Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and the International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, 82163-82179 [2011-33358]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations This final rule directly regulates growers, food processors, food handlers, and food retailers, not States or tribes, nor does this action alter the relationships or distribution of power and responsibilities established by Congress in the preemption provisions of section 408(n)(4) of FFDCA. As such, the Agency has determined that this action will not have a substantial direct effect on States or tribal governments, on the relationship between the national government and the States or tribal governments, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government or between the Federal Government and Indian tribes. Thus, the Agency has determined that Executive Order 13132, entitled Federalism (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999) and Executive Order 13175, entitled Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000) do not apply to this final rule. In addition, this final rule does not impose any enforceable duty or contain any unfunded mandate as described under Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub. L. 104–4). This action does not involve any technical standards that would require Agency consideration of voluntary consensus standards pursuant to section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (NTTAA), Public Law 104–113, section 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272 note). Dated: December 21, 2011. Lois Rossi, Director, Registration Division, Office of Pesticide Programs. VII. Congressional Review Act * The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., generally provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating the rule must submit a rule report to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United States. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of this final rule in the Federal Register. This final rule is not a ‘‘major rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2). tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 180 Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, Agricultural commodities, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 ACTION: PART 180—[AMENDED] 1. The authority citation for part 180 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321(q), 346a and 371. 2. In § 180.475 the table to paragraph (a) is amended by alphabetically adding oat, forage; oat, grain; oat, hay; oat, straw; rye, forage; rye, straw; and wheat, hay and by revising the entry for rye, grain to read as follows: ■ § 180.475 Difenoconazole; tolerance for residues. (a) * * * (1) * * * * Oat, Oat, Oat, Oat, Parts per million * * * forage ................................ grain .................................. hay .................................... straw ................................. * 0.15 0.01 0.05 0.05 * * * * Rye, forage ............................... Rye, grain ................................. Rye, straw ................................. * 0.15 0.01 0.05 * * * * Wheat, hay ............................... * 0.05 * * * * [FR Doc. 2011–33482 Filed 12–29–11; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560–50–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 49 CFR Parts 172, 173, 175, and 176 [Docket No. PHMSA–2009–0126 (HM–215K)] RIN 2137–AE76 Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and the International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), DOT. AGENCY: PO 00000 Frm 00089 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Final rule. This document responds to administrative appeals, provides clarifications, and corrects typographical and other minor errors adopted in an international harmonization final rule published January 19, 2011 (HM–215K; 76 FR 3308). The final rule amended the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) by revising, removing or adding proper shipping names, the hazard class of a material, packing group assignments, special provisions, packaging authorizations, packaging sections, air transport quantity limitations, and vessel stowage requirements. The amendments were necessary to align the HMR with recent revisions to international standards for the transport of hazardous materials by all modes. DATES: Effective Date: January 1, 2012. Voluntary compliance date: PHMSA is authorizing voluntary compliance beginning December 30, 2011. ADDRESSES: For access to the docket to read background documents, including those referenced in this document, or to read comments received, go to https:// www.regulations.gov at any time and insert ‘‘PHMSA–2009–0126’’ in the ‘‘Keyword’’ box, and then click ‘‘Search.’’ You may also view the docket online by visiting the Docket Management Facility in Room W12– 140, DOT Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., e.t. Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Anyone is able to search the electronic form for all comments received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on January 17, 2008 (73 FR 3316), or you may visit https:// edocket.access.gpo.gov/2008/pdf/E8785.pdf. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Stevens, telephone (202) 366– 8553, or Shane Kelley, telephone (202) 366–0656, Standards and Rulemaking Division, telephone (202) 366–8553, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20590–0001. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SUMMARY: Therefore, 40 CFR chapter I is amended as follows: Commodity 82163 I. Background II. Administrative Appeals Filed in Response to the HM–215K Final Rule E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 82164 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES A. Use of the Square-on-Point With Identification Number Limited Quantity Marking B. Fuel Cell Cartridges 1. Fuel Cell Cartridges Transported as ORM–D by Aircraft 2. Fuel Cell Systems and Cartridges Aboard Passenger-Carrying Aircraft C. General Requirements for Transportation by Aircraft D. Self-Reactive Material as a Limited Quantity III. Clarification of the HM–215K Final Rule A. Use of the Limited Quantity ‘‘Y’’ Marking B. General Requirements for Transportation by Aircraft C. Packaging Requirements for Metal Hydride Storage Systems IV. Section-by-Section Review of Changes V. Summary of Changes Related to Limited Quantity Material and ORM–D VI. Regulatory Analyses and Notices A. Statutory/Legal Authority for the Rulemaking B. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures C. Executive Order 13132 D. Executive Order 13175 E. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive Order 13272, and DOT Procedures and Policies F. Paperwork Reduction Act G. Regulatory Identifier Number (RIN) H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act I. Environmental Assessment J. Privacy Act K. International Trade Analysis I. Background On January 19, 2011, PHMSA published a final rule under Docket PHMSA–2009–0126 (HM–215K; 76 FR 3308) that revised the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171–180) to align with various international standards. The final rule adopted amendments to the HMR regarding hazard communication, hazard classification including packing group assignment, packaging authorization, air transport quantity limitations, and various other international harmonization-related topics. The amendments were necessary to align the HMR with the latest revisions to the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO Technical Instructions), the International Maritime Organization’s Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), Transport Canada’s Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDG Regulations), and the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations (UN Model Regulations) to facilitate to the seamless transportation of hazardous materials internationally, to, through and from the United States. VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 In this document, PHMSA responds to administrative appeals, provides clarifications, and corrects typographical and other minor errors adopted in the January 19, 2011 final rule. II. Administrative Appeals Filed in Response to the HM–215K Final Rule In response to the January 19, 2011 final rule, administrative appeals were submitted by the following companies and organizations: American Coatings Association (ACA) Association of Hazmat Shippers, Inc. (AHS) Dangerous Goods Advisory Council, Inc. (DGAC) Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA) Healthcare Distribution Management Association (HDMA) International Air Transport Association (IATA) Patton Boggs, LLP., on behalf of Lilliputian Systems, Inc. (LSI) PPG Industries (PPG) Sporting Arms & Ammunition Manufacturer’s Institute (SAAMI) The administrative appeals addressed in this document are discussed in detail below. Because some of the issues raised by appellants require notice and public comment under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA; 5 U.S.C. 553), they are being proposed in a separate notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) under this docket number (PHMSA–2009–0126; RIN 2137–AE83). For example, FCHEA and LSI requested that PHMSA revise § 175.10 to align with the ICAO Technical Instructions and allow spare fuel cell cartridges containing Division 2.1 flammable gas to be carried in checked baggage. We are also aware of recent actions taken by the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Dangerous Goods Panel regarding certain lithium ion battery-powered mobility aids (e.g., wheelchairs, travel scooters) offered by passengers for air transport. Such actions could affect the outcome of the administrative appeal submitted by IATA in response to the January 19, 2011 final rule and, therefore, those actions will also be addressed in the separate NPRM. We can, however, in some instances adopt a provision submitted in an administrative appeal that was inadvertently omitted in the final rule if it is clearly within the scope of changes proposed in the notice, does not require substantive changes from the international standard on which it is based, and imposes minimal or no cost impacts on persons subject to the requirement. Otherwise, in order to provide opportunity for notice and PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 comment, the change must first be proposed in an NPRM. A. Use of the Square-on-Point With Identification Number Limited Quantity Marking Currently, under § 172.315 of the HMR and except for transportation by aircraft, a packaging containing a limited quantity material is not required to be marked with the proper shipping name when marked with a square-onpoint containing the UN identification (ID) number of the limited quantity material. In the January 19, 2011 final rule, we provided a one-year transition period to authorize continued use of this marking before the revisions to the limited quantity markings become effective. ACA, DGAC, and PPG all state the one-year transition period does not allow sufficient time to deplete stock(s) of packagings pre-printed with the square-on-point mark containing the ID number and requested an extension of three- to five-years. Appellants request that PHMSA provide a transition period similar to the transition period provided for the phase-out of the ORM–D marking, depending on the mode of transportation. Appellants also requested that any transition periods be included in §§ 171.14 (transitional provisions) and 172.300 (marking applicability). PHMSA Response We agree. Shippers should be provided the same transition period that authorizes the continued use of the square-on-point mark containing the UN ID number provided for ORM–D markings. In this document, we are granting the appeals submitted by ACA, DGAC, and PPG and revising § 172.315 by extending the transition period, until December 31, 2013 for other than air transportation. For domestic air transportation, we are authorizing use of the square-on-point mark containing the ID number to continue until December 31, 2012 as adopted in the January 19, 2011 final rule. However, we are not revising §§ 171.14 and 172.300 to include the transition periods because we believe it is overly duplicative. B. Fuel Cell Cartridges Aboard Passenger-Carrying Aircraft In this document, we respond to two administrative appeals related to the transportation of fuel cell cartridges. The administrative appeals are discussed as follows: 1. Fuel Cell Cartridges Transported as ORM–D by Air In the January 19, 2011 final rule, we revised the limited quantity E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES requirements for fuel cell cartridges to allow transportation as ‘‘Consumer commodity, ORM–D,’’ except when transported by aircraft. FCHEA states not allowing the transportation by aircraft of fuel cell cartridges as ORM–D–AIR is inconsistent with the ICAO Technical Instructions and the UN Model Regulations and claims that the difference is ‘‘impractical’’ from an international trade and enforcement standpoint. They note there are no safety consequences when comparing the air transportation of fuel cell cartridges shipped as limited quantity material and those shipped as ORM–D– AIR. They also note that fuel cell cartridges are sturdy articles that meet a range of tests and requirements to ensure they do not pose unreasonable risks in transportation. FCHEA requests PHMSA to allow fuel cell cartridges to be transported as ORM–D–AIR by aircraft so that fuel cell technologies are not placed at a disadvantage compared to other technologies authorized to be transported by aircraft. PHMSA response. We deny FCHEA’s administrative appeal that would authorize fuel cell cartridges to be offered and transported as ‘‘Consumer commodity, ORM–D– AIR,’’ by aircraft. When packages of articles or substances are renamed ‘‘Consumer commodity’’ and are reclassed as ‘‘ORM–D–AIR,’’ the identity and risk posed by the substance or article is no longer communicated. This is one of the primary reasons the ORM–D–AIR hazard class is being phased-out by the end of 2012. We believe the authorization to offer fuel cell cartridges as limited quantities by passenger-carrying and cargo-only aircraft satisfies the need for the expedient transportation of such articles, while communicating their risk, and imposing minimal regulatory burden. 2. Fuel Cell Systems and Cartridges Aboard Passenger-Carrying Aircraft FCHEA’s administrative appeal indicated that in addition to the differences in fuel cell cartridge chemistries authorized in checked baggage, there are a number of inconsistencies and editorial issues when comparing § 175.10 and the ICAO Technical Instructions regarding fuel cell systems and cartridges used to power portable electronic devices authorized to be carried aboard passenger-carrying aircraft. They note that over the last several years, revisions to the ICAO Technical Instructions have made the regulatory language clearer. FCHEA requests that PHMSA make VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 similar revisions to avoid any potential confusion between requirements under the HMR and the ICAO Technical Instructions. PHMSA response. We agree. Thus, we are granting FCHEA’s administrative appeal to editorially revise § 175.10(a)(19) to be consistent with language in 8; 1.1.2 (t) of the ICAO Technical Instructions. This clarification does not, however, revise current HMR provisions regarding such articles and is entirely editorial in nature. C. General Requirements for Transportation by Aircraft As adopted in the January 19, 2011 final rule, the general air packaging requirements for combination packagings prohibit Class 1 (explosive) and Class 7 (radioactive) material to be offered for transportation as limited quantity material by aircraft. See 76 FR 3369. In their administrative appeal, DGAC and SAAMI state this is inconsistent with other provisions in the HMR that allow the transportation of these materials by aircraft, specifically, §§ 173.421 through 173.425 for limited quantity radioactive material, instruments, and articles and § 173.63(b) for certain Division 1.4S explosive articles. DGAC and SAAMI request that PHMSA revise the list of prohibited hazardous material and articles and Table 3 in § 173.27(f) to clarify that Class 1 (explosive) material conforming to § 173.63(b) and Class 7 (radioactive) material conforming to §§ 173.421 through 173.425, as applicable, are authorized for transportation by aircraft. Additionally, DGAC requests UN3334 (‘‘Aviation regulated liquid, n.o.s.’’) and UN3335 (‘‘Aviation regulated solid, n.o.s.’’) be added to the list of Class 9 (miscellaneous hazard) material as the substances are currently authorized as limited quantity material under the § 173.155 exceptions for Class 9 material and for consistency with the ICAO Technical Instructions. PHMSA response. We agree. DGAC and SAAMI are correct, and we are therefore granting their administrative appeals by revising § 173.27(f) to reflect current regulations that authorize the shipment of these substances and articles by aircraft. We want to point out that although certain Class 1 and Class 7 materials are indicated as eligible for air transport in § 173.27(f), such indication is provided for informational purposes to aid readers in indentifying the appropriate packaging and other regulatory provisions for such materials. For example, packages of such materials are not marked with the limited quantity PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 82165 ‘‘Y’’ mark prescribed in § 172.315 but rather as prescribed in §§ 173.63 and 173.421 through 173.425, as appropriate. D. Self-Reactive Material as a Limited Quantity In the UN Model Regulations, certain Division 4.1 self-reactive materials are authorized limited quantity exceptions. Currently, the HMR do not authorize such exceptions. AHS appealed to PHMSA to include a limited quantity exception for the material ‘‘Self-reactive solid, Type F, UN3230.’’ AHS notes that they filed a petition for rulemaking in 2009 (P–1542), to which PHMSA replied by stating that the petition merited rulemaking action and that it would be addressed in the January 19, 2011 final rule. PHMSA response. We recognize the merits of AHS’s appeal and petition for rulemaking, but are denying AHS’s administrative appeal because it is beyond the scope of this rulemaking. To accommodate the federally mandated requirement for notice and comment during a significant rulemaking action, the petition must be presented under a notice of proposed rulemaking to allow for comment by all interested parties. We regret the unintentional omission of a proposal in the NPRM for a limited quantity exception for ‘‘Self-reactive solid, Type F, UN3230’’ and for adoption under the January 19, 2011 final rule. We fully intend to include a proposal for this material as a broader effort to revise the packaging requirements for all eligible self-reactive materials in a near-term rulemaking action. III. Clarification of the HM–215K Final Rule A. Use of the Limited Quantity ‘‘Y’’ Marking In the January 19, 2011 final rule, we adopted new limited quantity markings consistent with the ICAO Technical Instructions, IMDG Code, and the UN Model Regulations to include a limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ marking for display on packagings prepared for air transportation. In their administrative appeals, ACA and DGAC ask for a clearer indication of when this new marking may be used in modes of transportation by other than aircraft. They note PHMSA’s consideration in the January 19 final rule of a comment stating that the limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ marking should be authorized for use in all modes of transportation if displayed on a packaging that meets all conditions and requirements for air transportation. See 76 FR 3313. Additionally, on the E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 82166 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations basis of their opposition to adoption of the air transport requirements for limited quantities consistent with the ICAO Technical Instructions, DGAC recommends that: The ‘‘Y’’ package mark [proposed] in § 172.315 not be required * * * [and] recommend that [PHMSA] allow permissive use of the ‘‘Y’’ mark for all modes of transport when the package meets the relevant requirements of the ICAO TI. We agreed with the DGAC recommendation that a ‘‘Y’’ marked package in full conformance with the air transport provisions prescribed for a limited quantity package should be authorized in all modes of transportation and also stated we would revise § 171.22 accordingly. Although we indicated our intent to revise § 171.22, which prescribes the authorization and conditions for use of international standards, we inadvertently failed to amend the corresponding regulatory text of the section. In its administrative appeal, ACA also requests that PHMSA amend this section to indicate the limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ marking is authorized for use in all modes of transportation. Further, DGAC suggests that we revise § 172.315 to include language authorizing the use of this marking by modes other than air. PHMSA response. We agree. Our indication in the final rule to revise § 171.22 was in error as that section prescribes the authorization to use the various international standards. Regardless, we clearly indicated in the preamble of the final rule that the display of a ‘‘Y’’ marking on limited quantity package that is not intended for transportation by aircraft is authorized. Thus, because a limited quantity package prepared for air transportation by default is authorized by all modes of transportation, the administrative appeals requesting that PHMSA align with the international standards are hereby granted. See the Section-by-Section review of changes for a full discussion of the § 172.315 revisions and requirements. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES B. General Requirements for Transportation by Aircraft In the January 19, 2011 final rule, we revised the § 173.27 general requirements for transportation of packagings by aircraft. Specifically, we revised paragraph (f) by including a new Table 3 that prescribes the requirements for authorized limited quantity material intended for air transportation consistent with the 2011–2012 ICAO Technical Instructions, where appropriate. VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 AHS notes that PHMSA included ‘‘Consumer commodity, ID8000’’ as authorized Class 9 material but failed to revise paragraph (f)(2)(i)(G) for Class 9 material not authorized as limited quantity material by aircraft. As indicated by AHS, ‘‘Consumer commodity, ID8000’’ may be shipped as limited quantity material by aircraft, thus ‘‘ID8000’’ should be added to the list of materials excepted from the Class 9 prohibition in paragraph (f)(2)(i)(G). PHMSA response. We agree. In this final rule, we are revising § 173.27(f)(2)(i)(G) to include ‘‘ID8000’’ as a material excepted from the Class 9 prohibition. In addition, for clarification, we are revising Table 3 to indicate that the note associated with Class 9 liquid material applies to both liquid and solid material. with the § 173.311 requirements for metal hydride storage systems to include the requirements of ISO 16111. Special permits issued by the Associate Administrator authorize the transportation of hazardous material and packaging within the United States only. International regulatory agencies may not recognize a special permit granted by PHMSA. However, metal hydride storage canisters designed, constructed, and otherwise conforming to requirements authorized under a CAA issued by PHMSA should be honored by other competent authorities worldwide as a valid alternative to ISO 16111. C. Packaging Provisions for Metal Hydride Storage Systems In the January 19, 2011 final rule, we added a new section, § 173.311, for packaging requirements for ‘‘Metal hydride storage systems, UN3468’’ used for the transport of hydrogen. Prior to the January 19, 2011 final rule, the HMR did not prescribe methods for the construction, qualification, marking, and requalification of these systems although we issued a number of special permits and competent authority approvals (CAA) to allow the manufacture and use of similar systems for the transport of hydrogen. In a January 24, 2011 request for clarification, Ovonic Hydrogen Systems, LLC (OHS) expresses concern that the new § 173.311 requires transportable metal hydride storage systems to meet ISO Standard 16111:2008 (ISO 16111) which does not recognize the storage canisters manufactured by OHS under its currently-held CAA. Specifically, OHS manufactures storage canisters based on refillable aluminum cylinders designed, constructed, and tested to DOT 3AL specifications. Instead, ISO 16111 requires the use of aluminum cylinders constructed and tested to ISO 7866 specifications. Testing and marking requirements under ISO 7866 differ from testing and marking requirements for DOT 3AL specifications and OHS states its storage canisters are non-compliant as a result. PHMSA response. We disagree with OHS’s assertion. The adoption of packaging requirements for metal hydride storage systems in § 173.311 does not invalidate any active special permits or CAAs authorizing the transportation of hydrogen in ‘‘metal hydride storage canisters.’’ When a special permit or CAA expires and is not renewed, systems must conform Section 172.101 This section provides a hazardous materials table that identifies listed materials as hazardous material for purposes of transportation. For the table entry ‘‘Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated or Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated mixtures, with not less than 5.5 percent but not more than 16 percent water, UN2880,’’ the PG III information was inadvertently removed. Under a final rule published December 29, 2006 (HM–215I, 71 FR 78596), we revised the PG II information to remove Special provision 166. However, the instruction to revise this entry did not include the PG III information and, therefore, it was inadvertently removed from the 49 CFR. In this document, we are revising the entry to add the PG III information to the entry to reflect the correct descriptions for this entry. This correction reads as a ‘‘remove/add.’’ For the table entry ‘‘Tellurium compound, n.o.s., UN3284,’’ effective October 1, 2010, we inadvertently added the term ‘‘solid’’ to the proper shipping name to read ‘‘Tellurium compound, solid, n.o.s.’’ in the January 19, 2011 final rule. In this document, we are revising the proper shipping name to remove the term ‘‘solid.’’ This correction reads as a ‘‘remove/add.’’ PO 00000 Frm 00092 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 IV. Section-by-Section Review of Changes Part 172 Section 172.315 This section prescribes the requirements for marking packages containing limited quantity material. Based on administrative appeals submitted in response to the January 19, 2011 final rule (HM–215K; 76 FR 3308), and numerous requests for clarification of the limited quantity marking requirements, we are revising § 172.315 to authorize continued use of the limited quantity marking (i.e., square- E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES on-point and Identification Number) prescribed in § 172.315, in effect on October 1, 2010, for the same duration offered for continued use of the ORM– D–AIR and ORM–D markings, December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2013, respectively. For transportation by aircraft, the hazard class label (when applicable) and proper shipping name marking are still required. Additionally, we are revising § 172.315 to allow marking of a limited quantity package not intended for transportation by air with the limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ marking if the packaging is prepared in accordance with § 173.27(f) indicating it is suitable for transportation as a limited quantity package by aircraft. A ‘‘Y’’ marked package transported by a mode other than air indicates the package would be suitable for air transport if marked, labeled and accompanied by a shipping paper and is otherwise packaged in accordance with 3; 4 of the ICAO Technical Instructions as limited by subpart C of Part 171 and Part 175 of the HMR or § 173.27(f) and Part 175 of the HMR. In the January 19 final rule, we erroneously adopted limited quantity marking requirements applicable to cargo transport units (CTU) containing packages of hazardous materials in only limited quantities. We erred by stating the marking must be applied to only one side and one end of the CTU when we should have required the marking on all four exterior sides of the CTU consistent with of the IMDG Code. In this document, we are correcting that error in § 172.315. Finally, we are reorganizing the format of the language used in this section solely for editorial clarification. Section 173.27 This section prescribes general requirements for the transportation of hazardous material by aircraft. Based on appeals and requests for clarification, in this document we are revising § 173.27(f). Specifically, we are revising paragraph (f)(2) and Table 3 in paragraph (f) by adding materials currently authorized elsewhere in the HMR and to provide additional clarification regarding those hazardous materials and articles eligible for transport by aircraft under the conditions prescribed in this paragraph. The authorized hazardous materials and articles added and referenced are as follows: (1) Class 1 (explosive) articles in accordance with § 173.63(b); (2) Class 7 (radioactive) material in accordance with applicable §§ 173.421 through 173.425; and (3) ‘‘Aviation regulated liquid, n.o.s., UN3334,’’ ‘‘Aviation regulated solid, n.o.s., UN3335,’’ and VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 ‘‘Consumer commodity, ID8000.’’ As stated earlier in this preamble, although certain Class 1 and Class 7 materials are indicated as eligible for air transport in § 173.27(f), because they do not meet guiding principles established for limited quantities such indication is provided for informational purposes to aid readers in identifying the appropriate packaging and other provisions for such materials. For example, packages of Class 7 are not marked with the limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ mark prescribed in § 172.315 but rather as prescribed in 173.421 through 173.425, as appropriate. Section 173.124 Section 173.124 defines a Class 4 material. For consistency with a revision adopted in the UN Model Regulations, PHMSA amended the definition of ‘‘self-heating’’ in § 173.124(b)(2) of the HMR in the January 19 final rule. In this document, PHMSA is correcting the typographical error in the heading of the definition. Section 173.151 Section 173.151 prescribes exceptions for a Class 4 material. Paragraph (d) prescribes exceptions for Division 4.3 solid material of Packing Groups II and III. The HMR do not authorize limited quantity packages of such substances to be reclassified as ORM–D or to be renamed ‘‘Consumer commodity.’’ In the January 19, 2011 final rule, PHMSA inadvertently revised the third sentence of paragraph (d) to extend the additional exceptions for limited quantities and ORM in § 173.156 to Division 4.3 substances, when no such authorization prior to this rulemaking existed nor was it considered in this rulemaking due to the obvious risk to transportation safety. Therefore, in this final rule, PHMSA is removing the reference to § 173.156 in the third sentence of § 173.151(d). Section 173.156 Section 173.156 provides additional exceptions for limited quantity and ORM packages. In the January 19, 2011 final rule, PHMSA unintentionally amended paragraph (b)(1) by requiring the marking of such packages in accordance with subpart D of part 172. In this final rule, PHMSA is amending § 173.156(b)(1) by removing the requirement to mark such packages. Because paragraph (b)(2) authorizes the common carriage of such packages, the marking requirements that existed prior to the January 19, 2011 final rule will remain as adopted. PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 82167 Section 173.306 Section 173.306 prescribes requirements for limited quantity of compressed gases. In this document, we are revising certain paragraphs for clarification of requirements adopted in the final rule and to correct minor grammatical errors. Section 173.311 This section specifies packaging instructions for hydrogen in metal hydride storage systems. The January 19, 2011 final rule incorrectly refers to ISO standards in § 178.71(f) that apply to the design and construction of UN refillable welded cylinders rather than § 178.71(m) for the design and construction of UN metal hydride storage systems. In this final rule, we are revising the section to correctly refer to § 178.71(m). Part 175 Section 175.10 Section 175.10 prescribes the conditions under which a passenger, crew member, or an operator may carry hazardous materials aboard a passengercarrying aircraft. In response to FCHEA’s administrative appeal, in this final rule we are editorially revising the language in § 175.10(a)(19) for the carriage of fuel cell systems and fuel cell cartridges for consistency with the ICAO Technical Instructions. These revisions do not amend the fuel cell cartridge chemistries authorized in checked baggage as adopted in the January 19 final rule. Section 175.75 Section 175.75 prescribes quantity limitations and cargo location requirements for hazardous materials transported by aircraft. In this document, we are revising for clarification the definition of ‘‘Inaccessible’’ in paragraph (d)(2) to mean any package that is loaded where a crew member or other authorized person cannot access, handle and, when size and weight permit, separate such packages from other cargo during flight, including a freight container in an accessible cargo compartment when packages are loaded in an inaccessible manner. This definition is consistent with the defined term ‘‘Accessible’’ and is revised for clarification only. Additionally, PHMSA is revising the heading in the third column of the paragraph (f) Quantity and Loading Table for clarity by adding the words ‘‘per cargo compartment.’’ Since issuing the January 19 final rule, we have fielded numerous inquiries regarding whether the limitation was now ‘‘per E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations aircraft’’ as opposed to ‘‘per compartment.’’ Additionally, we are correcting the error in Note a. of the table as published in the January 19 final rule. Notwithstanding the correction made to Note a. of the § 175.75(f) table, we want to emphasize the revisions made in this document to § 175.75 are for editorial clarification only. Part 176 Section 176.905 This section specifies requirements for vessel transport of motor vehicles and equipment. In this final rule, we are revising paragraph (j) to refer to the correct section paragraph regarding items of equipment containing hazardous materials, specifically, § 173.220(f), that are integral components of a motor vehicle, engine or mechanical equipment. V. Summary of Changes Regarding Limited Quantity Material and ORM–D In an effort to clarify the amendments to the HMR associated with the transition from the domestic ORM–D system for transportation of limited quantity material to the international system, we offer the following: tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES Applicability of the ORM–D System —Until December 31, 2013, shippers may continue to rename a limited quantity hazardous material as a ‘‘Consumer commodity, ORM–D’’ (see § 171.8), as authorized in the appropriate packaging exception for VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 the material. Beginning January 1, 2014, limited quantity hazardous material will no longer be authorized the ‘‘Consumer commodity’’ proper shipping name except those eligible and prepared for shipment by aircraft in accordance with § 173.167 and using the newly adopted identification number ‘‘ID8000.’’ Such packages are eligible for transportation by all modes but must be marked with the limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ mark prescribed in § 172.315(b) indicating the package is suitable for air transportation. —Until December 31, 2013, shippers may continue to reclass limited quantity hazardous material as ‘‘Other Regulated Material’’ otherwise known as ORM–D. Limited quantity material reclassed as ORM–D and transported by modes other than air may continue to be prepared and packaged in accordance with the appropriate packaging exceptions for the hazardous material (e.g., § 173.150 for a Class 3 flammable liquid substance), and be transported in a package displaying the ORM–D marking. Until December 31, 2012, shippers may continue to ship ORM–D–AIR by aircraft. Until such time, ORM–D offered for shipment by aircraft may continue to be prepared and packaged in accordance with the requirements of § 173.27 in effect October 1, 2010, and transported in packages displaying the ORM–D–AIR marking. —Until December 31, 2013, shippers may continue to display the limited PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4725 quantity marking (i.e., the square-onpoint and identification number) on a package containing limited quantity material in accordance with § 172.315 in effect October 1, 2010. Use of the New Limited Quantity Markings —Beginning January 1, 2014, for modes of transportation other than air, shippers of limited quantity material must display the limited quantity marking adopted in § 172.315 under the January 19, 2011 final rule (i.e., the square-on-point with top and bottom portion black and the center white). See illustration below. —Beginning January 1, 2013, for transportation by air, shippers of limited quantity material must display the limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ marking adopted in § 172.315 under the January 19, 2011 final rule. See illustration below. Clarification of Limited Quantity Marking Requirements —A limited quantity package should not display both an ORM–D or ORM–D– AIR marking and one of the new limited quantity markings, as this may only serve to frustrate a shipment while in transportation. Such dual markings are only authorized during the transition period. Once the transition period expires (December 31, 2012 or December 31, 2013), the ORM–D or ORM–D–AIR marking must be covered, obliterated, or otherwise obstructed from view. E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 ER30DE11.003</GPH> 82168 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations 82169 TABLE OF POTENTIAL LIMITED QUANTITY PACKAGING SCENARIOS Packaging scenario Authorized? If authorized, when? Mandatory? If mandatory, when? Label(s) required? Shipping papers required? PSN and ID number marking required? Notes ORM–D Packaging Yes, until December 31, 2013. Packaging marked ORM–D transported by air. Packaging marked ORM–D–AIR transported by modes other than air. No ........................ No ........................ No. Unless a hazardous waste, hazardous substance or marine pollutant. No ........................ A shipper may voluntarily mark instead with the new limited quantity markings illustrated above. See also ‘‘Limited Quantity Packaging’’ below. Yes, until, December 31, 2012. No ........................ No ........................ No. Unless a hazardous waste, hazardous substance or marine pollutant. No ........................ A shipper may voluntarily mark instead with the new limited quantity markings illustrated above. See Limited Quantity Packaging below. A shipper marking a package with ORM–D–Air must ensure the packaging meets the requirements of § 173.27 effective October 1, 2010 even if the package is not transported by air. Packaging marked Yes, until, DecemORM–D–AIR ber 31, 2012. transported by air. Packaging marked For ORM–D: Yes ORM–D/ORM–D– For ORM–D–AIR: AIR also marked No. with one of the new limited quantity markings. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES Packaging marked ORM–D transported by modes other than air. No. No ........................ No ........................ Yes ...................... Yes. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. PO 00000 Fmt 4700 VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 Frm 00095 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 The limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ mark indicates the package conforms to § 173.27(f) effective January 1, 2012. Although it may not be specifically prohibited, we recommend that packages not display both types of surface limited quantity markings to avoid confusion and frustration of shipment during the course of transportation. 82170 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations TABLE OF POTENTIAL LIMITED QUANTITY PACKAGING SCENARIOS—Continued Packaging scenario Authorized? If authorized, when? Mandatory? If mandatory, when? Label(s) required? Shipping papers required? PSN and ID number marking required? Notes Limited Quantity Packaging Yes, until, December 31, 2013. No ........................ No ........................ No ........................ See note .............. Packaging marked Yes, until, Decemwith a square-onber 31, 2012. point containing the UN ID # transported by air. No ........................ Yes ...................... Yes ...................... Yes ...................... Packaging marked with a surface LQ marking transported by modes other than air. Yes ...................... Yes, beginning January 1, 2014. No ........................ No. Unless a hazardous waste, hazardous substance or marine pollutant. No. Unless a hazardous waste or hazardous substance. Packaging marked with a standard LQ marking transported by air. Packaging marked with an LQ ‘‘Y’’ marking transported by modes other than air. No. Yes ...................... No ........................ No ........................ No. Unless a hazardous waste, hazardous substance or marine pollutant. No. Unless a hazardous waste or a hazardous substance. Packaging marked with an LQ ‘‘Y’’ marking transported by air. Packaging marked with a square-onpoint containing the UN ID # and also marked with one of the new limited quantity markings or any combination. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES Packaging marked with a square-onpoint containing the ID # transported by modes other than air. Yes ...................... Yes, beginning January 1, 2013. Yes ...................... Yes ...................... Yes ...................... A shipper marking a package with an LQ ‘‘Y’’ marking must ensure the packaging meets the requirements of § 173.27(f) effective January 1, 2011 even if the package is not transported by air. Identification number not required. Voluntary compliance authorized as of January 1, 2011. No. VI. Regulatory Analyses and Notices A. Statutory/Legal Authority for This Rulemaking This final rule is published under the following statutory authorities: VerDate Mar<15>2010 Proper shipping name not required to be marked when packaging is marked with a square-on-point containing the UN ID #. Proper shipping name is required to be marked when packaging is marked with a square-on-point containing the UN ID #. Voluntary compliance authorized as of January 1, 2011. Identification number not required. 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 1. 49 U.S.C. 5103(b) authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to prescribe regulations for the safe transportation, including security, of hazardous material in intrastate, interstate, and foreign commerce. This final rule responds to administrative appeals PO 00000 Frm 00096 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 submitted in response to final rule HM– 215K (January 19, 2011; 76 FR 3308), provides editorial clarification and corrects minor errors associated with the final rule. 2. 49 U.S.C. 5120(b) authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to ensure E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations that, to the extent practicable, regulations governing the transportation of hazardous materials in commerce are consistent with standards adopted by international authorities. B. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures This final rule is not a significant regulatory action under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 and was not reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget. This final rule is a nonsignificant rule under the Regulatory Policies and Procedures of the Department of Transportation [44 FR 11034]. Additionally, E.O. 13563 supplements and reaffirms E.O. 12866, stressing that, to the extent permitted by law, an agency rulemaking action must be based on benefits that justify its costs, impose the least burden, consider cumulative burdens, maximize benefits, use performance objectives, and assess available alternatives. The revisions adopted in this final rule do not alter the cost-benefit analysis and conclusions contained in the Regulatory Evaluation prepared for the January 19, 2011 final rule. The Regulatory Evaluation is available for review in the public docket for this rulemaking. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES C. Executive Order 13132 This final rule has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 13132 (‘‘Federalism’’), and the President’s memorandum on ‘‘Preemption’’ published in the Federal Register on May 22, 2009 (74 FR 24693). This final rule preempts State, local and Indian tribe requirements but does not propose any regulation that has substantial direct effects on the States, the relationship between the national government and the States, or the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, the consultation and funding requirements of Executive Order 13132 do not apply. The Federal hazardous material transportation law, 49 U.S.C. 5101– 5128, contains an express preemption provision (49 U.S.C. 5125(b)) that preempts State, local, and Indian tribe requirements for certain subjects. The subjects are: (1) The designation, description, and classification of hazardous materials; (2) The packing, repacking, handling, labeling, marking, and placarding of hazardous materials; (3) The preparation, execution, and use of shipping documents related to hazardous materials and requirements VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 related to the number, contents, and placement of those documents; (4) The written notification, recording, and reporting of the unintentional release in transportation of hazardous material; and (5) The design, manufacture, fabrication, marking, maintenance, recondition, repair, or testing of a packaging or container represented, marked, certified, or sold as qualified for use in transporting hazardous material. This final rule addresses all the covered subject items above and preempts State, local, and Indian tribe requirements not meeting the ‘‘substantively the same’’ standard. This final rule is necessary to incorporate revisions to the HMR based on administrative appeals submitted in response to the January 19, 2011 final rule, effective January 1, 2011. Federal hazardous materials transportation law provides at section 5125(b)(2) that, if DOT issues a regulation concerning any of the covered subjects, DOT must determine and publish in the Federal Register the effective date of Federal preemption. The effective date may not be earlier than the 90th day following the date of issuance of the final rule and not later than two years after the date of issuance. The effective date of Federal preemption is March 29, 2012. D. Executive Order 13175 This final rule was analyzed in accordance with the principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 13175 (‘‘Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments’’). Because this final rule does not have tribal implications, does not impose substantial direct compliance costs, and is required by statute, the funding and consultation requirements of Executive Order 13175 do not apply. E. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive Order 13272, and DOT Procedures and Policies The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires an agency to review regulations to assess their impact on small entities unless the agency determines that a rule is not expected to have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. The response to appeals and revisions contained in this final rule will have little or no negative effect on the regulated industry. Based on the assessment in the Regulatory Evaluation to the January 19, 2011 final rule, I hereby certify that, while this rule applies to a substantial number of small entities, there will not be a significant economic impact on those small PO 00000 Frm 00097 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 82171 entities. A detailed Regulatory Flexibility analysis is available for review in the docket. F. Paperwork Reduction Act This final rule imposes no new information collection requirements. G. Regulatory Identifier Number (RIN) A regulation identifier number (RIN) is assigned to each regulatory action listed in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations. The Regulatory Information Service Center publishes the Unified Agenda in April and October of each year. The RIN contained in the heading of this document can be used to crossreference this action with the Unified Agenda. H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act This final rule does not impose unfunded mandates under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995. It does not result in costs of $141.3 million or more to either State, local or tribal governments, in the aggregate, or to the private sector, and is the least burdensome alternative that achieves the objective of the rule. I. Environmental Assessment The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires Federal agencies to consider the consequences of major Federal actions and prepare a detailed statement on actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. In the January 19, 2011 final rule, we developed an assessment to determine the effects of these revisions on the environment and whether a more comprehensive environmental impact statement may be required. Our findings conclude that there are no significant environmental impacts associated with this final rule. Consistency in the regulations for the transportation of hazardous materials aids in shippers’ understanding of what is required and permits shippers to more easily comply with safety regulations and avoid the potential for environmental damage or contamination. For interested parties, an environmental assessment was included with the January 19, 2011 final rule available in the public docket. Additionally, we conclude that there are no significant environmental impacts associated with the amendments adopted in this document regarding the administrative appeals submitted in response to the January 19 final rule. J. Privacy Act Anyone is able to search the electronic form of any written communications and comments E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 82172 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations participates in the establishment of international standards in order to protect the safety of the American public, and we have assessed the effects of the final rule to ensure that it does not exclude imports that meet this objective. Accordingly, this rulemaking is consistent with PHMSA’s obligations under the Trade Agreement Act, as amended. K. International Trade Analysis The Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (Pub. L. 96–39), as amended by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (Pub. L. 103–465), prohibits Federal agencies from establishing any standards or engaging in related activities that create unnecessary obstacles to the foreign commerce of the United States. For purposes of these requirements, Federal agencies may participate in the establishment of international standards, so long as the standards have a legitimate domestic objective, such as providing for safety, and do not operate to exclude imports that meet this objective. The statute also requires consideration of international standards and, where appropriate, that they be the basis for U.S. standards. PHMSA tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual submitting the document (or signing the document, if submitted on behalf of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review DOT’s complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477) or you may visit https:// www.dot.gov/privacy.html. List of Subjects VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 49 CFR Part 172 Education, Hazardous materials transportation, Hazardous waste, Labeling, Markings, Packaging and containers, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. 49 CFR Part 173 Hazardous materials transportation, Packaging and containers, Radioactive materials, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Uranium. 49 CFR Part 175 Air carriers, Hazardous materials transportation, Radioactive materials, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. PO 00000 Frm 00098 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 49 CFR Part 176 Hazardous materials transportation, Maritime carriers, Radioactive materials, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. In consideration of the foregoing, 49 CFR chapter I is amended as follows: PART 172—HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COMMUNICATIONS, EMERGENCY RESPONSE INFORMATION, TRAINING REQUIREMENTS, AND SECURITY PLANS 1. The authority citation for part 172 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; 44701; 49 CFR 1.53. 2. In § 172.101, The Hazardous Materials Table is amended by removing those entries under [REMOVE] and adding entries under [ADD] to read as follows: ■ § 172.101 Purpose and use of the hazardous materials table. * E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM * * 30DER1 * * Hazardous materials descriptions and proper shipping names VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00099 G ............... G ............... (1) Fmt 4700 * Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 * * Tellurium compound, n.o.s. * Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated or Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated mixtures, with not less than 5.5 percent but not more than 16 percent water. [ADD] * Tellurium compound, solid, n.o.s. Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated or Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated mixtures, with not less than 5.5 percent but not more than 16 percent water. [REMOVE]. (2) Symbols tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES * (3) 6.1 5.1 6.1 5.1 Hazard class or division * * UN3284 ..... * UN2880 ..... * * UN3284 ..... UN2880 ..... (4) Identification Nos. * 6.1 ............. * 5.1 ............. (6) III ............... 6.1 ............. 5.1 ............. 6.1 ............. II ................ III ............... * 6.1 ............. * I ................. III ............... * II ................ 5.1 ............. 6.1 ............. II ................ * 6.1 ............. * I ................. II ................ (5) PG Label codes (8A) Exceptions (8B) Non-bulk (8) Packaging (§ 173.***) * 153 ............ 153 ............ * None .......... * * IB7, IP1, T6, TP33. IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33. IB8, IP3, T1, TP33. * 153 ............ 153 ............ * None .......... 165, 171, IB8, 152 ............ IP4, IP13, W9. * * 165, IB8, IP2, 152 ............ IP4, IP13, W9. * * IB7, IP1, T6, TP33. IB8, IP2, IP4, T3, TP33. IB8, IP3, T1, TP33. * 213 ............ 212 ............ * 211 ............ 213 ............ * 212 ............ * 213 ............ 212 ............ * 211 ............ * * 165, IB8, IP2, 152 ............ 212 ............ IP4, IP13, W9. (7) Special provisions (§ 172.102) § 172.101—HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TABLE 240 ............ 242 ............ 242 ............ 240 ............ 240 ............ 240 ............ 242 ............ 242 ............ * 240 ............ (8C) Bulk * 100 kg ....... 25 kg ......... * 5 kg ........... 25 kg ......... * 5 kg ........... * 100 kg ....... 25 kg ......... * 5 kg ........... * 5 kg ........... (9A) Passenger aircraft/rail 200 kg ....... 100 kg ....... 50 kg ......... 100 kg ....... 25 kg ......... 200 kg ....... 100 kg ....... 50 kg ......... 25 kg ......... (9B) Cargo aircraft only (9) Quantity limitations (see §§ 173.27 and 175.75) A ................ B ................ B ................ D ................ D ................ A ................ B ................ B ................ D ................ (10A) Location .................... .................... .................... 4, 25, 48, 52, 56, 58, 69, 142. 4, 25, 48, 52, 56, 58, 69, 142. .................... .................... .................... 4, 25, 48, 52, 56, 58, 69, 142. (10B) Other (10) Vessel stowage Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations 82173 82174 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations the limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ mark shown in paragraph (b) of this section if the package conforms to authorized substance and article provisions and the inner and outer package quantity limits in § 173.27(f) of this subchapter. (1) Marking description. The top and bottom portions of the square-on-point and the border forming the square-onpoint must be black and the center white or of a suitable contrasting background as follows: (2) The square-on-point must be durable, legible and of a size relative to the packaging, readily visible, and must be applied on at least one side or one end of the outer packaging. The width of the border forming the square-onpoint must be at least 2 mm and the minimum dimension of each side must be 100 mm unless the packaging size requires a reduced size marking that must be no less than 50 mm on each side. When intended for transportation by vessel, a cargo transport unit (see § 176.2 of this subchapter) containing packages of hazardous materials in only limited quantities must be marked once on each side and once on each end of the exterior of the unit with an identical mark which must have minimum dimensions of 250 mm on each side. (b) Air transport. Except for an article or substance of Class 7 prepared in accordance with subpart I of part 173, a package prepared in accordance with air-specific limited quantity requirements prescribed in § 173.27 of this subchapter and intended for transportation by air must display the limited quantity mark prescribed in paragraph (b)(1) of this section in addition to other markings required by this subpart (e.g., ‘‘RQ’’, proper shipping name, identification number, as appropriate). Required markings need not be duplicated if already marked as prescribed elsewhere in this subpart. (1) Marking Description. The top and bottom portions of the square-on-point and the border forming the square-onpoint must be black and the center white or of a suitable contrasting background and the symbol ‘‘Y’’ must be black and located in the center of the square-on-point and be clearly visible as follows: * * * * 3. Section 172.315 is revised to read as follows: ■ tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES § 172.315 Limited quantities. VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 ER30DE11.004</GPH> (a) Modes other than air transport. Except for an article or substance of Class 7 prepared in accordance with subpart I of part 173, a package prepared in accordance with applicable limited quantity requirements in part 173 of this subchapter and offered for transportation by a mode other than air must display the limited quantity marking shown in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. A package displaying this mark is not subject to the marking requirements of § 172.301 of this subpart unless the limited quantity package also contains a hazardous substance or a hazardous waste. Required markings need not be duplicated if already marked as prescribed elsewhere in this subpart. As an alternative, a packaging may display * (2) The square-on-point must be durable, legible and of a size relative to the package as to be readily visible. The square-on-point must be applied on at least one side or one end of the outer packaging. The width of the border forming the square-on-point must be at least 2 mm and the minimum dimension of each side must be 100 mm unless the package size requires a reduced size marking that must be no less than 50 mm on each side. (c) Limited quantity markings prescribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section may use the packaging itself as the contrasting background for the center portion of the marking if the color sufficiently contrasts so that the black border, top and bottom portions of the square-on-point, and the ‘‘Y’’ symbol, if applicable, are clearly recognizable. (d) Transitional exceptions—(1) Square-on-point with Identification Number. Except for transportation by aircraft and until December 31, 2013, a package containing a limited quantity may continue to be marked in accordance with the requirements of this section in effect on October 1, 2010 (i.e., square-on-point with Identification Number) as an alternative to the marking required by paragraph (a) of this section. For transportation by aircraft and until December 31, 2012, a package containing a limited quantity may continue to be marked in accordance with the requirements of this section in effect on October 1, 2010 (i.e., square-on-point with Identification Number) as an alternative to the marking required by paragraph (b) of this section. VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 (2) ORM–D marked packaging. Except for transportation by aircraft and until December 31, 2013, a packaging marked in accordance with § 172.316 of this subpart is not required to be marked with the limited quantity marking required by paragraph (a) of this section. For transportation by aircraft and until December 31, 2012, a packaging marked in accordance with § 172.316 may not be marked with the limited quantity ‘‘Y’’ marking required by paragraph (b) of this section unless it also conforms to § 173.27(f). PART 173—SHIPPERS—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SHIPMENTS AND PACKAGINGS 4. The authority citation for part 173 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128, 44701; 49 CFR 1.45, 1.53. 5. In § 173.27, paragraph (f)(2)(i) is revised and, in paragraph (f)(3), table 3 is revised to read as follows: ■ § 173.27 General requirements for transportation by aircraft. * * * * * (f) * * * (2) Limited quantities. (i) Unless otherwise specified in this part, or in subpart C of part 171 of this subchapter, when a limited quantity of hazardous material packaged in a combination packaging is intended for transportation aboard an aircraft, the inner and outer packagings must conform to the quantity limitations set forth in Table 3 of this paragraph. Substances and articles must be authorized for transportation aboard a passengercarrying aircraft (see Column (9A) of the PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 82175 § 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table of this subchapter). As such, not all unauthorized substances or articles may be indicated in this section. Unless otherwise excepted, packages must be marked and labeled in accordance with this section and any additional requirements in subparts D and E, respectively, of part 172 of this subchapter. Materials or articles not authorized as limited quantity by aircraft are: (A) Those in Packing Group I; (B) Class 1 (explosive) material (see § 173.63(b) of this part for exceptions provided to certain articles of Division 1.4S) and Class 7 (radioactive) material (see §§ 173.421 through 173.425 of this part, as applicable, for exceptions provided to certain substances, instruments or articles of Class 7); (C) Divisions 2.1 (flammable gas) (except Aerosols (UN1950) and Receptacles, small (UN2037) without subsidiary risk) and Division 2.3 (toxic gas); (D) Divisions 4.1 (self-reactive), 4.2 (spontaneously combustible) (primary or subsidiary risk), and 4.3 (dangerous when wet) (liquids); (E) Division 5.2 (organic peroxide) (except when contained in a Chemical or First aid kit (UN3316) or Polyester resin kit (UN3269) (Types D, E and F non-temperature controlled only)); (F) Class 8 (corrosive) materials UN2794, UN2795, UN2803, UN2809, 3028; and (G) All Class 9 (miscellaneous) materials except for UN1941, UN1990, UN2071, UN3077, UN3082, UN3316, UN3334, UN3335, and ID8000. * * * * * (3) * * * E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 ER30DE11.005</GPH> tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations 82176 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations TABLE 3—MAXIMUM NET QUANTITY OF EACH INNER AND OUTER PACKAGING FOR MATERIALS AUTHORIZED FOR TRANSPORTATION AS LIMITED QUANTITY BY AIRCRAFT Hazard class or division Maximum authorized net quantity of each inner packaging Maximum authorized net quantity of each outer package Glass, earthenware or fiber inner packagings Metal or plastic inner packagings Class 1 ....................... Forbidden (See note) .................................... .................................... Class 2 ....................... .................................... .................................... 30 kg Gross ............... Class 3 ....................... PG I: Forbidden. PG II: 0.5L ................. PG II: 0.5L ................. PG II: 1L* ................... PG III: 2.5L* ............... * Corrosive subsidiary risk (e.g., UN2924) or toxic (e.g., UN1992) is 1L. PG III: 5.0L* ............... * Corrosive subsidiary risk (e.g., UN2924) or toxic (e.g., UN1992) is 1L. PG III: 10L* ................ PG II: 0.5 kg .............. PG II: 0.5 kg .............. PG II: 5 kg* ................ PG III: 1 kg ................ PG III: 1 kg ................ PG III: 10 kg* ............. Division 4.2 (Primary or subsidiary). Forbidden * ................. .................................... 25 kg (net mass) * ...... Division 4.3 (solid material only). PG I solids and all liquids regardless of Packing Group: Forbidden. PG II: 0.5 kg .............. PG II: 0.5 kg .............. PG II: 5 kg* ................ PG III: 1 kg ................ PG III: 1 kg ................ PG III: 10 kg* ............. PG II: 0.1L ................. PG II: 0.1L ................. PG II: 0.5L. PG III: 0.5L ................ PG II: 0.5 kg .............. PG III: 0.5L ................ PG II: 0.5 kg .............. PG III: 1.0L. PG II: 2.5 kg* ............. PG III: 1.0 kg ............. PG III: 1.0 kg ............. PG III: 10 kg* ............. Division 4.1 (does not include self-reactive material). tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES Notes Division 5.1 (Liquid or solid material). Division 5.1 (liquid material). Division 5.1 (solid material). VerDate Mar<15>2010 See § 173.63(b) of this part for exceptions provided to certain articles of Division 1.4S. Authorized materials: Aerosols (UN1950) in Divisions 2.1 and 2.2, and Receptacles, small (UN2037) in Divisions 2.1 and 2.2 without subsidiary risk and Fuel cells cartridges (UN3478, UN3479), see § 173.230 of this part. * Maximum net quantity per outer package with corrosive subsidiary risk (e.g., UN2924, UN3286) is 0.5L. For Class 3 base materials as part of a Polyester resin kit (UN3269), see § 173.165 of this part for additional requirements, as applicable. Inner packaging limit for UN3269 base material is 1.0 L. For Fuel cell cartridges containing flammable liquids (UN3473), see § 173.230 of this part. * Maximum net quantity per outer package with corrosive subsidiary risk (e.g., UN2924) is 1L and toxic subsidiary risk (e.g., UN1992) is 2L. For Class 3 base materials as part of a Polyester resin kit (UN3269), see § 173.165 of this part for additional requirements, as applicable. Inner packaging limit for UN3269 base material is 1.0 L. PG I: Forbidden. * Maximum net quantity per outer package with toxic subsidiary risk (e.g., UN3179) is 1 kg. * Maximum net quantity per outer package with corrosive subsidiary risk (e.g., UN3180) is 5 kg. * Until December 31, 2012, Charcoal (NA1361), PG III, may be transported as a limited quantity and may be renamed Consumer commodity and reclassed ORM-DAIR, if eligible. * Maximum net quantity per outer package with toxic subsidiary risk (e.g., UN3134) is 1 kg. For fuel cell cartridges containing water reactive substances (UN3476), see § 173.230 of this part. * Maximum net quantity per outer package with corrosive or flammable subsidiary risk (e.g., UN3131 or UN3132, respectively) is 5 kg. PG I: Forbidden. 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00102 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 * Maximum net quantity per outer package with toxic subsidiary risk (e.g., UN3087) is 1 kg. * Maximum net quantity per outer package with corrosive subsidiary risk (e.g., UN3085) is 1 kg. E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations 82177 TABLE 3—MAXIMUM NET QUANTITY OF EACH INNER AND OUTER PACKAGING FOR MATERIALS AUTHORIZED FOR TRANSPORTATION AS LIMITED QUANTITY BY AIRCRAFT—Continued Hazard class or division Maximum authorized net quantity of each inner packaging Maximum authorized net quantity of each outer package Glass, earthenware or fiber inner packagings Metal or plastic inner packagings Division 5.2 (liquid material). 30 mL ......................... 30 mL ......................... 1 kg ............................ Division 5.2 (solid material). 100g ........................... 100g ........................... 1 kg ............................ Division 6.1 ................ PG I (Inhalation or otherwise): Forbidden. PG II: 0.1L ................. PG II: 0.1L ................. PG II: 1.0L* ................ PG III: 0.5L ................ PG II: 0.5 kg .............. PG III: 0.5L ................ PG II: 0.5 kg .............. PG III: 2.0L. PG II: 1.0 kg. Class 7 ....................... PG III: 1.0 kg ............. Forbidden (See note) PG III: 1.0 kg ............. .................................... PG III: 10 kg. .................................... Class 8 ....................... Class 8 (liquid material). PG I: Forbidden. PG II: 0.1L ................. PG II: 0.1L ................. PG II: 0.5L ................. PG III: 0.5L ................ PG II: 0.5 kg .............. PG III: 0.5L ................ PG II: 0.5 kg .............. PG III: 1.0L. PG II: 5.0 kg* ............. Class 9 (liquid material). PG III: 1.0 kg ............. 30 mL (UN3316); 5.0L (UN1941, UN1990, UN3082). PG III: 1.0 kg ............. 30 mL (UN3316); 5.0L (UN1941, UN1990, UN3082). PG III: 5.0 kg. 1 kg (UN3316); 30 kg gross (all other authorized Class 9 material). Class 9 (solid material). 100 g (UN3316); 5.0 kg (UN2071, UN3077). 100 g (UN3316); 5.0 kg (UN2071, UN3077). 1 kg (UN3316); 30 kg gross (all other authorized Class 9 material). * * § 173.151 Division 6.1 (liquid material). Division 6.1 (solid material). Class 8 (solid material). * * * 6. In § 173.124, the paragraph (b)(2) heading is revised to read as follows: ■ § 173.124 Class 4, Divisions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3—Definitions. * tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES Notes * * * * (b) * * * (2) Self-heating material. * * * * * * * * 7. In § 173.151, in paragraph (d), the third sentence is revised to read as follows: ■ VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 Exceptions for Class 4. * * * * * (d) * * * A limited quantity package that conforms to the provisions of this section is not subject to the shipping paper requirements of subpart C of part 172 of this subchapter, unless the material meets the definition of a hazardous substance, hazardous waste, marine pollutant, or is offered for transportation and transported by aircraft or vessel. * * * * * * * * PO 00000 Frm 00103 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 Authorized materials: Types D, E and F are authorized only as part of a Chemical or First aid kit (UN3316) packaged in accordance with § 173.161 of this part or a Polyester resin kit (UN3269) packaged in accordance with § 173.165 of this part. See §§ 173.161 and 173.165, as applicable, for additional requirements. Solid activators of Types D, E and F are limited to 100 g per inner packaging for UN3316 and UN3269. See §§ 173.161 and 173.165, as applicable, for additional requirements. * Maximum net quantity per outer package with corrosive subsidiary risk (e.g., UN3289) is 0.5L. See §§ 173.421 through 173.425 of this part, as applicable, for exceptions provided to certain substances, instruments or articles of Class 7. For ‘‘Fuel cell cartridges containing corrosive substances’’ (UN3477), see § 173.230 of this part. * Maximum net quantity per outer package for UN2430 is 1.0 kg. UN2794, UN2795, UN2803, UN2809, UN3028 are not authorized as limited quantity. Authorized materials: UN1941, UN1990, UN2071, UN3077, UN3082, UN3334, and UN3335. Additionally, Consumer commodity (ID8000) in accordance with § 173.167 of this part and Chemical kit or First aid kit (UN3316) in accordance with § 173.161 of this part are authorized. 8. In § 173.156, paragraph (b)(1) introductory text is revised to read as follows: ■ § 173.156 Exceptions for limited quantity and ORM. * * * * * (b) * * * (1) Strong outer packagings as specified in this part, marking requirements specified in subpart D of part 172 of this subchapter, and the 30 kg (66 pounds) gross weight limitation are not required for packages of limited quantity materials or, until December E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 82178 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations § 173.311 § 173.306 Limited quantities of compressed gases. tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES 31, 2013, materials classed as ORM–D when— * * * * * ■ 9. In § 173.306: ■ a. In paragraph (a) introductory text, the second sentence is revised. ■ b. In paragraph (a)(1), the second sentence is revised. ■ c. In paragraph (a)(3) introductory text, the second sentence is revised. ■ d. In paragraph (a)(5) introductory text, the second sentence is revised. ■ e. In paragraph (b) introductory text, the third sentence is revised. ■ f. In paragraph (b) introductory text, the fifth sentence is revised. ■ g. Paragraph (h)(2)(i) is revised. The revisions read as follows: (a) * * * (19) Fuel cells used to power portable electronic devices (e.g., cameras, cellular phones, laptop computers and camcorders) and spare fuel cell cartridges when transported personal use under the following conditions: (i) Fuel cells and fuel cell cartridges may contain only Division 2.1 liquefied flammable gas, or hydrogen in a metal hydride, Class 3 flammable liquid (including methanol), Division 4.3 water-reactive material, or Class 8 corrosive material; (ii) The quantity of fuel in any fuel cell or fuel cell cartridge may not exceed: (A) 200 mL (6.76 ounces) for liquids; (B) 120 mL (4 fluid ounces) for liquefied gases in non-metallic fuel cell cartridges, or 200 mL (6.76 ounces) for liquefied gases in metal fuel cell cartridges; (C) 200 g (7 ounces) for solids; or (D) For hydrogen in metal hydride, the fuel cell cartridges must have a water capacity of 120 mL (4 fluid ounces) or less; (iii) No more than two spare fuel cell cartridges may be carried by a passenger or crew member as follows: (A) Fuel cell cartridges containing Class 3 flammable liquid (including methanol) and Class 8 corrosive material in carry-on or checked baggage; and (B) Division 2.1 liquefied flammable gas or hydrogen in a metal hydride and Division 4.3 water-reactive material in carry-on baggage only; (iv) Fuel cells containing fuel are permitted in carry-on baggage only; (v) Fuel cell cartridges containing hydrogen in a metal hydride must meet the requirements in § 173.230(d) of this subchapter; (vi) Refueling of a fuel cell aboard an aircraft is not permitted except that the installation of a spare cartridge is allowed; PART 175—CARRIAGE BY AIRCRAFT 11. The authority citation for part 175 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; 44701; 49 CFR 1.45 and 1.53. 12. In § 175.10, paragraph (a)(19) is revised to read as follows: ■ § 175.10 Exceptions for passengers, crewmembers, and air operators. (a) * * * For transportation by aircraft, the package must conform to the applicable requirements of § 173.27 of this subchapter and only packages of hazardous materials authorized aboard passenger-carrying aircraft may be transported as a limited quantity. * * * (1) * * * Additional exceptions for certain compressed gases in limited quantities and the ORM–D hazard class are provided in paragraph (i) of this section. * * * * * (3) * * * Additional exceptions for certain compressed gases in limited quantities and the ORM–D hazard class are provided in paragraph (i) of this section. * * * * * (5) * * * Additional exceptions for certain compressed gases in limited quantities and the ORM–D hazard class are provided in paragraph (i) of this section. * * * * * (b) * * * For transportation by aircraft, the package must conform to the applicable requirements of § 173.27 of this subchapter and only packages of hazardous materials authorized aboard passenger-carrying aircraft may be transported as a limited quantity. * * * Additional exceptions for certain compressed gases in limited quantities and the ORM–D hazard class are provided in paragraph (i) of this section. * * * * * (h) * * * (2) Exceptions. (i) For other than transportation by aircraft, exceptions for certain compressed gases in limited quantities and the ORM–D hazard class are provided in paragraph (i) of this section. * * * * * ■ 10. In § 173.311, the second sentence is revised to read as follows: VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 Metal hydride storage systems. * * * Metal hydride storage systems must be designed, constructed, initially inspected and tested in accordance with ISO 16111 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter) as authorized under § 178.71(m) of this subchapter. * * * PO 00000 Frm 00104 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 (vii) Each fuel cell and fuel cell cartridge must conform to IEC/PAS 62282–6–1 (IBR; see § 171.7 of this subchapter) and must be marked with a manufacturer’s certification that it conforms to the specification. In addition, each fuel cell cartridge must be marked with the maximum quantity and type of fuel in the cartridge; (viii) Interaction between fuel cells and integrated batteries in a device must conform to IEC/PAS 62282–6–1 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter). Fuel cells whose sole function is to charge a battery in the device are not permitted; and (ix) Fuel cells must be of a type that will not charge batteries when the consumer electronic device is not in use and must be durably marked by the manufacturer with the wording: ‘‘APPROVED FOR CARRIAGE IN AIRCRAFT CABIN ONLY’’ to indicate that the fuel cell meets this requirement. * * * * * 13. Section 175.75 is revised to read as follows: ■ § 175.75 Quantity limitations and cargo location. (a) No person may carry on an aircraft a hazardous material except as permitted by this subchapter. (b) Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, no person may carry a hazardous material in the cabin of a passenger-carrying aircraft or on the flight deck of any aircraft, and the hazardous material must be located in a place that is inaccessible to persons other than crew members. Hazardous materials may be carried in a main deck cargo compartment of a passenger aircraft provided that the compartment is inaccessible to passengers and that it meets all certification requirements for a Class B aircraft cargo compartment in 14 CFR 25.857(b) or for a Class C aircraft cargo compartment in 14 CFR 25.857(c). A package bearing a ‘‘KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT’’ handling marking must be protected from direct sunshine and stored in a cool and ventilated place, away from sources of heat. (c) For each package containing a hazardous material acceptable for carriage aboard passenger-carrying aircraft, no more than 25 kg (55 pounds) net weight of hazardous material may be loaded in an inaccessible manner. In addition to the 25 kg limitation, an additional 75 kg (165 pounds) net weight of Division 2.2 (non-flammable compressed gas) may be loaded in an inaccessible manner. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to Class 9, ORM–D–AIR and Limited or Excepted Quantity material. E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 251 / Friday, December 30, 2011 / Rules and Regulations (d) For the purposes of this section— (1) Accessible means, on passengercarrying or cargo-only aircraft that each package is loaded where a crew member or other authorized person can access, handle, and, when size and weight permit, separate such packages from other cargo during flight, including a freight container in an accessible cargo compartment when packages are loaded in an accessible manner. Additionally, a package is considered accessible when transported on a cargo-only aircraft if it is: (i) In a cargo compartment certified by FAA as a Class C aircraft cargo compartment as defined in 14 CFR 25.857(c); or (ii) In an FAA-certified freight container that has an approved fire or smoke detection system and fire suppression system equivalent to that required by the certification requirements for a Class C aircraft cargo compartment. (2) Inaccessible means all other configurations to include packages loaded where a crew member or other authorized person cannot access, handle, and, when size and weight permit, separate such packages from other cargo during flight, including a freight container in an accessible cargo compartment when packages are loaded in an inaccessible manner. (e) For transport aboard cargo-only aircraft, the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section do not apply to the following hazardous materials: (1) Class 3, PG III (unless the substance is also labeled CORROSIVE), Class 6 (unless the substance is also labeled FLAMMABLE LIQUID (PG II and III only)), Division 6.2, Class 7 (unless the hazardous material meets the definition of another hazard class), Class 9, and those marked as ORM–D– AIR, Limited Quantity or Excepted Quantity material. (2) Packages of hazardous materials transported aboard a cargo aircraft, when other means of transportation are impracticable or not available, in accordance with procedures approved in writing by the FAA Regional or Field 82179 Security Office in the region where the operator is located. (3) Packages of hazardous materials carried on small, single pilot, cargo aircraft if: (i) No person is carried on the aircraft other than the pilot, an FAA inspector, the shipper or consignee of the material, a representative of the shipper or consignee so designated in writing, or a person necessary for handling the material; (ii) The pilot is provided with written instructions on the characteristics and proper handling of the materials; and (iii) Whenever a change of pilots occurs while the material is on board, the new pilot is briefed under a handto-hand signature service provided by the operator of the aircraft. (f) At a minimum, quantity limits and loading instructions in the following quantity and loading table must be followed to maintain acceptable quantity and loading between packages containing hazardous materials. The quantity and loading table is as follows: QUANTITY AND LOADING TABLE Applicability Forbidden Quantity Limitation: 25 kg net weight of hazardous material plus 75 kg net weight of Division 2.2 (non-flammable compressed gas) per cargo compartment Passenger-carrying aircraft ................. Cargo-only aircraft— ........................... Packages authorized aboard a passenger-carrying aircraft. Cargo-only aircraft— ........................... Packages not authorized aboard a passenger-carrying aircraft and displaying a Cargo Aircraft Only label. Cargo Aircraft Only labeled packages Not applicable .................................... Inaccessible ....................................... Inaccessible (Note 1) ......................... Accessible. Accessible (Note 2). Inaccessible (Note 1) ......................... Not applicable .................................... Accessible (Note 2). No limit Note 1: The following materials are not subject to this loading restriction— a. Class 3, PG III (unless the substance is also labeled CORROSIVE). b. Class 6 (unless the substance is also labeled FLAMMABLE LIQUID (PG II and III only)). c. Class 7 (unless the hazardous material meets the definition of another hazard class). d. Class 9, ORM–D–AIR and Limited Quantity or Excepted Quantity material. Note 2: Aboard cargo-only aircraft, packages required to be loaded in a position that is considered to be accessible include those loaded in a Class C cargo compartment. PART 176—CARRIAGE BY VESSEL 14. The authority citation for part 176 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; 49 CFR 1.53. 15. In § 176.905, paragraph (j) is revised to read as follows: tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with RULES ■ § 176.905 Stowage of motor vehicles or mechanical equipment. * * * * * (j) Except as provided in § 173.220(f) of this subchapter, the provisions of this subchapter do not apply to items of equipment such as fire extinguishers, compressed gas accumulators, airbag VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:50 Dec 29, 2011 Jkt 226001 inflators and the like which are installed in the vehicle or mechanical equipment if they are necessary for the operation of the vehicle or equipment, or for the safety of its operator or passengers. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Issued in Washington, DC, on December 20, 2011, under authority delegated in 49 CFR part 1. Cynthia L. Quarterman, Administrator. Drivers of CMVs: Restricting the Use of Cellular Phones [FR Doc. 2011–33358 Filed 12–29–11; 8:45 am] ACTION: BILLING CODE 4910–60–P PO 00000 Frm 00105 Fmt 4700 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 49 CFR Part 390 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), DOT. AGENCY: Final rule; correction. FMCSA is correcting a Final Rule that appeared in the Federal Register on December 2, 2011 (76 FR 75470), which restricted the use of SUMMARY: Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\30DER1.SGM 30DER1


[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 251 (Friday, December 30, 2011)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 82163-82179]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-33358]



Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

49 CFR Parts 172, 173, 175, and 176

[Docket No. PHMSA-2009-0126 (HM-215K)]
RIN 2137-AE76

Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations 
Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations, 
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and the International 
Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions for the Safe 
Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air

AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), 

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This document responds to administrative appeals, provides 
clarifications, and corrects typographical and other minor errors 
adopted in an international harmonization final rule published January 
19, 2011 (HM-215K; 76 FR 3308). The final rule amended the Hazardous 
Materials Regulations (HMR) by revising, removing or adding proper 
shipping names, the hazard class of a material, packing group 
assignments, special provisions, packaging authorizations, packaging 
sections, air transport quantity limitations, and vessel stowage 
requirements. The amendments were necessary to align the HMR with 
recent revisions to international standards for the transport of 
hazardous materials by all modes.

DATES: Effective Date: January 1, 2012.
    Voluntary compliance date: PHMSA is authorizing voluntary 
compliance beginning December 30, 2011.

ADDRESSES: For access to the docket to read background documents, 
including those referenced in this document, or to read comments 
received, go to https://www.regulations.gov at any time and insert 
``PHMSA-2009-0126'' in the ``Keyword'' box, and then click ``Search.'' 
You may also view the docket online by visiting the Docket Management 
Facility in Room W12-140, DOT Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., e.t. Monday through Friday, 
except Federal holidays.
    Anyone is able to search the electronic form for all comments 
received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual 
submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf 
of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review the 
U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) complete Privacy Act 
Statement in the Federal Register published on January 17, 2008 (73 FR 
3316), or you may visit https://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2008/pdf/E8-785.pdf.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Stevens, telephone (202) 366-
8553, or Shane Kelley, telephone (202) 366-0656, Standards and 
Rulemaking Division, telephone (202) 366-8553, Pipeline and Hazardous 
Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20590-0001.


I. Background
II. Administrative Appeals Filed in Response to the HM-215K Final 

[[Page 82164]]

    A. Use of the Square-on-Point With Identification Number Limited 
Quantity Marking
    B. Fuel Cell Cartridges
    1. Fuel Cell Cartridges Transported as ORM-D by Aircraft
    2. Fuel Cell Systems and Cartridges Aboard Passenger-Carrying 
    C. General Requirements for Transportation by Aircraft
    D. Self-Reactive Material as a Limited Quantity
III. Clarification of the HM-215K Final Rule
    A. Use of the Limited Quantity ``Y'' Marking
    B. General Requirements for Transportation by Aircraft
    C. Packaging Requirements for Metal Hydride Storage Systems
IV. Section-by-Section Review of Changes
V. Summary of Changes Related to Limited Quantity Material and ORM-D
VI. Regulatory Analyses and Notices
    A. Statutory/Legal Authority for the Rulemaking
    B. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and 
    C. Executive Order 13132
    D. Executive Order 13175
    E. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive Order 13272, and DOT 
Procedures and Policies
    F. Paperwork Reduction Act
    G. Regulatory Identifier Number (RIN)
    H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
    I. Environmental Assessment
    J. Privacy Act
    K. International Trade Analysis

I. Background

    On January 19, 2011, PHMSA published a final rule under Docket 
PHMSA-2009-0126 (HM-215K; 76 FR 3308) that revised the Hazardous 
Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171-180) to align with various 
international standards. The final rule adopted amendments to the HMR 
regarding hazard communication, hazard classification including packing 
group assignment, packaging authorization, air transport quantity 
limitations, and various other international harmonization-related 
topics. The amendments were necessary to align the HMR with the latest 
revisions to the International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical 
Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO 
Technical Instructions), the International Maritime Organization's 
Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), Transport Canada's Transportation of 
Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDG Regulations), and the United Nations 
Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations 
(UN Model Regulations) to facilitate to the seamless transportation of 
hazardous materials internationally, to, through and from the United 
    In this document, PHMSA responds to administrative appeals, 
provides clarifications, and corrects typographical and other minor 
errors adopted in the January 19, 2011 final rule.

II. Administrative Appeals Filed in Response to the HM-215K Final Rule

    In response to the January 19, 2011 final rule, administrative 
appeals were submitted by the following companies and organizations:

American Coatings Association (ACA)
Association of Hazmat Shippers, Inc. (AHS)
Dangerous Goods Advisory Council, Inc. (DGAC)
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA)
Healthcare Distribution Management Association (HDMA)
International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Patton Boggs, LLP., on behalf of Lilliputian Systems, Inc. (LSI)
PPG Industries (PPG)
Sporting Arms & Ammunition Manufacturer's Institute (SAAMI)

    The administrative appeals addressed in this document are discussed 
in detail below. Because some of the issues raised by appellants 
require notice and public comment under the Administrative Procedure 
Act (APA; 5 U.S.C. 553), they are being proposed in a separate notice 
of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) under this docket number (PHMSA-2009-
0126; RIN 2137-AE83). For example, FCHEA and LSI requested that PHMSA 
revise Sec.  175.10 to align with the ICAO Technical Instructions and 
allow spare fuel cell cartridges containing Division 2.1 flammable gas 
to be carried in checked baggage. We are also aware of recent actions 
taken by the International Civil Aviation Organization's Dangerous 
Goods Panel regarding certain lithium ion battery-powered mobility aids 
(e.g., wheelchairs, travel scooters) offered by passengers for air 
transport. Such actions could affect the outcome of the administrative 
appeal submitted by IATA in response to the January 19, 2011 final rule 
and, therefore, those actions will also be addressed in the separate 
    We can, however, in some instances adopt a provision submitted in 
an administrative appeal that was inadvertently omitted in the final 
rule if it is clearly within the scope of changes proposed in the 
notice, does not require substantive changes from the international 
standard on which it is based, and imposes minimal or no cost impacts 
on persons subject to the requirement. Otherwise, in order to provide 
opportunity for notice and comment, the change must first be proposed 
in an NPRM.

A. Use of the Square-on-Point With Identification Number Limited 
Quantity Marking

    Currently, under Sec.  172.315 of the HMR and except for 
transportation by aircraft, a packaging containing a limited quantity 
material is not required to be marked with the proper shipping name 
when marked with a square-on-point containing the UN identification 
(ID) number of the limited quantity material. In the January 19, 2011 
final rule, we provided a one-year transition period to authorize 
continued use of this marking before the revisions to the limited 
quantity markings become effective. ACA, DGAC, and PPG all state the 
one-year transition period does not allow sufficient time to deplete 
stock(s) of packagings pre-printed with the square-on-point mark 
containing the ID number and requested an extension of three- to five-
years. Appellants request that PHMSA provide a transition period 
similar to the transition period provided for the phase-out of the ORM-
D marking, depending on the mode of transportation. Appellants also 
requested that any transition periods be included in Sec. Sec.  171.14 
(transitional provisions) and 172.300 (marking applicability).
PHMSA Response
    We agree. Shippers should be provided the same transition period 
that authorizes the continued use of the square-on-point mark 
containing the UN ID number provided for ORM-D markings. In this 
document, we are granting the appeals submitted by ACA, DGAC, and PPG 
and revising Sec.  172.315 by extending the transition period, until 
December 31, 2013 for other than air transportation. For domestic air 
transportation, we are authorizing use of the square-on-point mark 
containing the ID number to continue until December 31, 2012 as adopted 
in the January 19, 2011 final rule. However, we are not revising 
Sec. Sec.  171.14 and 172.300 to include the transition periods because 
we believe it is overly duplicative.

B. Fuel Cell Cartridges Aboard Passenger-Carrying Aircraft

    In this document, we respond to two administrative appeals related 
to the transportation of fuel cell cartridges. The administrative 
appeals are discussed as follows:
1. Fuel Cell Cartridges Transported as ORM-D by Air
    In the January 19, 2011 final rule, we revised the limited quantity

[[Page 82165]]

requirements for fuel cell cartridges to allow transportation as 
``Consumer commodity, ORM-D,'' except when transported by aircraft.
    FCHEA states not allowing the transportation by aircraft of fuel 
cell cartridges as ORM-D-AIR is inconsistent with the ICAO Technical 
Instructions and the UN Model Regulations and claims that the 
difference is ``impractical'' from an international trade and 
enforcement standpoint. They note there are no safety consequences when 
comparing the air transportation of fuel cell cartridges shipped as 
limited quantity material and those shipped as ORM-D-AIR. They also 
note that fuel cell cartridges are sturdy articles that meet a range of 
tests and requirements to ensure they do not pose unreasonable risks in 
transportation. FCHEA requests PHMSA to allow fuel cell cartridges to 
be transported as ORM-D-AIR by aircraft so that fuel cell technologies 
are not placed at a disadvantage compared to other technologies 
authorized to be transported by aircraft.
    PHMSA response.
    We deny FCHEA's administrative appeal that would authorize fuel 
cell cartridges to be offered and transported as ``Consumer commodity, 
ORM-D-AIR,'' by aircraft. When packages of articles or substances are 
renamed ``Consumer commodity'' and are reclassed as ``ORM-D-AIR,'' the 
identity and risk posed by the substance or article is no longer 
communicated. This is one of the primary reasons the ORM-D-AIR hazard 
class is being phased-out by the end of 2012. We believe the 
authorization to offer fuel cell cartridges as limited quantities by 
passenger-carrying and cargo-only aircraft satisfies the need for the 
expedient transportation of such articles, while communicating their 
risk, and imposing minimal regulatory burden.
2. Fuel Cell Systems and Cartridges Aboard Passenger-Carrying Aircraft
    FCHEA's administrative appeal indicated that in addition to the 
differences in fuel cell cartridge chemistries authorized in checked 
baggage, there are a number of inconsistencies and editorial issues 
when comparing Sec.  175.10 and the ICAO Technical Instructions 
regarding fuel cell systems and cartridges used to power portable 
electronic devices authorized to be carried aboard passenger-carrying 
aircraft. They note that over the last several years, revisions to the 
ICAO Technical Instructions have made the regulatory language clearer. 
FCHEA requests that PHMSA make similar revisions to avoid any potential 
confusion between requirements under the HMR and the ICAO Technical 
    PHMSA response.
    We agree. Thus, we are granting FCHEA's administrative appeal to 
editorially revise Sec.  175.10(a)(19) to be consistent with language 
in 8; 1.1.2 (t) of the ICAO Technical Instructions. This clarification 
does not, however, revise current HMR provisions regarding such 
articles and is entirely editorial in nature.

C. General Requirements for Transportation by Aircraft

    As adopted in the January 19, 2011 final rule, the general air 
packaging requirements for combination packagings prohibit Class 1 
(explosive) and Class 7 (radioactive) material to be offered for 
transportation as limited quantity material by aircraft. See 76 FR 
3369. In their administrative appeal, DGAC and SAAMI state this is 
inconsistent with other provisions in the HMR that allow the 
transportation of these materials by aircraft, specifically, Sec. Sec.  
173.421 through 173.425 for limited quantity radioactive material, 
instruments, and articles and Sec.  173.63(b) for certain Division 1.4S 
explosive articles. DGAC and SAAMI request that PHMSA revise the list 
of prohibited hazardous material and articles and Table 3 in Sec.  
173.27(f) to clarify that Class 1 (explosive) material conforming to 
Sec.  173.63(b) and Class 7 (radioactive) material conforming to 
Sec. Sec.  173.421 through 173.425, as applicable, are authorized for 
transportation by aircraft. Additionally, DGAC requests UN3334 
(``Aviation regulated liquid, n.o.s.'') and UN3335 (``Aviation 
regulated solid, n.o.s.'') be added to the list of Class 9 
(miscellaneous hazard) material as the substances are currently 
authorized as limited quantity material under the Sec.  173.155 
exceptions for Class 9 material and for consistency with the ICAO 
Technical Instructions.
    PHMSA response.
    We agree. DGAC and SAAMI are correct, and we are therefore granting 
their administrative appeals by revising Sec.  173.27(f) to reflect 
current regulations that authorize the shipment of these substances and 
articles by aircraft. We want to point out that although certain Class 
1 and Class 7 materials are indicated as eligible for air transport in 
Sec.  173.27(f), such indication is provided for informational purposes 
to aid readers in indentifying the appropriate packaging and other 
regulatory provisions for such materials. For example, packages of such 
materials are not marked with the limited quantity ``Y'' mark 
prescribed in Sec.  172.315 but rather as prescribed in Sec. Sec.  
173.63 and 173.421 through 173.425, as appropriate.

D. Self-Reactive Material as a Limited Quantity

    In the UN Model Regulations, certain Division 4.1 self-reactive 
materials are authorized limited quantity exceptions. Currently, the 
HMR do not authorize such exceptions. AHS appealed to PHMSA to include 
a limited quantity exception for the material ``Self-reactive solid, 
Type F, UN3230.'' AHS notes that they filed a petition for rulemaking 
in 2009 (P-1542), to which PHMSA replied by stating that the petition 
merited rulemaking action and that it would be addressed in the January 
19, 2011 final rule.
    PHMSA response.
    We recognize the merits of AHS's appeal and petition for 
rulemaking, but are denying AHS's administrative appeal because it is 
beyond the scope of this rulemaking. To accommodate the federally 
mandated requirement for notice and comment during a significant 
rulemaking action, the petition must be presented under a notice of 
proposed rulemaking to allow for comment by all interested parties. We 
regret the unintentional omission of a proposal in the NPRM for a 
limited quantity exception for ``Self-reactive solid, Type F, UN3230'' 
and for adoption under the January 19, 2011 final rule. We fully intend 
to include a proposal for this material as a broader effort to revise 
the packaging requirements for all eligible self-reactive materials in 
a near-term rulemaking action.

III. Clarification of the HM-215K Final Rule

A. Use of the Limited Quantity ``Y'' Marking

    In the January 19, 2011 final rule, we adopted new limited quantity 
markings consistent with the ICAO Technical Instructions, IMDG Code, 
and the UN Model Regulations to include a limited quantity ``Y'' 
marking for display on packagings prepared for air transportation. In 
their administrative appeals, ACA and DGAC ask for a clearer indication 
of when this new marking may be used in modes of transportation by 
other than aircraft. They note PHMSA's consideration in the January 19 
final rule of a comment stating that the limited quantity ``Y'' marking 
should be authorized for use in all modes of transportation if 
displayed on a packaging that meets all conditions and requirements for 
air transportation. See 76 FR 3313. Additionally, on the

[[Page 82166]]

basis of their opposition to adoption of the air transport requirements 
for limited quantities consistent with the ICAO Technical Instructions, 
DGAC recommends that:

    The ``Y'' package mark [proposed] in Sec.  172.315 not be 
required * * * [and] recommend that [PHMSA] allow permissive use of 
the ``Y'' mark for all modes of transport when the package meets the 
relevant requirements of the ICAO TI.

    We agreed with the DGAC recommendation that a ``Y'' marked package 
in full conformance with the air transport provisions prescribed for a 
limited quantity package should be authorized in all modes of 
transportation and also stated we would revise Sec.  171.22 
accordingly. Although we indicated our intent to revise Sec.  171.22, 
which prescribes the authorization and conditions for use of 
international standards, we inadvertently failed to amend the 
corresponding regulatory text of the section. In its administrative 
appeal, ACA also requests that PHMSA amend this section to indicate the 
limited quantity ``Y'' marking is authorized for use in all modes of 
transportation. Further, DGAC suggests that we revise Sec.  172.315 to 
include language authorizing the use of this marking by modes other 
than air.
    PHMSA response.
    We agree. Our indication in the final rule to revise Sec.  171.22 
was in error as that section prescribes the authorization to use the 
various international standards. Regardless, we clearly indicated in 
the preamble of the final rule that the display of a ``Y'' marking on 
limited quantity package that is not intended for transportation by 
aircraft is authorized. Thus, because a limited quantity package 
prepared for air transportation by default is authorized by all modes 
of transportation, the administrative appeals requesting that PHMSA 
align with the international standards are hereby granted. See the 
Section-by-Section review of changes for a full discussion of the Sec.  
172.315 revisions and requirements.

B. General Requirements for Transportation by Aircraft

    In the January 19, 2011 final rule, we revised the Sec.  173.27 
general requirements for transportation of packagings by aircraft. 
Specifically, we revised paragraph (f) by including a new Table 3 that 
prescribes the requirements for authorized limited quantity material 
intended for air transportation consistent with the 2011-2012 ICAO 
Technical Instructions, where appropriate.
    AHS notes that PHMSA included ``Consumer commodity, ID8000'' as 
authorized Class 9 material but failed to revise paragraph (f)(2)(i)(G) 
for Class 9 material not authorized as limited quantity material by 
aircraft. As indicated by AHS, ``Consumer commodity, ID8000'' may be 
shipped as limited quantity material by aircraft, thus ``ID8000'' 
should be added to the list of materials excepted from the Class 9 
prohibition in paragraph (f)(2)(i)(G).
    PHMSA response.
    We agree. In this final rule, we are revising Sec.  
173.27(f)(2)(i)(G) to include ``ID8000'' as a material excepted from 
the Class 9 prohibition. In addition, for clarification, we are 
revising Table 3 to indicate that the note associated with Class 9 
liquid material applies to both liquid and solid material.

C. Packaging Provisions for Metal Hydride Storage Systems

    In the January 19, 2011 final rule, we added a new section, Sec.  
173.311, for packaging requirements for ``Metal hydride storage 
systems, UN3468'' used for the transport of hydrogen. Prior to the 
January 19, 2011 final rule, the HMR did not prescribe methods for the 
construction, qualification, marking, and requalification of these 
systems although we issued a number of special permits and competent 
authority approvals (CAA) to allow the manufacture and use of similar 
systems for the transport of hydrogen.
    In a January 24, 2011 request for clarification, Ovonic Hydrogen 
Systems, LLC (OHS) expresses concern that the new Sec.  173.311 
requires transportable metal hydride storage systems to meet ISO 
Standard 16111:2008 (ISO 16111) which does not recognize the storage 
canisters manufactured by OHS under its currently-held CAA. 
Specifically, OHS manufactures storage canisters based on refillable 
aluminum cylinders designed, constructed, and tested to DOT 3AL 
specifications. Instead, ISO 16111 requires the use of aluminum 
cylinders constructed and tested to ISO 7866 specifications. Testing 
and marking requirements under ISO 7866 differ from testing and marking 
requirements for DOT 3AL specifications and OHS states its storage 
canisters are non-compliant as a result.
    PHMSA response.
    We disagree with OHS's assertion. The adoption of packaging 
requirements for metal hydride storage systems in Sec.  173.311 does 
not invalidate any active special permits or CAAs authorizing the 
transportation of hydrogen in ``metal hydride storage canisters.'' When 
a special permit or CAA expires and is not renewed, systems must 
conform with the Sec.  173.311 requirements for metal hydride storage 
systems to include the requirements of ISO 16111. Special permits 
issued by the Associate Administrator authorize the transportation of 
hazardous material and packaging within the United States only. 
International regulatory agencies may not recognize a special permit 
granted by PHMSA. However, metal hydride storage canisters designed, 
constructed, and otherwise conforming to requirements authorized under 
a CAA issued by PHMSA should be honored by other competent authorities 
worldwide as a valid alternative to ISO 16111.

IV. Section-by-Section Review of Changes

Part 172

Section 172.101
    This section provides a hazardous materials table that identifies 
listed materials as hazardous material for purposes of transportation.
    For the table entry ``Calcium hypochlorite, hydrated or Calcium 
hypochlorite, hydrated mixtures, with not less than 5.5 percent but not 
more than 16 percent water, UN2880,'' the PG III information was 
inadvertently removed. Under a final rule published December 29, 2006 
(HM-215I, 71 FR 78596), we revised the PG II information to remove 
Special provision 166. However, the instruction to revise this entry 
did not include the PG III information and, therefore, it was 
inadvertently removed from the 49 CFR. In this document, we are 
revising the entry to add the PG III information to the entry to 
reflect the correct descriptions for this entry. This correction reads 
as a ``remove/add.''
    For the table entry ``Tellurium compound, n.o.s., UN3284,'' 
effective October 1, 2010, we inadvertently added the term ``solid'' to 
the proper shipping name to read ``Tellurium compound, solid, n.o.s.'' 
in the January 19, 2011 final rule. In this document, we are revising 
the proper shipping name to remove the term ``solid.'' This correction 
reads as a ``remove/add.''
Section 172.315
    This section prescribes the requirements for marking packages 
containing limited quantity material. Based on administrative appeals 
submitted in response to the January 19, 2011 final rule (HM-215K; 76 
FR 3308), and numerous requests for clarification of the limited 
quantity marking requirements, we are revising Sec.  172.315 to 
authorize continued use of the limited quantity marking (i.e., square-

[[Page 82167]]

on-point and Identification Number) prescribed in Sec.  172.315, in 
effect on October 1, 2010, for the same duration offered for continued 
use of the ORM-D-AIR and ORM-D markings, December 31, 2012 and December 
31, 2013, respectively. For transportation by aircraft, the hazard 
class label (when applicable) and proper shipping name marking are 
still required. Additionally, we are revising Sec.  172.315 to allow 
marking of a limited quantity package not intended for transportation 
by air with the limited quantity ``Y'' marking if the packaging is 
prepared in accordance with Sec.  173.27(f) indicating it is suitable 
for transportation as a limited quantity package by aircraft. A ``Y'' 
marked package transported by a mode other than air indicates the 
package would be suitable for air transport if marked, labeled and 
accompanied by a shipping paper and is otherwise packaged in accordance 
with 3; 4 of the ICAO Technical Instructions as limited by subpart C of 
Part 171 and Part 175 of the HMR or Sec.  173.27(f) and Part 175 of the 
    In the January 19 final rule, we erroneously adopted limited 
quantity marking requirements applicable to cargo transport units (CTU) 
containing packages of hazardous materials in only limited quantities. 
We erred by stating the marking must be applied to only one side and 
one end of the CTU when we should have required the marking on all four 
exterior sides of the CTU consistent with of the IMDG Code. In 
this document, we are correcting that error in Sec.  172.315. Finally, 
we are reorganizing the format of the language used in this section 
solely for editorial clarification.
Section 173.27
    This section prescribes general requirements for the transportation 
of hazardous material by aircraft. Based on appeals and requests for 
clarification, in this document we are revising Sec.  173.27(f). 
Specifically, we are revising paragraph (f)(2) and Table 3 in paragraph 
(f) by adding materials currently authorized elsewhere in the HMR and 
to provide additional clarification regarding those hazardous materials 
and articles eligible for transport by aircraft under the conditions 
prescribed in this paragraph. The authorized hazardous materials and 
articles added and referenced are as follows: (1) Class 1 (explosive) 
articles in accordance with Sec.  173.63(b); (2) Class 7 (radioactive) 
material in accordance with applicable Sec. Sec.  173.421 through 
173.425; and (3) ``Aviation regulated liquid, n.o.s., UN3334,'' 
``Aviation regulated solid, n.o.s., UN3335,'' and ``Consumer commodity, 
ID8000.'' As stated earlier in this preamble, although certain Class 1 
and Class 7 materials are indicated as eligible for air transport in 
Sec.  173.27(f), because they do not meet guiding principles 
established for limited quantities such indication is provided for 
informational purposes to aid readers in identifying the appropriate 
packaging and other provisions for such materials. For example, 
packages of Class 7 are not marked with the limited quantity ``Y'' mark 
prescribed in Sec.  172.315 but rather as prescribed in 173.421 through 
173.425, as appropriate.
Section 173.124
    Section 173.124 defines a Class 4 material. For consistency with a 
revision adopted in the UN Model Regulations, PHMSA amended the 
definition of ``self-heating'' in Sec.  173.124(b)(2) of the HMR in the 
January 19 final rule. In this document, PHMSA is correcting the 
typographical error in the heading of the definition.
Section 173.151
    Section 173.151 prescribes exceptions for a Class 4 material. 
Paragraph (d) prescribes exceptions for Division 4.3 solid material of 
Packing Groups II and III. The HMR do not authorize limited quantity 
packages of such substances to be reclassified as ORM-D or to be 
renamed ``Consumer commodity.'' In the January 19, 2011 final rule, 
PHMSA inadvertently revised the third sentence of paragraph (d) to 
extend the additional exceptions for limited quantities and ORM in 
Sec.  173.156 to Division 4.3 substances, when no such authorization 
prior to this rulemaking existed nor was it considered in this 
rulemaking due to the obvious risk to transportation safety. Therefore, 
in this final rule, PHMSA is removing the reference to Sec.  173.156 in 
the third sentence of Sec.  173.151(d).
Section 173.156
    Section 173.156 provides additional exceptions for limited quantity 
and ORM packages. In the January 19, 2011 final rule, PHMSA 
unintentionally amended paragraph (b)(1) by requiring the marking of 
such packages in accordance with subpart D of part 172. In this final 
rule, PHMSA is amending Sec.  173.156(b)(1) by removing the requirement 
to mark such packages. Because paragraph (b)(2) authorizes the common 
carriage of such packages, the marking requirements that existed prior 
to the January 19, 2011 final rule will remain as adopted.
Section 173.306
    Section 173.306 prescribes requirements for limited quantity of 
compressed gases. In this document, we are revising certain paragraphs 
for clarification of requirements adopted in the final rule and to 
correct minor grammatical errors.
Section 173.311
    This section specifies packaging instructions for hydrogen in metal 
hydride storage systems. The January 19, 2011 final rule incorrectly 
refers to ISO standards in Sec.  178.71(f) that apply to the design and 
construction of UN refillable welded cylinders rather than Sec.  
178.71(m) for the design and construction of UN metal hydride storage 
systems. In this final rule, we are revising the section to correctly 
refer to Sec.  178.71(m).

Part 175

Section 175.10
    Section 175.10 prescribes the conditions under which a passenger, 
crew member, or an operator may carry hazardous materials aboard a 
passenger-carrying aircraft. In response to FCHEA's administrative 
appeal, in this final rule we are editorially revising the language in 
Sec.  175.10(a)(19) for the carriage of fuel cell systems and fuel cell 
cartridges for consistency with the ICAO Technical Instructions. These 
revisions do not amend the fuel cell cartridge chemistries authorized 
in checked baggage as adopted in the January 19 final rule.
Section 175.75
    Section 175.75 prescribes quantity limitations and cargo location 
requirements for hazardous materials transported by aircraft. In this 
document, we are revising for clarification the definition of 
``Inaccessible'' in paragraph (d)(2) to mean any package that is loaded 
where a crew member or other authorized person cannot access, handle 
and, when size and weight permit, separate such packages from other 
cargo during flight, including a freight container in an accessible 
cargo compartment when packages are loaded in an inaccessible manner. 
This definition is consistent with the defined term ``Accessible'' and 
is revised for clarification only. Additionally, PHMSA is revising the 
heading in the third column of the paragraph (f) Quantity and Loading 
Table for clarity by adding the words ``per cargo compartment.'' Since 
issuing the January 19 final rule, we have fielded numerous inquiries 
regarding whether the limitation was now ``per

[[Page 82168]]

aircraft'' as opposed to ``per compartment.'' Additionally, we are 
correcting the error in Note a. of the table as published in the 
January 19 final rule. Notwithstanding the correction made to Note a. 
of the Sec.  175.75(f) table, we want to emphasize the revisions made 
in this document to Sec.  175.75 are for editorial clarification only.

Part 176

Section 176.905
    This section specifies requirements for vessel transport of motor 
vehicles and equipment. In this final rule, we are revising paragraph 
(j) to refer to the correct section paragraph regarding items of 
equipment containing hazardous materials, specifically, Sec.  
173.220(f), that are integral components of a motor vehicle, engine or 
mechanical equipment.

V. Summary of Changes Regarding Limited Quantity Material and ORM-D

    In an effort to clarify the amendments to the HMR associated with 
the transition from the domestic ORM-D system for transportation of 
limited quantity material to the international system, we offer the 

Applicability of the ORM-D System

--Until December 31, 2013, shippers may continue to rename a limited 
quantity hazardous material as a ``Consumer commodity, ORM-D'' (see 
Sec.  171.8), as authorized in the appropriate packaging exception for 
the material. Beginning January 1, 2014, limited quantity hazardous 
material will no longer be authorized the ``Consumer commodity'' proper 
shipping name except those eligible and prepared for shipment by 
aircraft in accordance with Sec.  173.167 and using the newly adopted 
identification number ``ID8000.'' Such packages are eligible for 
transportation by all modes but must be marked with the limited 
quantity ``Y'' mark prescribed in Sec.  172.315(b) indicating the 
package is suitable for air transportation.
--Until December 31, 2013, shippers may continue to reclass limited 
quantity hazardous material as ``Other Regulated Material'' otherwise 
known as ORM-D. Limited quantity material reclassed as ORM-D and 
transported by modes other than air may continue to be prepared and 
packaged in accordance with the appropriate packaging exceptions for 
the hazardous material (e.g., Sec.  173.150 for a Class 3 flammable 
liquid substance), and be transported in a package displaying the ORM-D 
marking. Until December 31, 2012, shippers may continue to ship ORM-D-
AIR by aircraft. Until such time, ORM-D offered for shipment by 
aircraft may continue to be prepared and packaged in accordance with 
the requirements of Sec.  173.27 in effect October 1, 2010, and 
transported in packages displaying the ORM-D-AIR marking.
--Until December 31, 2013, shippers may continue to display the limited 
quantity marking (i.e., the square-on-point and identification number) 
on a package containing limited quantity material in accordance with 
Sec.  172.315 in effect October 1, 2010.

Use of the New Limited Quantity Markings

--Beginning January 1, 2014, for modes of transportation other than 
air, shippers of limited quantity material must display the limited 
quantity marking adopted in Sec.  172.315 under the January 19, 2011 
final rule (i.e., the square-on-point with top and bottom portion black 
and the center white). See illustration below.
--Beginning January 1, 2013, for transportation by air, shippers of 
limited quantity material must display the limited quantity ``Y'' 
marking adopted in Sec.  172.315 under the January 19, 2011 final rule. 
See illustration below.

Clarification of Limited Quantity Marking Requirements

--A limited quantity package should not display both an ORM-D or ORM-D-
AIR marking and one of the new limited quantity markings, as this may 
only serve to frustrate a shipment while in transportation. Such dual 
markings are only authorized during the transition period. Once the 
transition period expires (December 31, 2012 or December 31, 2013), the 
ORM-D or ORM-D-AIR marking must be covered, obliterated, or otherwise 
obstructed from view.

[[Page 82169]]

                                                 Table of Potential Limited Quantity Packaging Scenarios
                                    Authorized? If       Mandatory? If                          Shipping papers    PSN and ID number
       Packaging scenario          authorized, when?   mandatory, when?   Label(s) required?       required?       marking required?         Notes
                                                                     ORM-D Packaging
Packaging marked ORM-D            Yes, until          No................  No................  No. Unless a        No................  A shipper may
 transported by modes other than   December 31,                                                hazardous waste,                        voluntarily mark
 air.                              2013.                                                       hazardous                               instead with the
                                                                                               substance or                            new limited
                                                                                               marine pollutant.                       quantity markings
                                                                                                                                       above. See also
Packaging marked ORM-D            No.                                                                                                 ..................
 transported by air.
Packaging marked ORM-D-AIR        Yes, until,         No................  No................  No. Unless a        No................  A shipper may
 transported by modes other than   December 31,                                                hazardous waste,                        voluntarily mark
 air.                              2012.                                                       hazardous                               instead with the
                                                                                               substance or                            new limited
                                                                                               marine pollutant.                       quantity markings
                                                                                                                                       above. See
                                                                                                                                       Limited Quantity
                                                                                                                                       Packaging below.
                                                                                                                                       A shipper marking
                                                                                                                                       a package with
                                                                                                                                       ORM-D-Air must
                                                                                                                                       ensure the
                                                                                                                                       packaging meets
                                                                                                                                       the requirements
                                                                                                                                      Sec.   173.27
                                                                                                                                       effective October
                                                                                                                                       1, 2010 even if
                                                                                                                                       the package is
                                                                                                                                       not transported
                                                                                                                                       by air.
Packaging marked ORM-D-AIR        Yes, until,         No................  No................  Yes...............  Yes.                ..................
 transported by air.               December 31,
Packaging marked ORM-D/ORM-D-AIR  For ORM-D: Yes....  ..................  ..................  ..................  ..................  The limited
 also marked with one of the new  For ORM-D-AIR: No.                                                                                   quantity ``Y''
 limited quantity markings.                                                                                                            mark indicates
                                                                                                                                      package conforms
                                                                                                                                       to Sec.
                                                                                                                                       effective January
                                                                                                                                       1, 2012. Although
                                                                                                                                       it may not be
                                                                                                                                       prohibited, we
                                                                                                                                       recommend that
                                                                                                                                       packages not
                                                                                                                                       display both
                                                                                                                                       types of surface
                                                                                                                                       limited quantity
                                                                                                                                       markings to avoid
                                                                                                                                       confusion and
                                                                                                                                       frustration of
                                                                                                                                       shipment during
                                                                                                                                       the course of

[[Page 82170]]

                                                               Limited Quantity Packaging
Packaging marked with a square-   Yes, until,         No................  No................  No................  See note..........  Proper shipping
 on-point containing the ID        December 31,                                                                                        name not required
  transported by modes    2013.                                                                                               to be marked when
 other than air.                                                                                                                       packaging is
                                                                                                                                       marked with a
                                                                                                                                       containing the UN
                                                                                                                                       ID .
Packaging marked with a square-   Yes, until,         No................  Yes...............  Yes...............  Yes...............  Proper shipping
 on-point containing the UN ID     December 31,                                                                                        name is required
  transported by air.     2012.                                                                                               to be marked when
                                                                                                                                       packaging is
                                                                                                                                       marked with a
                                                                                                                                       containing the UN
                                                                                                                                       ID .
Packaging marked with a surface   Yes...............  Yes, beginning      No................  No. Unless a        No. Unless a        Voluntary
 LQ marking transported by modes                       January 1, 2014.                        hazardous waste,    hazardous waste     compliance
 other than air.                                                                               hazardous           or hazardous        authorized as of
                                                                                               substance or        substance.          January 1, 2011.
                                                                                               marine pollutant.                       Identification
                                                                                                                                       number not
Packaging marked with a standard  No.                                                                                                 ..................
 LQ marking transported by air.
Packaging marked with an LQ       Yes...............  No................  No................  No. Unless a        No. Unless a        A shipper marking
 ``Y'' marking transported by                                                                  hazardous waste,    hazardous waste     a package with an
 modes other than air.                                                                         hazardous           or a hazardous      LQ ``Y'' marking
                                                                                               substance or        substance.          must ensure the
                                                                                               marine pollutant.                       packaging meets
                                                                                                                                       the requirements
                                                                                                                                       of Sec.
                                                                                                                                       effective January
                                                                                                                                       1, 2011 even if
                                                                                                                                       the package is
                                                                                                                                       not transported
                                                                                                                                       by air.
                                                                                                                                       number not
Packaging marked with an LQ       Yes...............  Yes, beginning      Yes...............  Yes...............  Yes...............  Voluntary
 ``Y'' marking transported by                          January 1, 2013.                                                                compliance
 air.                                                                                                                                  authorized as of
                                                                                                                                       January 1, 2011.
Packaging marked with a square-   No.                                                                                                 ..................
 on-point containing the UN ID
  and also marked with
 one of the new limited quantity
 markings or any combination.

VI. Regulatory Analyses and Notices

A. Statutory/Legal Authority for This Rulemaking

    This final rule is published under the following statutory 
    1. 49 U.S.C. 5103(b) authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to 
prescribe regulations for the safe transportation, including security, 
of hazardous material in intrastate, interstate, and foreign commerce. 
This final rule responds to administrative appeals submitted in 
response to final rule HM-215K (January 19, 2011; 76 FR 3308), provides 
editorial clarification and corrects minor errors associated with the 
final rule.
    2. 49 U.S.C. 5120(b) authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to 

[[Page 82171]]

that, to the extent practicable, regulations governing the 
transportation of hazardous materials in commerce are consistent with 
standards adopted by international authorities.

B. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 and DOT Regulatory Policies and 

    This final rule is not a significant regulatory action under 
section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 and was not reviewed by the 
Office of Management and Budget. This final rule is a non-significant 
rule under the Regulatory Policies and Procedures of the Department of 
Transportation [44 FR 11034]. Additionally, E.O. 13563 supplements and 
reaffirms E.O. 12866, stressing that, to the extent permitted by law, 
an agency rulemaking action must be based on benefits that justify its 
costs, impose the least burden, consider cumulative burdens, maximize 
benefits, use performance objectives, and assess available 
alternatives. The revisions adopted in this final rule do not alter the 
cost-benefit analysis and conclusions contained in the Regulatory 
Evaluation prepared for the January 19, 2011 final rule. The Regulatory 
Evaluation is available for review in the public docket for this 

C. Executive Order 13132

    This final rule has been analyzed in accordance with the principles 
and criteria contained in Executive Order 13132 (``Federalism''), and 
the President's memorandum on ``Preemption'' published in the Federal 
Register on May 22, 2009 (74 FR 24693). This final rule preempts State, 
local and Indian tribe requirements but does not propose any regulation 
that has substantial direct effects on the States, the relationship 
between the national government and the States, or the distribution of 
power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. 
Therefore, the consultation and funding requirements of Executive Order 
13132 do not apply.
    The Federal hazardous material transportation law, 49 U.S.C. 5101-
5128, contains an express preemption provision (49 U.S.C. 5125(b)) that 
preempts State, local, and Indian tribe requirements for certain 
subjects. The subjects are:
    (1) The designation, description, and classification of hazardous 
    (2) The packing, repacking, handling, labeling, marking, and 
placarding of hazardous materials;
    (3) The preparation, execution, and use of shipping documents 
related to hazardous materials and requirements related to the number, 
contents, and placement of those documents;
    (4) The written notification, recording, and reporting of the 
unintentional release in transportation of hazardous material; and
    (5) The design, manufacture, fabrication, marking, maintenance, 
recondition, repair, or testing of a packaging or container 
represented, marked, certified, or sold as qualified for use in 
transporting hazardous material.
    This final rule addresses all the covered subject items above and 
preempts State, local, and Indian tribe requirements not meeting the 
``substantively the same'' standard. This final rule is necessary to 
incorporate revisions to the HMR based on administrative appeals 
submitted in response to the January 19, 2011 final rule, effective 
January 1, 2011. Federal hazardous materials transportation law 
provides at section 5125(b)(2) that, if DOT issues a regulation 
concerning any of the covered subjects, DOT must determine and publish 
in the Federal Register the effective date of Federal preemption. The 
effective date may not be earlier than the 90th day following the date 
of issuance of the final rule and not later than two years after the 
date of issuance. The effective date of Federal preemption is March 29, 

D. Executive Order 13175

    This final rule was analyzed in accordance with the principles and 
criteria contained in Executive Order 13175 (``Consultation and 
Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments''). Because this final rule 
does not have tribal implications, does not impose substantial direct 
compliance costs, and is required by statute, the funding and 
consultation requirements of Executive Order 13175 do not apply.

E. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive Order 13272, and DOT 
Procedures and Policies

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires an 
agency to review regulations to assess their impact on small entities 
unless the agency determines that a rule is not expected to have a 
significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. The 
response to appeals and revisions contained in this final rule will 
have little or no negative effect on the regulated industry. Based on 
the assessment in the Regulatory Evaluation to the January 19, 2011 
final rule, I hereby certify that, while this rule applies to a 
substantial number of small entities, there will not be a significant 
economic impact on those small entities. A detailed Regulatory 
Flexibility analysis is available for review in the docket.

F. Paperwork Reduction Act

    This final rule imposes no new information collection requirements.

G. Regulatory Identifier Number (RIN)

    A regulation identifier number (RIN) is assigned to each regulatory 
action listed in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulations. The 
Regulatory Information Service Center publishes the Unified Agenda in 
April and October of each year. The RIN contained in the heading of 
this document can be used to cross-reference this action with the 
Unified Agenda.

H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    This final rule does not impose unfunded mandates under the 
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995. It does not result in costs of 
$141.3 million or more to either State, local or tribal governments, in 
the aggregate, or to the private sector, and is the least burdensome 
alternative that achieves the objective of the rule.

I. Environmental Assessment

    The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires 
Federal agencies to consider the consequences of major Federal actions 
and prepare a detailed statement on actions significantly affecting the 
quality of the human environment. In the January 19, 2011 final rule, 
we developed an assessment to determine the effects of these revisions 
on the environment and whether a more comprehensive environmental 
impact statement may be required. Our findings conclude that there are 
no significant environmental impacts associated with this final rule. 
Consistency in the regulations for the transportation of hazardous 
materials aids in shippers' understanding of what is required and 
permits shippers to more easily comply with safety regulations and 
avoid the potential for environmental damage or contamination. For 
interested parties, an environmental assessment was included with the 
January 19, 2011 final rule available in the public docket. 
Additionally, we conclude that there are no significant environmental 
impacts associated with the amendments adopted in this document 
regarding the administrative appeals submitted in response to the 
January 19 final rule.

J. Privacy Act

    Anyone is able to search the electronic form of any written 
communications and comments

[[Page 82172]]

received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual 
submitting the document (or signing the document, if submitted on 
behalf of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review 
DOT's complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published 
on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477) or you may visit https://www.dot.gov/privacy.html.

K. International Trade Analysis

    The Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (Pub. L. 96-39), as amended by the 
Uruguay Round Agreements Act (Pub. L. 103-465), prohibits Federal 
agencies from establishing any standards or engaging in related 
activities that create unnecessary obstacles to the foreign commerce of 
the United States. For purposes of these requirements, Federal agencies 
may participate in the establishment of international standards, so 
long as the standards have a legitimate domestic objective, such as 
providing for safety, and do not operate to exclude imports that meet 
this objective. The statute also requires consideration of 
international standards and, where appropriate, that they be the basis 
for U.S. standards. PHMSA participates in the establishment of 
international standards in order to protect the safety of the American 
public, and we have assessed the effects of the final rule to ensure 
that it does not exclude imports that meet this objective. Accordingly, 
this rulemaking is consistent with PHMSA's obligations under the Trade 
Agreement Act, as amended.

List of Subjects

49 CFR Part 172

    Education, Hazardous materials transportation, Hazardous waste, 
Labeling, Markings, Packaging and containers, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements.

49 CFR Part 173

    Hazardous materials transportation, Packaging and containers, 
Radioactive materials, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 

49 CFR Part 175

    Air carriers, Hazardous materials transportation, Radioactive 
materials, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

49 CFR Part 176

    Hazardous materials transportation, Maritime carriers, Radioactive 
materials, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    In consideration of the foregoing, 49 CFR chapter I is amended as 


1. The authority citation for part 172 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  49 U.S.C. 5101-5128; 44701; 49 CFR 1.53.

2. In Sec.  172.101, The Hazardous Materials Table is amended by 
removing those entries under [REMOVE] and adding entries under [ADD] to 
read as follows:

Sec.  172.101  Purpose and use of the hazardous materials table.

* * * * *

[[Page 82173]]

                                                                                                Sec.   172.101--Hazardous Materials Table
                 Hazardous                                                                                                    (8) Packaging (Sec.   173.***)               (9) Quantity limitations (see         (10) Vessel stowage
                 materials       Hazard                                                               Special     ------------------------------------------------------  Sec.  Sec.   173.27 and 175.75)  -----------------------------
  Symbols    descriptions and   class or    Identification          PG            Label codes    provisions (Sec.                                                       -----------------------------------
             proper  shipping   division         Nos.                                                 172.102)        Exceptions         Non-bulk            Bulk            Passenger        Cargo air-
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