Duke Energy Corporation, et al.; Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2; Notice of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License and Final Determination of No Significant Hazards Consideration Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-35 and NPF-52, Amendment Nos. 220 and 215, 11711-11712 [05-4547]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 9, 2005 / Notices
ASPA 116 New College Valley,
Caughley Beach, Cape Bird
ASPA 117 Avian Island, northwest
Marquerite Bay
ASPA 121 Cape Royds, Ross Island
ASPA 124 Cape Crozier, Ross Island
ASPA 125 Fildes Peninsula, King
George Island, South Shetland Islands
ASPA 126 Byers Peninsula, Livingston
ASPA 127 Haswell Island
ASPA 128 Western shore of
Admiraltry Bay, King George Island
ASPA 129 Rothera Point, Adelaide
ASPA 132 Potter Peninsula, King
George Island
ASPA 133 Harmony Point, Nelson
ASPA 134 Cierva Point, Danco Coast
ASPA 135 Bailey Peninsula, Budd
ASPA 136 Clark Peninsula, Budd
ASPA 139 Biscoe Point, Anvers Island,
Palmer Archipelago
ASPA 143 Marine Plain, Mule
Peninsula, Vestfold Hills
ASPA 149 Cape Shirref, Livingston
ASPA 150 Ardley Island, King George
ASPA 151 Lions Rump, King George
ASPA 154 Cape Evans, Ross Island
ASPA 158 Cape Adare
ASPA 160 Botany Bay, Cape Geology,
Victoria Land
January 1, 2006, to December 31,
Nadene G. Kennedy,
Permit Officer, Office of Polar Programs.
[FR Doc. 05–4535 Filed 3–8–05; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC).
ACTION: Notice of pending NRC action to
submit an information collection
request to OMB and solicitation of
public comment.
SUMMARY: The NRC is preparing a
submittal to OMB for review of
continued approval of information
collections under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. chapter 35).
VerDate jul<14>2003
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Information pertaining to the
requirement to be submitted:
1. The Title of the Information
Collection: NRC Form 64, Travel
Voucher (Part 1); NRC Form 64A, Travel
Voucher (Part 2), Schedule of Expenses
and Amount Claimed; and NRC Form
64B, Optional Travel Voucher (Part 2),
Expense Report.
2. Current OMB Approval Number:
3. How Often the Collection Is
Required: On occasion.
4. Who Is Required or Asked To
Report: Contractors, consultants and
invited NRC travelers who travel in the
course of conducting business for the
5. The Number of Annual
Respondents: 100.
6. The Number of Hours Needed
Annually To Complete the Requirement
or Request: 100 hours (1 hour per
7. Abstract: As a part of completing
the travel process, the traveler must file
travel reimbursement vouchers and trip
reports. The respondent universe for the
above forms include consultants and
contractors and those who are invited
by the NRC to travel, e.g., prospective
employees. Travel expenses that are
reimbursed are confined to those
expenses essential to the transaction of
official business for an approved trip.
Submit, by May 9, 2005, comments
that address the following questions:
1. Is the proposed collection of
information necessary for the NRC to
properly perform its functions? Does the
information have practical utility?
2. Is the burden estimate accurate?
3. Is there a way to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected?
4. How can the burden of the
information collection be minimized,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology?
A copy of the draft supporting
statement may be viewed free of charge
at the NRC Public Document Room, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Room O–1 F21, Rockville, MD
20852. OMB clearance requests are
available at the NRC worldwide Web
site: https://www.nrc.gov/public-involve/
doc-comment/omb/. The
document will be available on the NRC
home page site for 60 days after the
signature date of this notice.
Comments and questions about the
information collection requirements
may be directed to the NRC Clearance
Officer, Brenda Jo. Shelton (T–5 F53),
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001, by
telephone at #301) 415–7233, or by
PO 00000
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Internet electronic mail to
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 3rd day
of March 2005.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Brenda Jo. Shelton,
NRC Clearance Officer, Office of Information
[FR Doc. 05–4546 Filed 3–8–05; 8:45 am]
[Docket Nos. 50–413 and 50–414]
Duke Energy Corporation, et al.;
Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and
2; Notice of Issuance of Amendment to
Facility Operating License and Final
Determination of No Significant
Hazards Consideration Renewed
Facility Operating License Nos. NPF–
35 and NPF–52, Amendment Nos. 220
and 215
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(Commission) has issued Amendment
No. 220 to Renewed Facility Operating
License No. NPF–35 and Amendment
No. 215 to Renewed Facility Operating
License No. NPF–52, issued to Duke
Energy Corporation, et al. (Duke, the
licensee), which revised the Technical
Specifications (TS) for operation of the
Catawba Nuclear Station (Catawba),
Units 1 and 2, located in York County,
South Carolina. The amendment is
effective as of the date of issuance.
The amendment modifies the TS to
permit the usage of up to four mixed
oxide (MOX) lead test assemblies
(LTAs). Specifically, the amendment
consists of: (1) A revision to TS 3.7.16
to permit storage of the MOX LTAs in
the spent fuel pool; (2) a revision to TS
4.2, ‘‘Reactor Core’’ to include the four
MOX LTAs using M5 fuel rod cladding;
(3) TS 4.3, ‘‘Fuel Storage,’’ to reflect the
enrichment of the MOX LTAs; and (4)
a revision to TS 5.6.5 to add two
supporting methodologies for the MOX
LTAs. The application for the
amendment complies with the
standards and requirements of the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended
(the Act), and the Commission’s rules
and regulations. The Commission has
made appropriate findings as required
by the Act and the Commission’s rules
and regulations in 10 CFR chapter I,
which are set forth in the license
A Notice of Consideration of Issuance
of Amendment to Facility Operating
License and Opportunity for a Hearing
in connection with this action was
published in the Federal Register on
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 45 / Wednesday, March 9, 2005 / Notices
July 25, 2003 (68 FR 44107). A request
for a hearing was filed on August 21 and
25, 2003, by the Nuclear Information
and Resources Service (NIRS) and the
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense
League (BREDL), respectively. A Notice
of Opportunity to Comment and
Proposed No Significant Hazards
Consideration Determination in
connection with this action was
published in the Federal Register on
July 12, 2004 (69 FR 41852).
On July 14 and 15, 2004, the Atomic
Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) held
a hearing on a single admitted safetyrelated contention by BREDL. All of
NIRS’s contentions were rejected and
NIRS was not admitted as a party to the
proceeding. The admitted contention
was related to the adequacy of the lossof-coolant accident analyses performed
to support the use of the MOX LTAs. On
December 22, 2004, the ASLB issued a
Partial Initial Decision with respect to
this matter finding that there is
reasonable assurance that operation of
Catawba with the four MOX LTAs will
not endanger the health and safety of
the public.
BREDL submitted its security-related
safety contentions on March 3, 2004. An
ASLB hearing on a single physical
security-related contention, as admitted
by the ASLB, was held January 11–14,
2005. This contention was related to the
adequacy of the provisions undertaken
by Duke to provide protection of the
MOX LTAs. Findings and reply findings
of fact and conclusions of law were filed
in February 2005. An ASLB decision on
the security contention is pending.
Under its regulations, the Commission
may issue and make an amendment
immediately effective, notwithstanding
the pendency before it of a request for
a hearing from any person, in advance
of the holding or completion of any
required hearing, where it has
determined that no significant hazards
considerations are involved.
The Commission has applied the
standards of Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, Section 50.92 and
has made a final determination that the
amendment involves no significant
hazards considerations. The basis for
this determination is contained in a
Safety Evaluation and three
Supplements to that Safety Evaluation
related to this action. Accordingly, as
described above, the amendment has
been issued and made immediately
effective and any further hearing will be
held after issuance.
The Commission has prepared an
Environmental Assessment and one
Supplement to the Environmental
Assessment related to the action and has
determined not to prepare an
VerDate jul<14>2003
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environmental impact statement. Based
upon the environmental assessment and
its supplement, the Commission has
concluded that the issuance of the
amendment will not have a significant
effect on the quality of the human
environment (69 FR 51112 and 70 FR
For further details with respect to the
action see (1) the application for
amendment dated February 27, 2003, as
supplemented by letters dated
September 15, September 23, October 1
(two letters), October 3 (two letters),
November 3, November 4, December 10,
2003, and February 2, (two letters),
March 1 (three letters), March 9 (two
letters), March 16 (two letters), March
26, March 31, April 13, April 16, May
13, June 17, August 31, September 20,
October 4, October 29 and December 10,
2004, (2) Amendment Nos. 220 and 215
to License Nos. NPF–35 and NPF–52,
respectively, (3) the Commission’s
related Safety Evaluation and its three
Supplements dated April 5, May 5, July
27, 2004, and March 3, 2005,
respectively, and (4) the Commission’s
Environmental Assessment and its
supplement (69 FR 51112 and 70 FR
8849, respectively). All of these items
are available for public inspection at the
Commission’s Public Document Room,
located at One White Flint North, File
Public Area O1 F21, 11555 Rockville
Pike (first floor), Rockville, Maryland.
Publicly available records will be
accessible from the Agencywide
Documents Access and Management
System’s (ADAMS) Public Electronic
Reading Room on the Internet at the
NRC Web site, https://www.nrc.gov/
reading-rm/adams.html. Persons who
do not have access to ADAMS or who
encounter problems in accessing the
documents located in ADAMS, should
contact the NRC PDR Reference staff by
telephone at 1–800–397–4209, (301)
415–4737, or by e-mail to pdr@nrc.gov.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 3rd day
of March 2005.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
John A. Nakoski,
Chief, Section 1, Project Directorate II,
Division of Licensing Project Management,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 05–4547 Filed 3–8–05; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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[Docket Nos. 50–413 and 50–414]
Duke Energy Corporation, North
Carolina Electric Membership
Corporation, Saluda River Electric
Cooperative, Inc., North Carolina
Municipal Power Agency No. 1,
Piedmont Municipal Power Agency,
Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and
2; Exemption
Duke Energy Corporation, (the
licensee) is the holder of Facility
Operating License Nos. NPF–35 and
NPF–52, which authorize operation of
the Catawba Nuclear Station (Catawba),
Units 1 and 2. The licenses provide,
among other things, that the facility is
subject to all rules, regulations, and
orders of the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC, the Commission)
now or hereafter in effect.
The facility consists of two
pressurized water reactors located in
York County, South Carolina.
Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) part 50, § 50.46,
‘‘Acceptance criteria for emergency core
cooling systems [ECCS] for light-water
nuclear power reactors,’’ and Appendix
K, ‘‘ECCS Evaluation Models,’’ identify
requirements for calculating ECCS
performance for reactors containing fuel
with Zircaloy or ZIRLO cladding, and
uranium oxide fuel. Part 11 of 10 CFR,
‘‘Criteria and Procedures for
Determining Eligibility for Access to or
Control Over Special Nuclear Material
[SNM],’’ and 10 CFR part 73, ‘‘Physical
Protection of Plants and Materials,’’
identify requirements that are usually
applicable to fuel fabrication facilities
for the protection of formula quantities
of strategic special nuclear material
By letter dated February 27, 2003, as
supplemented by letters dated
September 15, September 23, October 1
(two letters), October 3 (two letters),
November 3, November 4, December 10,
2003, and February 2 (two letters),
March 1 (three letters), March 9 (two
letters), March 16 (two letters), March
26, March 31, April 13, April 16, May
13, June 17, August 31, September 20,
October 4, October 29, and December
10, 2004, the licensee requested
exemptions from 10 CFR 50.46,
Appendix K to 10 CFR part 50, and from
certain physical security requirements
of 10 CFR 11.11(a)(1)–(a)(2), 11.11(b), 10
CFR 73.45(d)(1)(iv), 73.46 (c)(1),
73.46(h)(3), 73.46(b)(3)–(b)(12),
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 45 (Wednesday, March 9, 2005)]
[Pages 11711-11712]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-4547]
[Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414]
Duke Energy Corporation, et al.; Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1
and 2; Notice of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License
and Final Determination of No Significant Hazards Consideration Renewed
Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-35 and NPF-52, Amendment Nos. 220
and 215
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Commission) has issued Amendment
No. 220 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-35 and Amendment
No. 215 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-52, issued to
Duke Energy Corporation, et al. (Duke, the licensee), which revised the
Technical Specifications (TS) for operation of the Catawba Nuclear
Station (Catawba), Units 1 and 2, located in York County, South
Carolina. The amendment is effective as of the date of issuance.
The amendment modifies the TS to permit the usage of up to four
mixed oxide (MOX) lead test assemblies (LTAs). Specifically, the
amendment consists of: (1) A revision to TS 3.7.16 to permit storage of
the MOX LTAs in the spent fuel pool; (2) a revision to TS 4.2,
``Reactor Core'' to include the four MOX LTAs using M5 fuel rod
cladding; (3) TS 4.3, ``Fuel Storage,'' to reflect the enrichment of
the MOX LTAs; and (4) a revision to TS 5.6.5 to add two supporting
methodologies for the MOX LTAs. The application for the amendment
complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act
of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and
regulations. The Commission has made appropriate findings as required
by the Act and the Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR chapter
I, which are set forth in the license amendment.
A Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility
Operating License and Opportunity for a Hearing in connection with this
action was published in the Federal Register on
[[Page 11712]]
July 25, 2003 (68 FR 44107). A request for a hearing was filed on
August 21 and 25, 2003, by the Nuclear Information and Resources
Service (NIRS) and the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL),
respectively. A Notice of Opportunity to Comment and Proposed No
Significant Hazards Consideration Determination in connection with this
action was published in the Federal Register on July 12, 2004 (69 FR
On July 14 and 15, 2004, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
(ASLB) held a hearing on a single admitted safety-related contention by
BREDL. All of NIRS's contentions were rejected and NIRS was not
admitted as a party to the proceeding. The admitted contention was
related to the adequacy of the loss-of-coolant accident analyses
performed to support the use of the MOX LTAs. On December 22, 2004, the
ASLB issued a Partial Initial Decision with respect to this matter
finding that there is reasonable assurance that operation of Catawba
with the four MOX LTAs will not endanger the health and safety of the
BREDL submitted its security-related safety contentions on March 3,
2004. An ASLB hearing on a single physical security-related contention,
as admitted by the ASLB, was held January 11-14, 2005. This contention
was related to the adequacy of the provisions undertaken by Duke to
provide protection of the MOX LTAs. Findings and reply findings of fact
and conclusions of law were filed in February 2005. An ASLB decision on
the security contention is pending.
Under its regulations, the Commission may issue and make an
amendment immediately effective, notwithstanding the pendency before it
of a request for a hearing from any person, in advance of the holding
or completion of any required hearing, where it has determined that no
significant hazards considerations are involved.
The Commission has applied the standards of Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, Section 50.92 and has made a final determination
that the amendment involves no significant hazards considerations. The
basis for this determination is contained in a Safety Evaluation and
three Supplements to that Safety Evaluation related to this action.
Accordingly, as described above, the amendment has been issued and made
immediately effective and any further hearing will be held after
The Commission has prepared an Environmental Assessment and one
Supplement to the Environmental Assessment related to the action and
has determined not to prepare an environmental impact statement. Based
upon the environmental assessment and its supplement, the Commission
has concluded that the issuance of the amendment will not have a
significant effect on the quality of the human environment (69 FR 51112
and 70 FR 8849).
For further details with respect to the action see (1) the
application for amendment dated February 27, 2003, as supplemented by
letters dated September 15, September 23, October 1 (two letters),
October 3 (two letters), November 3, November 4, December 10, 2003, and
February 2, (two letters), March 1 (three letters), March 9 (two
letters), March 16 (two letters), March 26, March 31, April 13, April
16, May 13, June 17, August 31, September 20, October 4, October 29 and
December 10, 2004, (2) Amendment Nos. 220 and 215 to License Nos. NPF-
35 and NPF-52, respectively, (3) the Commission's related Safety
Evaluation and its three Supplements dated April 5, May 5, July 27,
2004, and March 3, 2005, respectively, and (4) the Commission's
Environmental Assessment and its supplement (69 FR 51112 and 70 FR
8849, respectively). All of these items are available for public
inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room, located at One
White Flint North, File Public Area O1 F21, 11555 Rockville Pike (first
floor), Rockville, Maryland. Publicly available records will be
accessible from the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System's
(ADAMS) Public Electronic Reading Room on the Internet at the NRC Web
site, https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. Persons who do not have
access to ADAMS or who encounter problems in accessing the documents
located in ADAMS, should contact the NRC PDR Reference staff by
telephone at 1-800-397-4209, (301) 415-4737, or by e-mail to
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 3rd day of March 2005.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
John A. Nakoski,
Chief, Section 1, Project Directorate II, Division of Licensing Project
Management, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 05-4547 Filed 3-8-05; 8:45 am]