State Innovation Grant Program, Notice of Availability of Solicitation for Proposals for 2005/2006 Awards, 9069-9070 [05-3529]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 36 / Thursday, February 24, 2005 / Notices
Federal Energy Regulatory
Notice of Application Ready for
Environmental Analysis and Soliciting
Comments, Recommendations, Terms
and Conditions, and Prescriptions
February 17, 2005.
Take notice that the following
hydroelectric application has been filed
with the Commission and is available
for public inspection.
a. Type of Application: New major
b. Project No.: P–289–013.
c. Date filed: October 7, 2003.
d. Applicant: Louisville Gas and
Electric Company (LG&E).
e. Name of Project: Ohio Falls
Hydroelectric Project.
f. Location: On the Ohio River, in
Jefferson County, Kentucky. This project
is located at the U.S. Army Corp of
Engineer’s McAlpine Locks and Dam
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act 16 U.S.C. 791(a)–825(r).
h. Applicant Contact: Ms. Elizabeth L.
Cocanougher, Senior Corporate
Attorney, Louisville Gas and Electric
Company, 220 West Main Street,
Louisville, Kentucky 40202, (502) 627–
i. FERC Contact: John Costello,, (202) 502–6119.
j. Deadline for filing comments,
recommendations, terms and
conditions, and prescriptions is 60 days
from the issuance date of this notice;
reply comments are due 105 days from
the issuance date of this notice.
All documents (original and eight
copies) should be filed with: Magalie R.
Salas, Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
The Commission’s Rules of Practice
require all interveners filing documents
with the Commission to serve a copy of
that document on each person on the
official service list for the project.
Further, if an intervener files comments
or documents with the Commission
relating to the merits of an issue that
may affect the responsibilities of a
particular resource agency, they must
also serve a copy of the document on
that resource agency.
Comments, recommendations, terms
and conditions, and prescriptions may
be filed electronically via the Internet in
lieu of paper. The Commission strongly
encourages electronic filings. See 18
CFR 385.2001(a)(iii) and instructions on
the Commission’s Web site (https:// under the ‘‘eFiling’’ link.
VerDate jul<14>2003
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k. This application has been accepted,
and is ready for environmental analysis
at this time.
l. Project Description: The Ohio Falls
Hydroelectric Project consists of the
following existing facilities: (a) A
concrete powerhouse containing eight10,040 kW generating units, located at
the U.S. Army Corp of Engineer’s
McAlpine Locks and Dam Project; (b) a
concrete headworks section, 632 feet
long and 2 feet wide, built integrally
with the powerhouse; (c) an office and
electric gallery building; (d) a 69 kV
transmission line designated as line
6608 to the Canal substation; (e) an
access road, (f) one half mile of railroad
tracks; and (g) appurtenant facilities.
The project facilities are owned by
m. A copy of the application is on file
with the Commission and is available
for public inspection. This filing may
also be viewed on the Web at https:// using the ‘‘eLibrary’’
link—select ‘‘Docket #’’ and follow the
instructions. For assistance, please
contact FERC Online Support at or toll
free at (866) 208–3676 or for TTY,
contact (202) 502–8659. A copy is also
available for inspection and
reproduction at the address in item h
All filings must (1) bear in all capital
letters the title ‘‘COMMENTS,’’ ‘‘REPLY
‘‘PRESCRIPTIONS;’’ (2) set forth in the
heading the name of the applicant and
the project number of the application to
which the filing responds; (3) furnish
the name, address, and telephone
number of the person submitting the
filing; and (4) otherwise comply with
the requirements of 18 CFR 385.2001
through 385.2005. All comments,
recommendations, terms and conditions
or prescriptions must set forth their
evidentiary basis and otherwise comply
with requirements of 18 CFR 4.34(b).
Agencies may obtain copies of the
application directly from the applicant.
Each filing must be accomplished by
proof of service on all persons listed on
the service list prepared by the
Commission in this proceeding, in
accordance with 18 CFR 4.34(b), and
n. Procedural schedule: The
Commission staff proposes to issue one
Environmental Assessment (EA) rather
than issuing a draft and final EA. Staff
intends to allow 30 days for entities to
comment on the EA, and will take into
consideration all comments received on
the EA before final action is taken on
the license application. The application
PO 00000
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will be processed according to the
following schedule, but revisions to the
schedule may be made as appropriate:
Notice Availability of EA
Ready for Commission
Decision on Application.
June 2005.
September 2005.
You may also register online at
esubcription.asp to be notified via email of new filing and issuances related
to this or other pending projects. For
assistance, contact FERC Online
Linda Mitry,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E5–746 Filed 2–23–05; 8:45 am]
State Innovation Grant Program,
Notice of Availability of Solicitation for
Proposals for 2005/2006 Awards
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection
Agency, National Center for
Environmental Innovation (NCEI) is
giving notice of the availability of its
solicitation for proposals for the 2005/
2006 grant program to support
innovation by state environmental
regulatory agencies—the ‘‘State
Innovation Grant Program.’’ The full
text of the solicitation includes the
• Background information on the
State Innovation Grant Program,
including prior awards;
• A description of the 2005–2006
• The process for preparing and
submitting proposals;
• The State Innovation Grant Program
selection criteria;
• A description of the selection and
award process;
• A pre-proposal checklist to help
States prepare effective proposals;
• A list of definitions for purposes of
this solicitation.
The solicitation is available at the
Agency’s State Innovation Grant Web
stategrants/solicitation2005.pdf, or may
be requested from the Agency by e-mail,
telephone, or by mail. Only the
principal environmental regulatory
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 36 / Thursday, February 24, 2005 / Notices
agency within each State (generally,
where delegated authorities for Federal
environmental regulations exist) is
eligible to receive these grants.
DATES: State environmental regulatory
agencies will have 60 days until April
25, 2005, to respond with a preproposal, budget, and project summary.
The environmental regulatory agencies
from the fifty (50) States; Washington,
DC, and four (4) territories were notified
of the solicitation’s availability by fax
and e-mail transmittals on February 24,
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Solicitation
can be downloaded from the Agency’s
Web site at:
innovation/stategrants or may be
requested by telephone ((202) 566–
2186), or by e-mail
Proposals submitted in response to this
solicitation, or questions concerning the
solicitation should be sent to: State
Innovation Grant Program, Office of
Policy, Economics and Innovation, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency
(1807T), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20460.
Proposal responses or questions may
also be sent by fax to ((202) 566–2220),
addressed to the ‘‘State Innovation
Grant Program,’’ or by e-mail to: We
encourage e-mail responses. If you have
questions about responding to this
notice, please contact EPA at this e-mail
address or fax number, or you may call
Sherri Walker at (202) 566–2186. EPA
will acknowledge all responses it
receives to this notice.
Background: In April 2002, EPA
issued its plan for future innovation
efforts, published as Innovating for
Better Environmental Results: A
Strategy to Guide the Next Generation of
Innovation at EPA (EPA 100–R–02–002; In
Fall of 2002, EPA initiated the State
Innovation Grants Program with a
competition that asked for State project
proposals that would create innovation
in environmental permitting programs
related to one of the Strategy’s four
priority environmental issues: reducing
greenhouse gases, reducing smog,
improving water quality, and ensuring
the long-term integrity of the nations’s
water infrastructure. This assistance
agreement program strengthens EPA’s
partnership with the States by assisting
State innovation that supports the
Strategy. EPA would like to help States
build on previous experience and
undertake strategic innovation projects
that promote larger-scale models for
‘‘next generation’’ environmental
VerDate jul<14>2003
20:54 Feb 23, 2005
Jkt 205001
protection and promise better
environmental results. EPA is interested
in funding projects that go beyond a
single facility experiment to promote
change that is ‘‘systems-oriented’’ and
provides better results from a program,
process, or sector-wide innovation. EPA
is particularly interested in innovation
that promotes integrated (cross-media)
environmental management with high
potential for transfer to other States.
Following the pilot round of State
Innovation Grants in 2002, EPA
consulted with the States through the
Environmental Council of the States
(ECOS) and through a comment period
announced in the Federal Register (FRL
7510–7, June 11, 2003) (see https://
EPA received support in comments from
a large number of the responding States
for maintaining innovation in
permitting as a subject of the next
solicitation in order to build and sustain
a stable resource base for testing new
ideas that can improve this critical core
function. Within this topic there was
considerable support for EPA assistance
to help States explore the relationship
between Environmental Management
Systems (EMS) and permitting (see: and to
support adoption of the Environmental
Results Program (ERP) model (see: http:
masserp.htm). Additionally, in October
2004 EPA through a subsequent Federal
Register notice (FRL 7827–4, October
13, 2004) asked states to provide
additional input on topic areas for this
solicitation. EPA received continued
support for maintaining innovation in
permitting as a subject of the next
solicitation. During the months of
October and November 2004, EPA held
a series of six informational calls for the
states. The purpose of the conference
calls was to offer a streamlined proposal
development workshop to all States
prior to publication of our solicitation,
and to answer any questions that the
States may have prior to the
competition, in keeping with Federal
requirements that we afford assistance
fairly in a competition process. Through
this effort, our primary focus was to
encourage individual States (and/or
State-led teams) to submit welldeveloped pre-proposals that effectively
describe how their project would
achieve measurable environmental
results. Questions and answers from
these six calls are posted at the program
Web site at
Sixteen projects that received awards
in prior competitions included: seven
Environmental Results Program (ERP)
PO 00000
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models, six Environmental Management
Systems (EMS) projects, two WatershedBased Permitting projects, and one
Enhanced Permitting Through
Application of Innovative Information
Technology (IT) Systems. For more
information on the prior solicitations
and awards, please see the EPA State
Innovation Grants Web site at: https://
Dated: February 17, 2005.
Elizabeth Shaw,
Director, Office of Environmental Policy
[FR Doc. 05–3529 Filed 2–23–05; 8:45 am]
Clean Water Act; Contractor Access to
Confidential Business Information
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of intended transfer of
confidential business information to
contractors and subcontractors.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) intends to transfer
confidential business information (CBI)
collected from the pulp, paper, and
paperboard manufacturing; iron and
steel manufacturing; and other
industries listed below to Eastern
Research Group, Inc. (ERG), and its
subcontractors. Transfer of the
information will allow the contractor
and subcontractors to support EPA in
the planning, development, and review
of effluent limitations guidelines and
standards under the Clean Water Act
(CWA), and the development of
discharge standards under Title XIV:
Certain Alaskan Cruise Ship Operations
(33 U.S.C. 1902 note). The information
being transferred was or will be
collected under the authority of section
308 of the CWA. Some information
being transferred from the pulp, paper,
and paperboard industry was collected
under the additional authorities of
section 114 of the Clean Air Act (CAA)
and section 3007 of the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
Interested persons may submit
comments on this intended transfer of
information to the address noted below.
DATES: Comments on the transfer of data
are due March 3, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent to
Mr. M. Ahmar Siddiqui, Document
Control Officer, Engineering and
Analysis Division (4303T), Room 6231S
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 36 (Thursday, February 24, 2005)]
[Pages 9069-9070]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-3529]
State Innovation Grant Program, Notice of Availability of
Solicitation for Proposals for 2005/2006 Awards
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency, National Center for
Environmental Innovation (NCEI) is giving notice of the availability of
its solicitation for proposals for the 2005/2006 grant program to
support innovation by state environmental regulatory agencies--the
``State Innovation Grant Program.'' The full text of the solicitation
includes the following:
Background information on the State Innovation Grant
Program, including prior awards;
A description of the 2005-2006 program;
The process for preparing and submitting proposals;
The State Innovation Grant Program selection criteria;
A description of the selection and award process;
A pre-proposal checklist to help States prepare effective
A list of definitions for purposes of this solicitation.
The solicitation is available at the Agency's State Innovation
Grant Web site:
solicitation2005.pdf, or may be requested from the Agency by e-mail,
telephone, or by mail. Only the principal environmental regulatory
[[Page 9070]]
agency within each State (generally, where delegated authorities for
Federal environmental regulations exist) is eligible to receive these
DATES: State environmental regulatory agencies will have 60 days until
April 25, 2005, to respond with a pre-proposal, budget, and project
summary. The environmental regulatory agencies from the fifty (50)
States; Washington, DC, and four (4) territories were notified of the
solicitation's availability by fax and e-mail transmittals on February
24, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Solicitation can be downloaded from the
Agency's Web site at: or may
be requested by telephone ((202) 566-2186), or by e-mail (Innovation-- Proposals submitted in response to this
solicitation, or questions concerning the solicitation should be sent
to: State Innovation Grant Program, Office of Policy, Economics and
Innovation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1807T), 1200
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460.
Proposal responses or questions may also be sent by fax to ((202)
566-2220), addressed to the ``State Innovation Grant Program,'' or by
e-mail to: We encourage e-mail
responses. If you have questions about responding to this notice,
please contact EPA at this e-mail address or fax number, or you may
call Sherri Walker at (202) 566-2186. EPA will acknowledge all
responses it receives to this notice.
Background: In April 2002, EPA issued its plan for future
innovation efforts, published as Innovating for Better Environmental
Results: A Strategy to Guide the Next Generation of Innovation at EPA
(EPA 100-R-02-002; In Fall of 2002,
EPA initiated the State Innovation Grants Program with a competition
that asked for State project proposals that would create innovation in
environmental permitting programs related to one of the Strategy's four
priority environmental issues: reducing greenhouse gases, reducing
smog, improving water quality, and ensuring the long-term integrity of
the nations's water infrastructure. This assistance agreement program
strengthens EPA's partnership with the States by assisting State
innovation that supports the Strategy. EPA would like to help States
build on previous experience and undertake strategic innovation
projects that promote larger-scale models for ``next generation''
environmental protection and promise better environmental results. EPA
is interested in funding projects that go beyond a single facility
experiment to promote change that is ``systems-oriented'' and provides
better results from a program, process, or sector-wide innovation. EPA
is particularly interested in innovation that promotes integrated
(cross-media) environmental management with high potential for transfer
to other States. Following the pilot round of State Innovation Grants
in 2002, EPA consulted with the States through the Environmental
Council of the States (ECOS) and through a comment period announced in
the Federal Register (FRL 7510-7, June 11, 2003) (see https:// EPA received support in comments
from a large number of the responding States for maintaining innovation
in permitting as a subject of the next solicitation in order to build
and sustain a stable resource base for testing new ideas that can
improve this critical core function. Within this topic there was
considerable support for EPA assistance to help States explore the
relationship between Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and
permitting (see: and to support adoption of
the Environmental Results Program (ERP) model (see: http: // Additionally, in October
2004 EPA through a subsequent Federal Register notice (FRL 7827-4,
October 13, 2004) asked states to provide additional input on topic
areas for this solicitation. EPA received continued support for
maintaining innovation in permitting as a subject of the next
solicitation. During the months of October and November 2004, EPA held
a series of six informational calls for the states. The purpose of the
conference calls was to offer a streamlined proposal development
workshop to all States prior to publication of our solicitation, and to
answer any questions that the States may have prior to the competition,
in keeping with Federal requirements that we afford assistance fairly
in a competition process. Through this effort, our primary focus was to
encourage individual States (and/or State-led teams) to submit well-
developed pre-proposals that effectively describe how their project
would achieve measurable environmental results. Questions and answers
from these six calls are posted at the program Web site at https://
Sixteen projects that received awards in prior competitions
included: seven Environmental Results Program (ERP) models, six
Environmental Management Systems (EMS) projects, two Watershed-Based
Permitting projects, and one Enhanced Permitting Through Application of
Innovative Information Technology (IT) Systems. For more information on
the prior solicitations and awards, please see the EPA State Innovation
Grants Web site at:
Dated: February 17, 2005.
Elizabeth Shaw,
Director, Office of Environmental Policy Innovation.
[FR Doc. 05-3529 Filed 2-23-05; 8:45 am]