Safety Zone-Oil Exploration Staging Area in Dutch Harbor, AK, 52393-52396 [2015-21017]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations within a 3.9-mile radius of Tracy Municipal Airport with segments extending from the 3.9-mile radius to 11 miles northwest, 6.4 miles east, and 9 miles southeast, of the airport. Regulatory Notices and Analyses The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an established body of technical regulations for which frequent and routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current, is non-controversial, and unlikely to result in adverse or negative comments. It, therefore, (1) is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant preparation of a Regulatory Evaluation as the anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that only affects air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is certified that this rule, when promulgated, does not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Environmental Review The FAA has determined that this action qualifies for categorical exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act in accordance with FAA Order 1050.1E, ‘‘Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures,’’ paragraph 311a. This airspace action is not expected to cause any potentially significant environmental impacts, and no extraordinary circumstances exist that warrant preparation of an environmental assessment. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71 Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air). Adoption of the Amendment In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows: PART 71—DESIGNATION OF CLASS A, B, C, D, AND E AIRSPACE AREAS; AIR TRAFFIC SERVICE ROUTES; AND REPORTING POINTS 1. The authority citation for Part 71 continues to read as follows: rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES ■ Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g): 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–1963 Comp., p. 389. § 71.1 [Amended] 2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order 7400.9Y, Airspace Designations and Reporting ■ VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:58 Aug 28, 2015 Jkt 235001 Points, dated August 6, 2014, and effective September 15, 2014, is amended as follows: 52393 Paragraph 6005 Class E Airspace Areas Extending Upward From 700 Feet or More Above the Surface of the Earth This rule is effective without actual notice from August 28, 2015 until August 31, 2015. For the purposes of enforcement, actual notice will be used from July 15, 2015, until August 31, 2015. * ADDRESSES: * * * * AWP CA E5 Tracy, CA (Modified) Tracy Municipal Airport, CA (lat. 37°41′21″ N., long. 121°26′31″ W.) That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface within a 3.9-mile radius of Tracy Municipal Airport, and within 2 miles each side of the 326° bearing from the airport extending from the 3.9-mile radius to 11 miles northwest of the airport, and that airspace 1.8 miles either side of the airport 132° bearing from the 3.9-mile radius to 9 miles southeast of the airport, and that airspace 2.2 miles either side of the airport 097° bearing from the 3.9-mile radius to 6 miles east of the airport. Issued in Seattle, Washington, on August 17, 2015. Christopher Ramirez, Manager, Operations Support Group, Western Service Center. [FR Doc. 2015–21414 Filed 8–28–15; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Coast Guard [Docket Number USCG–2015–0246] RIN 1625–AA00 Safety Zone—Oil Exploration Staging Area in Dutch Harbor, AK Coast Guard, DHS. Temporary final rule. AGENCY: The Coast Guard is establishing temporary safety zones in the Port of Dutch Harbor, Broad Bay or adjacent navigable waters in the Dutch Harbor area on July 15, 2015. The temporary safety zones will encompass the navigable waters within a 25-yard radius of moored or anchored offshore exploration or support vessels, and the navigable waters within a 100-yard radius of underway offshore exploration or support vessels. The purpose of the safety zones is to protect persons and vessels during an unusually high volume of vessel traffic in the Port of Dutch Harbor, and the adjacent territorial sea due to additional vessel traffic associated with exploratory drilling operations in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas during the summer of 2015. SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00019 Documents mentioned in this preamble are part of docket [USCG– 2015–0246]. To view documents mentioned in this preamble as being available in the docket, go to https://, type the docket number in the ‘‘SEARCH’’ box and click ‘‘SEARCH.’’ Click on Open Docket Folder on the line associated with this rulemaking. You may also visit the Docket Management Facility in Room W12–140 on the ground floor of the Department of Transportation West Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this temporary rule, call or email LT Eugene Chung, Sector Anchorage Prevention, Coast Guard; telephone 907–428–4189, Email If you have questions on viewing or submitting material to the docket, call Cheryl Collins, Program Manager, Docket Operations, telephone 202–366–9826. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Table of Acronyms 33 CFR Part 165 ACTION: DATES: Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 DHS Department of Homeland Security FR Federal Register NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking TFR Temporary Final Rule A. Regulatory History and Information On May 1, 2015, we published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) entitled Safety Zones: Oil Exploration Staging Area in Dutch Harbor, AK in the Federal Register (80 FR 24866). We received one comment on the proposed rule. No public meeting was requested, and none was held. On July 10, 2015, the Coast Guard published a temporary final rule (80 FR 39691) which lasted until July 15, 2015. The Coast Guard now believes it will be necessary to maintain the safety zones previous established until August 31, 2015. The Coast Guard is issuing this temporary final rule without prior notice and opportunity to comment pursuant to authority under section 4(a) of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553(b)). This provision authorizes an agency to issue a rule without prior notice and opportunity to comment when the agency for good cause finds that those procedures are ‘‘impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.’’ Under 5 U.S.C. E:\FR\FM\31AUR1.SGM 31AUR1 52394 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES 553(b)(B), the Coast Guard finds that good cause exists for not publishing a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) with respect to this rule as it would be impracticable, as immediate action is needed to minimize potential hazards to navigation posed by the presence of certain maritime traffic. The presence of large drilling vessels in the staging area was not anticipated by the Coast Guard beyond July 15 when the rulemaking activity began. Any delay in the effective date of this rule would present a safety risk to people and vessels in the vicinity of the staging area. Under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), the Coast Guard finds that good cause exists for making this rule effective less than 30 days after publication in the Federal Register for the reasons described above. B. Basis and Purpose Based on the expectation of increased maritime traffic primarily due to the anticipated arrival of approximately twenty eight (28) vessels affiliated with planned offshore drilling operations in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, temporary safety zones needed to ensure the safe transit of vessels within the navigable waters of the Port of Dutch Harbor and adjacent waters extending seaward to the limits of the territorial sea. The Coast Guard believes temporary safety zones are needed due to safety concerns for personnel aboard the support vessels, mariners operating other vessels in the vicinity of Dutch Harbor, and to protect the environment. The vessels and equipment anticipated to be staged within these safety zones, due to their size and technical complexity, pose a safety risk to vessels that attempt to navigate too closely to them. Limited rescue capabilities are available in the area. In an effort to mitigate the safety risks and any resulting environmental damage, the Coast Guard is establishing temporary safety zones within the Port of Dutch Harbor and the adjacent territorial sea. In evaluating this request, the Coast Guard explored relevant safety factors and considered several criteria, including, but not limited to: (1) The amount of commercial activity in and around the Port of Dutch Harbor; (2) safety concerns for personnel aboard the vessels; (3) sensitivity of the environment in the region and potential adverse affects caused by a grounding, allision, or collision; (4) the types and volume of vessels navigating in the vicinity of the Port of Dutch Harbor; and (5) the need to allow for lawful demonstrations without endangering the safe operations of support vessels. Vessels transiting in the vicinity of the VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:58 Aug 28, 2015 Jkt 235001 safety zones could consist of large commercial shipping vessels, fishing vessels, tugs and tows, and recreational vessels. Any group or individual intending to conduct lawful demonstrations in the vicinity of offshore exploration support vessels must do so outside of the temporary safety zones. Results from a thorough and comprehensive examination of the five criteria identified above, in conjunction with International Maritime Organization guidelines and existing regulations, warrant establishment of the temporary safety zones. A safety zone would significantly reduce the threat of collisions, allisions, or other incidents which could endanger the safety of all vessels operating on the navigable waters of the Port of Dutch Harbor and the adjacent territorial sea. C. Discussion of the Temporary Final Rule For the reasons described above, the Coast Guard is establishing temporary safety zones that would surround the designated vessels while at anchor, moored or underway on the navigable waters of the Port of Dutch Harbor and the adjacent territorial sea in order to mitigate the potential safety risks associated with the increased vessel traffic. The temporary safety zones will encompass the waters within 25 yards of the support vessel if the support vessel is moored or at anchor, and 100 yards if the support vessel is in transit. Enforcing temporary safety zones for each offshore exploration or support vessel while they are on the navigable waters in the Port of Dutch Harbor or the adjacent territorial sea will help ensure the safety of all vessels, including the diverse commercial fleets of Dutch Harbor. D. Regulatory Analyses We developed this temporary final rule after considering numerous statutes and executive orders related to rulemaking. Below we summarize our analyses based on a number of these statutes or executive orders. 1. Regulatory Planning and Review This rule is not a significant regulatory action under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, as supplemented by Executive Order 13563, Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review, and does not require an assessment of potential costs and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of Executive Order 12866 or under section 1 of Executive Order 13563. The Office of Management and Budget has not reviewed it under those PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Orders. The safety zone will have negligible economic impact, as there will be ample room for navigation around it. 2. Impact on Small Entities This rule is not a significant regulatory action due to the minimal impact this will have on standard vessel operations within the port of Dutch Harbor because of the limited area affected and the limited duration of the rule. The safety zones are also designed to allow vessels transiting through the area to safely travel around the safety zones without incurring additional costs. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA), (5 U.S.C. 601–612, as amended, requires federal agencies to consider the potential impact of regulations on small entities during rulemaking. The term ‘‘small entities’’ comprises small businesses, not-for-profit organizations that are independently owned and operated and are not dominant in their fields, and governmental jurisdictions with populations of less than 50,000. The Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. This rule could affect the following entities, some of which might be small entities: the owners or operators of vessels intending to transit through or anchor in within a portion of the Port of Dutch Harbor or adjacent waters, from June 15, 2015 to July 15, 2015. This safety zone would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities for the following reasons: These safety zone restrictions are only effective from July 15, 2015 to August 31, 2015, and are limited only to waters within 25 yards of the support vessel if the support vessel is moored or at anchor, and 100 yards if the support vessel is in transit. The Coast Guard will publish a local notice to mariners (LNM) and will issue broadcast notice to mariners (BNM) alerts via marine channel 16 VHF before the safety zone is enforced. 3. Assistance for Small Entities Under section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–121), in the NPRM we offered to assist small entities in understanding the rule so that they could better evaluate its effects on them and participate in the rulemaking process. Small businesses may send comments on the actions of Federal employees who enforce, or otherwise determine compliance with, Federal regulations to the Small Business and Agriculture E:\FR\FM\31AUR1.SGM 31AUR1 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman and the Regional Small Business Regulatory Fairness Boards. The Ombudsman evaluates these actions annually and rates each agency’s responsiveness to small business. If you wish to comment on actions by employees of the Coast Guard, call 1– 888–REG–FAIR (1–888–734–3247). The Coast Guard will not retaliate against small entities that question or complain about this rule or any policy or action of the Coast Guard. 4. Collection of Information This rule calls for no new collection of information under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501– 3520.). 5. Federalism A rule has implications for federalism under Executive Order 13132, Federalism, if it has a substantial direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. We have analyzed this rule under that Order and determined that this rule does not have implications for federalism. 6. Protest Activities The Coast Guard respects the First Amendment rights of protesters. Protesters are asked to contact the person listed in the ‘‘For Further Information Contact’’ section to coordinate protest activities so that your message can be received without jeopardizing the safety or security of people, places or vessels. 7. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–1538) requires Federal agencies to assess the effects of their discretionary regulatory actions. In particular, the Act addresses actions that may result in the expenditure by a State, local, or tribal government, in the aggregate, or by the private sector of $100,000,000 (adjusted for inflation) or more in any one year. Though this rule would not result in such an expenditure, we do discuss the effects of this rule elsewhere in this preamble. 8. Taking of Private Property This rule would not cause a taking of private property or otherwise have taking implications under Executive Order 12630, Governmental Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected Property Rights. VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:58 Aug 28, 2015 Jkt 235001 9. Civil Justice Reform This rule meets applicable standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden. 10. Protection of Children From Environmental Health Risks We have analyzed this rule under Executive Order 13045, Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks. This rule is not an economically significant rule and would not create an environmental risk to health or risk to safety that might disproportionately affect children. 11. Indian Tribal Governments This rule does not have tribal implications under Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments, because it would not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian tribes. 12. Energy Effects This rule is not a ‘‘significant energy action’’ under Executive Order 13211, Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use. 13. Technical Standards This rule does not use technical standards. Therefore, we did not consider the use of voluntary consensus standards. 14. Environment We have analyzed this rule under Department of Homeland Security Management Directive 023–01 and Commandant Instruction M16475.lD, which guide the Coast Guard in complying with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)(42 U.S.C. 4321–4370f), and have made a preliminary determination that this action is one of a category of actions that do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment. Specifically, the rule involves establishing a safety zone, which is categorically excluded from further review under paragraph 34(g) of Figure 2–1 of the Commandant Instruction. We seek any comments or information that may lead to the discovery of a significant environmental impact from this temporary final rule. An environmental analysis checklist and a categorical exclusion determination are available in the PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 52395 docket where indicated under Supporting Documents. List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165 Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Security measures, Waterways. For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Coast Guard amends 33 CFR part 165 as follows: PART 165—REGULATED NAVIGATION AREAS AND LIMITED ACCESS AREAS. 1. The authority citation for part 165 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 50 U.S.C. 191; 33 CFR 1.05–1, 6.04–1, 6.04–6, and 160.5; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1 2. Add § 165.T17–0246 to read as follows: ■ § . 165.T17–0246 Safety Zone; Port of Dutch Harbor; Dutch Harbor, Alaska. (a) Location. The following areas are safety zones: (1) All navigable waters within a 25yard radius of a moored or anchored offshore exploration or support vessel, or within a 100-yard radius of any underway offshore exploration or support vessel, located within the Port of Dutch Harbor, Broad Bay or adjacent navigable waters encompassed within the area from Cape Cheerful at 54– 12.000 N 166–38.000 W north to the limits of the U.S. territorial sea, and from Princess Head at 53–59.000 N 166– 25.900 W to the limits of the U.S. territorial sea. (b) Effective date. The temporary safety zones become effective at 12:01 a.m., July 15, 2015, and terminate on 11:59 p.m., August 31, 2015, unless sooner terminated by the Captain of the Port. (c) Regulations. The general regulations governing safety zones contained in § 165.23 apply to all vessels operating within the area described in paragraph (a). (1) If a non-exploration or support vessel is moored or anchored and an offshore exploration or support vessel transits near them such that it places the moored or anchored vessel within the 100-yard safety zone described in paragraph (a) of this section, the moored or anchored vessel must remain stationary until the offshore exploration or support vessel maneuvers to a distance exceeding the 100-yard safety zone. (2) All persons and vessels shall comply with the instructions of the Captain of the Port (COTP) or E:\FR\FM\31AUR1.SGM 31AUR1 52396 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 168 / Monday, August 31, 2015 / Rules and Regulations designated on-scene representative, consisting of commissioned, warrant, and petty officers of the Coast Guard. Upon being hailed by a U.S. Coast Guard vessel by siren, radio, flashing light or other means, the operator of a vessel shall proceed as directed by the COTP’s designated on-scene representative. (3) Entry into the safety zone is prohibited unless authorized by the COTP or his designated on-scene representative. Any persons desiring to enter the safety zone must contact the designated on-scene representative on VHF channel 16 (156.800 MHz) and receive permission prior to entering. (4) If permission is granted to transit within the safety zone, all persons and vessels must comply with the instructions of the designated on-scene representative. (5) The COTP, Western Alaska, will notify the maritime and general public by marine information broadcast during the period of time that the safety zones are in force by providing notice in accordance with 33 CFR 165.7. (d) Penalties. Persons and vessels violating this rule are subject to the penalties set forth in 33 U.S.C. 1232 and 50 U.S.C. 192. Dated: July 14, 2015. Paul Albertson, Commander, U. S. Coast Guard, Captain of the Port, Western Alaska. navigational hazards associated with a large scale swimming event. DATES: This rule is effective from 7 a.m. on September 12, 2015 until 10 a.m. on September 13, 2015. ADDRESSES: Documents mentioned in this preamble are part of docket [USCG– 2015–0509]. To view documents mentioned in this preamble as being available in the docket, go to https://, type the docket number in the ‘‘SEARCH’’ box and click ‘‘SEARCH.’’ Click on Open Docket Folder on the line associated with this rulemaking. You may also visit the Docket Management Facility in Room W12–140 on the ground floor of the Department of Transportation West Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this rule, call or email LTJG Amanda Garcia, Chief of Waterways Management, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Buffalo; telephone 716– 843–9343, email If you have questions on viewing the docket, call Ms. Cheryl Collins, Program Manager, Docket Operations, telephone 202–366–9826 or 1–800–647–5527. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Table of Acronyms [FR Doc. 2015–21017 Filed 8–28–15; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 9110–04–P DHS Department of Homeland Security FR Federal Register NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking TFR Temporary Final Rule DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY A. Regulatory History and Information Coast Guard 33 CFR Part 165 [Docket Number USCG–2015–0509] RIN 1625–AA00 Safety Zone; Incredoubleman Triathlon; Henderson Bay, Lake Ontario, Sackets Harbor, NY Coast Guard, DHS. Temporary final rule. AGENCY: ACTION: The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone on Henderson Bay, Lake Ontario, Sackets Harbor, NY for a triathlon event. This safety zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of Lake Ontario during the swimming portion of the Incredoubleman Triathlon event. This temporary safety zone is necessary to protect participants, spectators, mariners, and vessels from the rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with RULES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 13:58 Aug 28, 2015 Jkt 235001 The Coast Guard is issuing this temporary final rule without prior notice and opportunity to comment pursuant to authority under section 4(a) of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553(b)). This provision authorizes an agency to issue a rule without prior notice and opportunity to comment when the agency for good cause finds that those procedures are ‘‘impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.’’ Under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B), the Coast Guard finds that good cause exists for not publishing a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) with respect to this rule because doing so would be impracticable. The final details for this event were not known to the Coast Guard until there was insufficient time remaining before the event to publish an NPRM. Thus, delaying the effective date of this rule to wait for a comment period to run would be impracticable because it would inhibit the Coast Guard’s ability to protect spectators and vessels from the PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 hazards associated with a large scale swimming event. Under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), the Coast Guard finds that good cause exists for making this temporary rule effective less than 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. For the same reasons discussed in the preceding paragraph, waiting for a 30 day notice period to run would be impracticable. B. Basis and Purpose The legal basis and authorities for this rule are found in 33 U.S.C. 1231; 50 U.S.C. 191; 33 CFR 1.05–1, 6.04–1, 6.04–6, and 160.5; and Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1, which collectively authorize the Coast Guard to establish and define regulatory safety zones. Between 7 a.m. until 10 a.m. on September 12 and 13, 2015, a triathlon/ swimming race will be held offshore of Henderson Bay, Lake Ontario, Sackets Harbor, NY. The Captain of the Port Buffalo has determined that a large scale swimming event on a navigable waterway will pose a significant risk to participants and the boating public. C. Discussion of the Final Rule With the aforementioned hazards in mind, the Captain of the Port Buffalo has determined that this temporary safety zone is necessary to ensure the safety of spectators and vessels during the Incredboubleman Triathlon event. This zone will be enforced from 7 a.m. until 10 a.m. on September 12 and 13, 2015. This zone will encompass all areas on the waters of Henderson Bay, Lake Ontario, Sackets Harbor, NY within the following positions: 43°53′52.58″ N. and 076°7′40.19″ W., then Northwest to 43°54′4.44″ N. and 076°7′43.89″ W., then Southwest to 43°53′57.19″ N. and 076°8′19.19″ W., then Southeast to 43°53′52.58″ N. and 076°7′40.19″ W. (NAD 83). Entry into, transiting, or anchoring within the safety zone is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Buffalo or his designated on-scene representative. The Captain of the Port or his designated on-scene representative may be contacted via VHF Channel 16. D. Regulatory Analyses We developed this rule after considering numerous statutes and executive orders related to rulemaking. Below we summarize our analyses based on these statutes and executive orders. 1. Regulatory Planning and Review This rule is not a significant regulatory action under section 3(f) of E:\FR\FM\31AUR1.SGM 31AUR1


[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 168 (Monday, August 31, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 52393-52396]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-21017]



Coast Guard

33 CFR Part 165

[Docket Number USCG-2015-0246]
RIN 1625-AA00

Safety Zone--Oil Exploration Staging Area in Dutch Harbor, AK

AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.

ACTION: Temporary final rule.


SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is establishing temporary safety zones in the 
Port of Dutch Harbor, Broad Bay or adjacent navigable waters in the 
Dutch Harbor area on July 15, 2015. The temporary safety zones will 
encompass the navigable waters within a 25-yard radius of moored or 
anchored offshore exploration or support vessels, and the navigable 
waters within a 100-yard radius of underway offshore exploration or 
support vessels. The purpose of the safety zones is to protect persons 
and vessels during an unusually high volume of vessel traffic in the 
Port of Dutch Harbor, and the adjacent territorial sea due to 
additional vessel traffic associated with exploratory drilling 
operations in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas during the summer of 2015.

DATES: This rule is effective without actual notice from August 28, 
2015 until August 31, 2015. For the purposes of enforcement, actual 
notice will be used from July 15, 2015, until August 31, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Documents mentioned in this preamble are part of docket 
[USCG-2015-0246]. To view documents mentioned in this preamble as being 
available in the docket, go to, type the 
docket number in the ``SEARCH'' box and click ``SEARCH.'' Click on Open 
Docket Folder on the line associated with this rulemaking. You may also 
visit the Docket Management Facility in Room W12-140 on the ground 
floor of the Department of Transportation West Building, 1200 New 
Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., 
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this 
temporary rule, call or email LT Eugene Chung, Sector Anchorage 
Prevention, Coast Guard; telephone 907-428-4189, Email If you have questions on viewing or submitting 
material to the docket, call Cheryl Collins, Program Manager, Docket 
Operations, telephone 202-366-9826.


Table of Acronyms

DHS Department of Homeland Security
FR Federal Register
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
TFR Temporary Final Rule

A. Regulatory History and Information

    On May 1, 2015, we published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) 
entitled Safety Zones: Oil Exploration Staging Area in Dutch Harbor, AK 
in the Federal Register (80 FR 24866). We received one comment on the 
proposed rule. No public meeting was requested, and none was held. On 
July 10, 2015, the Coast Guard published a temporary final rule (80 FR 
39691) which lasted until July 15, 2015. The Coast Guard now believes 
it will be necessary to maintain the safety zones previous established 
until August 31, 2015.
    The Coast Guard is issuing this temporary final rule without prior 
notice and opportunity to comment pursuant to authority under section 
4(a) of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553(b)). This 
provision authorizes an agency to issue a rule without prior notice and 
opportunity to comment when the agency for good cause finds that those 
procedures are ``impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public 
interest.'' Under 5 U.S.C.

[[Page 52394]]

553(b)(B), the Coast Guard finds that good cause exists for not 
publishing a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) with respect to this 
rule as it would be impracticable, as immediate action is needed to 
minimize potential hazards to navigation posed by the presence of 
certain maritime traffic. The presence of large drilling vessels in the 
staging area was not anticipated by the Coast Guard beyond July 15 when 
the rulemaking activity began. Any delay in the effective date of this 
rule would present a safety risk to people and vessels in the vicinity 
of the staging area.
    Under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), the Coast Guard finds that good cause 
exists for making this rule effective less than 30 days after 
publication in the Federal Register for the reasons described above.

B. Basis and Purpose

    Based on the expectation of increased maritime traffic primarily 
due to the anticipated arrival of approximately twenty eight (28) 
vessels affiliated with planned offshore drilling operations in the 
Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, temporary safety zones needed to ensure the 
safe transit of vessels within the navigable waters of the Port of 
Dutch Harbor and adjacent waters extending seaward to the limits of the 
territorial sea. The Coast Guard believes temporary safety zones are 
needed due to safety concerns for personnel aboard the support vessels, 
mariners operating other vessels in the vicinity of Dutch Harbor, and 
to protect the environment. The vessels and equipment anticipated to be 
staged within these safety zones, due to their size and technical 
complexity, pose a safety risk to vessels that attempt to navigate too 
closely to them. Limited rescue capabilities are available in the area. 
In an effort to mitigate the safety risks and any resulting 
environmental damage, the Coast Guard is establishing temporary safety 
zones within the Port of Dutch Harbor and the adjacent territorial sea.
    In evaluating this request, the Coast Guard explored relevant 
safety factors and considered several criteria, including, but not 
limited to: (1) The amount of commercial activity in and around the 
Port of Dutch Harbor; (2) safety concerns for personnel aboard the 
vessels; (3) sensitivity of the environment in the region and potential 
adverse affects caused by a grounding, allision, or collision; (4) the 
types and volume of vessels navigating in the vicinity of the Port of 
Dutch Harbor; and (5) the need to allow for lawful demonstrations 
without endangering the safe operations of support vessels. Vessels 
transiting in the vicinity of the safety zones could consist of large 
commercial shipping vessels, fishing vessels, tugs and tows, and 
recreational vessels. Any group or individual intending to conduct 
lawful demonstrations in the vicinity of offshore exploration support 
vessels must do so outside of the temporary safety zones.
    Results from a thorough and comprehensive examination of the five 
criteria identified above, in conjunction with International Maritime 
Organization guidelines and existing regulations, warrant establishment 
of the temporary safety zones. A safety zone would significantly reduce 
the threat of collisions, allisions, or other incidents which could 
endanger the safety of all vessels operating on the navigable waters of 
the Port of Dutch Harbor and the adjacent territorial sea.

C. Discussion of the Temporary Final Rule

    For the reasons described above, the Coast Guard is establishing 
temporary safety zones that would surround the designated vessels while 
at anchor, moored or underway on the navigable waters of the Port of 
Dutch Harbor and the adjacent territorial sea in order to mitigate the 
potential safety risks associated with the increased vessel traffic. 
The temporary safety zones will encompass the waters within 25 yards of 
the support vessel if the support vessel is moored or at anchor, and 
100 yards if the support vessel is in transit.
    Enforcing temporary safety zones for each offshore exploration or 
support vessel while they are on the navigable waters in the Port of 
Dutch Harbor or the adjacent territorial sea will help ensure the 
safety of all vessels, including the diverse commercial fleets of Dutch 

D. Regulatory Analyses

    We developed this temporary final rule after considering numerous 
statutes and executive orders related to rulemaking. Below we summarize 
our analyses based on a number of these statutes or executive orders.

1. Regulatory Planning and Review

    This rule is not a significant regulatory action under section 3(f) 
of Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, as 
supplemented by Executive Order 13563, Improving Regulation and 
Regulatory Review, and does not require an assessment of potential 
costs and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of Executive Order 12866 or 
under section 1 of Executive Order 13563. The Office of Management and 
Budget has not reviewed it under those Orders. The safety zone will 
have negligible economic impact, as there will be ample room for 
navigation around it.

2. Impact on Small Entities

    This rule is not a significant regulatory action due to the minimal 
impact this will have on standard vessel operations within the port of 
Dutch Harbor because of the limited area affected and the limited 
duration of the rule. The safety zones are also designed to allow 
vessels transiting through the area to safely travel around the safety 
zones without incurring additional costs.
    The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA), (5 U.S.C. 601-612, as 
amended, requires federal agencies to consider the potential impact of 
regulations on small entities during rulemaking. The term ``small 
entities'' comprises small businesses, not-for-profit organizations 
that are independently owned and operated and are not dominant in their 
fields, and governmental jurisdictions with populations of less than 
50,000. The Coast Guard certifies under 5 U.S.C. 605(b) that this rule 
will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
small entities.
    This rule could affect the following entities, some of which might 
be small entities: the owners or operators of vessels intending to 
transit through or anchor in within a portion of the Port of Dutch 
Harbor or adjacent waters, from June 15, 2015 to July 15, 2015.
    This safety zone would not have a significant economic impact on a 
substantial number of small entities for the following reasons: These 
safety zone restrictions are only effective from July 15, 2015 to 
August 31, 2015, and are limited only to waters within 25 yards of the 
support vessel if the support vessel is moored or at anchor, and 100 
yards if the support vessel is in transit. The Coast Guard will publish 
a local notice to mariners (LNM) and will issue broadcast notice to 
mariners (BNM) alerts via marine channel 16 VHF before the safety zone 
is enforced.

3. Assistance for Small Entities

    Under section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement 
Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-121), in the NPRM we offered to 
assist small entities in understanding the rule so that they could 
better evaluate its effects on them and participate in the rulemaking 
    Small businesses may send comments on the actions of Federal 
employees who enforce, or otherwise determine compliance with, Federal 
regulations to the Small Business and Agriculture

[[Page 52395]]

Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman and the Regional Small Business 
Regulatory Fairness Boards. The Ombudsman evaluates these actions 
annually and rates each agency's responsiveness to small business. If 
you wish to comment on actions by employees of the Coast Guard, call 1-
888-REG-FAIR (1-888-734-3247). The Coast Guard will not retaliate 
against small entities that question or complain about this rule or any 
policy or action of the Coast Guard.

4. Collection of Information

    This rule calls for no new collection of information under the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520.).

5. Federalism

    A rule has implications for federalism under Executive Order 13132, 
Federalism, if it has a substantial direct effect on the States, on the 
relationship between the national government and the States, or on the 
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
government. We have analyzed this rule under that Order and determined 
that this rule does not have implications for federalism.

6. Protest Activities

    The Coast Guard respects the First Amendment rights of protesters. 
Protesters are asked to contact the person listed in the ``For Further 
Information Contact'' section to coordinate protest activities so that 
your message can be received without jeopardizing the safety or 
security of people, places or vessels.

7. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531-1538) 
requires Federal agencies to assess the effects of their discretionary 
regulatory actions. In particular, the Act addresses actions that may 
result in the expenditure by a State, local, or tribal government, in 
the aggregate, or by the private sector of $100,000,000 (adjusted for 
inflation) or more in any one year. Though this rule would not result 
in such an expenditure, we do discuss the effects of this rule 
elsewhere in this preamble.

8. Taking of Private Property

    This rule would not cause a taking of private property or otherwise 
have taking implications under Executive Order 12630, Governmental 
Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected Property 

9. Civil Justice Reform

    This rule meets applicable standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) 
of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize litigation, 
eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden.

10. Protection of Children From Environmental Health Risks

    We have analyzed this rule under Executive Order 13045, Protection 
of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks. This rule 
is not an economically significant rule and would not create an 
environmental risk to health or risk to safety that might 
disproportionately affect children.

11. Indian Tribal Governments

    This rule does not have tribal implications under Executive Order 
13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments, 
because it would not have a substantial direct effect on one or more 
Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government and 
Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities 
between the Federal Government and Indian tribes.

12. Energy Effects

    This rule is not a ``significant energy action'' under Executive 
Order 13211, Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect 
Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use.

13. Technical Standards

    This rule does not use technical standards. Therefore, we did not 
consider the use of voluntary consensus standards.

14. Environment

    We have analyzed this rule under Department of Homeland Security 
Management Directive 023-01 and Commandant Instruction M16475.lD, which 
guide the Coast Guard in complying with the National Environmental 
Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)(42 U.S.C. 4321-4370f), and have made a 
preliminary determination that this action is one of a category of 
actions that do not individually or cumulatively have a significant 
effect on the human environment. Specifically, the rule involves 
establishing a safety zone, which is categorically excluded from 
further review under paragraph 34(g) of Figure 2-1 of the Commandant 
Instruction. We seek any comments or information that may lead to the 
discovery of a significant environmental impact from this temporary 
final rule. An environmental analysis checklist and a categorical 
exclusion determination are available in the docket where indicated 
under Supporting Documents.

List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 165

    Harbors, Marine safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements, Security measures, Waterways.
    For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Coast Guard amends 
33 CFR part 165 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 165 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  33 U.S.C. 1231; 50 U.S.C. 191; 33 CFR 1.05-1, 6.04-
1, 6.04-6, and 160.5; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 

2. Add Sec.  165.T17-0246 to read as follows:

Sec.  .  165.T17-0246 Safety Zone; Port of Dutch Harbor; Dutch Harbor, 

    (a) Location. The following areas are safety zones:
    (1) All navigable waters within a 25-yard radius of a moored or 
anchored offshore exploration or support vessel, or within a 100-yard 
radius of any underway offshore exploration or support vessel, located 
within the Port of Dutch Harbor, Broad Bay or adjacent navigable waters 
encompassed within the area from Cape Cheerful at 54-12.000 N 166-
38.000 W north to the limits of the U.S. territorial sea, and from 
Princess Head at 53-59.000 N 166-25.900 W to the limits of the U.S. 
territorial sea.
    (b) Effective date. The temporary safety zones become effective at 
12:01 a.m., July 15, 2015, and terminate on 11:59 p.m., August 31, 
2015, unless sooner terminated by the Captain of the Port.
    (c) Regulations. The general regulations governing safety zones 
contained in Sec.  165.23 apply to all vessels operating within the 
area described in paragraph (a).
    (1) If a non-exploration or support vessel is moored or anchored 
and an offshore exploration or support vessel transits near them such 
that it places the moored or anchored vessel within the 100-yard safety 
zone described in paragraph (a) of this section, the moored or anchored 
vessel must remain stationary until the offshore exploration or support 
vessel maneuvers to a distance exceeding the 100-yard safety zone.
    (2) All persons and vessels shall comply with the instructions of 
the Captain of the Port (COTP) or

[[Page 52396]]

designated on-scene representative, consisting of commissioned, 
warrant, and petty officers of the Coast Guard. Upon being hailed by a 
U.S. Coast Guard vessel by siren, radio, flashing light or other means, 
the operator of a vessel shall proceed as directed by the COTP's 
designated on-scene representative.
    (3) Entry into the safety zone is prohibited unless authorized by 
the COTP or his designated on-scene representative. Any persons 
desiring to enter the safety zone must contact the designated on-scene 
representative on VHF channel 16 (156.800 MHz) and receive permission 
prior to entering.
    (4) If permission is granted to transit within the safety zone, all 
persons and vessels must comply with the instructions of the designated 
on-scene representative.
    (5) The COTP, Western Alaska, will notify the maritime and general 
public by marine information broadcast during the period of time that 
the safety zones are in force by providing notice in accordance with 33 
CFR 165.7.
    (d) Penalties. Persons and vessels violating this rule are subject 
to the penalties set forth in 33 U.S.C. 1232 and 50 U.S.C. 192.

    Dated: July 14, 2015.
Paul Albertson,
Commander, U. S. Coast Guard, Captain of the Port, Western Alaska.
[FR Doc. 2015-21017 Filed 8-28-15; 8:45 am]
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