Notice of Opportunity To Comment on Model Safety Evaluation on Technical Specification Improvement To Modify Requirements Regarding the Addition of LCO 3.4.[17] on Steam Generator Tube Integrity Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process, 10298-10312 [05-3866]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
Notice of Opportunity To Comment on
Model Safety Evaluation on Technical
Specification Improvement To Modify
Requirements Regarding the Addition
of LCO 3.4.[17] on Steam Generator
Tube Integrity Using the Consolidated
Line Item Improvement Process
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Request for comment.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
the staff of the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) has prepared a
model safety evaluation (SE) relating to
the addition of a steam generator (SG)
tube integrity specification to technical
specifications (TS). The NRC staff has
also prepared a model no-significanthazards-consideration (NSHC)
determination relating to this matter.
The purpose of these models is to
permit the NRC to efficiently process
amendments that propose to add an
LCO 3.4.[17] that requires that SG tube
integrity be maintained and requires
that all SG tubes that satisfy the repair
criteria be plugged or repaired in
accordance with the Steam Generator
Program. Licensees of nuclear power
reactors to which the models apply
could then request amendments,
confirming the applicability of the SE
and NSHC determination to their
reactors. The NRC staff is requesting
comment on the model SE and model
NSHC determination prior to
announcing their availability for
referencing in license amendment
DATES: The comment period expires
April 1, 2005. Comments received after
this date will be considered if it is
practical to do so, but the Commission
is able to ensure consideration only for
comments received on or before this
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted either electronically or via
U.S. mail. Submit written comments to
Chief, Rules and Directives Branch,
Division of Administrative Services,
Office of Administration, Mail Stop: T–
6 D59, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
0001. Hand deliver comments to: 11545
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland,
between 7:45 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. on
Federal workdays. Copies of comments
received may be examined at the NRC’s
Public Document Room, 11555
Rockville Pike (Room O–1F21),
Rockville, Maryland. Comments may be
submitted by electronic mail to
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Boyce, Mail Stop: O–12H4, Division of
Inspection Program Management, Office
of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC 20555–0001, telephone
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Regulatory Issue Summary 2000–06,
‘‘Consolidated Line Item Improvement
Process for Adopting Standard
Technical Specification Changes for
Power Reactors,’’ was issued on March
20, 2000. The consolidated line item
improvement process (CLIIP) is
intended to improve the efficiency of
NRC licensing processes by processing
proposed changes to the standard
technical specifications (STS) in a
manner that supports subsequent
license amendment applications. The
CLIIP includes an opportunity for the
public to comment on a proposed
change to the STS after a preliminary
assessment by the NRC staff and a
finding that the change will likely be
offered for adoption by licensees. This
notice solicits comment on a proposed
change that requires that SG tube
integrity be maintained and requires
that all SG tubes that satisfy the repair
criteria be plugged or repaired in
accordance with the Steam Generator
Program. The CLIIP directs the NRC
staff to evaluate any comments received
for a proposed change to the STS and
to either reconsider the change or
announce the availability of the change
for adoption by licensees. Licensees
opting to apply for this TS change are
responsible for reviewing the staff’s
evaluation, referencing the applicable
technical justifications, and providing
any necessary plant-specific
information. Each amendment
application made in response to the
notice of availability will be processed
and noticed in accordance with
applicable rules and NRC procedures.
This notice involves the addition of
LCO 3.4.[17] to the TS which requires
that SG tube integrity be maintained and
requires that all SG tubes that satisfy the
repair criteria be plugged or repaired in
accordance with the Steam Generator
Program. This change was proposed for
incorporation into the standard
technical specifications by the owners
groups participants in the Technical
Specification Task Force (TSTF) and is
designated TSTF–449. TSTF–449 can be
viewed on the NRC’s Web page at http:/
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This proposal to modify technical
specification requirements by the
addition of LCO 3.4.[17], as proposed in
TSTF–449, is applicable to all licensees
who have adopted or will adopt, in
conjunction with the proposed change,
technical specification requirements for
a Bases control program consistent with
the TS Bases Control Program described
in Section 5.5 of the applicable vendor’s
To efficiently process the incoming
license amendment applications, the
staff requests that each licensee
applying for the changes proposed in
TSTF–449 include Bases for the
proposed TS consistent with the Bases
proposed in TSTF–449. In addition,
licensees that have not adopted
requirements for a Bases control
program by converting to the improved
STS or by other means are requested to
include the requirements for a Bases
control program consistent with the STS
in their application for the proposed
change. The need for a Bases control
program stems from the need for
adequate regulatory control of some key
elements of the proposal that are
contained in the proposed Bases for
LCO 3.4.[17]. The staff is requesting that
the Bases be included with the proposed
license amendments in this case
because the changes to the TS and the
changes to the associated Bases form an
integral change to a plant’s licensing
basis. To ensure that the overall change,
including the Bases, includes
appropriate regulatory controls, the staff
plans to condition the issuance of each
license amendment on the licensee’s
incorporation of the changes into the
Bases document and on requiring the
licensee to control the changes in
accordance with the Bases Control
Program. The CLIIP does not prevent
licensees from requesting an alternative
approach or proposing the changes
without the requested Bases and Bases
control program. However, deviations
from the approach recommended in this
notice may require additional review by
the NRC staff and may increase the time
and resources needed for the review.
Public Notices
This notice requests comments from
interested members of the public within
30 days of the date of publication in the
Federal Register. After evaluating the
comments received as a result of this
notice, the staff will either reconsider
the proposed change or announce the
availability of the change in a
subsequent notice (perhaps with some
changes to the safety evaluation or the
proposed no significant hazards
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
consideration determination as a result
of public comments). If the staff
announces the availability of the
change, licensees wishing to adopt the
change must submit an application in
accordance with applicable rules and
other regulatory requirements. For each
application the staff will publish a
notice of consideration of issuance of
amendment to facility operating
licenses, a proposed no significant
hazards consideration determination,
and a notice of opportunity for a
hearing. The staff will also publish a
notice of issuance of an amendment to
an operating license to announce the
addition of the steam generator tube
integrity requirements for each plant
that receives the requested change.
Proposed Safety Evaluation
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation;
Consolidated Line Item Improvement;
Technical Specification Task Force
(TSTF) Change TSTF–449 Revision 3;
Steam Generator Tube Integrity
By application dated [Date],
[Licensee] (the licensee) requested
changes to the Technical Specifications
(TS) for [facility] concerning the
maintaining of steam generator (SG)
tube integrity. This amendment request
is the culmination of NRC and industry
efforts since the mid-1990s to develop a
programmatic, largely performancebased regulatory framework for ensuring
SG tube integrity. In letters dated March
14 and September 9, 2003, October 7,
2004, and January 14, 2005, the
Technical Specification Task Force
(TSTF) proposed requirements for steam
generator tube integrity and changes to
the steam generator program in the
standard technical specifications (STS)
(NUREGs 1430—1432) on behalf of the
industry. This proposed change is
designated TSTF–449.
The scope of the TS amendment
request includes:
a. Revised Table of Contents
b. Revised TS definition of LEAKAGE
c. Revised TS 3.4.13 and TS Bases B
3.4.13, ‘‘RCS [Reactor Coolant System]
Operational LEAKAGE’’
d. New TS 3.4.[17] and new TS Bases
B 3.4.[17], ‘‘Steam Generator (SG)
Tube Integrity’’
e. Revised TS 5.5.9, ‘‘Steam Generator
(SG) Program’’
f. Revised TS 5.6.9, ‘‘Steam Generator
Tube Inspection Report’’
g. Revised TS Bases B 3.4.4, ‘‘RCS
Loops—Modes 1 and 2’’
h. Revised TS Bases B 3.4.5, ‘‘RCS
Loops—Mode 3’’
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i. Revised TS Bases B 3.4.6, ‘‘RCS
Loops—Mode 4’’
j. Revised TS Bases B 3.4.7, ‘‘RCS
Loops—Mode 5’’
The proposed new TS 3.4.[17],
‘‘Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity,’’
in conjunction with the proposed
revisions to administrative TS 5.5.9,
‘‘Steam Generator (SG) Program,’’ would
establish a new programmatic, largely
performance-based framework for
ensuring SG tube integrity. Proposed TS
Bases B 3.4.[17] documents the
licensee’s bases for this framework.
Proposed TS 3.4.[17] would establish
new limiting conditions for operation
(LCOs) related to SG tube integrity;
namely, (1) SG tube integrity shall be
maintained, and (2) all SG tubes
satisfying the tube repair criteria (i.e.,
tubes with measured flaw sizes
exceeding the tube repair criteria) shall
be plugged [or repaired] in accordance
with the SG Program. TS 3.4.[17] would
include surveillance requirements (SRs)
to verify that the above LCOs are met in
accordance with the SG Program.
Proposed administrative TS 5.5.9,
‘‘Steam Generator (SG) Program,’’ would
replace the current administrative TS
5.5.9, ‘‘Steam Generator Tube
Surveillance Program.’’ This revised TS
would require establishing and
implementing a program that ensures
that SG tube integrity is maintained.
Tube integrity is defined in the
proposed TS in terms of specified
performance criteria for structural and
leakage integrity. TS 5.5.9 would also
provide for monitoring the condition of
the tubes relative to these performance
criteria during each SG tube inspection
and for ensuring that tube integrity is
maintained between scheduled
inspections of the SG tubes. TS 5.5.9
would retain the currently specified
tube repair limit(s).
The proposed changes to TS 5.6.9,
‘‘Steam Generator (SG) Tube Inspection
Report,’’ revise the existing
requirements for, and the contents of,
the SG tube inspection report consistent
with the proposed revisions to TS 5.5.9.
The current requirement for a 12-month
report would be changed to a 180-day
The proposed amendment revises the
TS definition of LEAKAGE. Currently,
the TS definition of LEAKAGE refers to
‘‘SG LEAKAGE’’ in the definition of
Identified LEAKAGE and Pressure
Boundary Leakage. ‘‘SG LEAKAGE’’ is
not used in the TS or BASES. Therefore,
the more appropriate term ‘‘primary to
secondary LEAKAGE’’ is used in the TS
definition of LEAKAGE.
[Note to reviewers: With respect to the
following paragraph, some plants may have
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a less restrictive limit than the 150 gpd per
SG. If so, the amendment should propose
changing this to 150 gpd, and this will need
to be acknowledged in the SE.]
The proposed amendment includes
proposed revisions to TS 3.4.13 and its
bases, ‘‘RCS Operational LEAKAGE.’’
The proposed changes would delete the
current LCO limit of [576] gallons per
day (gpd) for total primary-to-secondary
leakage through all SGs, [but would
retain the current LCO limit of 150 gpd
for primary-to-secondary leakage from
any one SG]. Retaining this latter
requirement effectively ensures that
total primary-to-secondary leakage
through all the SGs is not allowed to
exceed [600] gpd. (Note, [Plant Name,
Units 1 and 2], are [four]-loop plants.)
The proposed changes would also revise
the TS 3.4.13 conditions and SRs to
better clarify the requirements related to
primary-to-secondary leakage.
Finally, the TS Bases for TS [3.4.4,]
3.4.5, 3.4.6, and 3.4.7 would be revised
to eliminate the reference to the Steam
Generator Tube Surveillance Program as
the method for ensuring SG
Regulatory Evaluation
2.1 Current Licensing Basis/SG Tube
The SG tubes in pressurized water
reactors (PWRs) have a number of
important safety functions. These tubes
are an integral part of the reactor coolant
pressure boundary (RCPB) and, as such,
are relied upon to maintain primary
system pressure and inventory. As part
of the RCPB, the SG tubes are unique in
that they are also relied upon as a heat
transfer surface between the primary
and secondary systems such that
residual heat can be removed from the
primary system and are relied upon to
isolate the radioactive fission products
in the primary coolant from the
secondary system. In addition, the SG
tubes are relied upon to maintain their
integrity to be consistent with the
containment objectives of preventing
uncontrolled fission product release
under conditions resulting from core
damage severe accidents.
Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) establishes the
fundamental regulatory requirements
with respect to the integrity of the steam
generator tubing. Specifically, the
General Design Criteria (GDC) in
Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 states
that the RCPB shall have ‘‘an extremely
low probability of abnormal leakage
* * * and gross rupture’’ (GDC 14),
‘‘shall be designed with sufficient
margin’’ (GDC 15 and 31), shall be of
‘‘the highest quality standards possible’’
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
(GDC 30), and shall be designed to
permit ‘‘periodic inspection and testing
* * * to assess * * * structural and
leak tight integrity’’ (GDC 32). To this
end, 10 CFR 50.55a specifies that
components which are part of the RCPB
must meet the requirements for Class 1
components in Section III of the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (Code). Section 50.55a
further requires, in part, that throughout
the service life of a PWR facility, ASME
Code Class 1 components meet the
requirements, except design and access
provisions and pre-service examination
requirements, in Section XI, ‘‘Rules for
Inservice Inspection [ISI] of Nuclear
Power Plant Components,’’ of the ASME
Code, to the extent practical. This
requirement includes the inspection and
repair criteria of Section XI of the ASME
In the 1970s, Section XI requirements
pertaining to ISI of SG tubing were
augmented by additional SG tube SRs in
the TSs. Paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of 10 CFR,
50.55a, states that where TS SRs for SGs
differ from those in Article IWB–2000 of
Section XI of the ASME Code, the ISI
program shall be governed by the TSs.
The existing plant TSs include LCOs
and accompanying SRs and action
statements pertaining to the integrity of
the SG tubing. SG operability in
accordance with the SG tube
surveillance program is necessary to
satisfy the LCOs governing RCS loop
operability, as stated in the
accompanying TS Bases. The LCO
governing RCS Operational LEAKAGE
includes limits on allowable primary-tosecondary LEAKAGE through the SG
tubing. Accompanying SRs require
verification that RCS operational
LEAKAGE is within limits every 72
hours by an RCS water inventory
balance and that SG tube integrity is in
accordance with the SG tube
surveillance program. The SG tube
surveillance program requirements are
contained in the administrative TSs.
These administrative TSs state that the
SGs are to be determined OPERABLE
after the actions required by the
surveillance program are completed.
Under the plant TS SG surveillance
program requirements, licensees are
required to monitor the condition of the
steam generator tubing and to perform
repairs, as necessary. Specifically,
licensees are required by the plant TSs
to perform periodic ISIs and to remove
from service, by plugging, all tubes
found to contain flaws with sizes
exceeding the acceptance limit, termed
‘‘plugging limit’’ (old terminology) or
‘‘tube repair criteria’’ (new terminology).
The frequency and scope of the
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inspection and the tube repair limits are
specified in the plant TSs.
The tube repair limits in the TSs were
developed with the intent of ensuring
that degraded tubes (1) maintain factors
of safety against gross rupture consistent
with the plant design basis (i.e.,
consistent with the stress limits of the
ASME Code, Section III) and (2)
maintain leakage integrity consistent
with the plant licensing basis while, at
the same time, allowing for potential
flaw size measurement error and flaw
growth between SG inspections.
As part of the plant licensing basis,
applicants for PWR licenses are required
to analyze the consequences of
postulated design basis accidents
(DBAs) such as an SG tube rupture
(SGTR) and main steam line break
(MSLB). These analyses consider the
primary-to-secondary leakage through
the tubing which may occur during
these events and must show that the
offsite radiological consequences do not
exceed the applicable limits of 10 CFR
100 for offsite doses, GDC–19 criteria for
control room operator doses, or some
fraction thereof as appropriate to the
accident, or the NRC approved licensing
basis (e.g., a small fraction of these
10 CFR 50.36
In 10 CFR 50.36, the Commission
established its regulatory requirements
related to the content of TSs. In doing
so, the Commission emphasized those
matters related to the preventing of
accidents and mitigating their
consequences. As recorded in the
Statements of Consideration, Technical
Specifications for Facility Licenses:
Safety Analysis Reports (33 FR 18610,
December 17, 1968), the Commission
noted that applicants are expected to
incorporate into their TSs those items
that are directly related to maintaining
the integrity of the physical barriers
designed to contain radioactivity.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36, TSs are
required to include items in five specific
categories related to station operation.
Specifically, those categories include:
(1) Safety limits, limiting safety system
settings, and limiting control settings;
(2) limiting conditions for operation
(LCO); (3) surveillance requirements
(SRs); (4) design features; and (5)
administrative controls. However, the
rule does not specify the particular
requirements to be included in a plant’s
TS. The licensee’s application contains
proposed LCOs, SRs and administrative
controls involving steam generator
integrity, an important element of the
physical barriers designed to contain
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Additionally, 10 CFR 50.36(c)(2)(ii)
sets forth four criteria to be used in
determining whether an LCO is required
to be included in the TS for a certain
item. These criteria are as follows:
1. Installed instrumentation that is
used to detect, and indicate in the
control room, a significant abnormal
degradation of the reactor coolant
pressure boundary.
2. A process variable, design feature,
or operating restriction that is an initial
condition of a design-basis accident or
transient analysis that assumes either
the failure of or presents a challenge to
the integrity of a fission product barrier.
3. A structure, system, or component
that is part of the primary success path
and which functions or actuates to
mitigate a design-basis accident or
transient that either assumes the failure
of or presents a challenge to the
integrity of a fission product barrier.
4. A structure, system or component
which operating experience or
probabilistic risk assessment has shown
to be significant to public health and
The NRC staff has reviewed the
proposed changes to ensure that these
changes conform with 10 CFR 50.36 as
discussed herein.
2.3 Background—Technical
Specification Amendment Request
The current TS requirements for
inspection and repair of SG tubing date
to the mid-1970s and define a
prescriptive approach for ensuring tube
integrity. This prescriptive approach
involves inspection of the tubing at
specified intervals, implementation of
specified tube inspection sampling
plans, and repair or removal from
service by plugging all tubes found by
inspection to contain flaws in excess of
specified flaw repair criteria. However,
as evidenced by operating experience,
the prescriptive approach defined in the
TSs is not sufficient in-and-of-itself to
ensure that tube integrity is maintained.
For example, in cases of low to
moderate levels of degradation, the TSs
require that only 3 to 21 percent of the
tubes be inspected, irrespective of
whether the inspection results indicate
that additional tubes may need to be
inspected to reasonably ensure that
tubes with flaws that may exceed the
tube repair criteria, or that may impair
tube integrity, are detected. In addition,
the TSs (and ASME Code, Section XI)
do not explicitly address the inspection
methods to be employed for different
tube degradation mechanisms or tube
locations, nor are the specific objectives
to be fulfilled by the selected methods
explicitly defined. Also, incremental
flaw growth between inspections can, in
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
many instances, exceed what is allowed
in the specified tube repair criteria. In
such cases, the specified inspection
frequencies may not ensure reinspection
of a tube before its integrity is impaired.
In short, the current TS SRs do not
require licensees to actively manage
their SG surveillance programs so as to
provide reasonable assurance that tube
integrity is maintained.
In view of the shortcomings of the
current TS requirements, licensees
experiencing significant degradation
problems have frequently found it
necessary to implement measures
beyond minimum TS requirements to
ensure that adequate tube integrity is
being maintained. Until the 1990s, these
measures tended to be ad hoc. By letter
dated December 16, 1997 (Reference 1),
the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
provided NRC with a copy of NEI 97–
06 (Original), ‘‘Steam Generator Program
Guidelines,’’ and informed the NRC of
the following formal industry position.
Each licensee will evaluate its existing
steam generator program and, where
necessary, revise and strengthen program
attributes to meet the intent of the guidance
provided in NEI 97–06, ‘‘Steam Generator
Program Guidelines,’’ no later than the first
refueling outage starting after January 1,
The stated objectives of this initiative
were to have a clear commitment from
utility executives to follow industry SG
related guidelines developed through
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
to assure a unified industry approach to
emerging SG issues and to apply tube
integrity performance criteria in
conjunction with the performance-based
philosophy of the maintenance rule, 10
CFR 50.65. Reference 2 is the most
recent update to NEI 97–06 available to
the NRC staff. NEI 97–06 provides
general, high-level guidelines for a
programmatic, performance-based
approach to ensuring SG tube integrity.
NEI 97–06 references a number of
detailed EPRI guideline documents for
programmatic details. Subsequently, the
NRC staff had extensive interaction with
the industry to resolve NRC staff
concerns with this industry initiative
and to identify needed changes to the
plant TSs to ensure that tube integrity
is maintained (Reference 3).
Ultimately, in consideration of the
performance-based objective of this
initiative, the NRC staff determined it
was not necessary for the NRC staff to
formally review or endorse the NEI 97–
06 guidelines or the EPRI guideline
documents referenced by NEI 97–06.
The subject application for changes to
the TS is programmatically consistent
with the industry’s NEI 97–06 initiative.
As discussed in this safety evaluation,
these changes will ensure that an SG
program that provides reasonable
assurance that SG tube integrity will be
maintained will be implemented.
3.1 TS 3.4.[17], ‘‘Steam Generator (SG)
Tube Integrity’’
The current TS establishes an
operability requirement for the SG
tubing; namely, the tubes shall be
determined OPERABLE after
completion of the actions defined in the
SG tube surveillance program (TS 5.5.9).
In addition, this surveillance program
(and SG operability) is directly invoked
by TS 3.4.13, which contains the LCO
relating to RCS leakage. However, these
specifications do not directly require
that tube integrity be maintained.
Instead, they require implementation of
an SG tube surveillance program, which
is assumed to ensure tube integrity, but,
as discussed above, may not depending
on the circumstances of degradation at
a plant.
To address this shortcoming, the
[Name of plant] TS amendment package
includes a proposed new specification,
TS 3.4.[17], ‘‘Steam Generator (SG) Tube
Integrity,’’ which includes a new LCO
requirement and accompanying
conditions, required actions, completion
times, and SRs. The new LCO is
applicable in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 and
requires: (1) SG tube integrity shall be
maintained, AND 2) all SG tubes
satisfying the tube repair criteria shall
be plugged [or repaired] in accordance
with the Steam Generator Program
(specified in the proposed TS 5.5.9).
This LCO supplements the LCO in TS
3.4.13 to directly make tube integrity an
operating restriction. This is consistent
with Criterion 2 of 10 CFR 50.36(c)(2)(ii)
since the assumption of tube integrity as
an initial condition is implicit in DBA
analyses (with the exception of analysis
of a design-basis SGTR where one tube
is assumed not to have structural
integrity) and is acceptable to the NRC
[Note to reviewers: Inclusion of the words
‘‘or repaired’’ is acceptable only in cases
where the plant TS already include provision
for tube repair methods. In general, such
provisions do not exist for plants with
replacement SGs.]
Proposed SR 3.4.[17].1 would require
that SG tube integrity be verified in
accordance with the Steam Generator
Program, which is described in
proposed revisions to TS 5.5.9. The
required frequency for this surveillance
would also be in accordance with the
SG Program, thus meeting the
requirements of 10 CFR 50.36(c)(3). The
revised TS 5.5.9 would define tube
integrity in terms of satisfying tube
integrity performance criteria for tube
structural integrity and leakage integrity
as specified therein. SR 3.4.[17].1 would
replace the existing surveillance
requirement (SR in the RCS
Operational LEAKAGE specification (TS
3.4.13), which provides that tube
integrity be verified in accordance with
the SG surveillance program as
provided in the current TS 5.5.9. The
proposed SR improves upon the current
SR in that it refers to a program that is
directly focused on maintaining tube
integrity rather than on implementing a
prescriptive surveillance program
which, as discussed above, may not be
sufficient to ensure tube integrity is
maintained. Proposed SR 3.4.[17].2
would require verification that each
inspected SG tube that satisfies the tube
repair criteria is plugged [or repaired] in
accordance with the SG Program. The
tube repair criteria are contained in the
SG Program. The required frequency for
SR 3.4.[17].2 is prior to entering MODE
4 following a SG tube inspection. The
NRC staff concludes that SR 3.4.[17].1
and SR 3.4.[17].2 are sufficient to
determine whether the proposed LCO is
met, meet the requirements of 10 CFR
50.36(c)(3), and are acceptable.
The licensee has proposed conditions,
required actions, and completion times
for the new LCO 3.4.[17] as shown in
Table 1. The proposed TS 3.4.[17]
allows separate condition entry for each
SG tube.
TABLE 1.—TS 3.4.[17] ACTIONS
Required action
A. One or more SG tubes satisfying the tube
repair criteria and not plugged [or repaired] in
accordance with the Steam Generator Program.
A.1 Verify tube integrity of the affected
tube(s) is maintained until the next inspection. AND.
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Completion time
7 days.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
TABLE 1.—TS 3.4.[17] ACTIONS—Continued
Required action
Should SG tube integrity be found by
the SG Program not to be maintained,
Required Actions B.1 and B.2 would
require that the plant be in MODE 3
within 6 hours and MODE 5 within 36
hours, respectively. These required
actions and completion times are
consistent with (1) the general
requirements in TS 3.0.3 for failing to
meet an LCO and (2) the requirements
of TS 3.4.13 when the LCO on primary
to secondary leakage rate is not met. The
NRC staff concludes that these required
actions and completion times provide
adequate remedial measures should SG
tube integrity be found not to be
maintained and are acceptable to the
NRC staff.
Condition A of proposed TS 3.4.[17]
addresses the condition where one or
more tubes satisfying the tube repair
criteria are inadvertently not plugged [or
repaired] in accordance with the SG
Program. Under Required Action A.1,
the licensee would be required to verify
within 7 days that tube integrity of the
affected tubes is maintained until the
next inspection. The accompanying
Bases state that the tube integrity
determination would be based on the
estimated condition of the tube at the
time the situation is discovered and the
estimated growth of the degradation
prior to the next inspection. The NRC
staff notes that details of how this
assessment would be performed are not
included in proposed TS 3.4.[17] or
5.5.9. The NRC staff finds this to be
consistent with having performancebased requirements, finds that the
performance criteria (i.e., performance
objectives) for assessing tube integrity
are clearly defined (in TS 5.5.9), and
finds that it is appropriate that the
licensee have the flexibility to
determine how best to perform this
assessment based on what information
is and is not available concerning the
circumstances of the subject flaw. The
proposed 7 days allowed to complete
the assessment ensures that the risk
increment associated with operating
with tubes in this condition will be very
small. Should the assessment reveal that
tube integrity cannot be maintained
until the next scheduled inspection or if
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A.2 Plug [or repair] the affected tube(s) in accordance with the Steam Generator Program.
B.1 Be in MODE 3. AND .................................
Prior to entering MODE 4 following the next
refueling outage or SG tube inspection.
B.2 Be in MODE 5 ...........................................
B. Required Action and associated Completion
Time of Condition A not met. OR SG tube integrity not maintained.
Completion time
36 hours.
the assessment is not completed in 7
days, Condition B applies, leading to
Required Actions B.1 and B.2, which are
evaluated above. Finally, if Required
Action A.1 successfully verifies that
tube integrity is being maintained until
the next inspection, Required Action
A.2 would require that the subject tube
be plugged [or repaired] in accordance
with the SG Program prior to entering
MODE 4 after the next refueling outage
or SG inspection. Based on the above,
the NRC staff concludes that the
proposed LCO and accompanying
ACTIONS related to failure to plug [or
repair] a tube that satisfies the tube
repair criteria to be acceptable.
The licensee has proposed
administrative changes to the TS Title
page and Bases supporting the proposed
new TS 3.4.[17]. Although the TS Bases
are controlled under the auspices of 10
CFR 50.59 and TS 5.5.14, TS Bases
Control Program, the NRC staff finds the
proposed changes to the proposed TS
3.4.[17] Bases to be acceptable.
With the deletion of these phrases, an
OPERABLE SG will be defined under
the definition of OPERABLE—
OPERABILITY defined in TS 1.1 and
stated below:
Steam Generator Operability
The TS Bases for [TS 3.4.4, RCS
Loops—MODES 1 and 2,] TS 3.4.5, RCS
Loops—MODE 3, and TS 3.4.6, RCS
Loops—MODE 4, define an OPERABLE
RCS Loop as consisting of an
OPERABLE reactor coolant pump (RCP)
in operation providing forced flow for
heat transport and an OPERABLE SG in
accordance with the Steam Generator
Tube Surveillance Program. The Bases
for TS 3.4.7, RCS Loops—MODE 5,
Loops Filled, define an OPERABLE SG
as a SG that can perform as a heat sink
via natural circulation when it has an
adequate water level and is OPERABLE
in accordance with the Steam Generator
Tube Surveillance Program. Although
the TS Bases are controlled under the
auspices of 10 CFR 50.59 and TS 5.5.14,
TS Bases Control Program, the licensee
has proposed to delete the phrases, ‘‘in
accordance with the Steam Generator
Tube Surveillance Program,’’ from TS
[B3.4.4], B3.4.5, and B3.4.6, and ‘‘and is
OPERABLE in accordance with the
Steam Generator Tube Surveillance
Program,’’ from TS B3.4.7.
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6 hours.
A system, subsystem, train, component, or
device shall be OPERABLE or have
OPERABILITY when it is capable of
performing its specified safety function(s)
and when all necessary attendant
instrumentation, controls, normal or
emergency electrical power, cooling and seal
water, lubrication, and other auxiliary
equipment that are required for the system,
subsystem, train, component, or device to
perform its specified safety function(s) are
also capable of performing their related
support function(s).
The NRC staff has evaluated the
proposed Bases changes. The current
Bases refer to the SG Tube Surveillance
Program for the requirements of an
Surveillance Program provided the
controls for the ISI of SG tubes that was
intended to ensure that the structural
integrity of this portion of the RCS is
maintained. Using the definition of
the definition of an OPERABLE SG
beyond maintaining structural integrity
and is acceptable.
3.3 Proposed Administrative TS 5.5.9,
‘‘Steam Generator Program’’
The proposed Administrative TS
5.5.9, ‘‘Steam Generator Program’’
replaces the existing administrative TS
5.5.9, ‘‘Steam Generator Tube
Surveillance Program.’’ The current TS
5.5.9 defines a prescriptive strategy for
ensuring tube integrity consisting of
tube inspections performed at specified
intervals, with a specified inspection
scope (tube inspection sample sizes),
and with a specified tube acceptance
limit for degraded tubing, termed ‘‘tube
repair criterion,’’ beyond which the
affected tubes must be plugged [or
repaired]. The proposed TS 5.5.9
incorporates a largely performancebased strategy for ensuring tube
integrity, requiring that a SG Program be
established and implemented to ensure
tube integrity is maintained. The
proposed specification contains only a
few details concerning how this is to be
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
accomplished, the intent being that the
licensee will have the flexibility to
determine the specific strategy to be
employed to satisfy the required
objective of maintaining tube integrity.
However, as evaluated below, the NRC
staff concludes that proposed TS 5.5.9
provides reasonable assurance that the
SG Program will maintain tube integrity.
The proposed BASES for TS 3.4.[17]
state that NEI 97–06 and its referenced
EPRI guideline documents will be used
to establish the content of the SG
Program. The guidelines are industrycontrolled documents and licensee SG
programs may deviate from these
guidelines. Except as may be
specifically invoked by the TSs, the
NRC staff’s evaluation herein takes no
credit for any of the specifics in the
3.3.1 Performance Criteria for SG Tube
Proposed TS 5.5.9 would require that
SG tube integrity shall be maintained by
meeting the performance criteria for
tube structural integrity, accident
induced leakage, and operational
leakage as specified therein.
The NRC staff’s criteria for evaluating
the acceptability of these performance
criteria are that meeting these criteria is
sufficient to ensure that tube integrity is
within the plant licensing basis and that
meeting these criteria, in conjunction
with implementation of the SG Program,
ensures no significant increase in risk.
These performance criteria must also be
evaluated in the context of the overall
SG Program such that if the performance
criteria are inadvertently exceeded, the
consequences will be tolerable before
the situation is identified and corrected.
In addition, the performance criteria
must be expressed in terms of
parameters that are measurable, directly
or indirectly. Structural Integrity Criterion.
The proposed structural integrity
criterion is as follows:
All inservice steam generator tubes shall
retain structural integrity over the full range
of normal operating conditions (including
startup, operation in the power range, hot
standby, cooldown, and all anticipated
transients included in the design
specification) and design basis accidents.
This includes maintaining a safety factor of
3.0 against burst under normal steady state
full power operation primary-to-secondary
pressure differential and a safety factor of 1.4
against burst applied to design basis accident
primary to secondary pressure differentials.
Apart from the above requirements,
additional loading conditions associated with
design basis accidents, or combination of
accidents in accordance with the design and
licensing basis, shall also be evaluated to
determine if the associated loads contribute
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significantly to burst or collapse. In the
assessment of tube integrity, those loads that
do significantly affect burst or collapse shall
be determined and assessed in combination
with the loads due to differential pressure
with a safety factor of 1.2 on the combined
primary loads and 1.0 on axial secondary
The NRC staff has evaluated this
proposed criterion for consistency with
the safety factors embodied in the
current licensing basis, specifically, the
safety factors embodied in the TS tube
repair criterion. The tube repair
criterion typically specified in plant TSs
is 40 percent of the initial tube wall
thickness. This criterion is typically
applicable to all tubing flaws found by
inspection, except for certain flaw types
at certain locations for which less
restrictive repair criterion may be
applicable (as specified in the TSs) and
for certain sleeve repairs for which a
more restrictive tube repair criterion
may be specified. [For [plant name
Units 1 and 2], the 40 percent tube
repair criterion is the only such
criterion and is applicable to all flaw
types at all tube locations.]
[Note to reviewers: If plant TS already
include an ARC, add a statement to the effect
that in addition to the 40% tube repair
criterion, the subject plant also has alternate
repair criteria as discussed in Section 3.3.4
of this SE.]
In 1976 the NRC staff prepared RG
1.121 (Draft), ‘‘Basis for Plugging
Degraded PWR Steam Generator Tubes,’’
(Reference 4) describing a technical
basis for the development of tube repair
criteria. This draft RG was issued for
public comment, but was never
finalized. Although not finalized, the
RG is generally cited in licensee and
industry documentation as the bases for
the TS tube repair criterion in plant TSs.
The draft RG includes the following
with respect to safety factors:
a. Degraded tubing should retain a
factor of safety against burst of not less
than three under normal operating
b. Degraded tubing should not be
stressed beyond the elastic range of the
tube material during the full range of
normal reactor operation. The draft
regulatory guide also states that loadings
associated with normal plant
conditions, including startup, operation
in the power range, hot standby, and
cooldown, as well as all anticipated
transients (e.g., loss of electrical load,
loss of off-site power) that are included
in the design specifications for the
plant, should not produce a primary
membrane stress in excess of the yield
stress of the tube material at operating
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c. Degraded tubes should maintain a
margin of safety against tube failure
under postulated accidents consistent
with the margin of safety determined by
the stress limits specified in NB–3225 of
Section III of the ASME Code. Note,
NB–3225 specifies that the rules in
Appendix F of Section III may be used
for evaluating these loadings.
The ‘‘safety factor of three’’ criterion
stems from Section III of the ASME
Code which, in part, limits primary
membrane stress under design
conditions to one third of ultimate
strength. The proposed structural
integrity criterion would limit
application of the ‘‘safety factor of
three’’ criterion to those pressure
loadings existing during normal full
power, steady state operating
conditions. Differential pressures under
this condition are plant specific, ranging
from 1250 psi to 1500 psi (Reference 5).
However, differential pressure loadings
can be considerably higher during
normal operating transients, ranging to
between 1600 psi to 2150 psi during
plant heatup and cooldown (Reference
5). Given a factor of safety equal to three
under normal full power conditions, the
factor of safety during heatups and
cooldowns can be as low as about two.
The industry stated in a white paper
(Reference 5) that it was not the intent
of the 40 percent depth-based tube
repair criterion to ensure a factor of
safety of three for operating transients
such as heatups and cooldowns. The
industry stated that maintaining a safety
factor of three for such transients would
lead to a tube repair criterion less than
the standard 40 percent criterion for
many plants. The NRC staff has
independently performed calculations
that support the industry’s contention
that applying the ‘‘safety factor of three’’
criterion to the full range of normal
operating conditions would lead to a
tube repair criterion more restrictive
than the 40 percent criterion that the
NRC staff has accepted since the 1970s.
The NRC staff concludes that the ‘‘safety
factor of three’’ criterion for application
to normal full power, steady state
pressure differentials, as proposed by
the licensee and the industry, is
consistent with the safety margins
implicit in existing TS tube repair
criteria and, thus, is consistent with the
current licensing basis.
Item b above from draft RG 1.121 is
often referred to as the ‘‘no yield’’
criterion. The purpose of this criterion
is to prevent permanent deformation of
the tube to assure that degradation of
the tube will not occur due to
mechanical effects of the service
condition. This is consistent with the
ASME Code, Section III, stress limits,
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
which serve to limit primary membrane
stress to less than yield. The proposed
structural integrity criteria do not
include this ‘‘no yield’’ criterion. The
industry states in its white paper
(Reference 5) that, if a tube satisfies the
‘‘safety factor of three’’ criterion at full
power operating pressure differentials,
the tube will generally satisfy the ‘‘no
yield’’ criterion for the operating
transient (e.g., heatup and cooldown)
pressure differentials. The white paper
acknowledges that this may not be true
for all plant-specific conditions and
material properties. For this reason, NEI
97–06, Rev. 1, and the EPRI Steam
Generator Integrity Assessment
Guidelines state that, in addition to
meeting the safety factor of three for
normal steady state operation, the
integrity evaluation shall verify that the
primary pressure stresses do not exceed
the yield strength for the full range of
normal operating conditions. The white
paper, which has been incorporated as
part of the EPRI Steam Generator
Integrity Assessment Guidelines,
recommends that this be demonstrated
for each plant using plant specific
conditions and material properties.
The NRC staff concurs that the ‘‘no
yield’’ criterion need not be specifically
spelled out in the TS definition of the
structural integrity criterion. The NRC
staff finds that the appropriate focus of
the TS criteria should be on preventing
burst. The NRC staff calculations
confirm that the proposed ‘‘safety factor
of three’’ criterion bounds or comes
close to bounding the ‘‘no yield’’
criterion for most of the cases
investigated. This is not absolute,
however. For once-through steam
generators (OTSGs), the NRC staff noted
a case where elastic hoop stress in a
uniformly thinned tube could exceed
the yield strength by 20 percent under
heatup and cooldown conditions and
still satisfy the ‘‘safety factor of three’’
criterion against burst under normal
steady state, full power operating
conditions. Such a tube would still
retain a factor of safety of two against
burst under heatup and cooldown
conditions. The amount of plastic strain
induced would be limited to between 1
and 2 percent based on typical strain
hardening characteristics of the
material. This is quite small compared
to cold working associated with
fabrication of tube u-bends and tube
expansions. Operating experience
shows that this level of plastic strain
(i.e., permanent strain caused by
exceeding the yield stress) has not
adversely affected the stress corrosion
cracking resistance of OTSG tubing
relative to that expected for non-
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plastically strained tubing. Thus, the
NRC staff concludes that the ‘‘safety
factor of three’’ criterion is sufficient to
limit plastic strains to values that will
not contribute significantly to
degradation of the tubing and that the
‘‘no yield’’ criterion need not be
specifically spelled out in the structural
integrity performance criterion.
The proposed safety factor of 1.4
against burst applied to design basis
primary-to-secondary pressure
differentials derives from the 0.7 times
ultimate strength limit for primary
membrane stress in the ASME Code,
Appendix F, F–1331.1(a). This criterion
is consistent with the stress limit
criterion used to develop the standard
40 percent tube repair criterion in the
TSs and with the safety factor criteria
used in the derivation of alternate tube
repair criteria in plant TSs, such as the
voltage based criterion for outerdiameter stress corrosion cracking.
Thus, the criterion is consistent with the
current licensing basis and is
Apart from differential pressure
loadings, other types of loads may also
contribute to burst. Examples of such
loads include bending moments on the
tubes due to flow induced vibration,
earthquake, and loss-of-coolant accident
(LOCA) rarefaction waves. For OTSGs,
axial loads are induced in the tubes due
to pressure loadings acting on the SG
shell and tube sheets and due to
differential thermal expansion between
the tubes and the SG shell. Such nonpressure loads generally produce
negligible primary stress during normal
operating conditions from the
standpoint of influencing burst
pressure. In general, such non-pressure
loads may be more significant under
certain accident loadings depending on
SG design, flaw location, and flaw
orientation. Such non-pressure sources
of primary stress under accident
conditions were explicitly considered in
the development of the 40 percent tube
repair criterion relative to ASME Code,
Appendix F, stress limits.
The proposed structural criterion
requires that, apart from the safetyfactor requirements applying to pressure
loads, additional loads associated with
DBAs, or combination of accidents in
accordance with the design and
licensing basis, shall also be evaluated
to determine whether these loads
contribute significantly to burst or
collapse. The NRC staff notes that
examples of such additional loads
include bending moments during
LOCA, MSLB, or safe shutdown
earthquake (SSE) and axial, differential
thermal loads. ‘‘Combination of
accidents’’ refers to the fact that the
PO 00000
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design and licensing basis for many
plants is that DBAs, such as LOCA and
MSLB, are assumed to occur
concurrently with SSE. Whereas ‘‘burst’’
is the failure mode of interest where
primary-to-secondary pressure loads are
dominant, ‘‘collapse’’ is a potential
limiting failure mode (although an
unlikely one, according to industry,
based on a recent study (Reference 6))
for loads other than pressure loads.
‘‘Collapse’’ refers to the condition where
the tube is not capable of resisting
further applied loading without
unlimited displacement. Although the
occurrence of a collapsed tube or tubes
would not necessarily lead to
perforation of the tube wall, the
consequences of tube collapse have not
been analyzed and, thus, the NRC staff
finds it both appropriate and
conservative to ensure there is margin
relative to such a condition.
Where non-pressure loads are
determined to significantly contribute to
burst or collapse, the proposed
structural criterion requires that such
loads be determined and assessed in
combination with the loads due to
pressure with a safety factor of 1.2 on
the combined primary loads and 1.0
safety factor on axial secondary loads.
The 1.2 safety factor for combined
primary loads was derived from the
ratio of burst or collapse load divided by
allowable load from ASME Code for
faulted conditions. Burst or collapse
load was assumed to be equal to the
material flow stress, assuming Code
minimum yield and ultimate strength
values and a flow stress coefficient of
0.5. Allowable load was determined
from ASME Code, Section III, Appendix
F, F–1331.3.a, which defines an
allowable primary membrane plus
bending load for service level d (faulted)
conditions. The NRC staff finds this 1.2
safety factor acceptable. The proposed
1.0 safety factor for axial secondary
loads goes beyond what is required by
the design basis in Section III of the
ASME Code, since Section III assumes
that a one time application of such a
load cannot lead to burst or collapse.
However, this is not necessarily the case
for tubes with circumferential cracks.
The proposed safety factor criterion of
1.0 is conservative for loads that behave
as secondary since it ignores the load
relaxation effect associated with axial
yielding before tube severance (burst)
Apart from being consistent with the
current licensing basis, NRC risk studies
have indicated that maintaining the
performance criteria safety factors is
important to avoiding undue risk,
particularly risk associated with severe
accident scenarios involving a fully
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
pressurized primary system and
depressurized secondary system and
where the tubes may heat to
temperatures well above design basis
values, significantly reducing the
strength of the tubes (Reference 7).
Based on the above, the NRC staff
finds that the proposed structural
performance criterion is consistent with
the margins of safety embodied in
existing plant licensing bases.
Exceeding this criterion is not likely to
lead to consequences that are intolerable
provided that such a condition is
infrequent and that, if it occurs, it is
promptly detected and corrected so as to
ensure that risk is limited. Even if a tube
should degrade to the point of rupture
under normal operating conditions,
such an occurrence is an analyzed
condition with reasonable assurance
that the radiological consequences will
be acceptable. Finally, the structural
performance criterion is expressed in
terms of parameters that are measurable.
Specifically, structural margins can be
directly demonstrated through in situ
pressure testing or can be calculated
from burst prediction models using as
input flaw size measurements obtained
by inspection. Thus, the NRC staff finds
the proposed structural performance
criterion to be acceptable. Accident Induced Leakage
Criterion. The proposed accident
induced leak rate criterion is as follows:
The primary-to-secondary accident
induced leakage rate for any design basis
accident, other than a SG tube rupture, shall
not exceed the leakage rate assumed in the
accident analysis in terms of total leakage
rate for all SGs and leakage rate for an
individual SG. Leakage is not to exceed [1
gpm] per SG [except for specific types of
degradation at specific locations as described
in paragraph c of the Steam Generator
This performance criterion for
accident induced leak rate is consistent
with leak rates assumed in the licensing
basis accident analyses for purposes of
demonstrating that the consequences of
DBAs meet the limits in 10 CFR 100 for
offsite doses, GDC 19 for control room
operator doses, or some fraction thereof
as appropriate to the accident, or the
NRC-approved licensing basis (e.g., a
small fraction of these limits). This
criterion does not apply to design basis
SGTR accidents for which leakage
corresponding to a postulated double
ended rupture of a tube is assumed in
the analysis. The proposed criterion
ensures that from the standpoint of
accident induced leakage the plant will
be operated within its analyzed
condition and is acceptable.
For certain severe accident sequences
involving high primary side pressure
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and a depressurized secondary system
(‘‘high-dry’’ condition), primary-tosecondary leakage may lead to more
heating of the leaking tube than would
be the case were it not leaking, thus
increasing the potential for failure of
that tube and a consequent large early
release. The proposed [1.0 gpm] limit on
total leakage from each SGs during
DBAs (other than an SGTR) ensures that
the potential for induced leakage during
severe accidents will be maintained at a
level that will not increase risk.
[Note to reviewers: Where the limit on total
leakage is higher than 1 gpm for the
component of leakage associated with
implementation of previously approved
ARCs for specific types of degradation and
locations, the following sentences should be
included in the SE.]
[However, the staff finds that this
limit may be exceeded for the
component of accident leakage
associated with [degradation
mechanism] located [degradation
locations] and calculated in accordance
with the associated, approved ARC,
provided the total leakage for all SGs
from all degradation mechanisms
doesn’t exceed that assumed in the
accident analyses. This is based on the
fact that leakage associated with
[degradation type] at [location] DBAs is
conservatively treated as free span
leakage by the ARC methodology.
Because of the constraint against leakage
provided by the [tight tube-to-tube
support plate intersections or
tubesheets, as the case may be] for the
subject degradation type and location
under high-dry severe accident
sequences, allowing the calculated
leakage during DBAs to exceed 1 gpm
up to the value assumed in the accident
analyses is not expected for practical
purposes to increase the potential for
leakage during high-dry severe accident
sequences than would the case of a
freespan crack leaking at the rate of 1
gpm under DBA conditions.]
It is not likely that exceeding this
criterion will lead to intolerable
consequences provided that such an
occurrence is infrequent and that such
an occurrence, if it occurs, is promptly
detected and corrected so as to ensure
that risk is minimized. It should be
noted that the criterion applies to
leakage that could be induced by an
accident in the unlikely event that such
an accident occurs. Finally, the accident
leakage performance criterion is
expressed in terms of parameters that
are measurable, both directly and
indirectly. Specifically, structural
margins can be directly demonstrated
through in situ pressure testing or can
be calculated using leakage prediction
PO 00000
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models using flaw size measurements
obtained by ISI as input.
Based on the foregoing, the NRC staff
finds the proposed accident leakage
performance criterion to be acceptable. Operational Leakage
Criterion. Proposed TS 5.5.9 states that
the operational leakage performance
criterion is specified in LCO 3.4.13,
‘‘RCS Operational LEAKAGE.’’ Given
the TS LCO limit, a separate
performance criterion for operational
leakage is unnecessary for ensuring
prompt shutdown should the limit be
exceeded. However, operational leakage
is an indicator of tube integrity
performance, though not a direct
indicator. It is the only indicator that
can be monitored while the plant is
operating. Maintaining leakage to within
the limit provides added assurance that
the structural and accident leakage
performance criteria are being met.
Thus, the NRC staff believes that
inclusion of the TS leakage limit among
the set of tube integrity performance
criteria is appropriate from the
standpoint of completeness and is,
therefore, acceptable.
3.3.2 Condition Monitoring
Proposed TS 5.5.9 would require that
the SG Program include provisions for
condition monitoring assessments as
Condition monitoring assessment means an
evaluation of the ‘‘as found’’ condition of the
tubing with respect to the performance
criteria for structural integrity and accident
induced leakage. The ‘‘as found’’ condition
refers to the condition of the tubing during
a SG inspection outage, as determined from
the inservice inspection results or by other
means, prior to the plugging [or repair] of
tubes. Condition monitoring assessments
shall be conducted during each outage during
which the SG tubes are inspected or plugged
[or repaired] to confirm that the performance
criteria are being met.
The NRC staff finds that the proposed
requirement for condition monitoring
assessments addresses an essential
element of any performance-based
strategy, namely, the need to monitor
performance relative to the performance
criteria. Confirmation that the tube
integrity criteria are met would confirm
that the overall programmatic goal of
maintaining tube integrity has been met
to that point in time. However, failure
to meet the tube integrity criteria would
be indicative of potential shortcomings
in the effectiveness of the licensee’s SG
Program and the need for corrective
actions relative to the program to ensure
that tube integrity is maintained in the
future. Failure to meet either the
structural or accident induced leakage
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
performance criterion would be
reportable pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72 and
50.73 in accordance with guidelines in
Reference 8. In addition, the NRC
Regional Office would follow up on
such an occurrence as appropriate
consistent with the NRC Reactor
Oversight Program (ROP) (Reference 10)
and the risk significance of the
TS 5.5.9 would require that condition
monitoring be performed at each ISI of
the tubing. The NRC staff’s evaluation of
the proposed frequency of ISI is
addressed in section 3.3.3 of this safety
Inservice Inspection
The proposed TS 5.5.9 would require
that the SG Program include periodic
tube inspections. This proposal includes
a new performance-based requirement
that the inspection scope, inspection
methods, and inspection intervals shall
be such as to ensure that SG tube
integrity is maintained until the next
inspection. This is a performance-based
requirement that complements the
requirement for condition monitoring
from the standpoint of ensuring tube
integrity is maintained. The requirement
for condition monitoring is backward
looking in that it is intended to confirm
that tube integrity has been maintained
up to the time the assessment is
performed. The ISI requirement, by
contrast, is forward looking. It is
intended to ensure that tube inspections
in conjunction with plugging [or
repairing] of tubes are performed such
as to ensure that the performance
criteria will continue to be met at the
next SG inspection. This would be
followed again by condition monitoring
at the next SG inspection to confirm that
the performance criteria were in fact
With respect to scope and methods of
inspection, the proposed specification
would also require that the number and
portions of tubes inspected and method
of inspection be performed with the
objective of detecting flaws of any type
(for example, volumetric flaws, axial
and circumferential cracks) that may be
present along the length of the tube,
from the tube-to-tubesheet weld at the
tube inlet to the tube-to-tubesheet weld
at the tube outlet, and that may satisfy
the applicable tube repair criterion.
Furthermore, an assessment of
degradation shall be performed to
determine the type and location of flaws
to which the tubes may be susceptible
and, based on this assessment, to
determine which inspection methods
need to be employed and at what
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The NRC staff finds that this proposal
concerning the scope and methods of
inspection includes a number of
improvements relative to the current
specification. The current specification
requires that tube inspections be
conducted from the point of entry on
the hot leg side completely around the
u-bend to the top support plate on the
cold leg side. Thus, the current TS does
not require inspection of tubing on the
cold leg side up to the uppermost
support plate elevation. Operating
experience demonstrates that the entire
length of tubing is subject to various
forms of degradation. The proposed
specification addresses this issue by
requiring cold leg as well as hot leg
inspections. Also, the proposed
requirement clarifies the licensee’s
obligation under existing TSs and 10
CFR 50, Appendix B, to employ
inspection methods capable of detecting
flaws of any type that the licensee
believes may potentially be present
anywhere along the length of the tube
based on a degradation assessment.
The proposed specification
specifically excludes the tubesheet
welds and the tube ends beyond the
welds from the inspection requirements
therein. The NRC staff finds this to be
consistent with current actual practice
and to be acceptable. The tube ends
beyond the tube-to-tubesheet welds are
not part of the primary pressure
The proposed specification would
replace current specific requirements
pertaining to the number of tubes to be
inspected at each inspection, in part,
with a requirement that is performancebased; that is, the number and portions
of tubes inspected (in conjunction with
other elements of inspection) shall be
such as to ensure that tube integrity is
maintained until the next inspection.
The current minimum tube sampling
requirement for an SG inspection is 3
percent of the SG tubing at the plant.
The purpose of this initial sample is to
determine whether active degradation is
present and whether there is a need to
perform additional inspection sampling.
Actual industry practice, consistent
with NEI 97–06 and the EPRI
Examination Guidelines, Rev. 6,
typically involves initial inspection
samples of at least 20 percent. If
moderate numbers of tubes (i.e.,
category C–2 as defined in the current
TS) are found to contain flaws, the
current TS require that an additional 6
to 18 percent of the tubes be inspected.
In many cases this requirement is very
non-conservative since no consideration
is given to whether uninspected tubes
may contain flaws that could challenge
the tube integrity performance criteria
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prior to the next inspection. Current
industry practice and the industry
guidelines involve substantially higher
levels of sampling under these
circumstances. This practice has been
motivated by a desire to minimize
forced outages as well as to ensure tube
integrity. The NRC staff finds, therefore,
that current TS sampling requirements
do not drive actual sampling programs
in the field for plants with low to
moderate levels of tube degradation, and
that for moderate levels of tube
degradation the current TS requirements
do not ensure adequate levels of
sampling to ensure tube integrity will be
maintained. The proposed specification
addresses this shortcoming by requiring
that inspection scope be consistent with
the overall performance objective that
tube integrity be maintained until the
next SG inspection.
For SGs with high levels of
degradation (i.e., category C–3 as
defined in current TS), the current TS
requires that the inspections be
expanded to include 100 percent of the
tubes in the affected SG. This
requirement is conservative in cases
where the active degradation is confined
to specific groups of tubes in the SG.
This requirement does drive actual
sampling programs in the field since
industry guidelines would permit 100
percent sampling to be confined to those
portions of the SG bounding the region
where the degradation has been found
to be active. The proposed specification
would give licensees the flexibility to
implement less than 100 percent
inspection of the SG in these cases
provided it is consistent with the
performance-based objective of ensuring
that tube integrity is maintained until
the next SG inspection.
Overall, the NRC staff concludes that
the proposed specification ensures that
the licensee will implement inspection
scopes consistent with the overall
objective that tube integrity be
maintained. To meet this requirement, it
will be necessary to inspect tubes that
may contain flaws that may challenge
the tube integrity performance criteria
prior to the next inspection. The
proposed specification gives the
licensee the flexibility to define an
inspection scope that ensures that this
objective is met while avoiding any
unnecessary inspections.
With respect to frequency of
inspection, the current specification
requires that SG inspections be
performed every 24 calendar months.
This frequency may be extended to once
every 40 calendar months if the
previous two inspections revealed only
low-level degradation (i.e., category C–
1 results as defined in the TS). The
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
inspection frequency is required to
revert from the 40 calendar months to
20 calendar months if an extensive level
of degradation (i.e., category C–3 results
as defined in the TS) is observed during
the most recent inspection. Except in
cases where extensive degradation (i.e.,
category C–3) is found in any SG, SGs
may be inspected on a rotating basis at
each inspection. Thus, for 4-loop plants
performing SG inspections at 24-month
intervals, intervals for individual SGs
may range to 96 months. Similarly, for
4-loop plants performing SG inspections
at 40-month intervals, intervals for
individual SGs may range to 160
months. However, these prescriptive
requirements bear no direct relationship
to the overall objective of ensuring tube
integrity is maintained. These
requirements apply irrespective of the
flaw detection and sizing performance
of the inspection methods utilized and
the rate at which flaws may be growing
in the subject SGs. These requirements
do not ensure that flawed tubing
remaining in service following an SG
tube inspection and the incremental
flaw growth that may take place prior to
the next inspection are with within the
allowances provided for by the TS tube
repair limit or that tube integrity will be
maintained prior to the next inspection.
Plants operating with their originally
installed SGs have typically inspected
each SG at each refueling outage, which
typically occur at intervals of less than
24 calendar months. The vast majority
of these SGs contained alloy 600 mill
annealed (MA) tubing, which quickly
became moderately to extensively
degraded (i.e., category C–2 or C–3 as
defined in the TS) such that the TS
would not allow longer intervals. The
24-month inspection interval
requirement usually proved sufficient in
maintaining tube integrity. Nonetheless,
there have been instances where
licensees have performed mid-cycle
inspections to ensure tube integrity
would be maintained.
the longer inspection intervals
permitted by the TS.]
Under the proposed specification (TS
5.5.9), the required frequency of
inspection in conjunction with
inspection scope and inspection
methods shall be such as to ensure that
tube integrity is maintained until the
next SG inspection. This addresses
existing shortcomings in the current
requirements in that it requires that
inspection frequency be part of a
management strategy aimed at ensuring
tube integrity. The proposed TS 3.4.[17]
BASES states that inspection frequency
will be determined, in part, by
operational assessments that utilize
additional information on existing
degradation and flaw growth rates to
determine an inspection frequency that
provides reasonable assurance that the
tubing will meet the SG performance
criteria at the next SG inspection.
The NRC staff also notes, however,
that any assessment or projection of the
future condition of the SG tubing based
on the existing condition of the tubing
and anticipated flaw growth rates can
involve significant uncertainty that may
be difficult to conservatively and
reliably bound. For this reason, the
proposed specification (TS 5.5.9)
supplements the performance-based
requirement concerning inspection
frequencies with a set of prescriptive
requirements that provide added
assurance that tube integrity will be
The proposed prescriptive
requirements include a requirement that
100 percent of the tubes in each SG be
inspected at the first refueling outage
following SG replacement. [The NRC
staff notes that this requirement is a
moot point for [Plant Name] since the
first ISI of the replacement SGs has
already been performed.] The required
scope of this inspection is substantially
more restrictive than the current
requirement, which requires a 3 percent
sample of the total SG tube population
and requires inspection of only [two] of
the [four] SGs.
[Note to reviewers: the following paragraph
may be deleted for plants with alloy 600 MA
tubing. For plants with 600 TT and 690 TT,
the following paragraph may need to be
extensively revised, as appropriate.]
[Note to reviewers: The following three
paragraphs apply to SGs with alloy 600 MA,
600 TT, and 690 TT tubing, respectively.]
[However, many SGs with alloy 600
MA tubing have been replaced with SGs
with alloy 600 TT or alloy 690 TT
tubing, which have proven to be much
more resistant to SCC than alloy 600
MA tubing. In addition, a few plants are
operating with originally installed SGs
with alloy 600TT tubing. Based on early
low levels of degradation, some of the
plants with SGs with alloy 600TT or
690TT tubing are taking advantage of
[For [Plant Name], which has alloy
600 MA tubing, the proposed
specification would require that 100
percent of the tubes be inspected at
sequential periods of 60 effective full
power months (EFPM), with the first
sequential period being considered to
begin at the time of the first ISI of the
SGs [following SG replacement].
However, no SG shall operate for more
than 24 EFPM or one refueling outage
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(whichever is less) without being
[For [Plant Name], which has alloy
600 TT tubing, the proposed
specification would require that 100
percent of the tubes be inspected at
sequential periods of 120, 90, and,
thereafter, 60 EFPM, with the first
sequential period being considered to
begin at the time of the first ISI of the
SGs [following SG replacement]. This
sliding scale is intended to address the
increased potential for the initiation of
stress corrosion cracking over time. In
addition, the licensee would be required
to inspect 50 percent of the tubes by the
refueling outage nearest the mid-point
of the period and the remaining 50
percent by the refueling outage nearest
the end of the period. However, no SG
shall operate for more than 48 EFPM or
two refueling outages (whichever is less)
without being inspected.]
[For [Plant Name], which has alloy
690 TT tubing, the proposed
specification would require that 100
percent of the tubes be inspected at
sequential periods of 144, 108, 72, and,
thereafter, 60 EFPM, with the first
sequential period being considered to
begin at the time of the first ISI of the
SGs following SG replacement. This
sliding scale is intended to address the
increased potential for the initiation of
stress corrosion cracking over time. In
addition, the licensee would be required
to inspect 50 percent of the tubes by the
refueling outage nearest the mid-point
of the period and the remaining 50
percent by the refueling outage nearest
the end of the period. However, no SG
shall operate for more than 72 EFPM or
three refueling outages (whichever is
less) without being inspected.]
Regardless of the type of tubing, if
crack indications are found in any tube,
the proposed specification requires that
the next inspection for each SG for the
degradation mechanism causing the
crack indication shall not exceed 24
EFPM or one refueling outage
(whichever is less). As a point of
clarification, the proposed requirements
stipulate that if definitive information,
such as from examination of a pulled
tube, diagnostic non-destructive testing,
or engineering evaluation, indicates that
a crack-like indication is not a crack,
then the indication need not be treated
as such.
These proposed prescriptive
requirements, in total, cannot be
described simplistically as being more
restrictive or less restrictive than current
requirements. They are a quite different
set of requirements, being generally
more restrictive for SGs with low-tomoderate levels of degradation (i.e.,
categories C–1 to C–2 as defined in
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
current TS) to somewhat less restrictive
for plants with extensive levels of
degradation other than cracks.
[Note to reviewers: The following sentences
apply only for SGs with alloy 600 TT or 690
TT tubing.]
[As previously noted, management of
SCC mechanisms relative to the
performance criteria poses a particular
challenge compared to other
degradation mechanisms. The proposed
requirement to limit inspection intervals
to one refueling outage to address any
cracking mechanism found to be present
in the SGs is a substantially more
restrictive requirement than current TS
requirements that apply for plants with
low-to-moderate levels of cracked tubes
and, for practical purposes, leads to the
same inspection frequency (every
refueling outage) as would be required
under current TS requirements for
plants with moderate to extensive levels
of cracked tubes.]
[Note to reviewers: The following sentence
applies only to plants with alloy 600 MA
[The proposed requirement to limit
inspection intervals to one refueling
outage ensures that inspection intervals
will be no less restrictive than current
The proposed prescriptive
requirements relating to inspection
frequency have been developed based
on qualitative engineering
considerations and experience[,
reflecting the improved SCC resistance
of alloy 690 TT tubing relative to alloy
600 TT and particularly relative to alloy
600 MA tubing, that the potential for
cracking increases with increasing time
in service, and the particular challenges
associated with the management of SCC
with respect to satisfying the tube
integrity performance criteria].
[Note to reviewers: The preceeding words
apply only to SGs with alloy 600 TT or 690
TT tubing.]
The proposed prescriptive
requirements are intended primarily to
supplement the performance-based
requirement that inspection frequency
in conjunction with inspection scope
and methods be such as to ensure tube
integrity is maintained. This
performance-based requirement must be
satisfied in addition to the prescriptive
requirements. The NRC staff concludes
that the proposed performance-based
requirement, in conjunction with the
proposed prescriptive requirements,
represents a significantly more effective
strategy for ensuring tube integrity than
that provided by current TS
requirements and will serve to ensure
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that tube integrity is maintained
between SG inspections.
Tube Repair Criteria
Revised TS 5.5.9 would retain the
current TS tube repair [criterion/
criteria] (termed plugging limit[s] in
current TSs) requirements. Specifically,
the proposed specification would
require that tubes found by ISI to
contain flaws with a depth equal to or
exceeding 40 percent of the nominal
tube wall thickness be plugged. This
criterion is consistent with the tube
integrity performance criteria in that
flaws not exceeding the tube repair
criterion satisfy the performance criteria
with allowances for flaw size
measurement error and incremental
crack growth between inspections.
[In addition to the 40 percent depth
based criterion, the proposed
specification would continue to permit
(as is currently permitted by the existing
TS) the following alternate tube repair
criteria (ARC) to be applied as an
alternative to 40 percent depth based
As is the case with the 40 percent
depth-based criterion, flaws not
exceeding the ARC satisfy the
applicable performance criteria with
allowance for inspection measurement
error and flaw growth between
inspections. The NRC staff has reviewed
the descriptions of the ARCs in the
revised specification and finds these
descriptions to be equivalent to the
descriptions in the existing specification
and, thus, acceptable.]
[Note to reviewers: For certain ARCs such as
the ODSCC voltage-based criteria and tube
support plate PWSCC criteria, the following
sentence applies.]
[[Specific ARC name] provides for an
exception to the tube structural integrity
and accident induced leakage criteria in
lieu of demonstrating during condition
monitoring that each tube satisfies the
1.4 criterion against burst under
accident conditions as given in
5.5.9.b.1, the licensee can establish that
structural integrity is assured by
demonstrating that the conditional
probability of burst during accidents (for
the degradation mechanisms and
locations subject to the alternate repair
criteria) is less than 1.0x10¥2. In
addition, the component of accident
induced leakage for the degradation
mechanisms and locations subject to the
ARC may exceed 1 gpm per SG.
However, total accident induced leakage
for all degradation mechanisms and
locations for any design basis accident,
other than an SGTR, shall not exceed
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the leakage rate assumed in the accident
analysis in terms of total leak rate for all
SGs and leakage rate for an individual
SG.] The TS tube repair criteria provide
added assurance that tube integrity will
be maintained, given the performancebased strategy that is also to be followed
under the proposed specification. The
inclusion of tube repair criteria as part
of the proposed specification also
ensures that the NRC staff has the
opportunity to review any risk
implications should the licensee
propose a license amendment for
alternate tube repair criteria, in
conjunction with alternate tube integrity
performance criteria, at some time in the
3.3.5 Monitoring of Operational
Primary to Secondary Leakage
Proposed TS 5.5.9 would require that
the SG Program include provisions for
monitoring primary-to-secondary
leakage. The NRC staff’s evaluation of
this proposal is included as part of the
NRC staff’s evaluation of the proposed
change to TS 3.4.13, ‘‘RCS Operational
Leakage,’’ in Section 3.5 of this safety
[Note to reviewers: The following section
is applicable only for those plants with
technical specifications authorizing the use
of one or more tube repair methods.]
3.3.6 SG Tube Repair Methods Other
Than Plugging
The proposed specification includes
maintaining provisions for SG tube
repair methods other than plugging as
provided for in the existing TS. The
proposed specification states that such
repair methods shall provide the means
to reestablish the RCS pressure
boundary integrity of the SG tubes
without removing the tube from service.
The specification lists all acceptable
repair methods, as follows:
The NRC staff has reviewed the
descriptions of these repair methods in
the revised specification, including
associated inspection and repair limit
requirements, and finds these
descriptions to be equivalent to the
descriptions in the existing specification
and, thus, to be acceptable.]
3.4 TS 5.6.9, ‘‘Steam Generator (SG)
Tube Inspection Report’’
The proposed administrative TS 5.6.9
would revise the reporting requirements
of existing TS 5.6.9. Currently, this
specification requires that the complete
results of the SG Tube Surveillance
Program (i.e., the ISI results) be reported
within 12 months following completion
of the program and include (1) the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
number and extent of the tubes
inspected, (2) the location and percent
of wall thickness penetration for each
indication, and (3) identification of
tubes plugged. Under the revised
requirement, a report shall be submitted
within 180 days of entry into MODE 4
following a SG inspection. The report
shall include:
• The scope of the inspections
performed in each SG,
• active degradation mechanisms
• non-destructive examination
techniques used for each degradation
• location, orientation (if linear), and
measured sizes (if available) of service
induced indications,
• number of tubes plugged [or
repaired] during the inspection outage
for each active degradation mechanism,
• total number and percentage of
tubes plugged [or repaired] to date,
• the results of condition monitoring,
including the results of tube pulls and
in-situ testing,
• [the effective plugging percentage
for all plugging and tube repairs in each
SG, and]
• [repair method utilized and the
number of tubes repaired by each repair
This revised reporting requirement is
a more comprehensive requirement than
the current 12-month report and will
enhance the NRC staff’s ability to
monitor the kinds of inspections being
performed, the extent and severity of
each active degradation mechanism,
degradation trends (stable or getting
worse), and the degree of challenge
faced by the licensee in maintaining
tube integrity. The 180-day reporting
requirement is adequate given that the
failure of the SG program to maintain
tube integrity as indicated by condition
monitoring would be promptly
reportable in accordance with 10 CFR
50.72 and Reference 8, allowing the
NRC staff to engage in any follow-up
activities that it determines to be
The specification currently requires
that the number of tubes plugged in
each SG be reported to the NRC within
15 days following completion of the
program. In addition, the specification
currently requires that inspection
results falling into Category C–3 shall be
reported to the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR
50.73 prior to the resumption of plant
operation and that the report include a
description of the tube degradation and
corrective measures taken to prevent
recurrence. The proposed
administrative TS 5.6.9 deletes both of
these requirements. The NRC staff finds
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deletion of these requirements to be
acceptable. Neither the number of tubes
plugged nor the finding of Category C–
3 results (i.e., 10 percent of the tubes
inspected contain degradation or 1
percent of the tubes inspected satisfy
the tube repair criterion) have any real
bearing on whether tube integrity is
being maintained. The NRC staff also
notes that the proposed TS 5.6.9 would
delete the definition of inspection
results categories in the current TSs. If
the SG program is effectively
maintaining tube integrity, tubes found
to be degraded or to be pluggable will
also satisfy the tube integrity
performance criteria. The regulation 10
CFR 50.72, in conjunction with
Reference 8, requires that the NRC staff
be promptly notified in the event that
the tube integrity performance criteria
are not met. The NRC staff would have
the opportunity under the NRC ROP to
follow up on such an occurrence as
warranted. The regulation at 10 CFR
50.73 requires that a Licensee Event
Report (LER) be issued within 60 days
of the finding which addresses, in part,
the degraded condition of the tube(s)
and corrective measures being taken.
Based on the foregoing, the NRC staff
finds the proposed revisions to the
reporting requirements to be acceptable.
3.5 Definition of LEAKAGE
Technical Specification 1.1 currently
defines LEAKAGE as (a) Identified
LEAKAGE, (b) Unidentified LEAKAGE,
and (c) Pressure Boundary LEAKAGE.
The third definition under Identified
LEAKAGE is: ‘‘Reactor Coolant System
(RCS) LEAKAGE through a steam
generator (SG) to the Secondary
System.’’ Pressure Boundary LEAKAGE
is defined as ‘‘LEAKAGE (except SG
Leakage) through a nonisolable fault in
an RCS component body, pipe wall, or
vessel wall.’’ The licensee has proposed
to replace the term ‘‘SG LEAKAGE’’
with ‘‘primary to secondary LEAKAGE’’
because ‘‘SG LEAKAGE’’ is not used in
the TS or TS Bases. Therefore, the third
definition of Identified LEAKAGE will
state: ‘‘Reactor Coolant System (RCS)
LEAKAGE through a steam generator to
the Secondary System (primary to
secondary LEAKAGE),’’ and the
definition of Pressure Boundary
LEAKAGE will state: ‘‘LEAKAGE
(except primary to secondary
LEAKAGE) through a nonisolable fault
in an RCS component body, pipe wall,
or vessel wall.’’ The proposed changes
are editorial in nature and adequately
reflect the terminology used throughout
the TS and Bases. Therefore, the NRC
staff finds the proposed revisions to the
definition of LEAKAGE to be
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3.6 TS 3.4.13, RCS Operational
The licensee proposed several
changes to the LCO, required actions,
and SRs for TS 3.4.13, RCS Operational
Leakage. These changes include
administrative changes to the LCO,
required action statements, and SR. The
proposed administrative changes
include the following:
(a) adding ‘‘and’’ to the end of LCO
(b) replacing ‘‘SG’’ in LCO 3.4.13.e
with ‘‘steam generator (SG)’;
(c) LCO 3.4.13.e is changed to LCO
3.4.13.d with the deletion of the existing
LCO 3.4.13.d discussed below.
(d) adding ‘‘operational’’ to ‘‘RCS
operational LEAKAGE’’ in Condition A;
(e) adding ‘‘or primary to secondary
LEAKAGE’’ to the end of Condition A.
Condition A will state ‘‘RCS operational
LEAKAGE not within limits for reasons
other than pressure boundary LEAKAGE
or primary to secondary LEAKAGE.’’
(f) modifying the NOTE associated
with SR ‘‘NOTE’’ will be
changed to ‘‘NOTES,’’ a ‘‘1.’’ and a
second note, Note 2, will be added
which will state ‘‘Not applicable to
primary to secondary LEAKAGE.’’
The NRC staff has reviewed these
administrative changes and finds them
acceptable. In particular, the addition of
‘‘or primary to secondary LEAKAGE’’ to
Condition A and SR Note 2 are
considered to be administrative changes
because these changes support the more
restrictive addition of primary to
secondary LEAKAGE to Condition B
and SR The need for Note 2
with respect to SR (i.e., not
applicable to primary to secondary
LEAKAGE) and for the proposed new
SR, which deals with primary
to secondary LEAKAGE, is discussed in
the proposed revision to the BASES in
B3.4.13.2. The revised BASES states that
SR is not applicable to primary
to secondary leakage because leakage
rates of 150 gpd or less cannot be
accurately measured by an RCS water
inventory balance.
[Note to reviewers: The following section,
3.6.X, is needed only for those plants which
currently have a higher than 150 gpd limit)
per SG. Such plants should be proposing to
change this limit to 150 gpd.]
[3.6.X Revision of Leakage Limit for
Individual SGs. LCO 3.4.13.e (which
will become LCO 3.4.13.d, as discussed
above) currently specifies a [500] gpd
limit for primary to secondary
LEAKAGE through any one SG. The
proposed specification would replace
this limit with a more restrictive 150
gpd limit. Although no leakage limit,
even if reduced to zero, can be totally
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
effective in preventing SG tube ruptures,
the NRC staff notes that operating
experience demonstrates that leakage
limits are an important element of an
overall approach to limiting the
occurrence of tube rupture and for
ensuring SG tube integrity. In addition,
the proposed limit is [significantly less
than the conditions assumed in the
safety analyses.] For these reasons, the
NRC staff finds the revised LCO limit to
be more restrictive than the existing
limit, to be in accordance with 10 CFR
50.36(c)(2)(ii) and, thus, acceptable.]
3.6.[1] Deletion of LCO 3.4.13.d
LCO 3.4.13.d currently requires that
total primary to secondary LEAKAGE
through all SGs be limited to 1 gpm and
LCO 3.4.13.e requires that primary to
secondary LEAKAGE through any one
SG be limited to 150 gpd. The licensee
states that the 1 gpm limit for LEAKAGE
through all SGs is redundant with the
150 gpd limit through any one SG (each
[Plant Name] unit has [4] SGs; thus, [4]
x 150 = 600 gpd total leakage through
all SGs) and, accordingly, the licensee is
proposing deletion of the 1 gpm limit.
Accordingly, the proposed specification
would delete LCO 3.4.13.d, but would
retain the 150 gpd limit for any one SG
in LCO 3.4.13.e. This revised
requirement would allow total
LEAKAGE through all SGs to be equal
to 600 gpd, assuming all SGs are leaking
at the rate of 150 gpd. Because the
existing LCO 3.4.13.d is redundant to
LCO 3.4.13.e, the NRC staff concludes
that deleting LCO 3.4.13.d results in no
change to the existing limits on total
primary to secondary leakage from all
SGs. Thus, the NRC staff finds the
proposed change to the LCO
requirement to be acceptable.
3.6.[2] TS 3.4.13 Condition B Primary
to Secondary LEAKAGE
The primary to secondary leakage
limit, together with the allowable
accident induced leakage limit, helps to
ensure that the dose contribution from
tube leakage will be limited to less than
the 10 CFR 100 and General Design
Criterion (GDC) 19 dose limits or other
NRC approved licensing basis for
postulated accidents. The licensee
proposed to add an additional OR
statement to Condition B with regards to
primary to secondary LEAKAGE. As
proposed, Condition B would state:
‘‘Required Action and associated
Completion Time of Condition A not
Pressure boundary LEAKAGE exists.
Primary to secondary LEAKAGE not
within limit.’’
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The current requirements, Condition
A, have a completion time of four hours
to reduce LEAKAGE (other than
pressure boundary LEAKAGE) to within
limits after which Condition B (plant
shutdown) must be entered. The TS
limit is more restrictive than the current
requirements in that if primary to
secondary leakage exceeds 150 gpd,
then a plant shutdown must be
commenced without an allowance to
reduce leakage, as provided in
Condition A. The revised Condition B
would require the reactor to be in
MODE 3 in 6 hours and MODE 5 in 36
hours if primary to secondary leakage is
not within limits. As discussed in
Section 3.6 above, the licensee has
excluded primary to secondary leakage
from Condition A. The NRC staff has
reviewed the proposed change to
Condition B. These changes are
additional restrictions on plant
operations that enhance safety;
therefore, the NRC staff has concluded
that the addition of the primary to
secondary leakage OR statement to
Condition B is acceptable.
3.6.[3] Surveillance Requirements—
Primary to Secondary Leakage
SR currently requires
verification that RCS operational
LEAKAGE is within limits by
performance of RCS water inventory
balance. The accompanying BASES
state that primary to secondary leakage
is also measured by performance of an
RCS water inventory balance in
conjunction with effluent monitoring
within the secondary steam and
feedwater systems. The BASES further
state that the RCS water inventory
balance must be met with the reactor at
steady state operating conditions and
near operating pressure. As previously
discussed in Section 3.6 of this SE, the
licensee has proposed adding a note to
SR stating that this particular
surveillance requirement is not
applicable to primary to secondary
leakage. The licensee would revise the
accompanying BASES justifying this
change, namely, LEAKAGE of 150 gpd
cannot be measured accurately by an
RCS water inventory balance. The
licensee has proposed a new
surveillance requirement, SR,
which would verify with a frequency of
72 hours that primary to secondary
leakage does not exceed the 150 gpd
LCO limit. The NRC staff believes this
to be acceptable and in accordance with
10 CFR 50.36(c)(3). The revised
requirement would not specify the
specific method to be employed;
however, it would require that the SG
Program include provisions for
monitoring primary to secondary
PO 00000
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leakage. There are a variety of methods
that can be used and the NRC staff
concludes there is no need to tie this
surveillance to a specific method in
order to ensure that the plant is
operated safely and within its LCO
limits. The licensee would state in the
accompanying BASES that the primary
to secondary leakage measurement uses
continuous process radiation monitors
or radio chemical grab sampling. The
NRC staff notes that the EPRI PWR
Primary-to-Secondary Leak Guidelines
provide extensive guidance to this
The accompanying BASES would also
state that primary to secondary
LEAKAGE is measured against the 150
gpd limit under room temperature
conditions as described in the EPRI
PWR Primary-to-Secondary Leak
Guidelines. The BASES state that steam
line break (SLB) is the most limiting
accident or transient from the
standpoint of dose releases from
primary to secondary LEAKAGE. The
[Plant Name] safety analysis for SLB
assumes [500] gpd and [470] gpd
primary to secondary LEAKAGE (for
room temperature conditions) in the
faulted and intact SGs respectively as an
initial condition. Thus, the assumed
total primary to secondary LEAKAGE
from all SGs is [1440] gpd (1 gpm). The
NRC staff concludes that measurement
of operational primary to secondary
LEAKAGE under room temperature
conditions relative to the 150 gpd
operational limit is acceptable since it
ensures that LEAKAGE under hot
operational conditions will be less than
assumed in the [Plant Name] safety
analysis and, thus, is in accordance with
10 CFR 50.36(c)(2)(ii).
The new SR, SR, with respect
to primary to secondary leakage replaces
the current SR, which involved
verifying SG tube integrity in
accordance with the SG Tube
Surveillance Program. As discussed
earlier in this SE, TS 5.5.9, ‘‘Steam
Generator Tube Surveillance Program,’’
would be replaced by TS 5.5.9, ‘‘Steam
Generator Program.’’ The SR to verify
tube integrity would be addressed in the
proposed new TS 3.4.[17], ‘‘Steam
Generator Tube Integrity,’’ SRs.
Based on the above, the NRC staff
concludes that the proposed revisions to
SR and SR are in
accordance with 10 CFR 50.36(c)(3) and
10 CFR 50.36(c)(2)(ii) and are
3.7 Technical Evaluation—Summary
and Conclusions
The proposed [Plant Name]
specification changes establish a
programmatic, largely performance-
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
based regulatory framework for ensuring
SG tube integrity is maintained. The
NRC staff finds that it addresses key
shortcomings of the current framework
by ensuring that SG programs are
focused on accomplishing the overall
objective of maintaining tube integrity.
It incorporates performance criteria for
evaluating tube integrity that the NRC
staff finds consistent with the structural
margins and the degree of leak tightness
assumed in the current plant licensing
basis. The NRC staff finds that
maintaining these performance criteria
provides reasonable assurance that the
SGs can be operated safely without
increase in risk.
The revised TSs would contain
limited details concerning how the SG
Program is to achieve the required
objective of maintaining tube integrity,
the intent being that the licensee will
have the flexibility to determine the
specific strategy for meeting this
objective. However, the NRC staff finds
that the revised TSs include sufficient
regulatory constraints on the
establishment and implementation of
the SG Program such as to provide
reasonable assurance that tube integrity
will be maintained.
Failure to meet the performance
criteria will be reportable pursuant to 10
CFR 50.72 and 50.73. The NRC ROP
provides a process by which the NRC
staff can verify that the licensee has
identified any SG Program deficiencies
that may have contributed to such an
occurrence and that appropriate
corrective actions have been
In conclusion, the NRC staff finds that
the [Plant Name] TS amendment request
conforms to the requirements of 10 CFR
50.36 and establishes a TS framework
that will provide reasonable assurance
that tube integrity is maintained without
undue risk to public health and safety.
4.0 References
(1) Letter, R.E. Beedle, NEI, to L.J.
Callan, NRC, December 16, 1997,
transmitting NEI 97–06 (Original),
‘‘Steam Generator Program Guidelines.’’
(2) NEI 97–06, Revision 1, ‘‘Steam
Generator Program Guidelines,’’ January
2001. ADAMS Accession No.
(3) SECY–00–0078, ‘‘Status and Plans
for Revising the Steam Generator Tube
Integrity Regulatory Framework,’’ March
30, 2000.
(4) Draft Regulatory Guide 1.121,
‘‘Bases for Plugging Degraded PWR
Steam Generator tubes,’’ August 1976.
(5) Memorandum dated September 8,
1999, to W.H. Bateman, Chief, EMCB,
NRR, NRC from J.W. Anderson, EMCB,
NRR, NRC, ‘‘Summary of August 27,
VerDate jul<14>2003
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1999, Senior Management Meeting with
NEI/EPRI/Industry to Discuss Issues
Involving Implementation of NEI 97–
06.’’ This memorandum encloses
Industry White Paper entitled,
‘‘Deterministic Structural Performance
Criterion Pressure Loading Definition.’’
(6) Memorandum dated May 19, 2004,
from J.L. Birmingham, Project Manager,
NRR, NRC to Cathy Haney, Program
Director, Policy and Rulemaking
Program, Division of Regulatory
Improvement Programs, NRR, NRC,
‘‘Summary of May 14, 2004 Meeting
with Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) on
Status of Steam Generator Structural
Integrity Performance Criteria.’’ ADAMS
Accession No. ML041540500.
(7) NUREG–1570, ‘‘Risk Assessment
of Severe Accident—Induced Steam
Generator Tube Rupture,’’ March 1998.
(8) NUREG–1022, Rev 2, ‘‘Event
Reporting Guidelines 10 CFR 50.72 and
50.73,’’ October 31, 2000.1
(9) NUREG–1649, Rev 3, ‘‘Reactor
Oversight Process,’’ July 2000.
5.0 State Consultation
In accordance with the Commission’s
regulations, the [ ] State official was
notified of the proposed issuance of the
amendment. The State official had [(1)
no comments or (2) the following
comments—with subsequent
disposition by the staff].
6.0 Environmental Consideration
The amendments change a
requirement with respect to the
installation or use of a facility
component located within the restricted
area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20 and
change surveillance requirements. The
NRC staff has determined that the
amendments involve no significant
increase in the amounts and no
significant change in the types of any
effluents that may be released offsite,
and that there is no significant increase
in individual or cumulative
occupational radiation exposure. The
Commission has previously issued a
proposed finding that the amendments
involve no significant hazards
consideration, and there has been no
public comment on such finding (FR).
Accordingly, the amendments meet the
eligibility criteria for categorical
exclusion set forth in 10 CFR
51.22(c)(9). Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b)
1 On September 24, 2004, a Federal Register
notice (69 FR 57367) was published noticing the
issuance of an errata to Revision 2 of NUREG–1022,
‘‘Event Reporting Guidelines 10 CFR 50.72 and
50.73.’’ The errata indicates that steam generator
tube degradation is considered serious if either of
the two criteria specified in Section 3.2.4(A)(3) of
NUREG–1022 (i.e., the structural and accident
leakage performance criteria), Revision 2, are not
PO 00000
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no environmental impact statement or
environmental assessment need be
prepared in connection with the
issuance of the amendments.
7.0 Conclusion
The Commission has concluded,
based on the considerations discussed
above, that (1) there is reasonable
assurance that the health and safety of
the public will not be endangered by
operation in the proposed manner, (2)
such activities will be conducted in
compliance with the Commission’s
regulations, and (3) the issuance of the
amendments will not be inimical to the
common defense and security or to the
health and safety of the public.
Model No Significant Hazards
Consideration Determination
Description of Amendment Request:
The proposed amendment revises TS
1.1, Definitions, TS 3.4.13, RCS
Operational LEAKAGE, TS 5.5.9, Steam
Generator Tube Surveillance Program,
and TS 5.6.9, Steam Generator Tube
Inspection Report, and adds a new
specification for Steam Generator Tube
Integrity. The proposed changes are
necessary in order to implement the
guidance for the industry initiative on
NEI 97–06, ‘‘Steam Generator Program
Guidelines.’’ The licensee has evaluated
whether or not a significant hazards
consideration is involved with the
proposed changes by focusing on the
three standards set forth in 10 CFR
50.92, ‘‘Issuance of Amendment,’’ as
discussed below:
Basis for proposed no significant
hazards consideration determination:
As required by 10 CFR 50.91(a), an
analysis of the issue of no significant
hazards consideration is presented
Criterion 1—The Proposed Change Does
Not Involve a Significant Increase in the
Probability or Consequences of an
Accident Previously Evaluated
The proposed change requires a SG
Program that includes performance
criteria that will provide reasonable
assurance that the SG tubing will retain
integrity over the full range of operating
conditions (including startup, operation
in the power range, hot standby,
cooldown and all anticipated transients
included in the design specification).
The SG performance criteria are based
on tube structural integrity, accident
induced leakage, and operational
A SGTR event is one of the design
basis accidents that are analyzed as part
of a plant’s licensing basis. In the
analysis of a SGTR event, a bounding
primary to secondary LEAKAGE rate
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 / Notices
equal to the operational LEAKAGE rate
limits in the licensing basis plus the
LEAKAGE rate associated with a
double-ended rupture of a single tube is
For other design basis accidents such
as MSLB, rod ejection, and reactor
coolant pump locked rotor the tubes are
assumed to retain their structural
integrity (i.e., they are assumed not to
rupture). These analyses typically
assume that primary to secondary
LEAKAGE for all SGs is 1 gallon per
minute or increases to 1 gallon per
minute as a result of accident induced
stresses. The accident induced leakage
criterion introduced by the proposed
changes accounts for tubes that may
leak during design basis accidents. The
accident induced leakage criterion
limits this leakage to no more than the
value assumed in the accident analysis.
The SG performance criteria proposed
change to the TS identify the standards
against which tube integrity is to be
measured. Meeting the performance
criteria provides reasonable assurance
that the SG tubing will remain capable
of fulfilling its specific safety function
of maintaining reactor coolant pressure
boundary integrity throughout each
operating cycle and in the unlikely
event of a design basis accident. The
performance criteria are only a part of
the SG Program required by the
proposed change to the TS. The
program, defined by NEI 97–06, Steam
Generator Program Guidelines, includes
a framework that incorporates a balance
of prevention, inspection, evaluation,
repair, and leakage monitoring. The
proposed changes do not, therefore,
significantly increase the probability of
an accident previously evaluated.
The consequences of design basis
accidents are, in part, functions of the
DOSE EQUIVALENT 1–131 in the
primary coolant and the primary to
secondary LEAKAGE rates resulting
from an accident. Therefore, limits are
included in the plant technical
specifications for operational leakage
and for DOSE EQUIVALENT 1–131 in
primary coolant to ensure the plant is
operated within its analyzed condition.
The typical analysis of the limiting
design basis accident assumes that
primary to secondary leak rate after the
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accident is 1 gallon per minute with no
more than [500 gallons per day or 720
gallons per day] in any one SG, and that
the reactor coolant activity levels of
DOSE EQUIVALENT 1–131 are at the
TS values before the accident.
The proposed change does not affect
the design of the SGs, their method of
operation, or primary coolant chemistry
controls. The proposed approach
updates the current TSs and enhances
the requirements for SG inspections.
The proposed change does not adversely
impact any other previously evaluated
design basis accident and is an
improvement over the current TSs.
Therefore, the proposed change does
not affect the consequences of a SGTR
accident and the probability of such an
accident is reduced. In addition, the
proposed changes do not affect the
consequences of an MSLB, rod ejection,
or a reactor coolant pump locked rotor
event, or other previously evaluated
Criterion 2—The Proposed Change Does
Not Create the Possibility of a New or
Different Kind of Accident From Any
Previously Evaluated
The proposed performance based
requirements are an improvement over
the requirements imposed by the
current technical specifications.
Implementation of the proposed SG
Program will not introduce any adverse
changes to the plant design basis or
postulated accidents resulting from
potential tube degradation. The result of
the implementation of the SG Program
will be an enhancement of SG tube
performance. Primary to secondary
LEAKAGE that may be experienced
during all plant conditions will be
monitored to ensure it remains within
current accident analysis assumptions.
The proposed change does not affect
the design of the SGs, their method of
operation, or primary or secondary
coolant chemistry controls. In addition,
the proposed change does not impact
any other plant system or component.
The change enhances SG inspection
Therefore, the proposed change does
not create the possibility of a new or
different type of accident from any
accident previously evaluated.
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Criterion 3—The Proposed Change Does
Not Involve a Significant Reduction in
the Margin of Safety
The SG tubes in pressurized water
reactors are an integral part of the
reactor coolant pressure boundary and,
as such, are relied upon to maintain the
primary system’s pressure and
inventory. As part of the reactor coolant
pressure boundary, the SG tubes are
unique in that they are also relied upon
as a heat transfer surface between the
primary and secondary systems such
that residual heat can be removed from
the primary system. In addition, the SG
tubes isolate the radioactive fission
products in the primary coolant from
the secondary system. In summary, the
safety function of an SG is maintained
by ensuring the integrity of its tubes.
Steam generator tube integrity is a
function of the design, environment,
and the physical condition of the tube.
The proposed change does not affect
tube design or operating environment.
The proposed change is expected to
result in an improvement in the tube
integrity by implementing the SG
Program to manage SG tube inspection,
assessment, repair, and plugging. The
requirements established by the SG
Program are consistent with those in the
applicable design codes and standards
and are an improvement over the
requirements in the current TSs.
For the above reasons, the margin of
safety is not changed and overall plant
safety will be enhanced by the proposed
change to the TS.
Based upon the reasoning presented
above and the previous discussion of
the amendment request, the requested
change does not involve a significant
hazards consideration.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 22nd
day of February 2005.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Thomas H. Boyce,
Section Chief, Technical Specifications
Section, Operating Improvements Branch,
Division of Inspection Program Management,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 05–3866 Filed 3–1–05; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 40 (Wednesday, March 2, 2005)]
[Pages 10298-10312]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-3866]
[[Page 10297]]
Part III
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Notice of Opportunity To Comment on Model Safety Evaluation on
Technical Specification Improvement To Modify Requirements Regarding
the Addition of LCO 3.4.[17] on Steam Generator Tube Integrity Using
the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process; Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 40 / Wednesday, March 2, 2005 /
[[Page 10298]]
Notice of Opportunity To Comment on Model Safety Evaluation on
Technical Specification Improvement To Modify Requirements Regarding
the Addition of LCO 3.4.[17] on Steam Generator Tube Integrity Using
the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Request for comment.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the staff of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) has prepared a model safety evaluation (SE)
relating to the addition of a steam generator (SG) tube integrity
specification to technical specifications (TS). The NRC staff has also
prepared a model no-significant-hazards-consideration (NSHC)
determination relating to this matter. The purpose of these models is
to permit the NRC to efficiently process amendments that propose to add
an LCO 3.4.[17] that requires that SG tube integrity be maintained and
requires that all SG tubes that satisfy the repair criteria be plugged
or repaired in accordance with the Steam Generator Program. Licensees
of nuclear power reactors to which the models apply could then request
amendments, confirming the applicability of the SE and NSHC
determination to their reactors. The NRC staff is requesting comment on
the model SE and model NSHC determination prior to announcing their
availability for referencing in license amendment applications.
DATES: The comment period expires April 1, 2005. Comments received
after this date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but the
Commission is able to ensure consideration only for comments received
on or before this date.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted either electronically or via U.S.
mail. Submit written comments to Chief, Rules and Directives Branch,
Division of Administrative Services, Office of Administration, Mail
Stop: T-6 D59, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
20555-0001. Hand deliver comments to: 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
Maryland, between 7:45 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. on Federal workdays. Copies
of comments received may be examined at the NRC's Public Document Room,
11555 Rockville Pike (Room O-1F21), Rockville, Maryland. Comments may
be submitted by electronic mail to
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tom Boyce, Mail Stop: O-12H4, Division
of Inspection Program Management, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001,
telephone 301-415-0184.
Regulatory Issue Summary 2000-06, ``Consolidated Line Item
Improvement Process for Adopting Standard Technical Specification
Changes for Power Reactors,'' was issued on March 20, 2000. The
consolidated line item improvement process (CLIIP) is intended to
improve the efficiency of NRC licensing processes by processing
proposed changes to the standard technical specifications (STS) in a
manner that supports subsequent license amendment applications. The
CLIIP includes an opportunity for the public to comment on a proposed
change to the STS after a preliminary assessment by the NRC staff and a
finding that the change will likely be offered for adoption by
licensees. This notice solicits comment on a proposed change that
requires that SG tube integrity be maintained and requires that all SG
tubes that satisfy the repair criteria be plugged or repaired in
accordance with the Steam Generator Program. The CLIIP directs the NRC
staff to evaluate any comments received for a proposed change to the
STS and to either reconsider the change or announce the availability of
the change for adoption by licensees. Licensees opting to apply for
this TS change are responsible for reviewing the staff's evaluation,
referencing the applicable technical justifications, and providing any
necessary plant-specific information. Each amendment application made
in response to the notice of availability will be processed and noticed
in accordance with applicable rules and NRC procedures.
This notice involves the addition of LCO 3.4.[17] to the TS which
requires that SG tube integrity be maintained and requires that all SG
tubes that satisfy the repair criteria be plugged or repaired in
accordance with the Steam Generator Program. This change was proposed
for incorporation into the standard technical specifications by the
owners groups participants in the Technical Specification Task Force
(TSTF) and is designated TSTF-449. TSTF-449 can be viewed on the NRC's
Web page at
This proposal to modify technical specification requirements by the
addition of LCO 3.4.[17], as proposed in TSTF-449, is applicable to all
licensees who have adopted or will adopt, in conjunction with the
proposed change, technical specification requirements for a Bases
control program consistent with the TS Bases Control Program described
in Section 5.5 of the applicable vendor's STS.
To efficiently process the incoming license amendment applications,
the staff requests that each licensee applying for the changes proposed
in TSTF-449 include Bases for the proposed TS consistent with the Bases
proposed in TSTF-449. In addition, licensees that have not adopted
requirements for a Bases control program by converting to the improved
STS or by other means are requested to include the requirements for a
Bases control program consistent with the STS in their application for
the proposed change. The need for a Bases control program stems from
the need for adequate regulatory control of some key elements of the
proposal that are contained in the proposed Bases for LCO 3.4.[17]. The
staff is requesting that the Bases be included with the proposed
license amendments in this case because the changes to the TS and the
changes to the associated Bases form an integral change to a plant's
licensing basis. To ensure that the overall change, including the
Bases, includes appropriate regulatory controls, the staff plans to
condition the issuance of each license amendment on the licensee's
incorporation of the changes into the Bases document and on requiring
the licensee to control the changes in accordance with the Bases
Control Program. The CLIIP does not prevent licensees from requesting
an alternative approach or proposing the changes without the requested
Bases and Bases control program. However, deviations from the approach
recommended in this notice may require additional review by the NRC
staff and may increase the time and resources needed for the review.
Public Notices
This notice requests comments from interested members of the public
within 30 days of the date of publication in the Federal Register.
After evaluating the comments received as a result of this notice, the
staff will either reconsider the proposed change or announce the
availability of the change in a subsequent notice (perhaps with some
changes to the safety evaluation or the proposed no significant hazards
[[Page 10299]]
consideration determination as a result of public comments). If the
staff announces the availability of the change, licensees wishing to
adopt the change must submit an application in accordance with
applicable rules and other regulatory requirements. For each
application the staff will publish a notice of consideration of
issuance of amendment to facility operating licenses, a proposed no
significant hazards consideration determination, and a notice of
opportunity for a hearing. The staff will also publish a notice of
issuance of an amendment to an operating license to announce the
addition of the steam generator tube integrity requirements for each
plant that receives the requested change.
Proposed Safety Evaluation
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation; Consolidated Line Item Improvement; Technical Specification
Task Force (TSTF) Change TSTF-449 Revision 3; Steam Generator Tube
1.0 Introduction
By application dated [Date], [Licensee] (the licensee) requested
changes to the Technical Specifications (TS) for [facility] concerning
the maintaining of steam generator (SG) tube integrity. This amendment
request is the culmination of NRC and industry efforts since the mid-
1990s to develop a programmatic, largely performance-based regulatory
framework for ensuring SG tube integrity. In letters dated March 14 and
September 9, 2003, October 7, 2004, and January 14, 2005, the Technical
Specification Task Force (TSTF) proposed requirements for steam
generator tube integrity and changes to the steam generator program in
the standard technical specifications (STS) (NUREGs 1430--1432) on
behalf of the industry. This proposed change is designated TSTF-449.
The scope of the TS amendment request includes:
a. Revised Table of Contents
b. Revised TS definition of LEAKAGE
c. Revised TS 3.4.13 and TS Bases B 3.4.13, ``RCS [Reactor Coolant
System] Operational LEAKAGE''
d. New TS 3.4.[17] and new TS Bases B 3.4.[17], ``Steam Generator (SG)
Tube Integrity''
e. Revised TS 5.5.9, ``Steam Generator (SG) Program''
f. Revised TS 5.6.9, ``Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report''
g. Revised TS Bases B 3.4.4, ``RCS Loops--Modes 1 and 2''
h. Revised TS Bases B 3.4.5, ``RCS Loops--Mode 3''
i. Revised TS Bases B 3.4.6, ``RCS Loops--Mode 4''
j. Revised TS Bases B 3.4.7, ``RCS Loops--Mode 5''
The proposed new TS 3.4.[17], ``Steam Generator (SG) Tube
Integrity,'' in conjunction with the proposed revisions to
administrative TS 5.5.9, ``Steam Generator (SG) Program,'' would
establish a new programmatic, largely performance-based framework for
ensuring SG tube integrity. Proposed TS Bases B 3.4.[17] documents the
licensee's bases for this framework. Proposed TS 3.4.[17] would
establish new limiting conditions for operation (LCOs) related to SG
tube integrity; namely, (1) SG tube integrity shall be maintained, and
(2) all SG tubes satisfying the tube repair criteria (i.e., tubes with
measured flaw sizes exceeding the tube repair criteria) shall be
plugged [or repaired] in accordance with the SG Program. TS 3.4.[17]
would include surveillance requirements (SRs) to verify that the above
LCOs are met in accordance with the SG Program.
Proposed administrative TS 5.5.9, ``Steam Generator (SG) Program,''
would replace the current administrative TS 5.5.9, ``Steam Generator
Tube Surveillance Program.'' This revised TS would require establishing
and implementing a program that ensures that SG tube integrity is
maintained. Tube integrity is defined in the proposed TS in terms of
specified performance criteria for structural and leakage integrity. TS
5.5.9 would also provide for monitoring the condition of the tubes
relative to these performance criteria during each SG tube inspection
and for ensuring that tube integrity is maintained between scheduled
inspections of the SG tubes. TS 5.5.9 would retain the currently
specified tube repair limit(s).
The proposed changes to TS 5.6.9, ``Steam Generator (SG) Tube
Inspection Report,'' revise the existing requirements for, and the
contents of, the SG tube inspection report consistent with the proposed
revisions to TS 5.5.9. The current requirement for a 12-month report
would be changed to a 180-day report.
The proposed amendment revises the TS definition of LEAKAGE.
Currently, the TS definition of LEAKAGE refers to ``SG LEAKAGE'' in the
definition of Identified LEAKAGE and Pressure Boundary Leakage. ``SG
LEAKAGE'' is not used in the TS or BASES. Therefore, the more
appropriate term ``primary to secondary LEAKAGE'' is used in the TS
definition of LEAKAGE.
[Note to reviewers: With respect to the following paragraph, some
plants may have a less restrictive limit than the 150 gpd per SG. If
so, the amendment should propose changing this to 150 gpd, and this
will need to be acknowledged in the SE.]
The proposed amendment includes proposed revisions to TS 3.4.13 and
its bases, ``RCS Operational LEAKAGE.'' The proposed changes would
delete the current LCO limit of [576] gallons per day (gpd) for total
primary-to-secondary leakage through all SGs, [but would retain the
current LCO limit of 150 gpd for primary-to-secondary leakage from any
one SG]. Retaining this latter requirement effectively ensures that
total primary-to-secondary leakage through all the SGs is not allowed
to exceed [600] gpd. (Note, [Plant Name, Units 1 and 2], are [four]-
loop plants.) The proposed changes would also revise the TS 3.4.13
conditions and SRs to better clarify the requirements related to
primary-to-secondary leakage.
Finally, the TS Bases for TS [3.4.4,] 3.4.5, 3.4.6, and 3.4.7 would
be revised to eliminate the reference to the Steam Generator Tube
Surveillance Program as the method for ensuring SG OPERABILITY.
2.0 Regulatory Evaluation
2.1 Current Licensing Basis/SG Tube Integrity
The SG tubes in pressurized water reactors (PWRs) have a number of
important safety functions. These tubes are an integral part of the
reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) and, as such, are relied upon
to maintain primary system pressure and inventory. As part of the RCPB,
the SG tubes are unique in that they are also relied upon as a heat
transfer surface between the primary and secondary systems such that
residual heat can be removed from the primary system and are relied
upon to isolate the radioactive fission products in the primary coolant
from the secondary system. In addition, the SG tubes are relied upon to
maintain their integrity to be consistent with the containment
objectives of preventing uncontrolled fission product release under
conditions resulting from core damage severe accidents.
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) establishes
the fundamental regulatory requirements with respect to the integrity
of the steam generator tubing. Specifically, the General Design
Criteria (GDC) in Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 states that the RCPB
shall have ``an extremely low probability of abnormal leakage * * * and
gross rupture'' (GDC 14), ``shall be designed with sufficient margin''
(GDC 15 and 31), shall be of ``the highest quality standards possible''
[[Page 10300]]
(GDC 30), and shall be designed to permit ``periodic inspection and
testing * * * to assess * * * structural and leak tight integrity''
(GDC 32). To this end, 10 CFR 50.55a specifies that components which
are part of the RCPB must meet the requirements for Class 1 components
in Section III of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Code). Section 50.55a further
requires, in part, that throughout the service life of a PWR facility,
ASME Code Class 1 components meet the requirements, except design and
access provisions and pre-service examination requirements, in Section
XI, ``Rules for Inservice Inspection [ISI] of Nuclear Power Plant
Components,'' of the ASME Code, to the extent practical. This
requirement includes the inspection and repair criteria of Section XI
of the ASME Code.
In the 1970s, Section XI requirements pertaining to ISI of SG
tubing were augmented by additional SG tube SRs in the TSs. Paragraph
(b)(2)(iii) of 10 CFR, 50.55a, states that where TS SRs for SGs differ
from those in Article IWB-2000 of Section XI of the ASME Code, the ISI
program shall be governed by the TSs.
The existing plant TSs include LCOs and accompanying SRs and action
statements pertaining to the integrity of the SG tubing. SG operability
in accordance with the SG tube surveillance program is necessary to
satisfy the LCOs governing RCS loop operability, as stated in the
accompanying TS Bases. The LCO governing RCS Operational LEAKAGE
includes limits on allowable primary-to-secondary LEAKAGE through the
SG tubing. Accompanying SRs require verification that RCS operational
LEAKAGE is within limits every 72 hours by an RCS water inventory
balance and that SG tube integrity is in accordance with the SG tube
surveillance program. The SG tube surveillance program requirements are
contained in the administrative TSs. These administrative TSs state
that the SGs are to be determined OPERABLE after the actions required
by the surveillance program are completed.
Under the plant TS SG surveillance program requirements, licensees
are required to monitor the condition of the steam generator tubing and
to perform repairs, as necessary. Specifically, licensees are required
by the plant TSs to perform periodic ISIs and to remove from service,
by plugging, all tubes found to contain flaws with sizes exceeding the
acceptance limit, termed ``plugging limit'' (old terminology) or ``tube
repair criteria'' (new terminology). The frequency and scope of the
inspection and the tube repair limits are specified in the plant TSs.
The tube repair limits in the TSs were developed with the intent of
ensuring that degraded tubes (1) maintain factors of safety against
gross rupture consistent with the plant design basis (i.e., consistent
with the stress limits of the ASME Code, Section III) and (2) maintain
leakage integrity consistent with the plant licensing basis while, at
the same time, allowing for potential flaw size measurement error and
flaw growth between SG inspections.
As part of the plant licensing basis, applicants for PWR licenses
are required to analyze the consequences of postulated design basis
accidents (DBAs) such as an SG tube rupture (SGTR) and main steam line
break (MSLB). These analyses consider the primary-to-secondary leakage
through the tubing which may occur during these events and must show
that the offsite radiological consequences do not exceed the applicable
limits of 10 CFR 100 for offsite doses, GDC-19 criteria for control
room operator doses, or some fraction thereof as appropriate to the
accident, or the NRC approved licensing basis (e.g., a small fraction
of these limits).
2.2 10 CFR 50.36
In 10 CFR 50.36, the Commission established its regulatory
requirements related to the content of TSs. In doing so, the Commission
emphasized those matters related to the preventing of accidents and
mitigating their consequences. As recorded in the Statements of
Consideration, Technical Specifications for Facility Licenses: Safety
Analysis Reports (33 FR 18610, December 17, 1968), the Commission noted
that applicants are expected to incorporate into their TSs those items
that are directly related to maintaining the integrity of the physical
barriers designed to contain radioactivity. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.36,
TSs are required to include items in five specific categories related
to station operation. Specifically, those categories include: (1)
Safety limits, limiting safety system settings, and limiting control
settings; (2) limiting conditions for operation (LCO); (3) surveillance
requirements (SRs); (4) design features; and (5) administrative
controls. However, the rule does not specify the particular
requirements to be included in a plant's TS. The licensee's application
contains proposed LCOs, SRs and administrative controls involving steam
generator integrity, an important element of the physical barriers
designed to contain radioactivity.
Additionally, 10 CFR 50.36(c)(2)(ii) sets forth four criteria to be
used in determining whether an LCO is required to be included in the TS
for a certain item. These criteria are as follows:
1. Installed instrumentation that is used to detect, and indicate
in the control room, a significant abnormal degradation of the reactor
coolant pressure boundary.
2. A process variable, design feature, or operating restriction
that is an initial condition of a design-basis accident or transient
analysis that assumes either the failure of or presents a challenge to
the integrity of a fission product barrier.
3. A structure, system, or component that is part of the primary
success path and which functions or actuates to mitigate a design-basis
accident or transient that either assumes the failure of or presents a
challenge to the integrity of a fission product barrier.
4. A structure, system or component which operating experience or
probabilistic risk assessment has shown to be significant to public
health and safety.
The NRC staff has reviewed the proposed changes to ensure that
these changes conform with 10 CFR 50.36 as discussed herein.
2.3 Background--Technical Specification Amendment Request
The current TS requirements for inspection and repair of SG tubing
date to the mid-1970s and define a prescriptive approach for ensuring
tube integrity. This prescriptive approach involves inspection of the
tubing at specified intervals, implementation of specified tube
inspection sampling plans, and repair or removal from service by
plugging all tubes found by inspection to contain flaws in excess of
specified flaw repair criteria. However, as evidenced by operating
experience, the prescriptive approach defined in the TSs is not
sufficient in-and-of-itself to ensure that tube integrity is
maintained. For example, in cases of low to moderate levels of
degradation, the TSs require that only 3 to 21 percent of the tubes be
inspected, irrespective of whether the inspection results indicate that
additional tubes may need to be inspected to reasonably ensure that
tubes with flaws that may exceed the tube repair criteria, or that may
impair tube integrity, are detected. In addition, the TSs (and ASME
Code, Section XI) do not explicitly address the inspection methods to
be employed for different tube degradation mechanisms or tube
locations, nor are the specific objectives to be fulfilled by the
selected methods explicitly defined. Also, incremental flaw growth
between inspections can, in
[[Page 10301]]
many instances, exceed what is allowed in the specified tube repair
criteria. In such cases, the specified inspection frequencies may not
ensure reinspection of a tube before its integrity is impaired. In
short, the current TS SRs do not require licensees to actively manage
their SG surveillance programs so as to provide reasonable assurance
that tube integrity is maintained.
In view of the shortcomings of the current TS requirements,
licensees experiencing significant degradation problems have frequently
found it necessary to implement measures beyond minimum TS requirements
to ensure that adequate tube integrity is being maintained. Until the
1990s, these measures tended to be ad hoc. By letter dated December 16,
1997 (Reference 1), the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) provided NRC
with a copy of NEI 97-06 (Original), ``Steam Generator Program
Guidelines,'' and informed the NRC of the following formal industry
Each licensee will evaluate its existing steam generator program
and, where necessary, revise and strengthen program attributes to
meet the intent of the guidance provided in NEI 97-06, ``Steam
Generator Program Guidelines,'' no later than the first refueling
outage starting after January 1, 1999.
The stated objectives of this initiative were to have a clear
commitment from utility executives to follow industry SG related
guidelines developed through Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
to assure a unified industry approach to emerging SG issues and to
apply tube integrity performance criteria in conjunction with the
performance-based philosophy of the maintenance rule, 10 CFR 50.65.
Reference 2 is the most recent update to NEI 97-06 available to the NRC
staff. NEI 97-06 provides general, high-level guidelines for a
programmatic, performance-based approach to ensuring SG tube integrity.
NEI 97-06 references a number of detailed EPRI guideline documents for
programmatic details. Subsequently, the NRC staff had extensive
interaction with the industry to resolve NRC staff concerns with this
industry initiative and to identify needed changes to the plant TSs to
ensure that tube integrity is maintained (Reference 3).
Ultimately, in consideration of the performance-based objective of
this initiative, the NRC staff determined it was not necessary for the
NRC staff to formally review or endorse the NEI 97-06 guidelines or the
EPRI guideline documents referenced by NEI 97-06. The subject
application for changes to the TS is programmatically consistent with
the industry's NEI 97-06 initiative. As discussed in this safety
evaluation, these changes will ensure that an SG program that provides
reasonable assurance that SG tube integrity will be maintained will be
3.0 Evaluation
3.1 TS 3.4.[17], ``Steam Generator (SG) Tube Integrity''
The current TS establishes an operability requirement for the SG
tubing; namely, the tubes shall be determined OPERABLE after completion
of the actions defined in the SG tube surveillance program (TS 5.5.9).
In addition, this surveillance program (and SG operability) is directly
invoked by TS 3.4.13, which contains the LCO relating to RCS leakage.
However, these specifications do not directly require that tube
integrity be maintained. Instead, they require implementation of an SG
tube surveillance program, which is assumed to ensure tube integrity,
but, as discussed above, may not depending on the circumstances of
degradation at a plant.
To address this shortcoming, the [Name of plant] TS amendment
package includes a proposed new specification, TS 3.4.[17], ``Steam
Generator (SG) Tube Integrity,'' which includes a new LCO requirement
and accompanying conditions, required actions, completion times, and
SRs. The new LCO is applicable in MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 and requires:
(1) SG tube integrity shall be maintained, AND 2) all SG tubes
satisfying the tube repair criteria shall be plugged [or repaired] in
accordance with the Steam Generator Program (specified in the proposed
TS 5.5.9). This LCO supplements the LCO in TS 3.4.13 to directly make
tube integrity an operating restriction. This is consistent with
Criterion 2 of 10 CFR 50.36(c)(2)(ii) since the assumption of tube
integrity as an initial condition is implicit in DBA analyses (with the
exception of analysis of a design-basis SGTR where one tube is assumed
not to have structural integrity) and is acceptable to the NRC staff.
[Note to reviewers: Inclusion of the words ``or repaired'' is
acceptable only in cases where the plant TS already include
provision for tube repair methods. In general, such provisions do
not exist for plants with replacement SGs.]
Proposed SR 3.4.[17].1 would require that SG tube integrity be
verified in accordance with the Steam Generator Program, which is
described in proposed revisions to TS 5.5.9. The required frequency for
this surveillance would also be in accordance with the SG Program, thus
meeting the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36(c)(3). The revised TS 5.5.9
would define tube integrity in terms of satisfying tube integrity
performance criteria for tube structural integrity and leakage
integrity as specified therein. SR 3.4.[17].1 would replace the
existing surveillance requirement (SR in the RCS Operational
LEAKAGE specification (TS 3.4.13), which provides that tube integrity
be verified in accordance with the SG surveillance program as provided
in the current TS 5.5.9. The proposed SR improves upon the current SR
in that it refers to a program that is directly focused on maintaining
tube integrity rather than on implementing a prescriptive surveillance
program which, as discussed above, may not be sufficient to ensure tube
integrity is maintained. Proposed SR 3.4.[17].2 would require
verification that each inspected SG tube that satisfies the tube repair
criteria is plugged [or repaired] in accordance with the SG Program.
The tube repair criteria are contained in the SG Program. The required
frequency for SR 3.4.[17].2 is prior to entering MODE 4 following a SG
tube inspection. The NRC staff concludes that SR 3.4.[17].1 and SR
3.4.[17].2 are sufficient to determine whether the proposed LCO is met,
meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36(c)(3), and are acceptable.
The licensee has proposed conditions, required actions, and
completion times for the new LCO 3.4.[17] as shown in Table 1. The
proposed TS 3.4.[17] allows separate condition entry for each SG tube.
Table 1.--TS 3.4.[17] Actions
Condition Required action Completion time
A. One or more SG tubes A.1 Verify tube 7 days.
satisfying the tube repair integrity of the
criteria and not plugged [or affected tube(s)
repaired] in accordance with is maintained
the Steam Generator Program. until the next
inspection. AND.
[[Page 10302]]
A.2 Plug [or Prior to entering
repair] the MODE 4 following
affected tube(s) the next
in accordance refueling outage
with the Steam or SG tube
Generator Program. inspection.
B. Required Action and B.1 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours.
associated Completion Time of AND.
Condition A not met. OR SG tube
integrity not maintained.
B.2 Be in MODE 5.. 36 hours.
Should SG tube integrity be found by the SG Program not to be
maintained, Required Actions B.1 and B.2 would require that the plant
be in MODE 3 within 6 hours and MODE 5 within 36 hours, respectively.
These required actions and completion times are consistent with (1) the
general requirements in TS 3.0.3 for failing to meet an LCO and (2) the
requirements of TS 3.4.13 when the LCO on primary to secondary leakage
rate is not met. The NRC staff concludes that these required actions
and completion times provide adequate remedial measures should SG tube
integrity be found not to be maintained and are acceptable to the NRC
Condition A of proposed TS 3.4.[17] addresses the condition where
one or more tubes satisfying the tube repair criteria are inadvertently
not plugged [or repaired] in accordance with the SG Program. Under
Required Action A.1, the licensee would be required to verify within 7
days that tube integrity of the affected tubes is maintained until the
next inspection. The accompanying Bases state that the tube integrity
determination would be based on the estimated condition of the tube at
the time the situation is discovered and the estimated growth of the
degradation prior to the next inspection. The NRC staff notes that
details of how this assessment would be performed are not included in
proposed TS 3.4.[17] or 5.5.9. The NRC staff finds this to be
consistent with having performance-based requirements, finds that the
performance criteria (i.e., performance objectives) for assessing tube
integrity are clearly defined (in TS 5.5.9), and finds that it is
appropriate that the licensee have the flexibility to determine how
best to perform this assessment based on what information is and is not
available concerning the circumstances of the subject flaw. The
proposed 7 days allowed to complete the assessment ensures that the
risk increment associated with operating with tubes in this condition
will be very small. Should the assessment reveal that tube integrity
cannot be maintained until the next scheduled inspection or if the
assessment is not completed in 7 days, Condition B applies, leading to
Required Actions B.1 and B.2, which are evaluated above. Finally, if
Required Action A.1 successfully verifies that tube integrity is being
maintained until the next inspection, Required Action A.2 would require
that the subject tube be plugged [or repaired] in accordance with the
SG Program prior to entering MODE 4 after the next refueling outage or
SG inspection. Based on the above, the NRC staff concludes that the
proposed LCO and accompanying ACTIONS related to failure to plug [or
repair] a tube that satisfies the tube repair criteria to be
The licensee has proposed administrative changes to the TS Title
page and Bases supporting the proposed new TS 3.4.[17]. Although the TS
Bases are controlled under the auspices of 10 CFR 50.59 and TS 5.5.14,
TS Bases Control Program, the NRC staff finds the proposed changes to
the proposed TS 3.4.[17] Bases to be acceptable.
3.2 Steam Generator Operability
The TS Bases for [TS 3.4.4, RCS Loops--MODES 1 and 2,] TS 3.4.5,
RCS Loops--MODE 3, and TS 3.4.6, RCS Loops--MODE 4, define an OPERABLE
RCS Loop as consisting of an OPERABLE reactor coolant pump (RCP) in
operation providing forced flow for heat transport and an OPERABLE SG
in accordance with the Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Program. The
Bases for TS 3.4.7, RCS Loops--MODE 5, Loops Filled, define an OPERABLE
SG as a SG that can perform as a heat sink via natural circulation when
it has an adequate water level and is OPERABLE in accordance with the
Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Program. Although the TS Bases are
controlled under the auspices of 10 CFR 50.59 and TS 5.5.14, TS Bases
Control Program, the licensee has proposed to delete the phrases, ``in
accordance with the Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Program,'' from
TS [B3.4.4], B3.4.5, and B3.4.6, and ``and is OPERABLE in accordance
with the Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Program,'' from TS B3.4.7.
With the deletion of these phrases, an OPERABLE SG will be defined
under the definition of OPERABLE--OPERABILITY defined in TS 1.1 and
stated below:
A system, subsystem, train, component, or device shall be
OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its
specified safety function(s) and when all necessary attendant
instrumentation, controls, normal or emergency electrical power,
cooling and seal water, lubrication, and other auxiliary equipment
that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or
device to perform its specified safety function(s) are also capable
of performing their related support function(s).
The NRC staff has evaluated the proposed Bases changes. The current
Bases refer to the SG Tube Surveillance Program for the requirements of
an OPERABLE SG. The SG Tube Surveillance Program provided the controls
for the ISI of SG tubes that was intended to ensure that the structural
integrity of this portion of the RCS is maintained. Using the
definition of OPERABLE--OPERABILITY expands the definition of an
OPERABLE SG beyond maintaining structural integrity and is acceptable.
3.3 Proposed Administrative TS 5.5.9, ``Steam Generator Program''
The proposed Administrative TS 5.5.9, ``Steam Generator Program''
replaces the existing administrative TS 5.5.9, ``Steam Generator Tube
Surveillance Program.'' The current TS 5.5.9 defines a prescriptive
strategy for ensuring tube integrity consisting of tube inspections
performed at specified intervals, with a specified inspection scope
(tube inspection sample sizes), and with a specified tube acceptance
limit for degraded tubing, termed ``tube repair criterion,'' beyond
which the affected tubes must be plugged [or repaired]. The proposed TS
5.5.9 incorporates a largely performance-based strategy for ensuring
tube integrity, requiring that a SG Program be established and
implemented to ensure tube integrity is maintained. The proposed
specification contains only a few details concerning how this is to be
[[Page 10303]]
accomplished, the intent being that the licensee will have the
flexibility to determine the specific strategy to be employed to
satisfy the required objective of maintaining tube integrity. However,
as evaluated below, the NRC staff concludes that proposed TS 5.5.9
provides reasonable assurance that the SG Program will maintain tube
The proposed BASES for TS 3.4.[17] state that NEI 97-06 and its
referenced EPRI guideline documents will be used to establish the
content of the SG Program. The guidelines are industry-controlled
documents and licensee SG programs may deviate from these guidelines.
Except as may be specifically invoked by the TSs, the NRC staff's
evaluation herein takes no credit for any of the specifics in the
3.3.1 Performance Criteria for SG Tube Integrity
Proposed TS 5.5.9 would require that SG tube integrity shall be
maintained by meeting the performance criteria for tube structural
integrity, accident induced leakage, and operational leakage as
specified therein.
The NRC staff's criteria for evaluating the acceptability of these
performance criteria are that meeting these criteria is sufficient to
ensure that tube integrity is within the plant licensing basis and that
meeting these criteria, in conjunction with implementation of the SG
Program, ensures no significant increase in risk. These performance
criteria must also be evaluated in the context of the overall SG
Program such that if the performance criteria are inadvertently
exceeded, the consequences will be tolerable before the situation is
identified and corrected. In addition, the performance criteria must be
expressed in terms of parameters that are measurable, directly or
indirectly. Structural Integrity Criterion. The proposed structural
integrity criterion is as follows:
All inservice steam generator tubes shall retain structural
integrity over the full range of normal operating conditions
(including startup, operation in the power range, hot standby,
cooldown, and all anticipated transients included in the design
specification) and design basis accidents. This includes maintaining
a safety factor of 3.0 against burst under normal steady state full
power operation primary-to-secondary pressure differential and a
safety factor of 1.4 against burst applied to design basis accident
primary to secondary pressure differentials. Apart from the above
requirements, additional loading conditions associated with design
basis accidents, or combination of accidents in accordance with the
design and licensing basis, shall also be evaluated to determine if
the associated loads contribute significantly to burst or collapse.
In the assessment of tube integrity, those loads that do
significantly affect burst or collapse shall be determined and
assessed in combination with the loads due to differential pressure
with a safety factor of 1.2 on the combined primary loads and 1.0 on
axial secondary loads.
The NRC staff has evaluated this proposed criterion for consistency
with the safety factors embodied in the current licensing basis,
specifically, the safety factors embodied in the TS tube repair
criterion. The tube repair criterion typically specified in plant TSs
is 40 percent of the initial tube wall thickness. This criterion is
typically applicable to all tubing flaws found by inspection, except
for certain flaw types at certain locations for which less restrictive
repair criterion may be applicable (as specified in the TSs) and for
certain sleeve repairs for which a more restrictive tube repair
criterion may be specified. [For [plant name Units 1 and 2], the 40
percent tube repair criterion is the only such criterion and is
applicable to all flaw types at all tube locations.]
[Note to reviewers: If plant TS already include an ARC, add a
statement to the effect that in addition to the 40% tube repair
criterion, the subject plant also has alternate repair criteria as
discussed in Section 3.3.4 of this SE.]
In 1976 the NRC staff prepared RG 1.121 (Draft), ``Basis for
Plugging Degraded PWR Steam Generator Tubes,'' (Reference 4) describing
a technical basis for the development of tube repair criteria. This
draft RG was issued for public comment, but was never finalized.
Although not finalized, the RG is generally cited in licensee and
industry documentation as the bases for the TS tube repair criterion in
plant TSs. The draft RG includes the following with respect to safety
a. Degraded tubing should retain a factor of safety against burst
of not less than three under normal operating conditions.
b. Degraded tubing should not be stressed beyond the elastic range
of the tube material during the full range of normal reactor operation.
The draft regulatory guide also states that loadings associated with
normal plant conditions, including startup, operation in the power
range, hot standby, and cooldown, as well as all anticipated transients
(e.g., loss of electrical load, loss of off-site power) that are
included in the design specifications for the plant, should not produce
a primary membrane stress in excess of the yield stress of the tube
material at operating temperature.
c. Degraded tubes should maintain a margin of safety against tube
failure under postulated accidents consistent with the margin of safety
determined by the stress limits specified in NB-3225 of Section III of
the ASME Code. Note, NB-3225 specifies that the rules in Appendix F of
Section III may be used for evaluating these loadings.
The ``safety factor of three'' criterion stems from Section III of
the ASME Code which, in part, limits primary membrane stress under
design conditions to one third of ultimate strength. The proposed
structural integrity criterion would limit application of the ``safety
factor of three'' criterion to those pressure loadings existing during
normal full power, steady state operating conditions. Differential
pressures under this condition are plant specific, ranging from 1250
psi to 1500 psi (Reference 5). However, differential pressure loadings
can be considerably higher during normal operating transients, ranging
to between 1600 psi to 2150 psi during plant heatup and cooldown
(Reference 5). Given a factor of safety equal to three under normal
full power conditions, the factor of safety during heatups and
cooldowns can be as low as about two. The industry stated in a white
paper (Reference 5) that it was not the intent of the 40 percent depth-
based tube repair criterion to ensure a factor of safety of three for
operating transients such as heatups and cooldowns. The industry stated
that maintaining a safety factor of three for such transients would
lead to a tube repair criterion less than the standard 40 percent
criterion for many plants. The NRC staff has independently performed
calculations that support the industry's contention that applying the
``safety factor of three'' criterion to the full range of normal
operating conditions would lead to a tube repair criterion more
restrictive than the 40 percent criterion that the NRC staff has
accepted since the 1970s. The NRC staff concludes that the ``safety
factor of three'' criterion for application to normal full power,
steady state pressure differentials, as proposed by the licensee and
the industry, is consistent with the safety margins implicit in
existing TS tube repair criteria and, thus, is consistent with the
current licensing basis.
Item b above from draft RG 1.121 is often referred to as the ``no
yield'' criterion. The purpose of this criterion is to prevent
permanent deformation of the tube to assure that degradation of the
tube will not occur due to mechanical effects of the service condition.
This is consistent with the ASME Code, Section III, stress limits,
[[Page 10304]]
which serve to limit primary membrane stress to less than yield. The
proposed structural integrity criteria do not include this ``no yield''
criterion. The industry states in its white paper (Reference 5) that,
if a tube satisfies the ``safety factor of three'' criterion at full
power operating pressure differentials, the tube will generally satisfy
the ``no yield'' criterion for the operating transient (e.g., heatup
and cooldown) pressure differentials. The white paper acknowledges that
this may not be true for all plant-specific conditions and material
properties. For this reason, NEI 97-06, Rev. 1, and the EPRI Steam
Generator Integrity Assessment Guidelines state that, in addition to
meeting the safety factor of three for normal steady state operation,
the integrity evaluation shall verify that the primary pressure
stresses do not exceed the yield strength for the full range of normal
operating conditions. The white paper, which has been incorporated as
part of the EPRI Steam Generator Integrity Assessment Guidelines,
recommends that this be demonstrated for each plant using plant
specific conditions and material properties.
The NRC staff concurs that the ``no yield'' criterion need not be
specifically spelled out in the TS definition of the structural
integrity criterion. The NRC staff finds that the appropriate focus of
the TS criteria should be on preventing burst. The NRC staff
calculations confirm that the proposed ``safety factor of three''
criterion bounds or comes close to bounding the ``no yield'' criterion
for most of the cases investigated. This is not absolute, however. For
once-through steam generators (OTSGs), the NRC staff noted a case where
elastic hoop stress in a uniformly thinned tube could exceed the yield
strength by 20 percent under heatup and cooldown conditions and still
satisfy the ``safety factor of three'' criterion against burst under
normal steady state, full power operating conditions. Such a tube would
still retain a factor of safety of two against burst under heatup and
cooldown conditions. The amount of plastic strain induced would be
limited to between 1 and 2 percent based on typical strain hardening
characteristics of the material. This is quite small compared to cold
working associated with fabrication of tube u-bends and tube
expansions. Operating experience shows that this level of plastic
strain (i.e., permanent strain caused by exceeding the yield stress)
has not adversely affected the stress corrosion cracking resistance of
OTSG tubing relative to that expected for non-plastically strained
tubing. Thus, the NRC staff concludes that the ``safety factor of
three'' criterion is sufficient to limit plastic strains to values that
will not contribute significantly to degradation of the tubing and that
the ``no yield'' criterion need not be specifically spelled out in the
structural integrity performance criterion.
The proposed safety factor of 1.4 against burst applied to design
basis primary-to-secondary pressure differentials derives from the 0.7
times ultimate strength limit for primary membrane stress in the ASME
Code, Appendix F, F-1331.1(a). This criterion is consistent with the
stress limit criterion used to develop the standard 40 percent tube
repair criterion in the TSs and with the safety factor criteria used in
the derivation of alternate tube repair criteria in plant TSs, such as
the voltage based criterion for outer-diameter stress corrosion
cracking. Thus, the criterion is consistent with the current licensing
basis and is acceptable.
Apart from differential pressure loadings, other types of loads may
also contribute to burst. Examples of such loads include bending
moments on the tubes due to flow induced vibration, earthquake, and
loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) rarefaction waves. For OTSGs, axial
loads are induced in the tubes due to pressure loadings acting on the
SG shell and tube sheets and due to differential thermal expansion
between the tubes and the SG shell. Such non-pressure loads generally
produce negligible primary stress during normal operating conditions
from the standpoint of influencing burst pressure. In general, such
non-pressure loads may be more significant under certain accident
loadings depending on SG design, flaw location, and flaw orientation.
Such non-pressure sources of primary stress under accident conditions
were explicitly considered in the development of the 40 percent tube
repair criterion relative to ASME Code, Appendix F, stress limits.
The proposed structural criterion requires that, apart from the
safety-factor requirements applying to pressure loads, additional loads
associated with DBAs, or combination of accidents in accordance with
the design and licensing basis, shall also be evaluated to determine
whether these loads contribute significantly to burst or collapse. The
NRC staff notes that examples of such additional loads include bending
moments during LOCA, MSLB, or safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) and axial,
differential thermal loads. ``Combination of accidents'' refers to the
fact that the design and licensing basis for many plants is that DBAs,
such as LOCA and MSLB, are assumed to occur concurrently with SSE.
Whereas ``burst'' is the failure mode of interest where primary-to-
secondary pressure loads are dominant, ``collapse'' is a potential
limiting failure mode (although an unlikely one, according to industry,
based on a recent study (Reference 6)) for loads other than pressure
loads. ``Collapse'' refers to the condition where the tube is not
capable of resisting further applied loading without unlimited
displacement. Although the occurrence of a collapsed tube or tubes
would not necessarily lead to perforation of the tube wall, the
consequences of tube collapse have not been analyzed and, thus, the NRC
staff finds it both appropriate and conservative to ensure there is
margin relative to such a condition.
Where non-pressure loads are determined to significantly contribute
to burst or collapse, the proposed structural criterion requires that
such loads be determined and assessed in combination with the loads due
to pressure with a safety factor of 1.2 on the combined primary loads
and 1.0 safety factor on axial secondary loads. The 1.2 safety factor
for combined primary loads was derived from the ratio of burst or
collapse load divided by allowable load from ASME Code for faulted
conditions. Burst or collapse load was assumed to be equal to the
material flow stress, assuming Code minimum yield and ultimate strength
values and a flow stress coefficient of 0.5. Allowable load was
determined from ASME Code, Section III, Appendix F, F-1331.3.a, which
defines an allowable primary membrane plus bending load for service
level d (faulted) conditions. The NRC staff finds this 1.2 safety
factor acceptable. The proposed 1.0 safety factor for axial secondary
loads goes beyond what is required by the design basis in Section III
of the ASME Code, since Section III assumes that a one time application
of such a load cannot lead to burst or collapse. However, this is not
necessarily the case for tubes with circumferential cracks. The
proposed safety factor criterion of 1.0 is conservative for loads that
behave as secondary since it ignores the load relaxation effect
associated with axial yielding before tube severance (burst) occurs.
Apart from being consistent with the current licensing basis, NRC
risk studies have indicated that maintaining the performance criteria
safety factors is important to avoiding undue risk, particularly risk
associated with severe accident scenarios involving a fully
[[Page 10305]]
pressurized primary system and depressurized secondary system and where
the tubes may heat to temperatures well above design basis values,
significantly reducing the strength of the tubes (Reference 7).
Based on the above, the NRC staff finds that the proposed
structural performance criterion is consistent with the margins of
safety embodied in existing plant licensing bases. Exceeding this
criterion is not likely to lead to consequences that are intolerable
provided that such a condition is infrequent and that, if it occurs, it
is promptly detected and corrected so as to ensure that risk is
limited. Even if a tube should degrade to the point of rupture under
normal operating conditions, such an occurrence is an analyzed
condition with reasonable assurance that the radiological consequences
will be acceptable. Finally, the structural performance criterion is
expressed in terms of parameters that are measurable. Specifically,
structural margins can be directly demonstrated through in situ
pressure testing or can be calculated from burst prediction models
using as input flaw size measurements obtained by inspection. Thus, the
NRC staff finds the proposed structural performance criterion to be
acceptable. Accident Induced Leakage Criterion. The proposed accident
induced leak rate criterion is as follows:
The primary-to-secondary accident induced leakage rate for any
design basis accident, other than a SG tube rupture, shall not
exceed the leakage rate assumed in the accident analysis in terms of
total leakage rate for all SGs and leakage rate for an individual
SG. Leakage is not to exceed [1 gpm] per SG [except for specific
types of degradation at specific locations as described in paragraph
c of the Steam Generator Program.]
This performance criterion for accident induced leak rate is
consistent with leak rates assumed in the licensing basis accident
analyses for purposes of demonstrating that the consequences of DBAs
meet the limits in 10 CFR 100 for offsite doses, GDC 19 for control
room operator doses, or some fraction thereof as appropriate to the
accident, or the NRC-approved licensing basis (e.g., a small fraction
of these limits). This criterion does not apply to design basis SGTR
accidents for which leakage corresponding to a postulated double ended
rupture of a tube is assumed in the analysis. The proposed criterion
ensures that from the standpoint of accident induced leakage the plant
will be operated within its analyzed condition and is acceptable.
For certain severe accident sequences involving high primary side
pressure and a depressurized secondary system (``high-dry'' condition),
primary-to-secondary leakage may lead to more heating of the leaking
tube than would be the case were it not leaking, thus increasing the
potential for failure of that tube and a consequent large early
release. The proposed [1.0 gpm] limit on total leakage from each SGs
during DBAs (other than an SGTR) ensures that the potential for induced
leakage during severe accidents will be maintained at a level that will
not increase risk.
[Note to reviewers: Where the limit on total leakage is higher than
1 gpm for the component of leakage associated with implementation of
previously approved ARCs for specific types of degradation and
locations, the following sentences should be included in the SE.]
[However, the staff finds that this limit may be exceeded for the
component of accident leakage associated with [degradation mechanism]
located [degradation locations] and calculated in accordance with the
associated, approved ARC, provided the total leakage for all SGs from
all degradation mechanisms doesn't exceed that assumed in the accident
analyses. This is based on the fact that leakage associated with
[degradation type] at [location] DBAs is conservatively treated as free
span leakage by the ARC methodology. Because of the constraint against
leakage provided by the [tight tube-to-tube support plate intersections
or tubesheets, as the case may be] for the subject degradation type and
location under high-dry severe accident sequences, allowing the
calculated leakage during DBAs to exceed 1 gpm up to the value assumed
in the accident analyses is not expected for practical purposes to
increase the potential for leakage during high-dry severe accident
sequences than would the case of a freespan crack leaking at the rate
of 1 gpm under DBA conditions.]
It is not likely that exceeding this criterion will lead to
intolerable consequences provided that such an occurrence is infrequent
and that such an occurrence, if it occurs, is promptly detected and
corrected so as to ensure that risk is minimized. It should be noted
that the criterion applies to leakage that could be induced by an
accident in the unlikely event that such an accident occurs. Finally,
the accident leakage performance criterion is expressed in terms of
parameters that are measurable, both directly and indirectly.
Specifically, structural margins can be directly demonstrated through
in situ pressure testing or can be calculated using leakage prediction
models using flaw size measurements obtained by ISI as input.
Based on the foregoing, the NRC staff finds the proposed accident
leakage performance criterion to be acceptable. Operational Leakage Criterion. Proposed TS 5.5.9 states
that the operational leakage performance criterion is specified in LCO
3.4.13, ``RCS Operational LEAKAGE.'' Given the TS LCO limit, a separate
performance criterion for operational leakage is unnecessary for
ensuring prompt shutdown should the limit be exceeded. However,
operational leakage is an indicator of tube integrity performance,
though not a direct indicator. It is the only indicator that can be
monitored while the plant is operating. Maintaining leakage to within
the limit provides added assurance that the structural and accident
leakage performance criteria are being met. Thus, the NRC staff
believes that inclusion of the TS leakage limit among the set of tube
integrity performance criteria is appropriate from the standpoint of
completeness and is, therefore, acceptable.
3.3.2 Condition Monitoring Assessment
Proposed TS 5.5.9 would require that the SG Program include
provisions for condition monitoring assessments as follows:
Condition monitoring assessment means an evaluation of the ``as
found'' condition of the tubing with respect to the performance
criteria for structural integrity and accident induced leakage. The
``as found'' condition refers to the condition of the tubing during
a SG inspection outage, as determined from the inservice inspection
results or by other means, prior to the plugging [or repair] of
tubes. Condition monitoring assessments shall be conducted during
each outage during which the SG tubes are inspected or plugged [or
repaired] to confirm that the performance criteria are being met.
The NRC staff finds that the proposed requirement for condition
monitoring assessments addresses an essential element of any
performance-based strategy, namely, the need to monitor performance
relative to the performance criteria. Confirmation that the tube
integrity criteria are met would confirm that the overall programmatic
goal of maintaining tube integrity has been met to that point in time.
However, failure to meet the tube integrity criteria would be
indicative of potential shortcomings in the effectiveness of the
licensee's SG Program and the need for corrective actions relative to
the program to ensure that tube integrity is maintained in the future.
Failure to meet either the structural or accident induced leakage
[[Page 10306]]
performance criterion would be reportable pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72 and
50.73 in accordance with guidelines in Reference 8. In addition, the
NRC Regional Office would follow up on such an occurrence as
appropriate consistent with the NRC Reactor Oversight Program (ROP)
(Reference 10) and the risk significance of the occurrence.
TS 5.5.9 would require that condition monitoring be performed at
each ISI of the tubing. The NRC staff's evaluation of the proposed
frequency of ISI is addressed in section 3.3.3 of this safety
3.3.3 Inservice Inspection
The proposed TS 5.5.9 would require that the SG Program include
periodic tube inspections. This proposal includes a new performance-
based requirement that the inspection scope, inspection methods, and
inspection intervals shall be such as to ensure that SG tube integrity
is maintained until the next inspection. This is a performance-based
requirement that complements the requirement for condition monitoring
from the standpoint of ensuring tube integrity is maintained. The
requirement for condition monitoring is backward looking in that it is
intended to confirm that tube integrity has been maintained up to the
time the assessment is performed. The ISI requirement, by contrast, is
forward looking. It is intended to ensure that tube inspections in
conjunction with plugging [or repairing] of tubes are performed such as
to ensure that the performance criteria will continue to be met at the
next SG inspection. This would be followed again by condition
monitoring at the next SG inspection to confirm that the performance
criteria were in fact met.
With respect to scope and methods of inspection, the proposed
specification would also require that the number and portions of tubes
inspected and method of inspection be performed with the objective of
detecting flaws of any type (for example, volumetric flaws, axial and
circumferential cracks) that may be present along the length of the
tube, from the tube-to-tubesheet weld at the tube inlet to the tube-to-
tubesheet weld at the tube outlet, and that may satisfy the applicable
tube repair criterion. Furthermore, an assessment of degradation shall
be performed to determine the type and location of flaws to which the
tubes may be susceptible and, based on this assessment, to determine
which inspection methods need to be employed and at what locations.
The NRC staff finds that this proposal concerning the scope and
methods of inspection includes a number of improvements relative to the
current specification. The current specification requires that tube
inspections be conducted from the point of entry on the hot leg side
completely around the u-bend to the top support plate on the cold leg
side. Thus, the current TS does not require inspection of tubing on the
cold leg side up to the uppermost support plate elevation. Operating
experience demonstrates that the entire length of tubing is subject to
various forms of degradation. The proposed specification addresses this
issue by requiring cold leg as well as hot leg inspections. Also, the
proposed requirement clarifies the licensee's obligation under existing
TSs and 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, to employ inspection methods capable of
detecting flaws of any type that the licensee believes may potentially
be present anywhere along the length of the tube based on a degradation
The proposed specification specifically excludes the tubesheet
welds and the tube ends beyond the welds from the inspection
requirements therein. The NRC staff finds this to be consistent with
current actual practice and to be acceptable. The tube ends beyond the
tube-to-tubesheet welds are not part of the primary pressure boundary.
The proposed specification would replace current specific
requirements pertaining to the number of tubes to be inspected at each
inspection, in part, with a requirement that is performance-based; that
is, the number and portions of tubes inspected (in conjunction with
other elements of inspection) shall be such as to ensure that tube
integrity is maintained until the next inspection. The current minimum
tube sampling requirement for an SG inspection is 3 percent of the SG
tubing at the plant. The purpose of this initial sample is to determine
whether active degradation is present and whether there is a need to
perform additional inspection sampling. Actual industry practice,
consistent with NEI 97-06 and the EPRI Examination Guidelines, Rev. 6,
typically involves initial inspection samples of at least 20 percent.
If moderate numbers of tubes (i.e., category C-2 as defined in the
current TS) are found to contain flaws, the current TS require that an
additional 6 to 18 percent of the tubes be inspected. In many cases
this requirement is very non-conservative sin