Privacy Act of 1974; Notice of a Computer Matching Program, 20161-20163 [E5-1800]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 73 / Monday, April 18, 2005 / Notices
authority as the responsible entity for
compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 1437x and
HUD regulations at 24 CFR 58.4, and
under its authority as lead agency in
accordance with the New York State
Environmental Quality Review Act
The EIS will be a joint NEPA and
SEQRA document. The EIS will satisfy
requirements of SEQRA 6NYCRR part
617, which requires that all State and
local government agencies consider the
environmental consequences of projects
over which they have discretionary
authority before acting on those
projects. Because Federal HOPE VI
funds would be used, the proposed
action is also subject to NEPA. The EIS
and NEPA process will also be used to
address historic preservation and
cultural resource issues under section
106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act, 16 U.S.C. 470f. This
notice is given in accordance with the
Council on Environmental Quality
regulations at 40 CFR parts 1500–1508.
All interested Federal, State, and local
agencies, Indian tribes, groups, and the
public are invited to comment on the
scope of the EIS. Federal agencies with
jurisdiction by law, special expertise, or
other special interest should report their
willingness to participate in the EIS
process as a Cooperating Agency.
Inquiries concerning the Proposed
Action and this notice should be made
to the Lead Agency care of Steven
Whetstone, Commissioner of Planning
and Development, City of Yonkers, 87
Nepperhan Avenue, 3rd Floor, Yonkers
NY 10701–3874, (914) 377–6565
Proposed Action consists of two parts:
(1) An Urban Renewal Plan and Master
Plan for the entire Ashburton Avenue
Urban Renewal Area (URA) and (2) the
redevelopment of Mulford Gardens and
related development sites located
within the URA, financed, in part, by a
HOPE VI grant to the Municipal
Housing Authority for the City of
The URA is located on the west side
of Yonkers, north of the downtown and
west of the Saw Mill River Parkway.
The area encompasses approximately 44
acres with approximately 600 parcels
along and near Ashburton Avenue,
between Warburton Avenue and
Yonkers Avenue.
The area was selected by the City as
a potential URA to tie into the
redevelopment of Mulford Gardens, the
City’s oldest public housing complex,
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which is located on 12 acres within the
boundaries of the proposed URA. Due to
its age and substandard housing
condition of its 552 units, Mulford
Gardens is slated for demolition. The
City’s Municipal Housing Authority was
awarded a HOPE VI grant to demolish
and reconstruct housing on and around
the existing Mulford Gardens site.
Proposed HOPE VI residential
development will occur on the existing
12 acre Mulford Gardens site, with
additional residential, community
facility and retail development to occur
on eight surrounding sites within the
Ashburton Avenue URA.
The Urban Renewal Plan will be used
as a revitalization strategy to improve
the residential character of the area,
expand business opportunities and
improve the transportation network.
The Master Plan for the URA will
include: the provision of a range of
housing opportunities; mixed use
development along Ashburton Avenue;
and transportation improvements,
including street widenings along
Ashburton Avenue, to improve eastwest access between the Saw Mill River
Parkway and the Downtown Waterfront
District, allow on-street parking, reduce
traffic congestion and allow for an
upgraded sidewalk and streetscape plan.
Alternatives: The alternatives to be
considered by the Lead Agency will
include a no action alternative and may
include: alternatives with selected
roadway improvements that would not
require widening Ashburton Avenue; an
alternative that assumes the Ashburton
Avenue parking garage is not
demolished; residential development
alternatives including different building
types and/or densities. Alternatives to
be examined in the EIS will be finalized
after the scoping meeting.
Need for the EIS: Insofar as the
Proposed Action includes a residential
component, it is subject to the Yonkers
Affordable Housing Ordinance, Article
XV of the Code of the City of Yonkers.
The Decision of the United States
District Court in D’Agnillo v. United
States Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 1999 WL 350870
(S.D.N.Y. 1999), requires environmental
review under NEPA of all housing
projects which are subject to the
Affordable Housing Ordinance. The City
of Yonkers has determined that the
Proposed Action constitutes an action
which has the potential to affect the
quality of the human environment and
therefore requires the preparation of an
EIS in accordance with NEPA.
Scoping: A public EIS scoping
meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on
Thursday, May 12, 2005, at the
Riverfront Library, 2nd Floor
PO 00000
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Community Room, 1 Larkin Center,
Yonkers, NY 10701. The public is
invited to attend and identify the issues
that should be addressed in the EIS. The
public will have the opportunity to
comment on the scope of the EIS orally
and in writing. A written comment
period during which additional written
comments will be accepted by the Lead
Agency will be extended through and
including June 13, 2005. A scoping
document that explains in greater detail
the Proposed Action and alternatives
identified at this time will be sent to the
known interested parties in advance of
the public scoping meeting. For a copy
of the draft Scoping Document contact:
Steven Whetstone, Commissioner of
Planning and Development, City of
Yonkers, 87 Nepperhan Avenue, 3rd
Floor, Yonkers NY 10701–3874.
Telephone: (914) 377–6565. A copy of
the draft scoping document can also be
viewed at
Questions may be directed to the
individuals named in this notice under
Dated: April 7, 2005.
Nelson R. Bregon,
General Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Community Planning and Development.
[FR Doc. E5–1809 Filed 4–15–05; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FR–4922–N–07]
Privacy Act of 1974; Notice of a
Computer Matching Program
Office of the Chief Information
Officer, (HUD).
ACTION: Notice of a computer matching
program—HUD and the Small Business
Administration (SBA).
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as
amended by the Computer Matching
and Privacy Protection Act of 1988, as
amended, ((Pub. L. 100–503), and the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Guidelines on the Conduct of
Matching Programs (June 19, 1989 at 54
FR 25818), and OMB Bulletin 89–22,
‘‘Instructions on Reporting Computer
Matching Programs to the Office of
Management (OMB), Congress and the
Public,’’ the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) is issuing a
public notice of its intent to conduct a
recurring computer matching program
with the SBA to utilize a computer
information system of HUD, the Credit
Alert Interactive Voice Response System
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 73 / Monday, April 18, 2005 / Notices
(CAIVRS), with SBA’s debtor files. In
addition to HUD’s data, the CAIVRS
database includes delinquent debt
information from the Departments of
Education, Veterans Affairs, Justice and
the United States Department of
Agriculture. This match will allow
prescreening of applicants for debts
owed or loans guaranteed by the Federal
government to ascertain if the applicant
is delinquent in paying a debt owed to
or insured by the Federal government
for HUD or SBA direct or guaranteed
Before rating a loan, the lending
agency and/or the authorized lending
institution will be able to interrogate the
CAIVRS debtor file which contains the
Social Security Numbers (SSNs) of
HUD’s delinquent debtors and
defaulters and defaulted debtor records
of the SBA and verify that the loan
applicant is not in default or delinquent
on direct or guaranteed loans of
participating Federal programs of either
agency. As a result of the information
produced by this match, the authorized
users may not deny, terminate, or make
a final decision of any loan assistance to
an applicant or take other adverse action
against such applicant, until an officer
or employee of such agency has
independently verified such
DATES: Effective Date: Computer
matching is expected to begin on May
18, 2005, unless comments are received
which will result in a contrary
determination, or 40 days from the date
a computer matching agreement is
signed, whichever is later.
Comments Due Date: May 18, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit comments regarding
this notice to the Rules Docket Clerk,
Office of General Counsel, Room 10276,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20410–0500.
Communications should refer to the
above docket number and title. A copy
of each communication submitted will
be available for public inspection and
copying between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
weekdays at the above address.
For Privacy Act Information and for
Further Information From Recipient
Agency Contact: Jeanette Smith,
Departmental Privacy Act Officer,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 7th Street, SW.,
Room P8001, Washington, DC 20410–
3000, telephone number (202) 708–2374
or FAX (202) 708–3135. [These are not
toll-free numbers.]
For Further Information From Source
Agency Contact: Walter Intlekfer,
Deputy Director, Small Business
VerDate jul<14>2003
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Administration, 409 Third Street, SW.,
Suite 8300, Washington, DC 20416,
telephone number (202) 205-7543. [This
is not a toll-free number.]
Reporting of Matching Program: In
accordance with Public Law 100-503,
the Computer Matching and Privacy
Protection Act of 1988, as amended, and
Office of Management and Budget
Bulletin 89–22, ‘‘Instructions on
Reporting Computer Matching Programs
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), Congress and the Public;’’
copies of this notice and report are
being provided to the Committee on
Government Reform of the House of
Representatives, the Committee on
Homeland Security and Governmental
Affairs of the Senate, and the Office of
Management and Budget.
Authority: The matching program will
be conducted pursuant to Public Law
100–503, ‘‘The Computer Matching and
Privacy Protection Act of 1988,’’ as
amended, and Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) Circular A–129
(Revised January 1993), Policies for
Federal Credit Programs and Non-Tax
Receivables. One of the purposes of all
Executive departments and agencies—
including HUD—is to implement
efficient management practices for
Federal credit programs. OMB Circular
A–129 was issued under the authority of
the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921,
as amended; the Budget and Accounting
Act of 1950, as amended; the Debt
Collection Act of 1982, as amended;
and, the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984,
as amended.
Objectives to be Met by the Matching
Program: The matching program will
allow SBA access to a system which
permits prescreening of applicants for
loans owed or guaranteed by the Federal
government to ascertain if the applicant
is delinquent in paying a debt owed to
or insured by the Government. In
addition, HUD will be provided access
to SBA debtor data for prescreening
Records to be Matched: HUD will
utilize its system of records entitled
Accounting Records. The debtor files
for HUD programs involved are
included in this system of records.
HUD’s debtor files contain information
on borrowers and co-borrowers who are
currently in default (at least 90 days
delinquent on their loans); or who have
any outstanding claims paid during the
last three years on Title II insured or
guaranteed home mortgage loans; or
individuals who have defaulted on
Section 312 rehabilitation loans; or
individuals who have had a claim paid
in the last three years on a Title I loan.
For the CAIVRS match, HUD/DEPT–2,
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System of Records, receives its program
inputs from HUD/DEPT–28, Property
Improvement and Manufactured
(Mobile) Home Loans—Default; HUD/
DEPT–32, Delinquent/Default/Assigned
Temporary Mortgage Assistance
Payments (TMAP) Program; and HUD/
CPD–1, Rehabilitation Loans—
Delinquent/Default. The SBA will
provide HUD with debtor files
contained in its system of records
entitled, Loan Case File, SBA 075. HUD
is maintaining SBA’s records only as a
ministerial action on behalf of SBA, not
as a part of HUD’s HUD/DEPT–2 system
of records. SBA’s data contain
information on individuals who have
defaulted on their guaranteed loans. The
SBA will retain ownership and
responsibility for their system of records
that they place with HUD. HUD serves
only as a record location and routine
use recipient for SBA’s data.
Notice Procedures: HUD and the SBA
will notify individuals at the time of
application (ensuring that routine use
appears on the application form) for
guaranteed or direct loans that their
records will be matched to determine
whether they are delinquent or in
default on a federal debt. HUD and the
SBA will also publish notices
concerning routine use disclosures in
the Federal Register to inform
individuals that a computer match may
be performed to determine a loan
applicant’s credit status with the federal
Categories of Records/Individuals
Involved: The debtor records include
these data elements: SSN, claim
number, program code, and indication
of indebtedness. Categories of records
include: records of claims and defaults,
repayment agreements, credit reports,
financial statements, and records of
foreclosures. Categories of individuals
include: former mortgagors and
purchasers of HUD-owned properties,
manufactured (mobile) home and home
improvement loan debtors who are
delinquent or in default on their loans,
and rehabilitation loan debtors who are
delinquent or in default on their loans.
Period of the Match: Matching is
expected to begin at least 40 days from
the date copies of the signed (by both
Data Integrity Boards) computer
matching agreement are sent to both
Houses of Congress or at least 30 days
from the date this notice is published in
the Federal Register, whichever is later,
providing no comments are received
which would result in a contrary
determination. The matching program
will be in effect and continue for 18
months with an option to renew for 12
additional months unless one of the
parties to the agreement advises the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 73 / Monday, April 18, 2005 / Notices
other in writing to terminate or modify
the agreement.
Dated: April 8, 2005.
Lisa Schlosser,
Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. E5–1800 Filed 4–15–05; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Safe Harbor Agreement and Receipt of
Application for an Enhancement of
Survival Permit Associated With the
Restoration of Habitat and
Reintroduction of Utah Prairie Dogs on
a Ranch in Garfield County, UT
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability.
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normal business hours at the Regional
Office, 134 Union Boulevard, Denver
Colorado 80228–1807, or the Utah Field
Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
2369 West Orton Circle, West Valley
City, Utah 84119. Written data or
comments concerning the SHA or ESP
application should be submitted to the
Regional Office and must be in writing
to be processed. Comments must be
submitted in writing to be adequately
considered in the Service’s decisionmaking process. Please reference permit
number TE098809–0 in your comments,
or in the request for the documents
discussed herein.
The Service has evaluated the impacts
of this action under NEPA and
determined that it warrants categorical
exclusion as described in 516 DM 8.5
C.(1). The Service will evaluate whether
the issuance of the ESP complies with
section 7 of the Act by conducting an
intra-Service section 7 consultation on
the issuance of the permit. The result of
the biological opinion, in combination
with the above finding and any public
comments will be used in the final
analysis to determine whether or not to
issue the requested ESP, pursuant to the
regulations that guide issuance of the
type of permit.
Mehlhop, Regional Safe Harbor
Coordinator (see ADDRESSES), telephone,
303–236–4215, or Henry Maddux, Utah
Field Supervisor (see ADDRESSES),
telephone 801–975–3330.
Authority: The authority for this action is
the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969,
as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
The Utah
prairie dog (UPD) is the westernmost
member of the genus Cynomys. The
species’ range, which is limited to the
southwestern quarter of Utah, is the
most restricted of all prairie dog species
in the United States. Distribution of the
UPD has been greatly reduced due to
disease (plague), poisoning, drought,
and human-related habitat alteration.
Protection of this species and
enhancement of its habitat on private
land will benefit recovery efforts.
The primary objective of this SHA is
to encourage voluntary conservation
measures and translocation efforts to
benefit the species and the landowner.
Through this agreement, the landowner
will receive relief from any additional
section 9 liability under the Act beyond
that which exists at the time the
agreement is signed (‘‘regulatory
baseline’’). To benefit the UPD, foraging
and visual surveillance habitat will be
enhanced by thinning decadent stands
of brush and by increasing forage
quantity and quality using mechanical
and herbicidal treatments and reseeding
native grasses and forbs. In cooperation
with the UDWR, UPDs will be released
on the property after the habitat
improvements have been completed.
The habitat improvements will be
maintained throughout the term of the
permit through managed grazing,
additional brush treatments if necessary,
and to some degree by the UPDs
themselves. The Cooperator will receive
an ESP that authorizes implementation
of the conservation actions and other
provisions of this Agreement and
authorizes incidental take and limited
direct take of the covered species above
the Cooperator’s baseline
responsibilities, as defined in the SHA.
Mr. Allen Henrie (Applicant)
has applied to the Fish and Wildlife
Service (Service) for an Enhancement of
Survival Permit (ESP) for the Utah
prairie dog pursuant to section 10(a)1(A)
of the Endangered Species Act of 1973
(U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), as amended (Act).
This permit application includes a Safe
Harbor Agreement (SHA) between the
Applicant, the Utah Division of Wildlife
Resources (UDWR), and the Service.
The proposed SHA and permit would
become effective upon signature of the
SHA and issuance of the permit and
would remain in effect for 40 years. We
have made the determination that the
proposed activities described in the
application and SHA will improve
prairie dog habitat and potentially
establish a colony of prairie dogs on
private land and that, therefore, it is
categorically excluded under 516 DM
8.5 C. (1) of the Department of the
Interior’s Manual. This notice is
provided pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
section 10 of the Act and the Service’s
Safe Harbor Policy (64 FR 32717). The
Service requests information, views, and
opinions from the public via this notice.
Further, the Service is soliciting
information regarding the adequacy of
the SHA as measured against the
Service’s Safe Harbor Policy and the
regulations that implement it.
DATES: Written comments on the permit
application must be received on or
before July 18, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Persons wishing to review
the SHA and the ESP application may
obtain a copy by writing the Service’s
Mountain-Prairie Regional Office,
Denver, Colorado. Documents also will
be available for public inspection during
PO 00000
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Dated: March 25, 2005.
Elliott Sutta,
Acting Regional Director, Denver, Colorado.
[FR Doc. 05–7676 Filed 4–15–05; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Endangered Species Recovery Permit
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit
SUMMARY: The following applicants have
applied for a scientific research permit
to conduct certain activities with
endangered species pursuant to section
10(a)(1)(A) of the Endangered Species
Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service (‘‘we’’) solicits
review and comment from local, State,
and Federal agencies, and the public on
the following permit requests.
DATES: Comments on these permit
applications must be received on or
before May 18, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Written data or comments
should be submitted to the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, Chief, Endangered
Species, Ecological Services, 911 NE.
11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232–
4181 (fax: 503–231–6243). Please refer
to the respective permit number for each
application when submitting comments.
All comments received, including
names and addresses, will become part
of the official administrative record and
may be made available to the public.
Documents and other information
submitted with these applications are
available for review, subject to the
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 73 (Monday, April 18, 2005)]
[Pages 20161-20163]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E5-1800]
[Docket No. FR-4922-N-07]
Privacy Act of 1974; Notice of a Computer Matching Program
AGENCY: Office of the Chief Information Officer, (HUD).
ACTION: Notice of a computer matching program--HUD and the Small
Business Administration (SBA).
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), as
amended by the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988, as
amended, ((Pub. L. 100-503), and the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Guidelines on the Conduct of Matching Programs (June 19, 1989 at
54 FR 25818), and OMB Bulletin 89-22, ``Instructions on Reporting
Computer Matching Programs to the Office of Management (OMB), Congress
and the Public,'' the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
is issuing a public notice of its intent to conduct a recurring
computer matching program with the SBA to utilize a computer
information system of HUD, the Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response
[[Page 20162]]
(CAIVRS), with SBA's debtor files. In addition to HUD's data, the
CAIVRS database includes delinquent debt information from the
Departments of Education, Veterans Affairs, Justice and the United
States Department of Agriculture. This match will allow prescreening of
applicants for debts owed or loans guaranteed by the Federal government
to ascertain if the applicant is delinquent in paying a debt owed to or
insured by the Federal government for HUD or SBA direct or guaranteed
Before rating a loan, the lending agency and/or the authorized
lending institution will be able to interrogate the CAIVRS debtor file
which contains the Social Security Numbers (SSNs) of HUD's delinquent
debtors and defaulters and defaulted debtor records of the SBA and
verify that the loan applicant is not in default or delinquent on
direct or guaranteed loans of participating Federal programs of either
agency. As a result of the information produced by this match, the
authorized users may not deny, terminate, or make a final decision of
any loan assistance to an applicant or take other adverse action
against such applicant, until an officer or employee of such agency has
independently verified such information.
DATES: Effective Date: Computer matching is expected to begin on May
18, 2005, unless comments are received which will result in a contrary
determination, or 40 days from the date a computer matching agreement
is signed, whichever is later.
Comments Due Date: May 18, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding
this notice to the Rules Docket Clerk, Office of General Counsel, Room
10276, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street,
SW., Washington, DC 20410-0500. Communications should refer to the
above docket number and title. A copy of each communication submitted
will be available for public inspection and copying between 8 a.m. and
5 p.m. weekdays at the above address.
For Privacy Act Information and for Further Information From
Recipient Agency Contact: Jeanette Smith, Departmental Privacy Act
Officer, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street,
SW., Room P8001, Washington, DC 20410-3000, telephone number (202) 708-
2374 or FAX (202) 708-3135. [These are not toll-free numbers.]
For Further Information From Source Agency Contact: Walter
Intlekfer, Deputy Director, Small Business Administration, 409 Third
Street, SW., Suite 8300, Washington, DC 20416, telephone number (202)
205-7543. [This is not a toll-free number.]
Reporting of Matching Program: In accordance with Public Law 100-
503, the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988, as
amended, and Office of Management and Budget Bulletin 89-22,
``Instructions on Reporting Computer Matching Programs to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), Congress and the Public;'' copies of this
notice and report are being provided to the Committee on Government
Reform of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate, and the Office of
Management and Budget.
Authority: The matching program will be conducted pursuant to
Public Law 100-503, ``The Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act
of 1988,'' as amended, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Circular A-129 (Revised January 1993), Policies for Federal Credit
Programs and Non-Tax Receivables. One of the purposes of all Executive
departments and agencies--including HUD--is to implement efficient
management practices for Federal credit programs. OMB Circular A-129
was issued under the authority of the Budget and Accounting Act of
1921, as amended; the Budget and Accounting Act of 1950, as amended;
the Debt Collection Act of 1982, as amended; and, the Deficit Reduction
Act of 1984, as amended.
Objectives to be Met by the Matching Program: The matching program
will allow SBA access to a system which permits prescreening of
applicants for loans owed or guaranteed by the Federal government to
ascertain if the applicant is delinquent in paying a debt owed to or
insured by the Government. In addition, HUD will be provided access to
SBA debtor data for prescreening purposes.
Records to be Matched: HUD will utilize its system of records
entitled HUD/DEPT-2,
Accounting Records. The debtor files for HUD programs involved are
included in this system of records. HUD's debtor files contain
information on borrowers and co-borrowers who are currently in default
(at least 90 days delinquent on their loans); or who have any
outstanding claims paid during the last three years on Title II insured
or guaranteed home mortgage loans; or individuals who have defaulted on
Section 312 rehabilitation loans; or individuals who have had a claim
paid in the last three years on a Title I loan. For the CAIVRS match,
HUD/DEPT-2, System of Records, receives its program inputs from HUD/
DEPT-28, Property Improvement and Manufactured (Mobile) Home Loans--
Default; HUD/DEPT-32, Delinquent/Default/Assigned Temporary Mortgage
Assistance Payments (TMAP) Program; and HUD/CPD-1, Rehabilitation
Loans--Delinquent/Default. The SBA will provide HUD with debtor files
contained in its system of records entitled, Loan Case File, SBA 075.
HUD is maintaining SBA's records only as a ministerial action on behalf
of SBA, not as a part of HUD's HUD/DEPT-2 system of records. SBA's data
contain information on individuals who have defaulted on their
guaranteed loans. The SBA will retain ownership and responsibility for
their system of records that they place with HUD. HUD serves only as a
record location and routine use recipient for SBA's data.
Notice Procedures: HUD and the SBA will notify individuals at the
time of application (ensuring that routine use appears on the
application form) for guaranteed or direct loans that their records
will be matched to determine whether they are delinquent or in default
on a federal debt. HUD and the SBA will also publish notices concerning
routine use disclosures in the Federal Register to inform individuals
that a computer match may be performed to determine a loan applicant's
credit status with the federal government.
Categories of Records/Individuals Involved: The debtor records
include these data elements: SSN, claim number, program code, and
indication of indebtedness. Categories of records include: records of
claims and defaults, repayment agreements, credit reports, financial
statements, and records of foreclosures. Categories of individuals
include: former mortgagors and purchasers of HUD-owned properties,
manufactured (mobile) home and home improvement loan debtors who are
delinquent or in default on their loans, and rehabilitation loan
debtors who are delinquent or in default on their loans.
Period of the Match: Matching is expected to begin at least 40 days
from the date copies of the signed (by both Data Integrity Boards)
computer matching agreement are sent to both Houses of Congress or at
least 30 days from the date this notice is published in the Federal
Register, whichever is later, providing no comments are received which
would result in a contrary determination. The matching program will be
in effect and continue for 18 months with an option to renew for 12
additional months unless one of the parties to the agreement advises
[[Page 20163]]
other in writing to terminate or modify the agreement.
Dated: April 8, 2005.
Lisa Schlosser,
Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. E5-1800 Filed 4-15-05; 8:45 am]