Notice of Intent to Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement to the Final Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operation of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, 807-809 [05-210]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 3 / Wednesday, January 5, 2005 / Notices
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. P–2082–027]
Klamath Hydroelectric Project; Notice
Of Meeting
December 29, 2004.
Commission staff is scheduled to meet
with representatives of the Karuk Tribe
regarding the Klamath Hydroelectric
Project relicensing. The meeting will be
held at the location and time listed
below: Karuk Community Center, 39051
Highway 96, Orleans, California 95556,
January 12, 2005, 10 a.m. (P.s.t.).
Members of the public and
intervenors in the referenced
proceedings may attend this meeting;
however, participation will be limited to
tribal representatives and the
Commission representatives. If the Tribe
decides to disclose information about a
specific location which could create a
risk or harm to an archeological site or
Native American cultural resource, the
public will be excused for that portion
of the meeting when such information is
disclosed.1 If you plan to attend this
meeting, please contact John Mudre at
the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission at 202–502–8902 or The meeting will
be transcribed by a court reporter, and
public transcript will be made available
by the Commission following the
Magalie R. Salas,
[FR Doc. E4–3937 Filed 1–4–05; 8:45 am]
National Nuclear Security
Notice of Intent to Prepare a
Supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement to the Final Site-Wide
Environmental Impact Statement for
Continued Operation of the Los
Alamos National Laboratory
U.S. Department of Energy,
National Nuclear Security
ACTION: Notice of Intent.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
1969, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
1 Protection from public disclosure involving this
kind of specific information is based upon 18 CFR
4.32(b)(3)(ii) of the Commission’s regulations
implementing the Federal Power Act.
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seq.), the Council on Environmental
Quality’s (CEQ) and the U.S.
Department of Energy’s (DOE)
regulations implementing NEPA (40
CFR parts 1500–1508 and 10 CFR part
1021, respectively), the National
Nuclear Security Administration
(NNSA), an agency within the DOE,
announces its intent to prepare a
supplemental site-wide environmental
statement (S–SWEIS) to update the
analyses presented in the Final SiteWide Environmental Impact Statement
for Continued Operation of the Los
Alamos National Laboratory (SWEIS)
(DOE/EIS–0238; January 1999). The
purpose of this notice is to invite
individuals, organizations, and
government agencies and entities to
participate in developing the scope of
the S–SWEIS.
In its September 1999 Record of
Decision (ROD) based on the SWEIS,
DOE announced its decision to
implement the Expanded Operations
Alternative analyzed in the SWEIS, with
modifications to weapons related
production work (the Preferred
Alternative), at Los Alamos National
Laboratory (LANL). That decision is
being implemented at LANL. Pursuant
to 40 CFR 1502.20, the S–SWEIS will
rely on and expand on the analysis in
the original SWEIS. The No Action
Alternative for the S–SWEIS is the
continued implementation of the SWEIS
ROD, together with other actions
described and analyzed in subsequent
NEPA reviews. The Proposed Action in
the S–SWEIS will include changes since
the SWEIS 1999 ROD.
DATES: NNSA invites comments on the
scope of this S-SWEIS through February
27, 2005. NNSA will hold a public
scoping meeting in Pojoaque, New
Mexico, at the Pablo Roybal Elementary
School on January 19, 2005, from 6 to
8 pm. Scoping comments received after
February 27, 2005, will be considered to
the extent practicable.
ADDRESSES: To submit comments on the
scope of the S-SWEIS, questions about
the document or scoping meeting, or
requests to be placed on the document
distribution list, please write or call: Ms.
Elizabeth Withers (e-mail address:; mailing address:
NNSA Los Alamos Site Office, NEPA
Compliance Officer, 528 35th Street, Los
Alamos, New Mexico, 87544; (toll free)
telephone 1–877–491–4957; or
Facsimile 505–667–9998).
general information about the DOE
NEPA process, please contact: Ms. Carol
Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA
Policy and Compliance (EH–42), U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000
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Independence Avenue, SW,
Washington, DC 20585, 202–586–4600,
or leave a message at 1–800–472–2756.
located in north-central New Mexico, 60
miles north-northeast of Albuquerque,
25 miles northwest of Santa Fe, and 20
miles southwest of Espanola in Los
Alamos and Santa Fe Counties. It is
located between the Jemez Mountains to
the west and the Sangre de Cristo
Mountains and Rio Grande to the east.
LANL occupies about 40 square miles
(104 square kilometers) and is operated
for NNSA under contract, by the
University of California. (The contract
for LANL’s management and operation
is undergoing a competitive bid process;
however, the selection of the LANL
management and operations contractor
in the future will not affect the nature
of the NNSA and DOE work performed
at LANL.)
LANL is a multidisciplinary,
multipurpose institution primarily
engaged in theoretical and experimental
research and development. LANL has
been assigned science, research and
development, and production mission
support activities that are critical to the
accomplishment of the national security
objectives (as reflected in the ROD for
the September 1996 Final Programmatic
Environmental Impact Statement for
Stockpile Stewardship and Management
(DOE/EIS–0236)). Specific LANL
assignments will continue for the
foreseeable future include production of
War-Reserve products, assessment and
certification of the stockpile,
surveillance of the War-Reserve
components and weapon systems,
ensuring safe and secure storage of
strategic materials, and management of
excess plutonium inventories. LANL’s
main role in the fulfillment of DOE
mission objectives includes a wide
range of scientific and technological
capabilities that support nuclear
materials handling, processing and
fabrication; stockpile management;
materials and manufacturing
technologies; nonproliferation
programs; and waste management
The Final LANL SWEIS, issued in
January 1999, considered the operation
of LANL at various levels for about a 10year period of time. Alternatives
considered in that document were: No
Action Alternative, the Expanded
Operations Alternative, the Reduced
Operations Alternative, and the Greener
Alternative. In addition to providing an
overview of the LANL site and its
activities and operations, the SWEIS
identified 15 LANL ‘‘Key Facilities’’ for
the purposes of NEPA analysis. ‘‘Key
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 3 / Wednesday, January 5, 2005 / Notices
Facilities’’ are those facilities that house
operations with the potential to cause
significant environmental impacts; are
of most interest or concern to the public
based on scoping comments; or are
facilities that would be the most subject
to change due to potential programmatic
decisions. The operations of these ‘‘Key
Facilities’’ were described in the SWEIS
and, together with other non-key facility
functions, formed the basis of the
description of LANL facilities and
operations analyzed for their potential
impacts. The Preferred Alternative was
the Expanded Operations Alternative
with certain reductions in weaponsrelated manufacturing capabilities. This
alternative was chosen for
implementation in the ROD issued in
September 1999.
In mid-2004, NNSA undertook the
preparation of a Supplement Analysis
for the SWEIS pursuant to DOE’s
regulatory requirement to evaluate sitewide NEPA documents at least every 5
years (10 CFR 1021.330) and determine
whether the existing EIS remains
adequate, to prepare a new site-wide
EIS, or prepare a supplement to the
existing EIS. During the development of
this Supplement Analysis, NNSA
decided to proceed immediately with a
supplement to the existing SWIES in
order to expedite the NEPA process and
to save time and money. DOE NEPA
regulations (10 CFR 1021.314) require
the preparation of a Supplemental EIS if
there are substantial changes to a
proposal or significant new
circumstances or information relevant to
environmental concerns. Substantial
changes to the level of LANL operations
may result from proposed, modified or
enhanced activities and operations
within LANL facilities (discussed later
in subsequent paragraphs of this
Notice), and new circumstances and
information with regard to effects from
the Cerro Grande Fire (which burned a
part of LANL), a reduction in the size of
the LANL reservation due to recent land
conveyance and transfers, and
contaminant migration have come to
light over the past five years that could
be deemed significant under 10 CFR
Since the issuance of the Final SWEIS
in 1999, DOE and NNSA have finalized
several environmental impact
statements, environmental assessments
(EA), and a special environmental
analysis dealing with LANL operations
and actions taken immediately after the
2000 Cerro Grande Fire. The activities
analyzed in these NEPA documents and
developing changes to the LANL
environmental setting led NNSA to
conclude it would be prudent and
efficient to begin updating the SWEIS
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now by preparing a supplemental
SWEIS. NNSA will use the S–SWEIS to
consider the potential impacts of
proposed modifications to LANL
activities, as well as the cumulative
impacts associated with on-going
activities at LANL, on the changed
LANL environment.
The S–SWEIS will provide a review of
the impacts resulting from
implementing the SWEIS ROD over the
past 5 years at LANL and compare these
impacts to the impacts projected in the
SWEIS analyses for that alternative to
provide an understanding of the
SWEIS’s ability to identify potential
impacts. The S–SWEIS analyses will
focus primarily on aspects of the
existing environment that could be
impacted by newly proposed changes to
LANL operations at certain facilities and
by environmental cleanup actions that
could occur over the next 5 to 6 years
in response to a consent order from the
State of New Mexico. The S–SWEIS
Proposed Action will analyze projected
impacts anticipated from operating
LANL at the 1999 ROD level for at least
the next 5 years, with some modified
work now being proposed at certain
facilities. NNSA is considering
proposed operational changes within at
least two new ‘‘Key Facilities’’ at LANL:
• The Nicholas C. Metropolis Center
for Modeling and Simulation (formerly
called the Strategic Computing
Complex), and
• The Nonproliferation and
International Security Center (NISC).
The construction and operation of the
Nicholas C. Metropolis Center for
Modeling and Simulation were analyzed
in a December 1998 EA and a finding of
no significant impact (FONSI) for that
proposed action was issued based on
the impact analyses for operating the
computational facility up to a 50–
TeraOp platform (a TeraOp is a trillion
floating point operations per second).
The Center has been constructed and is
currently operating below the
operations level analyzed in the 1998
EA; however, NNSA proposes to
increase the facility’s operational
capacity up to 100 TeraOps before 2009
with corresponding increases to the
facility’s consumption of water and
electrical power resources. This
proposed increase in the operating
platform from 50 TeraOps up to 100
TeraOps will be analyzed in the S–
The NISC’s construction and
operation were analyzed in a July 1999
EA and a FONSI was issued for that
proposed action based on the impact
analyses for consolidating activities and
operating the facility as it was
envisioned at that time. The facility is
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currently operating as evaluated in the
1999 EA; however, NNSA is now
proposing to move certain operations
from the Technical Area 18 (TA–18)
Pajarito Site (another of LANL’s ‘‘Key
Facilities,’’ which is also discussed in
the following paragraph) into the NISC.
This would change the amount of
nuclear material stored in the facility,
with corresponding potential increases
to worker exposures in the case of a site
accident. The proposed changes to
operations and material stored in NISC
will be analyzed in the S–SWEIS.
NNSA will also eliminate one former
LANL ‘‘Key Facility’’ identified in the
1999 SWEIS—the TA–18 Pajarito Site.
In its 2002 EIS (the TA–18 Relocation
Final EIS (DOE/EIS–319)) and ROD, the
NNSA decided to relocate TA–18
security category I and II operations and
associated nuclear material to the
Nevada Test Site. Implementation of the
relocation decision began in 2004 and
will continue over the next 5 years.
After relocation of operations and
materials, this facility will no longer be
a LANL ‘‘Key Facility’’ within the
meaning of the SWEIS, and therefore
will not be listed as such a facility.
There are certain proposals related to
the relocation of the TA–18 security
category III and IV operations and the
disposition of the TA–18 facilities that
were not analyzed in the 2002 EIS; these
proposed actions and their projected
impacts will be evaluated in the S–
SWEIS impact analyses.
Certain aspects of operational
changes, construction and activities that
have occurred or are being proposed for
LANL over the next 5 years that were
not analyzed in the 1999 SWEIS will
also be considered and analyzed in the
S–SWEIS. Changes that have been made
to existing LANL operations that will
also be considered further in the S–
SWEIS include some permanent
modifications to on-going operations
that have recently been made as a result
of decreases in specific work and
projects performed at some LANL
facilities, and changes to the locations of
various types of materials at risk (MAR)
at LANL facilities or off-site locations.
Examples of newly proposed actions at
LANL include the remediation of 10
major material disposal areas (MDAs) at
LANL; the operation of a Biosafety
Level-3 (BSL–3) Facility (this facility
will become part of an existing ‘‘Key
Facility’’ at LANL, the former Health
Research Laboratory (HRL) now known
as the Bioscience Facilities); the
construction and operation of a new
solid waste transfer station, an office
and light laboratory complex, a
consolidated warehouse and truck
inspection station, and a new
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 3 / Wednesday, January 5, 2005 / Notices
radiography facility; and recently
proposed increases in the types and
quantities of sealed sources accepted for
waste management at LANL. Some of
these newly proposed actions may be
analyzed explicitly in the S–SWEIS in
project specific analyses, while others
may be analyzed in separate EAs to be
prepared over the next several months,
such as the new BSL–3 Facility EA. The
potential impacts of the BSL–3 Facility
will be included in the S–SWEIS
evaluation of cumulative impacts, as
will the impacts of all of the newly
proposed actions. A comparison of the
newly projected operational impacts
will also be made to the projected
impacts identified in the SWEIS.
The NEPA compliance process for the
BSL–3 Facility at LANL has spanned
several years. In early 2002, the NNSA
issued an EA and FONSI for the
construction and operation of the
facility at LANL. Due to the need to
consider new circumstances and
information relevant to the actual
construction of the BSL–3 Facility and
its future operation, the NNSA
withdrew the 2002 FONSI for operating
this facility and determined that a new
EA should be prepared that re-evaluates
the proposed operations of the facility
as it has been constructed. The new EA
is currently being prepared and a draft
EA will be issued for public review and
comment in early 2005. The EA will be
used by NNSA in making a decision
about whether to issue a FONSI for
operation of the BSL–3 Facility. If a
FONSI cannot be issued, the analyses
for the operation of the BSL–3 Facility
will be included in the S–SWEIS
Proposed Action.
In accordance with applicable DOE
and CEQ NEPA regulations, the No
Action Alternative will also be analyzed
in the S–SWEIS. In this case, the No
Action Alternative will be the continued
implementation of the 1999 ROD at
LANL over the next 5 years as this
alternative was originally analyzed in
the SWEIS, and will also include the
implementation of other actions
selected in DOE and NNSA RODs
supported by separate NEPA reviews
(specifically, actions analyzed since the
issuance of the final SWEIS in the Final
Environmental Impact Statement for the
Conveyance and Transfer of Certain
Land Tracts Administered by the U.S.
Department of Energy and Located at
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los
Alamos and Santa Fe Counties, New
Mexico (DOE/EIS–293), the Final
Environmental Impact Statement for the
Proposed Relocation of Technical Area
18 Capabilities and Materials at Los
Alamos National Laboratory (DOE/EIS–
319), the Final Environmental Impact
VerDate jul<14>2003
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Statement for the Chemistry and
Metallurgy Research Building
Replacement Project at Los Alamos
National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New
Mexico (DOE/EIS–0350), and in about
20 various EAs and their associated
FONSIs, as well as actions categorically
excluded from the need for preparation
of either an EA or an EIS). The Los
Alamos Site Office has posted a list of
EAs and their associated FONSIs that
pertain to LANL operations dating from
the completion of the 1999 SWEIS on
their Web site at:
LASO/nepa. The full text of most of
these EAs is also available through links
provided at that Web site; copies of all
of the documents may be obtained by
contacting Ms. Withers at any of the
addresses provided previously in this
Changes or new information have also
surfaced regarding the environmental
setting at LANL over the past 5 years
that may affect future LANL operations,
such as changes to LANL watersheds as
the result of the Cerro Grande Fire, new
information and changes resulting from
thinning the forests around LANL, and
the long-term effects from the regional
drought. Additionally, there have been
changes to both the number of LANL
workers and to the surrounding
population that have occurred or are
being projected that are different from
those on which the SWEIS
socioeconomic and other impact
analyses were based. To the extent that
changes to or new information about the
existing LANL environment may
significantly affect natural and cultural
resource areas originally considered in
the 1999 SWEIS, projected impacts
associated with implementing the
Proposed Action over the next 5 years
at LANL will be analyzed in the S–
Direct, indirect, and unavoidable
impacts to the various natural and
cultural resources present at LANL,
together with irreversible and
irretrievable commitments and
mitigations, will also be analyzed in the
S–SWEIS. Further, operational and site
differences require a re-evaluation of
LANL operational accident analyses and
a new assessment and understanding of
cumulative impacts of LANL operations
will also be addressed.
Public Scoping Process: The scoping
process is an opportunity for the public
to assist the NNSA in determining the
issues for impact analysis, and at least
one public scoping meeting is held. The
purpose of the scoping meeting is to
provide attendees an opportunity to
present oral and written comments, ask
questions, and discuss concerns
regarding the S–SWEIS with NNSA
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officials. Comments and
recommendations can also be mailed to
Elizabeth Withers at any of the
identified addresses noted in the
previous paragraphs of this Notice. The
S–SWEIS meeting will use a format to
facilitate dialogue between NNSA and
the public and will be an opportunity
for individuals to provide written or
oral statements. NNSA welcomes
specific comments or suggestions on the
content of the document that could be
considered. The potential scope of the
S–SWEIS discussed in the previous
portions of this Notice is tentative and
is intended to facilitate public comment
on the scope of this S–SWEIS. It is not
intended to be all-inclusive, nor does it
imply any predetermination of potential
impacts. The S–SWEIS will describe the
potential environmental impacts of the
alternatives by using available data
where possible and obtaining additional
data where necessary. Copies of written
comments and transcripts of oral
comments provided to NNSA during the
scoping period will be available at the
following locations: Los Alamos
Outreach Center, 1350 Central Avenue,
Suite 101, Los Alamos, New Mexico,
87544; and the Zimmerman Library,
University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131.
S–SWEIS Preparation Process: The S–
SWEIS preparation process begins with
the publication of this Notice of Intent
in the Federal Register. After the close
of the public scoping period, NNSA will
begin developing the draft S–SWEIS.
NNSA expects to issue the Draft S–
SWEIS for public review in the fall of
2005. Public comments on the Draft S–
SWEIS will be received during a
comment period of at least 45 days
following publication of the Notice of
Availability. The Notice of Availability,
also published in the Federal Register,
along with notices placed in local
newspapers, will provide dates and
locations for public hearings on the
Draft S–SWEIS and the deadline for
comments on the draft document.
Issuance of the Final S–SWEIS is
scheduled for early 2006.
Issued in Washington, DC, this 29th day of
December, 2004.
Everet H. Beckner,
Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs,
National Nuclear Security Administration.
[FR Doc. 05–210 Filed 1–4–05; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 3 (Wednesday, January 5, 2005)]
[Pages 807-809]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-210]
National Nuclear Security Administration
Notice of Intent to Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement to the Final Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for
Continued Operation of the Los Alamos National Laboratory
AGENCY: U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security
ACTION: Notice of Intent.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
1969, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the Council on Environmental
Quality's (CEQ) and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) regulations
implementing NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500-1508 and 10 CFR part 1021,
respectively), the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), an
agency within the DOE, announces its intent to prepare a supplemental
site-wide environmental statement (S-SWEIS) to update the analyses
presented in the Final Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for
Continued Operation of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (SWEIS) (DOE/
EIS-0238; January 1999). The purpose of this notice is to invite
individuals, organizations, and government agencies and entities to
participate in developing the scope of the S-SWEIS.
In its September 1999 Record of Decision (ROD) based on the SWEIS,
DOE announced its decision to implement the Expanded Operations
Alternative analyzed in the SWEIS, with modifications to weapons
related production work (the Preferred Alternative), at Los Alamos
National Laboratory (LANL). That decision is being implemented at LANL.
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1502.20, the S-SWEIS will rely on and expand on the
analysis in the original SWEIS. The No Action Alternative for the S-
SWEIS is the continued implementation of the SWEIS ROD, together with
other actions described and analyzed in subsequent NEPA reviews. The
Proposed Action in the S-SWEIS will include changes since the SWEIS
1999 ROD.
DATES: NNSA invites comments on the scope of this S-SWEIS through
February 27, 2005. NNSA will hold a public scoping meeting in Pojoaque,
New Mexico, at the Pablo Roybal Elementary School on January 19, 2005,
from 6 to 8 pm. Scoping comments received after February 27, 2005, will
be considered to the extent practicable.
ADDRESSES: To submit comments on the scope of the S-SWEIS, questions
about the document or scoping meeting, or requests to be placed on the
document distribution list, please write or call: Ms. Elizabeth Withers
(e-mail address:; mailing address: NNSA Los
Alamos Site Office, NEPA Compliance Officer, 528 35th Street, Los
Alamos, New Mexico, 87544; (toll free) telephone 1-877-491-4957; or
Facsimile 505-667-9998).
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information about the DOE
NEPA process, please contact: Ms. Carol Borgstrom, Director, Office of
NEPA Policy and Compliance (EH-42), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585, 202-586-4600, or leave a
message at 1-800-472-2756.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: LANL is located in north-central New Mexico,
60 miles north-northeast of Albuquerque, 25 miles northwest of Santa
Fe, and 20 miles southwest of Espa[ntilde]ola in Los Alamos and Santa
Fe Counties. It is located between the Jemez Mountains to the west and
the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and Rio Grande to the east. LANL
occupies about 40 square miles (104 square kilometers) and is operated
for NNSA under contract, by the University of California. (The contract
for LANL's management and operation is undergoing a competitive bid
process; however, the selection of the LANL management and operations
contractor in the future will not affect the nature of the NNSA and DOE
work performed at LANL.)
LANL is a multidisciplinary, multipurpose institution primarily
engaged in theoretical and experimental research and development. LANL
has been assigned science, research and development, and production
mission support activities that are critical to the accomplishment of
the national security objectives (as reflected in the ROD for the
September 1996 Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for
Stockpile Stewardship and Management (DOE/EIS-0236)). Specific LANL
assignments will continue for the foreseeable future include production
of War-Reserve products, assessment and certification of the stockpile,
surveillance of the War-Reserve components and weapon systems, ensuring
safe and secure storage of strategic materials, and management of
excess plutonium inventories. LANL's main role in the fulfillment of
DOE mission objectives includes a wide range of scientific and
technological capabilities that support nuclear materials handling,
processing and fabrication; stockpile management; materials and
manufacturing technologies; nonproliferation programs; and waste
management activities.
The Final LANL SWEIS, issued in January 1999, considered the
operation of LANL at various levels for about a 10-year period of time.
Alternatives considered in that document were: No Action Alternative,
the Expanded Operations Alternative, the Reduced Operations
Alternative, and the Greener Alternative. In addition to providing an
overview of the LANL site and its activities and operations, the SWEIS
identified 15 LANL ``Key Facilities'' for the purposes of NEPA
analysis. ``Key
[[Page 808]]
Facilities'' are those facilities that house operations with the
potential to cause significant environmental impacts; are of most
interest or concern to the public based on scoping comments; or are
facilities that would be the most subject to change due to potential
programmatic decisions. The operations of these ``Key Facilities'' were
described in the SWEIS and, together with other non-key facility
functions, formed the basis of the description of LANL facilities and
operations analyzed for their potential impacts. The Preferred
Alternative was the Expanded Operations Alternative with certain
reductions in weapons-related manufacturing capabilities. This
alternative was chosen for implementation in the ROD issued in
September 1999.
In mid-2004, NNSA undertook the preparation of a Supplement
Analysis for the SWEIS pursuant to DOE's regulatory requirement to
evaluate site-wide NEPA documents at least every 5 years (10 CFR
1021.330) and determine whether the existing EIS remains adequate, to
prepare a new site-wide EIS, or prepare a supplement to the existing
EIS. During the development of this Supplement Analysis, NNSA decided
to proceed immediately with a supplement to the existing SWIES in order
to expedite the NEPA process and to save time and money. DOE NEPA
regulations (10 CFR 1021.314) require the preparation of a Supplemental
EIS if there are substantial changes to a proposal or significant new
circumstances or information relevant to environmental concerns.
Substantial changes to the level of LANL operations may result from
proposed, modified or enhanced activities and operations within LANL
facilities (discussed later in subsequent paragraphs of this Notice),
and new circumstances and information with regard to effects from the
Cerro Grande Fire (which burned a part of LANL), a reduction in the
size of the LANL reservation due to recent land conveyance and
transfers, and contaminant migration have come to light over the past
five years that could be deemed significant under 10 CFR 1021.314.
Since the issuance of the Final SWEIS in 1999, DOE and NNSA have
finalized several environmental impact statements, environmental
assessments (EA), and a special environmental analysis dealing with
LANL operations and actions taken immediately after the 2000 Cerro
Grande Fire. The activities analyzed in these NEPA documents and
developing changes to the LANL environmental setting led NNSA to
conclude it would be prudent and efficient to begin updating the SWEIS
now by preparing a supplemental SWEIS. NNSA will use the S-SWEIS to
consider the potential impacts of proposed modifications to LANL
activities, as well as the cumulative impacts associated with on-going
activities at LANL, on the changed LANL environment.
The S-SWEIS will provide a review of the impacts resulting from
implementing the SWEIS ROD over the past 5 years at LANL and compare
these impacts to the impacts projected in the SWEIS analyses for that
alternative to provide an understanding of the SWEIS's ability to
identify potential impacts. The S-SWEIS analyses will focus primarily
on aspects of the existing environment that could be impacted by newly
proposed changes to LANL operations at certain facilities and by
environmental cleanup actions that could occur over the next 5 to 6
years in response to a consent order from the State of New Mexico. The
S-SWEIS Proposed Action will analyze projected impacts anticipated from
operating LANL at the 1999 ROD level for at least the next 5 years,
with some modified work now being proposed at certain facilities. NNSA
is considering proposed operational changes within at least two new
``Key Facilities'' at LANL:
The Nicholas C. Metropolis Center for Modeling and
Simulation (formerly called the Strategic Computing Complex), and
The Nonproliferation and International Security Center
The construction and operation of the Nicholas C. Metropolis Center
for Modeling and Simulation were analyzed in a December 1998 EA and a
finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for that proposed action was
issued based on the impact analyses for operating the computational
facility up to a 50-TeraOp platform (a TeraOp is a trillion floating
point operations per second). The Center has been constructed and is
currently operating below the operations level analyzed in the 1998 EA;
however, NNSA proposes to increase the facility's operational capacity
up to 100 TeraOps before 2009 with corresponding increases to the
facility's consumption of water and electrical power resources. This
proposed increase in the operating platform from 50 TeraOps up to 100
TeraOps will be analyzed in the S-SWEIS.
The NISC's construction and operation were analyzed in a July 1999
EA and a FONSI was issued for that proposed action based on the impact
analyses for consolidating activities and operating the facility as it
was envisioned at that time. The facility is currently operating as
evaluated in the 1999 EA; however, NNSA is now proposing to move
certain operations from the Technical Area 18 (TA-18) Pajarito Site
(another of LANL's ``Key Facilities,'' which is also discussed in the
following paragraph) into the NISC. This would change the amount of
nuclear material stored in the facility, with corresponding potential
increases to worker exposures in the case of a site accident. The
proposed changes to operations and material stored in NISC will be
analyzed in the S-SWEIS.
NNSA will also eliminate one former LANL ``Key Facility''
identified in the 1999 SWEIS--the TA-18 Pajarito Site. In its 2002 EIS
(the TA-18 Relocation Final EIS (DOE/EIS-319)) and ROD, the NNSA
decided to relocate TA-18 security category I and II operations and
associated nuclear material to the Nevada Test Site. Implementation of
the relocation decision began in 2004 and will continue over the next 5
years. After relocation of operations and materials, this facility will
no longer be a LANL ``Key Facility'' within the meaning of the SWEIS,
and therefore will not be listed as such a facility. There are certain
proposals related to the relocation of the TA-18 security category III
and IV operations and the disposition of the TA-18 facilities that were
not analyzed in the 2002 EIS; these proposed actions and their
projected impacts will be evaluated in the S-SWEIS impact analyses.
Certain aspects of operational changes, construction and activities
that have occurred or are being proposed for LANL over the next 5 years
that were not analyzed in the 1999 SWEIS will also be considered and
analyzed in the S-SWEIS. Changes that have been made to existing LANL
operations that will also be considered further in the S-SWEIS include
some permanent modifications to on-going operations that have recently
been made as a result of decreases in specific work and projects
performed at some LANL facilities, and changes to the locations of
various types of materials at risk (MAR) at LANL facilities or off-site
locations. Examples of newly proposed actions at LANL include the
remediation of 10 major material disposal areas (MDAs) at LANL; the
operation of a Biosafety Level-3 (BSL-3) Facility (this facility will
become part of an existing ``Key Facility'' at LANL, the former Health
Research Laboratory (HRL) now known as the Bioscience Facilities); the
construction and operation of a new solid waste transfer station, an
office and light laboratory complex, a consolidated warehouse and truck
inspection station, and a new
[[Page 809]]
radiography facility; and recently proposed increases in the types and
quantities of sealed sources accepted for waste management at LANL.
Some of these newly proposed actions may be analyzed explicitly in the
S-SWEIS in project specific analyses, while others may be analyzed in
separate EAs to be prepared over the next several months, such as the
new BSL-3 Facility EA. The potential impacts of the BSL-3 Facility will
be included in the S-SWEIS evaluation of cumulative impacts, as will
the impacts of all of the newly proposed actions. A comparison of the
newly projected operational impacts will also be made to the projected
impacts identified in the SWEIS.
The NEPA compliance process for the BSL-3 Facility at LANL has
spanned several years. In early 2002, the NNSA issued an EA and FONSI
for the construction and operation of the facility at LANL. Due to the
need to consider new circumstances and information relevant to the
actual construction of the BSL-3 Facility and its future operation, the
NNSA withdrew the 2002 FONSI for operating this facility and determined
that a new EA should be prepared that re-evaluates the proposed
operations of the facility as it has been constructed. The new EA is
currently being prepared and a draft EA will be issued for public
review and comment in early 2005. The EA will be used by NNSA in making
a decision about whether to issue a FONSI for operation of the BSL-3
Facility. If a FONSI cannot be issued, the analyses for the operation
of the BSL-3 Facility will be included in the S-SWEIS Proposed Action.
In accordance with applicable DOE and CEQ NEPA regulations, the No
Action Alternative will also be analyzed in the S-SWEIS. In this case,
the No Action Alternative will be the continued implementation of the
1999 ROD at LANL over the next 5 years as this alternative was
originally analyzed in the SWEIS, and will also include the
implementation of other actions selected in DOE and NNSA RODs supported
by separate NEPA reviews (specifically, actions analyzed since the
issuance of the final SWEIS in the Final Environmental Impact Statement
for the Conveyance and Transfer of Certain Land Tracts Administered by
the U.S. Department of Energy and Located at Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Los Alamos and Santa Fe Counties, New Mexico (DOE/EIS-293),
the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Relocation of
Technical Area 18 Capabilities and Materials at Los Alamos National
Laboratory (DOE/EIS-319), the Final Environmental Impact Statement for
the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building Replacement Project at
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (DOE/EIS-0350),
and in about 20 various EAs and their associated FONSIs, as well as
actions categorically excluded from the need for preparation of either
an EA or an EIS). The Los Alamos Site Office has posted a list of EAs
and their associated FONSIs that pertain to LANL operations dating from
the completion of the 1999 SWEIS on their Web site at: https:// The full text of most of these EAs is also
available through links provided at that Web site; copies of all of the
documents may be obtained by contacting Ms. Withers at any of the
addresses provided previously in this Notice.
Changes or new information have also surfaced regarding the
environmental setting at LANL over the past 5 years that may affect
future LANL operations, such as changes to LANL watersheds as the
result of the Cerro Grande Fire, new information and changes resulting
from thinning the forests around LANL, and the long-term effects from
the regional drought. Additionally, there have been changes to both the
number of LANL workers and to the surrounding population that have
occurred or are being projected that are different from those on which
the SWEIS socioeconomic and other impact analyses were based. To the
extent that changes to or new information about the existing LANL
environment may significantly affect natural and cultural resource
areas originally considered in the 1999 SWEIS, projected impacts
associated with implementing the Proposed Action over the next 5 years
at LANL will be analyzed in the S-SWEIS.
Direct, indirect, and unavoidable impacts to the various natural
and cultural resources present at LANL, together with irreversible and
irretrievable commitments and mitigations, will also be analyzed in the
S-SWEIS. Further, operational and site differences require a re-
evaluation of LANL operational accident analyses and a new assessment
and understanding of cumulative impacts of LANL operations will also be
Public Scoping Process: The scoping process is an opportunity for
the public to assist the NNSA in determining the issues for impact
analysis, and at least one public scoping meeting is held. The purpose
of the scoping meeting is to provide attendees an opportunity to
present oral and written comments, ask questions, and discuss concerns
regarding the S-SWEIS with NNSA officials. Comments and recommendations
can also be mailed to Elizabeth Withers at any of the identified
addresses noted in the previous paragraphs of this Notice. The S-SWEIS
meeting will use a format to facilitate dialogue between NNSA and the
public and will be an opportunity for individuals to provide written or
oral statements. NNSA welcomes specific comments or suggestions on the
content of the document that could be considered. The potential scope
of the S-SWEIS discussed in the previous portions of this Notice is
tentative and is intended to facilitate public comment on the scope of
this S-SWEIS. It is not intended to be all-inclusive, nor does it imply
any predetermination of potential impacts. The S-SWEIS will describe
the potential environmental impacts of the alternatives by using
available data where possible and obtaining additional data where
necessary. Copies of written comments and transcripts of oral comments
provided to NNSA during the scoping period will be available at the
following locations: Los Alamos Outreach Center, 1350 Central Avenue,
Suite 101, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87544; and the Zimmerman Library,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131.
S-SWEIS Preparation Process: The S-SWEIS preparation process begins
with the publication of this Notice of Intent in the Federal Register.
After the close of the public scoping period, NNSA will begin
developing the draft S-SWEIS. NNSA expects to issue the Draft S-SWEIS
for public review in the fall of 2005. Public comments on the Draft S-
SWEIS will be received during a comment period of at least 45 days
following publication of the Notice of Availability. The Notice of
Availability, also published in the Federal Register, along with
notices placed in local newspapers, will provide dates and locations
for public hearings on the Draft S-SWEIS and the deadline for comments
on the draft document. Issuance of the Final S-SWEIS is scheduled for
early 2006.
Issued in Washington, DC, this 29th day of December, 2004.
Everet H. Beckner,
Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security
[FR Doc. 05-210 Filed 1-4-05; 8:45 am]