Outer Continental Shelf Beaufort Sea Alaska, Oil and Gas Lease Sale 195, 9099-9104 [05-3523]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 36 / Thursday, February 24, 2005 / Notices
Dated: February 2, 2005.
Howard A. Lemm,
Deputy State Director, Division of Resources.
[FR Doc. 05–3522 Filed 2–23–05; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[ES–960–1910–BJ–4489; ES–053127, Group
No. 39, Illinois]
Eastern States: Filing of Plat of Survey
Bureau of Land Management.
Notice of filing of plat of survey;
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) will file the plat of
survey of the lands described below in
the BLM–Eastern States, Springfield,
Virginia, 30 calendar days from the date
of publication in the Federal Register.
Bureau of Land Management, 7450
Boston Boulevard, Springfield, Virginia
22153. Attn: Cadastral Survey.
survey was requested by the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers.
The lands we surveyed are:
Fourth Principal Meridian, Illinois
T. 7 S., Rs. 5 and 6 W.
The plat of survey represents the
dependent resurvey of portions of the
township boundaries, portions of the
subdivisional lines and the survey of the
Lock and Dam No. 24 acquisition
boundary, in Township 7 South, Ranges
5 and 6 West, of the Fourth Principal
Meridian, in the State of Illinois, and
was accepted on January 28, 2005.
We will place a copy of the plat we
described in the open files. It will be
made available to the public as a matter
of information.
Dated: January 28, 2005.
Stephen D. Douglas,
Chief Cadastral Surveyor.
[FR Doc. 05–3560 Filed 2–23–05; 8:45 am]
Minerals Management Service
Outer Continental Shelf Beaufort Sea
Alaska, Oil and Gas Lease Sale 195
Minerals Management Service,
ACTION: Final Notice of Sale OCS Oil
and Gas Lease Sale 195, Beaufort Sea
The MMS will hold OCS oil
and gas lease Sale 195 on March 30,
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2005, in accordance with provisions of
the OCS Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331–
1356, as amended), the implementing
regulations (30 CFR Part 256), and the
OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for
DATES: Lease Sale 195 is scheduled to be
held on March 30, 2005, at the Wilda
Marston Theatre, Z.J. Loussac Public
Library, 3600 Denali Street, Anchorage,
Alaska. Public reading will begin at 9
a.m. All times referred to in this
document are local Anchorage, Alaska
times, unless otherwise specified.
ADDRESSES: A package containing the
final Notice of Sale and several
supporting and essential documents
referenced herein are available from:
Alaska OCS Region, Information
Resource Center, Minerals Management
Service, 3801 Centerpoint Drive, Suite
500, Anchorage, Alaska 99503–5823,
Telephone: (907) 334–5206 or 1–800–
These documents are also available on
the MMS Alaska OCS Region’s Web site
at www.mms.gov/alaska.
Filing of Bids: Bidders will be
required to submit bids to the MMS at
the Alaska OCS Region Office, 3801
Centerpoint Drive, Fifth Floor,
Anchorage, Alaska 99503–5823 between
the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on
normal business days, prior to the Bid
Submission deadline of 10 a.m.,
Tuesday, March 29, 2005. If bids are
mailed, the envelope containing all of
the sealed bids must be marked as
follows: Attention: Mr. Fred King,
Contains Sealed Bids for Sale 195.
If bids are received later than the time
and date specified above, they will be
returned unopened to the bidders.
Bidders may not modify or withdraw
their bids unless the Regional Director,
Alaska OCS Region receives a written
modification or written withdrawal
request prior to 10 a.m., Tuesday, March
29, 2005. Should an unexpected event
such as an earthquake or travel
restrictions be significantly disruptive to
bid submission, the Alaska OCS Region
may extend the Bid Submission
Deadline. Bidders may call (907) 334–
5200 for information about the possible
extension of the Bid Submission
Deadline due to such an event.
Note: Four blocks in the easternmost
Beaufort Sea area are subject to jurisdictional
claims by both the United States and Canada.
This Notice refers to this area as the Disputed
Portion of the Beaufort Sea. The section on
Method of Bidding identifies the four blocks
and describes the procedures for submitting
bids for them.
Area Offered for Leasing: MMS is
offering for leasing all whole and partial
blocks listed in the document ‘‘Blocks
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Available for Leasing in OCS Oil and
Gas Lease Sale 195’’ included in the
FNOS 195 package. All of these blocks
are shown on the following Official
Protraction Diagrams (which may be
purchased from the Alaska OCS
• NR 05–01, Dease Inlet, revised
September 30, 1997
• NR 05–02, Harrison Bay North,
revised September 30, 1997
• NR05–03, Teshekpuk, revised
September 30, 1997
• NR 05–04, Harrison Bay, revised
September 30, 1997
• NR 06–01, Beechey Point North,
approved February 1, 1996
• NR 06–03, Beechey Point, revised
September 30, 1997
• NR 06–04, Flaxman Island, revised
September 30, 1997
• NR 07–03, Barter Island, revised
September 30, 1997
• NR 07–05, Demarcation Point, revised
September 30, 1997
• NR 07–06, Mackenzie Canyon, revised
September 30, 1997
Official block descriptions are derived
from these diagrams; however, not all
blocks included on a diagram are being
offered. To ascertain which blocks are
being offered and the royalty suspension
provisions that apply you must refer to
the document ‘‘Blocks Available for
Leasing in OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sale
195.’’ The Beaufort Sea OCS Oil and Gas
Lease Sale 195’’ Locator Map is also
available to assist in locating the blocks
relative to the adjacent areas. The
Locator Map is for use in identifying
locations of blocks but is not part of the
official description of blocks available
for lease. Some of the blocks may be
partially encumbered by an existing
lease, or transected by administrative
lines such as the Federal/state
jurisdictional line. Partial block
descriptions are derived from
Supplemental Official OCS Block
Diagrams and OCS Composite Block
Diagrams, which are available upon
request at the address, phone number,
or internet site given above.
Statutes and Regulations: Each lease
issued in this lease sale is subject to the
OCS Lands Act of August 7, 1953, 67
Stat. 462; 43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq., as
amended (92 Stat. 629), hereinafter
called ‘‘the Act’’; all regulations issued
pursuant to the Act and in existence
upon the effective date of the lease; all
regulations issued pursuant to the
statute in the future which provide for
the prevention of waste and
conservation of the natural resources of
the OCS and the protection of
correlative rights therein; and all other
applicable statutes and regulations.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 36 / Thursday, February 24, 2005 / Notices
Lease Terms and Conditions: For
leases resulting from this sale the
following terms and conditions apply:
Initial Period: Ten years.
Minimum Bonus Bid Amounts: $37.50
per hectare or a fraction thereof for all
blocks in Zone A and $25 hectare or a
fraction thereof for all blocks in Zone B.
Refer to the final Notice of Sale,
Beaufort Sea Sale 195, March 2005 map
and the Summary Table of Minimum
Bids, Minimum Royalty Rates, and
Rental Rates shown below.
Rental Rates: The lessee shall pay the
lessor, on or before the first day of each
lease year which commences prior to a
discovery in paying quantities of oil or
gas on the leased area, then at the
expiration of each lease year until the
start of royalty-bearing production, a
rental at the rate shown below in the
Summary Table of Minimum Bids,
Minimum Royalty Rates, and Rental
Rates. For the time period between
discovery in paying quantities until the
start of royalty-bearing production, the
lessee shall pay an annual rental of $13
per hectare (or fraction thereof).
Minimum Royalty Rates: After the
start of royalty-bearing production, the
lessee shall pay the lessor a minimum
royalty of $13 per hectare, to be paid at
the expiration of each lease year with
credit applied for actual royalty paid
during the lease year. If actual royalty
paid exceeds the minimum royalty
requirement, then no minimum royalty
payment is due.
Royalty Rates: A 121⁄2 percent royalty
rate will apply for all blocks.
Terms (values per hectare or fraction thereof)
Zone A
Zone B
Royalty Rate .................................................................................................................................................................
Minimum Bonus Bid .....................................................................................................................................................
Minimum Royalty Rate .................................................................................................................................................
Rental Rates:
Year 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Year 2 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Year 3 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Year 4 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Year 5 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Year 6 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Year 7 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Year 8 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Year 9 ....................................................................................................................................................................
Year 10 ..................................................................................................................................................................
121⁄2% fixed
121⁄2% fixed
Royalty Suspension Areas: Royalty
suspension provisions apply to first oil
production. Royalty suspensions on the
production of oil and condensate,
prorated by lease acreage and subject to
price thresholds, will apply to all
blocks. Royalty suspension volumes
(RSV) are based on 2 zones, Zone A and
Zone B, as depicted on the Map. More
specific details regarding royalty
suspension eligibility, applicable price
thresholds and implementations are
included in the document ‘‘Royalty
Suspension Provisions, Sale 195’’ in the
final Notice of Sale 195 package.
Minimum royalty requirements apply
during RSV periods. Depending on
surface area and zone, leases will
receive a RSV as follows:
Zone A
Zone B
Less than 771 ...............
771 to less than 1541 ...
1541 or more ................
The RSV applies only to liquid
hydrocarbon production, i.e., oil and
condensates. Natural gas volumes that
leave the lease are subject to original
lease-specified royalties. The market
value of natural gas will be determined
by MMS’s Minerals Revenue
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Management (MRM) office. The MRM
will value the natural gas from Sale 195
based on its potential uses and
applicable market characteristics at the
time the gas is produced.
Debarment and Suspension
(Nonprocurement): In accordance with
regulations pursuant to 43 CFR, part 42,
subpart C, the lessee shall comply with
the U.S. Department of the Interior’s
nonprocurement debarment and
suspension requirements and agrees to
communicate this requirement to
comply with these regulations to
persons with whom the lessee does
business as it relates to this lease by
including this term as a condition to
enter into their contracts and other
Stipulations and Information To
Lessees: The documents entitled ‘‘Lease
Stipulations for Oil and Gas Lease Sale
195’’ and ‘‘Information to Lessees for Oil
and Gas Lease Sale 195’’ contain the text
of the Stipulations and the Information
to Lessees that apply to this sale. This
document is included in the FNOS 195
Method of Bidding: Procedures for the
submission of bids in Sale 195 are
described in paragraph (a) below.
Procedures for the submission bids for
the four blocks in the Disputed Portion
of the Beaufort Sea will differ as
described in paragraph (b) below.
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(a) Submission of Bids. For each block
bid upon, a bidder must submit a
separate signed bid in a sealed envelope
labeled ‘‘Sealed bid for Oil and Gas
Lease Sale 195, not to be opened until
9 a.m., Wednesday, March 30, 2005.’’
The total amount of the bid must be in
whole dollars; any cent amount above
the whole dollar will be ignored by
MMS. Details of the information
required on the bid(s) and the bid
envelope(s) are specified in the
document ‘‘Bid Form and Envelope’’
contained in the final NOS 195 package.
(b) Submission of Bids in the Disputed
Portion of the Beaufort Sea. Procedures
for the submission of bids on blocks
6201, 6251, 6301, and 6361 in Official
Protraction Diagram NR 07–06 will
differ from procedures in paragraph (a)
above as follows:
Separate, signed bids on these blocks
must be submitted in sealed envelopes
labeled only with ‘‘Disputed Portion of
the Beaufort Sea,’’ Company Number,
and a sequential bid number for the
company submitting the bid(s). The
envelope thus would be in the following
format: Disputed Portion of the Beaufort
Sea Bid, Company No: 00000, Bid No:
On or before March 30, 2010, the
MMS will determine whether it is in the
best interest of the United States either
to open bids for these blocks or to return
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 36 / Thursday, February 24, 2005 / Notices
the bids unopened. The MMS will
notify bidders at least 30 days before bid
opening. Bidders on these blocks may
withdraw their bids at any time after
such notice and prior to 10 a.m. of the
day before bid opening. If the MMS does
not give notice by March 30, 2010, the
bids will be returned unopened. The
MMS reserves the right to return these
bids at any time. The MMS will not
disclose which blocks received bids or
the names of bidders in this area unless
the bids are opened.
The MMS published a list of
restricted joint bidders, which applies to
this sale, in the Federal Register at 69
FR 61402 on October 18, 2004. Bidders
submitting joint bids must state on the
bid form the proportionate interest of
each participating bidder, in percent to
a maximum of five decimal places, e.g.
33.33333 percent. The MMS may
require bidders to submit other
documents in accordance with 30 CFR
256.46. The MMS warns bidders against
violation of 18 U.S.C. 1860 prohibiting
unlawful combination or intimidation of
bidders. Bidders must execute all
documents in conformance with
signatory authorizations on file in the
Alaska OCS Region. Partnerships also
must submit or have on file a list of
signatories authorized to bind the
partnership. Bidders are advised that
MMS considers the signed bid to be a
legally binding obligation on the part of
the bidder(s) to comply with all
applicable regulations, including paying
the one-fifth bonus bid amount on all
high bids. A statement to this effect
must be included on each bid (see the
document ‘‘Bid Form and Envelope’’
contained in the FNOS 195 package).
Bonus Bid Deposit: Each bidder
submitting an apparent high bid must
submit a bonus bid deposit to MMS
equal to one-fifth of the bonus bid
amount for each such bid submitted for
Sale 195. Under the authority granted by
30 CFR 256.46(b), MMS requires bidders
to use electronic funds transfer (EFT)
procedures for payment of the one-fifth
bonus bid deposits, following the
detailed instructions contained in the
document ‘‘Instructions for Making EFT
Bonus Payments’’ included in the final
NOS 195 package. All payments must be
electronically deposited into an interestbearing account in the U.S. Treasury
(account specified in the EFT
instruction) by 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
the day following bid reading. Such a
deposit does not constitute and shall not
be construed as acceptance of any bid
on behalf of the United States. If a lease
is awarded, MMS requests that only one
transaction be used for payment of the
four-fifths bonus bid amount and the
first year’s rental.
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Please Note: Certain bid submitters
[i.e., those that do not currently own or
operate an OCS mineral lease or those
that have ever defaulted on a one-fifth
bonus payment (EFT or otherwise)] will
be required to guarantee (secure) their
one-fifth bonus payment prior to the
submission of bids. For those who must
secure the EFT one-fifth bonus payment,
one of the following options may be
provided: (1) A third-party guarantee;
(2) an Amended Development Bond
Coverage; (3) a Letter of Credit; or (4) a
lump sum payment in advance via EFT.
The EFT instructions specify the
requirements for each option.
Withdrawal of Blocks: The United
States reserves the right to withdraw
any block from this sale prior to
issuance of a written acceptance of a bid
for the block.
Acceptance, Rejection, or Return of
Bids: The United States reserves the
right to reject any and all bids. In any
case, no bid will be accepted, and no
lease for any block will be awarded to
any bidder, unless the bidder has
complied with all requirements of this
Notice, including the documents
contained in the associated final NOS
Sale 195 package and applicable
regulations; the bid is the highest valid
bid; and the amount of the bid has been
determined to be adequate by the
authorized officer. The Attorney General
of the United States may also review the
results of the lease sale prior to the
acceptance of bids and issuance of
leases. Any bid submitted which does
not conform to the requirements of this
Notice, the OCS Lands Act, as amended,
and other applicable regulations may be
returned to the person submitting that
bid by the Regional Director and not
considered for acceptance. To ensure
that the Government receives a fair
return for the conveyance of lease rights
for this sale, high bids will be evaluated
in accordance with MMS bid adequacy
Successful Bidders: As required by
MMS, each company that has been
awarded a lease must execute all copies
of the lease (Form MMS–2005 (March
1986) as amended), pay by EFT the
balance of the bonus bid amount and
the first year’s rental for each lease
issued in accordance with the
requirements of 30 CFR 218.155, and
satisfy the bonding requirements of 30
CFR 256, Subpart I.
Affirmative Action: The MMS
requests that, prior to bidding, Equal
Opportunity Affirmative Action
Representation Form MMS 2032 (June
1985) and Equal Opportunity
Compliance Report Certification Form
MMS 2033 (June 1985) be on file in the
Alaska OCS Region. This certification is
PO 00000
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required by 41 CFR part 60 and
Executive Order No. 11246 of
September 24, 1965, as amended by
Executive Order No. 11375 of October
13, 1967. In any event, prior to the
execution of any lease contract, both
forms are required to be on file in the
Alaska OCS Region.
Jurisdiction: The United States claims
exclusive maritime resource jurisdiction
over the area offered. Canada claims
such jurisdiction over the four
easternmost blocks included in the sale
area. These blocks are located in Official
Protraction Diagram NR 07–06 as block
numbers 6201, 6251, 6301, and 6351.
Nothing in this Notice shall affect or
prejudice in any manner the position of
the United States with respect to the
nature or extent of the internal waters,
the territorial sea, the high seas, or
sovereign rights or jurisdiction for any
purpose whatsoever. Bid submission
procedures pertaining to blocks in this
Disputed Portion of the Beaufort Sea are
described in paragraph (b) under
Method of Bidding.
Notice of Bidding Systems: Section
8(a)(8) (43 U.S.C. 1337(a)(8)) of the OCS
Lands Act requires that, at least 30 days
before any lease sale, a Notice be
submitted to Congress and published in
the Federal Register. This Notice of
Bidding Systems is for Sale 195,
Beaufort Sea, scheduled to be held on
March 30, 2005.
In Sale 195, all blocks are being
offered under a bidding system that uses
a cash bonus and a fixed royalty of 121⁄2
percent with a royalty suspension of up
to 30 million barrels of oil equivalent
per lease in Zone A of the sale area or
with a royalty suspension of up to 45
million barrels of oil equivalent per
lease in Zone B of the sale area. The
amount of royalty suspension available
on each lease is dependent on the area
of the lease and specified in the Sale
Notice. This bidding system is
authorized under 30 CFR 260.110(a)(7),
which allows use of a cash bonus bid
with a royalty rate of not less than 121⁄2
percent and with suspension of royalties
for a period, volume, or value of
production, and an annual rental.
Analysis performed by MMS indicates
that use of this system provides an
incentive for development of this area
while ensuring that a fair sharing of
revenues will result if major discoveries
are made and produced.
Specific royalty suspension
provisions for Sale 195 are contained in
the document ‘‘Royalty Suspension
Provisions, Sale 195’’ included in the
FNOS 195 package.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 36 / Thursday, February 24, 2005 / Notices
Dated: February 16, 2005.
R.M. ‘‘Johnnie’’ Burton,
Director, Minerals Management Service.
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 36 / Thursday, February 24, 2005 / Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 36 / Thursday, February 24, 2005 / Notices
[FR Doc. 05–3523 Filed 2–23–05; 8:45 am]
in ARC/INFO and .pdf files for viewing
and printing in Adobe Acrobat.
Dated: February 16, 2005.
Robert P. Labelle,
Acting Associate Director for Offshore
Minerals Management.
[FR Doc. 05–3524 Filed 2–23–05; 8:45 am]
Minerals Management Service
Outer Continental Shelf Official
Protraction Diagrams
Minerals Management Service
(MMS), Interior.
ACTION: Availability of revised North
American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83)
Outer Continental Shelf Official
Protraction Diagrams.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
effective with this publication, the
following NAD 83—based Outer
Continental Shelf Official Protraction
Diagrams last revised on the date
indicated are available for information
only, in the Gulf of Mexico OCS
Regional Office, New Orleans,
Louisiana. Copies are also available for
download at https://www.mms.gov/ld/
atlantic.htm. The Minerals Management
Service in accordance with its authority
and responsibility under the Outer
Continental Shelf Lands Act is updating
and depicting the ambulatory
Submerged Lands Act boundary and
Limit of ‘‘8 (g) Zone’’ for the entire
Continental United States and Alaska,
except where fixed under a
Supplemental Decree of the United
States Supreme Court. This effort is
being conducted under a joint project
with the NOAA National Ocean Service
and the Department of State’s
Interdepartmental Baseline Committee
to develop a new National Baseline for
the United States. These diagrams
constitute the basic record of the marine
cadastre in the geographic area they
National Park Service
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft
Environmental Impact Statement for
the General Management Plan (GMP)
for Fort Pulaski National Monument,
Savannah, GA
AGENCY: National Park Service, DOI.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 102(2)(C)
of the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969, requirements of the
National Parks and Recreation Act of
1978, Public Law 95–625, and National
Park Service Policy in Director’s Order
Number 2 (Park Planning) and Director’s
Order Number 12 (Conservation
Planning, Environmental Impact
Analysis, and Decision-making) the
National Park Service (NPS) will
prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement for the General Management
Plan for Fort Pulaski National
Monument located near Savannah,
Georgia. The authority for publishing
this notice is contained in 40 CFR
1506.6. The statement will assess
potential environmental impacts
associated with various types and levels
of visitor use and resources management
within the National Monument.
The NPS is currently accepting
comments from interested parties on
issues, concerns, and suggestions
pertinent to the management of Fort
Pulaski. Suggestions and ideas for
managing the cultural and natural
resources and visitor experiences at Fort
Pulaski are encouraged. Comments may
NK19–04 (Boston) ................ 19–JAN–2005
be submitted in writing to the address
NK19–05 (Cashes Ledge) .... 19–JAN–2005
NK19–07 (Providence) ......... 19–JAN–2005 listed at the end of this notice or
NK19–08 (Chatham) ............. 19–JAN–2005 through the GMP Web site, which is
linked to the park’s Web site at https://
The NPS will publish periodic
Copies of Official Protraction Diagrams
newsletters on the GMP Web site to
are $2.00 each. These may be purchased present scoping issues and preliminary
from the Public Information Unit,
management concepts to the public as
Information Services Section, Gulf of
they are developed. Public meetings to
Mexico OCS Region, Minerals
present draft management concepts will
Management Service, 1201 Elmwood
be conducted in the local area. Specific
Park Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana locations, dates, and times will be
70123–2394, telephone (504) 736–2519
announced in local media and on the
or (800) 200–GULF.
GMP Web site.
If you wish to comment, you may
Protraction Diagrams may be obtained
submit your comments by any one of
in two digital formats: .gra files for use
several methods. You may mail
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comments to Superintendent, Fort
Pulaski National Monument, U.S.
Highway 80 East, P.O. Box 30757,
Savannah, Georgia 31410, Telephone:
912–786–5787. You may also comment
via the Internet to https://
comments.cfm?RecordID=165. Please
submit Internet comments as an ASCII
file avoiding the use of special
characters and any form of encryption.
Please also include your name and
return address in your Internet message.
If you do not receive a confirmation
from the system that we have received
your Internet message, contact us
directly at 404–562–3124, ext. 685.
Finally, you may hand-deliver
comments to Fort Pulaski National
Monument, Cockspur Island, U.S.
Highway 80 East, Savannah, Georgia
31410. Our practice is to make
comments, including names and home
addresses of respondents, available for
public review during regular business
hours. Individual respondents may
request that we withhold their home
address from the rulemaking record,
which we will honor to the extent
allowable by law. There also may be
circumstances in which we would
withhold from the rulemaking record a
respondent’s identity, as allowable by
law. If you wish us to withhold your
name and/or address, you must state
this prominently at the beginning of
your comment. However, we will not
consider anonymous comments. We
will make all submissions from
organizations or businesses, and from
individuals identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of
organizations or businesses, available
for public inspection in their entirety.
DATES: Locations, dates, and times of
public meetings will be published in
local newspapers and may also be
obtained by contacting the NPS
Southeast Regional Office, Division of
Planning and Compliance. This
information will also be published on
the General Management Plan Web site
for Fort Pulaski.
ADDRESSES: Scoping suggestions should
be submitted to the following address to
ensure adequate consideration by the
Service: Superintendent, Fort Pulaski
National Monument, U.S. Highway 80
East, P.O. Box 30757, Savannah, Georgia
31410, Telephone: 912–786–5787.
Superintendent, Fort Pulaski National
Monument, U.S. Highway 80 East, P.O.
Box 30757, Savannah, Georgia 31410,
Telephone: 912–786–5787.
and Final General Management Plan
and Environmental Impact Statement
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 36 (Thursday, February 24, 2005)]
[Pages 9099-9104]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-3523]
Minerals Management Service
Outer Continental Shelf Beaufort Sea Alaska, Oil and Gas Lease
Sale 195
AGENCY: Minerals Management Service, Interior.
ACTION: Final Notice of Sale OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sale 195, Beaufort
SUMMARY: The MMS will hold OCS oil and gas lease Sale 195 on March 30,
2005, in accordance with provisions of the OCS Lands Act (43 U.S.C.
1331-1356, as amended), the implementing regulations (30 CFR Part 256),
and the OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2002-2007.
DATES: Lease Sale 195 is scheduled to be held on March 30, 2005, at the
Wilda Marston Theatre, Z.J. Loussac Public Library, 3600 Denali Street,
Anchorage, Alaska. Public reading will begin at 9 a.m. All times
referred to in this document are local Anchorage, Alaska times, unless
otherwise specified.
ADDRESSES: A package containing the final Notice of Sale and several
supporting and essential documents referenced herein are available
from: Alaska OCS Region, Information Resource Center, Minerals
Management Service, 3801 Centerpoint Drive, Suite 500, Anchorage,
Alaska 99503-5823, Telephone: (907) 334-5206 or 1-800-764-2627.
These documents are also available on the MMS Alaska OCS Region's
Web site at www.mms.gov/alaska.
Filing of Bids: Bidders will be required to submit bids to the MMS
at the Alaska OCS Region Office, 3801 Centerpoint Drive, Fifth Floor,
Anchorage, Alaska 99503-5823 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on
normal business days, prior to the Bid Submission deadline of 10 a.m.,
Tuesday, March 29, 2005. If bids are mailed, the envelope containing
all of the sealed bids must be marked as follows: Attention: Mr. Fred
King, Contains Sealed Bids for Sale 195.
If bids are received later than the time and date specified above,
they will be returned unopened to the bidders. Bidders may not modify
or withdraw their bids unless the Regional Director, Alaska OCS Region
receives a written modification or written withdrawal request prior to
10 a.m., Tuesday, March 29, 2005. Should an unexpected event such as an
earthquake or travel restrictions be significantly disruptive to bid
submission, the Alaska OCS Region may extend the Bid Submission
Deadline. Bidders may call (907) 334-5200 for information about the
possible extension of the Bid Submission Deadline due to such an event.
Note: Four blocks in the easternmost Beaufort Sea area are
subject to jurisdictional claims by both the United States and
Canada. This Notice refers to this area as the Disputed Portion of
the Beaufort Sea. The section on Method of Bidding identifies the
four blocks and describes the procedures for submitting bids for
Area Offered for Leasing: MMS is offering for leasing all whole and
partial blocks listed in the document ``Blocks Available for Leasing in
OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sale 195'' included in the FNOS 195 package. All
of these blocks are shown on the following Official Protraction
Diagrams (which may be purchased from the Alaska OCS Region):
NR 05-01, Dease Inlet, revised September 30, 1997
NR 05-02, Harrison Bay North, revised September 30, 1997
NR05-03, Teshekpuk, revised September 30, 1997
NR 05-04, Harrison Bay, revised September 30, 1997
NR 06-01, Beechey Point North, approved February 1, 1996
NR 06-03, Beechey Point, revised September 30, 1997
NR 06-04, Flaxman Island, revised September 30, 1997
NR 07-03, Barter Island, revised September 30, 1997
NR 07-05, Demarcation Point, revised September 30, 1997
NR 07-06, Mackenzie Canyon, revised September 30, 1997
Official block descriptions are derived from these diagrams;
however, not all blocks included on a diagram are being offered. To
ascertain which blocks are being offered and the royalty suspension
provisions that apply you must refer to the document ``Blocks Available
for Leasing in OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sale 195.'' The Beaufort Sea OCS
Oil and Gas Lease Sale 195'' Locator Map is also available to assist in
locating the blocks relative to the adjacent areas. The Locator Map is
for use in identifying locations of blocks but is not part of the
official description of blocks available for lease. Some of the blocks
may be partially encumbered by an existing lease, or transected by
administrative lines such as the Federal/state jurisdictional line.
Partial block descriptions are derived from Supplemental Official OCS
Block Diagrams and OCS Composite Block Diagrams, which are available
upon request at the address, phone number, or internet site given
Statutes and Regulations: Each lease issued in this lease sale is
subject to the OCS Lands Act of August 7, 1953, 67 Stat. 462; 43 U.S.C.
1331 et seq., as amended (92 Stat. 629), hereinafter called ``the
Act''; all regulations issued pursuant to the Act and in existence upon
the effective date of the lease; all regulations issued pursuant to the
statute in the future which provide for the prevention of waste and
conservation of the natural resources of the OCS and the protection of
correlative rights therein; and all other applicable statutes and
[[Page 9100]]
Lease Terms and Conditions: For leases resulting from this sale the
following terms and conditions apply:
Initial Period: Ten years.
Minimum Bonus Bid Amounts: $37.50 per hectare or a fraction thereof
for all blocks in Zone A and $25 hectare or a fraction thereof for all
blocks in Zone B. Refer to the final Notice of Sale, Beaufort Sea Sale
195, March 2005 map and the Summary Table of Minimum Bids, Minimum
Royalty Rates, and Rental Rates shown below.
Rental Rates: The lessee shall pay the lessor, on or before the
first day of each lease year which commences prior to a discovery in
paying quantities of oil or gas on the leased area, then at the
expiration of each lease year until the start of royalty-bearing
production, a rental at the rate shown below in the Summary Table of
Minimum Bids, Minimum Royalty Rates, and Rental Rates. For the time
period between discovery in paying quantities until the start of
royalty-bearing production, the lessee shall pay an annual rental of
$13 per hectare (or fraction thereof).
Minimum Royalty Rates: After the start of royalty-bearing
production, the lessee shall pay the lessor a minimum royalty of $13
per hectare, to be paid at the expiration of each lease year with
credit applied for actual royalty paid during the lease year. If actual
royalty paid exceeds the minimum royalty requirement, then no minimum
royalty payment is due.
Royalty Rates: A 12\1/2\ percent royalty rate will apply for all
Summary Table of Minimum Bids, Minimum Royalty Rates, and Rental Rates
Terms (values per hectare or
fraction thereof) Zone A Zone B
Royalty Rate................... 12\1/2\% fixed 12\1/2\% fixed
Minimum Bonus Bid.............. $37.50 $25.00
Minimum Royalty Rate........... $13.00 $13.00
Rental Rates:
Year 1..................... $7.50 $2.50
Year 2..................... $7.50 $3.75
Year 3..................... $7.50 $5.00
Year 4..................... $7.50 $6.25
Year 5..................... $7.50 $7.50
Year 6..................... $12.00 $10.00
Year 7..................... $17.00 $12.00
Year 8..................... $22.00 $15.00
Year 9..................... $30.00 $17.00
Year 10.................... $30.00 $20.00
Royalty Suspension Areas: Royalty suspension provisions apply to
first oil production. Royalty suspensions on the production of oil and
condensate, prorated by lease acreage and subject to price thresholds,
will apply to all blocks. Royalty suspension volumes (RSV) are based on
2 zones, Zone A and Zone B, as depicted on the Map. More specific
details regarding royalty suspension eligibility, applicable price
thresholds and implementations are included in the document ``Royalty
Suspension Provisions, Sale 195'' in the final Notice of Sale 195
package. Minimum royalty requirements apply during RSV periods.
Depending on surface area and zone, leases will receive a RSV as
Zone A Zone B
million million
Hectares barrels barrels
Less than 771....................................... 10 15
771 to less than 1541............................... 20 30
1541 or more........................................ 30 45
The RSV applies only to liquid hydrocarbon production, i.e., oil
and condensates. Natural gas volumes that leave the lease are subject
to original lease-specified royalties. The market value of natural gas
will be determined by MMS's Minerals Revenue Management (MRM) office.
The MRM will value the natural gas from Sale 195 based on its potential
uses and applicable market characteristics at the time the gas is
Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement): In accordance with
regulations pursuant to 43 CFR, part 42, subpart C, the lessee shall
comply with the U.S. Department of the Interior's nonprocurement
debarment and suspension requirements and agrees to communicate this
requirement to comply with these regulations to persons with whom the
lessee does business as it relates to this lease by including this term
as a condition to enter into their contracts and other transactions.
Stipulations and Information To Lessees: The documents entitled
``Lease Stipulations for Oil and Gas Lease Sale 195'' and ``Information
to Lessees for Oil and Gas Lease Sale 195'' contain the text of the
Stipulations and the Information to Lessees that apply to this sale.
This document is included in the FNOS 195 package.
Method of Bidding: Procedures for the submission of bids in Sale
195 are described in paragraph (a) below. Procedures for the submission
bids for the four blocks in the Disputed Portion of the Beaufort Sea
will differ as described in paragraph (b) below.
(a) Submission of Bids. For each block bid upon, a bidder must
submit a separate signed bid in a sealed envelope labeled ``Sealed bid
for Oil and Gas Lease Sale 195, not to be opened until 9 a.m.,
Wednesday, March 30, 2005.'' The total amount of the bid must be in
whole dollars; any cent amount above the whole dollar will be ignored
by MMS. Details of the information required on the bid(s) and the bid
envelope(s) are specified in the document ``Bid Form and Envelope''
contained in the final NOS 195 package.
(b) Submission of Bids in the Disputed Portion of the Beaufort Sea.
Procedures for the submission of bids on blocks 6201, 6251, 6301, and
6361 in Official Protraction Diagram NR 07-06 will differ from
procedures in paragraph (a) above as follows:
Separate, signed bids on these blocks must be submitted in sealed
envelopes labeled only with ``Disputed Portion of the Beaufort Sea,''
Company Number, and a sequential bid number for the company submitting
the bid(s). The envelope thus would be in the following format:
Disputed Portion of the Beaufort Sea Bid, Company No: 00000, Bid No: 1.
On or before March 30, 2010, the MMS will determine whether it is
in the best interest of the United States either to open bids for these
blocks or to return
[[Page 9101]]
the bids unopened. The MMS will notify bidders at least 30 days before
bid opening. Bidders on these blocks may withdraw their bids at any
time after such notice and prior to 10 a.m. of the day before bid
opening. If the MMS does not give notice by March 30, 2010, the bids
will be returned unopened. The MMS reserves the right to return these
bids at any time. The MMS will not disclose which blocks received bids
or the names of bidders in this area unless the bids are opened.
The MMS published a list of restricted joint bidders, which applies
to this sale, in the Federal Register at 69 FR 61402 on October 18,
2004. Bidders submitting joint bids must state on the bid form the
proportionate interest of each participating bidder, in percent to a
maximum of five decimal places, e.g. 33.33333 percent. The MMS may
require bidders to submit other documents in accordance with 30 CFR
256.46. The MMS warns bidders against violation of 18 U.S.C. 1860
prohibiting unlawful combination or intimidation of bidders. Bidders
must execute all documents in conformance with signatory authorizations
on file in the Alaska OCS Region. Partnerships also must submit or have
on file a list of signatories authorized to bind the partnership.
Bidders are advised that MMS considers the signed bid to be a legally
binding obligation on the part of the bidder(s) to comply with all
applicable regulations, including paying the one-fifth bonus bid amount
on all high bids. A statement to this effect must be included on each
bid (see the document ``Bid Form and Envelope'' contained in the FNOS
195 package).
Bonus Bid Deposit: Each bidder submitting an apparent high bid must
submit a bonus bid deposit to MMS equal to one-fifth of the bonus bid
amount for each such bid submitted for Sale 195. Under the authority
granted by 30 CFR 256.46(b), MMS requires bidders to use electronic
funds transfer (EFT) procedures for payment of the one-fifth bonus bid
deposits, following the detailed instructions contained in the document
``Instructions for Making EFT Bonus Payments'' included in the final
NOS 195 package. All payments must be electronically deposited into an
interest-bearing account in the U.S. Treasury (account specified in the
EFT instruction) by 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time the day following bid
reading. Such a deposit does not constitute and shall not be construed
as acceptance of any bid on behalf of the United States. If a lease is
awarded, MMS requests that only one transaction be used for payment of
the four-fifths bonus bid amount and the first year's rental.
Please Note: Certain bid submitters [i.e., those that do not
currently own or operate an OCS mineral lease or those that have ever
defaulted on a one-fifth bonus payment (EFT or otherwise)] will be
required to guarantee (secure) their one-fifth bonus payment prior to
the submission of bids. For those who must secure the EFT one-fifth
bonus payment, one of the following options may be provided: (1) A
third-party guarantee; (2) an Amended Development Bond Coverage; (3) a
Letter of Credit; or (4) a lump sum payment in advance via EFT. The EFT
instructions specify the requirements for each option.
Withdrawal of Blocks: The United States reserves the right to
withdraw any block from this sale prior to issuance of a written
acceptance of a bid for the block.
Acceptance, Rejection, or Return of Bids: The United States
reserves the right to reject any and all bids. In any case, no bid will
be accepted, and no lease for any block will be awarded to any bidder,
unless the bidder has complied with all requirements of this Notice,
including the documents contained in the associated final NOS Sale 195
package and applicable regulations; the bid is the highest valid bid;
and the amount of the bid has been determined to be adequate by the
authorized officer. The Attorney General of the United States may also
review the results of the lease sale prior to the acceptance of bids
and issuance of leases. Any bid submitted which does not conform to the
requirements of this Notice, the OCS Lands Act, as amended, and other
applicable regulations may be returned to the person submitting that
bid by the Regional Director and not considered for acceptance. To
ensure that the Government receives a fair return for the conveyance of
lease rights for this sale, high bids will be evaluated in accordance
with MMS bid adequacy procedures.
Successful Bidders: As required by MMS, each company that has been
awarded a lease must execute all copies of the lease (Form MMS-2005
(March 1986) as amended), pay by EFT the balance of the bonus bid
amount and the first year's rental for each lease issued in accordance
with the requirements of 30 CFR 218.155, and satisfy the bonding
requirements of 30 CFR 256, Subpart I.
Affirmative Action: The MMS requests that, prior to bidding, Equal
Opportunity Affirmative Action Representation Form MMS 2032 (June 1985)
and Equal Opportunity Compliance Report Certification Form MMS 2033
(June 1985) be on file in the Alaska OCS Region. This certification is
required by 41 CFR part 60 and Executive Order No. 11246 of September
24, 1965, as amended by Executive Order No. 11375 of October 13, 1967.
In any event, prior to the execution of any lease contract, both forms
are required to be on file in the Alaska OCS Region.
Jurisdiction: The United States claims exclusive maritime resource
jurisdiction over the area offered. Canada claims such jurisdiction
over the four easternmost blocks included in the sale area. These
blocks are located in Official Protraction Diagram NR 07-06 as block
numbers 6201, 6251, 6301, and 6351. Nothing in this Notice shall affect
or prejudice in any manner the position of the United States with
respect to the nature or extent of the internal waters, the territorial
sea, the high seas, or sovereign rights or jurisdiction for any purpose
whatsoever. Bid submission procedures pertaining to blocks in this
Disputed Portion of the Beaufort Sea are described in paragraph (b)
under Method of Bidding.
Notice of Bidding Systems: Section 8(a)(8) (43 U.S.C. 1337(a)(8))
of the OCS Lands Act requires that, at least 30 days before any lease
sale, a Notice be submitted to Congress and published in the Federal
Register. This Notice of Bidding Systems is for Sale 195, Beaufort Sea,
scheduled to be held on March 30, 2005.
In Sale 195, all blocks are being offered under a bidding system
that uses a cash bonus and a fixed royalty of 12\1/2\ percent with a
royalty suspension of up to 30 million barrels of oil equivalent per
lease in Zone A of the sale area or with a royalty suspension of up to
45 million barrels of oil equivalent per lease in Zone B of the sale
area. The amount of royalty suspension available on each lease is
dependent on the area of the lease and specified in the Sale Notice.
This bidding system is authorized under 30 CFR 260.110(a)(7), which
allows use of a cash bonus bid with a royalty rate of not less than
12\1/2\ percent and with suspension of royalties for a period, volume,
or value of production, and an annual rental. Analysis performed by MMS
indicates that use of this system provides an incentive for development
of this area while ensuring that a fair sharing of revenues will result
if major discoveries are made and produced.
Specific royalty suspension provisions for Sale 195 are contained
in the document ``Royalty Suspension Provisions, Sale 195'' included in
the FNOS 195 package.
[[Page 9102]]
Dated: February 16, 2005.
R.M. ``Johnnie'' Burton,
Director, Minerals Management Service.
[[Page 9103]]
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[FR Doc. 05-3523 Filed 2-23-05; 8:45 am]