Medical Use of Byproduct Material-Recognition of Specialty Boards, 16336-16367 [05-6103]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
10 CFR Part 35
RIN 3150–AH19
Medical Use of Byproduct Material—
Recognition of Specialty Boards
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is amending its
regulations governing the medical use of
byproduct material to change its
requirements for recognition of specialty
boards whose certifications may be used
to demonstrate the adequacy of the
training and experience of individuals
to serve as radiation safety officers,
authorized medical physicists,
authorized nuclear pharmacists, or
authorized users. The final rule also
revises the requirements for
demonstrating the adequacy of training
and experience for pathways other than
the board certification pathway. This
final rule grants, in part, a petition for
rulemaking submitted by the
Organization of Agreement States
(PRM–35–17) and completes action on
the petition.
DATES: Effective Date: This final rule is
effective on April 29, 2005.
Roger W. Broseus, Office of Nuclear
Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001; telephone
(301) 415–7608, e-mail
I. Background
II. Petition for Rulemaking
III. Discussion
IV. Summary of Public Comments and
Responses to Comments
V. Summary of Final Revisions
VI. Agreement State Compatibility
VII. Implementation
VIII. Voluntary Consensus Standards
IX. Finding of No Significant Environmental
Impact: Environmental Assessment
X. Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
XI. Regulatory Analysis
XII. Regulatory Flexibility Certification
XIII. Backfit Analysis
XIV. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act
I. Background
During development of revised 10
CFR Part 35, published as a proposed
rule on August 13, 1998 (63 FR 43516)
and as a final rule on April 24, 2002 (67
FR 20249), there was a general belief
that the boards, whose certifications
were recognized by the NRC, would
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meet, or could make adjustments to
meet, the new requirements established
by that rulemaking governing
recognition of specialty boards by the
NRC and that the certifications of these
boards would continue to be recognized
by NRC. However, when applications
for recognition were received, the NRC
staff determined that, except for one
board, the boards did not meet all the
requirements specified in the final rule.
Specifically, the boards’ certification
programs failed to meet the
requirements in the final rule regarding
preceptor (i.e., an individual who
provides, directs, or verifies training
and experience) attestation and work
experience. The only board that
currently meets the revised
requirements is the Certification Board
of Nuclear Cardiology (CBNC) because it
developed its certification program
based on the final rule (published on
April 24, 2002 (67 FR 20249)).
The current regulations in 10 CFR
Part 35 offer three pathways for
individuals to satisfy training and
experience (T&E) requirements to be
approved as a radiation safety officer
(RSO), authorized medical physicist
(AMP), authorized nuclear pharmacist
(ANP), or authorized user (AU). These
pathways are: (1) Approval of an
individual who is certified by a
specialty board whose certification has
been recognized by the NRC or an
Agreement State as meeting the NRC’s
requirements for training and
experience (a ‘‘recognized board’’); (2)
Approval based on an evaluation of an
individual’s training and experience; or
(3) Identification of an individual’s
approval on an existing NRC or
Agreement State license. For this
discussion, pathway (1) will be referred
to as the certification pathway, and
pathway (2) as the alternate pathway.
On February 19, 2002, in a briefing of
the Commission, the Advisory
Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes
(ACMUI 1) expressed concern about
requirements for T&E in the revised 10
CFR Part 35, approved by the
Commission on October 23, 2000 (SRM–
SECY–00–0118). The ACMUI was
concerned that if the requirements for
recognition of specialty board
certifications were to become effective
1 The Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses
of Isotopes (ACMUI) advises NRC on policy and
technical issues that arise in the regulation of the
medical uses of radioactive material. the ACMUI
membership includes a representative of
Agreements States and health care professionals
from various disciplines who comment on changes
to NRC regulations and guidance; evaluate certain
non-routine uses of radioactive material; provide
technical assistance in licensing, inspection, and
enforcement cases; and bring key issues to the
attention of the Commission for appropriate action.
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as drafted, there could be potential
shortages of individuals qualified to
serve as RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, and AUs
because they would no longer meet the
requirements for T&E under the
certification pathway. The ACMUI
indicated that, without changes to the
requirements for T&E in the final rule
approved by the Commission in October
2000, the boards would no longer be
qualified for recognition by NRC and,
therefore, a board’s future diplomates
could no longer be approved as RSOs,
AMPs, ANPs, or AUs.
The ACMUI also expressed the
concern that the boards might be
‘‘marginalized.’’ Specifically, under the
draft final rule, to gain approval via the
certification pathway, a candidate for
certification would have been required
to meet all of the requirements in the
alternate pathway, thereby imposing
more requirements beyond those
already required by boards, on
candidates using the certification
pathway for approval. The extra
requirements of concern to the ACMUI,
incorporated from the alternate pathway
by reference, include a specification for
length-of-training as well as obtaining a
written attestation signed by a
preceptor. Taken together with other
requirements of boards, such as
requiring candidates for certification to
take written and/or oral examinations,
the concern was that candidates seeking
approval might bypass the board
certification pathway and select the
alternate pathway.
Based on these concerns, the ACMUI
urged the Commission to implement
measures to address the training and
experience issues associated with
recognition of specialty boards by the
NRC in the draft final rule and to find
a permanent solution after publication
of the final rule. Subsequently, the NRC
modified the final rule by reinserting
Subpart J (as contained in the proposed
rule before publication of revised Part
35 in April 2002) for a 2-year transition
period. Subpart J provides for
continuing recognition of the specialty
boards listed therein during the
transition period. The final rule was
published in the Federal Register on
April 24, 2002 (67 FR 20249), and
became effective on October 24, 2002.
As specified in § 35.10(c), the 2-year
transition period ended on October 24,
2004. In a Staff Requirements
Memorandum (SRM–COMSECY–02–
0014) dated April 16, 2002, the
Commission directed the NRC staff to
develop options for addressing the
training and experience issue. The
intent was to have this final rule in
place before the end of the 2-year
transition period. Public comment on
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
the proposed rule led the NRC to
conclude that the transition period
should be extended for 1 year to October
24, 2005, to allow time for
implementation of amendments to
requirements for recognition of specialty
board certifications. This extension was
effected through a separate rulemaking
(69 FR 55736; September 16, 2004).
The issue in question concerns the
requirements in the rule governing the
recognition of specialty boards by the
NRC. These requirements are located in
the current regulations at §§ 35.50,
35.51, 35.55, 35.190, 35.290, 35.390,
35.392, 35.394, 35.490, 35.590, and
The ACMUI submitted a report to the
NRC on August 1, 2002 related to the
T&E requirements. The NRC staff
presented three options to the
Commission in a Commission paper,
SECY–02–0194, dated October 30, 2002,
which included the recommendations of
the ACMUI in an attachment. The three
options were: (1) Retain the existing
requirements in the current regulations;
(2) Prepare a proposed rule to modify
training and experience requirements
based on the recommendations
submitted by the ACMUI; and, (3) The
same as Option 2 with a minor
modification (i.e., listing all specialty
boards’ certifications recognized by NRC
on the NRC’s Web site rather than, as
recommended by the ACMUI, listing
some boards in the regulation and
others on the Web site). In SRM–02–
0194, dated February 12, 2003, the
Commission approved Option 3,
directing the NRC staff to prepare a
proposed rule based on the ACMUI’s
recommendations with certain
exceptions. The Commission directed
that a list of recognized board
certifications be posted on the NRC’s
Web site, that the preceptor statement
remain as written in the current
regulations (published April 24, 2002;
67 FR 20249), and that the staff should
clarify that the preceptor language does
not require an attestation of general
clinical competency, but does require
sufficient attestation to demonstrate that
the candidate has the knowledge to
fulfill the duties of the position for
which certification is sought. This form
of attestation should be preserved both
for the certification pathway and the
alternate pathway.
During a teleconference with the
ACMUI, conducted on July 17, 2003, the
ACMUI members continued to voice
concern about having recognition of
board certifications conditioned on
requiring candidates for certification to
obtain written attestation of competency
signed by a preceptor. The ACMUI
recommended that if the Commission
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still maintained that it was necessary to
include a preceptor statement for all
authorized positions named in 10 CFR
Part 35, this requirement should be
separated from the criteria for
recognition of board certifications, as
well as for the alternative pathway.
Agreement State representatives
participated in the teleconference and
agreed with this recommendation. In a
letter, dated July 23, 2003, the ACMUI
recommended that the requirements for
a preceptor statement be removed from
the certification pathway; however, if
the Commission still believed it
necessary to include a preceptor
statement for all ‘‘authorized positions’’
named in 10 CFR Part 35, the ACMUI
recommended that this requirement be
separated from the board certification
pathway and that it be specified
separately as a new paragraph in each
training section.
The NRC staff submitted a proposed
rule to the Commission on August 21,
2003 (SECY–03–0145). The Commission
approved the NRC staff’s
recommendation to publish the
proposed rule, with certain changes
directed by the Commission, in SRM–
03–0145, dated October 9, 2003. The
Commission approved the
recommendation of the ACMUI that the
requirement for a preceptor statement be
removed from the requirements for
recognition of specialty board
certifications. The Commission also
indicated it should be made clear in the
proposed rule language that a preceptor
statement is required regardless of
which training pathway is chosen. The
proposed rule was published for a 75day comment period on December 9,
2003 (68 FR 68549). The NRC staff
posted a comparison document, with
differences between the current and
proposed rule highlighted, on the NRC’s
rulemaking forum on December 19,
2003, to facilitate public understanding
and stakeholder review of proposed
changes to 10 CFR Part 35.
The ACMUI provided comments on
the proposed rule at its meeting on
March 1–2, 2004. The ACMUI also
conducted a public meeting via
teleconference on March 22, 2004, to
discuss, in part, additional
recommendations related to the
proposed rule. Following receipt of
public comments, the NRC staff
distributed a draft final rule to ACMUI
and Agreement States for their 30-day
review and comment. The NRC
considered the additional comments
received in developing the final rule.
These comments are discussed in
Section IV, ‘‘Summary of Public
Comments and Responses to
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II. Petition for Rulemaking
The Organization of Agreement States
(OAS) (petitioner) filed a Petition for
Rulemaking (petition) dated September
3, 2004 (PRM–35–17) requesting that the
NRC amend §§ 35.55, 35.190, 35.290
and 35.390 to define and specify the
minimum number of ‘‘didactic’’ training
hours for Authorized Nuclear
Pharmacists and Authorized Users
identified in these sections. Notice of
receipt of the petition was published in
the Federal Register on October 28,
2004 (69 FR 62831). The terms ‘‘didactic
training’’ and ‘‘classroom and laboratory
training’’ were used interchangeably by
the Agreement States in their comments
and both terms are used in the current
regulations in Part 35. The term
‘‘classroom and laboratory’’ will be used
hereinafter to refer to this type of
The petitioner states that, in the
current regulations in these sections, the
minimum numbers of hours of
classroom and laboratory training in
radiation safety are not specified or
separated from the total training hours.
The petitioner notes that Subpart J does
include a requirement for a minimum
number of classroom and laboratory
training hours as well as supervised
work experience.
The petitioner asserts that the T&E
requirements have been designated as
‘‘Category B’’ for Agreement State
compatibility to provide nationwide
consistency and uniformity of
authorized user credentialing, and that
the lack of clearly defined classroom
and laboratory training hours for these
authorized users weakens the
consistency and uniformity of the rule.
The petitioner also believes that the
need for specified classroom and
laboratory training hours is a radiation
safety issue rather than a ‘‘practice of
medicine’’ issue in that radiation safety
for the patient and the occupational
radiation workers may be compromised,
and that a majority of radiation safety
principles and procedures are learned
during classroom and laboratory
As discussed further in subsequent
sections of the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION, during the 75-day public
comment period for the proposed rule,
ending on February 23, 2004, the NRC
received comments which raised the
same issues as those raised by the
petitioner. Because of the similarity in
issues raised, the NRC has determined
to consider the OAS petition as part of
this rulemaking.
During resolution of the comments,
the NRC staff consulted with the
ACMUI and Agreement States on how to
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
ensure adequacy of T&E in radiation
safety and consistency of requirements
for T&E between Agreement States and
between Agreement States and the NRC.
Agreement State representatives served
as members on an NRC working group
to develop this rule. A steering group
was formed to provide
recommendations to resolve the issue
raised by the Agreement States, during
comments on the proposed rule, on
requirements for classroom and
laboratory training. The working group
addressed issues raised in the petition
related to specifying hours of classroom
and laboratory training in 10 CFR Part
35. The NRC staff consulted with and
received comments from the ACMUI via
a public teleconference on the issue on
October 5, 2004, with participation of
Agreement States, and during its
meeting on October 13–14, 2004. After
consideration of the input from these
sources, as well as review and analysis
of the issue by the working and steering
groups, the NRC has determined to grant
the petition in part, and is revising
§§ 35.55, 35.190, 35.290, and 35.390, in
the final rule, to establish a requirement
for minimum number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training for
the alternate pathway. The petition is
denied, in part, in so far as the NRC is
not requiring a minimum number of
hours of classroom and laboratory
training for the certification pathway.
The NRC staff believes that such a
requirement would unnecessarily limit
the flexibility of boards to determine
their certification requirements. The
rationale for this change to requirements
for T&E is explained in the NRC’s
response to comments on the proposed
rule in Section IV. Summary of Public
Comments and Responses to Comments,
under Part II—General Issues (Issue 1),
and Part IV—Implementation by
Agreement States—Timing and
Compatibility (Issue 2).
This completes action on PRM–35–17.
III. Discussion
The principal changes in the final rule
involve revising the criteria for
recognizing the certifications of
specialty boards. These changes relate to
the requirements for T&E that boards
would place on candidates seeking
board certification. The NRC staff
reviewed board certification procedures
and made a determination that, with
one exception, the boards’ certification
programs failed to meet the
requirements in the current regulations
regarding preceptor certification
(attestation) and work experience. This
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assessment 2 resulted from a detailed
comparison, performed by the NRC
staff, between requirements in the
regulations (in Subparts B and D
through H) and specialty board
requirements for certification. The
changes resulting from adoption of the
final rule will resolve the issues related
to recognition of board certifications by
instituting requirements that are less
prescriptive, while maintaining public
health and safety. These changes will
ensure that a clear regulatory
determination can be made that
specialty boards, both new and existing,
meet the relevant criteria for recognition
by the NRC or an Agreement State.
Changes have also been made to the
T&E requirements for the alternate
pathway. The final rule provides a more
flexible and performance-based
approach to specifying requirements for
training and experience, using a graded
approach to ensure that training in
radiation protection is consistent with
the need for adequate understanding
and skills.
The changes to T&E requirements are
intended to address issues raised by the
ACMUI. However, the NRC disagrees
with the ACMUI’s belief that the T&E
criteria in the current rule would result
in candidates bypassing board
certification. The NRC believes that
board certification has been, and will
continue to be, essential for physicians,
including AUs, to practice medicine.
While health physicists, medical
physicists, nuclear pharmacists, and
physicians can serve in the respective
categories of RSO, AMP, ANP, and AU
by satisfying T&E requirements under
the alternate pathway, the NRC believes
that individuals who would have sought
certification are likely to continue to do
so because certifications are useful to
individuals for reasons other than
satisfying requirements in 10 CFR Part
35, e.g., measuring areas of competence
that go beyond regulatory requirements
established under the Atomic Energy
Act. Furthermore, some State agencies
now require that individuals be certified
by specialty boards before they can
practice in some specialties, e.g., as
medical physicists and nuclear
Changes to the Certification Pathway
For the certification pathway, the
current regulations incorporate the more
2 ‘‘Comparison between NRC requirements and
boards’ certification programs,’’ attachment 2 to
SECY–02–0194, ‘‘options for addressing Part 35
Training and Experience Issues Associated With
Recognition of Speciality Boards by NRC.’’
SECY–02–0194 is available on the NRC’s Web site,, in the ‘‘Electronic Reading
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prescriptive requirements from the
alternate pathway. This final rule
establishes less prescriptive criteria for
board certifications to be recognized by
the NRC or an Agreement State.
For the RSO, AMP, and ANP, the
revised criteria include a degree from an
accredited college or university,
professional experience, passing an
examination administered by the board,
and in some cases, additional training
related to the type of use for which an
individual would be responsible. The
requirement for passing an examination
reflects the current practice of
certification boards.
The addition of a requirement in
§ 35.50(a) for candidates for RSO to have
a degree is consistent with current
standards of certification boards to
require a minimum of a baccalaureate
degree. The NRC believes that this
requirement helps ensure that a
candidate for RSO has the level of
knowledge necessary to fulfill the duties
of an RSO. However, this final rule
retains current regulatory provisions
that allow candidates who do not hold
a degree required under revisions to
§ 35.50(a) to qualify for positions as RSO
under provisions in § 35.50(b).
Requirements for T&E of candidates to
serve as AMPs have been revised for the
board certification pathway, in
§ 35.51(a)(2), to require 2 years of fulltime practical training and/or
supervised experience under the
supervision of a medical physicist
certified by a specialty board, whose
certification is recognized by the NRC or
an Agreement State, or in clinical
radiation facilities providing highenergy, external beam therapy and
brachytherapy services under the direct
supervision of physicians who meet the
requirements for AUs in §§ 35.490 or
35.690 or under supervision of a
certified medical physicist in clinical
radiation facilities. This T&E will help
ensure that candidates have the level of
knowledge necessary to fulfill the duties
of an AMP.
The current regulations in 10 CFR
Part 35 provide for a preceptor, defined
in § 35.2, to certify that individuals have
satisfactorily completed requirements
for T&E and have achieved a level of
radiation safety knowledge sufficient to
function independently as RSOs, AMPs,
ANPs, and AUs. In response to public
comments, as discussed under the
heading ‘‘IV. Summary of Public
Comments and Responses to
Comments,’’ the NRC is now using
‘‘attestation’’ and ‘‘attest’’ in place of
‘‘certification’’ and ‘‘certify’’ in 10 CFR
Part 35. A preceptor attestation is
commonly referred to as a ‘‘preceptor
statement,’’ and this term is used
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
interchangeably with the term
‘‘preceptor attestation’’ in the
particularly in the summary of public
comments, to reflect this usage by
The requirement that boards must
have candidates for certification obtain
a preceptor attestation as a condition for
NRC recognition of certifications has
been removed in the final rule; however,
individuals are still required to obtain
preceptor attestations, and licensees are
required to submit them to the NRC
(except as provided in § 35.15(d)). This
is an addition to the current
requirement in § 35.14(a) to provide a
copy of board certifications to the NRC.
Further discussion of the requirement
for a preceptor attestation appears under
the heading ‘‘Preceptor Attestation.’’
The certification pathway also includes
a specification for the number of hours
of training and experience for ANPs and
AUs for certain uses of byproduct
material under §§ 35.100, 35.200, 35.300
(in §§ 35.390, 35.392, 35.394, and
35.396 for uses under § 35.300), and
35.500. The ACMUI recommended, for
the proposed rule, that the requirement
for 200 hours of classroom and
laboratory training, now required in
§§ 35.490 and 35.690, be removed
because it believes that the combination
of degree, practical experience, and
examination in the criteria for
recognizing certifying boards is
equivalent to the number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training
specified for the alternative pathway. A
detailed analysis of T&E requirements
was performed by NRC staff and appears
as Attachment 1 to SECY–02–0194,
NRC believes that, although the
requirements are not identical, the T&E
standard for recognizing certifying
boards will be equivalent to the
standard for the alternate pathway. The
board certification process requires a
candidate to have an academic degree,
complete practical experience or a
residency program, and pass an
examination. Examinations test the
knowledge and skills required to
perform the applicable activities,
including those in §§ 35.490(a)(2) and
35.690(a)(2), to ensure radiation safety.
The NRC believes that the combination
of a degree, practical experience, and an
examination, in the criteria for
recognizing certifying boards, will be
equivalent to the number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training
specified for the alternate pathway.
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Further, the requirement in the
certification pathway for §§ 35.490 and
35.690 for completion of an approved
residency program, provides added
assurance that T&E is sufficient.
Therefore, the requirement for 200
hours of classroom and laboratory
training does not apply to the criteria for
recognition of board certification
processes in §§ 35.490, and 35.690 of
the final rule.
The ACMUI’s recommendations
included the addition of the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Canada (RCPSC) in listings of entities
which approve residency training to
satisfy requirements for the board
certification pathway for uses under
§§ 35.300, 35.400, and 35.600. While the
RCPSC was named in Subpart J of the
current rule, it is not named in other
subparts. There are reciprocal
arrangements between U.S. entities and
the RCPSC regarding approval of
residency programs. Thus, the NRC
finds these reciprocal agreements to be
a sufficient basis to provide that RCPSC
be included in various sections of 10
CFR Part 35.
The final rule provides the boards
more latitude in making the
determination that individuals are fully
trained and capable of performing their
duties involving radiation safety. These
changes to the certification pathway
continue to ensure the safe use of
byproduct material by medical licensees
by establishing criteria for specialty
boards to use in granting certifications.
The NRC made a determination that,
with the exception of one specialty
board, the boards do not meet the
requirement in the current rule
regarding preceptor certification and
work experience. With more latitude
under the certification pathway in the
final rule, the NRC believes that boards
will be able to meet the revised
requirements for recognition of board
certification processes.
Changes to the Alternate Pathway
The final rule also contains revised
requirements for some of the alternate
pathways. Some of these changes are
minor and clarify the requirements for
The ACMUI’s recommendations for
approval as an AU in the alternate
pathway in §§ 35.490(b) and 35.690(b)
include the addition of the RCPSC to the
listings of organizations that approve
residency programs. The NRC finds that
RCPSC should be included in the listing
for the reasons previously discussed
under the heading, ‘‘Changes to the
Certification Pathway.’’
In comments on the proposed rule,
Agreement States recommended that a
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minimum number of hours of
‘‘didactic’’ training in basic
radionuclide handling techniques
should be specified for individuals to
qualify as ANPs under § 35.51 and as
AUs under §§ 35.190, 35.290, and
35.390. The NRC understands that
references by Agreement States to
‘‘didactic training’’ refers both to the
‘‘didactic training,’’ currently required
to qualify as an authorized nuclear
pharmacist under current regulations in
§ 35.55(b)(1)(i), as well as the
‘‘classroom and laboratory training’’
required to qualify as an authorized user
in §§ 35.190(c)(1)(i), 35.290(c)(1)(i) and
35.390(b)(1)(i). The term ‘‘classroom and
laboratory training’’ will be used
hereinafter to refer to this type of
training. As discussed in Part II, Issue 1,
and Part IV, Issue 2, of the Summary of
Public Comments, the final rule
specifies minimum number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training for
the alternate pathway.
Training Specific to Type of Use
The ACMUI recommended that, in
addition to meeting minimum T&E
requirements, authorized individuals
should have training or experience in
the use of byproduct material or specific
modalities (types of use), as appropriate,
for which a licensee is authorized. The
ACMUI also recommended that the
requirement apply to newly hired,
authorized individuals and when a new
type of use is added to the licensee’s
program. The NRC supports these
changes, believing that they will ensure
that a licensee’s staff has adequate
knowledge and experience to fulfill the
duties for which they are responsible.
The final rule includes new paragraphs
that add this requirement in § 35.50(e)
for RSOs, § 35.51(c) for AMPs, and for
AUs in § 35.690(c) for remote
afterloader, teletherapy and gamma
stereotactic radiosurgery units. For uses
under § 35.300, requirements in
§§ 35.390(b)(1) and 35.396(d) provide
for training specific to type of use which
applies to both the board certification
and alternate pathways.
Other Changes
In the current regulations,
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G) specifies that work
experience for uses of byproduct
material in unsealed form, for which a
written directive (WD) is required, must
include administering dosages of
radioactive drugs involving a minimum
of three cases in each of the categories
for which the individual is requesting
authorized user status. Sections 35.390,
paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(G)(1), (3) and (4)
refer to oral and parenteral
administration of certain radionuclides.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
The final rule clarifies that this training
must be with quantities of radionuclides
for which a WD is required. The NRC
believes these changes are necessary
because, without them, an individual
might cite experience with low-level
dosages to satisfy requirements for work
experience; the changes place emphasis
on the need for AUs to have work
experience with higher level dosages,
for which a WD is required. Similar
requirements have also been
incorporated into new § 35.396(d).
The ACMUI and public commenters
on the proposed rule stated that the
physicians, who have sufficient T&E to
serve as AUs for the medical use of
unsealed byproduct material for which
a WD is required, are unable to meet the
requirements for use in Subpart E. As
discussed in response to public
comments on § 35.390, this issue was
resolved by the inclusion of a new
§ 35.396, entitled, ‘‘Training for the
parenteral administration of unsealed
byproduct material requiring a written
directive.’’ A conforming change was
also made to § 35.8, ‘‘Information
collection requirements: OMB
approval,’’ to indicate that an
information collection requirement
applies to § 35.396.
The ACMUI recommended that the
requirements for work experience for
authorized users in §§ 35.190, 35.290,
and 35.390 be changed to require
experience with performing quality
control check of instruments rather than
with calibrating instruments. In
addition to instrument calibration,
quality control procedures commonly
include checks of parameters such as
linearity, constancy, and functionality
(including battery checks). The NRC
agrees with the ACMUI’s
recommendation because ensuring
proper function of these instruments
involves more than periodic calibration.
The final rule effects these
recommendations with changes to
§§ 35.190(c)(1)(ii)(B), 35.290(c)(1)(ii)(B),
35.390(b)(1)(ii)(B), 35.392(c)(2)(ii), and
35.394(c)(2)(ii). Similar requirements
have also been incorporated into new
§ 35.396(d)(2).
Training requirements for
authorization as a medical physicist
have been changed in § 35.51(b)(1) to
remove specific requirements for a
degree in biophysics, radiological
physics, and health physics, and add
the more general, other physical
sciences, as well as engineering and
applied mathematics. The requirement
for 1 year of full-time training in
therapeutic radiological physics has
been changed to a more general
requirement for 1 year of full-time
training in medical physics. In
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§ 35.690(b)(2), the requirement for
candidates to be approved as AUs has
been changed to broaden the
requirement that supervised clinical
experience be received in ‘‘radiation
therapy’’ rather than in ‘‘radiation
oncology.’’ These changes are needed to
allow for the therapeutic use of
byproduct material in applications other
than cancer therapy.
Current regulations in § 35.50(c)
provide that an AMP identified on a
licensee’s license can serve as an RSO,
provided that the individual has
experience with the radiation safety
aspects of similar types of use of
byproduct material for which the
individual has responsibilities as an
RSO. However, current regulations only
require services of an AMP for uses
under §§ 35.433 and 35.600; a few
AMPs are also named on licenses for
uses under § 35.1000. Therefore,
individuals who may have adequate
T&E to serve as AMPs for types of use
licensed under §§ 35.100, 35.200,
35.300, 35.400 and 35.500, are not listed
on an NRC or Agreement State license
under current rules. Medical physicists
who are certified by a specialty board
whose certification is recognized by the
Commission or an Agreement State have
training and experience in radiation
safety aspects of the use of byproduct
material for medical purposes. The
regulations in § 35.50 have been
changed to allow medical physicists,
who are certified by a specialty board
whose certification is recognized by the
NRC or an Agreement State, to serve as
RSOs, while retaining the requirement
that these individuals have experience
specific to the types of use for which
they would be responsible. This change
removes an impediment for individuals
who have adequate T&E to become
approved as RSOs. It also avoids placing
a burden on licensees to apply for an
exemption to regulations and on NRC
and Agreement State staff who would be
required to process an application for an
exemption to regulations to approve a
licensee’s request to have a medical
physicist, certified by a specialty board
whose certifications are recognized by
the NRC, serve as an RSO. Comments on
the proposed rule indicated that
medical physicists generally have
adequate T&E to serve as RSOs. As
discussed in response to comments on
§ 35.50, this section has also been
amended to provide criteria for medical
physicists, other than those who are
AMPs, to serve as RSOs.
The term ‘‘high-energy’’ is used in the
rule text in §§ 35.51(a)(2)(ii) and
35.51(b)(1) to specify the type of
training to be included in T&E for
AMPs. High-energy radiation is
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specified, in §§ 35.51(a)(2)(ii) and
35.51(b)(1) of the final rule, as photons
and electrons with energies greater than
or equal to 1 million electron volts,
which is consistent with the definition
of high-energy used by the International
Commission on Radiation Units and
Measurements in Report 42, Use of
Computers in External Beam
Radiotherapy Procedures with HighEnergy Photons and Electrons.
In § 35.75(a), reference is made to
‘‘draft’’ licensing guidance in NUREG–
1556, Vol. 9. This guidance was
published in final version in October
2002. Therefore, the ‘‘draft’’ designation
is being removed.
Preceptor Attestation
Part 35 currently requires a written
certification, termed attestation in this
final rule (and referred to as attestation
in this discussion, when appropriate),
that the individual has satisfactorily
completed the required training, has
achieved a level of knowledge or
competency sufficient to function
independently, and requires that the
written certification be signed by a
preceptor who is a radiation safety
officer, authorized medical physicist,
authorized nuclear pharmacist or
authorized user. This requirement
applies to both the board certification
and alternate pathways.
The ACMUI recommended that,
instead of certifying ‘‘competency,’’ the
preceptor should attest that the
individual has satisfactorily completed
the required training and experience. It
further recommended that a training
program director be allowed to sign the
written attestation.
As explained previously, the
Commission considered
recommendations of the ACMUI and
determined in SRM–02–0194,
the preceptor statement should remain
as written in the current regulations.
However, the Commission emphasized
that the preceptor language does not
require an attestation of general clinical
competency, but requires sufficient
attestation to demonstrate that the
candidate has the knowledge to fulfill
the duties of the position for which
certification is sought.
The ACMUI also recommended that
the Commission separate the
requirement to obtain a preceptor
statement from the certification and
alternate pathways, and to specify this
requirement as a new paragraph in the
sections dealing with T&E for RSOs,
AMPs, ANPs, and AUs. The
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Commission approved this
recommendation of the ACMUI, placing
the requirement on licensees to submit
the preceptor statements to the NRC.
This requirement appeared in the
proposed rule. The regulations retain
the requirements that individuals obtain
preceptor attestations for both the
certification and alternate pathways.
The requirement for licensees to
submit a preceptor attestation to the
NRC appears in revised § 35.14(a).
Listing of Recognized Board
The NRC will list on its Web site
med-use-toolkit.html), instead of in its
regulations, the names of board
certifications for those boards whose
certification processes meet the NRC’s
requirements. This approach has the
advantage of eliminating the need to
amend 10 CFR Part 35 to effect
recognition each time a new board
needs to be added to the listing. The
ACMUI and specialty board
representatives who participated in a
public meeting on May 20, 2003, were
in agreement with this approach.
Because of the importance of board
certification in establishing the
adequacy of T&E for individuals to serve
as RSO, AMPs, ANPs, and AUs, a clear
regulatory determination must be made
that all boards, both new and existing,
meet the relevant regulatory criteria.
Evaluation of board requirements
against revised criteria in the final rule
is necessary to make this determination.
Boards that are currently listed in
Subpart J of Part 35 and other boards are
required to apply for recognition under
this rule. When necessary, the NRC staff
will review a board’s submittal with the
ACMUI before a decision on recognition
of a board is made.
The NRC will place the procedures for
listing and delisting of specialty boards
on its Web site at the time of publication
of the final rule. Because of the
important role of board certification, the
procedures will provide for making a
clear regulatory determination that
boards, both new and existing, meet the
relevant criteria in the revised
regulations. The procedures provide for
both adding new specialty boards to the
listing of recognized certifications and
for removal from the list.
The NRC staff does not intend to
conduct inspections of the specialty
boards whose certification processes it
recognizes but will monitor trends in
medical events. If the NRC staff
determines that a series of medical
events is associated with a particular
specialty, and the trend can be
attributed to inadequate radiation safety
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training, the staff will determine
whether the inadequate training is
related to a deficiency in a board’s
evaluation of the radiation safety
competency of the board’s diplomates.
The NRC conducts a comprehensive
regulatory program to ensure safety.
This regulatory program is also
important to the identification of issues
related to T&E that may, in turn, point
to issues associated with the
certification process of a specialty
board. If these activities result in
identification of a deficiency in a
board’s evaluation of the radiation
safety competency of the board’s
diplomates, the NRC staff will review
the specialty board’s certification
program. The assessment will include a
determination of whether the board’s
examination adequately assesses the
requisite knowledge and skills in
radiation safety. If the staff determines
that changes in the board’s evaluation of
competency in radiation safety are
necessary, and the board either cannot
or will not make adequate changes to its
program to address these needs, then
the NRC will withdraw recognition of
that specialty board’s certification
processes and delist that board. The
NRC staff will inform the Commission
and the ACMUI of an NRC staff decision
to withdraw recognition. The NRC has
reviewed existing procedures for the
conduct of inspections and has
determined that they provide for
collection of the information necessary
to evaluate trends in medical events
possibly related to requirements for T&E
of specialty boards. The NRC staff
provided a copy of draft plans for
implementation of the procedures for
listing and delisting of board
certifications to Agreement States and
the ACMUI during the development of
the proposed rule. The comments
provided by these groups were
considered by the NRC staff in
developing final procedures for
Stakeholder Interactions
On May 20, 2003, a public meeting
was held to solicit early input on the
proposed rule from representatives of
professional specialty boards and other
interested stakeholders. The NRC staff
also made a presentation to the ACMUI
on May 20, 2003, regarding the staff’s
approach to the proposed rule. The
ACMUI provided input and a comment
was received via e-mail from a
participant in the meeting with the
The proposed rule was published in
the Federal Register on December 9,
2003 (68 FR 68549). The NRC staff
briefed the ACMUI on the proposed rule
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during its meeting on March 2, 2004,
and received comments from the
ACMUI on the proposed rule during this
meeting and a public teleconference
conducted on March 22, 2004.
Comments of the ACMUI, Agreement
States, board members, and members of
the public provided useful information
to the NRC in preparing the proposed
and final rule. A person from the State
of Alabama, nominated by the
Organization of Agreement States,
participated as a member of the working
group with the NRC staff in the
development of the proposed and final
rule. A person from the State of New
York, nominated by the CRCPD, was
added to the working group and
participated in the resolution of
comments on the proposed and draft
final rule. The NRC staff distributed a
draft final rule to the Agreement States
and the ACMUI for 30-day review,
ending on October 18, 2004. During this
time, the ACMUI held a publicly
announced meeting, via teleconference,
on October 5, 2004, with Agreement
State participation, to discuss
requirements for a minimum number of
hours of classroom and laboratory
training in §§ 35.55, 35.190, 35.290, and
35.390. The meeting was announced in
the Federal Register on September 28,
2004 (69 FR 57977). Approximately 37
representatives of 22 Agreement States
participated in the meeting. The ACMUI
also discussed the draft final rule, and
made recommendations to the NRC,
during its meeting on October 13–14,
2004. These comments are discussed in
Section IV. Summary of Public
Comments and Responses to Comments.
Additional Recommendations of the
At the teleconference held on July 17,
2003, the ACMUI discussed the draft
proposed rule; Agreement State
representatives also participated in the
teleconference. During the
teleconference, the ACMUI agreed with
the NRC staff recommendation to
broaden the requirement that supervised
clinical experience be received in a
‘‘radiation facility’’ rather than in a
‘‘radiation oncology facility’’ for
individuals to qualify as AMPs, in
§ 35.51(b)(1) of the proposed rule, and to
change the requirement for experience
in ‘‘radiation oncology’’ in § 35.690(b)(2)
to allow for experience in ‘‘radiation
therapy.’’ Parallel changes were made to
the certification pathway for AMPs in
the proposed rule in § 35.51(a)(2)(ii) and
in § 35.690(a)(1) for uses under § 35.600.
These changes were retained in the final
The ACMUI recommended that the
requirements for experience, described
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
in the current rule in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G), not be included in
criteria for recognition of specialty
board certifications, but that they
continue to be required for AUs meeting
T&E requirements for both the
certification and alternate pathways.
This recommendation was not
incorporated into the proposed rule,
because the NRC staff believed that the
requirements for work experience in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G) are essential for an
individual to be able to function
independently as an AU for
administration of byproduct material for
which a WD is required. As discussed
in the response to public comments on
the proposed rule, the ACMUI raised
this recommendation again, indicating
that many individuals obtain the
experience required in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G) after they have
obtained their board certification. After
further consideration, the requirement
for this experience was removed from
requirements for recognition of board
certifications in the final rule but
retained as a requirement for
individuals to be AUs.
At the teleconference held on March
22, 2004, the ACMUI recommended
removal of requirements, in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(F), for experience with
elution of generators and measuring,
testing, and preparation of radiolabeled
drugs. As indicated in the discussion of
public comments on § 35.390, this
requirement has been removed from this
section in the final rule but retained in
other sections when individuals qualify
as AUs by virtue of being approved as
an AU under § 35.390. Additional
recommendations, made by the ACMUI
during the meeting on October 13–14,
2004, are discussed in Section IV.
Summary of Public Comments and
Responses to Comments.
Timing of Agreement State
Normally, Agreement States have 3
years in which to adopt a compatible
rule. Agreement States have until
October 24, 2005, to adopt the revised
10 CFR Part 35 published on April 24,
2002. It was noted in the
proposed rule that, for Agreement States
to adopt the proposed training and
experience requirements and have them
in place by October 24, 2005, the
Agreement States would have a
shortened time frame for developing
compatible requirements. Because
Agreement States had voiced concern
regarding this shortened time frame, the
NRC invited public comment on this
issue. As indicated in ‘‘IV. Summary of
Public Comments and Responses to
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Public Comments,’’ the NRC is allowing
3 years for adoption of this final rule.
Revision of Guidance for Licensing of
Medical Use of Byproduct Material
Licensing guidance for medical uses
of byproduct material is available in
NUREG–1556, Vol 9, ‘‘Consolidated
Guidance About Materials Licenses.
Program-Specific Guidance About
Medical Use Licenses.’’ The NRC has
revised this guidance to conform to the
revisions in this final rule and is making
it available to the public coincident
with publication of the final rule.
Extension of Subpart J to October 24,
The NRC has extended the expiration
date for Subpart J to October 24, 2005,
through a separate rulemaking (69 FR
55736, September 16, 2004).
IV. Summary of Public Comments and
Responses to Comments
The NRC received 27 comments on
the proposed rule. The commenters
included members of the general public
and the ACMUI as well as
representatives of Agreement States,
professional societies, and certification
boards. Additional comments from
Agreement States were received on a
draft of the final rule distributed made
available to Agreement States for a 30
day comment period, ending on October
18, 2004. Copies of the public comments
are available for review in the NRC
Public Document Room, 11555
Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD.
This section summarizes the written
and oral comments received and
provides responses to these comments.
Part I contains a list of the acronyms
used in this section. Part II contains a
discussion of general issues that were
considered during the rulemaking. Part
III contains a discussion of comments
on specific sections in the proposed
rule. Comments on timing of adoption
of the rule by Agreement States and
compatibility are discussed in Part IV.
The NRC posed three questions in the
‘‘Invitation for Public Comment on
Specific Issues’’ section of the proposed
rule. These questions were:
1. Do the proposed revisions to
requirements for training and
experience provide reasonable
assurance that RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, and
AUs will have adequate training in
radiation safety? (This question is
discussed in Part II—General Issues,
Issue 1.)
2. Should Agreement States establish
the requirements to conform with this
proposed rule by October 24, 2005, or
should they follow the normal process
and be given a full 3 years to develop
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a compatible rule? (This question is
discussed in Part IV—Implementation
by Agreement States—Timing and
3. Should the word ‘‘attestation’’ be
used in place of the word ‘‘certification’’
in preceptor statements? (This question
is discussed in Part II—General Issues,
Issue 2.)
Part I—Acronyms
The following acronyms are used in
the discussion of both the general and
specific comments.
ACGME—Accreditation Council for
Graduate Medical Education
ACMUI—Advisory Committee on the
Medical Uses of Isotopes
ACPE—American Council on
Pharmaceutical Education
ABMS—American Board of Medical
AMP—Authorized medical physicist
ANP—Authorized nuclear pharmacist
AU—Authorized user
FPGEC—Foreign Pharmacy Graduate
Examination Committee
NMED—Nuclear Materials Events
OAS—Organization of Agreement States
RSO—Radiation safety officer
T&E—Training and experience
WD—Written directive
Part II—General Issues
Several commenters expressed
general support for the proposed rule as
well as offering comments on specific
aspects of the proposed rule, which are
discussed further in succeeding
sections. Support was also voiced for
the listing of recognized board
certifications on the NRC’s Web site
rather than in regulations.
Issue 1: Do the proposed revisions to
requirements for training and
experience (T&E) provide reasonable
assurance that RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, and
AUs will have adequate training in
radiation safety?
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the NRC should go back to its
original preceptor concept, under which
no board certifications were required,
but the preceptor (mentor) had the
responsibility to ensure that training
was adequate to ensure health and
safety and medical efficacy. The
commenter expressed concern that
applicants could receive certification
without complete knowledge and skills
in a particular discipline, i.e., board
certification may omit or excuse lack of
knowledge and skill (if the applicant
passes the requisite examination with a
score of less than 100 percent) where
the alternate pathway would require
demonstration of 100 percent in a given
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Response: The NRC believes that
RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, and AUs should
have T&E sufficient to ensure radiation
safety in the medical use of byproduct
material. The NRC believes that it is
necessary to specify requirements for
T&E to accomplish this objective, either
by requiring that candidates for
approval as RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, or AUs
are certified by a board which has a
certification process that has been
recognized by the NRC, or by meeting
the requirements for T&E for the
alternate pathway, combined with
attestation by a preceptor that the
individual has satisfactorily completed
these requirements and has achieved a
level of competency sufficient to
function independently in the position
for which approval is sought. The NRC
believes that requirements for both
pathways are similarly and sufficiently
rigorous, and, that by passing a board
examination, together with meeting the
other requirements in the board
certification pathway, a candidate will
have demonstrated the knowledge and
skill necessary to safely handle
byproduct material. The NRC believes
that this combination of requirements
will ensure the safe medical use of
byproduct material and has retained the
option for AUs to meet requirements for
T&E via the certification pathway.
Comment: One commenter indicated,
given that new problems consistently
arise, specialty board training should
only be accepted if it can be shown that
there is a recertification/required
continuing education every 10 years or
less and that the recertification/
continuing education process can be
shown to encompass the radiation
protection aspects of newer
Response: The NRC plans to
periodically review the requirements of
boards for certification to accommodate
changing needs for T&E. However, the
NRC does not depend solely on board
certification to ensure adequacy of T&E.
The regulations also provide, in § 35.59,
that T&E must have been obtained
within 7 years preceding the date of an
application to the NRC or that the
individual had related continuing T&E.
They also provide, in § 35.57, for
accommodating experienced AUs (e.g.,
individuals identified on a license),
allowing those who serve as AUs under
existing licenses and permits to
continue medical uses for which they
have been authorized. NRC regulations
also provide requirements for licensing
of new medical uses of byproduct
material, including assessment of the
adequacy of T&E of AUs for proposals
for new uses in requests for
amendments to licenses.
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Comment: One Agreement State
commenter on the draft final rule stated
that the NRC appears to want only
limited submittal of the training
programs for review and approval from
medical boards and does not plan to
conduct inspections of specialty boards
to insure that they meet the latest
certification requirements. Rather, the
intent is to wait and see if specific
medical events related to training occur
in the field before investigating. The
commenter does not believe this is
acceptable, especially when considering
the number of hospital staff and patients
that may be at risk before this type of
link to training can or will be made once
an incident occurs.
Response: In order to have their
certification processes recognized,
specialty boards must demonstrate that
their certification processes meet the
specific criteria established in the
regulations. The NRC will carefully
review the documentation submitted
before recognizing a board’s certification
program. The NRC believes that this
process for board recognition, taken
together with the NRC’s coordination
with ACMUI, its inspection of licensed
facilities, and its continued monitoring
of medical events, will be sufficient to
ensure public health and safety.
Comment: Commenters from
Agreement States expressed concern
that the regulations no longer specify
the number of classroom and laboratory
or supervised clinical and work hours
necessary for the various types of use.
One commenter indicated that this
could jeopardize radiation safety, and
recommended that the NRC include a
minimum acceptable number of hours
of classroom and laboratory training in
final rule (i.e., a minimum of 200 hours
of classroom and laboratory training out
of the total of 700 hours for those types
of use for which a WD is required
(§ 35.390); 80 hours of classroom and
laboratory training for those uses for
which a WD is not required but for
which 700 hours is still required
(§ 35.290); and a minimum of 8 hours of
classroom and laboratory training for
types of use for which 60 hours of
training is required (§ 35.190)), based on
the risk to patients, occupational
workers, and the public, for each type
of use, and assuming class days are 8
hours. Three other commenters from
Agreement States recommended that
regulatory agencies should specify a
minimum number of hours of classroom
and laboratory training under §§ 35.190,
35.290, and 35.390. One commenter
suggested that individuals qualifying as
ANPs under § 35.55 and as AUs under
§ 35.390 should be required to have 200
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hours of classroom and laboratory
training. Also, the Organization of
Agreement States (OAS) (petitioner)
filed a Petition for Rulemaking (petition)
dated September 3, 2004 (PRM–35–17)
requesting that the NRC amend §§ 35.55,
35.190, 35.290 and 35.390 to define and
specify the minimum number of
didactic training hours for Authorized
Nuclear Pharmacists and Authorized
Users identified in these sections.
Response: The NRC agrees with the
Agreement States’ assertion that the
inclusion of a requirement for minimum
number of hours of classroom and
laboratory training (in §§ 35.55, 35.190,
35.290, and 35.390) for the alternate
pathway only, will ensure safety and
consistency of regulation on a national
basis. Therefore, requirements for a
minimum number of hours of classroom
and laboratory training have been
included in §§ 35.55(b)(1)(i),
35.190(c)(1), 35.290(c)(1), and
35.390(b)(1) of the final rule. However,
the added requirements, specifying a
minimum number of hours of classroom
and laboratory training, were not added
to the requirements for recognition of
specialty board certifications because
the NRC believes that it is important to
provide flexible options for boards to
evaluate the adequacy of T&E related to
radiation safety. This flexibility is
provided by a combination of evaluation
through examinations, and academic
and practical T&E. The NRC believes
that the requirements of certifying
boards, including requirements for
examinations, whose certification
processes have been recognized by the
Commission or an Agreement State, will
ensure the adequacy of radiation safety
training. As part of their application for
recognition of certifications, boards will
be asked to provide information on how
their examination process assesses the
candidates’ knowledge related to
radiation safety as it pertains to the
subject areas enumerated in the
regulations. The NRC believes that
specifying a minimum for the number of
hours of classroom and laboratory
training, in the alternate pathway, will
help to ensure that training programs
are of adequate length to properly cover
the topics important to safe medical use
of byproduct material, supplementing
the T&E gained during supervised
clinical training. Doing so will increase
the rigor of the alternate pathway and
provide useful and consistent standards
for developing training programs.
Specifying a minimum number of hours
of classroom and laboratory training
will also be useful to States in reviewing
the adequacy of training programs and
assist Agreement States in developing
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
their T&E regulations to be consistent
with the compatibility category B
designation for T&E regulations.
The draft final rule, circulated to
Agreement States for a 30-day comment
period, ending on October 18, 2004,
included requirements for a minimum
number of hours of classroom and
laboratory training (applicable to the
alternate pathway only) as follows:
§ 35.55—200 hours, § 35.190—8 hours,
§ 35.290—80 hours, and § 35.390—200
hours. Twelve Agreement States
provided comments on this issue, with
nine of them being in favor of a
minimum of 200 hours of classroom and
laboratory training for § 35.390. Two
Agreement States recommended
minimums of 120 and 160 hours of
classroom and laboratory training,
respectively, for § 35.390. Eight
Agreement States supported the
proposed number of hours for §§ 35.55,
35.190 and 35.290, and two States
suggested requirements ranging from
120 to 200 hours for these four sections.
One commenter from an Agreement
State stated that the risks associated
with uses under § 35.200 is similar to
those for uses under § 35.300 because
the higher frequency of uses under
§ 35.200 results in more risk and that,
therefore, the number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training
should be the same (200 hours) in
§§ 35.290 and 35.390. This commenter
suggested that, for clarity, the term
‘‘classroom and laboratory training’’ be
used in place of the term ‘‘didactic
training’’ in sections where the latter
term appears. The commenter also
stated that the way the draft revisions to
the regulations are now written, the
preceptor statement seems to apply only
to the alternate pathway, and that they
should be restructured to ensure that
information is provided in preceptor
statements about hours of training and
experience, including classroom and
laboratory training. The commenter
suggested restructuring the regulations
and re-designating paragraphs so that
paragraph ‘‘(d)’’ always included the
requirements for preceptor statements.
During the ACMUI meeting on
October 14, 2004, the ACMUI passed a
motion recommending that the
requirement for classroom and
laboratory training, in § 35.390, be 80
rather than 200 hours. The ACMUI
believes that the requirements for
training in radiation safety and safe
handling for medical uses under
§§ 35.200 (no written directive required)
and § 35.300 (written directive
required), including the use of beta
emitters, are similar. The total hours of
training (classroom and laboratory,
combined with work experience) is the
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same (700 hours) in §§ 35.290 and
35.390. Therefore, the ACMUI
recommended that the number of hours
required for classroom and laboratory
training be the same as that required for
§ 35.290, i.e., 80 hours, because the
knowledge required for radiation safety
is similar for uses under both §§ 35.290
and 35.390. The ACMUI was also
concerned that time taken for classroom
and laboratory training required under
§ 35.390(b)(1)(i) would detract from time
needed for training in other areas
required of clinicians.
After consideration of both the
ACMUI’s and Agreement States’
recommendations, the NRC staff
analyzed the issue to determine the
appropriate amount of classroom and
laboratory training for approval of AUs
under § 35.390. The NRC is adopting a
requirement for 200 hours of classroom
and laboratory training for the alternate
pathway in § 35.390 because more
knowledge is necessary in the topic
areas listed in § 35.390(b)(1)(i)(A)
through (E), as enumerated below, to
ensure the safe use of byproduct
material for which a written directive is
1. Radiation physics and
instrumentation—a wider variety of
radionuclides, having a wider range of
energies, both for beta and gamma
emitters, is used. This affects
understanding of how radiation
interacts with matter, which impacts
understanding of shielding as well as
the effects of radiation, and choice and
use of instrumentation to detect and
measure radiation and to measure
quantities of radionuclides.
2. Radiation protection—more
knowledge of principles and practices of
radiation protection is needed because
of the wider variety of radionuclides
and associated types and energies of
radiations used under § 35.300. Because
greater quantities of byproduct material
are commonly used for therapeutic
purposes, risks are greater for patients
and patient care personnel as well as for
the public after the release of patients.
Evaluation of these risks and associated
protective measures and practices
necessitates more knowledge for uses
under § 35.300 than for uses under
§ 35.200. More knowledge of principles
and practices in radiation protection is
needed because of a wider variety of
modes of administration and physical
forms of byproduct material, e.g.,
intravenous, intra-peritoneal, oral and
liquids in catheters. Each of these
factors necessitates different radiation
safety considerations for patients,
occupationally exposed personnel and
members of the public. Radiation safety
considerations relate both to the
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preparation and use of byproduct
material for medical purposes, and may
extend to the treatment of patients in
the operating room and to the pathology
3. Mathematics pertaining to the use
and measurement of radioactivity—
Mathematics related to dosimetry is
more complex for the wider variety of
radionuclides, greater quantities,
different types of radiation, and the
broader purposes of use. Whereas
byproduct material is used for
diagnostic purposes under § 35.290,
uses under § 35.390 are common for
various therapeutic purposes.
4. Chemistry of byproduct material for
medical use—a wide variety of chemical
forms of byproduct material is used
under § 35.300. These forms include
ionic, bound-to-antibodies, and simpler
chemical species, resulting in
differences in uptake in the body and
various organs and tissues
(biodistribution), and elimination.
Agents are used both for diagnostic and
therapeutic purposes.
5. Radiation biology—more
knowledge of radiation biology is
needed because byproduct material are
administered in greater quantities, both
for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes,
resulting in the potential for a greater
variety of radiation effects and greater
potential for harm. Risk assessments
sometimes involve consideration of
immediate biological effects whereas
this is not usually a consideration in
diagnostic applications under § 35.200.
In addition to these considerations,
the NRC notes that new medical
applications of byproduct material are
evolving under § 35.300. Examples
include more common use of byproduct
material for alleviation of bone pain and
for treatment of metastatic disease. This
results in a need for additional
knowledge of a wider variety of
applications of physical and chemical
forms of byproduct material.
The NRC determined that the
minimum amount of classroom and
laboratory training should be 200 hours
by reviewing the content of training
courses that an individual might attend
to satisfy the requirements in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(i). This training involved
200 hours of classroom and laboratory
The requirement for 200 hours of
classroom and laboratory training is also
incorporated into the final rule for
individuals to qualify as ANPs because
nuclear pharmacists may be involved in
the preparation of dosages of byproduct
material for uses under § 35.300 as well
as under §§ 35.100, 35.200 and other
uses specified in 10 CFR Part 35.
Therefore, these individuals will be
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
involved in high-risk activities related
to use of byproduct material, including
wet chemistry. Their work may also
involve greater quantities of byproduct
material because they may dispense
dosages from stock-quantities. Greater
quantities are also used for short halflife radionuclides which decay between
preparation and administration to
The minimum number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training for
uses under § 35.200 is 80 hours because
the complexity and level of knowledge
required is less than for uses under
§ 35.300. The NRC believes that the
frequency of use of byproduct material
should not be considered in evaluating
the risk to individuals from uses of
byproduct material under § 35.200, for
the purpose of determining the
requirement for hours of classroom and
laboratory training to be required for
such uses. Rather, the NRC believes that
other factors should be considered in
this regard, e.g., adequacy of size and
scope of a radiation safety program to
ensure safe uses of byproduct material.
However, because procedures such as
elution of radionuclide generators and
preparation of drugs labeled with
byproduct material are conducted under
§ 35.200, the minimum was set at a
greater level than for uses under
§ 35.100, for which risks are
significantly less and for which the
minimum requirement was set at 8
hours of classroom and laboratory
training, in § 35.190.
The NRC recognizes that the
minimum number of hours of classroom
and laboratory training for uses of
licensed byproduct material specified in
these sections differs to some extent
from the minimum number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training
specified for similar uses of such
material in Subpart J. However, in
determining the minimum number of
hours of classroom and laboratory
training to be required for each use, the
NRC also recognized that the uses
specified in sections of Subpart J are
different from those covered in Subparts
D through H and that the medical use
of byproduct material has evolved and
changes have taken place in the
available technology for use in each of
these areas since the promulgation of
Subpart J. The NRC has considered
these factors in determining the
minimum number of hours of classroom
and laboratory training to be required
for uses in Subparts B and D through H.
The NRC also agrees with the
comment that the term ‘‘classroom and
laboratory training’’ should be used in
place of the term ‘‘didactic training.’’
The regulations in §§ 35.50(b)(1)(i) and
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35.55(b)(1)(i) have been revised to use
the term ‘‘classroom and laboratory’’ in
place of ‘‘didactic training.’’
The NRC has revised the language in
the final rule so that the requirement for
a preceptor attestation, for individuals
to be approved as RSOs, AMPs, ANPs
and AUs, now appears in §§ 35.50(a),
35.51(a), 35.55(a), 35.190(a), 35.290(a),
35.390 (a), 35.392(a), 35.394(a),
35.396(a), 35.490(a), and 35.590(a). This
approach helps make it clear that a
preceptor statement is required for both
the certification and alternate pathways.
The NRC did not re-designate
paragraphs to have the requirement for
preceptor statements appear in
paragraphs ‘‘(d)’’ in order to avoid
extensive renumbering that would be
necessary for other paragraphs.
Comment: One Agreement State
commenter stated that there is too great
of a reliance on a preceptor’s attestation/
certification for physicians who qualify
as AUs under the alternate pathway to
provide adequate assurance that the
individual will have obtained adequate
radiation safety training. The criteria
used by preceptors must be specifically
and clearly defined and the
qualifications for preceptors should be
defined as well. Otherwise, AUs may
give undue weight to the clinical
aspects of training rather than to safety,
and a clinically competent AU who has
a poor radiation safety compliance
history may provide a strong statement
for an individual for whom radiation
safety training was minimal.
Response: The criteria to be used by
preceptors are stated in the regulations,
including the qualifications required for
an individual to serve as an AU. The
NRC believes that competency of
candidates to function independently as
AUs is best assessed by AUs who have
experience performing the duties of an
AU. The definition of ‘‘preceptor’’
appears in § 35.2. The qualifications for
an individual to serve as a preceptor are
specified in the requirements for
preceptor statements in Subparts B and
D through H. In general, they require
that the preceptor be an individual who
serves in the same capacity as the
candidate for approval as RSO, AMP,
ANP, or AU. The criteria for evaluation
of T&E by preceptors are specified in
each section of Subparts B and D
through H. These criteria were chosen to
ensure that they are risk-informed and
performance-based and not unduly
prescriptive in relation to the degree of
risk associated with various types of
use. Moreover, reflecting a performancebased approach, an AU is considered
qualified to serve as a preceptor as long
as his or her authorized status remains
current. However, if an individual’s
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status as an RSO, AMP, ANP, or AU, is
revoked for non-compliance with the
NRC’s regulations, that person could no
longer serve as a preceptor.
Issue 2: Should the word ‘‘attestation’’
be used in place of the word
‘‘certification’’ in preceptor statements?
Should other changes to the wording or
preceptor statements be made?
Comment: One commenter observed
that ‘‘attest’’ and ‘‘certify’’ mean the
same thing, and, because preceptors
have been ‘‘attesting’’ for years,
questioned changing terminology. Other
commenters expressed support for
making the change, with two
commenters noting that the word
‘‘certification’’ should only be used in
connection with the board process.
Another commenter believes that the
use of the word ‘‘attest’’ in place of
‘‘certify’’ would alleviate certain
obstacles to individuals willing to serve
as proctors.
Response: The NRC agrees that the
use of the word ‘‘attest’’ and its various
other forms (attestation, attesting) is
more appropriate than the use of the
word ‘‘certify’’ and would lead to more
clarity in the regulations. Therefore,
appropriate changes were made in the
definition of ‘‘preceptor’’ and in the
requirements for preceptor attestations
in the regulations. This change was also
made, as a conforming change, in
§ 35.980(b)(2) of Subpart J to maintain
consistency with other Subparts of 10
CFR Part 35.
Comment: The preceptor statement
should be reworded to indicate that a
preceptor ‘‘attest[s] to the candidate’s
knowledge and ability to handle
radioisotopes in preserving the health
and safety of the patient and the
provider.’’ The preceptor should not be
required to attest to the general clinical
competency of the candidate.
Response: The NRC agrees with the
suggestion that the word ‘‘attest’’ should
be used in place of ‘‘certify’’ in
preceptor statements and has made
these changes in the final rule.
However, the other changes to the
preceptor statements suggested by the
commenter would result in the
elimination of essential elements of a
preceptor statement that the NRC
continues to rely on to determine if an
individual has satisfactorily completed
requirements for T&E and has a level of
competency sufficient to function
independently as an RSO, AMP, ANP,
or AU. The NRC clarified the meaning
of the word ‘‘competency’’ in the
section of the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION entitled ‘‘Preceptor
Attestation,’’ by indicating that
preceptors are not attesting to the
general clinical competency of the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
candidate; this interpretation represents
a restatement of the NRC’s intent stated
the current regulations, published on
April 24, 2002 (67 FR 20249). Therefore,
the other changes suggested by the
commenter were not adopted in the
final rule.
Comment: One Agreement State
commenter believes that preceptors are
not certifying ‘‘individuals,’’ but they
certify that the training received by an
individual meets regulatory
requirements. Otherwise, there may be
an implication that organizations which
provide training are relieved of any
Response: The NRC agrees with the
commenter’s statement that preceptors
do not ‘‘certify individuals.’’ The
purpose of preceptor attestations is
stated in the regulations (e.g., in the case
of RSOs), to attest to the satisfactory
completion of requirements for T&E to
serve as an RSO and to an individual’s
having achieved a level of radiation
safety knowledge sufficient to function
independently as an RSO for a medical
use licensee.
Comment: An Agreement State
commenter on the draft final rule stated
that the definition for preceptor should
confirm that the individual verifying
training for another authorized user,
medical physicist, nuclear pharmacist
or RSO is also a licensed user/RSO on
a specific medical license. The
commenter indicated that it is also
important for the preceptor to know that
his or her own authorization on a
medical license is at risk when signing
a preceptor attestation.
Response: As stated above, the
qualifications required for an individual
to serve as preceptor are specified in the
requirements for preceptor statements in
Subparts B and D through H, and
require that the preceptor be an
individual who serves in the same
capacity as the candidate for approval as
RSO, AMP, ANP, or AU. Therefore, the
NRC does not believe that the definition
for preceptor should be revised. The
NRC notes that a preceptor’s
authorization on a medical license is
not, per se, ‘‘at risk’’ for signing a
preceptor attestation. However, under
Section 186 of the Atomic Energy Act,
as well as the Commission’s regulations
in 10 CFR 30.10, a licensee, or applicant
for a license, who deliberately submits
to the NRC information that a person
submitting the information knows to be
inaccurate in some respect material to
the NRC, may be subject to enforcement
action. Under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, any
person who makes a willful false
statement to the NRC may be subject to
criminal sanctions.
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Issue 3: Comments on other
requirements related to preceptor
Comment: Some commenters stated
that the wording of the requirements for
preceptor statements in the proposed
rule implies that the preceptor has
knowledge that an individual meets all
of the requirements for board
certification, including passing of a
certification examination, thereby
establishing an unintended link
between preceptor statements and
examinations administered by boards.
This may or may not be true, since, in
some cases, a preceptor statement may
be signed before the individual sitting
for the board examination.
Response: The NRC agrees that
preceptors should not be required to
certify that individuals have completed
all of the requirements that candidates
for certification by a specialty board
would be required to meet to obtain
certification. The requirements for
preceptor statements have been
reworded in Subparts B and D through
H of the final rule to remove
requirements to attest to candidates
having passed board administered
Comment: While agreeing that the
change from certification to attest
should be made, other commenters
recommended that the following be
inserted in place of the first sentence of
all preceptor paragraphs in the
December 9, 2003, draft: ‘‘Has obtained
written attestation that the individual
has satisfactorily completed the
required training in paragraph (a)(1) or
(b)(1) of this section and has achieved
a level of knowledge and demonstrated
the ability to safely handle radioisotopes
to ensure adequate protection of public
health and safety. The written
attestation must be signed by a
preceptor. * * *’’
One commenter indicated that the
word ‘‘competency’’ should be dropped
from the suggested preceptor statement
because the phrase ‘‘has achieved a
level of knowledge and demonstrated
ability’’ is a demonstration of
Response: As noted in the Discussion
section of the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION, the Commission directed
the NRC staff, in SRM–02–0194 (dated
February 12, 2003), that the preceptor
statement remain as written in the
current regulations (published April 24,
2002), and that the staff should clarify
that the preceptor language does not
require an attestation of general clinical
competency but does require sufficient
attestation to demonstrate that the
candidate has the knowledge to fulfill
the duties of the position for which
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certification is sought. Further, this form
of attestation should be preserved both
for the certification pathway and the
alternate pathway. Therefore, the
suggestion related to the use of the word
‘‘competency’’ was not adopted in the
final rule.
Comment: One Agreement State
commenter stated that the proposed
language regarding the requirement for
obtaining preceptor statements is not
the same in different sections. For
example, § 35.290(a) reads, ‘‘meets the
requirements in paragraph (c)(2) [has
obtained a preceptor statement] and is
certified.’’ But § 35.390(a) reads, ‘‘is
certified by a medical speciality board
* * *’’ and ‘‘(c) has obtained written
certification (from a preceptor).’’ While
this accomplishes the same purpose, at
first glance it appears that some boards
do not require preceptor statements
while others do. The language should be
made more uniform for each discipline.
Response: The NRC agrees that
parallel construction should be used in
the language for requirements for
preceptor statements for individuals
who are board certified, and this
approach was taken in the final rule.
The requirement for a preceptor
attestation for individuals to be
approved as RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, and
AUs now appears in §§ 35.50(a),
35.51(a), 35.55(a), 35.190(a), 35.290(a),
35.390(a), 35.392(a), 35.394(a),
35.396(a), 35.490(a), and 35.690(a). This
approach also helps make it clear that
a preceptor statement is required
regardless of which training pathway is
Comment: One Agreement State
commenter agreed that a preceptor
statement should continue to be
required for board certified individuals,
stating that it is important for a person
who knows a candidate to attest to the
individual’s competence in radiation
Response: The NRC agrees with this
comment. The NRC continues to rely on
preceptor statements to determine if an
individual has satisfactorily completed
requirements for T&E and has a level of
knowledge sufficient to serve as an RSO,
AMP, ANP, or AU.
Comment: Several commenters
expressed the opinion that the change in
the requirements that de-couples
requirements for a preceptor statement
from requirements for recognition of
board certifications will result in a shift
of burden for obtaining the statement
from boards to individuals. One
Agreement State commenter supported
placing the responsibility for obtaining
preceptor statements on individuals
rather than on certification boards as a
prerequisite to the certification process.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Other commenters recommended that
the NRC retain the preceptor letter
requirement as a prerequisite to
recognition of board certifications. They
questioned what is gained by dropping
requirements for preceptor statements
from requirements for recognition of
board certifications. An Agreement State
commenter opposed separating
requirements for preceptor statements
from requirements for recognizing board
certifications on the grounds that it
integrates less uniformity and reliability
into the training process. According to
the commenter, a large number of
physicians are currently denied
authorizations because of inadequate
preceptor statements, and this will only
increase if these statements are not
reviewed and issued by a valid source
such as approved certification boards,
thereby increasing the shortage of
approved AUs.
Response: The NRC believes that
individuals will continue to be involved
in the process of documenting T&E and
that the shift in responsibility is
primarily from the involvement of
boards in the process to licensees,
which will be subject to the new
requirement for submitting the
preceptor statement to the NRC under
§ 35.14(a). The NRC removed the
requirement for boards to obtain
preceptor attestations, as a condition of
recognition of board certifications, upon
the recommendation of the ACMUI,
which indicated that the requirement
should be de-coupled from
requirements for recognition of board
certifications because individuals may
obtain the preceptor statement required
by the NRC after they have obtained
their board certifications. This approach
will enable a more flexible approach to
satisfying the requirement for preceptor
statements. The NRC believes removal
of the requirement for a preceptor
statement from requirements for
recognition of specialty board
certifications will not result in less
uniformity in the process of training or
decrease the number of individuals who
are approved as AUs because the
responsibility for obtaining preceptor
statements will still rest with individual
candidates for approval as AUs, and the
statements now must be submitted to
the NRC or an Agreement State, rather
than to a certification board. The NRC
also notes that the final rule does not
prevent specialty boards from requiring
preceptor statements.
Comment: One commenter stated that
the NRC should not require written
preceptor certifications for the
certification pathway because
certification boards already require
letters of endorsement to verify
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candidates’ work experience and
qualifications, and candidates must also
pass a multi-part examination to assess
knowledge and fitness to practice in a
particular medical specialty. Therefore,
it is redundant for the NRC to require
preceptor statements. Furthermore,
preceptors who are not involved in a
specialty board’s certification practice
can only verify that an individual
possesses a valid certificate. In addition,
the commenter questions the
justification for this new requirement.
Some commenters stated that the
requirement for preceptor statements
should be eliminated for board certified
AUs, AMPs, and ANPs; they should
only be required for those requesting
authorization via the alternate pathway
and for RSOs. Board certification and
continued experience are satisfactory
demonstration for meeting the radiation
safety requirements to perform those
authorized activities as AU, AMP, or
ANP. The commenters believe that there
is no evidence to support that any
added benefit would be provided by
requiring a preceptor statement for these
individuals. Removing requirements for
obtaining preceptor statements would
also minimize the delay in approval of
these individuals by the appropriate
regulatory agency or the Radiation
Safety Committee.
Response: The NRC continues to rely
on preceptor statements to determine if
an individual has satisfactorily
completed requirements for T&E and
has a level of knowledge sufficient to
serve as an RSO, AMP, ANP, or AU. The
NRC believes that it is essential to have
individuals who are familiar with the
duties of RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, and AUs,
through personal experience, to serve as
preceptors. Individuals who serve in
these positions are best qualified to
attest that an individual has achieved a
level of competency sufficient to
function independently as an AMP,
ANP, AU, or RSO. The concern
expressed about the unavailability, or
inability, of an authorized individual to
complete a preceptor statement for an
individual seeking authorized status
was addressed in the final rule by
modifying the definition of a preceptor,
in § 35.2, to permit verification by the
preceptor of required training and/or
experience obtained previously or
elsewhere. As indicated under the
discussion of comments on the
definition of ‘‘preceptor,’’ the word
‘‘the’’ was removed from the phrase ‘‘the
training and experience’’ in the
definition of preceptor to help clarify
that more than one individual may serve
as a preceptor. The NRC does not agree
that removing the requirement to obtain
a preceptor statement would minimize
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the delay in approvals of individuals to
serve as RSOs, AMPs, ANPs and AUs
because other means would have to be
used to evaluate the competency of
these individuals, which would increase
the amount of time needed for these
Comment: Some commenters stated
that clarification that individuals may
submit more than one preceptor
statement, as applicable, for all
categories of AU, AMP, or RSO, should
be provided in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION for the final rule. Proposed
§§ 35.490(c) and 35.690(c) indicate that
the preceptor must be an AU of each
type of medical unit for which the
individual is requesting AU status. The
language must be clarified to allow for
different preceptors for multiple devices
for which AU status is sought.
Response: The NRC recognizes that
separate preceptor statements may be
needed to document the T&E of
individuals, e.g., in the case of an
individual who receives training at
different times in his or her career or in
other circumstances when it may not be
possible for only one preceptor to attest
to some of the T&E that an individual
has received. The NRC accepts multiple
preceptor statements from licensees in
these circumstances. As indicated under
the discussion of comments on the
definition of ‘‘preceptor’’ in Part III, the
word ‘‘the’’ was removed from the
phrase ‘‘the training and experience’’ in
the definition of preceptor to help
clarify that more than one individual
may serve as a preceptor.
Other Issues
Issue 4: Should the NRC continue to
recognize the certifications of boards
that have been recognized under the
current regulations?
Comment: Two commenters believe
that the CBNC (Certification Board of
Nuclear Cardiology) should not be
required to reapply for recognition of its
certification because it was the only
board that complied with the NRC
requirements in 10 CFR Part 35 as
promulgated on April 24, 2002 (67 FR
Response: The NRC believes that,
because of the importance of board
certification to establishing the
adequacy of T&E for individuals to serve
as RSO, AMPs, ANPs, and AUs, it is
necessary to make a clear regulatory
determination that all boards, both new
and existing, meet the relevant
regulatory criteria. Evaluation of board
requirements against revised criteria in
the final rule is necessary to make this
determination. The NRC notes that, via
a separate rulemaking, the expiration of
Subpart J was extended for 1 year to
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
October 24, 2005 (69 FR 55736,
September 16, 2004); this will provide
time for boards to apply for recognition
under the revised regulation in the final
rule. During this period, the NRC will
continue to recognize the certifications
of boards, including the CBNC’s, which
are recognized under current
Issue 5: How will the NRC implement
procedures for recognition of specialty
board certifications? How will the NRC
monitor trends in medical events to
evaluate whether they are associated
with a certification board’s requirements
for certification?
INFORMATION for the proposed rule, the
NRC briefly discussed plans for
implementation of changes to
requirements for recognition of specialty
board certifications. One commenter
questioned these plans, asking how the
NRC will monitor trends in medical
events to see if they can be associated
with inadequate training in radiation
safety and if these trends can be related
to a specialty board’s requirements for
training. The commenter agreed that the
NRC should not conduct routine
inspections of boards. The commenter
indicated that the number of medical
events reported by a certain board’s
diplomates is small, making it difficult
to develop associations between trends
and a board’s requirements. The
commenter also asked what statistical
methods the NRC would use to make
these determinations. One Agreement
State commenter stated that the process
by which a board would be delisted
appears to be ineffective. For example,
it is unclear how the NRC will track
trends in diagnostic medical events and
relate those trends to the adequacy of
the radiation safety training component
of a specific board certification,
considering the fact that most diagnostic
medical events are not reportable. The
commenter stated that an analysis of
current data should have been
performed to determine if this approach
would be effective.
Response: The NRC conducts a
regulatory program to ensure safety.
This regulatory program is also
important to the identification of issues
related to T&E that may, in turn, point
to issues associated with the
certification process of a specialty
board. The NRC also requires that
medical events be reported to the NRC
and Agreement States. Bi-monthly
reviews of events in the Nuclear
Materials Events Database (NMED)
provide a means for identifying trends
in medical events in Agreements States
and among NRC licensees that may lead
to follow-up and review of adequacy of
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specialty board certification
requirements. The NRC reviewed recent
data and determined that radiation
safety training related to board
certification programs is adequate. The
NRC staff has initiated consultations
with the ACMUI to review medical
events to determine if action is needed
when problems arise including trends in
medical events reflected in NMED data.
The NRC has a broad regulatory
framework associated with medical
T&E, involving review of specialty
board certification processes, licensing
and inspections of licensees, and
medical event follow up and analysis.
The NRC believes that these measures
are sufficient to determine the adequacy
of training related to a board’s
certification process.
Comment: One commenter believes
that the NRC’s plan to review a specialty
board’s certification program is
particularly troubling. The NRC should
not expect a certification board to
jeopardize the security of its
examination by allowing the NRC to
review the examination and should not
influence the content of a board’s
examination. The commenter believes
that, because of the NRC’s lack of
expertise concerning the practice of
medicine, the NRC is not in a position
to determine the content of an
examination. Rather, only a specialty
board can make this judgement.
Response: The NRC will only review
board examinations if it determines that
a series of medical events is associated
with a particular type of use and if the
trend can be attributed to inadequate
training in radiation safety. In addition,
the NRC has methods to protect
proprietary information in
examinations; 10 CFR 2.390, ‘‘Public
inspections, exemptions, requests for
withholding,’’ provides procedures for
protection and nondisclosure of
information that contains trade secrets,
commercial or financial information
obtained from a person, and privileged
or confidential information. The NRC
will consult with the ACMUI to seek
advice, as necessary. Further, if safety
problems are found that relate to the
requirements of specialty boards for
certifications, the NRC will work with
boards to resolve these problems,
including inadequacies in examinations
if that is identified as a source of the
Comment: One commenter stated that,
while it is acceptable that the NRC does
not plan to implement the rule by
inspecting boards, the entire program
for recognition of board certifications is
in question unless the NRC reviews
copies of training programs used by the
boards and has some kind of regulatory
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basis to implement enforcement of these
commitments, if necessary.
Response: While the NRC does not
plan to inspect training programs, it
believes that specialty boards have a
strong incentive to ensure that their
certification procedures will ensure the
safe use of byproduct material in
medicine to protect the integrity of their
certifications as well as to gain
recognition from the NRC or an
Agreement State. The NRC also believes
that if a board’s certification
requirements are deficient, the
possibility of delisting and loss of
recognition is also a strong incentive for
a specialty board to correct deficiencies.
Further, as stated in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION for the current regulations,
the NRC will investigate any allegations
regarding inadequate training programs
on a case-by-case basis.
Comment: One Agreement State
commenter stated that, while it appears
that posting approved boards on the
NRC Web site is appropriate, it is not
clear that Agreement States will have
input into the review/approval process.
Response: The NRC’s current
regulations for recognition of specialty
board certification processes provide for
recognition by either the NRC or
Agreement States but do not require
consultation between States or between
States and the NRC. The regulations
provide clear criteria for recognition of
board certification processes.
Issue 6: How will revised
requirements for T&E affect individuals
who are now in training?
Comment: One commenter stated that
there has been no requirement for
fellows or residents currently in training
to document T&E on a case-by-case
basis. Therefore, physicians would be
adversely affected by this new
requirement, which would require a
retrospective analysis of data that may
not have been kept. Accordingly, the
proposed T&E requirements must be
applicable only to those who begin
training after the date of implementation
of the final rule.
Response: The NRC believes that the
revisions to requirements for T&E of
AUs do not result in such extensive
changes from current requirements that
it should create difficulty for
individuals to document their T&E. The
ACMUI noted in its recommendations to
the NRC for the development of the
proposed rule (see SECY–02–0194) that
it expected that the requirements of all
boards for certification, that are
currently recognized, would satisfy
revised requirements. Thus, there
should be little change in what an
individual would be expected to present
to a board to gain certification. Further,
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
the changes to the requirements for the
alternate pathway are relatively few.
Thus, these changes will not make the
task of documenting T&E significantly
more difficult. The NRC believes that
these requirements are essential to
ensuring adequacy of T&E for medical
uses of byproduct material for which a
WD is required and, therefore, that they
should not apply only to individuals
who begin training after the final rule is
implemented. Further, under the
provisions of § 35.57(b), experienced
AUs (e.g., individuals identified on a
license) are not required to comply with
requirements for T&E in Subparts D
through H of Part 35. Therefore, the
suggestion offered by the commenter
was not adopted.
Issue 7: Should the term ‘‘laboratory
training’’ be defined?
Comment: One Agreement State
Commenter expressed concern that the
meaning of the term, ‘‘laboratory
training,’’ should be more clearly
defined. The commenter expressed
concern that ‘‘laboratory’’ time could be
interpreted as ‘‘clinical lab’’ which
would be patient-care oriented rather
than radiation-safety oriented.
Response: The NRC believes that
defining the terms ‘‘classroom’’ and
‘‘laboratory’’ would not ensure
compliance and would only serve to
create a more prescriptive rule.
However, the NRC expects that clinical
laboratory hours that will be credited
toward meeting the requirements for
classroom and laboratory training in
Subparts B and D through H will
involve training in radiation safety
aspects of the medical use of byproduct
material. The NRC recognizes, for
example, that physicians in training
may not dedicate all of their clinical
laboratory time specifically to the
subject areas covered in these subparts
and will be attending to other clinical
matters involving the medical use of the
material under the supervision of an AU
(e.g., reviewing case histories or
interpreting scans). However, those
hours spent on other duties, not related
to radiation safety, should not be
counted toward the minimum number
of hours of required classroom and
laboratory training in radiation safety.
This type of supervised work
experience, even though not specifically
required by the NRC, may be counted
toward the supervised work experience
to obtain the required total hours of
training (e.g., 700 hours for § 35.390).
Similarly, the NRC recognizes that
clinicians will not dedicate all of their
time in training specifically to the
subject areas described in Subparts D
though H and will be attending to other
clinical matters. The NRC will broadly
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interpret ‘‘classroom training’’ to
include various types of instruction
received by candidates for approval,
including online training, as long as the
subject matter relates to radiation safety
and safe handling of byproduct material.
Part III—Comments on Specific Sections
in the Proposed Rule
Subpart A—General Information
Section 35.2—Definitions
Issue 1: Definitions of ‘‘authorized
medical physicist’’ and ‘‘authorized
nuclear pharmacist.’’
Comment: One Agreement State
commenter stated that the current
proposed definitions for ‘‘authorized
medical physicist’’ and ‘‘authorized
nuclear pharmacist’’ did not include
individuals who had obtained preceptor
statements and met the requirements for
the alternate pathway, and that this did
not appear to be correct.
Response: The NRC has considered
this comment and determined not to
change the definitions in § 35.2 for
‘‘authorized medical physicist’’ or
‘‘authorized nuclear pharmacist’ to
include individuals who are not board
certified. These definitions clearly
specify the individuals who are to be
included within their scope and are not
the same as the requirements for
demonstrating the adequacy of training
and experience. The means for a person
to become an AMP, ANP, or AU, via the
alternate pathway, are provided in
Subparts B and D through H.
Authorized medical physicists are
defined as individuals who are certified
by specialty boards whose certifications
are recognized by the NRC or an
Agreement State or are identified as
authorized individuals on a
Commission or Agreement State license
or permit. Authorized nuclear
pharmacists are similarly defined and
also include individuals who have been
identified by a commercial nuclear
pharmacy that has been authorized to
identify authorized nuclear pharmacists,
or are designated as authorized nuclear
pharmacists in accordance with the
requirements of § 32.72(b)(4). Although
not noted by the commenter, the
definitions similarly define an
authorized user as a physician, dentist,
or podiatrist who has been certified by
a board whose certification has been
recognized by the NRC or an Agreement
State, or is identified as an authorized
user on a Commission or Agreement
State license or permit. These
definitions are consistent with the
requirements of § 35.13, which provide
that a licensee must apply for and
receive a license amendment before it
permits anyone to work as an
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authorized user, authorized nuclear
pharmacist, or authorized medical
physicist under the license unless they
are authorized individuals who either
are certified by a board whose
certification is recognized or are
identified on a Commission or
Agreement State license or by a
commercial pharmacy authorized to
identify authorized nuclear pharmacists.
Neither the language of these provisions
accompanying the initial promulgation
of, and modifications to, these sections
indicate an intent to include within
their scope individuals who are not
board certified and who meet the
training and experience requirements of
the alternate pathway. In fact, there is a
clear indication in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION of a specific intent that
before allowing a physician who does
not have board certification or is not
listed on a license or permit to work as
an authorized user, the specific licensee
of limited scope must continue to
submit a license amendment and obtain
NRC approval (58 FR 33401; June 17,
As these definitions are not intended
to parallel the training and experience
requirements, the NRC has determined
that changing the definitions as the
commenter has suggested would be
outside the scope of this rulemaking.
Issue 2: Definition of ‘‘stereotactic
Comment: One commenter made a
distinction between ‘‘stereotactic
radiosurgery procedures,’’ which the
commenter indicated must be
conducted in one session, and
‘‘stereotactic radiotherapy,’’ which is
conducted over extended periods of
time with a linear accelerator. The
commenter recommended amending the
definition of ‘‘stereotactic radiosurgery’’
to include the words ‘‘in one session,’’
and to add a new definition of
‘‘stereotactic radiotherapy’’ as ‘‘the use
of external radiation in conjunction
with a stereotactic guidance device to
deliver partial therapeutic dose to a
tissue volume over a series of sessions.
Response: The NRC believes that it is
not necessary to qualify the definition of
stereotactic radiosurgery as suggested by
the commenter, or to add a new
definition, because the more general
term used, ‘‘stereotactic radiosurgery,’’
is sufficient to include both types of
treatments, and addition of the
qualifiers could be unduly restrictive in
the future.
Issue 3: Definition of ‘‘preceptor.’’ As
currently defined, ‘‘preceptor’’ means an
individual who provides or directs the
training and experience required for an
individual to become an authorized
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
user, an authorized medical physicist,
an authorized nuclear pharmacist, or a
Radiation Safety Officer.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the NRC revise the definition of
‘‘preceptor’’ to read ‘‘an individual who
provides, directs, or has knowledge of
training and experience required for an
individual to become. * * *’’ Deleting
the definite article ‘‘the’’ before
‘‘training’’ would clarify that more than
one person may serve as a preceptor,
and would clarify that the preceptor
does not need to be the individual who
trained the applicant. Addition of the
phrase ‘‘or has knowledge of,’’ allows
preceptors to address T&E that was not
received under the supervision of the
preceptor, e.g., training for new uses for
which no AU exists, such as those that
might be licensed under § 35.1000.
Other commenters supported removal of
the word ‘‘the’’ in the phrase, ‘‘the
training and experience,’’ in the current
definition. Another commenter also
recommended rewording the definition
of preceptor to include individuals who
verify the training because, in some
cases, the person who provides training,
such as a vendor, may not meet the
definition of a preceptor who provides
or directs training and experience.
Response: The NRC agrees with the
commenters and has removed the word
‘‘the’’ from the phrase ‘‘the training and
experience’’ in the definition of
preceptor. This change helps clarify that
more than one individual may serve as
a preceptor and that the regulations do
not require the preceptor to be the same
person who provides or directs training
for an individual to be approved as an
RSO, AMP, ANP, or AU. The NRC also
agrees that there may be cases when the
person who serves as preceptor may be
able to verify that the training and
experience meet requirements for T&E
in the regulations (for example, training
provided by a vendor for a specific type
of use) and the definition of preceptor
has been changed accordingly in the
final rule.
Comment: One commenter stated that
the current transition period, which
ends on October 24, 2004, must be
extended to allow time for boards to
prepare applications and for processing
of applications by the NRC, including
review by the ACMUI.
Response: The NRC agrees that
additional time for the changes to T&E
should be allowed beyond October 24,
2004. Therefore, by way of a separate
rulemaking, the NRC has amended 10
CFR Part 35 to extend the expiration of
Subpart J for 1 year beyond the current
expiration date to October 24, 2005 (69
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FR 55736, September 16, 2004). This
will allow time for specialty boards to
prepare and submit applications for
recognition under the revised
The final rule also contains
amendments to requirements for T&E
that relate to the alternate pathway and
the submission of preceptor statements
for board certified individuals under
§ 34.14(a). The NRC is providing, in
§ 35.10, for implementation of these
requirements, on or before October 25,
2005, to allow time for licensees and
license reviewers to adopt revisions to
requirements for T&E.
The NRC also notes that those
board(s) whose certifications have been
recognized by the NRC will continue to
be listed on the NRC’s Web site until
Subpart J expires on October 24, 2005;
only those boards whose certifications
are recognized under the provisions of
this final rule will be listed after
October 24, 2005.
Section 35.14(a) is being amended to
require the submission of statements,
signed by preceptors, in addition to a
copy of a board’s certification (required
under current regulations). This change
was made as a conforming change
necessitated by amendments to
requirements in Subparts B and D
through H of Part 35 which removed the
requirement for specialty boards to
obtain preceptor statements as a
condition of recognition of their
certifications and, instead, requires
applicants for licenses to submit
preceptor statements, effected by the
amendment to § 35.14(a).
Comment: One Agreement State
commenter noted that it is unfortunate
that certification by an accepted board
alone will no longer be adequate to
become an AU, AMP, RSO, or ANP.
Initially this could be confusing to
licensees who will need to become
accustomed to submitting copies of
valid preceptor statements and board
certificates with the notification
required by § 35.14.
Response: The NRC removed the
requirements for boards to obtain
preceptor attestations, as a condition of
recognition of board certifications, upon
the recommendation of the ACMUI,
which indicated that the requirement
should be de-coupled from
requirements for recognition of board
certifications. The revised regulations
require applicants to submit preceptor
attestations along with copies of board
certifications. The NRC believes that the
regulations, as amended, clarify this
change, and the NRC staff will work
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with applicants to resolve questions,
should they arise.
Comment: One commenter stated that
the requirements in § 35.14(a) should
call for written attestation, not a written
Response: The NRC agrees with the
comment and made this change in the
final rule. This change also brings the
paragraph into conformance with
changes made in requirements for
preceptor statements in Subparts B and
D through H of Part 35.
Subpart B—General Administrative
Section 35.50—Training for Radiation
Safety Officer
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the NRC should define
‘‘professional experience in health
physics’’ and ‘‘at least 3 years in applied
health physics’’ in § 35.50(a)(2),
expressing concern that, if full-time
experience is required in the practice of
health physics, then most radiologists
would not qualify as RSOs.
Response: The NRC believes that
these terms are in common usage and
that it is not necessary to define the
terms. The NRC believes that it is
appropriate to require 1 year of full-time
experience under the supervision of an
RSO for candidates to meet
requirements for T&E, via the alternate
pathway, to ensure that they are able to
serve independently as RSOs. Therefore,
the NRC has retained the requirement
for 1 year of full-time, supervised
experience, with the exception of the
new provisions in § 35.50 for approval
of medical physicists as RSOs, for
which a requirement for 2 years of fulltime experience is required.
Comment: After stating support for
proposed changes to § 35.50 that would
permit medical physicists who are not
AMPs to serve as RSOs, some
commenters also indicated that the
phrase referring to certification by a
board whose certification process has
been recognized ‘‘under § 35.51(a)’’
should be deleted from § 35.50(d)(2)(i).
These commenters believe that
including the connection would limit
RSO medical physicists to medical
physicists practicing in therapy. These
commenters believe that it is critical
that qualified medical physicists other
than AMPs be able to serve as an RSO.
Medical physicists, who are certified in
diagnostic radiology or nuclear
medicine, need to continue to be able to
serve as an RSO.
Response: The NRC agrees that certain
medical physicists may be well
qualified to serve as RSOs. AMPs may
now serve as RSOs. Therefore, § 35.50
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
has been amended to provide additional
criteria for a medical physicist to qualify
as an RSO. The new requirement for
certification in medical physics by a
specialty board that is recognized by the
NRC or an Agreement State appears in
§ 35.50(c)(1), with requirements for
recognition set out in § 35.50(a)(2). The
criteria for NRC recognition of
certification in medical physics for
RSOs does not include a requirement for
examination in ‘‘clinical radiation
therapy,’’ but provides a pathway for
approval as RSOs of medical physicists
certified in diagnostic radiology or
nuclear medicine. The adequacy of T&E
for individuals to serve as RSOs is
ensured by requirements in the final
rule for a preceptor statement and for
training in radiation safety, regulatory
issues, and emergency procedures for
the types of use for which a licensee
seeks approval. The NRC agrees with
the commenters and believes that these
requirements are appropriate to
demonstrating the adequacy of T&E in
radiation safety for individuals to serve
as RSOs.
Section 35.51—Training for an
Authorized Medical Physicist
Issue 1: The requirements for T&E for
AMPs include, in § 35.51(b)(1), that the
training and work experience must be
conducted in clinical radiation facilities
that provide high-energy, external beam
therapy and brachytherapy services.
Comment: Two Agreement State
commenters questioned the use of the
term ‘‘high-energy’’ in the requirement
for training of AMPs, suggesting that
there is no definition for the term and
that it might be interpreted differently
by different States and individuals. The
commenter asserted that, because
experience with high-energy, external
beam therapy is essential for approval of
a medical physicist, it would seem
appropriate that the term be understood.
Response: The term ‘‘high-energy’’ is
used in the rule text in §§ 35.51(a)(2)(ii)
and 35.51(b)(1) to specify the type of
training to be included in T&E for
AMPs. The NRC revised
§§ 35.51(a)(2)(ii) and 35.51(b)(1) to
indicate that high-energy radiation is
considered to be photons and electrons
with energies greater than or equal to 1
million electron volts, which is
consistent with the definition of highenergy used by the International
Commission on Radiation Units and
Measurements in Report 42, Use of
Computers in External Beam
Radiotherapy Procedures with HighEnergy Photons and Electrons.
Issue 2: During the transition from
previous regulations and changes under
the final rule on T&E, should medical
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physicists, serving in functional roles as
AMPs but not named on licenses, be
allowed to continue serving as AMPs?
Comment: The ACMUI suggested that
the rule grandfather those medical
physicists, who serve as authorized
medical physicists for intravascular
brachytherapy, high-dose rate
brachytherapy, cobalt-60 teletherapy,
and cobalt-60 gamma knife therapy, to
allow them to serve as AMPs in these
respective categories regardless of
whether they are currently listed on
Agreement State or NRC licenses. Other
commenters agreed, expressing concern
that some Agreement States have not
established processes for credentialing
physicists authorized to perform critical
QA and safety checks for intravascular
brachytherapy, or gamma stereotactic
treatments, and that some Agreement
States, which have established
requirements for T&E for these AMPs,
do not explicitly list them on licenses.
Therefore, this issue should be clarified
so there could be an initial pool of
AMPs to serve as preceptors and any
physicist who meets the requirements of
the board certification or alternate
pathway under § 35.51, and has clinical
experience performing AMP duties in
the past 7 years, should be
Response: Prior to the implementation
of current regulations in Part 35
(published on April 24, 2002; 67 FR
20249), the NRC staff evaluated, on a
case-by-case basis, the qualifications of
individuals to perform the functions of
medical physicists and identified them
as AMPs on NRC licenses. These
individuals are ‘‘grandfathered’’ under
§ 35.57(a). Hence, the concern of the
ACMUI would relate primarily to those
medical physicists performing functions
for licensees of Agreement States but
who are not identified on Agreement
State licenses. To ‘‘grandfather’’
(approve as AMPs) these medical
physicists in Agreement State, it is
necessary to evaluate the training and
experience of these individuals to serve
as AMPs to ensure that they have
achieved a level of radiation safety
knowledge sufficient to function
independently as an AMP for each type
of medical unit for which the individual
would be responsible. The NRC staff
does not believe that it is appropriate to
‘‘grandfather’’ medical physicists to
allow them to serve as AMPs, absent
such an evaluation having been
conducted. Regulatory agencies in
Agreement States, that have not been
identifying on licenses those
individuals who have been authorized
to serve as medical physicists for the
types of use and of concern to the
ACMUI should identify (approve)
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medical physicists on licenses and
amendments for types of use for which
status as an AMP is required under
revised regulations, including
previously authorized medical
physicists. These individuals, who have
been identified on a license, would also
be able to serve as preceptors for
individuals to become AMPs.
Issue 3: Requirements for clinical
experience to serve as an AMP.
Comment: Some commenters believe
that proposed § 35.51(a)(2)(i) would
allow individuals with no clinical
experience (e.g., research post-doctoral
candidates supervised by a boarded
physicist), to sit for board certification
examinations. Therefore, they suggested
the following change to § 35.51(a)(2):
‘‘Have 2 years of full-time practical
training and/or experience in a clinical
radiation oncology facility providing
high-energy external beam therapy and
brachytherapy services under the
supervision of (i) a medical physicist
who is certified by a board recognized
by the Commission or an Agreement
State, or (ii) physicians who meet the
requirements for §§ 35.490 or 35.690
authorized users.’’
Response: As in the proposed rule,
the regulations in the final rule for
recognition of specialty board
certifications for AMPs require
candidates for certification to have 2
years of practical training and/or
supervised experience in medical
physics and to pass an examination
which assesses knowledge and
competence in clinical radiation
therapy, radiation safety, calibration,
quality assurance, and treatment
planning for external beam therapy,
brachytherapy, and stereotactic
radiosurgery. The NRC believes that
these requirements, in combination with
the requirements for type of use specific
training and for a preceptor attestation
that a candidate for AMP has achieved
a level of competency sufficient to
function independently as an AMP, are
adequate to assess the T&E of candidates
for status as AMPs.
Section 35.57—Training for
Experienced Radiation Safety Officer,
Teletherapy or Medical Physicist,
Authorized User, and Nuclear
Comment: The ACMUI suggested that
licenses should be amended to provide
that current authorized users of sodium
iodine-131 for imaging and localization,
involving greater than 30 microcuries,
continue to be authorized for these uses.
Response: Section 35.57(b)(1)
provides that AUs who are identified on
a license or permit are not required to
comply with the training requirements
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
in Subparts D through H to continue
performing those medical uses for
which they were authorized before
October 24, 2002 (the effective date of
the current regulations). Under
§ 35.57(b)(2), the same provision applies
to AUs authorized between October 24,
2002 and the effective date of this final
rule, (April 29, 2005). NRC licenses are
being amended accordingly.
Subpart D—Unsealed Byproduct
Material—Written Directive Not
Section 35.290—Training for Imaging
and Localization Studies
Comment: The ACMUI suggested that
the revised regulations should, in the
future, allow § 35.200 practitioners to
conduct any I–131 imaging and
localization involving greater than 30
microcuries, excluding sodium iodine,
without further training and experience.
Response: Section 35.57(b)(1)
provides the exception sought by the
commenter by not requiring AUs to
comply with the training requirements
in Subparts D through H and to
continue performing those medical uses
for which they were authorized before
October 24, 2002 (the effective date of
the current regulations). Section
35.57(b)(2) allows AUs, authorized
between October 24, 2002 and the
effective date of this final rule (April 29,
2005 ) to continue performing those
medical uses for which they were
authorized during this period. NRC
licenses are being modified accordingly.
Comment: The ACMUI recommended
that the NRC provide a clarification that,
for the diagnostic use of I–131 as
sodium iodide which falls under
§ 35.392 for diagnostic use only, the
training which an individual may cite
for uses under § 35.392 may also serve
as credit as part of the 700 hours of
training for uses under § 35.200.
Response: The NRC requirement for
80 hours of training for uses under
§ 35.392 may be credited towards the
700 hours of training for uses under
§ 35.200 under the current regulations
in § 35.290 and under the final rule.
Subpart E—Unsealed Byproduct
Material—Written Directive Required
Section 35.390—Training for Use of
Unsealed Byproduct Material for Which
a Written Directive Is Required
Comment: A commenter indicated
that the NRC is imposing a new
requirement in its regulations for 700
hours of training for uses for which a
WD is required. The commenter
indicated that this is 620 hours more
than is required for the use of sodium
iodide I–131 in quantities up to 1.2 GBq
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(33 millicuries) for therapeutic
applications, for which 80 hours of
training is required under § 35.392.
Further, an examination is required for
recognition of certifications of specialty
boards under § 35.390, but not under
§ 35.392. The commenter stated that
risk-based regulations could not be used
to justify the requirement for 620 more
hours of training given that only 80
hours of training are required for the use
of I–131 for treatment, and that virtually
all medical events related to the use of
unsealed sources are due to the use of
I–131. Another commenter expressed
similar views and added that it is
inconsistent to have minimal
requirements for alternate training
pathways while placing more
prescriptive requirements for training
on specialty boards that already require
far more than the alternative pathway.
The commenter stated that the NRC
should reconsider the requirements for
the alternate pathway to remove these
Response: The NRC did not propose
to change requirements for the number
of hours of T&E for individuals to
qualify as AUs via the alternate pathway
under §§ 35.390, 35.392, or 35.394. The
issues raised by the commenter were
discussed extensively in the
current rule in response to public
comments in Part II, General Issues,
Section E, Training and Experience,
published in the Federal Register on
April 24, 2002 (67 FR 20249). That
discussion indicates that the NRC
agreed with comments indicating that
the T&E requirements should be
increased for individuals who wish to
use byproduct material for which a WD
is required. The number of hours
required were increased from 80 to 700
hours in § 35.390 for uses of unsealed
byproduct material for which a WD is
required. In addition, the work
experience in the administration of such
dosages to patients must include at least
three cases in each of the following
categories for which the individual is
requesting AU status: (1) Oral
administration of less than or equal to
1.22 Gigabecquerels (33 millicuries) of
sodium iodide I–131, for which a
written directive is required; (2) Oral
administration of greater than 1.22
Gigabecquerels (33 millicuries) of
sodium iodide I–131; (3) Parenteral
administration of any beta-emitter or a
photon-emitting radionuclide with a
photon energy less than 150 keV, for
which a written directive is required;
and/or (4) Parenteral administration of
any other radionuclide, for which a
written directive is required. Physicians
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who are authorized under § 35.390 for
all of these types of administrations also
meet the requirements in §§ 35.190,
35.290, 35.392, and 35.394. The NRC
continues to believe that the increase in
T&E hours was needed because these
physicians are authorized to elute
generators and prepare radioactive
drugs, as well as to administer a wide
variety of radionuclides for which WDs
are required. Thus, the associated
radiation risks of the use could be
greater. The discussion in the
current rule also indicates that
requirements for T&E were carried
forward into the current rule, in
§ 35.392, for AUs to perform oral
administration of sodium iodide I–131
in dosages less than or equal to 1.22
gigabecquerels (GBq) (33 millicuries
(mCi)), if they do not prepare
radioactive drugs using generators and
reagent kits. To qualify as an AU under
this limited authorization, an individual
must have 80 hours of classroom and
laboratory training and supervised work
experience that includes 3 cases
involving the oral administration of
sodium iodide I–131 in dosages less
than or equal to 1.22 GBq (33 mCi).
Finally, the discussion indicated that
requirements were carried forward to
the current rule, in § 35.394, for AUs to
perform oral administration of sodium
iodide I–131 in dosages greater than
1.22 GBq (33 mCi), and do not prepare
radioactive drugs using generators and
reagent kits. To qualify as an AU under
this limited authorization, an individual
must have 80 hours of classroom and
laboratory training and work experience
that includes 3 cases involving the oral
administration of sodium iodide I–131
in quantities greater than 1.22 GBq (33
mCi). Physicians authorized under
§ 35.394 also meet the T&E criteria in
§ 35.392. Based on licensee use, NRC
inspections, and experience with
medical events reported since the
current rule became effective, on
October 24, 2002, the NRC continues to
believe that the requirements in
§§ 35.390, 35.392, and 35.394 are
necessary and sufficient.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the NRC add ‘‘diagnostic radiology’’
to the description of residency
programs, which now includes
‘‘residency training in radiation therapy
or nuclear medicine training program or
a program in a related medical
Response: The NRC believes that the
description of ‘‘residency programs’’
should be limited to those which have
direct applicability to the use of
byproduct material for which a WD is
required. Use of the general term
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
‘‘related medical specialty,’’ allows for
training in diagnostic radiology.
Comment: Some commenters believe
that to recognize radiation therapy and
nuclear medicine residency programs as
they now exist, the T&E criteria in
§ 35.390(a)(1) should be changed to
allow for a 2-year nuclear medicine
residency program as an alternative to a
3-year residency program in radiation
Another commenter indicated that the
requirement for a 3-year residency
should be removed from § 35.390
because it is inappropriate for the NRC
to specify training requirements related
to the practice of medicine.
Response: The NRC agrees that the
requirement for residency programs to
be 3 years in duration should be
removed from § 35.390. In the final rule,
this section no longer refers to the
duration of residency programs.
Comment: Two commenters requested
that the requirements in § 35.390 be
changed to permit individuals trained in
radiation oncology residency programs
to use unsealed sources under § 35.300.
The totality of all work experience
possessed by individuals who have
completed an accredited residency
program in radiation oncology should
be considered. The rule should exempt
these individuals from requirements in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii) because radiation
oncologists have unique experience that
qualifies them to perform therapeutic
procedures using unsealed sources.
Another commenter stated that the
American Board of Medical Specialties
(ABMS) certified nuclear medicine
physicians, radiologists, and radiation
oncologists have unique training,
experience, and examinations that go
well beyond the minimum requirements
of the alternate pathway. Therefore, the
NRC should only require in § 35.390
that any ABMS medical specialty board
meet the same minimal requirements
specified for the alternate pathway in
proposed § 35.390(b)(1)(ii). The
commenter also suggested removal of
any additional requirements for an
ABMS board such as an examination,
and approval of ABMS boards based
upon their formal training and
examination procedures which would
be outlined by the boards in their
applications for approval.
Response: The NRC agrees that
physicians trained in radiation oncology
may have adequate T&E for certain
medical uses of unsealed byproduct
material for which a WD is required.
One pathway now exists (i.e., licensees
may apply for approval of physicians to
serve as AUs for use under § 35.300 via
the alternate pathway), which includes
a requirement for completion of a
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residency program that includes 700
hours of training and experience in
basic radionuclide handling techniques,
applicable to the medical use of
unsealed byproduct material for which
a WD is required, as specified in
§ 35.390(b)(1). The NRC understands,
however, that there are classes of
physicians who may be well qualified
but do not meet the requirement for 700
hours of T&E for unsealed byproduct
material. For example, physicians who
meet the requirements for T&E for uses
under §§ 35.490 or 35.690 have a good
understanding of radiation which
applies to the use of sealed sources that
is common to the use of unsealed
sources. However, the NRC believes
that, because of the increased risk
associated with the use of unsealed
sources for which a WD is required, it
is essential to ensure that AUs have
adequate T&E for this use. Commenters
suggested removing requirements for
700 hours of T&E for uses under
§ 35.300, but that would remove
essential requirements for T&E for use of
unsealed byproduct material for which
a WD is required. Therefore, the NRC
has included a new § 35.396 in the final
rule to provide a pathway for becoming
a AU for uses of byproduct material
under § 35.300, for individuals who may
have acquired adequate T&E other than
that specified in § 35.390 and other
sections of Subpart E. This new
§ 35.396, ‘‘Training for the parenteral
administration of unsealed byproduct
material for which a written directive is
required,’’ specifies requirements for
T&E that relate to the use of unsealed
byproduct material for which a WD is
required. These requirements were
modeled after the requirements in other
sections of Subpart E and include 80
hours of T&E specific to the use of
unsealed sources and experience with at
least three cases involving parenteral
administration of byproduct material for
which a WD is required. Section 35.396
allows for individuals to take credit for
T&E associated with other medical uses
of byproduct material that may be
applicable to the uses of unsealed
byproduct material, e.g., individuals
who are certified by boards who meet
the requirements of §§ 35.490 or 35.690
for the use of sealed sources. The NRC
believes that this new section will
provide the flexibility needed to allow
individuals, who do not meet other
requirements in Subpart E, to serve as
AUs for parenteral administration of
byproduct material for which a WD is
required while ensuring adequacy of
T&E for these uses to be safe.
Comment: One commenter stated that
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G) deals with the
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therapeutic administration of certain
unsealed sources orally and by
parenteral administration, i.e., by way of
the intestines. The commenter stated
that, because radiopharmaceutical
therapies are now delivered by a variety
of routes, the term ‘‘parenteral
administration’’ should be changed to
‘‘administration by any route.’’
Response: The NRC believes that the
hazards and precautions associated with
parenteral administrations of unsealed
byproduct material are significantly
different from those associated with oral
administrations and that the
requirements in § 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G) are
sufficiently broad as to cover the various
uses for which a WD is required.
Therefore, the NRC has retained
requirements for experience with both
oral and parenteral administrations for
which a WD is required. The NRC also
notes that the medical use of byproduct
material under § 35.300 is not limited to
‘‘therapeutic’’ administrations, but
applies to uses for which a WD is
required (see § 35.40 for related
Comment: The ACMUI recommended
removing the requirement for work
experience with elution of generators
and measuring, testing, and processing
of eluates for preparation of
radiolabeled drugs in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(F). The ACMUI
believes that it is not necessary to
require all users of byproduct material,
under § 35.300, to have experience with
elution of generators and, further, that it
is sufficient to require, in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(C), work experience
with safely preparing patient or human
research dosages. However, the ACMUI
recommended that the requirement for
elution of generators be retained for
training in the use of byproduct material
for individuals who may become AUs
under provisions of § 35.290(b) by virtue
of having been approved as an AU
under § 35.390. A conforming change
was recommended for § 35.100(b) for
those AUs who qualify to prepare
dosages if they meet the requirements in
§ 35.390, and in [revised] § 35.290(c)(2)
for requirements for preceptors who
meet the requirements of § 35.390.
Response: The NRC agrees with the
recommendation of the ACMUI to
remove the requirement for elution of
generators and eluates in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(F) because this should
not be required for AUs who do not
need to use generators for uses of
byproduct material under § 35.300 and
because there is a requirement for safely
preparing dosages in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(C). This change was
made in the final rule along with
conforming changes to retain the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
requirement for this experience in
§§ 35.100(b), 35.200(b) and 35.290(b).
Comment: One commenter stated that
the Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education (ACGME) was
incorrectly referred to as the
‘‘Accreditation Council on Medical
Response: References to the ACGME
have been corrected in the discussion of
changes to §§ 35.390, 35.490, and
Section 35.392—Training for The Oral
Administration of Sodium Iodide I–131
Requiring a Written Directive in
Quantities Less Than or Equal to 1.22
Gigabecquerels (33 Millicuries)
Comment: One commenter suggested
that there should be a grandfathering
clause in § 35.392 to allow AUs who
were permitted to perform diagnostic
total body imaging scans, previously
under § 35.200, when the scans were
classified as ‘‘diagnostic’’ and
‘‘therapeutic’’ rather than as procedures
for which WD is required, to continue
to perform these procedures.
Response: Section 35.57(b) provides
that experienced AUs, identified on a
license or permit, are not required to
comply with the training requirements
in Subparts D through H to continue
performing those medical uses for
which they were authorized before
October 24, 2002 (the effective date of
the current regulations). This provides
the ‘‘grandfathering’’ requested by the
Subpart H of Part 35—Photon Emitting
Remote Afterloader Units, Teletherapy
Units, and Gamma Stereotactic
Radiosurgery Units
Section 35.690—Training for Use of
Remote Afterloader Units, Teletherapy
Units, and Gamma Stereotactic
Radiosurgery Units
Comment: One commenter stated that
AUs should be required to be
neurosurgeons for use of gamma
stereotactic radiosurgery treatments
because a neurosurgeon is the only
trained physician who has the
knowledge unique to understanding the
neuroanatomy of the brain. The
commenter also suggested other changes
to regulations, including a
recommendation that the NRC require
that WDs for gamma stereotactic
radiosurgery be signed by both a treating
neurosurgeon and radiation oncologist
and that a neurosurgeon should be
required to be physically present during
treatments involving the gamma unit,
with the radiation oncologist also
present during the initiation of
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Response: The NRC believes that it
would be an unwarranted intrusion into
the practice of medicine to specify that
only neurosurgeons may serve as AUs
for the use of byproduct material in
stereotactic radiosurgery. The NRC
believes that sufficient protections are
included in Subpart H of Part 35 and
other applicable sections of 10 CFR Part
35 to ensure that licensees develop
safety procedures and training to ensure
safety. They include several
requirements for safe use of byproduct
material specific to high dose rate units
in § 35.615(a)–(g) as well as
requirements for the physical presence
of an authorized user and authorized
medical physicist (in § 35.615(f)(3)).
Part IV—Implementation by Agreement
States—Timing and Compatibility
Issue 1: Should Agreement States
establish the requirements to conform
with this proposed rule by October 24,
2005, or should they follow the normal
process and be given a full 3 years to
develop a compatible rule?
Comment: Agreement State
commenters were generally in
agreement that they should have 3 years
to adopt the final rule. One commenter
stated that there is not a basis for
considering emergency action, and that
time is needed to allow for States to
develop implementation procedures as
well as revising their regulations.
Another commenter noted that a
requirement to adopt the final rule by
October 25, 2005, would result in that
State not meeting Compatibility B
Other commenters indicated that it
may take a full 3 years for some
Agreement States to adopt comparable
regulations, but they should be urged to
do so as soon as practical, and the
compatibility level for these regulations
should remain as compatibility B. One
commenter states that Agreement States
can and should meet the October 24,
2005, deadline for developing a
compatible rule. The commenter
believes there is much confusion and
misunderstanding on the part of
applicants seeking AU status as they
have one [or more] sets of requirements
in Agreement States and another in nonAgreement States. In some States, these
changes will require legislative action
and the process needs to be started
immediately to achieve compliance
with the NRC’s requirements. The
commenter opposed this delay in the
final implementation, indicating that
extension of the deadline is quite
unreasonable and unnecessary.
Response: The NRC acknowledges
that the adoption of the final rule may
take legislative action in some
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Agreement States and that some
legislative cycles are up to 2 years in
length. To allow adequate time for all
Agreement States to adopt the final rule,
and help avoid transboundary issues
relating to differing standards between
States, the NRC has determined that 3
years will be allowed for adoption of
this Compatibility B final rule.
Comment: One commenter stated that
obstacles to obtaining licensure in
individual States discourage
endocrinologists from providing
treatment with I–131 when, in fact,
endocrinologists, with their broad base
of experience and training in all forms
of thyroid disease and access to various
forms of thyroid testing, are in the best
position to judge the timing and
appropriateness of radioiodine
Response: Current regulations, in
§§ 35.392 and 35.394, include
requirements that are specifically
intended to enable endocrinologists
(and other physicians) to obtain
authorized user status for oral
administration of sodium iodide I–131
for which a written directive is required.
The requirements include 80 hours of
classroom and laboratory training in
subjects applicable to this usage plus
work experience covering procedures
important to this usage, including
administering dosages to at least 3
patients or human research subjects.
Preceptor statements required in the
regulations can be completed by users
authorized under these sections. The
revised rule maintains these provisions.
Because requirements for T&E are
designated as compatibility category B,
Agreement States must establish
requirements that are essentially
identical to NRC’s.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the NRC enforce the compatibility
requirements for Agreement States to
comply with the requirements for T&E,
published in the revised 10 CFR Part 35
on April 24, 2002, by October 25, 2005.
The issues in the proposed rule are
limited and do not affect the core of the
training and experience requirements.
The commenter indicated that progress
on implementing compatibility in the
Agreement States has been very slow. In
some States, the regulatory changes
must be implemented by legislative
action, and the process should be
started immediately to achieve
compliance with the Federal mandate.
Further delay in the adoption of the T&E
requirements will inject added
uncertainty into the process and delay
unnecessarily the final resolution of the
T&E issue.
Response: The NRC disagrees with the
commenter’s assertion that the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
amendments proposed do not affect
‘‘core’’ requirements for T&E. Changes
between current regulations and the
final rule are substantial and Agreement
States will need time to adopt the
regulations, as noted in the commenter’s
observation that, in some States,
legislative action will be required to
adopt revised requirements for T&E.
Therefore the NRC is allowing the full
three years for adoption of the final rule.
Issue 2: Additional issues relating to
implementation by Agreement States:
Consistency of requirements.
Comment: Three commenters
indicated that the regulations on T&E
should remain classified as
Compatibility B.
Response: The NRC has not changed
its compatibility designation for
requirements for T&E in the final rule;
they remain classified as Compatibility
Comment: Some Agreement State
commenters stated that T&E
requirements are designated as
Compatibility B because of
transboundary issues. However,
consistency will not be ensured unless
a minimum number of classroom hours
are specified for AUs in §§ 35.190,
35.290, and 35.390, and for nuclear
pharmacists in § 35.55. Each Agreement
State will either accept whatever is
submitted by an applicant or will
designate a minimum number of hours
that will be accepted. In either situation,
inconsistency will exist.
Response: The NRC’s designation of
requirements for T&E as Compatibility B
is intended to establish uniformity
regarding requirements to ensure
consistency of requirements for T&E
between Agreement States and between
the NRC and Agreement States. The
NRC agrees with the assertion of the
Agreement States that a specification for
a minimum number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training will
promote consistency of regulations
between Agreement States, and between
the NRC and Agreement States when
applied to the alternate pathway.
However, this requirement need not be
added to requirements for recognition of
specialty board certifications to ensure
consistency. For these reasons and those
discussed in Part II, Issue 1, of the
Summary of Public Comments,
requirements for a minimum number of
hours of classroom and laboratory
training have been included in
§§ 35.55(b)(1)(i), 35.190(c)(1),
35.290(c)(1), and 35.390(b)(1) of the
final rule. These amendments to the
regulations will also help ensure that
Agreement States maintain
Compatibility B status of their
regulations for T&E.
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Comment: A commenter for OAS
indicated that, in response to a poll,
some Agreement State commenters
argued against categorizing
requirements for T&E as Compatibility
B. Comments included the argument
that this has diminished safety for
certain uses of byproduct material, e.g.,
for oral administrations of I–131 under
§§ 35.392 and 35.394. One commenter
also noted that a national standard for
T&E makes sense because some States
use the T&E evaluation of other
licensing jurisdictions as part or all of
their review of qualifications of
applicants to become AUs. One
commenter noted, however, that some
Agreement States have, in the past,
disagreed with the NRC’s requirements
for T&E and have effectively licensed
users with differing qualifications, and
recommended a change of designation
for T&E regulations to Compatibility C.
Response: The issue of adequacy of
T&E for oral administration of I–131
sodium iodide was thoroughly reviewed
INFORMATION when the current
regulations for medical use of byproduct
material were developed for the revision
of 10 CFR Part 35, published on April
24, 2002 (67 FR 20249). This analysis
included a careful consideration to
numerous public comments in relation
to adequacy of T&E. Many of the issues
raised by the commenters to justify a
redesignation of T&E requirements as
Compatibility C were also given
considerable review during the
development of the current regulations
and the conclusion was reached that the
assignment of the specific compatibility
categories to the requirements in the
current regulations was necessary to
assure that byproduct material is used
with a uniform level of radiation safety
nationwide. Therefore, a basis for
redesignation of Compatibility is
unnecessary. Further discussion of the
Compatibility designation for
requirements for T&E appears above.
V. Summary of Final Revisions
Section 35.2—Definitions
The definition of ‘‘preceptor’’ is
changed from ‘‘Preceptor means an
individual who provides or directs the
training and experience * * *.’’ to read
‘‘Preceptor means an individual who
provides, directs, or verifies training
and experience * * *.’’ The definition
of ‘‘Radiation Safety Officer’’ is changed
to include individuals who qualify as
RSOs by meeting the new requirements
in § 35.50(c)(1).
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Section 35.8—Information Collection
Requirements: OMB Approval
This section is amended to
incorporate a conforming change related
to the addition of § 35.396 to Subpart E
of Part 35. The information collection
related to this new section is noted in
paragraph (b) by the addition of
‘‘§ 35.396’’ to the list of sections
appearing therein.
Section 35.10—Implementation
This section is amended to
incorporate a conforming change
necessitated by the amendment of other
sections. Paragraph (b) is amended to
require implementation, on or before
October 25, 2005, of §§ 35.50(a) and (e),
35.51(a) and (c), 35.55(a), 35.55(b)(1)(i),
35.190(a), 35.190(c)(1), 35.290(a),
35.290(c)(1), 35.390(a), 35.390(b)(1),
35.392(a), 35.394(a), 35.396(a),
35.396(c), 35.490(a), 35.590(a) and (c),
and 35.690(a) and (c) and the
requirement, in § 35.14(a), to provide a
copy of written attestations to the
Section 35.13—License Amendments
This section is amended to
incorporate conforming changes
necessitated by amendments of other
sections. Paragraph (b)(3) is amended to
reference requirements for training
specific for types of use specified in
new § 35.51(c).
Section 35.14—Notifications
This section is amended to add a
requirement to paragraph (a) to submit
a copy of a written attestation, signed by
a preceptor, in addition to a copy of the
board certification now required in this
paragraph. The section is also amended
to require licensees to provide
verification of completion of relevant
training for individuals permitted to
work as authorized individuals under
§ 34.13(b)(4).
Section 35.50—Training for Radiation
Safety Officer
This section is amended to modify the
requirements that must be met as part of
a specialty board certification process
for the specialty board’s certification to
be recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State. Instead of requiring
that the certification process include the
same criteria as the alternate pathway
(§ 35.50(b) in the current regulations),
paragraph (a) is amended to provide
separate requirements for a specialty
board’s certification process. This
includes a requirement to pass an
examination, administered by
diplomates of the specialty board, that
evaluates knowledge and competency in
areas that are important to functioning
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
as an RSO. Requirements for training are
changed to add requirements for a
bachelor’s or graduate degree from an
accredited college or university in
physical science, engineering, or
biological science with a minimum of
20 college credits in physical science.
Training requirements also include a
minimum of 5 years of professional
experience in health physics, including
at least 3 years in applied health physics
(graduate training could be substituted
for up to 2 years of experience).
Paragraph (a) is amended to include a
statement that the names of recognized
board certifications will be posted on
the NRC’s web page. The requirement
for obtaining a preceptor statement is
removed from the requirements for
recognition of specialty board
certifications. This requirement appears
in paragraph (d) and applies to
individuals for both the certification
and alternate pathways. New paragraphs
(a)(2) and (c)(1) are added that specify
requirements for medical physicists to
serve as RSOs. The term ‘‘classroom and
laboratory training’’ is substituted for
the word ‘‘didactic’’ in paragraph
(b)(1)(i) to be consistent with usage in
other sections. A new paragraph (e) is
added to require training in radiation
safety, regulatory issues, and emergency
procedures for the types of use for
which a licensee seeks authorization.
Paragraph (e) applies to all pathways.
The requirement for a ‘‘written
certification,’’ signed by a preceptor, is
changed to a requirement for a ‘‘written
attestation,’’ signed by a preceptor, in
paragraph (d).
Section 35.51—Training for an
Authorized Medical Physicist
This section is amended to modify the
requirements that must be met as part of
a specialty board certification process
for the specialty board’s certification to
be recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State. Instead of requiring
that the certification process include the
same criteria as the alternate pathway,
paragraph (a) is amended to provide
separate requirements for a specialty
board’s certification process. This
process includes a requirement to pass
an examination, administered by
diplomates of the specialty board, that
evaluates knowledge and competency in
areas that are important to functioning
as a medical physicist. Paragraph (a) is
also amended to include a statement
that the names of recognized board
certifications will be posted on the
NRC’s web page. The requirement for
obtaining a preceptor statement is
removed from the requirements for
recognition of specialty board
certifications and now applies to each
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individual seeking approval as an AMP
via either the certification or alternate
pathway and is added to paragraph (a).
A new paragraph (c) is added to require
training related to the type of use for
which authorization is sought that
includes ‘‘hands on’’ device operation,
safety procedures, clinical use, and
operation of a treatment planning
system. Paragraph (c) applies to the
certification and alternate pathways. In
addition, for the alternate pathway
(paragraph (b)(1)), the acceptable areas
of concentration for degrees are
expanded, and a requirement that the
degree be from an accredited college or
university is added. Paragraph (b)(1) is
also amended to list the specific areas
for which the individual needs to have
training and work experience, instead of
referring to other sections of 10 CFR Part
35, and allows for the T&E to be
received in clinical radiation facilities
that provide high-energy, external beam
therapy with photons and electrons
with energies greater than or equal to 1
million electron volts and
brachytherapy services. The term
‘‘written certification’’ in paragraph
(b)(2) is changed to ‘‘written
Section 35.55—Training for an
Authorized Nuclear Pharmacist
This section is amended to modify the
requirements that must be met as part of
a specialty board certification process
for the specialty board’s certification to
be recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State. Instead of requiring
that the certification process include the
same criteria as the alternate pathway,
paragraph (a) is amended to provide
separate requirements for a specialty
board’s certification process. This
certification process includes a
requirement to pass an examination,
administered by diplomates of the
specialty board, that evaluates
knowledge and competency in areas
that are important to functioning as an
ANP. Paragraph (a) is also amended to
include a statement that the names of
recognized board certifications will be
posted on the NRC’s web page. The
requirement for didactic training in
paragraph (b)(1)(i) is changed to specify
that 200 hours of the 700 hours of
training required under paragraph (b)(1)
must be classroom and laboratory
training; the term ‘‘classroom and
laboratory training’’ is substituted for
the word ‘‘didactic’’ to be consistent
with usage in other sections. The
requirement for obtaining a preceptor
statement is removed from the
requirements for recognition of specialty
board certifications and now applies to
each individual seeking approval as an
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AMP and is referenced in paragraph (a).
The term ‘‘written certification’’ in
paragraph (b)(2) is changed to ‘‘written
Section 35.57—Training for
Experienced Radiation Safety Officer,
Teletherapy or Medical Physicist,
Authorized Medical Physicist,
Authorized User, Nuclear Pharmacist,
and Authorized Nuclear Pharmacist
This section is amended by adding
two paragraphs, (a)(2) and (b)(2), to
provide that (1) individuals identified as
RSO’s, AMPs or ANPs on a Commission
or Agreement State license or permit,
after the effective date (October 24,
2002) of the current requirements in
Subpart B, and before the effective date
of this final rule, may continue to serve
in these positions; and (2) physicians,
dentists or podiatrists identified as AUs
on a Commission or Agreement State
license or permit, who perform only
those medical uses for which they were
authorized between October 24, 2002,
and the effective date of this final rule,
need not comply with the training
requirements of Subparts D through H.
Section 35.75—Release of Individuals
Containing Unsealed Byproduct
Material or Implants Containing
Byproduct Material
Paragraph (a) is amended to remove
‘‘(draft)’’ from footnote 1.
Section 35.100—Use of Unsealed
Byproduct Material for Uptake, Dilution,
and Excretion Studies for Which a
Written Directive Is Not Required
A conforming change is made in
§ 35.100(b)(2) to add, and thereby retain,
a requirement, formerly incorporated by
reference to § 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(F), for
work experience with elution of
generators and the measuring, testing,
and preparation of labeled radioactive
drugs for those individuals who qualify
for preparation of dosages for use under
§ 35.100 as AUs approved under
§ 35.390. The addition is accomplished
by adding a reference to
§ 35.290(c)(1)(ii)(G) in § 35.100(b).
Section 35.190—Training for Uptake,
Dilution, and Excretion Studies
Paragraph (a) is amended to modify
the requirements that must be met as
part of a specialty board certification
process for the specialty board’s
certification to be recognized by the
Commission or an Agreement State for
uses under § 35.190. A requirement is
added that candidates must pass an
examination administered by
diplomates of the specialty board. The
requirement for obtaining a preceptor
statement is removed from the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
requirements for recognition of specialty
board certifications and now applies to
each individual seeking approval as an
AU under § 35.100 and is referenced in
paragraph (a). Paragraph (a) is also
amended to include a statement that the
names of recognized board certifications
will be posted on the NRC’s web page.
The introductory text of paragraph (c)(1)
is amended to provide that a minimum
of 8 hours of the 60 of training and
experience, required in this paragraph,
must be classroom and laboratory
training. Paragraph (a)(1) is amended to
clarify that this requirement does not
apply to the certification pathway. The
introductory text of paragraph
(c)(1)(ii)(B) is amended to reflect that
the work experience must include
performing quality control procedures
on instruments used to determine the
activity of dosages, a change from
requiring only the calibration of these
instruments. The term ‘‘written
certification’’ is changed to ‘‘written
attestation’’ in paragraph (c)(2).
Section 35.200—Use of Unsealed
Byproduct Material for Imaging and
Localization Studies for Which a
Written Directive Is Not Required
A conforming change is made in
§§ 35.200(b) to add, and thereby retain,
a requirement, formerly incorporated by
reference to § 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(F), for
work experience with elution of
generators and the measuring, testing,
and preparation of labeled radioactive
drugs, for those individuals who qualify
for use under § 35.200 as AUs approved
under § 35.390. The addition is
accomplished by adding a reference to
§ 35.290(c)(1)(ii)(G) in § 35.200(b)(2).
Section 35.290—Training for Imaging
and Localization Studies
Paragraph (a) is amended to modify
the requirements that must be met as
part of a specialty board certification
process for the specialty board’s
certification to be recognized by the
Commission or an Agreement State for
uses under § 35.290. A requirement is
added that candidates must pass an
examination administered by
diplomates of the specialty board. The
requirement for obtaining a preceptor
statement is removed from the
requirements for recognition of specialty
board certifications and now applies to
each individual seeking approval as an
AU under § 35.200. Paragraph (a) is also
amended to include a statement that the
names of recognized board certifications
will be posted on the NRC’s web page.
The introductory text of paragraph (c)(1)
is amended to provide that a minimum
of 80 hours of the 700 hours of training
and experience, required in this
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paragraph, must be classroom and
laboratory training. Paragraph (a)(1) is
amended to clarify that this requirement
does not apply to the certification
pathway. Paragraph (c)(1)(ii)(B) is
amended to reflect that the work
experience must include performing
quality control procedures on
instruments used to determine the
activity of dosages, a change from
requiring only the calibration of these
instruments. The term ‘‘written
certification’’ is changed to ‘‘written
attestation’’ in paragraph (c)(2). A
conforming change is made in
§§ 35.290(b) and 35.290(c)(1)(ii) to add a
requirement for work experience with
elution of generators and the measuring,
testing, and preparation of labeled
radioactive drugs for those individuals
who qualify for use under § 35.290 as
AUs approved under § 35.390. These
requirements are also applicable to
individuals serving as preceptors under
§ 35.290(c)(2).
Section 35.390—Training for Use of
Unsealed Byproduct Material for Which
a Written Directive Is Required
This section is amended to modify the
requirements that must be met as part of
a specialty board certification process
for the specialty board’s certification
process to be recognized by the
Commission or an Agreement State for
uses under § 35.390. Instead of requiring
that the certification process include the
same criteria as the alternate pathway,
paragraph (a) is amended to provide
separate requirements for a specialty
board’s certification process. The
requirement for experience with
administration of dosages in paragraph
(b)(1)(ii)(G) is no longer included in
requirements for recognition of board
certifications, but is retained as a
requirement for individuals to become
AUs for uses for which a WD is required
by adding a reference, in paragraph (a),
to paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(G). In paragraph
(a)(1), the training and experience
required for the certification pathway is
changed to include a requirement that
individuals complete residency training
in a radiation therapy, nuclear
medicine, or a related medical specialty
training program approved by the
Residency Review Committee of the
Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education, the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or
the Committee on Post-Graduate
Training of the American Osteopathic
Association. A requirement is added
that candidates must pass an
examination administered by
diplomates of the specialty board.
Paragraph (a) is also amended to include
a statement that the names of recognized
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board certifications will be posted on
the NRC’s web page. The requirement
for obtaining a preceptor statement is
removed from the requirements for
recognition of specialty board
certifications and now applies to each
individual seeking approval as an AU
under § 35.390 and is referenced in
paragraph (a). The introductory text of
paragraph (b)(1) is amended to provide
that a minimum of 200 hours of the 700
hours of training and experience,
required in this paragraph, must be
classroom and laboratory training.
Paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(B) is amended to
reflect that the work experience must
include performing quality control
procedures on instruments used to
determine the activity of dosages, a
change from requiring only the
calibration of these instruments.
Paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(G)(1), (3) and (4) are
amended to revise requirements for
work experience involving parenteral
administration of dosages, clarifying
them to indicate that the experience is
to be with cases for which written
directives are required. Paragraph (a)(2)
is amended to clarify that candidates
must pass an examination that tests
knowledge and competence in use of
unsealed byproduct material for which
a WD is required. Paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(F)
is removed to eliminate the requirement
for work experience with elution of
generators and the measuring, testing,
and processing of eluates for preparing
labeled radioactive drugs. The term
‘‘written certification’’ in paragraph
(b)(2) is changed to ‘‘written
Section 35.392—Training for the Oral
Administration of Sodium Iodide I–131
Requiring a Written Directive in
Quantities Less Than or Equal to 1.22
Gigabecquerels (33 Millicuries)
Paragraph (a) is amended to include a
statement that the names of recognized
board certifications will be posted on
the NRC’s web page. The requirement
for obtaining a preceptor statement is
removed from the requirements for
recognition of specialty board
certifications and now applies to each
individual seeking approval as an AU
under § 35.392 and is referenced in
paragraph (a). Paragraph (c)(2)(ii) is
amended to reflect that the work
experience must include performing
quality control procedures on
instruments used to determine the
activity of dosages, a change from
requiring only the calibration of these
instruments. The term ‘‘written
certification’’ in paragraph (c)(3) is
changed to ‘‘written attestation.’’
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Section 35.394—Training for the Oral
Administration of Sodium Iodide I–131
Requiring a Written Directive in
Quantities Greater Than 1.22
Gigabecquerels (33 Millicuries)
Paragraph (a) is amended to include a
statement that the names of recognized
board certifications will be posted on
the NRC’s web page. The requirement
for obtaining a preceptor statement is
removed from the requirements for
recognition of specialty board
certification processes and now applies
to each individual seeking approval as
an AU under § 35.392 and is referenced
in paragraph (a). Paragraph (c)(2)(ii) is
amended to reflect that the work
experience must include performing
quality control procedures on
instruments used to determine the
activity of dosages, a change from
requiring only the calibration of these
instruments. The term ‘‘written
certification’’ in paragraph (c)(3) is
changed to ‘‘written attestation.’’
Section 35.396—Training for the
Parenteral Administration of Unsealed
Byproduct Material Requiring a Written
A new § 35.396 is added to Subpart E.
The section establishes T&E
requirements applicable to AUs for the
parenteral administration of unsealed
byproduct material for which a written
directive is required. The following
individuals may serve as AUs under this
section if they meet specified T&E
• Under paragraph (a), AUs under
§ 35.390 or, before October 24, 2005,
§ 35.930 for uses listed in
§§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)(3) and
35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)(4), or equivalent
Agreement State requirements.
• Under paragraph (b), AUs for uses
under §§ 35.400 or 35.600 or, before
October 24, 2005, §§ 35.940 or 35.960,
or equivalent Agreement State
• Under paragraph (c), physicians
certified by a medical specialty board
whose certification process has been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State under §§ 35.400 or
35.600 or, before October 24, 2005,
§§ 35.940 or 35.960.
The specified requirements for AUs
under § 35.396 are as follows:
• T&E specific to the use specified in
paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2), including
80 hours of classroom and laboratory
training that includes topics and
experience necessary for the safe use of
unsealed byproduct material for
parenteral administrations for which a
written directive is required, and;
• Preceptor statements as specified in
paragraph (d)(3).
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Section 35.490—Training for Use of
Manual Brachytherapy Sources
and laboratory training in basic
radionuclide handling techniques.
This section is amended to modify the
requirements that must be met as part of
a specialty board certification process
for the specialty board’s certification
processes to be recognized by the
Commission or an Agreement State.
Instead of requiring that the certification
process include the same criteria as the
alternate pathway, paragraph (a)
provides separate requirements for a
specialty board’s certification process.
In paragraph (a)(1), the training and
experience required for the certification
pathway is changed to include a
requirement that individuals complete a
minimum of 3 years of residency
training in a radiation oncology program
approved by the Residency Review
Committee of the Accreditation Council
for Graduate Medical Education, the
Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada, or the Committee
on Post-Graduate Training of the
American Osteopathic Association. A
requirement is added that candidates
must pass an examination administered
by diplomates of the specialty board.
Paragraph (a) is also amended to include
a statement that the names of recognized
board certifications will be posted on
the NRC’s web page. The requirement
for obtaining a preceptor statement is
removed from the requirements for
recognition of specialty board
certification processes and now applies
to each individual seeking approval as
an AU under § 35.490 and is referenced
in paragraph (a). The term ‘‘written
certification’’ is changed to ‘‘written
attestation’’ in the requirements for
preceptor attestation in paragraph (b)(3).
Paragraph (b)(2) is amended to include
the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada in the listing of
organizations that can provide approval
of the formal training program.
Section 35.690—Training for Use of
Remote Afterloader Units, Teletherapy
Units, and Gamma Stereotactic
Radiosurgery Units
This section is amended to modify the
requirements that must be met as part of
a specialty board certification process
for the specialty board’s certification
processes to be recognized by the
Commission or an Agreement State for
uses under § 35.600. Instead of requiring
that the certification process include the
same criteria as the alternate pathway,
paragraph (a) is amended to provide
separate requirements for a specialty
board’s certification process. Paragraph
(a) is also amended to include a
statement that the names of recognized
board certifications will be posted on
the NRC’s web page. In paragraph (a)(1)
the training and experience required for
the certification pathway is changed to
include a requirement that individuals
complete a minimum of 3 years of
residency training in a radiation therapy
program approved by the Residency
Review Committee of the Accreditation
Council for Graduate Medical
Education, the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or
the Committee on Post-Graduate
Training of the American Osteopathic
Association. A requirement is added, in
paragraph (a)(2), that candidates must
pass an examination administered by
diplomates of the specialty board. The
requirement for obtaining a preceptor
statement is removed from the
requirements for recognition of specialty
board certifications and now applies to
each individual seeking approval as an
AU under § 35.690. Additionally, for the
alternate pathway, paragraph (b)(2) is
amended to include the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in
the listing of organizations that can
provide approval of the formal training
program. The requirement for
experience in ‘‘radiation oncology’’ in
paragraph (b)(2) is changed to require
experience in ‘‘radiation therapy.’’ The
term ‘‘written certification’’ is changed
to ‘‘written attestation’’ in the
requirements for preceptor attestation in
paragraph (b)(3). A new paragraph (c) is
added to require training in device
operation, safety procedures, and
clinical use for the type(s) of use for
which approval as an AU is sought.
Paragraph (c) applies to all pathways.
Section 35.491—Training for
Ophthalmic Use of Strontium-90
Paragraph (b)(3) is amended to change
the term ‘‘written certification’’ to
‘‘written attestation.’’
Section 35.590—Training for Use of
Sealed Sources for Diagnosis
Paragraph (a) is also amended to
include a statement that the names of
recognized board certifications will be
posted on the NRC’s web page.
Paragraph (c) was added and applies to
both the certification and the alternate
pathways. This revision separates the
requirement for training in the use of
the device for the uses requested from
the requirement for 8 hours of classroom
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Section 35.980—Training for an
Authorized Nuclear Pharmacist
Paragraph (b)(2) is amended to change
the term ‘‘written certification’’ to
‘‘written attestation,’’ a conforming
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
change made to maintain consistency
with other subparts of 10 CFR Part 35.
VI. Agreement State Compatibility
Under the ‘‘Policy Statement on
Adequacy and Compatibility of
Agreement State Programs’’ approved by
the Commission on June 30, 1997, and
published in the Federal Register on
September 3, 1997 (62 FR 46517), this
final rule is a matter of compatibility
between NRC and the Agreement States,
thereby providing consistency among
Agreement State and NRC requirements.
The Compatibility classifications for
sections amended in the final rule are
unchanged. The new § 35.396 is
classified as Compatibility Category B.
A summary of compatibility
classifications for amended sections in
the final rule appears below.
Compatibility: Section.
Compatibility Category B: § 35.2,
Definitions: Preceptor, radiation safety
officer; §§ 35.50, 35.51, 35.55, 35.57,
35.190, 35.290, 35.390, 35.392, 35.394,
35.396, 35.490, 35.491, 35.590, 35.690.
Compatibility Category C: §§ 35.11,
Compatibility Category H&S:
§§ 35.100, 35.200.
Compatibility Category D: §§ 35.8,
35.10, 35.13, 35.14, 35.980.
A Compatibility Category B
designation means the requirement has
significant direct transboundary
implications. Compatibility Category B
designated Agreement State
requirements should be essentially
identical to those of NRC.
A Compatibility Category C
designation means the essential
objectives of this section should be
adopted by the State to avoid conflicts,
duplications, or gaps. The manner in
which the essential objectives are
addressed need not be the same as NRC,
provided the essential objectives are
A Compatibility Category H&S
designation means program elements
are not required for purposes of
compatibility; however, they do have
particular health and safety significance.
The State should adopt the essential
objectives of such program elements to
maintain an adequate program.
A Compatibility Category D
designation means that the essential
objectives of the section are not required
for purposes of compatibility and do not
need to be adopted by the Agreement
VII. Implementation
The revised regulations in 10 CFR
Part 35 become effective on April 29,
2005. The Commission provides, by
amendments to § 35.10(b), that licensees
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will have until October 24, 2005, to
comply with the training requirements
for authorized users, authorized medical
physicists, authorized nuclear
pharmacists, and Radiation Safety
Officers. During this period, licensees
will have the option of complying with
either requirements of Subpart J, the
expiration of which was extended by a
separate rulemaking to October 24, 2005
(69 FR 55736, September 16, 2004), or
the requirements in Subparts B and D
through H of Part 35. The transition
period will allow additional time for
other specialty boards to seek NRC
recognition of certifications as provided
in §§ 35.50(a), 35.51(a), 35.55(a),
35.190(a), 35.290(a), 35.390(a),
35.392(a), 35.394(a), 35.490(a),
35.590(a), and 35.690(a). The transition
period will also allow individuals from
Agreement States time to satisfy the
training requirements to work in NRC
jurisdictions. The Commission also
provides, by amendment to § 35.57, that
individuals who have been named on
existing Commission or Agreement State
licenses and permits, between the
October 24, 2002 (the effective date of
current requirements for T&E, revised
on April 24, 2002) and the effective date
of this final rule, are exempt from the
new requirements in Subparts D
through H. The effect of this change to
the regulations is to ‘‘grandfather’’ those
individuals named on an existing
Commission or Agreement State license
or permit, for those use(s) for which
they have been approved to serve as an
VIII. Voluntary Consensus Standards
The National Technology Transfer Act
of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–113) requires that
Federal agencies use technical standards
that are developed or adopted by
voluntary consensus standards bodies
unless the use of such a standard is
inconsistent with applicable law or
otherwise impractical. In this final rule,
the NRC is modifying the training and
experience requirements for radiation
safety officers, authorized medical
physicists, authorized nuclear
pharmacists, or authorized users. This
action does not constitute the
establishment of a standard that
establishes generally applicable
IX. Finding of No Significant
Environmental Impact: Environmental
The Commission has determined
under the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the
Commission’s regulations in Subpart A
of 10 CFR Part 51, that this rule is not
a major Federal action significantly
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affecting the quality of the human
environment. Therefore, an
environmental impact statement is not
required. The environmental assessment
is presented below.
The NRC is amending its regulations
governing the medical use of byproduct
material to change its requirements for
recognition of specialty boards whose
certification may be used to demonstrate
the adequacy of the training and
experience of individuals to serve as
radiation safety officers (RSOs),
authorized medical physicists (AMPs),
authorized nuclear pharmacists (ANPs),
or authorized users (AUs). The final rule
also revises requirements for
demonstrating the adequacy of training
and experience for pathways other than
the board certification pathway. This
rulemaking is necessary to address the
training and experience issue for
recognition of specialty board
The Final Action
This action amends the Commission’s
regulations governing the medical use of
byproduct material (10 CFR Part 35).
The final rule changes the requirements
for recognition of specialty boards
whose certification may be used to
demonstrate the adequacy of the
training and experience of individuals
to serve as an RSO, AMP, ANP, or AU.
This action also amends certain
requirements for the training and
experience of individuals who do not
choose the board certification pathway.
During its revision of 10 CFR Part 35,
the Commission became aware that, as
a result of the changes to its training and
experience requirements, specialty
board certifications recognized by the
NRC under the former regulations no
longer would be qualified for
recognition, and that this could result in
a shortage of authorized individuals. As
a temporary measure to address this
issue, the Commission reinserted
Subpart J to Part 35 into the final rule
which was published in the Federal
Register on April 24, 2002 (67 FR
20249). Subpart J to Part 35 was
effective for a 2-year transition period,
which would have expired on October
24, 2004. This action addresses the issue
relating to recognition of board
certifications after expiration of Subpart
J on October 24, 2005.
Need for the Action
This rulemaking is needed to address
the training and experience issue for
recognition of certifications of specialty
boards by the NRC for approval of
individuals to serve as RSOs, AMPs,
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
ANPs, or AUs. Without this rulemaking,
the issue of board recognition would not
be addressed. Subpart J to Part 35
expires on October 24, 2005, and
without this rulemaking, there could be
a potential shortage of individuals
authorized to perform medical
procedures involving the use of
byproduct material.
Alternatives to This Action
An alternative to this final rule would
be to take no action. Subpart J to Part
35 would expire on October 24, 2005.
The no-action alternative is not favored
because the issues related to training
and experience, as they relate to NRC’s
recognition of specialty boards, would
not be resolved, and this could result in
a shortage of RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, and
Environmental Impacts of the Final
The NRC prepared an environmental
assessment as part of the development
of the Part 35 final rule published in the
Federal Register on April 24, 2002 (67
FR 20249). The conclusion from this
environmental assessment was that the
10 CFR Part 35 amendments would have
no significant impact on the public and
the environment. Specifically,
pertaining to the training and
experience requirements, the
environmental assessment stated: ‘‘The
amendments to the training and
experience requirements in 10 CFR Part
35 focus on knowledge and experience
that is integral to radiation safety. These
changes are expected to have no
significant impact on public health and
safety, occupational health and safety,
and the environment.’’ The NRC finds
that the conclusion is still valid for the
revisions to the training and experience
requirements in this final rule. The
revisions also focus on the knowledge
and experience that is integral to
radiation safety. The amendments to 10
CFR Part 35 are expected to have no
significant impact on the public health
and safety, occupational health and
safety, and the environment.
Agencies and Persons Consulted and
Sources Used
The environmental assessment for the
final 10 CFR Part 35 rulemaking (67 FR
20249; April 24, 2002), was used in the
preparation of this environmental
assessment. The draft environmental
assessment was sent to Agreement
States and the Advisory Committee on
the Medical Use of Isotopes for review
and comment. The NRC staff has
determined that this final action will
not affect listed species or critical
habitat. Therefore, no further
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consultation is required under Section 7
of the Endangered Species Act (16
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The NRC staff has
determined that this action is not the
type of activity that has potential to
cause effects on historic properties.
Therefore, no further consultation is
required under Section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act (16
U.S.C. 470 et seq.).
Finding of No Significant Impact
Based on the foregoing environmental
assessment, the NRC concludes that this
rulemaking will not have a significant
effect on the quality of the human
environment. Therefore, the NRC has
determined that an environmental
impact statement is not necessary for
this rulemaking.
The determination of this
environmental assessment is that there
will be no significant impact to the
public from this action.
X. Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
This final rule contains new or
amended information collection
requirements that are subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). These requirements
were approved by the Office of
Management and Budget, approval
numbers 3150–0010 and 3150–0120.
The burden to the public for these
information collections is estimated to
average 1.4 hours per response,
including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and
reviewing the information collection.
Send comments on any aspect of these
information collections, including
suggestions for reducing the burden, to
the Records and FOIA/Privacy Services
Branch (T–5 F52), U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555–0001, or by Internet
electronic mail to
Desk Officer, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, NEOB–10202,
(3150–0010/3150–0120), Office of
Management and Budget, Washington,
DC 20503.
Public Protection Notification
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond
to, a request for information or an
information collection requirement
unless the requesting document
displays a currently valid OMB control
XI. Regulatory Analysis
The Commission has prepared a
regulatory analysis on this regulation.
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The analysis examines the costs and
benefits of the alternatives considered
by the Commission. The analysis is
available for inspection in the NRC
Public Document Room, 11555
Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD. Single
copies of the regulatory analysis are
available from Roger W. Broseus, Office
of Nuclear Material Safety and
Safeguards, telephone (301) 415–7608,
XII. Regulatory Flexibility Certification
In accordance with the Regulatory
Flexibility Act of 1980 (5 U.S.C. 605(b)),
the NRC certifies that this rule will not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
This final rule amends the regulations
governing the medical use of byproduct
material to change its requirements for
recognition of specialty boards whose
certification may be used to demonstrate
the adequacy of the training and
experience of individuals to serve as
radiation safety officers, authorized
medical physicists, authorized nuclear
pharmacists, or authorized users. This
rule also revises the requirements for
demonstrating the adequacy of training
and experience of individuals who do
not choose pathways other than the
board certification pathway. This rule
will have no burden or economic impact
on licensees because it does not add
new requirements; it provides a revision
to an existing option. Therefore, it does
not fall within the scope of the
definition of ‘‘small entities’’ set forth in
the Regulatory Flexibility Act or the
Small Business Size Standards set out in
regulations issued by the Small
Business Administration at 10 CFR Part
XIII. Backfit Analysis
The Commission has determined that
a backfit analysis is not required for this
final rule because these amendments do
not include any provisions that would
require backfits as defined in 10 CFR
Chapter 1.
XIV. Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act
In accordance with the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996, the NRC has
determined that this action is not a
major rule and has verified this
determination with the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs of
List of Subjects in 10 CFR Part 35
Byproduct material, Criminal
penalties, Drugs, Health facilities,
Health professions, Medical devices,
Nuclear materials, Occupational safety
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
and health, Radiation protection,
Reporting and recordkeeping
I For the reasons set out in the preamble
and under the authority of the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954, as amended; the
Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as
amended; and 5 U.S.C. 552 and 553; the
NRC is adopting the following
amendments to 10 CFR Part 35.
35.2070, 35.2075, 35.2080, 35.2092,
35.2204, 35.2310, 35.2404, 35.2406,
35.2432, 35.2433, 35.2605, 35.2610,
35.2630, 35.2632, 35.2642, 35.2643,
35.2645, 35.2647, 35.2652, 35.2655,
35.3045, 35.3047 and 35.3067.
I 4. In § 35.10, paragraph (b) is revised
to read as follows:
§ 35.10
1. The authority citation for Part 35
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Secs. 81, 161, 182, 183, 68 Stat.
935, 948, 953, 954, as amended (42 U.S.C.
2111, 2201, 2232, 2233); sec. 201, 88 Stat.
1242, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5841); Sec.
1704, 112 Stat. 2750 (44 U.S.C. 3504 note).
2. In § 35.2, the definition ‘‘Radiation
Safety Officer’’ is amended by
republishing the introductory text and
revising paragraph (1) of the definition,
and the definition of ‘‘Preceptor’’ is
revised to read as follows:
§ 35.2
Preceptor means an individual who
provides, directs, or verifies training
and experience required for an
individual to become an authorized
user, an authorized medical physicist,
an authorized nuclear pharmacist, or a
Radiation Safety Officer.
Radiation Safety Officer means an
individual who—
(1) Meets the requirements in
§§ 35.50(a) or (c)(1) and 35.59; or, before
October 24, 2005, §§ 35.900(a) and
35.59; or
I 3. In § 35.8, paragraph (b) is revised to
read as follows:
§ 35.8 Information collection
requirements: OMB approval.
(b) The approved information
collection requirements contained in
this part appear in §§ 35.6, 35.12, 35.13,
35.14, 35.19, 35.24, 35.26, 35.27, 35.40,
35.41, 35.50, 35.51, 35.55, 35.60, 35.61,
35.63, 35.67, 35.69, 35.70, 35.75, 35.80,
35.92, 35.190, 35.204, 35.290, 35.310,
35.315, 35.390, 35.392, 35.394, 35.396,
35.404, 35.406, 35.410, 35.415, 35.432,
35.433, 35.490, 35.491, 35.590, 35.604,
35.605, 35.610, 35.615, 35.630, 35.632,
35.633, 35.635, 35.642, 35.643, 35.645,
35.647, 35.652, 35.655, 35.690, 35.900,
35.910, 35.920, 35.930, 35.940, 35.950,
35.960, 35.961, 35.980, 35.981, 35.1000,
35.2024, 35.2026, 35.2040, 35.2041,
35.2060, 35.2061, 35.2063, 35.2067,
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(b) A licensee shall implement the
training requirements in §§ 35.50(a) and
(e), 35.51(a) and (c), 35.55(a) and
(b)(1)(i), 35.59, 35.190(a) and (c)(1),
35.290(a) and (c)(1), 35.390(a) and (b)(1),
35.392(a), 35.394(a), 35.396(b) and (c),
35.490(a), 35.590(a), and 35.690(a) and
(c) on or before October 25, 2005. A
licensee shall implement the
requirement in § 35.14(a) to provide to
the Commission a copy of written
attestation(s), signed by a preceptor, on
or before October 25, 2005.
I 5. In § 35.13, paragraphs (b)(1) and
(b)(3) are revised to read as follows:
§ 35.13
License amendments.
(b) * * *
(1) For an authorized user, an
individual who meets the requirements
in §§ 35.59 and 35.190(a), 35.290(a),
35.390(a), 35.392(a), 35.394(a),
35.490(a), 35.590(a), 35.690(a),
35.910(a), 35.920(a), 35.930(a) and
35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G), 35.392, 35.394,
35.940(a), 35.950(a), or 35.960(a) and
(3) For an authorized medical
physicist, an individual who meets the
requirements in §§ 35.59 and 35.51(a)
and (c); or §§ 35.59 and 35.961(a) or (b);
I 6. In § 35.14, paragraph (a) is revised
to read as follows:
§ 35.14
(a) A licensee shall provide the
Commission a copy of the board
certification and the written
attestation(s), signed by a preceptor, the
Commission or Agreement State license,
the permit issued by a Commission
master material licensee, the permit
issued by a Commission or Agreement
State licensee of broad scope, or the
permit issued by a Commission master
material license broad scope permittee
for each individual no later than 30 days
after the date that the licensee permits
the individual to work as an authorized
user, an authorized nuclear pharmacist,
or an authorized medical physicist,
under § 35.13(b). For individuals
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permitted to work under § 35.13(b)(4),
within the same 30 day time frame, the
licensee shall also provide, as
appropriate, verification of completion
(1) Any additional case experience
required in § 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G) for an
authorized user under § 35.300;
(2) Any additional training required
in § 35.690(c) for an authorized user
under § 35.600; and
(3) Any additional training required
in § 35.51(c) for an authorized medical
I 7. In § 35.50, paragraph (a), the
introductory text of paragraph (b)(1)(i),
paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(G), and (c) are
revised, paragraph (b)(2) is removed and
reserved, and paragraphs (d) and (e) are
added to read as follows:
§ 35.50 Training for Radiation Safety
(a) Is certified by a specialty board
whose certification process has been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State and who meets the
requirements in paragraphs (d) and (e)
of this section. (The names of board
certifications which have been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State will be posted on the
NRC’s Web page.) To have its
certification process recognized, a
specialty board shall require all
candidates for certification to:
(1)(i) Hold a bachelor’s or graduate
degree from an accredited college or
university in physical science or
engineering or biological science with a
minimum of 20 college credits in
physical science;
(ii) Have 5 or more years of
professional experience in health
physics (graduate training may be
substituted for no more than 2 years of
the required experience) including at
least 3 years in applied health physics;
(iii) Pass an examination administered
by diplomates of the specialty board,
which evaluates knowledge and
competence in radiation physics and
instrumentation, radiation protection,
mathematics pertaining to the use and
measurement of radioactivity, radiation
biology, and radiation dosimetry; or
(2)(i) Hold a master’s or doctor’s
degree in physics, medical physics,
other physical science, engineering, or
applied mathematics from an accredited
college or university;
(ii) Have 2 years of full-time practical
training and/or supervised experience
in medical physics—
(A) Under the supervision of a
medical physicist who is certified in
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
medical physics by a specialty board
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State; or
(B) In clinical nuclear medicine
facilities providing diagnostic and/or
therapeutic services under the direction
of physicians who meet the
requirements for authorized users in
§§ 35.290, 35.390, or, before October 24,
2005, §§ 35.920, or 35.930; and
(iii) Pass an examination,
administered by diplomates of the
specialty board, that assesses knowledge
and competence in clinical diagnostic
radiological or nuclear medicine
physics and in radiation safety; or
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) 200 hours of classroom and
laboratory training in the following
areas-(ii) * * *
(G) Disposing of byproduct material;
(c)(1) Is a medical physicist who has
been certified by a specialty board
whose certification process has been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State under § 35.51(a) and
has experience in radiation safety for
similar types of use of byproduct
material for which the licensee is
seeking the approval of the individual
as Radiation Safety Officer and who
meets the requirements in paragraphs
(d) and (e) of this section; or
(2) Is an authorized user, authorized
medical physicist, or authorized nuclear
pharmacist identified on the licensee’s
license and has experience with the
radiation safety aspects of similar types
of use of byproduct material for which
the individual has Radiation Safety
Officer responsibilities; and,
(d) Has obtained written attestation,
signed by a preceptor Radiation Safety
Officer, that the individual has
satisfactorily completed the
requirements in paragraph (e) and in
paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (a)(1)(ii) or
(a)(2)(i) and (a)(2)(ii) or (b)(1) or (c)(1) of
this section, and has achieved a level of
radiation safety knowledge sufficient to
function independently as a Radiation
Safety Officer for a medical use licensee;
(e) Has training in the radiation safety,
regulatory issues, and emergency
procedures for the types of use for
which a licensee seeks approval. This
training requirement may be satisfied by
completing training that is supervised
by a Radiation Safety Officer, authorized
medical physicist, authorized nuclear
pharmacist, or authorized user, as
appropriate, who is authorized for the
type(s) of use for which the licensee is
seeking approval.
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8. In § 35.51, paragraphs (a) and (b) are
revised, and paragraph (c) is added to
read as follows:
§ 35.51 Training for an authorized medical
(a) Is certified by a specialty board
whose certification process has been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State and who meets the
requirements in paragraphs (b)(2) and
(c) of this section. (The names of board
certifications which have been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State will be posted on the
NRC’s Web page.) To have its
certification process recognized, a
specialty board shall require all
candidates for certification to:
(1) Hold a master’s or doctor’s degree
in physics, medical physics, other
physical science, engineering, or
applied mathematics from an accredited
college or university;
(2) Have 2 years of full-time practical
training and/or supervised experience
in medical physics—
(i) Under the supervision of a medical
physicist who is certified in medical
physics by a specialty board recognized
by the Commission or an Agreement
State; or
(ii) In clinical radiation facilities
providing high-energy, external beam
therapy (photons and electrons with
energies greater than or equal to 1
million electron volts) and
brachytherapy services under the
direction of physicians who meet the
requirements for authorized users in
§§ 35.490 or 35.690, or, before October
24, 2005, authorized users who meet the
requirements in §§ 35.940 or 35.960;
(3) Pass an examination, administered
by diplomates of the specialty board,
that assesses knowledge and
competence in clinical radiation
therapy, radiation safety, calibration,
quality assurance, and treatment
planning for external beam therapy,
brachytherapy, and stereotactic
radiosurgery; or
(b)(1) Holds a master’s or doctor’s
degree in physics, medical physics,
other physical science, engineering, or
applied mathematics from an accredited
college or university; and has completed
1 year of full-time training in medical
physics and an additional year of fulltime work experience under the
supervision of an individual who meets
the requirements for an authorized
medical physicist for the type(s) of use
for which the individual is seeking
authorization. This training and work
experience must be conducted in
clinical radiation facilities that provide
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high-energy, external beam therapy
(photons and electrons with energies
greater than or equal to 1 million
electron volts) and brachytherapy
services and must include:
(i) Performing sealed source leak tests
and inventories;
(ii) Performing decay corrections;
(iii) Performing full calibration and
periodic spot checks of external beam
treatment units, stereotactic
radiosurgery units, and remote
afterloading units as applicable; and
(iv) Conducting radiation surveys
around external beam treatment units,
stereotactic radiosurgery units, and
remote afterloading units as applicable;
(2) Has obtained written attestation
that the individual has satisfactorily
completed the requirements in
paragraphs (c) and (a)(1) and (2), or
(b)(1) and (c) of this section, and has
achieved a level of competency
sufficient to function independently as
an authorized medical physicist for each
type of therapeutic medical unit for
which the individual is requesting
authorized medical physicist status. The
written attestation must be signed by a
preceptor authorized medical physicist
who meets the requirements in § 35.51,
or, before October 24, 2005, § 35.961, or
equivalent Agreement State
requirements for an authorized medical
physicist for each type of therapeutic
medical unit for which the individual is
requesting authorized medical physicist
status; and
(c) Has training for the type(s) of use
for which authorization is sought that
includes hands-on device operation,
safety procedures, clinical use, and the
operation of a treatment planning
system. This training requirement may
be satisfied by satisfactorily completing
either a training program provided by
the vendor or by training supervised by
an authorized medical physicist
authorized for the type(s) of use for
which the individual is seeking
I 9. In § 35.55, paragraphs (a), (b)(1)(i)
introductory text, and (b)(2) are revised
to read as follows:
§ 35.55 Training for an authorized nuclear
(a) Is certified by a specialty board
whose certification process has been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State and who meets the
requirements in paragraph (b)(2) of this
section. (The names of board
certifications which have been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State will be posted on the
NRC’s Web page.) To have its
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
certification process recognized, a
specialty board shall require all
candidates for certification to:
(1) Have graduated from a pharmacy
program accredited by the American
Council on Pharmaceutical Education
(ACPE) or have passed the Foreign
Pharmacy Graduate Examination
Committee (FPGEC) examination;
(2) Hold a current, active license to
practice pharmacy;
(3) Provide evidence of having
acquired at least 4000 hours of training/
experience in nuclear pharmacy
practice. Academic training may be
substituted for no more than 2000 hours
of the required training and experience;
(4) Pass an examination in nuclear
pharmacy administered by diplomates
of the specialty board, that assesses
knowledge and competency in
procurement, compounding, quality
assurance, dispensing, distribution,
health and safety, radiation safety,
provision of information and
consultation, monitoring patient
outcomes, research and development; or
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) 200 hours of classroom and
laboratory training in the following
(2) Has obtained written attestation,
signed by a preceptor authorized
nuclear pharmacist, that the individual
has satisfactorily completed the
requirements in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2),
and (a)(3) or (b)(1) of this section and
has achieved a level of competency
sufficient to function independently as
an authorized nuclear pharmacist.
I 10. Section 35.57 is revised to read as
§ 35.57 Training for experienced Radiation
Safety Officer, teletherapy or medical
physicist, authorized medical physicist,
authorized user, nuclear pharmacist, and
authorized nuclear pharmacist.
(a)(1) An individual identified as a
Radiation Safety Officer, a teletherapy
or medical physicist, or a nuclear
pharmacist on a Commission or
Agreement State license or a permit
issued by a Commission or Agreement
State broad scope licensee or master
material license permit or by a master
material license permittee of broad
scope before October 24, 2002, need not
comply with the training requirements
of §§ 35.50, 35.51, or 35.55, respectively.
(2) An individual identified as a
Radiation Safety Officer, an authorized
medical physicist, or an authorized
nuclear pharmacist on a Commission or
Agreement State license or a permit
issued by a Commission or Agreement
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State broad scope licensee or master
material license permit or by a master
material license permittee of broad
scope between October 24, 2002 and
April 29, 2005 need not comply with
the training requirements of §§ 35.50,
35.51, or 35.55, respectively.
(b)(1) Physicians, dentists, or
podiatrists identified as authorized
users for the medical use of byproduct
material on a license issued by the
Commission or Agreement State, a
permit issued by a Commission master
material licensee, a permit issued by a
Commission or Agreement State broad
scope licensee, or a permit issued by a
Commission master material license
broad scope permittee before October
24, 2002, who perform only those
medical uses for which they were
authorized on that date need not comply
with the training requirements of
Subparts D through H of this part.
(2) Physicians, dentists, or podiatrists
identified as authorized users for the
medical use of byproduct material on a
license issued by the Commission or
Agreement State, a permit issued by a
Commission master material licensee, a
permit issued by a Commission or
Agreement State broad scope licensee,
or a permit issued by a Commission
master material license broad scope
permittee who perform only those
medical uses for which they were
authorized between October 24, 2002
and April 29, 2005, need not comply
with the training requirements of
Subparts D through H of this part.
§ 35.75
11. In § 35.75, paragraph (a), footnote
1, remove ‘‘(draft)’’.
I 12. In § 35.100, paragraph (b)(2) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 35.100 Use of unsealed byproduct
material for uptake, dilution, and excretion
studies for which a written directive is not
(b) * * *
(2) A physician who is an authorized
user and who meets the requirements
specified in §§ 35.290, or 35.390 and
35.290(c)(1)(ii)(G), or, before October 24,
2005, § 35.920; or
I 13. In § 35.190, paragraphs (a), the
introductory text of (c)(1), (c)(1)(ii)(B)
and (c)(2) are revised to read as follows:
requirements in paragraph (c)(2) of this
section. (The names of board
certifications which have been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State will be posted on the
NRC’s Web page.) To have its
certification process recognized, a
specialty board shall require all
candidates for certification to:
(1) Complete 60 hours of training and
experience in basic radionuclide
handling techniques and radiation
safety applicable to the medical use of
unsealed byproduct material for uptake,
dilution, and excretion studies that
includes the topics listed in paragraphs
(c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of this section; and
(2) Pass an examination, administered
by diplomates of the specialty board,
that assesses knowledge and
competence in radiation safety,
radionuclide handling, and quality
control; or
(c) * * *
(1) Has completed 60 hours of training
and experience, including a minimum
of 8 hours of classroom and laboratory
training, in basic radionuclide handling
techniques applicable to the medical
use of unsealed byproduct material for
uptake, dilution, and excretion studies.
The training and experience must
(ii) * * *
(B) Performing quality control
procedures on instruments used to
determine the activity of dosages and
performing checks for proper operation
of survey meters;
(2) Has obtained written attestation,
signed by a preceptor authorized user
who meets the requirements in
§§ 35.190, 35.290, or 35.390, or, before
October 24, 2005, §§ 35.910, 35.920, or
35.930, or equivalent Agreement State
requirements, that the individual has
satisfactorily completed the
requirements in paragraph (a)(1) or
(c)(1) of this section and has achieved a
level of competency sufficient to
function independently as an
authorized user for the medical uses
authorized under § 35.100.
I 14. In § 35.200, paragraph (b)(2) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 35.190 Training for uptake, dilution, and
excretion studies.
§ 35.200 Use of unsealed byproduct
material for imaging and localization
studies for which a written directive is not
(a) Is certified by a medical specialty
board whose certification process has
been recognized by the Commission or
an Agreement State and who meets the
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(b) * * *
(2) A physician who is an authorized
user and who meets the requirements
specified in §§ 35.290, or 35.390 and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
35.290(c)(1)(ii)(G), or, before October 24,
2005, § 35.920; or
I 15. In § 35.290, paragraphs (a), (b), the
introductory text of (c)(1) and (c)(1)(ii)
introductory text, (c)(1)(ii)(B), and (c)(2)
are revised to read as follows:
§ 35.290 Training for imaging and
localization studies.
(a) Is certified by a medical specialty
board whose certification process has
been recognized by the Commission or
an Agreement State and who meets the
requirements in paragraph (c)(2) of this
section. (The names of board
certifications which have been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State will be posted on the
NRC’s Web page.) To have its
certification process recognized, a
specialty board shall require all
candidates for certification to:
(1) Complete 700 hours of training
and experience in basic radionuclide
handling techniques and radiation
safety applicable to the medical use of
unsealed byproduct material for uptake,
dilution, and excretion studies that
includes the topics listed in paragraphs
(c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of this section; and
(2) Pass an examination, administered
by diplomates of the specialty board,
which assesses knowledge and
competence in radiation safety,
radionuclide handling, and quality
control; or
(b) Is an authorized user under
§ 35.390 and meets the requirements in
§ 35.290(c)(1)(ii)(G), or, before October
24, 2005, § 35.920, or equivalent
Agreement State requirements; or
(c)(1) Has completed 700 hours of
training and experience, including a
minimum of 80 hours of classroom and
laboratory training, in basic
radionuclide handling techniques
applicable to the medical use of
unsealed byproduct material for imaging
and localization studies. The training
and experience must include, at a
(ii) Work experience, under the
supervision of an authorized user, who
meets the requirements in §§ 35.290, or
35.290(c)(1)(ii)(G) and 35.390, or, before
October 24, 2005, § 35.920, or
equivalent Agreement State
requirements, involving—
(B) Performing quality control
procedures on instruments used to
determine the activity of dosages and
performing checks for proper operation
of survey meters;
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(2) Has obtained written attestation,
signed by a preceptor authorized user
who meets the requirements in
§§ 35.290 or 35.390 and
35.290(c)(1)(ii)(G), or, before October 24,
2005, § 35.920, or equivalent Agreement
State requirements, that the individual
has satisfactorily completed the
requirements in paragraph (a)(1) or
(c)(1) of this section and has achieved a
level of competency sufficient to
function independently as an
authorized user for the medical uses
authorized under §§ 35.100 and 35.200.
I 16. In § 35.390, paragraph (a), the
introductory text of paragraphs (b)(1)
and (b)(1)(ii) introductory text,
paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(B), (b)(1)(ii)(G)(1),
(3) and (4), and (b)(2) are revised, and
paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(F) is removed and
§ 35.390 Training for use of unsealed
byproduct material for which a written
directive is required.
(a) Is certified by a medical specialty
board whose certification process has
been recognized by the Commission or
an Agreement State and who meets the
requirements in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(G)
and (b)(2) of this section. (Specialty
boards whose certification processes
have been recognized by the
Commission or an Agreement State will
be posted on the NRC’s Web page.) To
be recognized, a specialty board shall
require all candidates for certification
(1) Successfully complete residency
training in a radiation therapy or
nuclear medicine training program or a
program in a related medical specialty.
These residency training programs must
include 700 hours of training and
experience as described in paragraphs
(b)(1)(i) through (b)(1)(ii)(E) of this
section. Eligible training programs must
be approved by the Residency Review
Committee of the Accreditation Council
for Graduate Medical Education, the
Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada, or the Committee
on Post-Graduate Training of the
American Osteopathic Association; and
(2) Pass an examination, administered
by diplomates of the specialty board,
which tests knowledge and competence
in radiation safety, radionuclide
handling, quality assurance, and clinical
use of unsealed byproduct material for
which a written directive is required; or
(b)(1) Has completed 700 hours of
training and experience, including a
minimum of 200 hours of classroom and
laboratory training, in basic
radionuclide handling techniques
applicable to the medical use of
unsealed byproduct material requiring a
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written directive. The training and
experience must include—
(ii) Work experience, under the
supervision of an authorized user who
meets the requirements in § 35.390, or,
before October 24, 2005, § 35.930, or
equivalent Agreement State
requirements. A supervising authorized
user, who meets the requirements in
§ 35.390(b) or, before October 24, 2005,
§ 35.930(b), must also have experience
in administering dosages in the same
dosage category or categories (i.e.,
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)) as the individual
requesting authorized user status. The
work experience must involve—
(B) Performing quality control
procedures on instruments used to
determine the activity of dosages, and
performing checks for proper operation
of survey meters;
(G) * * *
(1) Oral administration of less than or
equal to 1.22 gigabecquerels (33
millicuries) of sodium iodide I–131, for
which a written directive is required;
(3) Parenteral administration of any
beta emitter or a photon-emitting
radionuclide with a photon energy less
than 150 keV, for which a written
directive is required; and/or
(4) Parenteral administration of any
other radionuclide, for which a written
directive is required; and
(2) Has obtained written attestation
that the individual has satisfactorily
completed the requirements in
paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(1)(ii)(G) or
(b)(1) of this section, and has achieved
a level of competency sufficient to
function independently as an
authorized user for the medical uses
authorized under § 35.300. The written
attestation must be signed by a
preceptor authorized user who meets
the requirements in § 35.390, or, before
October 24, 2005, § 35.930, or
equivalent Agreement State
requirements. The preceptor authorized
user, who meets the requirements in
§ 35.390(b), or, before October 24, 2005,
§ 35.930(b), must have experience in
administering dosages in the same
dosage category or categories (i.e.,
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)) as the individual
requesting authorized user status.
I 17. In § 35.392, paragraphs (a), (c)(2)(ii)
and (c)(3) are revised to read as follows:
§ 35.392 Training for the oral
administration of sodium iodide I–131
requiring a written directive in quantities
less than or equal to 1.22 gigabecquerels
(33 millicuries).
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
(a) Is certified by a medical specialty
board whose certification process
includes all of the requirements in
paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this
section and whose certification process
has been recognized by the Commission
or an Agreement State and who meets
the requirements in paragraph (c)(3) of
this section. (The names of board
certifications which have been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State will be posted on the
NRC’s Web page.); or
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) Performing quality control
procedures on instruments used to
determine the activity of dosages and
performing checks for proper operation
of survey meters;
(3) Has obtained written attestation
that the individual has satisfactorily
completed the requirements in
paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this
section, and has achieved a level of
competency sufficient to function
independently as an authorized user for
medical uses authorized under § 35.300.
The written attestation must be signed
by a preceptor authorized user who
meets the requirements in §§ 35.390,
35.392, or 35.394, or, before October 24,
2005, §§ 35.930, 35.932, or 35.934, or
equivalent Agreement State
requirements. A preceptor authorized
user, who meets the requirement in
§ 35.390(b), must also have experience
in administering dosages as specified in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)(1) or (2).
I 18. In § 35.394, paragraphs (a), (c)(2)(ii)
and (c)(3) are revised to read as follows:
§ 35.394 Training for the oral
administration of sodium iodide I–131
requiring a written directive in quantities
greater than 1.22 gigabecquerels (33
(a) Is certified by a medical specialty
board whose certification process
includes all of the requirements in
paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this
section, and whose certification has
been recognized by the Commission or
an Agreement State, and who meets the
requirements in paragraph (c)(3) of this
section. (The names of board
certifications which have been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State will be posted on the
NRC’s Web page.); or
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) Performing quality control
procedures on instruments used to
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determine the activity of dosages and
performing checks for proper operation
of survey meters;
(3) Has obtained written attestation
that the individual has satisfactorily
completed the requirements in
paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this
section, and has achieved a level of
competency sufficient to function
independently as an authorized user for
medical uses authorized under § 35.300.
The written attestation must be signed
by a preceptor authorized user who
meets the requirements in §§ 35.390 or
35.394, or, before October 24, 2005,
§§ 35.930 or 35.934, or equivalent
Agreement State requirements. A
preceptor authorized user, who meets
the requirements in § 35.390(b), must
also have experience in administering
dosages as specified in
§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)(2).
I 19. Section 35.396 is added to read as
§ 35.396 Training for the parenteral
administration of unsealed byproduct
material requiring a written directive.
Except as provided in § 35.57, the
licensee shall require an authorized user
for the parenteral administration
requiring a written directive, to be a
physician who-(a) Is an authorized user
under § 35.390 or, before October 24,
2005, § 35.930 for uses listed in
§§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)(3) or
35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)(4), or equivalent
Agreement State requirements; or
(b) Is an authorized user under
§§ 35.490 or 35.690, or, before October
24, 2005, §§ 35.940 or 35.960, or
equivalent Agreement State
requirements and who meets the
requirements in paragraph (d) of this
section; or
(c) Is certified by a medical specialty
board whose certification process has
been recognized by the Commission or
an Agreement State under §§ 35.490 or
35.690, or, before October 24, 2005,
§§ 35.940 or 35.960; and who meets the
requirements in paragraph (d) of this
(d)(1) Has successfully completed 80
hours of classroom and laboratory
training, applicable to parenteral
administrations, for which a written
directive is required, of any beta emitter
or any photon-emitting radionuclide
with a photon energy less than 150 keV,
and/or parenteral administration of any
other radionuclide for which a written
directive is required. The training must
(i) Radiation physics and
(ii) Radiation protection;
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(iii) Mathematics pertaining to the use
and measurement of radioactivity;
(iv) Chemistry of byproduct material
for medical use; and
(v) Radiation biology; and
(2) Has work experience, under the
supervision of an authorized user who
meets the requirements in §§ 35.390 or
35.396, or, before October 24, 2005,
§ 35.930, or equivalent Agreement State
requirements, in the parenteral
administration, for which a written
directive is required, of any beta emitter
or any photon-emitting radionuclide
with a photon energy less than 150 keV,
and/or parenteral administration of any
other radionuclide for which a written
directive is required. A supervising
authorized user who meets the
requirements in §§ 35.390 or 35.930
must have experience in administering
dosages as specified in
§§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)(3) and/or
35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)(4). The work
experience must involve—
(i) Ordering, receiving, and unpacking
radioactive materials safely, and
performing the related radiation
(ii) Performing quality control
procedures on instruments used to
determine the activity of dosages, and
performing checks for proper operation
of survey meters;
(iii) Calculating, measuring, and
safely preparing patient or human
research subject dosages;
(iv) Using administrative controls to
prevent a medical event involving the
use of unsealed byproduct material;
(v) Using procedures to contain
spilled byproduct material safely, and
using proper decontamination
procedures; and
(vi) Administering dosages to patients
or human research subjects, that include
at least 3 cases involving the parenteral
administration, for which a written
directive is required, of any beta emitter
or any photon-emitting radionuclide
with a photon energy less than 150 keV
and/or at least 3 cases involving the
parenteral administration of any other
radionuclide, for which a written
directive is required; and
(3) Has obtained written attestation
that the individual has satisfactorily
completed the requirements in
paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, and
has achieved a level of competency
sufficient to function independently as
an authorized user for the parenteral
administration of unsealed byproduct
material requiring a written directive.
The written attestation must be signed
by a preceptor authorized user who
meets the requirements in §§ 35.390,
35.396, or, before October 24, 2005,
§ 35.930, or equivalent Agreement State
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
requirements. A preceptor authorized
user, who meets the requirements in
§ 35.390, or, before October 24, 2005,
§ 35.930, must have experience in
administering dosages as specified in
§§ 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)(3) and/or
I 20. In § 35.490, paragraphs (a), (b)(2)
and (b)(3) are revised to read as follows:
§ 35.490 Training for use of manual
brachytherapy sources.
(a) Is certified by a medical specialty
board whose certification process has
been recognized by the Commission or
an Agreement State, and who meets the
requirements in paragraph (b)(3) of this
section. (The names of board
certifications which have been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State will be posted on the
NRC’s Web page.) To have its
certification process recognized, a
specialty board shall require all
candidates for certification to:
(1) Successfully complete a minimum
of 3 years of residency training in a
radiation oncology program approved
by the Residency Review Committee of
the Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education or the Royal College
of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or
the Committee on Post-Graduate
Training of the American Osteopathic
Association; and
(2) Pass an examination, administered
by diplomates of the specialty board,
that tests knowledge and competence in
radiation safety, radionuclide handling,
treatment planning, quality assurance,
and clinical use of manual
brachytherapy; or
(b) * * *
(2) Has completed 3 years of
supervised clinical experience in
radiation oncology, under an authorized
user who meets the requirements in
§ 35.490, or, before October 24, 2005,
§ 35.940, or equivalent Agreement State
requirements, as part of a formal
training program approved by the
Residency Review Committee for
Radiation Oncology of the Accreditation
Council for Graduate Medical Education
or the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada or the Committee
on Postdoctoral Training of the
American Osteopathic Association. This
experience may be obtained
concurrently with the supervised work
experience required by paragraph
(b)(1)(ii) of this section; and
(3) Has obtained written attestation,
signed by a preceptor authorized user
who meets the requirements in § 35.490,
or, before October 24, 2005, § 35.940, or
equivalent Agreement State
requirements, that the individual has
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satisfactorily completed the
requirements in paragraphs (a)(1), or
(b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section and has
achieved a level of competency
sufficient to function independently as
an authorized user of manual
brachytherapy sources for the medical
uses authorized under § 35.400.
I 21. In § 35.491, paragraph (b)(3) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 35.491 Training for ophthalmic use of
(b) * * *
(3) Has obtained written attestation,
signed by a preceptor authorized user
who meets the requirements in
§§ 35.490 or 35.491, or, before October
24, 2005, §§ 35.940 or 35.941, or
equivalent Agreement State
requirements, that the individual has
satisfactorily completed the
requirements in paragraphs (a) and (b)
of this section and has achieved a level
of competency sufficient to function
independently as an authorized user of
strontium-90 for ophthalmic use.
I 22. In § 35.590, paragraphs (a) and (b)
are revised and paragraph (c) is added to
read as follows:
§ 35.590 Training for use of sealed
sources for diagnosis.
(a) Is certified by a specialty board
whose certification process includes all
of the requirements in paragraphs (b)
and (c) of this section and whose
certification has been recognized by the
Commission or an Agreement State.
(The names of board certifications
which have been recognized by the
Commission or an Agreement State will
be posted on the NRC’s Web page.); or
(b) Has completed 8 hours of
classroom and laboratory training in
basic radionuclide handling techniques
specifically applicable to the use of the
device. The training must include—
(1) Radiation physics and
(2) Radiation protection;
(3) Mathematics pertaining to the use
and measurement of radioactivity; and
(4) Radiation biology; and
(c) Has completed training in the use
of the device for the uses requested.
I 23. In § 35.690, paragraphs (a), (b)(2)
and (b)(3) are revised, and paragraph (c)
is added to read as follows:
§ 35.690 Training for use of remote
afterloader units, teletherapy units, and
gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units.
(a) Is certified by a medical specialty
board whose certification process has
been recognized by the Commission or
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an Agreement State and who meets the
requirements in paragraphs (b)(3) and
(c) of this section. (The names of board
certifications which have been
recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State will be posted on the
NRC’s web page.) To have its
certification process recognized, a
specialty board shall require all
candidates for certification to:
(1) Successfully complete a minimum
of 3 years of residency training in a
radiation therapy program approved by
the Residency Review Committee of the
Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education or the Royal College
of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or
the Committee on Post-Graduate
Training of the American Osteopathic
Association; and
(2) Pass an examination, administered
by diplomates of the specialty board,
which tests knowledge and competence
in radiation safety, radionuclide
handling, treatment planning, quality
assurance, and clinical use of
stereotactic radiosurgery, remote
afterloaders and external beam therapy;
(b) * * *
(2) Has completed 3 years of
supervised clinical experience in
radiation therapy, under an authorized
user who meets the requirements in
§ 35.690, or, before October 24, 2005,
§ 35.960, or equivalent Agreement State
requirements, as part of a formal
training program approved by the
Residency Review Committee for
Radiation Oncology of the Accreditation
Council for Graduate Medical Education
or the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada or the Committee
on Postdoctoral Training of the
American Osteopathic Association. This
experience may be obtained
concurrently with the supervised work
experience required by paragraph
(b)(1)(ii) of this section; and
(3) Has obtained written attestation
that the individual has satisfactorily
completed the requirements in
paragraphs (a)(1) or (b)(1) and (b)(2), and
(c) of this section, and has achieved a
level of competency sufficient to
function independently as an
authorized user of each type of
therapeutic medical unit for which the
individual is requesting authorized user
status. The written attestation must be
signed by a preceptor authorized user
who meets the requirements in § 35.690,
or, before October 24, 2005, § 35.960, or
equivalent Agreement State
requirements for an authorized user for
each type of therapeutic medical unit
for which the individual is requesting
authorized user status; and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
(c) Has received training in device
operation, safety procedures, and
clinical use for the type(s) of use for
which authorization is sought. This
training requirement may be satisfied by
satisfactory completion of a training
program provided by the vendor for new
users or by receiving training supervised
by an authorized user or authorized
medical physicist, as appropriate, who
is authorized for the type(s) of use for
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which the individual is seeking
I 24. In § 35.980, paragraph (b)(2) is
revised to read as follows:
completed and that the individual has
achieved a level of competency
sufficient to independently operate a
nuclear pharmacy.
§ 35.980 Training for an authorized nuclear
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 22nd
day of March, 2005.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Annette Vietti-Cook,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 05–6103 Filed 3–29–05; 8:45 am]
(b) * * *
(2) Has obtained written attestation,
signed by a preceptor authorized
nuclear pharmacist, that the above
training has been satisfactorily
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[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 60 (Wednesday, March 30, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 16336-16367]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-6103]
[[Page 16335]]
Part II
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
10 CFR Part 35
Medical Use of Byproduct Material--Recognition of Specialty Boards;
Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 60 / Wednesday, March 30, 2005 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 16336]]
10 CFR Part 35
RIN 3150-AH19
Medical Use of Byproduct Material--Recognition of Specialty
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending its
regulations governing the medical use of byproduct material to change
its requirements for recognition of specialty boards whose
certifications may be used to demonstrate the adequacy of the training
and experience of individuals to serve as radiation safety officers,
authorized medical physicists, authorized nuclear pharmacists, or
authorized users. The final rule also revises the requirements for
demonstrating the adequacy of training and experience for pathways
other than the board certification pathway. This final rule grants, in
part, a petition for rulemaking submitted by the Organization of
Agreement States (PRM-35-17) and completes action on the petition.
DATES: Effective Date: This final rule is effective on April 29, 2005.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Roger W. Broseus, Office of Nuclear
Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone (301) 415-7608, e-mail
I. Background
II. Petition for Rulemaking
III. Discussion
IV. Summary of Public Comments and Responses to Comments
V. Summary of Final Revisions
VI. Agreement State Compatibility
VII. Implementation
VIII. Voluntary Consensus Standards
IX. Finding of No Significant Environmental Impact: Environmental
X. Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
XI. Regulatory Analysis
XII. Regulatory Flexibility Certification
XIII. Backfit Analysis
XIV. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
I. Background
During development of revised 10 CFR Part 35, published as a
proposed rule on August 13, 1998 (63 FR 43516) and as a final rule on
April 24, 2002 (67 FR 20249), there was a general belief that the
boards, whose certifications were recognized by the NRC, would meet, or
could make adjustments to meet, the new requirements established by
that rulemaking governing recognition of specialty boards by the NRC
and that the certifications of these boards would continue to be
recognized by NRC. However, when applications for recognition were
received, the NRC staff determined that, except for one board, the
boards did not meet all the requirements specified in the final rule.
Specifically, the boards' certification programs failed to meet the
requirements in the final rule regarding preceptor (i.e., an individual
who provides, directs, or verifies training and experience) attestation
and work experience. The only board that currently meets the revised
requirements is the Certification Board of Nuclear Cardiology (CBNC)
because it developed its certification program based on the final rule
(published on April 24, 2002 (67 FR 20249)).
The current regulations in 10 CFR Part 35 offer three pathways for
individuals to satisfy training and experience (T&E) requirements to be
approved as a radiation safety officer (RSO), authorized medical
physicist (AMP), authorized nuclear pharmacist (ANP), or authorized
user (AU). These pathways are: (1) Approval of an individual who is
certified by a specialty board whose certification has been recognized
by the NRC or an Agreement State as meeting the NRC's requirements for
training and experience (a ``recognized board''); (2) Approval based on
an evaluation of an individual's training and experience; or (3)
Identification of an individual's approval on an existing NRC or
Agreement State license. For this discussion, pathway (1) will be
referred to as the certification pathway, and pathway (2) as the
alternate pathway.
On February 19, 2002, in a briefing of the Commission, the Advisory
Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI \1\) expressed concern
about requirements for T&E in the revised 10 CFR Part 35, approved by
the Commission on October 23, 2000 (SRM-SECY-00-0118). The ACMUI was
concerned that if the requirements for recognition of specialty board
certifications were to become effective as drafted, there could be
potential shortages of individuals qualified to serve as RSOs, AMPs,
ANPs, and AUs because they would no longer meet the requirements for
T&E under the certification pathway. The ACMUI indicated that, without
changes to the requirements for T&E in the final rule approved by the
Commission in October 2000, the boards would no longer be qualified for
recognition by NRC and, therefore, a board's future diplomates could no
longer be approved as RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, or AUs.
\1\ The Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes
(ACMUI) advises NRC on policy and technical issues that arise in the
regulation of the medical uses of radioactive material. the ACMUI
membership includes a representative of Agreements States and health
care professionals from various disciplines who comment on changes
to NRC regulations and guidance; evaluate certain non-routine uses
of radioactive material; provide technical assistance in licensing,
inspection, and enforcement cases; and bring key issues to the
attention of the Commission for appropriate action.
The ACMUI also expressed the concern that the boards might be
``marginalized.'' Specifically, under the draft final rule, to gain
approval via the certification pathway, a candidate for certification
would have been required to meet all of the requirements in the
alternate pathway, thereby imposing more requirements beyond those
already required by boards, on candidates using the certification
pathway for approval. The extra requirements of concern to the ACMUI,
incorporated from the alternate pathway by reference, include a
specification for length-of-training as well as obtaining a written
attestation signed by a preceptor. Taken together with other
requirements of boards, such as requiring candidates for certification
to take written and/or oral examinations, the concern was that
candidates seeking approval might bypass the board certification
pathway and select the alternate pathway.
Based on these concerns, the ACMUI urged the Commission to
implement measures to address the training and experience issues
associated with recognition of specialty boards by the NRC in the draft
final rule and to find a permanent solution after publication of the
final rule. Subsequently, the NRC modified the final rule by
reinserting Subpart J (as contained in the proposed rule before
publication of revised Part 35 in April 2002) for a 2-year transition
period. Subpart J provides for continuing recognition of the specialty
boards listed therein during the transition period. The final rule was
published in the Federal Register on April 24, 2002 (67 FR 20249), and
became effective on October 24, 2002. As specified in Sec. 35.10(c),
the 2-year transition period ended on October 24, 2004. In a Staff
Requirements Memorandum (SRM-COMSECY-02-0014) dated April 16, 2002, the
Commission directed the NRC staff to develop options for addressing the
training and experience issue. The intent was to have this final rule
in place before the end of the 2-year transition period. Public comment
[[Page 16337]]
the proposed rule led the NRC to conclude that the transition period
should be extended for 1 year to October 24, 2005, to allow time for
implementation of amendments to requirements for recognition of
specialty board certifications. This extension was effected through a
separate rulemaking (69 FR 55736; September 16, 2004).
The issue in question concerns the requirements in the rule
governing the recognition of specialty boards by the NRC. These
requirements are located in the current regulations at Sec. Sec.
35.50, 35.51, 35.55, 35.190, 35.290, 35.390, 35.392, 35.394, 35.490,
35.590, and 35.690.
The ACMUI submitted a report to the NRC on August 1, 2002 related
to the T&E requirements. The NRC staff presented three options to the
Commission in a Commission paper, SECY-02-0194, dated October 30, 2002,
which included the recommendations of the ACMUI in an attachment. The
three options were: (1) Retain the existing requirements in the current
regulations; (2) Prepare a proposed rule to modify training and
experience requirements based on the recommendations submitted by the
ACMUI; and, (3) The same as Option 2 with a minor modification (i.e.,
listing all specialty boards' certifications recognized by NRC on the
NRC's Web site rather than, as recommended by the ACMUI, listing some
boards in the regulation and others on the Web site). In SRM-02-0194,
dated February 12, 2003, the Commission approved Option 3, directing
the NRC staff to prepare a proposed rule based on the ACMUI's
recommendations with certain exceptions. The Commission directed that a
list of recognized board certifications be posted on the NRC's Web
site, that the preceptor statement remain as written in the current
regulations (published April 24, 2002; 67 FR 20249), and that the staff
should clarify that the preceptor language does not require an
attestation of general clinical competency, but does require sufficient
attestation to demonstrate that the candidate has the knowledge to
fulfill the duties of the position for which certification is sought.
This form of attestation should be preserved both for the certification
pathway and the alternate pathway.
During a teleconference with the ACMUI, conducted on July 17, 2003,
the ACMUI members continued to voice concern about having recognition
of board certifications conditioned on requiring candidates for
certification to obtain written attestation of competency signed by a
preceptor. The ACMUI recommended that if the Commission still
maintained that it was necessary to include a preceptor statement for
all authorized positions named in 10 CFR Part 35, this requirement
should be separated from the criteria for recognition of board
certifications, as well as for the alternative pathway. Agreement State
representatives participated in the teleconference and agreed with this
recommendation. In a letter, dated July 23, 2003, the ACMUI recommended
that the requirements for a preceptor statement be removed from the
certification pathway; however, if the Commission still believed it
necessary to include a preceptor statement for all ``authorized
positions'' named in 10 CFR Part 35, the ACMUI recommended that this
requirement be separated from the board certification pathway and that
it be specified separately as a new paragraph in each training section.
The NRC staff submitted a proposed rule to the Commission on August
21, 2003 (SECY-03-0145). The Commission approved the NRC staff's
recommendation to publish the proposed rule, with certain changes
directed by the Commission, in SRM-03-0145, dated October 9, 2003. The
Commission approved the recommendation of the ACMUI that the
requirement for a preceptor statement be removed from the requirements
for recognition of specialty board certifications. The Commission also
indicated it should be made clear in the proposed rule language that a
preceptor statement is required regardless of which training pathway is
chosen. The proposed rule was published for a 75-day comment period on
December 9, 2003 (68 FR 68549). The NRC staff posted a comparison
document, with differences between the current and proposed rule
highlighted, on the NRC's rulemaking forum on December 19, 2003, to
facilitate public understanding and stakeholder review of proposed
changes to 10 CFR Part 35.
The ACMUI provided comments on the proposed rule at its meeting on
March 1-2, 2004. The ACMUI also conducted a public meeting via
teleconference on March 22, 2004, to discuss, in part, additional
recommendations related to the proposed rule. Following receipt of
public comments, the NRC staff distributed a draft final rule to ACMUI
and Agreement States for their 30-day review and comment. The NRC
considered the additional comments received in developing the final
rule. These comments are discussed in Section IV, ``Summary of Public
Comments and Responses to Comments.''
II. Petition for Rulemaking
The Organization of Agreement States (OAS) (petitioner) filed a
Petition for Rulemaking (petition) dated September 3, 2004 (PRM-35-17)
requesting that the NRC amend Sec. Sec. 35.55, 35.190, 35.290 and
35.390 to define and specify the minimum number of ``didactic''
training hours for Authorized Nuclear Pharmacists and Authorized Users
identified in these sections. Notice of receipt of the petition was
published in the Federal Register on October 28, 2004 (69 FR 62831).
The terms ``didactic training'' and ``classroom and laboratory
training'' were used interchangeably by the Agreement States in their
comments and both terms are used in the current regulations in Part 35.
The term ``classroom and laboratory'' will be used hereinafter to refer
to this type of training.
The petitioner states that, in the current regulations in these
sections, the minimum numbers of hours of classroom and laboratory
training in radiation safety are not specified or separated from the
total training hours. The petitioner notes that Subpart J does include
a requirement for a minimum number of classroom and laboratory training
hours as well as supervised work experience.
The petitioner asserts that the T&E requirements have been
designated as ``Category B'' for Agreement State compatibility to
provide nationwide consistency and uniformity of authorized user
credentialing, and that the lack of clearly defined classroom and
laboratory training hours for these authorized users weakens the
consistency and uniformity of the rule. The petitioner also believes
that the need for specified classroom and laboratory training hours is
a radiation safety issue rather than a ``practice of medicine'' issue
in that radiation safety for the patient and the occupational radiation
workers may be compromised, and that a majority of radiation safety
principles and procedures are learned during classroom and laboratory
As discussed further in subsequent sections of the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION, during the 75-day public comment period for the proposed
rule, ending on February 23, 2004, the NRC received comments which
raised the same issues as those raised by the petitioner. Because of
the similarity in issues raised, the NRC has determined to consider the
OAS petition as part of this rulemaking.
During resolution of the comments, the NRC staff consulted with the
ACMUI and Agreement States on how to
[[Page 16338]]
ensure adequacy of T&E in radiation safety and consistency of
requirements for T&E between Agreement States and between Agreement
States and the NRC. Agreement State representatives served as members
on an NRC working group to develop this rule. A steering group was
formed to provide recommendations to resolve the issue raised by the
Agreement States, during comments on the proposed rule, on requirements
for classroom and laboratory training. The working group addressed
issues raised in the petition related to specifying hours of classroom
and laboratory training in 10 CFR Part 35. The NRC staff consulted with
and received comments from the ACMUI via a public teleconference on the
issue on October 5, 2004, with participation of Agreement States, and
during its meeting on October 13-14, 2004. After consideration of the
input from these sources, as well as review and analysis of the issue
by the working and steering groups, the NRC has determined to grant the
petition in part, and is revising Sec. Sec. 35.55, 35.190, 35.290, and
35.390, in the final rule, to establish a requirement for minimum
number of hours of classroom and laboratory training for the alternate
pathway. The petition is denied, in part, in so far as the NRC is not
requiring a minimum number of hours of classroom and laboratory
training for the certification pathway. The NRC staff believes that
such a requirement would unnecessarily limit the flexibility of boards
to determine their certification requirements. The rationale for this
change to requirements for T&E is explained in the NRC's response to
comments on the proposed rule in Section IV. Summary of Public Comments
and Responses to Comments, under Part II--General Issues (Issue 1), and
Part IV--Implementation by Agreement States--Timing and Compatibility
(Issue 2).
This completes action on PRM-35-17.
III. Discussion
The principal changes in the final rule involve revising the
criteria for recognizing the certifications of specialty boards. These
changes relate to the requirements for T&E that boards would place on
candidates seeking board certification. The NRC staff reviewed board
certification procedures and made a determination that, with one
exception, the boards' certification programs failed to meet the
requirements in the current regulations regarding preceptor
certification (attestation) and work experience. This assessment \2\
resulted from a detailed comparison, performed by the NRC staff,
between requirements in the regulations (in Subparts B and D through H)
and specialty board requirements for certification. The changes
resulting from adoption of the final rule will resolve the issues
related to recognition of board certifications by instituting
requirements that are less prescriptive, while maintaining public
health and safety. These changes will ensure that a clear regulatory
determination can be made that specialty boards, both new and existing,
meet the relevant criteria for recognition by the NRC or an Agreement
State. Changes have also been made to the T&E requirements for the
alternate pathway. The final rule provides a more flexible and
performance-based approach to specifying requirements for training and
experience, using a graded approach to ensure that training in
radiation protection is consistent with the need for adequate
understanding and skills.
\2\ ``Comparison between NRC requirements and boards'
certification programs,'' attachment 2 to SECY-02-0194, ``options
for addressing Part 35 Training and Experience Issues Associated
With Recognition of Speciality Boards by NRC.'' SECY-02-0194 is
available on the NRC's Web site,, in the
``Electronic Reading Room.''
The changes to T&E requirements are intended to address issues
raised by the ACMUI. However, the NRC disagrees with the ACMUI's belief
that the T&E criteria in the current rule would result in candidates
bypassing board certification. The NRC believes that board
certification has been, and will continue to be, essential for
physicians, including AUs, to practice medicine. While health
physicists, medical physicists, nuclear pharmacists, and physicians can
serve in the respective categories of RSO, AMP, ANP, and AU by
satisfying T&E requirements under the alternate pathway, the NRC
believes that individuals who would have sought certification are
likely to continue to do so because certifications are useful to
individuals for reasons other than satisfying requirements in 10 CFR
Part 35, e.g., measuring areas of competence that go beyond regulatory
requirements established under the Atomic Energy Act. Furthermore, some
State agencies now require that individuals be certified by specialty
boards before they can practice in some specialties, e.g., as medical
physicists and nuclear pharmacists.
Changes to the Certification Pathway
For the certification pathway, the current regulations incorporate
the more prescriptive requirements from the alternate pathway. This
final rule establishes less prescriptive criteria for board
certifications to be recognized by the NRC or an Agreement State.
For the RSO, AMP, and ANP, the revised criteria include a degree
from an accredited college or university, professional experience,
passing an examination administered by the board, and in some cases,
additional training related to the type of use for which an individual
would be responsible. The requirement for passing an examination
reflects the current practice of certification boards.
The addition of a requirement in Sec. 35.50(a) for candidates for
RSO to have a degree is consistent with current standards of
certification boards to require a minimum of a baccalaureate degree.
The NRC believes that this requirement helps ensure that a candidate
for RSO has the level of knowledge necessary to fulfill the duties of
an RSO. However, this final rule retains current regulatory provisions
that allow candidates who do not hold a degree required under revisions
to Sec. 35.50(a) to qualify for positions as RSO under provisions in
Sec. 35.50(b). Requirements for T&E of candidates to serve as AMPs
have been revised for the board certification pathway, in Sec.
35.51(a)(2), to require 2 years of full-time practical training and/or
supervised experience under the supervision of a medical physicist
certified by a specialty board, whose certification is recognized by
the NRC or an Agreement State, or in clinical radiation facilities
providing high-energy, external beam therapy and brachytherapy services
under the direct supervision of physicians who meet the requirements
for AUs in Sec. Sec. 35.490 or 35.690 or under supervision of a
certified medical physicist in clinical radiation facilities. This T&E
will help ensure that candidates have the level of knowledge necessary
to fulfill the duties of an AMP.
The current regulations in 10 CFR Part 35 provide for a preceptor,
defined in Sec. 35.2, to certify that individuals have satisfactorily
completed requirements for T&E and have achieved a level of radiation
safety knowledge sufficient to function independently as RSOs, AMPs,
ANPs, and AUs. In response to public comments, as discussed under the
heading ``IV. Summary of Public Comments and Responses to Comments,''
the NRC is now using ``attestation'' and ``attest'' in place of
``certification'' and ``certify'' in 10 CFR Part 35. A preceptor
attestation is commonly referred to as a ``preceptor statement,'' and
this term is used
[[Page 16339]]
interchangeably with the term ``preceptor attestation'' in the
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION, particularly in the summary of public
comments, to reflect this usage by commenters.
The requirement that boards must have candidates for certification
obtain a preceptor attestation as a condition for NRC recognition of
certifications has been removed in the final rule; however, individuals
are still required to obtain preceptor attestations, and licensees are
required to submit them to the NRC (except as provided in Sec.
35.15(d)). This is an addition to the current requirement in Sec.
35.14(a) to provide a copy of board certifications to the NRC. Further
discussion of the requirement for a preceptor attestation appears under
the heading ``Preceptor Attestation.'' The certification pathway also
includes a specification for the number of hours of training and
experience for ANPs and AUs for certain uses of byproduct material
under Sec. Sec. 35.100, 35.200, 35.300 (in Sec. Sec. 35.390, 35.392,
35.394, and 35.396 for uses under Sec. 35.300), and 35.500. The ACMUI
recommended, for the proposed rule, that the requirement for 200 hours
of classroom and laboratory training, now required in Sec. Sec. 35.490
and 35.690, be removed because it believes that the combination of
degree, practical experience, and examination in the criteria for
recognizing certifying boards is equivalent to the number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training specified for the alternative
pathway. A detailed analysis of T&E requirements was performed by NRC
staff and appears as Attachment 1 to SECY-02-0194, ``OPTIONS FOR
although the requirements are not identical, the T&E standard for
recognizing certifying boards will be equivalent to the standard for
the alternate pathway. The board certification process requires a
candidate to have an academic degree, complete practical experience or
a residency program, and pass an examination. Examinations test the
knowledge and skills required to perform the applicable activities,
including those in Sec. Sec. 35.490(a)(2) and 35.690(a)(2), to ensure
radiation safety. The NRC believes that the combination of a degree,
practical experience, and an examination, in the criteria for
recognizing certifying boards, will be equivalent to the number of
hours of classroom and laboratory training specified for the alternate
pathway. Further, the requirement in the certification pathway for
Sec. Sec. 35.490 and 35.690 for completion of an approved residency
program, provides added assurance that T&E is sufficient. Therefore,
the requirement for 200 hours of classroom and laboratory training does
not apply to the criteria for recognition of board certification
processes in Sec. Sec. 35.490, and 35.690 of the final rule.
The ACMUI's recommendations included the addition of the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) in listings of
entities which approve residency training to satisfy requirements for
the board certification pathway for uses under Sec. Sec. 35.300,
35.400, and 35.600. While the RCPSC was named in Subpart J of the
current rule, it is not named in other subparts. There are reciprocal
arrangements between U.S. entities and the RCPSC regarding approval of
residency programs. Thus, the NRC finds these reciprocal agreements to
be a sufficient basis to provide that RCPSC be included in various
sections of 10 CFR Part 35.
The final rule provides the boards more latitude in making the
determination that individuals are fully trained and capable of
performing their duties involving radiation safety. These changes to
the certification pathway continue to ensure the safe use of byproduct
material by medical licensees by establishing criteria for specialty
boards to use in granting certifications. The NRC made a determination
that, with the exception of one specialty board, the boards do not meet
the requirement in the current rule regarding preceptor certification
and work experience. With more latitude under the certification pathway
in the final rule, the NRC believes that boards will be able to meet
the revised requirements for recognition of board certification
Changes to the Alternate Pathway
The final rule also contains revised requirements for some of the
alternate pathways. Some of these changes are minor and clarify the
requirements for T&E.
The ACMUI's recommendations for approval as an AU in the alternate
pathway in Sec. Sec. 35.490(b) and 35.690(b) include the addition of
the RCPSC to the listings of organizations that approve residency
programs. The NRC finds that RCPSC should be included in the listing
for the reasons previously discussed under the heading, ``Changes to
the Certification Pathway.''
In comments on the proposed rule, Agreement States recommended that
a minimum number of hours of ``didactic'' training in basic
radionuclide handling techniques should be specified for individuals to
qualify as ANPs under Sec. 35.51 and as AUs under Sec. Sec. 35.190,
35.290, and 35.390. The NRC understands that references by Agreement
States to ``didactic training'' refers both to the ``didactic
training,'' currently required to qualify as an authorized nuclear
pharmacist under current regulations in Sec. 35.55(b)(1)(i), as well
as the ``classroom and laboratory training'' required to qualify as an
authorized user in Sec. Sec. 35.190(c)(1)(i), 35.290(c)(1)(i) and
35.390(b)(1)(i). The term ``classroom and laboratory training'' will be
used hereinafter to refer to this type of training. As discussed in
Part II, Issue 1, and Part IV, Issue 2, of the Summary of Public
Comments, the final rule specifies minimum number of hours of classroom
and laboratory training for the alternate pathway.
Training Specific to Type of Use
The ACMUI recommended that, in addition to meeting minimum T&E
requirements, authorized individuals should have training or experience
in the use of byproduct material or specific modalities (types of use),
as appropriate, for which a licensee is authorized. The ACMUI also
recommended that the requirement apply to newly hired, authorized
individuals and when a new type of use is added to the licensee's
program. The NRC supports these changes, believing that they will
ensure that a licensee's staff has adequate knowledge and experience to
fulfill the duties for which they are responsible. The final rule
includes new paragraphs that add this requirement in Sec. 35.50(e) for
RSOs, Sec. 35.51(c) for AMPs, and for AUs in Sec. 35.690(c) for
remote afterloader, teletherapy and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery
units. For uses under Sec. 35.300, requirements in Sec. Sec.
35.390(b)(1) and 35.396(d) provide for training specific to type of use
which applies to both the board certification and alternate pathways.
Other Changes
In the current regulations, Sec. 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G) specifies
that work experience for uses of byproduct material in unsealed form,
for which a written directive (WD) is required, must include
administering dosages of radioactive drugs involving a minimum of three
cases in each of the categories for which the individual is requesting
authorized user status. Sections 35.390, paragraphs (b)(1)(ii)(G)(1),
(3) and (4) refer to oral and parenteral administration of certain
[[Page 16340]]
The final rule clarifies that this training must be with quantities of
radionuclides for which a WD is required. The NRC believes these
changes are necessary because, without them, an individual might cite
experience with low-level dosages to satisfy requirements for work
experience; the changes place emphasis on the need for AUs to have work
experience with higher level dosages, for which a WD is required.
Similar requirements have also been incorporated into new Sec.
The ACMUI and public commenters on the proposed rule stated that
the physicians, who have sufficient T&E to serve as AUs for the medical
use of unsealed byproduct material for which a WD is required, are
unable to meet the requirements for use in Subpart E. As discussed in
response to public comments on Sec. 35.390, this issue was resolved by
the inclusion of a new Sec. 35.396, entitled, ``Training for the
parenteral administration of unsealed byproduct material requiring a
written directive.'' A conforming change was also made to Sec. 35.8,
``Information collection requirements: OMB approval,'' to indicate that
an information collection requirement applies to Sec. 35.396.
The ACMUI recommended that the requirements for work experience for
authorized users in Sec. Sec. 35.190, 35.290, and 35.390 be changed to
require experience with performing quality control check of instruments
rather than with calibrating instruments. In addition to instrument
calibration, quality control procedures commonly include checks of
parameters such as linearity, constancy, and functionality (including
battery checks). The NRC agrees with the ACMUI's recommendation because
ensuring proper function of these instruments involves more than
periodic calibration. The final rule effects these recommendations with
changes to Sec. Sec. 35.190(c)(1)(ii)(B), 35.290(c)(1)(ii)(B),
35.390(b)(1)(ii)(B), 35.392(c)(2)(ii), and 35.394(c)(2)(ii). Similar
requirements have also been incorporated into new Sec. 35.396(d)(2).
Training requirements for authorization as a medical physicist have
been changed in Sec. 35.51(b)(1) to remove specific requirements for a
degree in biophysics, radiological physics, and health physics, and add
the more general, other physical sciences, as well as engineering and
applied mathematics. The requirement for 1 year of full-time training
in therapeutic radiological physics has been changed to a more general
requirement for 1 year of full-time training in medical physics. In
Sec. 35.690(b)(2), the requirement for candidates to be approved as
AUs has been changed to broaden the requirement that supervised
clinical experience be received in ``radiation therapy'' rather than in
``radiation oncology.'' These changes are needed to allow for the
therapeutic use of byproduct material in applications other than cancer
Current regulations in Sec. 35.50(c) provide that an AMP
identified on a licensee's license can serve as an RSO, provided that
the individual has experience with the radiation safety aspects of
similar types of use of byproduct material for which the individual has
responsibilities as an RSO. However, current regulations only require
services of an AMP for uses under Sec. Sec. 35.433 and 35.600; a few
AMPs are also named on licenses for uses under Sec. 35.1000.
Therefore, individuals who may have adequate T&E to serve as AMPs for
types of use licensed under Sec. Sec. 35.100, 35.200, 35.300, 35.400
and 35.500, are not listed on an NRC or Agreement State license under
current rules. Medical physicists who are certified by a specialty
board whose certification is recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State have training and experience in radiation safety
aspects of the use of byproduct material for medical purposes. The
regulations in Sec. 35.50 have been changed to allow medical
physicists, who are certified by a specialty board whose certification
is recognized by the NRC or an Agreement State, to serve as RSOs, while
retaining the requirement that these individuals have experience
specific to the types of use for which they would be responsible. This
change removes an impediment for individuals who have adequate T&E to
become approved as RSOs. It also avoids placing a burden on licensees
to apply for an exemption to regulations and on NRC and Agreement State
staff who would be required to process an application for an exemption
to regulations to approve a licensee's request to have a medical
physicist, certified by a specialty board whose certifications are
recognized by the NRC, serve as an RSO. Comments on the proposed rule
indicated that medical physicists generally have adequate T&E to serve
as RSOs. As discussed in response to comments on Sec. 35.50, this
section has also been amended to provide criteria for medical
physicists, other than those who are AMPs, to serve as RSOs.
The term ``high-energy'' is used in the rule text in Sec. Sec.
35.51(a)(2)(ii) and 35.51(b)(1) to specify the type of training to be
included in T&E for AMPs. High-energy radiation is specified, in
Sec. Sec. 35.51(a)(2)(ii) and 35.51(b)(1) of the final rule, as
photons and electrons with energies greater than or equal to 1 million
electron volts, which is consistent with the definition of high-energy
used by the International Commission on Radiation Units and
Measurements in Report 42, Use of Computers in External Beam
Radiotherapy Procedures with High-Energy Photons and Electrons.
In Sec. 35.75(a), reference is made to ``draft'' licensing
guidance in NUREG-1556, Vol. 9. This guidance was published in final
version in October 2002. Therefore, the ``draft'' designation is being
Preceptor Attestation
Part 35 currently requires a written certification, termed
attestation in this final rule (and referred to as attestation in this
discussion, when appropriate), that the individual has satisfactorily
completed the required training, has achieved a level of knowledge or
competency sufficient to function independently, and requires that the
written certification be signed by a preceptor who is a radiation
safety officer, authorized medical physicist, authorized nuclear
pharmacist or authorized user. This requirement applies to both the
board certification and alternate pathways.
The ACMUI recommended that, instead of certifying ``competency,''
the preceptor should attest that the individual has satisfactorily
completed the required training and experience. It further recommended
that a training program director be allowed to sign the written
As explained previously, the Commission considered recommendations
of the ACMUI and determined in SRM-02-0194, ``OPTIONS FOR ADDRESSING
SPECIALTY BOARDS BY NRC,'' that the preceptor statement should remain
as written in the current regulations. However, the Commission
emphasized that the preceptor language does not require an attestation
of general clinical competency, but requires sufficient attestation to
demonstrate that the candidate has the knowledge to fulfill the duties
of the position for which certification is sought.
The ACMUI also recommended that the Commission separate the
requirement to obtain a preceptor statement from the certification and
alternate pathways, and to specify this requirement as a new paragraph
in the sections dealing with T&E for RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, and AUs. The
[[Page 16341]]
Commission approved this recommendation of the ACMUI, placing the
requirement on licensees to submit the preceptor statements to the NRC.
This requirement appeared in the proposed rule. The regulations retain
the requirements that individuals obtain preceptor attestations for
both the certification and alternate pathways.
The requirement for licensees to submit a preceptor attestation to
the NRC appears in revised Sec. 35.14(a).
Listing of Recognized Board Certifications
The NRC will list on its Web site (
miau/med-use-toolkit.html), instead of in its regulations, the names of
board certifications for those boards whose certification processes
meet the NRC's requirements. This approach has the advantage of
eliminating the need to amend 10 CFR Part 35 to effect recognition each
time a new board needs to be added to the listing. The ACMUI and
specialty board representatives who participated in a public meeting on
May 20, 2003, were in agreement with this approach.
Because of the importance of board certification in establishing
the adequacy of T&E for individuals to serve as RSO, AMPs, ANPs, and
AUs, a clear regulatory determination must be made that all boards,
both new and existing, meet the relevant regulatory criteria.
Evaluation of board requirements against revised criteria in the final
rule is necessary to make this determination. Boards that are currently
listed in Subpart J of Part 35 and other boards are required to apply
for recognition under this rule. When necessary, the NRC staff will
review a board's submittal with the ACMUI before a decision on
recognition of a board is made.
The NRC will place the procedures for listing and delisting of
specialty boards on its Web site at the time of publication of the
final rule. Because of the important role of board certification, the
procedures will provide for making a clear regulatory determination
that boards, both new and existing, meet the relevant criteria in the
revised regulations. The procedures provide for both adding new
specialty boards to the listing of recognized certifications and for
removal from the list.
The NRC staff does not intend to conduct inspections of the
specialty boards whose certification processes it recognizes but will
monitor trends in medical events. If the NRC staff determines that a
series of medical events is associated with a particular specialty, and
the trend can be attributed to inadequate radiation safety training,
the staff will determine whether the inadequate training is related to
a deficiency in a board's evaluation of the radiation safety competency
of the board's diplomates. The NRC conducts a comprehensive regulatory
program to ensure safety. This regulatory program is also important to
the identification of issues related to T&E that may, in turn, point to
issues associated with the certification process of a specialty board.
If these activities result in identification of a deficiency in a
board's evaluation of the radiation safety competency of the board's
diplomates, the NRC staff will review the specialty board's
certification program. The assessment will include a determination of
whether the board's examination adequately assesses the requisite
knowledge and skills in radiation safety. If the staff determines that
changes in the board's evaluation of competency in radiation safety are
necessary, and the board either cannot or will not make adequate
changes to its program to address these needs, then the NRC will
withdraw recognition of that specialty board's certification processes
and delist that board. The NRC staff will inform the Commission and the
ACMUI of an NRC staff decision to withdraw recognition. The NRC has
reviewed existing procedures for the conduct of inspections and has
determined that they provide for collection of the information
necessary to evaluate trends in medical events possibly related to
requirements for T&E of specialty boards. The NRC staff provided a copy
of draft plans for implementation of the procedures for listing and
delisting of board certifications to Agreement States and the ACMUI
during the development of the proposed rule. The comments provided by
these groups were considered by the NRC staff in developing final
procedures for implementation.
Stakeholder Interactions
On May 20, 2003, a public meeting was held to solicit early input
on the proposed rule from representatives of professional specialty
boards and other interested stakeholders. The NRC staff also made a
presentation to the ACMUI on May 20, 2003, regarding the staff's
approach to the proposed rule. The ACMUI provided input and a comment
was received via e-mail from a participant in the meeting with the
The proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on December
9, 2003 (68 FR 68549). The NRC staff briefed the ACMUI on the proposed
rule during its meeting on March 2, 2004, and received comments from
the ACMUI on the proposed rule during this meeting and a public
teleconference conducted on March 22, 2004. Comments of the ACMUI,
Agreement States, board members, and members of the public provided
useful information to the NRC in preparing the proposed and final rule.
A person from the State of Alabama, nominated by the Organization of
Agreement States, participated as a member of the working group with
the NRC staff in the development of the proposed and final rule. A
person from the State of New York, nominated by the CRCPD, was added to
the working group and participated in the resolution of comments on the
proposed and draft final rule. The NRC staff distributed a draft final
rule to the Agreement States and the ACMUI for 30-day review, ending on
October 18, 2004. During this time, the ACMUI held a publicly announced
meeting, via teleconference, on October 5, 2004, with Agreement State
participation, to discuss requirements for a minimum number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training in Sec. Sec. 35.55, 35.190, 35.290,
and 35.390. The meeting was announced in the Federal Register on
September 28, 2004 (69 FR 57977). Approximately 37 representatives of
22 Agreement States participated in the meeting. The ACMUI also
discussed the draft final rule, and made recommendations to the NRC,
during its meeting on October 13-14, 2004. These comments are discussed
in Section IV. Summary of Public Comments and Responses to Comments.
Additional Recommendations of the ACMUI
At the teleconference held on July 17, 2003, the ACMUI discussed
the draft proposed rule; Agreement State representatives also
participated in the teleconference. During the teleconference, the
ACMUI agreed with the NRC staff recommendation to broaden the
requirement that supervised clinical experience be received in a
``radiation facility'' rather than in a ``radiation oncology facility''
for individuals to qualify as AMPs, in Sec. 35.51(b)(1) of the
proposed rule, and to change the requirement for experience in
``radiation oncology'' in Sec. 35.690(b)(2) to allow for experience in
``radiation therapy.'' Parallel changes were made to the certification
pathway for AMPs in the proposed rule in Sec. 35.51(a)(2)(ii) and in
Sec. 35.690(a)(1) for uses under Sec. 35.600. These changes were
retained in the final rule.
The ACMUI recommended that the requirements for experience,
[[Page 16342]]
in the current rule in Sec. 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G), not be included in
criteria for recognition of specialty board certifications, but that
they continue to be required for AUs meeting T&E requirements for both
the certification and alternate pathways. This recommendation was not
incorporated into the proposed rule, because the NRC staff believed
that the requirements for work experience in Sec. 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G)
are essential for an individual to be able to function independently as
an AU for administration of byproduct material for which a WD is
required. As discussed in the response to public comments on the
proposed rule, the ACMUI raised this recommendation again, indicating
that many individuals obtain the experience required in Sec.
35.390(b)(1)(ii)(G) after they have obtained their board certification.
After further consideration, the requirement for this experience was
removed from requirements for recognition of board certifications in
the final rule but retained as a requirement for individuals to be AUs.
At the teleconference held on March 22, 2004, the ACMUI recommended
removal of requirements, in Sec. 35.390(b)(1)(ii)(F), for experience
with elution of generators and measuring, testing, and preparation of
radiolabeled drugs. As indicated in the discussion of public comments
on Sec. 35.390, this requirement has been removed from this section in
the final rule but retained in other sections when individuals qualify
as AUs by virtue of being approved as an AU under Sec. 35.390.
Additional recommendations, made by the ACMUI during the meeting on
October 13-14, 2004, are discussed in Section IV. Summary of Public
Comments and Responses to Comments.
Timing of Agreement State Implementation
Normally, Agreement States have 3 years in which to adopt a
compatible rule. Agreement States have until October 24, 2005, to adopt
the revised 10 CFR Part 35 published on April 24, 2002. It was noted in
the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for the proposed rule that, for Agreement
States to adopt the proposed training and experience requirements and
have them in place by October 24, 2005, the Agreement States would have
a shortened time frame for developing compatible requirements. Because
Agreement States had voiced concern regarding this shortened time
frame, the NRC invited public comment on this issue. As indicated in
``IV. Summary of Public Comments and Responses to Public Comments,''
the NRC is allowing 3 years for adoption of this final rule.
Revision of Guidance for Licensing of Medical Use of Byproduct Material
Licensing guidance for medical uses of byproduct material is
available in NUREG-1556, Vol 9, ``Consolidated Guidance About Materials
Licenses. Program-Specific Guidance About Medical Use Licenses.'' The
NRC has revised this guidance to conform to the revisions in this final
rule and is making it available to the public coincident with
publication of the final rule.
Extension of Subpart J to October 24, 2005
The NRC has extended the expiration date for Subpart J to October
24, 2005, through a separate rulemaking (69 FR 55736, September 16,
IV. Summary of Public Comments and Responses to Comments
The NRC received 27 comments on the proposed rule. The commenters
included members of the general public and the ACMUI as well as
representatives of Agreement States, professional societies, and
certification boards. Additional comments from Agreement States were
received on a draft of the final rule distributed made available to
Agreement States for a 30 day comment period, ending on October 18,
2004. Copies of the public comments are available for review in the NRC
Public Document Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD.
This section summarizes the written and oral comments received and
provides responses to these comments. Part I contains a list of the
acronyms used in this section. Part II contains a discussion of general
issues that were considered during the rulemaking. Part III contains a
discussion of comments on specific sections in the proposed rule.
Comments on timing of adoption of the rule by Agreement States and
compatibility are discussed in Part IV.
The NRC posed three questions in the ``Invitation for Public
Comment on Specific Issues'' section of the proposed rule. These
questions were:
1. Do the proposed revisions to requirements for training and
experience provide reasonable assurance that RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, and AUs
will have adequate training in radiation safety? (This question is
discussed in Part II--General Issues, Issue 1.)
2. Should Agreement States establish the requirements to conform
with this proposed rule by October 24, 2005, or should they follow the
normal process and be given a full 3 years to develop a compatible
rule? (This question is discussed in Part IV--Implementation by
Agreement States--Timing and Compatibility.)
3. Should the word ``attestation'' be used in place of the word
``certification'' in preceptor statements? (This question is discussed
in Part II--General Issues, Issue 2.)
Part I--Acronyms
The following acronyms are used in the discussion of both the
general and specific comments.
ACGME--Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
ACMUI--Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes
ACPE--American Council on Pharmaceutical Education
ABMS--American Board of Medical Specialties
AMP--Authorized medical physicist
ANP--Authorized nuclear pharmacist
AU--Authorized user
FPGEC--Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee
NMED--Nuclear Materials Events Database
OAS--Organization of Agreement States
RSO--Radiation safety officer
T&E--Training and experience
WD--Written directive
Part II--General Issues
Several commenters expressed general support for the proposed rule
as well as offering comments on specific aspects of the proposed rule,
which are discussed further in succeeding sections. Support was also
voiced for the listing of recognized board certifications on the NRC's
Web site rather than in regulations.
Issue 1: Do the proposed revisions to requirements for training and
experience (T&E) provide reasonable assurance that RSOs, AMPs, ANPs,
and AUs will have adequate training in radiation safety?
Comment: One commenter suggested that the NRC should go back to its
original preceptor concept, under which no board certifications were
required, but the preceptor (mentor) had the responsibility to ensure
that training was adequate to ensure health and safety and medical
efficacy. The commenter expressed concern that applicants could receive
certification without complete knowledge and skills in a particular
discipline, i.e., board certification may omit or excuse lack of
knowledge and skill (if the applicant passes the requisite examination
with a score of less than 100 percent) where the alternate pathway
would require demonstration of 100 percent in a given discipline.
[[Page 16343]]
Response: The NRC believes that RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, and AUs should
have T&E sufficient to ensure radiation safety in the medical use of
byproduct material. The NRC believes that it is necessary to specify
requirements for T&E to accomplish this objective, either by requiring
that candidates for approval as RSOs, AMPs, ANPs, or AUs are certified
by a board which has a certification process that has been recognized
by the NRC, or by meeting the requirements for T&E for the alternate
pathway, combined with attestation by a preceptor that the individual
has satisfactorily completed these requirements and has achieved a
level of competency sufficient to function independently in the
position for which approval is sought. The NRC believes that
requirements for both pathways are similarly and sufficiently rigorous,
and, that by passing a board examination, together with meeting the
other requirements in the board certification pathway, a candidate will
have demonstrated the knowledge and skill necessary to safely handle
byproduct material. The NRC believes that this combination of
requirements will ensure the safe medical use of byproduct material and
has retained the option for AUs to meet requirements for T&E via the
certification pathway.
Comment: One commenter indicated, given that new problems
consistently arise, specialty board training should only be accepted if
it can be shown that there is a recertification/required continuing
education every 10 years or less and that the recertification/
continuing education process can be shown to encompass the radiation
protection aspects of newer technologies.
Response: The NRC plans to periodically review the requirements of
boards for certification to accommodate changing needs for T&E.
However, the NRC does not depend solely on board certification to
ensure adequacy of T&E. The regulations also provide, in Sec. 35.59,
that T&E must have been obtained within 7 years preceding the date of
an application to the NRC or that the individual had related continuing
T&E. They also provide, in Sec. 35.57, for accommodating experienced
AUs (e.g., individuals identified on a license), allowing those who
serve as AUs under existing licenses and permits to continue medical
uses for which they have been authorized. NRC regulations also provide
requirements for licensing of new medical uses of byproduct material,
including assessment of the adequacy of T&E of AUs for proposals for
new uses in requests for amendments to licenses.
Comment: One Agreement State commenter on the draft final rule
stated that the NRC appears to want only limited submittal of the
training programs for review and approval from medical boards and does
not plan to conduct inspections of specialty boards to insure that they
meet the latest certification requirements. Rather, the intent is to
wait and see if specific medical events related to training occur in
the field before investigating. The commenter does not believe this is
acceptable, especially when considering the number of hospital staff
and patients that may be at risk before this type of link to training
can or will be made once an incident occurs.
Response: In order to have their certification processes
recognized, specialty boards must demonstrate that their certification
processes meet the specific criteria established in the regulations.
The NRC will carefully review the documentation submitted before
recognizing a board's certification program. The NRC believes that this
process for board recognition, taken together with the NRC's
coordination with ACMUI, its inspection of licensed facilities, and its
continued monitoring of medical events, will be sufficient to ensure
public health and safety.
Comment: Commenters from Agreement States expressed concern that
the regulations no longer specify the number of classroom and
laboratory or supervised clinical and work hours necessary for the
various types of use. One commenter indicated that this could
jeopardize radiation safety, and recommended that the NRC include a
minimum acceptable number of hours of classroom and laboratory training
in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for the final rule (i.e., a minimum of
200 hours of classroom and laboratory training out of the total of 700
hours for those types of use for which a WD is required (Sec. 35.390);
80 hours of classroom and laboratory training for those uses for which
a WD is not required but for which 700 hours is still required (Sec.
35.290); and a minimum of 8 hours of classroom and laboratory training
for types of use for which 60 hours of training is required (Sec.
35.190)), based on the risk to patients, occupational workers, and the
public, for each type of use, and assuming class days are 8 hours.
Three other commenters from Agreement States recommended that
regulatory agencies should specify a minimum number of hours of
classroom and laboratory training under Sec. Sec. 35.190, 35.290, and
35.390. One commenter suggested that individuals qualifying as ANPs
under Sec. 35.55 and as AUs under Sec. 35.390 should be required to
have 200 hours of classroom and laboratory training. Also, the
Organization of Agreement States (OAS) (petitioner) filed a Petition
for Rulemaking (petition) dated September 3, 2004 (PRM-35-17)
requesting that the NRC amend Sec. Sec. 35.55, 35.190, 35.290 and
35.390 to define and specify the minimum number of didactic training
hours for Authorized Nuclear Pharmacists and Authorized Users
identified in these sections.
Response: The NRC agrees with the Agreement States' assertion that
the inclusion of a requirement for minimum number of hours of classroom
and laboratory training (in Sec. Sec. 35.55, 35.190, 35.290, and
35.390) for the alternate pathway only, will ensure safety and
consistency of regulation on a national basis. Therefore, requirements
for a minimum number of hours of classroom and laboratory training have
been included in Sec. Sec. 35.55(b)(1)(i), 35.190(c)(1), 35.290(c)(1),
and 35.390(b)(1) of the final rule. However, the added requirements,
specifying a minimum number of hours of classroom and laboratory
training, were not added to the requirements for recognition of
specialty board certifications because the NRC believes that it is
important to provide flexible options for boards to evaluate the
adequacy of T&E related to radiation safety. This flexibility is
provided by a combination of evaluation through examinations, and
academic and practical T&E. The NRC believes that the requirements of
certifying boards, including requirements for examinations, whose
certification processes have been recognized by the Commission or an
Agreement State, will ensure the adequacy of radiation safety training.
As part of their application for recognition of certifications, boards
will be asked to provide information on how their examination process
assesses the candidates' knowledge related to radiation safety as it
pertains to the subject areas enumerated in the regulations. The NRC
believes that specifying a minimum for the number of hours of classroom
and laboratory training, in the alternate pathway, will help to ensure
that training programs are of adequate length to properly cover the
topics important to safe medical use of byproduct material,
supplementing the T&E gained during supervised clinical training. Doing
so will increase the rigor of the alternate pathway and provide useful
and consistent standards for developing training programs. Specifying a
minimum number of hours of classroom and laboratory training will also
be useful to States in reviewing the adequacy of training programs and
assist Agreement States in developing
[[Page 16344]]
their T&E regulations to be consistent with the compatibility category
B designation for T&E regulations.
The draft final rule, circulated to Agreement States for a 30-day
comment period, ending on October 18, 2004, included requirements for a
minimum number of hours of classroom and laboratory training
(applicable to the alternate pathway only) as follows: Sec. 35.55--200
hours, Sec. 35.190--8 hours, Sec. 35.290--80 hours, and Sec.
35.390--200 hours. Twelve Agreement States provided comments on this
issue, with nine of them being in favor of a minimum of 200 hours of
classroom and laboratory training for Sec. 35.390. Two Agreement
States recommended minimums of 120 and 160 hours of classroom and
laboratory training, respectively, for Sec. 35.390. Eight Agreement
States supported the proposed number of hours for Sec. Sec. 35.55,
35.190 and 35.290, and two States suggested requirements ranging from
120 to 200 hours for these four sections. One commenter from an
Agreement State stated that the risks associated with uses under Sec.
35.200 is similar to those for uses under Sec. 35.300 because the
higher frequency of uses under Sec. 35.200 results in more risk and
that, therefore, the number of hours of classroom and laboratory
training should be the same (200 hours) in Sec. Sec. 35.290 and
35.390. This commenter suggested that, for clarity, the term
``classroom and laboratory training'' be used in place of the term
``didactic training'' in sections where the latter term appears. The
commenter also stated that the way the draft revisions to the
regulations are now written, the preceptor statement seems to apply
only to the alternate pathway, and that they should be restructured to
ensure that information is provided in preceptor statements about hours
of training and experience, including classroom and laboratory
training. The commenter suggested restructuring the regulations and re-
designating paragraphs so that paragraph ``(d)'' always included the
requirements for preceptor statements.
During the ACMUI meeting on October 14, 2004, the ACMUI passed a
motion recommending that the requirement for classroom and laboratory
training, in Sec. 35.390, be 80 rather than 200 hours. The ACMUI
believes that the requirements for training in radiation safety and
safe handling for medical uses under Sec. Sec. 35.200 (no written
directive required) and Sec. 35.300 (written directive required),
including the use of beta emitters, are similar. The total hours of
training (classroom and laboratory, combined with work experience) is
the same (700 hours) in Sec. Sec. 35.290 and 35.390. Therefore, the
ACMUI recommended that the number of hours required for classroom and
laboratory training be the same as that required for Sec. 35.290,
i.e., 80 hours, because the knowledge required for radiation safety is
similar for uses under both Sec. Sec. 35.290 and 35.390. The ACMUI was
also concerned that time taken for classroom and laboratory training
required under Sec. 35.390(b)(1)(i) would detract from time needed for
training in other areas required of clinicians.
After consideration of both the ACMUI's and Agreement States'
recommendations, the NRC staff analyzed the issue to determine the
appropriate amount of classroom and laboratory training for approval of
AUs under Sec. 35.390. The NRC is adopting a requirement for 200 hours
of classroom and laboratory training for the alternate pathway in Sec.
35.390 because more knowledge is necessary in the topic areas listed in
Sec. 35.390(b)(1)(i)(A) through (E), as enumerated below, to ensure
the safe use of byproduct material for which a written directive is
1. Radiation physics and instrumentation--a wider variety of
radionuclides, having a wider range of energies, both for beta and
gamma emitters, is used. This affects understanding of how radiation
interacts with matter, which impacts understanding of shielding as well
as the effects of radiation, and choice and use of instrumentation to
detect and measure radiation and to measure quantities of
2. Radiation protection--more knowledge of principles and practices
of radiation protection is needed because of the