Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Application for Food and Drug Administration Approval to Market a New Drug, 4853-4857 [05-1814]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
or other forms of information
technology. Written comments should
be received within 60 days of this
Proposed Project
A Library Of Participant Questions To
Be Used In Exposure Investigation
Questionnaires—New—The Agency for
Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
ATSDR is mandated pursuant to the
1980 Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act (CERCLA) and its 1986
Amendments, the Superfund
Amendments and Reauthorization Act
(SARA) to prevent or mitigate adverse
human health effects and diminished
quality of life resulting from the
exposure to hazardous substances in the
environment. Exposure Investigations
are an approach developed by ATSDR
that employs targeted biologic and
environmental sampling to assist
ATSDR to better characterize past,
current, and possible future human
exposures to hazardous substances in
the environment. The purpose of
Exposure Investigations is to determine
in a timely manner whether community
residents are being exposed to chemical
contaminants at levels that might affect
their health. Exposure Investigations are
usually requested by officials of a state
health agency, county health
departments, the Environmental
Protection Agency, the general public,
and ATSDR staff.
During an Exposure Investigation
ATSDR conducts biomarker testing or
environmental testing or both.
Biomarkers may be sampled in urine,
blood, or hair. Environmental samples
(e.g., air, water, soil, or food) can be
taken from the environment where
people live, spend leisure time, or other
places they might come into contact
with contaminants under investigation.
In addition to the suspected
environmental exposure source being
investigated, additional exposure to the
contaminant may come from other
sources encountered in daily activities
such as jobs, hobbies, household
products, lifestyle, medicines, and
To assist in interpreting the sampling
results, a survey questionnaire
appropriate to the specific contaminant
will be administered to participants.
Only a limited number of questions
pertinent to exposure routes of the
contaminant of concern will be
administered in an investigation.
Questions will be asked about the
presence or absence of a specific
exposure and an estimate of its extent
and duration. Exposure to other sources
of the contaminant of concern will also
be queried in the survey. The
information gathered in the survey will
allow ATSDR to more accurately
interpret its testing results and
determine a likely source of elevated
biomarker tests.
Questionnaires will generally be
administered face-to-face and
occasionally by phone or mail.
Typically, ATSDR conducts between
10–15 exposure investigations
nationally each year that would require
a questionnaire. The number of
participants per investigation ranges
from 10 to less than 50.
ATSDR is seeking approval for a set
of 40–43 potential questions. Of these,
approximately 12–15 questions about
the pertinent environmental pathways
in an Exposure Investigation will be
used. This number can vary depending
on the number of contaminants being
investigated, the route of exposure
(breathing, eating, touching), and a
number of other sources (e.g., products,
jobs) of the chemical(s). We will also
collect general information (e.g., name,
address,) necessary to conduct the
investigation; there are approximately
28 questions that will collect
demographic information. There are no
costs to respondents other than their
Topic areas for the complete set of
questions include the following:
(1) Media specific which includes: air
(indoor/outdoor); water (water source
and plumbing); soil, and food
(gardening, fish, game, domestic
(2) Other sources such as: occupation;
hobbies; household uses or house
construction; lifestyle (e.g., smoking);
medicines and/or health conditions, and
Number of
Number of
per respondent
per response
in hours)
(in hours)
Exposure Investigation Participants ................................................................
Total ..........................................................................................................
Dated: January 25, 2005.
Betsey Dunaway,
Acting Reports Clearance Officer, Office of
the Chief Science Officer, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 05–1713 Filed 1–28–05; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 2004N–0441]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for Office of
Management and Budget Review;
Comment Request; Application for
Food and Drug Administration
Approval to Market a New Drug
Food and Drug Administration
information has been submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and clearance under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Food and Drug Administration,
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is announcing
that a proposed collection of
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Fax written comments on the
collection of information by March 2,
OMB is still experiencing
significant delays in the regular mail,
including first class and express mail,
and messenger deliveries are not being
accepted. To ensure that comments on
the information collection are received,
OMB recommends that written
comments be faxed to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
OMB, Attn: Fumie Yokota, Desk Officer
for FDA, FAX: 202–395–6974.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
Karen L. Nelson, Office of Management
Programs (HFA–250), Food and Drug
Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane,
Rockville, MD 20857, 301–827–1482.
compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA
has submitted the following proposed
collection of information to OMB for
review and clearance.
Application for FDA Approval to
Market a New Drug—(OMB Control
Number 0910–0001)—Extension
Under section 505(a) of the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act)
(21 U.S.C. 355(a)), a new drug may not
be commercially marketed in the United
States, imported, or exported from the
United States, unless an approval of an
application filed with FDA under
section 505(b) or 505(j) of the act is
effective with respect to such drug.
Section 505(b) and 505(j) of the act
requires a sponsor to submit to FDA a
new drug application (NDA) containing,
among other things, full reports of
investigations that show whether or not
the drug is safe and effective for use, a
full list of articles used as components
in the drug, a full description of
manufacturing methods, samples of the
drugs required, specimens of the
labeling proposed to be used, and
certain patent information as applicable.
Under the act, it is the sponsor’s
responsibility to provide the
information needed by FDA to make a
scientific and technical determination
that the product is safe and effective.
This information collection approval
request is for all information
requirements imposed on sponsors by
the regulations under part 314 (21 CFR
314), who apply for approval of a new
drug application in order to market or
to continue to market a drug.
Section 314.50(a) requires that an
application form (Form FDA 356h) be
submitted that includes introductory
information about the drug as well as a
checklist of enclosures.
Section 314.50(b) requires that an
index be submitted with the archival
copy of the application and that it
reference certain sections of the
Section 314.50(c) requires that a
summary of the application be
submitted that presents a good general
synopsis of all the technical sections
and other information in the
Section 314.50(d) requires that the
NDA contain the following technical
sections about the new drug: Chemistry,
manufacturing, and controls;
nonclinical pharmacology and
toxicology; human pharmacokinetics
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and bioavailability; microbiology;
clinical data; and statistical section.
Section 314.50(e) requires the
applicant to submit samples of the drug
if requested by FDA. In addition, the
archival copy of the application must
include copies of the label and all
labeling for the drug.
Section 314.50(f) requires that case
report forms and tabulations be
submitted with the archival copy.
Section 314.50(h) requires that patent
information, as described under
§ 314.53, be submitted with the
Section 314.50(i) requires that patent
certification information be submitted
in section 505(b)(2) applications for
patents claiming the drug, drug product,
method of use, or method of
Section 314.50(j) requires that
applicants that request a period of
marketing exclusivity submit certain
information with the application.
Section 314.50(k) requires that an
archival, review, and field copy of the
application be submitted.
Section 314.52 requires that notice of
certification of invalidity or
noninfringement of a patent to patent
holders and NDA holders be sent by
section 505(b)(2) applicants.
Section 314.54 sets forth the content
requirements for applications filed
under section 505(b)(2) of the act.
Section 314.60 sets forth reporting
requirements for sponsors who amend
an unapproved application.
Section 314.65 states that the sponsor
must notify FDA when withdrawing an
unapproved application.
Sections 314.70 and 314.71 require
that supplements be submitted to FDA
for certain changes to an approved
Section 314.72 requires sponsors to
report to FDA any transfer of ownership
of an application.
Section 314.80(c)(1) and (c)(2) sets
forth requirements for expedited
adverse drug experience postmarketing
reports and followup reports, as well as
for periodic adverse drug experience
postmarketing reports (Form FDA
3500A). (The burden hours for
§ 314.80(c)(1) and (c)(2) are already
approved by OMB under OMB control
numbers 0910–0230 and 0910–0291 and
are not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.80(i) establishes
recordkeeping requirements for reports
of postmarketing adverse drug
experiences. (The burden hours for
§ 314.80(i) are already approved by
OMB under OMB control numbers
0910–0230 and 0910–0291 and are not
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included in the hour burden estimates
in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.81(b)(1) requires that field
alert reports be submitted to FDA (Form
FDA 3331).
Section 314.81(b)(2) requires that
annual reports be submitted to FDA
(Form FDA 2252). This form has been
revised as a result of the requirements
in the final rule ‘‘Postmarketing Studies
for Approved Human Drug and
Licensed Biological Products; Status
Reports,’’ published in the Federal
Register of October 30, 2000 (65 FR
64607). The rule describes the types of
postmarketing studies covered by the
status reports, the information to be
included in the reports, and the type of
information that FDA would consider
appropriate for public disclosure. The
rule implemented section 130(a) of the
Food and Drug Administration
Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA).
The changes to the form include adding
new spaces for the new status reports,
reporting for biological products, and
editorial changes.
Section 314.81(b)(3)(i) requires that
drug advertisements and promotional
labeling be submitted to FDA (Form
FDA 2253).
Section 314.81(b)(3)(iii) sets forth
reporting requirements for sponsors
who withdraw an approved drug
product from sale. (The burden hours
for § 314.81(b)(3)(iii) are already
approved by OMB under OMB control
number 0910–0045 and are not included
in the hour burden estimates in table 1
of this document.)
Section 314.90 sets forth requirements
for sponsors who request waivers from
FDA for compliance with §§ 314.50
through 314.81. (The information
collection hour burden estimate for
NDA waiver requests is included in
table 1 of this document under estimates
for §§ 314.50, 314.60, 314.70 and
Section 314.93 sets forth requirements
for submitting a suitability petition in
accordance with § 10.20 (21 CFR 10.20)
and § 10.30. (The burden hours for
§ 314.93 are already approved by OMB
under 0910–0183 and are not included
in the hour burden estimates in table 1
of this document.)
Section 314.94(a) and (d) requires that
an ANDA contain the following
information: Application form; table of
contents; basis for ANDA submission;
conditions of use; active ingredients;
route of administration, dosage form,
and strength; bioequivalence; labeling;
chemistry, manufacturing, and controls;
samples; patent certification.
Section 314.95 requires that notice of
certification of invalidity or
noninfringement of a patent to patent
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
holders and NDA holders be sent by
ANDA applicants.
Section 314.96 sets forth requirements
for amendments to an unapproved
Section 314.97 sets forth requirements
for submitting supplements to an
approved ANDA for changes that
require FDA approval.
Section 314.98(a) sets forth
postmarketing adverse drug experience
reporting and recordkeeping
requirements for ANDAs. (The burden
hours for § 314.98(a) are already
approved by OMB under OMB control
numbers 0910–0230 and 0910–0291 and
are not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.98(c) requires other
postmarketing reports for ANDAs: Field
alert reports (Form FDA 3331), annual
reports (Form FDA 2252), and
advertisements and promotional
labeling (Form FDA 2253). (The
information collection hour burden
estimate for field alert reports is
included in table 1 of this document
under § 314.81(b)(1); the estimate for
annual reports is included under
§ 314.81(b)(2); the estimate for
advertisements and promotional
labeling is included under
§ 314.81(b)(3)(i).)
Section 314.99(a) requires that
sponsors comply with certain reporting
requirements for withdrawing an
unapproved ANDA and for a change in
ownership of an ANDA.
Section 314.99(b) sets forth
requirements for sponsors who request
waivers from FDA for compliance with
§§ 314.92 through 314.99. (The
information collection hour burden
estimate for ANDA waiver requests is
included in table 1 of this document
under estimates for § 314.94(a) and (d)
and §§ 314.96 and 314.97.)
Section 314.101(a) states that if FDA
refuses to file an application, the
applicant may request an informal
conference with FDA and request that
the application be filed over protest.
Section 314.107(c)(4) requires notice
to FDA by ANDA or section 505(b)(2)
application holders of any legal action
concerning patent infringement.
Section 314.107(e)(2)(iv) requires that
an applicant submit a copy of the entry
of the order or judgment to FDA within
10 working days of a final judgment.
Section 314.107(f) requires that
ANDA or section 505(b)(2) applicants
notify FDA of the filing of any legal
action filed within 45 days of receipt of
the notice of certification. A patent
owner may also notify FDA of the filing
of any legal action for patent
infringement. The patent owner or
approved application holder who is an
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exclusive patent licensee must submit to
FDA a waiver that waives the
opportunity to file a legal action for
patent infringement.
Section 314.110(a)(3) and (a)(4) states
that, after receipt of an FDA approvable
letter, an applicant may request an
opportunity for a hearing on the
question of whether there are grounds
for denying approval of the application.
(The burden hours for § 314.110(a)(3)
and (a)(4) are included under parts 10
through 16 (21 CFR part 16) hearing
regulations, in accordance with
§ 314.201, and are not included in the
hour burden estimates in table 1 of this
Section 314.110(a)(5) states that, after
receipt of an approvable letter, an
applicant may notify FDA that it agrees
to an extension of the review period so
that it can determine whether to
respond further.
Section 314.110(b) states that, after
receipt of an approvable letter, an
ANDA applicant may request an
opportunity for a hearing on the
question of whether there are grounds
for denying approval of the application.
(The burden hours for § 314.110(b) are
included under parts 10 through 16
hearing regulations, in accordance with
§ 314.201, and are not included in the
hour burden estimates in table 1 of this
Section 314.120(a)(3) states that, after
receipt of a not approvable letter, an
applicant may request an opportunity
for a hearing on the question of whether
there are grounds for denying approval
of the application. (The burden hours
for § 314.120(a)(3) are included under
parts 10 through 16 hearing regulations,
in accordance with § 314.201, and are
not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.120(a)(5) states that, after
receipt of a not approvable letter, an
applicant may notify FDA that it agrees
to an extension of the review period so
that it can determine whether to
respond further.
Section 314.122(a) requires that an
ANDA or a suitability petition that
relies on a listed drug that has been
voluntarily withdrawn from sale must
be accompanied by a petition seeking a
determination whether the drug was
withdrawn for safety or effectiveness
reasons. (The burden hours for
§ 314.122(a) are already approved by
OMB under OMB control number 0910–
0183 and are not included in the hour
burden estimates in table 1 of this
Section 314.122(d) sets forth
requirements for relisting petitions for
unlisted discontinued products. (The
burden hours for § 314.122(d) are
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already approved by OMB under OMB
control number 0910–0183 and are not
included in the hour burden estimates
in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.126(c) sets forth
requirements for a petition to waive
criteria for adequate and well-controlled
studies. (The burden hours for
§ 314.126(c) are already approved by
OMB under 0910–0183 and are not
included in the hour burden estimates
in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.151(a) and (b) set forth
requirements for the withdrawal of
approval of an ANDA and the
applicant’s opportunity for a hearing
and submission of comments. (The
burden hours for § 314.151(a) and (b) are
included under parts 10 through 16
hearing regulations, in accordance with
§ 314.201, and are not included in the
hour burden estimates in table 1 of this
Section 314.151(c) sets forth the
requirements for withdrawal of approval
of an ANDA and the applicant’s
opportunity to submit written objections
and participate in a limited oral hearing.
(The burden hours for § 314.151(c) are
included under parts 10 through 16
hearing regulations, in accordance with
§ 314.201, and are not included in the
hour burden estimates in table 1 of this
Section 314.152(b) sets forth the
requirements for suspension of an
ANDA when the listed drug is
voluntarily withdrawn for safety and
effectiveness reasons, and the
applicant’s opportunity to present
comments and participate in a limited
oral hearing. (The burden hours for
§ 314.152(b) is included under parts 10
through 16 hearing regulations, in
accordance with § 314.201, and is not
included in the hour burden estimates
in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.161(b) and (e) sets forth
the requirements for submitting a
petition to determine whether a listed
drug was voluntarily withdrawn from
sale for safety or effectiveness reasons.
(The burden hours for § 314.161(b) and
(e) are already approved by OMB under
OMB control number 0910–0183 and
are not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.200(c), (d), and (e)
requires that applicants or others subject
to a notice of opportunity for a hearing
who wish to participate in a hearing file
a written notice of participation and
request for a hearing as well as the
studies, data, and so forth, relied on.
Other interested persons may also
submit comments on the notice. This
section also sets forth the content and
format requirements for the applicants’
submission in response to notice of
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
opportunity for hearing. (The burden
hours for § 314.200(c), (d), and (e) are
included under parts 10 through 16
hearing regulations, in accordance with
§ 314.201, and are not included in the
hour burden estimates in table 1 of this
Section 314.200(f) states that
participants in a hearing may make a
motion to the presiding officer for the
inclusion of certain issues in the
hearing. (The burden hours for
§ 314.200(f) are included under parts 10
through 16 hearing regulations, in
accordance with § 314.201, and are not
included in the hour burden estimates
in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.200(g) states that a person
who responds to a proposed order from
FDA denying a request for a hearing
provide sufficient data, information, and
analysis to demonstrate that there is a
genuine and substantial issue of fact
which justifies a hearing. (The burden
hours for § 314.200(g) are included
under parts 10 through 16 hearing
regulations, in accordance with
§ 314.201, and is not included in the
hour burden estimates in table 1 of this
Section 314.420 states that an
applicant may submit to FDA a drug
master file in support of an application,
in accordance with certain content and
format requirements.
Section 314.430 states that data and
information in an application are
disclosable under certain conditions,
unless the applicant shows that
extraordinary circumstances exist. (The
burden hours for § 314.430 is included
under parts 10 through 16 hearing
regulations, in accordance with
§ 314.201, and is not included in the
hour burden estimates in table 1 of this
Section 314.530(c) and (e) states that,
if FDA withdraws approval of a drug
approved under the accelerated
approval procedures, the applicant has
the opportunity to request a hearing and
submit data and information. (The
burden hours for § 314.530(c) and (e) are
included under parts 10 through 16
hearing regulations, in accordance with
§ 314.201, and are not included in the
hour burden estimates in table 1 of this
Section 314.530(f) requires that an
applicant first submit a petition for stay
of action before requesting an order
from a court for a stay of action pending
review. (The burden hours for
§ 314.530(f) are already approved by
OMB under 0910–0194 and are not
included in the hour burden estimates
in table 1 of this document.)
In the Federal Register of October 8,
2004 (69 FR 60402), FDA announced an
opportunity for public comment on
these information collection estimates.
No comments were submitted that
pertained to the information collection
estimates in the October 8, 2004,
Respondents to this collection of
information are all persons who submit
an application or abbreviated
application or an amendment or
supplement to FDA under part 314 to
obtain approval of a new drug, and any
person who owns an approved
application or abbreviated application.
21 CFR Section;
[FDA Form Number]
No. of Respondents
No. of Responses per
314.52 and 314.95
314.81(b)(1) [3331]
314.81(b)(2) [2252]
314.94(a) and (d)
314.50 (a), (b), (c),
(d), (e), (f), (h),
and (k)
314.50(i) and
314.70 and 314.71
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Total Annual Responses
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Hours Per Response
Total Hours
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
21 CFR Section;
[FDA Form Number]
No. of Respondents
No. of Responses per
and 314.107(f)
Total Annual Responses
Hours Per Response
1 There
are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
Dated: January 25, 2005.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 05–1814 Filed 1–27–05; 12:53 pm]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. 1998D–0514]
Draft Guidance for Industry on
Abbreviated New Drug Applications:
Impurities in Drug Substances;
Chemistry, Manufacturing, and
Controls Information; Availability
Food and Drug Administration,
Total Hours
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is announcing the
availability of a draft guidance for
industry entitled ‘‘ANDAs: Impurities in
Drug Substances; Chemistry,
Manufacturing, and Controls
Information.’’ This draft guidance
provides recommendations on what
chemistry, manufacturing, and controls
information to include regarding the
reporting, identification, and
qualification of impurities in drug
substances produced by chemical
synthesis when submitting
documentation for an abbreviated new
drug application (ANDA), drug master
file (DMF), or a supplement to support
changes in drug substance synthesis or
DATES: Submit written or electronic
comments on the draft guidance May 2,
2005. General comments on agency
guidance documents are welcome at any
ADDRESSES: Submit written requests for
single copies of the draft guidance to the
Division of Drug Information (HFD–
240), Center for Drug Evaluation and
VerDate jul<14>2003
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Research, Food and Drug
Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane,
Rockville, MD 20857. Send one selfaddressed adhesive label to assist that
office in processing your requests.
Submit written comments on the draft
guidance to the Division of Dockets
Management (HFA–305), Food and Drug
Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm.
1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Submit
electronic comments to https:// See
for electronic access to the draft
guidance document.
Scott Furness, Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research (HFD–640),
Food and Drug Administration, 5600
Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857,
needed because they are addressed in
the more recent Q3A(R).
This draft guidance contains
information collection provisions that
are subject to review by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3501–3520). The collection of
information in this draft guidance was
approved under OMB Control Nos.
0910–0001 and 0910–0032.
This draft guidance is being issued
consistent with FDA’s good guidance
practices regulation (21 CFR 10.115).
The draft guidance represents the
agency’s current thinking on these
topics. It does not create or confer any
rights for or on any person and does not
operate to bind FDA or the public. An
alternative approach may be used if
such approach satisfies the
requirements of the applicable statutes
and regulations.
I. Background
II. Comments
Interested persons may submit to the
Division of Dockets Management (see
ADDRESSES) written or electronic
comments on the draft guidance. Two
copies of any comments are to be
submitted, except that individuals may
submit one copy. Comments are to be
identified with the docket number
found in brackets in the heading of this
document. The draft guidance and
received comments are available for
public examination in the Division of
Dockets Management between 9 a.m.
and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
On December 3, 1999, FDA published
in the Federal Register (64 FR 67917)
the guidance for industry entitled
‘‘ANDA’s: Impurities in Drug
Substances.’’ The guidance provided
recommendations for including
information in ANDAs and supporting
DMFs on the content and qualification
of impurities in drug substances
produced by chemical syntheses.
FDA is announcing the availability of
a draft guidance for industry entitled
‘‘ANDAs: Impurities in Drug
Substances,’’ which revises the
December 3, 1999, guidance. The
guidance is being revised to update
information on listing of impurities,
setting acceptance criteria, and
qualifying impurities in conformance
with the revision of the guidance for
industry entitled ‘‘Q3A Impurities in
New Drug Substances’’ (Q3A(R),
published in February 2003). The
guidance is also being revised to remove
sections of the guidance containing
recommendations that are no longer
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III. Electronic Access
Persons with access to the Internet
may obtain the document at https://
Dated: January 24, 2005.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 05–1752 Filed 1–28–05; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 19 (Monday, January 31, 2005)]
[Pages 4853-4857]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-1814]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. 2004N-0441]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office
of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Application for Food
and Drug Administration Approval to Market a New Drug
AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that a
proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Fax written comments on the collection of information by March
2, 2005.
ADDRESSES: OMB is still experiencing significant delays in the regular
mail, including first class and express mail, and messenger deliveries
are not being accepted. To ensure that comments on the information
collection are received, OMB recommends that written comments be faxed
to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attn: Fumie
Yokota, Desk Officer for FDA, FAX: 202-395-6974.
[[Page 4854]]
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen L. Nelson, Office of Management
Programs (HFA-250), Food and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane,
Rockville, MD 20857, 301-827-1482.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA has
submitted the following proposed collection of information to OMB for
review and clearance.
Application for FDA Approval to Market a New Drug--(OMB Control Number
Under section 505(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
(the act) (21 U.S.C. 355(a)), a new drug may not be commercially
marketed in the United States, imported, or exported from the United
States, unless an approval of an application filed with FDA under
section 505(b) or 505(j) of the act is effective with respect to such
drug. Section 505(b) and 505(j) of the act requires a sponsor to submit
to FDA a new drug application (NDA) containing, among other things,
full reports of investigations that show whether or not the drug is
safe and effective for use, a full list of articles used as components
in the drug, a full description of manufacturing methods, samples of
the drugs required, specimens of the labeling proposed to be used, and
certain patent information as applicable. Under the act, it is the
sponsor's responsibility to provide the information needed by FDA to
make a scientific and technical determination that the product is safe
and effective.
This information collection approval request is for all information
requirements imposed on sponsors by the regulations under part 314 (21
CFR 314), who apply for approval of a new drug application in order to
market or to continue to market a drug.
Section 314.50(a) requires that an application form (Form FDA 356h)
be submitted that includes introductory information about the drug as
well as a checklist of enclosures.
Section 314.50(b) requires that an index be submitted with the
archival copy of the application and that it reference certain sections
of the application.
Section 314.50(c) requires that a summary of the application be
submitted that presents a good general synopsis of all the technical
sections and other information in the application.
Section 314.50(d) requires that the NDA contain the following
technical sections about the new drug: Chemistry, manufacturing, and
controls; nonclinical pharmacology and toxicology; human
pharmacokinetics and bioavailability; microbiology; clinical data; and
statistical section.
Section 314.50(e) requires the applicant to submit samples of the
drug if requested by FDA. In addition, the archival copy of the
application must include copies of the label and all labeling for the
Section 314.50(f) requires that case report forms and tabulations
be submitted with the archival copy.
Section 314.50(h) requires that patent information, as described
under Sec. 314.53, be submitted with the application.
Section 314.50(i) requires that patent certification information be
submitted in section 505(b)(2) applications for patents claiming the
drug, drug product, method of use, or method of manufacturing.
Section 314.50(j) requires that applicants that request a period of
marketing exclusivity submit certain information with the application.
Section 314.50(k) requires that an archival, review, and field copy
of the application be submitted.
Section 314.52 requires that notice of certification of invalidity
or noninfringement of a patent to patent holders and NDA holders be
sent by section 505(b)(2) applicants.
Section 314.54 sets forth the content requirements for applications
filed under section 505(b)(2) of the act.
Section 314.60 sets forth reporting requirements for sponsors who
amend an unapproved application.
Section 314.65 states that the sponsor must notify FDA when
withdrawing an unapproved application.
Sections 314.70 and 314.71 require that supplements be submitted to
FDA for certain changes to an approved application.
Section 314.72 requires sponsors to report to FDA any transfer of
ownership of an application.
Section 314.80(c)(1) and (c)(2) sets forth requirements for
expedited adverse drug experience postmarketing reports and followup
reports, as well as for periodic adverse drug experience postmarketing
reports (Form FDA 3500A). (The burden hours for Sec. 314.80(c)(1) and
(c)(2) are already approved by OMB under OMB control numbers 0910-0230
and 0910-0291 and are not included in the hour burden estimates in
table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.80(i) establishes recordkeeping requirements for
reports of postmarketing adverse drug experiences. (The burden hours
for Sec. 314.80(i) are already approved by OMB under OMB control
numbers 0910-0230 and 0910-0291 and are not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.81(b)(1) requires that field alert reports be submitted
to FDA (Form FDA 3331).
Section 314.81(b)(2) requires that annual reports be submitted to
FDA (Form FDA 2252). This form has been revised as a result of the
requirements in the final rule ``Postmarketing Studies for Approved
Human Drug and Licensed Biological Products; Status Reports,''
published in the Federal Register of October 30, 2000 (65 FR 64607).
The rule describes the types of postmarketing studies covered by the
status reports, the information to be included in the reports, and the
type of information that FDA would consider appropriate for public
disclosure. The rule implemented section 130(a) of the Food and Drug
Administration Modernization Act of 1997 (FDAMA). The changes to the
form include adding new spaces for the new status reports, reporting
for biological products, and editorial changes.
Section 314.81(b)(3)(i) requires that drug advertisements and
promotional labeling be submitted to FDA (Form FDA 2253).
Section 314.81(b)(3)(iii) sets forth reporting requirements for
sponsors who withdraw an approved drug product from sale. (The burden
hours for Sec. 314.81(b)(3)(iii) are already approved by OMB under OMB
control number 0910-0045 and are not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.90 sets forth requirements for sponsors who request
waivers from FDA for compliance with Sec. Sec. 314.50 through 314.81.
(The information collection hour burden estimate for NDA waiver
requests is included in table 1 of this document under estimates for
Sec. Sec. 314.50, 314.60, 314.70 and 314.71.)
Section 314.93 sets forth requirements for submitting a suitability
petition in accordance with Sec. 10.20 (21 CFR 10.20) and Sec. 10.30.
(The burden hours for Sec. 314.93 are already approved by OMB under
0910-0183 and are not included in the hour burden estimates in table 1
of this document.)
Section 314.94(a) and (d) requires that an ANDA contain the
following information: Application form; table of contents; basis for
ANDA submission; conditions of use; active ingredients; route of
administration, dosage form, and strength; bioequivalence; labeling;
chemistry, manufacturing, and controls; samples; patent certification.
Section 314.95 requires that notice of certification of invalidity
or noninfringement of a patent to patent
[[Page 4855]]
holders and NDA holders be sent by ANDA applicants.
Section 314.96 sets forth requirements for amendments to an
unapproved ANDA.
Section 314.97 sets forth requirements for submitting supplements
to an approved ANDA for changes that require FDA approval.
Section 314.98(a) sets forth postmarketing adverse drug experience
reporting and recordkeeping requirements for ANDAs. (The burden hours
for Sec. 314.98(a) are already approved by OMB under OMB control
numbers 0910-0230 and 0910-0291 and are not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.98(c) requires other postmarketing reports for ANDAs:
Field alert reports (Form FDA 3331), annual reports (Form FDA 2252),
and advertisements and promotional labeling (Form FDA 2253). (The
information collection hour burden estimate for field alert reports is
included in table 1 of this document under Sec. 314.81(b)(1); the
estimate for annual reports is included under Sec. 314.81(b)(2); the
estimate for advertisements and promotional labeling is included under
Sec. 314.81(b)(3)(i).)
Section 314.99(a) requires that sponsors comply with certain
reporting requirements for withdrawing an unapproved ANDA and for a
change in ownership of an ANDA.
Section 314.99(b) sets forth requirements for sponsors who request
waivers from FDA for compliance with Sec. Sec. 314.92 through 314.99.
(The information collection hour burden estimate for ANDA waiver
requests is included in table 1 of this document under estimates for
Sec. 314.94(a) and (d) and Sec. Sec. 314.96 and 314.97.)
Section 314.101(a) states that if FDA refuses to file an
application, the applicant may request an informal conference with FDA
and request that the application be filed over protest.
Section 314.107(c)(4) requires notice to FDA by ANDA or section
505(b)(2) application holders of any legal action concerning patent
Section 314.107(e)(2)(iv) requires that an applicant submit a copy
of the entry of the order or judgment to FDA within 10 working days of
a final judgment.
Section 314.107(f) requires that ANDA or section 505(b)(2)
applicants notify FDA of the filing of any legal action filed within 45
days of receipt of the notice of certification. A patent owner may also
notify FDA of the filing of any legal action for patent infringement.
The patent owner or approved application holder who is an exclusive
patent licensee must submit to FDA a waiver that waives the opportunity
to file a legal action for patent infringement.
Section 314.110(a)(3) and (a)(4) states that, after receipt of an
FDA approvable letter, an applicant may request an opportunity for a
hearing on the question of whether there are grounds for denying
approval of the application. (The burden hours for Sec. 314.110(a)(3)
and (a)(4) are included under parts 10 through 16 (21 CFR part 16)
hearing regulations, in accordance with Sec. 314.201, and are not
included in the hour burden estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.110(a)(5) states that, after receipt of an approvable
letter, an applicant may notify FDA that it agrees to an extension of
the review period so that it can determine whether to respond further.
Section 314.110(b) states that, after receipt of an approvable
letter, an ANDA applicant may request an opportunity for a hearing on
the question of whether there are grounds for denying approval of the
application. (The burden hours for Sec. 314.110(b) are included under
parts 10 through 16 hearing regulations, in accordance with Sec.
314.201, and are not included in the hour burden estimates in table 1
of this document.)
Section 314.120(a)(3) states that, after receipt of a not
approvable letter, an applicant may request an opportunity for a
hearing on the question of whether there are grounds for denying
approval of the application. (The burden hours for Sec. 314.120(a)(3)
are included under parts 10 through 16 hearing regulations, in
accordance with Sec. 314.201, and are not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.120(a)(5) states that, after receipt of a not
approvable letter, an applicant may notify FDA that it agrees to an
extension of the review period so that it can determine whether to
respond further.
Section 314.122(a) requires that an ANDA or a suitability petition
that relies on a listed drug that has been voluntarily withdrawn from
sale must be accompanied by a petition seeking a determination whether
the drug was withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons. (The burden
hours for Sec. 314.122(a) are already approved by OMB under OMB
control number 0910-0183 and are not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.122(d) sets forth requirements for relisting petitions
for unlisted discontinued products. (The burden hours for Sec.
314.122(d) are already approved by OMB under OMB control number 0910-
0183 and are not included in the hour burden estimates in table 1 of
this document.)
Section 314.126(c) sets forth requirements for a petition to waive
criteria for adequate and well-controlled studies. (The burden hours
for Sec. 314.126(c) are already approved by OMB under 0910-0183 and
are not included in the hour burden estimates in table 1 of this
Section 314.151(a) and (b) set forth requirements for the
withdrawal of approval of an ANDA and the applicant's opportunity for a
hearing and submission of comments. (The burden hours for Sec.
314.151(a) and (b) are included under parts 10 through 16 hearing
regulations, in accordance with Sec. 314.201, and are not included in
the hour burden estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.151(c) sets forth the requirements for withdrawal of
approval of an ANDA and the applicant's opportunity to submit written
objections and participate in a limited oral hearing. (The burden hours
for Sec. 314.151(c) are included under parts 10 through 16 hearing
regulations, in accordance with Sec. 314.201, and are not included in
the hour burden estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.152(b) sets forth the requirements for suspension of an
ANDA when the listed drug is voluntarily withdrawn for safety and
effectiveness reasons, and the applicant's opportunity to present
comments and participate in a limited oral hearing. (The burden hours
for Sec. 314.152(b) is included under parts 10 through 16 hearing
regulations, in accordance with Sec. 314.201, and is not included in
the hour burden estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.161(b) and (e) sets forth the requirements for
submitting a petition to determine whether a listed drug was
voluntarily withdrawn from sale for safety or effectiveness reasons.
(The burden hours for Sec. 314.161(b) and (e) are already approved by
OMB under OMB control number 0910-0183 and are not included in the hour
burden estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.200(c), (d), and (e) requires that applicants or others
subject to a notice of opportunity for a hearing who wish to
participate in a hearing file a written notice of participation and
request for a hearing as well as the studies, data, and so forth,
relied on. Other interested persons may also submit comments on the
notice. This section also sets forth the content and format
requirements for the applicants' submission in response to notice of
[[Page 4856]]
opportunity for hearing. (The burden hours for Sec. 314.200(c), (d),
and (e) are included under parts 10 through 16 hearing regulations, in
accordance with Sec. 314.201, and are not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.200(f) states that participants in a hearing may make a
motion to the presiding officer for the inclusion of certain issues in
the hearing. (The burden hours for Sec. 314.200(f) are included under
parts 10 through 16 hearing regulations, in accordance with Sec.
314.201, and are not included in the hour burden estimates in table 1
of this document.)
Section 314.200(g) states that a person who responds to a proposed
order from FDA denying a request for a hearing provide sufficient data,
information, and analysis to demonstrate that there is a genuine and
substantial issue of fact which justifies a hearing. (The burden hours
for Sec. 314.200(g) are included under parts 10 through 16 hearing
regulations, in accordance with Sec. 314.201, and is not included in
the hour burden estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.420 states that an applicant may submit to FDA a drug
master file in support of an application, in accordance with certain
content and format requirements.
Section 314.430 states that data and information in an application
are disclosable under certain conditions, unless the applicant shows
that extraordinary circumstances exist. (The burden hours for Sec.
314.430 is included under parts 10 through 16 hearing regulations, in
accordance with Sec. 314.201, and is not included in the hour burden
estimates in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.530(c) and (e) states that, if FDA withdraws approval
of a drug approved under the accelerated approval procedures, the
applicant has the opportunity to request a hearing and submit data and
information. (The burden hours for Sec. 314.530(c) and (e) are
included under parts 10 through 16 hearing regulations, in accordance
with Sec. 314.201, and are not included in the hour burden estimates
in table 1 of this document.)
Section 314.530(f) requires that an applicant first submit a
petition for stay of action before requesting an order from a court for
a stay of action pending review. (The burden hours for Sec. 314.530(f)
are already approved by OMB under 0910-0194 and are not included in the
hour burden estimates in table 1 of this document.)
In the Federal Register of October 8, 2004 (69 FR 60402), FDA
announced an opportunity for public comment on these information
collection estimates. No comments were submitted that pertained to the
information collection estimates in the October 8, 2004, document.
Respondents to this collection of information are all persons who
submit an application or abbreviated application or an amendment or
supplement to FDA under part 314 to obtain approval of a new drug, and
any person who owns an approved application or abbreviated application.
Table 1.--Estimated Annual Reporting Burden\1\
No. of Responses per Total Annual
21 CFR Section; [FDA Form Number] No. of Respondents Respondent Responses Hours Per Response Total Hours
314.50 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (h), 72 1.44 104 1,642 170,768
and (k)
314.50(i) and 314.94(a)(12) 194 2.34 454 2 908
314.50(j) 70 3.71 260 2 520
314.52 and 314.95 24 2.25 54 16 864
314.54 16 1 16 300 4,800
314.60 275 19.06 5,242 80 419,320
314.65 10 1 10 2 20
314.70 and 314.71 234 10.99 2,572 150 385,800
314.72 61 4.52 276 2 552
314.81(b)(1) [3331] 115 3.88 447 8 3,576
314.81(b)(2) [2252] 612 12.47 7,632 40 305,280
314.81(b)(3)(i) [2253] 332 44.09 14,638 2 29,276
314.94(a) and (d) 100 4.59 459 480 220,320
314.96 275 23.63 6,500 80 520,000
314.97 200 16.75 3,350 80 268,000
314.99(a) 44 2.02 89 2 178
314.101(a) 2 1 2 .50 1
[[Page 4857]]
314.107(c)(4), 314.107(e)(2)(iv), and 3 2 6 1 6
314.110(a)(5) 41 1.26 52 .50 26
314.120(a)(5) 12 1.16 14 .50 7
314.420 403 1.72 694 61 42,334
Total 2,372,556
\1\ There are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
Dated: January 25, 2005.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 05-1814 Filed 1-27-05; 12:53 pm]