Loss Limitation Rules, 10319-10327 [05-3951]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 41 / Thursday, March 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Commenters wishing the FAA to
acknowledge receipt of their comments
on this notice must submit with those
comments a self-addressed, stamped
postcard on which the following
statement is made: ‘‘Comments to
Docket No. FAA–2005–20063/Airspace
Docket No. 05–ACE–5.’’ The postcard
will be date/time stamped and returned
to the commenter.
Agency Findings
List of Subjects in CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (air).
Adoption of the Amendment
Accordingly, the Federal Aviation
Administration amends 14 CFR part 71
as follows:
11:59 Mar 02, 2005
1. The authority citation for part 71
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113,
40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–
1963 Comp., p. 389.
§ 71.1
The regulations adopted herein will
not have a substantial direct effect on
the States, on the relationship between
the national Government and the States,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. There, it is
determined that this final rule does not
have federalism implications under
Executive Order 13132.
The FAA has determined that this
regulation only involves an established
body of technical regulations for which
frequent and routine amendments are
necessary to keep them operationally
current. Therefore, this regulation—(1)
is not a ‘‘significantly regulatory action’’
under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not
a ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44
FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3)
does not warrant preparation of a
Regulatory Evaluation as the anticipated
impact is so minimal. Since this is a
routine matter that will only affect air
traffic procedures and air navigation, it
is certified that this rule, when
promulgated, will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities under the
criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
This rulemaking is promulgated
under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart I, Section
40103. Under that section, that FAA is
charged with prescribing regulations to
assign the use of the airspace necessary
to ensure the safety of aircraft and the
efficient use of airspace. This regulation
is within the scope of that authority
since it contains aircraft executing
instrument approach procedures to
Neosho Hugh Robinson Airport.
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2. The incorporation by reference in 14
CFR 71.1 of Federal Aviation
Administration Order 7400.9M, dated
August 30, 2004, and effective
September 16, 2004, is amended as
Paragraph 6005 Class E airspace areas
extending upward from 700 feet or more
above the surface of the earth.
ACE MO E5 Neosho, MO
Neosho Hugh Robinson Airport, MO
(Lat. 36°48′39″ N., long. 94°23′30″ W.)
Neosho VOR/DME
(Lat. 36°50′33″ N., long. 94°26′09″ W.)
That airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within a 7-mile radius
of Neosho Hugh Robinson Airport and within
1.5 miles each side of the Neosho VOR/DME
310° radial extending from the 7-mile radius
of the airport to 7 miles northwest of the
Issued in Kansas City, MO, on February 17,
Anthony D. Roetzel,
Acting Area Director, Western Flight Services
[FR Doc. 05–4130 Filed 3–2–05; 8:45 am]
Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Parts 1 and 602
[TD 9187]
RIN 1545–BA52
Loss Limitation Rules
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Final and temporary
SUMMARY: This document contains final
regulations under sections 337(d) and
1502 of the Internal Revenue Code
(Code). These regulations disallow
certain losses recognized on sales of
subsidiary stock by members of a
consolidated group. These regulations
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apply to corporations filing
consolidated returns, both during and
after the period of affiliation, and also
affect purchasers of the stock of
members of a consolidated group.
DATES: Effective Date: These regulations
are effective April 4, 2005.
Applicability Date: For dates of
applicability, see §§ 1.337(d)–2(g),
1.1502–20(i), and 1.1502–32(b).
Theresa Abell (202) 622–7700 or Martin
Huck (202) 622–7750 (not toll-free
Paperwork Reduction Act
The collection of information
contained in these final regulations has
been reviewed and approved by the
Office of Management and Budget in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3507(d)) under control number 1545–
The collection of information in these
final regulations is in §§ 1.337(d)–2(c),
1.1502–20(i), and 1.1502–32(b)(4). The
information is required to allow the
taxpayer to make certain elections to
determine the amount of allowable loss
under § 1.337(d)–2, § 1.1502–20 as
currently in effect, or under § 1.1502–20
modified so that the amount of
allowable loss determined pursuant to
§ 1.1502–20(c)(1) is computed by taking
into account only the amounts
computed under § 1.1502–20(c)(1)(i)
and (ii); to allow the taxpayer to
reapportion a section 382 limitation in
certain cases; to allow the taxpayer to
waive certain loss carryovers; to allow
acquiring groups to reduce the amount
of certain loss carryovers deemed to
expire; and to ensure that loss is not
disallowed and basis is not reduced
under § 1.337(d)–2 to the extent the
taxpayer establishes that the loss or
basis is not attributable to the
recognition of built-in gain on the
disposition of an asset. The collection of
information is required to obtain a
benefit. The likely respondents are
corporations that file consolidated
income tax returns.
The estimated burden is as follows:
Estimated total annual reporting and/
or recordkeeping burden: 36,720 hours.
Estimated average annual burden per
respondent: 2 hours.
Estimated number of respondents:
Estimated annual frequency of
responses: Once.
Comments concerning the accuracy of
this burden estimate and suggestions for
reducing this burden should be directed
to the Office of Management and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 41 / Thursday, March 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for the
Department of Treasury, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Washington, DC 20503, with copies to
the Internal Revenue Service, Attn: IRS
Reports Clearance Officer,
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, Washington, DC
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a valid control
number assigned by the Office of
Management and Budget.
Books or records relating to the
collection of information must be
retained as long as their contents may
become material in the administration
of any Internal Revenue law. Generally,
tax returns and tax return information
are confidential, as required by 26
U.S.C. 6103.
On March 7, 2002, the IRS and
Treasury Department issued a Treasury
decision that included temporary
regulations and cross-referencing
proposed regulations (TD 8984, 67 FR
11034; REG–102740–02) implementing
the repeal of the General Utilities
doctrine in the consolidated return
context pursuant to the mandate of
section 337(d). Those regulations
included §§ 1.337(d)–2T, 1.1502–20T(i),
and 1.1502–32T(b)(4)(v).
For dispositions and deconsolidations
of subsidiary stock before March 7,
2002, and dispositions and
deconsolidations of subsidiary stock on
or after March 7, 2002, that were
effected pursuant to a binding written
contract entered into before such date
that was in continuous effect until the
disposition or deconsolidation,
§ 1.1502–20T(i) permits consolidated
groups to elect to calculate allowable
loss on the sale of subsidiary stock, or
the basis reduction required on the
deconsolidation of subsidiary stock, by
applying § 1.1502–20 in its entirety,
§ 1.1502–20 without regard to the
duplicated loss factor of the loss
disallowance formula, or § 1.337(d)–2T.
Section 1.337(d)–2T disallows certain
losses recognized on sales of subsidiary
stock by members of a consolidated
group and, under certain circumstances,
requires the basis of subsidiary stock to
be reduced to its value immediately
before a deconsolidation of the stock.
For dispositions and deconsolidations
on or after March 7, 2002, unless the
disposition or deconsolidation was
effected pursuant to a binding written
contract entered into before March 7,
2002, that was in continuous effect until
the disposition or deconsolidation,
groups must apply § 1.337(d)–2T to
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calculate allowable loss on the sale of
subsidiary stock or the basis reduction
required on the deconsolidation of
subsidiary stock.
The Treasury decision also included a
number of correlative provisions, in
both §§ 1.1502–20T and 1.1502–32T,
designed to address certain issues that
could arise if a group elected to apply
§ 1.1502–20 without regard to the
duplicated loss factor of the loss
disallowance formula, or § 1.337(d)–2T.
Technical changes to §§ 1.337(d)–2T,
1.1502–20T, and 1.1502–32T were made
by Treasury decisions 8998 (67 FR
37998), 9057 (68 FR 24351), 9118 (69 FR
12799), and 9155 (69 FR 51175).
On August 25, 2004, the IRS issued
Notice 2004–58 (2004–39 I.R.B. 520)
describing the basis disconformity
method and announcing that the IRS
will accept that method as a method for
determining whether subsidiary stock
loss is disallowed and subsidiary stock
basis is reduced under § 1.337(d)–2T.
Contemporaneous with the issuance of
the Notice, the IRS and Treasury
Department published temporary and
cross-referencing proposed regulations
(TD 9154, 69 FR 52419; REG–135898–
04) extending the time for making an
election under § 1.1502–20T(i) and
permitting taxpayers to amend or revoke
prior elections made under § 1.1502–
In response to the promulgation of
§ 1.337(d)–2T and the issuance of Notice
2004–58, the IRS and Treasury
Department have received a number of
comments on the regulations, the basis
disconformity method, and, more
generally, on the manner in which the
repeal of the General Utilities doctrine
should be implemented in the
consolidated group context. The IRS
and Treasury Department have studied
and are continuing to study those
comments. In that regard, the IRS and
Treasury Department intend to publish
within the near term proposed
regulations with an alternative approach
to this problem. Until those proposed
regulations are published as final or
temporary regulations, whether certain
losses recognized on sales of subsidiary
stock are disallowed and whether basis
of subsidiary stock must be reduced
immediately before a deconsolidation of
the stock will continue to be determined
under the rules of § 1.337(d)–2T.
Accordingly, this Treasury decision
adopts the rules of § 1.337(d)–2T (as in
effect on March 2, 2005) as final
regulation § 1.337(d)–2 without
substantive change. The IRS will accept
the basis disconformity method as a
method for determining whether
subsidiary stock loss is disallowed and
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subsidiary stock basis is reduced under
that final regulation.
In addition, to permit taxpayers to
make the election to apply § 1.1502–20
without regard to the duplicated loss
factor of the loss disallowance rule, or
the rule of § 1.337(d)–2, as provided in
this Treasury Decision, this Treasury
decision also adopts the rules of
§ 1.1502–20T and the correlative rules
of § 1.1502–32T (as in effect on March
2, 2005) as final regulations without
substantive change.
Special Analyses
It has been determined that this
Treasury decision is not a significant
regulatory action as defined in
Executive Order 12866. Therefore, a
regulatory assessment is not required. It
is hereby certified that these regulations
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. This certification is based on
the fact that these regulations will
primarily affect affiliated groups of
corporations that have elected to file
consolidated returns, which tend to be
larger businesses. Therefore, a
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis under
the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C.
chapter 6) is not required. Pursuant to
section 7805(f) of the Code, these
regulations will be submitted to the
Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
Business Administration for comment
on their impact on small business.
Drafting Information
The principal authors of these
regulations are Theresa Abell and
Martin Huck of the Office of Associate
Chief Counsel (Corporate). However,
other personnel from the IRS and
Treasury Department participated in
their development.
List of Subjects
26 CFR Part 1
Income taxes, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
26 CFR Part 602
Reporting and recordkeeping
Amendments to the Regulations
Accordingly, 26 CFR parts 1 and 602
are amended as follows:
Paragraph 1. The authority citation for
part 1 is amended by removing the entry
for § 1.337(d)–2T and adding an entry in
numerical order to read, in part, as
Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 41 / Thursday, March 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Section 1.337(d)–2 also issued under 26
U.S.C. 337(d). * * *
I Par. 2. Section 1.337(d)–2 is revised to
read as follows:
§ 1.337(d)–2
Loss limitation rules.
(a) Loss disallowance—(1) General
rule. No deduction is allowed for any
loss recognized by a member of a
consolidated group with respect to the
disposition of stock of a subsidiary.
(2) Definitions. For purposes of this
(i) The definitions in § 1.1502–1
(ii) Disposition means any event in
which gain or loss is recognized, in
whole or in part.
(3) Coordination with loss deferral
and other disallowance rules. For
purposes of this section, the rules of
§ 1.1502–20(a)(3) apply, with
appropriate adjustments to reflect
differences between the approach of this
section and that of § 1.1502–20.
(4) Netting. Paragraph (a)(1) of this
section does not apply to loss with
respect to the disposition of stock of a
subsidiary, to the extent that, as a
consequence of the same plan or
arrangement, gain is taken into account
by members with respect to stock of the
same subsidiary having the same
material terms. If the gain to which this
paragraph applies is less than the
amount of the loss with respect to the
disposition of the subsidiary’s stock, the
gain is applied to offset loss with
respect to each share disposed of as a
consequence of the same plan or
arrangement in proportion to the
amount of the loss deduction that would
have been disallowed under paragraph
(a)(1) of this section with respect to such
share before the application of this
paragraph (a)(4). If the same item of gain
could be taken into account more than
once in limiting the application of
paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(1) of this
section, the item is taken into account
only once.
(b) Basis reduction on
deconsolidation—(1) General rule. If the
basis of a member of a consolidated
group in a share of stock of a subsidiary
exceeds its value immediately before a
deconsolidation of the share, the basis
of the share is reduced at that time to
an amount equal to its value. If both a
disposition and a deconsolidation occur
with respect to a share in the same
transaction, paragraph (a) of this section
applies and, to the extent necessary to
effectuate the purposes of this section,
this paragraph (b) applies following the
application of paragraph (a) of this
(2) Deconsolidation. Deconsolidation
means any event that causes a share of
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stock of a subsidiary that remains
outstanding to be no longer owned by a
member of any consolidated group of
which the subsidiary is also a member.
(3) Value. Value means fair market
(4) Netting. Paragraph (b)(1) of this
section does not apply to reduce the
basis of stock of a subsidiary, to the
extent that, as a consequence of the
same plan or arrangement, gain is taken
into account by members with respect to
stock of the same subsidiary having the
same material terms. If the gain to
which this paragraph applies is less
than the amount of basis reduction with
respect to shares of the subsidiary’s
stock, the gain is applied to offset basis
reduction with respect to each share
deconsolidated as a consequence of the
same plan or arrangement in proportion
to the amount of the reduction that
would have been required under
paragraph (b)(1) of this section with
respect to such share before the
application of this paragraph (b)(4).
(c) Allowable loss—(1) Application.
This paragraph (c) applies with respect
to stock of a subsidiary only if a separate
statement entitled § 1.337(d)–2(c)
statement is included with the return in
accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this
(2) General rule. Loss is not
disallowed under paragraph (a)(1) of
this section and basis is not reduced
under paragraph (b)(1) of this section to
the extent the taxpayer establishes that
the loss or basis is not attributable to the
recognition of built-in gain, net of
directly related expenses, on the
disposition of an asset (including stock
and securities). Loss or basis may be
attributable to the recognition of builtin gain on the disposition of an asset by
a prior group. For purposes of this
section, gain recognized on the
disposition of an asset is built-in gain to
the extent attributable, directly or
indirectly, in whole or in part, to any
excess of value over basis that is
reflected, before the disposition of the
asset, in the basis of the share, directly
or indirectly, in whole or in part, after
applying section 1503(e) and other
applicable provisions of the Internal
Revenue Code and regulations. Federal
income taxes may be directly related to
built-in gain recognized on the
disposition of an asset only to the extent
of the excess (if any) of the group’s
income tax liability actually imposed
under Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue
Code for the taxable year of the
disposition of the asset over the group’s
income tax liability for the taxable year
redetermined by not taking into account
the built-in gain recognized on the
disposition of the asset. For this
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purpose, the group’s income tax liability
actually imposed and its redetermined
income tax liability are determined
without taking into account the foreign
tax credit under section 27(a) of the
Internal Revenue Code.
(3) Contents of statement and time of
filing. The statement required under
paragraph (c)(1) of this section must be
included with or as part of the
taxpayer’s return for the year of the
disposition or deconsolidation and must
(i) The name and employer
identification number (E.I.N.) of the
subsidiary; and
(ii) The amount of the loss not
disallowed under paragraph (a)(1) of
this section by reason of this paragraph
(c) and the amount of basis not reduced
under paragraph (b)(1) of this section by
reason of this paragraph (c).
(4) Example. The principles of
paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this
section are illustrated by the examples
in §§ 1.337(d)–1(a)(5) and 1.1502–
20(a)(5) (other than Examples 3, 4, and
5) and (b), with appropriate adjustments
to reflect differences between the
approach of this section and that of
§ 1.1502–20, and by the following
example. For purposes of the examples
in this section, unless otherwise stated,
the group files consolidated returns on
a calendar year basis, the facts set forth
the only corporate activity, and all sales
and purchases are with unrelated buyers
or sellers. The basis of each asset is the
same for determining earnings and
profits adjustments and taxable income.
Tax liability and its effect on basis,
value, and earnings and profits are
disregarded. Investment adjustment
system means the rules of § 1.1502–32.
The example reads as follows:
Example. Loss offsetting built-in gain in a
prior group. (i) P buys all the stock of T for
$50 in Year 1, and T becomes a member of
the P group. T has 2 assets. Asset 1 has a
basis of $50 and a value of $0, and asset 2
has a basis of $0 and a value of $50. T sells
asset 2 during Year 3 for $50 and recognizes
a $50 gain. Under the investment adjustment
system, P’s basis in the T stock increased to
$100 as a result of the recognition of gain. In
Year 5, all of the stock of P is acquired by
the P1 group, and the former members of the
P group become members of the P1 group. T
then sells asset 1 for $0, and recognizes a $50
loss. Under the investment adjustment
system, P’s basis in the T stock decreases to
$50 as a result of the loss. T’s assets decline
in value from $50 to $40. P then sells all the
stock of T for $40 and recognizes a $10 loss.
(ii) P’s basis in the T stock reflects both T’s
unrecognized gain and unrecognized loss
with respect to its assets. The gain T
recognizes on the disposition of asset 2 is
built-in gain with respect to both the P and
P1 groups for purposes of paragraph (c)(2) of
this section. In addition, the loss T
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 41 / Thursday, March 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
recognizes on the disposition of asset 1 is
built-in loss with respect to the P and P1
groups for purposes of paragraph (c)(2) of this
section. T’s recognition of the built-in loss
while a member of the P1 group offsets the
effect on T’s stock basis of T’s recognition of
the built-in gain while a member of the P
group. Thus, P’s $10 loss on the sale of the
T stock is not attributable to the recognition
of built-in gain, and the loss is therefore not
disallowed under paragraph (c)(2) of this
(iii) The result would be the same if,
instead of having a $50 built-in loss in asset
1 when it becomes a member of the P group,
T has a $50 net operating loss carryover and
the carryover is used by the P group.
(d) Successors. For purposes of this
section, the rules and examples of
§ 1.1502–20(d) apply, with appropriate
adjustments to reflect differences
between the approach of this section
and that of § 1.1502–20.
(e) Anti-avoidance rules. For purposes
of this section, the rules and examples
of § 1.1502–20(e) apply, with
appropriate adjustments to reflect
differences between the approach of this
section and that of § 1.1502–20.
(f) Investment adjustments. For
purposes of this section, the rules and
examples of § 1.1502–20(f) apply, with
appropriate adjustments to reflect
differences between the approach of this
section and that of § 1.1502–20.
(g) Effective dates. This section
applies with respect to dispositions and
deconsolidations on or after March 3,
2005. In addition, this section applies to
dispositions and deconsolidations for
which an election is made under
§ 1.1502–20(i)(2) to determine allowable
loss under this section. If loss is
recognized because stock of a subsidiary
became worthless, the disposition with
respect to the stock is treated as
occurring on the date the stock became
worthless. For dispositions and
deconsolidations after March 6, 2002
and before March 3, 2005, see
§ 1.337(d)–2T as contained in the 26
CFR part 1 in effect on March 2, 2005.
§ 1.337(d)–2T
Par. 3. Section 1.337(d)–2T is
I Par. 4. In § 1.1502–20, paragraph (i) is
revised to read as follows:
§ 1.1502–20 Disposition or
deconsolidation of subsidiary stock.
(i) Limitations on the applicability of
§ 1.1502–20—(1) Dispositions and
deconsolidations on or after March 7,
2002. Except to the extent specifically
incorporated in § 1.337(d)–2, paragraphs
(a) and (b) of this section do not apply
to a disposition or deconsolidation of
stock of a subsidiary on or after March
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7, 2002, unless the disposition or
deconsolidation was effected pursuant
to a binding written contract entered
into before March 7, 2002, that was in
continuous effect until the disposition
or deconsolidation.
(2) Dispositions and deconsolidations
prior to March 7, 2002. In the case of a
disposition or deconsolidation of stock
of a subsidiary by a member before
March 7, 2002, or a disposition or
deconsolidation on or after March 7,
2002, that was effected pursuant to a
binding written contract entered into
before March 7, 2002, that was in
continuous effect until the disposition
or deconsolidation, a consolidated
group may determine the amount of the
member’s allowable loss or basis
reduction by applying this section in its
entirety, or, in lieu thereof, subject to
the conditions set forth in this
paragraph (i), by making an irrevocable
election to apply the provisions of
(i) This section, except that in
applying paragraph (c)(1) of this section,
the amount of loss disallowed under
paragraph (a)(1) of this section and the
amount of basis reduction under
paragraph (b)(1) of this section with
respect to a share of stock will not
exceed the sum of the amounts
described in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (ii)
of this section; or
(ii) Section 1.337(d)–2.
(3) Operating rules—(i) Reattribution
of losses in the case of an election to
determine allowable loss by applying
the provisions described in paragraph
(i)(2)(i) of this section. If a consolidated
group elects to determine allowable loss
by applying the provisions described in
paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section, an
election described in paragraph (g) of
this section to reattribute losses will be
respected only if the requirements of
paragraph (g) of this section, including
the requirement that the election be
filed with the group’s income tax return
for the year of the disposition, have
been or are satisfied. For example, if a
consolidated group did not file a valid
election described in paragraph (g) of
this section with its return for the year
of the disposition, this section does not
authorize the group that disposed of the
stock to make such an election with its
return for the year in which it elects to
determine its allowable stock loss under
the provisions described in paragraph
(i)(2)(i) of this section. If a consolidated
group that made a valid election
described in paragraph (g) of this
section with respect to the disposition
of stock elects to determine allowable
loss by applying the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this
section, the election described in
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paragraph (g) of this section may not be
revoked, and the amount of loss treated
as reattributed as of the time of the
disposition pursuant to the election
described in paragraph (g) of this
section is the amount of loss originally
reattributed, reduced to the extent that
it exceeds the greater of—
(A) The amount of stock loss
disallowed after applying the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this
section; and
(B) The amount of reattributed losses
that the group that disposed of the stock
absorbed in years for which the
assessment of a deficiency is prevented
by any law or rule of law as of the date
the election to apply the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this
section is filed and at all times
(ii) Reattribution of losses in the case
of an election to determine allowable
loss by applying the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(ii) of this
section. If a consolidated group elects to
determine allowable loss by applying
the provisions described in paragraph
(i)(2)(ii) of this section, the consolidated
group may not make an election
described in paragraph (g) of this
section to reattribute any losses. If the
consolidated group made an election
described in paragraph (g) of this
section with respect to the disposition
of subsidiary stock, the amount of loss
treated as reattributed pursuant to such
election will be the greater of—
(A) Zero; and
(B) The amount of reattributed losses
that the group that disposed of the stock
absorbed in years for which the
assessment of a deficiency is prevented
by any law or rule of law as of the date
the election to apply the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(ii) of this
section is filed and at all times
(iii) Apportionment of section 382
limitation in the case of a reduction of
reattributed losses—(A) Losses subject
to a separate section 382 limitation. If,
as a result of the application of
paragraph (i)(3)(i) or (ii) and paragraph
(i)(3)(vii) of this section, pre-change
separate attributes that were subject to
a separate section 382 limitation are
treated as losses of a subsidiary and the
common parent previously elected to
apportion all or a part of such limitation
to itself under § 1.1502–96(d), the
common parent may reduce the amount
of such limitation apportioned to itself.
(B) Losses subject to a subgroup
section 382 limitation. If, as a result of
the application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or
(ii) and paragraph (i)(3)(vii) of this
section, pre-change subgroup attributes
that were subject to a subgroup section
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 41 / Thursday, March 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
382 limitation are treated as losses of a
subsidiary and the common parent
previously elected to apportion all or a
part of such limitation to itself under
§ 1.1502–96(d), the common parent may
reduce the amount of such limitation
apportioned to itself. In addition, if such
subsidiary has ceased to be a member of
the loss subgroup to which the prechange subgroup attributes relate, the
common parent may increase the total
amount of such limitation apportioned
to such subsidiary (or loss subgroup that
includes such subsidiary) under
§ 1.1502–95(c) by an amount not in
excess of the amount by which such
limitation that is apportioned to the
common parent is reduced pursuant to
the previous sentence.
(C) Losses subject to a consolidated
section 382 limitation. If, as a result of
the application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or
(ii) and paragraph (i)(3)(vii) of this
section, pre-change consolidated
attributes (or pre-change subgroup
attributes) that were subject to a
consolidated section 382 limitation (or
subgroup section 382 limitation where
the common parent was a member of the
loss subgroup) are treated as losses of a
subsidiary, and the subsidiary has
ceased to be a member of the loss group
(or loss subgroup), the common parent
may increase the amount of such
limitation that is apportioned to such
subsidiary (or loss subgroup that
includes such subsidiary) under
§ 1.1502–95(c). The amount of each
element of such limitation that can be
apportioned to a subsidiary (or loss
subgroup that includes such subsidiary)
pursuant to this paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(C),
however, cannot exceed the product of
(x) the element and (y) a fraction the
numerator of which is the amount of
pre-change consolidated attributes (or
subgroup attributes) subject to that
limitation that are treated as losses of
the subsidiary (or loss subgroup) as a
result of the application of paragraph
(i)(3)(i) or (ii) and paragraph (i)(3)(vii) of
this section and the denominator of
which is the total amount of pre-change
attributes subject to that limitation
determined as of the close of the taxable
year in which the subsidiary ceases to
be a member of the group (or loss
(D) Operating rules—(1) Limitations
on apportionment. In making any
adjustment to an apportionment of a
subgroup section 382 limitation or a
consolidated section 382 limitation
pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(B) or (C)
of this section, the common parent must
take into account the extent, if any, to
which such limitation has previously
been apportioned to another subsidiary
or loss subgroup prior to the date the
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election to apply the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) or (ii) of
this section is filed.
(2) Manner and effect of adjustment to
previous apportionment of limitation to
common parent. Any reduction in a
previous apportionment of a separate
section 382 limitation or a subgroup
section 382 limitation to the common
parent made pursuant to paragraph
(i)(3)(iii)(A) or (B) of this section is
treated as effective when the previous
apportionment was effective. Any such
adjustment must be made in a manner
consistent with the principles of
§ 1.1502–95(c). For example, to the
extent the apportionment of a separate
section 382 limitation or a subgroup
section 382 limitation to a common
parent is reduced pursuant to paragraph
(i)(3)(iii)(A) or (B) of this section, the
amount of such limitation available to
the subsidiary or loss subgroup, as
applicable, is increased.
(3) Manner and effect of adjustment to
apportionment of limitation to
departing subsidiary or loss subgroup.
Any increase in an amount of a
subgroup section 382 limitation or a
consolidated section 382 limitation
apportioned to a departing subsidiary
(or loss subgroup that includes such
subsidiary) made pursuant to paragraph
(i)(3)(iii)(B) or (C) of this section is
treated as effective for taxable years
ending after the date the subsidiary
ceases to be a member of the group or
loss subgroup. Any such adjustment
may be made regardless of whether the
common parent previously elected to
apportion all or a part of such limitation
to such subsidiary (or loss subgroup that
includes such subsidiary) under
§ 1.1502–95(c) or 1.1502–95A(c), but
must be made in a manner consistent
with the principles of § 1.1502–95(c).
For example, to the extent the
apportionment of an element of a
subgroup section 382 limitation or a
consolidated section 382 limitation to a
departing subsidiary is increased
pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(B) or (C)
of this section, the amount of such
element of such limitation that is
available to the loss subgroup or loss
group is reduced consistent with
§ 1.1502–95(c)(3).
(4) Prohibition against other
adjustments. This paragraph (i)(3)(iii)
does not authorize the common parent
to adjust the apportionment of any
separate section 382 limitation,
subgroup section 382 limitation, or
consolidated section 382 limitation that
it previously apportioned to a
subsidiary, to a loss subgroup, or to
itself under § 1.1502–95(c), 1.1502–
95A(c), or 1.1502–96(d), other than as
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provided in paragraphs (i)(3)(iii)(A), (B),
and (C) of this section.
(E) Time and manner of making
apportionment adjustment. An
adjustment to the apportionment of any
separate section 382 limitation,
subgroup section 382 limitation, or
consolidated section 382 limitation
pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(A), (B),
or (C) of this section must be made as
part of the group’s election to apply the
provisions of paragraph (i)(2)(i) or (ii) of
this section, as described in paragraph
(i)(4) of this section.
(iv) Notification of reduction of
reattributed losses and adjustment of
apportionment of section 382 limitation.
If the application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or
(ii) of this section results in a reduction
of the losses treated as reattributed
pursuant to an election described in
paragraph (g) of this section, then, prior
to the date that the group files its
income tax return for the taxable year
that includes August 26, 2004, the
common parent must send the
notification required by this paragraph
to the subsidiary, at the subsidiary’s last
known address. In addition, if the
acquirer of the subsidiary stock was a
member of a consolidated group at the
time of the disposition, the common
parent must send a copy of such
notification to the person that was the
common parent of the acquirer’s group
at the time of the acquisition, at its last
known address. The notification is to be
in the form of a statement entitled
Recomputation of Losses Reattributed
Pursuant to the Election Described in
§ 1.1502–20(g), that is signed by the
common parent and that includes the
following information—
(A) The name and employer
identification number (E.I.N.) of the
(B) The original and the recomputed
amount of losses treated as reattributed
pursuant to the election described in
paragraph (g) of this section; and
(C) If the apportionment of a separate
section 382 limitation, a subgroup
section 382 limitation, or a consolidated
section 382 limitation is adjusted
pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(A), (B),
or (C) of this section, the original and
the adjusted apportionment of such
(v) Items taken into account in open
years—(A) General rule. An election
under paragraph (i)(2) of this section
affects a taxpayer’s items of income,
gain, deduction, or loss only to the
extent that the election gives rise,
directly or indirectly, to items or
amounts that would properly be taken
into account in a year for which an
assessment of deficiency or a refund of
overpayment, as the case may be, is not
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 41 / Thursday, March 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
prevented by any law or rule of law.
Under this paragraph, if the election
increases the loss allowed with respect
to a disposition of subsidiary stock, but
the year of the disposition (or the year
to which such loss would have been
carried back or carried forward) is a year
for which a refund of overpayment is
prevented by law, to the extent that the
absorption of such excess loss in such
year would have affected the tax
treatment of another item (e.g., another
loss that was absorbed in such year) that
has an effect in a year for which a
refund of overpayment is not prevented
by any law or rule of law, the election
will affect the treatment of such other
item. Therefore, if the absorption of the
excess loss in the year of the disposition
(which is a year for which a refund of
overpayment is prevented by law)
would have prevented the absorption of
another loss (the second loss) in such
year and such loss would have been
carried to and used in a year for which
a refund of overpayment is not
prevented by any law or rule of law (the
other year), the election makes the
second loss available for use in the other
(B) Special rule. If a member’s basis
in stock of a subsidiary was reduced
pursuant to § 1.1502–32 because a loss
with respect to stock of a lower-tier
subsidiary was treated as disallowed
under this section, then, to the extent
such disallowed loss is allowed as a
result of an election under paragraph (i)
of this section but would have been
properly absorbed or expired in a year
for which a refund of overpayment is
prevented by law or rule of law, the
member’s basis in the subsidiary stock
may be increased for purposes of
determining the group’s or the
shareholder-member’s Federal income
tax liability in all years for which a
refund of overpayment is not prevented
by law or rule of law.
(vi) Conforming amendments for
items previously taken into account in
open years. To the extent that, on any
Federal income tax return, the common
parent absorbed losses that were
reattributed pursuant to an election
described in paragraph (g) of this
section and the amount of losses so
absorbed is in excess of the amount of
losses that are treated as reattributed
after application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or
(ii) of this section, or that may be taken
into account after any adjustment to an
apportionment of a separate section 382
limitation, a subgroup section 382
limitation, or a consolidated section 382
limitation pursuant to paragraph
(i)(3)(iii) of this section, such returns
must be amended to the greatest extent
possible to reflect the reduction in the
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amount of losses treated as reattributed
and any adjustment to the
apportionment of such limitation.
(vii) Availability of losses to
subsidiary. To the extent that any losses
of a subsidiary are reattributed to the
common parent pursuant to an election
described in paragraph (g) of this
section, such reattribution is binding on
the subsidiary and any group of which
the subsidiary is or becomes a member.
Therefore, if the subsidiary ceases to be
a member of the group, any reattributed
losses are not thereafter available to the
subsidiary and may not be utilized by
the subsidiary or any other group of
which such subsidiary is or becomes a
member. To the extent that the
application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or (ii)
of this section results in a reduction in
the amount of losses treated as
reattributed to the common parent
pursuant to an election described in
paragraph (g) of this section, however,
losses in the amount of such reduction
are available to the subsidiary and may
be utilized by the subsidiary or any
group of which such subsidiary is a
member, subject to applicable
limitations (e.g., section 382).
(viii) Apportionment of section 382
limitation in the case of an amendment
of an election made pursuant to
§ 1.1502–32(b)(4)—(A) In general. If, in
connection with a disposition or
deconsolidation of subsidiary stock, the
subsidiary the stock of which was
disposed of or deconsolidated became a
member of another consolidated group
(the acquiring group), and, pursuant to
§ 1.1502–32(b)(4)(vii), the acquiring
group amends an election made
pursuant to § 1.1502–32(b)(4) to treat all
or a portion of the loss carryovers of
such subsidiary (or a lower-tier
corporation of such subsidiary) as
expiring for all Federal income tax
purposes, then the common parent may
reapportion a separate, subgroup, or
consolidated section 382 limitation with
respect to such subsidiary or lower-tier
corporation in a manner consistent with
the principles of paragraphs (i)(3)(iii)(A)
through (D) of this section. Any
reapportionment of a section 382
limitation made pursuant to the
previous sentence shall have the effects
described in paragraphs (i)(3)(iii)(D)(ii)
and (iii) of this section. For purposes of
this section, a lower-tier corporation is
a corporation that was a member of the
group of which the subsidiary was a
member immediately before becoming a
member of the acquiring group and that
became a member of the acquiring group
as a result of the subsidiary becoming a
member of the acquiring group.
(B) Time and manner of adjustment of
apportionment of section 382 limitation.
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The common parent must include a
statement entitled Adjustment of
Apportionment of Section 382
Limitation in Connection with
Amendment of Election under § 1.1502–
32(b)(4) with or as part of any timely
filed (including any extensions) original
return for a taxable year that includes
any date on or before August 26, 2004,
or with or as part of an amended return
filed before the date the original return
for the taxable year that includes August
26, 2004, is due (with regard to
extensions). The statement must set
forth the name and E.I.N. of the
subsidiary and both the original and the
adjusted apportionment of a separate
section 382 limitation, a subgroup
section 382 limitation, and a
consolidated section 382 limitation, as
applicable. The requirements of this
paragraph (i)(3)(viii)(B) will be treated
as satisfied if the information required
by this paragraph (i)(3)(viii)(B) is
included in the statement required by
paragraph (i)(4) of this section rather
than in a separate statement.
(4) Time and manner of making the
election. An election to determine
allowable loss or basis reduction by
applying the provisions described in
paragraph (i)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section
is made by including the statement
required by this paragraph with or as
part of any timely filed (including any
extensions) original return for a taxable
year that includes any date on or before
August 26, 2004, or with or as part of
an amended return filed before the date
the original return for the taxable year
that includes August 26, 2004, is due
(including any extensions). Filing a
statement in accordance with the
provisions of this paragraph satisfies the
requirement to file a ‘‘statement of
allowed loss’’ otherwise imposed under
paragraph (c)(3) of this section or
§ 1.337(d)–2(c)(3). The statement
required by this paragraph satisfies the
requirement that a statement be filed in
order to claim allowable loss or basis
reduction by applying the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) or (ii).
The statement filed under this
paragraph shall be entitled Allowed Loss
Under Section [Specify Section Under
Which Allowed Loss Is Determined]
Pursuant to Section 1.1502–20(i) and
must include the following
(i) The name and E.I.N. of the
subsidiary and of the member(s) that
disposed of the subsidiary stock;
(ii) In the case of an election to
determine allowable loss or basis
reduction by applying the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this
section, a statement that the taxpayer
elects to determine allowable loss or
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 41 / Thursday, March 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
basis reduction by applying such
(iii) In the case of an election to
determine allowable loss or basis
reduction by applying the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(ii) of this
section, a statement that the taxpayer
elects to determine allowable loss or
basis reduction by applying such
(iv) If an election described in
paragraph (g) of this section was made
with respect to the disposition of the
stock of the subsidiary, the amount of
losses originally treated as reattributed
pursuant to such election and the
amount of losses treated as reattributed
pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(i) or (ii) of
this section;
(v) If an apportionment of a separate
section 382 limitation, a subgroup
section 382 limitation, or a consolidated
section 382 limitation is adjusted
pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(A), (B),
or (C) of this section, the original and
redetermined apportionment of such
limitation; and
(vi) If the application of paragraph
(i)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section results in
a reduction of the amount of losses
treated as reattributed pursuant to an
election described in paragraph (g) of
this section, a statement that the
notification described in paragraph
(i)(3)(iv) of this section was sent to the
subsidiary and, if the acquirer was a
member of a consolidated group at the
time of the stock sale, to the person that
was the common parent of such group
at such time, as required by paragraph
(i)(3)(iv) of this section.
(5) Revocation or amendment of prior
elections—(i) In general.
Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary in this paragraph (i), if a
consolidated group made an election
under § 1.1502–20T(i) to apply the
provisions described in § 1.1502–
20T(i)(2)(i) or (ii), the consolidated
group may revoke or amend that
election as provided in this paragraph
(ii) Time and manner of revoking or
amending an election. An election to
apply the provisions described in
§ 1.1502–20T(i)(2)(i) or (ii) is revoked or
amended by including the statement
required by paragraph (i)(5)(iii) of this
section with or as part of any timely
filed (including any extensions) original
return for a taxable year that includes
any date on or before August 26, 2004,
or with or as part of an amended return
filed before the date the original return
for the taxable year that includes August
26, 2004, is due (including any
(iii) Required statement—(A)
Revocation. To revoke an election to
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apply the provisions described in
§ 1.1502–20T(i)(2)(i) or (ii), the
consolidated group must file a statement
entitled Revocation of Election Under
Section 1.1502–20T(i). The statement
must include the name and E.I.N. of the
subsidiary and of the member(s) that
disposed of the subsidiary stock.
(B) Amendment. To amend an
election to apply the provisions
described in § 1.1502–20T(i)(2)(i) or (ii),
the consolidated group must file a
statement entitled Amendment of
Election Under Section 1.1502–20T(i).
The statement must include the
following information—
(1) The name and E.I.N. of the
subsidiary and of the member(s) that
disposed of the subsidiary stock; and
(2) The provision the taxpayer elects
to apply to determine allowable loss or
basis reduction (described in paragraph
(i)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section).
(iv) Special rule. If a consolidated
group revokes an election made under
§ 1.1502–20T(i), an election described in
paragraph (g) of this section to
reattribute losses will not be respected,
even if such election was filed with the
group’s return for the year of the
(6) Effective date. This paragraph (i) is
applicable on and after March 3, 2005.
(7) Cross references. See § 1.1502–
32(b)(4)(v) for a special rule for filing a
waiver of loss carryovers.
§ 1.1502–20T(i)
Par. 5. In § 1.1502–20T, paragraph (i)
is removed.
I Par. 6. Section 1.1502–32 is amended
by revising paragraphs (b)(4)(v) and
(b)(4)(vii) to read as follows:
§ 1.1502–32
Investment adjustments.
(b) * * *
(4) * * *
(v) Special rule for loss carryovers of
a subsidiary acquired in a transaction
for which an election under § 1.1502–
20(i)(2) is made—(A) Expired losses.
Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(4)(iv) of
this section, unless a group otherwise
chooses, to the extent that S’s loss
carryovers are increased by reason of an
election under § 1.1502–20(i)(2) and
such loss carryovers expire or would
have been properly used to offset
income in a taxable year for which the
refund of an overpayment is prevented
by any law or rule of law as of the date
the group files its original return for the
taxable year in which S receives the
notification described in § 1.1502–
20(i)(3)(iv) and at all times thereafter,
the group will be deemed to have made
an election under paragraph (b)(4) of
this section to treat all of such loss
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carryovers as expiring for all Federal
income tax purposes immediately before
S became a member of the consolidated
group. A group may choose not to apply
the rule of the previous sentence to all
of such loss carryovers of S by taking a
position on an original or amended tax
return for each relevant taxable year that
is consistent with having made such
(B) Available losses. Notwithstanding
paragraph (b)(4)(iv) of this section, to
the extent that S’s loss carryovers are
increased by reason of an election under
§ 1.1502–20(i)(2) and such loss
carryovers have not expired and would
not have been properly used to offset
income in a taxable year for which the
refund of an overpayment is prevented
by any law or rule of law as of the date
the group files its original return for the
taxable year in which S receives the
notification described in § 1.1502–
20(i)(3)(iv) and at all times thereafter,
the group may make an election under
paragraph (b)(4) of this section to treat
all or a portion of such loss carryovers
as expiring for all Federal income tax
purposes immediately before S became
a member of the consolidated group.
Such election must be filed with the
group’s original return for the taxable
year in which S receives the notification
described in § 1.1502–20(i)(3)(iv).
(C) Effective dates. Paragraph (b)(4)(v)
of this section is applicable on and after
March 3, 2005. For prior periods, see
§ 1.1502–32T(b)(4)(v) as contained in
the 26 CFR part 1 in effect on March 2,
(vi) * * *
(vii) Special rules for amending
waiver of loss carryovers from separate
return limitation year—(A) Waivers that
increased allowable loss or reduced
basis reduction required. If, in
connection with the acquisition of S, the
group made an election pursuant to
paragraph (b)(4) of this section to treat
all or any portion of S’s loss carryovers
as expiring, and the prior group elected
to determine the amount of the
allowable loss or the basis reduction
required with respect to the stock of S
or a higher-tier corporation of S by
applying the provisions described in
§ 1.1502–20(i)(2)(i) or (ii), then the
group may reduce the amount of any
loss carryover deemed to expire (or
increase the amount of any loss
carryover deemed not to expire) as a
result of the election made pursuant to
paragraph (b)(4) of this section. The
aggregate amount of loss carryovers that
may be treated as not expiring as a
result of amendments made pursuant to
this paragraph (b)(4)(vii)(A) with respect
to S and any higher- and lower-tier
corporation of S may not exceed the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 41 / Thursday, March 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
amount described in § 1.1502–
20(c)(1)(iii) with respect to the acquired
stock (computed without regard to the
effect of the group’s election or elections
pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this
section, but with regard to the effect of
the prior group’s election pursuant to
§ 1.1502–20(g), if any, prior to the
application of § 1.1502–20(i)(3)). For
purposes of determining the aggregate
amount of loss carryovers that may be
treated as not expiring as a result of
amendments made pursuant to this
paragraph (b)(4)(vii)(A) with respect to S
and any higher- and lower-tier
corporation of S, the group may rely on
a written notification provided by the
prior group. Nothing in this paragraph
shall be construed as permitting a group
to increase the amount of any loss
carryover deemed to expire (or reduce
the amount of any loss carryover
deemed not to expire) as a result of the
election made pursuant to paragraph
(b)(4) of this section.
(B) Inadvertent waivers of loss
carryovers previously subject to an
election described in § 1.1502–20(g). If,
in connection with the acquisition of S,
the group made an election pursuant to
paragraph (b)(4) of this section to waive
loss carryovers of S by identifying the
amount of each loss carryover deemed
not to expire, the prior group elected to
determine the amount of the allowable
loss or the basis reduction required with
respect to the stock of S or a higher-tier
corporation of S by applying the
provisions described in § 1.1502–
20(i)(2)(i) or (ii), and the amount of S’s
loss carryovers treated as reattributed to
the prior group pursuant to the election
described in § 1.1502–20(g) is reduced
pursuant to § 1.1502–20(i)(3), then the
group may amend its election made
pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this
section to provide that all or a portion
of the loss carryovers of S that are
treated as loss carryovers of S as a result
of the prior group’s election to apply the
provisions described in § 1.1502–
20(i)(2)(i) or (ii) are deemed not to
expire. This paragraph (b)(4)(vii)(B),
however, does not permit a group to
reduce the amount of any loss carryover
deemed not to expire as a result of the
election made pursuant to paragraph
(b)(4) of this section.
(C) Time and manner of amending an
election under § 1.1502–32(b)(4). The
amendment of an election made
pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this
section must be made in a statement
entitled Amendment of Election to Treat
Loss Carryover as Expiring Under
§ 1.1502–32(b)(4) Pursuant to § 1.1502–
32(b)(4)(vii). The statement must be
filed with or as part of any timely filed
(including extensions) original return
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for the taxable year that includes August
26, 2004, or with or as part of an
amended return filed before the date the
original return for the taxable year that
includes August 26, 2004, is due (with
regard to extensions). A separate
statement shall be filed for each election
made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of
this section that is being amended
pursuant to this paragraph (b)(4)(vii).
For purposes of making this statement,
the group may rely on the statements set
forth in a written notification provided
by the prior group. The statement filed
under this paragraph must include the
(1) The name and employer
identification number (E.I.N.) of S;
(2) In the case of an amendment made
pursuant to paragraph (b)(4)(vii)(A), a
statement that the group has received a
written notification from the prior group
confirming that the group’s prior
election or elections pursuant to
paragraph (b)(4) of this section had the
effect of either increasing the prior
group’s allowable loss on the
disposition of subsidiary stock or
reducing the prior group’s amount of
basis reduction required;
(3) The amount of each loss carryover
of S deemed to expire (or the amount of
loss carryover deemed not to expire) as
set forth in the election made pursuant
to paragraph (b)(4) of this section;
(4) The amended amount of each loss
carryover of S deemed to expire (or the
amended amount of loss carryover
deemed not to expire); and
(5) In the case of an amendment made
pursuant to paragraph (b)(4)(vii)(A) of
this section, a statement that the
aggregate amount of loss carryovers of S
and any higher- and lower-tier
corporation of S that will be treated as
not expiring as a result of amendments
made pursuant to paragraph
(b)(4)(vii)(A) of this section will not
exceed the amount described in
§ 1.1502–20(c)(1)(iii) with respect to the
acquired stock (computed without
regard to the effect of the group’s
election or elections pursuant to
paragraph (b)(4) of this section, but with
regard to the effect of the prior group’s
election pursuant to § 1.1502–20(g), if
any, prior to the application of § 1.1502–
(D) Items taken into account in open
years. An amendment to an election
made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of
this section affects the group’s items of
income, gain, deduction, or loss only to
the extent that the amendment gives
rise, directly or indirectly, to items or
amounts that would properly be taken
into account in a year for which an
assessment of deficiency or a refund for
overpayment, as the case may be, is not
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prevented by any law or rule of law.
Under this paragraph, if the year to
which a loss previously deemed to
expire as a result of an election made
pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this
section is deemed not to expire as a
result of an election made pursuant to
this paragraph would have been carried
back or carried forward is a year for
which a refund of overpayment is
prevented by law, then to the extent that
the absorption of such loss in such year
would have affected the tax treatment of
another item (e.g., another loss that was
absorbed in such year) that has an effect
in a year for which a refund of
overpayment is not prevented by any
law or rule of law, the amendment to
the election made pursuant to paragraph
(b)(4) of this section will affect the
treatment of such other item. Therefore,
if the absorption of such loss (the first
loss) in a year for which a refund of
overpayment is prevented by law would
have prevented the absorption of
another loss (the second loss) in such
year and such second loss would have
been carried to and used in a year for
which a refund of overpayment is not
prevented by any law or rule of law (the
other year), the amendment of the
election makes the second loss available
for use in the other year.
(E) Higher- and lower-tier
corporations of S. A higher-tier
corporation of S is a corporation that
was a member of the prior group and,
as a result of such higher-tier
corporation becoming a member of the
group; S became a member of the group.
A lower-tier corporation of S is a
corporation that was a member of the
prior group and became a member of the
group as a result of S becoming a
member of the group.
(F) Effective date. This paragraph
(b)(4)(vii) is applicable on and after
March 3, 2005. For prior periods, see
§ 1.1502–32T(b)(4)(vii) as contained in
the 26 CFR part 1 in effect on March 2,
I Par. 7. In § 1.1502–32T, paragraphs
(b)(4)(v) and (b)(4)(vii) are revised to read
as follows:
§ 1.1502–32T
Investment adjustments
(b) * * *
(4) * * *
(v) For further guidance see § 1.1502–
(vi) * * *
(vii) For further guidance see
§ 1.1502–32(b)(4)(vii).
I Par. 8. The following sections in the
table below are amended by revising
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 41 / Thursday, March 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
‘‘§ 1.337(d)–2T’’ to read ‘‘§ 1.337(d)–2,’’
each time it appears in the paragraph:
§ 1.267(f)–1(k) ..............................................................................
§ 1.597–4(g)(2)(v) ........................................................................
§ 1.1502–11(b)(3)(ii)(c) ................................................................
§ 1.1502–12(r) ..............................................................................
§ 1.1502–15(b)(2)(iii) ....................................................................
§ 1.1502–35T(b)(6)(ii) ..................................................................
§ 1.1502–35T(c)(9) ......................................................................
§ 1.1502–91(h)(2) ........................................................................
I Par. 9. The authority citation for part
602 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
Par. 10. In § 602.101, paragraph (b) is
amended by removing the entry for
§ 1.337(d)–2T and adding entries to the
table in numerical order to read, in part,
as follows:
§ 602.101
§ 1.337(d)–2T
§ 1.337(d)–2T
§ 1.337(d)–2T
§ 1.337(d)–2T
§ 1.337(d)–2T
§ 1.337(d)–2T
§ 1.337(d)–2T
§ 1.337(d)–2T
Mark E. Matthews,
Deputy Commissioner for Services and
Approved: February 18, 2005.
Eric Solomon,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of the
[FR Doc. 05–3951 Filed 3–2–05; 8:45 am]
1007(a)(2) of the Legal Services
Corporation Act (‘‘Act’’), 42 U.S.C.
2996f(a)(2), requires the Corporation to
establish maximum income levels for
individuals eligible for legal assistance,
and the Act provides that other
specified factors shall be taken into
account along with income.
Section 1611.3(b) of the Corporation’s
regulations establishes a maximum
income level equivalent to one hundred
and twenty-five percent (125%) of the
Federal Poverty Guidelines. Since 1982,
the Department of Health and Human
Services has been responsible for
updating and issuing the Poverty
Guidelines. The revised figures for 2005
set out below are equivalent to 125% of
the current Poverty Guidelines as
published on February 18, 2005 (70 FR
45 CFR Part 1611
Income Level for Individuals Eligible
for Assistance
Legal Services Corporation.
Final rule.
OMB control
CFR part or section where
identified and described
1.337(d)–2 ................................
1.1502–20 .................................
1.1502–32 .................................
SUMMARY: The Legal Services
Corporation (‘‘Corporation’’) is required
by law to establish maximum income
levels for individuals eligible for legal
assistance. This document updates the
specified income levels to reflect the
annual amendments to the Federal
Poverty Guidelines as issued by the
Department of Health and Human
List of Subjects in 45 CFR Part 1611
Grant programs—law, Legal services.
For reasons set forth above, 45 CFR
part 1611 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1611
continues to read as follows:
This rule is effective as
of March 3, 2005.
Mattie C. Condray, Senior Assistant
General Counsel, Legal Services
Corporation, 3333 K Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20007; (202) 295–1624;
§ 1.337(d)–2.
§ 1.337(d)–2.
§ 1.337(d)–2.
§ 1.337(d)–2.
§ 1.337(d)–2.
§ 1.337(d)–2.
§ 1.337(d)–2.
§ 1.337(d)–2.
OMB Control numbers.
(b) * * *
Authority: Secs. 1006(b)(1), 1007(a)(1)
Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974, 42
U.S.C. 2996e(b)(1), 2996f(a)(1), 2996f(a)(2).
2. Appendix A of Part 1611 is revised
to read as follows:
Appendix A of Part 1611
48 Contiguous
States and the
District of
Columbia i
Size of family unit
VerDate jul<14>2003
11:59 Mar 02, 2005
Jkt 205001
PO 00000
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Alaska ii
Hawaii iii
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 41 (Thursday, March 3, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 10319-10327]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-3951]
Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Parts 1 and 602
[TD 9187]
RIN 1545-BA52
Loss Limitation Rules
AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.
ACTION: Final and temporary regulations.
SUMMARY: This document contains final regulations under sections 337(d)
and 1502 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). These regulations
disallow certain losses recognized on sales of subsidiary stock by
members of a consolidated group. These regulations apply to
corporations filing consolidated returns, both during and after the
period of affiliation, and also affect purchasers of the stock of
members of a consolidated group.
DATES: Effective Date: These regulations are effective April 4, 2005.
Applicability Date: For dates of applicability, see Sec. Sec.
1.337(d)-2(g), 1.1502-20(i), and 1.1502-32(b).
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Theresa Abell (202) 622-7700 or Martin
Huck (202) 622-7750 (not toll-free numbers).
Paperwork Reduction Act
The collection of information contained in these final regulations
has been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget
in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3507(d)) under control number 1545-1774.
The collection of information in these final regulations is in
Sec. Sec. 1.337(d)-2(c), 1.1502-20(i), and 1.1502-32(b)(4). The
information is required to allow the taxpayer to make certain elections
to determine the amount of allowable loss under Sec. 1.337(d)-2, Sec.
1.1502-20 as currently in effect, or under Sec. 1.1502-20 modified so
that the amount of allowable loss determined pursuant to Sec. 1.1502-
20(c)(1) is computed by taking into account only the amounts computed
under Sec. 1.1502-20(c)(1)(i) and (ii); to allow the taxpayer to
reapportion a section 382 limitation in certain cases; to allow the
taxpayer to waive certain loss carryovers; to allow acquiring groups to
reduce the amount of certain loss carryovers deemed to expire; and to
ensure that loss is not disallowed and basis is not reduced under Sec.
1.337(d)-2 to the extent the taxpayer establishes that the loss or
basis is not attributable to the recognition of built-in gain on the
disposition of an asset. The collection of information is required to
obtain a benefit. The likely respondents are corporations that file
consolidated income tax returns.
The estimated burden is as follows:
Estimated total annual reporting and/or recordkeeping burden:
36,720 hours.
Estimated average annual burden per respondent: 2 hours.
Estimated number of respondents: 18,360.
Estimated annual frequency of responses: Once.
Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and
suggestions for reducing this burden should be directed to the Office
of Management and
[[Page 10320]]
Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for the Department of Treasury, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC 20503, with copies
to the Internal Revenue Service, Attn: IRS Reports Clearance Officer,
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, Washington, DC 20224.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid
control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget.
Books or records relating to the collection of information must be
retained as long as their contents may become material in the
administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and
tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
On March 7, 2002, the IRS and Treasury Department issued a Treasury
decision that included temporary regulations and cross-referencing
proposed regulations (TD 8984, 67 FR 11034; REG-102740-02) implementing
the repeal of the General Utilities doctrine in the consolidated return
context pursuant to the mandate of section 337(d). Those regulations
included Sec. Sec. 1.337(d)-2T, 1.1502-20T(i), and 1.1502-
For dispositions and deconsolidations of subsidiary stock before
March 7, 2002, and dispositions and deconsolidations of subsidiary
stock on or after March 7, 2002, that were effected pursuant to a
binding written contract entered into before such date that was in
continuous effect until the disposition or deconsolidation, Sec.
1.1502-20T(i) permits consolidated groups to elect to calculate
allowable loss on the sale of subsidiary stock, or the basis reduction
required on the deconsolidation of subsidiary stock, by applying Sec.
1.1502-20 in its entirety, Sec. 1.1502-20 without regard to the
duplicated loss factor of the loss disallowance formula, or Sec.
1.337(d)-2T. Section 1.337(d)-2T disallows certain losses recognized on
sales of subsidiary stock by members of a consolidated group and, under
certain circumstances, requires the basis of subsidiary stock to be
reduced to its value immediately before a deconsolidation of the stock.
For dispositions and deconsolidations on or after March 7, 2002, unless
the disposition or deconsolidation was effected pursuant to a binding
written contract entered into before March 7, 2002, that was in
continuous effect until the disposition or deconsolidation, groups must
apply Sec. 1.337(d)-2T to calculate allowable loss on the sale of
subsidiary stock or the basis reduction required on the deconsolidation
of subsidiary stock.
The Treasury decision also included a number of correlative
provisions, in both Sec. Sec. 1.1502-20T and 1.1502-32T, designed to
address certain issues that could arise if a group elected to apply
Sec. 1.1502-20 without regard to the duplicated loss factor of the
loss disallowance formula, or Sec. 1.337(d)-2T. Technical changes to
Sec. Sec. 1.337(d)-2T, 1.1502-20T, and 1.1502-32T were made by
Treasury decisions 8998 (67 FR 37998), 9057 (68 FR 24351), 9118 (69 FR
12799), and 9155 (69 FR 51175).
On August 25, 2004, the IRS issued Notice 2004-58 (2004-39 I.R.B.
520) describing the basis disconformity method and announcing that the
IRS will accept that method as a method for determining whether
subsidiary stock loss is disallowed and subsidiary stock basis is
reduced under Sec. 1.337(d)-2T. Contemporaneous with the issuance of
the Notice, the IRS and Treasury Department published temporary and
cross-referencing proposed regulations (TD 9154, 69 FR 52419; REG-
135898-04) extending the time for making an election under Sec.
1.1502-20T(i) and permitting taxpayers to amend or revoke prior
elections made under Sec. 1.1502-20T(i).
In response to the promulgation of Sec. 1.337(d)-2T and the
issuance of Notice 2004-58, the IRS and Treasury Department have
received a number of comments on the regulations, the basis
disconformity method, and, more generally, on the manner in which the
repeal of the General Utilities doctrine should be implemented in the
consolidated group context. The IRS and Treasury Department have
studied and are continuing to study those comments. In that regard, the
IRS and Treasury Department intend to publish within the near term
proposed regulations with an alternative approach to this problem.
Until those proposed regulations are published as final or temporary
regulations, whether certain losses recognized on sales of subsidiary
stock are disallowed and whether basis of subsidiary stock must be
reduced immediately before a deconsolidation of the stock will continue
to be determined under the rules of Sec. 1.337(d)-2T. Accordingly,
this Treasury decision adopts the rules of Sec. 1.337(d)-2T (as in
effect on March 2, 2005) as final regulation Sec. 1.337(d)-2 without
substantive change. The IRS will accept the basis disconformity method
as a method for determining whether subsidiary stock loss is disallowed
and subsidiary stock basis is reduced under that final regulation.
In addition, to permit taxpayers to make the election to apply
Sec. 1.1502-20 without regard to the duplicated loss factor of the
loss disallowance rule, or the rule of Sec. 1.337(d)-2, as provided in
this Treasury Decision, this Treasury decision also adopts the rules of
Sec. 1.1502-20T and the correlative rules of Sec. 1.1502-32T (as in
effect on March 2, 2005) as final regulations without substantive
Special Analyses
It has been determined that this Treasury decision is not a
significant regulatory action as defined in Executive Order 12866.
Therefore, a regulatory assessment is not required. It is hereby
certified that these regulations will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities. This certification is
based on the fact that these regulations will primarily affect
affiliated groups of corporations that have elected to file
consolidated returns, which tend to be larger businesses. Therefore, a
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. chapter 6) is not required. Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the
Code, these regulations will be submitted to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the Small Business Administration for comment on their
impact on small business.
Drafting Information
The principal authors of these regulations are Theresa Abell and
Martin Huck of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate).
However, other personnel from the IRS and Treasury Department
participated in their development.
List of Subjects
26 CFR Part 1
Income taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
26 CFR Part 602
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Amendments to the Regulations
Accordingly, 26 CFR parts 1 and 602 are amended as follows:
Paragraph 1. The authority citation for part 1 is amended by removing
the entry for Sec. 1.337(d)-2T and adding an entry in numerical order
to read, in part, as follows:
Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
[[Page 10321]]
Section 1.337(d)-2 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 337(d). * * *
Par. 2. Section 1.337(d)-2 is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 1.337(d)-2 Loss limitation rules.
(a) Loss disallowance--(1) General rule. No deduction is allowed
for any loss recognized by a member of a consolidated group with
respect to the disposition of stock of a subsidiary.
(2) Definitions. For purposes of this section:
(i) The definitions in Sec. 1.1502-1 apply.
(ii) Disposition means any event in which gain or loss is
recognized, in whole or in part.
(3) Coordination with loss deferral and other disallowance rules.
For purposes of this section, the rules of Sec. 1.1502-20(a)(3) apply,
with appropriate adjustments to reflect differences between the
approach of this section and that of Sec. 1.1502-20.
(4) Netting. Paragraph (a)(1) of this section does not apply to
loss with respect to the disposition of stock of a subsidiary, to the
extent that, as a consequence of the same plan or arrangement, gain is
taken into account by members with respect to stock of the same
subsidiary having the same material terms. If the gain to which this
paragraph applies is less than the amount of the loss with respect to
the disposition of the subsidiary's stock, the gain is applied to
offset loss with respect to each share disposed of as a consequence of
the same plan or arrangement in proportion to the amount of the loss
deduction that would have been disallowed under paragraph (a)(1) of
this section with respect to such share before the application of this
paragraph (a)(4). If the same item of gain could be taken into account
more than once in limiting the application of paragraphs (a)(1) and
(b)(1) of this section, the item is taken into account only once.
(b) Basis reduction on deconsolidation--(1) General rule. If the
basis of a member of a consolidated group in a share of stock of a
subsidiary exceeds its value immediately before a deconsolidation of
the share, the basis of the share is reduced at that time to an amount
equal to its value. If both a disposition and a deconsolidation occur
with respect to a share in the same transaction, paragraph (a) of this
section applies and, to the extent necessary to effectuate the purposes
of this section, this paragraph (b) applies following the application
of paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Deconsolidation. Deconsolidation means any event that causes a
share of stock of a subsidiary that remains outstanding to be no longer
owned by a member of any consolidated group of which the subsidiary is
also a member.
(3) Value. Value means fair market value.
(4) Netting. Paragraph (b)(1) of this section does not apply to
reduce the basis of stock of a subsidiary, to the extent that, as a
consequence of the same plan or arrangement, gain is taken into account
by members with respect to stock of the same subsidiary having the same
material terms. If the gain to which this paragraph applies is less
than the amount of basis reduction with respect to shares of the
subsidiary's stock, the gain is applied to offset basis reduction with
respect to each share deconsolidated as a consequence of the same plan
or arrangement in proportion to the amount of the reduction that would
have been required under paragraph (b)(1) of this section with respect
to such share before the application of this paragraph (b)(4).
(c) Allowable loss--(1) Application. This paragraph (c) applies
with respect to stock of a subsidiary only if a separate statement
entitled Sec. 1.337(d)-2(c) statement is included with the return in
accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
(2) General rule. Loss is not disallowed under paragraph (a)(1) of
this section and basis is not reduced under paragraph (b)(1) of this
section to the extent the taxpayer establishes that the loss or basis
is not attributable to the recognition of built-in gain, net of
directly related expenses, on the disposition of an asset (including
stock and securities). Loss or basis may be attributable to the
recognition of built-in gain on the disposition of an asset by a prior
group. For purposes of this section, gain recognized on the disposition
of an asset is built-in gain to the extent attributable, directly or
indirectly, in whole or in part, to any excess of value over basis that
is reflected, before the disposition of the asset, in the basis of the
share, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, after applying
section 1503(e) and other applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue
Code and regulations. Federal income taxes may be directly related to
built-in gain recognized on the disposition of an asset only to the
extent of the excess (if any) of the group's income tax liability
actually imposed under Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code for the
taxable year of the disposition of the asset over the group's income
tax liability for the taxable year redetermined by not taking into
account the built-in gain recognized on the disposition of the asset.
For this purpose, the group's income tax liability actually imposed and
its redetermined income tax liability are determined without taking
into account the foreign tax credit under section 27(a) of the Internal
Revenue Code.
(3) Contents of statement and time of filing. The statement
required under paragraph (c)(1) of this section must be included with
or as part of the taxpayer's return for the year of the disposition or
deconsolidation and must contain--
(i) The name and employer identification number (E.I.N.) of the
subsidiary; and
(ii) The amount of the loss not disallowed under paragraph (a)(1)
of this section by reason of this paragraph (c) and the amount of basis
not reduced under paragraph (b)(1) of this section by reason of this
paragraph (c).
(4) Example. The principles of paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this
section are illustrated by the examples in Sec. Sec. 1.337(d)-1(a)(5)
and 1.1502-20(a)(5) (other than Examples 3, 4, and 5) and (b), with
appropriate adjustments to reflect differences between the approach of
this section and that of Sec. 1.1502-20, and by the following example.
For purposes of the examples in this section, unless otherwise stated,
the group files consolidated returns on a calendar year basis, the
facts set forth the only corporate activity, and all sales and
purchases are with unrelated buyers or sellers. The basis of each asset
is the same for determining earnings and profits adjustments and
taxable income. Tax liability and its effect on basis, value, and
earnings and profits are disregarded. Investment adjustment system
means the rules of Sec. 1.1502-32. The example reads as follows:
Example. Loss offsetting built-in gain in a prior group. (i) P
buys all the stock of T for $50 in Year 1, and T becomes a member of
the P group. T has 2 assets. Asset 1 has a basis of $50 and a value
of $0, and asset 2 has a basis of $0 and a value of $50. T sells
asset 2 during Year 3 for $50 and recognizes a $50 gain. Under the
investment adjustment system, P's basis in the T stock increased to
$100 as a result of the recognition of gain. In Year 5, all of the
stock of P is acquired by the P1 group, and the former members of
the P group become members of the P1 group. T then sells asset 1 for
$0, and recognizes a $50 loss. Under the investment adjustment
system, P's basis in the T stock decreases to $50 as a result of the
loss. T's assets decline in value from $50 to $40. P then sells all
the stock of T for $40 and recognizes a $10 loss.
(ii) P's basis in the T stock reflects both T's unrecognized
gain and unrecognized loss with respect to its assets. The gain T
recognizes on the disposition of asset 2 is built-in gain with
respect to both the P and P1 groups for purposes of paragraph (c)(2)
of this section. In addition, the loss T
[[Page 10322]]
recognizes on the disposition of asset 1 is built-in loss with
respect to the P and P1 groups for purposes of paragraph (c)(2) of
this section. T's recognition of the built-in loss while a member of
the P1 group offsets the effect on T's stock basis of T's
recognition of the built-in gain while a member of the P group.
Thus, P's $10 loss on the sale of the T stock is not attributable to
the recognition of built-in gain, and the loss is therefore not
disallowed under paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(iii) The result would be the same if, instead of having a $50
built-in loss in asset 1 when it becomes a member of the P group, T
has a $50 net operating loss carryover and the carryover is used by
the P group.
(d) Successors. For purposes of this section, the rules and
examples of Sec. 1.1502-20(d) apply, with appropriate adjustments to
reflect differences between the approach of this section and that of
Sec. 1.1502-20.
(e) Anti-avoidance rules. For purposes of this section, the rules
and examples of Sec. 1.1502-20(e) apply, with appropriate adjustments
to reflect differences between the approach of this section and that of
Sec. 1.1502-20.
(f) Investment adjustments. For purposes of this section, the rules
and examples of Sec. 1.1502-20(f) apply, with appropriate adjustments
to reflect differences between the approach of this section and that of
Sec. 1.1502-20.
(g) Effective dates. This section applies with respect to
dispositions and deconsolidations on or after March 3, 2005. In
addition, this section applies to dispositions and deconsolidations for
which an election is made under Sec. 1.1502-20(i)(2) to determine
allowable loss under this section. If loss is recognized because stock
of a subsidiary became worthless, the disposition with respect to the
stock is treated as occurring on the date the stock became worthless.
For dispositions and deconsolidations after March 6, 2002 and before
March 3, 2005, see Sec. 1.337(d)-2T as contained in the 26 CFR part 1
in effect on March 2, 2005.
Sec. 1.337(d)-2T [Removed]
Par. 3. Section 1.337(d)-2T is removed.
Par. 4. In Sec. 1.1502-20, paragraph (i) is revised to read as
Sec. 1.1502-20 Disposition or deconsolidation of subsidiary stock.
* * * * *
(i) Limitations on the applicability of Sec. 1.1502-20--(1)
Dispositions and deconsolidations on or after March 7, 2002. Except to
the extent specifically incorporated in Sec. 1.337(d)-2, paragraphs
(a) and (b) of this section do not apply to a disposition or
deconsolidation of stock of a subsidiary on or after March 7, 2002,
unless the disposition or deconsolidation was effected pursuant to a
binding written contract entered into before March 7, 2002, that was in
continuous effect until the disposition or deconsolidation.
(2) Dispositions and deconsolidations prior to March 7, 2002. In
the case of a disposition or deconsolidation of stock of a subsidiary
by a member before March 7, 2002, or a disposition or deconsolidation
on or after March 7, 2002, that was effected pursuant to a binding
written contract entered into before March 7, 2002, that was in
continuous effect until the disposition or deconsolidation, a
consolidated group may determine the amount of the member's allowable
loss or basis reduction by applying this section in its entirety, or,
in lieu thereof, subject to the conditions set forth in this paragraph
(i), by making an irrevocable election to apply the provisions of
(i) This section, except that in applying paragraph (c)(1) of this
section, the amount of loss disallowed under paragraph (a)(1) of this
section and the amount of basis reduction under paragraph (b)(1) of
this section with respect to a share of stock will not exceed the sum
of the amounts described in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) and (ii) of this
section; or
(ii) Section 1.337(d)-2.
(3) Operating rules--(i) Reattribution of losses in the case of an
election to determine allowable loss by applying the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section. If a consolidated
group elects to determine allowable loss by applying the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section, an election described
in paragraph (g) of this section to reattribute losses will be
respected only if the requirements of paragraph (g) of this section,
including the requirement that the election be filed with the group's
income tax return for the year of the disposition, have been or are
satisfied. For example, if a consolidated group did not file a valid
election described in paragraph (g) of this section with its return for
the year of the disposition, this section does not authorize the group
that disposed of the stock to make such an election with its return for
the year in which it elects to determine its allowable stock loss under
the provisions described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section. If a
consolidated group that made a valid election described in paragraph
(g) of this section with respect to the disposition of stock elects to
determine allowable loss by applying the provisions described in
paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section, the election described in
paragraph (g) of this section may not be revoked, and the amount of
loss treated as reattributed as of the time of the disposition pursuant
to the election described in paragraph (g) of this section is the
amount of loss originally reattributed, reduced to the extent that it
exceeds the greater of--
(A) The amount of stock loss disallowed after applying the
provisions described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section; and
(B) The amount of reattributed losses that the group that disposed
of the stock absorbed in years for which the assessment of a deficiency
is prevented by any law or rule of law as of the date the election to
apply the provisions described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section
is filed and at all times thereafter.
(ii) Reattribution of losses in the case of an election to
determine allowable loss by applying the provisions described in
paragraph (i)(2)(ii) of this section. If a consolidated group elects to
determine allowable loss by applying the provisions described in
paragraph (i)(2)(ii) of this section, the consolidated group may not
make an election described in paragraph (g) of this section to
reattribute any losses. If the consolidated group made an election
described in paragraph (g) of this section with respect to the
disposition of subsidiary stock, the amount of loss treated as
reattributed pursuant to such election will be the greater of--
(A) Zero; and
(B) The amount of reattributed losses that the group that disposed
of the stock absorbed in years for which the assessment of a deficiency
is prevented by any law or rule of law as of the date the election to
apply the provisions described in paragraph (i)(2)(ii) of this section
is filed and at all times thereafter.
(iii) Apportionment of section 382 limitation in the case of a
reduction of reattributed losses--(A) Losses subject to a separate
section 382 limitation. If, as a result of the application of paragraph
(i)(3)(i) or (ii) and paragraph (i)(3)(vii) of this section, pre-change
separate attributes that were subject to a separate section 382
limitation are treated as losses of a subsidiary and the common parent
previously elected to apportion all or a part of such limitation to
itself under Sec. 1.1502-96(d), the common parent may reduce the
amount of such limitation apportioned to itself.
(B) Losses subject to a subgroup section 382 limitation. If, as a
result of the application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or (ii) and paragraph
(i)(3)(vii) of this section, pre-change subgroup attributes that were
subject to a subgroup section
[[Page 10323]]
382 limitation are treated as losses of a subsidiary and the common
parent previously elected to apportion all or a part of such limitation
to itself under Sec. 1.1502-96(d), the common parent may reduce the
amount of such limitation apportioned to itself. In addition, if such
subsidiary has ceased to be a member of the loss subgroup to which the
pre-change subgroup attributes relate, the common parent may increase
the total amount of such limitation apportioned to such subsidiary (or
loss subgroup that includes such subsidiary) under Sec. 1.1502-95(c)
by an amount not in excess of the amount by which such limitation that
is apportioned to the common parent is reduced pursuant to the previous
(C) Losses subject to a consolidated section 382 limitation. If, as
a result of the application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or (ii) and
paragraph (i)(3)(vii) of this section, pre-change consolidated
attributes (or pre-change subgroup attributes) that were subject to a
consolidated section 382 limitation (or subgroup section 382 limitation
where the common parent was a member of the loss subgroup) are treated
as losses of a subsidiary, and the subsidiary has ceased to be a member
of the loss group (or loss subgroup), the common parent may increase
the amount of such limitation that is apportioned to such subsidiary
(or loss subgroup that includes such subsidiary) under Sec. 1.1502-
95(c). The amount of each element of such limitation that can be
apportioned to a subsidiary (or loss subgroup that includes such
subsidiary) pursuant to this paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(C), however, cannot
exceed the product of (x) the element and (y) a fraction the numerator
of which is the amount of pre-change consolidated attributes (or
subgroup attributes) subject to that limitation that are treated as
losses of the subsidiary (or loss subgroup) as a result of the
application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or (ii) and paragraph (i)(3)(vii) of
this section and the denominator of which is the total amount of pre-
change attributes subject to that limitation determined as of the close
of the taxable year in which the subsidiary ceases to be a member of
the group (or loss subgroup).
(D) Operating rules--(1) Limitations on apportionment. In making
any adjustment to an apportionment of a subgroup section 382 limitation
or a consolidated section 382 limitation pursuant to paragraph
(i)(3)(iii)(B) or (C) of this section, the common parent must take into
account the extent, if any, to which such limitation has previously
been apportioned to another subsidiary or loss subgroup prior to the
date the election to apply the provisions described in paragraph
(i)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section is filed.
(2) Manner and effect of adjustment to previous apportionment of
limitation to common parent. Any reduction in a previous apportionment
of a separate section 382 limitation or a subgroup section 382
limitation to the common parent made pursuant to paragraph
(i)(3)(iii)(A) or (B) of this section is treated as effective when the
previous apportionment was effective. Any such adjustment must be made
in a manner consistent with the principles of Sec. 1.1502-95(c). For
example, to the extent the apportionment of a separate section 382
limitation or a subgroup section 382 limitation to a common parent is
reduced pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(A) or (B) of this section,
the amount of such limitation available to the subsidiary or loss
subgroup, as applicable, is increased.
(3) Manner and effect of adjustment to apportionment of limitation
to departing subsidiary or loss subgroup. Any increase in an amount of
a subgroup section 382 limitation or a consolidated section 382
limitation apportioned to a departing subsidiary (or loss subgroup that
includes such subsidiary) made pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(B) or
(C) of this section is treated as effective for taxable years ending
after the date the subsidiary ceases to be a member of the group or
loss subgroup. Any such adjustment may be made regardless of whether
the common parent previously elected to apportion all or a part of such
limitation to such subsidiary (or loss subgroup that includes such
subsidiary) under Sec. 1.1502-95(c) or 1.1502-95A(c), but must be made
in a manner consistent with the principles of Sec. 1.1502-95(c). For
example, to the extent the apportionment of an element of a subgroup
section 382 limitation or a consolidated section 382 limitation to a
departing subsidiary is increased pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(B)
or (C) of this section, the amount of such element of such limitation
that is available to the loss subgroup or loss group is reduced
consistent with Sec. 1.1502-95(c)(3).
(4) Prohibition against other adjustments. This paragraph
(i)(3)(iii) does not authorize the common parent to adjust the
apportionment of any separate section 382 limitation, subgroup section
382 limitation, or consolidated section 382 limitation that it
previously apportioned to a subsidiary, to a loss subgroup, or to
itself under Sec. 1.1502-95(c), 1.1502-95A(c), or 1.1502-96(d), other
than as provided in paragraphs (i)(3)(iii)(A), (B), and (C) of this
(E) Time and manner of making apportionment adjustment. An
adjustment to the apportionment of any separate section 382 limitation,
subgroup section 382 limitation, or consolidated section 382 limitation
pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(A), (B), or (C) of this section must
be made as part of the group's election to apply the provisions of
paragraph (i)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section, as described in paragraph
(i)(4) of this section.
(iv) Notification of reduction of reattributed losses and
adjustment of apportionment of section 382 limitation. If the
application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section results in a
reduction of the losses treated as reattributed pursuant to an election
described in paragraph (g) of this section, then, prior to the date
that the group files its income tax return for the taxable year that
includes August 26, 2004, the common parent must send the notification
required by this paragraph to the subsidiary, at the subsidiary's last
known address. In addition, if the acquirer of the subsidiary stock was
a member of a consolidated group at the time of the disposition, the
common parent must send a copy of such notification to the person that
was the common parent of the acquirer's group at the time of the
acquisition, at its last known address. The notification is to be in
the form of a statement entitled Recomputation of Losses Reattributed
Pursuant to the Election Described in Sec. 1.1502-20(g), that is
signed by the common parent and that includes the following
(A) The name and employer identification number (E.I.N.) of the
(B) The original and the recomputed amount of losses treated as
reattributed pursuant to the election described in paragraph (g) of
this section; and
(C) If the apportionment of a separate section 382 limitation, a
subgroup section 382 limitation, or a consolidated section 382
limitation is adjusted pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(A), (B), or
(C) of this section, the original and the adjusted apportionment of
such limitation.
(v) Items taken into account in open years--(A) General rule. An
election under paragraph (i)(2) of this section affects a taxpayer's
items of income, gain, deduction, or loss only to the extent that the
election gives rise, directly or indirectly, to items or amounts that
would properly be taken into account in a year for which an assessment
of deficiency or a refund of overpayment, as the case may be, is not
[[Page 10324]]
prevented by any law or rule of law. Under this paragraph, if the
election increases the loss allowed with respect to a disposition of
subsidiary stock, but the year of the disposition (or the year to which
such loss would have been carried back or carried forward) is a year
for which a refund of overpayment is prevented by law, to the extent
that the absorption of such excess loss in such year would have
affected the tax treatment of another item (e.g., another loss that was
absorbed in such year) that has an effect in a year for which a refund
of overpayment is not prevented by any law or rule of law, the election
will affect the treatment of such other item. Therefore, if the
absorption of the excess loss in the year of the disposition (which is
a year for which a refund of overpayment is prevented by law) would
have prevented the absorption of another loss (the second loss) in such
year and such loss would have been carried to and used in a year for
which a refund of overpayment is not prevented by any law or rule of
law (the other year), the election makes the second loss available for
use in the other year.
(B) Special rule. If a member's basis in stock of a subsidiary was
reduced pursuant to Sec. 1.1502-32 because a loss with respect to
stock of a lower-tier subsidiary was treated as disallowed under this
section, then, to the extent such disallowed loss is allowed as a
result of an election under paragraph (i) of this section but would
have been properly absorbed or expired in a year for which a refund of
overpayment is prevented by law or rule of law, the member's basis in
the subsidiary stock may be increased for purposes of determining the
group's or the shareholder-member's Federal income tax liability in all
years for which a refund of overpayment is not prevented by law or rule
of law.
(vi) Conforming amendments for items previously taken into account
in open years. To the extent that, on any Federal income tax return,
the common parent absorbed losses that were reattributed pursuant to an
election described in paragraph (g) of this section and the amount of
losses so absorbed is in excess of the amount of losses that are
treated as reattributed after application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or
(ii) of this section, or that may be taken into account after any
adjustment to an apportionment of a separate section 382 limitation, a
subgroup section 382 limitation, or a consolidated section 382
limitation pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii) of this section, such
returns must be amended to the greatest extent possible to reflect the
reduction in the amount of losses treated as reattributed and any
adjustment to the apportionment of such limitation.
(vii) Availability of losses to subsidiary. To the extent that any
losses of a subsidiary are reattributed to the common parent pursuant
to an election described in paragraph (g) of this section, such
reattribution is binding on the subsidiary and any group of which the
subsidiary is or becomes a member. Therefore, if the subsidiary ceases
to be a member of the group, any reattributed losses are not thereafter
available to the subsidiary and may not be utilized by the subsidiary
or any other group of which such subsidiary is or becomes a member. To
the extent that the application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or (ii) of this
section results in a reduction in the amount of losses treated as
reattributed to the common parent pursuant to an election described in
paragraph (g) of this section, however, losses in the amount of such
reduction are available to the subsidiary and may be utilized by the
subsidiary or any group of which such subsidiary is a member, subject
to applicable limitations (e.g., section 382).
(viii) Apportionment of section 382 limitation in the case of an
amendment of an election made pursuant to Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(4)--(A) In
general. If, in connection with a disposition or deconsolidation of
subsidiary stock, the subsidiary the stock of which was disposed of or
deconsolidated became a member of another consolidated group (the
acquiring group), and, pursuant to Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(4)(vii), the
acquiring group amends an election made pursuant to Sec. 1.1502-
32(b)(4) to treat all or a portion of the loss carryovers of such
subsidiary (or a lower-tier corporation of such subsidiary) as expiring
for all Federal income tax purposes, then the common parent may
reapportion a separate, subgroup, or consolidated section 382
limitation with respect to such subsidiary or lower-tier corporation in
a manner consistent with the principles of paragraphs (i)(3)(iii)(A)
through (D) of this section. Any reapportionment of a section 382
limitation made pursuant to the previous sentence shall have the
effects described in paragraphs (i)(3)(iii)(D)(ii) and (iii) of this
section. For purposes of this section, a lower-tier corporation is a
corporation that was a member of the group of which the subsidiary was
a member immediately before becoming a member of the acquiring group
and that became a member of the acquiring group as a result of the
subsidiary becoming a member of the acquiring group.
(B) Time and manner of adjustment of apportionment of section 382
limitation. The common parent must include a statement entitled
Adjustment of Apportionment of Section 382 Limitation in Connection
with Amendment of Election under Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(4) with or as part
of any timely filed (including any extensions) original return for a
taxable year that includes any date on or before August 26, 2004, or
with or as part of an amended return filed before the date the original
return for the taxable year that includes August 26, 2004, is due (with
regard to extensions). The statement must set forth the name and E.I.N.
of the subsidiary and both the original and the adjusted apportionment
of a separate section 382 limitation, a subgroup section 382
limitation, and a consolidated section 382 limitation, as applicable.
The requirements of this paragraph (i)(3)(viii)(B) will be treated as
satisfied if the information required by this paragraph (i)(3)(viii)(B)
is included in the statement required by paragraph (i)(4) of this
section rather than in a separate statement.
(4) Time and manner of making the election. An election to
determine allowable loss or basis reduction by applying the provisions
described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section is made by
including the statement required by this paragraph with or as part of
any timely filed (including any extensions) original return for a
taxable year that includes any date on or before August 26, 2004, or
with or as part of an amended return filed before the date the original
return for the taxable year that includes August 26, 2004, is due
(including any extensions). Filing a statement in accordance with the
provisions of this paragraph satisfies the requirement to file a
``statement of allowed loss'' otherwise imposed under paragraph (c)(3)
of this section or Sec. 1.337(d)-2(c)(3). The statement required by
this paragraph satisfies the requirement that a statement be filed in
order to claim allowable loss or basis reduction by applying the
provisions described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) or (ii). The statement
filed under this paragraph shall be entitled Allowed Loss Under Section
[Specify Section Under Which Allowed Loss Is Determined] Pursuant to
Section 1.1502-20(i) and must include the following information--
(i) The name and E.I.N. of the subsidiary and of the member(s) that
disposed of the subsidiary stock;
(ii) In the case of an election to determine allowable loss or
basis reduction by applying the provisions described in paragraph
(i)(2)(i) of this section, a statement that the taxpayer elects to
determine allowable loss or
[[Page 10325]]
basis reduction by applying such provisions;
(iii) In the case of an election to determine allowable loss or
basis reduction by applying the provisions described in paragraph
(i)(2)(ii) of this section, a statement that the taxpayer elects to
determine allowable loss or basis reduction by applying such
(iv) If an election described in paragraph (g) of this section was
made with respect to the disposition of the stock of the subsidiary,
the amount of losses originally treated as reattributed pursuant to
such election and the amount of losses treated as reattributed pursuant
to paragraph (i)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section;
(v) If an apportionment of a separate section 382 limitation, a
subgroup section 382 limitation, or a consolidated section 382
limitation is adjusted pursuant to paragraph (i)(3)(iii)(A), (B), or
(C) of this section, the original and redetermined apportionment of
such limitation; and
(vi) If the application of paragraph (i)(3)(i) or (ii) of this
section results in a reduction of the amount of losses treated as
reattributed pursuant to an election described in paragraph (g) of this
section, a statement that the notification described in paragraph
(i)(3)(iv) of this section was sent to the subsidiary and, if the
acquirer was a member of a consolidated group at the time of the stock
sale, to the person that was the common parent of such group at such
time, as required by paragraph (i)(3)(iv) of this section.
(5) Revocation or amendment of prior elections--(i) In general.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this paragraph (i), if a
consolidated group made an election under Sec. 1.1502-20T(i) to apply
the provisions described in Sec. 1.1502-20T(i)(2)(i) or (ii), the
consolidated group may revoke or amend that election as provided in
this paragraph (i)(5).
(ii) Time and manner of revoking or amending an election. An
election to apply the provisions described in Sec. 1.1502-20T(i)(2)(i)
or (ii) is revoked or amended by including the statement required by
paragraph (i)(5)(iii) of this section with or as part of any timely
filed (including any extensions) original return for a taxable year
that includes any date on or before August 26, 2004, or with or as part
of an amended return filed before the date the original return for the
taxable year that includes August 26, 2004, is due (including any
(iii) Required statement--(A) Revocation. To revoke an election to
apply the provisions described in Sec. 1.1502-20T(i)(2)(i) or (ii),
the consolidated group must file a statement entitled Revocation of
Election Under Section 1.1502-20T(i). The statement must include the
name and E.I.N. of the subsidiary and of the member(s) that disposed of
the subsidiary stock.
(B) Amendment. To amend an election to apply the provisions
described in Sec. 1.1502-20T(i)(2)(i) or (ii), the consolidated group
must file a statement entitled Amendment of Election Under Section
1.1502-20T(i). The statement must include the following information--
(1) The name and E.I.N. of the subsidiary and of the member(s) that
disposed of the subsidiary stock; and
(2) The provision the taxpayer elects to apply to determine
allowable loss or basis reduction (described in paragraph (i)(2)(i) or
(ii) of this section).
(iv) Special rule. If a consolidated group revokes an election made
under Sec. 1.1502-20T(i), an election described in paragraph (g) of
this section to reattribute losses will not be respected, even if such
election was filed with the group's return for the year of the
(6) Effective date. This paragraph (i) is applicable on and after
March 3, 2005.
(7) Cross references. See Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(4)(v) for a special
rule for filing a waiver of loss carryovers.
Sec. 1.1502-20T(i) [Removed]
Par. 5. In Sec. 1.1502-20T, paragraph (i) is removed.
Par. 6. Section 1.1502-32 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(4)(v)
and (b)(4)(vii) to read as follows:
Sec. 1.1502-32 Investment adjustments.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(4) * * *
(v) Special rule for loss carryovers of a subsidiary acquired in a
transaction for which an election under Sec. 1.1502-20(i)(2) is made--
(A) Expired losses. Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(4)(iv) of this
section, unless a group otherwise chooses, to the extent that S's loss
carryovers are increased by reason of an election under Sec. 1.1502-
20(i)(2) and such loss carryovers expire or would have been properly
used to offset income in a taxable year for which the refund of an
overpayment is prevented by any law or rule of law as of the date the
group files its original return for the taxable year in which S
receives the notification described in Sec. 1.1502-20(i)(3)(iv) and at
all times thereafter, the group will be deemed to have made an election
under paragraph (b)(4) of this section to treat all of such loss
carryovers as expiring for all Federal income tax purposes immediately
before S became a member of the consolidated group. A group may choose
not to apply the rule of the previous sentence to all of such loss
carryovers of S by taking a position on an original or amended tax
return for each relevant taxable year that is consistent with having
made such choice.
(B) Available losses. Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(4)(iv) of this
section, to the extent that S's loss carryovers are increased by reason
of an election under Sec. 1.1502-20(i)(2) and such loss carryovers
have not expired and would not have been properly used to offset income
in a taxable year for which the refund of an overpayment is prevented
by any law or rule of law as of the date the group files its original
return for the taxable year in which S receives the notification
described in Sec. 1.1502-20(i)(3)(iv) and at all times thereafter, the
group may make an election under paragraph (b)(4) of this section to
treat all or a portion of such loss carryovers as expiring for all
Federal income tax purposes immediately before S became a member of the
consolidated group. Such election must be filed with the group's
original return for the taxable year in which S receives the
notification described in Sec. 1.1502-20(i)(3)(iv).
(C) Effective dates. Paragraph (b)(4)(v) of this section is
applicable on and after March 3, 2005. For prior periods, see Sec.
1.1502-32T(b)(4)(v) as contained in the 26 CFR part 1 in effect on
March 2, 2005.
(vi) * * *
(vii) Special rules for amending waiver of loss carryovers from
separate return limitation year--(A) Waivers that increased allowable
loss or reduced basis reduction required. If, in connection with the
acquisition of S, the group made an election pursuant to paragraph
(b)(4) of this section to treat all or any portion of S's loss
carryovers as expiring, and the prior group elected to determine the
amount of the allowable loss or the basis reduction required with
respect to the stock of S or a higher-tier corporation of S by applying
the provisions described in Sec. 1.1502-20(i)(2)(i) or (ii), then the
group may reduce the amount of any loss carryover deemed to expire (or
increase the amount of any loss carryover deemed not to expire) as a
result of the election made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this
section. The aggregate amount of loss carryovers that may be treated as
not expiring as a result of amendments made pursuant to this paragraph
(b)(4)(vii)(A) with respect to S and any higher- and lower-tier
corporation of S may not exceed the
[[Page 10326]]
amount described in Sec. 1.1502-20(c)(1)(iii) with respect to the
acquired stock (computed without regard to the effect of the group's
election or elections pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section, but
with regard to the effect of the prior group's election pursuant to
Sec. 1.1502-20(g), if any, prior to the application of Sec. 1.1502-
20(i)(3)). For purposes of determining the aggregate amount of loss
carryovers that may be treated as not expiring as a result of
amendments made pursuant to this paragraph (b)(4)(vii)(A) with respect
to S and any higher- and lower-tier corporation of S, the group may
rely on a written notification provided by the prior group. Nothing in
this paragraph shall be construed as permitting a group to increase the
amount of any loss carryover deemed to expire (or reduce the amount of
any loss carryover deemed not to expire) as a result of the election
made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(B) Inadvertent waivers of loss carryovers previously subject to an
election described in Sec. 1.1502-20(g). If, in connection with the
acquisition of S, the group made an election pursuant to paragraph
(b)(4) of this section to waive loss carryovers of S by identifying the
amount of each loss carryover deemed not to expire, the prior group
elected to determine the amount of the allowable loss or the basis
reduction required with respect to the stock of S or a higher-tier
corporation of S by applying the provisions described in Sec. 1.1502-
20(i)(2)(i) or (ii), and the amount of S's loss carryovers treated as
reattributed to the prior group pursuant to the election described in
Sec. 1.1502-20(g) is reduced pursuant to Sec. 1.1502-20(i)(3), then
the group may amend its election made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of
this section to provide that all or a portion of the loss carryovers of
S that are treated as loss carryovers of S as a result of the prior
group's election to apply the provisions described in Sec. 1.1502-
20(i)(2)(i) or (ii) are deemed not to expire. This paragraph
(b)(4)(vii)(B), however, does not permit a group to reduce the amount
of any loss carryover deemed not to expire as a result of the election
made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
(C) Time and manner of amending an election under Sec. 1.1502-
32(b)(4). The amendment of an election made pursuant to paragraph
(b)(4) of this section must be made in a statement entitled Amendment
of Election to Treat Loss Carryover as Expiring Under Sec. 1.1502-
32(b)(4) Pursuant to Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(4)(vii). The statement must be
filed with or as part of any timely filed (including extensions)
original return for the taxable year that includes August 26, 2004, or
with or as part of an amended return filed before the date the original
return for the taxable year that includes August 26, 2004, is due (with
regard to extensions). A separate statement shall be filed for each
election made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section that is
being amended pursuant to this paragraph (b)(4)(vii). For purposes of
making this statement, the group may rely on the statements set forth
in a written notification provided by the prior group. The statement
filed under this paragraph must include the following--
(1) The name and employer identification number (E.I.N.) of S;
(2) In the case of an amendment made pursuant to paragraph
(b)(4)(vii)(A), a statement that the group has received a written
notification from the prior group confirming that the group's prior
election or elections pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section had
the effect of either increasing the prior group's allowable loss on the
disposition of subsidiary stock or reducing the prior group's amount of
basis reduction required;
(3) The amount of each loss carryover of S deemed to expire (or the
amount of loss carryover deemed not to expire) as set forth in the
election made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section;
(4) The amended amount of each loss carryover of S deemed to expire
(or the amended amount of loss carryover deemed not to expire); and
(5) In the case of an amendment made pursuant to paragraph
(b)(4)(vii)(A) of this section, a statement that the aggregate amount
of loss carryovers of S and any higher- and lower-tier corporation of S
that will be treated as not expiring as a result of amendments made
pursuant to paragraph (b)(4)(vii)(A) of this section will not exceed
the amount described in Sec. 1.1502-20(c)(1)(iii) with respect to the
acquired stock (computed without regard to the effect of the group's
election or elections pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section, but
with regard to the effect of the prior group's election pursuant to
Sec. 1.1502-20(g), if any, prior to the application of Sec. 1.1502-
(D) Items taken into account in open years. An amendment to an
election made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section affects the
group's items of income, gain, deduction, or loss only to the extent
that the amendment gives rise, directly or indirectly, to items or
amounts that would properly be taken into account in a year for which
an assessment of deficiency or a refund for overpayment, as the case
may be, is not prevented by any law or rule of law. Under this
paragraph, if the year to which a loss previously deemed to expire as a
result of an election made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section
is deemed not to expire as a result of an election made pursuant to
this paragraph would have been carried back or carried forward is a
year for which a refund of overpayment is prevented by law, then to the
extent that the absorption of such loss in such year would have
affected the tax treatment of another item (e.g., another loss that was
absorbed in such year) that has an effect in a year for which a refund
of overpayment is not prevented by any law or rule of law, the
amendment to the election made pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this
section will affect the treatment of such other item. Therefore, if the
absorption of such loss (the first loss) in a year for which a refund
of overpayment is prevented by law would have prevented the absorption
of another loss (the second loss) in such year and such second loss
would have been carried to and used in a year for which a refund of
overpayment is not prevented by any law or rule of law (the other
year), the amendment of the election makes the second loss available
for use in the other year.
(E) Higher- and lower-tier corporations of S. A higher-tier
corporation of S is a corporation that was a member of the prior group
and, as a result of such higher-tier corporation becoming a member of
the group; S became a member of the group. A lower-tier corporation of
S is a corporation that was a member of the prior group and became a
member of the group as a result of S becoming a member of the group.
(F) Effective date. This paragraph (b)(4)(vii) is applicable on and
after March 3, 2005. For prior periods, see Sec. 1.1502-32T(b)(4)(vii)
as contained in the 26 CFR part 1 in effect on March 2, 2005.
* * * * *
Par. 7. In Sec. 1.1502-32T, paragraphs (b)(4)(v) and (b)(4)(vii) are
revised to read as follows:
Sec. 1.1502-32T Investment adjustments (temporary).
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(4) * * *
(v) For further guidance see Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(4)(v).
(vi) * * *
(vii) For further guidance see Sec. 1.1502-32(b)(4)(vii).
* * * * *
Par. 8. The following sections in the table below are amended by
[[Page 10327]]
``Sec. 1.337(d)-2T'' to read ``Sec. 1.337(d)-2,'' each time it
appears in the paragraph:
Section Remove Add
Sec. 1.267(f)-1(k).......... Sec. 1.337(d)-2T... Sec. 1.337(d)-
Sec. 1.597-4(g)(2)(v)....... Sec. 1.337(d)-2T... Sec. 1.337(d)-
Sec. 1.1502-11(b)(3)(ii)(c). Sec. 1.337(d)-2T... Sec. 1.337(d)-
Sec. 1.1502-12(r)........... Sec. 1.337(d)-2T... Sec. 1.337(d)-
Sec. 1.1502-15(b)(2)(iii)... Sec. 1.337(d)-2T... Sec. 1.337(d)-
Sec. 1.1502-35T(b)(6)(ii)... Sec. 1.337(d)-2T... Sec. 1.337(d)-
Sec. 1.1502-35T(c)(9)....... Sec. 1.337(d)-2T... Sec. 1.337(d)-
Sec. 1.1502-91(h)(2)........ Sec. 1.337(d)-2T... Sec. 1.337(d)-
Par. 9. The authority citation for part 602 continues to read as
Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
Par. 10. In Sec. 602.101, paragraph (b) is amended by removing the
entry for Sec. 1.337(d)-2T and adding entries to the table in
numerical order to read, in part, as follows:
Sec. 602.101 OMB Control numbers.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
CFR part or section where identified and described OMB control
* * * * *
1.337(d)-2................................................. 1545-1774
* * * * *
1.1502-20.................................................. 1545-1774
* * * * *
1.1502-32.................................................. 1545-1774
* * * * *
Mark E. Matthews,
Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement.
Approved: February 18, 2005.
Eric Solomon,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
[FR Doc. 05-3951 Filed 3-2-05; 8:45 am]