Rebuild of the Libby (FEC) to Troy Section of BPA's Libby to Bonners Ferry 115-kilovolt Transmission Line, 23856-23857 [05-8996]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 86 / Thursday, May 5, 2005 / Notices
Angeles to change between direct
current and alternating current. This
proposed converter station would be
located in the vicinity of BPA’s Port
Angeles Substation in Clallam County,
Washington, and would occupy from
one to two acres. OC has proposed that
the converter station be sited within the
existing boundary of the Port Angeles
Substation on property leased or
otherwise transferred from BPA to OC.
OC has proposed to begin
construction of the HVDC transmission
line and converter station by June 2006.
Under this schedule, the HVDC system
would be interconnected to the FCRTS
in the fall of 2007, with a proposed
operation date of December 2007. Once
constructed, all existing land use and
marine activities would be expected to
continue to take place along the route of
the transmission line, excluding the area
encompassed by the converter station.
The HVDC transmission system would
be expected to operate continuously for
at least 20 years.
OC is in the process of applying for
applicable permits from the City of Port
Angeles, which may trigger the
Washington State Environmental Policy
Act (SEPA) process for the proposed
Project. OC also is coordinating with
other Federal and State agencies
regarding all required permits and
On December 20, 2004, OC applied to
OEEA for a Presidential permit to
develop the proposed Project. DOE
published a notice of that application in
the Federal Register on February 18,
2005 (70 FR 8350). OC also has
submitted a request to BPA for
interconnection of the proposed Project
to the FCRTS. BPA and OEEA are
separate organizational units both
within DOE. DOE has determined its
actions for the proposed Project,
including issuance of a Presidential
permit, would constitute a major
Federal action that may have a
significant impact upon the
environment within the meaning of
BPA’s Proposed Action. BPA has
adopted an Open Access Transmission
Tariff for the FCRTS, consistent with the
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission’s (FERC) pro forma open
access tariff. Under BPA’s tariff, BPA
offers transmission interconnection to
the FCRTS to all eligible customers on
a first-come, first-served basis,
consistent with all BPA requirements,
but with this offer subject to the results
of an environmental review under
NEPA. Under its tariff, BPA must
respond to OC’s request for transmission
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BPA proposes to execute an
agreement with OC to provide
interconnection services for up to 550
MW from the proposed Project. As part
of this agreement, BPA may agree to
lease or otherwise permit occupancy by
OC of approximately one to two acres of
real property that is owned by BPA
adjacent to the Port Angeles Substation.
This property would be used for a new
converter substation that would allow
interconnection of the proposed Project
to the FCRTS at Port Angeles
OEEA’s Proposed Action. OEEA’s
proposed action is to issue a
Presidential permit for the proposed
Project. Executive Order 10485, as
amended, provides that a Presidential
permit may be issued after a finding that
the proposed Project is consistent with
the public interest and after favorable
recommendation by the Departments of
State and Defense. In determining
consistency with the public interest,
DOE considers the impacts of the
proposed Project on the reliability of the
U.S. electric power system and on the
environment, and any other factors that
DOE may also consider pertinent to the
public interest. The regulations
implementing the Executive Order have
been codified at 10 CFR 205.320–
205.329. Issuance of a permit for a
particular project indicates that there is
no Federal objection to that Project, but
does not mandate that the Project be
Possible Alternatives for the Proposed
Actions. For BPA, an alternative to its
proposed action of offering
interconnection contract terms is to not
offer these terms. For OEEA, an
alternative to the proposed issuance of
a Presidential permit is to deny this
permit. In either instance, the Project as
proposed would not go forward. The EIS
will evaluate both of these alternatives
as the ‘‘no-action’’ alternative.
Public Participation and
Identification of Environmental Issues.
Consistent with its NEPA regulations,
DOE has established a minimum 30-day
scoping period during which affected
landowners, Tribes, concerned citizens,
special interest groups, local
governments, State and Federal
agencies, and any other interested
parties are invited to comment on the
scope of the proposed EIS. Scoping will
help DOE to identify potentially
significant impacts that may result from
its proposed actions and the privately
proposed transmission line, and ensure
that all relevant environmental issues
related to DOE’s proposed actions are
addressed in the EIS.
The EIS will consider the reasonably
foreseeable consequences of
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construction and operation of the
proposed HVDC transmission line
across the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the
interconnection to the FCRTS. Based on
DOE’s experience, potential
environmental issues for the proposed
transmission line and interconnection
facilities may include socioeconomic
impacts created by a construction
workforce; effects on recreation
(primarily fishing); impacts on cultural
resources; impacts to wildlife habitat
and populations including migratory
birds, fish, and marine mammals; noise
created by the converter station during
Project operation; and mitigation
When completed, the Draft EIS will be
circulated for a minimum 45-day public
comment period, and DOE will hold one
or more public hearings on the Draft
EIS. In the Final EIS, DOE will consider
and respond to all comments received
on the Draft EIS. DOE expects to publish
the Final EIS in summer 2006. BPA’s
and OEEA’s subsequent decisions will
be documented in a Record of Decision.
In addition to the Federal NEPA
process, the City of Port Angeles will
provide opportunity for public
participation as part of its SEPA and
permitting process. It is expected that
representatives from the City of Port
Angeles will hold public meetings for
the transmission project during 2005.
DOE will coordinate with the City of
Port Angeles to ensure full
consideration of all public and agency
comments received.
Issued in Portland, Oregon, on April 28,
Stephen J. Wright,
Administrator and Chief Executive Officer.
[FR Doc. 05–8995 Filed 5–4–05; 8:45 am]
Bonneville Power Administration
Rebuild of the Libby (FEC) to Troy
Section of BPA’s Libby to Bonners
Ferry 115-kilovolt Transmission Line
Bonneville Power
Administration (BPA), Department of
Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
SUMMARY: BPA intends to prepare an EIS
on the proposed rebuilding, operation,
and maintenance of a 17-mile-long
portion of BPA’s Libby to Bonners Ferry
115-kilovolt (kV) Transmission Line in
Lincoln County, Montana. The portion
to be rebuilt would start at Flathead
Electric Cooperative’s (FEC) Libby
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 86 / Thursday, May 5, 2005 / Notices
Substation, in the town of Libby,
Montana, and proceed west along an
existing right-of-way for about 17 miles,
terminating at BPA’s Troy Substation
just east of the town of Troy, Montana.
The line would be rebuilt mostly on
existing right-of-way, and would replace
an existing 115-kV wood pole line. The
EIS is being prepared for the proposed
project in accordance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
in accordance with DOE regulations.
DATES: Written comments on the NEPA
scoping process are due to the address
below no later than June 6, 2005.
Comments may also be made at two EIS
scoping meetings to be held on May 19,
2005, at the address below.
ADDRESSES: Send letters with comments
and suggestions on the proposed scope
of the Draft EIS to Bonneville Power
Administration, Communications—DM–
7, P.O. Box 14428, Portland, Oregon
97293–4428; FAX them to 503–230–
3285; or submit your comments on-line
at: To be
placed on the project mail list, call 1–
Comments may also be made at EIS
scoping meetings to be held on
Thursday, May 19, 2005, from 2 p.m. to
4 p.m., and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., in
conference rooms A, B, & C at the
Kootenai National Forest Supervisor’s
Office, 1101 Highway 2 West, Libby,
Montana. At these informal open-house
meetings, we will provide a brief
introduction of the proposed project
during the first 15 minutes. We will
then provide maps and information
about the project, have several members
of the project team available to answer
questions, and accept oral and written
Robinson, Project Manager, Bonneville
Power Administration—TNP–TPP–3,
P.O. Box 61409, Vancouver, Washington
98666–1409; toll-free telephone 1–800–
282–3713; direct telephone 360–619–
6301; or e-mail
You may also contact Tish Eaton,
Environmental Coordinator, Bonneville
Power Administration—KEC–4, P.O.
Box 3621, Portland, Oregon 97208–
3621; telephone 503–230–3469; fax
503–230–5699; or e-mail Information about the
project can also be found at https://
BPA is
proposing to rebuild a 17-mile-long
section of BPA’s Libby to Bonners Ferry
115-kV transmission line. This rebuild
would replace an existing 115-kV wood
pole transmission line that runs west
from FEC’s Libby Substation in the town
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of Libby, to BPA’s Troy Substation, east
of Troy, Montana. The proposed rebuild
would be located primarily in BPA’s
existing right-of-way corridor with two
potential re-routings—one to avoid
immediately adjacent residences in the
town of Libby, and the other at a river
crossing prior to a washout at China
Creek, approximately one-half mile east
of the present crossing of the Kootenai
River. The project is needed to continue
to provide safe and reliable service to
the local communities, and in
anticipation of the future growth of the
The Libby (FEC) to Troy section of the
Libby to Bonners Ferry transmission
line was originally built by Pacific
Power & Light Company (PP&L) in the
1950’s. The condition of the Libby (FEC)
to Troy section of the line has been
deteriorating over the years to the point
where a major rebuilding of the H-frame
wood pole line is needed to continue
serving customer loads safely and
reliably. Field reconnaissance surveys of
the line during the summer of 2004
showed that many of the wooden poles
and cross-arms have passed their ability
to withstand required structural loads,
including stresses caused by snow and
ice build-up during winter. Also,
serious problems with the conductor
have been discovered. In the last two
years, BPA transmission line
maintenance crews have provided
‘‘fixes’’ for critical situations to prevent
the line from failing completely, but
these fixes are meant to be only
temporary, and they do not provide a
complete long-term solution to the
existing structural and conductor
problems with the line.
This proposed project was originally
considered by BPA in 1993–1994, as
part of the Northwest Montana/North
Idaho Support Project. The proposal at
that time was to build a 230-kV doublecircuit transmission line from BPA’s
substation at Bonners Ferry to Libby
Substation, owned at the time by PP&L.
The project was scoped with the public,
comments were incorporated into the
proposal, and environmental analysis
was done. A preliminary draft EIS was
in preparation when the project was
cancelled for fiscal reasons.
Alternatives Proposed for
Consideration. Based on information
gathered during the previous
environmental evaluation, and from
current and potential load growth
studies for the area, BPA currently is
considering four alternatives for
evaluation in the EIS: (1) Rebuilding the
line in-kind, as a single-circuit 115-kV
wood pole H-frame line with some
wood-pole equivalent steel poles; (2)
rebuilding the line as a double-circuit
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115-kV tubular steel pole line; (3)
rebuilding the line as a double-circuit
230-kV tubular steel pole line; and (4)
the alternative of not rebuilding the line
(an alternative BPA always considers).
Other alternatives may be identified
through the scoping process.
Public Participation and
Identification of Environmental Issues.
BPA has established a 30-day scoping
period during which affected
landowners, concerned citizens, special
interest groups, local governments, and
any other interested parties are invited
to comment on the scope of the
proposed EIS. Scoping will help BPA
ensure that a full range of
environmental issues related to this
proposal is addressed in the EIS, and
also will help identify significant or
potentially significant impacts that may
result from the proposed project.
The potential environmental issues
identified for most transmission projects
include: land use, cultural resources,
visual resources, sensitive plants and
animals, recreation use, erosion
concerns, and fish and water resources.
The Draft EIS for the proposed project
will address these issues, as well as
other environmental issues raised
during the public scoping process.
When completed, the Draft EIS will be
circulated for review and comment, and
BPA will hold public meetings to
receive comments on the Draft EIS. BPA
will consider and respond in the Final
EIS to comments received on the Draft
EIS. BPA’s decision will be documented
in a Record of Decision. The EIS will
satisfy the requirements of NEPA.
Issued in Portland, Oregon, on April 28,
Stephen J. Wright,
Administrator and Chief Executive Officer.
[FR Doc. 05–8996 Filed 5–4–05; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket Nos. CP05–130–000, CP05–132–
000, and CP05–131–000]
Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP,
Dominion Transmission, Inc.; Notice of
April 29, 2005.
Take notice that on April 15, 2005,
Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP (Cove
Point LNG) filed an application in
Docket No. CP05–130–000, pursuant to
section 3 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA),
requesting authority to expand its
facilities at its liquefied natural gas
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 86 (Thursday, May 5, 2005)]
[Pages 23856-23857]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-8996]
Bonneville Power Administration
Rebuild of the Libby (FEC) to Troy Section of BPA's Libby to
Bonners Ferry 115-kilovolt Transmission Line
AGENCY: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Department of Energy
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement
SUMMARY: BPA intends to prepare an EIS on the proposed rebuilding,
operation, and maintenance of a 17-mile-long portion of BPA's Libby to
Bonners Ferry 115-kilovolt (kV) Transmission Line in Lincoln County,
Montana. The portion to be rebuilt would start at Flathead Electric
Cooperative's (FEC) Libby
[[Page 23857]]
Substation, in the town of Libby, Montana, and proceed west along an
existing right-of-way for about 17 miles, terminating at BPA's Troy
Substation just east of the town of Troy, Montana. The line would be
rebuilt mostly on existing right-of-way, and would replace an existing
115-kV wood pole line. The EIS is being prepared for the proposed
project in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
and in accordance with DOE regulations.
DATES: Written comments on the NEPA scoping process are due to the
address below no later than June 6, 2005. Comments may also be made at
two EIS scoping meetings to be held on May 19, 2005, at the address
ADDRESSES: Send letters with comments and suggestions on the proposed
scope of the Draft EIS to Bonneville Power Administration,
Communications--DM-7, P.O. Box 14428, Portland, Oregon 97293-4428; FAX
them to 503-230-3285; or submit your comments on-line at: https:// To be placed on the project mail list, call 1-
Comments may also be made at EIS scoping meetings to be held on
Thursday, May 19, 2005, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., and from 6 p.m. to 8
p.m., in conference rooms A, B, & C at the Kootenai National Forest
Supervisor's Office, 1101 Highway 2 West, Libby, Montana. At these
informal open-house meetings, we will provide a brief introduction of
the proposed project during the first 15 minutes. We will then provide
maps and information about the project, have several members of the
project team available to answer questions, and accept oral and written
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kirk Robinson, Project Manager,
Bonneville Power Administration--TNP-TPP-3, P.O. Box 61409, Vancouver,
Washington 98666-1409; toll-free telephone 1-800-282-3713; direct
telephone 360-619-6301; or e-mail You may also
contact Tish Eaton, Environmental Coordinator, Bonneville Power
Administration--KEC-4, P.O. Box 3621, Portland, Oregon 97208-3621;
telephone 503-230-3469; fax 503-230-5699; or e-mail
Information about the project can also be found at https://
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: BPA is proposing to rebuild a 17-mile-long
section of BPA's Libby to Bonners Ferry 115-kV transmission line. This
rebuild would replace an existing 115-kV wood pole transmission line
that runs west from FEC's Libby Substation in the town of Libby, to
BPA's Troy Substation, east of Troy, Montana. The proposed rebuild
would be located primarily in BPA's existing right-of-way corridor with
two potential re-routings--one to avoid immediately adjacent residences
in the town of Libby, and the other at a river crossing prior to a
washout at China Creek, approximately one-half mile east of the present
crossing of the Kootenai River. The project is needed to continue to
provide safe and reliable service to the local communities, and in
anticipation of the future growth of the area.
The Libby (FEC) to Troy section of the Libby to Bonners Ferry
transmission line was originally built by Pacific Power & Light Company
(PP&L) in the 1950's. The condition of the Libby (FEC) to Troy section
of the line has been deteriorating over the years to the point where a
major rebuilding of the H-frame wood pole line is needed to continue
serving customer loads safely and reliably. Field reconnaissance
surveys of the line during the summer of 2004 showed that many of the
wooden poles and cross-arms have passed their ability to withstand
required structural loads, including stresses caused by snow and ice
build-up during winter. Also, serious problems with the conductor have
been discovered. In the last two years, BPA transmission line
maintenance crews have provided ``fixes'' for critical situations to
prevent the line from failing completely, but these fixes are meant to
be only temporary, and they do not provide a complete long-term
solution to the existing structural and conductor problems with the
This proposed project was originally considered by BPA in 1993-
1994, as part of the Northwest Montana/North Idaho Support Project. The
proposal at that time was to build a 230-kV double-circuit transmission
line from BPA's substation at Bonners Ferry to Libby Substation, owned
at the time by PP&L. The project was scoped with the public, comments
were incorporated into the proposal, and environmental analysis was
done. A preliminary draft EIS was in preparation when the project was
cancelled for fiscal reasons.
Alternatives Proposed for Consideration. Based on information
gathered during the previous environmental evaluation, and from current
and potential load growth studies for the area, BPA currently is
considering four alternatives for evaluation in the EIS: (1) Rebuilding
the line in-kind, as a single-circuit 115-kV wood pole H-frame line
with some wood-pole equivalent steel poles; (2) rebuilding the line as
a double-circuit 115-kV tubular steel pole line; (3) rebuilding the
line as a double-circuit 230-kV tubular steel pole line; and (4) the
alternative of not rebuilding the line (an alternative BPA always
considers). Other alternatives may be identified through the scoping
Public Participation and Identification of Environmental Issues.
BPA has established a 30-day scoping period during which affected
landowners, concerned citizens, special interest groups, local
governments, and any other interested parties are invited to comment on
the scope of the proposed EIS. Scoping will help BPA ensure that a full
range of environmental issues related to this proposal is addressed in
the EIS, and also will help identify significant or potentially
significant impacts that may result from the proposed project.
The potential environmental issues identified for most transmission
projects include: land use, cultural resources, visual resources,
sensitive plants and animals, recreation use, erosion concerns, and
fish and water resources. The Draft EIS for the proposed project will
address these issues, as well as other environmental issues raised
during the public scoping process. When completed, the Draft EIS will
be circulated for review and comment, and BPA will hold public meetings
to receive comments on the Draft EIS. BPA will consider and respond in
the Final EIS to comments received on the Draft EIS. BPA's decision
will be documented in a Record of Decision. The EIS will satisfy the
requirements of NEPA.
Issued in Portland, Oregon, on April 28, 2005.
Stephen J. Wright,
Administrator and Chief Executive Officer.
[FR Doc. 05-8996 Filed 5-4-05; 8:45 am]