Office of Electricity and Energy Assurance; Port Angeles-Juan de Fuca High Voltage Direct Current Transmission Project, 23855-23856 [05-8995]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 86 / Thursday, May 5, 2005 / Notices
• Remarks by Honorable Samuel W.
Bodman, Secretary of Energy
• Presentation re: Clear Skies
Initiative (TBA)
• Presentation re: Natural Gas
Availability (TBA)
• Presentation re: National Energy
Legislation (TBA)
• Other Business
• Adjourn
Public Participation: The meeting is
open to the public. The Chairman of the
NCC will conduct the meeting to
facilitate orderly business. If you would
like to file a written statement with the
Committee, you may do so either before
or after the meeting. If you would like
to make oral statements regarding any of
the items on the agenda, you should
contact Mr. Robert Kane or Ms. Estelle
Hebron at the address and telephone
numbers listed above. You must make
your request for an oral statement at
least five business days prior to the
meeting, and reasonable provisions will
be made to include the presentation on
the agenda. Public comment will follow
the 10 minute rule.
Minutes: The minutes will be
available for public review and copying
within 30 days at the Freedom of
Information Public Reading Room, 1E–
190, Forrestal Building, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 4
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
Issued in Washington, DC on April 29,
Rachel M. Samuel,
Deputy Advisory Committee Management
[FR Doc. 05–8975 Filed 5–4–05; 8:45 am]
Bonneville Power Administration
Office of Electricity and Energy
Assurance; Port Angeles—Juan de
Fuca High Voltage Direct Current
Transmission Project
Bonneville Power
Administration (BPA) and Office of
Electricity and Energy Assurance
(OEEA), Department of Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
SUMMARY: This notice announces the
Department of Energy’s (DOE) intent to
prepare an EIS (DOE/EIS–0378) and to
conduct a public scoping meeting under
the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) for the proposed Port Angeles
Juan de Fuca HVDC Transmission
VerDate jul<14>2003
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Jkt 205001
Project (Project). This Project, proposed
by Olympic Converter, LP (OC),
involves constructing a proposed
electric power transmission line that
would extend from the greater Victoria
area, British Columbia, in Canada, to
Port Angeles, Washington, in the United
States. Sea Breeze Pacific Juan de Fuca
Cable, LP (Sea Breeze Pacific) is
carrying out the planning and
permitting for the Project. The Project
would be constructed as a 550-megawatt
(MW) High Voltage Direct Current
(HVDC) transmission line using
underground cables, as well as
submarine cables under the Strait of
Juan de Fuca, an international
waterway. Implementation of the Project
would require that certain actions be
taken by BPA and OEEA, which are
separate organizational units within
DOE. BPA’s proposed action would be
to offer a transmission interconnection
agreement to OC, and OEEA’s proposed
action would be to issue a Presidential
permit that would allow construction,
operation, maintenance, and
interconnection of the Project at the
United States International Border.
DATES: Comments will be accepted at a
public scoping meeting that will be held
on Tuesday, May 24, 2005, 4 p.m. to 7
p.m. Written comments are due to the
address below no later than June 6,
ADDRESSES: The public meeting on May
24, 2005, will be held at Peninsula
College, Room J47, 1502 E. Lauridsen
Blvd., Port Angeles, Washington 98362–
6698. The purpose of the public meeting
is to invite public participation in the
scoping process, and to solicit public
comments for consideration in
establishing the scope and content of
the EIS. DOE and OC representatives
will be available to discuss the proposed
Project and respond to any questions
you may have. Representatives from the
City of Port Angeles are also expected to
attend to answer questions about the
Washington State Environmental Policy
Send letters with comments and
suggestions on the proposed scope of
the EIS, and requests to be placed on the
Project mailing list, to Bonneville Power
Administration, Communications—DM–
7, P.O. Box 12999, Portland, Oregon,
97212; FAX them to 503–230–3285; or
submit your comments on line at Please
include the name of this Project with
your comments.
Yarde, Bonneville Power
Administration—KEC–4, P.O. Box 3621,
Portland, Oregon 97208–3621, toll-free
telephone 1–800–282–3713; direct
PO 00000
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phone number 503–230–3769, fax
number 503–230–5699, e-mail Additional
information can be found at BPA’s Web
For inquiries regarding the
Presidential permit process, contact Dr.
Jerry Pell, Office of Electricity and
Energy Assurance, U.S. Department of
Energy, Washington, DC 20585, phone
number 202–586–3362, fax number
202–318–7761, e-mail
OC has
proposed to construct and own an
international transmission line between
the greater Victoria area, British
Columbia, in Canada and Clallam
County, Washington, in the United
States. The proposed facilities would
provide transmission interconnection
between the bulk power transmission
systems of Canada and the United
States. The Project would interconnect
with the Federal Columbia River
Transmission System (FCRTS), which is
owned and operated by BPA in the
United States, and with the British
Columbia transmission system, which is
owned, operated and maintained by the
British Columbia Transmission
Corporation, a Crown corporation of the
Province of British Columbia, Canada.
OC proposes to connect the two
transmission systems using HVDC
submarine cables across the Strait of
Juan de Fuca, an international
waterway. The Project is proposed to be
a 550–MW bidirectional controllable
transmission system, comprised of
HVDC modules interconnected by
submarine and underground terrestrial
cables. OC proposes to use HVDC
LightTM cable, which is a polymeric
insulated cable that is steel-wire
armored, hermetically sealed, and
approximately 10 inches in diameter for
the marine crossing and 8 inches in
diameter for the buried terrestrial
portion. The cable contains no
circulating or insulating fluids. The
overall length of the proposed
transmission line would be 21.6 miles,
about 19.2 miles of which would be
buried in marine bedlands and
approximately 1.2 miles would be
underground within the City of Port
Angeles. The remaining 1.2 miles would
be terrestrial in the greater Victoria area,
British Columbia. A directional drill
would be used for the marine-toterrestrial transition, in order to
minimize disturbances to the shoreline
and intertidal zone.
For the connection in the United
States to the FCRTS, OC proposes to
construct a converter station in Port
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 86 / Thursday, May 5, 2005 / Notices
Angeles to change between direct
current and alternating current. This
proposed converter station would be
located in the vicinity of BPA’s Port
Angeles Substation in Clallam County,
Washington, and would occupy from
one to two acres. OC has proposed that
the converter station be sited within the
existing boundary of the Port Angeles
Substation on property leased or
otherwise transferred from BPA to OC.
OC has proposed to begin
construction of the HVDC transmission
line and converter station by June 2006.
Under this schedule, the HVDC system
would be interconnected to the FCRTS
in the fall of 2007, with a proposed
operation date of December 2007. Once
constructed, all existing land use and
marine activities would be expected to
continue to take place along the route of
the transmission line, excluding the area
encompassed by the converter station.
The HVDC transmission system would
be expected to operate continuously for
at least 20 years.
OC is in the process of applying for
applicable permits from the City of Port
Angeles, which may trigger the
Washington State Environmental Policy
Act (SEPA) process for the proposed
Project. OC also is coordinating with
other Federal and State agencies
regarding all required permits and
On December 20, 2004, OC applied to
OEEA for a Presidential permit to
develop the proposed Project. DOE
published a notice of that application in
the Federal Register on February 18,
2005 (70 FR 8350). OC also has
submitted a request to BPA for
interconnection of the proposed Project
to the FCRTS. BPA and OEEA are
separate organizational units both
within DOE. DOE has determined its
actions for the proposed Project,
including issuance of a Presidential
permit, would constitute a major
Federal action that may have a
significant impact upon the
environment within the meaning of
BPA’s Proposed Action. BPA has
adopted an Open Access Transmission
Tariff for the FCRTS, consistent with the
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission’s (FERC) pro forma open
access tariff. Under BPA’s tariff, BPA
offers transmission interconnection to
the FCRTS to all eligible customers on
a first-come, first-served basis,
consistent with all BPA requirements,
but with this offer subject to the results
of an environmental review under
NEPA. Under its tariff, BPA must
respond to OC’s request for transmission
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Jkt 205001
BPA proposes to execute an
agreement with OC to provide
interconnection services for up to 550
MW from the proposed Project. As part
of this agreement, BPA may agree to
lease or otherwise permit occupancy by
OC of approximately one to two acres of
real property that is owned by BPA
adjacent to the Port Angeles Substation.
This property would be used for a new
converter substation that would allow
interconnection of the proposed Project
to the FCRTS at Port Angeles
OEEA’s Proposed Action. OEEA’s
proposed action is to issue a
Presidential permit for the proposed
Project. Executive Order 10485, as
amended, provides that a Presidential
permit may be issued after a finding that
the proposed Project is consistent with
the public interest and after favorable
recommendation by the Departments of
State and Defense. In determining
consistency with the public interest,
DOE considers the impacts of the
proposed Project on the reliability of the
U.S. electric power system and on the
environment, and any other factors that
DOE may also consider pertinent to the
public interest. The regulations
implementing the Executive Order have
been codified at 10 CFR 205.320–
205.329. Issuance of a permit for a
particular project indicates that there is
no Federal objection to that Project, but
does not mandate that the Project be
Possible Alternatives for the Proposed
Actions. For BPA, an alternative to its
proposed action of offering
interconnection contract terms is to not
offer these terms. For OEEA, an
alternative to the proposed issuance of
a Presidential permit is to deny this
permit. In either instance, the Project as
proposed would not go forward. The EIS
will evaluate both of these alternatives
as the ‘‘no-action’’ alternative.
Public Participation and
Identification of Environmental Issues.
Consistent with its NEPA regulations,
DOE has established a minimum 30-day
scoping period during which affected
landowners, Tribes, concerned citizens,
special interest groups, local
governments, State and Federal
agencies, and any other interested
parties are invited to comment on the
scope of the proposed EIS. Scoping will
help DOE to identify potentially
significant impacts that may result from
its proposed actions and the privately
proposed transmission line, and ensure
that all relevant environmental issues
related to DOE’s proposed actions are
addressed in the EIS.
The EIS will consider the reasonably
foreseeable consequences of
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construction and operation of the
proposed HVDC transmission line
across the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the
interconnection to the FCRTS. Based on
DOE’s experience, potential
environmental issues for the proposed
transmission line and interconnection
facilities may include socioeconomic
impacts created by a construction
workforce; effects on recreation
(primarily fishing); impacts on cultural
resources; impacts to wildlife habitat
and populations including migratory
birds, fish, and marine mammals; noise
created by the converter station during
Project operation; and mitigation
When completed, the Draft EIS will be
circulated for a minimum 45-day public
comment period, and DOE will hold one
or more public hearings on the Draft
EIS. In the Final EIS, DOE will consider
and respond to all comments received
on the Draft EIS. DOE expects to publish
the Final EIS in summer 2006. BPA’s
and OEEA’s subsequent decisions will
be documented in a Record of Decision.
In addition to the Federal NEPA
process, the City of Port Angeles will
provide opportunity for public
participation as part of its SEPA and
permitting process. It is expected that
representatives from the City of Port
Angeles will hold public meetings for
the transmission project during 2005.
DOE will coordinate with the City of
Port Angeles to ensure full
consideration of all public and agency
comments received.
Issued in Portland, Oregon, on April 28,
Stephen J. Wright,
Administrator and Chief Executive Officer.
[FR Doc. 05–8995 Filed 5–4–05; 8:45 am]
Bonneville Power Administration
Rebuild of the Libby (FEC) to Troy
Section of BPA’s Libby to Bonners
Ferry 115-kilovolt Transmission Line
Bonneville Power
Administration (BPA), Department of
Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
SUMMARY: BPA intends to prepare an EIS
on the proposed rebuilding, operation,
and maintenance of a 17-mile-long
portion of BPA’s Libby to Bonners Ferry
115-kilovolt (kV) Transmission Line in
Lincoln County, Montana. The portion
to be rebuilt would start at Flathead
Electric Cooperative’s (FEC) Libby
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 86 (Thursday, May 5, 2005)]
[Pages 23855-23856]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-8995]
Bonneville Power Administration
Office of Electricity and Energy Assurance; Port Angeles--Juan de
Fuca High Voltage Direct Current Transmission Project
AGENCIES: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Office of
Electricity and Energy Assurance (OEEA), Department of Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement
SUMMARY: This notice announces the Department of Energy's (DOE) intent
to prepare an EIS (DOE/EIS-0378) and to conduct a public scoping
meeting under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the
proposed Port Angeles Juan de Fuca HVDC Transmission Project (Project).
This Project, proposed by Olympic Converter, LP (OC), involves
constructing a proposed electric power transmission line that would
extend from the greater Victoria area, British Columbia, in Canada, to
Port Angeles, Washington, in the United States. Sea Breeze Pacific Juan
de Fuca Cable, LP (Sea Breeze Pacific) is carrying out the planning and
permitting for the Project. The Project would be constructed as a 550-
megawatt (MW) High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission line
using underground cables, as well as submarine cables under the Strait
of Juan de Fuca, an international waterway. Implementation of the
Project would require that certain actions be taken by BPA and OEEA,
which are separate organizational units within DOE. BPA's proposed
action would be to offer a transmission interconnection agreement to
OC, and OEEA's proposed action would be to issue a Presidential permit
that would allow construction, operation, maintenance, and
interconnection of the Project at the United States International
DATES: Comments will be accepted at a public scoping meeting that will
be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2005, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Written comments are
due to the address below no later than June 6, 2005.
ADDRESSES: The public meeting on May 24, 2005, will be held at
Peninsula College, Room J47, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles,
Washington 98362-6698. The purpose of the public meeting is to invite
public participation in the scoping process, and to solicit public
comments for consideration in establishing the scope and content of the
EIS. DOE and OC representatives will be available to discuss the
proposed Project and respond to any questions you may have.
Representatives from the City of Port Angeles are also expected to
attend to answer questions about the Washington State Environmental
Policy Act.
Send letters with comments and suggestions on the proposed scope of
the EIS, and requests to be placed on the Project mailing list, to
Bonneville Power Administration, Communications--DM-7, P.O. Box 12999,
Portland, Oregon, 97212; FAX them to 503-230-3285; or submit your
comments on line at Please include the
name of this Project with your comments.
Administration--KEC-4, P.O. Box 3621, Portland, Oregon 97208-3621,
toll-free telephone 1-800-282-3713; direct phone number 503-230-3769,
fax number 503-230-5699, e-mail Additional information
can be found at BPA's Web site:
For inquiries regarding the Presidential permit process, contact
Dr. Jerry Pell, Office of Electricity and Energy Assurance, U.S.
Department of Energy, Washington, DC 20585, phone number 202-586-3362,
fax number 202-318-7761, e-mail
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: OC has proposed to construct and own an
international transmission line between the greater Victoria area,
British Columbia, in Canada and Clallam County, Washington, in the
United States. The proposed facilities would provide transmission
interconnection between the bulk power transmission systems of Canada
and the United States. The Project would interconnect with the Federal
Columbia River Transmission System (FCRTS), which is owned and operated
by BPA in the United States, and with the British Columbia transmission
system, which is owned, operated and maintained by the British Columbia
Transmission Corporation, a Crown corporation of the Province of
British Columbia, Canada.
OC proposes to connect the two transmission systems using HVDC
submarine cables across the Strait of Juan de Fuca, an international
waterway. The Project is proposed to be a 550-MW bidirectional
controllable transmission system, comprised of HVDC modules
interconnected by submarine and underground terrestrial cables. OC
proposes to use HVDC LightTM cable, which is a polymeric insulated
cable that is steel-wire armored, hermetically sealed, and
approximately 10 inches in diameter for the marine crossing and 8
inches in diameter for the buried terrestrial portion. The cable
contains no circulating or insulating fluids. The overall length of the
proposed transmission line would be 21.6 miles, about 19.2 miles of
which would be buried in marine bedlands and approximately 1.2 miles
would be underground within the City of Port Angeles. The remaining 1.2
miles would be terrestrial in the greater Victoria area, British
Columbia. A directional drill would be used for the marine-to-
terrestrial transition, in order to minimize disturbances to the
shoreline and intertidal zone.
For the connection in the United States to the FCRTS, OC proposes
to construct a converter station in Port
[[Page 23856]]
Angeles to change between direct current and alternating current. This
proposed converter station would be located in the vicinity of BPA's
Port Angeles Substation in Clallam County, Washington, and would occupy
from one to two acres. OC has proposed that the converter station be
sited within the existing boundary of the Port Angeles Substation on
property leased or otherwise transferred from BPA to OC.
OC has proposed to begin construction of the HVDC transmission line
and converter station by June 2006. Under this schedule, the HVDC
system would be interconnected to the FCRTS in the fall of 2007, with a
proposed operation date of December 2007. Once constructed, all
existing land use and marine activities would be expected to continue
to take place along the route of the transmission line, excluding the
area encompassed by the converter station. The HVDC transmission system
would be expected to operate continuously for at least 20 years.
OC is in the process of applying for applicable permits from the
City of Port Angeles, which may trigger the Washington State
Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) process for the proposed Project. OC
also is coordinating with other Federal and State agencies regarding
all required permits and approvals.
On December 20, 2004, OC applied to OEEA for a Presidential permit
to develop the proposed Project. DOE published a notice of that
application in the Federal Register on February 18, 2005 (70 FR 8350).
OC also has submitted a request to BPA for interconnection of the
proposed Project to the FCRTS. BPA and OEEA are separate organizational
units both within DOE. DOE has determined its actions for the proposed
Project, including issuance of a Presidential permit, would constitute
a major Federal action that may have a significant impact upon the
environment within the meaning of NEPA.
BPA's Proposed Action. BPA has adopted an Open Access Transmission
Tariff for the FCRTS, consistent with the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission's (FERC) pro forma open access tariff. Under BPA's tariff,
BPA offers transmission interconnection to the FCRTS to all eligible
customers on a first-come, first-served basis, consistent with all BPA
requirements, but with this offer subject to the results of an
environmental review under NEPA. Under its tariff, BPA must respond to
OC's request for transmission interconnection.
BPA proposes to execute an agreement with OC to provide
interconnection services for up to 550 MW from the proposed Project. As
part of this agreement, BPA may agree to lease or otherwise permit
occupancy by OC of approximately one to two acres of real property that
is owned by BPA adjacent to the Port Angeles Substation. This property
would be used for a new converter substation that would allow
interconnection of the proposed Project to the FCRTS at Port Angeles
OEEA's Proposed Action. OEEA's proposed action is to issue a
Presidential permit for the proposed Project. Executive Order 10485, as
amended, provides that a Presidential permit may be issued after a
finding that the proposed Project is consistent with the public
interest and after favorable recommendation by the Departments of State
and Defense. In determining consistency with the public interest, DOE
considers the impacts of the proposed Project on the reliability of the
U.S. electric power system and on the environment, and any other
factors that DOE may also consider pertinent to the public interest.
The regulations implementing the Executive Order have been codified at
10 CFR 205.320-205.329. Issuance of a permit for a particular project
indicates that there is no Federal objection to that Project, but does
not mandate that the Project be completed.
Possible Alternatives for the Proposed Actions. For BPA, an
alternative to its proposed action of offering interconnection contract
terms is to not offer these terms. For OEEA, an alternative to the
proposed issuance of a Presidential permit is to deny this permit. In
either instance, the Project as proposed would not go forward. The EIS
will evaluate both of these alternatives as the ``no-action''
Public Participation and Identification of Environmental Issues.
Consistent with its NEPA regulations, DOE has established a minimum 30-
day scoping period during which affected landowners, Tribes, concerned
citizens, special interest groups, local governments, State and Federal
agencies, and any other interested parties are invited to comment on
the scope of the proposed EIS. Scoping will help DOE to identify
potentially significant impacts that may result from its proposed
actions and the privately proposed transmission line, and ensure that
all relevant environmental issues related to DOE's proposed actions are
addressed in the EIS.
The EIS will consider the reasonably foreseeable consequences of
construction and operation of the proposed HVDC transmission line
across the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the interconnection to the FCRTS.
Based on DOE's experience, potential environmental issues for the
proposed transmission line and interconnection facilities may include
socioeconomic impacts created by a construction workforce; effects on
recreation (primarily fishing); impacts on cultural resources; impacts
to wildlife habitat and populations including migratory birds, fish,
and marine mammals; noise created by the converter station during
Project operation; and mitigation measures.
When completed, the Draft EIS will be circulated for a minimum 45-
day public comment period, and DOE will hold one or more public
hearings on the Draft EIS. In the Final EIS, DOE will consider and
respond to all comments received on the Draft EIS. DOE expects to
publish the Final EIS in summer 2006. BPA's and OEEA's subsequent
decisions will be documented in a Record of Decision.
In addition to the Federal NEPA process, the City of Port Angeles
will provide opportunity for public participation as part of its SEPA
and permitting process. It is expected that representatives from the
City of Port Angeles will hold public meetings for the transmission
project during 2005. DOE will coordinate with the City of Port Angeles
to ensure full consideration of all public and agency comments
Issued in Portland, Oregon, on April 28, 2005.
Stephen J. Wright,
Administrator and Chief Executive Officer.
[FR Doc. 05-8995 Filed 5-4-05; 8:45 am]