Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Draft Revised Management Plan, 7902-7904 [05-2949]
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Proposed Rules
Federal Register
Vol. 70, No. 31
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains notices to the public of the proposed
issuance of rules and regulations. The
purpose of these notices is to give interested
persons an opportunity to participate in the
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
15 CFR Part 922
Florida Keys National Marine
Sanctuary Draft Revised Management
National Marine Sanctuary
Program (NMSP), National Ocean
Service (NOS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce (DOC).
ACTION: Notice of public availability of
draft management plan.
SUMMARY: The National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is
proposing a draft revised management
plan for the Florida Keys National
Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS or
Sanctuary). NOAA is issuing this notice
to the public to invite advice,
recommendations, information, and
other comments from interested parties
on the proposed Draft Management
Plan. Public hearings will be held as
detailed below:
(1) Monday, March 28, 2005, 4 p.m.–
8 p.m., in Marathon, FL.
(2) Tuesday, March 29, 2005, 4 p.m.–
8 p.m., in Key Largo, FL.
(3) Wednesday, March 30, 2005, 4
p.m.–8 p.m., in Key West, FL.
DATES: Comments will be considered if
received by April 15, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent by mail to Billy Causey,
Superintendent, Florida Keys National
Marine Sanctuary, P.O. Box 500368,
Marathon, FL 33050, by e-mail to
fknms5yearreview@noaa.gov, or by fax
to (305) 743–2357. Copies of the revised
management plan are available on the
Sanctuary Web site: https://
floridakeys.noaa.gov. They are also
available from the three Sanctuary
(A) FKNMS Headquarters—Main
House, 5550 Overseas Hwy, Marathon,
FL 33050
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(B) Upper Region Office—95230
Overseas Hwy, Key Largo, FL 33037
(C) Lower Region Office—216 Ann
Street, Key West, FL 33040
Public hearings will be held at:
(1) Monroe County Government
Center—BOCC Meeting Room, 2798
Overseas Highway, Mile Marker 50,
Marathon, FL.
(2) Key Largo Library Meeting Room,
10100 Overseas Hwy, Tradewinds Plaza,
Key Largo, FL.
(3) Harvey Government Center—
BOCC Meeting Room, 1200 Truman
Ave., Key West, FL.
FKNMS Headquarters at (305) 743–2437
extension 0 or
Pursuant to both Federal and State
requirements, the National Marine
Sanctuary Program has completed its
review of the management plan for the
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
(FKNMS or Sanctuary). In 1992, when
Congress reauthorized the National
Marine Sanctuaries Act, it required all
National Marine Sanctuaries to review
their management plans every five
years. The Florida Governor and
Cabinet, as trustees for the State, also
mandated a five-year review of the
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
(FKNMS) Management Plan in their
January 28, 1997 resolution.
The FKNMS draft revised
management plan is a report on the
results of NOAA’s five-year review of
the strategies and activities detailed in
the 1997 Final Management Plan and
Environmental Impact Statement for the
Florida Keys National Marine
Sanctuary. It serves two primary
purposes: (1) To update readers on the
accomplishments of successfully
implemented strategies; and, (2) to
disseminate useful information about
the Sanctuary and its management
strategies, activities and products. The
intent is that this information, which
charts the next 5 years of sanctuary
management, will enhance the
communication and cooperation toward
enhancing protecting important national
The 1997 Final Management Plan
After the initial six-year FKNMS
planning process, a comprehensive
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management plan for the Sanctuary was
implemented in July 1997. The
management plan focused on ten action
plans which were largely non-regulatory
in nature and involved educating
citizens and visitors, using volunteers to
build stewardship for local marine
resources, appropriately marking
channels and waterways, installing and
maintaining mooring buoys for vessel
use, surveying maritime heritage
resources, and protecting water quality.
In addition to action plans, the 1997
management plan designated five types
of marine zones to reduce pressures in
heavily used areas, protect critical
habitats and species, and reduce user
conflicts. The efficacy of the marine
zones is monitored Sanctuary-wide
under the Research and Monitoring
Action Plan.
The implementing regulations for the
FKNMS became effective July 1, 1997.
The 1997 management plan was
published in three volumes: Volume I is
the Sanctuary management plan itself
(which this document updates); Volume
II describes the process used to develop
the draft management alternatives,
including environmental and
socioeconomic impact analyses of the
alternatives, and the environmental
impact statement; Volume III contains
appendices, including the texts of
Federal and State legislation that
designate and implement the Sanctuary.
All three volumes of the 1997
management plan are available on the
Sanctuary Web site (https://
floridakeys.noaa.gov/) and from the
Sanctuary’s Marathon office. Volume II
is not being revised as part of the
review. After public input, government
review and final adoption of this fiveyear review and revised Management
Plan, this document will replace
Volumes I and III.
Sanctuary Characteristics
The Florida Keys National Marine
Sanctuary extends approximately 220
nautical miles southwest from the
southern tip of the Florida peninsula.
The Sanctuary’s marine ecosystem
supports over 6,000 species of plants,
fishes, and invertebrates, including the
nation’s only living coral reef that lies
adjacent to the continent. The area
includes one of the largest seagrass
communities in this hemisphere.
Attracted by this tropical diversity,
tourists spend more than thirteen
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 16, 2005 / Proposed Rules
million visitor days in the Florida Keys
each year. In addition, the region’s
natural and man-made resources
provide livelihoods for approximately
80,000 residents.
The Sanctuary is 2,900 square
nautical miles of coastal waters,
including the recent addition of the
Tortugas Ecological Reserve. The
Sanctuary overlaps six state parks and
three state aquatic preserves. Three
national parks have separate
jurisdictions, and share a boundary with
the Sanctuary. In addition, the region
has some of the most significant
maritime heritage and historical
resources of any coastal community in
the nation.
The Sanctuary faces specific threats,
including direct human impacts such as
ship groundings, pollution, and
overfishing. Threats to the Sanctuary
also include indirect human impacts,
which are harder to identify but seem to
be reflected in coral declines and
increases in macroalgae and turbidity.
More information about the Sanctuary
can be found in this document and at
the Sanctuary’s Web site: https://
How the Plan Was Revised
Review began in early 2001 with a
meeting in Tallahassee, Florida, among
Federal and State partners responsible
for Sanctuary management. A scoping
process to identify issues and changes
was conducted from June 8 through July
20, 2001. During this time, the FKNMS
staff, working closely with the
Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC), held
public meetings in Marathon, Key
Largo, and Key West.
Issues identified during the scoping
meetings were integrated into the
revised management plan through
working groups. The working groups
that developed the 1997 management
plan were reconstituted. More than
three-dozen working groups meetings
were held between June and September
2001 to discuss, evaluate and update the
document’s action plans.
SAC members and FKNMS staff who
had served on the working groups
presented the proposed revisions to the
SAC at three meetings in October 2001.
The full advisory council recommended
minor changes and approved each
action plan in the draft revised
management plan.
Management Changes Resulting From
the Review
• New Organization. Like the 1997
management plan, this document is
arranged around a series of action plans,
which articulate the programs and
projects used to address identified
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management issues. Each action plan is
composed of strategies sharing common
objectives and activities, which are the
specific actions the Sanctuary and its
partners will implement. In this revised
management plan, the action plans have
been grouped into five management
divisions to improve organization of the
document and to further emphasize the
ultimate goals for each action plan. The
five management divisions are: (1)
Sanctuary Science; (2) Education,
Outreach and Stewardship; (3)
Enforcement and Resource Protection;
(4) Resource Threat Reduction; and, (5)
Administration, Community Relations
and Policy Coordination.
• New Action Plans. Four new action
plans have been added:
(a) Science Management and
Administration Action Plan—Identifies
activities necessary to manage,
administer, and coordinate a complex
science program to help inform resource
(b) Damage Assessment and
Restoration Action Plan—Responds to
the 500–600 vessel grounding reported
in the Sanctuary annually. This action
plan aims to minimize and document
groundings, as well as restore damaged
(c) Operations Action Plan—Describes
the day-to-day administrative functions
required to effectively operate the
sanctuary related to human resources,
community outreach, and policy
(d) Evaluation Action Plan—Outlines
the steps taken by the Sanctuary staff
and its partners on a regular basis to
assess the implementation and
effectiveness of its management plan.
• Changes to Previous Action Plans.
Ten Action Plans were revised and reorganized. Notable changes to
management, include:
(a) Research and Monitoring Action
Plan—Increased emphasis is given to
socioeconomic research and engagement
in regional efforts, such as the
Everglades restoration. The revised plan
also consolidates the Marine Zone
Monitoring Program, a key element of
determining the effectiveness of marine
(b) Education and Outreach Action
Plan—Revisions emphasize the ability
to integrate the latest technology into
education and outreach as it becomes
available, as well as expanded use of
partnerships to better facilitate
implementation and build community
(c) Volunteer Action Plan—Transfers
coordination of the Sanctuary’s
volunteer programs from The Nature
Conservancy to Sanctuary staff and
more fully incorporates successful
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programs administered by Sanctuary
(d) Regulatory Action Plan—A new
strategy summarizes issues identified in
the scoping process (e.g. fish feeding,
pollution discharges, artificial reefs,
etc.) that warrant regulatory analysis
and possible future regulatory
(e) Enforcement Action Plan—
Increasing both the number of
enforcement officers and the level of
cross-deputization between officers
from various agencies are the most
important strategies for enhancing
protection and enforcement efforts.
(f) Maritime Heritage Resources
Action Plan—No major changes were
recommended for this action plan,
formerly called the Submerged Cultural
Resources Action Plan.
(g) Marine Zoning Action Plan—
Changes move beyond the 1997 focus on
communicating marine zone rules and
locations by focusing on long-term zone
management and assessment. This focus
includes evaluating boundaries and
allowable uses, and making changes, as
needed, based on current information.
Identifying and evaluating areas for
additional marine zoning, and
establishing and implementing zones,
where appropriate, are significant
components of the 2004 revised plan.
(h) Mooring Buoy Resources Action
Plan—Larger mooring buoys will be
installed in deeper water to
accommodate larger vessels.
Additionally, a monitoring program is
being established at three sites in the
Tortugas Ecological Reserve to identify
the impacts of moorings in areas that
have little diving or boating. Mooring
buoys will be removed from areas found
to be detrimentally impacted by the
presence of these buoys.
(i) Waterway Management Action
Plan—Formerly called the Reef/Channel
Marking Action Plan, a new activity
aims to streamline the permitting
process for Idle-Speed/No Wake
Shoreline Markers.
(j) Water Quality Action Plan—
Building on research and pilot projects
that have been completed since the
original plan, future work focuses on
high priority infrastructure projects for
storm and wastewater management.
Selected Accomplishments Since
Sanctuary Designation
• Reduced Major Ship Groundings.
The Florida Keys National Marine
Sanctuary now has dual designations as
‘‘An Area to Be Avoided’’ (ATBA) and
a ‘‘Particularly Sensitive Sea Area’’
(PSSA). The ATBA designation has
resulted in a significant reduction of
major ship groundings (vessels longer
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 16, 2005 / Proposed Rules
than 50 m) since its inception in 1990.
The PSSA designation ensures that
ATBA boundaries appear on
international as well as U.S. nautical
• Improved Water Quality Protection.
Both the city of Key West and the State
of Florida have declared Florida Keys
waters under their jurisdictions as ‘‘nodischarge’’ zones. These regulatory
protections have been complemented
with enhanced pump-out facilities along
with mooring buoy deployments that
concentrate boater use in areas with
pump-out capabilities.
• Improved Water Quality
Management Strategies. Over the last
decade a series of pilot projects, targeted
research initiatives, and planning
efforts, cumulatively totaling over $3.5
million, have resulted in considerable
progress toward developing water
quality management strategies in the
FKNMS. This significant experience—
described in a 1996 Report to Congress
entitled, ‘‘Water Quality Concerns in the
Florida Keys: Sources, Effects, and
Solutions’’—has determined that an
infrastructure, rather than a standardsbased, approach is the most effective
way to achieve desired water quality
goals. The next steps are described in
the Water Quality Action Plan and focus
on infrastructure projects for storm and
wastewater management.
• Leveraging Volunteer Stewardship.
A Keys-wide volunteer program has
provided over 170,000 volunteer hours,
a $2.8 million dollar value, over the past
twelve years.
• Monitoring Key’s Resources.
Research and monitoring efforts have
provided a series of tools to enable
science-based management in the
FKNMS. Some examples, include: (1) A
10-volume site characterization
detailing living and non-living
resources; (2) A benthic habitat map; (3)
10 years of comprehensive monitoring
related to water quality, seagrasses, and
coral reef/hard bottom communities, at
a cost of $10 million; (4) 6–10 years of
monitoring changes associated with the
Sanctuary’s 24 fully protected marine
zones with emphasis on reef fish and
spiny lobster populations, benthic
community structure, and human uses
and perceptions; and, (5) over 15 years
seawater temperatures monitoring.
• Restoring and Responding to Vessel
Groundings. Sanctuary staff have
conducted 121 biological assessments of
vessel groundings that damaged areas
greater than 10 square feet of coral or 10
square yards of seagrass from 1995 to
2001. Staff also conducted or managed
structural restoration of coral reef areas
at large-vessel damage sites at four reef
areas in the Sanctuary. Other efforts
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have focused on grounding prevention
and use of volunteer ‘‘Reef Medics’’ for
response to smaller grounding sites.
• Protecting Maritime Heritage
Resources. Activities to enhance
permitting, research and education of
maritime heritage resources in the keys
have significantly enhanced protection
of these unique resources. Nearly 175
heritage assets have been professionally
conserved and are our display at the
FKNMS Upper Management Office. A
Maritime Heritage Resources Inventory
Team, staffed by volunteers, has
documented 550 sites in the fivevolume set, Underwater Resources of
the Florida Keys National Marine
Sanctuary Northeast Region. The
educational program, A Shipwreck
Trail, provides public access and
interpretation to cultural resources at
nine sites.
• Strengthening Management and
Resource Protection with Mooring
Buoys. The Sanctuary uses mooring
buoys as a direct way to eliminate
anchor damage to resources as well as
to increase enforcement with marine
zone regulations by clearly marking
zone boundaries. The Sanctuary has
increased the number of mooring buoys
within its boundaries from 175 to 400.
It has also installed 118 boundary buoys
for marine zones, 120 Wildlife
Management Area Buoys, and
informational buoys along the
Shipwreck Trail.
• Improving Waterway Management.
The Monroe County’s Channel Marking
Master Plan has been implemented in
Florida waters and reef markings have
been improved at the Sambos Complex.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. Section 1431, et seq.
(Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog
Number 11.429 Marine Sanctuary Program.)
Dated: February 4, 2005.
Daniel J. Basta,
Director, National Marine Sanctuary Program,
National Ocean Services, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration.
[FR Doc. 05–2949 Filed 2–15–05; 8:45 am]
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40 CFR Part 52
[RME No. R03–OAR–2004–DC–0009; FRL–
Approval and Promulgation of Air
Quality Implementation Plans; District
of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia; Post
1996 and Post 1999 Rate-of-Progress
Plans, Contingency Measures,
Transportation Control Measures, VMT
Offset, and 1990 Base Year Inventory
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule; reopening of the
comment period.
SUMMARY: EPA is reopening the
comment period for a document
published on January 12, 2005 (70 FR
2085). In the January 12, 2005 notice of
proposed rulemaking, EPA proposed to
approve State Implementation Plan
(SIP) revisions submitted by the State of
Maryland, Commonwealth of Virginia
and the District of Columbia for the
Metropolitan Washington, DC severe 1hour ozone nonattainment area (the
Washington area). These revisions
include the post 1996–1999 and post
1999–2005 rate-of-progress (ROP) plans,
changes to the 1990 base year inventory,
a contingency measures plan, certain
transportation control measures (TCMs),
and a demonstration that each SIP
contains sufficient transportation
control measures to offset growth in
vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as
necessary to demonstrate ROP and
attainment of the 1-hour national
ambient air quality standard (NAAQS)
for ozone. EPA is reopening the
comment period through February 25,
2005. All comments received on or
before February 25, 2005 will be entered
into the public record and considered
by EPA before taking final action on the
proposed rule.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before February 25, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Regional Material in
EDocket (RME) ID Number R03–OAR–
2004–DC–0009 by one of the following
A. Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:/
/www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for submitting
B. Agency Web site: https://
www.docket.epa.gov/rmepub/ RME,
EPA’s electronic public docket and
comment system, is EPA’s preferred
method for receiving comments. Follow
the on-line instructions for submitting
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 31 (Wednesday, February 16, 2005)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 7902-7904]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-2949]
Proposed Rules
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 16, 2005 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 7902]]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
15 CFR Part 922
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Draft Revised Management
AGENCY: National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP), National Ocean
Service (NOS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce (DOC).
ACTION: Notice of public availability of draft management plan.
SUMMARY: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is
proposing a draft revised management plan for the Florida Keys National
Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS or Sanctuary). NOAA is issuing this notice to
the public to invite advice, recommendations, information, and other
comments from interested parties on the proposed Draft Management Plan.
Public hearings will be held as detailed below:
(1) Monday, March 28, 2005, 4 p.m.-8 p.m., in Marathon, FL.
(2) Tuesday, March 29, 2005, 4 p.m.-8 p.m., in Key Largo, FL.
(3) Wednesday, March 30, 2005, 4 p.m.-8 p.m., in Key West, FL.
DATES: Comments will be considered if received by April 15, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should be sent by mail to Billy Causey,
Superintendent, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, P.O. Box
500368, Marathon, FL 33050, by e-mail to fknms5yearreview@noaa.gov, or
by fax to (305) 743-2357. Copies of the revised management plan are
available on the Sanctuary Web site: https://floridakeys.noaa.gov. They
are also available from the three Sanctuary offices:
(A) FKNMS Headquarters--Main House, 5550 Overseas Hwy, Marathon, FL
(B) Upper Region Office--95230 Overseas Hwy, Key Largo, FL 33037
(C) Lower Region Office--216 Ann Street, Key West, FL 33040
Public hearings will be held at:
(1) Monroe County Government Center--BOCC Meeting Room, 2798
Overseas Highway, Mile Marker 50, Marathon, FL.
(2) Key Largo Library Meeting Room, 10100 Overseas Hwy, Tradewinds
Plaza, Key Largo, FL.
(3) Harvey Government Center--BOCC Meeting Room, 1200 Truman Ave.,
Key West, FL.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: FKNMS Headquarters at (305) 743-2437
extension 0 or fknms5yearreview@noaa.gov.
Pursuant to both Federal and State requirements, the National
Marine Sanctuary Program has completed its review of the management
plan for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS or
Sanctuary). In 1992, when Congress reauthorized the National Marine
Sanctuaries Act, it required all National Marine Sanctuaries to review
their management plans every five years. The Florida Governor and
Cabinet, as trustees for the State, also mandated a five-year review of
the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) Management Plan in
their January 28, 1997 resolution.
The FKNMS draft revised management plan is a report on the results
of NOAA's five-year review of the strategies and activities detailed in
the 1997 Final Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for
the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. It serves two primary
purposes: (1) To update readers on the accomplishments of successfully
implemented strategies; and, (2) to disseminate useful information
about the Sanctuary and its management strategies, activities and
products. The intent is that this information, which charts the next 5
years of sanctuary management, will enhance the communication and
cooperation toward enhancing protecting important national resources.
The 1997 Final Management Plan
After the initial six-year FKNMS planning process, a comprehensive
management plan for the Sanctuary was implemented in July 1997. The
management plan focused on ten action plans which were largely non-
regulatory in nature and involved educating citizens and visitors,
using volunteers to build stewardship for local marine resources,
appropriately marking channels and waterways, installing and
maintaining mooring buoys for vessel use, surveying maritime heritage
resources, and protecting water quality. In addition to action plans,
the 1997 management plan designated five types of marine zones to
reduce pressures in heavily used areas, protect critical habitats and
species, and reduce user conflicts. The efficacy of the marine zones is
monitored Sanctuary-wide under the Research and Monitoring Action Plan.
The implementing regulations for the FKNMS became effective July 1,
1997. The 1997 management plan was published in three volumes: Volume I
is the Sanctuary management plan itself (which this document updates);
Volume II describes the process used to develop the draft management
alternatives, including environmental and socioeconomic impact analyses
of the alternatives, and the environmental impact statement; Volume III
contains appendices, including the texts of Federal and State
legislation that designate and implement the Sanctuary. All three
volumes of the 1997 management plan are available on the Sanctuary Web
site (https://floridakeys.noaa.gov/) and from the Sanctuary's Marathon
office. Volume II is not being revised as part of the review. After
public input, government review and final adoption of this five-year
review and revised Management Plan, this document will replace Volumes
I and III.
Sanctuary Characteristics
The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary extends approximately
220 nautical miles southwest from the southern tip of the Florida
peninsula. The Sanctuary's marine ecosystem supports over 6,000 species
of plants, fishes, and invertebrates, including the nation's only
living coral reef that lies adjacent to the continent. The area
includes one of the largest seagrass communities in this hemisphere.
Attracted by this tropical diversity, tourists spend more than thirteen
[[Page 7903]]
million visitor days in the Florida Keys each year. In addition, the
region's natural and man-made resources provide livelihoods for
approximately 80,000 residents.
The Sanctuary is 2,900 square nautical miles of coastal waters,
including the recent addition of the Tortugas Ecological Reserve. The
Sanctuary overlaps six state parks and three state aquatic preserves.
Three national parks have separate jurisdictions, and share a boundary
with the Sanctuary. In addition, the region has some of the most
significant maritime heritage and historical resources of any coastal
community in the nation.
The Sanctuary faces specific threats, including direct human
impacts such as ship groundings, pollution, and overfishing. Threats to
the Sanctuary also include indirect human impacts, which are harder to
identify but seem to be reflected in coral declines and increases in
macroalgae and turbidity. More information about the Sanctuary can be
found in this document and at the Sanctuary's Web site: https://
How the Plan Was Revised
Review began in early 2001 with a meeting in Tallahassee, Florida,
among Federal and State partners responsible for Sanctuary management.
A scoping process to identify issues and changes was conducted from
June 8 through July 20, 2001. During this time, the FKNMS staff,
working closely with the Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC), held public
meetings in Marathon, Key Largo, and Key West.
Issues identified during the scoping meetings were integrated into
the revised management plan through working groups. The working groups
that developed the 1997 management plan were reconstituted. More than
three-dozen working groups meetings were held between June and
September 2001 to discuss, evaluate and update the document's action
SAC members and FKNMS staff who had served on the working groups
presented the proposed revisions to the SAC at three meetings in
October 2001. The full advisory council recommended minor changes and
approved each action plan in the draft revised management plan.
Management Changes Resulting From the Review
New Organization. Like the 1997 management plan, this
document is arranged around a series of action plans, which articulate
the programs and projects used to address identified management issues.
Each action plan is composed of strategies sharing common objectives
and activities, which are the specific actions the Sanctuary and its
partners will implement. In this revised management plan, the action
plans have been grouped into five management divisions to improve
organization of the document and to further emphasize the ultimate
goals for each action plan. The five management divisions are: (1)
Sanctuary Science; (2) Education, Outreach and Stewardship; (3)
Enforcement and Resource Protection; (4) Resource Threat Reduction;
and, (5) Administration, Community Relations and Policy Coordination.
New Action Plans. Four new action plans have been added:
(a) Science Management and Administration Action Plan--Identifies
activities necessary to manage, administer, and coordinate a complex
science program to help inform resource managers.
(b) Damage Assessment and Restoration Action Plan--Responds to the
500-600 vessel grounding reported in the Sanctuary annually. This
action plan aims to minimize and document groundings, as well as
restore damaged resources.
(c) Operations Action Plan--Describes the day-to-day administrative
functions required to effectively operate the sanctuary related to
human resources, community outreach, and policy coordination.
(d) Evaluation Action Plan--Outlines the steps taken by the
Sanctuary staff and its partners on a regular basis to assess the
implementation and effectiveness of its management plan.
Changes to Previous Action Plans. Ten Action Plans were
revised and re-organized. Notable changes to management, include:
(a) Research and Monitoring Action Plan--Increased emphasis is
given to socioeconomic research and engagement in regional efforts,
such as the Everglades restoration. The revised plan also consolidates
the Marine Zone Monitoring Program, a key element of determining the
effectiveness of marine zoning.
(b) Education and Outreach Action Plan--Revisions emphasize the
ability to integrate the latest technology into education and outreach
as it becomes available, as well as expanded use of partnerships to
better facilitate implementation and build community support.
(c) Volunteer Action Plan--Transfers coordination of the
Sanctuary's volunteer programs from The Nature Conservancy to Sanctuary
staff and more fully incorporates successful programs administered by
Sanctuary partners.
(d) Regulatory Action Plan--A new strategy summarizes issues
identified in the scoping process (e.g. fish feeding, pollution
discharges, artificial reefs, etc.) that warrant regulatory analysis
and possible future regulatory amendments.
(e) Enforcement Action Plan--Increasing both the number of
enforcement officers and the level of cross-deputization between
officers from various agencies are the most important strategies for
enhancing protection and enforcement efforts.
(f) Maritime Heritage Resources Action Plan--No major changes were
recommended for this action plan, formerly called the Submerged
Cultural Resources Action Plan.
(g) Marine Zoning Action Plan--Changes move beyond the 1997 focus
on communicating marine zone rules and locations by focusing on long-
term zone management and assessment. This focus includes evaluating
boundaries and allowable uses, and making changes, as needed, based on
current information. Identifying and evaluating areas for additional
marine zoning, and establishing and implementing zones, where
appropriate, are significant components of the 2004 revised plan.
(h) Mooring Buoy Resources Action Plan--Larger mooring buoys will
be installed in deeper water to accommodate larger vessels.
Additionally, a monitoring program is being established at three sites
in the Tortugas Ecological Reserve to identify the impacts of moorings
in areas that have little diving or boating. Mooring buoys will be
removed from areas found to be detrimentally impacted by the presence
of these buoys.
(i) Waterway Management Action Plan--Formerly called the Reef/
Channel Marking Action Plan, a new activity aims to streamline the
permitting process for Idle-Speed/No Wake Shoreline Markers.
(j) Water Quality Action Plan--Building on research and pilot
projects that have been completed since the original plan, future work
focuses on high priority infrastructure projects for storm and
wastewater management.
Selected Accomplishments Since Sanctuary Designation
Reduced Major Ship Groundings. The Florida Keys National
Marine Sanctuary now has dual designations as ``An Area to Be Avoided''
(ATBA) and a ``Particularly Sensitive Sea Area'' (PSSA). The ATBA
designation has resulted in a significant reduction of major ship
groundings (vessels longer
[[Page 7904]]
than 50 m) since its inception in 1990. The PSSA designation ensures
that ATBA boundaries appear on international as well as U.S. nautical
Improved Water Quality Protection. Both the city of Key
West and the State of Florida have declared Florida Keys waters under
their jurisdictions as ``no-discharge'' zones. These regulatory
protections have been complemented with enhanced pump-out facilities
along with mooring buoy deployments that concentrate boater use in
areas with pump-out capabilities.
Improved Water Quality Management Strategies. Over the
last decade a series of pilot projects, targeted research initiatives,
and planning efforts, cumulatively totaling over $3.5 million, have
resulted in considerable progress toward developing water quality
management strategies in the FKNMS. This significant experience--
described in a 1996 Report to Congress entitled, ``Water Quality
Concerns in the Florida Keys: Sources, Effects, and Solutions''--has
determined that an infrastructure, rather than a standards-based,
approach is the most effective way to achieve desired water quality
goals. The next steps are described in the Water Quality Action Plan
and focus on infrastructure projects for storm and wastewater
Leveraging Volunteer Stewardship. A Keys-wide volunteer
program has provided over 170,000 volunteer hours, a $2.8 million
dollar value, over the past twelve years.
Monitoring Key's Resources. Research and monitoring
efforts have provided a series of tools to enable science-based
management in the FKNMS. Some examples, include: (1) A 10-volume site
characterization detailing living and non-living resources; (2) A
benthic habitat map; (3) 10 years of comprehensive monitoring related
to water quality, seagrasses, and coral reef/hard bottom communities,
at a cost of $10 million; (4) 6-10 years of monitoring changes
associated with the Sanctuary's 24 fully protected marine zones with
emphasis on reef fish and spiny lobster populations, benthic community
structure, and human uses and perceptions; and, (5) over 15 years
seawater temperatures monitoring.
Restoring and Responding to Vessel Groundings. Sanctuary
staff have conducted 121 biological assessments of vessel groundings
that damaged areas greater than 10 square feet of coral or 10 square
yards of seagrass from 1995 to 2001. Staff also conducted or managed
structural restoration of coral reef areas at large-vessel damage sites
at four reef areas in the Sanctuary. Other efforts have focused on
grounding prevention and use of volunteer ``Reef Medics'' for response
to smaller grounding sites.
Protecting Maritime Heritage Resources. Activities to
enhance permitting, research and education of maritime heritage
resources in the keys have significantly enhanced protection of these
unique resources. Nearly 175 heritage assets have been professionally
conserved and are our display at the FKNMS Upper Management Office. A
Maritime Heritage Resources Inventory Team, staffed by volunteers, has
documented 550 sites in the five-volume set, Underwater Resources of
the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Northeast Region. The
educational program, A Shipwreck Trail, provides public access and
interpretation to cultural resources at nine sites.
Strengthening Management and Resource Protection with
Mooring Buoys. The Sanctuary uses mooring buoys as a direct way to
eliminate anchor damage to resources as well as to increase enforcement
with marine zone regulations by clearly marking zone boundaries. The
Sanctuary has increased the number of mooring buoys within its
boundaries from 175 to 400. It has also installed 118 boundary buoys
for marine zones, 120 Wildlife Management Area Buoys, and informational
buoys along the Shipwreck Trail.
Improving Waterway Management. The Monroe County's Channel
Marking Master Plan has been implemented in Florida waters and reef
markings have been improved at the Sambos Complex.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. Section 1431, et seq.
(Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog Number 11.429 Marine Sanctuary
Dated: February 4, 2005.
Daniel J. Basta,
Director, National Marine Sanctuary Program, National Ocean Services,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
[FR Doc. 05-2949 Filed 2-15-05; 8:45 am]