Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Unmodified Qualified Trust Model Certificates and Model Trust Documents, 1444-1446 [05-308]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 5 / Friday, January 7, 2005 / Notices
distribution, or payment to any creditor
of lesser priority, including but not
limited to claims of general creditors.
Any such claims are hereby determined
to be worthless.
Thomas Bolt, Counsel, Legal Division,
FDIC, 550 17th Street, NW., Room H–
11052, Washington, DC 20429.
Telephone: (202) 736–0168.
Institution in Receivership Determined
To Have Insufficient Assets to Satisfy
All Claims, FIN 4662, Pulaski Savings
Bank, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. E5–31 Filed 1–6–05; 8:45 am]
[No. 2004–N–13]
Notice of Annual Adjustments
Federal Housing Finance
The Federal Housing Finance
Board (Finance Board) has adjusted the
cap on average total assets that defines
a ‘‘Community Financial Institution’’
(CFI) and the limits on annual
compensation for Federal Home Loan
Bank (Bank) directors based on the
annual percentage increase in the
Consumer Price Index for all urban
consumers (CPI–U), as published by the
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The
Finance Board also has made similar
adjustments to the maximum dollar
limits on certain allocations by a Bank
of its annual required Affordable
Housing Program (AHP) contributions.
Scott L. Smith, Associate Director, by
telephone at (202) 408–2991 or by
electronic mail at, or
Mark Edward Stover, Senior Economist,
by telephone at (202) 408–2828 or by
electronic mail at
Send regular mail to the Federal
Housing Finance Board, Office of
Supervision, Regulations and Research,
1777 F Street, NW., Washington, DC
The Bank
Act and Finance Board regulations
require publication of annual
adjustments to the following dollar
amounts, based on any increase in the
CPI–U, as published by the DOL:
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• The cap on average total assets that
defines a CFI (CFI Asset Cap). See 12
U.S.C. 1422(13) and 12 CFR 925.1.
• The limits on annual compensation
for Bank directors. See 12 U.S.C.
1427(i)(2) and 12 CFR 918.3(a).
• Maximum dollar limits allocations
by a Bank of its annual required AHP
contributions towards homeownership
set-aside programs and an additional
homeownership set-aside program
assisting first-time homebuyers, and
from its annual required AHP
contribution for the subsequent year to
the current year’s competitive
application program. See 12 CFR
These annual adjustments, which are
effective January 1, 2005, are based on
the percentage increase in the CPI–U
from November 2003 to November 2004.
The CPI–U increased 3.5 percent from
November 2003 to November 2004.
The Finance Board uses data from
November rather than waiting for the
December data, which is published in
mid-January, in order to provide notice
to the Banks as close to the January 1st
effective date as possible. This is
consistent with the practice of other
Federal agencies that rely on other than
December data when calculating annual
inflation adjustments so they can
announce their adjustments prior to the
effective date of January 1. The Finance
Board also uses data that has not been
seasonally adjusted. The DOL
encourages the use of CPI–U data that
has not been seasonally adjusted in
‘‘escalation agreements’’ because
seasonal factors are updated annually
and seasonally adjusted data are subject
to revision for up to five years following
the original release. Unadjusted data are
not routinely subject to revision, and
previously published unadjusted data
are corrected only when significant
calculation errors are discovered.
Based on the 3.5 percent increase in
the CPI–U, the Finance Board has made
the following adjustments, effective
January 1, 2005:
• CFI Asset Cap. The CFI Asset Cap
increased to $567 million (2004 limit
was $548 million). The Finance Board
arrived at the adjusted limit of $567
million by rounding to the nearest
• Bank Director Compensation. The
annual compensation limits for Bank
directors increased for a chairperson to
$28,364 (2004 limit was $27,405), for a
vice-chairperson to $22,692 (2004 limit
was $21,924), and for all other board
members to $17,019 (2004 limit was
$16,443). The Finance Board arrived at
these adjusted annual compensation
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limits by rounding to the nearest
• AHP. The limit on contributions
towards homeownership set-aside
programs increased to $3.2 million
(2004 limit was $3.1 million). The limit
on contributions towards an additional
first-time homebuyer set-aside program
remains at $1.6 million. The limit on
allocations from a Bank’s annual
required AHP contribution for the
subsequent year to the current year’s
competitive application program
increased to $3.2 million (2004 limit
was $3.1 million). The limits on
allocations from AHP contributions are
rounded to the nearest $100,000.1
Dated: December 30, 2004.
By the Federal Housing Finance Board.
Ronald A. Rosenfeld,
[FR Doc. 05–305 Filed 1–6–05; 8:45 am]
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request for Unmodified Qualified Trust
Model Certificates and Model Trust
Office of Government Ethics
SUMMARY: After this first round notice
and public comment period, OGE plans
to submit the executive branch qualified
trust model certificates and model trust
documents to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for two-year
extension of approval under the
Paperwork Reduction Act. In all, a total
of twelve OGE model certificates and
model documents for qualified trusts are
involved. OGE is proposing no changes
to these forms.
DATES: Comments by the public and
agencies on this proposed information
collection extension are invited and
should be received by March 23, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent
to: Mary T. Donovan, Office of
Administration and Information
Management, U.S. Office of Government
Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20005–
3917. Comments may also be sent
electronically to OGE’s E-mail address
at (for E-mail messages,
the subject line should include the
following reference—‘‘Qualified trust
1 Since the calculations are based on cumulative
CPI–U changes applied to the limits as they first
appeared in Finance Board regulations, the changes
are not distorted over time by rounding.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 5 / Friday, January 7, 2005 / Notices
model certificates and model trust
documents paperwork comment’’).
Donovan at the U.S. Office of
Government Ethics; telephone: 202–
482–9232; TDD: 202–482–9293; FAX:
202–482–9237. A copy of the model
certificates and model documents for
qualified trusts may be obtained,
without charge, by contacting Ms.
of Government Ethics is planning to
submit, after this first round notice and
comment period, all twelve qualified
trust certificates and model documents
described below (all of which are
included under OMB paperwork control
number 3209–0007) for a two-year
extension of approval by OMB under
the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
chapter 35). At that time, OGE will
publish a second paperwork notice in
the Federal Register to inform the
public and the agencies. The current
paperwork approval for the model
certificates and model trust documents
is scheduled to expire at the end of
March 2005. OGE is proposing no
changes to the twelve qualified trust
certificates and model documents at this
time. In late 2006, OGE anticipates
modifying some or all of these
information collections by rewriting
them in plain English in order to make
them easier to understand.
OGE is the supervising ethics office
for the executive branch of the Federal
Government under the Ethics in
Government Act of 1978 (Ethics Act).
Presidential nominees to executive
branch positions subject to Senate
confirmation and any other executive
branch officials may seek OGE approval
for Ethics Act qualified blind or
diversified trusts to be used to avoid
conflicts of interest.
OGE is the sponsoring agency for the
model certificates and model trust
documents for qualified blind and
diversified trusts of executive branch
officials set up under section 102(f) of
the Ethics Act, 5 U.S.C. app. § 102(f),
and OGE’s implementing financial
disclosure regulations at subpart D of 5
CFR part 2634. The various model
certificates and model trust documents
are utilized by OGE and settlors,
trustees and other fiduciaries in
establishing and administering these
qualified trusts.
There are two categories of
information collection requirements
which OGE plans to submit, each with
its own related reporting model
certificates or model trust documents
which are subject to paperwork review
and approval by OMB. The OGE
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regulatory citations for these two
categories, together with identification
of the forms used for their
implementation, are as follows:
i. Qualified trust certifications—5 CFR
2634.401(d)(2), 2634.403(b)(11),
2634.404(c)(11), 2634.406(a)(3) & (b),
2634.408, 2634.409 and appendixes A &
B to part 2634 (the two implementing
forms, the Certificate of Independence
and Certificate of Compliance, are
codified respectively in the cited
appendixes; see also the Privacy Act
and Paperwork Reduction Act notices
thereto in appendix C); and
ii. Qualified trust communications
and model provisions and agreements—
5 CFR 2634.401(c)(1)(i) & (d)(2),
2634.403(b), 2634.404(c), 2634.408 and
2634.409 (the ten implementing forms
are the: (A) Blind Trust
Communications (Expedited Procedure
for Securing Approval of Proposed
Communications); (B) Model Qualified
Blind Trust Provisions; (C) Model
Qualified Diversified Trust Provisions;
(D) Model Qualified Blind Trust
Provisions (For Use in the Case of
Multiple Fiduciaries); (E) Model
Qualified Blind Trust Provisions (For
Use in the Case of an Irrevocable PreExisting Trust); (F) Model Qualified
Diversified Trust Provisions (Hybrid
Version); (G) Model Qualified
Diversified Trust Provisions (For Use in
the Case of Multiple Fiduciaries); (H)
Model Qualified Diversified Trust
Provisions (For Use in the Case of an
Irrevocable Pre-Existing Trust); (I)
Model Confidentiality Agreement
Provisions (For Use in the Case of a
Privately Owned Business); and (J)
Model Confidentiality Agreement
Provisions (For Use in the Case of
Investment Management Activities)).
The communications formats and the
confidentiality agreements (items ii (A),
(I) and (J) above) would not be available
to the public because they contain
sensitive, confidential information. All
the other completed model trust
certificates and model trust documents
(except for any trust provisions that
relate to the testamentary disposition of
trust assets) are publicly available based
upon a proper Ethics Act request (by
filling out an OGE Form 201 access
The total annual public reporting
burden represents the time involved for
completing qualified trust certificates
and model trust documents which are
processed by OGE. The burden is based
on the amount of time imposed on
private citizens. Virtually all filers/
document users are private trust
administrators and other private
representatives who help to set up and
maintain the qualified blind and
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diversified trusts. The detailed
paperwork estimates below for the
various trust certificates and model trust
documents are based on OGE’s
experience with administration of the
qualified trust program.
i. Trust Certificates:
A. Certificate of Independence: Total
filers (executive branch): 5; Private
citizen filers (100%): 5; OGE-processed
certificates (private citizens): 5; private
citizen burden hours (20 minutes/
certificate): 2.
B. Certificate of Compliance: Total
filers (executive branch): 10; Private
citizen filers (100%): 10; OGE-processed
certificates (private citizens): 10; private
citizen burden hours (20 minutes/
certificate): 3; and
ii. Model Qualified Trust Documents:
A. Blind Trust Communications: Total
Users (executive branch): 5; Private
citizen users (100%): 5; OGE-processed
documents (private citizens): 25 (based
on an average of five communications
per user, per year); private citizen
burden hours (20 minutes/
communication): 8.
B. Model Qualified Blind Trust: Total
Users (executive branch): 2; Private
citizen users (100%): 2; OGE-processed
models (private citizens): 2; private
citizen burden hours (100 hours/model):
C. Model Qualified Diversified Trust:
Total users (executive branch): 1;
Private citizen users (100%): 1; OGEprocessed models (private citizens): 1;
private citizen burden hours (100 hours/
model): 100.
D.–H. Of the five remaining model
qualified trust documents: Total users
(executive branch): 2; Private citizen
users (100%): 2; OGE-processed models
(private citizens): 2; private citizen
burden hours (100 hours/model): 200.
I.–J. Of the two model confidentiality
agreements: Total users (executive
branch): 1; Private citizen users (100%):
1; OGE-processed agreements (private
citizens): 1; private citizen burden hours
(50 hours/agreement): 50.
Based on these estimates, the total
number of forms expected annually at
OGE is 46, with a cumulative total of
563 burden hours. This is a decrease of
248 forms and 3,222 hours from the
prior three-year period.
Public comment is invited on each
aspect of the model qualified trust
certificates and model trust documents,
and underlying regulatory provisions, as
set forth in this notice, including
specific views on the need for and
practical utility of this set of collections
of information, the accuracy of OGE’s
burden estimate, the potential for
enhancement of quality, utility and
clarity of the information collected, and
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 5 / Friday, January 7, 2005 / Notices
the minimization of burden (including
the use of information technology).
Comments received in response to
this notice will be summarized for, and
may be included with, the OGE request
for extension of the OMB paperwork
approval for the set of the various
existing qualified trust model
certificates, the model communications
package, and the model trust
documents. The comments will also
become a matter of public record.
Approved: December 22, 2004.
Marilyn L. Glynn,
Acting Director, Office of Government Ethics.
[FR Doc. 05–308 Filed 1–6–05; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
[Document Identifier: CMS–209 and CMS–
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, HHS.
In compliance with the requirement
of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) is publishing the
following summary of proposed
collections for public comment.
Interested persons are invited to send
comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including any
of the following subjects: (1) The
necessity and utility of the proposed
information collection for the proper
performance of the agency’s functions;
(2) the accuracy of the estimated
burden; (3) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology to
minimize the information collection
1. Type of Information Collection
Request: Extension of a currently
approved collection; Title of
Information Collection: Laboratory
Personnel Report (Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments of 1988
(CLIA)) and Supporting Regulations in
42 CFR 493.1357, 493.1363, 493.1405,
493.1406, 493.1411, 493.1417, 493.1423,
493.1443, 493.1449, 493.1455, 493.1461,
493.1462, 493.1469, 493.1483, 493.1489,
and 493.1491; Use: This form is used by
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the State agency to determine a
laboratory’s compliance with personnel
qualifications under CLIA. This
information is needed for a laboratory’s
certification and recertification; Form
Number: CMS–209 (OMB#: 0938–0151);
Frequency: Biennially; Affected Public:
Business or other for-profit, Not-forprofit institutions, Federal Government,
and State, Local or Tribal Government;
Number of Respondents: 21,000; Total
Annual Responses: 10,500; Total
Annual Hours: 5,250.
2. Type of Information Collection:
Revision of a currently approved
collection; Title of Information
Collection: Process and Information
Required to Determine Eligibility of
Drugs, Biologicals, and Radiopharmaceutical Agents for Transitional
Pass-Through Provisions Under the
Hospital Outpatient Prospective
Payment System (OPPS) and Supporting
Regulations in 42 CFR, Section 419.43;
Use: Section 1833(t)(6) of the Social
Security Act provides for temporary
additional payments or ‘‘transitional
pass-through payments’’ for certain
drugs and biological agents. Interested
parties such as hospitals,
pharmaceutical companies, and
physicians can apply for transitional
pass-through payment for drugs and
biologicals used with services covered
under the OPPS. CMS uses this
information to determine if the criteria
for making a transitional pass-through
payment are met and if an interim
HCPCS code for a new drug or
biological is necessary. The revisions
made to this collection include the
addition of Section 303 of the MMA.
This new section establishes the use of
the average sales price (ASP)
methodology for payments; Form
Number: CMS–1008 (OMB# 0938–
0802); Frequency: On occasion; Affected
Public: Business or other for-profit and
Not-for-profit institutions; Number of
Respondents: 58; Total Annual
Responses: 58; Total Annual Hours:
To obtain copies of the supporting
statement and any related forms for the
proposed paperwork collections
referenced above, access CMS’ Web Site
address at
regulations/pra/, or E-mail your request,
including your address, phone number,
OMB number, and CMS document
identifier, to,
or call the Reports Clearance Office on
(410) 786–1326.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collections must be mailed
within 60 days of this notice directly to
the CMS Paperwork Reduction Act
Reports Clearance Officer designated at
PO 00000
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the address below: CMS, Office of
Strategic Operations and Regulatory
Affairs, Division of Regulations
Development, Attention: Melissa
Musotto, Room C5–14–03, 7500
Security Boulevard, Baltimore,
Maryland 21244–1850.
Dated: December 29, 2004.
John P. Burke, III,
CMS Paperwork Reduction Act Reports
Clearance Officer, Officer of Strategic
Operations and Regulatory Affairs,
Regulations Development Group.
[FR Doc. 05–311 Filed 1–6–05; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
[Document Identifier: CMS–R–268]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, HHS.
In compliance with the requirement
of section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS), Department of Health
and Human Services, is publishing the
following summary of proposed
collections for public comment.
Interested persons are invited to send
comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including any
of the following subjects: (1) The
necessity and utility of the proposed
information collection for the proper
performance of the agency’s function:
(2) the accuracy of the estimated
burden; (3) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology to
minimize the information collection
Type of Information Collection
Request: Extension of a currently
approved collection; Title of
Information Collection: Survey Tool for Web site; Form No.: CMS–
R–268 (OMB# 0938–0756); Use: CMS
developed a survey tool using
MSInteractive to obtain feedback from
users accessing Web site
to guide future improvements. The Web
site was produced in concert with the
administration’s goal of providing better
customer service to all our constituents.
The underlying principle of the site is
to have a single modified Internet
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 5 (Friday, January 7, 2005)]
[Pages 1444-1446]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-308]
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Unmodified Qualified
Trust Model Certificates and Model Trust Documents
AGENCY: Office of Government Ethics (OGE).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: After this first round notice and public comment period, OGE
plans to submit the executive branch qualified trust model certificates
and model trust documents to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
for two-year extension of approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
In all, a total of twelve OGE model certificates and model documents
for qualified trusts are involved. OGE is proposing no changes to these
DATES: Comments by the public and agencies on this proposed information
collection extension are invited and should be received by March 23,
ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to: Mary T. Donovan, Office of
Administration and Information Management, U.S. Office of Government
Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20005-
3917. Comments may also be sent electronically to OGE's E-mail address
at (for E-mail messages, the subject line should include
the following reference--``Qualified trust
[[Page 1445]]
model certificates and model trust documents paperwork comment'').
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Donovan at the U.S. Office of
Government Ethics; telephone: 202-482-9232; TDD: 202-482-9293; FAX:
202-482-9237. A copy of the model certificates and model documents for
qualified trusts may be obtained, without charge, by contacting Ms.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Office of Government Ethics is planning
to submit, after this first round notice and comment period, all twelve
qualified trust certificates and model documents described below (all
of which are included under OMB paperwork control number 3209-0007) for
a two-year extension of approval by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction
Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35). At that time, OGE will publish a second
paperwork notice in the Federal Register to inform the public and the
agencies. The current paperwork approval for the model certificates and
model trust documents is scheduled to expire at the end of March 2005.
OGE is proposing no changes to the twelve qualified trust certificates
and model documents at this time. In late 2006, OGE anticipates
modifying some or all of these information collections by rewriting
them in plain English in order to make them easier to understand.
OGE is the supervising ethics office for the executive branch of
the Federal Government under the Ethics in Government Act of 1978
(Ethics Act). Presidential nominees to executive branch positions
subject to Senate confirmation and any other executive branch officials
may seek OGE approval for Ethics Act qualified blind or diversified
trusts to be used to avoid conflicts of interest.
OGE is the sponsoring agency for the model certificates and model
trust documents for qualified blind and diversified trusts of executive
branch officials set up under section 102(f) of the Ethics Act, 5
U.S.C. app. Sec. 102(f), and OGE's implementing financial disclosure
regulations at subpart D of 5 CFR part 2634. The various model
certificates and model trust documents are utilized by OGE and
settlors, trustees and other fiduciaries in establishing and
administering these qualified trusts.
There are two categories of information collection requirements
which OGE plans to submit, each with its own related reporting model
certificates or model trust documents which are subject to paperwork
review and approval by OMB. The OGE regulatory citations for these two
categories, together with identification of the forms used for their
implementation, are as follows:
i. Qualified trust certifications--5 CFR 2634.401(d)(2),
2634.403(b)(11), 2634.404(c)(11), 2634.406(a)(3) & (b), 2634.408,
2634.409 and appendixes A & B to part 2634 (the two implementing forms,
the Certificate of Independence and Certificate of Compliance, are
codified respectively in the cited appendixes; see also the Privacy Act
and Paperwork Reduction Act notices thereto in appendix C); and
ii. Qualified trust communications and model provisions and
agreements--5 CFR 2634.401(c)(1)(i) & (d)(2), 2634.403(b), 2634.404(c),
2634.408 and 2634.409 (the ten implementing forms are the: (A) Blind
Trust Communications (Expedited Procedure for Securing Approval of
Proposed Communications); (B) Model Qualified Blind Trust Provisions;
(C) Model Qualified Diversified Trust Provisions; (D) Model Qualified
Blind Trust Provisions (For Use in the Case of Multiple Fiduciaries);
(E) Model Qualified Blind Trust Provisions (For Use in the Case of an
Irrevocable Pre-Existing Trust); (F) Model Qualified Diversified Trust
Provisions (Hybrid Version); (G) Model Qualified Diversified Trust
Provisions (For Use in the Case of Multiple Fiduciaries); (H) Model
Qualified Diversified Trust Provisions (For Use in the Case of an
Irrevocable Pre-Existing Trust); (I) Model Confidentiality Agreement
Provisions (For Use in the Case of a Privately Owned Business); and (J)
Model Confidentiality Agreement Provisions (For Use in the Case of
Investment Management Activities)).
The communications formats and the confidentiality agreements
(items ii (A), (I) and (J) above) would not be available to the public
because they contain sensitive, confidential information. All the other
completed model trust certificates and model trust documents (except
for any trust provisions that relate to the testamentary disposition of
trust assets) are publicly available based upon a proper Ethics Act
request (by filling out an OGE Form 201 access form).
The total annual public reporting burden represents the time
involved for completing qualified trust certificates and model trust
documents which are processed by OGE. The burden is based on the amount
of time imposed on private citizens. Virtually all filers/document
users are private trust administrators and other private
representatives who help to set up and maintain the qualified blind and
diversified trusts. The detailed paperwork estimates below for the
various trust certificates and model trust documents are based on OGE's
experience with administration of the qualified trust program.
i. Trust Certificates:
A. Certificate of Independence: Total filers (executive branch): 5;
Private citizen filers (100%): 5; OGE-processed certificates (private
citizens): 5; private citizen burden hours (20 minutes/certificate): 2.
B. Certificate of Compliance: Total filers (executive branch): 10;
Private citizen filers (100%): 10; OGE-processed certificates (private
citizens): 10; private citizen burden hours (20 minutes/certificate):
3; and
ii. Model Qualified Trust Documents:
A. Blind Trust Communications: Total Users (executive branch): 5;
Private citizen users (100%): 5; OGE-processed documents (private
citizens): 25 (based on an average of five communications per user, per
year); private citizen burden hours (20 minutes/communication): 8.
B. Model Qualified Blind Trust: Total Users (executive branch): 2;
Private citizen users (100%): 2; OGE-processed models (private
citizens): 2; private citizen burden hours (100 hours/model): 200.
C. Model Qualified Diversified Trust: Total users (executive
branch): 1; Private citizen users (100%): 1; OGE-processed models
(private citizens): 1; private citizen burden hours (100 hours/model):
D.-H. Of the five remaining model qualified trust documents: Total
users (executive branch): 2; Private citizen users (100%): 2; OGE-
processed models (private citizens): 2; private citizen burden hours
(100 hours/model): 200.
I.-J. Of the two model confidentiality agreements: Total users
(executive branch): 1; Private citizen users (100%): 1; OGE-processed
agreements (private citizens): 1; private citizen burden hours (50
hours/agreement): 50.
Based on these estimates, the total number of forms expected
annually at OGE is 46, with a cumulative total of 563 burden hours.
This is a decrease of 248 forms and 3,222 hours from the prior three-
year period.
Public comment is invited on each aspect of the model qualified
trust certificates and model trust documents, and underlying regulatory
provisions, as set forth in this notice, including specific views on
the need for and practical utility of this set of collections of
information, the accuracy of OGE's burden estimate, the potential for
enhancement of quality, utility and clarity of the information
collected, and
[[Page 1446]]
the minimization of burden (including the use of information
Comments received in response to this notice will be summarized
for, and may be included with, the OGE request for extension of the OMB
paperwork approval for the set of the various existing qualified trust
model certificates, the model communications package, and the model
trust documents. The comments will also become a matter of public
Approved: December 22, 2004.
Marilyn L. Glynn,
Acting Director, Office of Government Ethics.
[FR Doc. 05-308 Filed 1-6-05; 8:45 am]