Revisions to Procedural Rules Governing Practice Before the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, 10574-10581 [05-4257]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 42 / Friday, March 4, 2005 / Proposed Rules
and the taxpayer, at the time the
installment agreement is entered into,
may enter into a written agreement to
extend the period of limitations on
collection to a date certain. A written
extension agreement entered into under
this paragraph shall extend the period of
limitations on collection until the 89th
day after the date agreed upon in the
written agreement.
(2) Extension agreement entered into
in connection with the release of a levy
under section 6343. If the Secretary has
levied on any part of the taxpayer’s
property prior to the expiration of the
period of limitations on collection and
the levy is subsequently released
pursuant to section 6343 after the
expiration of the period of limitations
on collection, the Secretary and the
taxpayer, prior to the release of the levy,
may enter into a written agreement to
extend the period of limitations on
collection to a date certain. A written
extension agreement entered into under
this paragraph shall extend the period of
limitations on collection until the date
agreed upon in the extension agreement.
(c) Continued effectiveness of
agreements to extend the period of
limitations on collection entered into on
or before December 31, 1999—(1) In
general. Except as provided in
paragraph (c)(2) of this section, if, on or
before December 31, 1999, the Secretary
and the taxpayer entered into a written
agreement to extend the period of
limitations on collection for a tax
liability to a date after December 31,
2002, then, unless the written agreement
expires by its terms prior to December
31, 2002, the period of limitations on
collection expires on the later of—
(i) The last day of the original 10-year
statutory period; or
(ii) December 31, 2002.
(2) Written agreements entered into in
connection with installment agreements.
If, on or before December 31, 1999, the
Secretary and the taxpayer, in
connection with an installment
agreement, entered into a written
agreement to extend the period of
limitations on collection for a tax
liability, the written agreement extends
the period of limitations on collection
until the 90th day after the date agreed
upon in the written agreement.
(d) Proceeding in court for the
collection of the tax. If a proceeding in
court for the collection of a tax is begun
within the period provided in paragraph
(a) of this section (or within any
extended period as provided in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section),
the period during which the tax may be
collected by levy is extended until the
liability for the tax or a judgment against
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the taxpayer arising from the liability is
satisfied or becomes unenforceable.
(e) Effect of statutory suspensions of
the period of limitations on collection if
executed collection extension agreement
is in effect—(1) Any statutory
suspension of the period of limitations
on collection tolls the running of the
period of limitations on collection, as
extended pursuant to an executed
extension agreement under paragraph
(b) or (c) of this section, for the amount
of time set forth in the relevant statute.
(2) The following example illustrates
the principle set forth in this paragraph
Example. In June of 2003, the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) enters into an
installment agreement with the taxpayer to
provide for periodic payments of the
taxpayer’s timely assessed tax liabilities. At
the time the installment agreement is entered
into, the taxpayer and the IRS execute a
written agreement to extend the period of
limitations on collection. The extension
agreement executed in connection with the
installment agreement operates to extend the
period of limitations on collection to the date
agreed upon in the extension agreement, plus
89 days. Subsequently, and prior to the
expiration of the extended period of
limitations on collection, the taxpayer files a
bankruptcy petition under chapter 7 of the
Bankruptcy Code and receives a discharge
from bankruptcy a few months later. Section
6503(h) of the Internal Revenue Code
operates to suspend the running of the
previously extended period of limitations on
collection for the period of time the IRS is
prohibited from collecting due to the
bankruptcy proceeding, and for 6 months
thereafter. The new expiration date for the
IRS to collect the tax is the date agreed upon
in the previously executed extension
agreement, plus 89 days, plus the period
during which the IRS is prohibited from
collecting due to the bankruptcy proceeding,
plus 6 months.
(f) Date when levy is considered
made. The date on which a levy on
property or rights to property is
considered made is the date on which
the notice of seizure required under
section 6335(a) is given.
(g) Effective date. This section is
applicable on the date final regulations
are published in the Federal Register.
Mark E. Matthews,
Deputy Commissioner of Services and
[FR Doc. 05–4280 Filed 3–3–05; 8:45 am]
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29 CFR Parts 2200 and 2204
Revisions to Procedural Rules
Governing Practice Before the
Occupational Safety and Health
Review Commission
Occupational Safety and Health
Review Commission.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: This document proposes
several revisions to the procedural rules
governing practice before the
Occupational Safety and Health Review
DATES: Comments must be received by
April 4, 2005.
Patrick Moran, Deputy General Counsel,
(202) 606–5410, 1120 20th St., NW.,
Ninth Floor, Washington, DC 20036–
17, 2004 the Commission published an
Advanced Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (ANPR), 69 FR 33878. In
that notice the Commission announced
that it was considering revisions to its
rules concerning electronic filing, the
expansion of the range of cases eligible
for E–Z Trial, and the Settlement Part,
the availability of sanctions for rules
violations and expanding the authority
of administrative law judges to impose
such sanctions, the grounds for
obtaining Commission review of
interlocutory orders issued by its judges,
and the restriction of practice before the
Commission of lawyers and in-house
company and union representatives.
The Commission solicited public
comments regarding these areas and
invited the public to suggest other
changes. The Commission thanks those
who responded to the ANPR. The
comments were helpful and played a
large part in aiding the Commission to
formulate these proposed rule changes.
Now, the Commission asks for
comments on these proposed rule
changes, especially from those who
practice before it.
Having considered the comments
filed in response to the ANPR, this
document proposes several revisions
governing practice before the
Occupational Safety and Health Review
Commission. Although a few of the
revisions are technical and clarifying in
nature, this proposal also contains
several significant changes to
Commission practice and procedure.
For example, the Commission is
proposing new rules to allow and
facilitate electronic service and filing of
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 42 / Friday, March 4, 2005 / Proposed Rules
pleadings, briefs and other documents.
The Commission is also proposing
restrictions on when non-attorneys may
represent employers in Commission
proceedings, modifications to its
settlement and discovery rules, and
changes to the eligibility limits on E–Z
Several rule changes are minor in
nature. This document proposes several
technical changes, including a
correction to the Commission’s ninedigit zip code in Rules 7 and 8. Several
rules, such as Rule 11 and 41, have been
moved. Accordingly, several rules have
been renumbered, and cross-references
updated. The Commission proposes
revising Rule 5 to give its judges the
discretion to require a party to respond
to a motion or order filed shortly before
the hearing where the normal response
time would not expire until after the
hearing has commenced. The
Commission also proposes to amend
Rule 8(f)(3) to eliminate the 3-day grace
period for mailing documents after they
have been faxed. The Commission
believes that when a document has been
faxed, there is no reason to delay
mailing the original. A modification and
reordering of the rule on privilege is
also proposed. Specifically, the
Commission proposes to abolish Rule 11
and move those parts that the
Commission deems relevant to the
Commission’s rule on discovery, Rule
52. The Commission’s experience has
been that privilege issues generally arise
in discovery, are generally resolved by
the parties and if not resolved by the
parties, are generally handled in the
context of discovery disputes.
Accordingly, the following portions of
Rule 11 will be inserted in Rule 52:
(1) The assertion of a privilege must
be accompanied by specific allegations
and supporting affidavits, depositions,
or testimony. It is believed that these
requirements reduce the unwarranted
assertion of privileges;
(2) Claimed privilege material may be
examined in camera or ex parte;
(3) The judge is given wide latitude to
fashion an appropriate protective order;
(4) A party unsuccessfully asserting a
privilege may, as a matter of right, have
the material sealed until review.
(5) The portion of the rule governing
protective orders would be moved to
Rule 52(e).
The Commission also proposes that,
except for Simplified Proceedings, only
attorneys in good standing be permitted
to represent a party before the
Commission or its judges. This
restriction would not limit the right to
appear before the Commission of any
party, affected employee, or owner,
partner, officer, or employee of a party
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when the party is a labor organization,
or business entity. This proposal
generated more public comment than
any other mentioned in the ANPR.
While the reaction was generally
negative, we note that most of the
comments came from practitioners who
would be most affected by the proposal
and from small employers and industry
groups who were concerned about the
increased costs necessitated by hiring an
attorney. After we carefully considered
the matter, we think the best course is
limit in part non-attorney representation
before the Commission. While we
recognize the desire for economical
access to the Commission’s adjudicatory
process, we also are concerned about
accountability and the quality of
representation. It has been the
Commission’s experience that lay
representatives generally do not serve
their clients well before the
Commission. In particular, lay
representatives have displayed
difficulty in navigating the federal rules
of evidence and procedure. On occasion
lay representatives may represent more
than one employer cited at a particular
worksite and not fully comprehend the
potential conflicts of interest such a
situation can present. The Commission
does believe, however, that non-legal
representation can be effective for cases
tried under the less demanding
requirements of Simplified Proceedings
and proposes to continue to permit lay
representations in such cases.
The Commission proposes to
redesignate the general rule on
sanctions (currently Rule 41) without
substantive change to Rule 101. Another
relatively minor modification involves
Rule 51 on Scheduling Conferences. The
Commission would make such
conferences discretionary with the
judge. We believe that the current rule
is beneficial in large and complex cases,
but may be a hindrance in small to midsized cases.
The Commission proposes several
changes to Rule 52, its Discovery Rule.
The Commission believes that its
procedures are unnecessarily
complicated by the application of the
extensive requirements for initial
disclosures contained in Federal Rule of
Civil Procedure (FRCP) 26(a). It is the
view of the Commission that application
of FRCP 26(a) is unworkable with pro se
employers and results in needless
additional expense to employers
represented by counsel. Accordingly,
the Commission would add a clause to
Rule 52(a)(1) making Federal Rule 26(a)
inapplicable to Commission
proceedings. Also, as mentioned earlier,
the Commission proposes to add a
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paragraph to Rule 52 setting forth its
rule addressing claims of privilege.
The current Commission rule on oral
arguments provides only that arguments
before the Commission be electronically
recorded. In the past, the
Commissioners have found that a
written transcript would aid them in
reviewing the argument. Therefore, the
Commission would amend Rule, 95(i)(1)
to allow for a written transcription of
oral arguments. Parties wishing to order
a transcript would be able to purchase
one at their own expense. The
Commission would also require that any
party who files a motion for oral
argument indicate why oral argument
would assist the Commission in
deciding the case.
The Commission’s Voluntary
Settlement rule, Rule 101, predates the
Mandatory Settlement rule, Rule 120.
The Commission finds it redundant to
have a separate voluntary and
mandatory settlement rule. Therefore,
the Commission proposes eliminating
Rule 101 and includes a provision in
Rule 120 expressly allowing a party to
voluntarily enter the settlement process,
at which time the requirements of Rule
120 would apply. The mandatory
settlement rules are intended to deal
with large, complex cases. It is the
Commission’s view that, before
discovery is completed, the parties are
generally not sufficiently familiar with
the details of such cases to warrant
entry into the mandatory settlement
process. Thus, the Commission
proposes to change the timing for entry
into the mandatory settlement process
until discovery is completed. In
contrast, since cases involved in the
voluntary settlement process may, in
some cases, be relatively simple, parties
will be allowed to enter the voluntary
settlement process at any time.
Several additional changes to the
Mandatory Settlement Rules are also
proposed. The Commission proposes
giving the settlement judge the authority
to hold a ‘‘mini-trial’’ in order to narrow
the issues remaining between the
parties. It is the opinion of the
Commission and its judges that such
‘‘mini-trials’’ would make clear to the
parties both the strength and
weaknesses of their case and, therefore,
facilitate settlement. the mandatory
settlement rule has generally proven
successful, and the Commission
believes that the procedure should be
expanded for greater judicial economy
and reduced cost to litigants.
Accordingly, the Commission
recommends lowering the eligibility
limits from cases with an aggregate
penalty of $200,000 to those with an
aggregate penalty of $100,000.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 42 / Friday, March 4, 2005 / Proposed Rules
Currently, there is no provision in the
rules allowing the settlement judge to
continue as the trial judge. The
Commission believes that such a
provision would be of benefit in those
few large and complex cases that would
require a significant amount of time for
a new judge to become familiar with the
case. If all parties, the settlement judge,
and the Chief Administrative Law Judge
agree to the settlement judge’s
continued participation as trial judge,
we believe that judicial economies and
reduced litigant expense would result.
This new consent provision is
predicated on the consent of the parties,
the settlement judge, and the Chief
Administrative Law Judge in order to
ensure that the settlement judge’s
impartiality was not compromised by
his or her participation in the settlement
process. Therefore, the Commission
would also add a provision that would
allow settlement judge to remain as the
trial judge upon the consent of the judge
and all parties.
The Commission proposes several
changes to its E–Z Trial Rules. First, it
proposes changing the name from E–Z
Trial to Simplified Proceedings. The
Commission believes that the name ‘‘E–
Z Trial’’ conveys a heightened sense of
informality and that the name change
more accurately represents the nature of
these proceedings. Because these
procedures have been a success, the
Commission believes that the eligibility
requirements should be loosened.
Therefore, it proposes to expand
eligibility by increasing the aggregate
penalty limits to $20,000 for Rule 202(a)
and $30,000 for Rule 202(b).
The Commission also proposes to
amend its rules to permit and facilitate
the electronic filing and service of
documents. Objections to making
electronic filing mandatory were
received by several practitioners and the
Secretary of Labor. These commentators
pointed out that many small, pro se
employers who appear before the
Commission may not be able to file or
receive documents electronically. While
the Commission expects the number to
dwindle in time, it agrees with the
commentators that it would be
premature to make electronic filing
mandatory at this time. According, the
Commission proposes tomake electronic
filing optional. Among the highlights of
the proposal:
(1) Electronic service of documents
among the parties may be had only
when all parties must participate.
(2) Electronic filing of a document
with the Commission may be
accomplished at any time by any party
with the consent of the other parties and
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contingent upon the parties agreeing to
electronic service.
(3) Service is effective upon receipt.
The 3-day mailing presumption will not
be included in the response time when
a party is served electronically.
(4) Filing is effective upon receipt.
Documents will be accompanied by a
certificate of service.
(5) Only electronic signatures will be
(6) The rule will direct parties to the
Commission’s Web site for directions
and technical specifications.
(7) Sensitive information will be given
special treatment. (See Proposed Rule
8(g)(5) that will be set out in the rule
and not on the Web site.)
Finally, the Commission proposes to
amend its EAJA Rule 302 (29 CFR
2204.302) regarding when an EAJA
application may be filed and the
Commission’s aggregation EAJA Rule
105(f), 29 CFR 2204.105(f). The current
Rule 302, which requires an EAJA
application to be filed within 30 days of
a Commission order, is in tension with
section 11 of the Occupational Safety
and Health Act of 1970, 29 U.S.C. 660
and the Federal Rules of Appellate
Procedure (FRAP), which allow a party
60 days to appeal to the Circuit Court
of Appeals, and developing case law.
See e.g. Scafar Contracting Inc. v. SOL,
325 F.3d 422 (3d Cir. 2003). The
Commission proposes to bring its rule in
line with the Act, FRAP and developing
case law and allow a party 30 days after
the Commission decision becomes
unreviewable in a Federal Circuit Court
to file an EAJA application. Similarly,
the Commission’s current aggregation
rule, which requires the net worth and
number of employees of an EAJA
applicant to be aggregated with that of
affiliated companies, is at odds with the
growing body of case law that disfavors
such presumption of aggregation. See
e.g. National Association of Mfrs. v.
DOL, 159 F.3d 597 (D.C. Cir. 1998);
Caremore, Inc. v. NLRB, 150 F.3d 628
(6th Cir. 1998). Rescinding its rule on
aggregation will free the Commission to
conform its aggregation requirements to
this changing case law.
The Commission received several
suggestions for additional charges to its
rules. Generally, these suggestions
involved among other things, pleading
matters, such as the time for raising
affirmative defenses; discovery issues,
including the swearing of response to
requests for admissions, the taking of
depositions as of right; and the
availability of subpoenas. While the
Commission values these suggestions,
they do not, in its view, represent
serious problems and are generally best
handled through the proper exercise of
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the judge’s discretion in accordance
with Commission rules. However, the
Commission will monitor these areas
and may consider these suggestions in
future rules changes.
List of Subjects in 29 CFR Parts 2200
and 2204
Hearings and appeal procedures,
Administrative practice and procedure.
Text of Amendment
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the Occupational Safety and
Health Review Commission proposes to
amend title 29, chapter XX, parts 2200
and 2204 of the Code of Federal
Regulations as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 2200
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 29 U.S.C. 661(g).
2. Section 2200.5 is revised to read as
§ 2200.5
Extension of time.
Upon motion of a party, for good
cause shown, the Commission or Judge
may enlarge or shorten any time
prescribed by these rules or prescribed
by an order. All such motions shall be
in writing but, in exigent circumstances
in a case pending before a Judge, an oral
request may be made and thereafter
shall be followed by written motion
filed with the Judge within 3 working
days. A request for an extension of time
should be received in advance of the
date on which the pleading or document
is due to be filed. However, in exigent
circumstances, an extension of time may
be granted even though the request was
filed after the designated time for filing
has expired. In such circumstances, the
party requesting the extension must
show, in writing, the reasons for the
party’s failure to make the request
before the time prescribed for the filing
had expired. The motion may be acted
upon before the time for response has
3. In § 2200.7, paragraphs (c) and (g)
are revised to read as follows:
§ 2200.7
Service and notice.
(c) How accomplished. Unless
otherwise ordered, service may be
accomplished by postage pre-paid first
class mail at the last known address, by
electronic transmission, or by personal
delivery. Service is deemed effected at
the time of mailing (if by mail), at the
time of receipt (if by electronic
transmission), or at the time of personal
delivery (if by personal delivery).
Facsimile transmission of documents
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 42 / Friday, March 4, 2005 / Proposed Rules
and documents sent by an overnight
delivery service shall be considered
personal delivery. Legibility of
documents served by facsimile
transmission is the responsibility of the
serving party. Documents may be served
by electronic transmission only when
all parties consent in writing and the
certificate of service of the electronic
transmission states such consent and
the method of transmission. All parties
must be electronically served. Electronic
service must be accomplished by
following the requirements set forth on
the Commission’s Web site (https://
(g) Service on unrepresented
employees. In the event that there are
any affected employees who are not
represented by an authorized employee
representative, the employer shall,
immediately upon receipt of notice of
the docketing of the notice of consent or
petition for modification of the
abatement period, post, where the
citation is required to be posted, a copy
of the notice of contest and a notice
informing such affected employees of
their right to party status and of the
availability of all pleadings for
inspection and copying at reasonable
times. A notice in the following form
shall be deemed to comply with this
(Name of employer)
Your employer has been cited by the
Secretary of Labor for violation of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act of
1970. The citation has been contested
and will be the subject of a hearing
Affected employees are entitled to
participate in this hearing or parties
under terms and conditions established
Rules of Procedure. Notice of intent to
participate must be filed no later than
10 days before the hearing. Any notice
of intent to participate should be sent to:
Occupational Safety and Health Review
Commission, Office of the Executive
Secretary, One Lafayette Centre, 1120
20th Street, NW., Suite 980,
Washington, DC 20036–3457.
All pleadings relevant to this matter
may be inspected at: (Place reasonably
convenient to employees, preferably at
or near workplace.)
Where appropriate, the second
sentence of the above notice will be
deleted and the following sentence will
be substituted:
The reasonableness of the period
prescribed by the Secretary of Labor for
abatement of the violation has been
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contested and will be the subject of a
hearing before the OCCUPATIONAL
4. Section 2200.8 is revised to read as
§ 2200.8
(a) What to file. All papers required to
be served on a party or intervenor,
except for those papers associated with
part of a discovery request under Rules
52 through 56, shall be filed either
before service or within a reasonable
time thereafter.
(b) Where to file. Prior to assignment
of a case to a Judge, all papers shall be
filed with the Executive Secretary at
One Lafayette Centre, 1120 20th Street,
NW., Suite 980, Washington, DC 20036–
3457. Subsequent to the assignment of
the case to a Judge, all papers shall be
filed with the Judge at the address given
in the notice informing of such
assignment. Subsequent to the
docketing of the Judge’s report, all
papers shall be filed with the Executive
Secretary, except as provided in
§ 2200.90(b)(3).
(c) How to file. Unless otherwise
ordered, filings may be accomplished by
postage-prepaid first class mail,
personal delivery, or electronic
transmission or facsimile transmission.
(d) Number of copies. Unless
otherwise ordered or stated in this part:
(1) If a case is before a Judge or if it
has not yet been assigned to a Judge,
only the original of a document shall be
(2) If a case is before the Commission
for review, the original and eight copies
of a document shall be filed.
(e) Filing date. (1) Filing date. Except
for the documents listed in paragraph
(e)(2) of this section, filing is effective
upon mailing, if by mail, upon receipt
by the Commission, if filing is by
personal delivery, overnight delivery
service, facsimile transmission or
electronic transmission.
(2) Filing is effective upon receipt for
requests for interlocutory reviews
(§ 2200.73(b)), petitions for
discretionary reviews (§ 2200.91), and
EAJA applications (§ 2204.301).
(3) Counsel and the parties shall have
sole responsibility for insuring that the
document is timely received by the
(f) Facsimile transmission. (1) Any
document may be filed with the
Commission or its Judges by facsimile
transmission. Filing shall be deemed
completed at the time that the facsimile
transmission is received by the
Commission or the Judge. The filed
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facsimile shall have the same force and
effect as the original.
(2) All facsimile transmissions shall
include a facsimile of the appropriate
certificate of service.
(3) It is the responsibility of parties
desiring to file documents by the use of
facsimile transmission equipment to
utilize equipment that is compatible
with facsimile transmission equipment
operated by the Commission. Legibility
of the transmitted documents is the
responsibility of the serving party.
(g) Electronic filing. (1) Where all
parties consent to electronic service and
electronic filing, a document may be
filed by electronic transmission with the
Commission and its judges. The
certificate of service accompanying the
document must state that the other
parties consent to filing by electronic
transmission. The electronic
transmission shall be in the manner
specified by the Commission’s Web site
(2) A document filed in conformance
with these rules constitutes a written
document for the purpose of applying
these rules, and a copy printed by the
Commission and placed in the case file
shall have the same force and effect as
the original.
(3) A certificate of service shall
accompany each document
electronically filed. The certificate shall
set forth the dates and manner of both
filing and service. It is the responsibility
of the transmitting party to retain
records showing the date of
transmission, including receipts.
(4) A party that files a document by
an electronic transmission shall utilize
equipment and software that is
compatible with equipment operated by
the Commission and shall be
responsible for the legibility of the
(5) Information that is sensitive but
not privileged shall be filed as follows:
(i) If Social Security numbers must be
included in a document, only the last
four digits of that number shall be used;
(ii) If names of minor children must
be mentioned, only the initials of that
child shall be used;
(iii) If dates of birth must be included,
only the year shall be used;
(iv) If financial account numbers must
be filed, only the last four digits of these
numbers shall be used;
(v) If a personal identifying number,
such as a driver’s license number must
be filed, only the last four digits shall be
used. Parties shall exercise caution
when filing medical records, medical
treatment records, medical diagnosis
records, employment history, and
individual financial information, and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 42 / Friday, March 4, 2005 / Proposed Rules
shall redact or exclude certain materials
unnecessary to a disposition of the case.
(6) A transmittal letter shall not be
filed electronically or by other means
when a document is transmitted noting:
(i) The transmittal of a document;
(ii) The inclusion of an attachment;
(iii) A request for a return receipt; or
(iv) A request for additional
information concerning the filing.
(7) The signature line of any
document shall include the notation
‘‘/s/’’ followed by the typewritten name
or graphical duplicate of the handwritten signature of the party
representative filing the document.
Such representation of the signature
shall be deemed to be the original
signature of the representative for all
purposes unless the party representative
shows that such representation of the
signature was unauthorized.
(8) Privileged information shall not be
filed electronically. Privileged
information or information that is
asserted by any party to be privileged
shall not be filed electronically.
§ 2200.11
[Removed and Reserved]
5. Section 2200.11 is removed and
6. In § 2200.22, paragraph (a) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 2200.22 Representation of parties and
(a)(1) Representation. Any party or
intervenor may appear in person,
through an attorney or, when a case is
heard in simplified proceedings,
through another representative who is
not an attorney.
(2) Attorneys. Attorneys admitted to
practice before the highest court of any
State, Territory, District,
Commonwealth, or possession of the
United States, and in good standing, are
permitted to practice before the
(3) Other persons. A person who is
not authorized to practice before the
Commission as an attorney under
paragraph (a)(1) of this section may
practice before the Commission as a
representative of a party if he is:
(i) A party;
(ii) An affected employee;
(iii) An owner, partner, officer, or
employee of a party when the party is
a labor organization, a partnership, a
corporation, or other business entity.
(4) A representative must file an
appearance in accordance with
§ 2200.23. In the absence of an
appearance by a representative, a party
or intervenor will be deemed to appear
for him or herself.
7. Section 2200.32 is revised to read
as follows:
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§ 2200.32
Signing of pleadings and
Pleadings and motions shall be signed
by the filing party or by the party’s
representative. The signature of a
representative constitutes a
representation by him that he is
authorized to represent the party or
parties on whose behalf the pleading is
filed. The signature of a representative
or party also constitutes a certificate by
him that he has read the pleading,
motion, or other paper, that to the best
of his knowledge, information, and
belief, formed after reasonable inquiry,
it is well grounded in fact and is
warranted by existing law or a good
faith argument for the extension,
modification, or reversal of existing law,
and that it is not interposed for any
improper purpose, such as to harass or
to cause unnecessary delay or needless
increase in the cost of litigation. If a
pleading, motion or other paper is
signed in violation of this rule, such
signing party or its representative shall
be subject tot he sanctions set forth in
§ 2200.101 or § 2200.104. A signature by
a party representative constitutes a
representation by him that he
understands that the rules and orders of
the Commission and its judges apply
equally to attorney and non-attorney
§ 2200.41
[Removed and Reserved]
8. Section 2200.41 is removed and
9. In § 2200.51, paragraph (a)(1) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 2200.51
Prehearing conferences and
(a) Scheduling conference. (1) The
Judge may, upon his or her discretion,
consult with all attorneys and any
unrepresented parties, by a scheduling
conference, telephone, mail, or other
suitable means, and within 30 days after
the filing of the answer, enter a
scheduling order that limits the time:
(i) To join other parties and to amend
the pleadings;
(ii) To file and hear motions; and
(iii) To complete discovery.
10. In § 2200.52, paragraphs (a)(1) and
(d) through (1) are revised and a new
paragraph (m) is added to read as
§ 2200.52 General provisions governing
(a) General. (1) Methods and
limitations. In conformity with these
rules, any party may, without leave of
the Commission or Judge, obtain
discovery by one or more of the
following methods: production of
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documents or things or permission to
enter upon land or other property for
inspection and other purposes
(§ 2200.53); requests for admission to
the extent provided in § 2200.54; and
interrogatories to the extent provided in
§ 2200.55. Discovery is not available
under these rules through depositions
except to the extent provided in
§ 2200.56. In the absence of a specific
provision, procedure shall be in
accordance with the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure, except that the
provisions of Rule 26(a) of the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure do not apply to
Commission proceedings.
(d) Privilege. (1) Claims of privilege. A
person claiming that information is
privileged shall claim the privilege in
writing or, if during a hearing, on the
record. The claim shall: Identify the
information that would be disclosed; set
forth the privilege that is claimed; and
allege the facts showing that the
information is privileged. The claim
shall be supported by affidavits,
depositions, or testimony and shall
specify the relief sought. The claim may
be accompanied by a motion for a
protective order or by a motion that the
allegedly privileged information be
received and the claim ruled upon in
camera, that is with the record and
hearing room closed to the public, or ex
parte, that is, without the participation
of parties and their representatives. The
judge may enter an order and impose
terms and conditions on his or her
examination of the claim as justice may
require, including an order designed to
ensure that the alleged privileged
information not be disclosed until after
the examination is completed.
(2) Deliberative process privilege. A
claim that the information sought is
privileged because it is part of the
‘‘deliberative process’’ is subject to the
same conditions as other claims of
privilege as set out in paragraph (d)(1)
of this section.
(3) Upholding or rejecting claims of
privilege. If the judge upholds the claim
of privilege, the judge may order and
impose terms and conditions as justice
may require, including a protective
order. If the judge overrules the claim,
the person claiming the privilege may
obtain as of right an order sealing from
the public those portions of the record
containing the allegedly privileged
information pending interlocutory or
final review of the ruling, or final
disposition of the case, by the
Commission. Interlocutory review of
such an order shall be given priority
consideration by the Commission.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 42 / Friday, March 4, 2005 / Proposed Rules
(e) Protective orders. In connection
with any discovery procedures and
where a showing of good cause has been
made, the Commission or Judge may
make any order including, but not
limited to, one or more of the following:
(1) That the discovery not be had;
(2) That the discovery may be had
only on specified terms and conditions,
including a designation of the time or
(3) That the discovery may be had
only by a method of discovery other
than that selected by the party seeking
(4) That certain matters not be
inquired into, or that the scope of the
discovery be limited to certain matters;
(5) That discovery be conducted with
no one present except persons
designated by the Commission or Judge;
(6) That a deposition after being
sealed be opened only by order of the
Commission or Judge;
(7) That a trade secret or other
confidential research, development, or
commercial information not be
disclosed or be disclosed only in a
designated way;
(8) That the parties simultaneously
file specified documents or information
enclosed in sealed envelopes to be
opened as directed by the Commission
or Judge.
(f) Failure to cooperate; Sanctions. A
party may apply for an order compelling
discovery when another party refuses or
obstructs discovery. For purposes of this
paragraph, an evasive or incomplete
answer is to be treated as a failure to
answer. If a Judge enters an order
compelling discovery and there is a
failure to comply with that order, the
Judge may make such orders with regard
to the failure as are just. The orders may
issue upon the initiative of a Judge, after
affording an opportunity to show cause
why the order should not be entered, or
upon the motion of a party. The orders
may include any sanction stated in
Fed.R.Civ.P.37, including the following:
(1) An order that designated facts
shall be taken to be established for
purposes of the case in accordance with
the claim of the party obtaining that
(2) An order refusing to permit the
disobedient party to support or to
oppose designated claims or defenses,
or prohibiting it from introducing
designated matters in evidence;
(3) An order striking out pleadings or
parts thereof, or staying further
proceedings until the order is obeyed;
(4) An order dismissing the action or
proceeding or any part thereof, or
rendering a judgment by default against
the disobedient party.
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(g) Unreasonable delays. None of the
discovery procedures set forth in these
rules shall be sued in a manner or at a
time which shall delay or impede the
progress of the case toward hearing
status or the hearing of the case on the
date for which it is scheduled, unless,
in the interests of justice the Judge shall
order otherwise. Unreasonable delays in
utilizing discovery procedures may
result in termination of the party’s right
to conduct discovery.
(h) Show cause orders. All show cause
orders issued by the Commission or
Judge under paragraph (e) of this section
shall be served upon the affected party
by certified mail, return receipt
(i) Supplementation of responses. A
party who has responded to a request
for discovery with a response that was
complete when made is under no duty
to supplement the response to include
information thereafter acquired, except
as follows:
(1) A party is under a duty seasonably
to supplement the response with respect
to any question directly addressed to:
(i) The identity and location of
persons having knowledge of
discoverable matters; and
(ii) The identity of each person
expected to be called as an expert
witness at the hearing, the subject
matter on which the person is expected
to testify, and the substance of the
person’s testimony.
(2) A party is under a duty seasonably
to amend a prior response if the party
obtains information upon the basis of
(i) The party knows that the response
was incorrect when made; or
(ii) The party knows that the response
through correct when made is no longer
true and the circumstances are such that
a failure to amend the response is in
substance a knowing concealment.
(3) A duty to supplement responses
may be imposed by order of the court,
agreement of the parties, or at any time
prior to the hearing through new
requests for supplementation of prior
(j) Filing of discovery. Requests for
production or inspection under Rule 53,
requests for admission under Rule 54
and responses thereto, interrogatories
under Rule 55 and the answers thereto,
and depositions under Rule 56 shall be
served upon other counsel or parties,
but shall not be filed with the
Commission or the Judge. The party
responsible for service of the discovery
material shall retain the original and
become the custodian.
(k) Relief from discovery requests. If
relief is sought under Rules 101 or 52(e),
(f), or (g) concerning any interrogatories,
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requests for production or inspection,
requests for admissions, answers to
interrogatories, or responses to request
for admissions, copies of the portions of
the interrogatories, requests, answers, or
responses in dispute shall be filed with
the Judge or Commission
contemporaneously with any motion
filed under Rules 101 or 52(e), (f), or (g).
(1) Use at hearing. If interrogatories,
requests, answers, responses, or
depositions are to be used at the hearing
or are necessary to a prehearing motion
which might result in a final order on
any claim, the portions to be used shall
be filed with the Judge or the
Commission at the outset of the hearing
or at the filing of the motion insofar as
their use can be reasonably anticipated.
(m) Use on review or appeal. When
documentation of discovery not
previously in the record is needed for
review or appeal purposes, upon an
application and order of the Judge or
Commission the necessary discovery
papers shall be filed with the Executive
Secretary of the Commission.
11. In § 2200.90, paragraph (b)(3) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 2200.90
Decisions of Judges.
(b) * * *
(3) Correction of errors; Relief from
default. Until the Judge’s report has
been directed for review or, in the
absence of a direction for review, until
the decision has become a final order,
the Judge may correct clerical errors and
errors arising through oversight or
inadvertence in decisions, orders or
other parts of the record. If a Judge’s
report has been directed for review, the
decision may be corrected during the
pendency of reviews with leave of the
Commission. Until the Judge’s report
has been docketed by the Executive
Secretary, the Judge may relieve a party
of default or grant reinstatement under
§§ 2200.101(b), 2200.52(f) or 2200.64(b).
12. In § 2200.95, paragraphs (a) and (i)
are revised to read as follows:
§ 2200.95 Oral argument before the
(a) When ordered. Upon motion of
any party, or upon its own motion, the
Commission may order oral argument.
Parties requesting oral argument must
demonstrate why oral argument would
facilitate resolutions of the issues before
the Commission. Normally, motions for
oral argument shall not be considered
until after all briefs have been filed.
(i) Recording oral argument. (1)
Unless the Commission directs
otherwise, oral arguments shall be
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 42 / Friday, March 4, 2005 / Proposed Rules
electronically recorded and made part of
the record. Any other sound recording
in the hearing room is prohibited. Oral
arguments shall also be transcribed
verbatim. A copy of the transcript of the
oral argument taken by a qualified court
reporter, shall be filed with the
Commission. The Commission shall
bear all expenses for court reporters’
fees and for copies of the hearing
transcript received by it.
(2) Persons desiring to listen to the
recordings shall make appropriate
arrangements with the Executive
Secretary. Any party desiring a written
copy of the transcript is responsible for
securing and paying for its coy.
(3) Error in the transcript of the oral
argument may be corrected by the
Commission on its own motion, or joint
motion by the parties, or on motion by
any party. The motion shall state the
error in the transcript and the correction
to be made. Corrections will be made by
hand with pen and ink and by the
appending of an errata sheet.
13. Section 2200.101 is revised to read
as follows:
§ 2200.120
Settlement part.
(a) Applicability. (1) This section
applies to:
(i) Notices of contest by employers in
which the aggregate amount of the
penalties sought by the Secretary is
$100,000 or greater and notices of
contest by employers which are
determined to be suitable for assignment
under this section for reasons deemed
appropriate by the Chief Administrative
Law Judge; (ii) Upon motion of any
party following the docketing of the
notice of contest, or otherwise with the
consent of the parties at any time in the
proceedings, the Chief Administrative
Law Judge may assign a case to a
Settlement Judge for processing under
this section whenever it is determined
that there is a reasonable prospect of
substantial settlement with the
assistance of mediation by a Settlement
(2) In the event either the Secretary or
the employer objects to the use of a
Settlement Judge procedure, such
procedure shall not be imposed. This
clause applies only to notices of contest
by employers and to applications for
fees under the Equal Access to Justice
§ 2200.101 Failure to obey rules.
Act and 29 CFR Part 2204.
(b) Proceedings under this part.
(a) Sanctions. When any party has
Notwithstanding any other provisions of
failed to plead or otherwise proceed as
these rules, upon completion of
provided by these rules or as required
discovery the Chief Administrative Law
by the Commission or Judge, he may be
Judge shall assign to the Settlement Part
declared to be in default either: On the
any case which satisfies the criteria set
initiative of the Commission or Judge,
forth in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this
after having been afforded an
section. The Chief Administrative Law
opportunity to show cause why he
Judge may also assign to the Settlement
should not be declared to be in default;
Part, at any time during the proceeding,
or on the motion of a party. Thereafter,
any case that satisfied the criteria set
the Commission or Judge, in their
forth in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this
discretion, may enter a decision against
section. The Chief Administrative Law
the defaulting party or strike any
Judge shall either act as or appoint a
pleading or document not file din
Settlement Part Judge, who shall be a
accordance with these rules.
Judge other than the one assigned to
(b) Motion to set aside sanctions. For
hear and decide the case (except as
reasons deemed sufficient by the
provided in paragraph (f)(2) of this
Commission or Judge and upon motion
expeditiously made, the Commission or section), to conduct proceedings under
the Settlement Part as set forth in this
Judge may set aside a sanction imposed
under paragraph (a) of this section. See
§ 2200.90(b)(3).
(c) Discovery sanctions. This section
(c) * * *
does not apply to sanctions for failure
(6) Mini-Hearing. Where the
to comply with orders compelling
Settlement Judge finds that it may help
discovery, which are governed by
narrow the issues, he or she may order
§ 2200.52(b).
the parties to participate in a mini(d) Show cause orders. All show cause hearing. The confidentiality rules of
orders issued by the Commission or
paragraph (d)(3) of this section shall
Judge under paragraph (a) of this section apply to the mini-hearing.
shall be served upon the affected party
(d) * * *
by certified mail, return receipt
(2) Participation in conference. The
Settlement Part Judge may require that
any attorney or other representative who
14. In § 2200.120, paragraphs (a), (b),
is expected to try the case for each party
(d)(2) and (d)(3) and (g) are revised and
by present. The Settlement Part Judge
a new paragraph (c)(6) is added to read
may also require that the party’s
as follows:
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representative be accompanied by an
official of the party having full
settlement authority on behalf of the
party. The parties and their
representatives or attorneys are
expected to be completely candid with
the Settlement Part Judge so that he may
properly guide settlement discussions.
The failure to be present at a settlement
conference or otherwise to comply with
the orders of the Settlement Part Judge
or the refusal to cooperate fully within
the spirit of this rule may result in the
imposition of sanctions under
§ 2200.101.
(3) Confidentiality. All statements
made, and all information presented,
during the course of proceedings under
this section shall be regarded as
confidential and shall not be divulged
outside of these proceedings except
with the consent of the parties. The
Settlement Part Judge shall if necessary
issue appropriate orders in accordance
with § 2200.52(e) to protect
confidentiality. The Settlement Part
Judge shall not divulge any statements
or information presented during private
negotiations with a party or his
representative except with the consent
of that party. No evidence of statements
or conduct in proceedings under this
section within the scope of Federal Rule
of Evidence 408, no notes or other
material prepared by or maintained by
the Settlement Part Judge, and no
communications between the
Settlement Part Judge and the Chief
Administrative Law Judge including the
report of the Settlement Part Judge
under paragraph (f) of this section, will
be admissible in any subsequent hearing
except by stipulation of the parties.
Documents disclosed in the settlement
process may not be used in litigation
unless obtained through appropriate
discovery or subpoena. The Settlement
Part Judge shall not discuss the merits
of the case with any other person, nor
appear as a witness in any hearing of the
(g) Report of Settlement Part Judge. (1)
The Settlement Part Judge shall
promptly notify the Chief
Administrative Law Judge in writing of
the status of the case at such time that
he determines further negotiations
would be fruitless. If the Settlement Part
Judge has not made such a
determination and a settlement
agreement is not achieved within 120
days following assignment of the case to
the Settlement Part Judge, the
Settlement Part Judge shall then advise
the Chief Administrative Law Judge in
writing of his assessment of the
likelihood that the parties could come to
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 42 / Friday, March 4, 2005 / Proposed Rules
a settlement agreement if they were
afforded additional time for settlement
discussions and negotiations. The Chief
Administrative Law Judge may then in
his discretion allow an additional
period of time, not to exceed 30 days,
for further proceedings under this
section. If at the expiration of the period
allotted under this paragraph the
Settlement Part Judge has not approved
a full settlement pursuant to § 2200.100,
he shall furnish to the Chief
Administrative Law Judge copies of any
written stipulations and orders
embodying the terms of any partial
settlement the parties have reached.
(2) At the termination of the
settlement period without a full
settlement, the Chief Administrative
Law Judge shall promptly assign the
case to an Administrative Law Judge
other than the Settlement Part Judge or
Chief Administrative Law Judge for
appropriate action on the remaining
issues. If all the parties, the Settlement
Judge and the Chief Administrative Law
Judge agree, the Settlement Part Judge
may be retained as the hearing judge.
Subpart M—Amended
15. In Subpart M all references to ‘‘E–
Z Trial’’ are revise to read ‘‘Simplified
16. In § 2200.202, paragraphs (a)(2)
and (b) are revised to read as follows:
§ 2200.202 Eligibility for Simplified
(a) * * *
(2) an aggregate proposed penalty of
not more than $20,000,
(b) Those cases with an aggregate
proposed penalty of more than $20,000,
but not more than $30,000, if otherwise
appropriate, may be selected for
Simplified Proceedings at the discretion
of the Chief Administrative Law Judge.
17. The authority citation for part
2204 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Sec. 203(a)(1), Pub. L. 96–481,
94 Stat. 2325 (5 U.S.C. 504(c)(1)); Pub. L. 99–
80, 99 Stat. 183.
§ 2204.105
18. In § 2204.105, paragraph (f) is
19. Section 2204.302 is amended by
revising paragraph (a) and removing
paragraph (d):
§ 2204.302
When an application may be
(a) An application may be filed
whenever an applicant has prevailed in
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a proceeding or in a discrete substantive
portion of the proceeding, but in no case
later than thirty days after the period for
seeking review in a court of appeals
Dated: March 1, 2005.
Patrick Moran,
Deputy General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 05–4257 Filed 3–3–05; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 62
[R03–OAR–2005–PA–0001; FRL–7880–5]
Approval and Promulgation of State
Air Quality Plans for Designated
Facilities and Pollutants,
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
Delegation of Authority
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: EPA is proposing to approve
delegation of the Federal plan for
commercial and industrial solid waste
incinerator (CISWI) units to both the
Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection (PADEP) and
the Allegheny County Health
Department (ACHD). In the ‘‘Rules and
Regulations’’ section of the Federal
Register, EPA is announcing its
approval of the requests for delegation
of the Federal plan without prior
proposal because the Agency views this
as a noncontroversial amendment and
anticipates no adverse comments. A
detailed rationale for the approval is set
forth in the direct final rule. If EPA
receives adverse comments, EPA will
publish a timely withdrawal in the
Federal Register informing the public
that the rule did not take effect. EPA
will address all public comments in a
subsequent final rule based on the
proposed rule. The EPA will not
institute a second comment period on
this action. Any parties interested in
commenting must do so at this time.
Please note that if EPA receives adverse
comment on an amendment, paragraph,
or section of this rule and if that
provision may be severed from the
remainder of the rule, EPA may adopt
as final those provisions of the rule that
are not the subject of an adverse
DATES: Comments must be received in
writing by April 4, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Regional Material in
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EDocket (RME) ID Number R03–OAR–
2005–PA–0001 by one of the following
A. Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
on-line instructions for submitting
B. Agency Web site: https:// RME,
EPA’s electronic public docket and
comment system, is EPA’s preferred
method for receiving comments. Follow
the on-line instructions for submitting
C. E-mail: https://
D. Mail: R03–OAR–2005–PA–0001,
Walter Wilkie, Chief, Air Quality
Analysis, Mailcode 3AP22, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Region III, 1650 Arch Street,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.
E. Hand Delivery: At the previouslylisted EPA Region III address. Such
deliveries are only accepted during the
Docket’s normal hours of operation, and
special arrangements should be made
for deliveries of boxed information.
Instructions: Direct your comments to
RME ID No. R03–OAR–2005–PA–0001.
EPA’s policy is that all comments
received will be included in the public
docket without change, and may be
made available online at https://,
including any personal information
provided, unless the comment includes
information claimed to be Confidential
Business Information (CBI) or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Do not submit
information that you consider to be CBI
or otherwise protected through RME, or e-mail. The EPA RME
and the Federal Web
sites are an ‘‘anonymous access’’
system, which means EPA will not
know your identity or contact
information unless you provide it in the
body of your comment. If you send an
e-mail comment directly to EPA without
going through RME or,
your e-mail address will be
automatically captured and included as
part of the comment that is placed in the
public docket and made available on the
Internet. If you submit an electronic
comment, EPA recommends that you
include your name and other contact
information in the body of your
comment and with any disk or CD–ROM
you submit. If EPA cannot read your
comment due to technical difficulties
and cannot contact you for clarification,
EPA may not be able to consider your
comment. Electronic files should avoid
the use of special characters, any form
of encryption, and be free of any defects
or viruses.
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 42 (Friday, March 4, 2005)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 10574-10581]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-4257]
29 CFR Parts 2200 and 2204
Revisions to Procedural Rules Governing Practice Before the
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: This document proposes several revisions to the procedural
rules governing practice before the Occupational Safety and Health
Review Commission.
DATES: Comments must be received by April 4, 2005.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patrick Moran, Deputy General Counsel,
(202) 606-5410, 1120 20th St., NW., Ninth Floor, Washington, DC 20036-
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On June 17, 2004 the Commission published an
Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), 69 FR 33878. In that
notice the Commission announced that it was considering revisions to
its rules concerning electronic filing, the expansion of the range of
cases eligible for E-Z Trial, and the Settlement Part, the availability
of sanctions for rules violations and expanding the authority of
administrative law judges to impose such sanctions, the grounds for
obtaining Commission review of interlocutory orders issued by its
judges, and the restriction of practice before the Commission of
lawyers and in-house company and union representatives. The Commission
solicited public comments regarding these areas and invited the public
to suggest other changes. The Commission thanks those who responded to
the ANPR. The comments were helpful and played a large part in aiding
the Commission to formulate these proposed rule changes. Now, the
Commission asks for comments on these proposed rule changes, especially
from those who practice before it.
Having considered the comments filed in response to the ANPR, this
document proposes several revisions governing practice before the
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. Although a few of the
revisions are technical and clarifying in nature, this proposal also
contains several significant changes to Commission practice and
procedure. For example, the Commission is proposing new rules to allow
and facilitate electronic service and filing of
[[Page 10575]]
pleadings, briefs and other documents. The Commission is also proposing
restrictions on when non-attorneys may represent employers in
Commission proceedings, modifications to its settlement and discovery
rules, and changes to the eligibility limits on E-Z Trial.
Several rule changes are minor in nature. This document proposes
several technical changes, including a correction to the Commission's
nine-digit zip code in Rules 7 and 8. Several rules, such as Rule 11
and 41, have been moved. Accordingly, several rules have been
renumbered, and cross-references updated. The Commission proposes
revising Rule 5 to give its judges the discretion to require a party to
respond to a motion or order filed shortly before the hearing where the
normal response time would not expire until after the hearing has
commenced. The Commission also proposes to amend Rule 8(f)(3) to
eliminate the 3-day grace period for mailing documents after they have
been faxed. The Commission believes that when a document has been
faxed, there is no reason to delay mailing the original. A modification
and reordering of the rule on privilege is also proposed. Specifically,
the Commission proposes to abolish Rule 11 and move those parts that
the Commission deems relevant to the Commission's rule on discovery,
Rule 52. The Commission's experience has been that privilege issues
generally arise in discovery, are generally resolved by the parties and
if not resolved by the parties, are generally handled in the context of
discovery disputes. Accordingly, the following portions of Rule 11 will
be inserted in Rule 52:
(1) The assertion of a privilege must be accompanied by specific
allegations and supporting affidavits, depositions, or testimony. It is
believed that these requirements reduce the unwarranted assertion of
(2) Claimed privilege material may be examined in camera or ex
(3) The judge is given wide latitude to fashion an appropriate
protective order;
(4) A party unsuccessfully asserting a privilege may, as a matter
of right, have the material sealed until review.
(5) The portion of the rule governing protective orders would be
moved to Rule 52(e).
The Commission also proposes that, except for Simplified
Proceedings, only attorneys in good standing be permitted to represent
a party before the Commission or its judges. This restriction would not
limit the right to appear before the Commission of any party, affected
employee, or owner, partner, officer, or employee of a party when the
party is a labor organization, or business entity. This proposal
generated more public comment than any other mentioned in the ANPR.
While the reaction was generally negative, we note that most of the
comments came from practitioners who would be most affected by the
proposal and from small employers and industry groups who were
concerned about the increased costs necessitated by hiring an attorney.
After we carefully considered the matter, we think the best course is
limit in part non-attorney representation before the Commission. While
we recognize the desire for economical access to the Commission's
adjudicatory process, we also are concerned about accountability and
the quality of representation. It has been the Commission's experience
that lay representatives generally do not serve their clients well
before the Commission. In particular, lay representatives have
displayed difficulty in navigating the federal rules of evidence and
procedure. On occasion lay representatives may represent more than one
employer cited at a particular worksite and not fully comprehend the
potential conflicts of interest such a situation can present. The
Commission does believe, however, that non-legal representation can be
effective for cases tried under the less demanding requirements of
Simplified Proceedings and proposes to continue to permit lay
representations in such cases.
The Commission proposes to redesignate the general rule on
sanctions (currently Rule 41) without substantive change to Rule 101.
Another relatively minor modification involves Rule 51 on Scheduling
Conferences. The Commission would make such conferences discretionary
with the judge. We believe that the current rule is beneficial in large
and complex cases, but may be a hindrance in small to mid-sized cases.
The Commission proposes several changes to Rule 52, its Discovery
Rule. The Commission believes that its procedures are unnecessarily
complicated by the application of the extensive requirements for
initial disclosures contained in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure (FRCP)
26(a). It is the view of the Commission that application of FRCP 26(a)
is unworkable with pro se employers and results in needless additional
expense to employers represented by counsel. Accordingly, the
Commission would add a clause to Rule 52(a)(1) making Federal Rule
26(a) inapplicable to Commission proceedings. Also, as mentioned
earlier, the Commission proposes to add a paragraph to Rule 52 setting
forth its rule addressing claims of privilege.
The current Commission rule on oral arguments provides only that
arguments before the Commission be electronically recorded. In the
past, the Commissioners have found that a written transcript would aid
them in reviewing the argument. Therefore, the Commission would amend
Rule, 95(i)(1) to allow for a written transcription of oral arguments.
Parties wishing to order a transcript would be able to purchase one at
their own expense. The Commission would also require that any party who
files a motion for oral argument indicate why oral argument would
assist the Commission in deciding the case.
The Commission's Voluntary Settlement rule, Rule 101, predates the
Mandatory Settlement rule, Rule 120. The Commission finds it redundant
to have a separate voluntary and mandatory settlement rule. Therefore,
the Commission proposes eliminating Rule 101 and includes a provision
in Rule 120 expressly allowing a party to voluntarily enter the
settlement process, at which time the requirements of Rule 120 would
apply. The mandatory settlement rules are intended to deal with large,
complex cases. It is the Commission's view that, before discovery is
completed, the parties are generally not sufficiently familiar with the
details of such cases to warrant entry into the mandatory settlement
process. Thus, the Commission proposes to change the timing for entry
into the mandatory settlement process until discovery is completed. In
contrast, since cases involved in the voluntary settlement process may,
in some cases, be relatively simple, parties will be allowed to enter
the voluntary settlement process at any time.
Several additional changes to the Mandatory Settlement Rules are
also proposed. The Commission proposes giving the settlement judge the
authority to hold a ``mini-trial'' in order to narrow the issues
remaining between the parties. It is the opinion of the Commission and
its judges that such ``mini-trials'' would make clear to the parties
both the strength and weaknesses of their case and, therefore,
facilitate settlement. the mandatory settlement rule has generally
proven successful, and the Commission believes that the procedure
should be expanded for greater judicial economy and reduced cost to
litigants. Accordingly, the Commission recommends lowering the
eligibility limits from cases with an aggregate penalty of $200,000 to
those with an aggregate penalty of $100,000.
[[Page 10576]]
Currently, there is no provision in the rules allowing the
settlement judge to continue as the trial judge. The Commission
believes that such a provision would be of benefit in those few large
and complex cases that would require a significant amount of time for a
new judge to become familiar with the case. If all parties, the
settlement judge, and the Chief Administrative Law Judge agree to the
settlement judge's continued participation as trial judge, we believe
that judicial economies and reduced litigant expense would result. This
new consent provision is predicated on the consent of the parties, the
settlement judge, and the Chief Administrative Law Judge in order to
ensure that the settlement judge's impartiality was not compromised by
his or her participation in the settlement process. Therefore, the
Commission would also add a provision that would allow settlement judge
to remain as the trial judge upon the consent of the judge and all
The Commission proposes several changes to its E-Z Trial Rules.
First, it proposes changing the name from E-Z Trial to Simplified
Proceedings. The Commission believes that the name ``E-Z Trial''
conveys a heightened sense of informality and that the name change more
accurately represents the nature of these proceedings. Because these
procedures have been a success, the Commission believes that the
eligibility requirements should be loosened. Therefore, it proposes to
expand eligibility by increasing the aggregate penalty limits to
$20,000 for Rule 202(a) and $30,000 for Rule 202(b).
The Commission also proposes to amend its rules to permit and
facilitate the electronic filing and service of documents. Objections
to making electronic filing mandatory were received by several
practitioners and the Secretary of Labor. These commentators pointed
out that many small, pro se employers who appear before the Commission
may not be able to file or receive documents electronically. While the
Commission expects the number to dwindle in time, it agrees with the
commentators that it would be premature to make electronic filing
mandatory at this time. According, the Commission proposes tomake
electronic filing optional. Among the highlights of the proposal:
(1) Electronic service of documents among the parties may be had
only when all parties must participate.
(2) Electronic filing of a document with the Commission may be
accomplished at any time by any party with the consent of the other
parties and contingent upon the parties agreeing to electronic service.
(3) Service is effective upon receipt. The 3-day mailing
presumption will not be included in the response time when a party is
served electronically.
(4) Filing is effective upon receipt. Documents will be accompanied
by a certificate of service.
(5) Only electronic signatures will be required.
(6) The rule will direct parties to the Commission's Web site for
directions and technical specifications.
(7) Sensitive information will be given special treatment. (See
Proposed Rule 8(g)(5) that will be set out in the rule and not on the
Web site.)
Finally, the Commission proposes to amend its EAJA Rule 302 (29 CFR
2204.302) regarding when an EAJA application may be filed and the
Commission's aggregation EAJA Rule 105(f), 29 CFR 2204.105(f). The
current Rule 302, which requires an EAJA application to be filed within
30 days of a Commission order, is in tension with section 11 of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29 U.S.C. 660 and the
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure (FRAP), which allow a party 60
days to appeal to the Circuit Court of Appeals, and developing case
law. See e.g. Scafar Contracting Inc. v. SOL, 325 F.3d 422 (3d Cir.
2003). The Commission proposes to bring its rule in line with the Act,
FRAP and developing case law and allow a party 30 days after the
Commission decision becomes unreviewable in a Federal Circuit Court to
file an EAJA application. Similarly, the Commission's current
aggregation rule, which requires the net worth and number of employees
of an EAJA applicant to be aggregated with that of affiliated
companies, is at odds with the growing body of case law that disfavors
such presumption of aggregation. See e.g. National Association of Mfrs.
v. DOL, 159 F.3d 597 (D.C. Cir. 1998); Caremore, Inc. v. NLRB, 150 F.3d
628 (6th Cir. 1998). Rescinding its rule on aggregation will free the
Commission to conform its aggregation requirements to this changing
case law.
The Commission received several suggestions for additional charges
to its rules. Generally, these suggestions involved among other things,
pleading matters, such as the time for raising affirmative defenses;
discovery issues, including the swearing of response to requests for
admissions, the taking of depositions as of right; and the availability
of subpoenas. While the Commission values these suggestions, they do
not, in its view, represent serious problems and are generally best
handled through the proper exercise of the judge's discretion in
accordance with Commission rules. However, the Commission will monitor
these areas and may consider these suggestions in future rules changes.
List of Subjects in 29 CFR Parts 2200 and 2204
Hearings and appeal procedures, Administrative practice and
Text of Amendment
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Occupational Safety
and Health Review Commission proposes to amend title 29, chapter XX,
parts 2200 and 2204 of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 2200 continues to read as
Authority: 29 U.S.C. 661(g).
2. Section 2200.5 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 2200.5 Extension of time.
Upon motion of a party, for good cause shown, the Commission or
Judge may enlarge or shorten any time prescribed by these rules or
prescribed by an order. All such motions shall be in writing but, in
exigent circumstances in a case pending before a Judge, an oral request
may be made and thereafter shall be followed by written motion filed
with the Judge within 3 working days. A request for an extension of
time should be received in advance of the date on which the pleading or
document is due to be filed. However, in exigent circumstances, an
extension of time may be granted even though the request was filed
after the designated time for filing has expired. In such
circumstances, the party requesting the extension must show, in
writing, the reasons for the party's failure to make the request before
the time prescribed for the filing had expired. The motion may be acted
upon before the time for response has expired.
3. In Sec. 2200.7, paragraphs (c) and (g) are revised to read as
Sec. 2200.7 Service and notice.
* * * * *
(c) How accomplished. Unless otherwise ordered, service may be
accomplished by postage pre-paid first class mail at the last known
address, by electronic transmission, or by personal delivery. Service
is deemed effected at the time of mailing (if by mail), at the time of
receipt (if by electronic transmission), or at the time of personal
delivery (if by personal delivery). Facsimile transmission of documents
[[Page 10577]]
and documents sent by an overnight delivery service shall be considered
personal delivery. Legibility of documents served by facsimile
transmission is the responsibility of the serving party. Documents may
be served by electronic transmission only when all parties consent in
writing and the certificate of service of the electronic transmission
states such consent and the method of transmission. All parties must be
electronically served. Electronic service must be accomplished by
following the requirements set forth on the Commission's Web site
* * * * *
(g) Service on unrepresented employees. In the event that there are
any affected employees who are not represented by an authorized
employee representative, the employer shall, immediately upon receipt
of notice of the docketing of the notice of consent or petition for
modification of the abatement period, post, where the citation is
required to be posted, a copy of the notice of contest and a notice
informing such affected employees of their right to party status and of
the availability of all pleadings for inspection and copying at
reasonable times. A notice in the following form shall be deemed to
comply with this paragraph:
(Name of employer)
Your employer has been cited by the Secretary of Labor for
violation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The
citation has been contested and will be the subject of a hearing before
employees are entitled to participate in this hearing or parties under
terms and conditions established by the OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH
REVIEW COMMISSION in its Rules of Procedure. Notice of intent to
participate must be filed no later than 10 days before the hearing. Any
notice of intent to participate should be sent to: Occupational Safety
and Health Review Commission, Office of the Executive Secretary, One
Lafayette Centre, 1120 20th Street, NW., Suite 980, Washington, DC
All pleadings relevant to this matter may be inspected at: (Place
reasonably convenient to employees, preferably at or near workplace.)
Where appropriate, the second sentence of the above notice will be
deleted and the following sentence will be substituted:
The reasonableness of the period prescribed by the Secretary of
Labor for abatement of the violation has been contested and will be the
subject of a hearing before the OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW
* * * * *
4. Section 2200.8 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 2200.8 Filing.
(a) What to file. All papers required to be served on a party or
intervenor, except for those papers associated with part of a discovery
request under Rules 52 through 56, shall be filed either before service
or within a reasonable time thereafter.
(b) Where to file. Prior to assignment of a case to a Judge, all
papers shall be filed with the Executive Secretary at One Lafayette
Centre, 1120 20th Street, NW., Suite 980, Washington, DC 20036-3457.
Subsequent to the assignment of the case to a Judge, all papers shall
be filed with the Judge at the address given in the notice informing of
such assignment. Subsequent to the docketing of the Judge's report, all
papers shall be filed with the Executive Secretary, except as provided
in Sec. 2200.90(b)(3).
(c) How to file. Unless otherwise ordered, filings may be
accomplished by postage-prepaid first class mail, personal delivery, or
electronic transmission or facsimile transmission.
(d) Number of copies. Unless otherwise ordered or stated in this
(1) If a case is before a Judge or if it has not yet been assigned
to a Judge, only the original of a document shall be filed.
(2) If a case is before the Commission for review, the original and
eight copies of a document shall be filed.
(e) Filing date. (1) Filing date. Except for the documents listed
in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, filing is effective upon mailing,
if by mail, upon receipt by the Commission, if filing is by personal
delivery, overnight delivery service, facsimile transmission or
electronic transmission.
(2) Filing is effective upon receipt for requests for interlocutory
reviews (Sec. 2200.73(b)), petitions for discretionary reviews (Sec.
2200.91), and EAJA applications (Sec. 2204.301).
(3) Counsel and the parties shall have sole responsibility for
insuring that the document is timely received by the Commission.
(f) Facsimile transmission. (1) Any document may be filed with the
Commission or its Judges by facsimile transmission. Filing shall be
deemed completed at the time that the facsimile transmission is
received by the Commission or the Judge. The filed facsimile shall have
the same force and effect as the original.
(2) All facsimile transmissions shall include a facsimile of the
appropriate certificate of service.
(3) It is the responsibility of parties desiring to file documents
by the use of facsimile transmission equipment to utilize equipment
that is compatible with facsimile transmission equipment operated by
the Commission. Legibility of the transmitted documents is the
responsibility of the serving party.
(g) Electronic filing. (1) Where all parties consent to electronic
service and electronic filing, a document may be filed by electronic
transmission with the Commission and its judges. The certificate of
service accompanying the document must state that the other parties
consent to filing by electronic transmission. The electronic
transmission shall be in the manner specified by the Commission's Web
site (
(2) A document filed in conformance with these rules constitutes a
written document for the purpose of applying these rules, and a copy
printed by the Commission and placed in the case file shall have the
same force and effect as the original.
(3) A certificate of service shall accompany each document
electronically filed. The certificate shall set forth the dates and
manner of both filing and service. It is the responsibility of the
transmitting party to retain records showing the date of transmission,
including receipts.
(4) A party that files a document by an electronic transmission
shall utilize equipment and software that is compatible with equipment
operated by the Commission and shall be responsible for the legibility
of the document.
(5) Information that is sensitive but not privileged shall be filed
as follows:
(i) If Social Security numbers must be included in a document, only
the last four digits of that number shall be used;
(ii) If names of minor children must be mentioned, only the
initials of that child shall be used;
(iii) If dates of birth must be included, only the year shall be
(iv) If financial account numbers must be filed, only the last four
digits of these numbers shall be used;
(v) If a personal identifying number, such as a driver's license
number must be filed, only the last four digits shall be used. Parties
shall exercise caution when filing medical records, medical treatment
records, medical diagnosis records, employment history, and individual
financial information, and
[[Page 10578]]
shall redact or exclude certain materials unnecessary to a disposition
of the case.
(6) A transmittal letter shall not be filed electronically or by
other means when a document is transmitted noting:
(i) The transmittal of a document;
(ii) The inclusion of an attachment;
(iii) A request for a return receipt; or
(iv) A request for additional information concerning the filing.
(7) The signature line of any document shall include the notation
``/s/'' followed by the typewritten name or graphical duplicate of the
hand-written signature of the party representative filing the document.
Such representation of the signature shall be deemed to be the original
signature of the representative for all purposes unless the party
representative shows that such representation of the signature was
(8) Privileged information shall not be filed electronically.
Privileged information or information that is asserted by any party to
be privileged shall not be filed electronically.
Sec. 2200.11 [Removed and Reserved]
5. Section 2200.11 is removed and reserved.
6. In Sec. 2200.22, paragraph (a) is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 2200.22 Representation of parties and intervenors.
(a)(1) Representation. Any party or intervenor may appear in
person, through an attorney or, when a case is heard in simplified
proceedings, through another representative who is not an attorney.
(2) Attorneys. Attorneys admitted to practice before the highest
court of any State, Territory, District, Commonwealth, or possession of
the United States, and in good standing, are permitted to practice
before the Commission.
(3) Other persons. A person who is not authorized to practice
before the Commission as an attorney under paragraph (a)(1) of this
section may practice before the Commission as a representative of a
party if he is:
(i) A party;
(ii) An affected employee;
(iii) An owner, partner, officer, or employee of a party when the
party is a labor organization, a partnership, a corporation, or other
business entity.
(4) A representative must file an appearance in accordance with
Sec. 2200.23. In the absence of an appearance by a representative, a
party or intervenor will be deemed to appear for him or herself.
* * * * *
7. Section 2200.32 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 2200.32 Signing of pleadings and motions.
Pleadings and motions shall be signed by the filing party or by the
party's representative. The signature of a representative constitutes a
representation by him that he is authorized to represent the party or
parties on whose behalf the pleading is filed. The signature of a
representative or party also constitutes a certificate by him that he
has read the pleading, motion, or other paper, that to the best of his
knowledge, information, and belief, formed after reasonable inquiry, it
is well grounded in fact and is warranted by existing law or a good
faith argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing
law, and that it is not interposed for any improper purpose, such as to
harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost
of litigation. If a pleading, motion or other paper is signed in
violation of this rule, such signing party or its representative shall
be subject tot he sanctions set forth in Sec. 2200.101 or Sec.
2200.104. A signature by a party representative constitutes a
representation by him that he understands that the rules and orders of
the Commission and its judges apply equally to attorney and non-
attorney representatives.
Sec. 2200.41 [Removed and Reserved]
8. Section 2200.41 is removed and reserved.
9. In Sec. 2200.51, paragraph (a)(1) is revised to read as
Sec. 2200.51 Prehearing conferences and orders.
(a) Scheduling conference. (1) The Judge may, upon his or her
discretion, consult with all attorneys and any unrepresented parties,
by a scheduling conference, telephone, mail, or other suitable means,
and within 30 days after the filing of the answer, enter a scheduling
order that limits the time:
(i) To join other parties and to amend the pleadings;
(ii) To file and hear motions; and
(iii) To complete discovery.
* * * * *
10. In Sec. 2200.52, paragraphs (a)(1) and (d) through (1) are
revised and a new paragraph (m) is added to read as follows:
Sec. 2200.52 General provisions governing discovery.
(a) General. (1) Methods and limitations. In conformity with these
rules, any party may, without leave of the Commission or Judge, obtain
discovery by one or more of the following methods: production of
documents or things or permission to enter upon land or other property
for inspection and other purposes (Sec. 2200.53); requests for
admission to the extent provided in Sec. 2200.54; and interrogatories
to the extent provided in Sec. 2200.55. Discovery is not available
under these rules through depositions except to the extent provided in
Sec. 2200.56. In the absence of a specific provision, procedure shall
be in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, except that
the provisions of Rule 26(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure do
not apply to Commission proceedings.
* * * * *
(d) Privilege. (1) Claims of privilege. A person claiming that
information is privileged shall claim the privilege in writing or, if
during a hearing, on the record. The claim shall: Identify the
information that would be disclosed; set forth the privilege that is
claimed; and allege the facts showing that the information is
privileged. The claim shall be supported by affidavits, depositions, or
testimony and shall specify the relief sought. The claim may be
accompanied by a motion for a protective order or by a motion that the
allegedly privileged information be received and the claim ruled upon
in camera, that is with the record and hearing room closed to the
public, or ex parte, that is, without the participation of parties and
their representatives. The judge may enter an order and impose terms
and conditions on his or her examination of the claim as justice may
require, including an order designed to ensure that the alleged
privileged information not be disclosed until after the examination is
(2) Deliberative process privilege. A claim that the information
sought is privileged because it is part of the ``deliberative process''
is subject to the same conditions as other claims of privilege as set
out in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
(3) Upholding or rejecting claims of privilege. If the judge
upholds the claim of privilege, the judge may order and impose terms
and conditions as justice may require, including a protective order. If
the judge overrules the claim, the person claiming the privilege may
obtain as of right an order sealing from the public those portions of
the record containing the allegedly privileged information pending
interlocutory or final review of the ruling, or final disposition of
the case, by the Commission. Interlocutory review of such an order
shall be given priority consideration by the Commission.
[[Page 10579]]
(e) Protective orders. In connection with any discovery procedures
and where a showing of good cause has been made, the Commission or
Judge may make any order including, but not limited to, one or more of
the following:
(1) That the discovery not be had;
(2) That the discovery may be had only on specified terms and
conditions, including a designation of the time or place;
(3) That the discovery may be had only by a method of discovery
other than that selected by the party seeking discovery;
(4) That certain matters not be inquired into, or that the scope of
the discovery be limited to certain matters;
(5) That discovery be conducted with no one present except persons
designated by the Commission or Judge;
(6) That a deposition after being sealed be opened only by order of
the Commission or Judge;
(7) That a trade secret or other confidential research,
development, or commercial information not be disclosed or be disclosed
only in a designated way;
(8) That the parties simultaneously file specified documents or
information enclosed in sealed envelopes to be opened as directed by
the Commission or Judge.
(f) Failure to cooperate; Sanctions. A party may apply for an order
compelling discovery when another party refuses or obstructs discovery.
For purposes of this paragraph, an evasive or incomplete answer is to
be treated as a failure to answer. If a Judge enters an order
compelling discovery and there is a failure to comply with that order,
the Judge may make such orders with regard to the failure as are just.
The orders may issue upon the initiative of a Judge, after affording an
opportunity to show cause why the order should not be entered, or upon
the motion of a party. The orders may include any sanction stated in
Fed.R.Civ.P.37, including the following:
(1) An order that designated facts shall be taken to be established
for purposes of the case in accordance with the claim of the party
obtaining that order;
(2) An order refusing to permit the disobedient party to support or
to oppose designated claims or defenses, or prohibiting it from
introducing designated matters in evidence;
(3) An order striking out pleadings or parts thereof, or staying
further proceedings until the order is obeyed; and
(4) An order dismissing the action or proceeding or any part
thereof, or rendering a judgment by default against the disobedient
(g) Unreasonable delays. None of the discovery procedures set forth
in these rules shall be sued in a manner or at a time which shall delay
or impede the progress of the case toward hearing status or the hearing
of the case on the date for which it is scheduled, unless, in the
interests of justice the Judge shall order otherwise. Unreasonable
delays in utilizing discovery procedures may result in termination of
the party's right to conduct discovery.
(h) Show cause orders. All show cause orders issued by the
Commission or Judge under paragraph (e) of this section shall be served
upon the affected party by certified mail, return receipt requested.
(i) Supplementation of responses. A party who has responded to a
request for discovery with a response that was complete when made is
under no duty to supplement the response to include information
thereafter acquired, except as follows:
(1) A party is under a duty seasonably to supplement the response
with respect to any question directly addressed to:
(i) The identity and location of persons having knowledge of
discoverable matters; and
(ii) The identity of each person expected to be called as an expert
witness at the hearing, the subject matter on which the person is
expected to testify, and the substance of the person's testimony.
(2) A party is under a duty seasonably to amend a prior response if
the party obtains information upon the basis of which:
(i) The party knows that the response was incorrect when made; or
(ii) The party knows that the response through correct when made is
no longer true and the circumstances are such that a failure to amend
the response is in substance a knowing concealment.
(3) A duty to supplement responses may be imposed by order of the
court, agreement of the parties, or at any time prior to the hearing
through new requests for supplementation of prior responses.
(j) Filing of discovery. Requests for production or inspection
under Rule 53, requests for admission under Rule 54 and responses
thereto, interrogatories under Rule 55 and the answers thereto, and
depositions under Rule 56 shall be served upon other counsel or
parties, but shall not be filed with the Commission or the Judge. The
party responsible for service of the discovery material shall retain
the original and become the custodian.
(k) Relief from discovery requests. If relief is sought under Rules
101 or 52(e), (f), or (g) concerning any interrogatories, requests for
production or inspection, requests for admissions, answers to
interrogatories, or responses to request for admissions, copies of the
portions of the interrogatories, requests, answers, or responses in
dispute shall be filed with the Judge or Commission contemporaneously
with any motion filed under Rules 101 or 52(e), (f), or (g).
(1) Use at hearing. If interrogatories, requests, answers,
responses, or depositions are to be used at the hearing or are
necessary to a prehearing motion which might result in a final order on
any claim, the portions to be used shall be filed with the Judge or the
Commission at the outset of the hearing or at the filing of the motion
insofar as their use can be reasonably anticipated.
(m) Use on review or appeal. When documentation of discovery not
previously in the record is needed for review or appeal purposes, upon
an application and order of the Judge or Commission the necessary
discovery papers shall be filed with the Executive Secretary of the
11. In Sec. 2200.90, paragraph (b)(3) is revised to read as
Sec. 2200.90 Decisions of Judges.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(3) Correction of errors; Relief from default. Until the Judge's
report has been directed for review or, in the absence of a direction
for review, until the decision has become a final order, the Judge may
correct clerical errors and errors arising through oversight or
inadvertence in decisions, orders or other parts of the record. If a
Judge's report has been directed for review, the decision may be
corrected during the pendency of reviews with leave of the Commission.
Until the Judge's report has been docketed by the Executive Secretary,
the Judge may relieve a party of default or grant reinstatement under
Sec. Sec. 2200.101(b), 2200.52(f) or 2200.64(b).
* * * * *
12. In Sec. 2200.95, paragraphs (a) and (i) are revised to read as
Sec. 2200.95 Oral argument before the Commission.
(a) When ordered. Upon motion of any party, or upon its own motion,
the Commission may order oral argument. Parties requesting oral
argument must demonstrate why oral argument would facilitate
resolutions of the issues before the Commission. Normally, motions for
oral argument shall not be considered until after all briefs have been
* * * * *
(i) Recording oral argument. (1) Unless the Commission directs
otherwise, oral arguments shall be
[[Page 10580]]
electronically recorded and made part of the record. Any other sound
recording in the hearing room is prohibited. Oral arguments shall also
be transcribed verbatim. A copy of the transcript of the oral argument
taken by a qualified court reporter, shall be filed with the
Commission. The Commission shall bear all expenses for court reporters'
fees and for copies of the hearing transcript received by it.
(2) Persons desiring to listen to the recordings shall make
appropriate arrangements with the Executive Secretary. Any party
desiring a written copy of the transcript is responsible for securing
and paying for its coy.
(3) Error in the transcript of the oral argument may be corrected
by the Commission on its own motion, or joint motion by the parties, or
on motion by any party. The motion shall state the error in the
transcript and the correction to be made. Corrections will be made by
hand with pen and ink and by the appending of an errata sheet.
* * * * *
13. Section 2200.101 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 2200.101 Failure to obey rules.
(a) Sanctions. When any party has failed to plead or otherwise
proceed as provided by these rules or as required by the Commission or
Judge, he may be declared to be in default either: On the initiative of
the Commission or Judge, after having been afforded an opportunity to
show cause why he should not be declared to be in default; or on the
motion of a party. Thereafter, the Commission or Judge, in their
discretion, may enter a decision against the defaulting party or strike
any pleading or document not file din accordance with these rules.
(b) Motion to set aside sanctions. For reasons deemed sufficient by
the Commission or Judge and upon motion expeditiously made, the
Commission or Judge may set aside a sanction imposed under paragraph
(a) of this section. See Sec. 2200.90(b)(3).
(c) Discovery sanctions. This section does not apply to sanctions
for failure to comply with orders compelling discovery, which are
governed by Sec. 2200.52(b).
(d) Show cause orders. All show cause orders issued by the
Commission or Judge under paragraph (a) of this section shall be served
upon the affected party by certified mail, return receipt requested.
14. In Sec. 2200.120, paragraphs (a), (b), (d)(2) and (d)(3) and
(g) are revised and a new paragraph (c)(6) is added to read as follows:
Sec. 2200.120 Settlement part.
(a) Applicability. (1) This section applies to:
(i) Notices of contest by employers in which the aggregate amount
of the penalties sought by the Secretary is $100,000 or greater and
notices of contest by employers which are determined to be suitable for
assignment under this section for reasons deemed appropriate by the
Chief Administrative Law Judge; (ii) Upon motion of any party following
the docketing of the notice of contest, or otherwise with the consent
of the parties at any time in the proceedings, the Chief Administrative
Law Judge may assign a case to a Settlement Judge for processing under
this section whenever it is determined that there is a reasonable
prospect of substantial settlement with the assistance of mediation by
a Settlement Judge.
(2) In the event either the Secretary or the employer objects to
the use of a Settlement Judge procedure, such procedure shall not be
imposed. This clause applies only to notices of contest by employers
and to applications for fees under the Equal Access to Justice Act and
29 CFR Part 2204.
(b) Proceedings under this part. Notwithstanding any other
provisions of these rules, upon completion of discovery the Chief
Administrative Law Judge shall assign to the Settlement Part any case
which satisfies the criteria set forth in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this
section. The Chief Administrative Law Judge may also assign to the
Settlement Part, at any time during the proceeding, any case that
satisfied the criteria set forth in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this
section. The Chief Administrative Law Judge shall either act as or
appoint a Settlement Part Judge, who shall be a Judge other than the
one assigned to hear and decide the case (except as provided in
paragraph (f)(2) of this section), to conduct proceedings under the
Settlement Part as set forth in this section.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(6) Mini-Hearing. Where the Settlement Judge finds that it may help
narrow the issues, he or she may order the parties to participate in a
mini-hearing. The confidentiality rules of paragraph (d)(3) of this
section shall apply to the mini-hearing.
(d) * * *
(2) Participation in conference. The Settlement Part Judge may
require that any attorney or other representative who is expected to
try the case for each party by present. The Settlement Part Judge may
also require that the party's representative be accompanied by an
official of the party having full settlement authority on behalf of the
party. The parties and their representatives or attorneys are expected
to be completely candid with the Settlement Part Judge so that he may
properly guide settlement discussions. The failure to be present at a
settlement conference or otherwise to comply with the orders of the
Settlement Part Judge or the refusal to cooperate fully within the
spirit of this rule may result in the imposition of sanctions under
Sec. 2200.101.
(3) Confidentiality. All statements made, and all information
presented, during the course of proceedings under this section shall be
regarded as confidential and shall not be divulged outside of these
proceedings except with the consent of the parties. The Settlement Part
Judge shall if necessary issue appropriate orders in accordance with
Sec. 2200.52(e) to protect confidentiality. The Settlement Part Judge
shall not divulge any statements or information presented during
private negotiations with a party or his representative except with the
consent of that party. No evidence of statements or conduct in
proceedings under this section within the scope of Federal Rule of
Evidence 408, no notes or other material prepared by or maintained by
the Settlement Part Judge, and no communications between the Settlement
Part Judge and the Chief Administrative Law Judge including the report
of the Settlement Part Judge under paragraph (f) of this section, will
be admissible in any subsequent hearing except by stipulation of the
parties. Documents disclosed in the settlement process may not be used
in litigation unless obtained through appropriate discovery or
subpoena. The Settlement Part Judge shall not discuss the merits of the
case with any other person, nor appear as a witness in any hearing of
the case.
* * * * *
(g) Report of Settlement Part Judge. (1) The Settlement Part Judge
shall promptly notify the Chief Administrative Law Judge in writing of
the status of the case at such time that he determines further
negotiations would be fruitless. If the Settlement Part Judge has not
made such a determination and a settlement agreement is not achieved
within 120 days following assignment of the case to the Settlement Part
Judge, the Settlement Part Judge shall then advise the Chief
Administrative Law Judge in writing of his assessment of the likelihood
that the parties could come to
[[Page 10581]]
a settlement agreement if they were afforded additional time for
settlement discussions and negotiations. The Chief Administrative Law
Judge may then in his discretion allow an additional period of time,
not to exceed 30 days, for further proceedings under this section. If
at the expiration of the period allotted under this paragraph the
Settlement Part Judge has not approved a full settlement pursuant to
Sec. 2200.100, he shall furnish to the Chief Administrative Law Judge
copies of any written stipulations and orders embodying the terms of
any partial settlement the parties have reached.
(2) At the termination of the settlement period without a full
settlement, the Chief Administrative Law Judge shall promptly assign
the case to an Administrative Law Judge other than the Settlement Part
Judge or Chief Administrative Law Judge for appropriate action on the
remaining issues. If all the parties, the Settlement Judge and the
Chief Administrative Law Judge agree, the Settlement Part Judge may be
retained as the hearing judge.
Subpart M--Amended
15. In Subpart M all references to ``E-Z Trial'' are revise to read
``Simplified Proceedings''
16. In Sec. 2200.202, paragraphs (a)(2) and (b) are revised to
read as follows:
Sec. 2200.202 Eligibility for Simplified Proceedings.
(a) * * *
(2) an aggregate proposed penalty of not more than $20,000,
* * * * *
(b) Those cases with an aggregate proposed penalty of more than
$20,000, but not more than $30,000, if otherwise appropriate, may be
selected for Simplified Proceedings at the discretion of the Chief
Administrative Law Judge.
17. The authority citation for part 2204 continues to read as
Authority: Sec. 203(a)(1), Pub. L. 96-481, 94 Stat. 2325 (5
U.S.C. 504(c)(1)); Pub. L. 99-80, 99 Stat. 183.
Sec. 2204.105 [Amended]
18. In Sec. 2204.105, paragraph (f) is removed.
19. Section 2204.302 is amended by revising paragraph (a) and
removing paragraph (d):
Sec. 2204.302 When an application may be filed.
(a) An application may be filed whenever an applicant has prevailed
in a proceeding or in a discrete substantive portion of the proceeding,
but in no case later than thirty days after the period for seeking
review in a court of appeals expires.
* * * * *
Dated: March 1, 2005.
Patrick Moran,
Deputy General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 05-4257 Filed 3-3-05; 8:45 am]