Agriculture Acquisition Regulation: Miscellaneous Amendments (AGAR Case 2004-01), 41-50 [04-28439]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 1 / Monday, January 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Subpart 352.2—Texts of Provisions
and Clauses
17. In section 352.224–70, remove
paragraphs (b) and (f) and redesignate
paragraph (c) as (b), paragraph (d) as (c),
paragraph (e) as (d), paragraph (g) as (e),
paragraph (h) as (f), and paragraph (i) as
18.–20. Amend section 352.270–8 in
paragraph (a) by removing ‘‘Office for
Protection from Research Risks (OPRR),
National Institutes of Health,’’ and
adding ‘‘Office for Human Research
Protections (OHRP)’’ in its place; amend
the last sentence of paragraph (d) in
section 352.270–8 by removing
‘‘National Institutes of Health’’ and
replacing with ‘‘OpDiv’’; and remove the
last sentence of paragraph (e) in section
352.270–8 and add ‘‘The contracting
officer will direct the offeror/contractor
to the OHRP IRB Registration and
Assurance Filing website, found at or to the
physical address if the offeror/contractor
cannot access the Internet. HHS
regulations for the protection of human
subjects may be found at: https://
waisidx_01/45cfr46_01.html’’ in its
the contractor expressly agrees to waive any
rights to invoke the jurisdiction of local
national courts where this contract is
performed and agrees to accept the exclusive
jurisdiction of the United States Armed
Services Board of Contract Appeals and the
United States Court of Federal Claims for
hearing and determination of any and all
disputes that may arise under the Disputes
clause of this contract.
[FR Doc. 04–27697 Filed 12–30–04; 8:45 am]
Office of Procurement and Property
48 CFR Parts 401, 403, 404, 405, 406,
407, 408, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415, 416,
419, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 428, 432,
433, 434, 436, 439, 445, 450, 452, and
RIN 0599–AA11
Agriculture Acquisition Regulation:
Miscellaneous Amendments (AGAR
Case 2004–01)
Office of Procurement and
Property Management, USDA.
ACTION: Direct final rule.
SUMMARY: The Department of
Agriculture (USDA) is publishing
technical amendments to the
Agriculture Acquisition Regulation
(AGAR) as a final rule. We use the direct
final rule process to make noncontroversial changes to the AGAR. We
352.270–9 [Amended]
are amending the AGAR to update
organizational references to USDA
I 21.–22. Amend section 352.270–9 by
components; to update citations to
removing the heading in paragraph (a)
statutes and to Executive Orders; to
reading ‘‘Notice to Offerors of
Requirement for Adequate Assurance of update or clarify internal procedures;
Protection of Vertebrate Animal Subjects and to reflect changes in the Federal
Acquisition Regulation through Federal
(Sep. 1985)’’ and adding ‘‘Notice to
Offerors of Requirement for Compliance Acquisition Circular 2001–24.
with the Public Health Service Policy on DATES: This rule will be effective on
April 4, 2005, unless we receive written
Humane Care and Use of Laboratory
adverse comments or written notice of
Animals (Revised 1986, Reprinted
intent to submit adverse comments on
2000)’’ in its place; and amend section
or before February 2, 2005. If adverse
352.270–9 by removing in the
comments are received, USDA will
undesignated paragraph under the
publish a timely withdrawal of the rule
heading ‘‘Office for Protection from
in the Federal Register.
Research Risks (OPRR),’’ and adding
‘‘Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
ADDRESSES: Please submit any adverse
(OLAW)’’ in its place.
comments, or a notice of intent to
submit adverse comments, identified by
I 23. Add new section 352.333–7001, to
AGAR Case 2004–01 or Regulatory
read as follows:
Information Number (RIN) 0599–AA11,
352.333–7001 Choice of Law (Overseas).
by any of the following methods:
As prescribed in 333.215–70, use the
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
following clause: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Choice of Law (Overseas)
• E-mail:
This contract shall be construed and
Include AGAR Case 2004–01 or RIN
interpreted in accordance with the
0599–AA11 in the subject line of the
substantive laws of the United States of
America. By the execution of this contract,
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• Fax: (202) 720–8972.
• Mail: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Office of Procurement and
Property Management, Procurement
Policy Division, STOP 9303, 1400
Independence Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20250–9303.
• Hand Delivery/Courier: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Office of
Procurement and Property Management,
Procurement Policy Division, Reporter’s
Building, 300 7th Street, SW., Room
310A, Washington, DC 20024.
All submissions received must
include the agency name and AGAR
Case number or RIN for this rulemaking.
All comments received will be posted
without change to
including any personal information
Joseph J. Daragan, (202) 720–5729.
I. Background
II. Procedural Requirements
A. Executive Order Nos. 12866 and 12988
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
C. Paperwork Reduction Act
D. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act
E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
I. Background
The AGAR implements the Federal
Acquisition Regulation (FAR) (48 CFR
ch. 1) where further implementation is
needed, and supplements the FAR when
coverage is needed for subject matter
not covered by the FAR. The AGAR is
being revised to reflect changes in the
FAR made by Federal Acquisition
Circulars (FACs) 97–02 through 2001–
24 and to implement changes in USDA
delegated authorities and internal
procedures since October 2001. In this
rulemaking document, USDA is making
corrections to the AGAR as a direct final
rule, since the corrections are noncontroversial and unlikely to generate
adverse comment. The corrections are
clerical or procedural in nature and do
not affect the public.
Rules that an agency believes are
noncontroversial and unlikely to result
in adverse comments may be published
in the Federal Register as direct final
rules. The Office of Procurement and
Property Management published a
policy statement in the Federal Register
(63 FR 9158, February 24, 1998)
notifying the public of its intent to use
direct final rulemaking in appropriate
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 1 / Monday, January 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
This rule makes the following changes
to the AGAR:
(a) Added parts. We are adding parts
410 and 439 to the AGAR. Part 410 is
added to establish procedures for
market research. Part 439 is added to
incorporate supplementary guidance on
USDA internal procedures for
acquisition of information technology.
(b) Added subparts. We have added
the following subparts to the AGAR:
(1) Subpart 404.2 is added to refer to
internal procedures for entering
Taxpayer Identification Number
information into USDA’s financial
(2) Subpart 404.11 is added to
supplement FAR 4.11, Central
Contractor Registration, by clarifying the
contracting officer’s role in the
registration process.
(3) Subpart 425.6 is added to
incorporate newly redesignated 425.602
(redesignated from 425.1002).
(c) Revised part. Part 423 is revised to
reflect amendments to the FAR, to
establish agency procedures to
implement FAR Part 23 as amended, to
remove directions concerning a
superseded recycling and waste
prevention program, and to provide
internal guidance concerning its
successor affirmative procurement
(d) Removed subparts. We have
removed and reserved the following
(1) Subpart 407.3 is removed and
reserved pending revision to FAR
subpart 7.3 and Departmental directives
to conform to the procedures and policy
of Office of Management and Budget
Circular A–76 dated May 21, 2004.
(2) Subpart 425.3 is removed and
reserved to reflect an amendment to the
(3) Subpart 425.4 is removed and
reserved because it is no longer
necessary to publicize redeterminations
of the Trade Agreement Act dollar
thresholds as a Departmental Notice.
The information is readily available on
the USDA procurement Web site.
(4) Subpart 426.70 is removed and
reserved because legislation establishing
the program it implemented was
repealed by Public Law 107–171,
section 6201(a). AGAR provisions
452.226–70 through 452.226–72 are
removed and reserved for the same
(5) Subpart 445.6 is removed and
reserved. This subpart implemented a
property-screening requirement that was
removed from the FAR.
(6) Subpart 450.1 is removed and
reserved to reflect an amendment to the
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(e) Redesignated sections. We have
moved the following sections as follows
to reflect amendments to the structure of
the FAR:
(1) Paragraph (a) of 403.104–10 is
redesignated 403.104–7, and paragraph
(b) of 403.104–10 is removed.
(2) Section 403.409 is redesignated
403.405, and the citation therein to the
corresponding FAR segment is updated.
(3) Section 411.105 is redesignated
(4) Section 432.905 is redesignated
432.904, and its heading is amended.
(5) Section 432.906 is redesignated
(f) Amendments to organizational
references. The following amendments
reflect changes in organizational
designations or delegations of authority:
(1) In 401.301, ‘‘Food and Consumer
Service’’ and ‘‘Office of Operations’’ are
amended to read ‘‘Food and Nutrition
Service’’, and ‘‘Departmental
Administration’’, respectively.
(2) Sections 404.403, 405.404–1, and
414.409–2 are amended to reflect the
delegation of authority over classified
information to the Personnel and
Document Security Division, Office of
Procurement and Property Management.
(3) Subpart 408.7 is amended to
reflect organizational changes and a
change in organizational title within
USDA’s Javits-Wagner-O’Day (JWOD)
(4) Part 434 is amended to reflect the
delegation of authority over information
technology acquisition to the Chief
Information Officer.
(g) Paragraph (b) of 401.105–1 is
revised to inform users that the AGAR
is no longer available in loose-leaf form.
An electronic version of the AGAR is
available at USDA’s Procurement
Homepage for downloading and
(h) Paragraph (c) of 401.105–1 is
revised to reflect the cancellation of
Office of Federal Procurement Policy
Policy Letter 83–2. Citations to the
‘‘Hardin Statement of Policy’’ (36 FR
13804, July 24, 1971), to the Office of
Federal Procurement Policy Act, 41
U.S.C. 418b, and to FAR 1.301 are
added to refer to other policy and law
governing amendments to the AGAR.
(i) Section 401.170 is revised to
update the Internet address for the
USDA Procurement Homepage.
(j) Section 401.201–1 is amended to
improve clarity.
(k) Section 401.371 is amended to
specify that AGAR Advisories are only
available in electronic format.
(l) Section 403.502 is amended to
correct a citation to the Anti-Kickback
Act (41 U.S.C. 51–58).
(m) Subpart 404.6 is amended to
remove references to the USDA
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Procurement Reporting System (PRS).
PRS was a feeder system that has been
replaced by the Federal Procurement
Data System-Next Generation (FPDS–
NG). Subpart 404.6 also is amended to
implement changes in reporting
required by FAR 4.602, Federal
Procurement Data System.
(n) Section 404.870 is revised, and
404.870–1 and 404.870–2 are removed.
Guidance on document numbering will
be provided by AGAR Advisories until
USDA’s Integrated Acquisition System
is fully implemented.
(o) Section 405.403 is amended to
reflect an amendment to the FAR.
(p) Section 406.501 is revised to
reflect a change in organizational title
and to add an internal notification
(q) Section 407.170 is amended to
remove reference to a cancelled
Departmental Directive.
(r) Section 408.705 is amended as an
editorial change, adopting the phrase
‘‘performance plan’’ in preference to the
phrase ‘‘action plan’’.
(s) Section 408.1103 is amended to
add references to alternative fuels and
tires with recovered material content.
(t) Section 411.101 is added to specify
the level at which a determination that
a voluntary standard is inconsistent
with law or otherwise impracticable
may be made.
(u) Sections 413.307 and 453.213 are
amended to allow the use of Optional
Forms 347 and 348 when a simplified
acquisition utilizes the USDA Integrated
Acquisition System.
(v) Paragraph (d) of 415.207 is
amended to update a citation to FAR
(w) Section 416.505 is amended to
update an organizational title and to
require Heads of Contracting Activities
to designate task order ombudsmen for
their contracting activities.
(x) Subpart 419.2 is revised to include
HubZone and veteran-owned small
business concerns, to require small
business coordinators to review large
contract requirements for bundling, and
to remove fixed due dates for
subcontract reports, because these dates
may vary.
(y) The heading of 419.508 is
amended to reflect an amendment to the
(z) The heading of subpart 419.6 is
amended to reflect an amendment to the
(aa) Section 422.604–2 is amended to
update a citation to FAR 22.604–2(b).
(ab) Paragraph (b) of 422.807 is
amended to reflect an amendment to
FAR 22.807.
(ac) Subpart 422.13 is revised as
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 1 / Monday, January 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
(1) The heading of subpart 422.13 is
amended to reflect an amendment to the
(2) Section 422.1303 is redesignated
422.1305 and revised to reflect an
amendment to the FAR.
(3) Section 422.1306 is redesignated
422.1308, and the corresponding
citation to the FAR amended, to reflect
an amendment to the FAR.
(ad) The heading of subpart 422.14 is
amended to reflect an amendment to the
(ae) Section 422.1403 is amended to
reflect an amendment to the FAR.
(af) Section 424.203 is amended to
remove unnecessary language.
(ag) Subpart 425.1 is revised to reflect
amendments to the FAR.
(ah) The heading of 425.202 is
amended, and the citation therein to the
FAR is amended, to reflect an
amendment to the FAR.
(ai) Subpart 425.6 is added to
incorporate material currently in
subpart 425.10, in order to reflect an
amendment to the FAR. Section
425.1002 is redesignated 425.602, its
heading is amended, and the citation
therein to the FAR is amended.
(aj) Subpart 425.9 is redesignated
425.10, and its heading is amended, to
reflect an amendment to the FAR.
(ak) Section 425.901 is redesignated
425.1001, and the citation therein to the
FAR is amended, to reflect an
amendment to the FAR. Subpart 425.9
is removed and reserved.
(al) The heading of subpart 428.1 is
amended to reflect an amendment to the
(am) The heading of subpart 428.2 is
amended to reflect an amendment to the
(an) Section 432.905 is redesignated
432.904, and its heading is amended, to
reflect an amendment to the FAR.
(ao) Section 432.906 is moved to
432.007 to reflect an amendment to the
(ap) Section 433.104 is removed and
reserved to simplify
USDA’s internal protest procedures.
(aq) Section 452.211–70 is amended
to correct an error in citation to
(ar) Section 452.232–70 is amended to
correct a typographical error.
(as) Section 452.236–78 is removed
and reserved. This section referred to
standard specifications that are now
II. Procedural Requirements
A. Executive Orders Nos. 12866 and
USDA prepared a work plan for this
regulation and submitted it to the Office
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of Management and Budget (OMB)
pursuant to Executive Order No. 12866.
OMB determined that the rule was not
significant for the purposes of Executive
Order No. 12866. Therefore, the rule has
not been reviewed by OMB. USDA has
reviewed this rule in accordance with
Executive Order No. 12988, Civil Justice
Reform. The rule meets the applicable
standards in section 3 of Executive
Order No. 12988.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
USDA reviewed this rule under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601–
611, which requires preparation of a
regulatory flexibility analysis for any
rule which is likely to have significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. USDA certifies
that this rule will not have a significant
economic effect on a substantial number
of small entities, and, therefore, no
regulatory flexibility analysis has been
prepared. However, comments from
small entities concerning parts affected
by the proposed rule will be considered.
Such comments must be submitted
separately and cite 5 U.S.C. 609 (AGAR
Case 2004–01) in correspondence.
C. Paperwork Reduction Act
No information collection or
recordkeeping requirements are
imposed on the public by this rule.
Accordingly no OMB clearance is
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, or OMB
implementing regulations at 5 CFR part
D. Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act
A report on this rule has been
submitted to each House of Congress
and the Comptroller General in
accordance with the Small Business
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of
1996, 5 U.S.C. 801–808. This rule is not
a major rule for purposes of the Act.
E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), 2 U.S.C.
1531–1538, establishes requirements for
Federal agencies to assess the effects of
their regulatory actions on State, local,
and tribal governments and the private
sector. USDA has determined that this
rule does not contain a Federal
mandate. USDA has also determined
that this rule would not significantly or
uniquely affect small governments.
Accordingly, the rule is not subject to
the requirements of Title II of UMRA.
F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
Executive Order 13132, Federalism
(64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999),
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imposes requirements in the
development of regulatory policies that
have federalism implications. ‘‘Policies
that have federalism implications’’ are
defined in the Executive Order to
include regulations that have
‘‘substantial direct effects on the States,
on the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.’’
USDA has determined that this rule
does not have federalism implications.
It will not have substantial direct effects
on the States, on the relationship
between the national government and
the States, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government, as
specified in Executive Order 13132. The
rule will not impose substantial costs on
States and localities. Accordingly, this
rule is not subject to the procedural
requirements of Executive Order 13132
for regulatory policies having federalism
G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
Executive Order 13175, Consultation
and Coordination with Indian Tribal
Governments (65 FR 67249, November
9, 2000), imposes requirements in the
development of regulatory policies that
have tribal implications. Executive
Order 13175 defines ‘‘policies that have
tribal implications’’ as those having
‘‘substantial direct effects on one or
more Indian tribes, on the relationship
between the Federal Government and
Indian tribes, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities between the
Federal Government and Indian tribes.’’
USDA has determined that this rule
does not have tribal implications and,
therefore, the consultation and
coordination requirements of Executive
Order 13175 do not apply to this rule.
List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 401,
403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410, 411,
413, 414, 415, 416, 419, 422, 423, 424,
425, 426, 428, 432, 433, 434, 436, 439,
445, 450, 452, and 453
Acquisition regulations, Government
contracts, Government procurement,
I For the reasons set out in the preamble,
48 CFR Chapter 4 is amended as set forth
I 1. The authority citation for parts 401,
403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 411, 413,
414, 415, 416, 419, 422, 424, 425, 426,
428, 432, 433, 436, 445, 450, 452, and
453 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 1 / Monday, January 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
USDA Procurement Web site at https://
2. Revise paragraphs (b) and (c) of
401.105–1 to read as follows:
401.105–1 Publication and code
(b) The AGAR and its subsequent
changes are published in:
(1) Daily issues of the Federal
(2) Cumulative form in the CFR, and,
(3) Electronic form on the USDA
Departmental Administration
Procurement Homepage (see 401.170).
(c) Section 553(a)(2) of the
Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C.
553, provides an exception from the
standard public rulemaking procedures
to the extent that the rule involves a
matter relating to agency management or
personnel or to public property, loans,
grants, benefits, or contracts. In 1971,
Secretary of Agriculture Hardin
announced a voluntary partial waiver
from the Administrative Procedure Act
exception, and USDA agencies generally
are required to provide notice and an
opportunity for public comment on
proposed rules (36 FR 13804, July 24,
1971). The AGAR has been promulgated
and may be revised from time to time
in accordance with the rulemaking
procedures of the Administrative
Procedure Act. The USDA also is
required to publish for public comment
procurement regulations in the Federal
Register, pursuant to the Office of
Federal Procurement Policy Act (41
U.S.C. 418b), and FAR 1.301.
I 3. Amend 401.170 to remove ‘‘URL’’
and add, in its place, ‘‘URL https://’’.
I 4. Revise paragraph (b) of 401.201–1 to
read as follows:
The two councils.
(b) The Procurement Policy Division
will coordinate proposed FAR revisions
within USDA.
I 5. Amend 401.301 as follows:
I a. Remove ‘‘Food and Consumer
Service’’ and add, in its place, ‘‘Food and
Nutrition Service’’.
I b. Remove ‘‘Office of Operations’’ and
add, in its place, ‘‘Departmental
I 6. Add paragraph (d) to 401.371, to
read as follows:
AGAR Advisories.
(d) AGAR Advisories are only
available in electronic format on the
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7. Remove ‘‘(a)’’ and paragraph (b) in
403.104–10, and redesignate 403.104–10
as 403.104–7.
I 8. Amend 403.409 to remove ‘‘FAR
3.409(b)’’, and add, in its place, ‘‘FAR
3.405(b)’’, and redesignate 403.409 as
I 9. Amend 403.502 to remove ‘‘(41
U.S.C. 51–54)’’, and add, in its place,
‘‘(41 U.S.C. 51–58)’’.
Advisories issued by the Office of
Procurement and Property Management.
(b) Separate submission of the TIN or
type of organization information, in
accordance with 52.204–3 or 52.212–3,
is not required for contractors registered
in the Central Contractor Registration
(CCR) database.
I 12. Revise 404.403 to read as follows:
404.403 Responsibilities of contracting
When a proposed solicitation is likely
to require access to classified
information, the contracting officer shall
consult with the Information Security
Staff, Personnel and Document Security
Division, Office of Procurement and
Property Management, regarding the
procedures that must be followed.
10. Revise the table of contents to read
as follows:
Subpart 404.2—Contract Distribution
404.203 Taxpayer identification
[Removed and Reserved]
13. Remove and reserve 404.601.
14. Revise 404.602 to read as follows:
404.602 Federal Procurement Data
Subpart 404.8—Government Contract Files
404.870 Document numbering system.
(a) Contracting activities shall report
contract actions into the Federal
Procurement Data System in accordance
with the instructions issued or
distributed by the SPE.
(b) The unique identifier for each
contract action reported to the Federal
Procurement Data System shall begin
with the two-letter USDA Agency Prefix
I 15. Revise subpart 404.8 to read as
Subpart 404.11—Central Contractor
404.1103 Procedures.
Subpart 404.8—Government Contract
Subpart 404.4—Safeguarding Classified
Information Within Industry
404.403 Responsibilities of contracting
Subpart 404.6—Government Contract
404.601 [Reserved]
404.602 Federal Procurement Data System.
Subpart 404.70—Precontract Notices
404.7001 Solicitation provision.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C.
11. Add subpart 404.2 to read as
Subpart 404.2—Contract Distribution
404.203 Taxpayer identification
(a) If the contractor furnishes taxpayer
identification number (TIN) and type of
organization information pursuant to
solicitation provision 52.204–3 or
52.212–3, and the USDA Office of the
Chief Financial Officer, Controller
Operations Division, New Orleans will
be the payment office, that information
will be entered into the Foundation
Financial Information System (FFIS) in
accordance with FFIS Vendor Table
Maintenance Procedures set forth in
FFIS Bulletins issued by the Office of
the Chief Financial Officer and AGAR
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Document numbering system.
The SPE shall issue AGAR Advisories
to establish and maintain a numbering
system for USDA contracts,
modifications, and delivery/task orders.
USDA contracting offices shall number
contracts, modifications, and orders in
accordance with this numbering system.
I 16. Add subpart 404.11 to read as
Subpart 404.11—Central Contractor
(a) Contracting officers and other
USDA employees shall not enter
information into the Central Contractor
Registration (CCR) database on behalf of
prospective contractors. Prospective
contractors who are unable to register
on-line at the CCR Web site should be
advised to submit a written application
to CCR for registration into the CCR
database. USDA employees may assist
prospective contractors by downloading
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 1 / Monday, January 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
the registration template, CCR
handbook, and other information from
the CCR Web site and providing copies
of that material to requesters. Written
applications for registration may be
submitted to Department of Defense
Central Contractor Registration, 74
Washington Ave., Suite 7, Battle Creek,
MI 49017–3084.
(b) Verification that the prospective
contractor is registered in the CCR
database shall be done via the CCR
Internet Web site
This verification process using the CCR
Web site applies both to acquisitions
executed using USDA legacy
procurement systems and the USDA
Integrated Acquisition System.
(c) AGAR Advisories issued by the
Office of Procurement and Property
Management will address internal
procedures for integration of contractor
information in the CCR database with
the USDA FFIS payment system.
17. Amend 405.403 to remove ‘‘FAR
5.403(a)’’ and add, in its place, ‘‘FAR
I 18. Revise paragraph (b) of 405.404–1
to read as follows:
Release procedures.
(b) Classified information shall not be
released without the approval of the
Information Security Staff, Personnel
and Document Security Division, Office
of Procurement and Property
Management. Departmental Manuals
and Regulations (3400 series) contain
guidance on classified information.
19. Revise 406.501 to read as follows:
20. Revise 407.170 to read as follows:
Advance acquisition plans.
Each HCA shall maintain an advance
acquisition planning system.
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21. Remove and reserve subpart 407.3.
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Wagner-O’Day Act Procurement List in
order to achieve USDA’s goal to increase
participation in this program.
Subpart 408.7—Amended
Market research must include
obtaining information on the
commercial quality assurance practices
as an alternative for Government
inspection and testing prior to tender for
22. Amend subpart 408.7 to remove the
word ‘‘Advocate’’ wherever it appears
and add, in its place, the word ‘‘Liaison.’’
I 23. Revise 408.701 to read as follows:
408.701 Definitions.
Committee Member is the Presidential
appointee representing USDA as a
member of the Committee for Purchase
from People Who Are Blind or Severely
Organization head is the Under
Secretary or Assistant Secretary of a
mission area or the head of a USDA staff
24. Amend 408.705 to remove the
word ‘‘action’’ and add, in its place, the
word ‘‘performance.’’
I 25. Revise 408.1103 to read as follows:
Contract requirements.
If the requirement includes the need
for the vendor to provide operational
maintenance such as fueling,
lubrication, or other fluid changes or
replenishment, the contracting officer
shall include in the contract:
(1) A requirement for the use of fluids
and lubricants containing the maximum
available amounts of recovered
materials, and alternative fuels
whenever available; and
(2) A preference for retreaded tires
meeting the Federal retread
specifications, tires with the maximum
recovered material content, or
retreading services for the tires on the
(a) The Chief, Procurement Policy
Division, Office of Procurement and
Property Management, has been
designated as the Competition Advocate
for USDA.
(b) Each HCA shall designate a
competition advocate for the contracting
activity. The HCA shall forward a copy
of the designation memorandum to the
Competition Advocate for USDA.
Subpart 407.3—[Removed and
26. Add new Part 410, to read as
27. Add new 411.101, as follows:
411.101 Order of precedence for
requirements documents.
(a) Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Circular A–119 establishes a
Federal policy requiring the use of
voluntary consensus standards in lieu of
government-unique standards except
where inconsistent with law or
otherwise impractical.
(b) The HCA is authorized to submit
the determination required by OMB
Circular A–119 that a voluntary
standard is inconsistent with law or
otherwise impracticable. The HCA must
submit the determination to OMB
through the National Institute of
Standards and Technology in
accordance with the Circular with a
copy provided to the SPE.
28. Redesignate 411.105 as 411.106.
29. Revise 413.307 to read as follows:
Form AD–838, Purchase Order, is
prescribed for use by USDA in lieu of
Optional Forms (OFs) 347 and 348
except that use of the OF 347 and OF
348 is authorized when utilizing the
USDA Integrated Acquisition System.
30. Revise 414.409–2 to read as
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C.
In addition to those uses listed in FAR
10.001, agencies must use the results of
market research to—
(a) Ensure the minimum use of
hazardous or toxic materials;
(b) Ensure the maximum use of
biobased products and biofuels; and
(c) Identify products and services on
or eligible for addition to the Javits-
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Award of classified contracts.
Disposition of classified information
shall be in accordance with
Departmental Regulation and Manual
(3400 Series) and in accordance with
direction issued by the Information
Security Staff, Personnel and Document
Security Division, Office of Procurement
and Property Management.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 1 / Monday, January 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
31. In paragraph (d) of 415.207, remove
‘‘FAR 3.104–5’’, and add, in its place,
‘‘FAR 3.104–4’’.
32. Revise paragraphs (a) and (b) of
416.505 to read as follows:
(a) The Chief, Procurement Policy
Division, Office of Procurement and
Property Management, has been
designated as the Departmental Task
Order Ombudsman.
(b) Each HCA shall designate a task
order ombudsman for the contracting
activity. The HCA shall forward a copy
of the designation memorandum to the
Departmental Task Order Ombudsman.
Contracting activity ombudsmen shall
review and resolve complaints from
contractors concerning task or delivery
orders placed by the contracting
33.–35. Revise subpart 419.2 to read as
Subpart 419.2—Policies
419.201 General policy.
419.201–70 Office of Small and
Disadvantaged Business Utilization
419.201–71 Small business coordinators.
419.201–73 Reports.
General policy.
It is the policy of USDA to provide
maximum practicable contracting and
subcontracting opportunities to small
business (SB), small disadvantaged
business (SDB), HUBZone small
business, women-owned business
(WOB), veteran-owned small business
(VOSB), and service-disabled veteranowned small business (SDVOSB)
419.201–70 Office of Small and
Disadvantaged Business Utilization
The Office of Small and
Disadvantaged Business Utilization
(OSDBU) develops rules, policy,
procedures and guidelines for the
effective administration of USDA’s
small business program that includes all
categories named under 419.201.
Small business coordinators.
The head of the contracting activity
(HCA) or a representative of the HCA
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shall designate in writing a small
business coordinator in each contracting
office. Supervisors of small business
coordinators are encouraged to provide
sufficient time for the coordinators to
carry out their small business program
duties. Coordinators’ duties shall
include, but not be limited to, the
(a) Reviewing each proposed
acquisition expected to exceed the
simplified acquisition threshold prior to
its solicitation. The coordinator shall:
(1) Recommend section 8(a),
HUBZone, or SDVOSB action and
identify potential contractors, or
(2) Identify available SDB, WOB, and
VOSB to be solicited by competitive
procedures. Coordinators shall
document the contract file with
recommendations made and actions
(b) Participating in goal-setting
procedures and planning activities and
establishing aggressive SDB, WOB, and
SDVOSB goals based on the annual
review of advance acquisition plans.
(c) Participating in the review of those
contracts which require the successful
offeror to submit written plans for the
utilization of small businesses as
subcontractors to include all preference
program areas in 419.201.
(d) Ensuring that purchases exceeding
$2,500 and not exceeding the simplified
acquisition threshold are reserved
exclusively for small businesses,
including all preference program areas
named in 419.201. This policy shall be
implemented unless the contracting
officer is unable to obtain offers from
two or more small business concerns
that are competitive with market prices
and in terms of quality and delivery of
the goods or services being purchased.
(e) Maintaining comprehensive source
listings of small businesses.
(f) Upon written request, providing
small businesses (in the preference
program areas named in 419.201) the
bidders’ mailing lists of individuals
receiving solicitations which will
contain the subcontracting clause
entitled ‘‘Utilization of Small Business
Concerns’’ (FAR 52.219–8). These lists
may be limited to those supplies or
services of major interest to the
requesting firms.
(g) Developing a program of contacts
with local and small (to include all
preference program areas named in
419.201) trade, business, and
professional associations and
organizations and Indian tribal councils
to apprise them of USDA’s program
needs and recurring contract
(h) Periodically meeting with program
managers to discuss requirements of the
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small business preference program, to
explore the feasibility of breaking large
complex requirements into smaller lots
suitable for participation by small firms,
and to encourage program managers to
meet with these firms so that their
capabilities can be demonstrated.
(i) Establishing internal operating
procedures which implement the
requirements of the regulations as set
forth in this part 419.
(j) Compiling data and preparing all
reports pertaining to the small business
program activities, and ensuring that
these reports are accurate, complete and
(k) Assisting and counseling small
business firms.
(l) Reviewing proposed large contract
requirements that may be bundled to
determine the potential for breaking out
components suitable for purchase from
small business firms.
(m) Ensuring that the SBA Resident
Procurement Center Representative
(PCR) is provided an opportunity and
reasonable time to review any
solicitation that meets the dollar
threshold for small business (including
all preference program areas named in
419.201) subcontracting plans.
The Director, OSDBU, shall be
responsible for submitting reports
concerning USDA’s progress and
achievements in the procurement
preference program.
36. Amend the heading of 419.508 to
remove ‘‘Solicitation provisions’’ and
add, in its place, ‘‘Solicitation provisions
and contract clauses’’.
37. Amend the heading of subpart
419.6 to remove ‘‘Determinations of
Eligibility’’ and add, in its place,
‘‘Determinations of Responsibility’’.
38.–39. Amend 422.604–2 as follows:
a. Remove ‘‘FAR 22.604–2(c)’’ and add,
in its place, ‘‘FAR 22.604–2(b)’’.
b. Remove ‘‘Secretary of labor’’ and
add, in its place, ‘‘Secretary of Labor’’.
40. Amend 422.807 to remove
‘‘Director, Office of Federal Contract
Compliance Programs’’, and add, in its
place, ‘‘Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Federal Contract Compliance Programs,
Department of Labor’’.
41. Revise subpart 422.13 to read as
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 1 / Monday, January 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Subpart 422.13—Special Disabled
Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era,
and Other Eligible Veterans
Subpart 423.6—Notice of Radioactive
423.601 Requirements.
Complaint procedures.
Subpart 423.7—Contracting for
Environmentally Preferable Products and
423.703 Policy.
(a) The Assistant Secretary for
Administration is authorized to make
the waiver determination in FAR
22.1305(b) that a contract is essential to
the national security.
(b) The contracting officer shall
submit requests for exemptions under
FAR 22.1305(a) and (b) through the
HCA to the SPE for determination by the
Assistant Secretary for Administration
or referral to the Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Federal Contract
Compliance Programs, Department of
Labor as appropriate.
44. Revise Part 423 to read as follows:
Subpart 423.1—[Reserved]
Subpart 423.2—Energy and Water
Efficiency and Renewable Energy
423.202 Policy.
Subpart 423.4—Use of Recovered Materials
423.400 Scope of subpart.
423.402 [Reserved]
423.403 Policy.
423.404 Agency affirmative procurement
423.405 Procedures.
Subpart 423.5—Drug-Free Workplace
423.506 Suspension of payments,
termination of contract, and debarment
and suspension actions.
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Subpart 423.1—[Reserved]
Subpart 423.2—Energy and Water
Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Information on Energy Star, energy
efficient, water efficient, and low
standby products covered by this policy
is available via the Internet at https://
Subpart 423.4—Use of Recovered
Complaint procedures.
The contracting officer shall forward
complaints received about the
administration of the Vietnam Era
Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act
directly to the Department of Labor as
prescribed in FAR 22.1308.
I 42. Amend the heading of subpart
422.14 to remove the words ‘‘the
Handicapped’’ and add, in their place,
‘‘Workers With Disabilities’’.
I 43. Amend paragraph (a) of 422.1403
to remove the words ‘‘concurrence of the
Director, OFCCP’’ and add, in their
place, the words ‘‘the concurrence of the
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal
Contract Compliance Programs,
Department of Labor’’.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C.
Scope of subpart.
This subpart implements and
supplements FAR policies and
procedures for acquiring products and
services when preference is given to
offers of products containing recovered
materials. This subpart further
supplements FAR subpart 23.4 by
providing guidance for affirmative
procurement programs in accordance
with Executive Order 13101 and 42
U.S.C. 6962.
It is the policy of USDA to acquire
and use Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) designated recycled
content products.
423.404 Agency affirmative procurement
The USDA affirmative procurement
program (APP) policy applicable to all
USDA agencies and staff offices is
hereby established. The components of
this APP include:
(a) Recovered Materials Preference
Program. In accord with the
requirements of Section 402(c) of
Executive Order 13101, Greening the
Government Through Recycling, Waste
Prevention, and Federal Acquisition,
USDA agencies will include, in all
applicable solicitations and contracts, a
preference for products and services
which meet or exceed the EPA
purchasing guidelines as contained in
the EPA product Recovered Materials
Advisory Notices (RMANs). Agencies
may choose an evaluation factor
preference, or other method of
indicating preference in accord with
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their agency needs. Agencies will, as
appropriate, eliminate virgin material
requirements in contract specifications
and replace them with a statement of
preference for recycled materials.
(b) Promotion program. USDA
agencies will actively promote a
preference for recovered materials,
environmentally preferable products,
and biobased products in contacts with
vendors, in written materials, and other
appropriate opportunities.
(c) Reasonable estimation of
recovered materials used in the
performance of contracts. USDA
agencies annually will provide in
writing to the USDA Senior
Procurement Executive, in response to a
call for data for the Resource
Conservation and Recovery report,
reasonable estimates, certification, and
verification of recovered material used
in the performance of contracts.
(d) Annual review and monitoring of
effectiveness of the program. USDA
agencies will provide an annual
assessment of the effectiveness of their
affirmative procurement program
actions in increasing the purchase and
use of EPA designated products.
(e) Purchase of EPA designated
products. USDA agencies will require
that 100% of purchases of EPAdesignated products contain recovered
material, unless the item cannot be
(1) Competitively within a reasonable
time frame;
(2) Meeting appropriate performance
standards; or
(3) At a reasonable price.
(f) The 100% purchase requirement of
paragraph (e) of this section applies to
all USDA agency purchases, including
those at or below the micro-purchase
(a) The threshold of purchase for EPA
designated items is $10,000 per year at
the USDA departmental, not individual
agency, level. Therefore, the APP
requirements above, including the 100%
purchase requirement, apply at the
individual agency and staff office level.
(b) Contracting officers should refer to
EPA’s list of designated products and
products identified as recycled content
when purchasing supplies or services.
Information on EPA designated
products is available at:
(c) All agencies and USDA
Contracting Officers must take necessary
actions to carry out the provisions of the
USDA APP policy described in this
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 1 / Monday, January 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
Subpart 423.5—Drug-Free Workplace
423.506 Suspension of payments,
termination of contract, and debarment and
suspension actions.
(a) The contracting officer may
recommend waiver of the determination
to suspend payments, to terminate a
contract, or to debar or to suspend a
(b) The recommendation shall be
submitted through the HCA to the SPE
and shall include a full description of
the disruption of USDA operations
should the determination not be waived.
(c) The SPE will submit the request
for a waiver to the Secretary with a
recommendation for action.
Subpart 423.6—Notice of Radioactive
The HCA shall establish a system of
instructions to identify the installation/
facility radiation protection officer.
Subpart 423.7—Contracting for
Environmentally Preferable Products
and Services
45. Revise 424.203 to read as follows:
USDA regulations implementing the
Freedom of Information Act are found
in 7 CFR, Subtitle A, Part 1, Subpart A.
Contracting officers shall follow these
regulations when responding to requests
for information.
46. Revise the table of contents of part
425 to read as follows:
Subpart 425.1—Buy American Act—
425.102 [Reserved]
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Nonavailable articles.
Determining reasonableness of
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Subpart 425.3—[Removed and
Subpart 425.2—Buy American Act—
Construction Materials
425.202 Exceptions.
425.203 [Reserved]
425.204 [Reserved]
49. Remove and reserve subpart 425.3.
Subpart 425.4—[Removed and
Subpart 425.3—[Reserved]
50. Remove and reserve subpart 425.4.
51. Add subpart 425.6, to read as
Subpart 425.4—[Reserved]
Subpart 425.6—Trade Sanctions
Subpart 425.6—Trade Sanctions
425.602 Exceptions.
Subpart 425.9—[Reserved]
Subpart 425.10—Additional Foreign
Acquisition Regulations
425.1001 Waiver of right to examination of
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C.
47. Revise subpart 425.1 to read as
Subpart 425.1—Buy American Act—
(a) USDA’s Affirmative Procurement
Program promotes energy-efficiency,
water conservation, and the acquisition
of environmentally preferable products
and services. In its acquisitions, USDA
will support federal ‘‘green purchasing’’
principles in the acquisition of products
and services that are environmentally
preferable or that are biobased content
products and services.
(b) USDA agencies will actively
promote this preference for
environmentally preferable products
and biobased products in contacts with
vendors, in written materials, and other
appropriate opportunities.
The Secretary, without power of
redelegation, has the authority to make
the necessary determination(s) and
authorize award(s) of contract(s) in
accordance with FAR 25.602(b).
Subpart 425.9—[Removed and
52. Remove and reserve subpart 425.9.
53. Revise subpart 425.10 to read as
Subpart 425.10—Additional Foreign
Acquisition Regulations
Waiver of right to examination of
(a) The Senior Procurement Executive
(SPE) shall make the determination
prescribed in FAR 25.103(a).
(b) Copies of determinations of
nonavailability in accordance with FAR
25.103(b)(2) or 25.202(a)(2), for articles,
material or supplies not listed in FAR
25.104, may be submitted to the SPE for
submission to the Civilian Agency
Acquisition Council (CAAC).
The SPE shall make the determination
under FAR 25.1001(a)(2)(iii).
Nonavailable articles.
Information required by FAR
25.104(b) shall be submitted to the SPE
for submission to the CAAC.
55. Revise the heading of subpart 428.1
to read as follows:
Subpart 428.1—Bonds And Other
Financial Protections
56. Revise the heading of subpart 428.2
to read as follows:
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Subpart 428.2—Sureties And Other
Security For Bonds
57. Redesignate 432.905 as 432.904,
and revise the section heading to read as
48. Amend 425.202 as follows:
I a. In the heading of 425.202, remove
the word ‘‘Policy’’ and add, in its place,
I b. Remove ‘‘FAR 25.202(a)(3)’’, and
add, in its place, ‘‘FAR 25.202(a)(1)’’.
PO 00000
54. Remove and reserve subpart
Determining reasonableness of
The SPE may make the determination
prescribed in FAR 25.105(a). Requests
for a determination by the SPE shall be
submitted by the HCA, in writing, and
shall provide a detailed justification
supporting why evaluation factors
higher than those listed in FAR
25.102(b)(1) and (2) should be applied
to determine whether the offered price
of a domestic end product is
Sfmt 4700
Determining payment due dates.
58. Redesignate 432.906 as 432.007.
59. In Part 433, revise all references to
‘‘General Accounting Office’’ to read
‘‘Government Accountability Office’’.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 1 / Monday, January 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
[Removed and Reserved]
60. Remove and reserve 433.104.
61. Revise Part 434 to read as follows:
Subpart 434.0—General
434.001 Definitions.
434.002 Policy.
434.003 Responsibilities.
434.004 Acquisition strategy.
434.005 General requirements.
434.005–6 Full production.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C.
Subpart 434.0—General
Pursuant to OMB Circular No. A–109
(A–109) and the definition at FAR
2.101, within USDA, a system shall be
considered a major system if:
(a) The total acquisition costs (for
information technology, life cycle costs)
are estimated to be $50 million or more,
(b) The system, regardless of
estimated acquisition or life cycle costs,
has been specifically designated to be a
major system by the USDA Acquisition
Executive or by the Major Information
Technology Systems Executive.
In addition to the policy guidance at
FAR 34.002 and other parts of the FAR,
the policies outlined in paragraph 6 of
A–109 should serve as guidelines for all
contracting activities in planning and
developing systems, major or otherwise.
(a) The Secretary of Agriculture or
other designated USDA key executive is
responsible for making four key
decisions in each major system
acquisition process. These are listed in
paragraph 9 of A–109 and elaborated on
in paragraphs 10 through 13. The key
executives of USDA (Secretary, Deputy
Secretary, Under Secretaries and
Assistant Secretaries) individually or as
a group will participate in this decision
making process.
(b) The Chief Information Officer
(CIO) is the Major Information
Technology Systems Executive. For
acquisitions of information technology,
the CIO will ensure that A–109 is
implemented in USDA and that the
management objectives of the Circular
are realized. The CIO is responsible for
designating the program manager for
each major information technology
system acquisition, designating an
acquisition to be a major information
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technology system acquisition, and
approving the written charter and
project control system for each major
information technology system
(c) The Assistant Secretary for
Administration (ASA) is the USDA
Acquisition Executive for major system
acquisitions other than acquisitions of
information technology. The ASA will
ensure that A–109 is implemented in
USDA and that the management
objectives of the Circular are realized.
The ASA is responsible for designating
the program manager for each major
system acquisition, designating an
acquisition to be a major system
acquisition, and approving the written
charter and project control system for
each major system acquisition.
(d) Heads of contracting activities
(1) Ensure compliance with the
requirements of A–109, FAR Part 34 and
AGAR Part 434.
(2) Ensure that potential major system
acquisitions are brought to the attention
of the USDA Acquisition Executive or
the Major Information Technology
Systems Executive, as appropriate.
(3) Recommend qualified candidates
for designation as program managers for
each major system acquisition within
their jurisdiction.
(4) Ensure that program managers
fulfill their responsibilities and
discharge their duties.
(5) Cooperate with the ASA and Major
Technology Systems Executive in
implementing the requirements of A–
(e) The program manager is
responsible for planning and executing
the major system acquisition, ensuring
appropriate coordination with the
USDA Acquisition Executive and Major
Information Technology Systems
Executive and other key USDA
Acquisition strategy.
(a) The program manager will
develop, in coordination with the
Acquisition Executive or Major
Information Technology Systems
Executive, a written charter outlining
the authority, responsibility,
accountability, and budget for
accomplishing the proposed objective.
(b) The program manager will
develop, subject to the approval of the
Acquisition Executive or Major
Information Technology Systems
Executive, a project control system to
schedule, monitor, and regularly report
on all aspects of the project. The control
system shall establish reporting periods
and milestones consistent with the key
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decisions listed in paragraph 9 of A–
(c) Upon initiation of the project, the
program manager will report regularly
to the Acquisition Executive or Major
Information Technology Systems
(d) Specific procedures and
requirements for information technology
systems are included in the USDA
Information Technology Capital
Planning and Investment Control Guide
which can be accessed on the USDA
OCIO Web site at https://
General requirements.
Full production.
The Secretary or the USDA key
executive designated by the Secretary
for the specific program is the agency
head for the purposes of FAR 34.005–6.
[Removed and Reserved]
62. Remove and reserve 436.578.
63. Add Part 439 to read as follows:
Subpart 439.1—General
439.101 Policy.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C.
Subpart 439.1—General
(a) In addition to policy and
regulatory guidance contained in the
(1) The USDA Information
Technology Capital Planning and
Investment Control Guide (CPIC)
establishes requirements for the
acquisition of information technology.
(2) Specific thresholds at which
USDA Office of the Chief Information
Officer Information Technology
Acquisition Approval is required have
been established.
(3) The procurement authority
delegated to USDA Agencies is
established in Departmental Regulations
5000 series.
(4) The CPIC Guide and USDA CIO
policy and procedural guidance are
available on the USDA OCIO Web site
at Notices of
changes in the Information Technology
Acquisition Approval Thresholds are
also promulgated by AGAR Advisory.
(b) Acquisition of on-line courseware
libraries and learning management
system services requires specific
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 1 / Monday, January 3, 2005 / Rules and Regulations
approval of the ASA and CIO.
Information regarding the specific
approval requirements and processes is
promulgated by AGAR Advisory.
Subpart 445.6—[Removed and
Done in Washington, DC, this 21st day of
December, 2004.
W.R. Ashworth,
Director, Office of Procurement and Property
[FR Doc. 04–28439 Filed 12–30–04; 8:45 am]
64. Remove and reserve subpart 445.6.
Research and Special Programs
Subpart 450.1—[Removed and
49 CFR Part 199
[Docket RSPA–97–2995; Notice 12]
65. Remove and reserve subpart 450.1.
Pipeline Safety: Random Drug Testing
Research and Special Programs
Administration (RSPA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of minimum annual
percentage rate for random drug testing.
I 66. Amend paragraph (a) of 452.211–
70 to remove the words ‘‘clause 452.211– SUMMARY: Each year pipeline operators
2’’ and add, in their place, ‘‘clause
randomly select employees to test for
prohibited drugs. The number of
selections may not be less than the
452.215–71 [Amended]
minimum annual percentage rate the
I 67. In paragraph (c) of 452.215–71,
Research and Special Programs
remove the words ‘‘Requirements for
Administration’s (RSPA) Office of
Cost or Pricing Data or Other Than Cost
Pipeline Safety (OPS) determines, either
or Pricing Data’’ and add, in their place, 50 percent or 25 percent of covered
‘‘Requirements for Cost or Pricing Data or employees, based on the industry’s
Information Other Than Cost or Pricing
positive rate of random tests. In
accordance with applicable standards,
RSPA/OPS has determined that the
452.226–70, 452.226–71 and 452.226–72
positive rate of random drug tests
[Removed and Reserved]
reported by operators this calendar year
I 68. Remove and reserve 452.226–70,
for testing done in calendar year 2003 is
452.226–71, and 452.226–72.
less than 1.0 percent. Therefore, in
calendar year 2005, the minimum
452.232–70 [Amended]
annual percentage rate for random drug
I 69. In 452.232–70, remove the words
testing is 25 percent of covered
‘‘Payments Under Fixed-Price
Construction Contract’’ and add, in their
DATES: Effective January 1, 2005,
place, ‘‘Payments Under Fixed-Price
through December 31, 2005.
Construction Contracts’’.
452.236–78 [Removed and Reserved]
Sheila Wright, RSPA, OPS, Room 2103,
I 70. Remove and reserve 452.236–78.
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400
Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC
20590, telephone (202) 366–4554 or email
I 71. Revise 453.213 to read as follows:
453.213 Simplified Acquisition and other
of gas, hazardous liquid, and carbon
simplified purchase procedures (AD–838).
dioxide pipelines and operators of
liquefied natural gas facilities must
Form AD–838, Purchase Order, is
annually submit Management
prescribed for use as a Simplified
Information System (MIS) reports of
Acquisition Procedure/delivery order/
drug testing done in the previous
task order document in lieu of OF 347
calendar year (49 CFR 199.119(a)). One
and OF 348, except that use of the OF
of the uses of this information is to
347 and OF 348 is authorized when
calculate the minimum annual
utilizing the USDA Integrated
percentage rate at which operators must
Acquisition System (See 413.307).
VerDate jul<14>2003
14:40 Dec 30, 2004
Jkt 205001
PO 00000
Frm 00048
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
randomly select covered employees for
drug testing during the next calendar
year (49 CFR 199.105(c)(2)). If the
minimum annual percentage rate for
random drug testing is 50 percent,
RSPA/OPS may lower the rate to 25
percent if RSPA/OPS determines that
the positive rate reported for random
tests for two consecutive calendar years
is less than 1.0 percent (49 CFR
199.105(c)(3)). If the minimum annual
percentage rate is 25 percent, RSPA/
OPS will increase the rate to 50 percent
if RSPA/OPS determines that the
positive rate reported for random tests
for any calendar year is equal to or
greater than 1.0 percent (49 CFR
199.105(c)(4)). Part 199 defines
‘‘positive rate’’ as ‘‘the number of
positive results for random drug tests
* * * plus the number of refusals of
random tests * * *, divided by the total
number of random drug tests * * * plus
the number of refusals of random tests.
* * *’’
Through calendar year 1996, the
minimum annual percentage rate for
random drug testing in the pipeline
industry was 50 percent of covered
employees. Based on MIS reports of
random testing done in calendar years
1994 and 1995, RSPA/OPS lowered the
minimum rate from 50 percent to 25
percent for calendar year 1997 (61 FR
60206; November 27, 1996). The
minimum rate remained at 25 percent in
calendar years 1998 (62 FR 59297; Nov.
3, 1997); 1999 (63 FR 58324; Oct. 30,
1998); 2000 (64 FR 66788; Nov. 30,
1999); 2001 (65 FR 81409; Dec. 26,
2000); 2002 (67 FR 2611; Jan. 18, 2002);
2003 (67 FR 78388; Dec. 24, 2002); and
2004 (68 FR 69046; Dec. 11, 2003).
Using the MIS reports received this
year for drug testing done in calendar
year 2003, RSPA/OPS calculated the
positive rate of random testing to be
0.83 percent. Since the positive rate
continues to be less than 1.0 percent,
RSPA/OPS is announcing that the
minimum annual percentage rate for
random drug testing is 25 percent of
covered employees for the period
January 1, 2005 through December 31,
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104,
60108, 60117, and 60118; 49 CFR 1.53.
Issued in Washington, DC on December 22,
Stacey L. Gerard,
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.
[FR Doc. 04–28679 Filed 12–30–04; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 1 (Monday, January 3, 2005)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 41-50]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 04-28439]
Office of Procurement and Property Management
48 CFR Parts 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410, 411, 413, 414,
415, 416, 419, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 428, 432, 433, 434, 436,
439, 445, 450, 452, and 453
RIN 0599-AA11
Agriculture Acquisition Regulation: Miscellaneous Amendments
(AGAR Case 2004-01)
AGENCY: Office of Procurement and Property Management, USDA.
ACTION: Direct final rule.
SUMMARY: The Department of Agriculture (USDA) is publishing technical
amendments to the Agriculture Acquisition Regulation (AGAR) as a final
rule. We use the direct final rule process to make non-controversial
changes to the AGAR. We are amending the AGAR to update organizational
references to USDA components; to update citations to statutes and to
Executive Orders; to update or clarify internal procedures; and to
reflect changes in the Federal Acquisition Regulation through Federal
Acquisition Circular 2001-24.
DATES: This rule will be effective on April 4, 2005, unless we receive
written adverse comments or written notice of intent to submit adverse
comments on or before February 2, 2005. If adverse comments are
received, USDA will publish a timely withdrawal of the rule in the
Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Please submit any adverse comments, or a notice of intent to
submit adverse comments, identified by AGAR Case 2004-01 or Regulatory
Information Number (RIN) 0599-AA11, by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
E-mail: Include AGAR Case 2004-01 or
RIN 0599-AA11 in the subject line of the message.
Fax: (202) 720-8972.
Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of
Procurement and Property Management, Procurement Policy Division, STOP
9303, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-9303.
Hand Delivery/Courier: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Office of Procurement and Property Management, Procurement Policy
Division, Reporter's Building, 300 7th Street, SW., Room 310A,
Washington, DC 20024.
All submissions received must include the agency name and AGAR Case
number or RIN for this rulemaking. All comments received will be posted
without change to,
including any personal information provided.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joseph J. Daragan, (202) 720-5729.
I. Background
II. Procedural Requirements
A. Executive Order Nos. 12866 and 12988
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
C. Paperwork Reduction Act
D. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With
Indian Tribal Governments
I. Background
The AGAR implements the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) (48
CFR ch. 1) where further implementation is needed, and supplements the
FAR when coverage is needed for subject matter not covered by the FAR.
The AGAR is being revised to reflect changes in the FAR made by Federal
Acquisition Circulars (FACs) 97-02 through 2001-24 and to implement
changes in USDA delegated authorities and internal procedures since
October 2001. In this rulemaking document, USDA is making corrections
to the AGAR as a direct final rule, since the corrections are non-
controversial and unlikely to generate adverse comment. The corrections
are clerical or procedural in nature and do not affect the public.
Rules that an agency believes are noncontroversial and unlikely to
result in adverse comments may be published in the Federal Register as
direct final rules. The Office of Procurement and Property Management
published a policy statement in the Federal Register (63 FR 9158,
February 24, 1998) notifying the public of its intent to use direct
final rulemaking in appropriate circumstances.
[[Page 42]]
This rule makes the following changes to the AGAR:
(a) Added parts. We are adding parts 410 and 439 to the AGAR. Part
410 is added to establish procedures for market research. Part 439 is
added to incorporate supplementary guidance on USDA internal procedures
for acquisition of information technology.
(b) Added subparts. We have added the following subparts to the
(1) Subpart 404.2 is added to refer to internal procedures for
entering Taxpayer Identification Number information into USDA's
financial system.
(2) Subpart 404.11 is added to supplement FAR 4.11, Central
Contractor Registration, by clarifying the contracting officer's role
in the registration process.
(3) Subpart 425.6 is added to incorporate newly redesignated
425.602 (redesignated from 425.1002).
(c) Revised part. Part 423 is revised to reflect amendments to the
FAR, to establish agency procedures to implement FAR Part 23 as
amended, to remove directions concerning a superseded recycling and
waste prevention program, and to provide internal guidance concerning
its successor affirmative procurement program.
(d) Removed subparts. We have removed and reserved the following
(1) Subpart 407.3 is removed and reserved pending revision to FAR
subpart 7.3 and Departmental directives to conform to the procedures
and policy of Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76 dated May
21, 2004.
(2) Subpart 425.3 is removed and reserved to reflect an amendment
to the FAR.
(3) Subpart 425.4 is removed and reserved because it is no longer
necessary to publicize redeterminations of the Trade Agreement Act
dollar thresholds as a Departmental Notice. The information is readily
available on the USDA procurement Web site.
(4) Subpart 426.70 is removed and reserved because legislation
establishing the program it implemented was repealed by Public Law 107-
171, section 6201(a). AGAR provisions 452.226-70 through 452.226-72 are
removed and reserved for the same reason.
(5) Subpart 445.6 is removed and reserved. This subpart implemented
a property-screening requirement that was removed from the FAR.
(6) Subpart 450.1 is removed and reserved to reflect an amendment
to the FAR.
(e) Redesignated sections. We have moved the following sections as
follows to reflect amendments to the structure of the FAR:
(1) Paragraph (a) of 403.104-10 is redesignated 403.104-7, and
paragraph (b) of 403.104-10 is removed.
(2) Section 403.409 is redesignated 403.405, and the citation
therein to the corresponding FAR segment is updated.
(3) Section 411.105 is redesignated 411.106.
(4) Section 432.905 is redesignated 432.904, and its heading is
(5) Section 432.906 is redesignated 432.007.
(f) Amendments to organizational references. The following
amendments reflect changes in organizational designations or
delegations of authority:
(1) In 401.301, ``Food and Consumer Service'' and ``Office of
Operations'' are amended to read ``Food and Nutrition Service'', and
``Departmental Administration'', respectively.
(2) Sections 404.403, 405.404-1, and 414.409-2 are amended to
reflect the delegation of authority over classified information to the
Personnel and Document Security Division, Office of Procurement and
Property Management.
(3) Subpart 408.7 is amended to reflect organizational changes and
a change in organizational title within USDA's Javits-Wagner-O'Day
(JWOD) program.
(4) Part 434 is amended to reflect the delegation of authority over
information technology acquisition to the Chief Information Officer.
(g) Paragraph (b) of 401.105-1 is revised to inform users that the
AGAR is no longer available in loose-leaf form. An electronic version
of the AGAR is available at USDA's Procurement Homepage for downloading
and reproduction.
(h) Paragraph (c) of 401.105-1 is revised to reflect the
cancellation of Office of Federal Procurement Policy Policy Letter 83-
2. Citations to the ``Hardin Statement of Policy'' (36 FR 13804, July
24, 1971), to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act, 41 U.S.C.
418b, and to FAR 1.301 are added to refer to other policy and law
governing amendments to the AGAR.
(i) Section 401.170 is revised to update the Internet address for
the USDA Procurement Homepage.
(j) Section 401.201-1 is amended to improve clarity.
(k) Section 401.371 is amended to specify that AGAR Advisories are
only available in electronic format.
(l) Section 403.502 is amended to correct a citation to the Anti-
Kickback Act (41 U.S.C. 51-58).
(m) Subpart 404.6 is amended to remove references to the USDA
Procurement Reporting System (PRS). PRS was a feeder system that has
been replaced by the Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation
(FPDS-NG). Subpart 404.6 also is amended to implement changes in
reporting required by FAR 4.602, Federal Procurement Data System.
(n) Section 404.870 is revised, and 404.870-1 and 404.870-2 are
removed. Guidance on document numbering will be provided by AGAR
Advisories until USDA's Integrated Acquisition System is fully
(o) Section 405.403 is amended to reflect an amendment to the FAR.
(p) Section 406.501 is revised to reflect a change in
organizational title and to add an internal notification requirement.
(q) Section 407.170 is amended to remove reference to a cancelled
Departmental Directive.
(r) Section 408.705 is amended as an editorial change, adopting the
phrase ``performance plan'' in preference to the phrase ``action
(s) Section 408.1103 is amended to add references to alternative
fuels and tires with recovered material content.
(t) Section 411.101 is added to specify the level at which a
determination that a voluntary standard is inconsistent with law or
otherwise impracticable may be made.
(u) Sections 413.307 and 453.213 are amended to allow the use of
Optional Forms 347 and 348 when a simplified acquisition utilizes the
USDA Integrated Acquisition System.
(v) Paragraph (d) of 415.207 is amended to update a citation to FAR
(w) Section 416.505 is amended to update an organizational title
and to require Heads of Contracting Activities to designate task order
ombudsmen for their contracting activities.
(x) Subpart 419.2 is revised to include HubZone and veteran-owned
small business concerns, to require small business coordinators to
review large contract requirements for bundling, and to remove fixed
due dates for subcontract reports, because these dates may vary.
(y) The heading of 419.508 is amended to reflect an amendment to
the FAR.
(z) The heading of subpart 419.6 is amended to reflect an amendment
to the FAR.
(aa) Section 422.604-2 is amended to update a citation to FAR
(ab) Paragraph (b) of 422.807 is amended to reflect an amendment to
FAR 22.807.
(ac) Subpart 422.13 is revised as follows:
[[Page 43]]
(1) The heading of subpart 422.13 is amended to reflect an
amendment to the FAR.
(2) Section 422.1303 is redesignated 422.1305 and revised to
reflect an amendment to the FAR.
(3) Section 422.1306 is redesignated 422.1308, and the
corresponding citation to the FAR amended, to reflect an amendment to
the FAR.
(ad) The heading of subpart 422.14 is amended to reflect an
amendment to the FAR.
(ae) Section 422.1403 is amended to reflect an amendment to the
(af) Section 424.203 is amended to remove unnecessary language.
(ag) Subpart 425.1 is revised to reflect amendments to the FAR.
(ah) The heading of 425.202 is amended, and the citation therein to
the FAR is amended, to reflect an amendment to the FAR.
(ai) Subpart 425.6 is added to incorporate material currently in
subpart 425.10, in order to reflect an amendment to the FAR. Section
425.1002 is redesignated 425.602, its heading is amended, and the
citation therein to the FAR is amended.
(aj) Subpart 425.9 is redesignated 425.10, and its heading is
amended, to reflect an amendment to the FAR.
(ak) Section 425.901 is redesignated 425.1001, and the citation
therein to the FAR is amended, to reflect an amendment to the FAR.
Subpart 425.9 is removed and reserved.
(al) The heading of subpart 428.1 is amended to reflect an
amendment to the FAR.
(am) The heading of subpart 428.2 is amended to reflect an
amendment to the FAR.
(an) Section 432.905 is redesignated 432.904, and its heading is
amended, to reflect an amendment to the FAR.
(ao) Section 432.906 is moved to 432.007 to reflect an amendment to
the FAR.
(ap) Section 433.104 is removed and reserved to simplify
USDA's internal protest procedures.
(aq) Section 452.211-70 is amended to correct an error in citation
to 452.211-71.
(ar) Section 452.232-70 is amended to correct a typographical
(as) Section 452.236-78 is removed and reserved. This section
referred to standard specifications that are now obsolete.
II. Procedural Requirements
A. Executive Orders Nos. 12866 and 12988
USDA prepared a work plan for this regulation and submitted it to
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) pursuant to Executive Order
No. 12866. OMB determined that the rule was not significant for the
purposes of Executive Order No. 12866. Therefore, the rule has not been
reviewed by OMB. USDA has reviewed this rule in accordance with
Executive Order No. 12988, Civil Justice Reform. The rule meets the
applicable standards in section 3 of Executive Order No. 12988.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
USDA reviewed this rule under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5
U.S.C. 601-611, which requires preparation of a regulatory flexibility
analysis for any rule which is likely to have significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities. USDA certifies that
this rule will not have a significant economic effect on a substantial
number of small entities, and, therefore, no regulatory flexibility
analysis has been prepared. However, comments from small entities
concerning parts affected by the proposed rule will be considered. Such
comments must be submitted separately and cite 5 U.S.C. 609 (AGAR Case
2004-01) in correspondence.
C. Paperwork Reduction Act
No information collection or recordkeeping requirements are imposed
on the public by this rule. Accordingly no OMB clearance is required by
the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, or OMB implementing
regulations at 5 CFR part 1320.
D. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
A report on this rule has been submitted to each House of Congress
and the Comptroller General in accordance with the Small Business
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, 5 U.S.C. 801-808. This
rule is not a major rule for purposes of the Act.
E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), 2
U.S.C. 1531-1538, establishes requirements for Federal agencies to
assess the effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and
tribal governments and the private sector. USDA has determined that
this rule does not contain a Federal mandate. USDA has also determined
that this rule would not significantly or uniquely affect small
governments. Accordingly, the rule is not subject to the requirements
of Title II of UMRA.
F. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
Executive Order 13132, Federalism (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999),
imposes requirements in the development of regulatory policies that
have federalism implications. ``Policies that have federalism
implications'' are defined in the Executive Order to include
regulations that have ``substantial direct effects on the States, on
the relationship between the national government and the States, or on
the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels
of government.''
USDA has determined that this rule does not have federalism
implications. It will not have substantial direct effects on the
States, on the relationship between the national government and the
States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government, as specified in Executive Order 13132.
The rule will not impose substantial costs on States and localities.
Accordingly, this rule is not subject to the procedural requirements of
Executive Order 13132 for regulatory policies having federalism
G. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian
Tribal Governments
Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian
Tribal Governments (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), imposes
requirements in the development of regulatory policies that have tribal
implications. Executive Order 13175 defines ``policies that have tribal
implications'' as those having ``substantial direct effects on one or
more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government
and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities
between the Federal Government and Indian tribes.'' USDA has determined
that this rule does not have tribal implications and, therefore, the
consultation and coordination requirements of Executive Order 13175 do
not apply to this rule.
List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408,
410, 411, 413, 414, 415, 416, 419, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 428,
432, 433, 434, 436, 439, 445, 450, 452, and 453
Acquisition regulations, Government contracts, Government
procurement, Procurement.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 48 CFR Chapter 4 is amended as
set forth below:
1. The authority citation for parts 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408,
411, 413, 414, 415, 416, 419, 422, 424, 425, 426, 428, 432, 433, 436,
445, 450, 452, and 453 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
[[Page 44]]
2. Revise paragraphs (b) and (c) of 401.105-1 to read as follows:
401.105-1 Publication and code arrangement.
* * * * *
(b) The AGAR and its subsequent changes are published in:
(1) Daily issues of the Federal Register,
(2) Cumulative form in the CFR, and,
(3) Electronic form on the USDA Departmental Administration
Procurement Homepage (see 401.170).
(c) Section 553(a)(2) of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C.
553, provides an exception from the standard public rulemaking
procedures to the extent that the rule involves a matter relating to
agency management or personnel or to public property, loans, grants,
benefits, or contracts. In 1971, Secretary of Agriculture Hardin
announced a voluntary partial waiver from the Administrative Procedure
Act exception, and USDA agencies generally are required to provide
notice and an opportunity for public comment on proposed rules (36 FR
13804, July 24, 1971). The AGAR has been promulgated and may be revised
from time to time in accordance with the rulemaking procedures of the
Administrative Procedure Act. The USDA also is required to publish for
public comment procurement regulations in the Federal Register,
pursuant to the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C.
418b), and FAR 1.301.
3. Amend 401.170 to remove ``URL''
and add, in its place, ``URL''.
4. Revise paragraph (b) of 401.201-1 to read as follows:
401.201-1 The two councils.
* * * * *
(b) The Procurement Policy Division will coordinate proposed FAR
revisions within USDA.
5. Amend 401.301 as follows:
a. Remove ``Food and Consumer Service'' and add, in its place, ``Food
and Nutrition Service''.
b. Remove ``Office of Operations'' and add, in its place,
``Departmental Administration''.
6. Add paragraph (d) to 401.371, to read as follows:
401.371 AGAR Advisories.
* * * * *
(d) AGAR Advisories are only available in electronic format on the
USDA Procurement Web site at
7. Remove ``(a)'' and paragraph (b) in 403.104-10, and redesignate
403.104-10 as 403.104-7.
8. Amend 403.409 to remove ``FAR 3.409(b)'', and add, in its place,
``FAR 3.405(b)'', and redesignate 403.409 as 403.405.
9. Amend 403.502 to remove ``(41 U.S.C. 51-54)'', and add, in its
place, ``(41 U.S.C. 51-58)''.
10. Revise the table of contents to read as follows:
Subpart 404.2--Contract Distribution
404.203 Taxpayer identification information.
Subpart 404.4--Safeguarding Classified Information Within Industry
404.403 Responsibilities of contracting officers.
Subpart 404.6--Government Contract Reporting
404.601 [Reserved]
404.602 Federal Procurement Data System.
Subpart 404.8--Government Contract Files
404.870 Document numbering system.
Subpart 404.11--Central Contractor Registration
404.1103 Procedures.
Subpart 404.70--Precontract Notices
404.7001 Solicitation provision.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
11. Add subpart 404.2 to read as follows:
Subpart 404.2--Contract Distribution
404.203 Taxpayer identification information.
(a) If the contractor furnishes taxpayer identification number
(TIN) and type of organization information pursuant to solicitation
provision 52.204-3 or 52.212-3, and the USDA Office of the Chief
Financial Officer, Controller Operations Division, New Orleans will be
the payment office, that information will be entered into the
Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS) in accordance with FFIS
Vendor Table Maintenance Procedures set forth in FFIS Bulletins issued
by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer and AGAR Advisories issued
by the Office of Procurement and Property Management.
(b) Separate submission of the TIN or type of organization
information, in accordance with 52.204-3 or 52.212-3, is not required
for contractors registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
12. Revise 404.403 to read as follows:
404.403 Responsibilities of contracting officers.
When a proposed solicitation is likely to require access to
classified information, the contracting officer shall consult with the
Information Security Staff, Personnel and Document Security Division,
Office of Procurement and Property Management, regarding the procedures
that must be followed.
404.601 [Removed and Reserved]
13. Remove and reserve 404.601.
14. Revise 404.602 to read as follows:
404.602 Federal Procurement Data System.
(a) Contracting activities shall report contract actions into the
Federal Procurement Data System in accordance with the instructions
issued or distributed by the SPE.
(b) The unique identifier for each contract action reported to the
Federal Procurement Data System shall begin with the two-letter USDA
Agency Prefix ``AG''.
15. Revise subpart 404.8 to read as follows:
Subpart 404.8--Government Contract Files
404.870 Document numbering system.
The SPE shall issue AGAR Advisories to establish and maintain a
numbering system for USDA contracts, modifications, and delivery/task
orders. USDA contracting offices shall number contracts, modifications,
and orders in accordance with this numbering system.
16. Add subpart 404.11 to read as follows:
Subpart 404.11--Central Contractor Registration
404.1103 Procedures.
(a) Contracting officers and other USDA employees shall not enter
information into the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database on
behalf of prospective contractors. Prospective contractors who are
unable to register on-line at the CCR Web site should be advised to
submit a written application to CCR for registration into the CCR
database. USDA employees may assist prospective contractors by
[[Page 45]]
the registration template, CCR handbook, and other information from the
CCR Web site and providing copies of that material to requesters.
Written applications for registration may be submitted to Department of
Defense Central Contractor Registration, 74 Washington Ave., Suite 7,
Battle Creek, MI 49017-3084.
(b) Verification that the prospective contractor is registered in
the CCR database shall be done via the CCR Internet Web site https:// This verification process using the CCR Web site applies
both to acquisitions executed using USDA legacy procurement systems and
the USDA Integrated Acquisition System.
(c) AGAR Advisories issued by the Office of Procurement and
Property Management will address internal procedures for integration of
contractor information in the CCR database with the USDA FFIS payment
405.403 [Amended]
17. Amend 405.403 to remove ``FAR 5.403(a)'' and add, in its place,
``FAR 5.403''.
18. Revise paragraph (b) of 405.404-1 to read as follows:
405.404-1 Release procedures.
* * * * *
(b) Classified information shall not be released without the
approval of the Information Security Staff, Personnel and Document
Security Division, Office of Procurement and Property Management.
Departmental Manuals and Regulations (3400 series) contain guidance on
classified information.
19. Revise 406.501 to read as follows:
406.501 Requirements.
(a) The Chief, Procurement Policy Division, Office of Procurement
and Property Management, has been designated as the Competition
Advocate for USDA.
(b) Each HCA shall designate a competition advocate for the
contracting activity. The HCA shall forward a copy of the designation
memorandum to the Competition Advocate for USDA.
20. Revise 407.170 to read as follows:
407.170 Advance acquisition plans.
Each HCA shall maintain an advance acquisition planning system.
Subpart 407.3--[Removed and Reserved]
21. Remove and reserve subpart 407.3.
Subpart 408.7--Amended
22. Amend subpart 408.7 to remove the word ``Advocate'' wherever it
appears and add, in its place, the word ``Liaison.''
23. Revise 408.701 to read as follows:
408.701 Definitions.
Committee Member is the Presidential appointee representing USDA as
a member of the Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or
Severely Disabled.
Organization head is the Under Secretary or Assistant Secretary of
a mission area or the head of a USDA staff office.
408.705 [Amended]
24. Amend 408.705 to remove the word ``action'' and add, in its place,
the word ``performance.''
25. Revise 408.1103 to read as follows:
408.1103 Contract requirements.
If the requirement includes the need for the vendor to provide
operational maintenance such as fueling, lubrication, or other fluid
changes or replenishment, the contracting officer shall include in the
(1) A requirement for the use of fluids and lubricants containing
the maximum available amounts of recovered materials, and alternative
fuels whenever available; and
(2) A preference for retreaded tires meeting the Federal retread
specifications, tires with the maximum recovered material content, or
retreading services for the tires on the vehicle.
26. Add new Part 410, to read as follows:
410.001 Policy.
410.002 Procedures.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c)
410.001 Policy.
In addition to those uses listed in FAR 10.001, agencies must use
the results of market research to--
(a) Ensure the minimum use of hazardous or toxic materials;
(b) Ensure the maximum use of biobased products and biofuels; and
(c) Identify products and services on or eligible for addition to
the Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act Procurement List in order to achieve USDA's
goal to increase participation in this program.
410.002 Procedures.
Market research must include obtaining information on the
commercial quality assurance practices as an alternative for Government
inspection and testing prior to tender for acceptance.
27. Add new 411.101, as follows:
411.101 Order of precedence for requirements documents.
(a) Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-119
establishes a Federal policy requiring the use of voluntary consensus
standards in lieu of government-unique standards except where
inconsistent with law or otherwise impractical.
(b) The HCA is authorized to submit the determination required by
OMB Circular A-119 that a voluntary standard is inconsistent with law
or otherwise impracticable. The HCA must submit the determination to
OMB through the National Institute of Standards and Technology in
accordance with the Circular with a copy provided to the SPE.
28. Redesignate 411.105 as 411.106.
29. Revise 413.307 to read as follows:
413.307 Forms.
Form AD-838, Purchase Order, is prescribed for use by USDA in lieu
of Optional Forms (OFs) 347 and 348 except that use of the OF 347 and
OF 348 is authorized when utilizing the USDA Integrated Acquisition
30. Revise 414.409-2 to read as follows:
414.409-2 Award of classified contracts.
Disposition of classified information shall be in accordance with
Departmental Regulation and Manual (3400 Series) and in accordance with
direction issued by the Information Security Staff, Personnel and
Document Security Division, Office of Procurement and Property
[[Page 46]]
415.207 [Amended]
31. In paragraph (d) of 415.207, remove ``FAR 3.104-5'', and add, in
its place, ``FAR 3.104-4''.
32. Revise paragraphs (a) and (b) of 416.505 to read as follows:
416.505 Ordering.
(a) The Chief, Procurement Policy Division, Office of Procurement
and Property Management, has been designated as the Departmental Task
Order Ombudsman.
(b) Each HCA shall designate a task order ombudsman for the
contracting activity. The HCA shall forward a copy of the designation
memorandum to the Departmental Task Order Ombudsman. Contracting
activity ombudsmen shall review and resolve complaints from contractors
concerning task or delivery orders placed by the contracting activity.
* * * * *
33.-35. Revise subpart 419.2 to read as follows:
Subpart 419.2--Policies
419.201 General policy.
419.201-70 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
419.201-71 Small business coordinators.
419.201-73 Reports.
419.201 General policy.
It is the policy of USDA to provide maximum practicable contracting
and subcontracting opportunities to small business (SB), small
disadvantaged business (SDB), HUBZone small business, women-owned
business (WOB), veteran-owned small business (VOSB), and service-
disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) concerns.
419.201-70 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU)
develops rules, policy, procedures and guidelines for the effective
administration of USDA's small business program that includes all
categories named under 419.201.
419.201-71 Small business coordinators.
The head of the contracting activity (HCA) or a representative of
the HCA shall designate in writing a small business coordinator in each
contracting office. Supervisors of small business coordinators are
encouraged to provide sufficient time for the coordinators to carry out
their small business program duties. Coordinators' duties shall
include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) Reviewing each proposed acquisition expected to exceed the
simplified acquisition threshold prior to its solicitation. The
coordinator shall:
(1) Recommend section 8(a), HUBZone, or SDVOSB action and identify
potential contractors, or
(2) Identify available SDB, WOB, and VOSB to be solicited by
competitive procedures. Coordinators shall document the contract file
with recommendations made and actions taken.
(b) Participating in goal-setting procedures and planning
activities and establishing aggressive SDB, WOB, and SDVOSB goals based
on the annual review of advance acquisition plans.
(c) Participating in the review of those contracts which require
the successful offeror to submit written plans for the utilization of
small businesses as subcontractors to include all preference program
areas in 419.201.
(d) Ensuring that purchases exceeding $2,500 and not exceeding the
simplified acquisition threshold are reserved exclusively for small
businesses, including all preference program areas named in 419.201.
This policy shall be implemented unless the contracting officer is
unable to obtain offers from two or more small business concerns that
are competitive with market prices and in terms of quality and delivery
of the goods or services being purchased.
(e) Maintaining comprehensive source listings of small businesses.
(f) Upon written request, providing small businesses (in the
preference program areas named in 419.201) the bidders' mailing lists
of individuals receiving solicitations which will contain the
subcontracting clause entitled ``Utilization of Small Business
Concerns'' (FAR 52.219-8). These lists may be limited to those supplies
or services of major interest to the requesting firms.
(g) Developing a program of contacts with local and small (to
include all preference program areas named in 419.201) trade, business,
and professional associations and organizations and Indian tribal
councils to apprise them of USDA's program needs and recurring contract
(h) Periodically meeting with program managers to discuss
requirements of the small business preference program, to explore the
feasibility of breaking large complex requirements into smaller lots
suitable for participation by small firms, and to encourage program
managers to meet with these firms so that their capabilities can be
(i) Establishing internal operating procedures which implement the
requirements of the regulations as set forth in this part 419.
(j) Compiling data and preparing all reports pertaining to the
small business program activities, and ensuring that these reports are
accurate, complete and up-to-date.
(k) Assisting and counseling small business firms.
(l) Reviewing proposed large contract requirements that may be
bundled to determine the potential for breaking out components suitable
for purchase from small business firms.
(m) Ensuring that the SBA Resident Procurement Center
Representative (PCR) is provided an opportunity and reasonable time to
review any solicitation that meets the dollar threshold for small
business (including all preference program areas named in 419.201)
subcontracting plans.
419.201-73 Reports.
The Director, OSDBU, shall be responsible for submitting reports
concerning USDA's progress and achievements in the procurement
preference program.
36. Amend the heading of 419.508 to remove ``Solicitation provisions''
and add, in its place, ``Solicitation provisions and contract
37. Amend the heading of subpart 419.6 to remove ``Determinations of
Eligibility'' and add, in its place, ``Determinations of
422.604-2 [Amended]
38.-39. Amend 422.604-2 as follows:
a. Remove ``FAR 22.604-2(c)'' and add, in its place, ``FAR 22.604-
b. Remove ``Secretary of labor'' and add, in its place, ``Secretary of
40. Amend 422.807 to remove ``Director, Office of Federal Contract
Compliance Programs'', and add, in its place, ``Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Department of
41. Revise subpart 422.13 to read as follows:
[[Page 47]]
Subpart 422.13--Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam
Era, and Other Eligible Veterans
422.1305 Waivers.
422.1308 Complaint procedures.
422.1305 Waivers.
(a) The Assistant Secretary for Administration is authorized to
make the waiver determination in FAR 22.1305(b) that a contract is
essential to the national security.
(b) The contracting officer shall submit requests for exemptions
under FAR 22.1305(a) and (b) through the HCA to the SPE for
determination by the Assistant Secretary for Administration or referral
to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance
Programs, Department of Labor as appropriate.
422.1308 Complaint procedures.
The contracting officer shall forward complaints received about the
administration of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act
directly to the Department of Labor as prescribed in FAR 22.1308.
42. Amend the heading of subpart 422.14 to remove the words ``the
Handicapped'' and add, in their place, ``Workers With Disabilities''.
43. Amend paragraph (a) of 422.1403 to remove the words ``concurrence
of the Director, OFCCP'' and add, in their place, the words ``the
concurrence of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Contract
Compliance Programs, Department of Labor''.
44. Revise Part 423 to read as follows:
Subpart 423.1--[Reserved]
Subpart 423.2--Energy and Water Efficiency and Renewable Energy
423.202 Policy.
Subpart 423.4--Use of Recovered Materials
423.400 Scope of subpart.
423.402 [Reserved]
423.403 Policy.
423.404 Agency affirmative procurement programs.
423.405 Procedures.
Subpart 423.5--Drug-Free Workplace
423.506 Suspension of payments, termination of contract, and
debarment and suspension actions.
Subpart 423.6--Notice of Radioactive Material
423.601 Requirements.
Subpart 423.7--Contracting for Environmentally Preferable Products and
423.703 Policy.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
Subpart 423.1--[Reserved]
Subpart 423.2--Energy and Water Efficiency and Renewable Energy
423.202 Policy.
Information on Energy Star, energy efficient, water efficient, and
low standby products covered by this policy is available via the
Internet at
Subpart 423.4--Use of Recovered Materials
423.400 Scope of subpart.
This subpart implements and supplements FAR policies and procedures
for acquiring products and services when preference is given to offers
of products containing recovered materials. This subpart further
supplements FAR subpart 23.4 by providing guidance for affirmative
procurement programs in accordance with Executive Order 13101 and 42
U.S.C. 6962.
423.402 [Reserved]
423.403 Policy.
It is the policy of USDA to acquire and use Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) designated recycled content products.
423.404 Agency affirmative procurement programs.
The USDA affirmative procurement program (APP) policy applicable to
all USDA agencies and staff offices is hereby established. The
components of this APP include:
(a) Recovered Materials Preference Program. In accord with the
requirements of Section 402(c) of Executive Order 13101, Greening the
Government Through Recycling, Waste Prevention, and Federal
Acquisition, USDA agencies will include, in all applicable
solicitations and contracts, a preference for products and services
which meet or exceed the EPA purchasing guidelines as contained in the
EPA product Recovered Materials Advisory Notices (RMANs). Agencies may
choose an evaluation factor preference, or other method of indicating
preference in accord with their agency needs. Agencies will, as
appropriate, eliminate virgin material requirements in contract
specifications and replace them with a statement of preference for
recycled materials.
(b) Promotion program. USDA agencies will actively promote a
preference for recovered materials, environmentally preferable
products, and biobased products in contacts with vendors, in written
materials, and other appropriate opportunities.
(c) Reasonable estimation of recovered materials used in the
performance of contracts. USDA agencies annually will provide in
writing to the USDA Senior Procurement Executive, in response to a call
for data for the Resource Conservation and Recovery report, reasonable
estimates, certification, and verification of recovered material used
in the performance of contracts.
(d) Annual review and monitoring of effectiveness of the program.
USDA agencies will provide an annual assessment of the effectiveness of
their affirmative procurement program actions in increasing the
purchase and use of EPA designated products.
(e) Purchase of EPA designated products. USDA agencies will require
that 100% of purchases of EPA-designated products contain recovered
material, unless the item cannot be acquired--
(1) Competitively within a reasonable time frame;
(2) Meeting appropriate performance standards; or
(3) At a reasonable price.
(f) The 100% purchase requirement of paragraph (e) of this section
applies to all USDA agency purchases, including those at or below the
micro-purchase threshold.
423.405 Procedures.
(a) The threshold of purchase for EPA designated items is $10,000
per year at the USDA departmental, not individual agency, level.
Therefore, the APP requirements above, including the 100% purchase
requirement, apply at the individual agency and staff office level.
(b) Contracting officers should refer to EPA's list of designated
products and products identified as recycled content when purchasing
supplies or services. Information on EPA designated products is
available at:
(c) All agencies and USDA Contracting Officers must take necessary
actions to carry out the provisions of the USDA APP policy described in
this subpart.
[[Page 48]]
Subpart 423.5--Drug-Free Workplace
423.506 Suspension of payments, termination of contract, and debarment
and suspension actions.
(a) The contracting officer may recommend waiver of the
determination to suspend payments, to terminate a contract, or to debar
or to suspend a contractor.
(b) The recommendation shall be submitted through the HCA to the
SPE and shall include a full description of the disruption of USDA
operations should the determination not be waived.
(c) The SPE will submit the request for a waiver to the Secretary
with a recommendation for action.
Subpart 423.6--Notice of Radioactive Material
423.601 Requirements.
The HCA shall establish a system of instructions to identify the
installation/facility radiation protection officer.
Subpart 423.7--Contracting for Environmentally Preferable Products
and Services
423.703 Policy.
(a) USDA's Affirmative Procurement Program promotes energy-
efficiency, water conservation, and the acquisition of environmentally
preferable products and services. In its acquisitions, USDA will
support federal ``green purchasing'' principles in the acquisition of
products and services that are environmentally preferable or that are
biobased content products and services.
(b) USDA agencies will actively promote this preference for
environmentally preferable products and biobased products in contacts
with vendors, in written materials, and other appropriate
45. Revise 424.203 to read as follows:
424.203 Policy.
USDA regulations implementing the Freedom of Information Act are
found in 7 CFR, Subtitle A, Part 1, Subpart A. Contracting officers
shall follow these regulations when responding to requests for
46. Revise the table of contents of part 425 to read as follows:
Subpart 425.1--Buy American Act--Supplies
425.102 [Reserved]
425.103 Exceptions.
425.104 Nonavailable articles.
425.105 Determining reasonableness of cost.
425.108 [Reserved]
Subpart 425.2--Buy American Act--Construction Materials
425.202 Exceptions.
425.203 [Reserved]
425.204 [Reserved]
Subpart 425.3--[Reserved]
Subpart 425.4--[Reserved]
Subpart 425.6--Trade Sanctions
425.602 Exceptions.
Subpart 425.9--[Reserved]
Subpart 425.10--Additional Foreign Acquisition Regulations
425.1001 Waiver of right to examination of records.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
47. Revise subpart 425.1 to read as follows:
Subpart 425.1--Buy American Act--Supplies
425.102 [Reserved]
425.103 Exceptions.
(a) The Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) shall make the
determination prescribed in FAR 25.103(a).
(b) Copies of determinations of nonavailability in accordance with
FAR 25.103(b)(2) or 25.202(a)(2), for articles, material or supplies
not listed in FAR 25.104, may be submitted to the SPE for submission to
the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council (CAAC).
425.104 Nonavailable articles.
Information required by FAR 25.104(b) shall be submitted to the SPE
for submission to the CAAC.
425.105 Determining reasonableness of cost.
The SPE may make the determination prescribed in FAR 25.105(a).
Requests for a determination by the SPE shall be submitted by the HCA,
in writing, and shall provide a detailed justification supporting why
evaluation factors higher than those listed in FAR 25.102(b)(1) and (2)
should be applied to determine whether the offered price of a domestic
end product is unreasonable.
425.108 [Reserved]
48. Amend 425.202 as follows:
a. In the heading of 425.202, remove the word ``Policy'' and add, in
its place, ``Exceptions''.
b. Remove ``FAR 25.202(a)(3)'', and add, in its place, ``FAR
Subpart 425.3--[Removed and Reserved]
49. Remove and reserve subpart 425.3.
Subpart 425.4--[Removed and Reserved]
50. Remove and reserve subpart 425.4.
51. Add subpart 425.6, to read as follows:
Subpart 425.6--Trade Sanctions
425.602 Exceptions.
The Secretary, without power of redelegation, has the authority to
make the necessary determination(s) and authorize award(s) of
contract(s) in accordance with FAR 25.602(b).
Subpart 425.9--[Removed and Reserved]
52. Remove and reserve subpart 425.9.
53. Revise subpart 425.10 to read as follows:
Subpart 425.10--Additional Foreign Acquisition Regulations
425.1001 Waiver of right to examination of records.
The SPE shall make the determination under FAR 25.1001(a)(2)(iii).
54. Remove and reserve subpart 426.70.
55. Revise the heading of subpart 428.1 to read as follows:
Subpart 428.1--Bonds And Other Financial Protections
56. Revise the heading of subpart 428.2 to read as follows:
Subpart 428.2--Sureties And Other Security For Bonds
57. Redesignate 432.905 as 432.904, and revise the section heading to
read as follows:
432.904 Determining payment due dates.
58. Redesignate 432.906 as 432.007.
59. In Part 433, revise all references to ``General Accounting Office''
to read ``Government Accountability Office''.
[[Page 49]]
433.104 [Removed and Reserved]
60. Remove and reserve 433.104.
61. Revise Part 434 to read as follows:
Subpart 434.0--General
434.001 Definitions.
434.002 Policy.
434.003 Responsibilities.
434.004 Acquisition strategy.
434.005 General requirements.
434.005-6 Full production.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
Subpart 434.0--General
434.001 Definitions.
Pursuant to OMB Circular No. A-109 (A-109) and the definition at
FAR 2.101, within USDA, a system shall be considered a major system if:
(a) The total acquisition costs (for information technology, life
cycle costs) are estimated to be $50 million or more, or
(b) The system, regardless of estimated acquisition or life cycle
costs, has been specifically designated to be a major system by the
USDA Acquisition Executive or by the Major Information Technology
Systems Executive.
434.002 Policy.
In addition to the policy guidance at FAR 34.002 and other parts of
the FAR, the policies outlined in paragraph 6 of A-109 should serve as
guidelines for all contracting activities in planning and developing
systems, major or otherwise.
434.003 Responsibilities.
(a) The Secretary of Agriculture or other designated USDA key
executive is responsible for making four key decisions in each major
system acquisition process. These are listed in paragraph 9 of A-109
and elaborated on in paragraphs 10 through 13. The key executives of
USDA (Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretaries and Assistant
Secretaries) individually or as a group will participate in this
decision making process.
(b) The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is the Major Information
Technology Systems Executive. For acquisitions of information
technology, the CIO will ensure that A-109 is implemented in USDA and
that the management objectives of the Circular are realized. The CIO is
responsible for designating the program manager for each major
information technology system acquisition, designating an acquisition
to be a major information technology system acquisition, and approving
the written charter and project control system for each major
information technology system acquisition.
(c) The Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA) is the USDA
Acquisition Executive for major system acquisitions other than
acquisitions of information technology. The ASA will ensure that A-109
is implemented in USDA and that the management objectives of the
Circular are realized. The ASA is responsible for designating the
program manager for each major system acquisition, designating an
acquisition to be a major system acquisition, and approving the written
charter and project control system for each major system acquisition.
(d) Heads of contracting activities must:
(1) Ensure compliance with the requirements of A-109, FAR Part 34
and AGAR Part 434.
(2) Ensure that potential major system acquisitions are brought to
the attention of the USDA Acquisition Executive or the Major
Information Technology Systems Executive, as appropriate.
(3) Recommend qualified candidates for designation as program
managers for each major system acquisition within their jurisdiction.
(4) Ensure that program managers fulfill their responsibilities and
discharge their duties.
(5) Cooperate with the ASA and Major Information.
Technology Systems Executive in implementing the requirements of A-
(e) The program manager is responsible for planning and executing
the major system acquisition, ensuring appropriate coordination with
the USDA Acquisition Executive and Major Information Technology Systems
Executive and other key USDA executives.
434.004 Acquisition strategy.
(a) The program manager will develop, in coordination with the
Acquisition Executive or Major Information Technology Systems
Executive, a written charter outlining the authority, responsibility,
accountability, and budget for accomplishing the proposed objective.
(b) The program manager will develop, subject to the approval of
the Acquisition Executive or Major Information Technology Systems
Executive, a project control system to schedule, monitor, and regularly
report on all aspects of the project. The control system shall
establish reporting periods and milestones consistent with the key
decisions listed in paragraph 9 of A-109.
(c) Upon initiation of the project, the program manager will report
regularly to the Acquisition Executive or Major Information Technology
Systems Executive.
(d) Specific procedures and requirements for information technology
systems are included in the USDA Information Technology Capital
Planning and Investment Control Guide which can be accessed on the USDA
OCIO Web site at
434.005 General requirements.
434.005-6 Full production.
The Secretary or the USDA key executive designated by the Secretary
for the specific program is the agency head for the purposes of FAR
436.578 [Removed and Reserved]
62. Remove and reserve 436.578.
63. Add Part 439 to read as follows:
Subpart 439.1--General
439.101 Policy.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).
Subpart 439.1--General
439.101 Policy.
(a) In addition to policy and regulatory guidance contained in the
(1) The USDA Information Technology Capital Planning and Investment
Control Guide (CPIC) establishes requirements for the acquisition of
information technology.
(2) Specific thresholds at which USDA Office of the Chief
Information Officer Information Technology Acquisition Approval is
required have been established.
(3) The procurement authority delegated to USDA Agencies is
established in Departmental Regulations 5000 series.
(4) The CPIC Guide and USDA CIO policy and procedural guidance are
available on the USDA OCIO Web site at
Notices of changes in the Information Technology Acquisition Approval
Thresholds are also promulgated by AGAR Advisory.
(b) Acquisition of on-line courseware libraries and learning
management system services requires specific
[[Page 50]]
approval of the ASA and CIO. Information regarding the specific
approval requirements and processes is promulgated by AGAR Advisory.
Subpart 445.6--[Removed and Reserved]
64. Remove and reserve subpart 445.6.
Subpart 450.1--[Removed and Reserved]
65. Remove and reserve subpart 450.1.
452.211-70 [Amended]
66. Amend paragraph (a) of 452.211-70 to remove the words ``clause
452.211-2'' and add, in their place, ``clause 452.211-71''.
452.215-71 [Amended]
67. In paragraph (c) of 452.215-71, remove the words ``Requirements for
Cost or Pricing Data or Other Than Cost or Pricing Data'' and add, in
their place, ``Requirements for Cost or Pricing Data or Information
Other Than Cost or Pricing Data''.
452.226-70, 452.226-71 and 452.226-72 [Removed and Reserved]
68. Remove and reserve 452.226-70, 452.226-71, and 452.226-72.
452.232-70 [Amended]
69. In 452.232-70, remove the words ``Payments Under Fixed-Price
Construction Contract'' and add, in their place, ``Payments Under
Fixed-Price Construction Contracts''.
452.236-78 [Removed and Reserved]
70. Remove and reserve 452.236-78.
71. Revise 453.213 to read as follows:
453.213 Simplified Acquisition and other simplified purchase
procedures (AD-838).
Form AD-838, Purchase Order, is prescribed for use as a Simplified
Acquisition Procedure/delivery order/task order document in lieu of OF
347 and OF 348, except that use of the OF 347 and OF 348 is authorized
when utilizing the USDA Integrated Acquisition System (See 413.307).
Done in Washington, DC, this 21st day of December, 2004.
W.R. Ashworth,
Director, Office of Procurement and Property Management.
[FR Doc. 04-28439 Filed 12-30-04; 8:45 am]