Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.; Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 2; Exemption, 8851-8855 [05-3398]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 23, 2005 / Notices
room dose from the LOCA. Duke
determined that the resulting control
room thyroid dose after a postulated
LOCA considering the use of four MOX
fuel LTAs would be 13 rem. This is
below the NRC staff’s 30 rem acceptance
criterion and is not considered to be
5.6.4 Conclusion
The DBA with the greatest
consequences at the EAB (a LOCA)
would result in a calculated offsite dose
of 90.2 rem to the thyroid. The DBA
with the greatest consequences at the
LPZ (a REA) would result in calculated
offsite doses of 17.8 and 19.8 rem to the
thyroid for Units 1 and 2, respectively.
These doses remain below the 300 rem
reference value to the thyroid specified
in 10 CFR 100.11 for offsite releases.
The calculated change in dose
consequences at the EAB and at the LPZ
that could be attributable to the use of
the four MOX fuel LTAs is not
The DBA with the greatest
consequences to the control room
personnel, a LOCA, would result in a
calculated dose of 13 rem to the thyroid.
This dose remains below the 30 rem
acceptance criterion. The calculated
change in dose consequences for control
room personnel that could be
attributable to the use of the four MOX
fuel LTAs is not significant.
The NRC staff concludes that the
environmental impact resulting from
incremental increases in EAB, LPZ, and
control room dose following postulated
DBAs that could occur as a result of the
irradiation of four MOX LTAs does not
represent a significant environmental
11.0 Agencies and Persons Consulted
Related to the publication of the EA
in August 2004, (Reference 1), on July
30, 2004, the NRC staff consulted with
the South Carolina State official, Mr.
Mike Gandy of the Department of Health
and Environmental Controls, regarding
the environmental impact of the
proposed action. The State official had
no comments. Related to the issuance of
this Supplement to the EA, on February
8, 2005, the NRC staff consulted with
the South Carolina State official, Mr.
Mike Gandy, of the Department of
Health and Environmental Controls,
regarding the environmental impact of
the proposed action. The State official
had no comment.
12.0 References
1. NRC letter to Duke, Catawba
Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2—
Environmental Assessment and Finding
of No Significant Impact Related to the
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Use of Mixed Oxide Lead Test
Assemblies (TAC Nos. MB7863,
MMB7864, MC0824, MC0825), dated
August 10, 2004 (ADAMS
ML042230368). Also published in the
Federal Register on August 17, 2004, 69
FR 51112.
2. Duke letter to NRC, Dose Inputs,
August 31, 2004 (ADAMS
3. Duke letter to NRC, Revised Dose
Evaluations, September 20, 2004
(ADAMS ML042890343).
4. NRC Letter to Duke, Requesting
Additional Information, October 7, 2004
(ADAMS ML042860050).
5. Duke letter to NRC, Response to
Request for Additional Information on
Revised Dose Evaluations, October 29,
2004 (ADAMS ML043150030).
6. Duke letter to NRC, Additional
Information on Revised Dose
Evaluations, December 10, 2004
(ADAMS ML043560170).
13.0 Finding of No Significant Impact
On the basis of the EA and
Supplement No. 1 to the EA, the NRC
reaffirms its conclusion that the
proposed action will not have a
significant effect on the quality of the
human environment. Accordingly, the
NRC has determined not to prepare an
environmental impact statement for the
proposed action.
For further details with respect to the
proposed action, see the licensee’s letter
dated February 27, 2003, and
subsequent letters dated September 15,
September 23, October 1 (two letters),
October 3 (two letters), November 3 and
4, December 10, 2003, and February 2
(two letters), March 1 (three letters),
March 9 (two letters), March 16 (two
letters), March 26, March 31, April 13,
April 16, May 13, June 17, August 31,
September 20, October 4, October 29,
and December 10, 2004. Documents may
be examined, and/or copied for a fee, at
the NRC’s Public Document Room
(PDR), located at One White Flint North,
Public File Area O1 F21, 11555
Rockville Pike (first floor), Rockville,
Maryland. Publicly available records
will be accessible electronically from
the Agencywide Documents Access and
Management System (ADAMS) Public
Electronic Reading Room on the Internet
at the NRC Web site, https://
Persons who do not have access to
ADAMS or who encounter problems in
accessing the documents located in
ADAMS, should contact the NRC PDR
Reference staff by telephone at 1–800–
397–4209 or (301) 415–4737, or by email to
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 14th day
of February, 2005.
PO 00000
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For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Edwin M. Hackett,
Project Director, Project Directorate II,
Division of Licensing Project Management,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 05–3397 Filed 2–22–05; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 50–336]
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.;
Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 2;
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.
(DNC or the licensee) is the holder of
Facility Operating License No. DPR–65,
which authorizes operation of the
Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 2
(MP2). The license provides, among
other things, that the facility is subject
to all rules, regulations, and orders of
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC, the Commission) now or hereafter
in effect.
The facility consists of a pressurized
water reactor located in New London
County, Connecticut.
By letter dated November 5, 2004, as
supplemented by letters dated January 6
and January 25, 2005, the licensee
submitted a request for an exemption
from the requirements of title 10 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR)
section 50.68(b)(1) for loading,
unloading, and handling of the
components of the Transnuclear (TN)
NUHOMS-32PT dry cask storage
system at MP2.
Section 50.68(b)(1) of 10 CFR sets
forth the following requirement that
must be met, in lieu of a monitoring
system capable of detecting criticality
Plant procedures shall prohibit the
handling and storage at any one time of more
fuel assemblies than have been determined to
be safely subcritical under the most adverse
moderation conditions feasible by unborated
The licensee is unable to satisfy the
above requirement for handling the 10
CFR part 72 licensed contents of the TN
NUHOMS-32PT system. Section
50.12(a) allows licensees to apply for an
exemption from the requirements of 10
CFR part 50 if the regulation is not
necessary to achieve the underlying
purpose of the rule and other conditions
are met. The licensee stated in the
application that compliance with 10
CFR 50.68(b)(1) is not necessary for
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 23, 2005 / Notices
handling the 10 CFR part 72 licensed
contents of the cask system to achieve
the underlying purpose of 10 CFR
3.0 Discussion
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, the
Commission may, upon application by
any interested person or upon its own
initiative, grant exemptions from the
requirements of 10 CFR part 50 when (1)
the exemptions are authorized by law,
will not present an undue risk to public
health or safety, and are consistent with
the common defense and security, and
(2) when special circumstances are
present. Therefore, in determining the
acceptability of the licensee’s exemption
request, the staff has performed the
following regulatory, technical, and
legal evaluations to satisfy the
requirements of 10 CFR 50.12 for
granting the exemption.
3.1 Regulatory Evaluation
The MP2 Technical Specifications
(TSs) currently permit the licensee to
store spent fuel assemblies in highdensity storage racks in the MP2 spent
fuel pool (SFP). In accordance with the
provisions of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(4), the
licensee takes credit for soluble boron
for criticality control and ensures that
the effective multiplication factor (keff)
of the SFP does not exceed 0.95, if
flooded with borated water. Section
50.68(b)(4) of 10 CFR also requires that,
if credit is taken for soluble boron, the
keff must remain below 1.0 (subcritical)
if flooded with unborated water.
However, the licensee is unable to
satisfy the requirement to maintain the
keff below 1.0 (subcritical) with
unborated water, which is also the
requirement of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1),
during cask handling operations in the
SFP. Therefore, the licensee’s request
for exemption from 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1)
proposes to permit the licensee to
perform spent fuel loading, unloading,
and handling operations related to dry
cask storage, without being subcritical
under the most adverse moderation
conditions feasible by unborated water.
It should be noted that an exemption
from the requirements of 10 CFR
50.68(b)(4) is not necessary because it is
only applicable to the spent fuel storage
racks, which have been determined to
be subcritical if flooded with unborated
Part 50, Appendix A of 10 CFR,
‘‘General Design Criteria (GDC) for
Nuclear Power Plants,’’ provides a list of
the minimum design requirements for
nuclear power plants. According to
GDC–62, ‘‘Prevention of Criticality in
Fuel Storage and Handling,’’ the
licensee must prevent criticality in the
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fuel handling and storage system by
physical systems or processes.
Section 50.68 of 10 CFR part 50,
‘‘Criticality Accident Requirements,’’
provides the NRC requirements for
maintaining subcritical conditions in
SFPs. Section 50.68 of 10 CFR provides
criticality control requirements which,
if satisfied, ensure that an inadvertent
criticality in the SFP is an extremely
unlikely event. These requirements
ensure that the licensee has
appropriately conservative criticality
margins during handling and storage of
spent fuel. Section 50.68(b)(1) of 10 CFR
states, ‘‘Plant procedures shall prohibit
the handling and storage at any one time
of more fuel assemblies than have been
determined to be safely subcritical
under the most adverse moderation
conditions feasible by unborated water.’’
Specifically, 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1) ensures
that the licensee will maintain the pool
in a subcritical condition during
handling and storage operations without
crediting the soluble boron in the SFP
The licensee has received a license to
construct and operate an Independent
Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)
at MP2. The ISFSI permits the licensee
to store spent fuel assemblies in large
concrete dry storage casks. As part of its
ISFSI loading activities, the licensee
transfers spent fuel assemblies to a dry
shielded canister (DSC) in the cask pit
area of the SFP. The licensee performed
criticality analyses of the DSC fully
loaded with fuel having the highest
permissible reactivity, and determined
that a soluble boron credit was
necessary to ensure that the DSC would
remain subcritical in the SFP. Since the
licensee is unable to satisfy the
requirement of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1) to
ensure subcritical conditions during
handling and storage of spent fuel
assemblies in the pool with unborated
water, the licensee identified the need
for an exemption from the 10 CFR
50.68(b)(1) requirement to support DSC
loading, unloading, and handling
operations, without being subcritical
under the most adverse moderation
conditions feasible by unborated water.
The staff evaluated the possibility of
an inadvertent criticality of the spent
nuclear fuel at MP2 during DSC loading,
unloading, and handling. The staff has
established a set of acceptance criteria
that, if met, satisfy the underlying intent
of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1). In lieu of
complying with 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1), the
staff determined that an inadvertent
criticality accident is unlikely to occur
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if the licensee meets the following five
1. The cask criticality analyses are
based on the following conservative
a. All fuel assemblies in the cask are
unirradiated and at the highest
permissible enrichment,
b. Only 75 percent of the Boron-10 in
the Boral panel inserts is credited,
c. No credit is taken for fuel-related
burnable absorbers, and
d. The cask is assumed to be flooded
with moderator at the temperature and
density corresponding to optimum
2. The licensee’s ISFSI TS requires the
soluble boron concentration to be equal
to or greater than the level assumed in
the criticality analysis and surveillance
requirements necessitate the periodic
verification of the concentration both
prior to and during loading and
unloading operations.
3. Radiation monitors, as required by
GDC–63, ‘‘Monitoring Fuel and Waste
Storage,’’ are provided in fuel storage
and handling areas to detect excessive
radiation levels and to initiate
appropriate safety actions.
4. The quantity of other forms of
special nuclear material, such as
sources, detectors, etc., to be stored in
the cask will not increase the effective
multiplication factor above the limit
calculated in the criticality analysis.
5. Sufficient time exists for plant
personnel to identify and terminate a
boron dilution event prior to achieving
a critical boron concentration in the
DSC. To demonstrate that it can safely
identify and terminate a boron dilution
event, the licensee must provide the
a. A plant-specific criticality analysis
to identify the critical boron
concentration in the cask based on the
highest reactivity loading pattern.
b. A plant-specific boron dilution
analysis to identify all potential dilution
pathways, their flowrates, and the time
necessary to reach a critical boron
c. A description of all alarms and
indications available to promptly alert
operators of a boron dilution event.
d. A description of plant controls that
will be implemented to minimize the
potential for a boron dilution event.
e. A summary of operator training and
procedures that will be used to ensure
1 The criteria have been used previously in the
review of similar exemptions from the requirements
of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1) for Diablo Canyon Units No.
1 and 2 and Sequoyah Units No. 1 and 2. The
evaluations for these exemptions are available in
the Agencywide Documents Access and
Management System under accession numbers
ML040300693 and ML041540213, respectively.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 23, 2005 / Notices
that operators can quickly identify and
terminate a boron dilution event.
3.2 Technical Evaluation
In determining the acceptability of the
licensee’s exemption request, the staff
reviewed three aspects of the licensee’s
analyses: (1) Criticality analyses
submitted to support the ISFSI license
application and its exemption request,
(2) boron dilution analysis, and (3) legal
basis for approving the exemption. For
each of the aspects, the staff evaluated
whether the licensee’s analyses and
methodologies provide reasonable
assurance that adequate safety margins
are developed and can be maintained in
the MP2 SFP during loading of spent
fuel into canisters for dry cask storage.
3.2.1 Criticality Analyses
For evaluation of the acceptability of
the licensee’s exemption request, the
staff reviewed the criticality analyses
provided by the licensee in support of
its ISFSI license application. Appendix
M, Chapter 6, ‘‘Criticality Evaluation,’’
of the Standardized NUHOMS Final
Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) contains
detailed information regarding the
methodology, assumptions, and controls
used in the criticality analysis for the
DSCs to be used at MP2. The staff
reviewed the information contained in
Chapter 6 as well as information
provided by the licensee in its
exemption request to determine if
Criteria 1 through 4 of Section 3.1 were
First, the staff reviewed the
methodology and assumptions used by
the licensee in its criticality analysis to
determine if Criterion 1 was satisfied.
The licensee provided a detailed list of
the assumptions used in the criticality
analysis in Appendix M, Chapter 6 of
the NUHOMS FSAR as well as in its
exemption request. The licensee stated
that it took no credit in the criticality
analyses for burnup or fuel-related
burnable absorbers. The licensee also
stated that all assemblies were analyzed
at the highest permissible enrichment.
Additionally, the licensee stated that
all criticality analyses for a flooded DSC
were performed at temperatures and
densities of water corresponding to
optimum moderation conditions. In its
supplemental response, dated January
25, 2005, the licensee provided the
results of additional analyses it
performed to determine the optimum
moderation (i.e. maximum keff)
conditions in the DSC. The licensee,
using previously approved
methodologies, determined the
optimum moderation condition
occurred at 75 percent of full-water
density in the DSC. The licensee
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determined that this condition would
only occur during a boiling condition in
the cask that resulted in significant
voiding. The maximum design basis
temperature for the MP2 SFP is 150
degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, the
cooling system in the SFP is designed to
preclude reaching the conditions
calculated in the optimum moderation
analysis. This provides additional
conservative margin in the criticality
Finally, the licensee stated that it
credited 90 percent of the Boron-10
content for the fixed neutron absorber in
the DSC. NUREG–1536, ‘‘Standard
Review Plan for Dry Cask Storage
System,’’ states that ‘‘[f]or a greater
credit allowance [i.e. greater than 75
percent for fixed neutron absorbers]
special, comprehensive fabrication tests
capable of verifying the presence and
uniformity of the neutron absorber are
needed.’’ In its review of the
Standardized NUHOMS cask design, the
staff reviewed and accepted the results
of additional data supplied by the
manufacturer which demonstrated that
a 90-percent credit for the fixed neutron
absorbers was acceptable in the TN
NUHOMS-32PT design. Therefore, for
the purposes of this exemption, the staff
finds a 90-percent credit acceptable on
the basis that it has previously been
reviewed and approved by the NRC.
Subsequently, based on its review of the
criticality analyses contained in
Appendix M, Chapter 6 of the NUHOMS
FSAR and the information submitted in
its exemption request, the staff finds
that the licensee has satisfied Criterion
Second, the staff reviewed the
proposed MP2 ISFSI TSs. The licensee’s
criticality analyses credit soluble boron
for reactivity control during DSC
loading, unloading, and handling
operations. Since the boron
concentration is a key safety component
necessary for ensuring subcritical
conditions in the pool, the licensee
must have a conservative TS capable of
ensuring that sufficient soluble boron is
present to perform its safety function.
The most limiting loading configuration
of a DSC requires 2500 parts-per-million
(ppm) of soluble boron to ensure the keff
is maintained below 0.95, the regulatory
limit relied upon by the staff for
demonstrating compliance with the
requirements of 10 CFR 72.124(a).
MP2’s ISFSI TSs require the soluble
boron concentration in the DSC cavity
to be greater than or equal to the
concentrations assumed in the
criticality analyses under a variety of
DSC loading configurations. In all cases,
the boron concentration required by the
ISFSI TS ensures that the keff will be
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below 0.95 for the analyzed loading
configuration. Additionally, the
licensee’s ISFSI TSs contain
surveillance requirements which ensure
it will verify that the boron
concentration is above the required
level both prior to and during DSC
loading, unloading, and handling
operations. Based on its review of the
MP2 ISFSI TSs, the staff finds that the
licensee has satisfied Criterion 2.
Third, the staff reviewed the MP2
Updated Final Safety Analysis Report
(UFSAR) and the information provided
by the licensee in its exemption request
to ensure that it complies with GDC–63.
GDC–63 requires that licensees have
radiation monitors in fuel storage and
associated handling areas to detect
conditions that may result in a loss of
residual heat removal capability and
excessive radiation levels and initiate
appropriate safety actions. As a
condition of receiving and maintaining
an operating license, the licensee must
comply with GDC–63. The staff
reviewed the MP2 UFSAR and
exemption request to determine whether
it had provided sufficient information to
demonstrate continued compliance with
GDC–63. Based on its review of both
documents, the staff finds that the
licensee complies with GDC–63 and has
satisfied Criterion 3.
Finally, as part of the criticality
analysis review, the staff evaluated the
storage of non-fuel related material in a
DSC. The staff evaluated the potential to
increase the reactivity of a DSC by
loading it with materials other than
spent nuclear fuel and fuel debris. The
approved contents for storage in the
NUHOMS-32PT cask design are listed
in the Standardized NUHOMS
Certificate of Compliance (CoC) 1004
Amendment 5 TSs. The contents have
been reviewed for storage in the DSCs
to be used at MP2 to ensure that
subcritical conditions can be
maintained. As such, MP2 is restricted
to the storage of only those approved
contents listed in the TSs. Additionally,
the TSs restrict the loading patterns for
storage of the approved contents. All of
these controls ensure that the DSCs will
remain subcritical under the most
adverse conditions. Therefore, the staff
determined that the loading limitations
described in the CoC will ensure that
any authorized components loaded in
the DSCs will not result in a reactivity
increase. Based on its review of the
loading restrictions, the staff finds that
the licensee has satisfied Criterion 4.
3.2.2 Boron Dilution Analysis
Since the licensee’s ISFSI application
relies on soluble boron to maintain
subcritical conditions within the DSCs
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 23, 2005 / Notices
during loading, unloading and handling
operations, the staff reviewed the
licensee’s boron dilution analysis to
determine whether appropriate controls,
alarms, and procedures were available
to identify and terminate a boron
dilution accident prior to reaching a
critical boron concentration.
By letter dated October 25, 1996, the
staff issued a safety evaluation (SE) of
licensing topical report WCAP–14416,
‘‘Westinghouse Spent Fuel Rack
Criticality Analysis Methodology.’’ This
SE specified that the following issues be
evaluated for applications involving
soluble boron credit: the events that
could cause boron dilution, the time
available to detect and mitigate each
dilution event, the potential for
incomplete boron mixing, and the
adequacy of the boron concentration
surveillance interval.
The TS requirements for the
NUHOMS-32PT Cask System include a
minimum boron concentration
requirement of 2500 ppm boron when
spent fuel assemblies with enrichments
less than or equal to 3.8 weight-percent
(wt-percent) U–235 are loaded into an
DSC canister. For higher enrichments, a
combination of poison rod assemblies
(PRAs) and SFP soluble boron
concentration are used to ensure
subcritical conditions are maintained in
the DSC. The quantity of PRAs needed
is a function of the initial, unirradiated
enrichment of the fuel assemblies to be
loaded in the DSC. For the purposes of
this exemption review, the limiting
critical boron concentration was
determined for the 3.8 wt-percent
enrichment loading with no PRAs.
Therefore, the approval of this
exemption is limited to the DSC
loading, unloading, and handling of
combustion engineering 14 x 14 fuel
assemblies enriched to a maximum of
3.8 wt-percent U–235 and no PRAs. The
NUHOMS soluble boron TS
requirements ensure that keff is
maintained less than 0.95. TS
surveillance requirements require the
boron concentration in the DSC water to
be verified by two independent
measurements within 4 hours prior to
commencing any loading or unloading
of fuel and verified every 48 hours
thereafter while the DSC is in the SFP
when one or more fuel assemblies are
The licensee contracted with TN to
perform a criticality analysis to
determine the soluble boron
concentration that results in a keff equal
to 1.0 for 3.8 wt-percent U–235 fuel
enrichments using the same
methodology as approved in the
Standardized NUHOMS Cask System
Final Safety Analysis. The analysis
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determined the critical boron
concentration level for 3.9 wt-percent
U–235 enriched fuel was 1700 ppm. The
licensee selected 3.9 wt-percent U–235
enriched fuel as opposed to the 3.8 wtpercent limit in the TSs for added
conservatism. The boron concentration
within the canister would have to
decrease from the TS limit to the critical
boron concentration before criticality is
possible. The licensee based its boron
dilution analyses and its preventive and
mitigative actions on dilution sources
with the potential to reduce the boron
concentration from the TS minimum
value to the critical concentration.
During the current analysis, the
licensee referenced a previous analysis
of the boron dilution event performed
for MP2 and submitted to the NRC via
letter on November 5, 2001. In this
analysis the licensee identified all
credible potential sources that could
dilute the SFP to critical conditions.
The licensee determined that the
limiting boron dilution event occurs
when primary make-up water (PMW),
with a maximum flow rate of 200 gpm
(gallons per minute), is added to the
SFP. The licensee identified the
following additional credible bounding
dilution sources and their flow rates:
100 gpm from the auxiliary feedwater
makeup to the SFP through an open
valve directly to the SFP; 142 gpm from
the reactor building closed component
cooling water leaking to the SFP
through a heat exchanger tube rupture;
93 gpm from a piping leak in the fire
protection system, domestic water or the
turbine building closed cooling water
system. The staff found the scope and
results of the dilution source evaluation
The licensee’s calculations show that
at least 5 hours will be available before
the DSC water boron concentration
decreases from 2500 ppm to the critical
concentration of 1700 ppm when a slug
flow (no mixing) model is assumed.
To demonstrate that sufficient time
exists for plant personnel to identify
and terminate a boron dilution event,
the licensee provided a description of
all alarms available to alert operators,
and plant controls that will be
implemented. There is no automatic
level control system for the SFP;
therefore, the SFP will overflow on an
uncontrolled water addition. However, a
high-level alarm in the control room
would alert personnel of a potential
boron dilution event within an hour for
a 200 gpm dilution rate. Since it would
take an additional hour before the pool
begin to overflow, at least 3 hours
would be available for mitigation of the
dilution. The staff finds that this is
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sufficient time to terminate the event
before 1700 ppm in the DSC is reached.
The configuration of the cask laydown
pit in the pool could allow localized
boron dilution and stratification because
the pit is open to the SFP only through
a narrow transfer path above the level of
stored fuel. Addition of cold water
directly to the cask loading area that is
denser than the warm, borated pool
water could fill the bottom of the cask
pit with water having a low boron
concentration. To avoid direct dilution
to the cask pit area, the licensee has
committed to include several
requirements to its ISFSI operational
procedures whenever a DSC is in the
SFP with fuel inside. The procedures
will require (1) verification that the
opening of the cask pit is free from
obstructions so that adequate flow
between the SFP and the cask pit is
established, (2) verification that the
return isolation valve to the cask
laydown pit is open, which will ensure
adequate mixing and cooling within the
cask pit area, thereby minimizing the
possibility that boron stratification
occurs, (3) continuous personnel
presence on the SFP floor to promptly
identify any inadvertent dilution that
could cause stratification in the cask pit,
and (4) maintaining 850 gpm of SFP
cooling flow to establish adequate
mixing throughout the pool.
To ensure that operators are capable
of identifying and terminating a boron
dilution event during DSC loading,
unloading, and handling operations,
operator training will be conducted. The
training will emphasize the importance
of avoiding any inadvertent additions of
unborated water to the SFP, responses
to be taken for notifications or alarms
that may be indicative of a potential
boron dilution event during DSC
loading and fuel movement, and
identification of the potential for a
boron dilution during decontamination
Based on the staff’s review of the
licensee’s exemption request dated
November 5, 2004, the supplemental
information provided by letters dated
January 6, and January 25, 2005, and its
boron dilution analysis, the staff finds
the licensee has provided sufficient
information to demonstrate that an
undetected and uncorrected dilution
from the TS required boron
concentration to the calculated critical
boron concentration is not credible.
Based on its review of the boron
analysis and enhancements to the
operating procedures and operator
training program, the staff finds the
licensee has satisfied Criterion 5.
Therefore, in conjunction with the
conservative assumptions used to
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 35 / Wednesday, February 23, 2005 / Notices
establish the TS required boron
concentration and critical boron
concentration, the boron dilution
evaluation demonstrates that the
underlying intent of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1)
is satisfied.
3.3 Legal Basis for the Exemption
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, ‘‘Specific
Exemption,’’ the staff reviewed the
licensee’s exemption request to
determine if the legal basis for granting
an exemption had been satisfied, and
concluded that the licensee has satisfied
the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12. With
regard to the six special circumstances
listed in 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2), the staff
finds that the licensee’s exemption
request satisfies 50.12(a)(2)(ii),
‘‘Application of the regulation in the
particular circumstances would not
serve the underlying purpose of the rule
or is not necessary to achieve the
underlying purpose of the rule.’’
Specifically, the staff concludes that
since the licensee has satisfied the five
criteria in Section 3.1 of this exemption,
the application of the rule is not
necessary to achieve its underlying
purpose in this case.
3.4 Summary
The following limitations and/or
conditions are applicable to this
A. Loading, unloading, and handling
of the DSC for the TN NUHOMS–32PT
shall only be done at MP2.
B. Loading, unloading, and handling
in the DSC at MP2 is limited to
Combustion Engineering 14 x 14 fuel
assemblies that had a maximum initial,
unirradiated U–235 enrichment of 3.8
C. The licensee will implement the
actions as stated in Attachment 2 of its
supplement dated January 25, 2005,
1. DNC will revise ISFSI procedures
or calculations to state that poison rod
assembly (PRA) use is not authorized by
the proposed 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1)
2. DNC will revise ISFSI procedures
to require that when a fueled 32PT DSC
is in the MPS2 [Millstone Power
Station, Unit No. 2] SPF[,] Spent Fuel
Pool Cooling Flow must be at least 850
3. During the time that a fueled DSC
is in the SFP procedural controls will be
implemented to ensure that the transfer
canal bulkhead gate will not be used to
block the transfer canal opening to the
4. An additional precaution will be
added to the SFP high level alarm
response procedure to identify that if
there is a fueled DSC in the SFP
VerDate jul<14>2003
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additional boron concentration limits
apply. These limits will be specified in
the procedure.
5. Training will be conducted to
ensure operators are aware of the 32PT
DSC TS SFP boron concentration
requirements, and should a boron
dilution occur, at what boron
concentration criticality in the DSC
could occur. The training will
emphasize the importance of avoiding
any inadvertent additions of unborated
water to the SFP, responses to be taken
for notification or alarms that may be
indicative of a potential boron dilution
event during cask loading and fuel
movement in the SFP, and identification
of the potential for a boron dilution
event during decontamination rinsing
6. Appropriate controls or measures to
minimize the possibility of direct
dilution of the cask handling area of the
SFP will be established prior to DSC
(a) DNC will revise ISFSI procedures
to require an individual remain on the
SFP floor at all times when a fueled
32PT DSC is in the MPS2 SFP to ensure
that the SFP is not overflowing and that
water is not unintentionally spilling
into the SFP.
(b) DNC will revise ISFSI procedures
to require Valve 2–RW–350 [to] remain
open when a fueled 32PT DSC is in the
(c) DSC procedures will be modified
to include a requirement that the SFP
will be sampled for boron concentration
after each intentional addition of a
maximum of 500 gallons of unborated
7. DNC will revise ISFSI procedures
to require [that] Valve 2–RW–2 will be
closed when a fueled 32PT DSC is in the
The staff finds, based upon the review
of the licensee’s proposal to credit
soluble boron during DSC loading,
unloading, and handling in the MP2
SFP, that pursuant to 10 CFR
50.12(a)(2), the licensee’s exemption
request is acceptable.
4.0 Conclusion
Accordingly, the Commission has
determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR
50.12(a), the exemption is authorized by
law, will not present an undue risk to
the public health and safety, and is
consistent with the common defense
and security. Also, special
circumstances are present. Therefore,
the Commission hereby grants
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. an
exemption from the requirements of 10
CFR 50.68(b)(1) for the loading,
unloading, and handling of the
components of the TN NUHOMS–
PO 00000
Frm 00094
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32PT dry cask storage system at MP2.
Any changes to the cask system design
features affecting criticality or its
supporting criticality analyses will
invalidate this exemption.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the
Commission has determined that the
granting of this exemption will not have
a significant effect on the quality of the
human environment (69 FR 2012).
This exemption is effective upon
Dated in Rockville, Maryland, this 15th
day of February, 2005.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Ledyard B. Marsh,
Director, Division of Licensing Project
Management, Office of Nuclear Reactor
[FR Doc. 05–3398 Filed 2–22–05; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 030–03829]
Notice of Availability of Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No
Significant Impact for License
Amendment for the P&G-Clairol
Facility in Stamford, CT
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of availability.
Kathy Dolce Modes, Materials Security
& Industrial Branch, Division of Nuclear
Materials Safety, Region I, 475
Allendale Road, King of Prussia,
Pennsylvania, 19406, telephone (610)
337–5251, fax (610) 337–5269; or by email:
I. Introduction
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) is issuing a license amendment to
P&G-Clairol, Inc., (P&G-Clairol) for
Materials License No. 06–11703–02, to
authorize release of its facility in
Stamford, Connecticut for unrestricted
use. NRC has prepared an
Environmental Assessment (EA) in
support of this action in accordance
with the requirements of 10 CFR part
51. Based on the EA, the NRC has
concluded that a Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI) is
appropriate. The amendment will be
issued following the publication of this
II. EA Summary
The purpose of the action is to
authorize the release of the licensee’s
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 35 (Wednesday, February 23, 2005)]
[Pages 8851-8855]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-3398]
[Docket No. 50-336]
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.; Millstone Power Station, Unit
No. 2; Exemption
1.0 Background
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (DNC or the licensee) is the
holder of Facility Operating License No. DPR-65, which authorizes
operation of the Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 2 (MP2). The license
provides, among other things, that the facility is subject to all
rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC, the Commission) now or hereafter in effect.
The facility consists of a pressurized water reactor located in New
London County, Connecticut.
2.0 Request/Action
By letter dated November 5, 2004, as supplemented by letters dated
January 6 and January 25, 2005, the licensee submitted a request for an
exemption from the requirements of title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) section 50.68(b)(1) for loading, unloading, and
handling of the components of the Transnuclear (TN) NUHOMS[supreg]-32PT
dry cask storage system at MP2.
Section 50.68(b)(1) of 10 CFR sets forth the following requirement
that must be met, in lieu of a monitoring system capable of detecting
criticality events.
Plant procedures shall prohibit the handling and storage at any
one time of more fuel assemblies than have been determined to be
safely subcritical under the most adverse moderation conditions
feasible by unborated water.
The licensee is unable to satisfy the above requirement for
handling the 10 CFR part 72 licensed contents of the TN NUHOMS[supreg]-
32PT system. Section 50.12(a) allows licensees to apply for an
exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR part 50 if the regulation is
not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule and other
conditions are met. The licensee stated in the application that
compliance with 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1) is not necessary for
[[Page 8852]]
handling the 10 CFR part 72 licensed contents of the cask system to
achieve the underlying purpose of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1).
3.0 Discussion
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, the Commission may, upon application by
any interested person or upon its own initiative, grant exemptions from
the requirements of 10 CFR part 50 when (1) the exemptions are
authorized by law, will not present an undue risk to public health or
safety, and are consistent with the common defense and security, and
(2) when special circumstances are present. Therefore, in determining
the acceptability of the licensee's exemption request, the staff has
performed the following regulatory, technical, and legal evaluations to
satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12 for granting the exemption.
3.1 Regulatory Evaluation
The MP2 Technical Specifications (TSs) currently permit the
licensee to store spent fuel assemblies in high-density storage racks
in the MP2 spent fuel pool (SFP). In accordance with the provisions of
10 CFR 50.68(b)(4), the licensee takes credit for soluble boron for
criticality control and ensures that the effective multiplication
factor (keff) of the SFP does not exceed 0.95, if flooded
with borated water. Section 50.68(b)(4) of 10 CFR also requires that,
if credit is taken for soluble boron, the keff must remain
below 1.0 (subcritical) if flooded with unborated water. However, the
licensee is unable to satisfy the requirement to maintain the
keff below 1.0 (subcritical) with unborated water, which is
also the requirement of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1), during cask handling
operations in the SFP. Therefore, the licensee's request for exemption
from 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1) proposes to permit the licensee to perform
spent fuel loading, unloading, and handling operations related to dry
cask storage, without being subcritical under the most adverse
moderation conditions feasible by unborated water. It should be noted
that an exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(4) is not
necessary because it is only applicable to the spent fuel storage
racks, which have been determined to be subcritical if flooded with
unborated water.
Part 50, Appendix A of 10 CFR, ``General Design Criteria (GDC) for
Nuclear Power Plants,'' provides a list of the minimum design
requirements for nuclear power plants. According to GDC-62,
``Prevention of Criticality in Fuel Storage and Handling,'' the
licensee must prevent criticality in the fuel handling and storage
system by physical systems or processes.
Section 50.68 of 10 CFR part 50, ``Criticality Accident
Requirements,'' provides the NRC requirements for maintaining
subcritical conditions in SFPs. Section 50.68 of 10 CFR provides
criticality control requirements which, if satisfied, ensure that an
inadvertent criticality in the SFP is an extremely unlikely event.
These requirements ensure that the licensee has appropriately
conservative criticality margins during handling and storage of spent
fuel. Section 50.68(b)(1) of 10 CFR states, ``Plant procedures shall
prohibit the handling and storage at any one time of more fuel
assemblies than have been determined to be safely subcritical under the
most adverse moderation conditions feasible by unborated water.''
Specifically, 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1) ensures that the licensee will
maintain the pool in a subcritical condition during handling and
storage operations without crediting the soluble boron in the SFP
The licensee has received a license to construct and operate an
Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) at MP2. The ISFSI
permits the licensee to store spent fuel assemblies in large concrete
dry storage casks. As part of its ISFSI loading activities, the
licensee transfers spent fuel assemblies to a dry shielded canister
(DSC) in the cask pit area of the SFP. The licensee performed
criticality analyses of the DSC fully loaded with fuel having the
highest permissible reactivity, and determined that a soluble boron
credit was necessary to ensure that the DSC would remain subcritical in
the SFP. Since the licensee is unable to satisfy the requirement of 10
CFR 50.68(b)(1) to ensure subcritical conditions during handling and
storage of spent fuel assemblies in the pool with unborated water, the
licensee identified the need for an exemption from the 10 CFR
50.68(b)(1) requirement to support DSC loading, unloading, and handling
operations, without being subcritical under the most adverse moderation
conditions feasible by unborated water.
The staff evaluated the possibility of an inadvertent criticality
of the spent nuclear fuel at MP2 during DSC loading, unloading, and
handling. The staff has established a set of acceptance criteria that,
if met, satisfy the underlying intent of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1). In lieu of
complying with 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1), the staff determined that an
inadvertent criticality accident is unlikely to occur if the licensee
meets the following five criteria:\1\
\1\ The criteria have been used previously in the review of
similar exemptions from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1) for
Diablo Canyon Units No. 1 and 2 and Sequoyah Units No. 1 and 2. The
evaluations for these exemptions are available in the Agencywide
Documents Access and Management System under accession numbers
ML040300693 and ML041540213, respectively.
1. The cask criticality analyses are based on the following
conservative assumptions:
a. All fuel assemblies in the cask are unirradiated and at the
highest permissible enrichment,
b. Only 75 percent of the Boron-10 in the Boral panel inserts is
c. No credit is taken for fuel-related burnable absorbers, and
d. The cask is assumed to be flooded with moderator at the
temperature and density corresponding to optimum moderation.
2. The licensee's ISFSI TS requires the soluble boron concentration
to be equal to or greater than the level assumed in the criticality
analysis and surveillance requirements necessitate the periodic
verification of the concentration both prior to and during loading and
unloading operations.
3. Radiation monitors, as required by GDC-63, ``Monitoring Fuel and
Waste Storage,'' are provided in fuel storage and handling areas to
detect excessive radiation levels and to initiate appropriate safety
4. The quantity of other forms of special nuclear material, such as
sources, detectors, etc., to be stored in the cask will not increase
the effective multiplication factor above the limit calculated in the
criticality analysis.
5. Sufficient time exists for plant personnel to identify and
terminate a boron dilution event prior to achieving a critical boron
concentration in the DSC. To demonstrate that it can safely identify
and terminate a boron dilution event, the licensee must provide the
a. A plant-specific criticality analysis to identify the critical
boron concentration in the cask based on the highest reactivity loading
b. A plant-specific boron dilution analysis to identify all
potential dilution pathways, their flowrates, and the time necessary to
reach a critical boron concentration.
c. A description of all alarms and indications available to
promptly alert operators of a boron dilution event.
d. A description of plant controls that will be implemented to
minimize the potential for a boron dilution event.
e. A summary of operator training and procedures that will be used
to ensure
[[Page 8853]]
that operators can quickly identify and terminate a boron dilution
3.2 Technical Evaluation
In determining the acceptability of the licensee's exemption
request, the staff reviewed three aspects of the licensee's analyses:
(1) Criticality analyses submitted to support the ISFSI license
application and its exemption request, (2) boron dilution analysis, and
(3) legal basis for approving the exemption. For each of the aspects,
the staff evaluated whether the licensee's analyses and methodologies
provide reasonable assurance that adequate safety margins are developed
and can be maintained in the MP2 SFP during loading of spent fuel into
canisters for dry cask storage.
3.2.1 Criticality Analyses
For evaluation of the acceptability of the licensee's exemption
request, the staff reviewed the criticality analyses provided by the
licensee in support of its ISFSI license application. Appendix M,
Chapter 6, ``Criticality Evaluation,'' of the Standardized NUHOMS Final
Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) contains detailed information regarding
the methodology, assumptions, and controls used in the criticality
analysis for the DSCs to be used at MP2. The staff reviewed the
information contained in Chapter 6 as well as information provided by
the licensee in its exemption request to determine if Criteria 1
through 4 of Section 3.1 were satisfied.
First, the staff reviewed the methodology and assumptions used by
the licensee in its criticality analysis to determine if Criterion 1
was satisfied. The licensee provided a detailed list of the assumptions
used in the criticality analysis in Appendix M, Chapter 6 of the NUHOMS
FSAR as well as in its exemption request. The licensee stated that it
took no credit in the criticality analyses for burnup or fuel-related
burnable absorbers. The licensee also stated that all assemblies were
analyzed at the highest permissible enrichment.
Additionally, the licensee stated that all criticality analyses for
a flooded DSC were performed at temperatures and densities of water
corresponding to optimum moderation conditions. In its supplemental
response, dated January 25, 2005, the licensee provided the results of
additional analyses it performed to determine the optimum moderation
(i.e. maximum k\eff\) conditions in the DSC. The licensee, using
previously approved methodologies, determined the optimum moderation
condition occurred at 75 percent of full-water density in the DSC. The
licensee determined that this condition would only occur during a
boiling condition in the cask that resulted in significant voiding. The
maximum design basis temperature for the MP2 SFP is 150 degrees
Fahrenheit. Therefore, the cooling system in the SFP is designed to
preclude reaching the conditions calculated in the optimum moderation
analysis. This provides additional conservative margin in the
criticality analysis.
Finally, the licensee stated that it credited 90 percent of the
Boron-10 content for the fixed neutron absorber in the DSC. NUREG-1536,
``Standard Review Plan for Dry Cask Storage System,'' states that
``[f]or a greater credit allowance [i.e. greater than 75 percent for
fixed neutron absorbers] special, comprehensive fabrication tests
capable of verifying the presence and uniformity of the neutron
absorber are needed.'' In its review of the Standardized NUHOMS cask
design, the staff reviewed and accepted the results of additional data
supplied by the manufacturer which demonstrated that a 90-percent
credit for the fixed neutron absorbers was acceptable in the TN
NUHOMS[supreg]-32PT design. Therefore, for the purposes of this
exemption, the staff finds a 90-percent credit acceptable on the basis
that it has previously been reviewed and approved by the NRC.
Subsequently, based on its review of the criticality analyses contained
in Appendix M, Chapter 6 of the NUHOMS FSAR and the information
submitted in its exemption request, the staff finds that the licensee
has satisfied Criterion 1.
Second, the staff reviewed the proposed MP2 ISFSI TSs. The
licensee's criticality analyses credit soluble boron for reactivity
control during DSC loading, unloading, and handling operations. Since
the boron concentration is a key safety component necessary for
ensuring subcritical conditions in the pool, the licensee must have a
conservative TS capable of ensuring that sufficient soluble boron is
present to perform its safety function. The most limiting loading
configuration of a DSC requires 2500 parts-per-million (ppm) of soluble
boron to ensure the k\eff\ is maintained below 0.95, the regulatory
limit relied upon by the staff for demonstrating compliance with the
requirements of 10 CFR 72.124(a). MP2's ISFSI TSs require the soluble
boron concentration in the DSC cavity to be greater than or equal to
the concentrations assumed in the criticality analyses under a variety
of DSC loading configurations. In all cases, the boron concentration
required by the ISFSI TS ensures that the k\eff\ will be below 0.95 for
the analyzed loading configuration. Additionally, the licensee's ISFSI
TSs contain surveillance requirements which ensure it will verify that
the boron concentration is above the required level both prior to and
during DSC loading, unloading, and handling operations. Based on its
review of the MP2 ISFSI TSs, the staff finds that the licensee has
satisfied Criterion 2.
Third, the staff reviewed the MP2 Updated Final Safety Analysis
Report (UFSAR) and the information provided by the licensee in its
exemption request to ensure that it complies with GDC-63. GDC-63
requires that licensees have radiation monitors in fuel storage and
associated handling areas to detect conditions that may result in a
loss of residual heat removal capability and excessive radiation levels
and initiate appropriate safety actions. As a condition of receiving
and maintaining an operating license, the licensee must comply with
GDC-63. The staff reviewed the MP2 UFSAR and exemption request to
determine whether it had provided sufficient information to demonstrate
continued compliance with GDC-63. Based on its review of both
documents, the staff finds that the licensee complies with GDC-63 and
has satisfied Criterion 3.
Finally, as part of the criticality analysis review, the staff
evaluated the storage of non-fuel related material in a DSC. The staff
evaluated the potential to increase the reactivity of a DSC by loading
it with materials other than spent nuclear fuel and fuel debris. The
approved contents for storage in the NUHOMS[supreg]-32PT cask design
are listed in the Standardized NUHOMS Certificate of Compliance (CoC)
1004 Amendment 5 TSs. The contents have been reviewed for storage in
the DSCs to be used at MP2 to ensure that subcritical conditions can be
maintained. As such, MP2 is restricted to the storage of only those
approved contents listed in the TSs. Additionally, the TSs restrict the
loading patterns for storage of the approved contents. All of these
controls ensure that the DSCs will remain subcritical under the most
adverse conditions. Therefore, the staff determined that the loading
limitations described in the CoC will ensure that any authorized
components loaded in the DSCs will not result in a reactivity increase.
Based on its review of the loading restrictions, the staff finds that
the licensee has satisfied Criterion 4.
3.2.2 Boron Dilution Analysis
Since the licensee's ISFSI application relies on soluble boron to
maintain subcritical conditions within the DSCs
[[Page 8854]]
during loading, unloading and handling operations, the staff reviewed
the licensee's boron dilution analysis to determine whether appropriate
controls, alarms, and procedures were available to identify and
terminate a boron dilution accident prior to reaching a critical boron
By letter dated October 25, 1996, the staff issued a safety
evaluation (SE) of licensing topical report WCAP-14416, ``Westinghouse
Spent Fuel Rack Criticality Analysis Methodology.'' This SE specified
that the following issues be evaluated for applications involving
soluble boron credit: the events that could cause boron dilution, the
time available to detect and mitigate each dilution event, the
potential for incomplete boron mixing, and the adequacy of the boron
concentration surveillance interval.
The TS requirements for the NUHOMS[supreg]-32PT Cask System include
a minimum boron concentration requirement of 2500 ppm boron when spent
fuel assemblies with enrichments less than or equal to 3.8 weight-
percent (wt-percent) U-235 are loaded into an DSC canister. For higher
enrichments, a combination of poison rod assemblies (PRAs) and SFP
soluble boron concentration are used to ensure subcritical conditions
are maintained in the DSC. The quantity of PRAs needed is a function of
the initial, unirradiated enrichment of the fuel assemblies to be
loaded in the DSC. For the purposes of this exemption review, the
limiting critical boron concentration was determined for the 3.8 wt-
percent enrichment loading with no PRAs. Therefore, the approval of
this exemption is limited to the DSC loading, unloading, and handling
of combustion engineering 14 x 14 fuel assemblies enriched to a maximum
of 3.8 wt-percent U-235 and no PRAs. The NUHOMS soluble boron TS
requirements ensure that k\eff\ is maintained less than 0.95. TS
surveillance requirements require the boron concentration in the DSC
water to be verified by two independent measurements within 4 hours
prior to commencing any loading or unloading of fuel and verified every
48 hours thereafter while the DSC is in the SFP when one or more fuel
assemblies are installed.
The licensee contracted with TN to perform a criticality analysis
to determine the soluble boron concentration that results in a k\eff\
equal to 1.0 for 3.8 wt-percent U-235 fuel enrichments using the same
methodology as approved in the Standardized NUHOMS Cask System Final
Safety Analysis. The analysis determined the critical boron
concentration level for 3.9 wt-percent U-235 enriched fuel was 1700
ppm. The licensee selected 3.9 wt-percent U-235 enriched fuel as
opposed to the 3.8 wt-percent limit in the TSs for added conservatism.
The boron concentration within the canister would have to decrease from
the TS limit to the critical boron concentration before criticality is
possible. The licensee based its boron dilution analyses and its
preventive and mitigative actions on dilution sources with the
potential to reduce the boron concentration from the TS minimum value
to the critical concentration.
During the current analysis, the licensee referenced a previous
analysis of the boron dilution event performed for MP2 and submitted to
the NRC via letter on November 5, 2001. In this analysis the licensee
identified all credible potential sources that could dilute the SFP to
critical conditions. The licensee determined that the limiting boron
dilution event occurs when primary make-up water (PMW), with a maximum
flow rate of 200 gpm (gallons per minute), is added to the SFP. The
licensee identified the following additional credible bounding dilution
sources and their flow rates: 100 gpm from the auxiliary feedwater
makeup to the SFP through an open valve directly to the SFP; 142 gpm
from the reactor building closed component cooling water leaking to the
SFP through a heat exchanger tube rupture; 93 gpm from a piping leak in
the fire protection system, domestic water or the turbine building
closed cooling water system. The staff found the scope and results of
the dilution source evaluation acceptable.
The licensee's calculations show that at least 5 hours will be
available before the DSC water boron concentration decreases from 2500
ppm to the critical concentration of 1700 ppm when a slug flow (no
mixing) model is assumed.
To demonstrate that sufficient time exists for plant personnel to
identify and terminate a boron dilution event, the licensee provided a
description of all alarms available to alert operators, and plant
controls that will be implemented. There is no automatic level control
system for the SFP; therefore, the SFP will overflow on an uncontrolled
water addition. However, a high-level alarm in the control room would
alert personnel of a potential boron dilution event within an hour for
a 200 gpm dilution rate. Since it would take an additional hour before
the pool begin to overflow, at least 3 hours would be available for
mitigation of the dilution. The staff finds that this is sufficient
time to terminate the event before 1700 ppm in the DSC is reached.
The configuration of the cask laydown pit in the pool could allow
localized boron dilution and stratification because the pit is open to
the SFP only through a narrow transfer path above the level of stored
fuel. Addition of cold water directly to the cask loading area that is
denser than the warm, borated pool water could fill the bottom of the
cask pit with water having a low boron concentration. To avoid direct
dilution to the cask pit area, the licensee has committed to include
several requirements to its ISFSI operational procedures whenever a DSC
is in the SFP with fuel inside. The procedures will require (1)
verification that the opening of the cask pit is free from obstructions
so that adequate flow between the SFP and the cask pit is established,
(2) verification that the return isolation valve to the cask laydown
pit is open, which will ensure adequate mixing and cooling within the
cask pit area, thereby minimizing the possibility that boron
stratification occurs, (3) continuous personnel presence on the SFP
floor to promptly identify any inadvertent dilution that could cause
stratification in the cask pit, and (4) maintaining 850 gpm of SFP
cooling flow to establish adequate mixing throughout the pool.
To ensure that operators are capable of identifying and terminating
a boron dilution event during DSC loading, unloading, and handling
operations, operator training will be conducted. The training will
emphasize the importance of avoiding any inadvertent additions of
unborated water to the SFP, responses to be taken for notifications or
alarms that may be indicative of a potential boron dilution event
during DSC loading and fuel movement, and identification of the
potential for a boron dilution during decontamination activities.
Based on the staff's review of the licensee's exemption request
dated November 5, 2004, the supplemental information provided by
letters dated January 6, and January 25, 2005, and its boron dilution
analysis, the staff finds the licensee has provided sufficient
information to demonstrate that an undetected and uncorrected dilution
from the TS required boron concentration to the calculated critical
boron concentration is not credible. Based on its review of the boron
analysis and enhancements to the operating procedures and operator
training program, the staff finds the licensee has satisfied Criterion
Therefore, in conjunction with the conservative assumptions used to
[[Page 8855]]
establish the TS required boron concentration and critical boron
concentration, the boron dilution evaluation demonstrates that the
underlying intent of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1) is satisfied.
3.3 Legal Basis for the Exemption
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12, ``Specific Exemption,'' the staff
reviewed the licensee's exemption request to determine if the legal
basis for granting an exemption had been satisfied, and concluded that
the licensee has satisfied the requirements of 10 CFR 50.12. With
regard to the six special circumstances listed in 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2),
the staff finds that the licensee's exemption request satisfies
50.12(a)(2)(ii), ``Application of the regulation in the particular
circumstances would not serve the underlying purpose of the rule or is
not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule.''
Specifically, the staff concludes that since the licensee has satisfied
the five criteria in Section 3.1 of this exemption, the application of
the rule is not necessary to achieve its underlying purpose in this
3.4 Summary
The following limitations and/or conditions are applicable to this
A. Loading, unloading, and handling of the DSC for the TN
NUHOMS[supreg]-32PT shall only be done at MP2.
B. Loading, unloading, and handling in the DSC at MP2 is limited to
Combustion Engineering 14 x 14 fuel assemblies that had a maximum
initial, unirradiated U-235 enrichment of 3.8 wt-percent.
C. The licensee will implement the actions as stated in Attachment
2 of its supplement dated January 25, 2005, namely:
1. DNC will revise ISFSI procedures or calculations to state that
poison rod assembly (PRA) use is not authorized by the proposed 10 CFR
50.68(b)(1) exemption.
2. DNC will revise ISFSI procedures to require that when a fueled
32PT DSC is in the MPS2 [Millstone Power Station, Unit No. 2] SPF[,]
Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Flow must be at least 850 gpm.
3. During the time that a fueled DSC is in the SFP procedural
controls will be implemented to ensure that the transfer canal bulkhead
gate will not be used to block the transfer canal opening to the SFP.
4. An additional precaution will be added to the SFP high level
alarm response procedure to identify that if there is a fueled DSC in
the SFP additional boron concentration limits apply. These limits will
be specified in the procedure.
5. Training will be conducted to ensure operators are aware of the
32PT DSC TS SFP boron concentration requirements, and should a boron
dilution occur, at what boron concentration criticality in the DSC
could occur. The training will emphasize the importance of avoiding any
inadvertent additions of unborated water to the SFP, responses to be
taken for notification or alarms that may be indicative of a potential
boron dilution event during cask loading and fuel movement in the SFP,
and identification of the potential for a boron dilution event during
decontamination rinsing activities.
6. Appropriate controls or measures to minimize the possibility of
direct dilution of the cask handling area of the SFP will be
established prior to DSC loading.
(a) DNC will revise ISFSI procedures to require an individual
remain on the SFP floor at all times when a fueled 32PT DSC is in the
MPS2 SFP to ensure that the SFP is not overflowing and that water is
not unintentionally spilling into the SFP.
(b) DNC will revise ISFSI procedures to require Valve 2-RW-350 [to]
remain open when a fueled 32PT DSC is in the MPS2 SFP.
(c) DSC procedures will be modified to include a requirement that
the SFP will be sampled for boron concentration after each intentional
addition of a maximum of 500 gallons of unborated water.
7. DNC will revise ISFSI procedures to require [that] Valve 2-RW-2
will be closed when a fueled 32PT DSC is in the MP2 SFP.
The staff finds, based upon the review of the licensee's proposal
to credit soluble boron during DSC loading, unloading, and handling in
the MP2 SFP, that pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2), the licensee's
exemption request is acceptable.
4.0 Conclusion
Accordingly, the Commission has determined that, pursuant to 10 CFR
50.12(a), the exemption is authorized by law, will not present an undue
risk to the public health and safety, and is consistent with the common
defense and security. Also, special circumstances are present.
Therefore, the Commission hereby grants Dominion Nuclear Connecticut,
Inc. an exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.68(b)(1) for the
loading, unloading, and handling of the components of the TN
NUHOMS[supreg]-32PT dry cask storage system at MP2. Any changes to the
cask system design features affecting criticality or its supporting
criticality analyses will invalidate this exemption.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the Commission has determined that the
granting of this exemption will not have a significant effect on the
quality of the human environment (69 FR 2012).
This exemption is effective upon issuance.
Dated in Rockville, Maryland, this 15th day of February, 2005.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Ledyard B. Marsh,
Director, Division of Licensing Project Management, Office of Nuclear
Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 05-3398 Filed 2-22-05; 8:45 am]