Enhancing Utilization of Childhood Immunization Client Recall Practices by Private Providers, 24807-24812 [05-9372]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 90 / Wednesday, May 11, 2005 / Notices
critical times when recall interventions
could be productive.
Centers for Disease Control and
The purpose of the program is to
increase the use of immunization recall
office procedures among private
practitioners who immunize children in
a given community. Community is
defined as a group of practitioners
located within a geographic boundary.
This program addresses the ‘‘Healthy
People 2010’’ focus area of
Immunization and Infectious Diseases,
specifically the ‘‘Healthy People 2010’’
Objective 14–22, which calls for
achieving and maintaining effective
vaccination coverage levels for
universally recommended vaccines
among young children, using a target
goal of 90 percent up-to-date (UTD)
immunization by 2010 for children 19–
35 months old.
Measurable outcomes of the program
will be in alignment with the
performance goal for the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC)
National Immunization Program (NIP) to
reduce the number of indigenous
vaccine-preventable diseases.
Research Objectives:
• Identify factors that facilitate or
impede the use of a recall mechanism
among private practitioners in a defined
• Develop a community-based
program to overcome such barriers and
enhance recall practices throughout the
entire geographic community; and
• Test how effectively the program
results in adoption of recall mechanisms
by local private providers.
Enhancing Utilization of Childhood
Immunization Client Recall Practices
by Private Providers
Announcement Type: New.
Funding Opportunity Number: RFA
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Number: 93.185.
Letter of Intent Deadline: June 10,
Application Deadline: June 27, 2005.
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Authority: Section 311 [42 U.S.C. 243] and
317 (k)(1) [42 U.S.C. 247b (k)(1)] of the Public
Health Service Act, as amended.
Client recall interventions have been
strongly recommended by the Task
Force of Community Preventive
Services as a strategy to increase
vaccination coverage among infants and
young children who have missed one or
more of vaccinations (‘‘Am J Prev Med
2000’’; 18 (1S), 97–140). The Task Force
has recommended this practice in a
range of settings and populations and a
range of scales (from individual practice
settings to entire communities), either in
isolation or as part of a multifaceted
program. In addition, studies have been
implemented in a range of settings,
including academic clinical practice,
public health settings, managed care,
private practice, and community-wide
However, immunization recall
interventions have not been widely
adopted by private practitioners.
Nationally, fewer than 20 percent of
private providers use a recall system
(‘‘Pediatrics 2003’’; 112:1076–1082).
Several barriers include lack of time and
funding and the inability to identify
children at specific ages. A strong
predictor of current use of recall
messages is having a key person
(champion) to lead the recall effort.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that
practitioners might have difficulty
identifying all age cohorts, but would be
more willing to identify a cohort of
children of a specified age. Data from
the National Immunization Survey
suggests that, by seven months, 46
percent of infants have fallen behind the
recommended schedule, and by 16
months of age, 31 percent remain
behind. These two milestones,
increasing 7 and 16 months
immunization rates, may represent
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Definition: Community-based
intervention is defined here as an
intervention program provided to all
primary care physicians (principally,
pediatricians and family practice
physicians) in the community. For
example, a general education program
provided to all such physicians in a
community concerning the value of
using a client recall program in their
practice would qualify. On the other
hand, a study involving pre-selection
and enrollment of only certain local
physicians, followed by an intervention
provided only to them, even if designed
to provide them with skills or materials
suitable to achieve the outcome desired,
would not qualify.
Awardee activities for this program
are as follows:
1. Identify two geographic
communities in which relatively few
primary care providers (suggested range,
10–30 percent of practices) use client
recall procedures to notify and schedule
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children in their practice to return for
an immunization office visit. One
community will serve as the
intervention community, the other as
the control. The control community
should be demographically similar to
the intervention community, but will
not be exposed to the intervention. The
control and intervention communities
must be evaluated at the same time
intervals and in the same manner during
the study.
2. In both communities, determine the
knowledge, attitudes, and practices of
local private providers and their staff
concerning the use of client recall
procedures in their office practices.
3. Develop or use existing
relationships with university faculty,
state and/or local health department
personnel, and an immunization
coalition to conduct this study. The
participation of each of these three
groups should be active and substantial.
University faculty should be qualified
and interested in conducting program
evaluation research.
4. Develop (or use an existing)
coalition (or alternatively, a partnership,
task force, or advisory board) to
periodically monitor and provide timely
feedback on all programmatic activities.
If such a coalition does not presently
exist, the applicant must describe how
either a broad-based coalition or
advisory board will be developed during
the first six months. Members should
include physicians and nurses who treat
children, health educators, and
pharmacists; officials from government
health departments and social services;
administrative representatives from
health care organizations, licensed child
care centers, health maintenance
organizations, insurers, and hospitals;
and interested parents, business, and
community leaders.
5. Within the intervention
community, identify practice-based or
physician-based barriers and facilitators
to the establishment and/or on-going
use of client recall procedures.
6. Use this information to create,
develop, and administer a communitybased intervention program, as defined
above, that is designed to overcome
identified barriers or optimize the use of
facilitators to the adoption of client
recall procedures. Such methods may
include the use of education, non-cash
incentives, and other, preferably novel
methods. Program elements should be
readily applicable to many types of
practices, or alternatively, have the
capacity to be easily tailored to each
type of practice. The program may
involve, for example, academic
detailing, equipment purchase, trainthe-trainer, management and training by
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 90 / Wednesday, May 11, 2005 / Notices
the state or local health department or
local immunization coalition, incentives
by a local professional organization, or
other methods. Multifaceted incentive
programs are generally preferred over
those with only one feature.
7. Recall programs must, at a
minimum, target under immunized
children at two discrete ages, seven
months and 16 months old. Special
attention should be paid to children
known to have lived at more than one
address by their first birthday. At least
six cycles should be conducted at each
age; that is, each practice should
conduct monthly recalls for sevenmonth-olds and 16 month-olds at least
six times during the two-year grant
period. Patient recall may be conducted
using either mail, e-mail, or telephone
methods, which may involve personal
calls or auto-dialer techniques.
8. Justification should be shown to
demonstrate that any motivators or
(non-cash) reward system is low-cost
and cost-efficient.
9. Assess the feasibility of providing
the proposed intervention program to
the entire community before its full
10. Provide the program throughout
the intervention community over two
11. Measure the actual cost of the
intervention program from the
provider’s perspective.
12. Measure the degree to which the
intervention is associated with adoption
of recall procedures among all private
practices in the intervention
community, and compare this with any
secular trends in adoption of recall
procedures in the control community.
Within those practices that conduct any
client recall procedures, collect and
report key process measures of these
functions. For example, measure the
number of telephone contacts made,
proportion of mailed recall notices
returned undeliverable, how many
months the office used the recall
process, changes in daily functions
believed locally to support the
continued use of recall, etc. The
benchmark of success for this project
will be the adoption and on-going use
(at 24 months) of recall procedures by
20 percent more practices in the
intervention above the corresponding
measure in the control community by
the end of the two-year period.
Alternatively, for relatively populous
geographic areas, adoption of recall
procedures by at least 10 more practices
in the intervention vs. the control
community during this period will
denote success.
13. At the end of the project period,
document changes in vaccination
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coverage, using 4:3:1:3:3:1 Up to Date
(UTD) coverage rates as the standard.
(For varicella, history of disease should
be taken into account.) Additionally,
measure changes in provider’s
knowledge, attitudes, and practices
concerning infant and child
immunization that have resulted from
the program. All such results should be
compared with corresponding findings
in the control community.
14. Collaboratively disseminate
research findings in peer-reviewed
publications and for use in determining
national policy.
In a cooperative agreement, CDC staff
is substantially involved in the program
activities, above and beyond routine
grant monitoring.
CDC activities for this program are as
1. Provide CDC investigator(s) to
monitor the cooperative agreement as
project officer(s).
2. Participate as active project team
members in the development,
implementation and conduct of the
research project and as coauthors of all
scientific publications that result from
the project.
3. Provide technical assistance on site
selection, data collection instruments,
analysis, and evaluation methods.
4. Assist in the development of
research protocols for Institutional
Review Boards (IRB) review. The CDC
IRB will review and approve the project
protocol initially and on at least an
annual basis until the research project is
5. Contribute subject matter expertise
in the areas of epidemiologic and survey
methods and statistical analysis.
6. Participate in the analysis and
dissemination of information, data and
findings from the project to facilitate
dissemination of results.
7. Serve as liaisons between the
recipients of the project award and other
administrative units within the CDC.
8. Facilitate an annual meeting
between awardee and CDC to coordinate
planned efforts and review progress.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Cooperative
CDC involvement in this program is
listed in the Activities Section above.
Mechanism of Support: UO1.
Fiscal Year Funds: 2005.
Approximate Total Funding:
$300,000. (Includes direct and indirect
costs. This amount is an estimate, and
is subject to availability of funds.)
Approximate Number of Awards:
Approximate Average Award:
$300,000. (Includes direct and indirect
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costs. This amount is for the first 12month budget period.)
Floor of Award Range: None.
Ceiling of Award Range: $300,000.
(Includes direct and indirect costs. This
ceiling is for the first 12-month budget
Anticipated Award Date: August 31,
Budget Period Length: 12 months.
Project Period Length: Two (2) years.
Throughout the project period, CDC’s
commitment to continuation of awards
will be conditioned on the availability
of funds, evidence of satisfactory
progress by the recipient (as
documented in required reports), and
the determination that continued
funding is in the best interest of the
Federal Government.
III. Eligibility Information
III.1. Eligible Applicants
Applications are limited to public and
private nonprofit organizations and by
governments and their agencies, such
as: (For profit organizations are not
eligible under Section 317(k)(1) [42
U.S.C. 247b(k)(1)] of the Public Health
Service Act, as amended.)
• Public nonprofit organizations.
• Private nonprofit organizations.
• Small, minority, women-owned
• Universities.
• Colleges.
• Research institutions.
• Hospitals.
• Community-based organizations.
• Faith-based organizations.
• Federally recognized Indian tribal
• Indian tribes.
• Indian tribal organizations.
• State and local governments or their
Bona Fide Agents (this includes the
District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of
the Northern Marianna Islands,
American Samoa, Guam, the Federated
States of Micronesia, the Republic of the
Marshall Islands, and the Republic of
• Political subdivisions of States (in
consultation with States).
A Bona Fide Agent is an agency/
organization identified by the state as
eligible to submit an application under
the state eligibility in lieu of a state
application. If you are applying as a
bona fide agent of a state or local
government, you must provide a letter
from the state or local government as
documentation of your status. Place this
documentation behind the first page of
your application form.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 90 / Wednesday, May 11, 2005 / Notices
III.2. Cost Sharing or Matching
Matching funds are not required for
this program.
III.3. Other
If you request a funding amount
greater than the ceiling of the award
range, your application will be
considered non-responsive, and will not
be entered into the review process. You
will be notified that your application
did not meet the submission
Special Requirements
If your application is incomplete or
non-responsive to the requirements
listed in this section, it will not be
entered into the review process. You
will be notified that your application
did not meet submission requirements.
• Late applications will be considered
non-responsive. See section ‘‘IV.3.
Submission Dates and Times’’ for more
information on deadlines.
• Document in the Appendix that
eligibility satisfies the criteria of Section
• Note: Title 2 of the United States
Code Section 1611 states that an
organization described in Section
501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code
that engages in lobbying activities is not
eligible to receive Federal funds
constituting an award, grant, or loan.
Individuals Eligible To Become
Principal Investigators: Any individual
or institution with the skills,
knowledge, and resources necessary to
carry out the proposed research is
invited to work with their institution to
develop an application for support.
Individuals from underrepresented
racial and ethnic groups as well as
individuals with disabilities are always
encouraged to apply for CDC programs.
IV. Application and Submission
IV.1. Address To Request Application
To apply for this funding opportunity,
use application form PHS 398 (OMB
number 0925–0001 rev. 9/2004). Forms
and instructions are available in an
interactive format on the CDC Web site,
at the following Internet address: http:/
Forms and instructions are also
available in an interactive format on the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Web
site at the following Internet address:
If you do not have access to the
Internet, or if you have difficulty
accessing the forms on-line, you may
contact the CDC Procurement and
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Grants Office Technical Information
Management Section (PGO–TIM) staff
at: 770–488–2700. Application forms
can be mailed to you.
IV.2. Content and Form of Application
Letter of Intent (LOI)
Your LOI must be written in the
following format:
• Maximum number of pages: Three.
• Font size: 12-point unreduced.
• Double-spaced.
• Paper size: 8.5 by 11 inches.
• Page margin size: One inch.
• Printed only on one side of page.
• Written in plain language, avoid
Your LOI must contain the following
• Descriptive title of the proposed
• Name, address, E-mail address,
telephone number, and FAX number of
the Principal Investigator.
• Names of other key personnel.
• Participating institutions.
• Number and title of this
Application: Follow the PHS 398
application instructions for content and
formatting of your application. For
further assistance with the PHS 398
application form, contact PGO–TIM staff
at 770–488–2700, or contact GrantsInfo,
Telephone (301) 435–0714, E-mail:
Your research plan should address
activities to be conducted over the
entire project period.
You are required to have a Dun and
Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering
System (DUNS) number to apply for a
grant or cooperative agreement from the
Federal government. Your DUNS
number must be entered on line 11 of
the face page of the PHS 398 application
form. The DUNS number is a nine-digit
identification number, which uniquely
identifies business entities. Obtaining a
DUNS number is easy and there is no
charge. To obtain a DUNS number,
access www.dunandbradstreet.com or
call 1–866–705–5711.
For more information, see the CDC
Web site at: https://www.cdc.gov/od/pgo/
This announcement uses the nonmodular budgeting format.
Additional requirements that may
require you to submit additional
documentation with your application
are listed in section ‘‘VI.2.
Administrative and National Policy
IV.3. Submission Dates and Times
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LOI Deadline Date: June 10, 2005.
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CDC requests that you send a LOI if
you intend to apply for this program.
Although the LOI is not required, not
binding, and does not enter into the
review of your subsequent application,
the LOI will be used to gauge the level
of interest in this program, and to allow
CDC to plan the application review.
Application Deadline Date: June 27,
Explanation of Deadlines: LOIs must
be received in the CDC Office of Public
Health Research (OPHR) and
applications must be received in the
CDC Procurement and Grants Office by
4 p.m. Eastern Time on the deadline
date. If you submit your LOI or
application by the United States Postal
Service or commercial delivery service,
you must ensure that the carrier will be
able to guarantee delivery by the closing
date and time. If CDC receives your
submission after closing due to: (1)
Carrier error, when the carrier accepted
the package with a guarantee for
delivery by the closing date and time, or
(2) significant weather delays or natural
disasters, you will be given the
opportunity to submit documentation of
the carriers guarantee. If the
documentation verifies a carrier
problem, CDC will consider the
submission as having been received by
the deadline.
This announcement is the definitive
guide on LOI and application content,
submission address, and deadline. It
supersedes information provided in the
application instructions. If your
application does not meet the deadline
above, it will not be eligible for review,
and will be discarded. You will be
notified that you did not meet the
submission requirements.
CDC will not notify you upon receipt
of your submission. If you have a
question about the receipt of your LOI
or application, first contact your courier.
If you still have a question concerning
your LOI, contact the OPHR staff at 404–
371–5277. If you still have a question
concerning your application, contact the
PGO–TIM staff at: 770–488–2700. Before
calling, please wait two to three days
after the submission deadline. This will
allow time for submissions to be
processed and logged.
IV.4. Intergovernmental Review of
Your application is subject to
Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs, as governed by Executive
Order (EO) 12372. This order sets up a
system for state and local governmental
review of proposed federal assistance
applications. You should contact your
state single point of contact (SPOC) as
early as possible to alert the SPOC to
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 90 / Wednesday, May 11, 2005 / Notices
prospective applications, and to receive
instructions on your state’s process.
Click on the following link to get the
current SPOC list: https://
IV.5. Funding Restrictions
Restrictions, which must be taken into
account while writing your budget, are
as follows:
• Funds relating to the conduct of
research will not be released until the
appropriate assurances and IRB
approvals are in place.
• Reimbursement of pre-award costs
is not allowed.
If you are requesting indirect costs in
your budget, you must include a copy
of your indirect cost rate agreement. If
your indirect cost rate is a provisional
rate, the agreement should be less than
12 months of age.
IV.6. Other Submission Requirements
LOI Submission Address: Submit your
LOI by express mail, delivery service,
fax, or E-mail to: Mary Lerchen, DrPH,
Scientific Review Administrator, CDC/
Office of Public Health Research, One
West Court Square, Suite 7000, MS D–
72. Telephone: 404–371–5277. Fax:
404–371–5215. E-mail:
Application Submission Address:
Submit the original and one hard copy
of your application by mail or express
delivery service to: Technical
Information Management—RFA IP05–
088, CDC Procurement and Grants
Office, 2920 Brandywine Road, Atlanta,
GA 30341.
At the time of submission, four
additional copies of the application, and
all appendices must be sent to: Mary
Lerchen, DrPH, Scientific Review
Administrator, CDC/Office of Public
Health Research, One West Court
Square, Suite 7000, MS D–72.
Telephone: 404–371–5277. Fax: 404–
371–5215. E-mail: MLerchen@cdc.gov.
Applications may not be submitted
electronically at this time.
V. Application Review Information
V.1. Criteria
Applicants are required to provide
measures of effectiveness that will
demonstrate the accomplishment of the
various identified objectives of the
cooperative agreement. The benchmark
of success for this project will be the
adoption of recall procedures by 20
percent more practices in the
intervention vs. the control community
by the end of the two-year period.
Alternatively, for relatively populous
geographic areas, adoption of recall
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procedures by at least 10 practices
during this period will denote success.
Other measures of effectiveness must
relate to the performance goals stated in
the ‘‘Purpose’’ section of this
announcement. Measures must be
objective and quantitative, and must
measure the intended outcome. These
measures of effectiveness must be
submitted with the application and will
be an element of evaluation.
The goals of CDC-supported research
are to advance the understanding of
biological systems, improve the control
and prevention of disease and injury,
and enhance health. In the written
comments, reviewers will be asked to
evaluate the application in order to
judge the likelihood that the proposed
research will have a substantial impact
on the pursuit of these goals.
The scientific review group will
address and consider each of the
following criteria equally in assigning
the application’s overall score,
weighting them as appropriate for each
application. The application does not
need to be strong in all categories to be
judged likely to have major scientific
impact and thus deserve a high priority
score. For example, an investigator may
propose to carry out important work
that by its nature is not innovative, but
is essential to move a field forward.
The review criteria are as follows:
Significance: Does this study address
an important problem in this
community? If the aims of the
application are achieved, how will
scientific knowledge be advanced? What
will be the effect of these studies on the
concepts or methods that drive this
The applicant must address the needs
of a community containing at least 50
private provider offices of pediatricians,
family practitioners, or doctors of
osteopathy where childhood
immunizations are given. A separate
community of similar size and
demographic composition should be
used as a control group. In each, recall
procedures should be currently in
practice in relatively few such offices,
preferably 10–30 percent. The
application should document in the
research plan the approximate number
of provider offices and the proportion
with recall procedures in place. The
cohort of office practices should include
relatively large (more than 10
immunizing physicians) as well as small
practices with one or two immunizing
physicians). If the target audience
represents multiple private practices,
such practices may not have a single,
central administrative authority. No
more than half the practices involved
should be located in a central county
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area; the other practices should then be
located in one or more outlying counties
of the core based statistical area (see
www/estimates/aboutmetro.html for
definition of terms). Practices where no
broad scale or comprehensive recall
program has existed during the past 12
months are less likely to be subjected to
confounding by other factors, and are
therefore preferred.
Approach: Are the conceptual
framework, design, methods, and
analyses adequately developed, wellintegrated, and appropriate to the aims
of the project? Does the applicant
acknowledge potential problem areas
and consider alternative tactics?
If the proposed intervention involves
direct communication with office
practice staff, the applicant must
include in the Appendix letters of
support indicating agreement
concerning their access to a variety of
types of provider offices, or
alternatively, note their experience in
conducting on-site interventions in
practitioner’s offices and discuss ways
they intend to overcome such barriers.
The applicant should specify their
progress to date in identifying both the
intervention and control group of
physicians/practices. The control group
should be one not exposed to the
program, yet evaluated at the same time
intervals as the intervention group to
control for secular changes in office
practice procedures.
Innovation: Does the project employ
novel concepts, approaches or methods?
Are the aims original and innovative?
Does the project challenge existing
paradigms or develop new
methodologies or technologies?
Novel methods that induce system
changes by providing non-cash
incentives or removing disincentives
should be considered.
Investigator: Is the investigator
appropriately trained and well suited to
carry out this work? Is the work
proposed appropriate to the experience
level of the principal investigator and
other researchers (if any)?
The applicant must develop or use
existing relationships with each of three
groups—university faculty, state and/or
local health department personnel, and
an immunization coalition—to conduct
this study. University faculty should
have experience in conducting program
evaluation research. The participation of
each of these three groups should be
active and substantial, and their
agreement to participate documented in
letters of support in the Appendix. The
applicant should develop (or use an
existing) coalition, partnership, task
force, or advisory board to provide
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 90 / Wednesday, May 11, 2005 / Notices
timely feedback on all programmatic
activities. If such a coalition does not
presently exist, the applicant must
describe how either a broad-based
coalition or advisory board will be
developed during the first six months.
This coalition should consist of
physicians and nurses who treat
children, health educators, and
pharmacists; officials from government
health department and other key health
and social services; administrative
representatives from health care
organizations, licensed child care
centers, health maintenance
organizations, insurers, and hospitals;
and interested parents, business, and
community leaders.
Environment: Does the scientific
environment in which the work will be
done contribute to the probability of
success? Do the proposed experiments
take advantage of unique features of the
scientific environment or employ useful
collaborative arrangements? Is there
evidence of institutional support? Are
letters of support included, if
Additional Review Criteria: In
addition to the above criteria, the
following items will be considered in
the determination of scientific merit and
priority score:
1. Degree to which the basis of
selecting the intervention and control
communities is described in the
2. Degree of support for the project
expressed by immunization providers
and key stakeholders in the intervention
3. Degree to which the intended
program intervention is described, and
any preliminary or pilot information
that suggests the degree to which it
might be effective in this community.
4. Ability of applicant to recruit
immunization provider private practices
for this or other similar interventions.
5. Degree to which activities are
specific, measurable, and appropriately
6. Extent to which applicant
documents plan to sustain use of recall
procedures in the community following
the termination of this project.
7. To what extent is each component
of the Special Requirements (see Section
III.3) met?
Protection of Human Subjects from
Research Risks: Does the application
adequately address the requirements of
Title 45 Part 46 for the protection of
human subjects? The involvement of
human subjects and protections from
research risk relating to their
participation in the proposed research
will be assessed.
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Inclusion of Women and Minorities in
Research: Does the application
adequately address the CDC Policy
requirements regarding the inclusion of
women, ethnic, and racial groups in the
proposed research? This includes: (1)
The proposed plan for the inclusion of
both sexes and racial and ethnic
minority populations for appropriate
representation; (2) The proposed
justification when representation is
limited or absent; (3) A statement as to
whether the design of the study is
adequate to measure differences when
warranted; and (4) A statement as to
whether the plans for recruitment and
outreach for study participants include
the process of establishing partnerships
with community(ies) and recognition of
mutual benefits.
Budget: The reasonableness of the
proposed budget and the requested
period of support in relation to the
proposed research. The priority score
should not be affected by the evaluation
of the budget.
V.2. Review and Selection Process
Applications will be reviewed for
completeness by the Procurement and
Grants Office (PGO) and for
responsiveness by the OPHR.
Incomplete applications and
applications that are non-responsive to
the eligibility criteria will not advance
through the review process. Applicants
will be notified that their application
did not meet submission requirements.
Applications that are complete and
responsive to the announcement will be
evaluated for scientific and technical
merit by an appropriate peer review
group or charter study section convened
by the OPHR in accordance with the
review criteria listed above. As part of
the initial merit review, all applications
• Undergo a process in which only
those applications deemed to have the
highest scientific merit by the review
group, generally the top half of the
applications under review, will be
discussed and assigned a priority score.
• Receive a written critique.
• Receive a second programmatic
level review by the Office of Science,
National Immunization Program.
• Undergo a peer review by a Special
Emphasis Panel (SEP). The SEP will be
selected from the NIH pool of scientists
or recommendations from the National
Immunization Program to serve as
reviewers on SEPs. Applications will be
ranked for the secondary review
according to scores submitted by the
SEP. Only those applications deemed to
have the highest scientific merit by the
review group, generally the top half of
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the applications under review, will be
discussed and assigned a priority score.
Award Criteria: Criteria that will be
used to make award decisions during
the programmatic review include:
• Scientific merit (as determined by
peer review).
• Availability of funds.
• Programmatic priorities.
V.3. Anticipated Announcement and
Award Dates
Award Date: August 31, 2005
VI. Award Administration Information
VI.1. Award Notices
Successful applicants will receive a
Notice of Award (NoA) from the CDC
Procurement and Grants Office. The
NoA shall be the only binding,
authorizing document between the
recipient and CDC. The NoA will be
signed by an authorized Grants
Management Officer, and mailed to the
recipient fiscal officer identified in the
Unsuccessful applicants will receive
notification of the results of the
application review by mail.
VI.2. Administrative and National
Policy Requirements
45 CFR Part 74 and Part 92
For more information on the Code of
Federal Regulations, see the National
Archives and Records Administration at
the following Internet address: https://
The following additional
requirements apply to this project:
• AR–1 Human Subjects
• AR–2 Requirements for Inclusion of
Women and Racial and Ethnic
Minorities in Research.
• AR–7 Executive Order 12372.
• AR–10 Smoke-Free Workplace
• AR–11 Healthy People 2010.
• AR–12 Lobbying Restrictions.
• AR–15 Proof of Non-Profit Status.
• AR–22 Research Integrity.
• AR–24 Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act Requirements.
• AR–25 Release and Sharing of Data.
Additional information on these
requirements can be found on the CDC
Web site at the following Internet
address: https://www.cdc.gov/od/pgo/
VI.3. Reporting
You must provide CDC with an
original, plus two hard copies of the
following reports:
1. Interim progress report, (use form
PHS 2590, OMB Number 0925–0001,
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 90 / Wednesday, May 11, 2005 / Notices
rev. 9/2004 as posted on the CDC Web
site) no less than 90 days before the end
of the budget period. The progress
report will serve as your non-competing
continuation application, and must
contain the following additional
a. Progress Toward Measures of
b. Additional Information Requested
by Program.
2. Financial status report, no more
than 90 days after the end of the budget
3. Final financial and performance
reports, no more than 90 days after the
end of the project period.
These reports must be mailed to the
Grants Management Specialist listed in
the ‘‘Agency Contacts’’ section of this
VII. Agency Contacts
We encourage inquiries concerning
this announcement.
For general questions, contact:
Technical Information Management
Section, CDC Procurement and Grants
Office, 2920 Brandywine Road, Atlanta,
GA 30341, Telephone: 770–488–2700.
For scientific/research issues, contact:
Susan Chu, PhD, MSPH, Extramural
Program Official, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, National
Immunization Program, MS E–05, 1600
Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333.
Telephone: (404) 639–8727. E-mail:
For questions about peer review,
contact: Mary Lerchen, DrPH, Scientific
Review Administrator, CDC/Office of
Public Health Research, One West Court
Square, Suite 7000, MS D–72,
Telephone: 404–371–5277. Fax: 404–
371–5215. E-mail: MLerchencdc.gov.
For financial, grants management, or
budget assistance, contact: Sharron
Orum, Grants Management Specialist,
CDC Procurement and Grants Office,
2920 Brandywine Road, Atlanta, GA
30341. Telephone: (770) 488–2716. Email: spo2@cdc.gov.
Immunization registries are
confidential, computerized information
systems that collect vaccination
histories and help ensure correct and
timely immunizations, especially for
children. Even though the United States
currently enjoys the highest
immunization rates and lowest disease
levels ever, the growing complexity of
the childhood vaccination schedule, as
well as the need to vaccinate a new
birth cohort of four million infants each
year, makes such recordkeeping
imperative. Inaccurate vaccination
histories could lead to unnecessary
immunization or missed opportunities
for immunization. Because about 20
percent of children see a second
provider during the second year of life
and the paper records from the first
provider may not be available, there is
some risk that toddlers may receive an
unnecessary vaccination. This waste
increases the cost of medical care and
results in an unnecessary injection for
the young child. On the other hand, if
a provider who sees a child for some but
not all immunizations relies on the
parent’s hand-held vaccination records,
a missed opportunity for immunization
may occur if the parent forgets to bring
in the child’s records. The provider may
then either (1) remind the parent
verbally at the time to bring in the
record for review at the next visit, or (2)
attempt to obtain all immunization
records from other known
immunization providers, a timeintensive function. Instead, by
electronically combining such records,
registries can reduce both the possibility
of extra immunizations as well as
missed opportunities, as well as
enhance other aspects of an
VIII. Other Information
This and other CDC funding
opportunity announcements can be
found on the CDC Web site, Internet
address: https://www.cdc.gov. Click on
‘‘Funding’’ then ‘‘Grants and
Cooperative Agreements.’’
Dated: May 5, 2005.
William P. Nichols,
Director, Procurement and Grants Office,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 05–9372 Filed 5–10–05; 8:45 am]
VerDate jul<14>2003
16:48 May 10, 2005
Jkt 205001
Centers for Disease Control and
Developing Methods and Strategies To
Increase Use of Immunization
Registries by Private Providers
Announcement Type: New.
Funding Opportunity Number: RFA
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Number: 93.185.
Letter of Intent Deadline: June 10,
Application Deadline: June 27, 2005.
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Authority: Section 311 [42 U.S.C. 243] and
317 (k)(1) [42 U.S.C. 247b (k)(1)] of the Public
Health Service Act, as amended.
PO 00000
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immunization program by identifying
at-risk and high-risk persons.
Presently 44 states have statewide or
regional registries. Nationwide,
although about 75 percent of public
vaccination providers use them, only an
estimated 31 percent of private
providers do so. Only seven states have
a majority (75 percent) of providers
using their central registry. Although
studies indicate that providers in
general support registry use, several
barriers persist. Many providers are not
aware of the existence of a registry,
despite significant promotion. Many are
concerned that the registry available to
them is not easily integrated into their
other data systems (e.g., appointments,
billing, electronic medical records),
lacks accuracy compared with hard
copy records, or does not already
contain the immunization history of
patients sufficient to make real-time
decisions in the office. Fees and other
costs are perceived as a barrier as well.
However, published research has
refuted the basis of many of these
perceptions. CDC has found that the
median cost per child younger than six
years is $4.71; another recent study
estimated the per-shot additional cost at
56¢. Further, where a strong computer
record system was put into place,
registries were found to be 78 percent
sensitive, compared with only 55
percent sensitivity for parental
vaccination cards.
Given the presently low use of
registries in private office practices,
coupled with the high proportion of
children (greater than 60 percent
according to the 2003 National
Immunization Survey) who receive at
least some immunizations by private
practitioners, a high degree of
acceptance and use of registries by
private providers is critical to its longterm success.
This study is designed to determine
methods and strategies to overcome
obstacles to full, active participation of
a state or county-based immunization
registry (‘‘central registry’’) by private
practitioners. The methods and
strategies developed and applied will
seek to change procedures in those
private practice offices in which county
or state based immunization registries
are not fully and actively used.
Several definitions apply for the
purpose of this Announcement.
‘‘Community-based intervention’’ is
defined here as an intervention program
provided to all primary care physicians
(principally, pediatricians and family
practice physicians) in the community.
For example, a general education
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 90 (Wednesday, May 11, 2005)]
[Pages 24807-24812]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-9372]
[[Page 24807]]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Enhancing Utilization of Childhood Immunization Client Recall
Practices by Private Providers
Announcement Type: New.
Funding Opportunity Number: RFA IP05-088.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 93.185.
Letter of Intent Deadline: June 10, 2005.
Application Deadline: June 27, 2005.
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Authority: Section 311 [42 U.S.C. 243] and 317 (k)(1) [42 U.S.C.
247b (k)(1)] of the Public Health Service Act, as amended.
Client recall interventions have been strongly recommended by the
Task Force of Community Preventive Services as a strategy to increase
vaccination coverage among infants and young children who have missed
one or more of vaccinations (``Am J Prev Med 2000''; 18 (1S), 97-140).
The Task Force has recommended this practice in a range of settings and
populations and a range of scales (from individual practice settings to
entire communities), either in isolation or as part of a multifaceted
program. In addition, studies have been implemented in a range of
settings, including academic clinical practice, public health settings,
managed care, private practice, and community-wide settings.
However, immunization recall interventions have not been widely
adopted by private practitioners. Nationally, fewer than 20 percent of
private providers use a recall system (``Pediatrics 2003''; 112:1076-
1082). Several barriers include lack of time and funding and the
inability to identify children at specific ages. A strong predictor of
current use of recall messages is having a key person (champion) to
lead the recall effort. Anecdotal evidence suggests that practitioners
might have difficulty identifying all age cohorts, but would be more
willing to identify a cohort of children of a specified age. Data from
the National Immunization Survey suggests that, by seven months, 46
percent of infants have fallen behind the recommended schedule, and by
16 months of age, 31 percent remain behind. These two milestones,
increasing 7 and 16 months immunization rates, may represent critical
times when recall interventions could be productive.
The purpose of the program is to increase the use of immunization
recall office procedures among private practitioners who immunize
children in a given community. Community is defined as a group of
practitioners located within a geographic boundary. This program
addresses the ``Healthy People 2010'' focus area of Immunization and
Infectious Diseases, specifically the ``Healthy People 2010'' Objective
14-22, which calls for achieving and maintaining effective vaccination
coverage levels for universally recommended vaccines among young
children, using a target goal of 90 percent up-to-date (UTD)
immunization by 2010 for children 19-35 months old.
Measurable outcomes of the program will be in alignment with the
performance goal for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's
(CDC) National Immunization Program (NIP) to reduce the number of
indigenous vaccine-preventable diseases.
Research Objectives:
Identify factors that facilitate or impede the use of a
recall mechanism among private practitioners in a defined community;
Develop a community-based program to overcome such
barriers and enhance recall practices throughout the entire geographic
community; and
Test how effectively the program results in adoption of
recall mechanisms by local private providers.
Definition: Community-based intervention is defined here as an
intervention program provided to all primary care physicians
(principally, pediatricians and family practice physicians) in the
community. For example, a general education program provided to all
such physicians in a community concerning the value of using a client
recall program in their practice would qualify. On the other hand, a
study involving pre-selection and enrollment of only certain local
physicians, followed by an intervention provided only to them, even if
designed to provide them with skills or materials suitable to achieve
the outcome desired, would not qualify.
Awardee activities for this program are as follows:
1. Identify two geographic communities in which relatively few
primary care providers (suggested range, 10-30 percent of practices)
use client recall procedures to notify and schedule children in their
practice to return for an immunization office visit. One community will
serve as the intervention community, the other as the control. The
control community should be demographically similar to the intervention
community, but will not be exposed to the intervention. The control and
intervention communities must be evaluated at the same time intervals
and in the same manner during the study.
2. In both communities, determine the knowledge, attitudes, and
practices of local private providers and their staff concerning the use
of client recall procedures in their office practices.
3. Develop or use existing relationships with university faculty,
state and/or local health department personnel, and an immunization
coalition to conduct this study. The participation of each of these
three groups should be active and substantial. University faculty
should be qualified and interested in conducting program evaluation
4. Develop (or use an existing) coalition (or alternatively, a
partnership, task force, or advisory board) to periodically monitor and
provide timely feedback on all programmatic activities. If such a
coalition does not presently exist, the applicant must describe how
either a broad-based coalition or advisory board will be developed
during the first six months. Members should include physicians and
nurses who treat children, health educators, and pharmacists; officials
from government health departments and social services; administrative
representatives from health care organizations, licensed child care
centers, health maintenance organizations, insurers, and hospitals; and
interested parents, business, and community leaders.
5. Within the intervention community, identify practice-based or
physician-based barriers and facilitators to the establishment and/or
on-going use of client recall procedures.
6. Use this information to create, develop, and administer a
community-based intervention program, as defined above, that is
designed to overcome identified barriers or optimize the use of
facilitators to the adoption of client recall procedures. Such methods
may include the use of education, non-cash incentives, and other,
preferably novel methods. Program elements should be readily applicable
to many types of practices, or alternatively, have the capacity to be
easily tailored to each type of practice. The program may involve, for
example, academic detailing, equipment purchase, train-the-trainer,
management and training by
[[Page 24808]]
the state or local health department or local immunization coalition,
incentives by a local professional organization, or other methods.
Multifaceted incentive programs are generally preferred over those with
only one feature.
7. Recall programs must, at a minimum, target under immunized
children at two discrete ages, seven months and 16 months old. Special
attention should be paid to children known to have lived at more than
one address by their first birthday. At least six cycles should be
conducted at each age; that is, each practice should conduct monthly
recalls for seven-month-olds and 16 month-olds at least six times
during the two-year grant period. Patient recall may be conducted using
either mail, e-mail, or telephone methods, which may involve personal
calls or auto-dialer techniques.
8. Justification should be shown to demonstrate that any motivators
or (non-cash) reward system is low-cost and cost-efficient.
9. Assess the feasibility of providing the proposed intervention
program to the entire community before its full institution.
10. Provide the program throughout the intervention community over
two years.
11. Measure the actual cost of the intervention program from the
provider's perspective.
12. Measure the degree to which the intervention is associated with
adoption of recall procedures among all private practices in the
intervention community, and compare this with any secular trends in
adoption of recall procedures in the control community. Within those
practices that conduct any client recall procedures, collect and report
key process measures of these functions. For example, measure the
number of telephone contacts made, proportion of mailed recall notices
returned undeliverable, how many months the office used the recall
process, changes in daily functions believed locally to support the
continued use of recall, etc. The benchmark of success for this project
will be the adoption and on-going use (at 24 months) of recall
procedures by 20 percent more practices in the intervention above the
corresponding measure in the control community by the end of the two-
year period. Alternatively, for relatively populous geographic areas,
adoption of recall procedures by at least 10 more practices in the
intervention vs. the control community during this period will denote
13. At the end of the project period, document changes in
vaccination coverage, using 4:3:1:3:3:1 Up to Date (UTD) coverage rates
as the standard. (For varicella, history of disease should be taken
into account.) Additionally, measure changes in provider's knowledge,
attitudes, and practices concerning infant and child immunization that
have resulted from the program. All such results should be compared
with corresponding findings in the control community.
14. Collaboratively disseminate research findings in peer-reviewed
publications and for use in determining national policy.
In a cooperative agreement, CDC staff is substantially involved in
the program activities, above and beyond routine grant monitoring.
CDC activities for this program are as follows:
1. Provide CDC investigator(s) to monitor the cooperative agreement
as project officer(s).
2. Participate as active project team members in the development,
implementation and conduct of the research project and as coauthors of
all scientific publications that result from the project.
3. Provide technical assistance on site selection, data collection
instruments, analysis, and evaluation methods.
4. Assist in the development of research protocols for
Institutional Review Boards (IRB) review. The CDC IRB will review and
approve the project protocol initially and on at least an annual basis
until the research project is completed.
5. Contribute subject matter expertise in the areas of
epidemiologic and survey methods and statistical analysis.
6. Participate in the analysis and dissemination of information,
data and findings from the project to facilitate dissemination of
7. Serve as liaisons between the recipients of the project award
and other administrative units within the CDC.
8. Facilitate an annual meeting between awardee and CDC to
coordinate planned efforts and review progress.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Cooperative Agreement.
CDC involvement in this program is listed in the Activities Section
Mechanism of Support: UO1.
Fiscal Year Funds: 2005.
Approximate Total Funding: $300,000. (Includes direct and indirect
costs. This amount is an estimate, and is subject to availability of
Approximate Number of Awards: One.
Approximate Average Award: $300,000. (Includes direct and indirect
costs. This amount is for the first 12-month budget period.)
Floor of Award Range: None.
Ceiling of Award Range: $300,000. (Includes direct and indirect
costs. This ceiling is for the first 12-month budget period.)
Anticipated Award Date: August 31, 2005.
Budget Period Length: 12 months.
Project Period Length: Two (2) years.
Throughout the project period, CDC's commitment to continuation of
awards will be conditioned on the availability of funds, evidence of
satisfactory progress by the recipient (as documented in required
reports), and the determination that continued funding is in the best
interest of the Federal Government.
III. Eligibility Information
III.1. Eligible Applicants
Applications are limited to public and private nonprofit
organizations and by governments and their agencies, such as: (For
profit organizations are not eligible under Section 317(k)(1) [42
U.S.C. 247b(k)(1)] of the Public Health Service Act, as amended.)
Public nonprofit organizations.
Private nonprofit organizations.
Small, minority, women-owned businesses.
Research institutions.
Community-based organizations.
Faith-based organizations.
Federally recognized Indian tribal governments.
Indian tribes.
Indian tribal organizations.
State and local governments or their Bona Fide Agents
(this includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianna
Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Federated States of Micronesia, the
Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau).
Political subdivisions of States (in consultation with
A Bona Fide Agent is an agency/organization identified by the state
as eligible to submit an application under the state eligibility in
lieu of a state application. If you are applying as a bona fide agent
of a state or local government, you must provide a letter from the
state or local government as documentation of your status. Place this
documentation behind the first page of your application form.
[[Page 24809]]
III.2. Cost Sharing or Matching
Matching funds are not required for this program.
III.3. Other
If you request a funding amount greater than the ceiling of the
award range, your application will be considered non-responsive, and
will not be entered into the review process. You will be notified that
your application did not meet the submission requirements.
Special Requirements
If your application is incomplete or non-responsive to the
requirements listed in this section, it will not be entered into the
review process. You will be notified that your application did not meet
submission requirements.
Late applications will be considered non-responsive. See
section ``IV.3. Submission Dates and Times'' for more information on
Document in the Appendix that eligibility satisfies the
criteria of Section III.1.
Note: Title 2 of the United States Code Section 1611
states that an organization described in Section 501(c)(4) of the
Internal Revenue Code that engages in lobbying activities is not
eligible to receive Federal funds constituting an award, grant, or
Individuals Eligible To Become Principal Investigators: Any
individual or institution with the skills, knowledge, and resources
necessary to carry out the proposed research is invited to work with
their institution to develop an application for support. Individuals
from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups as well as individuals
with disabilities are always encouraged to apply for CDC programs.
IV. Application and Submission Information
IV.1. Address To Request Application Package
To apply for this funding opportunity, use application form PHS 398
(OMB number 0925-0001 rev. 9/2004). Forms and instructions are
available in an interactive format on the CDC Web site, at the
following Internet address: https://www.cdc.gov/od/pgo/forminfo.htm.
Forms and instructions are also available in an interactive format
on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Web site at the following
Internet address: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/
If you do not have access to the Internet, or if you have
difficulty accessing the forms on-line, you may contact the CDC
Procurement and Grants Office Technical Information Management Section
(PGO-TIM) staff at: 770-488-2700. Application forms can be mailed to
IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission
Letter of Intent (LOI)
Your LOI must be written in the following format:
Maximum number of pages: Three.
Font size: 12-point unreduced.
Paper size: 8.5 by 11 inches.
Page margin size: One inch.
Printed only on one side of page.
Written in plain language, avoid jargon.
Your LOI must contain the following information:
Descriptive title of the proposed research.
Name, address, E-mail address, telephone number, and FAX
number of the Principal Investigator.
Names of other key personnel.
Participating institutions.
Number and title of this Announcement.
Application: Follow the PHS 398 application instructions for
content and formatting of your application. For further assistance with
the PHS 398 application form, contact PGO-TIM staff at 770-488-2700, or
contact GrantsInfo, Telephone (301) 435-0714, E-mail:
Your research plan should address activities to be conducted over
the entire project period.
You are required to have a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal
Numbering System (DUNS) number to apply for a grant or cooperative
agreement from the Federal government. Your DUNS number must be entered
on line 11 of the face page of the PHS 398 application form. The DUNS
number is a nine-digit identification number, which uniquely identifies
business entities. Obtaining a DUNS number is easy and there is no
charge. To obtain a DUNS number, access www.dunandbradstreet.com or
call 1-866-705-5711.
For more information, see the CDC Web site at: https://www.cdc.gov/
This announcement uses the non-modular budgeting format.
Additional requirements that may require you to submit additional
documentation with your application are listed in section ``VI.2.
Administrative and National Policy Requirements.''
IV.3. Submission Dates and Times
LOI Deadline Date: June 10, 2005.
CDC requests that you send a LOI if you intend to apply for this
program. Although the LOI is not required, not binding, and does not
enter into the review of your subsequent application, the LOI will be
used to gauge the level of interest in this program, and to allow CDC
to plan the application review.
Application Deadline Date: June 27, 2005.
Explanation of Deadlines: LOIs must be received in the CDC Office
of Public Health Research (OPHR) and applications must be received in
the CDC Procurement and Grants Office by 4 p.m. Eastern Time on the
deadline date. If you submit your LOI or application by the United
States Postal Service or commercial delivery service, you must ensure
that the carrier will be able to guarantee delivery by the closing date
and time. If CDC receives your submission after closing due to: (1)
Carrier error, when the carrier accepted the package with a guarantee
for delivery by the closing date and time, or (2) significant weather
delays or natural disasters, you will be given the opportunity to
submit documentation of the carriers guarantee. If the documentation
verifies a carrier problem, CDC will consider the submission as having
been received by the deadline.
This announcement is the definitive guide on LOI and application
content, submission address, and deadline. It supersedes information
provided in the application instructions. If your application does not
meet the deadline above, it will not be eligible for review, and will
be discarded. You will be notified that you did not meet the submission
CDC will not notify you upon receipt of your submission. If you
have a question about the receipt of your LOI or application, first
contact your courier. If you still have a question concerning your LOI,
contact the OPHR staff at 404-371-5277. If you still have a question
concerning your application, contact the PGO-TIM staff at: 770-488-
2700. Before calling, please wait two to three days after the
submission deadline. This will allow time for submissions to be
processed and logged.
IV.4. Intergovernmental Review of Applications
Your application is subject to Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs, as governed by Executive Order (EO) 12372. This order sets up
a system for state and local governmental review of proposed federal
assistance applications. You should contact your state single point of
contact (SPOC) as early as possible to alert the SPOC to
[[Page 24810]]
prospective applications, and to receive instructions on your state's
process. Click on the following link to get the current SPOC list:
IV.5. Funding Restrictions
Restrictions, which must be taken into account while writing your
budget, are as follows:
Funds relating to the conduct of research will not be
released until the appropriate assurances and IRB approvals are in
Reimbursement of pre-award costs is not allowed.
If you are requesting indirect costs in your budget, you must
include a copy of your indirect cost rate agreement. If your indirect
cost rate is a provisional rate, the agreement should be less than 12
months of age.
IV.6. Other Submission Requirements
LOI Submission Address: Submit your LOI by express mail, delivery
service, fax, or E-mail to: Mary Lerchen, DrPH, Scientific Review
Administrator, CDC/Office of Public Health Research, One West Court
Square, Suite 7000, MS D-72. Telephone: 404-371-5277. Fax: 404-371-
5215. E-mail: MLerchen@cdc.gov.
Application Submission Address: Submit the original and one hard
copy of your application by mail or express delivery service to:
Technical Information Management--RFA IP05-088, CDC Procurement and
Grants Office, 2920 Brandywine Road, Atlanta, GA 30341.
At the time of submission, four additional copies of the
application, and all appendices must be sent to: Mary Lerchen, DrPH,
Scientific Review Administrator, CDC/Office of Public Health Research,
One West Court Square, Suite 7000, MS D-72. Telephone: 404-371-5277.
Fax: 404-371-5215. E-mail: MLerchen@cdc.gov.
Applications may not be submitted electronically at this time.
V. Application Review Information
V.1. Criteria
Applicants are required to provide measures of effectiveness that
will demonstrate the accomplishment of the various identified
objectives of the cooperative agreement. The benchmark of success for
this project will be the adoption of recall procedures by 20 percent
more practices in the intervention vs. the control community by the end
of the two-year period. Alternatively, for relatively populous
geographic areas, adoption of recall procedures by at least 10
practices during this period will denote success. Other measures of
effectiveness must relate to the performance goals stated in the
``Purpose'' section of this announcement. Measures must be objective
and quantitative, and must measure the intended outcome. These measures
of effectiveness must be submitted with the application and will be an
element of evaluation.
The goals of CDC-supported research are to advance the
understanding of biological systems, improve the control and prevention
of disease and injury, and enhance health. In the written comments,
reviewers will be asked to evaluate the application in order to judge
the likelihood that the proposed research will have a substantial
impact on the pursuit of these goals.
The scientific review group will address and consider each of the
following criteria equally in assigning the application's overall
score, weighting them as appropriate for each application. The
application does not need to be strong in all categories to be judged
likely to have major scientific impact and thus deserve a high priority
score. For example, an investigator may propose to carry out important
work that by its nature is not innovative, but is essential to move a
field forward.
The review criteria are as follows:
Significance: Does this study address an important problem in this
community? If the aims of the application are achieved, how will
scientific knowledge be advanced? What will be the effect of these
studies on the concepts or methods that drive this field?
The applicant must address the needs of a community containing at
least 50 private provider offices of pediatricians, family
practitioners, or doctors of osteopathy where childhood immunizations
are given. A separate community of similar size and demographic
composition should be used as a control group. In each, recall
procedures should be currently in practice in relatively few such
offices, preferably 10-30 percent. The application should document in
the research plan the approximate number of provider offices and the
proportion with recall procedures in place. The cohort of office
practices should include relatively large (more than 10 immunizing
physicians) as well as small practices with one or two immunizing
physicians). If the target audience represents multiple private
practices, such practices may not have a single, central administrative
authority. No more than half the practices involved should be located
in a central county area; the other practices should then be located in
one or more outlying counties of the core based statistical area (see
https://www.census.gov/population/www/estimates/aboutmetro.html for
definition of terms). Practices where no broad scale or comprehensive
recall program has existed during the past 12 months are less likely to
be subjected to confounding by other factors, and are therefore
Approach: Are the conceptual framework, design, methods, and
analyses adequately developed, well-integrated, and appropriate to the
aims of the project? Does the applicant acknowledge potential problem
areas and consider alternative tactics?
If the proposed intervention involves direct communication with
office practice staff, the applicant must include in the Appendix
letters of support indicating agreement concerning their access to a
variety of types of provider offices, or alternatively, note their
experience in conducting on-site interventions in practitioner's
offices and discuss ways they intend to overcome such barriers. The
applicant should specify their progress to date in identifying both the
intervention and control group of physicians/practices. The control
group should be one not exposed to the program, yet evaluated at the
same time intervals as the intervention group to control for secular
changes in office practice procedures.
Innovation: Does the project employ novel concepts, approaches or
methods? Are the aims original and innovative? Does the project
challenge existing paradigms or develop new methodologies or
Novel methods that induce system changes by providing non-cash
incentives or removing disincentives should be considered.
Investigator: Is the investigator appropriately trained and well
suited to carry out this work? Is the work proposed appropriate to the
experience level of the principal investigator and other researchers
(if any)?
The applicant must develop or use existing relationships with each
of three groups--university faculty, state and/or local health
department personnel, and an immunization coalition--to conduct this
study. University faculty should have experience in conducting program
evaluation research. The participation of each of these three groups
should be active and substantial, and their agreement to participate
documented in letters of support in the Appendix. The applicant should
develop (or use an existing) coalition, partnership, task force, or
advisory board to provide
[[Page 24811]]
timely feedback on all programmatic activities. If such a coalition
does not presently exist, the applicant must describe how either a
broad-based coalition or advisory board will be developed during the
first six months. This coalition should consist of physicians and
nurses who treat children, health educators, and pharmacists; officials
from government health department and other key health and social
services; administrative representatives from health care
organizations, licensed child care centers, health maintenance
organizations, insurers, and hospitals; and interested parents,
business, and community leaders.
Environment: Does the scientific environment in which the work will
be done contribute to the probability of success? Do the proposed
experiments take advantage of unique features of the scientific
environment or employ useful collaborative arrangements? Is there
evidence of institutional support? Are letters of support included, if
Additional Review Criteria: In addition to the above criteria, the
following items will be considered in the determination of scientific
merit and priority score:
1. Degree to which the basis of selecting the intervention and
control communities is described in the application.
2. Degree of support for the project expressed by immunization
providers and key stakeholders in the intervention community.
3. Degree to which the intended program intervention is described,
and any preliminary or pilot information that suggests the degree to
which it might be effective in this community.
4. Ability of applicant to recruit immunization provider private
practices for this or other similar interventions.
5. Degree to which activities are specific, measurable, and
appropriately time-framed.
6. Extent to which applicant documents plan to sustain use of
recall procedures in the community following the termination of this
7. To what extent is each component of the Special Requirements
(see Section III.3) met?
Protection of Human Subjects from Research Risks: Does the
application adequately address the requirements of Title 45 Part 46 for
the protection of human subjects? The involvement of human subjects and
protections from research risk relating to their participation in the
proposed research will be assessed.
Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Research: Does the application
adequately address the CDC Policy requirements regarding the inclusion
of women, ethnic, and racial groups in the proposed research? This
includes: (1) The proposed plan for the inclusion of both sexes and
racial and ethnic minority populations for appropriate representation;
(2) The proposed justification when representation is limited or
absent; (3) A statement as to whether the design of the study is
adequate to measure differences when warranted; and (4) A statement as
to whether the plans for recruitment and outreach for study
participants include the process of establishing partnerships with
community(ies) and recognition of mutual benefits.
Budget: The reasonableness of the proposed budget and the requested
period of support in relation to the proposed research. The priority
score should not be affected by the evaluation of the budget.
V.2. Review and Selection Process
Applications will be reviewed for completeness by the Procurement
and Grants Office (PGO) and for responsiveness by the OPHR. Incomplete
applications and applications that are non-responsive to the
eligibility criteria will not advance through the review process.
Applicants will be notified that their application did not meet
submission requirements.
Applications that are complete and responsive to the announcement
will be evaluated for scientific and technical merit by an appropriate
peer review group or charter study section convened by the OPHR in
accordance with the review criteria listed above. As part of the
initial merit review, all applications may:
Undergo a process in which only those applications deemed
to have the highest scientific merit by the review group, generally the
top half of the applications under review, will be discussed and
assigned a priority score.
Receive a written critique.
Receive a second programmatic level review by the Office
of Science, National Immunization Program.
Undergo a peer review by a Special Emphasis Panel (SEP).
The SEP will be selected from the NIH pool of scientists or
recommendations from the National Immunization Program to serve as
reviewers on SEPs. Applications will be ranked for the secondary review
according to scores submitted by the SEP. Only those applications
deemed to have the highest scientific merit by the review group,
generally the top half of the applications under review, will be
discussed and assigned a priority score.
Award Criteria: Criteria that will be used to make award decisions
during the programmatic review include:
Scientific merit (as determined by peer review).
Availability of funds.
Programmatic priorities.
V.3. Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates
Award Date: August 31, 2005
VI. Award Administration Information
VI.1. Award Notices
Successful applicants will receive a Notice of Award (NoA) from the
CDC Procurement and Grants Office. The NoA shall be the only binding,
authorizing document between the recipient and CDC. The NoA will be
signed by an authorized Grants Management Officer, and mailed to the
recipient fiscal officer identified in the application.
Unsuccessful applicants will receive notification of the results of
the application review by mail.
VI.2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements
45 CFR Part 74 and Part 92
For more information on the Code of Federal Regulations, see the
National Archives and Records Administration at the following Internet
address: https://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/cfr-table-search.html.
The following additional requirements apply to this project:
AR-1 Human Subjects Requirements.
AR-2 Requirements for Inclusion of Women and Racial and Ethnic
Minorities in Research.
AR-7 Executive Order 12372.
AR-10 Smoke-Free Workplace Requirements.
AR-11 Healthy People 2010.
AR-12 Lobbying Restrictions.
AR-15 Proof of Non-Profit Status.
AR-22 Research Integrity.
AR-24 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
AR-25 Release and Sharing of Data.
Additional information on these requirements can be found on the
CDC Web site at the following Internet address: https://www.cdc.gov/od/
VI.3. Reporting
You must provide CDC with an original, plus two hard copies of the
following reports:
1. Interim progress report, (use form PHS 2590, OMB Number 0925-
[[Page 24812]]
rev. 9/2004 as posted on the CDC Web site) no less than 90 days before
the end of the budget period. The progress report will serve as your
non-competing continuation application, and must contain the following
additional elements:
a. Progress Toward Measures of Effectiveness.
b. Additional Information Requested by Program.
2. Financial status report, no more than 90 days after the end of
the budget period.
3. Final financial and performance reports, no more than 90 days
after the end of the project period.
These reports must be mailed to the Grants Management Specialist
listed in the ``Agency Contacts'' section of this announcement.
VII. Agency Contacts
We encourage inquiries concerning this announcement.
For general questions, contact: Technical Information Management
Section, CDC Procurement and Grants Office, 2920 Brandywine Road,
Atlanta, GA 30341, Telephone: 770-488-2700.
For scientific/research issues, contact: Susan Chu, PhD, MSPH,
Extramural Program Official, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, National Immunization Program, MS E-05, 1600 Clifton Road
NE, Atlanta, GA 30333. Telephone: (404) 639-8727. E-mail: SChu@cdc.gov.
For questions about peer review, contact: Mary Lerchen, DrPH,
Scientific Review Administrator, CDC/Office of Public Health Research,
One West Court Square, Suite 7000, MS D-72, Telephone: 404-371-5277.
Fax: 404-371-5215. E-mail: MLerchencdc.gov.
For financial, grants management, or budget assistance, contact:
Sharron Orum, Grants Management Specialist, CDC Procurement and Grants
Office, 2920 Brandywine Road, Atlanta, GA 30341. Telephone: (770) 488-
2716. E-mail: spo2@cdc.gov.
VIII. Other Information
This and other CDC funding opportunity announcements can be found
on the CDC Web site, Internet address: https://www.cdc.gov. Click on
``Funding'' then ``Grants and Cooperative Agreements.''
Dated: May 5, 2005.
William P. Nichols,
Director, Procurement and Grants Office, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 05-9372 Filed 5-10-05; 8:45 am]