Centralized Offset of Federal Payments To Collect Nontax Debts Owed to the United States, 3142-3145 [05-1051]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 13 / Friday, January 21, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
8 GHz–12 GHz .....
12 GHz–18 GHz ...
18 GHz–40 GHz ...
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701,
44702, 44704.
(volts per meter)
The Special Conditions
The field strengths are expressed in terms
of peak of the root-mean-square (rms) over
the complete modulation period.
The threat levels identified above are
the result of an FAA review of existing
studies on the subject of HIRF, in light
of the ongoing work of the
Electromagnetic Effects Harmonization
Working Group of the Aviation
Rulemaking Advisory Committee.
As discussed above, these special
conditions are applicable to the Cessna
Aircraft Company Model 501 and 551
series airplanes. Should Shadin
Company, Inc. apply at a later date for
a supplemental type certificate to
modify any other model included on
Type Certificate No. A27CEU to
incorporate the same or similar novel or
unusual design feature, these special
conditions would apply to that model as
well under the provisions of § 21.101.
This action affects only certain novel
or unusual design features on the
Cessna Model 501 and 551 series
airplanes modified by Shadin Company,
Inc. It is not a rule of general
applicability and affects only the
applicant who applied to the FAA for
approval of these features on the
The substance of the special
conditions for these airplanes has been
subjected to the notice and comment
procedure in several prior instances and
has been derived without substantive
change from those previously issued.
Because a delay would significantly
affect the certification of the airplane,
which is imminent, the FAA has
determined that prior public notice and
comment are unnecessary and
impracticable, and good cause exists for
adopting these special conditions upon
issuance. The FAA is requesting
comments to allow interested persons to
submit views that may not have been
submitted in response to the prior
opportunities for comment described
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
The authority citation for these special
conditions is as follows:
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Accordingly, pursuant to the authority
delegated to me by the Administrator,
the following special conditions are
issued as part of the supplemental type
certification basis for the Cessna Aircraft
Company Model 501 and 551 series
airplanes modified by Shadin Company,
1. Protection from Unwanted Effects
of High-Intensity Radiated Fields
(HIRF). Each electronic and electrical
system that performs critical functions
must be designed and installed to
ensure that the operation and
operational capability of these systems
to perform critical functions are not
adversely affected when the airplane is
exposed to high intensity radiated
2. For the purpose of these special
conditions, the following definition
Critical Functions: Functions whose
failure would contribute to or cause a
failure condition that would prevent the
continued safe flight and landing of the
Issued in Renton, Washington, on January
12, 2005.
Ali Bahrami,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 05–1156 Filed 1–19–05; 8:45 am]
Fiscal Service
Long, Attorney-Advisor, at (202) 874–
6680. A copy of this final rule is being
made available for downloading from
the Financial Management Service Web
site at the following address: https://
On December 26, 2002, FMS
published an interim rule with request
for comments (‘‘Interim Rule’’)
describing the general rules and
procedures applicable to the collection
of delinquent, nontax debts owed to
Federal agencies by the centralized
offset of Federal payments. See 67 FR
FMS established TOP in order to
implement provisions of various Federal
laws affecting offset, including the Debt
Collection Improvement Act of 1996
(Pub. L. 104–134, 110 Stat. 1321–358
(April 26, 1996)) (‘‘DCIA’’), which
directed Treasury to provide a
centralized process for withholding or
reducing eligible Federal payments to
pay the payee’s delinquent debt owed to
the United States. See 31 U.S.C. 3716(c)
and 3720A.
Discussion of Comments
FMS received comments from a
Federal agency and a State comptroller’s
office in response to the publishing of
the Interim Rule. In response to the
comments, FMS has made the revisions
reflected in this final rule. In addition,
FMS has corrected the citation to
Executive Order 13019 in the list of
authorities for 31 CFR Part 285 and has
made minor editorial changes for
purposes of consistency.
31 CFR Part 285
Comment Analysis
RIN 1510–AA65
Interim Rule § 285.5(a) Scope
One commenter noted that the rule
does not address how TOP processes
offsets to collect debts for which two or
more debtors are jointly and severally
liable. FMS has not made any changes
in response to this comment. TOP has
been developed to comply with existing
laws regarding the liability of debtors
who are jointly and severally liable for
debts, and therefore, no change to the
rule is required.
One commenter asked for clarification
as to whether past-due support debts
and other debts owed to a State are
covered by the rule. The commenter
noted that paragraph (f)(3) of this
section sets forth the priority of
collection when multiple debts
(including support and other debts
owed to States) match with the same
payment. This final rule applies only to
Centralized Offset of Federal Payments
To Collect Nontax Debts Owed to the
United States
Financial Management Service,
Fiscal Service, Treasury.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This final rule describes the
general rules and procedures applicable
to the collection, through the Treasury
Offset Program (TOP), of delinquent,
nontax debts owed to Federal agencies.
TOP is a program administered by the
Financial Management Service (FMS), a
bureau of the Treasury Department.
DATES: This rule is effective January 21,
Gerry Isenberg, Financial Program
Specialist, at (202) 874–6660; Tricia
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 13 / Friday, January 21, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
offsets made through TOP to collect
delinquent, nontax debts owed to the
United States. Past-due support debts
and debts owed to States are not within
the scope of this rule (although nontax
debts owed by States are covered by this
rule). TOP does, however, process
offsets and levies to collect debts
pursuant to several laws and
regulations. Paragraph (f)(3) was
intended to explain what will occur if
a debt within the scope of this rule
matches with a payment at the same
time as a debt that is not covered by this
rule. We have revised the wording in
(f)(3)(ii) and (f)(3)(ii)(B) for clarification.
Interim Rule § 285.5(b) Definitions
One commenter suggested deleting
the example in the definition of ‘‘legally
enforceable’’ in paragraph (b) regarding
debts under appeal. The commenter
questioned whether a debt may ever be
considered final, and therefore legally
enforceable, when there is a pending
administrative review process with
respect to the debt. FMS has determined
that deleting the example is not
necessary. Statutes, regulations and
agency guidance applicable to particular
debts may provide for appeals after a
final agency decision on any matter
related to the debt.
One commenter remarked that the
definition of ‘‘match’’ allows for
payments due to one State agency to be
offset to collect delinquent debts
incurred by another agency of the same
State. This is possible because each
State has one TIN for all its agencies.
The commenter suggested that one State
agency’s payments should not be
affected by another agency’s debts, and
that FMS should put in controls, such
as using different identifiers for
payment programs, in order to avoid
such offsets. FMS disagrees. For
purposes of offset, the debtor is the
State, not the individual agency. This is
also the case for corporations and other
entities that share a TIN with
subsidiaries. Two components of an
entity using the same TIN are generally
considered to be one legal entity
responsible for debts incurred by either
component. As a result, payments made
to one component of such an entity are
eligible for offset to collect debts owed
by another component of the same
entity. FMS realizes that States and
other organizations have a need
internally to identify components which
have incurred delinquent debts, and
FMS will work with such organizations
to assist such communications to the
extent possible.
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Interim Rule § 285.5(d)(5) Delinquent
Debt Information Requirements
One commenter suggested that
creditor agencies be required to supply
the address and phone number of the
primary contact within the agency who
will respond to inquiries about the debt.
The commenter also suggested that this
information be included in the offset
notice described in paragraph (g)(3).
This suggestion is consistent with the
applicable portions of the Federal
Claims Collection Standards as set forth
in 31 CFR 901.2, and this final rule
incorporates that suggestion in (d)(5)(iv)
and (g)(3)(iii).
The commenter also suggested that
FMS require creditor agencies to supply
the nature of the debt to FMS, so such
information could be included in offset
and warning notices. FMS does not
believe that such a requirement is
appropriate or necessary. The debtor
can ascertain information about the
nature of the debt and other information
pertaining to the debt by contacting the
creditor agency using the contact
information provided in the notices.
Also, FMS does not need this
information to facilitate offset. The
nature of the debt is not relevant to its
legal enforceability, nor is it necessary
for TOP to match the debt with the
payment. For these reasons, FMS has
not included this requirement in this
final rule.
Interim Rule § 285.5(d)(6) Creditor
Agency Certification
As described in paragraph (ii)(A), the
creditor agency must certify that it has
sent written notice regarding the debt to
the debtor’s most current address
known to the agency. One commenter
requested that, when the debtor is a
State agency, the rule require that copies
of these notices (as well as those sent by
disbursing officials pursuant to
paragraph (g)(3)) be sent to the State
comptroller or treasurer, in order to
facilitate communications among State
agencies. FMS believes that such a
requirement would create an undue
burden on Federal agencies to ascertain
the central point of contact for each
State entity with which it does business.
With respect to the creditor agency’s
obligation to notify the debtor of the
debt, the legal requirement is to send
written notice to the last known
address. The last known address
generally is the one supplied by the
debtor to the creditor agency, unless the
creditor agency has obtained an updated
address through its independent
research. The State has the option of
supplying its comptroller’s or treasurer’s
address to each Federal agency with
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which it does business, as the official
address for sending such notices. With
respect to the disbursing official’s
obligation to send notices regarding the
offset of a payment, the disbursing
official sends such notice to the address
to which the payment would have been
sent, if a payment address is available.
In the case of payments made by
electronic funds transfer, payment
addresses are generally not available,
and notices are therefore sent to the
address for the debtor, which is
supplied by the creditor agency. For
these reasons, this final rule does not
require creditor agencies or disbursing
officials to send additional copies of
notices to a central point of contact
within a State.
Interim Rule § 285.5(d)(10) Correcting
and Updating Debt Information
One commenter suggested that FMS
revise paragraph (v) to state that it does
not apply to offsets when the paying
agency is also the creditor agency. The
commenter asserted that FMS would be
notified in such cases by the creditor
agency’s compliance with paragraphs
(d)(10)(i) through (d)(10)(iv). FMS
requires that creditor agencies notify
FMS if they have refunded monies to
the debtor in order to assure that FMS’s
debt and accounting records are
accurate. The fact that the creditor
agency is also the paying agency does
not necessarily result in FMS being
notified of the refund through other
means. Additionally, it is noted that
paragraphs (d)(10)(i) through (d)(10)(iv)
do not require agencies to specify
whether the collections they credit
pursuant to those paragraphs are due to
refunds or other types of collections.
In reviewing (d)(10)(v) to respond to
the commenter’s suggestion, we
determined that this paragraph should
be clarified to indicate that the creditor
agency must notify FMS any time the
creditor agency refunds money to the
debtor/payee, in accordance with
paragraph (i)(3). Accordingly, we have
incorporated this clarification in the
final rule in both paragraphs (d)(10)(v)
and (i)(3).
Interim Rule § 285.5(d)(11) Debts at
FMS, a Debt Collection Center, or the
Department of Justice
One commenter suggested that
paragraph (d)(11) be changed to clarify
that creditor agencies may opt to send
debts to TOP directly, even if those
debts are already at FMS or a designated
debt collection center for crossservicing. FMS has not made any
changes to the rule in response to this
comment. The rule states that FMS or a
designated debt collection center may
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 13 / Friday, January 21, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
fulfill the agency’s requirement to refer
debts to TOP. While direct referral to
TOP is not the preferred practice, the
rule, as written, does not prohibit
creditor agencies from sending debts
directly to TOP. If the creditor agency
wishes to fulfill its obligation by
sending debts directly, such intention
should be stated clearly in any
agreement between the creditor agency
and the entity performing its crossservicing.
Interim Rule § 285.5(e)(2) Payments
Excluded From Offset Under This
One commenter suggested that claims
on certain types of benefits should be
exempted payments under the rule. The
comment focused on whether the State
or an individual is actually liable for the
debt being collected from such
payments. Paragraph (e)(2) addresses
which classes of payments are excluded
from offset. It does not address who is
liable for the debt. The determination as
to who is liable for a debt is made solely
by the creditor agency based upon the
laws and regulations applicable to the
program under which the debt arose.
Such determination is beyond the scope
of this rule. Therefore, no change has
been made to this provision in the rule.
Interim Rule § 285.5(e)(7) Payment
Agency Requests for Exemptions From
Centralized Offset Pursuant to 31 U.S.C.
One commenter suggested that the
rule require FMS to consult with
creditor agencies prior to granting a
debtor-specific payment exemption.
Such consultation is not necessary,
because only classes of payments may
be exempted from centralized offset, not
classes of debts or debtors.
Interim Rule § 285.5(g) Notices
One commenter suggested that
disbursing officials and creditor
agencies send notices electronically. As
of this writing, FMS is exploring the
legal and operational issues of sending
its notices electronically. Creditor
agencies may also explore this
possibility. At this time, FMS is not
contemplating a rule that would
mandate that any notices be sent
The commenter also suggested that
the rule specify that disbursing officials
send notices to the address of the payee
(rather than the debtor). The rule
currently does not specify an address.
When a payment voucher contains the
address of the payee, FMS uses that
address. In the case of payments made
by electronic funds transfer, the
payment agency does not supply an
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address to FMS on the payment
voucher. Therefore, the only address
available to TOP is the debtor address
supplied by the creditor agency. No
change has been made to this final rule
in response to the comment.
The commenter also suggested that
the warning notice described in (g)(1) be
sent for all types of payments where
more than one payment to a payee is
contemplated, not just recurring
payments. Warning notices are a
courtesy that disbursing officials can
provide, because the debt will
eventually be collected in full from
recurring payments. When a warning
notice is sent, the disbursing official
loses the opportunity to offset a
payment for one payment cycle.
Disbursing officials do not have any way
of knowing what other types of
payments may be made on a recurring
basis. If a payment is not expected to be
made on a recurring basis, there is no
reasonable certainty that the debt will
be collected in full. Therefore, in
situations of non-recurring payments,
TOP cannot forego collection during a
payment cycle before collecting a debt
while granting the debtor an additional
warning. The rule will not be changed
to provide for warning notices on
additional payments.
While reviewing comments received
on the requirements for warning notices,
FMS determined that the rule should be
clarified to reflect that failure to send
out a warning notice does not affect the
validity of an offset. Disbursing officials
send warning notices as a courtesy only.
They are not part of any required due
process. FMS has added language at the
end of (g)(1) to provide such
One commenter suggested that the
offset notice include the amount of debt
collection fees and penalties assessed by
the federal creditor agency. Disbursing
officials do not have this information.
Creditor agencies have differing rules
and policies about recouping fees and
costs from the debtor. Additionally,
disbursing officials have no knowledge
of penalties that a creditor agency may
assess. Therefore, it would be
operationally impractical to include
such information on a notice. Further,
the debtor can always obtain this
information from the creditor agency.
The due process letter that the creditor
agency sends the debtor (as described in
(d)(5)) contains information about the
interest, costs and fees that may be
charged to the debtor. The debtor may
also contact the creditor agency to
determine what fees and penalties have
been added to the debt balance.
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Interim Rule § 285.5(j) Fees
One commenter stated that collection
of fees to recoup costs would be a
burden on State debtors and suggested
that there should be a cap on fees paid
by States. Disbursing officials are
authorized by 31 U.S.C. 3716 to cover
the costs of delinquent debt collection
through the imposition of fees.
Disbursing officials charge these fees to
the creditor agencies, and the amount of
fees are capped at the cost of collection.
The creditor agencies decide, based
upon applicable laws and policies,
whether to charge the cost of such fees
to debtors. Based on this, FMS has
decided not to impose a cap on fees
paid by States. As stated above, FMS
will, however, work with States to assist
with communications issues that delay
resolution of delinquent debts and
which may result in additional fees.
Regulatory Analysis
This final rule is not a significant
regulatory action as defined in
Executive Order 12866. Because no
notice of proposed rulemaking was
required for this rule, the provisions of
the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C.
601 et seq.) do not apply.
Special Analysis
FMS has determined that good cause
exists to make this final rule effective
upon publication without providing the
30-day period between publication and
the effective date contemplated by 5
U.S.C. 553(d). The purpose of a delayed
effective date is to afford persons
affected by a rule a reasonable time to
prepare for compliance. However, in
this case, Treasury has been collecting
delinquent nontax debt pursuant to the
Debt Collection Improvement Act of
1996 since its passage. Moreover, this
final rule makes only minor
clarifications to the currently effective
interim final rule and provides guidance
that is expected to facilitate Federal
agencies’ participation in the
centralized offset program.
List of Subjects in 31 CFR Part 285
Administrative practice and
procedure, Black lung benefits, Child
support, Claims, Credit, Debts,
Disability benefits, Federal employees,
Garnishment of wages, Hearing and
appeal procedures, Loan programs,
Privacy, Railroad retirement, Railroad
unemployment insurance, Salaries,
Social Security benefits, Supplemental
Security Income (SSI), Taxes, Veteran’s
benefits, Wages.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 13 / Friday, January 21, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Authority and Issuance
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, 31 CFR part 285 is amended
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 285 is
revised to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5514; 26 U.S.C. 6402;
31 U.S.C. 321, 3701, 3711, 3716, 3719,
3720A, 3720D; E.O. 13019, 61 FR 51763, 3
CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 216.
2. Section 285.5 is amended to revise
the section heading, and paragraphs
(d)(5)(iv),(d)(10)(v), (f)(3), (g)(1),
(g)(3)(iii), and (i)(3) to read as follows:
§ 285.5 Centralized offset of Federal
payments to collect nontax debts owed to
the United States.
(d) * * *
(5) * * *
(iv) The address and telephone
number of the contact point within the
creditor agency who will handle
questions, concerns or communications
regarding the debt;
(10) * * *
(v) The creditor agency shall notify
FMS if it has returned any monies to the
(f) * * *
(3) Priorities for collecting multiple
debts owed by the payee. (i) A levy
pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 shall take precedence over
deductions under this section.
(ii) When a payment may be offset to
collect more than one debt, amounts
offset will be applied:
(A) First, to satisfy any past due
support debts assigned to a State
pursuant to sections 402(a)(26) and
471(a)(17) of the Social Security Act (see
26 U.S.C. 6402(c) and §§ 285.1 and
285.3 of this part);
(B) Second, to satisfy any debts owed
to Federal agencies, as described in this
§ 285.5;
(C) Third, to satisfy any qualifying
past-due support claims not assigned to
a State (see 26 U.S.C. 6402(c) and
§§ 285.1 and 285.3 of this part); and
(D) Fourth, to any debts owed to
States for debts other than past-due
support (see § 285.8 of this part).
(g) Notices—(1) Warning notice by
disbursing official to payee/debtor.
Before offsetting a recurring payment,
the disbursing official, or FMS on behalf
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of the disbursing official, will notify the
payee in writing when offsets will begin
(which may be stated as a number of
days or number of payments from the
time of the notice) and the anticipated
amount of such offset (which may be
stated as a percentage of the payment).
Such notice shall also provide the
information contained in paragraph
(g)(3) of this section. Failure to send
such notice does not affect the validity
of the offset.
(3) * * *
(iii) The address and telephone
number of the contact point within the
creditor agency who will handle
concerns regarding the offset.
(i) * * *
(3) Generally, the disbursing official is
not responsible for refunding money to
debtors. The creditor agency shall notify
FMS any time the creditor agency
returns all or any part of an offset
payment to an affected payee. See
paragraph (d)(10)(v) of this section. FMS
and the creditor agency shall adjust the
debtor records appropriately.
Richard L. Gregg,
[FR Doc. 05–1051 Filed 1–19–05; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 165
RIN 1625–AA00
Safety Zones; Captain of the Port
Buffalo Zone
Coast Guard, DHS.
Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is
establishing permanent safety zones on
a portion of Lake Ontario. These safety
zones are necessary to ensure the safety
of spectators and vessels from the
hazards associated with fireworks
displays. These safety zones restrict
vessel traffic from portions of Lake
Ontario, New York, during annual
fireworks displays.
DATES: This rule is effective February
22, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Comments and material
received from the public, as well as
documents indicated in this preamble as
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being available in the docket, are part of
docket CGD9–02–009 and are available
for inspection or copying at U.S. Coast
Guard Marine Safety Office Buffalo, 1
Fuhrmann Blvd., Buffalo, NY 14203
between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Craig A. Wyatt, U.S. Coast Guard MSO
Buffalo, (716) 843–9570.
Regulatory Information
On May 10, 2002, the Coast Guard
published an NPRM in the Federal
Register proposing 14 safety zones for
annual firework displays in the Captain
of the Port Buffalo zone (67 FR 31747).
We received no comments on the
proposal. No public hearing was
requested, and none held.
Background and Purpose
On May 10, 2002, the Coast Guard
published an NPRM in the Federal
Register proposing 14 safety zones for
annual firework displays in the Captain
of the Port Buffalo zone (67 FR 31747).
We proposed these safety zones to
control vessel traffic within the
immediate location of the fireworks
launching area during annual fireworks
displays. The Coast Guard received no
comments in response to this NPRM.
On May 3, 2004, the Coast Guard
published a supplement to the proposed
regulation (69 FR 24112–1), which
removed twelve events that were
proposed in the NPRM, added four new
events (Ontario Memorial Day
Fireworks, Ontario, NY; Olcott
Fireworks, Olcott, NY; Harbor Sound
and Light Festival, Sackets Harbor, NY;
Village of Sackets Harbor July 4 Display,
Sackets Harbor, NY), and revised the
location and time of two events (Oswego
Independence Day Fireworks, and
Oswego Harborfest Fireworks Display).
This final rule establishes 6 permanent
safety zones that will be enforced for
marine events occurring annually at the
same location.
Based on recent accidents that have
occurred in other Captain of the Port
zones, and the explosive hazard
associated with these events, the
Captain of the Port has determined that
fireworks launched in close proximity
to watercraft pose a significant risk to
public safety and property. The likely
combination of large numbers of
inexperienced recreational boaters,
congested waterways, darkness
punctuated by bright flashes of light,
alcohol use, and debris falling into the
water could easily result in serious
injuries or fatalities. Establishing a
safety zone to control vessel movement
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 13 (Friday, January 21, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 3142-3145]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 05-1051]
Fiscal Service
31 CFR Part 285
RIN 1510-AA65
Centralized Offset of Federal Payments To Collect Nontax Debts
Owed to the United States
AGENCY: Financial Management Service, Fiscal Service, Treasury.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This final rule describes the general rules and procedures
applicable to the collection, through the Treasury Offset Program
(TOP), of delinquent, nontax debts owed to Federal agencies. TOP is a
program administered by the Financial Management Service (FMS), a
bureau of the Treasury Department.
DATES: This rule is effective January 21, 2005.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gerry Isenberg, Financial Program
Specialist, at (202) 874-6660; Tricia Long, Attorney-Advisor, at (202)
874-6680. A copy of this final rule is being made available for
downloading from the Financial Management Service Web site at the
following address: https://www.fms.treas.gov/debt.
On December 26, 2002, FMS published an interim rule with request
for comments (``Interim Rule'') describing the general rules and
procedures applicable to the collection of delinquent, nontax debts
owed to Federal agencies by the centralized offset of Federal payments.
See 67 FR 78936.
FMS established TOP in order to implement provisions of various
Federal laws affecting offset, including the Debt Collection
Improvement Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-134, 110 Stat. 1321-358 (April 26,
1996)) (``DCIA''), which directed Treasury to provide a centralized
process for withholding or reducing eligible Federal payments to pay
the payee's delinquent debt owed to the United States. See 31 U.S.C.
3716(c) and 3720A.
Discussion of Comments
FMS received comments from a Federal agency and a State
comptroller's office in response to the publishing of the Interim Rule.
In response to the comments, FMS has made the revisions reflected in
this final rule. In addition, FMS has corrected the citation to
Executive Order 13019 in the list of authorities for 31 CFR Part 285
and has made minor editorial changes for purposes of consistency.
Comment Analysis
Interim Rule Sec. 285.5(a) Scope
One commenter noted that the rule does not address how TOP
processes offsets to collect debts for which two or more debtors are
jointly and severally liable. FMS has not made any changes in response
to this comment. TOP has been developed to comply with existing laws
regarding the liability of debtors who are jointly and severally liable
for debts, and therefore, no change to the rule is required.
One commenter asked for clarification as to whether past-due
support debts and other debts owed to a State are covered by the rule.
The commenter noted that paragraph (f)(3) of this section sets forth
the priority of collection when multiple debts (including support and
other debts owed to States) match with the same payment. This final
rule applies only to
[[Page 3143]]
offsets made through TOP to collect delinquent, nontax debts owed to
the United States. Past-due support debts and debts owed to States are
not within the scope of this rule (although nontax debts owed by States
are covered by this rule). TOP does, however, process offsets and
levies to collect debts pursuant to several laws and regulations.
Paragraph (f)(3) was intended to explain what will occur if a debt
within the scope of this rule matches with a payment at the same time
as a debt that is not covered by this rule. We have revised the wording
in (f)(3)(ii) and (f)(3)(ii)(B) for clarification.
Interim Rule Sec. 285.5(b) Definitions
One commenter suggested deleting the example in the definition of
``legally enforceable'' in paragraph (b) regarding debts under appeal.
The commenter questioned whether a debt may ever be considered final,
and therefore legally enforceable, when there is a pending
administrative review process with respect to the debt. FMS has
determined that deleting the example is not necessary. Statutes,
regulations and agency guidance applicable to particular debts may
provide for appeals after a final agency decision on any matter related
to the debt.
One commenter remarked that the definition of ``match'' allows for
payments due to one State agency to be offset to collect delinquent
debts incurred by another agency of the same State. This is possible
because each State has one TIN for all its agencies. The commenter
suggested that one State agency's payments should not be affected by
another agency's debts, and that FMS should put in controls, such as
using different identifiers for payment programs, in order to avoid
such offsets. FMS disagrees. For purposes of offset, the debtor is the
State, not the individual agency. This is also the case for
corporations and other entities that share a TIN with subsidiaries. Two
components of an entity using the same TIN are generally considered to
be one legal entity responsible for debts incurred by either component.
As a result, payments made to one component of such an entity are
eligible for offset to collect debts owed by another component of the
same entity. FMS realizes that States and other organizations have a
need internally to identify components which have incurred delinquent
debts, and FMS will work with such organizations to assist such
communications to the extent possible.
Interim Rule Sec. 285.5(d)(5) Delinquent Debt Information Requirements
One commenter suggested that creditor agencies be required to
supply the address and phone number of the primary contact within the
agency who will respond to inquiries about the debt. The commenter also
suggested that this information be included in the offset notice
described in paragraph (g)(3). This suggestion is consistent with the
applicable portions of the Federal Claims Collection Standards as set
forth in 31 CFR 901.2, and this final rule incorporates that suggestion
in (d)(5)(iv) and (g)(3)(iii).
The commenter also suggested that FMS require creditor agencies to
supply the nature of the debt to FMS, so such information could be
included in offset and warning notices. FMS does not believe that such
a requirement is appropriate or necessary. The debtor can ascertain
information about the nature of the debt and other information
pertaining to the debt by contacting the creditor agency using the
contact information provided in the notices. Also, FMS does not need
this information to facilitate offset. The nature of the debt is not
relevant to its legal enforceability, nor is it necessary for TOP to
match the debt with the payment. For these reasons, FMS has not
included this requirement in this final rule.
Interim Rule Sec. 285.5(d)(6) Creditor Agency Certification
As described in paragraph (ii)(A), the creditor agency must certify
that it has sent written notice regarding the debt to the debtor's most
current address known to the agency. One commenter requested that, when
the debtor is a State agency, the rule require that copies of these
notices (as well as those sent by disbursing officials pursuant to
paragraph (g)(3)) be sent to the State comptroller or treasurer, in
order to facilitate communications among State agencies. FMS believes
that such a requirement would create an undue burden on Federal
agencies to ascertain the central point of contact for each State
entity with which it does business. With respect to the creditor
agency's obligation to notify the debtor of the debt, the legal
requirement is to send written notice to the last known address. The
last known address generally is the one supplied by the debtor to the
creditor agency, unless the creditor agency has obtained an updated
address through its independent research. The State has the option of
supplying its comptroller's or treasurer's address to each Federal
agency with which it does business, as the official address for sending
such notices. With respect to the disbursing official's obligation to
send notices regarding the offset of a payment, the disbursing official
sends such notice to the address to which the payment would have been
sent, if a payment address is available. In the case of payments made
by electronic funds transfer, payment addresses are generally not
available, and notices are therefore sent to the address for the
debtor, which is supplied by the creditor agency. For these reasons,
this final rule does not require creditor agencies or disbursing
officials to send additional copies of notices to a central point of
contact within a State.
Interim Rule Sec. 285.5(d)(10) Correcting and Updating Debt
One commenter suggested that FMS revise paragraph (v) to state that
it does not apply to offsets when the paying agency is also the
creditor agency. The commenter asserted that FMS would be notified in
such cases by the creditor agency's compliance with paragraphs
(d)(10)(i) through (d)(10)(iv). FMS requires that creditor agencies
notify FMS if they have refunded monies to the debtor in order to
assure that FMS's debt and accounting records are accurate. The fact
that the creditor agency is also the paying agency does not necessarily
result in FMS being notified of the refund through other means.
Additionally, it is noted that paragraphs (d)(10)(i) through
(d)(10)(iv) do not require agencies to specify whether the collections
they credit pursuant to those paragraphs are due to refunds or other
types of collections.
In reviewing (d)(10)(v) to respond to the commenter's suggestion,
we determined that this paragraph should be clarified to indicate that
the creditor agency must notify FMS any time the creditor agency
refunds money to the debtor/payee, in accordance with paragraph (i)(3).
Accordingly, we have incorporated this clarification in the final rule
in both paragraphs (d)(10)(v) and (i)(3).
Interim Rule Sec. 285.5(d)(11) Debts at FMS, a Debt Collection Center,
or the Department of Justice
One commenter suggested that paragraph (d)(11) be changed to
clarify that creditor agencies may opt to send debts to TOP directly,
even if those debts are already at FMS or a designated debt collection
center for cross-servicing. FMS has not made any changes to the rule in
response to this comment. The rule states that FMS or a designated debt
collection center may
[[Page 3144]]
fulfill the agency's requirement to refer debts to TOP. While direct
referral to TOP is not the preferred practice, the rule, as written,
does not prohibit creditor agencies from sending debts directly to TOP.
If the creditor agency wishes to fulfill its obligation by sending
debts directly, such intention should be stated clearly in any
agreement between the creditor agency and the entity performing its
Interim Rule Sec. 285.5(e)(2) Payments Excluded From Offset Under This
One commenter suggested that claims on certain types of benefits
should be exempted payments under the rule. The comment focused on
whether the State or an individual is actually liable for the debt
being collected from such payments. Paragraph (e)(2) addresses which
classes of payments are excluded from offset. It does not address who
is liable for the debt. The determination as to who is liable for a
debt is made solely by the creditor agency based upon the laws and
regulations applicable to the program under which the debt arose. Such
determination is beyond the scope of this rule. Therefore, no change
has been made to this provision in the rule.
Interim Rule Sec. 285.5(e)(7) Payment Agency Requests for Exemptions
From Centralized Offset Pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3716(c)(3)(B)
One commenter suggested that the rule require FMS to consult with
creditor agencies prior to granting a debtor-specific payment
exemption. Such consultation is not necessary, because only classes of
payments may be exempted from centralized offset, not classes of debts
or debtors.
Interim Rule Sec. 285.5(g) Notices
One commenter suggested that disbursing officials and creditor
agencies send notices electronically. As of this writing, FMS is
exploring the legal and operational issues of sending its notices
electronically. Creditor agencies may also explore this possibility. At
this time, FMS is not contemplating a rule that would mandate that any
notices be sent electronically.
The commenter also suggested that the rule specify that disbursing
officials send notices to the address of the payee (rather than the
debtor). The rule currently does not specify an address. When a payment
voucher contains the address of the payee, FMS uses that address. In
the case of payments made by electronic funds transfer, the payment
agency does not supply an address to FMS on the payment voucher.
Therefore, the only address available to TOP is the debtor address
supplied by the creditor agency. No change has been made to this final
rule in response to the comment.
The commenter also suggested that the warning notice described in
(g)(1) be sent for all types of payments where more than one payment to
a payee is contemplated, not just recurring payments. Warning notices
are a courtesy that disbursing officials can provide, because the debt
will eventually be collected in full from recurring payments. When a
warning notice is sent, the disbursing official loses the opportunity
to offset a payment for one payment cycle. Disbursing officials do not
have any way of knowing what other types of payments may be made on a
recurring basis. If a payment is not expected to be made on a recurring
basis, there is no reasonable certainty that the debt will be collected
in full. Therefore, in situations of non-recurring payments, TOP cannot
forego collection during a payment cycle before collecting a debt while
granting the debtor an additional warning. The rule will not be changed
to provide for warning notices on additional payments.
While reviewing comments received on the requirements for warning
notices, FMS determined that the rule should be clarified to reflect
that failure to send out a warning notice does not affect the validity
of an offset. Disbursing officials send warning notices as a courtesy
only. They are not part of any required due process. FMS has added
language at the end of (g)(1) to provide such clarification.
One commenter suggested that the offset notice include the amount
of debt collection fees and penalties assessed by the federal creditor
agency. Disbursing officials do not have this information. Creditor
agencies have differing rules and policies about recouping fees and
costs from the debtor. Additionally, disbursing officials have no
knowledge of penalties that a creditor agency may assess. Therefore, it
would be operationally impractical to include such information on a
notice. Further, the debtor can always obtain this information from the
creditor agency. The due process letter that the creditor agency sends
the debtor (as described in (d)(5)) contains information about the
interest, costs and fees that may be charged to the debtor. The debtor
may also contact the creditor agency to determine what fees and
penalties have been added to the debt balance.
Interim Rule Sec. 285.5(j) Fees
One commenter stated that collection of fees to recoup costs would
be a burden on State debtors and suggested that there should be a cap
on fees paid by States. Disbursing officials are authorized by 31
U.S.C. 3716 to cover the costs of delinquent debt collection through
the imposition of fees. Disbursing officials charge these fees to the
creditor agencies, and the amount of fees are capped at the cost of
collection. The creditor agencies decide, based upon applicable laws
and policies, whether to charge the cost of such fees to debtors. Based
on this, FMS has decided not to impose a cap on fees paid by States. As
stated above, FMS will, however, work with States to assist with
communications issues that delay resolution of delinquent debts and
which may result in additional fees.
Regulatory Analysis
This final rule is not a significant regulatory action as defined
in Executive Order 12866. Because no notice of proposed rulemaking was
required for this rule, the provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) do not apply.
Special Analysis
FMS has determined that good cause exists to make this final rule
effective upon publication without providing the 30-day period between
publication and the effective date contemplated by 5 U.S.C. 553(d). The
purpose of a delayed effective date is to afford persons affected by a
rule a reasonable time to prepare for compliance. However, in this
case, Treasury has been collecting delinquent nontax debt pursuant to
the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 since its passage.
Moreover, this final rule makes only minor clarifications to the
currently effective interim final rule and provides guidance that is
expected to facilitate Federal agencies' participation in the
centralized offset program.
List of Subjects in 31 CFR Part 285
Administrative practice and procedure, Black lung benefits, Child
support, Claims, Credit, Debts, Disability benefits, Federal employees,
Garnishment of wages, Hearing and appeal procedures, Loan programs,
Privacy, Railroad retirement, Railroad unemployment insurance,
Salaries, Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI),
Taxes, Veteran's benefits, Wages.
[[Page 3145]]
Authority and Issuance
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 31 CFR part 285 is amended
as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 285 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5514; 26 U.S.C. 6402; 31 U.S.C. 321, 3701,
3711, 3716, 3719, 3720A, 3720D; E.O. 13019, 61 FR 51763, 3 CFR, 1996
Comp., p. 216.
2. Section 285.5 is amended to revise the section heading, and
paragraphs (d)(5)(iv),(d)(10)(v), (f)(3), (g)(1), (g)(3)(iii), and
(i)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 285.5 Centralized offset of Federal payments to collect nontax
debts owed to the United States.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(5) * * *
(iv) The address and telephone number of the contact point within
the creditor agency who will handle questions, concerns or
communications regarding the debt;
* * * * *
(10) * * *
(v) The creditor agency shall notify FMS if it has returned any
monies to the debtor/payee.
* * * * *
(f) * * *
(3) Priorities for collecting multiple debts owed by the payee. (i)
A levy pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall take
precedence over deductions under this section.
(ii) When a payment may be offset to collect more than one debt,
amounts offset will be applied:
(A) First, to satisfy any past due support debts assigned to a
State pursuant to sections 402(a)(26) and 471(a)(17) of the Social
Security Act (see 26 U.S.C. 6402(c) and Sec. Sec. 285.1 and 285.3 of
this part);
(B) Second, to satisfy any debts owed to Federal agencies, as
described in this Sec. 285.5;
(C) Third, to satisfy any qualifying past-due support claims not
assigned to a State (see 26 U.S.C. 6402(c) and Sec. Sec. 285.1 and
285.3 of this part); and
(D) Fourth, to any debts owed to States for debts other than past-
due support (see Sec. 285.8 of this part).
* * * * *
(g) Notices--(1) Warning notice by disbursing official to payee/
debtor. Before offsetting a recurring payment, the disbursing official,
or FMS on behalf of the disbursing official, will notify the payee in
writing when offsets will begin (which may be stated as a number of
days or number of payments from the time of the notice) and the
anticipated amount of such offset (which may be stated as a percentage
of the payment). Such notice shall also provide the information
contained in paragraph (g)(3) of this section. Failure to send such
notice does not affect the validity of the offset.
* * * * *
(3) * * *
(iii) The address and telephone number of the contact point within
the creditor agency who will handle concerns regarding the offset.
* * * * *
(i) * * *
(3) Generally, the disbursing official is not responsible for
refunding money to debtors. The creditor agency shall notify FMS any
time the creditor agency returns all or any part of an offset payment
to an affected payee. See paragraph (d)(10)(v) of this section. FMS and
the creditor agency shall adjust the debtor records appropriately.
* * * * *
Richard L. Gregg,
[FR Doc. 05-1051 Filed 1-19-05; 8:45 am]