Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge, 6031-6033 [05-2182]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 23 / Friday, February 4, 2005 / Notices
Status of the proposed information
collection: Currently approved.
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995, 44 U.S.C., Chapter 35, as amended.
Dated: January 26, 2005.
John C. Weicher,
Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal
Housing Commissioner.
[FR Doc. 05–2214 Filed 2–3–05; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of Availability of the
Draft Comprehensive Conservation
Plan/Environmental Assessment for Bon
Secour National Wildlife Refuge in
Baldwin County, Alabama.
SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service
announces that a Draft Comprehensive
Conservation Plan/Environmental
Assessment for Bon Secour National
Wildlife Refuge is available for review
and comment. The National Wildlife
Refuge System Administration Act of
1966, as amended by the National
Wildlife Refuge System Improvement
Act of 1997, requires the Service to
develop a comprehensive conservation
plan for each national wildlife refuge.
The purpose in developing a
comprehensive conservation plan is to
provide refuge managers with a 15-year
strategy for achieving refuge purposes
and contributing toward the mission of
the National Wildlife Refuge System,
consistent with sound principles of fish
and wildlife management, conservation,
legal mandates, and Service policies. In
addition to outlining broad management
direction on conserving wildlife and
their habitats, the plan identifies
wildlife-dependent recreational
opportunities available to the public,
including opportunities for hunting,
fishing, wildlife observation and
photography, and environmental
education and interpretation.
Proposed goals for the refuge include:
• Identifying, conserving, managing,
enhancing, and restoring populations of
native fish and wildlife species
representative of coastal Alabama, with
special emphasis on migratory birds and
threatened and endangered species.
• Identifying, conserving, managing,
enhancing, and restoring the natural
diversity, abundance, and ecological
functions of refuge habitats and
associated plant communities, with an
emphasis on managing designated
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critical habitat for threatened and
endangered species.
• Identifying and conserving
archaeological and natural resources on
the refuge and promoting conservation
through interagency and private
landowner cooperation, partnerships,
and land protection programs on the
Fort Morgan Peninsula and coastal
• Providing the public with quality
interpretation, outreach opportunities,
environmental education programs, and
recreational activities that lead to a
greater understanding, enjoyment, and
appreciation of fish, wildlife, habitats,
and cultural resources of coastal
Compatibility determinations for
recreational fishing, wildlife
observation, photography, hiking,
environmental education and
interpretation, swimming and beach
use, scientific research, dogs on the
beach, and bicycling are included in the
draft plan.
Proposed Action
The proposed action is to adopt and
implement a comprehensive
conservation plan for the refuge that
best achieves the refuge’s purpose,
vision, and goals; contributes to the
National Wildlife Refuge System
mission; addresses the significant issues
and relevant mandates; and is consistent
with principles of sound fish and
wildlife management. The Service
analyzed four alternatives for managing
the refuge and chose Alternative D as
the one to best achieve all of these
Alternative A—Represents the status
quo; e.g., no changes from current
management of the refuge. Existing
refuge management and public outreach
practices would be favored under this
alternative. All refuge management
actions would be directed towards
achieving the refuge’s primary purposes
including: (1) Preserving habitat to
ensure the well-being of nationally
threatened and endangered species; (2)
conserving an undisturbed beach/dune
ecosystem which includes a diversity of
fish, wildlife, and their habitats; (3)
serving as a living laboratory for
scientists and students; and (4)
providing wildlife-oriented recreation
for the public.
Refuge management programs would
continue to be developed and
implemented with little baseline
biological information. Active habitat
management would include beach/dune
habitat improvement and restoration,
protection of nesting sea turtles, and
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prescribed burning designed to reduce
fuel loads. Land would be acquired from
willing sellers within the current
acquisition boundary totaling
approximately 12,570 acres.
Fishing and wildlife observation
would continue to be the major focuses
of the refuge public use program, with
no expansion of current opportunities.
Current restrictions or prohibitions
would remain. No new trails would be
developed, but the refuge staff would
continue to maintain the existing trails.
Environmental education and
interpretation and wildlife photography
would be accommodated on a case-bycase basis. Funding to construct a
maintenance facility and to rehabilitate
existing facilities would be requested.
Alternative B—Expands wildlife and
habitat management activities, while
maintaining current public use and
education. Under this alternative, the
emphasis would be to improve refuge
resources for wildlife, while still
maintaining those public use
opportunities which presently exist.
Most refuge management actions would
be directed toward preserving,
enhancing, restoring, and managing the
beach/dune habitat for the benefit of the
Alabama beach mouse and nesting sea
turtles. Prescribed burning would be
used to improve habitat for neotropical
migratory birds. Other national,
regional, and state goals to protect and
restore forest, grassland, and scrub/
shrub bird populations would be
supported secondarily in habitats that
are inland from the beach/dune habitat.
Baseline data would be collected,
standardized surveys implemented, and
populations monitored.
Additional staff would include a
biological technician and a law
enforcement officer to accomplish
objectives for establishing baseline data
on refuge resources, managing habitats,
and protecting biological resources.
Under this alternative the refuge
would continue to seek lands from
willing sellers within the acquisition
boundary. Non-traditional land
protection methods would be developed
and employed.
Public uses would include wildlife
observation and photography, limited
interpretation, and fishing. Under this
alternative, outreach and environmental
education would occur on a sporadic,
time-permitting basis. No evaluation of
existing uses would occur. Fishing and
wildlife observation would continue to
be the major focus for the public use
program, with no expansion of
enhancement of current opportunities.
No new trails would be developed, but
the refuge staff would continue to
maintain the existing trails. All new
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 23 / Friday, February 4, 2005 / Notices
funding would support the wildlife and
habitat management programs, with
annual maintenance funding to support
upkeep of existing public use facilities.
Partnership opportunities would not be
feasible, as full attention would be on
managing refuge lands and collecting
biological information. This alternative
in no way addresses the increase in
visitation that has occurred in the past
5 years and that is predicted to
Alternative C—Maintains current
wildlife and habitat management
activities, while expanding public use
and education. This approach would
maintain the current wildlife and
habitat management activities while
allowing for significantly more public
recreational uses. Additional staff
needed to implement this alternative
includes an outdoor recreation planner,
a law enforcement officer, and a
seasonal maintenance worker. Trails,
parking lots, and interpretive signage
would be constructed in every refuge
unit, along with added environmental
education and watchable wildlife
programs. Additional staff would be
used for developing and presenting both
on- and off-site outreach and
interpretation programs. A user fee and
permit system would be implemented
for fishing and beach use. A visitor
center and headquarters office would be
constructed on the refuge and would
include an environmental education
classroom and meeting facilities.
Land acquisition within the current
acquisition boundary would continue
with emphasis on those lands that can
provide additional public use
opportunities and beach access.
Sporadic beach mouse live-trapping
and monitoring of sea turtle nests on
refuge beaches would continue. No new
surveys on migratory songbirds,
breeding songbirds, shorebirds and
marshbirds, and wintering shorebirds
would occur. Baseline data on
herpetofauna would not be collected.
Only dune restoration habitat projects
would occur. Grassland and scrub/shrub
habitat would not be restored and
managed and prescribed fire would
continue to focus on fuel reduction
versus enhancing bird habitats. All new
partnerships would be related to visitor
services, public outreach, and
environmental education.
Alternative D—Expands wildlife and
habitat management activities, while
optimizing public use and involvement.
The Service planning team has
identified Alternative D as the preferred
alternative. This alternative was
developed based on public input and
the best judgment of the planning team.
The strategies presented in the draft
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plan were developed as a direct result
of the selection of Alternative D.
This alternative would promote a
greater understanding and protection of
fish, wildlife, and their habitats, and
higher quality, balanced recreational
opportunities for visitors. Fishing would
continue with greater emphasis on the
quality of the experience. Education and
interpretation would be promoted
through regular programs and
partnerships with local schools.
Wildlife observation and photography
opportunities would be expanded,
including a kayak trail and observation
towers, highlighting refuge management
programs and unique wildlife habitats.
A user fee and permit would be
implemented to facilitate night fishing
at Mobile Point. A visitor center and
headquarters office would be
constructed on the refuge with space for
interpretation, environmental
education, and staff.
Research studies on the refuge would
be fostered and partnerships developed
with other agencies and universities to
provide needed resources and
experiment sites, while meeting the
needs of the refuge’s wildlife and
habitat management programs. Research
would also benefit conservation efforts
throughout the Central Gulf Coast to
preserve, enhance, restore, and manage
coastal barrier island habitat. New
surveys on birds, reptiles, and
amphibians would be initiated to
develop baseline information.
Additional staff would include both
biological and outreach personnel. A
biological technician, outdoor recreation
planner, seasonal maintenance worker,
and full-time law enforcement officer
would be added to accomplish
objectives for establishing baseline data
on refuge resources, managing habitats,
providing opportunities and facilities
for wildlife observation and
photography, providing educational
programs that promote a greater
understanding of refuge resources, and
protecting natural and cultural
resources and refuge visitors.
Under this alternative, the refuge
would continue to seek acquisition of
all lands within the present acquisition
boundary. Lands acquired as part of the
refuge would be made available for
compatible wildlife-dependent public
recreation and environmental education
opportunities, where appropriate.
Pristine lands that provide high quality
habitat and connectivity to existing
refuge lands would be priority
acquisitions. Equally important
acquisition tools to be used include:
transfer lands, partnerships with
conservation organizations,
conservation easements with adjacent
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landowners, and leases/cooperative
agreements with state agencies.
Actions Common to All Alternatives
All three alternatives share the
following management concepts and
techniques for achieving the goals of the
• Restoring native habitats;
• Establishing, maintaining, and
improving partnerships with
landowners and local, state, and federal
agencies and organizations;
• Coordinating management actions
with local and state land and resource
management agencies;
• Monitoring Alabama beach mouse
populations and sea turtle nesting in
partnership with others;
• Removing non-native invasive
• Encouraging scientific research on
the refuge; and
• Continuing land acquisition within
the refuge boundary.
DATES: A meeting will be held at the
Gulf Shores Adult Activities Center to
present the plan to the public. Mailings,
newspaper articles, and postings on the
refuge Web site will be the avenues to
inform the public of the date and time
for this meeting. Individuals wishing to
comment on the Draft Comprehensive
Conservation Plan/Environmental
Assessment for Bon Secour National
Wildlife Refuge should do so within 30
days following the date of this notice.
Public comments were requested,
considered, and incorporated
throughout the planning process in
numerous ways. Public outreach has
included public scoping meetings,
technical workgroups, planning
updates, and a Federal Register notice.
ADDRESSES: Requests for copies of the
Draft Comprehensive Conservation
Plan/Environmental Assessment should
be addressed to Robert Cail, Refuge
Manager, Bon Secour National Wildlife
Refuge, 12295 State Highway 180, Gulf
Shores, Alabama 36542. Comments on
the draft may be submitted to the above
address or via electronic mail to Please include your
name and return address in your
Internet message. Our practice is to
make comments, including names and
home addresses of respondents,
available for public review during
regular business hours. Individual
respondents may request that we
withhold their home addresses from the
record, which we will honor to the
extent allowable by law.
Secour National Wildlife Refuge is
located on the Gulf Coast of Alabama, 8
miles west of the city of Gulf Shores,
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 23 / Friday, February 4, 2005 / Notices
Alabama, in Baldwin and Mobile
Counties. The refuge is divided into five
separate management units along the
Fort Morgan Peninsula and Little
Dauphin Island. Although the refuge
was established in 1980, to date, only
6,978 acres have been acquired within
the acquisition boundary totaling
approximately 12,570 acres, including
the 575 acres leased from the State of
Alabama. The Service has management
jurisdiction along the shoreline above
mean high tide except on Little Dauphin
Island, which contains 560 acres of
submerged bottoms. The potential
wildlife habitat values of beach/dune,
maritime forest, and estuarine habitats
provided the impetus to purchase the
Management efforts since 1985 have
emphasized acquiring land, securing
staff to operate the refuge, and initiating
conservation programs that benefit
endangered wildlife species. However,
Service acquisition of key properties,
such as inholdings and beach/dune
habitat, may not be realized within the
15-year planning period due to budget
constraints and landowner preferences.
The five units within the acquisition
boundary have a significant ‘‘edge,’’
which contributes to the predation of
birds, sea turtles, and beach mice. Edge
effect is the tendency of a transitional
zone between communities to support
more species and higher population
densities than any of the surrounding
Current conservation management
projects for the refuge include:
recruiting and training staff and
improving existing facilities; managing
habitats to reduce the threats and
problems associated with species of
concern; acquiring land to complete
refuge boundaries; assisting in sea turtle
and Alabama beach mouse recovery;
and defining research within the beach/
dune area and involving partners and
volunteers to accomplish this research.
Robert Cail, Refuge Manager, Bon
Secour National Wildlife Refuge,
telephone: 251/540–7720; fax: 251/540–
7301, or mail (write to Refuge Manager
at address in ADDRESSES section).
Authority: This notice is published under
the authority of the National Wildlife Refuge
System Improvement Act of 1997, Pub. L.
Dated: January 6, 2005.
Cynthia K. Dohner,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 05–2182 Filed 2–3–02; 8:45 am]
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Fish and Wildlife Service
Preparation of an Environmental
Impact Statement for the Joint Water
Agency Natural Communities
Conservation Plan (NCCP):
Subregional Plan and Subarea Plans,
San Diego, CA
Fish and Wildlife Service,
Notice of intent.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service)
advises the public that we intend to
gather information necessary to prepare,
in coordination with the Joint Water
Agency (consisting of Helix Water
District, Padre Dam Municipal Water
District, Santa Fe Irrigation District, and
the Sweetwater Authority) (hereafter
collectively referred to as the
Applicants), a joint Environmental
Impact Statement/Environmental
Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for a Natural
Communities Conservation Program
Subregional Plan (SRP) and three
Subarea Plans (SAPs). The combination
of the Joint Water Agency SRP and
individual SAPs would serve as a
multiple species Habitat Conservation
Plan under Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the
Federal Endangered Species Act, as
amended in 1982 (ESA).
The Service provides this notice to:
(1) Describe the proposed action and
possible alternatives; (2) advise other
Federal and State agencies, affected
Tribes, and the public of our intent to
prepare an EIS/EIR; (3) announce the
initiation of a public scoping period;
and (4) obtain suggestions and
information on the scope of issues and
alternatives to be included in the EIS/
DATES: Public scoping meetings will be
held on: Tuesday, February 8, 2005 from
4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Wednesday,
February 9, 2005 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Written comments should be received
on or before March 7, 2005.
ADDRESSES: The public meetings will be
held at the following locations: (1)
Tuesday, February 8, 2005, at the
Sweetwater Authority Reynolds
Desalination Facility, 3066 North
Second Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91912;
and (2) Wednesday, February 9, 2005, at
the Padre Dam Municipal Water District
Board Room, 10887 Woodside Avenue,
Santee, CA 92072.
Information, written comments, or
questions related to the preparation of
the EIS/EIR and NEPA process should
be submitted to Erin Fernandez, Fish
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and Wildlife Biologist, Carlsbad Fish
and Wildlife Office, 6010 Hidden Valley
Road, Carlsbad, California 92009
(facsimile 760–431–5902).
Fernandez at (760) 431–9440.
Reasonable Accommodation
Persons needing reasonable
accommodations in order to attend and
participate in the public meeting should
contact Erin Fernandez as soon as
CONTACT). In order to allow sufficient
time to process requests, please call no
later than 1 week before the public
meeting. Information regarding this
proposed action is available in
alternative formats upon request.
Section 9 of the Federal ESA (16
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and Federal
regulations prohibit the ‘‘take’’ of a fish
or wildlife species listed as endangered
or threatened. Under the ESA, the
following activities are defined as take:
harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot,
wound, kill, trap, capture or collect
listed animal species, or attempt to
engage in such conduct (16 U.S.C.
1538). However, under section 10(a) of
the ESA, we may issue permits to
authorize ‘‘incidental take’’ of listed
species. ‘‘Incidental take’’ is defined by
the ESA as take that is incidental to, and
not the purpose of, carrying out an
otherwise lawful activity. Regulations
governing permits for threatened species
and endangered species, respectively,
are at 50 CFR 17.32 and 50 CFR 17.22.
Take of listed plant species is not
prohibited under the ESA and cannot be
authorized under a section 10 permit.
We propose to include plant species on
the permit in recognition of the
conservation benefits provided for them
under the plan.
The purpose of the EIS/EIR is to
analyze the impacts of the proposed
implementation of the SRP and three
SAPs. The Federal need for the SRP and
three SAPs is to meet the criteria for
incidental take authorization of species
on the covered species list.
The proposed SRP would
comprehensively address how
participating water agencies will
manage their lands to conserve natural
habitats and species while continuing to
provide their mandated water services
to the public. The proposed SRP would
serve as an ‘‘umbrella document’’ to
guide the preparation of Natural
Communities Conservation Program
subarea plans by each participating
water agency. The combination of the
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 23 (Friday, February 4, 2005)]
[Pages 6031-6033]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-2182]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Availability of the Draft Comprehensive Conservation
Plan/Environmental Assessment for Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge
in Baldwin County, Alabama.
SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service announces that a Draft
Comprehensive Conservation Plan/Environmental Assessment for Bon Secour
National Wildlife Refuge is available for review and comment. The
National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, as amended
by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997,
requires the Service to develop a comprehensive conservation plan for
each national wildlife refuge. The purpose in developing a
comprehensive conservation plan is to provide refuge managers with a
15-year strategy for achieving refuge purposes and contributing toward
the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System, consistent with
sound principles of fish and wildlife management, conservation, legal
mandates, and Service policies. In addition to outlining broad
management direction on conserving wildlife and their habitats, the
plan identifies wildlife-dependent recreational opportunities available
to the public, including opportunities for hunting, fishing, wildlife
observation and photography, and environmental education and
Proposed goals for the refuge include:
Identifying, conserving, managing, enhancing, and
restoring populations of native fish and wildlife species
representative of coastal Alabama, with special emphasis on migratory
birds and threatened and endangered species.
Identifying, conserving, managing, enhancing, and
restoring the natural diversity, abundance, and ecological functions of
refuge habitats and associated plant communities, with an emphasis on
managing designated critical habitat for threatened and endangered
Identifying and conserving archaeological and natural
resources on the refuge and promoting conservation through interagency
and private landowner cooperation, partnerships, and land protection
programs on the Fort Morgan Peninsula and coastal Alabama.
Providing the public with quality interpretation, outreach
opportunities, environmental education programs, and recreational
activities that lead to a greater understanding, enjoyment, and
appreciation of fish, wildlife, habitats, and cultural resources of
coastal Alabama.
Compatibility determinations for recreational fishing, wildlife
observation, photography, hiking, environmental education and
interpretation, swimming and beach use, scientific research, dogs on
the beach, and bicycling are included in the draft plan.
Proposed Action
The proposed action is to adopt and implement a comprehensive
conservation plan for the refuge that best achieves the refuge's
purpose, vision, and goals; contributes to the National Wildlife Refuge
System mission; addresses the significant issues and relevant mandates;
and is consistent with principles of sound fish and wildlife
management. The Service analyzed four alternatives for managing the
refuge and chose Alternative D as the one to best achieve all of these
Alternative A--Represents the status quo; e.g., no changes from
current management of the refuge. Existing refuge management and public
outreach practices would be favored under this alternative. All refuge
management actions would be directed towards achieving the refuge's
primary purposes including: (1) Preserving habitat to ensure the well-
being of nationally threatened and endangered species; (2) conserving
an undisturbed beach/dune ecosystem which includes a diversity of fish,
wildlife, and their habitats; (3) serving as a living laboratory for
scientists and students; and (4) providing wildlife-oriented recreation
for the public.
Refuge management programs would continue to be developed and
implemented with little baseline biological information. Active habitat
management would include beach/dune habitat improvement and
restoration, protection of nesting sea turtles, and prescribed burning
designed to reduce fuel loads. Land would be acquired from willing
sellers within the current acquisition boundary totaling approximately
12,570 acres.
Fishing and wildlife observation would continue to be the major
focuses of the refuge public use program, with no expansion of current
opportunities. Current restrictions or prohibitions would remain. No
new trails would be developed, but the refuge staff would continue to
maintain the existing trails. Environmental education and
interpretation and wildlife photography would be accommodated on a
case-by-case basis. Funding to construct a maintenance facility and to
rehabilitate existing facilities would be requested.
Alternative B--Expands wildlife and habitat management activities,
while maintaining current public use and education. Under this
alternative, the emphasis would be to improve refuge resources for
wildlife, while still maintaining those public use opportunities which
presently exist. Most refuge management actions would be directed
toward preserving, enhancing, restoring, and managing the beach/dune
habitat for the benefit of the Alabama beach mouse and nesting sea
turtles. Prescribed burning would be used to improve habitat for
neotropical migratory birds. Other national, regional, and state goals
to protect and restore forest, grassland, and scrub/shrub bird
populations would be supported secondarily in habitats that are inland
from the beach/dune habitat. Baseline data would be collected,
standardized surveys implemented, and populations monitored.
Additional staff would include a biological technician and a law
enforcement officer to accomplish objectives for establishing baseline
data on refuge resources, managing habitats, and protecting biological
Under this alternative the refuge would continue to seek lands from
willing sellers within the acquisition boundary. Non-traditional land
protection methods would be developed and employed.
Public uses would include wildlife observation and photography,
limited interpretation, and fishing. Under this alternative, outreach
and environmental education would occur on a sporadic, time-permitting
basis. No evaluation of existing uses would occur. Fishing and wildlife
observation would continue to be the major focus for the public use
program, with no expansion of enhancement of current opportunities. No
new trails would be developed, but the refuge staff would continue to
maintain the existing trails. All new
[[Page 6032]]
funding would support the wildlife and habitat management programs,
with annual maintenance funding to support upkeep of existing public
use facilities. Partnership opportunities would not be feasible, as
full attention would be on managing refuge lands and collecting
biological information. This alternative in no way addresses the
increase in visitation that has occurred in the past 5 years and that
is predicted to continue.
Alternative C--Maintains current wildlife and habitat management
activities, while expanding public use and education. This approach
would maintain the current wildlife and habitat management activities
while allowing for significantly more public recreational uses.
Additional staff needed to implement this alternative includes an
outdoor recreation planner, a law enforcement officer, and a seasonal
maintenance worker. Trails, parking lots, and interpretive signage
would be constructed in every refuge unit, along with added
environmental education and watchable wildlife programs. Additional
staff would be used for developing and presenting both on- and off-site
outreach and interpretation programs. A user fee and permit system
would be implemented for fishing and beach use. A visitor center and
headquarters office would be constructed on the refuge and would
include an environmental education classroom and meeting facilities.
Land acquisition within the current acquisition boundary would
continue with emphasis on those lands that can provide additional
public use opportunities and beach access.
Sporadic beach mouse live-trapping and monitoring of sea turtle
nests on refuge beaches would continue. No new surveys on migratory
songbirds, breeding songbirds, shorebirds and marshbirds, and wintering
shorebirds would occur. Baseline data on herpetofauna would not be
collected. Only dune restoration habitat projects would occur.
Grassland and scrub/shrub habitat would not be restored and managed and
prescribed fire would continue to focus on fuel reduction versus
enhancing bird habitats. All new partnerships would be related to
visitor services, public outreach, and environmental education.
Alternative D--Expands wildlife and habitat management activities,
while optimizing public use and involvement. The Service planning team
has identified Alternative D as the preferred alternative. This
alternative was developed based on public input and the best judgment
of the planning team. The strategies presented in the draft plan were
developed as a direct result of the selection of Alternative D.
This alternative would promote a greater understanding and
protection of fish, wildlife, and their habitats, and higher quality,
balanced recreational opportunities for visitors. Fishing would
continue with greater emphasis on the quality of the experience.
Education and interpretation would be promoted through regular programs
and partnerships with local schools. Wildlife observation and
photography opportunities would be expanded, including a kayak trail
and observation towers, highlighting refuge management programs and
unique wildlife habitats. A user fee and permit would be implemented to
facilitate night fishing at Mobile Point. A visitor center and
headquarters office would be constructed on the refuge with space for
interpretation, environmental education, and staff.
Research studies on the refuge would be fostered and partnerships
developed with other agencies and universities to provide needed
resources and experiment sites, while meeting the needs of the refuge's
wildlife and habitat management programs. Research would also benefit
conservation efforts throughout the Central Gulf Coast to preserve,
enhance, restore, and manage coastal barrier island habitat. New
surveys on birds, reptiles, and amphibians would be initiated to
develop baseline information.
Additional staff would include both biological and outreach
personnel. A biological technician, outdoor recreation planner,
seasonal maintenance worker, and full-time law enforcement officer
would be added to accomplish objectives for establishing baseline data
on refuge resources, managing habitats, providing opportunities and
facilities for wildlife observation and photography, providing
educational programs that promote a greater understanding of refuge
resources, and protecting natural and cultural resources and refuge
Under this alternative, the refuge would continue to seek
acquisition of all lands within the present acquisition boundary. Lands
acquired as part of the refuge would be made available for compatible
wildlife-dependent public recreation and environmental education
opportunities, where appropriate. Pristine lands that provide high
quality habitat and connectivity to existing refuge lands would be
priority acquisitions. Equally important acquisition tools to be used
include: transfer lands, partnerships with conservation organizations,
conservation easements with adjacent landowners, and leases/cooperative
agreements with state agencies.
Actions Common to All Alternatives
All three alternatives share the following management concepts and
techniques for achieving the goals of the refuge:
Restoring native habitats;
Establishing, maintaining, and improving partnerships with
landowners and local, state, and federal agencies and organizations;
Coordinating management actions with local and state land
and resource management agencies;
Monitoring Alabama beach mouse populations and sea turtle
nesting in partnership with others;
Removing non-native invasive plants;
Encouraging scientific research on the refuge; and
Continuing land acquisition within the refuge boundary.
DATES: A meeting will be held at the Gulf Shores Adult Activities
Center to present the plan to the public. Mailings, newspaper articles,
and postings on the refuge Web site will be the avenues to inform the
public of the date and time for this meeting. Individuals wishing to
comment on the Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan/Environmental
Assessment for Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge should do so within
30 days following the date of this notice. Public comments were
requested, considered, and incorporated throughout the planning process
in numerous ways. Public outreach has included public scoping meetings,
technical workgroups, planning updates, and a Federal Register notice.
ADDRESSES: Requests for copies of the Draft Comprehensive Conservation
Plan/Environmental Assessment should be addressed to Robert Cail,
Refuge Manager, Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge, 12295 State
Highway 180, Gulf Shores, Alabama 36542. Comments on the draft may be
submitted to the above address or via electronic mail to Please include your name and return address in your
Internet message. Our practice is to make comments, including names and
home addresses of respondents, available for public review during
regular business hours. Individual respondents may request that we
withhold their home addresses from the record, which we will honor to
the extent allowable by law.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge is
located on the Gulf Coast of Alabama, 8 miles west of the city of Gulf
[[Page 6033]]
Alabama, in Baldwin and Mobile Counties. The refuge is divided into
five separate management units along the Fort Morgan Peninsula and
Little Dauphin Island. Although the refuge was established in 1980, to
date, only 6,978 acres have been acquired within the acquisition
boundary totaling approximately 12,570 acres, including the 575 acres
leased from the State of Alabama. The Service has management
jurisdiction along the shoreline above mean high tide except on Little
Dauphin Island, which contains 560 acres of submerged bottoms. The
potential wildlife habitat values of beach/dune, maritime forest, and
estuarine habitats provided the impetus to purchase the properties.
Management efforts since 1985 have emphasized acquiring land,
securing staff to operate the refuge, and initiating conservation
programs that benefit endangered wildlife species. However, Service
acquisition of key properties, such as inholdings and beach/dune
habitat, may not be realized within the 15-year planning period due to
budget constraints and landowner preferences. The five units within the
acquisition boundary have a significant ``edge,'' which contributes to
the predation of birds, sea turtles, and beach mice. Edge effect is the
tendency of a transitional zone between communities to support more
species and higher population densities than any of the surrounding
Current conservation management projects for the refuge include:
recruiting and training staff and improving existing facilities;
managing habitats to reduce the threats and problems associated with
species of concern; acquiring land to complete refuge boundaries;
assisting in sea turtle and Alabama beach mouse recovery; and defining
research within the beach/dune area and involving partners and
volunteers to accomplish this research.
Secour National Wildlife Refuge, telephone: 251/540-7720; fax: 251/540-
7301, or mail (write to Refuge Manager at address in ADDRESSES
Authority: This notice is published under the authority of the
National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, Pub. L.
Dated: January 6, 2005.
Cynthia K. Dohner,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 05-2182 Filed 2-3-02; 8:45 am]