Meeting of the California Desert District Advisory Council, 3060-3061 [05-998]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2005 / Notices
Criteria for weather-related emergency
closures at the South Cow Mountain
Off-Highway-Vehicle Recreation area
are as follows: No action would be taken
until the annual total precipitation
exceeds 6 inches. The rain year would
be the same as that used by the National
Weather Service and rainfall data would
be acquired from the California Water
Resources Board, nearest available rain
gauge. Once 6 inches of precipitation
has been exceeded, the following would
apply: Additional rainfall exceeding 1⁄2
inch within a 24 hour period, or 1 inch
within a 72 hour period will result in
a temporary closure to all motorized
vehicles. Once the closure has been
implemented, a 3-day drying period will
begin after no measurable precipitation
is recorded. Once the area has been
closed, a field inspection will be
completed prior to reopening, and daily
thereafter to determine suitability of
road and trail conditions. When
recorded field observations show that
road and trail surfaces have not dried
sufficiently to allow traffic without
damage to the surface, the area shall
remain closed. Closure criteria may be
amended or refined as results of area
closures are evaluated. Specific criteria
may be developed for other areas as
Dated: November 3, 2005.
J. Anthony Danna,
Deputy State Director, Natural Resources,
California State Office.
[FR Doc. 05–1018 Filed 1–18–05; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Emergency Closure of Public Lands;
Natrona County, WY
Bureau of Land Management,
Notice of emergency closure.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
certain lands are temporarily closed to
motor vehicle use, discharge of firearms,
and livestock grazing.
The closed area is locally known as
the Poison Spider Shooting Area. The
public lands affected by this closure are
lands administered by the BLM and
described as: part of the North 1⁄2 of the
Northwest 1⁄4 and part of the North 1⁄2
of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section 14 in
Township 33 North, Range 82 West,
Sixth Principal Meridian, containing
approximately 43 acres. This tract of
land is bound on the east by the west
bank of the Casper Canal, on the north
by the old Poison Spider Road, on the
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west by the common section line
between Sections 14 and 15, and on the
south by Poison Spider Road (Natrona
County Road 201). The area will be
fenced and closure signs will be posted
around the perimeter. Maps of the
closure area and information on the
rehabilitation plans may be obtained
from the Casper Field Office.
The Poison Spider Shooting Area has
been subject to various uses that
cumulatively present a hazard to the
general public and has resulted in the
destruction of public resources.
Unrestricted shooting endangers
persons traveling on Poison Spider Road
(Natrona County Road 201), Natrona
County employees working at a gravel
pit to the northwest of the site,
employees of the Casper-Alcova
Irrigation District performing
maintenance on the Casper Canal, and
threatens livestock authorized to graze
on the public lands.
Various items of refuse such as
refrigerators and propane tanks have
been dumped at the site and used as
targets for firearms. This may lead to the
release of toxic substances into the air
and/or soil and may result in explosive
situations. The shooting of illegally
dumped materials poses a potentially
dangerous health hazard to individuals
who live and work in this area.
Uncontrolled vehicle use has resulted
in the destruction of public resources,
including vegetation loss, soil
compaction, intensive rutting and soil
The Natrona County Road and Bridge
Department has agreed to assist the BLM
in cleaning up the site. Upon
completion of the clean-up, fencing the
perimeter and posting signs, acts
prohibited by this notice will be
The closure will be effective
when published in the Federal Register.
Whyde, Casper Field Office, 2987
Prospector Drive, Casper, Wyoming,
82604, telephone (307) 261–7600.
Discussion of the Rules: Under the
authority of 43 CFR 9268.3(d)(i–iv) and
43 CFR 8364.1(a), the Bureau of land
management will enforce the following
rule on public lands within the closed
1. Motor vehicle use is prohibited in
the closed area.
2. Discharging of firearms is
prohibited in the closed area.
3. Livestock grazing is prohibited in
the closed area.
Exemptions: Persons who are exempt
from these rules include any Federal,
State, or local officer or employee in the
scope of their duties, members of any
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organized rescue or fire fighting force in
performance of their duties, persons
employed to conduct maintenance on
the Casper Canal, and any person
authorized in writing by the Bureau of
Land Management, Casper Field Office.
Penalties: The authority for this
closure is found under section 303(a) of
the Federal Land Policy and
Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C.
1733(a) and 43 CFR 8360.0–7. Any
person who violates this closure may be
tried before a United States Magistrate
Judge and fined no more than $1,000 or
imprisoned for no more than 12 months,
or both. Such violations may also be
subject to the enhanced fines provided
for by 18 U.S.C. 3571.
Dated: November 30, 2004.
Jim Murkin,
Field Manager, Casper Field Office.
[FR Doc. 05–1016 Filed 1–18–05; 8:45 am]
Meeting of the California Desert
District Advisory Council
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given, in
accordance with Pub. L. 92–463 and 94–
579, that the California Desert District
Advisory Council to the Bureau of Land
Management, U.S. Department of the
Interior, will meet in formal session on
Friday, April 1, 2005, from 8 a.m. to 5
p.m. and Saturday, April 2 from 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m. The meeting will be held in
the conference room in the Ramada Inn,
located at 1511 East Main Street in
Barstow, California.
Tentative agenda items include the
—Reports by Council members, the
District Manager and five field office
—Presentation by BLM’s Ridgecrest
Field Office staff regarding its AdoptA-Cabin Program.
—Update on the West Mojave Plan.
—Status report on the Surprise Canyon
administrative environmental impact
—Briefing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service regarding its Desert Tortoise
Assessment Report and the new
Desert Tortoise Recovery Office.
—Udate on the Dumont Dunes
Recreation Fee Demo Program.
—Council discussion to develop grazing
consultation policy/procedure for the
California Desert District.
All Desert District Advisory Council
meetings are open to the public. Time
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 19, 2005 / Notices
for public comment may be made
available by the Council Chairman
during the presentation of various
agenda items, and is scheduled at the
end of the meeting for topics not on the
Written comments may be filed in
advance of the meeting for the
California Desert District Advisory
Council, c/o Bureau of Land
Management, Public Affairs Office,
22835 Calle San Juan De Los Lagos,
Moreno Valley, California 92553.
Written comments also are accepted at
the time of the meeting and, if copies
are provided to the recorder, will be
incorporated into the minutes.
Doran Sanchez, BLM California Desert
District Public Affairs Specialist (951)
Dated: January 11, 2005.
Linda Hansen,
District Manager.
[FR Doc. 05–998 Filed 1–18–05; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Notice of Public Meeting: Resource
Advisory Council to the Boise District,
Bureau of Land Management, U.S.
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management,
U.S. Department of the Interior.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act (FLPMA) and the Federal Advisory
Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Land Management (BLM) Boise District
Resource Advisory Council (RAC), will
meet as indicated below.
DATES: The meeting will be held
February 8, 2005, beginning at 9 a.m.
and adjourning at 4 p.m. at the Marsing
Community Center, located at 126
Bruneau Highway, Marsing, ID. Public
comment periods will be held after
topics on the agenda.
Byrne, Public Affairs Officer and RAC
Coordinator, Boise District, 3948
Development Ave., Boise, ID 83705,
Telephone (208) 384–3393.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The 15member Council advises the Secretary
of the Interior, through the Bureau of
Land Management, on a variety of
planning and management issues
associated with public land
management in southwestern Idaho. At
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this meeting, the following actions will
occur/topics will be discussed:
• Election of officers;
• Subcommittee Reports:
Æ Sage Grouse Habitat Management;
Æ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ‘‘Not
Warranted’’ listing decision regarding
Æ Wind Energy Draft Programmatic
Environmental Impact Statement, and
an overview of Wind Energy projects in
Æ Off-Highway Vehicles (OHV) and
Transportation Management;
Æ Update on Off-Highway Vehicle
Route Designation progress in the Boise
Æ Resource Management Plans;
Æ Update on draft alternatives for the
Bruneau and Snake River Birds of Prey
National Conservation Area Resource
Management Plans, and;
• River and Recreation Management.
• Tour of new Marsing Field Office;
• Hot Topics;
• Three Field Office Managers and
District Fire Manager provide updates
on current issues and planned activities
in their Field Offices and the District.
Agenda items may change due to
changing circumstances. All meetings
are open to the public. The public may
present written comments to the
Council. Each formal Council meeting
will also have time allocated for hearing
public comments. Depending on the
number of persons wishing to comment
and time available, the time for
individual oral comments may be
limited. Individuals who plan to attend
and need special assistance, such as
sign language interpretation, tour
transportation or other reasonable
accommodations, should contact the
BLM as provided below. Expedited
publication is requested to give the
public adequate notice.
Dated: January 12, 2005.
Jerry L Taylor,
Associate District Manager.
[FR Doc. 05–996 Filed 1–18–05; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Notice of Intent To Amend the Challis
Resource Management Plan, Idaho
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of intent to amend the
Challis Resource Management Plan,
PO 00000
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SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Federal Land
Policy and Management Act of 1976
(FLPMA) and the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA), this notice is to advise the
public that the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) is proposing to
amend the Challis Resource
Management Plan (RMP). The
amendment and associated
environmental analysis would allow for
the potential disposal of public land to
Custer County for a solid waste disposal
and transfer area near Mackay, Idaho.
DATES: The public scoping period for
the proposal will commence with
publication of this notice. Comments
regarding this proposal must be
submitted in writing to the address
below within 30 days after the date of
publication of this notice in the Federal
ADDRESSES: Written comments
regarding the proposed plan amendment
and disposal of public land should be
sent to: Attention: Realty Specialist.
Challis Field Office, 801 Blue Mountain
Road, Challis, Idaho 83226–9358; or
they may be faxed to (208) 879–6219; or
e-mailed to Gail O’
Existing planning documents and
information are also available for review
at the Challis Field Office. Comments,
including names and addresses of
respondents, will be available for public
review at the above address during
regular business hours, Monday through
Friday, 7:30–4:30 pm, except holidays,
and may be published as part of this
amendment. Individual respondents
may request confidentiality. If you wish
to withhold your name or street address
from public review or from disclosure
under the Freedom of Information Act,
you must state this prominently at the
beginning of your written comment.
Anonymous comments will not be
considered. Such requests will be
honored to the extent allowed by law.
All submissions from organizations or
businesses, and from individuals
identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of
organizations or businesses, will be
made available for public inspection in
their entirety.
O’Neill, Associate Field Manager, at
(208) 879–6250. To have your name
added to our mailing list, contact
Brenda Buckland at (208) 879–6200 or
via e-mail at:
County has asked the BLM to help them
locate and acquire land that is suitable
for a solid waste transfer site. Potential
land disposal areas for this purpose are
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 12 (Wednesday, January 19, 2005)]
[Pages 3060-3061]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-998]
Meeting of the California Desert District Advisory Council
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Pub. L. 92-463 and
94-579, that the California Desert District Advisory Council to the
Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, will meet
in formal session on Friday, April 1, 2005, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and
Saturday, April 2 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The meeting will be held in the
conference room in the Ramada Inn, located at 1511 East Main Street in
Barstow, California.
Tentative agenda items include the following:
--Reports by Council members, the District Manager and five field
office managers.
--Presentation by BLM's Ridgecrest Field Office staff regarding its
Adopt-A-Cabin Program.
--Update on the West Mojave Plan.
--Status report on the Surprise Canyon administrative environmental
impact statement.
--Briefing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding its Desert
Tortoise Assessment Report and the new Desert Tortoise Recovery Office.
--Udate on the Dumont Dunes Recreation Fee Demo Program.
--Council discussion to develop grazing consultation policy/procedure
for the California Desert District.
All Desert District Advisory Council meetings are open to the
public. Time
[[Page 3061]]
for public comment may be made available by the Council Chairman during
the presentation of various agenda items, and is scheduled at the end
of the meeting for topics not on the agenda.
Written comments may be filed in advance of the meeting for the
California Desert District Advisory Council, c/o Bureau of Land
Management, Public Affairs Office, 22835 Calle San Juan De Los Lagos,
Moreno Valley, California 92553. Written comments also are accepted at
the time of the meeting and, if copies are provided to the recorder,
will be incorporated into the minutes.
District Public Affairs Specialist (951) 697-5220.
Dated: January 11, 2005.
Linda Hansen,
District Manager.
[FR Doc. 05-998 Filed 1-18-05; 8:45 am]