Notice of Availability of Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for International Bridge at Calais, ME, 22382-22388 [05-8592]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 82 / Friday, April 29, 2005 / Notices
proposed rebate. Thus, to qualify a
transaction for the rebate process, a
written rebate request, along with
supporting documentation, must be
submitted to the Exchange.10
The purpose of capping the ROT and
specialist transaction and comparison
fees for merger spread and dividend
spread transactions at $1,750 is to
attract additional liquidity to the
Exchange.11 The purpose of deleting the
reference to the fixed monthly fee is to
update the Exchange’s fee schedule to
eliminate a reference to a fee that is no
longer in effect.
2. Statutory Basis
The Exchange believes that its
proposal to amend its schedule of fees
is consistent with section 6(b) of the
Act,12 in general, and furthers the
objectives of section 6(b)(4) of the Act,13
in particular, in that it is an equitable
allocation of reasonable fees among
Exchange members.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Burden on Competition
The Exchange does not believe that
the proposed rule change, as amended,
will impose any inappropriate burden
on competition.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were either
solicited or received.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The foregoing proposed rule change,
as amended, has become effective
pursuant to section 19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the
Act 14 and Rule 19b–4(f)(2) 15
thereunder, because it changes a fee
imposed by the Exchange. At any time
within 60 days of the filing of the
proposed rule change, as amended, the
10 Specifically, within 30 calendar days of the
billing period (i.e., within thirty days from the issue
date of the invoice) for these transactions, a written
request, along with the appropriate documentation,
must be completed and submitted to the Exchange.
After the appropriate verification and subsequent
acceptance, the Exchange would credit the
appropriate member’s account for the amount of the
rebate (i.e., either $0.08 or $0.07 per contract side)
on contracts executed in trades occurring as part of
a merger-acquisition strategy.
11 Similar to the rebate process described above,
members who wish to benefit from the proposed fee
cap will be required to submit to the Exchange a
written rebate request with supporting
12 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
13 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4).
14 15 U.S.C. 78(s)(b)(3)(A)(ii).
15 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(2).
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Commission may summarily abrogate
such rule change if it appears to the
Commission that such action is
necessary or appropriate in the public
interest, for the protection of investors,
or otherwise in furtherance of the
purposes of the Act.16
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an E-mail to Please include File
Number SR–Phlx–2005–19 on the
subject line.
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–Phlx–2005–19 and should
be submitted on or before May 20, 2005.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
Margaret H. McFarland,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E5–2050 Filed 4–28–05; 8:45 am]
Region IV Small Business Regulatory
Fairness Board; Public Federal
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness
The U.S. Small Business
Administration, Region IV Small
Business Regulatory Fairness Board and
the SBA Office of the National
Ombudsman will hold a public hearing
on Thursday, May 26, 2005, at 8:30 a.m.,
Paper Comments
at the Mobile Chamber of Commerce,
• Send paper comments in triplicate
McGowin Room, 451 Government
to Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary,
Street, Mobile AL 36602–2319, phone
Securities and Exchange Commission,
(251) 433–6951, to receive comments
450 Fifth Street, NW., Washington, DC
and testimony from small business
owners, small government entities, and
All submissions should refer to File
small non-profit organizations
Number SR–Phlx–2005–19. This file
concerning regulatory enforcement and
number should be included on the
compliance actions taken by Federal
subject line if e-mail is used. To help the agencies.
Commission process and review your
Anyone wishing to attend or to make
comments more efficiently, please use
a presentation must contact L.D. Ralph
only one method. The Commission will in writing or by fax, in order to be put
post all comments on the Commission’s on the agenda. L.D. Ralph, Loan
Internet Web site (
Specialist, SBA Alabama District Office,
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
801 Tom Martin Drive, Suite 201,
submission, all subsequent
Birmingham, AL 35211, phone (205)
amendments, all written statements
290–7101, Ext. 237, fax (202) 481–4009,
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
For more information, please see our
Commission, and all written
Web site at
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than Matthew K. Becker,
Committee Management Officer.
those that may be withheld from the
[FR Doc. 05–8566 Filed 4–28–05; 8:45 am]
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
the Commission’s Public Reference
Room. Copies of the filing also will be
available for inspection and copying at
[Public Notice 5059]
the principal office of the Phlx. All
comments received will be posted
Notice of Availability of Environmental
without change; the Commission does
Assessment and Finding of No
not edit personal identifying
Significant Impact for International
information from submissions. You
Bridge at Calais, ME
should submit only information that
you wish to make available publicly. All AGENCY: Office of Canadian Affairs,
Department of State.
16 See 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(C). For purposes of
ACTION: Notice.
calculation the 60-day abrogation period, the
Commission considers the period to commence on
April 19, 2005, the date the Phlx filed Amendment
No. 1.
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17 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 82 / Friday, April 29, 2005 / Notices
SUMMARY: The proposed action is to
issue a Presidential Permit to the State
of Maine to authorize it to construct,
connect, operate and maintain an
international bridge between the City of
Calais, Maine, and Canada. The
Department of State (the ‘‘Department’’)
has reviewed the potential
environmental impacts and determined
that the proposal will not have a
significant effect on the quality of the
human environment. Therefore, the
Department of State has issued its
Environmental Assessment and Finding
of No Significant Impact.
Department of Transportation of the
State of Maine has filed with the Office
of Canadian Affairs of the Department of
State an application for a Presidential
permit to permit the construction of a
new international bridge across the St.
Croix River and a new international
border crossing facility between the city
of Calais, Maine (ME), and the town of
St. Stephen, New Brunswick (NB). That
application was accompanied by a draft
environmental assessment dated
December 2001 (2001 Draft EA),
submitted by the Federal Highway
Administration of the U.S. Department
of Transportation and the Maine
Department of Transportation, in
cooperation with the General Services
Administration, and in conjunction
with the New Brunswick Department of
Notice of the application was
published in the Federal Register, Vol
68, No. 146, pages 44833 et seq., on July
30, 2003. No formal written public
comments were received by the
Department of State on the Presidential
permit application or the 2001 Draft EA
provided as part of the application for
a Presidential permit.
Comments were received from the
Federal and State agencies concerning
the application and were either
responded to directly, or are addressed
in the analysis contained in this review
set forth below. In addition to inclusion
in the analyses of impacts and risks, the
comments received were used to
develop measures to be undertaken by
the Sponsor as commitments to prevent
or mitigate potentially adverse
environmental impacts.
This summary environmental
assessment, the comments submitted by
the Federal and State agencies, any
responses to those comments, and the
2001 Draft EA submitted by the project
sponsor together constitute the Final
Environmental Assessment of the
proposed action by the Department of
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I. The Proposed Project
The U.S. Department of State (the
‘‘Department’’) is charged with the
issuance of Presidential permits for the
certain cross-border facilities under
Executive Order 11423 of August 16,
1968, 33 FR 11741, as amended by
Executive Order 12847 of May 17, 1993
(58 FR 29511), Executive Order 13284 of
January 23, 2002 (68 FR 4075), and
Executive Order 13337 of April 30, 2004
(69 Fed. Reg. 25299), as well as under
the International Bridge Act of 1972, 33
U.S.C. 535, et seq.
The Department of Transportation of
the State of Maine (‘‘MDOT,’’ the
‘‘Sponsor’’) has filed an application
(‘‘the application’’) for a Presidential
Permit to permit the construction of a
new international bridge across the St.
Croix River and a new international
border crossing facility between the city
of Calais, ME, and the town of St.
Stephen, NB, to supplement two small
existing crossings: The ‘‘Ferry Point
Crossing,’’ which connects the
downtown areas of both Calais and St.
Stephen; and the ‘‘Milltown Crossing,’’
which connects Calais and St. Stephen
about 1⁄2 mile upstream from the Ferry
Point Crossing.
In January 2001, the Sponsor, in
cooperation with the United States
General Services Administration and
the Federal Highway Administration of
the U.S. Department of Transportation,
and with the assistance of Gannett
Fleming, Inc., initiated preparation of an
environmental assessment of the
potential environmental effects of the
proposed International Bridge. The
‘‘Draft Environmental Assessment
Calais-St. Stephen Area International
Border Crossing Study’’ (2001 Draft EA)
was completed in December 2001. The
2001 Draft EA was reviewed by the
Federal Highway Administration, which
issued a Finding of No Significant
Impact (FONSI) on July 31, 2002. That
FONSI, and its supporting
documentation, are herein incorporated
by reference.
The Department has engaged in
follow-up inquiries concerning various
issues raised with respect to a ‘‘CalaisSt. Stephen Area International Border
Crossing Study,’’ conducted by the
Maine Department of Transportation in
conjunction with the New Brunswick
Department of Transportation, the
Federal Highway Administration, and
the U.S. General Services
Administration (the study can be found
on the Internet at A discussion of
those issues is found below, in Section
IV. In addition, the Department, acting
in a manner consistent with its
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regulations for the implementation of
the National Environmental Policy Act
(‘‘NEPA’’) in the context of its
responsibilities with respect to
Presidential Permits, has conducted its
own, independent review of the 2001
Draft EA provided by the Sponsor. The
2001 Draft EA has also been reviewed
by numerous Federal, State, and local
agencies. Each such ‘‘cooperating
agency’’ has approved or accepted the
2001 Draft EA, provided, in certain
cases, that mitigation recommendations
proposed in the application itself or by
those agencies are followed. These
cooperating agencies are:
• U.S. Government: The Department
of State; the Department of Defense; the
Department of Transportation; the
Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service; the Department of
Justice; the Department of Agriculture,
including the Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service’s Office of Veterinary
Services; the Environmental Protection
Agency; the Food and Drug
Administration; the Department of
Commerce; the Council on
Environmental Quality; the General
Services Administration; the U.S. Office
of the International Boundary
Commission; the U.S. Office of the
International Joint Commission; and,
within the Department of Homeland
Security: The Federal Emergency
Management Agency; the Bureau of
Customs and Border Protection; the
Bureau of Immigration and Customs
Enforcement; and the U.S. Coast Guard.
• State of Maine: The Department of
Transportation, the City of Calais.
Based on the 2001 Draft EA,
information developed by the
Department during its review of the
Sponsor’s application and all comments
received, and its own review of this
information, the Department has
completed its Final Environmental
Assessment (Final EA). On the basis of
the Final EA, the Department has
concluded that the issuance of the
permit will not have a significant
impact on the quality of the human
environment within the United States.
Therefore, an environmental impact
statement (‘‘EIS’’) need not be prepared.
II. Factors Considered
A. The Need for the Proposed Action
Over the last ten-plus years, a number
of studies have been made of traffic flow
in the vicinity of the Ferry Point
crossing, which is located in and
connects the central business districts of
Calais, ME, and St. Stephen, NB. Those
studies, including one completed in
August 1999, revealed that the Ferry
Point crossing is characterized by: poor
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 82 / Friday, April 29, 2005 / Notices
highway system linkage; inefficient
GSA-owned inspection facilities; traffic
congestion; safety hazards; and freight
A second border bridge, at Milltown,
is also undersized and is used primarily
by non-commercial, local traffic. Both
the Milltown and the Ferry Point
crossings were built in the 1930s. The
traffic load statistics gathered in the
1999 traffic count do not clearly
distinguish between the two crossings,
and general references herein to ‘‘CalaisSt. Stephen’’ should be construed as
referring to both the Milltown and Ferry
Point crossings.
According to the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Calais-St. Stephen is the
eighth busiest northern border crossing
in the United States for commercial
vehicles (trucks) and the fifth busiest for
passenger vehicles.
Traffic crossing the current, two-lane
Ferry Point bridge has overwhelmed the
processing capacity at the border
station. Congestion has deteriorated
quality of life and commercial activity
for nearby homes and businesses.
Oversized trucks must be re-routed
around the commercial vehicle area, for
which they are too big, and into the
oncoming traffic lane to navigate the
inspection facility. Inspections of such
loads must be undertaken while the
trucks are parked in the travel lane,
leading to significant delays and traffic
jams, as well as unsafe working
conditions for the inspection staffs.
Secondary inspections are carried out in
the public streets. In similar vein,
outbound inspections are also carried
out in the travel lane, limiting the
number of such inspections that can be
A 1999 traffic survey conducted by
the Sponsor found that about 6,700
vehicles per day were using the Ferry
Point Crossing, with another 2,500 or so
using the Milltown Crossing. According
to information provided by the Province
of New Brunswick, the St. Stephen/
Milltown border crossings combined
ranked as the ninth busiest in Canada in
2002, with 6,000 vehicles a day,
including close to 600 trucks. Whether
using the 1999 U.S., or the 2002
Canadian figures, it appears that a
substantial amount of traffic uses the St.
Croix River crossings, and traffic
congestion in the downtown areas of
both communities is serious.
The General Services Administration
contracted for an extensive study of
potential traffic volumes with and
without a new crossing in the Spring of
2004. The study was based on actual
incoming traffic data provided by the
office of the Port Director for the region.
The data showed that traffic volumes
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through the existing crossings at Ferry
Point and Milltown have been in flux
over the last ten years, and that the
busiest months could see at least 50%—
in some years as much as 70%—greater
than average traffic volumes, leading the
GSA contractor to conclude that a
simple projection of past growth figures
would not be an adequate basis for
assessing the effectiveness of the
proposed design for the inspection
facility or the impacts of a new crossing
on the existing entry points. GSA’s
contractor therefore ran a number of
simulations at a substantially higher rate
of growth than studies done previously,
using both a low range of 7% annual
growth over a period of ten years, and
a high range of doubling current traffic
volumes over the same ten-year period.
GSA’s study determined that there is
a slight tendency for more commercial
vehicles and fewer passenger vehicles to
use the Ferry Point crossing, while the
reverse is the case at Milltown. Despite
this readjustment, however, delays at
both crossings are significant. At certain
times of the day, commercial vehicles at
Milltown may wait as long as 70
minutes to cross the border, while
passenger vehicles can wait longer than
60 minutes. At Ferry Point, the wait
time for commercial vehicles regularly
exceeds 80 minutes at certain times
(morning rush) of the day, while
passenger vehicles may wait as long as
60 minutes or more at the same times.
Delays and traffic congestion affect
the economic and physical
environments locally, and increase
safety risks as well. Also, a number of
trucks carry hazardous materials, and
local residents are concerned about the
possibility of a hazardous materials
U.S. and Canadian traffic surveys
from 1999 and 2000 also indicated that
between 27% and 32% of passenger
vehicles and approximately 77% of
truck traffic at the Ferry Point and
Milltown crossings are non-local.
Calais serves as the primary coastalarea crossing point; traffic moves
between northeastern Maine and the
Maritime Provinces of New Brunswick,
Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and
Newfoundland-Labrador. The nearest
alternate border crossing facility for
commercial vehicles is located at
Houlton, ME, approximately 75 miles
B. The Goals of the Proposed Action
A new crossing would improve traffic
flow in the immediate area, reduce
traffic congestion, and speed throughtravel time. It is also clear that a new
crossing would furnish greater
flexibility for handling traffic flows and
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greatly improve border security by
expanding the capacity of inspection
services to carry out their work.
According to project documents, the
new crossing is also intended to create
a gateway between Maine and the
Maritime Provinces as part of an overall
east-west transportation corridor. The
route through Calais is the shortest
between Bangor and points in eastern
New Brunswick, the Bay of Fundy, and
Nova Scotia.
III. Alternatives Considered
A. Initial Options
1. Transportation System
Management. This would involve small
changes such as signal timing
improvements and/or minor traffic flow
reconstruction at principal intersections
in downtown Calais. The restricted
space on the ground limits the ability to
make substantial improvements. This
alternative was rejected by the study
2. Travel Demand Management. This
consists of a number of strategies to
reduce demand through such
mechanisms as rideshare and transit
networks to remove vehicles or to
encourage local employers to offer
flextime hours to shift the times that
vehicles would be on the roads. Success
depends on a high proportion of
commuter traffic versus recreational or
commercial traffic, which is not the case
at Calais. This alternative was rejected
by the study committee.
3. Intelligent Transportation
Systems(ITS)/Commercial Vehicle
Operations. ITS uses traffic monitoring
technology and signage to apprise
vehicle operators and inspection
agencies of conditions at the border
crossing, with the idea that operators
can decide whether/how to proceed and
inspectors can increase staffing to meet
increased demand. This alternative was
not considered by the study committee,
because there is no flexibility to expand
operations at the existing crossing, nor
are there workable alternatives for
vehicle operators to avoid the delays.
4. No-Build Alternative. This
alternative would not address the
problems that exist at the current border
crossing facilities, while those
conditions would worsen over time.
This alternative was rejected by the
study committee.
5. Alternative 1—Upgrades at the
Ferry Point Crossing. Upgrades would
include reconstruction of a portion of
Union Street and the intersection with
Main Street and North Street,
reconstruction of the intersection with
U.S. Route 1 east of the Milltown Bridge
to define a right-turn lane, and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 82 / Friday, April 29, 2005 / Notices
reconstruction of the intersection of
Route 1 with Charlotte Street at the
entrance to Moosehorn National
Wildlife Refuge (NWR) to provide
longer acceleration and deceleration
lanes on Route 1. This alternative was
rejected because it failed to meet the
needs for system linkage and safety.
6. Alternatives 2 and 2A—Baileyville
Crossing, Connection to Maine Route 9.
A new bridge would be built at a site
approximately eight miles from Calais’
city center near the intersection between
U.S. Route 1 and Maine Route 9. This
location is favored by some
international truckers and by some
officials and residents of Baileyville,
who believe this route would cut down
travel time and/or bring more economic
options to Baileyville itself. According
to the 2001 Draft EA, this routing would
disturb more wetlands, undeveloped
lands, and good agricultural soil than
the Calais Industrial Park site. The
design was altered slightly (creating
Alternative 2A) to move a connecting
road further away from residences than
originally proposed. This route would
also remove a substantial amount of
traffic from Route 1 as it passes through
the Moosehorn NWR, thus reducing the
risk of accidents or hazardous material
(hazmat) spills in the Refuge.
Alternative 2A was one of the two
proactive alternatives placed before the
public and the agencies reviewing the
project. However, it was not ultimately
selected as the preferred alternative.
7. Alternative 3—Calais Industrial
Park. This alternative was selected as
the preferred alternative. See fuller
discussion below, at item III B.
8. Alternative 4, 4A—Bypass East of
Calais. This alternative envisioned
construction of a new bridge over the St.
Croix River and Route 1 east of Calais
center, between a church and a golf
course. The area available for inspection
services was only 21.4 hectares, well
below the area needed by the U.S.
Government for border inspection
facilities. This alternative was rejected
because it failed to meet the needs for
system linkage and safety and because
it did not satisfy system linkage needs
on the New Brunswick side. In addition,
there would be greater impacts to water
9. Stud Mill Road Alternative. Stud
Mill Road is a private logging road, used
by paper companies, that runs from near
the study area (Princeton, north of
Baileyville) to the Old Town area just
north of Bangor. Using this road would
necessitate upgrading approximately 56
miles (90 km) and the construction of a
new crossing of the Penobscot River
north of Bangor and a new interchange
to connect it with Interstate 95. This
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alternative was rejected because it failed
to meet the needs for system linkage and
safety and because of expense.
10. Foley Road Alternative. This
alternative is similar to Alternative 2,
albeit longer, located slightly north of
the intersection of Routes 1 and 9. This
alternative was rejected because
Alternative 2A would accomplish the
identified Purpose and Needs at a lower
cost and with fewer adverse
environmental impacts.
11. Calais Branch Alternative. This
alternative, suggested at public meeting,
would involve the rehabilitation of the
existing rail bridge and the substitution
of rail traffic for truck traffic. This
alternative was rejected as providing
insufficient freight movement capacity,
and as failing to meet security
B. The Preferred Alternative
The project Sponsor studied a number
of alternative sites and approaches, in
addition to the no-action alternative, as
outlined above. Finding that the other
alternatives either did not satisfy the
Purpose and Needs identified in the
study, the 2001 Draft EA focused its
analysis on two of the alternatives:
Alternative 2A at Baileyville (featuring
a connection between shared U.S.
Routes 1 and 9 and New Brunswick
Routes 1 and 3); and Alternative 3, in
the Calais Industrial Park, with access to
U.S. Route 1.
From among these, the Sponsor, New
Brunswick, and several of the
commenting agencies have all
concurred in recommending adoption of
Alternative 3, which is located in an
undeveloped portion of the Calais
Industrial Park and situated
approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the
Ferry Point Crossing in close proximity
to U.S. Route 1 between the Town of
Baring and the City of Calais.
The selection of Alternative 3 as the
Preferred Alternative was made
primarily because the Calais Industrial
Park site is already zoned commercial,
whereas the Baileyville site (Alternative
2A) is zoned rural and economic
impacts will be less if the crossing is
closer to the Calais business district. On
the other hand, construction at the
Baileyville site would disturb less
wildlife habitat (10.8 hectares, versus
16.7 ha at the Calais site) but the same
amount of wetlands and floodplain
areas (2.6 acres in both locations).
C. The Canadian Project
The Governments of Canada and New
Brunswick announced on November 20,
2003, that funding for the Canadian
portion of the project—a connector
route to NB Routes 1 and 3 and the
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Canadian portion of the bridge—had
been secured. Road construction has
begun to connect the proposed new
bridge to existing roads on the Canadian
IV. Concerns and Comments
A. Environmental Impacts During
Construction and Normal Operation
Some concerns have been raised with
respect to the potential environmental
impact on the Moosehorn National
Wildlife Refuge, and in particular, with
continued or potential expansion of
truck traffic passing through the Refuge
to or from a crossing at Calais Industrial
Park. Both during the public outreach
process conducted by Sponsor and
subsequent to release of the 2001 Draft
EA, some commenters suggested that
the new crossing should be built at the
intersection of Routes 9 and 1, in the
vicinity of Baileyville, Maine (i.e.,
Alternative 2A), in order to reduce area
noise and air pollution and the risks
that could be posed to the Refuge by a
traffic accident involving a truck
carrying hazardous materials.
Traffic volume along Route 1 from
Calais to the junction with Route 9,
including through Moosehorn National
Wildlife Refuge, will be higher under
Alternative 3 than it would be under
Alternative 2A at Baileyville and as
compared to the No-Build Alternative.
(Information on traffic growth
projections is provided below.) The new
crossing is also expected to attract
higher traffic volumes than the No-Build
Alternative, as it will offer greater
transportation efficiency for
destinations along the coastal areas of
New Brunswick and Maine. However, as
discussed in more detail below, these
traffic increases are not expected to have
a significant impact on the environment
of the Moosehorn National Wildlife
Refuge or its surrounding area.
Furthermore, Alternative 3 will better
safeguard the economic health of Calais
businesses and improve the ambient air
quality in the business district of Calais
without appreciably altering the
economic well-being of Baileyville
businesses. Alternative 3 also attracted
overwhelming public support.
In response to a request from the U.S.
Department of Transportation, MDOT
has developed updated traffic
projections for the new crossing and for
Route 1 between the junction with
Route 9 in Baileyville and Calais,
including the section passing through
Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge
(NWR), that reflect an estimated traffic
growth of approximately 20 percent
over twenty years. Current traffic
volumes, according to figures obtained
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 82 / Friday, April 29, 2005 / Notices
from MDOT in April 2004, indicate a
‘‘design hourly traffic volume’’ of 872
vehicles on this stretch of highway, and
a projected value of 1,094 by 2024. The
design hourly traffic volume is a
measure of the highest number of
vehicles (usually during rush hour) over
a typical 24-hour period.
The majority of commercial vehicles
now crossing at Ferry Point are expected
to move to the new crossing; this switch
is most likely for non-local truck traffic.
Given the distance between Calais and
the nearest alternative crossing point at
Houlton, we conclude it is unlikely that
substantial traffic will divert from
Houlton to Calais and therefore overall
traffic volumes are unlikely to diverge
significantly from current growth
projections of between 1.5 and 2 percent
per year. However, the GSA traffic study
team considered a possible shift to
Calais of from one-quarter to one-third
of combined passenger and commercial
vehicle traffic that presently uses the
border crossing at Houlton, Maine. In
the absolute worst-case scenario (i.e.,
the highest potential traffic volume at
Calais), this would mean 330,000
commercial vehicles and 1,324,000
passenger vehicles passing through the
port on an annual basis—an average of
just under 190 vehicles per hour.
According to MDOT, this number is
well within the design hourly volume
for Route 1 in its current configuration
and would not be expected to have a
significant impact on the local
The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency requested information regarding
the possible widening of Route 1 to
accommodate larger traffic volumes in
future, and cautioned that its acceptance
of the project was predicated on no
disturbance of a bald eagle nesting
platform near Route 1. Two raised
platforms were installed to provide
nesting sites for osprey. One is occupied
by ospreys, the other by bald eagles.
MDOT has stated that it does not
currently foresee the need to expand
Route 1 to four lanes from the present
two. MDOT’s two-, six-, and twenty-year
plans do not include a widening or
expansion of Route 1 at this location.
MDOT also has committed to not
disturb the two existing bald eagle
nesting platforms, which are located
approximately 100 yards south of—but
within sight of—Route 1. EPA has
requested that should the State of Maine
change its plans, it notify and work with
the EPA to address any agency concerns
at that time.
There is a 100-foot wide right-of-way
for U.S. Route 1 as it traverses the
northwest corner of the Baring Division
of Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge.
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The length of Route 1 through the NWR
is approximately 7,000 feet. The total
right-of-way area occupied by Route 1 is
therefore 700,000 square feet or about 16
acres. Widening the road to four lanes
(two in each direction) would not
require widening the right-of-way or
take any additional land from the
Refuge. However, there are no current
plans to widen the road, as noted above.
B. U.S. Agency Comments
1. The U.S. Coast Guard stated it has
no objection to the proposed project. A
Coast Guard permit will be required
before construction may commence.
2. The Environmental Protection
Agency, as noted above, expressed a
concern with the potential for widening
Route 1 through the Moosehorn NWR,
referring to a draft of the environmental
assessment prepared in December 2001,
and requested clarification from MDOT
regarding potential future expansion
plans for Route 1. MDOT has responded
by noting there are no plans to widen
Route 1 in the 2, 6, or 20-year Maine
transportation plan. The Environmental
Protection Agency has accepted this
statement as responsive to its concerns,
and has no further objection to the
3. The Office of the Under Secretary
of Defense for Installations and
Environment noted no objections to the
proposed project, subject to the issuance
of a permit by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers. The issuance of such a
permit is not a prerequisite to issuance
of a Presidential Permit; however, it is
a prerequisite to construction of the
4. The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) of the
Department of Homeland Security
requested that the Sponsor provide a
study of the hydraulic and hydrologic
impacts of the project to the St. Croix
River. FEMA also requires verification
that the project will meet the
requirements of 44 CFR 60.3(d)(3)
(2003) with respect to flood plain
protection and flood prevention
measures. Sponsor has responded that
these matters will be addressed during
the design phase. FEMA has not
approved the project pending receipt of
the verification. FEMA approval is not
a prerequisite for issuance of a
Presidential Permit; however, FEMA
approval is a prerequisite for
5. The General Services
Administration (GSA) raised the
following environmental issues:
a. GSA requested that responsibilities
regarding storm water management, a
spill response plan, and groundwater
monitoring be made clear. GSA and the
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Sponsor have agreed to work together to
apportion responsibilities appropriately.
b. Noise levels on the site will exceed
highway noise abatement criteria during
construction. GSA seeks assurance from
the Sponsor that GSA will not have to
deal with noise reduction in the
geometry and grading of the proposed
border crossing facility. The issue was
addressed in the Federal Highway
Administration’s NEPA process, which
determined that noise abatement is not
feasible and therefore no commitments
on noise abatement exist. GSA has
indicated to the Department of State that
it is satisfied with this conclusion. No
agency expressed environmental
concerns about the anticipated level of
6. The Department of Transportation,
Federal Highway Administration raised
the following issues:
a. FHWA expressed a concern that a
substantial period of time had elapsed
since the last MDOT traffic survey of the
area was performed in 1999 and, along
with the Department of Homeland
Security, requested that updated traffic
statistics and projections be provided.
Working with the Department of
Homeland Security and MDOT, the GSA
conducted a new study in Spring 2004,
the results of which are summarized
above. FHWA has accepted this measure
as satisfying its concerns and has no
further concerns about the project.
7. The Bureau of Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) of the Department of
Homeland Security requested:
a. Updated traffic statistics and
projections. This information has been
provided as noted above.
b. Provision for special lanes for binational programs (e.g., NEXUS, FAST)
be included in the project design for the
highway and bridge connection. MDOT
has agreed to work with CBP to
incorporate any specific traffic design
measures that may be required.
c. Information on flood plain, utilities,
easements, rights-of-way, and aerial
photographs of the construction site.
MDOT has agreed to provide this
d. Information on the location of
Calais City water wells, which adjoin
the proposed site, and about the
mitigation plans to ensure that the wells
will not be contaminated during
construction or operation of the border
crossing and inspection facilities. GSA
has assured the project sponsor it will
address storm water runoff concerns
throughout design development and
construction of the inspection facilities.
GSA has also pledged in a letter to the
Department of State to design for spill
containment and remedial or mitigation
action as it relates to the port and port
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 82 / Friday, April 29, 2005 / Notices
traffic. The City of Calais will continue
its ongoing monitoring and maintenance
of the wells.
The Bureau of Customs and Border
Protection of the Department of
Homeland Security has accepted these
measures as satisfying its environmental
8. The U.S. Section of the U.S.-Canada
International Joint Commission (IJC)
noted that IJC permission is required to
build a new bridge. IJC permission is
not a prerequisite for issuance of a
Presidential permit; however it is a
prerequisite to construction.
9. The following agencies noted no
objection to the proposed project: The
Food and Drug Administration, the
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, the Council on
Environmental Quality, the Department
of Interior, the Department of Justice,
and the Department of Commerce, the
Food and Drug Administration, and,
within the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS), the Bureau of
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
and that portion of the Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service under
DHS jurisdiction.
C. Economic Impacts
Economic impacts were an overriding
concern to many residents of the CalaisBaileyville region. A small survey of
area businesses and customers indicated
that most expected that economic losses
stemming from a decline in traffic
volume in downtown Calais would
likely be higher for the Baileyville
crossing site (Alternative 2A) than for
the Calais Industrial Park site
(Alternative 3). Most business owners
believed that it would be quite difficult
to attract potential customers to drive
the six miles from Baileyville into Calais
in order to shop.
D. Environmental Justice
In accordance with the requirements
of Executive Order 12898 of February
11, 1994, as amended by E.O. 12948 of
February 1, 1995, on Federal Actions to
Address Environmental Justice in
Minority Populations and Low-Income
Populations, the Department has
examined whether the selection by the
Sponsor of Alternative 3 will have a
disproportionately high and adverse
impact on minority or low-income
populations. After examination of
information provided by the Sponsor in
its submission as to the population and
income demographics of the proposed
site and its environs, the Department is
satisfied that any impacts attendant on
the project will not disproportionately
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affect any minority or low-income
E. Other Impacts
At a public hearing held in Calais on
February 8, 2002, several other points
were made. Putting the crossing at the
Calais Industrial Park would help
control unconstrained growth, as the
Industrial Park itself provides plenty of
appropriately zoned space for
businesses and services. Many business
owners believe that a crossing at
Baileyville will discourage tourists from
visiting downtown Calais due to the
greater distance they would have to
drive. One commenter pointed out that
with the selection of Alternative 3, the
Moosehorn NWR could receive more
visitors as well.
V. Commitments and Conditions
Relevant To Issuance of a Finding of No
Significant Impact
The sponsor, Maine Department of
Transportation, has undertaken the
following commitments in response to
issues identified during the interagency
project review:
A. Sponsor will adopt Alternative 3 as
its preferred alternative. Sponsor will
work with the General Services
Administration and other bodies to
ensure that adequate space for the GSAowned inspection facility will be
provided and made available
(approximately 40 acres) to GSA and the
Federal inspection agencies, under
terms agreed between the GSA and
B. Sponsor will perform hydrologic
and hydraulic analyses and prepare a
report based on those analyses in
relation to the design of the bridge in
order to verify that the project complies
with the requirements of 44 CFR
60.3(d)(3) (2003). A copy of the report,
containing said analyses, shall be
supplied to the Department of State and
to the Federal Emergency Management
Agency of the Department of Homeland
C. There will be no disturbance of
bald eagle nests in the adjacent
Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge
(NWR) and all reasonable efforts will be
made to avoid disturbance of other
wildlife or migratory bird species and
their nests. The Department notes that
there are no proposed construction
activities within the Refuge.
The Department will condition
issuance of the permit on the following
measures in order to minimize negative
environmental impacts:
A. The sponsor would be required to
apply for and obtain a permit from the
International Joint Commission and the
International Boundary Commission for
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construction and operation of the
B. The following environmental
provisions would also apply to the
Presidential permit:
1. All reasonable efforts will be made
to minimize particulate matter, lighting
and noise that might affect wildlife.
2. A biologist will do a preconstruction survey to identify and
protect any wildlife in the project area.
Construction activities should be
conducted in such a way as to avoid as
much as reasonably possible migratory
bird species and their nests.
3. Injured wildlife will be reported
and/or taken to the proper authorities
for rehabilitation.
4. In the event of unexpected
discovery of archaeological or historical
cultural resources, all activity shall
cease in the area of discovery.
Immediate telephone notification of the
discovery shall be made to an
appropriate responsible state or federal
official, as provided in the Section 105.9
of the State of Maine Department of
Transportation General Conditions,
Supplemental Specifications, and
Supplemental Standard Details for
Construction, dated February 1, 2002,
and the National Historic Preservation
Act of 1966. In addition, reasonable
efforts to protect the cultural resources
discovered shall be made. The activity
may resume only after the appropriate
federal and state agency officials have
authorized a continuance.
5. Reasonable measures will be taken
to prevent conveyed materials,
including soil and rock, from being
dropped into the river or other bodies of
water in order to avoid adverse effects
on the current water quality.
6. Petroleum, oils, and lubricants
(POL) will be properly contained. Waste
POLs and other articles, such as
batteries, will not be burned, dumped in
trash containers, deposited in landfills,
buried, left on the ground or dumped in
ditches. All materials brought on site
will be disposed of in a proper manner.
7. Spills of POLs or hazardous wastes
will be properly contained and the
contamination cleaned up and disposed
of in accordance with current applicable
regulations. Spills of hazardous
materials will be immediately reported
to the appropriate state and federal
8. The area will be watered during
construction and site operations as
needed to protect plants and wildlife
and minimize blowing dust.
9. There will be a short-term increase
in noise levels during construction. All
personnel working in the area will use
proper ear protection.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 82 / Friday, April 29, 2005 / Notices
10. A berm and fence shall be erected
along the property line separating any
aggregate receiving/distribution site
from the St. Croix River or other
watercourses. Fencing material should
be such as will act as a dust transport
11. Herbicides used in landscape
maintenance will be properly approved
and applied in accordance with all
Conclusion: Finding of No Significant
Based on the Department’s
independent review of the Final
Environmental Assessment, comments
received by the Department from
Federal, and state and local agencies in
response to the Notice of Application,
published in the Federal Register, Vol.
68, No. 146, dated Wednesday, July 30,
2003, page 44833 et seq., as well as
measures which the Sponsor has
committed to take to prevent potentially
adverse environmental impacts, the
Department has concluded that issuance
of a Presidential Permit authorizing
construction of the proposed Calais-St.
Stephen International Bridge and Border
Crossing Facilities, as proposed to be
constructed in Alternative No. 3 as set
forth in the Environmental Assessment,
would not have a significant impact on
the quality of the human environment
within the United States. Accordingly a
Finding of No Significant Impact is
adopted and an environmental impact
statement will not be prepared.
The Final Environmental Assessment
addressing this action is incorporated by
reference and is on file and may be
reviewed by interested parties at the
Department of State, 2201 C Street NW.,
Room 3917, Washington DC 20520
(attention: Ms. Evelyn Wheeler, Tel
For the Department of State.
Terry A. Breese,
Director, Office of Canadian Affairs,
Department of State.
[FR Doc. 05–8592 Filed 4–28–05; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket No. OST–2005–21074]
Notice of Request for Extension of a
Previously Approved Collection
Office of the Secretary.
Notice and request for
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
VerDate jul<14>2003
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notice announces the Department of
Transportation’s (DOT) intention to
request extension of a previously
approved information collection.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be
received June 28, 2005.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by Docket No. OST–2005–
21074 by any of the following methods.
• Web site:
Follow the instructions for submitting
comments on the DOT electronic docket
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building,
Room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590–
• Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on
the plaza level of the Nassif Building,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except on Federal
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
online instructions for submitting
Instructions: All submissions must
include the agency name and docket
number or Regulatory Identification
Number (RIN) for this information
collection. For detailed instructions on
submitting comments and additional
information, see the Public Participation
heading of the Supplementary
Information section of this document.
Note that all comments received will be
posted without change to https:// including any personal
information provided. Please see the
Privacy Act heading under Regulatory
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https:// at any time or to Room PL–
401, on the plaza level of the Nassif
Building, 400 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m. Monday through Friday, except on
Federal holidays.
Torlanda Archer, Office of the Secretary,
Office of International Aviation,
Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC
20590, (202) 366–1037.
Title: Aviation Charter Rules.
OMB Control Number: 2106–0005.
Expiration Date: January 31, 2006.
Type of Request: Extension of a
previously approved information
Abstract: In 14 CFR part 380 (adopted
in 1979) of its Special Regulations, the
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Department established the terms and
conditions governing the furnishing of
Public Charters in air transportation by
direct air carriers and Public Charter
operators. Public Charter operators
arrange transportation for groups of
persons on aircraft chartered from direct
air carriers. This arrangement is less
expensive for the travelers than
individually buying a ticket. Further,
the charter operator books hotel rooms,
tours, etc., at the destination for the
convenience of the traveler. Part 380
exempts charter operators from certain
provisions of the U.S. code in order that
they may provide this service. A
primary goal of part 380 is to seek
protection for the consumer.
Accordingly, the rule stipulates that the
charter operator must file evidence (a
prospectus) with the Department for
each charter program certifying that it
has entered into a binding contract with
a direct air carrier to provide air
transportation and that it has also
entered into agreements with
Department-approved financial
institutions for the protection of charter
participants’ funds. The prospectus
must be approved by the Department
prior to the operator’s advertising,
selling or operating the charter. The
forms (OST Forms 4532, 4533, 4535 and
4535) that comprise the operator’s filing
are the information collections at issue
here. The collection involved here
under 14 CFR part 380 requests general
information about the charter operator
and direct air carrier that will provide
a Public Charter and requires each to
certify that it has contracted with the
other to provide air transportation. The
routing, charter price and tour itinerary
of the proposed charter are also
identified. The collection also requires
the charter operator, direct air carrier
and financial institution(s) involved to
certify that proper financial instruments
are in place or other arrangements have
been made to protect the charter
participants’ funds and that all parties
will abide by the Department’s Public
Charter regulations.
Respondents: Public Charter
Estimated Total Burden on
Respondents: 1,343 hours.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the continued collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the Department,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of
the Department’s estimate of the burden
of the current information collection; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information being
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 82 (Friday, April 29, 2005)]
[Pages 22382-22388]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-8592]
[Public Notice 5059]
Notice of Availability of Environmental Assessment and Finding of
No Significant Impact for International Bridge at Calais, ME
AGENCY: Office of Canadian Affairs, Department of State.
ACTION: Notice.
[[Page 22383]]
SUMMARY: The proposed action is to issue a Presidential Permit to the
State of Maine to authorize it to construct, connect, operate and
maintain an international bridge between the City of Calais, Maine, and
Canada. The Department of State (the ``Department'') has reviewed the
potential environmental impacts and determined that the proposal will
not have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment.
Therefore, the Department of State has issued its Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of Transportation of the
State of Maine has filed with the Office of Canadian Affairs of the
Department of State an application for a Presidential permit to permit
the construction of a new international bridge across the St. Croix
River and a new international border crossing facility between the city
of Calais, Maine (ME), and the town of St. Stephen, New Brunswick (NB).
That application was accompanied by a draft environmental assessment
dated December 2001 (2001 Draft EA), submitted by the Federal Highway
Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Maine
Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the General Services
Administration, and in conjunction with the New Brunswick Department of
Notice of the application was published in the Federal Register,
Vol 68, No. 146, pages 44833 et seq., on July 30, 2003. No formal
written public comments were received by the Department of State on the
Presidential permit application or the 2001 Draft EA provided as part
of the application for a Presidential permit.
Comments were received from the Federal and State agencies
concerning the application and were either responded to directly, or
are addressed in the analysis contained in this review set forth below.
In addition to inclusion in the analyses of impacts and risks, the
comments received were used to develop measures to be undertaken by the
Sponsor as commitments to prevent or mitigate potentially adverse
environmental impacts.
This summary environmental assessment, the comments submitted by
the Federal and State agencies, any responses to those comments, and
the 2001 Draft EA submitted by the project sponsor together constitute
the Final Environmental Assessment of the proposed action by the
Department of State.
I. The Proposed Project
The U.S. Department of State (the ``Department'') is charged with
the issuance of Presidential permits for the certain cross-border
facilities under Executive Order 11423 of August 16, 1968, 33 FR 11741,
as amended by Executive Order 12847 of May 17, 1993 (58 FR 29511),
Executive Order 13284 of January 23, 2002 (68 FR 4075), and Executive
Order 13337 of April 30, 2004 (69 Fed. Reg. 25299), as well as under
the International Bridge Act of 1972, 33 U.S.C. 535, et seq.
The Department of Transportation of the State of Maine (``MDOT,''
the ``Sponsor'') has filed an application (``the application'') for a
Presidential Permit to permit the construction of a new international
bridge across the St. Croix River and a new international border
crossing facility between the city of Calais, ME, and the town of St.
Stephen, NB, to supplement two small existing crossings: The ``Ferry
Point Crossing,'' which connects the downtown areas of both Calais and
St. Stephen; and the ``Milltown Crossing,'' which connects Calais and
St. Stephen about \1/2\ mile upstream from the Ferry Point Crossing.
In January 2001, the Sponsor, in cooperation with the United States
General Services Administration and the Federal Highway Administration
of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and with the assistance of
Gannett Fleming, Inc., initiated preparation of an environmental
assessment of the potential environmental effects of the proposed
International Bridge. The ``Draft Environmental Assessment Calais-St.
Stephen Area International Border Crossing Study'' (2001 Draft EA) was
completed in December 2001. The 2001 Draft EA was reviewed by the
Federal Highway Administration, which issued a Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI) on July 31, 2002. That FONSI, and its
supporting documentation, are herein incorporated by reference.
The Department has engaged in follow-up inquiries concerning
various issues raised with respect to a ``Calais-St. Stephen Area
International Border Crossing Study,'' conducted by the Maine
Department of Transportation in conjunction with the New Brunswick
Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, and
the U.S. General Services Administration (the study can be found on the
Internet at A discussion of
those issues is found below, in Section IV. In addition, the
Department, acting in a manner consistent with its regulations for the
implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (``NEPA'') in
the context of its responsibilities with respect to Presidential
Permits, has conducted its own, independent review of the 2001 Draft EA
provided by the Sponsor. The 2001 Draft EA has also been reviewed by
numerous Federal, State, and local agencies. Each such ``cooperating
agency'' has approved or accepted the 2001 Draft EA, provided, in
certain cases, that mitigation recommendations proposed in the
application itself or by those agencies are followed. These cooperating
agencies are:
U.S. Government: The Department of State; the Department
of Defense; the Department of Transportation; the Department of the
Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; the Department of Justice;
the Department of Agriculture, including the Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service's Office of Veterinary Services; the Environmental
Protection Agency; the Food and Drug Administration; the Department of
Commerce; the Council on Environmental Quality; the General Services
Administration; the U.S. Office of the International Boundary
Commission; the U.S. Office of the International Joint Commission; and,
within the Department of Homeland Security: The Federal Emergency
Management Agency; the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection; the
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement; and the U.S. Coast
State of Maine: The Department of Transportation, the City
of Calais.
Based on the 2001 Draft EA, information developed by the Department
during its review of the Sponsor's application and all comments
received, and its own review of this information, the Department has
completed its Final Environmental Assessment (Final EA). On the basis
of the Final EA, the Department has concluded that the issuance of the
permit will not have a significant impact on the quality of the human
environment within the United States. Therefore, an environmental
impact statement (``EIS'') need not be prepared.
II. Factors Considered
A. The Need for the Proposed Action
Over the last ten-plus years, a number of studies have been made of
traffic flow in the vicinity of the Ferry Point crossing, which is
located in and connects the central business districts of Calais, ME,
and St. Stephen, NB. Those studies, including one completed in August
1999, revealed that the Ferry Point crossing is characterized by: poor
[[Page 22384]]
highway system linkage; inefficient GSA-owned inspection facilities;
traffic congestion; safety hazards; and freight delays.
A second border bridge, at Milltown, is also undersized and is used
primarily by non-commercial, local traffic. Both the Milltown and the
Ferry Point crossings were built in the 1930s. The traffic load
statistics gathered in the 1999 traffic count do not clearly
distinguish between the two crossings, and general references herein to
``Calais-St. Stephen'' should be construed as referring to both the
Milltown and Ferry Point crossings.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Calais-St.
Stephen is the eighth busiest northern border crossing in the United
States for commercial vehicles (trucks) and the fifth busiest for
passenger vehicles.
Traffic crossing the current, two-lane Ferry Point bridge has
overwhelmed the processing capacity at the border station. Congestion
has deteriorated quality of life and commercial activity for nearby
homes and businesses. Oversized trucks must be re-routed around the
commercial vehicle area, for which they are too big, and into the
oncoming traffic lane to navigate the inspection facility. Inspections
of such loads must be undertaken while the trucks are parked in the
travel lane, leading to significant delays and traffic jams, as well as
unsafe working conditions for the inspection staffs. Secondary
inspections are carried out in the public streets. In similar vein,
outbound inspections are also carried out in the travel lane, limiting
the number of such inspections that can be conducted.
A 1999 traffic survey conducted by the Sponsor found that about
6,700 vehicles per day were using the Ferry Point Crossing, with
another 2,500 or so using the Milltown Crossing. According to
information provided by the Province of New Brunswick, the St. Stephen/
Milltown border crossings combined ranked as the ninth busiest in
Canada in 2002, with 6,000 vehicles a day, including close to 600
trucks. Whether using the 1999 U.S., or the 2002 Canadian figures, it
appears that a substantial amount of traffic uses the St. Croix River
crossings, and traffic congestion in the downtown areas of both
communities is serious.
The General Services Administration contracted for an extensive
study of potential traffic volumes with and without a new crossing in
the Spring of 2004. The study was based on actual incoming traffic data
provided by the office of the Port Director for the region. The data
showed that traffic volumes through the existing crossings at Ferry
Point and Milltown have been in flux over the last ten years, and that
the busiest months could see at least 50%--in some years as much as
70%--greater than average traffic volumes, leading the GSA contractor
to conclude that a simple projection of past growth figures would not
be an adequate basis for assessing the effectiveness of the proposed
design for the inspection facility or the impacts of a new crossing on
the existing entry points. GSA's contractor therefore ran a number of
simulations at a substantially higher rate of growth than studies done
previously, using both a low range of 7% annual growth over a period of
ten years, and a high range of doubling current traffic volumes over
the same ten-year period.
GSA's study determined that there is a slight tendency for more
commercial vehicles and fewer passenger vehicles to use the Ferry Point
crossing, while the reverse is the case at Milltown. Despite this
readjustment, however, delays at both crossings are significant. At
certain times of the day, commercial vehicles at Milltown may wait as
long as 70 minutes to cross the border, while passenger vehicles can
wait longer than 60 minutes. At Ferry Point, the wait time for
commercial vehicles regularly exceeds 80 minutes at certain times
(morning rush) of the day, while passenger vehicles may wait as long as
60 minutes or more at the same times.
Delays and traffic congestion affect the economic and physical
environments locally, and increase safety risks as well. Also, a number
of trucks carry hazardous materials, and local residents are concerned
about the possibility of a hazardous materials spill.
U.S. and Canadian traffic surveys from 1999 and 2000 also indicated
that between 27% and 32% of passenger vehicles and approximately 77% of
truck traffic at the Ferry Point and Milltown crossings are non-local.
Calais serves as the primary coastal-area crossing point; traffic
moves between northeastern Maine and the Maritime Provinces of New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland-
Labrador. The nearest alternate border crossing facility for commercial
vehicles is located at Houlton, ME, approximately 75 miles distant.
B. The Goals of the Proposed Action
A new crossing would improve traffic flow in the immediate area,
reduce traffic congestion, and speed through-travel time. It is also
clear that a new crossing would furnish greater flexibility for
handling traffic flows and greatly improve border security by expanding
the capacity of inspection services to carry out their work. According
to project documents, the new crossing is also intended to create a
gateway between Maine and the Maritime Provinces as part of an overall
east-west transportation corridor. The route through Calais is the
shortest between Bangor and points in eastern New Brunswick, the Bay of
Fundy, and Nova Scotia.
III. Alternatives Considered
A. Initial Options
1. Transportation System Management. This would involve small
changes such as signal timing improvements and/or minor traffic flow
reconstruction at principal intersections in downtown Calais. The
restricted space on the ground limits the ability to make substantial
improvements. This alternative was rejected by the study committee.
2. Travel Demand Management. This consists of a number of
strategies to reduce demand through such mechanisms as rideshare and
transit networks to remove vehicles or to encourage local employers to
offer flextime hours to shift the times that vehicles would be on the
roads. Success depends on a high proportion of commuter traffic versus
recreational or commercial traffic, which is not the case at Calais.
This alternative was rejected by the study committee.
3. Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS)/Commercial Vehicle
Operations. ITS uses traffic monitoring technology and signage to
apprise vehicle operators and inspection agencies of conditions at the
border crossing, with the idea that operators can decide whether/how to
proceed and inspectors can increase staffing to meet increased demand.
This alternative was not considered by the study committee, because
there is no flexibility to expand operations at the existing crossing,
nor are there workable alternatives for vehicle operators to avoid the
4. No-Build Alternative. This alternative would not address the
problems that exist at the current border crossing facilities, while
those conditions would worsen over time. This alternative was rejected
by the study committee.
5. Alternative 1--Upgrades at the Ferry Point Crossing. Upgrades
would include reconstruction of a portion of Union Street and the
intersection with Main Street and North Street, reconstruction of the
intersection with U.S. Route 1 east of the Milltown Bridge to define a
right-turn lane, and
[[Page 22385]]
reconstruction of the intersection of Route 1 with Charlotte Street at
the entrance to Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) to provide
longer acceleration and deceleration lanes on Route 1. This alternative
was rejected because it failed to meet the needs for system linkage and
6. Alternatives 2 and 2A--Baileyville Crossing, Connection to Maine
Route 9. A new bridge would be built at a site approximately eight
miles from Calais' city center near the intersection between U.S. Route
1 and Maine Route 9. This location is favored by some international
truckers and by some officials and residents of Baileyville, who
believe this route would cut down travel time and/or bring more
economic options to Baileyville itself. According to the 2001 Draft EA,
this routing would disturb more wetlands, undeveloped lands, and good
agricultural soil than the Calais Industrial Park site. The design was
altered slightly (creating Alternative 2A) to move a connecting road
further away from residences than originally proposed. This route would
also remove a substantial amount of traffic from Route 1 as it passes
through the Moosehorn NWR, thus reducing the risk of accidents or
hazardous material (hazmat) spills in the Refuge. Alternative 2A was
one of the two proactive alternatives placed before the public and the
agencies reviewing the project. However, it was not ultimately selected
as the preferred alternative.
7. Alternative 3--Calais Industrial Park. This alternative was
selected as the preferred alternative. See fuller discussion below, at
item III B.
8. Alternative 4, 4A--Bypass East of Calais. This alternative
envisioned construction of a new bridge over the St. Croix River and
Route 1 east of Calais center, between a church and a golf course. The
area available for inspection services was only 21.4 hectares, well
below the area needed by the U.S. Government for border inspection
facilities. This alternative was rejected because it failed to meet the
needs for system linkage and safety and because it did not satisfy
system linkage needs on the New Brunswick side. In addition, there
would be greater impacts to water resources.
9. Stud Mill Road Alternative. Stud Mill Road is a private logging
road, used by paper companies, that runs from near the study area
(Princeton, north of Baileyville) to the Old Town area just north of
Bangor. Using this road would necessitate upgrading approximately 56
miles (90 km) and the construction of a new crossing of the Penobscot
River north of Bangor and a new interchange to connect it with
Interstate 95. This alternative was rejected because it failed to meet
the needs for system linkage and safety and because of expense.
10. Foley Road Alternative. This alternative is similar to
Alternative 2, albeit longer, located slightly north of the
intersection of Routes 1 and 9. This alternative was rejected because
Alternative 2A would accomplish the identified Purpose and Needs at a
lower cost and with fewer adverse environmental impacts.
11. Calais Branch Alternative. This alternative, suggested at
public meeting, would involve the rehabilitation of the existing rail
bridge and the substitution of rail traffic for truck traffic. This
alternative was rejected as providing insufficient freight movement
capacity, and as failing to meet security requirements.
B. The Preferred Alternative
The project Sponsor studied a number of alternative sites and
approaches, in addition to the no-action alternative, as outlined
above. Finding that the other alternatives either did not satisfy the
Purpose and Needs identified in the study, the 2001 Draft EA focused
its analysis on two of the alternatives: Alternative 2A at Baileyville
(featuring a connection between shared U.S. Routes 1 and 9 and New
Brunswick Routes 1 and 3); and Alternative 3, in the Calais Industrial
Park, with access to U.S. Route 1.
From among these, the Sponsor, New Brunswick, and several of the
commenting agencies have all concurred in recommending adoption of
Alternative 3, which is located in an undeveloped portion of the Calais
Industrial Park and situated approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the
Ferry Point Crossing in close proximity to U.S. Route 1 between the
Town of Baring and the City of Calais.
The selection of Alternative 3 as the Preferred Alternative was
made primarily because the Calais Industrial Park site is already zoned
commercial, whereas the Baileyville site (Alternative 2A) is zoned
rural and economic impacts will be less if the crossing is closer to
the Calais business district. On the other hand, construction at the
Baileyville site would disturb less wildlife habitat (10.8 hectares,
versus 16.7 ha at the Calais site) but the same amount of wetlands and
floodplain areas (2.6 acres in both locations).
C. The Canadian Project
The Governments of Canada and New Brunswick announced on November
20, 2003, that funding for the Canadian portion of the project--a
connector route to NB Routes 1 and 3 and the Canadian portion of the
bridge--had been secured. Road construction has begun to connect the
proposed new bridge to existing roads on the Canadian side.
IV. Concerns and Comments
A. Environmental Impacts During Construction and Normal Operation
Some concerns have been raised with respect to the potential
environmental impact on the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, and in
particular, with continued or potential expansion of truck traffic
passing through the Refuge to or from a crossing at Calais Industrial
Park. Both during the public outreach process conducted by Sponsor and
subsequent to release of the 2001 Draft EA, some commenters suggested
that the new crossing should be built at the intersection of Routes 9
and 1, in the vicinity of Baileyville, Maine (i.e., Alternative 2A), in
order to reduce area noise and air pollution and the risks that could
be posed to the Refuge by a traffic accident involving a truck carrying
hazardous materials.
Traffic volume along Route 1 from Calais to the junction with Route
9, including through Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, will be higher
under Alternative 3 than it would be under Alternative 2A at
Baileyville and as compared to the No-Build Alternative. (Information
on traffic growth projections is provided below.) The new crossing is
also expected to attract higher traffic volumes than the No-Build
Alternative, as it will offer greater transportation efficiency for
destinations along the coastal areas of New Brunswick and Maine.
However, as discussed in more detail below, these traffic increases are
not expected to have a significant impact on the environment of the
Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge or its surrounding area.
Furthermore, Alternative 3 will better safeguard the economic health of
Calais businesses and improve the ambient air quality in the business
district of Calais without appreciably altering the economic well-being
of Baileyville businesses. Alternative 3 also attracted overwhelming
public support.
In response to a request from the U.S. Department of
Transportation, MDOT has developed updated traffic projections for the
new crossing and for Route 1 between the junction with Route 9 in
Baileyville and Calais, including the section passing through Moosehorn
National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), that reflect an estimated traffic
growth of approximately 20 percent over twenty years. Current traffic
volumes, according to figures obtained
[[Page 22386]]
from MDOT in April 2004, indicate a ``design hourly traffic volume'' of
872 vehicles on this stretch of highway, and a projected value of 1,094
by 2024. The design hourly traffic volume is a measure of the highest
number of vehicles (usually during rush hour) over a typical 24-hour
The majority of commercial vehicles now crossing at Ferry Point are
expected to move to the new crossing; this switch is most likely for
non-local truck traffic. Given the distance between Calais and the
nearest alternative crossing point at Houlton, we conclude it is
unlikely that substantial traffic will divert from Houlton to Calais
and therefore overall traffic volumes are unlikely to diverge
significantly from current growth projections of between 1.5 and 2
percent per year. However, the GSA traffic study team considered a
possible shift to Calais of from one-quarter to one-third of combined
passenger and commercial vehicle traffic that presently uses the border
crossing at Houlton, Maine. In the absolute worst-case scenario (i.e.,
the highest potential traffic volume at Calais), this would mean
330,000 commercial vehicles and 1,324,000 passenger vehicles passing
through the port on an annual basis--an average of just under 190
vehicles per hour.
According to MDOT, this number is well within the design hourly
volume for Route 1 in its current configuration and would not be
expected to have a significant impact on the local environment.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requested information
regarding the possible widening of Route 1 to accommodate larger
traffic volumes in future, and cautioned that its acceptance of the
project was predicated on no disturbance of a bald eagle nesting
platform near Route 1. Two raised platforms were installed to provide
nesting sites for osprey. One is occupied by ospreys, the other by bald
eagles. MDOT has stated that it does not currently foresee the need to
expand Route 1 to four lanes from the present two. MDOT's two-, six-,
and twenty-year plans do not include a widening or expansion of Route 1
at this location. MDOT also has committed to not disturb the two
existing bald eagle nesting platforms, which are located approximately
100 yards south of--but within sight of--Route 1. EPA has requested
that should the State of Maine change its plans, it notify and work
with the EPA to address any agency concerns at that time.
There is a 100-foot wide right-of-way for U.S. Route 1 as it
traverses the northwest corner of the Baring Division of Moosehorn
National Wildlife Refuge. The length of Route 1 through the NWR is
approximately 7,000 feet. The total right-of-way area occupied by Route
1 is therefore 700,000 square feet or about 16 acres. Widening the road
to four lanes (two in each direction) would not require widening the
right-of-way or take any additional land from the Refuge. However,
there are no current plans to widen the road, as noted above.
B. U.S. Agency Comments
1. The U.S. Coast Guard stated it has no objection to the proposed
project. A Coast Guard permit will be required before construction may
2. The Environmental Protection Agency, as noted above, expressed a
concern with the potential for widening Route 1 through the Moosehorn
NWR, referring to a draft of the environmental assessment prepared in
December 2001, and requested clarification from MDOT regarding
potential future expansion plans for Route 1. MDOT has responded by
noting there are no plans to widen Route 1 in the 2, 6, or 20-year
Maine transportation plan. The Environmental Protection Agency has
accepted this statement as responsive to its concerns, and has no
further objection to the project.
3. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Installations
and Environment noted no objections to the proposed project, subject to
the issuance of a permit by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The
issuance of such a permit is not a prerequisite to issuance of a
Presidential Permit; however, it is a prerequisite to construction of
the project.
4. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the Department
of Homeland Security requested that the Sponsor provide a study of the
hydraulic and hydrologic impacts of the project to the St. Croix River.
FEMA also requires verification that the project will meet the
requirements of 44 CFR 60.3(d)(3) (2003) with respect to flood plain
protection and flood prevention measures. Sponsor has responded that
these matters will be addressed during the design phase. FEMA has not
approved the project pending receipt of the verification. FEMA approval
is not a prerequisite for issuance of a Presidential Permit; however,
FEMA approval is a prerequisite for construction.
5. The General Services Administration (GSA) raised the following
environmental issues:
a. GSA requested that responsibilities regarding storm water
management, a spill response plan, and groundwater monitoring be made
clear. GSA and the Sponsor have agreed to work together to apportion
responsibilities appropriately.
b. Noise levels on the site will exceed highway noise abatement
criteria during construction. GSA seeks assurance from the Sponsor that
GSA will not have to deal with noise reduction in the geometry and
grading of the proposed border crossing facility. The issue was
addressed in the Federal Highway Administration's NEPA process, which
determined that noise abatement is not feasible and therefore no
commitments on noise abatement exist. GSA has indicated to the
Department of State that it is satisfied with this conclusion. No
agency expressed environmental concerns about the anticipated level of
6. The Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
raised the following issues:
a. FHWA expressed a concern that a substantial period of time had
elapsed since the last MDOT traffic survey of the area was performed in
1999 and, along with the Department of Homeland Security, requested
that updated traffic statistics and projections be provided. Working
with the Department of Homeland Security and MDOT, the GSA conducted a
new study in Spring 2004, the results of which are summarized above.
FHWA has accepted this measure as satisfying its concerns and has no
further concerns about the project.
7. The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) of the
Department of Homeland Security requested:
a. Updated traffic statistics and projections. This information has
been provided as noted above.
b. Provision for special lanes for bi-national programs (e.g.,
NEXUS, FAST) be included in the project design for the highway and
bridge connection. MDOT has agreed to work with CBP to incorporate any
specific traffic design measures that may be required.
c. Information on flood plain, utilities, easements, rights-of-way,
and aerial photographs of the construction site. MDOT has agreed to
provide this information.
d. Information on the location of Calais City water wells, which
adjoin the proposed site, and about the mitigation plans to ensure that
the wells will not be contaminated during construction or operation of
the border crossing and inspection facilities. GSA has assured the
project sponsor it will address storm water runoff concerns throughout
design development and construction of the inspection facilities. GSA
has also pledged in a letter to the Department of State to design for
spill containment and remedial or mitigation action as it relates to
the port and port
[[Page 22387]]
traffic. The City of Calais will continue its ongoing monitoring and
maintenance of the wells.
The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection of the Department of
Homeland Security has accepted these measures as satisfying its
environmental concerns.
8. The U.S. Section of the U.S.-Canada International Joint
Commission (IJC) noted that IJC permission is required to build a new
bridge. IJC permission is not a prerequisite for issuance of a
Presidential permit; however it is a prerequisite to construction.
9. The following agencies noted no objection to the proposed
project: The Food and Drug Administration, the Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Council
on Environmental Quality, the Department of Interior, the Department of
Justice, and the Department of Commerce, the Food and Drug
Administration, and, within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),
the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and that portion of
the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service under DHS jurisdiction.
C. Economic Impacts
Economic impacts were an overriding concern to many residents of
the Calais-Baileyville region. A small survey of area businesses and
customers indicated that most expected that economic losses stemming
from a decline in traffic volume in downtown Calais would likely be
higher for the Baileyville crossing site (Alternative 2A) than for the
Calais Industrial Park site (Alternative 3). Most business owners
believed that it would be quite difficult to attract potential
customers to drive the six miles from Baileyville into Calais in order
to shop.
D. Environmental Justice
In accordance with the requirements of Executive Order 12898 of
February 11, 1994, as amended by E.O. 12948 of February 1, 1995, on
Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority
Populations and Low-Income Populations, the Department has examined
whether the selection by the Sponsor of Alternative 3 will have a
disproportionately high and adverse impact on minority or low-income
populations. After examination of information provided by the Sponsor
in its submission as to the population and income demographics of the
proposed site and its environs, the Department is satisfied that any
impacts attendant on the project will not disproportionately affect any
minority or low-income populations.
E. Other Impacts
At a public hearing held in Calais on February 8, 2002, several
other points were made. Putting the crossing at the Calais Industrial
Park would help control unconstrained growth, as the Industrial Park
itself provides plenty of appropriately zoned space for businesses and
services. Many business owners believe that a crossing at Baileyville
will discourage tourists from visiting downtown Calais due to the
greater distance they would have to drive. One commenter pointed out
that with the selection of Alternative 3, the Moosehorn NWR could
receive more visitors as well.
V. Commitments and Conditions Relevant To Issuance of a Finding of No
Significant Impact
The sponsor, Maine Department of Transportation, has undertaken the
following commitments in response to issues identified during the
interagency project review:
A. Sponsor will adopt Alternative 3 as its preferred alternative.
Sponsor will work with the General Services Administration and other
bodies to ensure that adequate space for the GSA-owned inspection
facility will be provided and made available (approximately 40 acres)
to GSA and the Federal inspection agencies, under terms agreed between
the GSA and Sponsor.
B. Sponsor will perform hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and
prepare a report based on those analyses in relation to the design of
the bridge in order to verify that the project complies with the
requirements of 44 CFR 60.3(d)(3) (2003). A copy of the report,
containing said analyses, shall be supplied to the Department of State
and to the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the Department of
Homeland Security.
C. There will be no disturbance of bald eagle nests in the adjacent
Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and all reasonable efforts
will be made to avoid disturbance of other wildlife or migratory bird
species and their nests. The Department notes that there are no
proposed construction activities within the Refuge.
The Department will condition issuance of the permit on the
following measures in order to minimize negative environmental impacts:
A. The sponsor would be required to apply for and obtain a permit
from the International Joint Commission and the International Boundary
Commission for construction and operation of the bridge.
B. The following environmental provisions would also apply to the
Presidential permit:
1. All reasonable efforts will be made to minimize particulate
matter, lighting and noise that might affect wildlife.
2. A biologist will do a pre-construction survey to identify and
protect any wildlife in the project area. Construction activities
should be conducted in such a way as to avoid as much as reasonably
possible migratory bird species and their nests.
3. Injured wildlife will be reported and/or taken to the proper
authorities for rehabilitation.
4. In the event of unexpected discovery of archaeological or
historical cultural resources, all activity shall cease in the area of
discovery. Immediate telephone notification of the discovery shall be
made to an appropriate responsible state or federal official, as
provided in the Section 105.9 of the State of Maine Department of
Transportation General Conditions, Supplemental Specifications, and
Supplemental Standard Details for Construction, dated February 1, 2002,
and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. In addition,
reasonable efforts to protect the cultural resources discovered shall
be made. The activity may resume only after the appropriate federal and
state agency officials have authorized a continuance.
5. Reasonable measures will be taken to prevent conveyed materials,
including soil and rock, from being dropped into the river or other
bodies of water in order to avoid adverse effects on the current water
6. Petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) will be properly
contained. Waste POLs and other articles, such as batteries, will not
be burned, dumped in trash containers, deposited in landfills, buried,
left on the ground or dumped in ditches. All materials brought on site
will be disposed of in a proper manner.
7. Spills of POLs or hazardous wastes will be properly contained
and the contamination cleaned up and disposed of in accordance with
current applicable regulations. Spills of hazardous materials will be
immediately reported to the appropriate state and federal authorities.
8. The area will be watered during construction and site operations
as needed to protect plants and wildlife and minimize blowing dust.
9. There will be a short-term increase in noise levels during
construction. All personnel working in the area will use proper ear
[[Page 22388]]
10. A berm and fence shall be erected along the property line
separating any aggregate receiving/distribution site from the St. Croix
River or other watercourses. Fencing material should be such as will
act as a dust transport barrier.
11. Herbicides used in landscape maintenance will be properly
approved and applied in accordance with all regulations.
Conclusion: Finding of No Significant Impact
Based on the Department's independent review of the Final
Environmental Assessment, comments received by the Department from
Federal, and state and local agencies in response to the Notice of
Application, published in the Federal Register, Vol. 68, No. 146, dated
Wednesday, July 30, 2003, page 44833 et seq., as well as measures which
the Sponsor has committed to take to prevent potentially adverse
environmental impacts, the Department has concluded that issuance of a
Presidential Permit authorizing construction of the proposed Calais-St.
Stephen International Bridge and Border Crossing Facilities, as
proposed to be constructed in Alternative No. 3 as set forth in the
Environmental Assessment, would not have a significant impact on the
quality of the human environment within the United States. Accordingly
a Finding of No Significant Impact is adopted and an environmental
impact statement will not be prepared.
The Final Environmental Assessment addressing this action is
incorporated by reference and is on file and may be reviewed by
interested parties at the Department of State, 2201 C Street NW., Room
3917, Washington DC 20520 (attention: Ms. Evelyn Wheeler, Tel 202-647-
For the Department of State.
Terry A. Breese,
Director, Office of Canadian Affairs, Department of State.
[FR Doc. 05-8592 Filed 4-28-05; 8:45 am]