Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed New E-Collection; Bureau of Justice Assistance Application Form: Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program Applications Package, 28094-28095 [2017-12778]

Download as PDF 28094 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 117 / Tuesday, June 20, 2017 / Notices Overview of This Information Collection DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE [OMB Number 1121–0220] Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed New E-Collection; Bureau of Justice Assistance Application Form: Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) Program Applications Package Bureau of Justice Assistance, Department of Justice. ACTION: 60-Day notice. AGENCY: The Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, has submitted the following information collection request for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. SUMMARY: Comments are encouraged and will be accepted for 60 days until August 21, 2017. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have additional comments especially on the estimated public burden or associated response time, suggestions, or need a copy of the proposed information collection instrument with instructions or additional information, please contact Michelle Martin, Senior Management Analyst, Bureau of Justice Assistance, 810 Seventh Street NW., Washington, DC 20531 (phone: 202 514–9354). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of information are encouraged. Your comments should address one or more of the following four points: —Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, including whether the information will have practical utility; —Evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; —Evaluate whether and if so how the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected can be enhanced; and —Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses. sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES DATES: VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:23 Jun 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 1. Type of Information Collection: Substantive change to a currently approved collection. 2. The Title of the Form/Collection: Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) Program Applications Package (including currently approved collections: Public Safety Officers’ Death Benefits Applications (1121–0024 and 1121–0025), Public Safety Officers’ Disability Benefits Application (1121– 0166), Public Safety Officers’ Educational Assistance Application (1121–0220), and a new form titled: Public Safety Officers’ Appeal Request Application.) 3. The agency form number, if any, and the applicable component of the Department sponsoring the collection: None. The applicable component within the Department of Justice is the Bureau of Justice Assistance, in the Office of Justice Programs. 4. Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as a brief abstract: Primary: Public Safety Officers who were permanently and totally disabled in the line of duty; eligible survivors of Public Safety Officers who were killed in the line of duty; eligible spouses and children who receive PSOB death benefits, or whose spouse or parent received the PSOB disability benefit. Abstract: BJA’s Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) Office will use the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program Applications Package (including: The Public Safety Officers’ Death Benefits Application, the Public Safety Officers’ Disability Benefits Application, the Public Safety Officers’ Educational Assistance Application, the Public Safety Officers’ Appeal Request Application) to collect and confirm the following: • Public Safety Officer Death Benefits Application: BJA’s Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) Office will use the Public Safety Officer Death Benefits Application information to confirm the eligibility of applicants to receive Public Safety Officers’ Death Benefits. Eligibility is dependent on several factors, including Public Safety Officer status, an injury sustained in the line of duty, and the claimant status in the beneficiary hierarchy according to the PSOB Act. In addition, information to help the PSOB Office identify an individual is collected, such as a Social Security number for the Public Safety Officer, telephone numbers, and email addresses. Public Safety Officer Disability Benefits Application: BJA’s Public PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) Office will use the PSOB Disability Application information to confirm the eligibility of applicants to receive Public Safety Officers’ Disability Benefits. Eligibility is dependent on several factors, including Public Safety Officer status, injury sustained in the line of duty, and the total and permanent nature of the line of duty injury. In addition, information to help the PSOB Office identify individuals is collected, such as Social Security number for the Public Safety Officer, telephone numbers, and email addresses. • Public Safety Officer Educational Assistance Application: BJA’s Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) Office will use the Public Safety Officer Educational Assistance Application information to confirm the eligibility of applicants to receive Public Safety Officer Educational Assistance benefits. Eligibility is dependent on several factors, including the applicant having received or being eligible to receive a portion of the PSOB Death Benefit, or having a spouse or parent who received the PSOB Disability Benefit. Also considered are the applicant’s age and the schools being attended. In addition, information to help BJA identify an individual is collected, such as contact numbers and email addresses. • Public Safety Officer Appeal Request Application: BJA’s Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) Office will use the Public Safety Officer Appeal Request Application information to confirm the eligibility of applicants who wish to appeal a previous Public Safety Officers’ Death and Disability Benefit determination. Changes to the report form have been made in an effort to streamline the application process and eliminate requests for information that are either irrelevant or already being collected by other means. 5. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time estimated for an average respondent to respond: • Public Safety Officer Death Benefits Application: An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time needed for an average respondent to respond is as follows: It is estimated that no more than 350 respondents will apply a year. Each application takes approximately 360 minutes to complete. • Public Safety Officer Disability Benefits Application: An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time needed for an average respondent to respond is as follows: It is estimated that no more than 100 respondents will apply a year. Each E:\FR\FM\20JNN1.SGM 20JNN1 Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 117 / Tuesday, June 20, 2017 / Notices application takes approximately 300 minutes to complete. • Public Safety Officer Educational Assistance Application: It is estimated that no more than 200 respondents will apply a year. Each application takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. • Public Safety Officer Appeal Request Application: It is estimated that no more than 75 respondents will apply a year. Each application takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. 6. An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the collection: • Public Safety Officer Death Benefits Application: An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the collection: Total Annual Reporting Burden: 350 × 360 minutes per application = 126,000 minutes/by 60 minutes per hour = 2,100 hours. • Public Safety Officer Disability Benefits Application: An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the collection: Total Annual Reporting Burden: 100 × 300 minutes per application = 30,000 minutes/by 60 minutes per hour = 500 hours. • Public Safety Officer Educational Assistance Application: The estimated public burden associated with this collection is 100 hours. It is estimated that respondents will take 30 minutes to complete an application. The burden hours for collecting respondent data sum to 100 hours (200 respondents × 0.5 hours = 100 hours). • Public Safety Officer Appeal Request Application: An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the collection: Total Annual Reporting Burden: 75 × 30 minutes per application = 2,250 minutes/by 60 minutes per hour = 37.5 hours. If additional information is required contact: Hope D. Janke, Director, Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Office, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 7th Street NW., Washington, DC 20531. Dated: June 15, 2017. Melody Braswell, Department Clearance Officer for PRA, U.S. Department of Justice. [FR Doc. 2017–12778 Filed 6–19–17; 8:45 am] sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES BILLING CODE 4410–18–P DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Decree Under the Clean Water Act On June 15, 2017, the Department of Justice lodged a proposed Consent Decree with the United States District VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:23 Jun 19, 2017 Jkt 241001 Court for the District of New Jersey in the lawsuit entitled United States v. NVR, Inc., Civil Action No. 2:17–cv– 04346. The United States, on behalf of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, filed a Complaint against NVR, Inc., alleging NVR violated the Clean Water Act. NVR engages in residential home construction in a number of states, including New Jersey and New York. The Complaint alleges that NVR discharged pollutants in storm water without permit coverage in violation of the Clean Water Act and failed to comply with the conditions of permits (state general permits) issued under Clean Water Act at a number of construction sites in New Jersey and New York. The proposed Consent Decree provides for NVR to perform injunctive relief consisting of a nationwide management, inspection, reporting and training program to improve compliance with storm water requirements at NVR’s current and future construction sites. The Consent Decree also provides for NVR to pay a civil penalty of $425,000. The publication of this notice opens a period for public comment on the proposed Consent Decree. Comments should be addressed to the Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, and should refer to United States v. NVR, Inc., D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–1–1–10429. All comments must be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after the publication date of this notice. Comments may be submitted either by email or by mail: To submit comments: Send them to: By email ....... pubcomment-ees.enrd@ Assistant Attorney General, U.S. DOJ—ENRD, P.O. Box 7611, Washington, DC 20044–7611. By mail ......... During the public comment period, the proposed Consent Decree may be examined and downloaded at this Justice Department Web site: https:// We will provide a paper copy of the proposed Consent Decree upon written request and payment of reproduction costs. Please mail your request and payment to: Consent Decree Library, U.S. DOJ—ENRD, P.O. Box 7611, Washington, DC 20044–7611. Please enclose a check or money order for $21.75 (25 cents per page PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 28095 reproduction cost) payable to the United States Treasury. Robert E. Maher, Jr., Assistant Section Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, Environment and Natural Resources Division. [FR Doc. 2017–12835 Filed 6–19–17; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410–15–P DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employee Benefits Security Administration Proposed Revision of Information Collection Request Submitted for Public Comment; Draft Model NonQuantitative Treatment Limitations Form Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The Department of Labor (the Department), in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA 95), provides the general public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed and continuing collections of information. This helps the Department assess the impact of its information collection requirements and minimize the reporting burden on the public and helps the public understand the Department’s information collection requirements and provide the requested data in the desired format. Currently, the Employee Benefits Security Administration is soliciting comments on a revision of the Notices under the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 information collection request (ICR) to add a model form participants and authorized representatives can use to request certain information from their health plans that is discussed below. A copy of the information collection request (ICR) may be obtained by contacting the office listed in the ADDRESSES section of this notice. The ICR is also available on the Department’s Web site at: https:// DATES: Written comments must be submitted to the office shown in the Addresses section on or before September 1, 2017. ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments regarding the information collection request and burden estimates to the Office of Policy and Research, Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Room N–5718, Washington, DC 20210. Telephone: SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\20JNN1.SGM 20JNN1


[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 117 (Tuesday, June 20, 2017)]
[Pages 28094-28095]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2017-12778]

[[Page 28094]]



[OMB Number 1121-0220]

Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed New E-
Collection; Bureau of Justice Assistance Application Form: Public 
Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program Applications Package

AGENCY: Bureau of Justice Assistance, Department of Justice.

ACTION: 60-Day notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau 
of Justice Assistance, has submitted the following information 
collection request for review and clearance in accordance with the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.

DATES: Comments are encouraged and will be accepted for 60 days until 
August 21, 2017.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have additional comments 
especially on the estimated public burden or associated response time, 
suggestions, or need a copy of the proposed information collection 
instrument with instructions or additional information, please contact 
Michelle Martin, Senior Management Analyst, Bureau of Justice 
Assistance, 810 Seventh Street NW., Washington, DC 20531 (phone: 202 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Written comments and suggestions from the 
public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of 
information are encouraged. Your comments should address one or more of 
the following four points:

--Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary 
for the proper performance of the functions of the Bureau of Justice 
Assistance, including whether the information will have practical 
--Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information, including the validity of the 
methodology and assumptions used;
--Evaluate whether and if so how the quality, utility, and clarity of 
the information to be collected can be enhanced; and
--Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are 
to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, 
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic 
submission of responses.

Overview of This Information Collection

    1. Type of Information Collection: Substantive change to a 
currently approved collection.
    2. The Title of the Form/Collection: Public Safety Officers' 
Benefits (PSOB) Program Applications Package (including currently 
approved collections: Public Safety Officers' Death Benefits 
Applications (1121-0024 and 1121-0025), Public Safety Officers' 
Disability Benefits Application (1121-0166), Public Safety Officers' 
Educational Assistance Application (1121-0220), and a new form titled: 
Public Safety Officers' Appeal Request Application.)
    3. The agency form number, if any, and the applicable component of 
the Department sponsoring the collection: None. The applicable 
component within the Department of Justice is the Bureau of Justice 
Assistance, in the Office of Justice Programs.
    4. Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as 
well as a brief abstract:
    Primary: Public Safety Officers who were permanently and totally 
disabled in the line of duty; eligible survivors of Public Safety 
Officers who were killed in the line of duty; eligible spouses and 
children who receive PSOB death benefits, or whose spouse or parent 
received the PSOB disability benefit.
    Abstract: BJA's Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Office will 
use the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program Applications Package 
(including: The Public Safety Officers' Death Benefits Application, the 
Public Safety Officers' Disability Benefits Application, the Public 
Safety Officers' Educational Assistance Application, the Public Safety 
Officers' Appeal Request Application) to collect and confirm the 
     Public Safety Officer Death Benefits Application: BJA's 
Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Office will use the Public 
Safety Officer Death Benefits Application information to confirm the 
eligibility of applicants to receive Public Safety Officers' Death 
Benefits. Eligibility is dependent on several factors, including Public 
Safety Officer status, an injury sustained in the line of duty, and the 
claimant status in the beneficiary hierarchy according to the PSOB Act. 
In addition, information to help the PSOB Office identify an individual 
is collected, such as a Social Security number for the Public Safety 
Officer, telephone numbers, and email addresses.
    Public Safety Officer Disability Benefits Application: BJA's Public 
Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Office will use the PSOB Disability 
Application information to confirm the eligibility of applicants to 
receive Public Safety Officers' Disability Benefits. Eligibility is 
dependent on several factors, including Public Safety Officer status, 
injury sustained in the line of duty, and the total and permanent 
nature of the line of duty injury. In addition, information to help the 
PSOB Office identify individuals is collected, such as Social Security 
number for the Public Safety Officer, telephone numbers, and email 
     Public Safety Officer Educational Assistance Application: 
BJA's Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Office will use the 
Public Safety Officer Educational Assistance Application information to 
confirm the eligibility of applicants to receive Public Safety Officer 
Educational Assistance benefits. Eligibility is dependent on several 
factors, including the applicant having received or being eligible to 
receive a portion of the PSOB Death Benefit, or having a spouse or 
parent who received the PSOB Disability Benefit. Also considered are 
the applicant's age and the schools being attended. In addition, 
information to help BJA identify an individual is collected, such as 
contact numbers and email addresses.
     Public Safety Officer Appeal Request Application: BJA's 
Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Office will use the Public 
Safety Officer Appeal Request Application information to confirm the 
eligibility of applicants who wish to appeal a previous Public Safety 
Officers' Death and Disability Benefit determination. Changes to the 
report form have been made in an effort to streamline the application 
process and eliminate requests for information that are either 
irrelevant or already being collected by other means.
    5. An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of 
time estimated for an average respondent to respond:
     Public Safety Officer Death Benefits Application: An 
estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time 
needed for an average respondent to respond is as follows: It is 
estimated that no more than 350 respondents will apply a year. Each 
application takes approximately 360 minutes to complete.
     Public Safety Officer Disability Benefits Application: An 
estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time 
needed for an average respondent to respond is as follows: It is 
estimated that no more than 100 respondents will apply a year. Each

[[Page 28095]]

application takes approximately 300 minutes to complete.
     Public Safety Officer Educational Assistance Application: 
It is estimated that no more than 200 respondents will apply a year. 
Each application takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
     Public Safety Officer Appeal Request Application: It is 
estimated that no more than 75 respondents will apply a year. Each 
application takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
    6. An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated 
with the collection:
     Public Safety Officer Death Benefits Application: An 
estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the 
collection: Total Annual Reporting Burden: 350 x 360 minutes per 
application = 126,000 minutes/by 60 minutes per hour = 2,100 hours.
     Public Safety Officer Disability Benefits Application: An 
estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the 
collection: Total Annual Reporting Burden: 100 x 300 minutes per 
application = 30,000 minutes/by 60 minutes per hour = 500 hours.
     Public Safety Officer Educational Assistance Application: 
The estimated public burden associated with this collection is 100 
hours. It is estimated that respondents will take 30 minutes to 
complete an application. The burden hours for collecting respondent 
data sum to 100 hours (200 respondents x 0.5 hours = 100 hours).
     Public Safety Officer Appeal Request Application: An 
estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the 
collection: Total Annual Reporting Burden: 75 x 30 minutes per 
application = 2,250 minutes/by 60 minutes per hour = 37.5 hours.
    If additional information is required contact: Hope D. Janke, 
Director, Public Safety Officers' Benefits Office, Bureau of Justice 
Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 
7th Street NW., Washington, DC 20531.

    Dated: June 15, 2017.
Melody Braswell,
Department Clearance Officer for PRA, U.S. Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. 2017-12778 Filed 6-19-17; 8:45 am]
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