Quarterly Status Report of Water Service, Repayment, and Other Water-Related Contract Negotiations, 20398-20400 [05-7789]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 74 / Tuesday, April 19, 2005 / Notices
Bureau of Reclamation
Quarterly Status Report of Water
Service, Repayment, and Other WaterRelated Contract Negotiations
Bureau of Reclamation,
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of
contractual actions that have been
proposed to the Bureau of Reclamation
(Reclamation) and are new, modified,
discontinued, or completed since the
last publication of this notice on March
10, 2005. This notice is one of a variety
of means used to inform the public
about proposed contractual actions for
capital recovery and management of
project resources and facilities
consistent with section 9(f) of the
Reclamation Project Act of 1939.
Additional announcements of
individual contract actions may be
published in the Federal Register and in
newspapers of general circulation in the
areas determined by Reclamation to be
affected by the proposed action.
ADDRESSES: The identity of the
approving officer and other information
pertaining to a specific contract
proposal may be obtained by calling or
writing the appropriate regional office at
the address and telephone number given
for each region in the SUPPLEMENTARY
Sandra L. Simons, Manager, Contract
Services Office, Bureau of Reclamation,
PO Box 25007, Denver, Colorado 80225–
0007; telephone 303–445–2902.
with section 9(f) of the Reclamation
Project Act of 1939 and the rules and
regulations published in 52 FR 11954,
April 13, 1987 (43 CFR 426.22),
Reclamation will publish notice of
proposed or amendatory contract
actions for any contract for the delivery
of project water for authorized uses in
newspapers of general circulation in the
affected area at least 60 days prior to
contract execution. Announcements
may be in the form of news releases,
legal notices, official letters,
memorandums, or other forms of
written material. Meetings, workshops,
and/or hearings may also be used, as
appropriate, to provide local publicity.
The public participation procedures do
not apply to proposed contracts for the
sale of surplus or interim irrigation
water for a term of 1 year or less. Either
of the contracting parties may invite the
public to observe contract proceedings.
All public participation procedures will
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be coordinated with those involved in
complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act. Pursuant to
the ‘‘Final Revised Public Participation
Procedures’’ for water resource-related
contract negotiations, published in 47
FR 7763, February 22, 1982, a tabulation
is provided of all proposed contractual
actions in each of the five Reclamation
regions. When contract negotiations are
completed, and prior to execution, each
proposed contract form must be
approved by the Secretary of the
Interior, or pursuant to delegated or
redelegated authority, the Commissioner
of Reclamation or one of the regional
directors. In some instances,
congressional review and approval of a
report, water rate, or other terms and
conditions of the contract may be
Public participation in and receipt of
comments on contract proposals will be
facilitated by adherence to the following
1. Only persons authorized to act on
behalf of the contracting entities may
negotiate the terms and conditions of a
specific contract proposal.
2. Advance notice of meetings or
hearings will be furnished to those
parties that have made a timely written
request for such notice to the
appropriate regional or project office of
3. Written correspondence regarding
proposed contracts may be made
available to the general public pursuant
to the terms and procedures of the
Freedom of Information Act, as
4. Written comments on a proposed
contract or contract action must be
submitted to the appropriate regional
officials at the locations and within the
time limits set forth in the advance
public notices.
5. All written comments received and
testimony presented at any public
hearings will be reviewed and
summarized by the appropriate regional
office for use by the contract approving
6. Copies of specific proposed
contracts may be obtained from the
appropriate regional director or his
designated public contact as they
become available for review and
7. In the event modifications are made
in the form of a proposed contract, the
appropriate regional director shall
determine whether republication of the
notice and/or extension of the comment
period is necessary.
Factors considered in making such a
determination shall include, but are not
limited to (i) the significance of the
modification, and (ii) the degree of
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public interest which has been
expressed over the course of the
negotiations. At a minimum, the
regional director shall furnish revised
contracts to all parties who requested
the contract in response to the initial
public notice.
The March 10, 2005, notice should be
used as a reference point to identify
changes. The numbering system in this
notice corresponds with the numbering
system in the March 10, 2005, notice.
Definitions of Abbreviations Used in
This Document
BCP—Boulder Canyon Project
Reclamation—Bureau of Reclamation
CAP—Central Arizona Project
CVP—Central Valley Project
CRSP—Colorado River Storage Project
FR—Federal Register
IDD—Irrigation and Drainage District
ID—Irrigation District
M&I—Municipal and Industrial
NMISC—New Mexico Interstate Stream
O&M—Operation and Maintenance
P-SMBP—Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin
PPR—Present Perfected Right
SOD—Safety of Dams
WD—Water District
Pacific Northwest Region: Bureau of
Reclamation, 1150 North Curtis Road,
Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83706–1234,
telephone 208–378–5344.
The Pacific Northwest Region has no
updates to report for this quarter. Please
refer to the March 10, 2005, publication
of this notice for current contract
Mid-Pacific Region: Bureau of
Reclamation, 2800 Cottage Way,
Sacramento, California 95825–1898,
telephone 916–978–5250.
New contract actions:
37. Broadview WD, CVP, California:
Proposed assignment of 27,000 acre-feet
of Broadview WD’s entire CVP supply to
Westlands WD for irrigation and M&I
38. Mendota Wildlife Area, CVP,
California: Reimbursement agreement
between the California Department of
Fish and Game and Reclamation for
conveyance service costs to deliver
Level 2 water to the Mendota Wildlife
Area during infrequent periods when
the Mendota Pool is down due to
unexpected but needed maintenance.
This action is taken pursuant to Pub. L.
102–575, Title 34, Section 3406(d)(1), to
meet full Level 2 water needs of the
Mendota Wildlife Area.
Discontinued contract item:
29. Pajaro Valley Water Management
Agency, CVP, California: Proposed
assignment of 27,000 acre-feet of
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 74 / Tuesday, April 19, 2005 / Notices
Broadview WD’s entire CVP supply to
Pajaro Valley Water Management
Agency for M&I use.
Completed contract action:
2. Contractors from the American
River Division, Cross Valley Canal,
Delta Division, Friant Division,
Sacramento River Division, San Felipe
Division, Shasta Division, Trinity River
Division, and West San Joaquin
Division; CVP; California: Renewal of
up to 114 long-term water service
contracts; water quantities for these
contracts total in excess of 3.4M acrefeet. These contract actions will be
accomplished through long-term
renewal contracts pursuant to Pub. L.
102–575. Prior to completion of
negotiation of long-term renewal
contracts, existing interim renewal
water service contracts may be renewed
through successive interim renewal of
contracts. Execution of long-term
renewal contracts began in late February
2005. Execution of these contracts will
continue through July 2005.
Lower Colorado Region: Bureau of
Reclamation, PO Box 61470 (Nevada
Highway and Park Street), Boulder City,
Nevada 89006–1470, telephone 702–
New contract actions:
40. Cibola Valley IDD, BCP, Arizona:
Assign 396 acre-feet per year of the
district’s entitlement to fourth-, fifth-,
and sixth-priority water to The
Conservation Fund.
41. Golden Shores Water
Conservation District, BCP, Arizona:
Amend the district’s contract to include
the water allocation for Topock Village
Estates within the district’s boundaries.
42. Ronald E. and Shannon L.
Williamson, BCP, California: Assign
contract No. 6–07–30–W0342 to Kendell
Perrett from Ronald E. and Shannon L.
Modified contract action:
33. Wellton-Mohawk IDD, BCP,
Arizona: Amend contract No. 1–07–30–
W0021 to revise the authority to deliver
domestic use water from 5,000 to 12,000
acre-feet per calendar year, which is
within the district’s current overall
Colorado River water entitlement.
Completed contract actions:
9. San Tan ID, CAP, Arizona: Amend
distribution system repayment contract
No. 6–07–30–W0120 to increase the
repayment obligation by approximately
$168,000. Amendatory contract
executed on February 16, 2005.
31. Cibola Valley IDD, BCP, Arizona:
Contingent upon completion of sale
documents, proposed assignment and
transfer of a portion of the district’s
right to divert up to 24,120 acre-feet of
Colorado River water per year to the
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Mohave County Water Authority, the
Hopi Tribe, and Reclamation. Contract
was executed on December 14, 2004.
42. Ronald E. and Shannon L.
Williamson, BCP, California: Assign
contract No. 6–07–30–W0342 to Kendell
Perrett from Ronald E. and Shannon L.
Williamson. Amendatory contract
executed on February 16, 2005.
Upper Colorado Region: Bureau of
Reclamation, 125 South State Street,
Room 6107, Salt Lake City, Utah 84138–
1102, telephone 801–524–3864.
New contract actions:
1.(c) Dry West Nursery, Aspinall
Storage Unit, CRSP: Dry West Nursery
has requested a 40-year water service
contract for 3 acre-feet of water out of
Blue Mesa Reservoir. Dry West Nursery
has submitted their augmentation plan
to Water District 4, Case No. 04CW174.
1.(d) United Companies, Aspinall
Storage Unit, CRSP: United Companies
has requested 22.0 acre-feet of M&I
water out of Blue Mesa Reservoir for
four gravel pits.
1.(e) Downy Excavating, Inc., Aspinall
Storage Unit, CRSP: Downy Excavating,
Inc., has requested a 40-year water
service contract for 2 acre-feet of water
out of Blue Mesa Reservoir. Downy
Excavation has submitted their
augmentation plan to Water District 4,
Case No. 97CW49.
1.(f) Bowie Resources, LLC, Aspinall
Storage Unit, CRSP: Bowie Resources,
LLC has requested a 40-year water
service contract for 105 acre-feet of
water out of Blue Mesa Reservoir. Bowie
Resources has submitted their
augmentation plan to Water District 4,
Case No. 02CW77.
29. Carbon Water Conservancy
District, Scofield Project, Utah: Contract
providing for the district to repay to the
United States 15 percent of the cost of
SOD modifications to the spillway at
Scofield Dam.
30. Weber River Water Users
Association, Weber River Project, Utah:
Contract providing for the association to
repay to the United States 15 percent of
the cost of SOD modifications at Echo
31. Central Utah Project, Utah.
Petition for project water among the
United States, the Central Utah Water
Conservancy District, and the Duchesne
County Water Conservancy District for
use of 3,000 acre-feet of irrigation water
from the Bonneville Unit of the Central
Utah Project.
Modified contract action:
10. Pine River ID, Pine River Project,
Colorado: Contract to allow the district
to convert project irrigation water to
municipal, domestic, and industrial
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Great Plains Region: Bureau of
Reclamation, PO Box 36900, Federal
Building, 316 North 26th Street,
Billings, Montana 59107–6900,
telephone 406–247–7752.
New contract actions:
45. Belle Fourche ID, Belle Fourche
Project, P–SMBP, South Dakota:
Temporary contract for a supplemental
water supply from Keyhole Reservoir.
46. Buford-Trenton ID, P–SMBP,
North Dakota: Amend existing power
contract to provide for increase in
project use pumping power rate of
delivery and enter new repayment and
power contract for additional project
use pumping power for project purposes
in irrigating bench lands existing within
the district.
47. East Bench ID, East Bench Unit,
P–SMBP, Montana: The district
requested a deferment of its 2005
distribution works repayment
obligation. A request is being prepared
to amend Contract No. 14–06–600–3593
to defer payments in accordance with
the Act of September 21, 1959.
48. ExxonMobil Corporation, Ruedi
Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas Project,
Colorado: Consideration of ExxonMobil
Corporation’s request to amend its
Ruedi Round I contract to include
additional uses for the water.
49. Frenchman Valley ID; Frenchman
Unit, Frenchman-Cambridge Division,
P–SMBP; Culbertson, Nebraska: The
district requested a deferment of its
2005 repayment and reserve fund
obligations in accordance with the Act
of September 21, 1959.
50. Kansas-Bostwick ID No. 2;
Courtland Unit, Bostwick Division, P–
SMBP; Courtland, Kansas: The district
requested a deferment of its 2005
repayment and water service obligations
in accordance with the Act of
September 21, 1959.
Discontinued contract action:
37. City of Huron, P–SMBP, South
Dakota: Renewal of long-term operation,
maintenance, and replacement
agreement for O&M of the James
Diversion Dam, South Dakota, with the
City of Huron, South Dakota, or
negotiation of water service and O&M
with other interested, but as of yet,
unidentified entity.
Completed contract actions:
13. Sisk Ranch, Inc., Lower Marias
Unit, P–SMBP, Montana: Initiating a
long-term contract for up to 552 acrefeet of storage water from Tiber
Reservoir to irrigate 276 acres.
Temporary contracts have been issued
to allow continued delivery of water. A
new 40-year water service contract was
executed on December 13, 2004.
14. I.J. Peterson Ranch, Inc., Lower
Marias Unit, P–SMBP, Montana:
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 74 / Tuesday, April 19, 2005 / Notices
Initiating a long-term contract for up to
478 acre-feet of storage water from Tiber
Reservoir to irrigate 239 acres.
Temporary contracts have been issued
to allow continued delivery of water. A
new 40-year water service contract was
executed on December 13, 2004.
22. Helena Valley Unit, P–SMBP,
Montana: Negotiating with Helena
Valley ID for renewal of Part A of the
A/B contract which expired December
31, 2004. A new 40-year repayment
contract was executed on December 28,
23. Crow Creek Unit, P–SMBP,
Montana: Negotiating with Toston ID for
renewal of Part A of the A/B contract
which expired December 31, 2004. A
new 40-year repayment contract was
executed on December 30, 2004.
27. Tiber Enterprises, Inc., Lower
Marias Unit, P–SMBP, Montana:
Initiating a long-term contract for up to
1,388 acre-feet of storage water from
Tiber Reservoir to irrigate 694 acres.
Temporary contracts have been issued
to allow continued delivery of water. A
new 40-year water service contract was
executed on December 13, 2004.
28. Helena Valley Unit, P–SMBP,
Montana: Initiating negotiations for
contract renewal for an annual supply of
water for domestic and M&I use to the
City of Helena, Montana. A new 40-year
water service contract was executed on
December 29, 2004.
Dated: March 18, 2005.
Roseann Gonzales,
Director, Office of Program and Policy
[FR Doc. 05–7789 Filed 4–18–05; 8:45 am]
Live Swine From Canada
On the basis of the record 1 developed
in the subject investigation, the United
States International Trade Commission
(Commission) determines, pursuant to
section 735(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930
(19 U.S.C. 1673d(b)) (the Act), that an
industry in the United States is not
materially injured or threatened with
material injury, and the establishment of
an industry in the United States is not
materially retarded, by reason of
imports from Canada of live swine,
provided for in subheadings 0103.91.00
1 The record is defined in sec. 207.2(f) of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19
CFR 207.2(f)).
15:12 Apr 18, 2005
Jkt 205001
The Commission instituted this
investigation effective March 5, 2004,
following receipt of a petition filed with
the Commission and Commerce by the
National Pork Producers Council,
Washington, DC, and numerous state
associations and individual producers.
The final phase of the investigation was
scheduled by the Commission following
notification of a preliminary
determination by Commerce that
imports of live swine from Canada were
being sold at LTFV within the meaning
of section 733(b) of the Act (19 U.S.C.
1673b(b)). Notice of the scheduling of
the final phase of the Commission’s
investigation and of a public hearing to
be held in connection therewith was
given by posting copies of the notice in
the Office of the Secretary, U.S.
International Trade Commission,
Washington, DC, and by publishing the
notice in the Federal Register of
November 17, 2004 (69 FR 67364). The
hearing was held in Washington, DC, on
March 8, 2005, and all persons who
requested the opportunity were
permitted to appear in person or by
The Commission transmitted its
determination in this investigation to
the Secretary of Commerce on April 25,
2005. The views of the Commission are
contained in USITC Publication 3766
(April 2005), entitled Live Swine from
Canada: Investigation No. 731–TA–1076
Issued: April 13, 2005.
By order of the Commission.
Marilyn R. Abbott,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 05–7796 Filed 4–18–05; 8:45 am]
[Investigation No. 731–TA–1076 (Final)]
VerDate jul<14>2003
and 0103.92.00 of the Harmonized Tariff
Schedule of the United States, that have
been found by the Department of
Commerce (Commerce) to be sold in the
United States at less than fair value
Antitrust Division
Notice Pursuant to the National
Cooperative Research and Production
Act of 1993—Joint Research and
Development Program for the
Advancement of in Situ Bioremediation
Notice is hereby given that, on March
11, 2005, pursuant to Section 6(a) of the
National Cooperative Research and
Production Act of 1993, 15 U.S.C. 4301
et seq. (‘‘the Act’’), Joint Research and
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Development Program for the
Advancement of In Situ Bioremediation
Technologies (the ‘‘Program’’) has filed
written notifications simultaneously
with the Attorney General and the
Federal Trade Commission disclosing
(1) the identities of the parties to the
venture and (2) the nature and
objectives of the venture. The
notifications were filed for the purpose
of invoking the Act’s provisions limiting
the recovery of antitrust plaintiffs to
actual damages under specified
Pursuant to Section 6(b) of the Act,
the identities of parties to the Program
are: E.I. du Pont de Nemours and
company, Wilmington, DE; General
Electric Company, Schenectady, NY;
GeoSyntec Consultants Inc., Boca Raton,
FL; ICI Chemicals and Polymers,
Runcorn, United Kingdom; Shell
Research Ltd., London, United
Kingdom; Terra Systems, Inc.,
Wilmington, DE; Golder Associates,
Atlanta, GA; Environmental Simulations
International Ltd., Shrewsbury, United
Kingdom; Acetate Products Limited,
Derby, United Kingdom; W.S. Atkins
Consultants Ltd., Epsom, United
Kingdom; and Scientifics Ltd., Derby,
United Kingdom. These parties
collectively are the Bioremediation
Consortium. Additional parties to the
Program are: University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom;
University of Sheffield, Sheffield,
United Kingdom; and The Natural
Environmental Research Council,
Nottingham, United Kingdom. The
general areas of the Program’s planned
activities are as follows: The
Bioremediation Consortium’s goals
include sharing existing research
regarding the techniques of
bioremediation for the remediation of
chlorinated solvent contaminants in soil
or ground water; working collectively to
demonstrate the treatment systems in
the field of hazardous waste sites; and
ultimately advancing the technologies to
the point of public and regulatory
acceptability. Additional goals of the
Program include having one or more
members of the Bioremediation
Consortium enter into a Cooperative
Research and Development Agreement
with the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, and having the Bioremeditation
Consortium enter into a LINK
Collaboration Agreement with the
additional parties to the Program and
the British Geological Survey.
Dorothy B. Fountain,
Deputy Director of Operations, Antitrust
[FR Doc. 05–7747 Filed 4–18–05; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 74 (Tuesday, April 19, 2005)]
[Pages 20398-20400]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-7789]
[[Page 20398]]
Bureau of Reclamation
Quarterly Status Report of Water Service, Repayment, and Other
Water-Related Contract Negotiations
AGENCY: Bureau of Reclamation, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of contractual actions that have been
proposed to the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and are new,
modified, discontinued, or completed since the last publication of this
notice on March 10, 2005. This notice is one of a variety of means used
to inform the public about proposed contractual actions for capital
recovery and management of project resources and facilities consistent
with section 9(f) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939. Additional
announcements of individual contract actions may be published in the
Federal Register and in newspapers of general circulation in the areas
determined by Reclamation to be affected by the proposed action.
ADDRESSES: The identity of the approving officer and other information
pertaining to a specific contract proposal may be obtained by calling
or writing the appropriate regional office at the address and telephone
number given for each region in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sandra L. Simons, Manager, Contract
Services Office, Bureau of Reclamation, PO Box 25007, Denver, Colorado
80225-0007; telephone 303-445-2902.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Consistent with section 9(f) of the
Reclamation Project Act of 1939 and the rules and regulations published
in 52 FR 11954, April 13, 1987 (43 CFR 426.22), Reclamation will
publish notice of proposed or amendatory contract actions for any
contract for the delivery of project water for authorized uses in
newspapers of general circulation in the affected area at least 60 days
prior to contract execution. Announcements may be in the form of news
releases, legal notices, official letters, memorandums, or other forms
of written material. Meetings, workshops, and/or hearings may also be
used, as appropriate, to provide local publicity. The public
participation procedures do not apply to proposed contracts for the
sale of surplus or interim irrigation water for a term of 1 year or
less. Either of the contracting parties may invite the public to
observe contract proceedings. All public participation procedures will
be coordinated with those involved in complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act. Pursuant to the ``Final Revised Public
Participation Procedures'' for water resource-related contract
negotiations, published in 47 FR 7763, February 22, 1982, a tabulation
is provided of all proposed contractual actions in each of the five
Reclamation regions. When contract negotiations are completed, and
prior to execution, each proposed contract form must be approved by the
Secretary of the Interior, or pursuant to delegated or redelegated
authority, the Commissioner of Reclamation or one of the regional
directors. In some instances, congressional review and approval of a
report, water rate, or other terms and conditions of the contract may
be involved.
Public participation in and receipt of comments on contract
proposals will be facilitated by adherence to the following procedures:
1. Only persons authorized to act on behalf of the contracting
entities may negotiate the terms and conditions of a specific contract
2. Advance notice of meetings or hearings will be furnished to
those parties that have made a timely written request for such notice
to the appropriate regional or project office of Reclamation.
3. Written correspondence regarding proposed contracts may be made
available to the general public pursuant to the terms and procedures of
the Freedom of Information Act, as amended.
4. Written comments on a proposed contract or contract action must
be submitted to the appropriate regional officials at the locations and
within the time limits set forth in the advance public notices.
5. All written comments received and testimony presented at any
public hearings will be reviewed and summarized by the appropriate
regional office for use by the contract approving authority.
6. Copies of specific proposed contracts may be obtained from the
appropriate regional director or his designated public contact as they
become available for review and comment.
7. In the event modifications are made in the form of a proposed
contract, the appropriate regional director shall determine whether
republication of the notice and/or extension of the comment period is
Factors considered in making such a determination shall include,
but are not limited to (i) the significance of the modification, and
(ii) the degree of public interest which has been expressed over the
course of the negotiations. At a minimum, the regional director shall
furnish revised contracts to all parties who requested the contract in
response to the initial public notice.
The March 10, 2005, notice should be used as a reference point to
identify changes. The numbering system in this notice corresponds with
the numbering system in the March 10, 2005, notice.
Definitions of Abbreviations Used in This Document
BCP--Boulder Canyon Project
Reclamation--Bureau of Reclamation
CAP--Central Arizona Project
CVP--Central Valley Project
CRSP--Colorado River Storage Project
FR--Federal Register
IDD--Irrigation and Drainage District
ID--Irrigation District
M&I--Municipal and Industrial
NMISC--New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission
O&M--Operation and Maintenance
P-SMBP--Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program
PPR--Present Perfected Right
SOD--Safety of Dams
WD--Water District
Pacific Northwest Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 1150 North Curtis
Road, Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83706-1234, telephone 208-378-5344.
The Pacific Northwest Region has no updates to report for this
quarter. Please refer to the March 10, 2005, publication of this notice
for current contract actions.
Mid-Pacific Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 2800 Cottage Way,
Sacramento, California 95825-1898, telephone 916-978-5250.
New contract actions:
37. Broadview WD, CVP, California: Proposed assignment of 27,000
acre-feet of Broadview WD's entire CVP supply to Westlands WD for
irrigation and M&I use.
38. Mendota Wildlife Area, CVP, California: Reimbursement agreement
between the California Department of Fish and Game and Reclamation for
conveyance service costs to deliver Level 2 water to the Mendota
Wildlife Area during infrequent periods when the Mendota Pool is down
due to unexpected but needed maintenance. This action is taken pursuant
to Pub. L. 102-575, Title 34, Section 3406(d)(1), to meet full Level 2
water needs of the Mendota Wildlife Area.
Discontinued contract item:
29. Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency, CVP, California:
Proposed assignment of 27,000 acre-feet of
[[Page 20399]]
Broadview WD's entire CVP supply to Pajaro Valley Water Management
Agency for M&I use.
Completed contract action:
2. Contractors from the American River Division, Cross Valley
Canal, Delta Division, Friant Division, Sacramento River Division, San
Felipe Division, Shasta Division, Trinity River Division, and West San
Joaquin Division; CVP; California: Renewal of up to 114 long-term water
service contracts; water quantities for these contracts total in excess
of 3.4M acre-feet. These contract actions will be accomplished through
long-term renewal contracts pursuant to Pub. L. 102-575. Prior to
completion of negotiation of long-term renewal contracts, existing
interim renewal water service contracts may be renewed through
successive interim renewal of contracts. Execution of long-term renewal
contracts began in late February 2005. Execution of these contracts
will continue through July 2005.
Lower Colorado Region: Bureau of Reclamation, PO Box 61470 (Nevada
Highway and Park Street), Boulder City, Nevada 89006-1470, telephone
New contract actions:
40. Cibola Valley IDD, BCP, Arizona: Assign 396 acre-feet per year
of the district's entitlement to fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-priority
water to The Conservation Fund.
41. Golden Shores Water Conservation District, BCP, Arizona: Amend
the district's contract to include the water allocation for Topock
Village Estates within the district's boundaries.
42. Ronald E. and Shannon L. Williamson, BCP, California: Assign
contract No. 6-07-30-W0342 to Kendell Perrett from Ronald E. and
Shannon L. Williamson.
Modified contract action:
33. Wellton-Mohawk IDD, BCP, Arizona: Amend contract No. 1-07-30-
W0021 to revise the authority to deliver domestic use water from 5,000
to 12,000 acre-feet per calendar year, which is within the district's
current overall Colorado River water entitlement.
Completed contract actions:
9. San Tan ID, CAP, Arizona: Amend distribution system repayment
contract No. 6-07-30-W0120 to increase the repayment obligation by
approximately $168,000. Amendatory contract executed on February 16,
31. Cibola Valley IDD, BCP, Arizona: Contingent upon completion of
sale documents, proposed assignment and transfer of a portion of the
district's right to divert up to 24,120 acre-feet of Colorado River
water per year to the Mohave County Water Authority, the Hopi Tribe,
and Reclamation. Contract was executed on December 14, 2004.
42. Ronald E. and Shannon L. Williamson, BCP, California: Assign
contract No. 6-07-30-W0342 to Kendell Perrett from Ronald E. and
Shannon L. Williamson. Amendatory contract executed on February 16,
Upper Colorado Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 125 South State
Street, Room 6107, Salt Lake City, Utah 84138-1102, telephone 801-524-
New contract actions:
1.(c) Dry West Nursery, Aspinall Storage Unit, CRSP: Dry West
Nursery has requested a 40-year water service contract for 3 acre-feet
of water out of Blue Mesa Reservoir. Dry West Nursery has submitted
their augmentation plan to Water District 4, Case No. 04CW174.
1.(d) United Companies, Aspinall Storage Unit, CRSP: United
Companies has requested 22.0 acre-feet of M&I water out of Blue Mesa
Reservoir for four gravel pits.
1.(e) Downy Excavating, Inc., Aspinall Storage Unit, CRSP: Downy
Excavating, Inc., has requested a 40-year water service contract for 2
acre-feet of water out of Blue Mesa Reservoir. Downy Excavation has
submitted their augmentation plan to Water District 4, Case No. 97CW49.
1.(f) Bowie Resources, LLC, Aspinall Storage Unit, CRSP: Bowie
Resources, LLC has requested a 40-year water service contract for 105
acre-feet of water out of Blue Mesa Reservoir. Bowie Resources has
submitted their augmentation plan to Water District 4, Case No. 02CW77.
29. Carbon Water Conservancy District, Scofield Project, Utah:
Contract providing for the district to repay to the United States 15
percent of the cost of SOD modifications to the spillway at Scofield
30. Weber River Water Users Association, Weber River Project, Utah:
Contract providing for the association to repay to the United States 15
percent of the cost of SOD modifications at Echo Dam.
31. Central Utah Project, Utah. Petition for project water among
the United States, the Central Utah Water Conservancy District, and the
Duchesne County Water Conservancy District for use of 3,000 acre-feet
of irrigation water from the Bonneville Unit of the Central Utah
Modified contract action:
10. Pine River ID, Pine River Project, Colorado: Contract to allow
the district to convert project irrigation water to municipal,
domestic, and industrial uses.
Great Plains Region: Bureau of Reclamation, PO Box 36900, Federal
Building, 316 North 26th Street, Billings, Montana 59107-6900,
telephone 406-247-7752.
New contract actions:
45. Belle Fourche ID, Belle Fourche Project, P-SMBP, South Dakota:
Temporary contract for a supplemental water supply from Keyhole
46. Buford-Trenton ID, P-SMBP, North Dakota: Amend existing power
contract to provide for increase in project use pumping power rate of
delivery and enter new repayment and power contract for additional
project use pumping power for project purposes in irrigating bench
lands existing within the district.
47. East Bench ID, East Bench Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: The district
requested a deferment of its 2005 distribution works repayment
obligation. A request is being prepared to amend Contract No. 14-06-
600-3593 to defer payments in accordance with the Act of September 21,
48. ExxonMobil Corporation, Ruedi Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas
Project, Colorado: Consideration of ExxonMobil Corporation's request to
amend its Ruedi Round I contract to include additional uses for the
49. Frenchman Valley ID; Frenchman Unit, Frenchman-Cambridge
Division, P-SMBP; Culbertson, Nebraska: The district requested a
deferment of its 2005 repayment and reserve fund obligations in
accordance with the Act of September 21, 1959.
50. Kansas-Bostwick ID No. 2; Courtland Unit, Bostwick Division, P-
SMBP; Courtland, Kansas: The district requested a deferment of its 2005
repayment and water service obligations in accordance with the Act of
September 21, 1959.
Discontinued contract action:
37. City of Huron, P-SMBP, South Dakota: Renewal of long-term
operation, maintenance, and replacement agreement for O&M of the James
Diversion Dam, South Dakota, with the City of Huron, South Dakota, or
negotiation of water service and O&M with other interested, but as of
yet, unidentified entity.
Completed contract actions:
13. Sisk Ranch, Inc., Lower Marias Unit, P-SMBP, Montana:
Initiating a long-term contract for up to 552 acre-feet of storage
water from Tiber Reservoir to irrigate 276 acres. Temporary contracts
have been issued to allow continued delivery of water. A new 40-year
water service contract was executed on December 13, 2004.
14. I.J. Peterson Ranch, Inc., Lower Marias Unit, P-SMBP, Montana:
[[Page 20400]]
Initiating a long-term contract for up to 478 acre-feet of storage
water from Tiber Reservoir to irrigate 239 acres. Temporary contracts
have been issued to allow continued delivery of water. A new 40-year
water service contract was executed on December 13, 2004.
22. Helena Valley Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Negotiating with Helena
Valley ID for renewal of Part A of the A/B contract which expired
December 31, 2004. A new 40-year repayment contract was executed on
December 28, 2004.
23. Crow Creek Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Negotiating with Toston ID
for renewal of Part A of the A/B contract which expired December 31,
2004. A new 40-year repayment contract was executed on December 30,
27. Tiber Enterprises, Inc., Lower Marias Unit, P-SMBP, Montana:
Initiating a long-term contract for up to 1,388 acre-feet of storage
water from Tiber Reservoir to irrigate 694 acres. Temporary contracts
have been issued to allow continued delivery of water. A new 40-year
water service contract was executed on December 13, 2004.
28. Helena Valley Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Initiating negotiations
for contract renewal for an annual supply of water for domestic and M&I
use to the City of Helena, Montana. A new 40-year water service
contract was executed on December 29, 2004.
Dated: March 18, 2005.
Roseann Gonzales,
Director, Office of Program and Policy Services.
[FR Doc. 05-7789 Filed 4-18-05; 8:45 am]