Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Wharf Improvements and Fill at Apra Harbor, GU, 5420-5421 [05-1914]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 21 / Wednesday, February 2, 2005 / Notices
Office of the Secretary
General Solicitation of Comments
From the General Public on Review of
the National Information Assurance
Partnership (NIAP)
Office of the Secretary, DOD,
National Cyber Security Division, DHS.
ACTION: Notice for general solicitation of
SUMMARY: The National Strategy to
Secure Cyberspace, issued by the Office
of the President in February of 2003
required the Federal Government to
conduct a comprehensive review of the
National Information Assurance
Partnership (NIAP) to determine the
extent to which it is adequately
addressing the continuing problem of
security flaws in commercial software
products. The Department of Defense
(DoD) and the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) were tasked with
conducting the review on behalf of the
Federal government. In an effort to
ensure a comprehensive review of the
subject, DoD and DHS seek public
comment on the issues that should be
considered before completing this
Comments must be received on
or before March 4, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments
electronically to DOD/DHS at Send written
comments to: The Institute for Defense
Analyses, 4850 Mark Center Drive,
Alexandria, VA 22311, Attention: NIAP
Greg Larsen, Institute for Defense
Analyses, (703) 845–6661, e-mail:
this review, DoD and DHS considered
the results of current policy and
practices, the general efficacy and
adequacy of current capabilities, and the
expectations of stakeholders. In
addition, the scope of the review was
extended beyond NIAP security testing,
evaluation and assessment of
information technology (IT) products to
include the policy support
infrastructure and integration into
system development acquisition
NIAP is a U.S. Government initiative
originated to meet the security testing
needs of both IT consumers and
producers. NIAP is collaboration
between the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) and
the National Security Agency (NSA) in
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fulfilling their respective
responsibilities under Pub. L. 100–235
(Computer Security Act of 1987). To
obtain more information on NIAP please
go to:
To obtain a copy of The National
Strategy to Secure Cyberspace please go
January 28, 2005.
Jeannette Owings-Ballard,
OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer,
Department of Defense
[FR Doc. 05–1912 Filed 2–1–05; 8:45 am]
Department of the Army; Corps of
Intent To Prepare an Environmental
Impact Statement for Proposed Wharf
Improvements and Fill at Apra Harbor,
Department of the Army; U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice of intent.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 102(2)(c)
of the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) of 1969 as implemented by
the Council on Environmental Quality
(CEQ) regulations (40 CFR parts 1500–
1508), the Port Authority of Guam and
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
hereby give notice of intent to prepare
a Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
for proposed wharf improvements and
fill at Apra Harbor, Guam.
Under a Federal grant from the U.S.
Department of Commerce Economic
Development Administration, the Port
Authority of Guam is proposing
modifications to Apra Harbor for the
purpose of improving maritime access
and services to the island of Guam. The
harbor is in need of improvements to
meet anticipated future demands of the
island’s commercial port operations by
providing additional cargo container
storage area, and berthing facilities
capable of accommodating the newest
generation of large deep draft container
vessels, and cruise ships. The proposed
improvements would also provide
contingency berthing facilities for U.S.
Navy military vessels.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
will be the lead agency in preparing the
EIS. The EIS will provide an analysis of
potential impacts to the environment
from the proposed modifications to
Apra Harbor, in compliance with NEPA
and CEQ regulations.
PO 00000
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In order to be considered in the
draft EIS, comments and suggestions
should be received no later than June 1,
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu
District, ATTN: Mr. James Hatashima,
Project Manager, Civil and Public Works
Branch (CEPOH–PP–C), Rm. 312, Bldg.
230, Fort Shafter, HI 96858–5440.
Questions or comments concerning the
proposed action should be addressed to
Mr. James Hatashima, Phone: (808) 438–
2264, e-mail:
Harbor is the commercial hub of Guam,
handling both containerized and
conventional cargo from around the
world. The harbor is located near the
center of the western coast of Guam. It
is a natural harbor, protected by Orote
Peninsula to the south and Cabras
Island to the north. Proposed
modifications would occur within outer
Apra Harbor along the presently
undeveloped, southern face of the Glass
Breakwater, located west of Wharf F–2
on Cabras Island. The proposed
improvements would provide additional
berthing area and increased landside
capacity for commercial port cargo
storage and handling operations.
Proposed Action—Harbor
improvements under consideration
include: (1) Construction of a new
1,500-foot wharf to the east of Hotel
Wharf. Improvements may include
construction of a cellular sheet pile
bulkhead, deposition of approximately
950,000 cubic yards of fill material in
Apra Harbor, and construction of
mechanized cargo container handling
facilities; (2) Placement of
approximately 500,000 cubic yards of
fill over 18 acres of submerged lands in
three areas along the east end of the
Glass Breakwater. Improvements may
also include construction of rock
revetments, and construction of cargo
container storage yard facilities; (3)
Dredging of submerged lands to depths
of 55 to 60 feet in waters adjacent to the
proposed 1,500-foot wharf to
accommodate larger deep draft
commercial and military vessels.
Project Alternatives—Alternatives to
be considered include: (1) ‘‘No Action’’.
No improvements would be undertaken
and existing port facilities within Apra
Harbor would remain unchanged; (2)
Alternate designs, and construction
methods; (3) Alternate sources and
types of fill material (4) Dredge material
disposal alternatives.
To provide a forum for the public to
obtain information on the project, the
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 21 / Wednesday, February 2, 2005 / Notices
Port Authority of Guam and the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers will hold a
public scooping meeting on or about
February 2005. The purpose of the
scoping meeting is to present
information and solicit public input, in
the form of oral and written comments,
on the proposed action and alternatives
under consideration. Interested
agencies, organizations, and individuals
are invited to attend and participate in
the scoping meeting to help determine
the range of issues and alternatives to be
addressed in the EIS. The date, time,
and location of the scoping meeting will
be publicly announced.
The draft EIS is anticipated to be
available for public review in November
2005, and a public meeting will beheld
after publication of the draft EIS. The
date, time, and location of the meeting
will be publicly announced.
Brenda S. Bowen,
Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 05–1914 Filed 2–1–05; 8:45 am]
Department of the Army; Corps of
Inland Waterways Users Board
Department of the Army, U.S.
Army of Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice of open meeting.
SUMMARY: In Accordance with 10(a)(2)
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463), announcement is
made of the forthcoming meeting.
Name of Committee: Inland
Waterways Users Board (Board).
Date: February 24, 2005.
Location: The Washington Court
Hotel, 525 New Jersey Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20001–1527, (1–202–
Time: Registration will begin at 8:30
a.m. and the meeting is scheduled to
adjourn at 1 p.m.
Agenda: The Board will hear briefings
on the status of both the funding for
inland navigation projects and studies,
and the Inland Waterways Trust Fund.
The Board will also consider its
priorities for the next fiscal year.
Norman T. Edwards, Headquarters, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, CEMP–POD,
441 G Street, NW., Washington, DC
20314–1000; Ph: 202–761–1934.
meeting is open to the public. Any
interested person may attend, appear
before, or file statements with the
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committee at the time and in the
manner permitted by the committee.
Reporting and/or Recordkeeping
burden. OMB invites public comment.
Brenda S. Bowen,
Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 05–1913 Filed 2–1–05; 8:45 am]
Dated: January 27, 2005.
Angela C. Arrington,
Leader, Information Management Case
Services Team, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Department of Education.
The Leader, Information
Management Case Services Team,
Regulatory Information Management
Services, Office of the Chief Information
Officer invites comments on the
submission for OMB review as required
by the Paperwork Reduction Act of
Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before March 4,
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be addressed to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Attention: Carolyn Lovett, Desk Officer,
Department of Education, Office of
Management and Budget, 725 17th
Street, NW., Room 10235, New
Executive Office Building, Washington,
DC 20503 or faxed to (202) 395–6974.
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires
that the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) provide interested
Federal agencies and the public an early
opportunity to comment on information
collection requests. OMB may amend or
waive the requirement for public
consultation to the extent that public
participation in the approval process
would defeat the purpose of the
information collection, violate State or
Federal law, or substantially interfere
with any agency’s ability to perform its
statutory obligations. The Leader,
Information Management Case Services
Team, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of the
Chief Information Officer, publishes that
notice containing proposed information
collection requests prior to submission
of these requests to OMB. Each
proposed information collection,
grouped by office, contains the
following: (1) Type of review requested,
e.g. new, revision, extension, existing or
reinstatement; (2) Title; (3) Summary of
the collection; (4) Description of the
need for, and proposed use of, the
information; (5) Respondents and
frequency of collection; and (6)
PO 00000
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Office of the Undersecretary
Type of Review: New.
Title: Study of No Child Left Behind
Flexibility Provisions (previous title—
Flexing Federal Dollars Study.)
Frequency: One time.
Affected Public: State, local, or tribal
Gov’t, SEAs or LEAs.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
Responses: 640.
Burden Hours: 356.
Abstract: To evaluate how school
districts are using the provisions for
enhanced flexibility over the use of
Federal education funds authorized
under the No Child Left Behind Act.
Requests for copies of the submission
for OMB review; comment request may
be accessed from https://, by selecting the
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and
by clicking on link number 2640. When
you access the information collection,
click on ‘‘Download Attachments ‘‘to
view. Written requests for information
should be addressed to U.S. Department
of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue,
SW., Potomac Center, 9th Floor,
Washington, DC 20202–4700. Requests
may also be electronically mailed to the
Internet address or
faxed to 202–245–6621. Please specify
the complete title of the information
collection when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or
the collection activity requirements
should be directed to Katrina Ingalls at
her e-mail address Individuals who
use a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
[FR Doc. E5–398 Filed 2–1–05; 8:45 am]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Department of Education.
The Leader, Information
Management Case Services Team,
Regulatory Information Management
Services, Office of the Chief Information
Officer invites comments on the
submission for OMB review as required
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 21 (Wednesday, February 2, 2005)]
[Pages 5420-5421]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-1914]
Department of the Army; Corps of Engineers
Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed
Wharf Improvements and Fill at Apra Harbor, GU
AGENCY: Department of the Army; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice of intent.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 as implemented by the Council on
Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), the
Port Authority of Guam and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hereby give
notice of intent to prepare a Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for
proposed wharf improvements and fill at Apra Harbor, Guam.
Under a Federal grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic
Development Administration, the Port Authority of Guam is proposing
modifications to Apra Harbor for the purpose of improving maritime
access and services to the island of Guam. The harbor is in need of
improvements to meet anticipated future demands of the island's
commercial port operations by providing additional cargo container
storage area, and berthing facilities capable of accommodating the
newest generation of large deep draft container vessels, and cruise
ships. The proposed improvements would also provide contingency
berthing facilities for U.S. Navy military vessels.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be the lead agency in
preparing the EIS. The EIS will provide an analysis of potential
impacts to the environment from the proposed modifications to Apra
Harbor, in compliance with NEPA and CEQ regulations.
DATES: In order to be considered in the draft EIS, comments and
suggestions should be received no later than June 1, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Honolulu District, ATTN: Mr. James Hatashima, Project Manager, Civil
and Public Works Branch (CEPOH-PP-C), Rm. 312, Bldg. 230, Fort Shafter,
HI 96858-5440.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions or comments concerning the
proposed action should be addressed to Mr. James Hatashima, Phone:
(808) 438-2264, e-mail:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Apra Harbor is the commercial hub of Guam,
handling both containerized and conventional cargo from around the
world. The harbor is located near the center of the western coast of
Guam. It is a natural harbor, protected by Orote Peninsula to the south
and Cabras Island to the north. Proposed modifications would occur
within outer Apra Harbor along the presently undeveloped, southern face
of the Glass Breakwater, located west of Wharf F-2 on Cabras Island.
The proposed improvements would provide additional berthing area and
increased landside capacity for commercial port cargo storage and
handling operations.
Proposed Action--Harbor improvements under consideration include:
(1) Construction of a new 1,500-foot wharf to the east of Hotel Wharf.
Improvements may include construction of a cellular sheet pile
bulkhead, deposition of approximately 950,000 cubic yards of fill
material in Apra Harbor, and construction of mechanized cargo container
handling facilities; (2) Placement of approximately 500,000 cubic yards
of fill over 18 acres of submerged lands in three areas along the east
end of the Glass Breakwater. Improvements may also include construction
of rock revetments, and construction of cargo container storage yard
facilities; (3) Dredging of submerged lands to depths of 55 to 60 feet
in waters adjacent to the proposed 1,500-foot wharf to accommodate
larger deep draft commercial and military vessels.
Project Alternatives--Alternatives to be considered include: (1)
``No Action''. No improvements would be undertaken and existing port
facilities within Apra Harbor would remain unchanged; (2) Alternate
designs, and construction methods; (3) Alternate sources and types of
fill material (4) Dredge material disposal alternatives.
To provide a forum for the public to obtain information on the
project, the
[[Page 5421]]
Port Authority of Guam and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold a
public scooping meeting on or about February 2005. The purpose of the
scoping meeting is to present information and solicit public input, in
the form of oral and written comments, on the proposed action and
alternatives under consideration. Interested agencies, organizations,
and individuals are invited to attend and participate in the scoping
meeting to help determine the range of issues and alternatives to be
addressed in the EIS. The date, time, and location of the scoping
meeting will be publicly announced.
The draft EIS is anticipated to be available for public review in
November 2005, and a public meeting will beheld after publication of
the draft EIS. The date, time, and location of the meeting will be
publicly announced.
Brenda S. Bowen,
Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 05-1914 Filed 2-1-05; 8:45 am]