
funds designated for a specific grant
Category, HOC, or for supplemental
funding remain unspent after the
formulas have been run and award
recommendations are determined, HUD
may, at its discretion, reallocate those
funds to any other funding Category or
supplemental funding area under this
NOFA. Additionally, HUD may
reallocate unspent funds to any HOC
jurisdiction or to HUD Headquarters for
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awards under this NOFA. HUD may also
reallocate unspent funds for housing
counseling support activities.
6. Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control
Program, beginning at page 13836:
On page 13838, section III.A.1.a.,
third column, is corrected to read as
follows: a. ‘‘General applicants’’ are new
applicants, previously funded leadbased paint hazard control grantee
applicants whose period of performance
ended prior to the NOFA submission
date, and current grantees with grants
ending on or before December 31, 2005
(including those who are not awarded
under the Competitive PerformanceBased Renewal category), and will be
evaluated and scored as a separate
group. Grantee applicants that are
eligible to compete under the
Competitive Performance-Based
Renewal category will be evaluated and
scored as a separate group.
On page 13848, section V.A.3, third
column, the heading is corrected to read
as follows: ‘‘3. Rating Factor 3:
Soundness of Approach, (40 points).’’
7. Healthy Homes Technical Studies
Program, beginning at page 13860:
Beginning on page 13864, section
IV.B.1.i., first column and continuing to
page 13865, under ‘‘Required Forms and
Budget Material,’’ delete the bullet
reading, ‘‘Form HUD 2994 Client
Comments and Suggestions (Optional)’’
and substitute the following:
—Form HUD–2993 Acknowledgement
of Application Receipt (applicable to
paper copy submissions only)
8. Lead Technical Studies, beginning
at page 13871:
On page 13876, section IV.B.1.j, first
column, under ‘‘Required Forms and
Budget Material,’’ add the following:
—Form HUD–2993 Acknowledgment
of Application Receipt (applicable to
paper copy submissions only)
9. Lead Outreach Grant Program,
beginning at page 13881:
On page 13884, section IV.B.2.b.(7),
third column, remove the bullet that
reads, ‘‘HUD’s waiver from submitting
electronically (if applicable)’’
On pages 13891–13895, delete the
forms, HUD–96012, 96013, 96014, and
96015, and Work Plan Development
10. Lead Hazard Reduction
Demonstration Program, beginning on
page 13896:
On page 13900, section V.B., third
column, remove the bullet that reads,
‘‘HUD’s waiver from submitting
electronically (if applicable).’’
11. Healthy Homes Demonstration
Program, beginning at page 13919:
On page 13920, Overview
Information, section G.1., first column,
the last sentence is corrected to read as
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follows: ‘‘Appendix A, which contains
forms that are required to be completed
and submitted as part of your response
to the rating factors that are discussed
in Section V, can be found at the end
of the NOFA. Appendices A through D
can be found and downloaded from
HUD’s Web site at:
On page 13923, section III.C.3.n.,
third column, correct the last sentence
to read as follows: ‘‘See section V.A.2.c.,
Rating Factor 3.3 for recommendations
for implementing Section 3
Employment Opportunities.’’
On page 13924, section IV, ‘‘Checklist
for Healthy Homes Demonstration
Program Applicants,’’ third column,
remove forms HUD–96013 and HUD–
96014, which are not part of this
On page 13924, section IV.B.7, third
column, remove the item that reads
‘‘HUD’s Waiver from submitting
electronically (if applicable).’’
On page 13924, section IV B.7. under
‘‘Checklist for Healthy Homes
Demonstration Program Applicants,’’
beginning on the second column and
continuing to the third column under,
‘‘Required materials in response to
rating factors,’’ third column, is
corrected by adding ‘‘Form HUD–27300
Questionnaire for HUD’s Initiative on
Removal of Regulatory Barriers.’’
On page 13926, section V.A.2.a.(4),
middle column, the second paragraph of
this section that begins on the top of the
middle column is revised to read as
You must complete and submit the
Factor 1, Table 1 Capacity of the
Applicant and Relevant Organizational
Experience (which may be found at the
end of this NOFA) to support narrative
information submitted. Include this
table in supporting materials for your
application. It will not be counted
toward your page limit.
On page 13929, section V.A.2.d.(2),
first column, the last two sentences of
this paragraph is revised to read as
follows: ‘‘Letters of support (letters that
indicate support, but do not specify a
monetary commitment to the project)
will not be considered in the scoring of
Rating Factor 4 (Factor 4 table may be
found at the end of this NOFA). Include
information to address the following
On page 13931, section VIII.B, third
column, is revised to read as follows:
Appendix A contains forms that are
required to be completed and submitted
as part of your response to the rating
factors that are discussed in Section V
and can be found at the end of this
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
12. Operation Lead Elimination
Action Program, beginning at page
On page 13939, section IV.B.a.(2),
third column, under ‘‘Checklist and
Submission Table of Contents Lead
Elimination Action Program,’’ remove
the item that reads: ‘‘HUD’s’ Waiver
from submitting electronically (if
13. Youthbuild, beginning at page
On page 13985, section V.E., middle
column, the sixth and seventh bulleted
items are corrected to read as follows:
• Number and percent of graduates
placed in employment or education (for
percentage calculation, numerator: The
number of graduates who have entered
employment or enrolled in post
secondary education; denominator: The
number of graduates from the
Youthbuild program); and
• Number and percentage of
participants who made literacy and
numeracy gains (measures the increase
in literacy and numeracy skills of
participants through a common
assessment tool administered at
program registration and regular
intervals thereafter); for percentage
calculation, numerator: The number of
Youthbuild program participants who
increase one or more education
functioning levels; denominator: The
number of Youthbuild program
participants who have completed a year
in the program
14. Public Housing Neighborhood
Networks, beginning at page 14023:
On page 14024, Overview
Information, section F., first column, is
revised to read as follows:
F. Dates. The application submission
date is July 11, 2005. Please see the
General Section of the SuperNOFA for
Grant program
Total funding
Public and Indian Housing Family
On page 14089, section III.C., middle
column, add a new paragraph III.C.1,
and renumber subsequent paragraphs
accordingly, to read as follows:
1. Eligible Activities. FSS grant funds
may only be used to pay for the annual
salary and fringe benefits of a FSS
Program Coordinator(s).
On page 14090, section III.C.2.g.,
middle column, is revised to read as
g. Number of Program Coordinators.
(1) Renewal Applicants.
VerDate jul<14>2003
14:03 May 17, 2005
application submission and timely
receipt requirements.
On page 14027, section III.C.1., first
column, add a new paragraph ‘‘g.,’’ to
read as follows:
g. Off-site Physical Improvements.
Physical improvements that relate to
providing space for a Neighborhood
Networks center are eligible activities,
including for off-site centers. If
renovation, conversion, or repair is done
off-site, the PHA must describe this
circumstance in their narrative and
provide documentation with its
application that it has control of the
proposed property for at least five years.
Control can be demonstrated through a
lease agreement, ownership
documentation, or other appropriate
On page 14028, section IV.B.4.(2), tab
2, middle column, a new paragraph ‘‘4’’
is added to read as follows:
4. If applicable, documentation of site
control (for 5 years) for off-site physical
On page 14028, section IV.E.2.c, third
column, is corrected to read as follows:
c. NN funds may only be used for the
types of salaries described in this
section according to the restrictions
described herein. NN funds may not be
used to pay for salaries of any other
kind. NN funds may only be used to pay
for salaries of staff that provide direct
services to residents. Direct services
staff, for purposes of this NOFA, are
defined as housing authority personnel
who, as their primary responsibility,
provide services directly to residents
that participate in the activities
described in this application, e.g.,
computer skills trainer.
On page 14028, section IV.E.4.f., third
column, is revised to read as follows:
f. Salaries and fringe benefits for staff
that are not direct services staff. Direct
Jkt 205001
Eligible applicants
PHAs, tribes/
TDHEs only.
Maximum grant amount
$65,000 maximum salary amount per FSS program coordinator for
which the applicant is eligible. Maximum grant amount for new
applicants is $65,000 because they may apply only for one FSS
program coordinator.
(a) Maintaining Program Size.
Applicants that received funding from
the Operating Fund or the 2004 FSS
NOFA may apply for renewal of each
FSS coordinator position(s) that has
been filled by the applicant in either of
the past two years under the Operating
Fund or the 2004 FSS NOFA.
Funding for renewal of more than one
program coordinator position is
contingent upon HUD field office
approval. For renewal applicants, HUD
PO 00000
Frm 00063
Fmt 4703
services staff, for purposes of this
NOFA, are defined as housing authority
personnel who, as their primary
responsibility, provide services directly
to residents that participate in the
activities described in this application,
e.g., computer skills trainer.
15. Public Housing Resident
Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency
(ROSS) Program, beginning at page
On page 14063, section III.C.2.i., first
column, is revised by adding the
following: ‘‘Tribal/TDHE applicants
must provide a letter certifying that they
will comply with this requirement.’’
On page 14065, section IV.E.6.h.,
third column, remove paragraph (h).
16. Public Housing Family SelfSufficiency Program, beginning at page
On page 14087, section F. under
‘‘Overview Information,’’ change the
application submission date of ‘‘June 20,
2005’’ to ‘‘June 28, 2005.’’
On page 14088, section A.3. under
‘‘Overview Information’’, middle
column, the paragraph is revised to read
as follows:
3. Award Amounts: Award amounts
will be used to pay only for the annual
salary and fringe benefits of a FSS
program coordinator(s). Award amounts
will be based on locality pay rates for
professions similar to that of an FSS
program coordinator. Individual award
amounts will not exceed $65,000 per
FSS program coordinator for which the
applicant is eligible. The maximum
grant amount for new applicants is
$65,000 because new applicants may
apply only for funding for one FSS
program coordinator.
On page 14088, revise the table to
read as follows:
Sfmt 4703
will fund the renewal of the FSS
program coordinator(s) salary and fringe
benefits, not to exceed $65,000.
(b) Expanding Program Size.
Applicants wishing to expand their FSS
program may in addition to requesting
funds for their current FSS program
coordinator(s), also request funds for
one additional FSS coordinator.
Applicants seeking one additional FSS
coordinator, must demonstrate why the
current FSS program coordinator
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 95 / Wednesday, May 18, 2005 / Notices
staffing is not sufficient to manage
resident needs and how they plan to
expand their program. See rating factors
under section V. for relevant criteria.
Note: Funding priority will be given to
renewing existing staff positions for
renewal applicants and to applicants
wishing to implement a new program
(see new applicants below). If sufficient
funding is available to fund expanding
applicants’ existing programs, HUD will
do so in accordance with the selection
process under Section V(B).
(2) New Applicants. A PHA or tribe/
TDHE that has not received funding
under the Operating Fund for a PH FSS
Program Coordinator may apply for only
one program coordinator position as
(a) Up to one full-time FSS
coordinator position for a PHA or tribe/
TDHE with HUD approval to administer
an FSS program of 25 or more FSS slots.
(b) Up to one full-time position per
application for joint PHA/tribe/TDHE
applicants that have HUD approval to
administer a total of at least 25 FSS slots
between or among them.
On pages 14107, section 5.d., remove
the dollar amount ‘‘63,000’’ and add in
its place the following amount,
On page 14108, section 10.a, remove
the dollar amount ‘‘$63,000’’ and add in
its place the following amount,
On page 14108, section 9, remove the
three references to ‘‘9/30/03’’ and add in
its place a reference to the following
date, ‘‘9/30/04.’’
17. Assisted Living Conversion
Program, beginning at page 14148:
On page 14149, section I, middle
column, third sentence of the last full
paragraph, revise to read, ‘‘The
Department has set-aside approximately
$15 million for emergency capital
On page 14150, section III.A.1, first
column, add a new paragraph ‘‘g.’’ to
read as follows: g. Owner of an Assisted
Living Facility.
On page 14157, section IV.F., middle
column, add a new paragraph ‘‘5.’’ to
read as follows:
5. Hubs and Field Offices addresses.
If you are granted a waiver to the
electronic application submission
requirement, you must submit an
original and four copies of the ALCP
application to the director of the
appropriate HUD Multifamily Hub
Office with jurisdiction over the
housing development identified in your
application. For your use in determining
the appropriate HUD Multifamily Hub
Office to which you must submit your
application, see HUD’s Web site at
VerDate jul<14>2003
14:03 May 17, 2005
Jkt 205001
grants/nofa05/grpalcp.cfm. The HUD
Program Centers are under each Hub. If
you send your application to the wrong
Hub Office, it will be rejected.
Therefore, if you are uncertain as to
which Hub Office to submit your
application, you are encouraged to
contact the local HUD Office that is
closest to your project’s location to
ascertain the Office’s jurisdiction and to
ensure that you submit your application
to the correct local HUD Multifamily
Hub Office.
On page 14160, section VII.A, third
column, the first paragraph is revised to
read as follows:
You should contact the HUD
Multifamily Hub where you will be
mailing your ALCP application. For a
list of HUD’s Multifamily Hub Offices,
see HUD’s Web site at https://
18. Continuum of Care Homeless
Assistance Programs, beginning at page
On page 14279, section III.C.3.e.(2)(b),
middle column, is revised to read as
(b) The total request for each
renewable project cannot exceed the
average yearly amount received in your
current grant for that project; which for
the first time, must include the exact
amount awarded for administration in
that grant. Grants being renewed, which
current award included hard
development costs, must in the
competition, recalculate their
administrative allocation not to exceed
five percent of the average yearly
amount of the activities being renewed.
Projects proposing both to renew the
existing project and expand the number
of units or number of participants
receiving services must submit a new
project proposal for the expansion
portion of the project. HMIS activities
being renewed should be included on
the HMIS budget chart.
On page 14288, section 2., delete the
Form HUD–2992 ‘‘Certification
Regarding Debarment and Suspension.’’
On page 14289, sections 3, 4, and 5,
delete the Form HUD–2992
‘‘Certification Regarding Debarment and
On page 14290, section 6, delete the
Form HUD–2992 ‘‘Certification
Regarding Debarment and Suspension.’’
On page 14294, Exhibit 1: Continuum
of Care Narrative and Form HUD–40076
CoCB instruction, section e. is revised to
read as follows:
e. List, using the format in HUD 40076
CoC—B:(1) The specific names and
types of organizations involved in your
Continuum of Care (CoC) planning
process, such as State and local
PO 00000
Frm 00064
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
government agencies, Public Housing
Authorities (PHAs), nonprofit
organizations, individual businesses or
business associations, homeless or
formerly homeless persons, and others,
including law enforcement, hospital or
medical facility representatives, and
funders; (2) the one or two
subpopulation(s) the organization/entity
primarily serves and whose interests
they are specifically focused on
representing; and (3) each organization’s
level of participation in the planning
process; i.e., the percentage of meetings
attended. High participation levels
might include: steering committee
member attends all monthly planning
meetings, housing subcommittee
member attends most CoC planning
meetings, gaps analysis subcommittee
chairperson attends all group meetings
and most CoC planning meetings, etc.
Medium attendance levels include
attending between 40 percent and 80
percent of CoC planning meetings.
Participants who attend less than 40
percent of CoC planning meetings have
low participation levels. In order to
obtain a higher competitive score for
‘‘participation,’’ planning participants
must attend more than 80 percent of the
planning and/or committee meetings. In
addition, if more than one geographic
area is claimed on the 2005 Application
Summary page, you must indicate
which geographic area(s) each
organization represents in your
Continuum of Care planning process.
(Although you may require multiple
pages to respond to 1e, your response
will count as only one page toward the
30-page limit.)
On page 14342, Exhibit 2R: SHP
Project Information—Continued, revise
the statement under ‘‘Project
Information Instructions’’ to read as
Items 1, 2, and 3 are self-explanatory.
Renewal applicants for a dedicated
HMIS project should answer items 1, 3,
4C, and D.
Dated: May 12, 2005.
Darlene F. Williams,
General Deputy Assistant, Secretary for
[FR Doc. 05–9831 Filed 5–17–05; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council;
Notice of Meeting
Office of the Secretary,
Department of the Interior.
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 95 (Wednesday, May 18, 2005)]
[Pages 28553-28569]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-9831]
[Docket No. FR-4950-C-1B]
Notice of HUD's Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 Notice of Funding
Availability, Policy Requirements and General Section to SuperNOFA for
HUD's Discretionary Grant Programs; Correction
AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, HUD.
ACTION: Super Notice of Funding Availability (SuperNOFA) for HUD
Discretionary Grant Programs; correction.
SUMMARY: On March 21, 2005, HUD published its Fiscal Year (FY) 2005,
Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), Policy Requirements and General
Section to the SuperNOFA for HUD's Discretionary Grant Programs. This
document makes corrections to the Indian Community Development Block
Grant Program (ICDBG), the Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting
Communities (HSIAC) Program, the Community Outreach Partnership Centers
(COPC) Program, the Housing Counseling Program, the Lead-Based Paint
Hazard Control Grant Program, the Healthy Homes Technical Studies
Program, the Lead Technical Studies Program, the Lead Outreach Grant
Program, the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program, the
Healthy Homes Demonstration Grant Program, the Operation Lead
Elimination Action Program, the Youthbuild Program, the Public Housing
Neighborhood Networks Program, the Public Housing Resident Opportunity
and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Program, the Public Housing Family Self
Sufficiency Program, the Assisted Living Conversion Program, and the
Continuum of Care Program. This notice also extends the application
submission dates for the ICDBG Program, the Housing Counseling Program,
the Public Housing Neighborhood Networks Program, and the Public
Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program. These changes affect the NOFAS
listed, but do not affect the application packages on
DATES: The application submission dates for the following program
sections of the SuperNOFA have been extended as follows:
Indian Community Development Block Grant Program: June 20, 2005.
Housing Counseling Program: June 27, 2005.
Public Housing Neighborhood Networks Program: June 11, 2005.
Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program: June 28, 2005.
[[Page 28554]]
With the exception of the Section 811 Supportive Housing for
Persons with Disabilities Program NOFA for which HUD published a
technical correction and deadline extension (May 10, 2005, 70 FR
24609), the application submission dates for all other program sections
of the SuperNOFA remain as published in the Federal Register on March
21, 2005.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For the programs listed in this
notice, please contact the office or individual listed under Section
VII of the individual program sections of the SuperNOFA, published on
March 21, 2005.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On March 21, 2005 (70 FR 13575), HUD
published its Notice of HUD's Fiscal Year (FY) 2005, Notice of Funding
Availability (NOFA), Policy Requirements and General Section to the
SuperNOFA for HUD's Discretionary Grant Programs. The FY2005 SuperNOFA
announced the availability of approximately $2.26 billion in HUD
assistance. This notice published in today's Federal Register makes
technical corrections to the Indian Community Development Block Grant
Program (ICDBG), the Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting
Communities (HSIAC) Program, the Community Outreach Partnership Centers
(COPC) Program, the Housing Counseling Program, the Lead-Based Paint
Hazard Control Grant Program, the Healthy Homes Technical Studies
Program, the Lead Technical Studies Program, the Lead Outreach Grant
Program, the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program, the
Healthy Homes Demonstration Grant Program, the Operation Lead
Elimination Action Program, the Youthbuild Program, the Public Housing
Neighborhood Networks Program, the Public Housing Resident Opportunity
and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Program, the Public Housing Family Self
Sufficiency Program, the Assisted Living Conversion Program, and the
Continuum of Care Program.
Summary of Technical Corrections
Summaries of the technical corrections made by this document
follow. The page number shown in brackets identifies where the
individual funding availability announcement that is being corrected
can be found in the March 21, 2005, SuperNOFA. The technical correction
described in today's Federal Register will also be reflected in the
application instructions located on Applicants
submitting their applications electronically are encouraged to read the
instructions located on prior to submitting their
General Section [Page 13575]
On page 13593, HUD is publishing a revised Appendix A, entitled
``HUD 2005 SuperNOFA Funding Chart that contains revised and extended
deadlines for ICDBG Program, the Housing Counseling Program, the Public
Housing Neighborhood Networks Program, and the Public Housing Family
Self-Sufficiency Program. The revised Funding Chart also reflects the
extended deadline for the Section 811 Program as established by HUD's
technical correction published on May 10, 2005, (70 FR 24609).
Indian Community Development Block Grant Program (ICDBG) [Page 13654]
On page 13655, Overview Information, section F., first column is
revised to reflect an extension of the application submission date.
On page 13655, section I.C., third column, HUD mistakenly
referenced FY2004 when establishing the grant ceiling for imminent
threat requests. The $425,000 grant ceiling for imminent threat
requests is for FY2005.
On page 13657, section II.C 3., first column, HUD incorrectly
provided that grantees, by accepting a grant, must provide assurance
that it will comply with 24 CFR part 95. In fact, grantees must provide
assurance that they will comply with 24 CFR part 85.
On page 13666, section V.A. under Rating Factor 2, paragraph (b),
third column, HUD incorrectly listed the dollar range needed to obtain
10 points for New Housing Construction, Housing Rehabilitation, Land
Acquisition to support New Housing and Homeownership Assistance
Projects. Consistent with Appendix A of the program NOFA, grantees will
receive 10 points if the dollar amount for the Indian Tribe for this
factor is $676-$1,200.
On page 13667, section V.A. under Rating Factor 3, paragraph (1),
first column, HUD incorrectly noted that applicants must include
anticipated cost savings due to innovative program design ``or''
construction methods. In fact, applicants must include anticipated cost
savings due to innovative program design or construction methods or
On page 13670, section V.A. under Rating Factor 5, paragraph (1),
first column, HUD inadvertently failed to indicate that up to two
points are available for this selection factor. In addition, on page
13670, section V.A. under Rating Factor 5, paragraph (2), first column,
HUD inadvertently failed to indicate that up to three points are
available for this selection factor.
On page 13670, section V.B.2., middle column, paragraph entitled
``Threshold Compliance,'' HUD's cross-reference contained a typographic
error. The cross-reference should direct readers to section III.C.3 and
4 of the ICDBG program NOFA.
These corrections are also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to read the instructions on prior to submitting your application in response to
the ICDBG Program funding opportunity.
Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) Program
[Page 13711]
On page 13712, section G.3., middle column, and on page 13712, in
section III.A., third column, HUD inadvertently misdirected readers to
the General Section for a definition of ``Colonias.'' Readers should be
directed to Attachment C of the HSIAC program NOFA for the definition
of ``Colonias.''
On page 13718, section V.B.3., third column, HUD intends to add a
sentence that provides that it will fund the two highest rated
application that serve Colonias areas that score above 75 points.
These corrections are also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to read the instructions on prior to submitting your application in response to
the HSIAC Program funding opportunity.
Community Outreach Partnership Centers (COPC) [Page 13743]
On page 13744, section G.3., second column, page 13745, section
III.A, first column, and on page 13753, section V.B.3., first column,
HUD inadvertently misdirected readers to the General Section for a
definition of ``Colonias.'' Readers should be directed to Attachment C
of the COPC for the definition of ``Colonias.''
This correction is also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to read the instructions on prior to submitting your application in response to
the COPC Program funding opportunity.
Housing Counseling Programs [Page 13806]
On page 13807, Overview Information, section F., first column, the
application submission date is extended to June 13, 2005.
On pages 13807 to 13808, sections II.A, II.B.1. and 2., and II.C.1
and 2.,
[[Page 28555]]
HUD had originally earmarked $2.75 million for housing counseling
training and had planned to make this assistance available through a
separate NOFA. HUD has now decided not to issue a housing counseling
training NOFA and to allocate the $2.75 million to this Housing
Counseling Program NOFA. As a result, the total amount of assistance
now available through this NOFA is increased from $38.914 million to
$41.664 million. HUD has decided to increase the amount of assistance
for comprehensive counseling for intermediaries by $1.0 million,
increase HECM counseling by $1.0 million and increase comprehensive
counseling for Local Housing Counseling Agencies by $750,000. In
addition, this notice corrects an error in the chart following section
II.B.1., that listed comprehensive counseling funds for the Denver HOC
as $345,317 instead of $3,345,317. With the distribution of the $2.75
million now allocated to this NOFA, the new comprehensive total for
Denver is $3,539,511. This change also affects amounts available for
individuals awards under the LHCA and the HUD-approved intermediaries
On page 13811, section III.C.3.b., first column, HUD inadvertently
omitted the word ``comprehensive'' from the text. The word
``comprehensive'' is significant because grant awards are calculated
based on a score for comprehensive funds. All applicants that achieve a
fundable score are awarded a base amount for comprehensive counseling.
On page 13812, section III.C.4.b., subsections (4) and (5), second
column, HUD is republishing these paragraphs to clarify eligibility
On page 13812, section III.C.4.c.(1)(a), third column, HUD
incorrectly cited section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in
defining nonprofit status. The correct cite should be section 501(c) of
the Internal Revenue Code.
On page 13814, section IV.B.2., first and second columns, HUD is
clarifying the period of performance that should be reflected on the
required form HUD-9902. HUD also inadvertently included, as part of the
application checklist, ``Letters, Contracts and MOU's.'' HUD is
removing this requirement consistent with Rating Factor 4.
On page 13818, section V.A.3.c.(1)(e), first column, HUD is
republishing this subsection to clarify the information requested.
On page 13818, section V.A.3.c.(2)(b) and section V.A.3.c.(2)(c),
third column, HUD is republishing these subsections to correct the
On page 13819, section V.A.3.c.(3)(a), first column, HUD is
republishing the first paragraph of this subsection to correct the
On page 13820, section V.A.3.c.(5)(b) and (c), first column, HUD is
republishing the paragraphs (b) and (c) to correct the cross-
On page 13821, first column, section V.A.3.d, first column, HUD is
clarifying the period of performance regarding the requested leveraged
On page 13821, section V.A.3.d.(3), first and second columns, HUD
is republishing the paragraph to indicate that HUD's interest regarding
leveraged resources is limited to those resources corresponding to
anticipated sub-grantees and not the entire network of affiliated
counseling agencies.
On page 13821, section V.A.3.e.(1)(a), third column, HUD is
revising the bulleted text in order to clarify the requirements.
On page 13822, section V.B., second column, HUD is publishing a
description of funding methodology as well as an explanation of
reallocation of unspent funds.
These corrections are also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to read the instructions on prior to submitting your application in response to
the Housing Counseling Program funding opportunity.
Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program [Page 13836]
On page 13838, section III.A.1.a., third column, HUD incorrectly
defined ``general applicant,'' specifically as related to previously
funded lead-based paint hazard control grantees. Consistent with the
chart at page 13839, general applicants are new applicants, previously
funded lead-based paint hazard control grantees whose period of
performance ended prior to the NOFA submission date, and current
grantees with grants ending on or before December 31, 2005 (including
those who are not awarded under the Competitive Performance-Based
Renewal category).
On page 13848, section V.A.3, third column, HUD incorrectly listed
30 available points for Rating Factor 3: Soundness of Approach, however
consistent with information at sections V.A.3.a., V.A.3.b., and
V.A.3.d. there are actually 40 available points for this rating factor.
These corrections are also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to read the instructions on prior to submitting your application in response to
the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program funding opportunity.
Healthy Homes Technical Studies Program [Page 13860]
On page 13864, section IV.B.1.i, third column and continuing to
page 13865, first column, under ``Required Forms and Budget Material,''
HUD is deleting the bullet reading, ``Form HUD 2994 Client Comments and
Suggestions (Optional)'' and substituting the ``Form HUD-2993
Acknowledgement of Application Receipt, applicable to paper copy
submissions only.''
This correction is also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to read the instructions on prior to submitting your application in response to
the Health Home Technical Studies Program funding opportunity.
Lead Technical Studies [Page 13871]
On page 13876, section IV.B.1.j., first column, under ``Required
Forms and Budget Material,'' among the list of required forms and
budget material, HUD is adding Form HUD-2993 Acknowledgement of
Application Receipt, applicable to paper copy submissions only. This
technical correction amends the instructions found on
as Instructions to be downloaded along with the electronic application
for the Lead Technical Studies Program funding opportunity made
available on
Lead Outreach Grant Program [Page 13881]
On page 13884, section IV.B.2.b.(7), third column, HUD is removing
from the list of required documentation, the copy of the HUD-approved
waiver from electronic submission requirement.
On pages 13891-13895, the forms were not intended for this program
and were inadvertently included. The forms, HUD-96012, 96013, 96014,
and 96015, and Work Plan Development Worksheet should be disregarded
and were not included in the application package on
These corrections are also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to download and read the
instructions on prior to submitting your application
in response to the Lead Outreach Grant Program funding opportunity.
Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Program [Page 13896]
On page 13900, section V.B., third column, HUD is removing from the
list of required forms, the copy of the HUD-
[[Page 28556]]
approved waiver from electronic submission requirement.
This correction is also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to download and read the
instructions on prior to submitting your application
in response to the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Program funding
Healthy Homes Demonstration Program [Page 13919]
On page 13920, section G.1, first column, HUD is making a
clarification related to the content of appendices.
On page 13923, section III.C.3.n., third column, HUD is correcting
a typographical error in a cross-reference. The section reference in
the last sentence is being revised to read, section V.A.2.c.
On page 13924, section IV.B.7., under ``Checklist for Healthy Homes
Demonstration Program Applicants,'' beginning on the second column and
continuing to the third column, HUD inadvertently listed forms HUD-
96013 and HUD-96014, which are not part of this application. The forms,
located on pages 13933 and 13934 should be disregarded. The electronic
application package and instructions did not contain these forms.
On page 13924, section IV.B.7., under ``Checklist for Healthy Homes
Demonstration Program Applicants,'' beginning on the second column and
continuing to the third column, HUD is removing from the list of
required documentation, the copy of HUD's approved waiver from
electronic submission requirement.
On page 13924, section IV.B.7. under ``Checklist for Healthy Homes
Demonstration Program Applicants,'' beginning on the second column and
continuing to the third column under, ``Required materials in response
to rating factors,'' although referenced on page 13928, HUD did not
include Form HUD-27300 in the checklist. Therefore, the checklist is
corrected to include Form HUD-27300 Questionnaire for HUD's Initiative
on Removal of Regulatory Barriers and the application instructions are
amended to include the form as a file for attachment to the electronic
application either as an attached, scanned or faxed document.
On page 13926, section V.A.2.a.(4), middle column, the table
referenced at Web site
fundsavail.cfm is located at the end of the NOFA.
On page 13929, section V.A.2.d.(2), first column, a clarification
is made that indicates that the Rating Factor 4 Table can be found at
the end of the NOFA.
On page 13931, section VIII.B, third column, a change is necessary
to clarify the contents of the appendix.
Operation Lead Elimination Action Program [Page 13936]
On page 13939, section IV.B.a.(2), third column, under ``Checklist
and Submission Table of Contents Lead Elimination Action Program,'' HUD
is removing from the list of required documentation, the copy of HUD's
approved waiver from electronic submission requirement.
This technical correction amends the instructions found on as Instructions to be downloaded along with the
electronic application for the Operation Lead Elimination Action
Program funding opportunity made available on
Youthbuild [Page 13977]
On page 13985, section V.E., middle column, two changes are made to
correct typographical errors. First, in the sixth bulleted item, it is
made clear that the numerator is the number of graduates who have
entered employment or enrolled in post secondary education. Second, in
the seventh bulleted item, it is made clear that it is the number and
percentage of participants, not graduates, who made literacy and
numeracy gains.
This correction is also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to download and read the
instructions on prior to submitting your application
in response to the Youthbuild Program funding opportunity.
Public Housing Neighborhood Networks [Page 14023]
On page 14024, Overview Information, section F., first column, the
application submission deadline is extended to July 11, 2005.
On page 14027, section III.C.1, first column, a new paragraph
``g,'' and on page 14028, section IV.B.4.(2), middle column a new
paragraph ``4'' is added to clarify and make consistent the
requirements for site control for off-site property.
On page 14028, section IV.B.4.(2), tab 2, middle column, HUD is
adding a new paragraph ``4'' that addresses documentation of site
On page 14028, section IV.E.2.c, third column, additional
explanation is added concerning salaries of staff that provide direct
services to residents. Direct services staff are defined as housing
authority personnel who, as their primary responsibility, provide
services directly to residents that participate in the activities
described in this application.
On page 14028, section IV.E.4.f., third column, to avoid confusion,
the paragraph is revised stating that salaries and fringe benefits for
staff that are not direct services staff are among the list of
ineligible activities/costs.
These corrections are also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to download and read the
instructions on prior to submitting your application
in response to the Public Housing Neighborhood Networks Program funding
Public Housing Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS)
Program [Page 14054]
On page 14063, section III.C.2.i., first column, a modification is
made to indicate that Tribal/TDHE applicants must provide a letter that
certifies compliance with the requirement that such applicants to the
HSS program have a Low-Income Homeownership Program outlined in their
current Indian Housing Plan.
On page 14065, section IV.E.6.h., third column, HUD is removing a
provision that was unintentionally included in the NOFA. This
correction will delete the paragraph (h) that incorrectly lists
``Elderly/Disabled Service Coordinator salary and fringe benefits.''
These corrections are also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to download and read the
instructions on prior to submitting your application
in response to the ROSS Program funding opportunity.
Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program [Page 14087]
On page 14087, section F. under ``Overview Information,'' the due
date of June 20, 2005 is extended to June 28, 2005.
On page 14088, section A.3. under ``Overview Information'', second
column, the ``Award Amounts'' paragraph is revised to better explain
the salary and fringe benefit provisions. A corresponding change is
made in the table in the third column.
On page 14089, section III.C., second column, add a new paragraph
III.C.1 that explains that FSS grant funds may only be used to pay for
the annual salary and fringe benefits of a FSS Program Coordinator.
Subsequent paragraphs will be renumbered accordingly.
On page 14090, section III.C.2.g., second column, HUD is revising
this section in order to make clarifications concerning renewal of FSS
[[Page 28557]]
coordinator salary as well as staffing expansion.
On pages 14107 and 14108, HUD Form 52767, HUD is correcting
typographical errors. First, in 5.d and 10.a the amount $63,000 should
read ``$65,000.'' In addition, there are three references in number 9
that will be changed from ``03'' to ``04.''
These corrections are also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to download and read the
instructions on prior to submitting your application
in response to the Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program
funding opportunity.
Assisted Living Conversion Program [Page 14148]
On page 14149, section I, middle column, last full paragraph, HUD
is revising the amount of funds set-aside for the emergency capital
On page 14150, section III.A.1, first column, HUD is adding owners
of assisted living facilities to the list of ineligible applicants.
On page 14157, section IV.F., middle column, HUD is adding a new
paragraph, IV.F.5. that explains application submission procedures for
applicants that are granted a waiver from the electronic submission
requirement. If an applicant is granted a waiver, the applicant must
submit an original and four copies of the application to the director
of the appropriate Multifamily Hub Office.
On page 14160, section VII.A, third column, HUD is adding
additional instructions for applicants in how they may contact HUD
Multifamily Hubs.
These corrections are also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to download and read the
instructions on prior to submitting your application
in response to the ALCP Program funding opportunity.
Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs [Page 14272]
On page 14279, section III.C.3.e.(2)(b), middle column, HUD is
adding additional explanation about calculating administrative
On page 14288, section 2, on page 14289, sections 3, 4, and 5, and
on page 14290, section 6, Form HUD-2992 ``Certification Regarding
Debarment and Suspension'' was inadvertently included with the list of
forms. HUD is eliminating this form from the lists of required forms.
On page 14294, Exhibit 1: Continuum of Care Narrative and Form HUD-
40076 CoCB instruction, section e., HUD is amending the section to
indicate that in order to obtain a higher competitive score for
``participation,'' planning participants must attend more than 80
percent of the planning or committee meetings or both. HUD is also
amending the related reference for this section in regard to the 30
page limit.
On page 14342, Exhibit 2R: SHP Project Information--Continued, HUD
is revising the instructions to state that renewal applicants for a
dedicated HMIS project should answer items 1, 3, 4C and D.
These corrections are also reflected in the instructions found on HUD encourages applicants to download and read the
instructions on prior to submitting your application
in response to the Continuum of Care Program funding opportunity.
Accordingly, in the Notice of HUD's Fiscal Year (FY) 2005, Notice
of Funding Availability (NOFA), Policy Requirements and General Section
to the SuperNOFA for HUD's Discretionary Grant Programs, beginning at
70 FR 113575, in the issue of March 21, 2005, the following corrections
are made.
1. General Section, beginning at page 13576:
On page 13593, HUD is republishing a corrected Appendix A entitled,
HUD 2005 SuperNOFA Funding Chart.
[[Page 28558]]
[[Page 28559]]
[[Page 28560]]
[[Page 28561]]
[[Page 28562]]
[[Page 28563]]
[[Page 28564]]
2. Indian Community Development Block Grant Program (ICDBG),
beginning at page 13654:
On page 13655, Overview Information, section F, the paragraph is
revised to read as follows:
F. Dates: Application Deadline. The application submission date is
June 20, 2005.
On page 13655, section I.C., third column, in the paragraph that
begins in the middle column, remove the term, ``FY 2004,'' and add in
its place, ``FY2005.''
On page 13657, section II.C 3., first column, remove the reference
to 24 CFR part 95 and add in its place a reference to 24 CFR part 85.
On page 13666, section V.A. under Rating Factor 2, paragraph (b),
third column, remove the dollar amount range ``$67-$1,200'' and add in
its place the following dollar amount range: ``$676-$1,200.''
On page 13667, section V.A. under Rating Factor 3, paragraph (1),
first column, in the paragraph that begins, ``(14 points)* * * ,'' the
fifth sentence is revised to read as follows: The application must also
include anticipated cost savings due to innovative program design or
construction methods or both.
On page 13670, section V.A. under Rating Factor 5, paragraph (1),
first column, remove the parenthetical that reads ``(2 points),'' and
add in its place the following: ``(up to 2 points).''
On page 13670, section V.A. under Rating Factor 5, paragraph (2),
first column, remove the parenthetical that reads ``(3 points),'' and
add in its place the following: ``(up to 3 points).''
On page 13670, section V.B.2. middle column, remove the reference
to IIIV.C.3 and 4 and add in its place a reference to III.C.3 and 4.
3. Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC)
Program, beginning at page 13711:
On page 13712, section G.3., middle column, remove the
parenthetical phrase ``(as defined in the General Section),'' and add
in its place the following: (refer to Attachment C of the HSIAC NOFA
for the definition of ``Colonias).'' Attachment C is appended to this
correction notice.
On page 13712, in section III.A., third column, remove the
parenthetical phrase ``(as defined in the General Section),'' and add
in its place the following: ``(refer to Attachment C of the HSIAC NOFA
for the definition of ``Colonias).''
On page 13718, section V.B.3., third column, add the following at
the end of paragraph 3.: ``HUD intends to fund the two highest rated
application that serve Colonias areas that score above 75 points.''
On page 13721, after ``Attachment B (All Required Forms),'' insert
the following:
Attachment C
Definition of Colonias
Colonias means any identifiable, rural community that:
(1) Is located in Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas;
(2) Is within 150 miles of the border between the United States and
Mexico; and
(3) Is determined to be a colonia on the basis of objective need
criteria, including lack of potable water supply, lack of adequate
sewage systems, and lack of decent, safe, sanitary, and accessible
4. Community Outreach Partnership Centers (COPC), beginning at page
On page 13744, section G.3., second column, remove the
parenthetical note, ``(as defined in the General Section),'' and add in
its place the following: ``(refer to Attachment C of the COPC NOFA for
the definition of ``Colonias).''
On page 13745, section III.A, first column, remove the
parenthetical note, ``(as defined in the General Section),'' and add in
its place the following: ``(refer to Attachment C of the COPC NOFA for
the definition of ``Colonias).'' Attachment C is appended to this
correction notice.
On page 13753, section V.B.3., first column, remove the
parenthetical note, ``(as defined in the General Section),'' and add in
its place the following: ``(refer to Attachment C of the COPC NOFA for
the definition of ``Colonias).''
On page 13762, after ``Attachment B (All Required Forms),'' insert
the following:
Attachment C
Definition of Colonias
Colonias means any identifiable, rural community that:
(1) Is located in Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas;
(2) Is within 150 miles of the border between the United States and
Mexico; and
(3) Is determined to be a colonia on the basis of objective need
criteria, including lack of potable water supply, lack of adequate
sewage systems, and lack of decent, safe, sanitary, and accessible
5. Housing Counseling Programs, beginning at page 13806:
On page 13807, Overview Information, section F. first column, is
revised to read as follows:
F. Dates. The application submission date is June 27, 2005. Please
see the General Section of the SuperNOFA for application submission and
receipt procedures.
On pages 13807 and 13808, beginning in the third column, sections
II.A and II.B.1 and 2 are corrected to read as follows:
A. Amount Allocated. Approximately $41.664 million is appropriated
for housing counseling in FY2005, all of which is available for
eligible applicants under this NOFA. Specifically, $33.87 million is
available for comprehensive counseling, $2.7 million is available for
counseling services that address predatory lending, $1.7 million is
available for counseling in conjunction with HUD's Homeownership
Voucher Program, $394,000 is available for counseling services that
specifically target Colonias, and $3.0 million is available for HECM
B. Specific Allocations. Funding is allocated to each Homeownership
Center (HOC), regional HUD offices that oversee the Housing Counseling
Program in their jurisdiction, by a formula that incorporates first-
time homebuyer rates, default rates, HECM endorsements, and minority
Total amount
Applicant categories Who is eligible available
Category 1--LHCAs............................ HUD-approved Local Housing Counseling Agencies $15,704,946
Category 2--Intermediaries................... HUD-approved National and Regional 23,575,181
Category 3--SHFAs............................ State Housing Finance Agencies................ 2,383,873
1. Category 1--Local Housing Counseling Agencies (LHCAs).
Approximately $15,704,946 is available from HUD to directly fund HUD-
approved LHCAs, including $13,670,000 for comprehensive counseling,
$1,199,880 in supplemental funding for predatory lending, $722,500 in
supplemental funding for counseling
[[Page 28565]]
in conjunction with HUD's Homeownership Voucher Program, and $112,566
for counseling targeting Colonias.
HOC Comprehensive Predatory voucher Colonias Total
counseling lending counseling
Philadelphia......................... $3,715,562 $326,127 $196,376 .......... $4,238,065
Atlanta.............................. 3,921,762 344,246 207,285 .......... 4,473,293
Denver............................... 3,539,511 310,649 187,055 56,283 4,093,498
Santa Ana............................ 2,493,165 218,858 131,784 56,283 2,900,090
Total............................ 13,670,000 1,199,880 722,500 112,566 15,704,946
2. Category 2--Intermediaries. Approximately $23,575,181 is
available from HUD to directly fund HUD-approved Intermediaries,
including $18,200,000 for comprehensive counseling, $1,300,050 in
supplemental funding for predatory lending, $850,000 in supplemental
funding for counseling in conjunction with HUD's Homeownership Voucher
Program, $225,131 for counseling targeting Colonias, and $3.0 million
for HECM counseling.
On page 13808, sections II.C.1 and 2., first column, are corrected
to read as follows:
C. Individual Awards.
1. Category 1: No individual LHCA may be awarded more than
$290,000, which includes any supplemental funding. Specifically, the
limit for Comprehensive Counseling is $180,000. The limit for
supplemental funding for predatory lending is $40,000, the limit for
supplemental funding for Homeownership Voucher Counseling is $30,000,
and the limit for supplemental funding for Colonias is $40,000. HUD
anticipates that the average total award for LHCAs will be
approximately $45,000.
2. Category 2: Awards for individual HUD-approved intermediaries
may not exceed $4.0 million, which includes any supplemental funding.
The limit for Comprehensive Counseling is $3.0 million. The limit for
supplemental funding for predatory lending is $325,000, the limit for
supplemental funding for Homeownership Voucher Counseling is $275,000,
the limit for supplemental funding for Colonias is $300,000 and the
limit for HECM counseling is $3.0 million. HUD anticipates that the
average total award for Intermediaries will be $1.5 million.
On page 13811, section III.C.3.b., first column, is corrected to
read as follows:
b. Minimum grant request. Applications must contain a request for
comprehensive funds of not less than $15,000 from LHCAs, not less than
$50,000 from SFHAs and not less than $200,000 from Intermediaries.
Applications for lesser amounts will not be considered. If supplemental
funding is also being requested, applicants must specifically and
separately identify ``Comprehensive'' and the specific amount requested
on form SF-424A, Section B, as well as separately identify each
supplemental category applied for.
On page 13812, section III.C.4.b., subsections (4) and (5), second
column, are corrected to read as follows:
(4) Sub-grantees or branches funded under Categories 2 or 3 must
not have directly applied for or received a grant under Category 1 of
this NOFA, or applied for or received a sub-grant or funding from
another intermediary or SHFA under Category 2 or 3 of this NOFA.
(5) Sub-grantees or branches may apply for and receive funding from
only one intermediary or SHFA under Category 2 or 3, but not both. The
only exception to this rule is that sub-grantees or branches that have
one or more HECM Network Counselors that receive a sub-grant or funding
from an intermediary or SHFA under Category 2 or 3 may also receive a
sub-grant or be reimbursed exclusively for HECM counseling activities,
from a HUD-approved intermediary that exclusively provides HECM
On page 13812, section III.C.4.c.(1)(a), third column, is corrected
to read as follows:
(a) Nonprofit Status. An applicant and its branches or affiliates
for approval must function as private or public nonprofit
organizations. The applicant must submit evidence of nonprofit status
as demonstrated by section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code approval
(or pending approval) to support its nonprofit status and that of its
branches or affiliates.
On page 13814, section IV.B.2., first column, revise the bulleted
text concerning Form HUD-9902 to read as follows: ``HUD-9902, Housing
Counseling Agency Fiscal Year Activity Report, covering the period
October 1, 2003--September 30, 2004.''
On page 13814, section IV.B.2., second column, remove the bulleted
text that reads ``Letters, Contracts, MOUs and/or other documentation
that shows leveraged resources.''
On page 13818, section V.A.3.c.(1)(e), first column, is corrected
to read as follows:
(e) The number of clients recorded on the Form HUD-9902 submitted
with this application, covering the period October 1, 2003, through
September 30, 2004, that participated in both group sessions or
workshops and one-on-one counseling:
On page 13818, section V.A.3.c.(2)(b) and section V.A.3.c.(2)(c),
third column, is corrected to read as follows:
(b) Describe the level of effort and time required to provide the
housing counseling services described in part (a) and to meet the needs
of clients. Explain the average counseling time per client figures
provided in Section V.A.3.c (1)(a). Scoring will be based on the degree
to which the applicant demonstrates that sufficient time and resources
were devoted to ensure that clients received quality counseling.
(c) Explain the figures provided in Section V.A.3.c (1)(d)-(f)
regarding group session participation and one-on-one counseling.
Describe how clients come to participate in one or the other, the
relationship between the two, and the role that each plays in the
applicant's overall service provision.
On page 13819, section V.A.3.c.(3)(a), first column, is corrected
to read as follows:
(a) Indicate how location, type of counseling, client type, and
expenses may have affected client volume that appears on the Form HUD-
9902, and in Section V.A.3.c (1)(d)-(f), that were served under the
column ``All Counseling Activities.'' This total should reflect all the
counseling activities performed by the applicant during the period
October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2004, both with HUD housing
counseling grant funds, if applicable, and with other leveraged
On page 13820, section V.A.3.c.(5)(b) and (c), first column, are
corrected to read as follows:
[[Page 28566]]
(b) Describe the level of effort and time the applicant anticipates
is required to provide the proposed counseling services to, and meet
the needs of, the number of clients it indicates in Rating Factor 5,
Section V.A.3.e (1)(a) that it will serve with the proposed grant.
Explain and describe the activities corresponding to the average
counseling time figures for each counseling type provided in Section
(c) Explain the figures provided in Section V.A.3.e (1)(a)
regarding proposed group session participation and one-on-one
counseling. Describe how clients are selected for one or the other, the
relationship between the two, and the role that each will play in the
overall service provision.
On page 13821, section V.A.3.d, first column, first sentence of the
second paragraph is corrected to read as follows: ``Applicants will be
evaluated based on their ability to show that they have obtained
additional resources for their housing counseling activities, for the
period October 1, 2005--September 30, 2006, including: Direct financial
assistance; in-kind contributions, such as services, equipment, office
space, labor; etc.''
On page 13821, section V.A.3.d.(3), first column, is corrected to
read as follows:
(3) Intermediaries and SHFAs should include information on
leveraged resources for only anticipated sub-grantees and branches that
will be funded through this application.
On page 13821, section V.A.3.e.(1)(a), third column, the bulleted
text is revised as follows:
Provide the following figures. Do not provide ranges or
percentages, but a specific numbers of clients. These amounts should
represent individuals to be served entirely with HUD housing counseling
funding. If, in reality, various funding sources will contribute to the
services provided each individual, the applicant must prorate their
response to reflect a figure representing services provided with only
funding from the proposed grant.
The total number of clients the applicant projects it and,
if applicable, sub-grantees, will serve under the total proposed HUD
grant, including all requested supplemental funding.
If requesting supplemental funding, indicate the specific
number of clients the applicant projects it, or if applicable, sub-
grantees, will serve under the comprehensive counseling portion of the
requested award.
If requesting supplemental funding, separately indicate
for each specific type of supplemental funding being requested, the
number of clients the applicant projects it, or if applicable, sub-
grantees, will serve under the proposed supplemental funding.
The total number of clients that will receive Homebuyer
Education Workshops or other types of classes offered as group sessions
with the proposed award in general, and under each of the applicable
supplemental funding types. In other words, the projected totals for
Sections 6a and 6b on the form HUD-9902 that will correspond with the
proposed grant year.
The number of clients that will participate in one-on-one
counseling, with the proposed award in general, and under each of the
applicable supplemental funding types. In other words, the projected
total for all of Section 7 on the form HUD-9902 that will correspond
with the proposed grant year.
The number of clients that will participate in both group
sessions or workshops and one-on-one counseling, with the proposed
award in general, and under each of the applicable supplemental funding
On page 13822, section V.B., middle column, add new paragraphs 5
and 6 after paragraph 4. to read as follows:
5. Funding Methodology
a. Comprehensive Counseling. The following funding formula will be
used to calculate the comprehensive counseling portion of the awards
under Categories 1-3. Only applicants who receive a score of 75 points
or above will be considered eligible for funding. All eligible
applicants will then be funded in proportion to the score they receive.
Regarding the comprehensive counseling portion of an award, all
grantees will receive the lower of either the comprehensive award
amount determined with the formula, or the amount actually requested by
the applicant, as indicated on the form SF-424A, Section B. This amount
must be labeled ``Comprehensive'' to distinguish it from requested
supplemental funds, if applicable. The formula will work as follows for
each category:
(1) Funding Round 1. Every applicant that scores 75 points or above
will receive a base award ($15,000 for LHCAs; $50,000 for SHFAs; and
$200,000 for intermediaries). The total number of applicants receiving
the base award will be multiplied by the relevant base amount, and that
amount will be subtracted from the total amount available under the
Category, or in the cases of Categories 1 and 3, available to the HOC.
(2) Funding Round 2. Then, the remaining balance after funding the
Round 1 base awards will be divided by the total number of points all
applicants in that Category, and HOC in the cases of Categories 1 and
3, score that are above the 75-point cutoff. The calculation will
result in a dollar value for each point. The number of points that all
applicants in a Category, and in a HOC in the cases of Categories 1 and
3, score above the 75 point base will be multiplied by that dollar
value. The result of that calculation will be added to the base award.
Any remaining funds after this calculation will carry over into the
next funding round.
(3) This same methodology will be used for each subsequent round of
funding until all available funds are awarded, or until all eligible
applicants are funded to the maximum dollar amount allowed. Subsequent
rounds of calculations, if needed, will distribute remaining funds to
applicants that scored above 95 points, 91-95 points, 86-90 points, and
80-85 points, respectively.
b. Supplemental Funding. The same methodology described above in
section a will be used to distribute the available supplemental funds
for Predatory Lending, Homeownership Voucher Counseling, and Colonias
to eligible applicants. Regarding supplemental funding, all grantees
will receive the lower of either the supplemental award amount
determined with the formula, or the specific amount of supplemental
funding actually requested by the applicant, as indicated on Form SF-
424A, Section B. Each applicant will only submit one application and
receive a score based on the application for the comprehensive
counseling grant. Comprehensive counseling funds will be allocated
based on this score. Subsequently, for each supplemental funding
category requested, responses to each rating factor will be evaluated
on a yes/no, adequate/inadequate basis. An adequate response will
result in a score for the supplemental funding identical to the
comprehensive score on each respective rating factor. An inadequate
supplemental response will result in a 1-point deduction from the
comprehensive score. After all five rating factors have been evaluated,
the adjusted ratings will result in a distinct score for the
supplemental funds. This method will result in scores for supplemental
funding that may be equal to the comprehensive score, or up to five
points less than the comprehensive score. In no case can an applicant
receive a higher score on an application for supplemental funding that
it received on its comprehensive application. This process will be
repeated for each supplemental funding
[[Page 28567]]
allocation. An applicant will receive a separate score for its
application for comprehensive counseling, and each supplemental funding
category for which it applies. The base awards for the three
supplemental funding categories eligible to all applicants will be
$2,000 for LHCAs, $10,000 for SHFAs, and $40,000 for intermediaries.
Only applicants scoring 75 points or above are eligible for
supplemental funding. However, because of the limited amount of funds
available, all applicants scoring 75 points or above are not guaranteed
supplemental funding.
(1) For National and regional intermediaries, up to the top 5
scoring applicants (scoring 75 points or above) for supplemental
funding for predatory lending and Homeownership Voucher Counseling that
are eligible for supplemental funds, and have not already been fully
funded in accordance with the funding methodology described in this
section, will receive supplemental funding. For supplemental funding
for Colonias, up to the top three scoring intermediary applicants
(scoring 75 points or above) that are eligible for supplemental funds,
and have not already been fully funded in accordance with the funding
methodology described in this section, will receive supplemental
funding. For supplemental funding for HECM, the top scoring
intermediary applicant (scoring 75 points or above) that is eligible
for supplemental funds, and has not already been fully funded in
accordance with the funding methodology described in this section, will
receive supplemental funding.
(2) For SHFAs, up to the top 2 scoring applicants (scoring 75
points or above) in each HOC for each supplemental category that are
eligible for the supplemental funds, and have not already been fully
funded, will receive supplemental funding.
(3) For LHCAs, up to the top 10 scoring applicants (scoring 75
points or above) in each HOC for each supplemental category that are
eligible for the supplemental funds, and have not already been fully
funded, will receive supplemental funding.
6. Reallocation of Unspent Funds. If funds designated for a
specific grant Category, HOC, or for supplemental funding remain
unspent after the formulas have been run and award recommendations are
determined, HUD may, at its discretion, reallocate those funds to any
other funding Category or supplemental funding area under this NOFA.
Additionally, HUD may reallocate unspent funds to any HOC jurisdiction
or to HUD Headquarters for awards under this NOFA. HUD may also
reallocate unspent funds for housing counseling support activities.
6. Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program, beginning at page
On page 13838, section III.A.1.a., third column, is corrected to
read as follows: a. ``General applicants'' are new applicants,
previously funded lead-based paint hazard control grantee applicants
whose period of performance ended prior to the NOFA submission date,
and current grantees with grants ending on or before December 31, 2005
(including those who are not awarded under the Competitive Performance-
Based Renewal category), and will be evaluated and scored as a separate
group. Grantee applicants that are eligible to compete under the
Competitive Performance-Based Renewal category will be evaluated and
scored as a separate group.
On page 13848, section V.A.3, third column, the heading is
corrected to read as follows: ``3. Rating Factor 3: Soundness of
Approach, (40 points).''
7. Healthy Homes Technical Studies Program, beginning at page
Beginning on page 13864, section IV.B.1.i., first column and
continuing to page 13865, under ``Required Forms and Budget Material,''
delete the bullet reading, ``Form HUD 2994 Client Comments and
Suggestions (Optional)'' and substitute the following:
--Form HUD-2993 Acknowledgement of Application Receipt (applicable
to paper copy submissions only)
8. Lead Technical Studies, beginning at page 13871:
On page 13876, section IV.B.1.j, first column, under ``Required
Forms and Budget Material,'' add the following:
--Form HUD-2993 Acknowledgment of Application Receipt (applicable
to paper copy submissions only)
9. Lead Outreach Grant Program, beginning at page 13881:
On page 13884, section IV.B.2.b.(7), third column, remove the
bullet that reads, ``HUD's waiver from submitting electronically (if
On pages 13891-13895, delete the forms, HUD-96012, 96013, 96014,
and 96015, and Work Plan Development Worksheet.
10. Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Program, beginning on page
On page 13900, section V.B., third column, remove the bullet that
reads, ``HUD's waiver from submitting electronically (if applicable).''
11. Healthy Homes Demonstration Program, beginning at page 13919:
On page 13920, Overview Information, section G.1., first column,
the last sentence is corrected to read as follows: ``Appendix A, which
contains forms that are required to be completed and submitted as part
of your response to the rating factors that are discussed in Section V,
can be found at the end of the NOFA. Appendices A through D can be
found and downloaded from HUD's Web site at:
On page 13923, section III.C.3.n., third column, correct the last
sentence to read as follows: ``See section V.A.2.c., Rating Factor 3.3
for recommendations for implementing Section 3 Employment
On page 13924, section IV, ``Checklist for Healthy Homes
Demonstration Program Applicants,'' third column, remove forms HUD-
96013 and HUD-96014, which are not part of this application.
On page 13924, section IV.B.7, third column, remove the item that
reads ``HUD's Waiver from submitting electronically (if applicable).''
On page 13924, section IV B.7. under ``Checklist for Healthy Homes
Demonstration Program Applicants,'' beginning on the second column and
continuing to the third column under, ``Required materials in response
to rating factors,'' third column, is corrected by adding ``Form HUD-
27300 Questionnaire for HUD's Initiative on Removal of Regulatory
On page 13926, section V.A.2.a.(4), middle column, the second
paragraph of this section that begins on the top of the middle column
is revised to read as follows:
You must complete and submit the Factor 1, Table 1 Capacity of the
Applicant and Relevant Organizational Experience (which may be found at
the end of this NOFA) to support narrative information submitted.
Include this table in supporting materials for your application. It
will not be counted toward your page limit.
On page 13929, section V.A.2.d.(2), first column, the last two
sentences of this paragraph is revised to read as follows: ``Letters of
support (letters that indicate support, but do not specify a monetary
commitment to the project) will not be considered in the scoring of
Rating Factor 4 (Factor 4 table may be found at the end of this NOFA).
Include information to address the following elements:''
On page 13931, section VIII.B, third column, is revised to read as
Appendix A contains forms that are required to be completed and
submitted as part of your response to the rating factors that are
discussed in Section V and can be found at the end of this NOFA.
[[Page 28568]]
12. Operation Lead Elimination Action Program, beginning at page
On page 13939, section IV.B.a.(2), third column, under ``Checklist
and Submission Table of Contents Lead Elimination Action Program,''
remove the item that reads: ``HUD's' Waiver from submitting
electronically (if applicable)''
13. Youthbuild, beginning at page 13977:
On page 13985, section V.E., middle column, the sixth and seventh
bulleted items are corrected to read as follows:
Number and percent of graduates placed in employment or
education (for percentage calculation, numerator: The number of
graduates who have entered employment or enrolled in post secondary
education; denominator: The number of graduates from the Youthbuild
program); and
Number and percentage of participants who made literacy
and numeracy gains (measures the increase in literacy and numeracy
skills of participants through a common assessment tool administered at
program registration and regular intervals thereafter); for percentage
calculation, numerator: The number of Youthbuild program participants
who increase one or more education functioning levels; denominator: The
number of Youthbuild program participants who have completed a year in
the program
14. Public Housing Neighborhood Networks, beginning at page 14023:
On page 14024, Overview Information, section F., first column, is
revised to read as follows:
F. Dates. The application submission date is July 11, 2005. Please
see the General Section of the SuperNOFA for application submission and
timely receipt requirements.
On page 14027, section III.C.1., first column, add a new paragraph
``g.,'' to read as follows:
g. Off-site Physical Improvements. Physical improvements that
relate to providing space for a Neighborhood Networks center are
eligible activities, including for off-site centers. If renovation,
conversion, or repair is done off-site, the PHA must describe this
circumstance in their narrative and provide documentation with its
application that it has control of the proposed property for at least
five years. Control can be demonstrated through a lease agreement,
ownership documentation, or other appropriate documentation.
On page 14028, section IV.B.4.(2), tab 2, middle column, a new
paragraph ``4'' is added to read as follows:
4. If applicable, documentation of site control (for 5 years) for
off-site physical improvements.
On page 14028, section IV.E.2.c, third column, is corrected to read
as follows:
c. NN funds may only be used for the types of salaries described in
this section according to the restrictions described herein. NN funds
may not be used to pay for salaries of any other kind. NN funds may
only be used to pay for salaries of staff that provide direct services
to residents. Direct services staff, for purposes of this NOFA, are
defined as housing authority personnel who, as their primary
responsibility, provide services directly to residents that participate
in the activities described in this application, e.g., computer skills
On page 14028, section IV.E.4.f., third column, is revised to read
as follows:
f. Salaries and fringe benefits for staff that are not direct
services staff. Direct services staff, for purposes of this NOFA, are
defined as housing authority personnel who, as their primary
responsibility, provide services directly to residents that participate
in the activities described in this application, e.g., computer skills
15. Public Housing Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency
(ROSS) Program, beginning at page 14054:
On page 14063, section III.C.2.i., first column, is revised by
adding the following: ``Tribal/TDHE applicants must provide a letter
certifying that they will comply with this requirement.''
On page 14065, section IV.E.6.h., third column, remove paragraph
16. Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program, beginning at
page 14087:
On page 14087, section F. under ``Overview Information,'' change
the application submission date of ``June 20, 2005'' to ``June 28,
On page 14088, section A.3. under ``Overview Information'', middle
column, the paragraph is revised to read as follows:
3. Award Amounts: Award amounts will be used to pay only for the
annual salary and fringe benefits of a FSS program coordinator(s).
Award amounts will be based on locality pay rates for professions
similar to that of an FSS program coordinator. Individual award amounts
will not exceed $65,000 per FSS program coordinator for which the
applicant is eligible. The maximum grant amount for new applicants is
$65,000 because new applicants may apply only for funding for one FSS
program coordinator.
On page 14088, revise the table to read as follows:
Grant program Total funding applicants Maximum grant amount
Public and Indian Housing $22,950,000 PHAs, tribes/ $65,000 maximum salary amount per FSS
Family Self-Sufficiency. TDHEs only. program coordinator for which the
applicant is eligible. Maximum grant
amount for new applicants is $65,000
because they may apply only for one FSS
program coordinator.
On page 14089, section III.C., middle column, add a new paragraph
III.C.1, and renumber subsequent paragraphs accordingly, to read as
1. Eligible Activities. FSS grant funds may only be used to pay for
the annual salary and fringe benefits of a FSS Program Coordinator(s).
On page 14090, section III.C.2.g., middle column, is revised to
read as follows:
g. Number of Program Coordinators.
(1) Renewal Applicants.
(a) Maintaining Program Size. Applicants that received funding from
the Operating Fund or the 2004 FSS NOFA may apply for renewal of each
FSS coordinator position(s) that has been filled by the applicant in
either of the past two years under the Operating Fund or the 2004 FSS
Funding for renewal of more than one program coordinator position
is contingent upon HUD field office approval. For renewal applicants,
HUD will fund the renewal of the FSS program coordinator(s) salary and
fringe benefits, not to exceed $65,000.
(b) Expanding Program Size. Applicants wishing to expand their FSS
program may in addition to requesting funds for their current FSS
program coordinator(s), also request funds for one additional FSS
coordinator. Applicants seeking one additional FSS coordinator, must
demonstrate why the current FSS program coordinator
[[Page 28569]]
staffing is not sufficient to manage resident needs and how they plan
to expand their program. See rating factors under section V. for
relevant criteria. Note: Funding priority will be given to renewing
existing staff positions for renewal applicants and to applicants
wishing to implement a new program (see new applicants below). If
sufficient funding is available to fund expanding applicants' existing
programs, HUD will do so in accordance with the selection process under
Section V(B).
(2) New Applicants. A PHA or tribe/TDHE that has not received
funding under the Operating Fund for a PH FSS Program Coordinator may