In the Matter of Andrew Siemaszko; Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities, 22719-22722 [E5-2070]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 83 / Monday, May 2, 2005 / Notices
Notice of availability of a draft
Environmental Assessment for proposed
activities in the Arctic.
SUMMARY: The National Science
Foundation gives notice of the
availability of a draft Environmental
Assessment for proposed activities in
the Arctic.
The Office of Polar Programs (OPP)
has prepared an Environmental
Assessment of a Biocomplexity Study of
the Response of Tundra Carbon Balance
to Warming and Drying Across Multiple
Time Scales, 2005–2008. Given the
United States Arctic Program’s mission
to support polar research, the proposed
action is expected to result in
substantial benefits to science. The draft
Environmental Assessment is available
for public review for a 30-day period.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before June 1, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
submitted to Dr. Polly A. Penhale,
National Science Foundation, Office of
Polar Programs, 4201 Wilson Blvd.,
Suite 755, Arlington, VA 22230.
Telephone: (703) 292–8033. Copies of
the draft Environmental Assessment are
available upon request from Dr.
Penhale, or at the Web site: https://
project will examine how biological and
physical processes interact to control
carbon uptake, storage and release in
Arctic tundra ecosystems using an
experimental approach to manipulate
tundra moisture. Approximately 25% of
the world’s soil organic soil organic
carbon reservoir is stored at high
northern latitudes in permafrost and
seasonally-thawed soils in the Arctic, a
region that is currently undergoing
unprecedented warming and drying, as
well as dramatic changes in human land
use. The objective of this study is to
quantify linkages between soil moisture
and carbon uptake, storage and release
over multiple spatial (microbial to
landscape) and temporal (minutes to
decades) scales. Understanding how
changes in annual and inter-annual
ecosystem productivity interact and
potentially offset the balance and
stability of the Arctic soil carbon
reservoir is of utmost importance to
global climate change science.
The project is focused on a soil
moisture manipulation involving a 60hectare tundra flooding/draining
experiment near Barrow, Alaska on the
Arctic Coastal Plain. The project is
located within the Barrow
Environmental Observatory (BEO). The
BEO is 7,446 acres of land owned by the
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Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation (UIC) in
a designated Conservation District that
has been zoned as a scientific research
district for long-term, experimental
studies, such as this.
A permit has been acquired by the
project from the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (U.S. ACOE) for the
manipulation of wetland tundra. The
National Science Foundation has
received a Biological Opinion finding of
non-jeopardy through the Section 7
Consultation with U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service required by the
Endangered Species Act regarding the
two threatened species that may be
encountered or displaced by the project,
Steller’s elders and spectacled eiders.
The potential impacts of the project
were considered thoroughly during
project planning and are anticipated to
have no significant impact on the
environment with the implementation
of the associated mitigating measures
defined in environmental assessment
and the U.S. ACOE permit.
Copies of the draft Environmental
Assessment titled, an Environmental
Assessment of a Biocomplexity Study of
the Response of Tundra Carbon Balance
to Warming and Drying Across Multiple
Time Scales, 2005–2008, are available
upon request from: Dr. Polly A. Penhale,
National Science Foundation, Office of
Polar Programs, 4201 Wilson Blvd.,
Suite 755, Arlington, VA 22230.
Telephone: (301) 292–8033 or at the
agency’s Web site at: https://
tundra_ea.pdf. The National Science
Foundation invites interested members
of the public to provide written
comments on this draft Environmental
Polly A. Penhale,
Environmental Officer, Office of Polar
Programs, National Science Foundation.
[FR Doc. 05–8690 Filed 4–29–05; 8:45 am]
Contact Person: James Colby, National
Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard,
Arlington, VA 22230, (703) 292–5331. If you
are attending the meeting and need access to
the NSF please contact the individual listed
above so your name may be added to the
building access list.
Purpose of Meeting: To provide advice
with respect to the Foundation’s education
and human resources programming.
MAY 11, 2005
8 a.m ......
8:30 a.m
Assemble in Conference Room.
Introductions, Opening Presentation.
Discussion with Acting Assistant
Director, EHR.
Programmatic Planning
• Focus on Undergraduate.
• Focus on K–12.
• Focus on Research.
Lunch (TBD).
Updated on Division/Office Activities.
COV Reports and Discussion.
Focus on Program/Project Evaluation.
9 a.m ......
10 a.m ....
10:15 a.m
Noon ......
1:30 p.m
2:30 p.m
2:45 p.m
4 p.m ......
5 p.m ......
MAY 12, 2005
8 a.m ......
8:30 a.m
9:30 a.m
10:15 a.m
10:30 a.m
11:30 a.m
Noon ......
Assemble in Conference Room.
Discussion w/Arden Bement.
Review of Day 1, Next Steps.
Next Steps, Continued.
Closing Remarks.
Dated: April 27, 2005.
Susanne Bolton,
Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 05–8688 Filed 4–29–05; 8:45 am]
Advisory Committee for Education and
Human Resources; Notice of Meeting
In accordance with Federal Advisory
Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463, as
amended), the National Science
Foundation announces the following
Name: Advisory Committee for Education
and Human Resources (#1119).
Date/Time: May 11, 2005; 8:30 a.m. to 5
p.m. May 12, 2005; 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Place: Holiday Inn Arlington, 4610 North
Fairfax Drive, Arlington and Clarendon
Ballrooms. Arlington VA 22203.
Type of Meeting: Open.
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In the Matter of Andrew Siemaszko;
Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRCLicensed Activities
Mr. Andrew Siemaszko was
previously employed as a system
engineer at the Davis-Besse Nuclear
Power Station (Davis-Besse) operated by
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company
(FENOC or Licensee). The Licensee
holds License No. NPF–3 which was
issued by the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC or Commission)
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 83 / Monday, May 2, 2005 / Notices
pursuant to 10 CFR part 50 on April 22,
1977. The license authorizes the
operation of Davis-Besse in accordance
with the conditions specified therein.
The facility is located on the Licensee’s
site near Oak Harbor, Ohio.
On February 16, 2002, Davis-Besse
was shut down for refueling and
inspection of control rod drive
mechanism (CRDM) reactor pressure
vessel (RPV) head penetration nozzles.
Using ultrasonic testing, the Licensee
found cracks in three CRDM penetration
nozzles and on March 6, 2002, the
Licensee discovered a cavity in the RPV
head in the vicinity of CRDM
Penetration Nozzle No. 3. The cavity
measured approximately 5 to 7 inches
long, 4 to 5 inches wide, and penetrated
though the 6.63 inch-thick low-alloy
steel portion of the RPV head, leaving
the stainless steel clad material
(measuring 0.202 to 0.314 inches-thick)
as the sole reactor coolant system (RCS)
pressure boundary. A smaller cavity was
also found near CRDM Penetration
Nozzle No. 2.
The Licensee had conducted a root
cause evaluation and determined that
the cavities were caused by boric acid
from the RCS released through cracks in
the CRDM penetration nozzles. The
Licensee conducted limited cleaning
and inspections of the RPV head during
the Twelfth Refueling Outage (12RFO)
that ended on May 18, 2000. However,
neither the limited RPV head cleaning
nor the resultant inspections during
12RFO were sufficient to ensure that the
significant boric acid deposits on the
RPV head were only a result of CRDM
flange leakage as supposed and were not
a result of RCS pressure boundary
On March 6 and March 10, 2002, the
Licensee provided information to the
NRC concerning the identification of a
large cavity in the RPV head adjacent to
CRDM Penetration Nozzle No. 3. The
NRC conducted an Augmented
Inspection Team (AIT) inspection at the
Davis-Besse Station from March 12 to
April 5, 2002, to determine the facts and
circumstances related to the significant
degradation of the RPV head. The
results of the AIT inspection were
documented in NRC Inspection Report
No. 50–346/2002–03, issued on May 3,
2002. A follow-up special inspection
was conducted from May 15 to August
9, 2002, and on October 2, 2002, the
NRC issued the AIT Follow-up Special
Inspection Report No. 50–346/2002–08
documenting ten apparent violations
associated with the RPV head
degradation. Based upon an
investigation into the causes for the
apparent violations documented in the
special inspection report, the NRC
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Office of Investigations (OI) determined
that the apparent violations involved
deliberate failures to comply with NRC
requirements and regulations. The OI
investigation results were documented
in OI Report No. 3–2002–006, dated
August 22, 2003 and the matter remains
under Federal investigation.
Based on the results of the special
inspection conducted by the NRC staff
and the OI investigation, the NRC
determined that Mr. Andrew Siemaszko
engaged in deliberate misconduct that
caused the Licensee to be in violation of
the NRC requirement to maintain and
provide to the NRC materially complete
and accurate information, 10 CFR 50.9.
Andrew Siemaszko, a System
Engineer at Davis-Besse Station, was
responsible for ensuring the RPV head
was cleaned during April 2000. DavisBesse Work Order No. 00–001846–000
described the problem to be resolved as:
Large boron accumulation was noted on
the top of the RX [reactor] head and on top
of the insulation. Boric acid corrosion may
occur * * * Work Description * * * Clean
boron accumulation from top of reactor head
and on top of insulation. See Andrew
Siemaszko (Plant Engineering) * * * for
additional details.
On April 25, 2000, in the ‘‘Failure
Evaluation/Description of Work
Performed’’ section of Work Order No.
00–001846–000, Mr. Siemaszko wrote
‘‘work performed without deviation.’’
Mr. Siemaszko initiated Condition
Report (CR) No. 2000–1037 on April 17,
2000, and described the condition as:
Inspection of the Reactor Head indicated
accumulation of boron in the area of the CRD
[control rod drive] nozzle penetrations
through the head. Boron accumulation was
also discovered on top of the thermal
insulation under the CRD flanges. Boron
accumulated on the top of the thermal
insulation resulted from the CRD leakage.
The CRD leakage issues are discussed in CR
Entered in the ‘‘Remedial Actions’’
Section of CR No. 2000–1037 was,
Accumulated boron deposited between the
reactor head and the thermal insulation was
removed during the cleaning process
performed under W.O. (Work Order) 00–
001846–000. No boric acid induced damage
to the head surface was noted during the
subsequent inspection.
Also included on Condition Report
No. 2000–0137 was,
MODE 4 RESTRAINT—Complete all
actions necessary to restore equipment to
allow the Mode change. When all actions are
complete, document on a Cause/Action Sheet
(ED83242B) and provide a copy of the CR to
Quality Programs.
Information that Mr. Siemaszko told
OI during a sworn, transcribed
interview indicated that Mr. Siemaszko
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knew at the completion of 12RFO that
the RPV head had not been cleaned of
all boric acid deposits, yet he provided
information on Condition Report No.
2000–0137 and Work Order No. 00–
001846–000 indicating that the RPV
head was cleaned of boric acid deposits.
The Licensee removed the restraint to
changing operations to Mode 4 on April
27, 2000, based, in part, on the
information provided to the Licensee by
Mr. Siemaszko that the reactor vessel
had been cleaned of boric acid deposits,
as documented on CR No. 2000–1037
and Work Order No. 00–001846–000.
10 CFR part 50, Appendix B, Criterion
XVI, requires that the Licensee establish
measures to ensure that conditions
adverse to quality, such as failures,
malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations,
defective material and equipment, and
nonconformances are promptly
identified and corrected. In the case of
significant conditions adverse to
quality, the measures shall ensure that
the cause of the condition is determined
and corrective action taken to preclude
repetition. The identification of the
significant condition adverse to quality,
the cause of the condition, and the
corrective action taken shall be
documented and reported to appropriate
levels of management.
10 CFR part 50, Appendix B, Criterion
XVII, requires, in part, that the Licensee
maintain sufficient records to furnish
evidence of activities affecting quality,
including records of work performance.
Condition Report (CR) No. 2000–1037
described a significant condition
adverse to quality and the corrective
actions taken to preclude repetition.
Work Order No. 00–001846–000 is a
record of an activity affecting quality
and documented work performance.
Review of documents and videotapes
concerning the inspection of the RPV
head during 12RFO, that ended on May
18, 2000, and the inspections of the RPV
head during Refueling Outage 13, that
began on February 12, 2002, indicated
that boric acid deposits remained on the
RPV head following 12RFO. This is
contrary to information Mr. Siemaszko
documented in: (1) Work Order No. 00–
001846–000 that work was performed
without deviation; and (2) CR No. 2000–
1037 that the accumulated boron
deposited between the reactor head and
the thermal insulation was removed
during the cleaning process performed
and no boric acid induced damage to
the head surface was noted during the
subsequent inspection.
10 CFR 50.9 requires, in part, that
information required by statute or by the
Commission’s regulations, orders, or
license conditions to be maintained by
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 83 / Monday, May 2, 2005 / Notices
the licensee shall be complete and
accurate in all material respects.
Based on the above information, the
NRC concludes that Mr. Siemaszko
deliberately provided materially
incomplete and inaccurate information
in CR No. 2000–1037 and Work Order
No. 00–001846–000, that are records the
NRC requires the Licensee to maintain.
The information provided by Mr.
Siemaszko in CR No. 2000–1037 and
Work Order No. 00–001846–000 was
material to the NRC because the
presence of boric acid deposits on the
RPV head is a significant condition
adverse to quality that went
uncorrected, in part, due to Mr.
Siemaszko’s incomplete and inaccurate
description of the work activities and
corrective actions.
Based on the above, Mr. Andrew
Siemaszko, while employed by the
Licensee, engaged in deliberate
misconduct that has caused the
Licensee to be in violation of 10 CFR
50.9 by deliberately providing to the
Licensee information that he knew to be
incomplete or inaccurate in a respect
material to the NRC, in violation of 10
CFR 50.5. The NRC determined that
these violations were of very high safety
and regulatory significance because they
documented a pattern of deliberate
inaccurate or incomplete documentation
of information that was required to be
maintained or submitted to the NRC.
Had the NRC been aware of this
incomplete and inaccurate information,
the NRC would likely have taken
immediate regulatory action to shut
down the plant and require the licensee
to implement appropriate corrective
As a direct result of these violations,
the NRC determined that FENOC started
up and operated the plant, for the last
operating cycle prior to the February 16,
2002, shutdown without: (1) Fully
understanding or characterizing the
condition of the reactor pressure vessel
head and the control rod drive
penetrations; (2) determining the cause
of significant boric acid build up on the
reactor pressure vessel head, the control
rod drive penetrations, and several other
components in the reactor containment
building; (3) properly identifying the
presence of ongoing reactor coolant
system pressure boundary leakage and
taking appropriate corrective actions;
and, (4) identifying a very significant
ongoing degradation of the reactor
pressure vessel head which required a
number of years to reach the level of
material wastage observed in March
2002. Finally, the NRC determined that
the inaccurate and incomplete
information provided by Mr. Siemaszko
contributed to continued operation of
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the plant with ongoing reactor coolant
system pressure boundary leakage and
the significant degradation of the reactor
pressure vessel head, a significant
condition adverse to quality.
The NRC must be able to rely on the
Licensee and its employees to comply
with NRC requirements, including the
requirement to provide information and
maintain records that are complete and
accurate in all material respects. Mr.
Siemaszko’s action caused the Licensee
to violate 10 CFR 50.9 and raised
serious doubt as to whether he can be
relied upon to comply with NRC
requirements and to provide complete
and accurate information to the NRC.
Consequently, I lack the requisite
reasonable assurance that licensed
activities can be conducted in
compliance with the Commission’s
requirements and that the health and
safety of the public will be protected if
Mr. Siemaszko is permitted to be
involved in NRC-licensed activities.
Therefore, the public health, safety and
interest require that Mr. Siemaszko be
prohibited from any involvement in
NRC-licensed activities for a period of
five years from the effective date of this
Order. Additionally, Mr. Siemaszko is
required to notify the NRC of his first
employment in NRC-licensed activities
for a period of five years following the
prohibition period.
Accordingly, pursuant to sections
103, 161b, 161i, 161o, 182 and 186 of
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended, and the Commission’s
regulations in 10 CFR 2.202, 10 CFR
30.10, and 10 CFR 150.20, it is hereby
ordered that:
1. Mr. Andrew Siemaszko is
prohibited for five years from the
effective date of this Order from
engaging in NRC-licensed activities. The
NRC considers NRC-licensed activities
to be those activities that are conducted
pursuant to a specific or general license
issued by the NRC, including those
activities of Agreement State licensees
conducted pursuant to the authority
granted by 10 CFR 150.20.
2. If Mr. Siemaszko is currently
involved with another licensee in NRClicensed activities, he must immediately
cease those activities, and inform the
NRC of the name, address and telephone
number of the employer, and provide a
copy of this Order to the employer.
3. For a period of five years after the
five year period of prohibition has
expired, Mr. Siemaszko shall, within 20
days of acceptance of his first
employment offer involving NRClicensed activities or his becoming
involved in NRC-licensed activities, as
defined in Paragraph IV.1 above,
provide notice to the Director, Office of
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Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555, of
the name, address, and telephone
number of the employer or the entity
where he is, or will be, involved in
NRC-licensed activities. In the
notification, Mr. Siemaszko shall
include a statement of his commitment
to compliance with regulatory
requirements and the basis why the
Commission should have confidence
that he will now comply with
applicable NRC requirements.
The Director, Office of Enforcement,
may, in writing, relax or rescind any of
the above conditions upon
demonstration by Mr. Siemaszko of
good cause.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.202,
Andrew Siemaszko must, and any other
person adversely affected by this Order
may, submit an answer to this Order,
and may request a hearing on this Order
within 90 days of the date of this Order.
However, since this enforcement action
is being proposed prior to the U.S.
Department of Justice completing its
review of the OI investigation results,
consideration may be given to extending
the response time for submitting an
answer as well as the time for requesting
a hearing, for good cause shown. A
request for extension of time must be
made in writing to the Director, Office
of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555,
and include a statement of good cause
for the extension. The answer may
consent to this Order. Unless the answer
consents to this Order, the answer shall,
in writing and under oath or
affirmation, specifically admit or deny
each allegation or charge made in this
Order and shall set forth the matters of
fact and law on which Mr. Siemaszko or
other person adversely affected relies
and the reasons as to why the Order
should not have been issued. Any
answer or request for a hearing shall be
submitted to the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Attn:
Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff,
Washington, DC 20555. Copies also
shall be sent to the Director, Office of
Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555, to
the Assistant General Counsel for
Materials Litigation and Enforcement at
the same address, to the Regional
Administrator, NRC Region III, 2443
Warrenville Road, Lisle, IL 60532–4352,
and to Mr. Siemaszko if the answer or
hearing request is by a person other than
Mr. Siemaszko. Because of continuing
disruptions in delivery of mail to United
States Government offices, it is
requested that answers and requests for
hearing be transmitted to the Secretary
of the Commission either by means of
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 83 / Monday, May 2, 2005 / Notices
facsimile transmission to (301) 415–
1101 or by e-mail to and also to the
Office of the General Counsel either by
means of facsimile transmission to (301)
415–3725 or by e-mail to If a person
other than the Mr. Siemaszko requests a
hearing, that person shall set forth with
particularity the manner in which his
interest is adversely affected by this
Order and shall address the criteria set
forth in 10 CFR § 2.309.
If a hearing is requested by Mr.
Siemaszko or a person whose interest is
adversely affected, the Commission will
issue an Order designating the time and
place of any hearing. If a hearing is held,
the issue to be considered at such
hearing shall be whether this Order
should be sustained.
In the absence of any request for
hearing, or written approval of an
extension of time in which to request a
hearing, the provisions specified in
Section IV above shall be effective and
final 90 days from the date of this Order
without further order or proceedings. If
an extension of time for requesting a
hearing has been approved, the
provisions specified in Section IV shall
be final when the extension expires if a
hearing request has not been received.
Dated this 21st day of April 2005.
For The Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Ellis W. Merschoff,
Deputy Executive Director for Reactor
Programs, Office of the Executive Director
for Operations.
[FR Doc. E5–2070 Filed 4–29–05; 8:45 am]
Nuclear Power Plants
During this period, no events
occurred at U.S. nuclear power plants
that were significant enough to be
reported as AOs.
Report to Congress on Abnormal
Occurrences Fiscal Year 2004
Dissemination of Information
Section 208 of the Energy
Reorganization Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93–
438) defines an abnormal occurrence
(AO) as an unscheduled incident or
event which the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC)
determines to be significant from the
standpoint of public health or safety.
The Federal Reports Elimination and
Sunset Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–66)
requires that AOs be reported to
Congress annually. During fiscal year
2004, 17 events that occurred at
facilities licensed or otherwise regulated
by the NRC and/or Agreements States
were determined to be AOs. The report
describes four events at facilities
licensed by the NRC. One event
involved a uranium hexafluoride release
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at a fuel cycle facility. Another event,
also at a fuel cycle facility, revealed
excessive uranium concentrations found
in ash deposits in various locations in
an incinerator. A third event involved a
patient undergoing therapeutic
brachytherapy treatment. The fourth
event involved an unintentional
excessive dose of sodium iodide (I–131)
administered to a patient. The report
also addresses 13 AOs at facilities
licensed by Agreement States.
[Agreement States are those States that
have entered into formal agreements
with the NRC pursuant to Section 274
of the Atomic Energy Act (AEA) to
regulate certain quantities of AEA
licensed material at facilities located
within their borders.] Currently, there
are 33 Agreement States. During FY
2004, the NRC received notification of
13 events that occurred at Agreement
State-licensed facilities, including 8
therapeutic medical events, 3 diagnostic
medical events, 1 event involving an
unintentional dose of I–131 to an
embryo/fetus, and 1 event involving an
extremity overexposure to a
radiopharmacy trainee. As required by
Section 208, the discussion for each
event includes the date and place, the
nature and probable consequences, the
cause or causes, and the action taken to
prevent recurrence. Each event is also
being described in NUREG–0090, Vol.
27, ‘‘Report to Congress on Abnormal
Occurrences, Fiscal Year 2004.’’ This
report will be available electronically at
the NRC Web site
Fuel Cycle Facilities
(Other Than Nuclear Power Plants)
During this period, two events
occurred at U.S. fuel cycle facilities that
were significant enough to be reported
as AOs.
04–01 Uranium Hexafluoride Release
at Honeywell Speciality Chemicals, Inc.
in Metropolis, Illinois
Date and Place—December 22, 2003;
Honeywell International, Inc.,
Honeywell Specialty Chemicals,
Metropolis, Illinois.
Nature and Probable Consequences—
On December 22, 2003, a uranium
hexafluoride (UF6) release occurred
from one of the plant’s chemical process
lines. The release occurred due to
improper valve alignment which caused
inadvertent pressurization of the
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system. The licensee did not have a
written procedure for a process that was
performed infrequently and relied on
the operator’s memory to perform the
required actions. The release lasted
approximately 40 minutes. The licensee
observed a visible cloud crossing the
site boundary and declared a site area
emergency, which was terminated
approximately 4 hours later.
Approximately 25 members of the
public were temporarily evacuated from
their homes, and approximately 75
persons remained sheltered in their
homes for a time. Four members of the
public went to the hospital. Three of the
four were examined and released, while
the fourth was held for observation and
released the next day.
This individual showed skin
reddening on portions of his face and
part of one arm, which indicated a
hydrogen fluoride (HF) acid burn.
Honeywell’s initial estimate of a release
of 7 pounds of UF6 was later refined to
be approximately 70 pounds. Honeywell
shut the plant down and agreed to
discuss corrective actions with the NRC
before restarting operations to determine
whether the NRC had any objection to
restarting specific operations.
Cause(s)—An NRC Augmented
Inspection Team (AIT) and Honeywell’s
Root Cause Investigation Team
identified similar root and contributing
causes. The Honeywell Root Cause
Investigation Team provided its findings
to the NRC in a meeting on February 11,
Key causes were as follows:
• The licensee failed to have a written
procedure for an infrequent evolution
and, thus, relied on the operator’s
memory to perform the required actions.
• The licensee’s corrective action
program had not adequately corrected a
previously identified lack of procedures
for certain activities, the licensee had
not adequately aligned staff to the need
for procedures for activities.
• The licensee did not have an alarm
to warn operators that the system was
becoming pressurized. The licensee did
not have procedures or measures to
respond to abnormal conditions during
operations. The licensee did not have
procedures or processes for
documenting when equipment was not
in proper working order.
In addition, the AIT and Honeywell
Root Cause Investigation Team
identified problems in implementing
the emergency plan once the licensee
identified the release, including
problems in communication with State
and local authorities.
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 83 (Monday, May 2, 2005)]
[Pages 22719-22722]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E5-2070]
In the Matter of Andrew Siemaszko; Order Prohibiting Involvement
in NRC-Licensed Activities
Mr. Andrew Siemaszko was previously employed as a system engineer
at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (Davis-Besse) operated by
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC or Licensee). The Licensee
holds License No. NPF-3 which was issued by the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC or Commission)
[[Page 22720]]
pursuant to 10 CFR part 50 on April 22, 1977. The license authorizes
the operation of Davis-Besse in accordance with the conditions
specified therein. The facility is located on the Licensee's site near
Oak Harbor, Ohio.
On February 16, 2002, Davis-Besse was shut down for refueling and
inspection of control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) reactor pressure
vessel (RPV) head penetration nozzles. Using ultrasonic testing, the
Licensee found cracks in three CRDM penetration nozzles and on March 6,
2002, the Licensee discovered a cavity in the RPV head in the vicinity
of CRDM Penetration Nozzle No. 3. The cavity measured approximately 5
to 7 inches long, 4 to 5 inches wide, and penetrated though the 6.63
inch-thick low-alloy steel portion of the RPV head, leaving the
stainless steel clad material (measuring 0.202 to 0.314 inches-thick)
as the sole reactor coolant system (RCS) pressure boundary. A smaller
cavity was also found near CRDM Penetration Nozzle No. 2.
The Licensee had conducted a root cause evaluation and determined
that the cavities were caused by boric acid from the RCS released
through cracks in the CRDM penetration nozzles. The Licensee conducted
limited cleaning and inspections of the RPV head during the Twelfth
Refueling Outage (12RFO) that ended on May 18, 2000. However, neither
the limited RPV head cleaning nor the resultant inspections during
12RFO were sufficient to ensure that the significant boric acid
deposits on the RPV head were only a result of CRDM flange leakage as
supposed and were not a result of RCS pressure boundary leakage.
On March 6 and March 10, 2002, the Licensee provided information to
the NRC concerning the identification of a large cavity in the RPV head
adjacent to CRDM Penetration Nozzle No. 3. The NRC conducted an
Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) inspection at the Davis-Besse Station
from March 12 to April 5, 2002, to determine the facts and
circumstances related to the significant degradation of the RPV head.
The results of the AIT inspection were documented in NRC Inspection
Report No. 50-346/2002-03, issued on May 3, 2002. A follow-up special
inspection was conducted from May 15 to August 9, 2002, and on October
2, 2002, the NRC issued the AIT Follow-up Special Inspection Report No.
50-346/2002-08 documenting ten apparent violations associated with the
RPV head degradation. Based upon an investigation into the causes for
the apparent violations documented in the special inspection report,
the NRC Office of Investigations (OI) determined that the apparent
violations involved deliberate failures to comply with NRC requirements
and regulations. The OI investigation results were documented in OI
Report No. 3-2002-006, dated August 22, 2003 and the matter remains
under Federal investigation.
Based on the results of the special inspection conducted by the NRC
staff and the OI investigation, the NRC determined that Mr. Andrew
Siemaszko engaged in deliberate misconduct that caused the Licensee to
be in violation of the NRC requirement to maintain and provide to the
NRC materially complete and accurate information, 10 CFR 50.9.
Andrew Siemaszko, a System Engineer at Davis-Besse Station, was
responsible for ensuring the RPV head was cleaned during April 2000.
Davis-Besse Work Order No. 00-001846-000 described the problem to be
resolved as:
Large boron accumulation was noted on the top of the RX
[reactor] head and on top of the insulation. Boric acid corrosion
may occur * * * Work Description * * * Clean boron accumulation from
top of reactor head and on top of insulation. See Andrew Siemaszko
(Plant Engineering) * * * for additional details.
On April 25, 2000, in the ``Failure Evaluation/Description of Work
Performed'' section of Work Order No. 00-001846-000, Mr. Siemaszko
wrote ``work performed without deviation.''
Mr. Siemaszko initiated Condition Report (CR) No. 2000-1037 on
April 17, 2000, and described the condition as:
Inspection of the Reactor Head indicated accumulation of boron
in the area of the CRD [control rod drive] nozzle penetrations
through the head. Boron accumulation was also discovered on top of
the thermal insulation under the CRD flanges. Boron accumulated on
the top of the thermal insulation resulted from the CRD leakage. The
CRD leakage issues are discussed in CR 2000-0782.
Entered in the ``Remedial Actions'' Section of CR No. 2000-1037
Accumulated boron deposited between the reactor head and the
thermal insulation was removed during the cleaning process performed
under W.O. (Work Order) 00-001846-000. No boric acid induced damage
to the head surface was noted during the subsequent inspection.
Also included on Condition Report No. 2000-0137 was,
MODE 4 RESTRAINT--Complete all actions necessary to restore
equipment to allow the Mode change. When all actions are complete,
document on a Cause/Action Sheet (ED83242B) and provide a copy of
the CR to Quality Programs.
Information that Mr. Siemaszko told OI during a sworn, transcribed
interview indicated that Mr. Siemaszko knew at the completion of 12RFO
that the RPV head had not been cleaned of all boric acid deposits, yet
he provided information on Condition Report No. 2000-0137 and Work
Order No. 00-001846-000 indicating that the RPV head was cleaned of
boric acid deposits.
The Licensee removed the restraint to changing operations to Mode 4
on April 27, 2000, based, in part, on the information provided to the
Licensee by Mr. Siemaszko that the reactor vessel had been cleaned of
boric acid deposits, as documented on CR No. 2000-1037 and Work Order
No. 00-001846-000.
10 CFR part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, requires that the
Licensee establish measures to ensure that conditions adverse to
quality, such as failures, malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations,
defective material and equipment, and nonconformances are promptly
identified and corrected. In the case of significant conditions adverse
to quality, the measures shall ensure that the cause of the condition
is determined and corrective action taken to preclude repetition. The
identification of the significant condition adverse to quality, the
cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken shall be
documented and reported to appropriate levels of management.
10 CFR part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVII, requires, in part, that
the Licensee maintain sufficient records to furnish evidence of
activities affecting quality, including records of work performance.
Condition Report (CR) No. 2000-1037 described a significant
condition adverse to quality and the corrective actions taken to
preclude repetition. Work Order No. 00-001846-000 is a record of an
activity affecting quality and documented work performance.
Review of documents and videotapes concerning the inspection of the
RPV head during 12RFO, that ended on May 18, 2000, and the inspections
of the RPV head during Refueling Outage 13, that began on February 12,
2002, indicated that boric acid deposits remained on the RPV head
following 12RFO. This is contrary to information Mr. Siemaszko
documented in: (1) Work Order No. 00-001846-000 that work was performed
without deviation; and (2) CR No. 2000-1037 that the accumulated boron
deposited between the reactor head and the thermal insulation was
removed during the cleaning process performed and no boric acid induced
damage to the head surface was noted during the subsequent inspection.
10 CFR 50.9 requires, in part, that information required by statute
or by the Commission's regulations, orders, or license conditions to be
maintained by
[[Page 22721]]
the licensee shall be complete and accurate in all material respects.
Based on the above information, the NRC concludes that Mr.
Siemaszko deliberately provided materially incomplete and inaccurate
information in CR No. 2000-1037 and Work Order No. 00-001846-000, that
are records the NRC requires the Licensee to maintain. The information
provided by Mr. Siemaszko in CR No. 2000-1037 and Work Order No. 00-
001846-000 was material to the NRC because the presence of boric acid
deposits on the RPV head is a significant condition adverse to quality
that went uncorrected, in part, due to Mr. Siemaszko's incomplete and
inaccurate description of the work activities and corrective actions.
Based on the above, Mr. Andrew Siemaszko, while employed by the
Licensee, engaged in deliberate misconduct that has caused the Licensee
to be in violation of 10 CFR 50.9 by deliberately providing to the
Licensee information that he knew to be incomplete or inaccurate in a
respect material to the NRC, in violation of 10 CFR 50.5. The NRC
determined that these violations were of very high safety and
regulatory significance because they documented a pattern of deliberate
inaccurate or incomplete documentation of information that was required
to be maintained or submitted to the NRC. Had the NRC been aware of
this incomplete and inaccurate information, the NRC would likely have
taken immediate regulatory action to shut down the plant and require
the licensee to implement appropriate corrective actions.
As a direct result of these violations, the NRC determined that
FENOC started up and operated the plant, for the last operating cycle
prior to the February 16, 2002, shutdown without: (1) Fully
understanding or characterizing the condition of the reactor pressure
vessel head and the control rod drive penetrations; (2) determining the
cause of significant boric acid build up on the reactor pressure vessel
head, the control rod drive penetrations, and several other components
in the reactor containment building; (3) properly identifying the
presence of ongoing reactor coolant system pressure boundary leakage
and taking appropriate corrective actions; and, (4) identifying a very
significant ongoing degradation of the reactor pressure vessel head
which required a number of years to reach the level of material wastage
observed in March 2002. Finally, the NRC determined that the inaccurate
and incomplete information provided by Mr. Siemaszko contributed to
continued operation of the plant with ongoing reactor coolant system
pressure boundary leakage and the significant degradation of the
reactor pressure vessel head, a significant condition adverse to
The NRC must be able to rely on the Licensee and its employees to
comply with NRC requirements, including the requirement to provide
information and maintain records that are complete and accurate in all
material respects. Mr. Siemaszko's action caused the Licensee to
violate 10 CFR 50.9 and raised serious doubt as to whether he can be
relied upon to comply with NRC requirements and to provide complete and
accurate information to the NRC.
Consequently, I lack the requisite reasonable assurance that
licensed activities can be conducted in compliance with the
Commission's requirements and that the health and safety of the public
will be protected if Mr. Siemaszko is permitted to be involved in NRC-
licensed activities. Therefore, the public health, safety and interest
require that Mr. Siemaszko be prohibited from any involvement in NRC-
licensed activities for a period of five years from the effective date
of this Order. Additionally, Mr. Siemaszko is required to notify the
NRC of his first employment in NRC-licensed activities for a period of
five years following the prohibition period.
Accordingly, pursuant to sections 103, 161b, 161i, 161o, 182 and
186 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Commission's
regulations in 10 CFR 2.202, 10 CFR 30.10, and 10 CFR 150.20, it is
hereby ordered that:
1. Mr. Andrew Siemaszko is prohibited for five years from the
effective date of this Order from engaging in NRC-licensed activities.
The NRC considers NRC-licensed activities to be those activities that
are conducted pursuant to a specific or general license issued by the
NRC, including those activities of Agreement State licensees conducted
pursuant to the authority granted by 10 CFR 150.20.
2. If Mr. Siemaszko is currently involved with another licensee in
NRC-licensed activities, he must immediately cease those activities,
and inform the NRC of the name, address and telephone number of the
employer, and provide a copy of this Order to the employer.
3. For a period of five years after the five year period of
prohibition has expired, Mr. Siemaszko shall, within 20 days of
acceptance of his first employment offer involving NRC-licensed
activities or his becoming involved in NRC-licensed activities, as
defined in Paragraph IV.1 above, provide notice to the Director, Office
of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
20555, of the name, address, and telephone number of the employer or
the entity where he is, or will be, involved in NRC-licensed
activities. In the notification, Mr. Siemaszko shall include a
statement of his commitment to compliance with regulatory requirements
and the basis why the Commission should have confidence that he will
now comply with applicable NRC requirements.
The Director, Office of Enforcement, may, in writing, relax or
rescind any of the above conditions upon demonstration by Mr. Siemaszko
of good cause.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.202, Andrew Siemaszko must, and any
other person adversely affected by this Order may, submit an answer to
this Order, and may request a hearing on this Order within 90 days of
the date of this Order. However, since this enforcement action is being
proposed prior to the U.S. Department of Justice completing its review
of the OI investigation results, consideration may be given to
extending the response time for submitting an answer as well as the
time for requesting a hearing, for good cause shown. A request for
extension of time must be made in writing to the Director, Office of
Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555,
and include a statement of good cause for the extension. The answer may
consent to this Order. Unless the answer consents to this Order, the
answer shall, in writing and under oath or affirmation, specifically
admit or deny each allegation or charge made in this Order and shall
set forth the matters of fact and law on which Mr. Siemaszko or other
person adversely affected relies and the reasons as to why the Order
should not have been issued. Any answer or request for a hearing shall
be submitted to the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Attn: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff, Washington, DC 20555. Copies
also shall be sent to the Director, Office of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, to the Assistant General
Counsel for Materials Litigation and Enforcement at the same address,
to the Regional Administrator, NRC Region III, 2443 Warrenville Road,
Lisle, IL 60532-4352, and to Mr. Siemaszko if the answer or hearing
request is by a person other than Mr. Siemaszko. Because of continuing
disruptions in delivery of mail to United States Government offices, it
is requested that answers and requests for hearing be transmitted to
the Secretary of the Commission either by means of
[[Page 22722]]
facsimile transmission to (301) 415-1101 or by e-mail to and also to the Office of the General Counsel
either by means of facsimile transmission to (301) 415-3725 or by e-
mail to If a person other than the Mr. Siemaszko
requests a hearing, that person shall set forth with particularity the
manner in which his interest is adversely affected by this Order and
shall address the criteria set forth in 10 CFR Sec. 2.309.
If a hearing is requested by Mr. Siemaszko or a person whose
interest is adversely affected, the Commission will issue an Order
designating the time and place of any hearing. If a hearing is held,
the issue to be considered at such hearing shall be whether this Order
should be sustained.
In the absence of any request for hearing, or written approval of
an extension of time in which to request a hearing, the provisions
specified in Section IV above shall be effective and final 90 days from
the date of this Order without further order or proceedings. If an
extension of time for requesting a hearing has been approved, the
provisions specified in Section IV shall be final when the extension
expires if a hearing request has not been received.
Dated this 21st day of April 2005.
For The Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Ellis W. Merschoff,
Deputy Executive Director for Reactor Programs, Office of the Executive
Director for Operations.
[FR Doc. E5-2070 Filed 4-29-05; 8:45 am]