Revisions to General Permit Procedures, 18311-18320 [05-7127]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
State citation
Section 114.517 .........................................
Exemptions ................................................
[FR Doc. 05–7048 Filed 4–8–05; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Parts 13 and 21
RIN 1018–AC57
Revisions to General Permit
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This final rule revises the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service’s permit
application fee schedule for permits
issued by the Divisions of Migratory
Bird Management, Endangered Species,
Law Enforcement, and Management
Authority. The rule also clarifies several
aspects of Service permit application
procedures, and updates permit-related
Service addresses. Additionally, the rule
extends the tenure of two types of
migratory bird permits.
DATES: This rule goes into effect on May
11, 2005.
ADDRESSES: The complete file for this
rule is available for inspection, by
appointment, during normal business
hours, in the office of the Division of
Migratory Bird Management; U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service; 4401 North Fairfax
Drive; MBSP–4107; Arlington, Virginia
Brian Millsap, Chief, Division of
Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, 703/358–1714.
In implementing its responsibilities
under the Endangered Species Act of
1973, as amended (ESA), the
Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES), the Migratory Bird Treaty
Act (MBTA), the Bald and Golden Eagle
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Protection Act (BGEPA), and other
wildlife laws, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service issues permits, licenses, and
certificates that authorize the holders to
engage in certain wildlife-related
activities that are regulated by
international treaty or laws of the
United States. The Service charges user
fees to offset the cost of processing
applications for these permits, licenses,
and certificates, as well as the cost of
monitoring and maintaining active
permit files.
The general statutory authority to
charge fees for processing applications
for permits and certificates is found in
31 U.S.C. 9701, which states that
services provided by Federal agencies
are to be ‘‘self-sustaining to the extent
possible.’’ The authority to charge fees
is also found under various wildlife
laws. Specifically, the ESA, 16 U.S.C.
1540(f), authorizes the Secretary to
‘‘charge reasonable fees for expenses to
the Government connected with permits
or certificates authorized by [the ESA]
including processing applications.’’ The
Marine Mammal Protection Act
(MMPA), 16 U.S.C. 1374(g), also
provides that the ‘‘Secretary shall
establish and charge a reasonable fee for
permits’’ issued under the MMPA.
Federal user fee policy, as stated in
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Circular No. A–25, requires
Federal agencies to recoup the costs of
‘‘special services’’ that provide benefits
to identifiable recipients. Permits are
special services, authorizing identifiable
recipients to engage in activities not
otherwise authorized for the general
public. Some of the Service’s programs
that issue permits receive little or no
designated budget appropriations
specifically for permitting activities.
Others receive some funding, but such
funding is part of the overall program
budget and is not enough to completely
cover the permitting activity costs. Our
ability to effectively provide these
special services depends in large part on
user fees. As a result, we have revised
the standard permit application fee,
designated under title 50 of the Code of
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EPA approval date
Federal Regulations (CFR) at
§ 13.11(d)(4), which has not been
revised since 1982, in order to recoup
more of the costs associated with
providing permitting services. [For
additional discussion of why the
Service must raise the current
application fees, please refer to the
proposed rule (68 FR 51222, published
on August 26, 2003).]
While the fee revisions promulgated
by this rule will help the Service to
recover a greater portion of the cost of
administering permits, the increases are
not sufficient to cover the total cost of
our permit programs (much less defray
other program costs). The new fee
structure is a compromise between
recouping the entire cost of providing
these special services and the need to
establish a fee schedule that will not
unduly burden individual applicants.
Summary of Comments and
During the comment period, which
was open from August 26 through
October 10, 2003, the Service received
a total of 273 comments. Thirteen of
these comments were in agreement with
raising application fees and did not
raise any specific concerns. Eighty-six
comments were in general disagreement
with raising fees, but also did not raise
any specific concerns beyond objecting
to the concept of raising fees. Two
comments addressed issues that were
outside the scope of the proposed rule
and therefore will not be addressed here
(these comments will be passed on to
the relevant Service office for further
consideration). The remaining issues
raised by the commenters, and our
responses to each, are summarized
Issue 1: We received three comments
recommending that tribal entities and
Native Americans be exempted from
application fees. The proposed rule
would have waived permit application
fees only for Federal and State agencies
and their agents, and for permits for
Indian religious use. Generally, these
commenters requested that the fee
waiver be expanded to include all
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
activities conducted by Native
Americans or by tribal governments.
Another commenter questioned
exempting tribal members from fees for
applications involving religious
activities. This commenter did not see
such an exemption as being fair to other
Americans who could not claim such an
Response: We agree that fees should
be waived for tribal governments, and
have revised the final rule at
§ 13.11(d)(3) to expand the fee waiver to
tribal governments. However, the
Service does not agree that exempting
all tribal members from all application
fees is justified. While we support, as
indicated in the proposed rule, a fee
exemption for tribal members who are
engaged in religious activities, we do
not believe that tribal members who
request permits for secular or
commercial activities should be exempt
from paying the application fees. The
basis for exempting tribal members from
paying application fees for permits for
religious use is the American Indian
Religious Freedom Act of 1978 and the
Service’s Federal Trust responsibilities
toward Native American tribes.
Therefore, for example, we will not
charge a fee for Native American
religious eagle permits or Native
American religious purposes—eagle
transport permits. As we explained in
the proposed rule, fees also may be
waived on a case-by-case basis for
extraordinary extenuating
circumstances provided that the issuing
permit office and a Regional or Assistant
Director approve the waiver.
Issue 2: Twenty-five comments were
received about the need to improve the
permitting process as a way to reduce
the cost of running the permitting
programs and, thus, require lower fees
from applicants.
Response: The Service agrees that we
need to continue improving the
permitting process to ensure that it is
effective and responsive to user needs.
All of the Divisions that issue permits
are involved in such efforts. While it is
true that making the permitting process
more effective and efficient should
reduce some costs of the programs, it
will not eliminate the need for
application fees. In addition, since it has
been so long since the fees were raised,
the increased fees are needed to give the
Service critical resources that will help
us to improve the efficiency of the
programs. As stated in the proposed
rule, the Service will periodically reevaluate the application fees to
determine if changes are warranted.
Issue 3: We received 18 comments
regarding the financial difficulty
migratory bird rehabilitators will face in
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paying a fee for the permit necessary to
carry out their work. There was a
general agreement among these
commenters that rehabilitators spend a
large amount of their own financial
resources to rehabilitate injured
migratory birds and as such should not
be required to pay an application fee.
Response: The Service recognizes that
migratory bird rehabilitators provide
care to injured and sick birds and help
to increase public awareness about
wildlife. Nevertheless, the Service
incurs substantial costs when
processing applications for these
permits. As stated in the proposed rule,
the $50 application fee would be for
permits that are valid for 5 years. This
means that the annual cost for obtaining
a migratory bird rehabilitation permit is
only $10/year. The Service does not
consider such a fee to be a significant
economic burden for permit applicants.
Issue 4: One commenter questioned
the Service’s commitment to scientific
research, and raised concerns about
application fees for scientific research
and collection permits being too high
and, as such, having an adverse effect
on the ability of researchers to carry out
their work. The commenter believes
there is a disparity between the
application fee for scientific collecting
permits and the fee for other permitted
activities, such as rehabilitation permits
or scientific research import permits
under the Wild Bird Conservation Act
(WBCA). The same commenter noted
that migratory bird scientific collecting
permits are not always issued for the
full 3-year tenure authorized by
regulations at 50 CFR 21.23, which
provide that ‘‘the term of the permit
shall not exceed three (3) years.’’ The
commenter felt that the proposed fees
would be more acceptable if the permit
tenure was lengthened.
Response: The Service is committed
to promoting scientific research and
facilitating the authorization of such
activities. The Service also understands
that researchers, particularly graduate
students, may be constrained by
budgetary issues and that application
fees are one issue they face. However,
the Service does not agree that the
proposed application fees are too high
or that implementing such fees would
result in less research being carried out.
As stated in the proposed rule, the
Service will strive to combine
permitting authorization to eliminate
the need to submit multiple
applications to cover all aspects of a
researcher’s work. By combining the
permitting authority, the applicant
would need to submit only one
application (and only one fee) to request
the required authorization to carry out
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their work. For instance, an applicant
conducting research on eagles and
migratory birds and importing or
exporting specimens may obtain a single
permit under the MBTA, BGEPA, and
CITES. With regard to the apparent
disparity between the cost of different
applications, it is important to realize
that the time and resources necessary to
process different types of applications
vary. As a rule, applications that involve
take of healthy wildlife (as opposed to
sick and injured wildlife) from the wild
require more extensive review. The
workload associated with the review is
not necessarily less if the duration of the
proposed project is less than 3 years.
Rather, the processing workload is
determined by the species, quantity, and
status of the species. Given the different
levels of review required for different
types of applications and the varying
issuance criteria under different laws,
the application fees for different
applications must vary.
As far as permit tenure for migratory
bird scientific collecting permits, many
of these permits are issued for less than
3 years, for a variety of reasons. First, if
an applicant proposes a project lasting
only 1 or 2 years, the permit may be
issued for less than 3 years. Second,
new permits (as opposed to renewals)
often will be issued for less than 3 years
because our policy has been to
coordinate scientific collecting permits
to expire on the same date in a given
year. This facilitates our administration
by enabling us to generate permit
renewal notices and renewed permits in
large batches. In January 2003, we
shifted the expiration date for scientific
collecting permits from December 31 to
March 31 to create a smoother renewal
process for permittees and us. The shift
benefits permittees by enabling them to
submit their renewal request with their
annual report, which is due January 31
of the year following conduct of the
activities. Further, it benefits the
permittee by better ensuring that we
will have received the permittee’s
renewal request 30 days before
expiration of the permit, which enables
the permittee to continue to conduct
permitted activities if the permit expires
before the Service acts on the renewal.
However, as a result of this fixed
expiration date, the tenure of new
permits will rarely be for a full 3 years
(unless the permit was issued on or
around March 31). Finally, scientific
collecting permits are occasionally
issued for less than 3 years because of
biological concerns or uncertainties
regarding the species to be taken, but
these instances are rare.
For projects that are not already
limited to less than 3 years because of
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
the duration of the proposed scientific
research project, and which are not
limited by biological concerns, we will
consider revising our procedures so that
these permits can be valid for the full 3year tenure authorized by regulation.
We will also consider amending the
scientific collecting permit regulation to
extend the authorized permit tenure for
collecting permits. However, since we
did not propose extending the tenure of
scientific collecting permits in our
proposed rulemaking, we cannot amend
the regulation by including it here in a
final rulemaking. We intend to revise
migratory bird scientific collecting
regulations in the near future, and we
will consider this option during the
course of that rulemaking process.
Issue 5: Forty-six commenters
expressed concern that the increase in
fees, particularly application fees for
CITES re-export certificates, was too
high and would adversely impact small
businesses. The primary concern
expressed by these commenters was the
slim profit margin under which their
businesses operate, such that any
increase in application fees could
adversely affect their business.
Response: The Service is keenly
aware that some businesses based on the
utilization of wildlife may run on a very
low profit margin. We recognize that if
the overall cost of conducting business
is significantly increased due to the
application fee rising, there may be a
negative impact on the business. This
may be particularly true when
requesting authorization to re-export a
limited number of CITES listed species.
For example, if a proposed re-export
shipment of two snakes going to Japan
is valued at only $300, an application
fee of $75, one quarter of the shipment’s
value, may appear high. While the fee
increase is not intended to restrict or
eliminate the sustainable utilization of
wildlife, it may have an economic effect
on small shipments or transactions.
However, as stated in the proposed rule,
the Service must expend time and
resources to review and process
applications. In the case of businesses
applying to conduct activities that are
otherwise prohibited by law, the
permits authorizing such activities are
special use permits, and the burden for
addressing such requests falls on the
applicant and his/her customers, not the
general public. It may be necessary for
some businesses to readdress how they
are conducting their activities to ensure
that the most productive and efficient
procedures are being used. While the
Service understands that the increased
fees may impact some businesses, we
must raise the fees to ensure that we can
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adequately address our responsibilities
under the various regulations and laws.
Issue 6: Three commenters raised the
point that local governments carry out
similar activities as State and Federal
agencies with regard to wildlife
conservation and management. It was
their opinion that the fee exemption
should be extended to local government
agencies as well.
Response: The Service agrees that
local governments should also be
exempt from the requirement to pay
application fees for Service permits.
Accordingly, we have revised the final
rule at § 13.11(d)(3) to extend the fee
waiver to local governments, as well as
tribal governments, and individuals and
institutions acting on behalf of a
Federal, tribal, State, or local
government agency.
Issue 7: Four commenters suggested
that the application fees for migratory
bird depredation permits not be raised.
These commenters were concerned that
the public would have to pay $50 or
$100 to address the problem of property
damage caused by migratory birds, and
that it would be inappropriate to require
homeowners and businesses to pay
more than the current $25 application
fee to process requests for depredation
permits, particularly given the amount
of time it sometimes takes to obtain this
type of permit.
Response: The final rule continues to
require a $50 application fee for
homeowner depredation permits and a
$100 application fee for other
depredation permits. We have not
revised this fee from the proposed rule
because these permits are among the
most complex to process due to the
extra level of scrutiny that we are
required to undertake when issuing
permits that would authorize taking
birds—sometimes lethally—from the
wild. Even though this fee is one of the
lowest of all the permit application fees
the Service will charge, the increased
fees will help the Migratory Bird
Program to more quickly and efficiently
issue these and other types of permits.
Issue 8: One commenter stated that
the application fee for ESA
enhancement-of-survival permits for
landowners entering into Safe Harbor
Agreements (SHAs) and Candidate
Conservation Agreements with
Assurances (CCAAs) should not be
raised to $50. The commenter expressed
an opinion that no fee should be
charged since the landowners are
entering into a voluntary agreement
with the Service that helps ‘‘the Service
achieve its objectives and legal
responsibilities under the ESA.’’ As
such, the commenter called for the
application fee to be rescinded in order
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to encourage more landowners to enter
into CCAAs and SHAs.
Response: While we recognize and
appreciate the important conservation
work that private landowners perform
on their land, we incur substantial cost
when processing enhancement-ofsurvival permit applications for CCAAs
and SHAs. These agreements provide
important benefits to listed and unlisted
species, while the participating nonFederal landowner benefits by receiving
assurances and allowances for future
take. The $50 application fee applies to
permits that are valid for differing
lengths of time, from 10 years and up to
50 or more years in some cases. We do
not believe this fee is a significant
economic burden to permit applicants,
especially when averaged over the
lifetime of the permit, or that the fee
will be a disincentive to landowners.
Additionally, private landowners may
enter into an ‘‘umbrella’’ or
programmatic agreement where a
nongovernment organization, State
agency, or other entity applies for and
holds the permit under which they
enroll private landowners through a
Certificate of Inclusion. In these cases,
the private landowner would not incur
any application fee.
Issue 9: A single commenter raised
the point that, instead of raising the
application fees for ESA permits, the
Service should charge a fee for ‘‘Section
7 consultations conducted by the
Service, or for subsequent permits that
are issued to a developer or project
proponent’’ who would be more
economically able to bear the financial
Response: This final rule increases the
fees for ESA incidental take permits
associated with Habitat Conservation
Plans, as well as the fees for recovery
permits. Section 7 consultations are
conducted on those projects that are
authorized, funded, or carried out by
Federal agencies. Congress has not given
the Service authority to collect fees from
other Federal agencies or their
applicants to conduct section 7
Issue 10: A large number of
commenters (97) commented on the cost
of applying for falconry permits and
how the program was being managed. A
majority of these commenters
specifically referred to an issue recently
raised at an International Association of
Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA)
meeting. IAFWA called on the Service
to transfer the Federal permitting
responsibility of falconry to State
agencies, thus consolidating the
permitting requirements in one agency
(the State), as opposed to two (State and
Federal). Most of those commenting on
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
falconry permit application fees felt the
proposed fee was too high, particularly
given the current regulations requiring
the renewal of a falconer’s Federal
permit at the same time State permits
are renewed. Some States require
renewal annually, while others require
renewal every 2 or 3 years. The
commenters pointed out that if the cost
of a Federal falconry permit is $100
each time it is renewed, in a 3-year
period, falconers who need to renew
annually would pay $300, while others
who have to renew only every 3 years
would pay only $100.
Response: We recognize that the
Federal renewal process for falconers
who live in States with regulations that
require renewal of falconry permits
every year or every 2 years may create
an additional burden that other
falconers may not face. However, in
addition to creating more work and
expense for the falconer, both the 1-year
and 2-year renewal requirements result
in increased workload and staffing
demands for the Service. The Service’s
costs associated with processing these
renewals do not decrease because the
permit tenure is shorter—the workload
entailed in processing these renewals
remains the same regardless of how
frequently we are required to undertake
it because of a State’s regulations.
Therefore, we believe that a fee of $100
for Federal falconry permits and
renewals, no matter in which State the
applicant/falconer resides, is both
necessary and appropriate.
While the IAFWA proposal to
consolidate falconry permitting may
have merit, it exceeds the scope of the
present rulemaking. We believe that this
rule is not the appropriate venue for
considering this option. To this end, a
proposed rule addressing this specific
issue was published on February 9,
2005 (70 FR 6978).
Issue 11: One commenter expressed
confusion regarding the fee that would
be charged for the importation of nonnative threatened or endangered sporthunted trophies. This commenter
thought that the narrative did not
clearly explain how this fee would be
Response: The application fee for a
permit to import a non-native
threatened or endangered sport-hunted
trophy will be $100. No additional fees
would be charged in relation to CITES
requirements. If the permit needs to be
renewed due to a delay in importing the
specimen, we will charge a $50 fee to
reissue the permit.
Issue 12: One commenter questioned
whether some of the policies addressed
in the proposed rule, such as ‘‘Renewals
and Amendments,’’ merely codify
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existing Service policies or if they are
actually new policies that are being
presented for the first time. The
commenter requested that the Service
clearly indicate which of these issues
are clarifications and which are new
Response: Most of the issues raised in
the proposed rule are merely
clarifications of procedures currently
used by the Service. Since some issues,
such as when a request is for a renewal
versus when a request is for a new
permit, have not been codified, doing so
in this rule was important to ensure that
the Service is being consistent across
programs and to provide the public with
clear guidance.
Issue 13: One commenter was
concerned about the proposed
amendment to § 13.42, which states that
a permit is specific to a particular
activity and that permittees are subject
to appropriate conditions placed on the
permit. The commenter was particularly
concerned that the proposed language
for § 13.42 would give the Director the
discretion to establish specific
conditions for the issuance of permits,
giving the Director the ability to treat
different applicants disparately and
inviting arbitrariness into the permit
issuance system.
Response: The proposed language for
§ 13.42 is intended to clarify the existing
regulatory language, not to change the
criteria the Service uses to issue
permits. The new language was
proposed for § 13.42 to reiterate that a
permittee may have specific conditions
placed on the permit that affect when,
how, where, and to what extent the
permitted activity can be carried out.
Such specific conditions are needed to
allow the Service to tailor individual
permit authorizations to the applicant’s
particular qualifications, and to ensure
the continued conservation of the
affected species. Without the ability to
refine permit conditions, all permittees
would have identical permit
authorizations, no matter what
experience, facilities, or other
qualifications they possess, and without
regard for the unique conservation
needs of the affected species.
After further review of the proposed
changes to § 13.42, we realized that the
language was somewhat redundant to
language already codified in
§ 13.21(e)(1). We have therefore taken
the first two sentences of the proposed
language for § 13.42 and amended
§ 13.21(e)(1) to contain this language.
This administrative change was made to
eliminate duplicating language and to
make the regulations easier to
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The concept that permits are
specifically issued for a particular
activity is not a new idea, and the new
language only clarifies the current
section. This new language in no way
alters or affects how the Service can
issue or deny a permit request. The
issuance of every permit must conform
to the general issuance criteria for that
permit type. These criteria are
established in separate regulations
addressing permit authorization for that
type of activity (e.g., falconry or captive
breeding for endangered species).
Revised Fee Language
After reviewing the comments we
received, the Service believes that the
majority of the proposed changes to
§ 13.11 are acceptable and should be
implemented. However, as mentioned
above in ‘‘Summary of Comments and
Recommendations,’’ we have made a
few revisions to this final rule from
what we proposed originally.
Changes in CITES Permits and the
Corresponding Fee Changes
With the implementation of new
CITES Resolutions and in an ongoing
effort to improve the efficiency of the
permitting process, the Division of
Management Authority has
implemented certain internal changes to
the permit procedures. The Service
announced some of these new
procedures in a previous Federal
Register proposed rule (65 FR 26664;
May 8, 2000). Other procedural changes
were outlined in the proposed rule to
this final rule. The procedural changes
that were previously addressed were
presented in the proposed rule to this
final rule for information purposes and
to explain why some additional fees
were required. They were not proposed
for codification.
Combining Permit Authorizations
As stated in the proposed rule, when
applicants need more than one type of
permit to cover their proposed activities
(e.g., for the export of a bird covered by
both CITES and the MBTA, or the take
from the wild of a bird covered by both
the ESA and MBTA), the Service may
issue a consolidated permit combining
the multiple authorizations. We
received no comments on this issue and
will retain the language presented in the
proposed rule.
Renewals and Amendments
To ensure consistency, the Service is
taking this opportunity to clarify its
position on permit renewals and
amendments. As stated in the proposed
rule, applications to renew a permit
when the tenure of a permit is expiring
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
or has expired are effectively new
permit applications. Therefore, all
applicable fees will be assessed. For
most permit types, the Service will
assess a fee for amendments to a valid
permit where the amendment reflects a
substantive change within the scope of
the permit. We will not charge
permittees for administrative changes to
valid permits, such as address and
telephone number changes. The amount
for an amendment is identified in the
fee schedule. If there is no fee next to
the permitted activity you wish to
amend, this indicates either that your
particular permit cannot be amended
and a new application would need to be
submitted or that no fee would be
charged for amending the permit (you
would need to contact the issuing office
to determine which situation applies).
For further discussion on this issue,
please see the proposed rule at 68 FR
Currently, § 13.11(d)(3) provides for a
waiver of permit fees for ‘‘any Federal,
State or local government agency, [or] to
any individual or institution under
contract to such agency for the proposed
activities.’’ In the proposed rule, we
suggested limiting the fee waiver for
public institutions to Federal and State
governmental agencies and to
individuals or institutions under
contract to such agencies. We also stated
that fees could be waived on a case-bycase basis for extraordinary extenuating
circumstances provided that the issuing
permit office and a Regional or Assistant
Director approves the waiver. However,
after reviewing comments stating that
we should waive fees for applications
from both local and tribal governments,
we agree that the fee waiver should
include these entities. (See discussion
under Issues 1 and 6, above.) In
addition, we have altered the language
to identify that individuals or
institutions ‘‘acting on behalf of ’’ any
Federal, tribal, State, or local
government agency would be exempt
from application fees. We have
amended the proposed language in
§ 13.11(d)(3) to reflect these changes.
Additional Revisions
In the proposed rule, we proposed
several administrative changes to § 13.3,
‘‘Scope of regulations’’; § 13.11(b)
regarding Service addresses; and
§ 13.11(c), regarding the time required to
process some requests. We received no
comments regarding these
administrative changes, and because
they will improve the permitting
process, all of the proposed changes will
be implemented as proposed.
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In reviewing the proposed rule, we
determined that the proposed addition
of § 13.12(c) and the proposed revision
of § 13.42 contained language that was
somewhat redundant to language that
had already been codified in
§§ 13.12(a)(9) and 13.21(e)(1). To
eliminate any redundancy in § 13.12, we
will not finalize § 13.12(c) as proposed,
but have instead revised § 13.12(a)(9) to
include the new language. In addition,
we have removed the first sentence of
the proposed § 13.42, which contained
the redundancy with § 13.21(e)(1), and
combined it with § 13.21(e)(1). The
remaining proposed language of § 13.42
will be implemented as proposed.
Extension of Permit Tenure for Two
Migratory Bird Permits
We received no comments on the
proposal to extend the permit tenure for
taxidermist permits (§ 21.24) and
waterfowl sale and disposal permits
(§ 21.25) from 3 years to 5 years, and we
will implement the proposed changes
through this final regulation.
Endangered Species Act Consideration
Section 7(a)(1) of the ESA (16 U.S.C.
1531 et seq.) provides that ‘‘[t]he
Secretary [of the Interior] shall review
other programs administered by him
and utilize such programs in
furtherance of the purposes of this Act.’’
Furthermore, section 7(a)(2) of the Act
requires all Federal agencies to ‘‘insure
that any action authorized, funded, or
carried out * * * is not likely to
jeopardize the continued existence of
any endangered species or threatened
species or result in the destruction or
adverse modification of [critical]
habitat.’’ Our review of this rule
pursuant to section 7 of the ESA
concluded that this action will not affect
listed or proposed species or critical
Required Determinations
Responsibilities of Federal Agencies To
Protect Migratory Birds (E.O. 13186)
This rule has been evaluated for
impacts to migratory birds, with
emphasis on species of management
concern, and is in accordance with the
guidance in Executive Order 13186.
Regulatory Planning and Review (E.O.
In accordance with the criteria in
Executive Order 12866, this rule is not
a significant regulatory action. OMB has
made this determination of significance
under Executive Order 12866.
a. This rule will not have an annual
economic effect of $100 million or
adversely affect an economic sector,
productivity, jobs, the environment, or
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other units of government. A costbenefit and economic analysis is not
required. The purpose of this rule is to
more closely align the fee structure with
the Federal cost of permit processing for
permits issued by the Divisions of
Migratory Bird Management, Law
Enforcement, Endangered Species, and
Management Authority. Fees charged
for permits issued by the Fish and
Wildlife Service have not increased
since 1982. During that time period,
Federal salaries have increased by 128
percent and since permit reviews are a
labor-intensive activity, Service
programs have had to absorb the
additional cost of permit processing.
In total, the Service processes
approximately 25,000 permits annually.
About half of these permits are issued
to small entities, many of whom can
pass on the economic effect of the fee
increase (an average of $50 per year per
permit) to consumers, depending on the
elasticity of demand. The maximum loss
in consumer surplus, if all costs were
passed along to consumers, would be
$1.25 million annually. However, for
commercial permittees, the average $50
cost increase of the permits will be
spread over many products and result in
negligible price increases to consumers.
The Service believes that the permit fee
for working with regulated plants and
wildlife is a very small part of the cost
of these activities and will result in a
negligible economic impact to
consumers and businesses.
The benefit of better aligning the
permit application fees schedule to the
cost of Federal processing is that this
will shift more of the burden of payment
for these services from taxpayers as a
whole to those persons who are
receiving the government services. User
fee increases reflect a related shift in
appropriations of taxes to government
programs, allowing those tax dollars to
be applied to other programs that
benefit the general public.
The administrative costs involved in
implementing this rule are minimal,
since the Service permit programs are
already established, and the
mechanisms for collecting the permit
application fees are already in place.
Therefore, the net gain of reducing the
costs on taxpayers greatly outweighs the
costs of introducing the user fee
b. This rule will not create serious
inconsistencies or otherwise interfere
with other agencies’ actions. This rule
pertains to a Federal permit application
process that already exists, and the only
purpose of this rule is to update the fee
structure to recover Federal costs of
processing the permit applications.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
c. This rule will not negatively impact
or affect entitlements, other grants, user
fees, loan programs, or the rights and
obligations of their recipients. This rule
affects user fees charged for plant and
wildlife permits by updating and better
aligning the fees with the Federal cost
of processing the permits. The average
fee increase will be $50 per year with
a range of annual fee increases running
from $10 for a migratory bird
rehabilitation permit to $275 for a
marine mammal public display permit.
Multiplying the expected 25,000
permits issued annually by the average
fee increase of $50 yields a maximum of
$1.25 million, which is well below the
threshold for a significant regulatory
d. This rule does not raise novel legal
or policy issues. The current fee
schedule for plant and wildlife related
permits has been in place since July 15,
1982. No new permits are included in
this rulemaking. The only purpose of
this rulemaking is to update and better
align the permit fee schedule with the
actual Federal cost for processing the
Regulatory Flexibility Act and Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act
The Service has performed the
threshold analysis required under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601
et seq (RFA), and the Small Business
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act, 5
U.S.C. 801 et seq (SBREFA), and has
determined that this rule will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
Therefore, a regulatory flexibility
analysis is not required.
a. The increase in user fees for Federal
permits will affect approximately 12,737
small entities, including importers and
exporters of plants, wildlife, and animal
products, wildlife propagators,
museums, airports, animal exhibitors,
migratory bird taxidermists, and
migratory bird rehabilitators.
The total cost increase for small
entities applying for permits will be
approximately $636,850 for the
approximately 12,737 permits that are
issued annually to small entities. Thus,
the average user fee under this proposal
will increase by approximately $50 per
year. This average includes annual
increases ranging from $10 for a
migratory bird rehabilitation permit to
$275 for a marine mammal public
display permit.
The economic effect on small entities
of this rulemaking will be an increased
cost of doing business. Depending on
the elasticity of demand for the goods
and services authorized by the permits,
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much of the cost increase will be passed
on to consumers. Thus, the Service does
not anticipate that this rule will result
in a significant economic burden to
small businesses.
b. This rule does not introduce any
new reporting, record keeping, or other
compliance requirements, and does not
introduce any new legal requirements
that duplicate other Federal regulations.
The average cost increase will be borne
by all entities doing business involving
c. This rule will not cause major
increases in prices for consumers,
individual industries, Federal, State, or
local government agencies or geographic
regions; or have significant adverse
impacts on competition, employment,
investment, innovation, or the ability of
U.S.-based enterprises to compete with
foreign enterprises. A small cost
increase to better reflect the cost of
review of the permit application will
not adversely affect competition in this
industry since all entities will be
required to pay the increased fees. Since
the increase of the cost of the permits
will be spread over many products, it
will result in negligible price increases
to consumers, and will not have a
significant effect on the number of
permit applications and the
corresponding total number of
permitted wildlife-related activities
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
In accordance with the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1501 et
a. This rule will not ‘‘significantly or
uniquely’’ affect small governments. A
Small Government Agency Plan is not
required. The Service has determined
and certified pursuant to the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act, 2 U.S.C. 1502 et
seq., that this rulemaking will not
impose a cost of $100 million or more
in any given year on local or State
government or private entities. The
rulemaking only affects the Federal
review and issuance of permits under
Federal laws. This rule does not apply
to State regulations.
b. This rule will not produce a
Federal mandate of $100 million or
greater in any year, i.e., it is not a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under
the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
The process of wildlife permit
application review and issuance is
already in place, and this rulemaking is
only updating the fee schedule to better
align it with the actual cost of
processing permits.
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In accordance with Executive Order
12630, the rule does not have significant
takings implications. This rule will not
result in the physical occupancy of
property, the physical invasion of
property, or the regulatory taking of any
property. A takings implication
assessment is not required.
In accordance with Executive Order
13132, and based on the discussions in
Regulatory Planning and Review above,
this rule does not have significant
Federalism effects. A Federalism
assessment is not required. This rule
does not have a substantial direct effect
on fiscal capacity, change the roles or
responsibilities of Federal or State
governments, or intrude on State policy
or administration.
Civil Justice Reform
In accordance with Executive Order
12988, the Office of the Solicitor has
determined that the rule does not
unduly burden the judicial system and
meets the requirements of sections 3(a)
and 3(b)(2) of the Order.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This rule does not contain new or
revised information collection for which
OMB approval is required under the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq.). Information collection
associated with this rule is covered by
existing OMB approval Nos. 1018–0022
(expires 7/31/07), 1018–0094 (expires 9/
30/2007), 1018–0093 (expires 6/30/
2007), and 1018–0092 (expires 9/30/
2007). For approvals that will expire
soon, we are currently in the process of
requesting 3-year renewals of OMB
approval. The Service may not conduct
or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of
information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
National Environmental Policy Act
We have determined that this rule is
categorically excluded under the
Department’s NEPA procedures in 516
DM 2, Appendix 1.10.
Relationship With Tribes
In accordance with the President’s
memorandum of April 29, 1994,
‘‘Government-to-Government Relations
with Native American Tribal
Governments’’ (59 FR 22951), Executive
Order 13175, and 512 DM 2, this rule
will have no effect on Federally
recognized Indian tribes.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Energy Supply, Distribution or Use (E.O.
On May 18, 2001, the President issued
an Executive Order addressing
regulations that affect energy supply,
distribution, and use. E.O. 13211
requires agencies to prepare Statements
of Energy Effects when undertaking
certain actions. Because this rule is only
updating the fee schedule for permit
application review and issuance, it is
not a significant regulatory action under
Executive Order 12866 and is not
expected to significantly affect energy
supplies, distribution, and use.
Therefore, this action is not a significant
energy action, and no Statement of
Energy Effects is required.
List of Subjects
50 CFR Part 13
Administrative practice and
procedure, Exports, Fish, Imports,
Plants, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Transportation, Wildlife.
50 CFR Part 21
Exports, Hunting, Imports, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements,
Transportation, Wildlife.
I For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, title 50, chapter I, subchapter
B of the Code of Federal Regulations is
amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 13 is
revised to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 668a, 704, 712, 742j–
l, 1374(g), 1382, 1538(d), 1539, 1540(f), 3374,
4901–4916; 18 U.S.C. 42; 19 U.S.C. 1202; 31
U.S.C. 9701.
2. Revise § 13.3 to read as follows:
§ 13.3
Scope of regulations.
The provisions in this part are in
addition to, and are not in lieu of, other
permit regulations of this subchapter
and apply to all permits issued
thereunder, including ‘‘Importation,
Exportation and Transportation of
Wildlife’’ (part 14), ‘‘Wild Bird
Conservation Act’’ (part 15), ‘‘Injurious
Wildlife’’ (part 16), ‘‘Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and Plants’’ (part
17), ‘‘Marine Mammals’’ (part 18),
‘‘Migratory Bird Permits’’ (part 21),
‘‘Eagle Permits’’ (part 22), and
‘‘Endangered Species Convention’’ (the
Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora) (part 23). As used in this part 13,
the term ‘‘permit’’ will refer to a license,
permit, certificate, letter of
authorization, or other document as the
context may require, and to all such
documents issued by the Service or
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other authorized U.S. or foreign
government agencies.
I 3. Revise § 13.11 to read as follows:
§ 13.11
Application procedures.
The Service may not issue a permit
for any activity authorized by this
subchapter B unless you have filed an
application under the following
(a) Forms. Applications must be
submitted in writing on a Federal Fish
and Wildlife License/Permit
Application (Form 3–200) or as
otherwise specifically directed by the
(b) Forwarding Instructions.
Applications for permits in the
following categories should be
forwarded to the issuing office indicated
(1) You may obtain applications for
migratory bird banding permits (50 CFR
21.22) by writing to: Bird Banding
Laboratory, USGS Patuxent Wildlife
Research Center, 12100 Beech Forest
Road, Laurel, Maryland 20708–4037.
Submit completed permit applications
to the same address.
(2) You may obtain applications for
designated port exception permits and
import/export licenses (50 CFR 14) by
writing to the Special Agent in Charge
(SAC) of the Region in which you reside
(see 50 CFR 2.2 or the Service Web site,, for addresses and
boundaries of the Regions). Submit
completed permit applications to the
same address.
(3) You may obtain applications for
Wild Bird Conservation Act permits (50
CFR 15); injurious wildlife permits (50
CFR 16); captive-bred wildlife
registrations (50 CFR 17); permits
authorizing import, export, or foreign
commerce of endangered and threatened
species, and interstate commerce of
non-native endangered or threatened
species (50 CFR 17); marine mammal
permits (50 CFR 18); and permits and
certificates for import, export, and
reexport of species listed under the
Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES) (50 CFR 23) from: U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of
Management Authority, 4401 N. Fairfax
Drive, Room 700, Arlington, Virginia
22203–1610. Submit completed permit
applications to the same address.
(4) You may obtain Endangered
Species Act permit applications (50 CFR
17) for activities involving native
endangered and threatened species,
including incidental take, scientific
purposes, enhancement of propagation
or survival (i.e., recovery), and
enhancement of survival by writing to
the Regional Director (Attention:
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Endangered Species Permits) of the
Region where the activity is to take
place (see 50 CFR 2.2 or the Service
Web site,, for
addresses and boundaries of the
Regions). Submit completed
applications to the same address (the
Regional office covering the area where
the activity will take place). Permit
applications for interstate commerce for
native endangered and threatened
species should be obtained by writing to
the Regional Director (Attention:
Endangered Species Permits) of the
Region that has the lead for the
particular species, rather than the
Region where the activity will take
place. You can obtain information on
the lead Region via the Service’s
Endangered Species Program Web page
wildlife.html) by entering the common
or scientific name of the listed species
in the Regulatory Profile query box.
Send interstate commerce permit
applications for native listed species to
the same Regional Office that has the
lead for that species. Endangered
Species Act permit applications for the
import or export of native endangered
and threatened species may be obtained
from the Division of Management
Authority in accordance with paragraph
(b)(3) of this section.
(5) You may obtain applications for
bald and golden eagle permits (50 CFR
22) and migratory bird permits (50 CFR
21), except for banding and marking
permits, by writing to the Migratory
Bird Permit Program Office in the
Region in which you reside. For mailing
addresses for the Migratory Bird
Regional Permit Offices, see below, or
go to:
addresses.html. Send completed
applications to the same address. The
mailing addresses for the Regional
Migratory Bird Permit Offices are as
Region 1 (CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, WA): U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Migratory
Bird Permit Office, 911 N.E. 11th
Avenue, Portland, OR 97232–4181.
Region 2 (AZ, NM, OK, TX): U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, Migratory Bird
Permit Office, P.O. Box 709,
Albuquerque, NM 87103.
Region 3 (IA, IL, IN, MN, MO, MI, OH,
WI): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Migratory Bird Permit Office, One
Federal Drive, Fort Snelling, MN
Region 4 (AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC,
SC, TN, PR, VI): U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Migratory Bird
Permit Office, P.O. Box 49208,
Atlanta, GA 30359.
Region 5 (CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME,
NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV):
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Migratory Bird Permit Office, P.O.
Box 779, Hadley, MA 01035–0779.
Region 6 (CO, KS, MT, ND, NE, SD, UT,
WY): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Migratory Bird Permit Office, P.O.
Box 25486, DFC (60130), Denver, CO
Region 7 (AK): U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Migratory Bird Permit Office
(MS–201), 1011 E. Tudor Road,
Anchorage, AK 99503.
(c) Time notice. The Service will
process all applications as quickly as
possible. However, we cannot guarantee
final action within the time limit you
request. You should ensure that
applications for permits for marine
mammals and/or endangered and
threatened species are postmarked at
least 90 calendar days prior to the
requested effective date. The time we
require for processing of endangered
and threatened species incidental take
permits will vary according to the
project scope and significance of effects.
Submit applications for all other
permits to the issuing/reviewing office
and ensure they are postmarked at least
60 calendar days prior to the requested
effective date. Our processing time may
be increased by the procedural
requirements of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the
requirement to publish a notice in the
Federal Register requesting a 30-day
public comment period when we
receive certain types of permit
applications, and/or the time required
for extensive consultation within the
Service, with other Federal agencies,
and/or State or foreign governments.
When applicable, we may require
permit applicants to provide additional
information on the proposal and on its
environmental effects as may be
necessary to satisfy the procedural
requirements of NEPA.
(d) Fees. (1) Unless otherwise
exempted under this subsection, you
must pay the required permit processing
fee at the time that you apply for
issuance or amendment of a permit. You
must pay by check or money order made
payable to the ‘‘U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service.’’ The Service will not refund
any application fee under any
circumstances if we have processed the
application. However, we may return
the application fee if you withdraw the
application before we have significantly
processed it.
(2) If regulations in this subchapter
require more than one type of permit for
an activity and the permits are issued by
the same office, the issuing office may
issue one consolidated permit
authorizing the activity in accordance
with § 13.1. You may submit a single
application in such cases, provided that
the single application contains all the
information required by the separate
applications for each permitted activity.
Where more than one permitted activity
is consolidated into one permit, the
issuing office will charge the highest
single fee for the activity permitted.
(3) Circumstances under which we
will not charge a permit application fee
are as follows:
(i) We will not charge a permit
application fee to any Federal, tribal,
State, or local government agency or to
any individual or institution acting on
behalf of such agency. Except as
otherwise authorized or waived, if you
fail to submit evidence of such status
with your application, we will require
the submission of all processing fees
prior to the acceptance of the
application for processing.
(ii) As noted in paragraph (d)(4) of
this section.
(iii) We may waive the fee on a caseby-case basis for extraordinary
extenuating circumstances provided
that the issuing permit office and a
Regional or Assistant Director approves
the waiver.
(4) User fees. The following table
identifies specific fees for each permit
application or amendment to a current
permit. If no fee is identified under the
Amendment Fee column, this particular
permit either cannot be amended and a
new application, and application fee,
would need to be submitted or no fee
will be charged for amending the permit
(please contact the issuing office for
further information).
Type of permit
Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Migratory Bird Import/Export ..................................................................................................
Migratory Bird Banding or Marking ........................................................................................
Migratory Bird Scientific Collecting ........................................................................................
Migratory Bird Taxidermy .......................................................................................................
Waterfowl Sale and Disposal .................................................................................................
Special Canada Goose ..........................................................................................................
Migratory Bird Special Purpose/Education ............................................................................
Migratory Bird Special Purpose/Salvage ...............................................................................
Migratory Bird Special Purpose/Game Bird Propagation ......................................................
Migratory Bird Special Purpose/Miscellaneous .....................................................................
Falconry .................................................................................................................................
Raptor Propagation ................................................................................................................
Migratory Bird Rehabilitation ..................................................................................................
Migratory Bird Depredation ....................................................................................................
Migratory Bird Depredation/Homeowner ...............................................................................
(1 )
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
Eagle Scientific Collecting .....................................................................................................
Eagle Exhibition .....................................................................................................................
Eagle Falconry .......................................................................................................................
Eagle—Native American Religion ..........................................................................................
Eagle Depredation .................................................................................................................
Golden Eagle Nest Take .......................................................................................................
Eagle Transport—Scientific or Exhibition ..............................................................................
Eagle Transport—Native American Religious Purposes .......................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Type of permit
Endangered Species Act/CITES/Lacey Act
ESA Recovery ........................................................................................................................
ESA Interstate Commerce .....................................................................................................
ESA Enhancement of Survival (Safe Harbor Agreement) ....................................................
ESA Enhancement of Survival (Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances) ......
ESA Incidental Take (Habitat Conservation Plan) ................................................................
ESA and CITES Import/Export and Foreign Commerce .......................................................
ESA and CITES Museum Exchange .....................................................................................
ESA Captive-bred Wildlife Registration .................................................................................
—Renewal of Captive-bred wildlife registration .............................................................
CITES Import (including trophies under ESA and MMPA) ...................................................
CITES Export .........................................................................................................................
CITES Pre-Convention ..........................................................................................................
CITES Certificate of Origin ....................................................................................................
CITES Re-Export ...................................................................................................................
CITES Personal Effects and Pet Export/Re-Export ..............................................................
CITES Appendix II Export (native furbearers and alligators—excluding live animals) .........
CITES Master File (includes files for artificial propagation, biomedical, etc. and covers import, export, and re-export documents).
—Renewal of CITES Master File ...................................................................................
—Single-use permits issued on Master File ..................................................................
CITES Annual Program File ..................................................................................................
—Single-use permits issued under Annual Program .....................................................
CITES replacement documents (lost, stolen, or damaged documents) ...............................
CITES Passport for Traveling Exhibitions and Pets ..............................................................
CITES/ESA Passport for Traveling Exhibitions .....................................................................
Import/Export License ............................................................................................................
Designated Port Exception ....................................................................................................
Injurious Wildlife Permit .........................................................................................................
—Transport Authorization for Injurious Wildlife ..............................................................
18, 23 ......
3 75
3 100
4 250
50 CFR 18 ..................
50 CFR 18 ..................
50 CFR 18 ..................
Wild Bird Conservation Act (WBCA)
Personal Pet Import ...............................................................................................................
WBCA Scientific Research, Zoological Breeding or Display, Cooperative Breeding ............
WBCA Approval of Cooperative Breeding Programs ............................................................
—Renewal of a WBCA Cooperative Breeding Program ................................................
WBCA Approval of a Foreign Breeding Facility ....................................................................
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Marine Mammal Public Display .............................................................................................
Marine Mammal Scientific Research/Enhancement/Registered Agent or Tannery ..............
—Renewal of Marine Mammal Scientific Research/Enhancement/Registered Agent or
1 No
2 Each.
3 Per
4 Per
(5) We will charge a fee for
substantive amendments made to
permits within the time period that the
permit is still valid. The fee is generally
half the original fee assessed at the time
that the permit is processed; see
paragraph (d)(4) of this section for the
exact amount. Substantive amendments
are those that pertain to the purpose and
conditions of the permit and are not
purely administrative. Administrative
changes, such as updating name and
address information, are required under
13.23(c), and we will not charge a fee for
such amendments.
(6) Except as specifically noted in
paragraph (d)(4) of this section, a permit
renewal is an issuance of a new permit,
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and applicants for permit renewal must
pay the appropriate fee listed in
paragraph (d)(4) of this section.
(e) Abandoned or incomplete
applications. If we receive an
incomplete or improperly executed
application, or if you do not submit the
proper fees, the issuing office will notify
you of the deficiency. If you fail to
supply the correct information to
complete the application or to pay the
required fees within 45 calendar days of
the date of notification, we will consider
the application abandoned. We will not
refund any fees for an abandoned
§ 13.12 General information requirements
on applications for permits.
4. Amend § 13.12 by revising
paragraph (a)(9) to read as follows:
§ 13.21
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(a) * * *
(9) Such other information as the
Director determines relevant to the
processing of the application, including,
but not limited to, information on the
environmental effects of the activity
consistent with 40 CFR 1506.5 and
Departmental procedures at 516 DM 6,
Appendix 1.3A.
5. Amend § 13.21 by revising
paragraph (e)(1) to read as follows:
Issuance of permits.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 68 / Monday, April 11, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
(e)(1) Conditions of issuance and
acceptance. Any permit automatically
incorporates within its terms the
conditions and requirements of subpart
D of this part and of any part(s) or
section(s) specifically authorizing or
governing the activity for which the
permit is issued, as well as any other
conditions deemed appropriate and
included on the face of the permit at the
discretion of the Director.
I 6. Revise § 13.42 to read as follows:
§ 13.42
The authorizations on the face of a
permit that set forth specific times,
dates, places, methods of taking or
carrying out the permitted activities,
numbers and kinds of wildlife or plants,
location of activity, and associated
activities that must be carried out;
describe certain circumscribed
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7. The authority citation for part 21
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Pub. L. 95–616; 92 Stat. 3112
(16 U.S.C. 712(2)); Pub L. 106–108.
8. Amend § 21.24 by revising
paragraph (e) to read as follows:
Permits are specific.
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transactions; or otherwise allow a
specifically limited matter, are to be
strictly interpreted and will not be
interpreted to permit similar or related
matters outside the scope of strict
Jkt 205001
§ 21.24
Taxidermist permits.
(e) Term of permit. A taxidermist
permit issued or renewed under this
part expires on the date designated on
the face of the permit unless amended
or revoked, but the term of the permit
PO 00000
Frm 00058
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
will not exceed five (5) years from the
date of issuance or renewal.
9. Amend § 21.25 by revising
paragraph (d) to read as follows:
§ 21.25 Waterfowl sale and disposal
(d) Term of permit. A waterfowl sale
and disposal permit issued or renewed
under this part expires on the date
designated on the face of the permit
unless amended or revoked, but the
term of the permit will not exceed five
(5) years from the date of issuance or
Dated: January 26, 2005.
Craig Manson,
Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and
[FR Doc. 05–7127 Filed 4–8–05; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 68 (Monday, April 11, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 18311-18320]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-7127]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Parts 13 and 21
RIN 1018-AC57
Revisions to General Permit Procedures
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This final rule revises the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's
permit application fee schedule for permits issued by the Divisions of
Migratory Bird Management, Endangered Species, Law Enforcement, and
Management Authority. The rule also clarifies several aspects of
Service permit application procedures, and updates permit-related
Service addresses. Additionally, the rule extends the tenure of two
types of migratory bird permits.
DATES: This rule goes into effect on May 11, 2005.
ADDRESSES: The complete file for this rule is available for inspection,
by appointment, during normal business hours, in the office of the
Division of Migratory Bird Management; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service;
4401 North Fairfax Drive; MBSP-4107; Arlington, Virginia 22203-1610.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brian Millsap, Chief, Division of
Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 703/358-
In implementing its responsibilities under the Endangered Species
Act of 1973, as amended (ESA), the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act (MBTA), the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA),
and other wildlife laws, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issues
permits, licenses, and certificates that authorize the holders to
engage in certain wildlife-related activities that are regulated by
international treaty or laws of the United States. The Service charges
user fees to offset the cost of processing applications for these
permits, licenses, and certificates, as well as the cost of monitoring
and maintaining active permit files.
The general statutory authority to charge fees for processing
applications for permits and certificates is found in 31 U.S.C. 9701,
which states that services provided by Federal agencies are to be
``self-sustaining to the extent possible.'' The authority to charge
fees is also found under various wildlife laws. Specifically, the ESA,
16 U.S.C. 1540(f), authorizes the Secretary to ``charge reasonable fees
for expenses to the Government connected with permits or certificates
authorized by [the ESA] including processing applications.'' The Marine
Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), 16 U.S.C. 1374(g), also provides that the
``Secretary shall establish and charge a reasonable fee for permits''
issued under the MMPA.
Federal user fee policy, as stated in Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-25, requires Federal agencies to recoup the
costs of ``special services'' that provide benefits to identifiable
recipients. Permits are special services, authorizing identifiable
recipients to engage in activities not otherwise authorized for the
general public. Some of the Service's programs that issue permits
receive little or no designated budget appropriations specifically for
permitting activities. Others receive some funding, but such funding is
part of the overall program budget and is not enough to completely
cover the permitting activity costs. Our ability to effectively provide
these special services depends in large part on user fees. As a result,
we have revised the standard permit application fee, designated under
title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at Sec. 13.11(d)(4),
which has not been revised since 1982, in order to recoup more of the
costs associated with providing permitting services. [For additional
discussion of why the Service must raise the current application fees,
please refer to the proposed rule (68 FR 51222, published on August 26,
While the fee revisions promulgated by this rule will help the
Service to recover a greater portion of the cost of administering
permits, the increases are not sufficient to cover the total cost of
our permit programs (much less defray other program costs). The new fee
structure is a compromise between recouping the entire cost of
providing these special services and the need to establish a fee
schedule that will not unduly burden individual applicants.
Summary of Comments and Recommendations
During the comment period, which was open from August 26 through
October 10, 2003, the Service received a total of 273 comments.
Thirteen of these comments were in agreement with raising application
fees and did not raise any specific concerns. Eighty-six comments were
in general disagreement with raising fees, but also did not raise any
specific concerns beyond objecting to the concept of raising fees. Two
comments addressed issues that were outside the scope of the proposed
rule and therefore will not be addressed here (these comments will be
passed on to the relevant Service office for further consideration).
The remaining issues raised by the commenters, and our responses to
each, are summarized below.
Issue 1: We received three comments recommending that tribal
entities and Native Americans be exempted from application fees. The
proposed rule would have waived permit application fees only for
Federal and State agencies and their agents, and for permits for Indian
religious use. Generally, these commenters requested that the fee
waiver be expanded to include all
[[Page 18312]]
activities conducted by Native Americans or by tribal governments.
Another commenter questioned exempting tribal members from fees for
applications involving religious activities. This commenter did not see
such an exemption as being fair to other Americans who could not claim
such an exemption.
Response: We agree that fees should be waived for tribal
governments, and have revised the final rule at Sec. 13.11(d)(3) to
expand the fee waiver to tribal governments. However, the Service does
not agree that exempting all tribal members from all application fees
is justified. While we support, as indicated in the proposed rule, a
fee exemption for tribal members who are engaged in religious
activities, we do not believe that tribal members who request permits
for secular or commercial activities should be exempt from paying the
application fees. The basis for exempting tribal members from paying
application fees for permits for religious use is the American Indian
Religious Freedom Act of 1978 and the Service's Federal Trust
responsibilities toward Native American tribes. Therefore, for example,
we will not charge a fee for Native American religious eagle permits or
Native American religious purposes--eagle transport permits. As we
explained in the proposed rule, fees also may be waived on a case-by-
case basis for extraordinary extenuating circumstances provided that
the issuing permit office and a Regional or Assistant Director approve
the waiver.
Issue 2: Twenty-five comments were received about the need to
improve the permitting process as a way to reduce the cost of running
the permitting programs and, thus, require lower fees from applicants.
Response: The Service agrees that we need to continue improving the
permitting process to ensure that it is effective and responsive to
user needs. All of the Divisions that issue permits are involved in
such efforts. While it is true that making the permitting process more
effective and efficient should reduce some costs of the programs, it
will not eliminate the need for application fees. In addition, since it
has been so long since the fees were raised, the increased fees are
needed to give the Service critical resources that will help us to
improve the efficiency of the programs. As stated in the proposed rule,
the Service will periodically re-evaluate the application fees to
determine if changes are warranted.
Issue 3: We received 18 comments regarding the financial difficulty
migratory bird rehabilitators will face in paying a fee for the permit
necessary to carry out their work. There was a general agreement among
these commenters that rehabilitators spend a large amount of their own
financial resources to rehabilitate injured migratory birds and as such
should not be required to pay an application fee.
Response: The Service recognizes that migratory bird rehabilitators
provide care to injured and sick birds and help to increase public
awareness about wildlife. Nevertheless, the Service incurs substantial
costs when processing applications for these permits. As stated in the
proposed rule, the $50 application fee would be for permits that are
valid for 5 years. This means that the annual cost for obtaining a
migratory bird rehabilitation permit is only $10/year. The Service does
not consider such a fee to be a significant economic burden for permit
Issue 4: One commenter questioned the Service's commitment to
scientific research, and raised concerns about application fees for
scientific research and collection permits being too high and, as such,
having an adverse effect on the ability of researchers to carry out
their work. The commenter believes there is a disparity between the
application fee for scientific collecting permits and the fee for other
permitted activities, such as rehabilitation permits or scientific
research import permits under the Wild Bird Conservation Act (WBCA).
The same commenter noted that migratory bird scientific collecting
permits are not always issued for the full 3-year tenure authorized by
regulations at 50 CFR 21.23, which provide that ``the term of the
permit shall not exceed three (3) years.'' The commenter felt that the
proposed fees would be more acceptable if the permit tenure was
Response: The Service is committed to promoting scientific research
and facilitating the authorization of such activities. The Service also
understands that researchers, particularly graduate students, may be
constrained by budgetary issues and that application fees are one issue
they face. However, the Service does not agree that the proposed
application fees are too high or that implementing such fees would
result in less research being carried out. As stated in the proposed
rule, the Service will strive to combine permitting authorization to
eliminate the need to submit multiple applications to cover all aspects
of a researcher's work. By combining the permitting authority, the
applicant would need to submit only one application (and only one fee)
to request the required authorization to carry out their work. For
instance, an applicant conducting research on eagles and migratory
birds and importing or exporting specimens may obtain a single permit
under the MBTA, BGEPA, and CITES. With regard to the apparent disparity
between the cost of different applications, it is important to realize
that the time and resources necessary to process different types of
applications vary. As a rule, applications that involve take of healthy
wildlife (as opposed to sick and injured wildlife) from the wild
require more extensive review. The workload associated with the review
is not necessarily less if the duration of the proposed project is less
than 3 years. Rather, the processing workload is determined by the
species, quantity, and status of the species. Given the different
levels of review required for different types of applications and the
varying issuance criteria under different laws, the application fees
for different applications must vary.
As far as permit tenure for migratory bird scientific collecting
permits, many of these permits are issued for less than 3 years, for a
variety of reasons. First, if an applicant proposes a project lasting
only 1 or 2 years, the permit may be issued for less than 3 years.
Second, new permits (as opposed to renewals) often will be issued for
less than 3 years because our policy has been to coordinate scientific
collecting permits to expire on the same date in a given year. This
facilitates our administration by enabling us to generate permit
renewal notices and renewed permits in large batches. In January 2003,
we shifted the expiration date for scientific collecting permits from
December 31 to March 31 to create a smoother renewal process for
permittees and us. The shift benefits permittees by enabling them to
submit their renewal request with their annual report, which is due
January 31 of the year following conduct of the activities. Further, it
benefits the permittee by better ensuring that we will have received
the permittee's renewal request 30 days before expiration of the
permit, which enables the permittee to continue to conduct permitted
activities if the permit expires before the Service acts on the
renewal. However, as a result of this fixed expiration date, the tenure
of new permits will rarely be for a full 3 years (unless the permit was
issued on or around March 31). Finally, scientific collecting permits
are occasionally issued for less than 3 years because of biological
concerns or uncertainties regarding the species to be taken, but these
instances are rare.
For projects that are not already limited to less than 3 years
because of
[[Page 18313]]
the duration of the proposed scientific research project, and which are
not limited by biological concerns, we will consider revising our
procedures so that these permits can be valid for the full 3-year
tenure authorized by regulation. We will also consider amending the
scientific collecting permit regulation to extend the authorized permit
tenure for collecting permits. However, since we did not propose
extending the tenure of scientific collecting permits in our proposed
rulemaking, we cannot amend the regulation by including it here in a
final rulemaking. We intend to revise migratory bird scientific
collecting regulations in the near future, and we will consider this
option during the course of that rulemaking process.
Issue 5: Forty-six commenters expressed concern that the increase
in fees, particularly application fees for CITES re-export
certificates, was too high and would adversely impact small businesses.
The primary concern expressed by these commenters was the slim profit
margin under which their businesses operate, such that any increase in
application fees could adversely affect their business.
Response: The Service is keenly aware that some businesses based on
the utilization of wildlife may run on a very low profit margin. We
recognize that if the overall cost of conducting business is
significantly increased due to the application fee rising, there may be
a negative impact on the business. This may be particularly true when
requesting authorization to re-export a limited number of CITES listed
species. For example, if a proposed re-export shipment of two snakes
going to Japan is valued at only $300, an application fee of $75, one
quarter of the shipment's value, may appear high. While the fee
increase is not intended to restrict or eliminate the sustainable
utilization of wildlife, it may have an economic effect on small
shipments or transactions. However, as stated in the proposed rule, the
Service must expend time and resources to review and process
applications. In the case of businesses applying to conduct activities
that are otherwise prohibited by law, the permits authorizing such
activities are special use permits, and the burden for addressing such
requests falls on the applicant and his/her customers, not the general
public. It may be necessary for some businesses to readdress how they
are conducting their activities to ensure that the most productive and
efficient procedures are being used. While the Service understands that
the increased fees may impact some businesses, we must raise the fees
to ensure that we can adequately address our responsibilities under the
various regulations and laws.
Issue 6: Three commenters raised the point that local governments
carry out similar activities as State and Federal agencies with regard
to wildlife conservation and management. It was their opinion that the
fee exemption should be extended to local government agencies as well.
Response: The Service agrees that local governments should also be
exempt from the requirement to pay application fees for Service
permits. Accordingly, we have revised the final rule at Sec.
13.11(d)(3) to extend the fee waiver to local governments, as well as
tribal governments, and individuals and institutions acting on behalf
of a Federal, tribal, State, or local government agency.
Issue 7: Four commenters suggested that the application fees for
migratory bird depredation permits not be raised. These commenters were
concerned that the public would have to pay $50 or $100 to address the
problem of property damage caused by migratory birds, and that it would
be inappropriate to require homeowners and businesses to pay more than
the current $25 application fee to process requests for depredation
permits, particularly given the amount of time it sometimes takes to
obtain this type of permit.
Response: The final rule continues to require a $50 application fee
for homeowner depredation permits and a $100 application fee for other
depredation permits. We have not revised this fee from the proposed
rule because these permits are among the most complex to process due to
the extra level of scrutiny that we are required to undertake when
issuing permits that would authorize taking birds--sometimes lethally--
from the wild. Even though this fee is one of the lowest of all the
permit application fees the Service will charge, the increased fees
will help the Migratory Bird Program to more quickly and efficiently
issue these and other types of permits.
Issue 8: One commenter stated that the application fee for ESA
enhancement-of-survival permits for landowners entering into Safe
Harbor Agreements (SHAs) and Candidate Conservation Agreements with
Assurances (CCAAs) should not be raised to $50. The commenter expressed
an opinion that no fee should be charged since the landowners are
entering into a voluntary agreement with the Service that helps ``the
Service achieve its objectives and legal responsibilities under the
ESA.'' As such, the commenter called for the application fee to be
rescinded in order to encourage more landowners to enter into CCAAs and
Response: While we recognize and appreciate the important
conservation work that private landowners perform on their land, we
incur substantial cost when processing enhancement-of-survival permit
applications for CCAAs and SHAs. These agreements provide important
benefits to listed and unlisted species, while the participating non-
Federal landowner benefits by receiving assurances and allowances for
future take. The $50 application fee applies to permits that are valid
for differing lengths of time, from 10 years and up to 50 or more years
in some cases. We do not believe this fee is a significant economic
burden to permit applicants, especially when averaged over the lifetime
of the permit, or that the fee will be a disincentive to landowners.
Additionally, private landowners may enter into an ``umbrella'' or
programmatic agreement where a nongovernment organization, State
agency, or other entity applies for and holds the permit under which
they enroll private landowners through a Certificate of Inclusion. In
these cases, the private landowner would not incur any application fee.
Issue 9: A single commenter raised the point that, instead of
raising the application fees for ESA permits, the Service should charge
a fee for ``Section 7 consultations conducted by the Service, or for
subsequent permits that are issued to a developer or project
proponent'' who would be more economically able to bear the financial
Response: This final rule increases the fees for ESA incidental
take permits associated with Habitat Conservation Plans, as well as the
fees for recovery permits. Section 7 consultations are conducted on
those projects that are authorized, funded, or carried out by Federal
agencies. Congress has not given the Service authority to collect fees
from other Federal agencies or their applicants to conduct section 7
Issue 10: A large number of commenters (97) commented on the cost
of applying for falconry permits and how the program was being managed.
A majority of these commenters specifically referred to an issue
recently raised at an International Association of Fish and Wildlife
Agencies (IAFWA) meeting. IAFWA called on the Service to transfer the
Federal permitting responsibility of falconry to State agencies, thus
consolidating the permitting requirements in one agency (the State), as
opposed to two (State and Federal). Most of those commenting on
[[Page 18314]]
falconry permit application fees felt the proposed fee was too high,
particularly given the current regulations requiring the renewal of a
falconer's Federal permit at the same time State permits are renewed.
Some States require renewal annually, while others require renewal
every 2 or 3 years. The commenters pointed out that if the cost of a
Federal falconry permit is $100 each time it is renewed, in a 3-year
period, falconers who need to renew annually would pay $300, while
others who have to renew only every 3 years would pay only $100.
Response: We recognize that the Federal renewal process for
falconers who live in States with regulations that require renewal of
falconry permits every year or every 2 years may create an additional
burden that other falconers may not face. However, in addition to
creating more work and expense for the falconer, both the 1-year and 2-
year renewal requirements result in increased workload and staffing
demands for the Service. The Service's costs associated with processing
these renewals do not decrease because the permit tenure is shorter--
the workload entailed in processing these renewals remains the same
regardless of how frequently we are required to undertake it because of
a State's regulations. Therefore, we believe that a fee of $100 for
Federal falconry permits and renewals, no matter in which State the
applicant/falconer resides, is both necessary and appropriate.
While the IAFWA proposal to consolidate falconry permitting may
have merit, it exceeds the scope of the present rulemaking. We believe
that this rule is not the appropriate venue for considering this
option. To this end, a proposed rule addressing this specific issue was
published on February 9, 2005 (70 FR 6978).
Issue 11: One commenter expressed confusion regarding the fee that
would be charged for the importation of non-native threatened or
endangered sport-hunted trophies. This commenter thought that the
narrative did not clearly explain how this fee would be applied.
Response: The application fee for a permit to import a non-native
threatened or endangered sport-hunted trophy will be $100. No
additional fees would be charged in relation to CITES requirements. If
the permit needs to be renewed due to a delay in importing the
specimen, we will charge a $50 fee to reissue the permit.
Issue 12: One commenter questioned whether some of the policies
addressed in the proposed rule, such as ``Renewals and Amendments,''
merely codify existing Service policies or if they are actually new
policies that are being presented for the first time. The commenter
requested that the Service clearly indicate which of these issues are
clarifications and which are new policies.
Response: Most of the issues raised in the proposed rule are merely
clarifications of procedures currently used by the Service. Since some
issues, such as when a request is for a renewal versus when a request
is for a new permit, have not been codified, doing so in this rule was
important to ensure that the Service is being consistent across
programs and to provide the public with clear guidance.
Issue 13: One commenter was concerned about the proposed amendment
to Sec. 13.42, which states that a permit is specific to a particular
activity and that permittees are subject to appropriate conditions
placed on the permit. The commenter was particularly concerned that the
proposed language for Sec. 13.42 would give the Director the
discretion to establish specific conditions for the issuance of
permits, giving the Director the ability to treat different applicants
disparately and inviting arbitrariness into the permit issuance system.
Response: The proposed language for Sec. 13.42 is intended to
clarify the existing regulatory language, not to change the criteria
the Service uses to issue permits. The new language was proposed for
Sec. 13.42 to reiterate that a permittee may have specific conditions
placed on the permit that affect when, how, where, and to what extent
the permitted activity can be carried out. Such specific conditions are
needed to allow the Service to tailor individual permit authorizations
to the applicant's particular qualifications, and to ensure the
continued conservation of the affected species. Without the ability to
refine permit conditions, all permittees would have identical permit
authorizations, no matter what experience, facilities, or other
qualifications they possess, and without regard for the unique
conservation needs of the affected species.
After further review of the proposed changes to Sec. 13.42, we
realized that the language was somewhat redundant to language already
codified in Sec. 13.21(e)(1). We have therefore taken the first two
sentences of the proposed language for Sec. 13.42 and amended Sec.
13.21(e)(1) to contain this language. This administrative change was
made to eliminate duplicating language and to make the regulations
easier to understand.
The concept that permits are specifically issued for a particular
activity is not a new idea, and the new language only clarifies the
current section. This new language in no way alters or affects how the
Service can issue or deny a permit request. The issuance of every
permit must conform to the general issuance criteria for that permit
type. These criteria are established in separate regulations addressing
permit authorization for that type of activity (e.g., falconry or
captive breeding for endangered species).
Revised Fee Language
After reviewing the comments we received, the Service believes that
the majority of the proposed changes to Sec. 13.11 are acceptable and
should be implemented. However, as mentioned above in ``Summary of
Comments and Recommendations,'' we have made a few revisions to this
final rule from what we proposed originally.
Changes in CITES Permits and the Corresponding Fee Changes
With the implementation of new CITES Resolutions and in an ongoing
effort to improve the efficiency of the permitting process, the
Division of Management Authority has implemented certain internal
changes to the permit procedures. The Service announced some of these
new procedures in a previous Federal Register proposed rule (65 FR
26664; May 8, 2000). Other procedural changes were outlined in the
proposed rule to this final rule. The procedural changes that were
previously addressed were presented in the proposed rule to this final
rule for information purposes and to explain why some additional fees
were required. They were not proposed for codification.
Combining Permit Authorizations
As stated in the proposed rule, when applicants need more than one
type of permit to cover their proposed activities (e.g., for the export
of a bird covered by both CITES and the MBTA, or the take from the wild
of a bird covered by both the ESA and MBTA), the Service may issue a
consolidated permit combining the multiple authorizations. We received
no comments on this issue and will retain the language presented in the
proposed rule.
Renewals and Amendments
To ensure consistency, the Service is taking this opportunity to
clarify its position on permit renewals and amendments. As stated in
the proposed rule, applications to renew a permit when the tenure of a
permit is expiring
[[Page 18315]]
or has expired are effectively new permit applications. Therefore, all
applicable fees will be assessed. For most permit types, the Service
will assess a fee for amendments to a valid permit where the amendment
reflects a substantive change within the scope of the permit. We will
not charge permittees for administrative changes to valid permits, such
as address and telephone number changes. The amount for an amendment is
identified in the fee schedule. If there is no fee next to the
permitted activity you wish to amend, this indicates either that your
particular permit cannot be amended and a new application would need to
be submitted or that no fee would be charged for amending the permit
(you would need to contact the issuing office to determine which
situation applies). For further discussion on this issue, please see
the proposed rule at 68 FR 51222.
Currently, Sec. 13.11(d)(3) provides for a waiver of permit fees
for ``any Federal, State or local government agency, [or] to any
individual or institution under contract to such agency for the
proposed activities.'' In the proposed rule, we suggested limiting the
fee waiver for public institutions to Federal and State governmental
agencies and to individuals or institutions under contract to such
agencies. We also stated that fees could be waived on a case-by-case
basis for extraordinary extenuating circumstances provided that the
issuing permit office and a Regional or Assistant Director approves the
waiver. However, after reviewing comments stating that we should waive
fees for applications from both local and tribal governments, we agree
that the fee waiver should include these entities. (See discussion
under Issues 1 and 6, above.) In addition, we have altered the language
to identify that individuals or institutions ``acting on behalf of ''
any Federal, tribal, State, or local government agency would be exempt
from application fees. We have amended the proposed language in Sec.
13.11(d)(3) to reflect these changes.
Additional Revisions
In the proposed rule, we proposed several administrative changes to
Sec. 13.3, ``Scope of regulations''; Sec. 13.11(b) regarding Service
addresses; and Sec. 13.11(c), regarding the time required to process
some requests. We received no comments regarding these administrative
changes, and because they will improve the permitting process, all of
the proposed changes will be implemented as proposed.
In reviewing the proposed rule, we determined that the proposed
addition of Sec. 13.12(c) and the proposed revision of Sec. 13.42
contained language that was somewhat redundant to language that had
already been codified in Sec. Sec. 13.12(a)(9) and 13.21(e)(1). To
eliminate any redundancy in Sec. 13.12, we will not finalize Sec.
13.12(c) as proposed, but have instead revised Sec. 13.12(a)(9) to
include the new language. In addition, we have removed the first
sentence of the proposed Sec. 13.42, which contained the redundancy
with Sec. 13.21(e)(1), and combined it with Sec. 13.21(e)(1). The
remaining proposed language of Sec. 13.42 will be implemented as
Extension of Permit Tenure for Two Migratory Bird Permits
We received no comments on the proposal to extend the permit tenure
for taxidermist permits (Sec. 21.24) and waterfowl sale and disposal
permits (Sec. 21.25) from 3 years to 5 years, and we will implement
the proposed changes through this final regulation.
Endangered Species Act Consideration
Section 7(a)(1) of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) provides that
``[t]he Secretary [of the Interior] shall review other programs
administered by him and utilize such programs in furtherance of the
purposes of this Act.'' Furthermore, section 7(a)(2) of the Act
requires all Federal agencies to ``insure that any action authorized,
funded, or carried out * * * is not likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of any endangered species or threatened species or result in
the destruction or adverse modification of [critical] habitat.'' Our
review of this rule pursuant to section 7 of the ESA concluded that
this action will not affect listed or proposed species or critical
Required Determinations
Responsibilities of Federal Agencies To Protect Migratory Birds (E.O.
This rule has been evaluated for impacts to migratory birds, with
emphasis on species of management concern, and is in accordance with
the guidance in Executive Order 13186.
Regulatory Planning and Review (E.O. 12866)
In accordance with the criteria in Executive Order 12866, this rule
is not a significant regulatory action. OMB has made this determination
of significance under Executive Order 12866.
a. This rule will not have an annual economic effect of $100
million or adversely affect an economic sector, productivity, jobs, the
environment, or other units of government. A cost-benefit and economic
analysis is not required. The purpose of this rule is to more closely
align the fee structure with the Federal cost of permit processing for
permits issued by the Divisions of Migratory Bird Management, Law
Enforcement, Endangered Species, and Management Authority. Fees charged
for permits issued by the Fish and Wildlife Service have not increased
since 1982. During that time period, Federal salaries have increased by
128 percent and since permit reviews are a labor-intensive activity,
Service programs have had to absorb the additional cost of permit
In total, the Service processes approximately 25,000 permits
About half of these permits are issued to small entities, many of
whom can pass on the economic effect of the fee increase (an average of
$50 per year per permit) to consumers, depending on the elasticity of
demand. The maximum loss in consumer surplus, if all costs were passed
along to consumers, would be $1.25 million annually. However, for
commercial permittees, the average $50 cost increase of the permits
will be spread over many products and result in negligible price
increases to consumers. The Service believes that the permit fee for
working with regulated plants and wildlife is a very small part of the
cost of these activities and will result in a negligible economic
impact to consumers and businesses.
The benefit of better aligning the permit application fees schedule
to the cost of Federal processing is that this will shift more of the
burden of payment for these services from taxpayers as a whole to those
persons who are receiving the government services. User fee increases
reflect a related shift in appropriations of taxes to government
programs, allowing those tax dollars to be applied to other programs
that benefit the general public.
The administrative costs involved in implementing this rule are
minimal, since the Service permit programs are already established, and
the mechanisms for collecting the permit application fees are already
in place. Therefore, the net gain of reducing the costs on taxpayers
greatly outweighs the costs of introducing the user fee increases.
b. This rule will not create serious inconsistencies or otherwise
interfere with other agencies' actions. This rule pertains to a Federal
permit application process that already exists, and the only purpose of
this rule is to update the fee structure to recover Federal costs of
processing the permit applications.
[[Page 18316]]
c. This rule will not negatively impact or affect entitlements,
other grants, user fees, loan programs, or the rights and obligations
of their recipients. This rule affects user fees charged for plant and
wildlife permits by updating and better aligning the fees with the
Federal cost of processing the permits. The average fee increase will
be $50 per year with a range of annual fee increases running from $10
for a migratory bird rehabilitation permit to $275 for a marine mammal
public display permit. Multiplying the expected 25,000 permits issued
annually by the average fee increase of $50 yields a maximum of $1.25
million, which is well below the threshold for a significant regulatory
d. This rule does not raise novel legal or policy issues. The
current fee schedule for plant and wildlife related permits has been in
place since July 15, 1982. No new permits are included in this
rulemaking. The only purpose of this rulemaking is to update and better
align the permit fee schedule with the actual Federal cost for
processing the applications.
Regulatory Flexibility Act and Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act
The Service has performed the threshold analysis required under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq (RFA), and the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq
(SBREFA), and has determined that this rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Therefore, a
regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.
a. The increase in user fees for Federal permits will affect
approximately 12,737 small entities, including importers and exporters
of plants, wildlife, and animal products, wildlife propagators,
museums, airports, animal exhibitors, migratory bird taxidermists, and
migratory bird rehabilitators.
The total cost increase for small entities applying for permits
will be approximately $636,850 for the approximately 12,737 permits
that are issued annually to small entities. Thus, the average user fee
under this proposal will increase by approximately $50 per year. This
average includes annual increases ranging from $10 for a migratory bird
rehabilitation permit to $275 for a marine mammal public display
The economic effect on small entities of this rulemaking will be an
increased cost of doing business. Depending on the elasticity of demand
for the goods and services authorized by the permits, much of the cost
increase will be passed on to consumers. Thus, the Service does not
anticipate that this rule will result in a significant economic burden
to small businesses.
b. This rule does not introduce any new reporting, record keeping,
or other compliance requirements, and does not introduce any new legal
requirements that duplicate other Federal regulations. The average cost
increase will be borne by all entities doing business involving
c. This rule will not cause major increases in prices for
consumers, individual industries, Federal, State, or local government
agencies or geographic regions; or have significant adverse impacts on
competition, employment, investment, innovation, or the ability of
U.S.-based enterprises to compete with foreign enterprises. A small
cost increase to better reflect the cost of review of the permit
application will not adversely affect competition in this industry
since all entities will be required to pay the increased fees. Since
the increase of the cost of the permits will be spread over many
products, it will result in negligible price increases to consumers,
and will not have a significant effect on the number of permit
applications and the corresponding total number of permitted wildlife-
related activities conducted.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
In accordance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1501
et seq.):
a. This rule will not ``significantly or uniquely'' affect small
governments. A Small Government Agency Plan is not required. The
Service has determined and certified pursuant to the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act, 2 U.S.C. 1502 et seq., that this rulemaking will not impose
a cost of $100 million or more in any given year on local or State
government or private entities. The rulemaking only affects the Federal
review and issuance of permits under Federal laws. This rule does not
apply to State regulations.
b. This rule will not produce a Federal mandate of $100 million or
greater in any year, i.e., it is not a ``significant regulatory
action'' under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. The process of
wildlife permit application review and issuance is already in place,
and this rulemaking is only updating the fee schedule to better align
it with the actual cost of processing permits.
In accordance with Executive Order 12630, the rule does not have
significant takings implications. This rule will not result in the
physical occupancy of property, the physical invasion of property, or
the regulatory taking of any property. A takings implication assessment
is not required.
In accordance with Executive Order 13132, and based on the
discussions in Regulatory Planning and Review above, this rule does not
have significant Federalism effects. A Federalism assessment is not
required. This rule does not have a substantial direct effect on fiscal
capacity, change the roles or responsibilities of Federal or State
governments, or intrude on State policy or administration.
Civil Justice Reform
In accordance with Executive Order 12988, the Office of the
Solicitor has determined that the rule does not unduly burden the
judicial system and meets the requirements of sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2)
of the Order.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This rule does not contain new or revised information collection
for which OMB approval is required under the Paperwork Reduction Act
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Information collection associated with this
rule is covered by existing OMB approval Nos. 1018-0022 (expires 7/31/
07), 1018-0094 (expires 9/30/2007), 1018-0093 (expires 6/30/2007), and
1018-0092 (expires 9/30/2007). For approvals that will expire soon, we
are currently in the process of requesting 3-year renewals of OMB
approval. The Service may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays
a currently valid OMB control number.
National Environmental Policy Act
We have determined that this rule is categorically excluded under
the Department's NEPA procedures in 516 DM 2, Appendix 1.10.
Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes
In accordance with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994,
``Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal
Governments'' (59 FR 22951), Executive Order 13175, and 512 DM 2, this
rule will have no effect on Federally recognized Indian tribes.
[[Page 18317]]
Energy Supply, Distribution or Use (E.O. 13211)
On May 18, 2001, the President issued an Executive Order addressing
regulations that affect energy supply, distribution, and use. E.O.
13211 requires agencies to prepare Statements of Energy Effects when
undertaking certain actions. Because this rule is only updating the fee
schedule for permit application review and issuance, it is not a
significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866 and is not
expected to significantly affect energy supplies, distribution, and
use. Therefore, this action is not a significant energy action, and no
Statement of Energy Effects is required.
List of Subjects
50 CFR Part 13
Administrative practice and procedure, Exports, Fish, Imports,
Plants, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Transportation,
50 CFR Part 21
Exports, Hunting, Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Transportation, Wildlife.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, title 50, chapter I,
subchapter B of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 13 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 668a, 704, 712, 742j-l, 1374(g), 1382,
1538(d), 1539, 1540(f), 3374, 4901-4916; 18 U.S.C. 42; 19 U.S.C.
1202; 31 U.S.C. 9701.
2. Revise Sec. 13.3 to read as follows:
Sec. 13.3 Scope of regulations.
The provisions in this part are in addition to, and are not in lieu
of, other permit regulations of this subchapter and apply to all
permits issued thereunder, including ``Importation, Exportation and
Transportation of Wildlife'' (part 14), ``Wild Bird Conservation Act''
(part 15), ``Injurious Wildlife'' (part 16), ``Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and Plants'' (part 17), ``Marine Mammals'' (part
18), ``Migratory Bird Permits'' (part 21), ``Eagle Permits'' (part 22),
and ``Endangered Species Convention'' (the Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) (part 23). As used
in this part 13, the term ``permit'' will refer to a license, permit,
certificate, letter of authorization, or other document as the context
may require, and to all such documents issued by the Service or other
authorized U.S. or foreign government agencies.
3. Revise Sec. 13.11 to read as follows:
Sec. 13.11 Application procedures.
The Service may not issue a permit for any activity authorized by
this subchapter B unless you have filed an application under the
following procedures:
(a) Forms. Applications must be submitted in writing on a Federal
Fish and Wildlife License/Permit Application (Form 3-200) or as
otherwise specifically directed by the Service.
(b) Forwarding Instructions. Applications for permits in the
following categories should be forwarded to the issuing office
indicated below.
(1) You may obtain applications for migratory bird banding permits
(50 CFR 21.22) by writing to: Bird Banding Laboratory, USGS Patuxent
Wildlife Research Center, 12100 Beech Forest Road, Laurel, Maryland
20708-4037. Submit completed permit applications to the same address.
(2) You may obtain applications for designated port exception
permits and import/export licenses (50 CFR 14) by writing to the
Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Region in which you reside (see 50
CFR 2.2 or the Service Web site,, for addresses and
boundaries of the Regions). Submit completed permit applications to the
same address.
(3) You may obtain applications for Wild Bird Conservation Act
permits (50 CFR 15); injurious wildlife permits (50 CFR 16); captive-
bred wildlife registrations (50 CFR 17); permits authorizing import,
export, or foreign commerce of endangered and threatened species, and
interstate commerce of non-native endangered or threatened species (50
CFR 17); marine mammal permits (50 CFR 18); and permits and
certificates for import, export, and reexport of species listed under
the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora (CITES) (50 CFR 23) from: U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Division of Management Authority, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Room
700, Arlington, Virginia 22203-1610. Submit completed permit
applications to the same address.
(4) You may obtain Endangered Species Act permit applications (50
CFR 17) for activities involving native endangered and threatened
species, including incidental take, scientific purposes, enhancement of
propagation or survival (i.e., recovery), and enhancement of survival
by writing to the Regional Director (Attention: Endangered Species
Permits) of the Region where the activity is to take place (see 50 CFR
2.2 or the Service Web site,, for addresses and
boundaries of the Regions). Submit completed applications to the same
address (the Regional office covering the area where the activity will
take place). Permit applications for interstate commerce for native
endangered and threatened species should be obtained by writing to the
Regional Director (Attention: Endangered Species Permits) of the Region
that has the lead for the particular species, rather than the Region
where the activity will take place. You can obtain information on the
lead Region via the Service's Endangered Species Program Web page
( by entering the common or
scientific name of the listed species in the Regulatory Profile query
box. Send interstate commerce permit applications for native listed
species to the same Regional Office that has the lead for that species.
Endangered Species Act permit applications for the import or export of
native endangered and threatened species may be obtained from the
Division of Management Authority in accordance with paragraph (b)(3) of
this section.
(5) You may obtain applications for bald and golden eagle permits
(50 CFR 22) and migratory bird permits (50 CFR 21), except for banding
and marking permits, by writing to the Migratory Bird Permit Program
Office in the Region in which you reside. For mailing addresses for the
Migratory Bird Regional Permit Offices, see below, or go to: https:// Send completed applications
to the same address. The mailing addresses for the Regional Migratory
Bird Permit Offices are as follows:
Region 1 (CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, WA): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Migratory Bird Permit Office, 911 N.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-
Region 2 (AZ, NM, OK, TX): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Migratory
Bird Permit Office, P.O. Box 709, Albuquerque, NM 87103.
Region 3 (IA, IL, IN, MN, MO, MI, OH, WI): U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Migratory Bird Permit Office, One Federal Drive, Fort
Snelling, MN 55111.
Region 4 (AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, PR, VI): U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Migratory Bird Permit Office, P.O. Box 49208,
Atlanta, GA 30359.
Region 5 (CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV):
[[Page 18318]]
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Migratory Bird Permit Office, P.O. Box
779, Hadley, MA 01035-0779.
Region 6 (CO, KS, MT, ND, NE, SD, UT, WY): U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Migratory Bird Permit Office, P.O. Box 25486, DFC (60130),
Denver, CO 80225-0486.
Region 7 (AK): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Migratory Bird Permit
Office (MS-201), 1011 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99503.
(c) Time notice. The Service will process all applications as
quickly as possible. However, we cannot guarantee final action within
the time limit you request. You should ensure that applications for
permits for marine mammals and/or endangered and threatened species are
postmarked at least 90 calendar days prior to the requested effective
date. The time we require for processing of endangered and threatened
species incidental take permits will vary according to the project
scope and significance of effects. Submit applications for all other
permits to the issuing/reviewing office and ensure they are postmarked
at least 60 calendar days prior to the requested effective date. Our
processing time may be increased by the procedural requirements of the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the requirement to publish a
notice in the Federal Register requesting a 30-day public comment
period when we receive certain types of permit applications, and/or the
time required for extensive consultation within the Service, with other
Federal agencies, and/or State or foreign governments. When applicable,
we may require permit applicants to provide additional information on
the proposal and on its environmental effects as may be necessary to
satisfy the procedural requirements of NEPA.
(d) Fees. (1) Unless otherwise exempted under this subsection, you
must pay the required permit processing fee at the time that you apply
for issuance or amendment of a permit. You must pay by check or money
order made payable to the ``U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.'' The
Service will not refund any application fee under any circumstances if
we have processed the application. However, we may return the
application fee if you withdraw the application before we have
significantly processed it.
(2) If regulations in this subchapter require more than one type of
permit for an activity and the permits are issued by the same office,
the issuing office may issue one consolidated permit authorizing the
activity in accordance with Sec. 13.1. You may submit a single
application in such cases, provided that the single application
contains all the information required by the separate applications for
each permitted activity. Where more than one permitted activity is
consolidated into one permit, the issuing office will charge the
highest single fee for the activity permitted.
(3) Circumstances under which we will not charge a permit
application fee are as follows:
(i) We will not charge a permit application fee to any Federal,
tribal, State, or local government agency or to any individual or
institution acting on behalf of such agency. Except as otherwise
authorized or waived, if you fail to submit evidence of such status
with your application, we will require the submission of all processing
fees prior to the acceptance of the application for processing.
(ii) As noted in paragraph (d)(4) of this section.
(iii) We may waive the fee on a case-by-case basis for
extraordinary extenuating circumstances provided that the issuing
permit office and a Regional or Assistant Director approves the waiver.
(4) User fees. The following table identifies specific fees for
each permit application or amendment to a current permit. If no fee is
identified under the Amendment Fee column, this particular permit
either cannot be amended and a new application, and application fee,
would need to be submitted or no fee will be charged for amending the
permit (please contact the issuing office for further information).
Type of permit CFR citation Fee fee
Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Migratory Bird Import/Export.............. 50 CFR 21................................. $75 ...........
Migratory Bird Banding or Marking......... 50 CFR 21................................. ........... ...........
Migratory Bird Scientific Collecting...... 50 CFR 21................................. 100 $50
Migratory Bird Taxidermy.................. 50 CFR 21................................. 100 ...........
Waterfowl Sale and Disposal............... 50 CFR 21................................. 75 ...........
Special Canada Goose...................... 50 CFR 21................................. ........... ...........
Migratory Bird Special Purpose/Education.. 50 CFR 21................................. 75 ...........
Migratory Bird Special Purpose/Salvage.... 50 CFR 21................................. 75 ...........
Migratory Bird Special Purpose/Game Bird 50 CFR 21................................. 75 ...........
Migratory Bird Special Purpose/ 50 CFR 21................................. 100 ...........
Falconry.................................. 50 CFR 21................................. 100 ...........
Raptor Propagation........................ 50 CFR 21................................. 100 ...........
Migratory Bird Rehabilitation............. 50 CFR 21................................. 50 ...........
Migratory Bird Depredation................ 50 CFR 21................................. 100 50
Migratory Bird Depredation/Homeowner...... 50 CFR 21................................. 50 ...........
Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
Eagle Scientific Collecting............... 50 CFR 22................................. 100 50
Eagle Exhibition.......................... 50 CFR 22................................. 75 ...........
Eagle Falconry............................ 50 CFR 22................................. 100 ...........
Eagle--Native American Religion........... 50 CFR 22................................. ........... ...........
Eagle Depredation......................... 50 CFR 22................................. 100 50
Golden Eagle Nest Take.................... 50 CFR 22................................. 100 50
Eagle Transport--Scientific or Exhibition. 50 CFR 22................................. 75 ...........
Eagle Transport--Native American Religious 50 CFR 22................................. (\1\) (\1\)
[[Page 18319]]
Endangered Species Act/CITES/Lacey Act
ESA Recovery.............................. 50 CFR 17................................. 100 50
ESA Interstate Commerce................... 50 CFR 17................................. 100 50
ESA Enhancement of Survival (Safe Harbor 50 CFR 17................................. 50 25
ESA Enhancement of Survival (Candidate 50 CFR 17................................. 50 25
Conservation Agreement with Assurances).
ESA Incidental Take (Habitat Conservation 50 CFR 17................................. 100 50
ESA and CITES Import/Export and Foreign 50 CFR 17................................. 100 50
ESA and CITES Museum Exchange............. 50 CFR 17................................. 100 50
ESA Captive-bred Wildlife Registration.... 50 CFR 17................................. 200 100
--Renewal of Captive-bred wildlife 50 CFR 17................................. 100 ...........
CITES Import (including trophies under ESA 50 CFR 17, 18, 23......................... 100 50
and MMPA).
CITES Export.............................. 50 CFR 23................................. 100 50
CITES Pre-Convention...................... 50 CFR 23................................. 75 40
CITES Certificate of Origin............... 50 CFR 23................................. 75 40
CITES Re-Export........................... 50 CFR 23................................. 75 40
CITES Personal Effects and Pet Export/Re- 50 CFR 23................................. 50 ...........
CITES Appendix II Export (native 50 CFR 23................................. 100 50
furbearers and alligators--excluding live
CITES Master File (includes files for 50 CFR 23................................. 200 100
artificial propagation, biomedical, etc.
and covers import, export, and re-export
--Renewal of CITES Master File........ 50 CFR 23................................. 100 ...........
--Single-use permits issued on Master 50 CFR 23................................. \2\ 5 ...........
CITES Annual Program File................. 50 CFR 23................................. 50 ...........
--Single-use permits issued under 50 CFR 23................................. \2\ 5 ...........
Annual Program.
CITES replacement documents (lost, stolen, 50 CFR 23................................. 50 50
or damaged documents).
CITES Passport for Traveling Exhibitions 50 CFR 23................................. \3\ 75 ...........
and Pets.
CITES/ESA Passport for Traveling 50 CFR 23................................. \3\ 100 ...........
Import/Export License..................... 50 CFR 14................................. 100 50
Designated Port Exception................. 50 CFR 14................................. 100 50
Injurious Wildlife Permit................. 50 CFR 16................................. 100 50
--Transport Authorization for 50 CFR 16................................. 25 ...........
Injurious Wildlife.
Wild Bird Conservation Act (WBCA)
Personal Pet Import....................... 50 CFR 15................................. 50 ...........
WBCA Scientific Research, Zoological 50 CFR 15................................. 100 50
Breeding or Display, Cooperative Breeding.
WBCA Approval of Cooperative Breeding 50 CFR 15................................. 200 100
--Renewal of a WBCA Cooperative 50 CFR 15................................. 50 ...........
Breeding Program.
WBCA Approval of a Foreign Breeding 50 CFR 15................................. \4\ 250 ...........
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Marine Mammal Public Display.............. 50 CFR 18................................. 300 150
Marine Mammal Scientific Research/ 50 CFR 18................................. 150 75
Enhancement/Registered Agent or Tannery.
--Renewal of Marine Mammal Scientific 50 CFR 18................................. 75 ...........
Research/Enhancement/Registered Agent
or Tannery.
\1\ No fee.
\2\ Each.
\3\ Per animal.
\4\ Per species.
(5) We will charge a fee for substantive amendments made to permits
within the time period that the permit is still valid. The fee is
generally half the original fee assessed at the time that the permit is
processed; see paragraph (d)(4) of this section for the exact amount.
Substantive amendments are those that pertain to the purpose and
conditions of the permit and are not purely administrative.
Administrative changes, such as updating name and address information,
are required under 13.23(c), and we will not charge a fee for such
(6) Except as specifically noted in paragraph (d)(4) of this
section, a permit renewal is an issuance of a new permit, and
applicants for permit renewal must pay the appropriate fee listed in
paragraph (d)(4) of this section.
(e) Abandoned or incomplete applications. If we receive an
incomplete or improperly executed application, or if you do not submit
the proper fees, the issuing office will notify you of the deficiency.
If you fail to supply the correct information to complete the
application or to pay the required fees within 45 calendar days of the
date of notification, we will consider the application abandoned. We
will not refund any fees for an abandoned application.
4. Amend Sec. 13.12 by revising paragraph (a)(9) to read as follows:
Sec. 13.12 General information requirements on applications for
(a) * * *
(9) Such other information as the Director determines relevant to
the processing of the application, including, but not limited to,
information on the environmental effects of the activity consistent
with 40 CFR 1506.5 and Depa