Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Travel Service Provider and Carrier Service Provider Submission, 10166-10167 [05-4007]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
Office of Foreign Assets Control
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request for Request for a Specific
License To Visit an Immediate Family
Member in Cuba
Office of Foreign Assets
Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for
SUMMARY: The Department of the
Treasury, as part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork and respondent
burden, invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on proposed
and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13 (44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A)). Currently, the Office of
Foreign Assets Control (‘‘OFAC’’) within
the Department of the Treasury is
soliciting comments concerning OFAC’s
‘‘Request for a Specific License to Visit
an Immediate Family Member in Cuba
who is a National of Cuba once in a
three year period’’ Application Form
TD–F 90–22.60 and TD–F 90–22.60
Written comments should be
received on or before May 2, 2005, to be
assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to the Records Division, Office of
Foreign Assets Control, Department of
the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Annex—2d Floor,
Washington, DC 20220.
Requests for additional information
about the filings or procedures should
be directed to Licensing Division, Office
of Foreign Assets Control, Department
of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., 1500 Pennsylvania
Avenue, Annex—2d Floor, Washington,
DC 20220.
Title: OFAC Form ‘‘Request for a
Specific License to Visit an Immediate
Family Member in Cuba who is a
National of Cuba once in a three year
Agency Form Number: TD–F 90–22.60
and TD–F 90–22.60 (SP).
OMB Number: 1505–0202.
Abstract: On October 10, 2003, the
President announced the establishment
of a Commission for Assistance to a Free
Cuba, which he tasked with identifying
ways to hasten Cuba’s transition to a
free and open society. On May 1, 2004,
the Commission delivered its Report to
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the President recommending, among
other things, changes to the U.S.
sanctions with respect to Cuba. On May
6, 2004, the President directed the
implementation of certain of the
Commission’s recommendations. The
Office of Foreign Assets Control
(‘‘OFAC’’) issued an interim final rule
on June 16, 2004, implementing these
recommendations through amendments
to the Cuban Assets Control
Regulations, effective June 30, 2004.
These amendments, among other
things, changed the rules regarding
travel-related transactions incident to
visiting relatives in Cuba. Prior to the
amendments, a person with a Cuban
national close relative (defined to
include second cousins) in Cuba could
engage in travel-related transactions
incident to visiting that relative once
every 12 months under a general license
(no application necessary) and more
often pursuant to a specific license, if
requested. Effective June 30, 2004, the
once-per-twelve-months general license
was eliminated. OFAC now issues
specific licenses authorizing travelrelated transactions incident to visits to
members of a person’s immediate family
(defined much more narrowly) who are
nationals of Cuba once per three-year
period and for no more than 14 days.
In order to ensure that the one-tripper-three-year-period and other
requirements are not violated, OFAC
uses forms TD–F 90–22.60 and TD–F
90–22.60 (SP) to collect information on
the traveler and the family members in
Cuba whom the traveler is visiting. The
form is provided in English and Spanish
to accommodate those persons for
whom Spanish is the primary language.
The use of the form provides a
standardized method of information
collection, ensures uniform and
consistent compliance, and allows
OFAC to maintain detailed records that
enable OFAC to verify that travelers are
not exceeding the restriction of the
frequency of visits to Cuba and that they
are only visiting members of their
immediate family.
Current Actions: There are no changes
being made to the form at this time.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time Per Respondent: 10
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 5,833.
The following paragraph applies to all
of the collections of information covered
by this notice:
PO 00000
Frm 00096
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid Office of Management
and Budget (‘‘OMB’’) control number.
Books or records relating to a collection
of information must be retained for five
Request for Comments
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval. All comments will become a
matter of public record. Comments are
invited on: (a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information has practical utility; (b) the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the collection of information;
(c) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology; and (e) estimates of capital
or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information.
Approved: February 23, 2005.
Robert W. Werner,
Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control.
[FR Doc. 05–4006 Filed 3–1–05; 8:45 am]
Office of Foreign Assets Control
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request for Travel Service Provider
and Carrier Service Provider
Office of Foreign Assets
Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for
SUMMARY: The Department of the
Treasury, as part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork and respondent
burden, invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on proposed
and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub.
L. 104–13 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
Currently, the Office of Foreign Assets
Control (‘‘OFAC’’) within the
Department of the Treasury is soliciting
comments concerning OFAC’s Travel
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
Service Provider and Carrier Service
Provider information collection.
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before May 2, 2005 to be
assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Merete Evans, Chief, Records
Division, Office of Foreign Assets
Control, Department of the Treasury,
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Annex—2d Floor, Washington, DC
Requests for additional information
about the filings or procedures should
be directed to David W. Mills, Chief,
Licensing Division, Office of Foreign
Assets Control, Department of the
Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Annex—2d Floor, Washington, DC
Title: Travel Service Provider and
Carrier Service Provider Submission.
OMB Number: 1505–0168.
Abstract: The information is required
of persons who have been authorized by
the Office of Foreign Assets Control of
the Department of the Treasury
(‘‘OFAC’’) to handle travel arrangements
to, from, and or within Cuba or to
provide charter air service to Cuba.
Travel service providers are required to
collect information on persons traveling
on direct flights to Cuba and forward
that information to carrier service
providers, for ultimate submission to
Current Actions: There are no changes
being made to the notice at this time.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Individuals or
households and businesses.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time Per Respondent: 5
minutes per entry for travel service
providers, or up to 570,000 minutes
annually for travel service providers in
the aggregate (9,500 hours); and up to 5
minutes per entry for carrier service
providers, or up to 570,000 entries
annually for carrier service providers in
the aggregate (9,500 hours).
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 19,000.
The following paragraph applies to all
of the collections of information covered
by this notice:
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid Office of Management
and Budget (‘‘OMB’’) control number.
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Books or records relating to a collection
of information must be retained for five
Request for Comments
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval. All comments will become a
matter of public record. Comments are
invited on: (a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information has practical utility; (b) the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the collection of information;
(c) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
technology; and (e) estimates of capital
or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information.
Approved: February 23, 2005.
Robert W. Werner,
Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control.
[FR Doc. 05–4007 Filed 3–1–05; 8:45 am]
Internal Revenue Service
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request for Regulation Project
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Notice and request for
SUMMARY: The Department of the
Treasury, as part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork and respondent
burden, invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on proposed
and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub.
L. 104–13(44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
Currently, the IRS is soliciting
comments concerning an existing final
regulation, Limitation on Passive
Activity Losses and Credits—Treatment
of Self-Charged Items of Income and
Expense (Section 1.469–7(f)).
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before May 2, 2005 to be
assured of consideration.
PO 00000
Frm 00097
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Direct all written comments
to Glenn Kirkland, Internal Revenue
Service, Room 6512, 1111 Constitution
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20224.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the regulations should be
directed to Larnice Mack at Internal
Revenue Service, Room 6512, 1111
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20224, or at (202) 622–3179, or
through the Internet at
Title: Limitation on Passive Acitivity
Losses and Credits—Treatment of SelfCharged Items of Income and Expense.
OMB Number: 1545–1244.
Regulation Project Number: PS–39–
Abstract: Section 1.469–7(f)(1) of this
regulation permits entities to elect to
avoid application of the regulation in
the event the passthrough entity chooses
to not have the income from leading
transactions with owners of interests in
the entity recharacterized as passive
activity gross income. The IRS will use
this information to determine whether
the entity has made a proper timely
election and to determine that taxpayers
are complying with the election in the
taxable year of the election and
subsequent taxable years.
Current Actions: There is no change to
this existing regulation.
Type of Review: Extension of
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Individuals and
business or other for-profit
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time Per Respondent: 6
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 100.
The following paragraph applies to all
of the collections of information covered
by this notice:
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid OMB control number.
Books or records relating to a collection
of information must be retained as long
as their contents may become material
in the administration of any internal
revenue law. Generally, tax returns and
tax return information are confidential,
as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
Request for Comments: Comments
submitted in response to this notice will
be summarized and/or included in the
request for OMB approval. All
comments will become a matter of
public record. Comments are invited on:
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 40 (Wednesday, March 2, 2005)]
[Pages 10166-10167]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-4007]
Office of Foreign Assets Control
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Travel Service Provider
and Carrier Service Provider Submission
AGENCY: Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: The Department of the Treasury, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment
on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. 104-13 (44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A)). Currently, the Office of Foreign Assets Control
(``OFAC'') within the Department of the Treasury is soliciting comments
concerning OFAC's Travel
[[Page 10167]]
Service Provider and Carrier Service Provider information collection.
DATES: Written comments should be received on or before May 2, 2005 to
be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments to Merete Evans, Chief, Records
Division, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury,
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Annex--2d Floor, Washington, DC 20220.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information
about the filings or procedures should be directed to David W. Mills,
Chief, Licensing Division, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department
of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., 1500 Pennsylvania
Avenue, Annex--2d Floor, Washington, DC 20220.
Title: Travel Service Provider and Carrier Service Provider
OMB Number: 1505-0168.
Abstract: The information is required of persons who have been
authorized by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Department of
the Treasury (``OFAC'') to handle travel arrangements to, from, and or
within Cuba or to provide charter air service to Cuba. Travel service
providers are required to collect information on persons traveling on
direct flights to Cuba and forward that information to carrier service
providers, for ultimate submission to OFAC.
Current Actions: There are no changes being made to the notice at
this time.
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Individuals or households and businesses.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 228,000.
Estimated Time Per Respondent: 5 minutes per entry for travel
service providers, or up to 570,000 minutes annually for travel service
providers in the aggregate (9,500 hours); and up to 5 minutes per entry
for carrier service providers, or up to 570,000 entries annually for
carrier service providers in the aggregate (9,500 hours).
Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 19,000.
The following paragraph applies to all of the collections of
information covered by this notice:
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection of
information displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (``OMB'')
control number. Books or records relating to a collection of
information must be retained for five years.
Request for Comments
Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized
and/or included in the request for OMB approval. All comments will
become a matter of public record. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including whether the information has
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the
burden of the collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on
respondents, including through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information technology; and (e) estimates
of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and
purchase of services to provide information.
Approved: February 23, 2005.
Robert W. Werner,
Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control.
[FR Doc. 05-4007 Filed 3-1-05; 8:45 am]