Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability, 24037-24038 [05-9119]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 87 / Friday, May 6, 2005 / Notices
Dated: April 25, 2005.
Oscar Morales,
Director, Collection Strategies Division.
[FR Doc. 05–9083 Filed 5–5–05; 8:45 am]
[R04–OAR–2005–NC–0002–200508; FRL–
Adequacy Status of the Charlotte,
Raleigh/Durham, and Winston-Salem,
NC Carbon Monoxide Maintenance
Plan Updates for Transportation
Conformity Purposes
Today’s notice is simply an
announcement of a finding that EPA has
already made. EPA Region 4 sent a letter
to NCDENR on April 29, 2005, stating
that the MVEB in the submitted
Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham, and
Winston-Salem carbon monoxide
maintenance plan updates submitted on
March 23, 2005, are adequate. This
finding has also been announced on
EPA’s conformity Web site: https://
www.epa.gov/otaq/transp.htm, (once
there, click on the ‘‘Transportation
Conformity’’ text icon, then look for
Adequacy Review of SIP Submissions’’).
The adequate MVEB are provided in the
following tables.
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
Mecklenburg ......
CO .....................
These MVEB are effective May
23, 2005.
Laurita, Environmental Engineer, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 4, Air Planning Branch, Air
Quality Modeling and Transportation
Section, 61 Forsyth Street, SW., Atlanta,
Georgia 30303. Mr. Laurita can also be
reached by telephone at (404) 562–9044,
or via electronic mail at
laurita.matthew@epa.gov. The finding is
available at EPA’s conformity Web site:
(once there, click on the
‘‘Transportation Conformity’’ text icon,
then look for ‘‘Adequacy Review of SIP
VerDate jul<14>2003
18:03 May 05, 2005
Jkt 205001
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401–7671q.
Notice of adequacy.
EPA has described the process for
determining the adequacy of submitted
SIP budgets in guidance (May 14, 1999
memorandum entitled ‘‘Conformity
Guidance on Implementation of March
2, 1999 Conformity Court Decision’’).
EPA has followed this guidance in
making this adequacy determination.
This guidance is incorporated into
EPA’s July 1, 2004, final rulemaking
entitled ‘‘Transportation Conformity
Rule Amendments for the New 8-hour
Ozone and PM2.5 National Ambient Air
Quality Standards and Miscellaneous
Revisions for Existing Areas;
Transportation Conformity Rule
Amendments: Response to Court
Decision and Additional Rule Changes.’’
Dated: April 29, 2005.
A. Stanley Meiburg,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region 4.
[FR Doc. 05–9213 Filed 5–5–05; 8:45 am]
[Tons per day]
In this notice, EPA is
notifying the public that EPA has found
that the motor vehicle emission budgets
(MVEB) in the Charlotte (Mecklenburg
County), Raleigh/Durham (Durham and
Wake Counties), and Winston-Salem
(Forsyth County) carbon monoxide
maintenance plan updates, submitted
March 23, 2005, by the North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (NCDENR), are adequate for
transportation conformity purposes. On
March 2, 1999, the DC Circuit Court
ruled that submitted State
Implementation Plans (SIPs) cannot be
used for transportation conformity
determinations until EPA has
affirmatively found them adequate. As a
result of EPA’s finding, the Charlotte,
Raleigh/Durham, and Winston-Salem
areas can use the MVEB from the
submitted Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham,
and Winston-Salem carbon monoxide
maintenance plan updates, respectively,
for future conformity determinations.
[Tons per day]
Durham ..............
Wake .................
CO .....................
CO .....................
Environmental Impacts Statements;
Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal
Activities, General Information (202)
564–7167 or https://www.epa.gov/
[Tons per day]
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact
Forsyth .............. CO ..................... 247.64 Filed 04/25/2005 Through 04/29/2005
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
Transportation conformity is required EIS No. 20050175, Draft EIS, FHW, CA,
by section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act,
Campus Parkway Project, Proposes to
as amended in 1990. EPA’s conformity
Construct a New Expressway from
rule requires that transportation plans,
Mission Avenue Interchange and
programs and projects conform to state
Yosemite Avenue/Lake Road, US
air quality implementation plans and
Army COE Section 404 Permit, City of
establishes the criteria and procedures
Merced, Merced County, CA,
for determining whether or not they do.
Comment Period Ends: 07/05/2005,
Conformity to a SIP means that
Contact: Mahfoud Licha 916–498–
transportation activities will not
produce new air quality violations,
EIS No. 20050176, Draft EIS, FAA, AK,
worsen existing violations, or delay
Juneau International Airport,
timely attainment of the national
Proposed Development Activities to
ambient air quality standards.
Enhance Operations Safety, Facilitate
The criteria by which EPA determines
Aircraft Alignment, US Army COE
whether a SIP’s MVEB are adequate for
Section 404 Permit, City and Borough
transportation conformity purposes are
of Juneau, AK, Comment Period Ends:
outlined in 40 Code of Federal
06/20/2005, Contact: Patti Sullivan
Regulations 93.118(e)(4). Please note
that an adequacy review is separate
EIS No. 20050177, Draft EIS, AFS, AZ,
from EPA’s completeness review, and it
Coconino National Forest Project, Realso should not be used to prejudge
authorize Grazing on the Pickett Lake
EPA’s ultimate approval of the SIP.
and Padre Canyon Allotments,
Even if EPA finds a budget adequate, the
Implementation, Mormon Lake Range
Agency may later determine that the SIP
District, Coconino County, AZ,
itself is not approvable.
Comment Period Ends: 06/20/2005,
PO 00000
Frm 00077
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 87 / Friday, May 6, 2005 / Notices
Contact: Mike Hanneman 928–526–
EIS No. 20050178, Final EIS, FHW, LA,
I–49 South Lafayette Regional Airport
to LA–88 Route US–90 Project,
Upgrading Existing US–90 from the
Lafayette Regional Airport to LA–88,
Funding, Iberia, Lafayette and St.
Martin Parishes, LA, Wait Period
Ends: 06/13/2005, Contact: William C.
Farr 225–757–7615
EIS No. 20050179, Draft Supplement
EIS, AFS, MT, Gallatin National
Forest, Updated Information, Main
Boulder Fuels Reduction Project,
Implementation, Gallatin National
Forest, Big Timber Ranger District, Big
Timber, Sweethgrass and Park
Counties, MT, Comment Period Ends:
06/20/2005, Contact: Barbara Ping
EIS No. 20050180, Draft Supplement
EIS, AFS, ID, Mission Brush Project,
Additional Information, Proposes
Vegetation, Wildlife Habitat,
Recreation and Aquatic Improvement
Treatments, Idaho Panhandle
National Forests, Bonners Ferry
Ranger District, Bounty County, ID,
Comment Period Ends: 06/20/2005,
Contact: Doug Nisherk 208–267–5561
EIS No. 20050181, Draft EIS, FHW, MO,
MO–34 Corridor Improvements, from
intersection of U.S. Routes 60/21 in
Carter County to the intersection of
Routes 34/72 in Cape Girardeau
County, Funding, U.S. Army COE
Section 404 Permit, Carter, Bollinger,
Reynolds, Wayne, and Cape Girardeau
Counties, MO, Comment Period Ends:
06/24/2005, Contact: Peggy Casey
EIS No. 20050182, Draft EIS, FRC, CO,
Piceance Basin Expansion Project,
Construction and Operation of a New
Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline
System, Wamsutter Compressor
Station to Interconnections
Greasewood Compressor Station, Rio
Blanco County CO and Sweetwater
County, WY, Comment Period Ends:
06/20/2005, Contact: Joyce Turner
EIS No. 20050183, Final EIS, NOA, HI,
Seabird Interaction Mitigation
Methods, To Reduce Interaction with
Seabird in Hawaii-Based Longline
Fishery and Pelagic Squid Fishery
Management, to Establish an Effective
Management Framework for Pelagic
Squid Fisheries, Fishery Management
Plan, Pelagic Fisheries of the Western
Pacific Region, Exclusive Economic
Zone of the U.S. and High Sea, HI,
Wait Period Ends: 06/06/2005,
Contact: Alvin Katekaru 808–973–
EIS No. 20050184, Final EIS, NOA, AK,
Essential Fish Habitat Identification
VerDate jul<14>2003
18:03 May 05, 2005
Jkt 205001
and Conservation, Implementation,
North Pacific Fishery Management
Council, Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act,
AK, Wait Period Ends: 06/06/2005,
Contact: James W. Balsiger 907586–
Amended Notices
EIS No. 20050174, DRAFT EIS, FHW,
CO, I–25 Valley Highway Project,
Transportation Improvement from
Logan to U.S. 6, Denver County, CO,
Comment Period Ends: June 14, 2005,
Contact: Chris Horn (720) 963–3017.
Revision of Federal Register Notice
Published on 4/29/2005: Correction to
the County from Douglas to Denver.
Dated: May 3, 2005.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. 05–9119 Filed 5–5–05; 8:45 am]
Environmental Impact Statements and
Regulations; Availability of EPA
Availability of EPA comments
prepared pursuant to the Environmental
Review Process (ERP), under section
309 of the Clean Air Act and Section
102(2)(c) of the National Environmental
Policy Act, as amended. Requests for
copies of EPA comments can be directed
to the Office of Federal Activities at
An explanation of the ratings assigned
to draft environmental impact
statements (EISs) was published in
Federal Register dated April 1, 2005 (70
FR 16815).
Draft EISs
EIS No. 20050075, ERP No. D–FRC–
C03015–00, Crown Landing Liquefied
Natural Gas Terminal, Construct and
Operate in Gloucester County, NJ and
New Castle County, DE; and Logan
Lateral Project, Construct and Operate
a New Natural Gas Pipeline and
Ancillary Facilities in Gloucester
County, NJ and Delaware, PA
Summary: EPA expressed concerns
that the Draft EIS did not include
detailed mitigation plans, a discussion
of Clean Air Act general conformity
requirements, and did not thoroughly
analyze the cumulative effects on
navigation and the environment. Rating
EIS No. 20050093, ERP No. D–NOA–
K39091–CA, Monterey Accelerated
PO 00000
Frm 00078
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Research Systems (MARS) Cabled
Observatory, Proposes to Install and
Operate an Advanced Undersea
Cabled Observatory, Monterey Bay,
Pacific Ocean Offshore of Moss
Landing, Monterey County, CA
Summary: EPA had no objections to
the project as proposed. Rating LO.
Final EISs
EIS No. 20050123, ERP No. FB–NOA–
E91007–00, South Atlantic Shrimp
Fishery Management Plan,
Amendment 6, Propose to Amend the
Bycatch Reduction Device (BRD)
Testing Protocol System, South
Atlantic Region
Summary: EPA had no objection to
the project as proposed.
EIS No. 20050115, ERP No. FS–NRC–
E06023–AL, Generic EIS—License
Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Joseph M.
Farley Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2,
Supplemental 18 to NUREG–1437
(TAC NOS. MC0768 and MC0769;
Houston County, AL
Summary: EPA continues to have
environmental concerns about the
availability of long-term offsite storage
of radioactive waste, and future surface
water withdrawals for plant operations
which could be affected by State
agreements. Radiological monitoring of
all plant effluents, and appropriate
storage of radioactive waste will be
necessary during the license renewal
Dated: May 2, 2005.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office
of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. 05–9120 Filed 5–5–05; 8:45 am]
[OPPT–2005–0029; FRL–7714–2]
Strategic Approach to International
Chemicals Management (SAICM),
Meeting of Western Europe and Other
Governments (WEOG); Notice of
Public Meeting
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice is to announce
that EPA and the State Department will
be hosting stakeholder meetings to
inform U.S. Government viewpoints for
an upcoming Western Europe and Other
Governments (WEOG) meeting on the
Strategic Approach to International
Chemicals Management (SAICM) and a
number of inter-sessional working
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 87 (Friday, May 6, 2005)]
[Pages 24037-24038]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-9119]
Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability
Responsible Agency: Office of Federal Activities, General
Information (202) 564-7167 or https://www.epa.gov/compliance/nepa/
Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact Statements
Filed 04/25/2005 Through 04/29/2005
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
EIS No. 20050175, Draft EIS, FHW, CA, Campus Parkway Project, Proposes
to Construct a New Expressway from Mission Avenue Interchange and
Yosemite Avenue/Lake Road, US Army COE Section 404 Permit, City of
Merced, Merced County, CA, Comment Period Ends: 07/05/2005, Contact:
Mahfoud Licha 916-498-5866
EIS No. 20050176, Draft EIS, FAA, AK, Juneau International Airport,
Proposed Development Activities to Enhance Operations Safety,
Facilitate Aircraft Alignment, US Army COE Section 404 Permit, City and
Borough of Juneau, AK, Comment Period Ends: 06/20/2005, Contact: Patti
Sullivan 907-271-5454
EIS No. 20050177, Draft EIS, AFS, AZ, Coconino National Forest Project,
Re-authorize Grazing on the Pickett Lake and Padre Canyon Allotments,
Implementation, Mormon Lake Range District, Coconino County, AZ,
Comment Period Ends: 06/20/2005,
[[Page 24038]]
Contact: Mike Hanneman 928-526-0866
EIS No. 20050178, Final EIS, FHW, LA, I-49 South Lafayette Regional
Airport to LA-88 Route US-90 Project, Upgrading Existing US-90 from the
Lafayette Regional Airport to LA-88, Funding, Iberia, Lafayette and St.
Martin Parishes, LA, Wait Period Ends: 06/13/2005, Contact: William C.
Farr 225-757-7615
EIS No. 20050179, Draft Supplement EIS, AFS, MT, Gallatin National
Forest, Updated Information, Main Boulder Fuels Reduction Project,
Implementation, Gallatin National Forest, Big Timber Ranger District,
Big Timber, Sweethgrass and Park Counties, MT, Comment Period Ends: 06/
20/2005, Contact: Barbara Ping 406-522-2558
EIS No. 20050180, Draft Supplement EIS, AFS, ID, Mission Brush Project,
Additional Information, Proposes Vegetation, Wildlife Habitat,
Recreation and Aquatic Improvement Treatments, Idaho Panhandle National
Forests, Bonners Ferry Ranger District, Bounty County, ID, Comment
Period Ends: 06/20/2005, Contact: Doug Nisherk 208-267-5561
EIS No. 20050181, Draft EIS, FHW, MO, MO-34 Corridor Improvements, from
intersection of U.S. Routes 60/21 in Carter County to the intersection
of Routes 34/72 in Cape Girardeau County, Funding, U.S. Army COE
Section 404 Permit, Carter, Bollinger, Reynolds, Wayne, and Cape
Girardeau Counties, MO, Comment Period Ends: 06/24/2005, Contact: Peggy
Casey 573-636-7104
EIS No. 20050182, Draft EIS, FRC, CO, Piceance Basin Expansion Project,
Construction and Operation of a New Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline
System, Wamsutter Compressor Station to Interconnections Greasewood
Compressor Station, Rio Blanco County CO and Sweetwater County, WY,
Comment Period Ends: 06/20/2005, Contact: Joyce Turner 202-502-8008
EIS No. 20050183, Final EIS, NOA, HI, Seabird Interaction Mitigation
Methods, To Reduce Interaction with Seabird in Hawaii-Based Longline
Fishery and Pelagic Squid Fishery Management, to Establish an Effective
Management Framework for Pelagic Squid Fisheries, Fishery Management
Plan, Pelagic Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region, Exclusive
Economic Zone of the U.S. and High Sea, HI, Wait Period Ends: 06/06/
2005, Contact: Alvin Katekaru 808-973-2937
EIS No. 20050184, Final EIS, NOA, AK, Essential Fish Habitat
Identification and Conservation, Implementation, North Pacific Fishery
Management Council, Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act, AK, Wait Period Ends: 06/06/2005, Contact: James W.
Balsiger 907586-7636
Amended Notices
EIS No. 20050174, DRAFT EIS, FHW, CO, I-25 Valley Highway Project,
Transportation Improvement from Logan to U.S. 6, Denver County, CO,
Comment Period Ends: June 14, 2005, Contact: Chris Horn (720) 963-3017.
Revision of Federal Register Notice Published on 4/29/2005: Correction
to the County from Douglas to Denver.
Dated: May 3, 2005.
Robert W. Hargrove,
Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office of Federal Activities.
[FR Doc. 05-9119 Filed 5-5-05; 8:45 am]